
Parameters of the Scottish Fold Cat. Features of the Scottish Straight and Scottish Fold. Before the advent of the kitten in the house

And we will not argue with this fact, because this particularity will fill your dwelling and harmony. Of course, all cats cause lunizing and delight, but pay attention to one breed, which will not compare with others. This is the Scottish Fold Cat, or as it is also called - Scottish Fold.

Scottish Fold Breed

Features of breed

Take a look like it is beautiful. Its neatly pressed ears, widely open huge eyes, a children's naive glance, which will be in old age, and the moonlocks will not leave anyone indifferent.

Looking at the princess Scottish Fold, the heart is filled with delight, and I want to ride her, press to yourself and regret.

Carefree observation of what is happening

In addition, this breed is very distinguished by its balance, tenderness, caress and understanding. Scottish is forever tied to you and your home, without requiring special conditions or food. It will be grateful to any manifestation of love and care and will become a real family member.

A unique feature of Fold Cat is her voice. She does not know how to meow, this sound is rather reminiscent of the creaking. And these cats are perfectly walking on the hind legs, sit on them and sleep on the back, which causes extraordinary lunizing and especially like children.

Amateur lie on his back

Generally, scottish cat - The perfect creature for those who love cute plush calm cats.

Scottish cat in your home

Cat breed Scottish Fold buy it is possible both on the ad, but still it is necessary to understand that this is the expensive breed, and only a specialized nursery can be guaranteed, in which it is necessary:

  • Issued a pedigree;
  • Everyone will tell about the parents of the kitten;
  • Will give full recommendations for the care and content of the animal;
  • If necessary, help on the phone.

Kittens nursery

On the rock Scottish Fold, the price begins from 12,000 rubles on ads, and from 20,000 rubles - in nurseries, for example, on this site http://shotlandskie-kotyata.com/ Nursery Dnepropetrovsk.


Many are not solved to start Scottish Fold, because they think that it will bring a lot of trouble, arguing its position as an unusual form of the ears. But in fact, this feature does not require too much attention and time. All that is necessary is every two weeks to view the ears every two weeks, paying attention to the fact that the sulfur did not smell and was light, and in the earliest shell there were no plaque or rashes. Visual video will help you with this, it is suitable for any booth breed:

Also on the tips of the ears of the cat can grow "tassels", so they need to be neatly trimmed with scissors so that the wool is the same length.

In the corners of the eyes in the morning, a thick dark mucus is assembled, which must be wiped off with a wet handkerchief moistened in boiled water.

Claws your favorite view every two or three weeks.

But it should be cropped with great care, because at the very edge of scottish cats Blood vessels are located, which in no case cannot be hurt.


In order to train cattle quotes from birth, in order for this to become part of their daily life.

Very interesting is the fact that the Scottish cat is the only one in the world that loves combing against wool. Moreover, for her it is nothing compared to pleasure. Purchase a special metal brush and combing Scottish Fold first towards the growth of wool and then against it.

Casca Cracker

Also surely you have heard that any cat can not live if several times a day will not sharpen his claws. Therefore, pride this fact in advance and highlight the place, putting a special column on it, up to 40 centimeters high. Otherwise you will have to sacrifice your furniture.


But, in general, this breed of cats is very unpretentious. The main thing is that it is worth considering is purity, abundance of food and hot love.


Scottish Folds can be powered by both and natural food. The advantage of purchased feed is that they are very convenient to use and nutritious, and using natural, the owner can be 100% confident in quality.

Finished feed

If you choose a second option, make sure that the beef and bird meat be presented in the diet, boiled fish without seeds and all sorts of cereals.


The Scottish Fold Cats will deliver the joy to all family members, ranging from children, ending with grandparents. After all, being kittens, the Scots cannot sit on the spot, not giving peace of the family and touching you with their fun games, and with age they begin to conduct a measured and peaceful lifestyle, sacrificing the mission of food for the opportunity to lie down in a corner on the sofa. But most of all the lopowa cat likes to be located next to others, and it does not matter, this is a person or an animal.

With great pleasure, it wipes your knees and will lick your arms or face, because it is perhaps one of the most affectionate cats.

Kitten plays with parrots

If you have any other animals at home, for example, a dog, a rabbit or a hamster, you can not doubt that they will become best friends Fold. Also, these extraordinary cats are very easy to transport, because they do not panic and not be afraid of a closed space.

And the last, perhaps the most amazing feature of the Scottish cats is that they have some intelligence.

Scottles are leaving for training

These animals perfectly learn training, quickly teaching to go to the toilet tray and taking advantage of the hint for sharpening claws. Therefore, if you value the cleanliness and order in your home, make the intellectual kitten of Scottish Fold.

Kittens Scottish Fold Cats

If you want your Scottish Fold Cat to give birth to the same kittens, then carefully go to this question and explore it. After all, it turns out, in no case cannot be crossed by two fold cats and a cat. One of them should be Scottish Fold with pressed ears, and the other Scottish Fold with normal. But all the kittens are called with ordinary ears, and only on the 18th day a fold is manifested by Fold.

Becoming eaves from kittens

The rest of the Fold Scottish kittens will grow up with the usual form of the ears, but despite this, their wonderful character will not change. The only minus - they will not be able to participate in exhibitions and contests. But it will not be a problem for lovers of domestic cats.

Pregnancy at the Scots usually lasts about 9 weeks, and childbirth proceeds, as a rule, without complications.

Feed kids need:

  • From 4 to 6 times a day;
  • Starting from six months - 3 times
  • With eight - 2 times as an adult cat.

Let's vitamins and water growing organism, heat the food to room temperature and watch the dishes always clean. And then your kittens will grow healthy and beautiful.

Fighting kittens

And how to play with kids funny! They are extremely mischievous and alive, so the kids will be very fun to play with them. It happens that kittens with interest even watch TV. But carefully follow your baby, if it becomes very noisy, because it can be very frightened.

If you want to have another family member and a real friend in your home, then be sure to start the Scottish Fold Cat. And she will undoubtedly give you her tenderness, affection and positive emotions.

And remember - we are responsible for those who have tamed!

Scottish Fold, Care and Content

What cozy house can be represented without a cat? Only these cute and fighting fluffs are able to make anything with nothing comparable to your home, and create a special atmosphere of peace.

On the planet there is a great set of a wide variety of cats of all stripes and rocks. Today we will talk about the Scottish breed fold Kot. Or, as it is also called Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold), quite popular in our time.

Scottish Fold Cot

How did this breed like our fellow citizens? Let's consider the main characteristics of the Scottish Fold:

  • pointy character;
  • playfulness;
  • attachment to the owner;
  • good health;
  • absolutely not aggressive.

External Features:

  • strong physique;
  • massive paws;
  • the unusual shape of the ears naked in advance;
  • teddy fur coat.

Of course, it is necessary to pay special attention to the Ears of Scottish Fold. They have a very interesting structure - form a fold and bend down to the front side. Kittens are always born with straight ears, and for three weeks, some of them have the ears begin to bend. The rest of the ears remain straight, such kittens are called Scottish Strait (Scottish Strite). From one brood, both Folds and Stratets are obtained, and to understand who will grow up to three weeks, it is not possible.

Gallery: Scottish Fold Cat (25 photos)

Character features

As in any other breed, in this you will not meet two cats similar by nature. Some inquisitive, other active, third passive, fourth gentle, fifth too impulsive - every cat is a person, with its character characteristics. But there are general traits of behavior inherent in almost all representatives of this breed:

  • playing - Very love to play, especially with the owner;
  • independence and self-esteem - lopushka will not tolerate poor relationship to his person, and can even take revenge on the offender;
  • patience - Cat Scotland may day rapidly pour production;
  • not conflict - will never fight with other cats, and in case a fight occurs with it, it will prefer to go away;
  • teachness - very strongly tied to the owner and its habitat;
  • great hunting instinct.

Scottish Fold Cat - Animal Exceptionally Homemade. In the conditions of the street, it is very difficult to survive to her, to the best of his peace-loving nature. Very painful perceives the shift of the owner and the situation - even the permutation in a well-known house can plunge the cat of this breed into a stupor.

Disadvantages of breed

Naturally, this peace-loving breed has its drawbacks. Here are the most popular of them:

  • Energity in food - The Scottish Fold has a very poorly developed sense of saturation, and they are capable of being much more than necessary.
  • Egoismwhich is essentially inherent in all feline representatives.
  • Stubbornness - If the cat of this breed wanted something, it will achieve this at any cost.

The ration of Scottish Fold

Owlushki with the same hunt eaten both ready-made feed and natural. If everything is clear with finished meals - you just need to choose a high-quality brand and follow the instructions on the package, then with natural not so simple. From natural feed, the cat of this breed can be offered fish without bones, low-fat meat, porridge, kefir, ryazhenka, cottage cheese. Sometimes you need to turn on the menu butter, egg yolks, crackers and bread.

Feed the cat in small portions 2-3 times a day. For each kilogram of the weight of the pet you need 30 meals, in no case, no more, as we have already mentioned the lopushki big lovers to eat tightly, which can negatively affect their health. Energy value The daily nutrition of the Fold Cat should be not more than 300 g.

To feed kittens you need to approach very carefully. Up to three weeks, kids feed exclusively with maternal milk, then the goat is gradually begin to enter or diluted 1: 3 cow's milk. From 3 months can be administered to the diet rice and oatmeal With the addition of yolk and cottage cheese. When cereal and cottage cheese are introduced, we begin to gradually introduce low-fat fish without bones, chicken or turkey meat and vegetable puree. In 6 months, the kittens must completely go to the "adult" food. And of course, you need to add special vitamins to kids, adding them to food.


As soon as you brought the Scottish Furoham in the house of the kitten, you need to immediately engage in its upbringing, if in the future you do not want to get an unmanaged adult cat. To ensure that the cat listens to you can with the help of "whip and gingerbread" - promotions and punishments. Here are the main conditions that Scottishi must keep in the house:

When upbringing a pet, consider that the cats of this breed live on the schedule and do not touch it in the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon.

If desired, Scottish Folds can be learned by various tricks. These creatures love to stand in the hind legs, and for quite a long time - this feature is often used in the training of the plane.


First of all, Scottish Fold must be instilled from such diseases:

  • punching;
  • chlamydia;
  • rinotracheit;
  • calcivirous;
  • rabies.

The first vaccination kittens are made at the age of 2-3 months. 10 days before the estimated period of the kitten, it is necessary to progress. If the vaccination is not done on time, then you need to wait for the change of teeth from the kitten, and only after you put.

It is advisable to annually allocate the cat to inspect the veterinarian, since Polycystic kidney polycystic, osteochondroflasis, osteoarthritis and hypeutrophic cardiomyopathy can be inherited.

The breed of Scottish Fold is one of the most purebred in the world. They themselves take care of their wool, ears and curls. You only need to occasionally help your pet: to deduct with a special brush, bathe up no more than once a month, cut the claws as they are growing. And, of course, follow the purity of the eyes and ears - when the ears appeared on the ears, remove it with a cotton wand, and if you started to whine eyes, they need to be dried with eye drops.


As already mentioned, in one litter there may be both lopokhi and right kittens. In the breeding of cats, such a phenomenon is extremely rare. And straight, and the lophechy kittens are absolutely identical in everything, except for the type of their ears. Both of these varieties of Scots can participate in exhibitions and championships.

A prerequisite for breeding - crossing should occur between Strait and Fold (Fomethyla and straight representatives). This will help to avoid the deformation of the skeleton. The reason for the lopohotels of these cats is hidden in the genetic defect of cartilage - it is very weak and does not give the ears straight. Therefore, it is very important to cross the same representatives of this breed.

The colors of the Scottish Fold Cats

In this breed there is a great set of all kinds of colors: the colors with a pattern (tiger, spotted, marble), ticked (silver, golden), smoky, fused, chinch, color, solid.

But perhaps, the most popular representative of the breed is the Scottish Fold Cat with a red color. These beauties are simply enormous in the world.

Red Fold Cat is considered the smartest and easily trained from this breed. This handsome man is the owner of a non-standard, bright burning, rich red-colored, evenly distributed throughout the body, without any drawings. The nose and pillows of the paws also have a very unusual bright red color. The eyes of the red scots of copper or golden color, without the presence of an ordinary green rim.

Find the Kitten Scottish Fold with Ginger Color is an unprecedented luck for any breeder, since this color is very rare in the whole world.

Breed history

It is said that the first Fold Scottz appeared in the XVII century in China. But the Scottish cat did not make a proper impression on the locals. Many years later, in the XIX century, British cats from Scotland became interested in this breed. In the litter one of the cats was discovered by the White Fold Scot, as it was called later. The kitten called the Susie, and she became the strap of cats of this breed. Susie's daughter covered with a short-sighted British, and a few kids from this littered to breeders. So the formation of this breed was originated. Since then, there have been many attempts to officially register the Scottish Fold breed, but only in 1994 it was recognized in America.

Scottish Fold Cat is a very special breed. These cats are "folk", they have a good temperament, and, in general, cute, quiet and simple in circulation. Scottish, or as they are also called British Fold Cats, require minimal care and can be a real treasure in your home.

Breed history

The emergence of a new breed of cats often depends on the natural genetic mutation, which occurs unexpectedly from the usual cat. This case occurred with the Scottish Fold Cat. All the cats of this breed occurred from the White Cat of Suzy, who had an unusual bent ears and caught mice in the usual barn in Scotland.

Suzy could continue to live in obscurity, if it were not seen in 1961 shepherd by William Ross, who was interested in breeding cats. When Suzy had kittens from an ordinary cat, Ross acquired one of them, a kitten girl named Snuks. Further, Snuks were born kittens from the Cat of the British Shorthair. Thus, the development of a new breed began, which at first called the "Fold Cat", but later added "Scottish", indicating the country of origin as a defining characteristic. Due to the origin, this cat is also sometimes called British Fold.

Other breeders were also fascinated by Scottish-Fold's breeding and it was found that the mutation of the gene was dominant, which means that if one of the parents had a gene-folded gene, then the kitten would also have folded ears. The length of the "long-whiskers" was another gift to Susie, who handed her descendants. Long-haired variety known as Scottish long-haired Fold Cat.

Ironically, these cats are still not recognized as a breed in their country of origin, in Scotland (England). This is due to the concerns that the folded ears can lead to ear infections or deafness due to the problem associated with the cartilage.

Character of breed

After the ears, the first thing you would notice about the Scottish Fold, this is their habit of lying on the floor like a small frog. And although it can be assumed that their ears are less mobile than other cats, but this is not the case. They use them to communicate quite effectively by adding focus to their quiet and cheerful voice if necessary.

These are smart, moderately active cats. Scottish Fold adore various toys - teasers that check their dexterity, as well as various puzzles that challenge them mental abilities. Their favorite occupation is any activity that includes interaction with man.

There is nothing that Scottish Fold loved more than being with her family and participate in what she does. These are cute cats that love attention. The last thing they want them to be left alone for a few hours in a row, so they will not be the most the best choiceIf you have no one at home during the day, otherwise you will need to provide them with a company at least from the second cat. But be calm, she will always wait for you to play when you come back from work or study, or at least to curl up with you next to you while you watch TV.


Both thoroughbred and mixed cats may have different health problems that may have a genetic character. The life expectancy of the Scottish Fold Cats is average, about 15 years. The main problems with their health are the following:

  • Degenerative joint disease, especially in the tail, causing pain and reduced mobility.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a heart disease form, which is probably hereditary.

Scottish Fold Cat will need weekly care for wool to remove dead hairs and "massage" their skin. Long-haired Fold, perhaps it will be necessary for combing a couple of times a week to prevent the formation of clubs.

Cleaning teeth will help prevent periodontal diseases. Daily teeth cleaning is better weekly, but weekly is better than nothing. At the Scottish Fold, it is important to check ears regularly, it is desirable once a week, especially if they are tightly stacked. If the ears look dirty, wipe their cotton swab or soft wet cloth moistened in a solution of apple vinegar and warm water in a 50 to 50 ratio.

Keep the toilet tray by Scottish Fold in flawless cleanliness. Cats are known for their hygiene, and pure tray will also help keep wool well-groomed and clear.

A good idea will also keep the Scottish Fold exclusively in the room to protect it from diseases distributed by other cats, as well as from attacking dogs and other hazards faced by cats on the street. Scottish Fold Cats on the street also risk being stolen because they can be found by those who want such beautiful catwithout paying for it.

Wool and care

With their unusual little ears, Scottish Fold often resemble the owl. The ears vary from one fold when the ear falls on half tightly, up to two folds, when it falls down tightly, and up to three folds, when the ears are tightly adjacent to the head. Kittens are born with straight ears that begin to develop at the age of about 3 weeks. They have big, wide open eyes and a cute facial expression. The body is medium in size, which is completed with a long tail, which ends with a rounded tip.

A short-haired Fold Cat has a dense, teddy wool with a soft texture. Long-haired folding has, as a rule, the wool of medium length, which is longer on the hips. The Scottish Fold has a large number of colors, including solid, tabby, tablet and white, two-color and multicolor. The eye color often depends on the color of the wool. White or two-color cats, for example, may have blue eyes or eyes of different colors.

Children and other animals

Friendly and casual Scottish Fold Cats are the perfect choice for families with children and for families with dogs that are accustomed to cats. They love the attention that is received from children, but they should treat them politely. They also love to play and can learn different tricks.

These cats, also due to their friendly location, get well with dogs, which were properly socialized. Machine animals slowly and under controlled conditions to make sure they recognize each other.

Cost of Scottish Fomets

When buying the Cottage of the Scotlada Fold, it is important to keep in mind that long-haired folds (Highland Fold) cost up to 2 times more expensive than short-haired. The average prices for kittens Scottish Fold in Moscow are:

  • Without a pedigree: from 4 000 rubles
  • Standard: from 10,000 to 40 000 rubles

Video about Scottish Fold

The feature of the cat's cat breed is the form of its ears, which is not peculiar to other cats, once she was considered a defect, very transformed the animal and became a push to the creation of a new breed. It was formed with the participation of British and American.

Not all world organizations have taken with a delightful breed with such non-standard ears. Only CFA and WCF in the 1974th recognized the Scottish Fold Cats with a trial breed, and four years later, animals of this breed were met by enthusiastic reviews of fellinologists and ordinary viewers. Since then, these charming cats have become fully participating in different types of exhibitions.

  • possess short coat and straight ears;
  • - short-haired and with lowered ears;
  • Highland Folda - the wool is long and ears adjacent to the head.
  • Highland Stratets - long-haired with straight ears.

In addition to extraordinary appearance, Scottish cats have more features in behavior. They love to stand in the hind legs. This is done not to attract attention and not to better see something, but in order to warm up the spine. Another feature is their fear of height, so they will definitely not become closets and hang on the curtains, these cats choose more aristocratic methods for their entertainment.

  • the body has an average size, developed musculature, the maximum female weight is 4-5 kg, male 8-10 kg;
  • neck short and strong;
  • the legs are massive, the paws have an oval shape;
  • the tail is short and wide, narrows to the tip;
  • the head has a spherical shape with large chin cheeks, massive chin and a flattened, humpback nose;
  • the ears are small, adjacent to the head, at the ends rounded;
  • the eyes are big, widely set;
  • the wool is thick, plush.

Kittens are born with straight ears. Only when the age reaches 4-5 months, they can change their shape and lie on the head. The form of their pressed to the head can also be different. Easy, double or even triple folding ears. All more valuable and more expensive than the Scottish Fold Cat, having a triple fold of the ears who have the most dense fit to the head, repeating its contour. Kittens, who have not fallen to achieving a certain age, remain with straight ears for life. The pattern of this process is still not clarified, so the number of Scottish Folds in the litter is unpredictable.

Character of the Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold Cat, whose character is one of its significant advantages, an animal with a good soul, calm behavior, aristocratic manners and moderately playful. These cats love their owners very much, perfectly get along with children and other pets. One of the distinguishing features of these creatures is undetepted, they meow them quietly and rarely.

Such cats are well suited to people who do not tolerate the fuss and lead a calm, measured life. Even in childhood Kittens of this breed hooligany in moderation and do not bring strong harm to housing. But, really, they can hide in secluded places a variety of minor items, such as glasses, pencils, handles.

Cats of Breed Scottish Fold is very clean and smart. Adults are distinguished as durability, calmness and understanding. They may obey if the request corresponds to their interests. But there are stubbornness, if they don't like something.

Unlike his close relatives of British cats, which can completely ignore the presence of a person, Scottish Folds are well contacted with people, choosing a favorite, and often being near him. But despite the devotion, these cats are not at all intrusive, they prefer to be near the person, but not on his hands.

According to many owners, the Scottish Fold Cat loves to meditate, stretching his paws ahead. Also, these cats love to sleep on the back, love the massage that they do with the help of combs.

Thanks to her bowls, softness and tenderness, the Scottish cat can become an excellent friend for many years. Many owners consider representatives of this breed with perfect pets, who are moderately playful, do not shock and easily educate. BUT appearance These animals could not leave anyone indifferent.

Breeding and care

The Scottish Fold Cat is distinguished by unpretentiousness and does not require much care. Twice a month it is necessary to inspect and clean the ears of the shells. Healthy ears inside should be without a fall and unpleasant odor. Eyes as the pollution needs to be cleaned with a wet cotton disc. Representatives of the breed love to use brakes and do not spoil furniture and wallpapers, which is their essential advantage. With a strong rustling of claws, you must cut.

Bathing a cat you need once every 1-2 months. The fur must be performed periodically to make not formed chopencies. It is necessary to do it first in the direction of growth, and then against him. This procedure delivers a lot of pleasure pet.

The diet of these cats should consist of their dry and important feeds of the premium class and natural products: breasts, beef, fish, offal, croup, eggs, dairy products and fiber. It is forbidden to feed oily, fried, sweet and salty.

The disadvantages of these cats include weakbound and fragile health. But if you observe proper care, it is possible to avoid them. Representatives of this breed can live up to 20 years.

To obtain good offspring, it is important to comply with the following rules:

  • The knitting of the Scottish Fold Cat should be only with a straight cat of the same breed. If the kitty has straight ears, then you need to knit with Fisulo-cat.
  • The male for mating is better to choose a homogeneous color, as they are most in demand.
  • If the female of this breed became pregnant, so that there was no complication of it better to squeeze and protect it from stress and young children.

The colors of Scottish Fold

There are several types of colors of Scottish lop cats:

  • solid (solid) - uniform monophonic shade of a wool without spots and patterns, color can be black, chocolate, lilac, blue or cream;
  • cherepakhov - a chaotic combination of stains of several different shades, the combination should be uniform, colors are harmoniously distributed;
  • smoky - Characterized by a homogeneous color of the ishing wool and a silver-white shade of the undercoat;
  • chinchilla - painted is only the eighth of the hairs, and the rest of the hair is white;
  • tabby - color with tiger, striped, spotted, marble patterns;
  • bicolor - a combination of white color with blue, black or red, it is desirable that the white is on the legs, legs, abdomen, chest, chin and pieces of face;
  • van - the color of the main wool white, tail and two spots on the head of another color;
  • harlequin - the main part of the wool is white, and its fifth part of another shade;
  • colorPoint - Tint of all wool light, and paws, tail, ears, a face of contrasting color.

Name for Scottish Fold Cat

Nickname cat in this breed must be selected according to its character and appearance. It should emphasize all the charm of pet. It is desirable that the name is short and clear for the kitten to easily remember it.

  • Ariel,
  • Barbara,
  • Betty,
  • Bead,
  • Barbarian
  • Greta,
  • Jesse
  • Juliet,
  • Za
  • Ingrid,
  • Coco
  • Cleopatra
  • Margo,
  • Nyusha
  • Sisil
  • Trinity
  • Flossie,
  • Helga,
  • Yinda.
  • Archie,
  • Brand
  • William,
  • Smoke,
  • Zeus,
  • Varnishes
  • Oscar,
  • Pirate,
  • Plato,
  • Richard,
  • Novel,
  • William,
  • Caesar,
  • Charlie,
  • Charles
  • Elf,
  • Eugene,

How much is the Scottish cat stands:

  • The price in Russia ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles;
  • The price in Ukraine is from 1000 to 6000 hryvnia.

Buy pets of this breed is better in a professional nursery, where the kitten will have a good pedigree and health. Also inheritance together with the kitten documents and detailed care recommendations are transferred. Kittens from the nursery are given at the age of two months, which have already accustomed to the tray and clawholding.

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