
Suspended railway principle of work. A unique type of transport - a suspension road in the Wupperthal. What awaits passengers

The German city of Wuppertal is half an hour from Dusseldorf. The city is not very big and quite small than noteworthy.
In Wupperthal did not work Mozart and was not inspered by the spark of Genius Einstein. However, there are few cities in the world, in the stories of which there are diving in water from a height of several elephant meters, and in addition, Wuppertal is famous for its built on the 19th and 20th centuries suspended monorail road Wuppertaler Schwebebahn, which, mostly, Will we talk further.

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Like any city, Wuppertal begins with the railway station. The station itself, unlike many other stations in Germany, reminds decorations for films about the disadvantaged areas of American cities.

General view of the suspension road

Wuppertal suspension road, being one of the favorite citizens by public transport, provides simultaneous movement in two opposite directions of small compositions in two monorails. The road has two dozen stations and extended to Dina to more than 13 kilometers.
The road gradually, a plot behind the site, has opened from 1901 to 1903. In 1943, being seriously damaged by allied troops, the road stopped working, but only before the beginning of 1946.

Road scheme

An important point is that this road, unlike Moscow Monoras, is not a tourist attraction, but a full-fledged urban transport, the daily passenger traffic is an average of 80 thousand people, which is quite a lot for 350 thousandth lettules

Most of the road, about a ten kilometers, between the stations Oberbarmen and Sonnborner Straße the road is laid at the height of a dozen meters above the riverbed of the Wupper River.

At the opposite end of the route - from the Vohwinkel station - the wagons follow the streets of the city at an altitude of about three meters.

Trains move at a speed of up to 60 kilometers per hour at an average speed of twice.

The wagons although they differ in color, mainly due to the fact that they place different local advertising, but they are all the same and have a length of 24 meters. In total, they are 27. In the seventies of the last century, the German company MAN has released such mini-trains that can turn together with the rail line due to the division into two parts connected by the rubber harmonica, which has become known in our country thanks to the Ikarus bus.
Inside, quite convenient and those who sit, and those who did not get the place. Each car is designed for 48 sitting and 130 standing passengers.

Soon such cars will be replaced by new, which will be built in Spanish Valencia. The appropriate contract has already been signed.
There is another 1900-year car - he is excursion, exhibition, and rarely participates in ordinary flights. On him, once in 1900th, the Emperor Wilhelm Wilhelm tested the road. And it can be rented for any event. For example, sometimes, in the car in which the emperor spent only a quarter of an hour, weddings pass

Such illiterate ads in Russian will most often meet somewhere in Southeast Asia. On the one hand, the Russian language in this warning about the fine for a non-flying passage is present, but on the other, it was impossible to be found to translate one paragraph knowing man And choose a font with a full Cyrillic? Given the number of Russian-speaking in Germany, it would be absolutely not difficult.

By the way about the pass. It costs 2.3 euros for an adult and 1.2 euros for a child. Trains go every three or four minutes from half the sixth in the morning to 11 pm.

Views from the Wagon window

The photo shows how roughly the train is connected and the suspension road itself, which in itself rests on numerous supports - their almost 500. The rail voltage is 600 volts, while the voltage is not a variable, but constant. After replacing the wagons into Spanish, the voltage will be increased to 750 volts.

The road has been held lately a number of modernization started in 1997. In particular, many stations were reconstructed, and the Kluse station, destroyed during the war, was restored.
According to statistics recent yearsThe road transports about eighty thousand passengers daily. Fortunately, during the existence of the road there was only one tragic case when, due to the work left by workers after repairing the subject, one car fell in 1997. Then five people died and about fifty received various injuries.

WUPPERTAL HAUPTBAHNHOF (WUPPERTAL HBF) - the central and most lively station of the Wuppertal Road, located next to the Wuppertal Hauptbahnhof railway station.
Earlier, this railway station was called Elberfeld, which is visible on the inscription at the station building. The first iron trash in Germany, opened in 1841, connected Elberfeld (then an independent city) with Düsseldorf. The building in the photo is one of the oldest buildings of the city, it built at the end of the first half of the 19th century. The railway station was renamed the last time in 1992.
WUPPERTAL HBF Central Station is one of several transfers of Monorail, where you can change the comfort of the suspended cargoes on the ordinary frequency of the usual railway.

Generally speaking, a sweeping suspension road is a European-scale rarity itself, as it is the oldest of such roads on the continent. Being open in 1901, it is almost 30 years older than the city of the same name, which only at the end of the third decade of the 20th century was created by combining several villages and towns. Moreover, the road could arise on half a century before, but the project in the middle The 19th century was blocked.

Let's go through several stations selected, in part at random. The Adlerbrücke station is named after a small steel automotive bridge across the Wupper River. The bridge was opened in 1868. Once it was decorated with eagles, hence the name German adler.

Alter Markt is a station that diving into the water by an elephant with which it is mentioned first. The celebration of the famous Adolf Altooff in the city of Circus decided to arrange an interesting show with the assistance of the monorail administration, Raming Elephant on Monorail.
Females-elephants usually behave more calmly, but this time their reputation was in the literal sense. Soon the field of departure from the Alter Markt station, the young elephant spanned and jumped out of the car. By successful coincidence, in this part, monorails goes over the river, and the unfortunate animal dived into water, practically not affected.
Small injuries were separated by several people who were near the elephant. Circuit director and company owner were fined. Slonich also gained his nickname Tuffi that in Italian means "diver".
The place where the elephant made an epic flight, on one of the houses designated by a pattern of carriage down an elephant.

Eastern finite station of the Wuppertal Monorail Road Oberbarmen. The urban district of the same name was formed in 1929, in the same year, the Wuppertal himself was formed.

Ohligsmühle is another of the central stations, the first in the western direction from Wuppertal HBF.

VOHWINKEL - the final station in the West. Here the train unfolds, and here there are one of the two depot of the suspension road, the second is at the opposite end of the monorail.

Of course, Wuppertal is not only a suspension road. There are quite a few industrial enterprises, there is a large art museum, and in the end, a good beer is boiled here too. However, it is the suspension road that is undoubtedly the main urban attraction.

Greetings, dear readers! What do you say about Monorail? When the first suspension was opened railway? Who was the discoverer? What is the popularity of the overpass transport in our time? The topic of the article is the suspension railway.

Suspended railway as a variety of rail transport

The railway area is one of the largest types of land transport, which includes certain types of machines: metro, trams, cargo and passenger trains, overpass and legal transport.

Suspended roads can also be called monorails. Monorail is considered the railway, which refers to rail transport. Compared to a regular railway, which has two and more carrier rails, monorail uses one. This type of rail vehicles can be attributed to the axial type of transport, that is, to the suspension, where, again, the suspension is located with one rail.

Russia is considered the birthplace of the first suspended railway, it was built in 1820 by the inventor of the village of Mechkovo Ivan Elmanov. Initially, a man built a "road on the pillars", the essence of the construction was that the trolleys were rolled along the upper longitudinal bruster, which accompanied horses.

Over time, the overpass transport appeared in the UK thanks to the inventor Henry Robinson Palmer. 1824 became known as the year of building the first working road, which served in the naval sector for the transport of certain types of cargo. With regard to the first passenger suspended railway, it was created a year later, according to the principle of the monorail of Palmera.

From the middle of the 19th century, the suspended rail machine was good popularity and quite good demand. In the 70s, in the French city of Lyon, they demonstrated the road on cable thrust, and at first the 90s in one of the towns of the United States were represented by an overchard machine with cars, which was like tram.

Whatever the rapid growth of the suspended railways, nevertheless the construction of the real acting monorail was very difficult. The creation of new, more improved designs of the overpass transport remained not complete, and those that were still built, did not live for a long time, and after either they were broken, or came out of their working condition. But, this problem is not long worried about the engineers of the railway sphere.

From the end of the 70s of the 19th century, the use of axial rails on the steam rift went to use, he joined the way from Bradford to Gilmore (modern Pennsylvania). The length of this road was 6.4 kilometers, Monorails served mainly for a translation of not only technical products, but also passengers. Unfortunately, at the end of the 19th century, an accident happened, after which the driver and three passengers of the train died due to the wrong work of Monorail, after which the work of the car stopped for a while.

Subsequent monoraments that were created by experienced and educated people were not crowned with success and long working capacity, many did not last ten years old, some remained the drawings on the paper sheet. The longest in their service in those days was the railway in Ireland, which was created in 1888, the system served 36 years, but did not receive a special fame.

As if engineers and inventors did not try to surprise the world with their discoveries, the 19th century ended without much attention to himself, it was in the field of overpass transport, because there were practically no special discoveries, most of them could not survive, all the hopes were laid on the 20th century ...

Russian monorails

The first electrified opeak machine in Russia was the path in Gatchina, it was designed in 1899 according to the plan of the famous engineer Romanova.

In 1933, a road was created, which had a speed of up to 120 kilometers per hour, she struck by his strength even in the most severe winter days, Monorass worked when trams went with the rail. In 2004, a monorail road was opened in Moscow for general use, since 2008 it became one of Moscow's main transports.

To date, suspended roads are used as a public vehicle, it can be seen in many parks, recreation areas, zoos, also in most shopping centers and airports. They are used by the type of metro. Nowadays, the number of such rail machines is not large, there are 3 suspended roads in Moscow, in Moscow, in the city of Wupperthal in Germany, and in Dortmund also Germany, the total length of these roads is 21 kilometers.

The most extended monorails are located in Disneyland, its length is about 23.6 kilometers. The greatest number of monorails in Japan, the total length reaches more than 100 kilometers, and there are roads in the eight cities of the country. In Asia, this type of rail machines is considered the most convenient and most promising in the future. Also suspended railways are located in Malaysia, are built in Singapore, Jakarta, UAE, and in some Chinese towns.

Pros and cons of overpass transport

Suspended railways in our time have their own positive parties and completely opposite - negative. With regard to positive parties, it can be said that this kind of economy in construction and is much more convenient than the metro, plus he does not need a lot of space and no crowded roads.

Monorails easily copes with steep turns, has much less chances of hazardous collisions and creating emergencies. During the trip on the rail car is not so noisy, sometimes, monorails quieter tram. Suspended transport is not only cheaper in construction, but also very fast, completely in a short time (the minimum term is 6 days), the car can be built and introduced into operation.

Unfortunately, in stock and cons, the monorail machine has a low speed, which is why the number of travelers should not be large, there is a certain norm, in the case of overloading may occur.

In the 21st century, when outside the window and innovations are not standing in place, but constantly in motion, suspended railways are still not standardized, only in Japan, suspended rails are entered into the daily norm.

The biggest and dangerous minus is the threat of falling the composition from a high height, enough drops of uneducation and the slide of the models of transport, as exists, high risk An unpleasant situation that can end tragically.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe railway, starting from its own origin, did not stand in place in place, constant shocks in the development, many new products and discoveries, improvements and additions. In the 19th century, people rejoiced the first train, which worked on the steam rod and transported people with a little, and in the 21st century people travel on suspended trains in shopping centers. What will be next?!

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In the German city of Wuppertal there is a railway, which is more than 100 years old. Once an elephant fell from it.

Полное road name "Electric suspended railway system Oygen Langen". The road is a suspension monorail, laid back in the 1900s. The first wagon on the Wuperthal piece was drove in 1901, and the last ... The last car was not yet - the railway in the Wupperthal functioning regularly.

Miracle of German engineering thought

Monorails are laid at an altitude of 12 meters above the ground, its total length is more than 13 kilometers. The construction of the railway cost 16 million gold-German brands, with its construction, about 20 thousand tons of steel were used. The Wuppertal Railway did not work only once - after bombing at the end of World War II. Already in 1946 she was launched again.


On July 21, 1950, Circus Althoff decided to spend an advertising campaign and rolling in the warestral monorax wagon. I didn't like the idea to be an idea, so there were slightly injuries with him in the car of journalists, and the elephant fell out of the car. Fortunately, at this time the car drove over the river and the elephant fell into the water, so almost did not suffer. The circus director had to compensate for damages.

After this incident, the elephant (by the way, it was a girl) gave the name "Tuffy", which in Italian means "diver". In memory of the incident with the Tuffy on the wall of one of the woppertal houses, a falling elephant is drawn. Local milk factory Also uses the Tuffi brand.

In the entire hundred central history of the Wuppertal Railway, it was only seven accidents. Serious of them was only one, when in 1999 the car drove on a metal tool forgotten by the workers on the monorail. The car fell into the river, as a result of which 5 people died, another 49 was injured. The court ruled that the cause of the accident was not the state of the railway, but the carelessness of the workers.

Wuppertal suspension road (it. Wuppertaler Schwebebahn) is one of the types of public transport in the city of Wupperthala (Germany), commissioned on March 1, 1901. The official name is the monorail suspension road of the Ogen Langen system (it. Einschienige Hängebahn System Eugen Langen).

It is a monorail two-wheel suspension system on overpacks, a total length of 13.3 km, of which 10 km of ways pass over the riverbed of the Wupper river at an altitude of about 12 meters away, the rest of 3.3 km - above the streets of the city at an altitude of about 8 meters. The maximum speed of trains roads is 60 km / h.

In 2013, the passenger traffic of the Wuppertal suspension amounted to 19.308 million people

On July 21, 1950, the director of the circus "Althoff" Franz Althof decided to rent in the monorace of Elephant of Tuffy on the monorail of Elephant (Him. Tuffi). However, when he hit the wagon, he began to show anxiety, and shortly after departure, broke the side wall of the car, fell out of it to the Wupper River from 12-meter height. As a result of the fall of the Tuffy, he did not receive serious injuries. In the course of a panic elephant that followed after the fall, several passengers received lung injured.

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