
Rheumatoid arthritic pain. The worst sin in relation to our neighbors is not hatred, but indifference to them: inhumanity is born out of it. Quotes towards "indifference and responsiveness" The worst sin in relation

Subject: The worst sin in relation to the neighbor not hatred, but indifference; That's true peak of inhumanity. Indifference and responsiveness. The final essay of the argument and examples.

Introduction: People belong to the world in different ways. Some do not want to spend their strength to help others, others are always ready to divide with loved ones not only joys, but also troubles, and happy to help people. Also in the literature you can meet, as the heroes with a kind heart, who are willing to respond to other people's misfortunes and characters indifferent to other people's problems. Let's consider this question more.

Of course, it is difficult to argue with the fact that hate is the destructive feeling. However, indifference is more inhuman and dangerous quality. The fact is that people tend to not pay attention to indifference and are not trying to eradicate it. In addition, the indifference does not hurt the surrounding, since its manifestations are not very noticeable.

Nevertheless, the indifference is incremental to people and deprive their hopes for a happy future. But the kindness and responsiveness are valuable human qualities in all cultures. Today, unfortunately, the desire to help people are rare. Modern people value completely different qualities - pragmatism, strength, desire to be the leader. Nevertheless, examples of responsiveness can be found in many literary works. Well, let's give a few examples both indifference and responsiveness in the literature.

Arguments: A vivid example of the fact that the indifference to a person can lead to his death can be found in the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Shinel". So, the unfortunate Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin died not from the fact that she was stolen with a chinel, and from the fact that people who could help him were indifferent to him. No one hurried to the revenue to the main hero when he turned for help. He died after many thumbs in despair. Since people were indifferent to him, he lost his faith in the fact that his problems were worried. As a result, the loss of overcoats became the outcome of the life of Akakia. No one wanted to understand his problem.

Also, an example of indifference can be found in the work of the American writer Jerome D. Sallinger "Above the abyss of rye". The author told the history of the teenager Holden Colfield. The main problem is its inability to recognize indifference adults who were interested only in their own well-being and material stability. The teenager believed that the world of adults was deception and hypocrisy. That is why he conflicted with teachers and parents. The boy was looking for good and love, but was able to find these qualities only in young children. Therefore, he had a cherished dream - to catch children and not to give them to fall into the abyss. The name "Above the Pelia" displays indifference adults. The desire to catch children is the desire to protect the children's souls from the destructive influence of egoism and lies.

As an example of responsiveness, it is worth leading the work of V. Hugo "Rejected". The Bishop of Mirielya was always open. He helped the poor day and night, namely distributed his sorrows and even arranged for them the hospital in his palace.

Conclusion: The indifference kills all living in man. Hate is a negative feeling, but indifference is the absence of any emotions, which is the most terrible person.

An indifference to what is happening encourages the forces of evil to create lawlessness. It is indifference to people who allows creating evil to remain unpunished. That's what Bernard Show said about the indifference:

"The biggest sin in relation to the neighbor is not
hate, and indifference; That is true top of inhumanity. "


Good afternoon, dear latif.
I apologize, rarely looked at you. It happened.

With sincere wishes of speedy recovery, good health ...

Glad to see you, dear elf. Thanks for the feedback. I, too, did not attend your page for a long time. Now summer, I will be more at the cottage, but I will try to go to you, only after all, to look at you - sufficient time is necessary. Philosophical work require reflections, these are not miniatures.
All the best, respectfully,

Yeah. The other day I looked at the film, you can say on the topic of indifference. Where an absolutely drunk man, barely standing on the legs, (actor) asked passersby to help open the door of his car, with the intention to leave on it. 80% of passersby opened it. And only one call was in the police. Such a picture.

I must say, and in hate, as an evil of active property and, in indifference, (passive evil), the source of evil is the same and, result, respectively, like, the same.

But, indifference is still divided into natural, temporary and chronic.
Natural typical of baby and children who have no experience, suffering, pain. Therefore, the feeling of empathy is still in its infancy.

Temporary indifference may arise from any person. Against the background of stress, excessive loads, soul emptying occurs. They would be glad to sympathize, but they are so hard for themselves that nothing in response may arise.
There are other reasons.
Such people themselves victims of circumstances. They themselves need help. In this case, the restoration of physical and spiritual forces restores the mental properties of a person.

The third appearance is when chronic soul emptying begins, up to the ossification of body cells. This is the hardest, dangerous kind of indifference. As for the person himself and for others. It is associated with the destructive form of the essence of evil already, directly destroying the person himself, his connection with God.

Such people can be changed by changing the society as a whole. They themselves will not be able to. Because Mans, as such, there are no longer in them. Of course, it is difficult to understand, but it happens that they are controlled by S. Zl. All those who disconnect people, destroys, kills, etc.

This, of course, general performances. Avdo, someone, they will need.

I have to ask you. It is very good for me what lack of time. Because I ask you to allow me to visit you without any restraint of your part. I am quite sincerely I go to you and, etc. authors in order to just ask what and how anyone writes, relax, relax.))).

Thank you. Once again I wish you health, success in everything. With respect, Elfia.

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It is difficult at once, without thinking, agree with the statement by B. Show about indifference as a true top of inhumanity. Usually, indifference is not so clearly reflected on our well-being: it does not notice the person, does not pay attention to you, it does not help, and well! But the hatred in relation to himself is difficult not to notice. But B. Show considers the peak of inhumanity precisely not hate, but indifference. Let's try to understand: why? Let us turn to the artistic literature. Namely to the plays N.V. Gogol and A.P.hekhov: "Auditor" and "Cherry Garden".
This is a comedy, the task of the genre of which is to rose defects. Combines these two works and the fact that they have almost no positive characters.
In both plays, indifferent and irresponsible heroes are depicted. Gogol has all the urban city officials are afraid of the auditor, because they serve poorly and are not indifferent to their financial situation. They are indifferent, indifferent to everything that is their direct official duties. The author rewards his heroes speaking surnames: Judge Treipkin-Lyapkin (characteristic of his judicial activity), Policeman Derportord (not dealing with, punishes both right and guilty), the county leakage of the gibner (patients with whom "like flies are recovering"). The owner of the city of Snovenaya-Dmukhanovsky is so afraid of the auditor, which is ready for any official crime. There are no hatred in comedy heroes, they simply equally and irresponsibly fulfill their duties. And so the chaos and lawlessness reign in the city. The second edition of the play Gogol preliminarized the epigraph: "On the mirror Necha, beating, if Kriva Ryzh." This is the "Ryger Curve" forgotten about his duties of a person who is indifference and passivity lead to the void and loss of conscience, that is, to inhumanity.
In the play, A.P.hekhova, at first glance, the heroes are good people. This was by no means lost honor and conscience Gogolian characters. But listen and look at their words and actions more closely. Ranenevskaya and Gaev, the owners of the cherry garden, - externally decent and dear people. Gaev says a lot, pronounces a pathoral speech facing "dear, durable cabinet." He lives, I do not think about anything, everything "I was drove on lollipops." Loves to eat delicious, play billiards, and the rest is absolutely indifferent. Even more difficult and more interesting is the image of Ranevskaya. Externally, it is good, sentimental. It claims that he loves his daughters Anyu and Vary - and throws them to the arbitrary of fate. Ranevskaya with tenderness speaks of his cherry garden, repeats many times that it can not be sold, says a lot beautiful words. And in the end takes money and leaves to Paris. It is also interesting to the image of another landowner - Simeonov-food. The surname itself becomes its characteristic: the first part is solemn, high, and the second is funny. He is ruined and ready to sell absolutely everything. Sales his land in parts of the British, which "found some white clay in the ground ...". The heroes of the play forgot that the garden and the earth are their homeland. The desire for comfort and comfort devastated their souls, deprived humanity. They became not just indifferent, they became people for whom they mixed, the value foundations of life were distorted. We see how indifference, detachment, indifference, the desire for personal success can lead a person to degradation.
The above examples convince us that indifference is the peak of inhumanity. Cruelty is not as terrible, like indifference and indifference, because hatred is obvious, it is believed, they exterminate, and over time, like any strong feeling, it is dulled, passes. And the indifference, constant, quiet, inconspicuous, lives with decades and does not change in any way, but brings so much evil surrounding. (499 words)

Essay grade 11. Indifference and responsiveness.
"The worst sin in relation to the neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; here is true peak of inhumanity"
(B. Show)

Indifference is indifference to people around people, peace, nature, animals. This is an indifferent state of a person, the lack of interest in life, the lack of a feeling of compassion, love. "If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the title of man," Saadi said. Russian writers often addressed this topic, for example, V. Astafyev in the story "Lyudochka".

In this story, the author represents us the tragic history of a rustic girl. The story precedes the epigraph and accession. Epigraph poems, in the entry we read Pushkin lines: "What is mine in the name?". Introduction is filled with copyright: "Why do I remember it? Why is the story of this, quietly and separately from all, lives in me and burn my heart? ". And the writer immediately gives the answer: "Maybe all the case in its depressing ordinaryness, in its disarming simplicity?"

And then he unfolds in front of the reader this simple story about a rustic girl, it seems to be unreasonable against the background of the surrounding, ordinary, modest, closed, in the peasant, hardworking. She lives in a village with mother and stepfather. Having finished the decade, leaving in the village of VVRZ, where he comes to work in the local hairdresser. Removes the room at the sheltered Gavrilovna.

The story about the life of the heroine in this village is preceded by Astafieva Description of the city park. And everywhere here we see the desolation, ruin, human mockery over nature. In the park, dug dwarf, along which the hot borde is flowing - dirt and fuel oil. Around the "blossom" and "fading": the cryptionisture cherry, elder, masturbate, are growing. The place is completely littered with a person: everywhere bottles, garbage, broken benches. With this terrible pattern contrast the slogans hanging in this place: "Leninism lives and wins!", "Glory to the Soviet people, the people-winner!". So the writer, using the reception of contrast, speaks of a huge distance between the plans of the state and real life. And in the village of Flying, and in the village - everywhere destroy, drunkenness, poverty, moral degradation of society. With great irony, even sarcasm writer notes that under these slogans in the park, local residents drank, played cards, fought and cut to death, "Imaly girls". Here's how Astafyev describes the dancing in this park: "In the pimper-zerinz and people behaved in the animal," "Facelessly, the herd was having fun, creating from the dances of Cell Stam and Brad."

Characteristic behavior distinguishes the inhabitants of this village. Here is an artemka-soap, a representative of a local spline, here Pachan and the thief of Starkach, a person who is capable of any meanness and vigility. It is he who attacks a man to one of the evenings when she returns home through the park. And he does it from boredom, wanting to climb before buddies. Astafyev expresses its attitude towards this character - caustic and sarcastic, in contemptuous intonation. In this hero, there is nothing human, it is a sneaky and primitive type. Becoming the victim of violence, the heroine is hardly experiencing what happened. She is trying to find support from Gavrilovna, in his own family. However, everyone remains indifferent to her grief. At these moments, the manochka recalls the died in the hospital to the Lesoruba, the fact that he could not help him, divide his fate, feels his sharp guilt in front of him. In the simple soul of this girl live strong and deep feelings.

After all the people happened, the manifest deep feeling guilt, shame, despair, loneliness. "No one asked about anything - no one is doing to me!" She thinks. And she decides to commit suicide, having fun on the tree. A bitter exclamation of the author as if the thoughts of his heroine continues: "And the soul? But who needs it, that simple, in a simple, in the ordinary flesh, the shower jet? "

The suicide of the girl causes an ambiguous reaction of others. Close to have a sharp sense of guilt, stepfather of the manochka spreads with stringy. In the village, everything remains still. Astafyev notes: "Invalued, robbed, scratched, cut, broken, in the fear of waiting for the victims who lively inhabitants of the railway village will now be released and will live more or less okay before the coming of the new stringie, they have generated and explored." With bitterness, Astafiev is peering into the souls of his heroes and understands that this is the "Dark Kingdom", the indifference of others destroyed the innocent soul.

And what are the origins of these troubles? According to the writer, the root of this evil is in the gap of the relations of the people with its history, in the death of the Russian village, in a destruction of social politics, when the state is not affected by a particular person. In the soul of the heroes there is no faith in God, but no other ideals. It was about such people. D. Andreev wrote: "... These unfortunate in the overwhelming majority themselves do not understand the whole horror of their position. We lost contact with the Mother-Earth and not rewarded for this admission to world culture, mentally crippled eternal from the machines, aesthetically fluctuated from the beauties of the industrial landscape to the chastushki and vulgar oleography, these people become victims of the lover boredom, as soon as they are alone with themselves. They are as afraid of silence, for silence puts them face to face with their spiritual emptiness. Nature for them is dead, philosophy - deathly boring, art and literature are available only in the most reduced manifestations, religion excites them only an arrogant smile of ignorance, and only science causes a feeling of instinctive respect, as something undisputed than them. Their holidays - cards, vodka, domino, sport, primitive flirting and cinema. And let him not lie that I slander on these people: they have been cuddied by Fimiam for too long, they were disappeared by the flows of demagogic flattery and lies; The time comes when they put their own, no degraded portraits "1.

1 "What is my name?" Lesson by story V.P. Astafieva "Lyudochka". - www.westschool.ru.

Astafiev with bitterness writes about the nrules of the Russian people who concerned about the construction of socialism and communism, when human life depreciates, when all the moral foundations are crumbling, all that Russian people were alive.

Thus, indifference people can lead to tragedy, destroy human life, this is "true peak of inhumanity."

Quotes for the final essay of 2018 in the direction of "loyalty and treason".

The worst sin in relation to the neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; That's true peak of inhumanity. (Bernard Show)

Sympathy is indifference to an excellent degree. (Don amine Addoint)

How painfully indifference to yourself! (A.V. Suvorov)

I always suppose and I will be supposed to continue that indifference to injustice is betrayal and meanness. (O. Mirabo)

Do not be indifferent, for the indifference is deadly for the soul of man. (Maksim Gorky)

It is said that philosophers and true wise men are indifferent .. not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. (A.P. Chekhov)

When a person is so hired that it is unable to show generosity, in these moments it especially needs sympathy and support.

You love everyone, but love everyone - it means not to love anyone. You are all the same indifferent. (O. Wilde)

Do not sympathize yourself. Only primitive people sympathize with themselves. (H. Murakami)

Where moderation is a mistake, there are indifference - a crime. (Lichtenberg)

Indifference to painting - the phenomenon is universal and incredit. (Van Gogh)

To take close to the heart of joy and the sorrow of the Fatherland is capable of only one who cannot pass indifferently past the joys and sorrows of a separate person. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Not more dangerous manHe is alien to human, who is indifferent to the fate of the native country, to the destiny of the near. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: this is a criminal, since the Son has no right to be indifferent to the mother. (Gi de Maupassan)

The coldness is a consequence of not only sober conviction in its rightness, but also unprincipled indifference to the truth. (Ch. Lam)

One very talented writer in response to my complaint to the fact that I don't find sympathy from criticism, wisely answered me: "You have a significant drawback, which will close all the doors in front of you: You can't talk to the fool for two minutes, without letting He understand that he is a fool. " (E. Zola)

Tolerance inevitably leads to indifference. (D. Didro)

Teens, of course, the creatures are emotionally delicate and extremely wounded, but they are not very sympathy. It comes later, if at all comes. (S. King)

The Eagle's view of the passion penetrates into the foggy abyss of the coming, indifference is blind and stupidly from birth. (K. A. Gelving)

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult - love, and most difficult - indifference. (K.L. BURGER)
Indifference is a serious soul disease. (A. de Tokvil)

The most unforgivable sin in relation to its neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. Indifference is the essence of inhumanity. (J. B. Show)

Egoism is the root cause of the soul cancer. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Egoism Family hard egoism personal. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the benefits of another one for himself, considers it his duty to enjoy misfortune, the need of people for the benefit of the family. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you.
Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case they can betray you.
Fear indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their silent consent exists on earth treachery and murder. (B. Yasensky)

Indifference - there is the highest cruelty. (M. Wilson)

Calm is stronger emotions.

Silence - louder scream.

Indifference - the worst of war. (M. Luther)

The path needs a satellite, in life - sympathy. (proverb)

The key to family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness ... (E. Zola)

Stand on the path of the dialogue - much more efficiently and wisely than trying to prove, any selfish or responsive can be every. (H. Bukay)

The responsiveness of the neighbors is often the best psychologist or psychiatrist. (L. Viilma)

Life teaches a lot, but not only tuck, not responsiveness, not the ability to help a person in a difficult moment. (I. Show)

Most of all in women appreciate shyness. It is beautiful. The foundation of femininity is not an appearance, but an increased sense of shame and sympathetic. (F. A. Iskander)

Kohl Mount someone else will make you suffer,
Could you call you then to call you? (Saadi)

The more you live, the more convinced that the sympathies are excited - there is a rarity and happiness - and what should be treated with this happiness. (I.S. Turgenev)

Who gained the ability to sincerely sympathize with the human grief, at least in the only case, he, having received a miraculous lesson, learned to understand any misfortune, as if, at first glance, it was strange or recklessly manifested. (S. Tsweig)

This help always comes from one who is stronger than you and who you respect. And the sympathy of such people is especially effective ... (F. S. Fitzgerald)

One sympathy is not enough. Actions speak louder words. (N. Vuychich)
Excessive sympathy often becomes a barrier.

Sympathy during misfortunes like rain during drought. (Indian Proverb)

After all, it is necessary that any person had at least one such place where it would regret it! (F. M. Dostoevsky)

Do not sympathize too people who are unhappy. If someone is unhappy, help, but do not sympathize. Do not inspire him the idea that suffering is something worthwhile. (Osho)

She said in the sense that when his favorite animal dies, a person remains one with his grief, no one does not sympathize. When dying close person, then everyone understands, and who sincerely, who formally, and who for the company, but everyone understands and sympathize. But the cat died, she said, and loneliness was scared. (E.V. Grishkovets)

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