
Everything about Scottish right cats. Scottish Straight: Family cats with excellent character. Care for kitten

Few people know that the care of the Scottish straight kitten is slightly different from the departure of the Wolter Scottish kitten. Features of the care are not only increased attention to health, care, but also to the education of the Scottish cat's character, developing the right habits and adaptation of the kitten in the family.

The main points that you need to pay attention are:

  • a teaching to the tray;
  • the presence of own place and the organization of the place for the game, brates;
  • establishing a feeding system;
  • eye care;
  • proper hygiene wool;
  • timely bathing and higen ears;
  • haircut claws and cleansing of teeth;
  • timely visits to a veterinary doctor.

Under all the rules of the care, which will be discussed below, your Scottish cat will always remain healthy and active, and preventive inspections from a veterinary doctor will not occupy a lot of time and deliver you trouble.

Teaching kitten to tray

The teaching to the toilet of the Scottish cat requires a particularly many patience from new owners if the kitten was not accustomed to breeders to a certain filler and trained the basic rules of personal hygiene. Caring for the Scottish cat will necessarily include a timely replacement of the filler, since scottish cats are very clean And they can completely refuse to visit the tray if it will not be removed on time and ensured proper care.

In the event that your kitten goes to the toilet in the wrong place, it is not necessary to scold it, since the nature of the Scottish cat is sufficiently stunned and it will not demand it as a teaching and base of care, but as direct aggression.

Proper care will include the soft education of the Scottish Cat, in this case the cat will grow up with a fit and will not shift in the wrong places intentionally or by chance.

Organizing your own place

Versatile care for the Scottish cat includes the organization of its own place for the kitten and the preparation of special toys. Their number includes not only the quottechka, but also a lot of small toys in the form of mice, balls, various flywheel rods, which not only develop the Scottish cat, but also allow you to protect your personal belongings from the damage of the kitten.

According to themselves, representatives of this breed - the Scottish cat, quite brought up and will not be played with the owners' personal belongings, but still a large number of toys will only delight your favorite. Mandatory condition will be the acquisition of a house or a launcherthat will serve their own personal space for your Scottish cat.


The acquisition of brates is also needed to care, as the cleansing of the nails is the natural need of any cat, and the Scottish cat is quite clean in order to sharpen claws about your furniture. It is best to organize the space of the Scottish cat so that all toys, scratching and her personal house are in visual reach, then it will understand that this is its territory and will not be disturbed if you want to retire.

It is very important from time to time to refresh the situation of the Scottish cat, since most cats are spent all their lives in a closed space and a variety of toys and the game will certainly please your kitten.

Features of nutrition

Nutrition of Scottish reality kittens does not differ from the diet of the fun representatives of this breed. Building food depends on what feed you will preferably feed it - natural or dry. From two to three months, you can completely translate the kitten on artificial nutrition, but for some time it is recommended to give it milk in small quantities and low fat.

Mandatory components of the care and natural nutrition must be:

  • fish and diet meat;
  • milk products;
  • different types of porridge;
  • wrap or raw vegetablesDepending on your favorite preferences.

It is worth noting that when choosing meat and fish, you need to be guided by the following rules:

  • products must be well coiled and thoroughly crushed;
  • porridge is recommended to include in each meal and mix with meat products;
  • sub-products are allowed only in small quantities and in case of thorough cleaning;
  • greens and seasonings are completely excluded;
  • you can combine dry or wet food with natural meal in equal proportions during the day.

What to pay attention to

It is worth watching not only for the power mode, but also by the number of servings, since the feeding of Scottish reality cats requires a clear dosage. This is due to the fact that this breed is inclined to completeness and not always a Scottish cat can control his appetite when she really could not be founded, but when she moved. However, if the Scottish cat leaves food on a plate, you should not immediately apply to a veterinary doctor, because you can adjust the size of the portion, based on the mood and activity of the Scottish cat.

To feed the Scottish straight kitten in such a way that 40% of all foods make up the protein.

Before a year, it is recommended to build power in such a way that it is divided into three or four meals, and 2 feedings for adult cats will be optimal during the day. The presence of clean, boiled water should be a prerequisite.


There are products that are categorically not allowed for food cats:

  • potatoes and any dishes from it;
  • zeleny and grass grown on the windowsill or bought in special stores;
  • pasta and food with spices and spices;
  • fatty grade meat, such as pork;
  • dairy products with a large fatness percentage.

Given the features of the building of bone and cartilage tissue, it is necessary to regulate the nutrition of your pet in such a way that it gets all the necessary nutrients, especially in a period of up to 1 year, so the power of a straight British kitten is of great importance in the process of care, and its regulation allows you to guarantee health and Longevity of your cat.

Caring for eyes

The obligatory procedure for the care of the eyes of the British kitten is their inspection and wiping with a special tampon, which must be predetermined in water or in a special fluid.

Such simple procedures will eliminate the infection and eye disease, which are characteristic of representatives of this breed. Clean the eye you need to rub it from an outer corner and to the nose.

At the same time, it is necessary to exclude a strong pressure. A feature of the Scottish cats is that their eyes will be very much injured due to the fact that they have a narrowed form, so you need to regularly clean the tear ducts. In no case can not allow the appearance of tears not transparentSince this is the main sign of eye infection. In this case, it is necessary to refer to the veterinary doctor and follow all its recommendations in order to ensure rapid recovery.

Wool and care for her

Special combosity and brushes are used to care for wool, which need to be performed regularly. This procedure is required due to the fact that the wool in the Scottish kittens and adult cats are spinning enough, and not always the cat can independently clean it. Such a procedure is obligatory both for short-haired and long-haired representatives of this breed. With regular combing, the cat will be less damped, its wool will look much more beautiful. There are several types of brushes:

  • with a wide ridge and with frequent teeth;
  • natural and artificial;
  • basic and decorative.

Special lotions that contribute to easy combing wool and make it more well-keeped with the extra care of wool. If the cat has a peeling of the skin, be sure to pick up special meansthat will help eliminate it, as this indicates common skin diseases.


Features of the care of the straight kitten include mandatory water procedures, which are involved in swimming in warm water.

Such swims allow not only to eliminate the appearance of wool lumps in the stomach, but also allow you to make a cat more well-groomed, prevent the appearance of dandruff and fleas, and prepare before the exhibition or festival. To accustom a kitten to swimming you need as early as possible so that it is not afraid of water and water procedures did not become for him with stress.

Caring for ears and teeth

British straight kitten also requires careful ears hygiene and regular teeth care. Such procedures are to purify the ears with a special cotton tampon, which is wetted in a liquid purchased in a veterinary clinic. Given the peculiarity of the structure of the ears, a scrupulous attitude to their hygiene is required, which consists in cautiously turning the ear cartilage, purifying an auditory passage.

Also, regular hygiene will eliminate the penetration into the ear tick or clogging of the ear canal.

Inspection and cleaning of teeth should also become a mandatory procedure, since the identification of either the formation of a shell on teeth at an early age will allow them to quickly eliminate them almost painlessly. Cat's teeth should be white, and gums of even pink color. Inflammation is not allowed either the swelling of any type.

Scottish Fold Kittens (Cottish-Fold) have charming appearance, strong health and a very accurate character. The pet will quickly get used in your home and without any problems seized with other animals. In order for the baby to feel good and daily pleased the owner, it is necessary to ensure proper care to him, make an ideal diet and not refuse to communicate. Under such conditions, your pet will grow in a large beautiful cat and will be your faithful friend for many years.

Before the advent of the kitten in the house

Care for kitten

To care for the Scottish lop kittens is easy. Wool in special care does not need it, it is enough to deduct it once a week, the eyes are enough to wash every 5-7 days. The only thing that is worth paying attention is to care for the ears. It is worth considering this question. It is the ears that are a business card of this breed of cats, but at the same time and a weak place.

Inspection and cleaning eyes

If your eyes are healthy, then there is no particular need for washing, you just need to support them in pure form. But if the eyes are inflamed, they should be flushed 2-3 times a day, to do it with simple water, weak mortar Chamomile or treated means. To do this, it is worth using a cotton swab or a soft cloth. If inflammation lasts more than a week, then you need to contact a specialist.

Cleaning ears

You need to do this procedure two or three (more often) times a month. For cleaning, use a cotton swab, slightly moistened in a special fluid. The procedure must be taken carefully in order not to damage the ears.

It is interesting!Cotton wands are better not to use, but ordinary cotton swabs are just suitable. It should not turn out and pull the ears, as it can cause a kitten pain and he will be afraid of this procedure. If the ears are healthy, there is no selection, there may be a small number of ear sulfur.

The presence of a thin brown crust in the ears is an alarming sign, he speaks about the presence of an ear tick. In this case, without a visit to the veterinarian can not do. Treatment will be long with a special solution. If you take action on time, then the forecast is favorable.

Care of wool

Bathing, washing

The water procedures of the Scottish Fold kittens should be accepted since childhood. To do this, we must gradually be made them with a wet towel, after which you give your favorite to your pet, so that he has developed a reflex that the bath is not scary. In the future, you can safely wash the kitten. Especially active kittens are recommended to protect specially before taking the bath. To do this, it is worth closing the ears with tampons. Or they can simply close with their hands from entering water. Eyes also need protection, you can even drill special protective oil in them, but it is optional.

Important!Water should be warm, approximately 36 degrees. Too cold water will cause an enhancement of an animal and your Scottish Fold Kitten gets sick. Hot water is also harmful, due to elevated temperatures, the animal will increase the heartbeat and becomes complicated. In the end, your pet will not tolerate uncomfortable conditions and runs out of the bathroom.

When washing the Scottish Fold Kitten, it is necessary to use shampoo for cats, and then its wool will be healthy and shiny. Means for people will not suit, they will cause skin irritation and worsen the state of wool, dermatitis in difficult cases.

Haircut claws

Very sharp, thin claws kitten should be cut with special nipples for small animals. The advantage of such a tool is that they give a straight cut, not splitting a claw - it is very important! When caring for claws, the kitten is removed only the most his tip. In no case cannot damage the blood vessel, it will bring strong pain and can lead to the most negative consequences. In this case, it works a simple rule: it is better to cut off little than too much.

Food, dietary

To the supply regimen of Scottish Fold kittens worth come true. Do not worry if your Scottish Fold Kitten will have the first time bad appetite. It most likely happened from the fact that he was not yet used to the new place. Food immediately from the refrigerator can not be given, it should be room temperature. At the age of 2-4 months, kids feed often - 5 times a day. When the kitten reaches 4-8 months, they feed it 3 times a day.

After 8 months, it is necessary to feed 2 times a day, as an adult cat. The set of products for kittens must necessarily include meat (beef), a bird (turkey, chicken), the game can be given only in boiled form. You can give eggs, but only in boiled form and only yolks. From vegetables you can give cabbage and grated carrots. For full-fledged development, Scottish Fold Kittens should be given fermented dairy products.

You can also feed the false kittens of class feeds. They contain vitamins and minerals necessary for your pet in a balanced form. It is definiciently impossible to give smoked, roasted and salty, also sausages and any human food. This will undermine the health of the developing organism of the Scottish Fold Kitten.

Scottish Straight - The breed of cats, which appeared on the Scottish expanses recently, but in a short period became recognizable worldwide. Scottishright As plush bears, will give their love and heat to each family member.

In the 60s. The 20th century was discovered by Fold Scotland (scottish Fold) and more than 40 years Stratets with ears looking up, not recognized separately fromfolding . Only in 2004, the world federation of cats approved participationright Scots in the championships, thus the breed has gained official recognition.

Cat Scottish Straight Beautiful in all: amazing appearance, calm character and amazing devotion. Many it looks like their fellowscottish Fold And it is not surprising, because they cross each other and give a beautiful offspring, where there are false and sharp kittens. As a result, good-natured intellectuals with many colors grow.


Cat Breed Scottish Straight Perfectly folded and something like a plush toy. The weight of males and females may vary:

  • The cat has a weight - from 3 to 3.7 kg.
  • The cat has a weight - from 4 to 5 kg.

Breed Standard (WCF):

  • Body: medium proportions with soft transitions. The ratio of width over the entire length is equally. There is a beautiful muscle relief. The paws are neat, rounded. The length of the rear and forehead limbs is average. The length of the tail is medium or longer, it is usually pointed at the extreme point.
  • Head: It has rounded outlines, cheeks and cheeks stick out, the chin is strong. The nose is small, slightly deepened, rising to the forehead. Need is not long, looking badly.
  • Ears: small size, narrowly open and pointed. The base expands. Staging high. The outer surface of the ears is covered with shallow fluffy wool.
  • Eyes: Expressive, Round Form. The color is harmony with a tone of wool.
  • Wool: Short dense texture, hair thinners. Plush to the touch. The length is medium and not adjacent to the body.
  • The colors can be different.

Color for every taste

What breed pleasesscottish Straight So it is an abundance of a variety of colors. These same boasts to their counterpartsscottish Fold and Highland Straight.

The most occurring colors:

  • One-color - it can be blue, lilac, cream, etc. very popularscottish Straight black with green eyes. The lilac monophonic is rare, therefore it is much more expensive.
  • The turtle - connects three colors at the same time, which covers all the stools from the face to the tail.
  • Chimka - when the hairpins are scratched unevenly, and there are transitions from light to dark.
  • Marble - when the wool is covered with strips of a darker color. For example, the base color is gray, and black marks.
  • Bicolor - When wool combines two colors, one of which is necessarily white, and the other is darling.
  • Color Point is one of the most desirable colors when the predominant color is light, and the paws, ears and mask on the face like in a dark haze.
  • Calico - unitesbicolor And the turtle colors, when the bottom of the body in white, and up turns on three colors. The offspring from parents with Calico's wool is especially valued by breeders, because All kittens will have different colors and rare, among other things.


Cat Breed Scottish Straight Different with high intelligence, sensitivity and calm temper.

She is very loving - will meet from work, rub on legs, look at the eyes andpurple . If the cat gets enough attention, it is soon becoming a real friend who understands with the floor.

Having hated the bad mood of the owner, Murlyka will try to raise him - will tick the wool's hand, rub about the cheeks and cheering.

Beauty Scottish Straight It has a soft character. She will remember the main home rules, it will obey and study for the mood. She must have their own toys, followed by which she will run and jump until you get bored. But at the same time a favorite occupationstraights - It is to lie down and pour in a secluded place or knees from the owner.

Without lonely, the cat can be found - so it shows a character. This is not at all aggression that is not typical of this breed, but a way to attract attention.

For criticism in your direction, the cat reacts balanced and in the future most likely will not repeat errors.

Unlike many other saturated pets, cats breedscottish Straight They do not like to climb high on the cabinets or chandeliers, they will also not lie on their hands for a long time, especially if they are forced to this. Better the Murlyka gets close and will observe what is happening.


Scotland with sharp ears will find a common language with each family member, while chooses a lucky one who will give preference.

With other pets, the cat also led, the main thing is that both relate to it.

Wonderful if there are children in the house, because rock catsscottish Straight They have a good nature and become them alive toys and friends.

Correct care of pet

Regular care, high-quality nutrition, attention and love will provide a petty weight and long life.

  • Water procedures. Catsscottish Straight Not very fond of water, so it is necessary to bathe with pollution and before the exhibition. It is worth using a children's or special cat shampoo and control so that the water does not get into the ears. After wrap the cat and plant near the heater, avoiding draft. Courish the wool once a week.
  • Caring for ears. We regularly examine them and clean the dirt using a cotton wand moistened with vegetable oil.
  • Caring for eyes. If in a catscottish There are extractions from the eyes, which should not be, contact the veterinarian for advice.
  • Caring for curls. You should cut the transparent part of claws with tongs or scissors. At the same time, the cat should have a bratechka.
  • Help during flow. After 7 months in a catscottish There may be a flow and it will become irritable. During this period, it is necessary to add sedative herbal means in a cat to facilitate the state of the future mother.

In turn, you need to introduce a domestic favorite for preventive inspections in order to identify any diseases on early stages, as well as to make vaccinations on time, which will protect the presence from the possibility of catching infection. It is also always useful to consult a cat care specialist and find out its exact weight.

Breed Scottish and her diverse menu

You can choose a more practical way by choosing a touch-old finished feedpremium A class designed specifically for him.

If there is a desire to prepare for a pet, which does not take long, then you should think about the diet and add additionally vitamins to it.

  1. Proteins: raw diet meat without bones and chicken fillet (preferably frosthed to destroy helminths), ocean fish (no more than 1 time per week). So that the pet is enough calcium, every day in the diet should be low-fat cottage cheese or kefir. You can sometimes replace meat by sub-products - kidneys, beef heart or chicken stomachs.
  1. Carbohydrates: Rice or oatmealmixed with meat products or egg yolk, croutons of bread and boiled vegetables in small quantities.

A cat should not receive excessively fatty, as well as salted, smoked and spicy products - this may cause obesity, lower the activity of the animal and cause diseases.

With balanced nutrition and proper care of cat breedscottish Straight Will be able to live a long and happy life.

Buying a purebred kittenscottish Straight

The kitten at the age of 3-4 months is already psychologically stable, can eat adult food and use the tray, and most importantly he will be vaccinated and ready to break away from Mom. Therefore, to acquire littlescottish worth it at this age.

A good place to buy is an exhibition or nursery with a good reputation. If you liked a little satar, then look at his behavior - it should be fun, playful and well-groomed.

pay attention to appearance - shiny wool, soft tummy, clean ears and eyes.

As soon as the baby is growing, his character and excessivehyperactivity Replaced to balance.

OK B. new house, smallpuffy It is quickly adapted, and the main thing will give its inhabitants joyful emotions and a dedicated friend in her face.




Scottish straight cat - "Baby" Fold Scots. Independent breed has become relatively recently. This happened due to the fact that for the appearance of healthy kittens without deformation of the cat's cats, the couple should consist of two different Scots. One of them is directly, the second - with flattened ears. But only breeders should be deliberate in these subtleties. For ordinary people, Scottish Stratets are large fluffy round clouds, radiating peace and tenderness.

With a closer contact, it is impossible not to fall in love with one of the plump purring cats. Thanks to its intelligence, the feeling of tact and endless kindness kotten Scottish Straight Perfectly fit into any family.


Today more elite and valuable are considered. Although no straights of Folds would simply disappear. On the other hand, Scottish-Stratets are the same cats with "drooping" ears, whose hearing organs have retained to monthly age direct position. In general, a friend without a friend two types of these scottish cats There could not exist. Therefore, the "chronicle" of the formation of the breed begins with the appearance of the first Faroullow kitten named Susie.

In the early 60s of the last century, the British Felinologist William Ross discovered in one of the cities of Scotland an amazing cat cub with curved ears. Breeder and his wife were fascinated by a white fluffy kitty. CHUT British-Caskets immediately understood what potential is hidden in an unusual descendant, born from quite ordinary Murki.

A few years later, Susie brought the owners of kittens, one of whom inherited the maternal features of the exterior. The young snow-white female gave the name of the sneake. Speaking towards the help of genetics, Ross engaged in breeding Scottish Folds. During the selection, it turned out that the autosomal-dominant gene corresponds to the particular structure of hearing organs. That is, this is a "patient" sign, transmitted by inheritance, and this "detail" of appearance, rather, thangotten than the subject of pride.

Despite this, William Ross continued the experiment. For breeding Scottish pet, he spent their mating with and ordinary home. Already the first year of work was very fruitful. The British Felinologist managed to bring about 40 Scottish Folds and 30 scottish Straights.

The ears of the fruits of genetic experiments were similar to rabbit, so first the representatives of the rocks were called simply - lop. Later, by 1966, they became known as Folds. At the same time, wonderful Kotofeys were officially registered for the first time. However, soon experts began to worry that hanging ears can cause frequent and even deafness. A more urgent problem was an unstable genuine animal. For this reason, British organizations stopped registering the Scots, after which the cats went to conquer America.

In the States, scientists took the rehabilitation of rock and improving the set of genes. By 1973, Fluffy Scottishi was approved by CFA and ACA, and in another five years they received a champion status.

Description of the Scottish Straud Cat

Often the breed scottish straight cat confused with British ancestors. At first glance, the representatives of the feline world have a number of differences. Below are the most bright of them:

    cats Scottish Stray weigh less;

    their more slender, elegant body is plastic and movable than the British;

    at the Scottish cats roundness of the skull is stronger.

To the body is proportional to a large head attached short, thick neck. Rounded, the convex skull is hidden behind a wide face. The line is strong, barely protruding chin is softened by large cheeks. The males are more complete. Modeably wide and unallone is similar to the dark button. A small deepening between the eyes, at the base of the sense of smell, gives the Scottish Cat's profile a special charm and a lot of predominancy.

The most important feature of the exterior of the Stratets is a reprehensive ears. "Locators" are either medium sized, or small. Scottish ears are located high on the head and widely relative to each other. The outer contour is noticeably omitted, however, on the luggage fellow, the Scots are not similar to this. Divorced hearing bodies rounded on the outside.

Representatives of the Scottish Stratet breed holders of large round eyes. It creates the feeling that the gulling can penetrate into the depths of the human soul. When creating a paint color palette, nature was very generous. These are deep and rich shades, combined with a folding string.

W. cats Scottish Stray The thick plush coat consisting of thin, silky fur and a dense bleeding, fitting torso. Wool can be both moderately long and short. At the long-haired cat, the fighter on his paws and face shorter than on the rest of the body. On the neck is noticeable light mane, the tail is decorated with plume.

There are a variety of types of cat coloring Cats from Scotland:


    turtles (say, a three-color cat brings great happiness to the house);

    marble (in simple - "Whiskas").





For short-haired, any colors are allowed. The most popular colors of the coat breed can be called:

The most rare is a lilate color, so such seams are more expensive.

Some of the popular colors are marble on gold and marble on silver, as well as chinchilla colors.

Sizes and weight of Scottish reality cats

Scottish strikes are similar on cute plush bears, which are also not devoid of cat grace and elegance. This is a basic medium size. W. scottish Straight Sexual dimorphism is clearly expressed: cats are much more cats.
Females weigh about 3.5-5 kg, males - 5-7 kg.

Despite the external softness, they have a muscular body, with a powerful, strong bone. The width of the body from the shoulder line to the beeder is approximately the same. Smoothly outlined Scottish carcass has rounded outlines. Dense, County Scottish straight cats are moving on relatively short, plump paws. Oval cushions, massive, with compressed fingers. Limbs are proportional to body sizes. A long tail is equal to the distance from its base to the middle of the blades, it is noticeably narrowed to the tip.

Scottish Strait Weight Table by months
Age Female Male
1 month 300-600 gr 450-700 gr
2 months 450-750 gr 850-1500 gr
3 months 1.25-1.60 kg 1.35-2.4 kg
4 months 1.75-2.35 kg 2-3.6 kg
5 months 2.20-3.15 kg 2.45-4.2 kg
6 months 2.35-3.55 kg 3-5.5 kg
8 months 2.9-4.25 kg 3,45-6.1 kg
10 months 3.1-4.60 kg 4.2-7.1 kg
1 year 3.2-5.4 kg 4.6-7.4 kg
2 years 3.4-5.65 kg 5.3-8.2 kg

Features of cats of cats Scottish Straight

Scottish straight cats are soft not only outside, but also inside. This is amazing peace-loving animals. The owners of representatives of the breed are unanimous in the fact that fluffy creatures are angels in the flesh. In confirmation of the words of the owners of cats, several facts about theirs.

    Balanced and sociable . Hardly there is someone who could not find a common language with cats breed Scottish Stray. Their cute faces have a tactile contact. They are equally affectionate with all households, restrained and attentive when communicating with children. But, like many pets, from all family members choose the closest in the spirit of man, next to which they spend more time.

    Intelligent and obedient . Pethena pets are proud, leopard. They are not among the chopping kotofees, which will be hurricane from the floor to the ceiling. But nothing cat is alien to them - they love to play, especially at a young age.

    As a rule, the thrust for fun wakes up in cats when they feel that the owner is in high spirits. Never spare caresses, but just in case a shaggy carcass always looms somewhere nearby. There are other extremes - do not like to be forced to be in human hugs.

    Smart, curious and easily leaving for training . Scottish Strait from birth understands what the word "impossible" means. Quietly perceives criticism. It will not tear up the upholstery of furniture and spoil the repair in the house, so during the absence of a person can be calm for the safety of his home.

    At the entrance to the house quickly adapt to new conditions. Ratherly get used to the location of vital objects - bowls, toilet, entertainment space. Kittens scottish straight Without difficulty and various useful procedures.

By the way, Scottish Straits calmly tolerate both influxing a large noisy company of guests and the separation with the owner. But it is often impossible to use this provision, because sooner or later Kisa is caught and starts to be sad. If households are often absent at home, it is recommended to start another animal.

Unlike many thoroughbred collections, Scottish strikers are not demanding and are not whimping in care. But this does not mean that the lucky one who bought a Scottish kitten is forever freed from any duties. As soon as a small playful creation crosses the threshold of the house, for its owner begins a new stage of life associated with concern about the plush feline bear. The direct pet needs a attentive and careful attitude and periodically conducting health-preventive measures.

    Most of the time you will need to care for the luxurious coat of the cat. Specialists advise to deduct fluffy cats once a week with a soft brush. Her natural pile should be moderately rigid. Scots from nature smooth wool, it does not fall into Koltuns. Like other tidy cats, Scottish animals independently support the cleanliness of the federation, licking it.

    Because of the thick cover, the sensitive intestine can be overlapped with cobs of cat hair. This, as a rule, leads to serious problems with digestion. Therefore, homemade kisam veterinarians advise to give a special paste to remove wool lumps.

    Scottle bathe as needed, no more than once a month, with the obligatory addition of specialized shampoos.

    Hygienic procedures. Obedient fluffy periodically needed. For this use scissors or tweezers. After the "manicure", the master should be treated with each finger with peroxide or a solution of manganese in order to avoid infection in the body.

    Ears need to be cleaned with a cotton wand, usually do it before bathing the cat. Large and radiant eyes should be wiped with a wet cloth that does not contain "chemistry."

With attentive care scottish Strait. Live 14-18 years old

Where to buy kitten straight scottish

Small lumps can bring a lot of joy in your home. But buy them better not to Avito, but in certified. Kittens purchased in nurseries are prepared, do not have diseases, accustomed to the tray and have a pedigree. But do not forget to prepare and you: buy a tray, toy and feed for a new family member in advance.

Price for Cottage Scottish Straight In Russia begins from 9000 rubles. Most of the cost of the kitten is determined by its color.

Kennels engaged in breeding:

  • Ermine Trace - Moscow

How to call the cat Scottish Strait

Take the kitten - it is half an end, he still needs to come up with a name. After all, the name of the pet is an important component of life as an animal and its owner. Right cats quickly get used to the nickname and respond to it. You can use the proposed nicknames for reality Scots.

Breed health

Scots with straight ears - breed with strong health and reliable immunity. For a long time they will delight their households with a cute faucet and kindly, mild temper. Unlike Votonoi "Rodney" they managed to avoid genetic deviations and dangerous diseases. but scottish Strait Recommended several times a year to be in the office of the veterinarian for the prevention of diseases. Owners from time to time should check the condition of the ears and teeth.

Features gOOD SYSTEM And the gastrointestinal tract directly affect the list of prohibited and allowed products. So, the Scottish cats should not be left on the dishes rich in salts and fats. Also, they will not fit the usual human delicacies and too hard food.

Kittens need to feed the milk mixture to 7 times a day, gradually reducing it to a minimum. Grown Stratets should eat a little less often, their diet consists of porridge, boiled meat and vegetables. In the menu of adult individuals must be cottage cheese. Exclusively on dry food should not translate pets.

Conclusions about Scottish reality

Scottish cat will suit absolutely any family. If a person is alone, she surrounds his warmth and love. Stratet is a wonderful companion, he is not intrusive and not capricious, but at the same time constantly beyond and ready to support the owner in a difficult moment.

Where children live, with the advent of a fluffy pasta, the beds in the house will be more on one child. Scots are immediately, cheerful and affectionate as the youngest household. They are perfectly launched not only with all family members, but also with other pets.

Representatives scottish Straight - Healthy animals that do not require complex care and special feeding. Caring for them, Communication with fluffy cooks will deliver great pleasure to the owner. And, of course, such a beautiful bidding will scratch the most gray weekdays.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages of this breed of cats - they do not belong to. Scottish cats are moderate allergens for a person. Therefore, before the acquisition, it is worth to stay with another cat Scottish Strait and whether the allergy will manifest themselves to it.

Video with Scottish Stray

It is impossible to stay indifferent, looking at small plush lumps. These adorable kids are representatives of Scottish Stratet breed - Scottish straight cat. A good pointful character, attachment to its owners and a pretty comfortable appearance, which has a remote similarity with the British, made Scottish Pets of Caskets around the world.

The history of the origin of the Scottish Strategy breed

The historic homeland of these cats is Scotland. In 1961 in Taiside, on one of the farms, a regular cat brought offspring. Among all the kids, the charming female kitten was drawn. A distinctive feature Animal was ears tightly adjacent to the head. The baby called Suzy. After a couple of years, the kitty made the kittens, among which also turned out to be the false kids.

  • redhead;
  • chocolate;
  • white;
  • the black;
  • grey;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • cream (beige);
  • tortoiseshell;
  • bi-color;
  • chinchilla;
  • ticked;
  • color Point;
  • tabby.

Regularly need to visit the veterinarian, conduct vaccination and degelmintion.

As for the question of how to feed the Scottish straight cat, the veterinarians are united in this matter: Scottish Stratets have some features of the digestive system, so it should be approached to feeding.

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