
Literary arguments on the subject of the meaning of life. Russian writers about the meaning of life. The problem of devotional love

... So what is the meaning of human existence? Is the answer not in question? Is it the meaning of the emergence of a person on earth and in the universe, so that someone asked? Ourselves and whole world: why are we and why? If it is true that a person - a realized matter, who was aware of his existence, who saw himself from Matter, so to whom, except for a person, asking: why? what for? what for?..

From the stone will not ask that he is a stone, it will not be asked from the seagulls that she is a seagull ... with a person will ask.

"The worm," wrote one of the heroes of Daniel Gorbon, - in order to "make the Earth". "

"Man," we say, - to ask. " And for the worm, and for itself to ask the earth: why is everything? Why land and why the worm, "doing land"? And the most important thing "why" - why am I, man?

"A simple reflection on the meaning of life," Albert Schweitzer said, "the value itself is in itself." The man looks into the sky, on the stars - he needs it because he is a man. He looks not like the top of the mountain, tree, cat. And looks, asking for himself, and behind the mountain, and for the cat: what and why?

And what is the main thing today, what questions are the most relevant? Are not eternal and there are the most relevant? Yes, the very, about which it often thought: they will adore, they are "eternal"!

Question of life and death? - Think, we would be your care!

Now this is our concern, it is our own - about the life and death of the planet itself, firstly, and, secondly, humanity, man on it. And is there any more important and relevant for those who are eternal questions?

The present is that he was always willing to sacrifice something: sometimes - the past, and sometimes - the future. After all, this moment is just a bridge, to "conservatives" to go to the cozy, cute for them are the past, and "revolutionaries" to ride and passive them into the future.

And people who live today, necessarily worse than yesterday. And for sure they are far from those who come tomorrow!

But never was so obvious that on them, in the present people, everything came out. What are neither either, but, undoubtedly, depends on them, whether life will continue.

Today, the truth is especially noticeable: without the past, the person is not all, without aspiration in the future, a person is impossible, but the main meaning of human existence is still that the present continued to continue and continued. The meaning of life is in the life itself. After all, it may indeed be that a person is the only thing in the universe, which is aware of his existence and asks, asks - about the meaning and purpose of its own being!

What is this for? - may I ask. - Why asked?

Let's wait billions of year old and find out the answers to all "why". The main thing is not to cut the chain, do not allow to stop life ...

For disclosure, it uses a comparison: "It will not be asked from the seagulls that she is a seagull ... with a person asked." It is thinking about the meaning of life that distinguishes people from animals. Also, an equally important role is played by the author's answer to the question "why everything?": "Let's wait for billions of year old and find out the answers to all" why "." By his statement A.M. Adamovich leads us to the idea that humanity will never receive an answer to the most important eternal question.

Despite this, according to the author, "the meaning of life is in the life itself." The position of the author is controversial for me. On the one hand, it is during his life who a person finds his own reasons to live, which is the purpose of its existence. But, on the other hand, the opposite statement will be true: "Life - in the sense of life", since the existence of a person who does not know why he lives, meaningless.

Confirmation of my position One can find the novel "Eugene Onegin" of the great Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Onegin, the main character of the work, is trying to find his meaning of life through new hobbies, but it does not go to "build" on false values. The absence of a true cause of living leads Eugene to the fact that it becomes indifferent. Now he does not live, but simply exists. In this example, we see how no the meaning of life Definitely affects the moral side of the human life, turning it into a working shell.

Also an argument confirming my point of view, the work of the Argentine writer Guillermo Sakkomanno "Man from the office". All people in the world of the novel are absolutely faultless, because they do not seek anything and do not expect anything from their lives. They have wives, whom they do not like, the children whom they did not want, the work they hate. Due to the lack of meaning of life in the whole society, these people have long been dead spiritually, and are now in a step from full extinction.

Summing up the above, I would like to note that the presence of the meaning of life is one of the reasons why a person can be called a person, and its absence leads to spiritual and moral degradation, making people like animals, blindly obeying instincts and performing one-only function, This nature.

Two years ago, these arguments I and my students accounted for an option.

1) What is the meaning of life?

1. Avutor writes about the meaning of life, and Evgeny Onegin comes to mind in the eponymous Roman A.S. Pushkin. Gorky The fate of the one who did not gain his place in life! Onegin is a gifted person, one of the best people of that time, but he did nothing but evil, - killed a friend, brought the misfortune of his loving Tatiana:

Having live without a goal, without work

Up to twenty six years

Timing in the inaction of leisure

Without service, without a wife, without affairs

I did not know how to do.

2. Those who have not found the goals of life are unhappy. Pechorin in the "Hero Time" M.Yu.Lermontova is active, worn, who is observed, but all his actions are random, the activity is fruitless, and he is unhappy, none of the manifestations of his will have a deep goal. Hero with bitterness issues himself: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? .. "

3. During the entire life path, Pierre Duhov, without tired, was looking for himself and the true meaning of life. After painful tests, he became capable not only to reflect on the meaning of life, but also to make specific actions requiring will and determination. In the epilogue of the novel L.N. Tolstoy, we encounter Pierre, who is fond of the ideas of the Decembrism, protesting against the existing social system and fighting for the fair life of the most native, part of which he feels himself. In this organic compound of personal and folk and there is, in the thickness, and the meaning of life, and happiness.

2) Fathers and children. Education.

1. For example, the bazaars would be a positive hero in the novel by I.S.Turgenev "fathers and children." I was clever, bold, independent of judgments, an advanced man of his time, but readers confuse his attitude towards parents who love his son insanely, but he is deliberately rusty. Yes, Evgeny practically does not communicate with the old men. How bitterly! And only one, he said wonderful words about his parents, and the old men themselves did not hear them.

2. In general, the problem of "fathers" and "children" is typical for Russian literature. In Drama, A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", she acquires a tragic sound, as the young people who want to live with their mind come out from under the blind obedience.

And in the Roman I.S.Turgenev, the generation of children in the face of Yevgeny Bazarov already decisively goes to his expensive, despicable authorities. And contradictions between the two generations are often painful.

3) incoming. Rudeness. Behavior in society.

1. Selfless incontinence, disrespectful attitude towards others, rudeness and rudeness are directly related to improper education in the family. Therefore, Mitrofanushka in the comedy D.I.Forvizin "Lady" says unforgivable, rude words. In the house of Mrs. Prostaya Rough Brani, beatings - a common phenomenon. Here is a mother and says to Pravdina: "... then it's shuffled, then tears; Those and the house holds. "

2. Hube, an ignorant person appears for us by the Mountains in the comedy A.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". He is Hamit addicted to people, says grumble, roughly, communicates in every way servants, not believing with their age.

3. You can lead the image of Governing from the comedy "Auditor". Positive example: A. Bolonsky.

4) The problem of poverty, social inequality.

1. With stunning realism depicts F.M.Dostoevsky in the novel "Crime and Punishment" The world of Russian reality. It shows social injustice, hopelessness, spiritual deadlock, which gave rise to the absurd theory of Skolnikov. Heroes of Roman - poor people, humiliated by society, poor everywhere, everywhere suffering. Together with the author, we feel pain for the fate of children. Eating the disadvantaged - this is what matures readers in the mind of acquaintance with this work.

5) The problem of mercy.

1. It creates that from all pages of the novel F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" disadvantaged people ask us about help: Katerina Ivanovna, her children, Sonechka ... The sacrificent picture of the image of a humiliated person appeals to our mercy and compassion: "Love your neighbor ... "The author believes that a person must find his way" in the kingdom of light and thoughts. " He believes that the time will come when people will love each other. He claims that the world will save beauty.

2. With the preservation of compassion for people, the merciful and patient soul, the moral height of a woman in the story of A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" is opened. In all degrading human dignity, Matron's tests remains a mental, responsive, ready to come to the rescue capable of rejoice in someone else's happiness. This is an image of righteous, the keeper of spiritual values. It is without her, according to the proverb, "not worth the village, the city, our whole earth"

6) the problem of honor, debt, the feat.

1. When you read how Andrey Bolkonsky was deadly, you feel horror. He did not rush with the banner forward, simply did not lie on Earth, like the rest, but continued to stand, knowing that the kernel would explode. Bolkonsky could not otherwise. He, with his feeling of honor and debt, noble valor, did not want to do differently. There are always people who cannot escape, silent, hide from dangers. They are dying before others, because it is better. And the death of them is not meaningless: something she gives rise to people in the souls, something very important.

7) The problem of happiness.

1. L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" brings us, readers, to the idea that not in wealth, not in knowledge, not in glory is expressed by happiness, but in love, all-consuming and comprehensive. So happiness can not be taught. Prince Andrei before his death determines its condition as "happiness", located in the intangible and external influences of the soul, "the" happiness of love "... The hero seems to return to the moment of clean adolescence, to forever living springs of natural being.

2. To be happy, you need to remember five simple rules. 1. Eating your heart from hatred - Sorry. 2.Save your heart from unrest - most of them do not come true. 3. We have a simple life and appreciate what you have. 4. Make more. 5. Play less.

8) My favorite work.

It is said that every person in his life should grow her son, build a house, plant a tree. It seems to me that in spiritual life, no one can do without the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". I think this book creates in the soul of a person the necessary moral foundation on which you can already erect the temple of spirituality. Roman is an encyclopedia of life; Fate and experiences of the heroes are relevant to this day. The author encourages us to learn from the errors of the characters of the work and live a "real life".

9) the topic of friendship.

Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" are the people of "crystal honest, crystal soul." They constitute a spiritual elite, the moral kernel to the "brain of bones" of the rotting society. These are friends, they are connected by the liveliness of character and soul. Both hate the "carnival masks" of the highest light, mutually complement each other and become needed to each other, despite the fact that such different. Heroes are looking for and learn the truth - such a goal justifies the value of their lives and friendship.

10) Vera in God. Christian motifs.

1. In the image of Sony F.M.Dostoevsky personifies the "God's Man", which did not lose the tough peace with God a passionate desire for "life in Christ" in the cruel world. In the terrible world of the novel "Crime and Punishment", this girl is a moral light beam that warms the heart of the criminal. Rodion heals his soul and returns to life with Sonya. It turns out that there is no life without God. So thought Dostoevsky, so later he wrote Gumilyov:

2. Romana Roman F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" read the parable of the resurrection of Lazarus. Through Sonya. prodigal son - Rodion returns to the real life and God. Only at the end of the novel he sees the "morning", and under his pillow he lies the gospel. Biblical plots have become the basis of the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol. The poet Nikolai Gumileva has beautiful words:

There is God, there is a world, they live forever;

And the life of people is instantaneous and wretched,

But it all holds a person

Who loves the world and believes in God.

11) Patriotism.

1. True patriots in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" do not think about themselves, they feel the need of their own contribution and even the victims, but do not expect for this awards, because they carry the genuine holy feeling of the Motherland in the shower.

Pierre Duhov gives her money, sells the estate to equip the regiment. True patriots were those who left Moscow, not wanting to conquer Napoleon. Petya Rostov rushes to the front, because "Fatherland in danger." Russian men dressed in soldier Shinels, violently resist the enemy, because the sense of patriotism is holy and inherently.

2. With Pushkin's poetry, we find sources of pure patriotism. His "Poltava", "Boris Godunov", all appeals to Peter Great, "Slevotnikov of Russia", his poem dedicated to the Borodino anniversary testify to the depths of the folk feeling and the power of patriotism, enlightened and sublime.

12) Family.

We have special sympathies, readers, calls the family of growth in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", in whose behavior there are high nobility of feelings, kindness, even rare generosity, naturalness, proximity to people, moral purity and integrity. The feeling of a family, which in peaceful life is holy by Rostov, will be historically significant during Patriotic War 1812.

13) conscience.

1. Not first, we, readers, the least expected from Dolokhov in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and the World" apologies to Pierre on the eve of the Borodino battle. In minutes of danger, in the period of the common tragedy, conscience wakes up in this hard man. This is surprised by the fucking. We seem to see Dolokhov on the other side and will be surprised when he with other Cossacks and hussars will free the batch of prisoners, where Pierre will be and when he will hardly speak, seeing motionless lying. Conscience - moral category, without it is impossible to imagine a real person.

2. Site - it means a decent, honest person, endowed with a sense of dignity, justice, kindness. Clear and happy one who lives in Lada with his conscience. Unquided by the fate of one who burned down with her for the sake of momentary benefit or from her from her personal egoism.

3. It seems that the issues of conscience and honor for Nikolai Rostov in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" are the moral essence of a decent person. Having lighted the big money, he gives himself a word to return their father, who saved him from dishonor. And once again Rostov surprised me when he took into the inheritance and accepted all the debts of the Father. So usually people are coming honor and debt, people with a developed sense of conscience.

4. The best features of Grneeva from the story of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"Conditioned by upbringing is manifested in moments of harsh tests and help him with honor to come out of difficult situations. In the conditions of rebellion, the hero retains humanity, honor and loyalty to himself, he risks life, but does not retreat from the debt velary, refusing to swear to Pugachev and make compromises.

14) Education. His role in human life.

1.A.S.Griboyedov under the guidance of experienced teachers received a good initial education, which continued at Moscow University. The contemporaries of the writer hit his level of education. He graduated from three faculties (the verbal branch of the Faculty of Philosophy, natural-mathematical and law faculties) and received scientists of a candidate of these sciences. Griboedov studied Greek, Latin, English, French and German, owned by Arab, Persian and Italian. Alexander Sergeevich was fascinated by the theater. It was one of the beautiful writers and diplomats.

2.M.Yu.Lermontova We refer to the number of great writers of Russia and the progressive noble intelligentsia. He was called a revolutionary romantic. Although Lermontov left the university, because the leadership considered his stay there undesirable, the poet was distinguished by a high level of self-education. He early began writing poetry, perfectly painted, musitis. Lermontov constantly developed his talent and left the descendants a rich creative heritage.

15) officials. Power.

1.I. Krylov, N.V. Hogol, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, in his works, ridiculed those officials who humiliate subordinates and please before higher. Writers condemn them for rudeness, indifference to people, treasury and bribery. No wonder generrine called the prosecutor public Life. His satire was saturated with acute publicistic content.

2.In the comedy "Auditor" Gogol showed inhabiting the city of officials - the embodiment of the persecution of passions in it. He accused the entire bureaucratic system, depicted a vulgar society, immersed in a universal deception. Officials are far from the people, are occupied only by material well-being. The writer not only exposes their abuse, but also shows that they acquired the character of "diseases". Before the head of Lapkin-Tipkin, Bobchinsky, strawberries and other characters are ready to humiliate, and simple petitioners do not consider people.

3. Over the society passed to a new round of management, so orders changed in the country, the fight against corruption, checks. It's sad to learn in many modern officials, emptiness politicians, covered with indifference. Gogolov types did not disappear. They exist in a new guise, but with the too emptiness and vulgarity.

16) intelligence. Spirituality.

1. I evaluate an intelligent person in his ability to behave in society and in spirituality. Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is my favorite hero, who can imitate the young men of our generation. He is smart, formed, intellectual. It is inherent in such character traits that constitute spirituality as a sense of duty, honor, patriotism, mercy. Andrei will break the light with his petty and false. It seems to me that the feat of the prince is not only what he rushed with the banner on the enemy, and also what I deliberately refused false values \u200b\u200bby choosing compassion, good and love.

2. With the comedy "Cherry Garden", A.P.chekhov refuses to intelligence people who do not do anything, are not able to work, they don't read anything serious, they only speak about sciences, and in art they understand little. He believes that humanity should improve their strength, work a lot, to help the suffering, strive for moral purity.

3. Andrei Voznesensky there are excellent words: "There is a Russian intelligentsia. Do you think - no? There is!"

17) Mother. Motherhood.

1. With trepidation and excitement recalled his mother A.I. Solzhenitsyn, who sacrificed to many sake of his son. Pursued by the authorities because of the "White Guard" husband, "the former wealth" of the Father, she could not work in the institution, where they paid well, although foreign languages \u200b\u200bknew perfectly, studied stenograph and typey. Great writer grateful to his mother for making everything to instill him versatile interests, give higher education. In his memory, the mother remained a sample of universal moral values.

2.The. I. Bruzov connects with love the theme of maternity and is aligning the enthusiastic novice of a woman's woman. Such is the humanistic tradition of Russian literature: the poet believes that the movement of the world, humanity comes from a woman - a symbol of love, self-sacrifice, patience and understanding.

18) Labor laziness.

Valery Bryusov created a hymn work, in which there are such passionate lines:

And in place in life right

Only those whose days are in the writings:

Only workers - fame,

Only them - wreath in the century!

19) Love theme.

Every time Pushkin wrote about love, his soul enlightened. In the poem: "I loved you ..." The feeling of the poet is anxious, love has not yet cooled, she lives in it. Light sadness is caused by an unrequited strong feeling. He confesses his beloved, and how strong and noble his impulses are:

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

Then timidity, then Tom's jealousy ...

The nobility of the feelings of the poet painted with light and thin sadness is pronounced simply and directly, warm and, as always, Pushkin, charmingly musical. Here is the true power of love that opposes the bustle, indifference, serness!

20) Purity of the language.

1. From his history, Russia survived three era of clogging of the Russian language. The first one happened under Peter 1, when only marine terms of foreign language words appeared over three thousand. The second epoch came to the 1917 revolution. But the most gloomy time for our language is the end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI centuries, when we witnessed the degradation of the language. What is only one phrase, sounding on television: "Do not brand - sneakers!" Americanism overwhelmed our speech. I am sure that it is necessary to strictly follow the cleanliness of the speech, it is necessary to eradicate the officessels, the jargonisms, the abundance of foreign words that displaces the beautiful, right literary speech, which is the standard of Russian classics.

2. Pushkin did not happen to save the fatherland from enemies, but was given to decorate, exalt and glorify his tongue. The poet of Revilok from the Russian language unheard of sounds and "hit the hearts" readers with unknown force. There will be centuries, but these poetic treasures will remain for the descendants in all charm of their beauty and never lose their strength and freshness:

I loved you so sincerely, so gentle,

How do you give you God to be different!

21) Nature. Ecology.

1. For poetry, I. Bunina is experiencing a careful attitude towards nature, it is experiencing for its storage, for purity, so there are many bright, juicy paints of love and hope in his lyrics. Nature feeds the poet with optimism, through her images, he expresses his vital philosophy:

My spring will pass, and this day will pass,

But fun to wander and know that everything passes,

Meanwhile, how happiness to live forever will die ...

In the poem "Forest Road" Nature is a source of happiness and beauty for a person.

2. Banniga V.Astafyeva "Tsar-Fish" consists of a variety of essays, stories and novel. In the chapters "Sleep about the White Mountains" and "King Fish" describes the interaction of a person with nature. The writer with bitterness calls the reason for the extermination of nature is the spiritual cloak of man. His martial arts with fish has a sad outcome. In general, in his arguments about the person and the surrounding world of Astafiev concludes that nature is a temple, and a person is part of nature, and therefore is obliged to protect this common house for all living things, maintain its beauty.

3.Avaria on nuclear power plants influence the inhabitants of the whole continents, even the whole land. They have long-term consequences. Many years ago there was the most terrible technogenic catastrophe - an accident at the Chernobyl NPP. The territory of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia was most injured. The consequences of the catastrophe are global. For the first time in the history of mankind, the industrial accident reached such a scale that its consequences can be found at any point of the Earth. Many people received terrible doses of radiation and died painful death. Chernobyl pollution continues to raise the mortality rate of the population of all ages. Cancer cancer is one of the typical manifestations of irradiation. The accident at the NPP led to a decline in the birth rate, an increase in mortality, genetic violations ... People should remember Chernobyl for the sake of the future, to know about the danger of radiation and do everything so that such catastrophes never repeated.

22) the role of art.

My contemporary was writing about the influence of art on a person - Poet and Prosisais Elena Tahoe-God:

And without Pushkin, you can live

And without music Mozart too -

Without everything that is spiritually more expensive

Without a doubt, you can live.

Even better, calmer, easier

Without ridiculous passions and anxiety

And carelessly, of course

Only how this make time? ..

23) about our smaller brothers.

1. I immediately remembered the amazing story "Prints me", where Julia Drunina talks about the unfortunate, trembling from hunger, fear and cold, no one for the animal in the market, which somehow turned into a homely idol. He happily worshiped the whole family poetess. In the other story, the name of which is symbolic, "in response for everyone who has tamed," she will say that the attitude to the "brothers to our smaller", to creatures, from us completely dependent, is a "trial stone" for each of us .

2. In many works of Jack London, man and animals (dogs) go through life side by side and help each other in all situations. When hundreds of kilometers of snowmless, you are the only representative of the kind of people, there is no better and more devoted assistant than a dog, besides, in contrast to a person, it is not capable of false and betrayal.

24) Motherland. Small homeland.

Each of us has their own small homeland - the place from which our first perception of the surrounding world begins, comprehending the love of the country. Sergey Yesenin's poet, the most expensive memories are associated with the Ryazan Village: with blue, falling into the river, the raspberry field, a birch grove, where he experienced the "lake longguing" and a leaning sadness, where the placket of the Orioles was overheard, the talk of Sparrow, herb rustle. And I immediately imagined my beautiful dear morning, who met the poet in childhood and who gave him the holy "Feeling of the Motherland":

Tashed over the lake

Scarlet light dawn ...

25) Historical memory.

1.A.Varovsky wrote:

War was held, suffered,

But the pain calls to people.

Let's, people never

Do not forget about it.

2. The works of many poets are devoted to the International Fense in the Great Patriotic War. The memory of the experience does not die. A.T.Tvardovsky writes that the blood of the fallen sheds is not in vain: the survivors must keep the world so that the descendants live happily on Earth:

Wait in that life

You are happy to be

Thanks to them, the heroes of the war, we live in the world. The eternal flame is burning, reminding us of lives given for the Motherland.

26) The theme of beauty.

Sergey Yesenin in his lyrics chas everything beautiful. Beauty for him is peace and harmony, nature and love for the homeland, tenderness to your beloved: "How beautiful earth and it is a person!"

People will never be able to overcome the feeling of beauty, because the world will not change to infinitely, but there will always be what makes his eyes happy and worries the soul. We get silent from delight, listening to the eternal music, born by inspiration, admire the nature, read poems ... and love, Bogatvirim, dream of something mysterious and beautiful. Beauty is all that gives happiness.

27) Meshism.

1.In the satirical comedies "Klop" and "Banya" V.M. Mamukovsky makes fun of such vices as bonding and bureaucracy. In the future there is no place for the main hero of the play "Klop". Satira Mayakovsky carries acute orientation, identifies the shortcomings that are available in any society.

2. In the story of A.P.hekhov, the ions chosening the passion for money. We see the impoverishment of his spirit, physical and spiritual "cutout". The writer told us about the loss of a person, an unacceptable waste waste - the most valuable heritage of human life, about personal responsibility to himself and society. Memories of credit pieces he with such pleasure takes out in the evenings from the pockets, quenched in it feelings of love and good.

28) Great people. Talent.

1. Mother Highyam is a great, brilliantly educated person who has lived intellectually saturated life. His Rubai is the history of the poet's soul to the High Truth of Being. Highyam not only a poet, but also a master of prose, philosopher, truly great person. He died, and at the "sky" of the human spirit, almost a thousand years old shines his star, and her light, mantite and mysterious, will not fuss, but on the contrary, it is brighter:

Whether I am the Creator, the ruler of heights,

Would be powered by an old sky.

And pulled a new one, under which

It does not john the envy, the malice does not swell.

2. Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn - Honor and conscience of our era. He participated in the Great Patriotic War, was awarded heroism for the battles. For disapproving statements to Lenin and Stalin, arrested and convicted for eight years of correctional labor camps. In 1967, he sent the Congress of Writers of the USSR an open letter with a call to end the censorship. His, famous writer, was persecuted. In 1970, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in the field of literature. The years of recognition were difficult, but he returned to Russia, wrote a lot, his journalism is ranked with moral sermons. Solzhenitsyna is rightly considered a fighter for freedom and human rights, a politician, an ideologist, a public figure, who served to honestly, selflessly. His best works - This is the "Archipelago Gulag", "Matrinin Dvor", "Crack Corps" ...

29) The problem of material support. Wealth.

Universal measure of all values \u200b\u200bof many people, to great regret, have become recent money, passion for the accumulation. Of course, for many citizens, this is the personification of well-being, stability, reliability, security, even the guarantor of love and respect - no matter how paradoxically it sounds.

Such as chikchiki in the poem N.V.Gogol "Dead Souls" and many Russian capitalists, it was not difficult to "listen", flattering, to give bribes, to be "missed" so that later "disappear" and take bribes themselves, live luxuriously .

30) freedom of non-free.

On one breath read Roman E. Zamyatina "We". There is a thought about what can happen to a person, a society, when they, submitting an abstract idea, will voluntarily refuse freedom. People turn into the appendage of the machine, in cogs. Zamyatin showed the tragedy of overcoming the human in man, the loss of the name as the loss of his own "I".

31) Time Problem.

During the long creative life of L.N. Tolstoy constantly lacked time. His working day began with dawn. The writer absorbed the morning odors, saw the sunrise, awakening and .... worked. He tried to ahead of time, warning humanity from moral catastrophe. This wise classic was keeping up with time, then it was ahead of him. Tolstoy's work is still in demand all over the world: "Anna Karenina", "War and Peace", "Crecera Sonata" ...

32) the theme of morality.

It seems to me that my soul is a flower that leads me in life so that I live on conscience, and the spiritual power of a person a is the glowing matter that the world of my sun is worn. We must live according to Christ's commandments, so that humanity is humane. To be moral, you need to work a lot on yourself:

And God is silent,

For grave sin

For the fact that in God doubted

He punished everyone with love

What would be to believe in the flour learned.

33) Space theme.

Iposta poetry T.I. Tyutchev A is the world of Copernicus, Columbus, dorrent person, leaving the abyss. This is close to the poet to me, the man of the century of unheard of discoveries, scientific jerseys, conquest of space. He inspires the feeling of the infinity of the world, his greatness and secrets. The value of a person is determined by the ability to admire and amazed. This "cosmic feeling" was endowed with Tyutchev like no other.

34) The theme of the capital is Moscow.

In the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva Moscow - the majestic city. In the poem "Above the blue of the groves near Moscow ... .." The ringing of Moscow bells by balm spill a soul of blinders. This city is for the color sacred. She confesses to him in love that he did, it seems, with Mother's milk, and passed his own children:

And you do not know what the glow in the Kremlin

It is easier to breathe than on the whole earth!

35) Love for homeland.

In the poems of S. Yesenin, we feel complete unity lyrical hero with Russia. The poet himself will say that the feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in his work. Yesenin has no doubt about the need for change in life. He believes in future events that will dismissed the dormant Russia. Therefore, created such works as "Transfiguration", "About Russia, waving wings":

About Russia, waving wings,

Put another fasten!

With other names

Roses a different steppe.

36) The topic of memory of war.

1. "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy, "Sotnikov" and "Obelisk" V. Babyova - All these works are united by the theme of war, it breaks in an inevitable disaster, tightening in bloody whirlpool of events. Herror of her and meaninglessness, the fierce clearly showed Lion Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace". The favorite heroes of the writer are aware of Napoleon's Napoleon, the invasion of which was only entertainment of the ambition, which was on the throne as a result of the palace coup. In contrast, it shows the image of Kutuzov, who was guided in this war in other motives. Not for the sake of glory and wealth, he fought, but for the sake of loyalty to Fatherland and Dolga.

2. 68 years of the Great Victory separate us from the Great Patriotic War. But the time does not reduce interest in this topic, draws the attention of my generation to the distant front-year years, to the origins of courage and the fell of the Soviet soldier - the hero, the liberator, the Humanist. When the guns thundered, the muses were not silent. Rising love for his homeland, literature brought up and hatred for the enemy. And this contrast in itself the highest justice, humanism. The Golden Foundation of Soviet literature includes such works created during the war years, as "Russian character" A. Tolstoy, "Science of Hate" M.Sholokhova, "Unregistered" B.Gorbatoy ...

Entry option.
A man at a certain moment of life certainly thinks who he and why came to this world. And everyone answers these questions in different ways. For someone, life is a careless movement along the flow, but there are those who, mistaken, doubting, suffering, rises in search of the meaning of life to the tops of truth.

Life is a movement on an endless road. One travels on her "with a treason need," asking questions: why I lived, for what purpose did I born? ("Hero of our time"). Others are frightened by this road, run to their wide sofa, for "life touches everywhere, gets" ("Oblomov"). But there are those who, mistaken, doubting, suffering, rise to the tops of the truth, gained their spiritual "I". One of them - Pierre Duhov - Hero of Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

L. N. Tolstoy. Roman-epic "War and Peace".
The problem of finding the meaning of life is central in many works of Russian literature. One of them is "War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy. The Hero of Roman-Epopea Pierre Duhov at the beginning of its path is far from the truth: he admires Napoleon, participates in empty entertainment, it is easy to leav, the reason for which his huge state becomes. And as a result - loss of the meaning of life. Only passing the test by war and captivity, learning ordinary people (such as Plato Karataev), Pierre could truly understand his place in her. He comes to the thought that only the world moves with love and man lives.

A. P. Chekhov. Student's story.
One of the works in which the problem of finding the true meaning of life is rising, is the story of A. P. Chekhov "Student". The young man, the future priest, Ivan the Greater Popolsky in the soul does not believe in anything good, kind, bright. It seems to him that life is an endless series of misfortunes, longing, ignorance. Everything changed a random meeting with two simple women. They, despite the difficult fate, did not lose faith, the ability to deeply sympathize with someone else's grief. Ivan Greater Poland realized that in life, as in nature, everything is harmonious: if there is evil (ignorance, longing, hunger), that is, and good: love, truth, beauty. They were guided and will always direct the course of human life.

I. A. Goncharov. "Oblomov".
Good, kind, talented man Ilya Oblomov failed to overcome herself, did not reveal his best features. The lack of a high goal in life leads to moral death. Even love could not save Oblomov.

M. Gorky in the play "On the bottom" showed drama " former people"Who have lost their strength to fight for themselves. They hope for something good, understand that it is necessary to live better, but nothing is done in order to change your fate. It is not by chance that the play of the play begins at the night and ends there.

"A person needs not three ARSHINA Earth, not a manor, but the whole globe. All nature, where on the square he could show all the properties of the free spirit, "- wrote A.P. Chekhov. Life without purpose There is a meaningless existence. But goals are different, such as, for example, in the story "Gooseberry". Her Hero - Nikolai Ivanovich Chimsza-Himalayan - dreams of buying his estate and plant a gooseberry there. This goal absorbs it entirely. As a result, it reaches it, but at the same time almost loses the human appearance ("spread, flickering ... - Togo and looked, sculpt in the blanket"). False goal, looping on material, narrow, limited man urgent. He needs a constant movement, development, excitement, improvement ...

the story "Mr. from San Francisco" showed the fate of a person who served as false values. The wealth was his God, and he worshiped this God. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that genuine happiness passed by man: he died, and without learning what life was.

In the story of A. Platonova "Kotlovan" The problem of finding the meaning of life is affected. The writer created a grotesque, which testifies to the mass psychosis of the universal obedience, seized the country! The main character Warsch is an expressant of the author's position. Among the communist leaders and dead mass, he was doubted in the human rightness of accomplished around. Warsch did not find truth. Looking at the dying Nastya, he thinks: "Why do you need the meaning of life and the truth of worldwide origin, if there is no little faithful person in which truth would be joy and movement?" Platonov wants to figure out what exactly Motalo people who continue to dig a pit with such a diligence!

The meaning of human life is a concept more philosophical than logical. Each man on Earth is unique - he is a person. And as a person, he has a set of qualities characteristic only to him, which form his character and worldview. Depending on the temperament, education and hereditary factors, life values \u200b\u200band human views on certain issues are formed.

The meaning of life is laid in the consciousness of a person in the process of life. During life, understanding the meaning of life can change. So, for example, if a person sees the meaning of his life in a cheerful time spent with friends, then his value can be changed to mature age, and he begins to see the meaning of life in family happiness, calm, comfort.

It happens that sometimes a person loses the meaning of his life. This is a complex and heavy test, during which he has to rethink all the lives living in search of a new meaning. After all, a person without the meaning of life is a spiritually dead man. Loss of life makes life makes human life aimless and useless. Living such a life, a person simply cannot be happy. People have certain needs: in food, sleep, communication, love. It is the satisfaction of needs brings joy and satisfaction to human life. The meaning of life is nothing more than an irresistible desire to satisfy any need.

What is the meaning of human life? There is simply no unambiguous answer to this question. Each person sees the meaning of life in something with his: for someone, the meaning of life is in wealth and glory, someone cannot live without a favorite job or hobby, and someone just lives for his favorite people. Anyway it is sometimes useful to think about the meaning of their own life. It helps to understand yourself, put specific goals in life and attach all the forces to achieve them.

Writing the meaning of human life (reasoning)

The meaning of a person's life is most different that may be in the world. And not always - this is money, wealth or love. For all people - all goals and ideas are different. Therefore, such things cannot be compared. The meaning of life is that it is generally? This is something unknown that for everyone else.

Personally, for me, the meaning of life is to love, live and just rejoice in our lives, which does not matter what is the poor or apparent unfortunate. The meaning of life is yours for everyone, and I constantly remember it, and therefore I never impose anyone. That is why I want to always remember that everyone always has its meaning of life. And I do not want to impose your thoughts and opinions to anyone.

The meaning of life is in fact not so simple as it seems to find out. Sometimes it seems that here, love - everything is for me, that is, the meaning of my life. But suddenly, love goes somewhere, or throws and betray a loved one. And then - since, there is no point in life. But people live, live on and rejoice in life, no matter what. That is why people are not always in their lives fully understand why they live, why do they live? And, nevertheless, it is easily suggested that they think about this.

I believe that you really find out why you live, and what is the most important thing for you, you can only take something to you, or someone will disappear, that is, who was important or something to be important. Only when they lose, people understand that they lost a very important factor, the moment in their lives. Losing something, only then, at that moment, you understand that I lost incredibly important in my life. And, as they say, the life of NM is given alone. Therefore, do not stand to play, as it is useless, and this, perhaps adrenaline at that moment, will not bring joy in the future. After all, pride and overestimated estimates will not warm at old age. Therefore, you should not make hasty conclusions.

Also, besides the most important, it is very necessary for me to make my relatives, people close to me, and also my friends were always next to me. And most importantly - so that they are alive. And this is definitely so. My relatives are a particle of me, and I am a particle of them. And it seems to me, I will not suffer if something happens to them. That is why the meaning of my life to some extent. They are. And I do not want my meaning of life - work becomes career growth, or money. No, I just need ordinary human happiness, where there will be joys, but without grief, it is not enough.

Overall on the subject of man's life

What is the sense of life? Many people thought over this philosophical question, many generations, but there was no definite answer. The fact is that each person has its own position, which mainly depends on the perception of life, values \u200b\u200band much more.

There are a lot of opinions, for someone's meaning of life, is fun, for someone family. My position is as follows: the meaning of a person's life is to achieve the goals, the arrangement of life, which will subsequently help bring something good and useful in the piggy bank. I will prove your point of view with the help of several arguments.

First, throughout his life, a person puts a variety of goals that help develop, get a job in life: finish school, go to the institute, read a big book or jump with a parachute. All these goals make up a person's life, and its meaning is becoming a dream, achieving the desired one. It seems to me that from any part it turns out that the meaning of a person's life for his purposes, he lives for their execution, even if he does not notice himself. For example, for the sake of execution of a particular purpose, the dream man spends its time, and sometimes a lot of life periods. Can this not be evidence?

Secondly, among society there are people called altruists. These are those who are ready for victims for the sake of others. So people are important to help those who need their help. The meaning of the life of such "heroes" is to bring as much benefit as possible for their lives. This desire is not accompanied by a corondy. Just to make more good, altruists put goals, achieve them. If you build your life, then others can already be resolved. Everything is interconnected.

This question can be considered even by the example of the famous cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. To fly into space was his dream, which turned into the meaning of life. After problems with an unmanned ship, the launch of the main one was decided to transfer. A. Leonov was not going to retreat, he went to the dream for a long time. Despite the big risk, A. Leonov together with P. Belyaev successfully completed the task and returned with heroes Soviet Union. If a person was not afraid to lose his life for the sake of dreams, then it is the meaning of his life.

Thus, my point of view is correct, the meaning of a person's life performed by the dream, achieving the goals that are not only important in life, but also carry it. I would like to add that the meaning of life should be in something important.

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From texts to prepare for the exam in Russian, we allocated the most relevant and frequently found problems relating to the meaning of life. To each of them we picked up interesting arguments from literature. All are available for download in the table format, reference at the end of the article.

In help people

  1. The problem of the meaning of life is completely disclosed in story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrynin Dvor". It is in this work that the main heroine, without sparing herself, helps people. Throughout his life, Matrius always gave all that she had, and did not require anything in return. Despite the fact that many simply used the kindness of the heroine, she rejoiced to every day and was grateful for her life. According to the author himself, it is Matrona and there is a real righteous, which holds absolutely everything.
  2. Natasha Rostov, heroine Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"Sees his meaning of life in the family and love for people. Starting from childhood, she did not have a soul in parents, brothers and sisters. Being a married woman, Natasha gave all his love to her husband, Pierre Bezuhov, and children. Also Rostov did not forget about the help of unfamiliar people. Recall the episode after the Borodino battle, when the heroine disinterestedly helps wounded soldiers and places them at home. Natasha Rostov lives in order to sow sound around himself, love and affection.

In material values

  1. Famusovskoe society known to omoty A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit", I considered my meaning of life only material values. Glory, Chin, money, position in society - all this plays for them a major role. And to achieve this, they are not afraid to hypocrite, take adequacy, to packed and gossip. For example, Molchanin deceives the daughter of his boss, depicting love, just to achieve improvement and protection. Only one Chatsky understands that these are false values, but a secular society refuses to believe and simply does not accept his point of view.
    2. Perhaps story I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco" It is the most real example, in which the meaning of the Hero's life is material benefits. Unnamed Mr. worked all the time to ensure a happy existence and his family. It is existence, since every day their day was similar to the previous one. The hero did not see the meaning of life in love or family, so their only joint vacation turns into routine stagnation on the deck, when to even talk about what. Not wonder, because for the hero most importantly is money, but the wife and daughter cannot talk about them. It is on the example of his hero that the author wants to show how negligent such a set of life values \u200b\u200bis. No wonder all passengers focused on wealth swim on the vessel called "Atlantis" - they are doomed to death.

In serving Motherland

  1. For many of the heroes of Russian literature, the meaning of life is to serve the debris. For example, for Andrei Sokolova from the story M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Learning about the beginning of the war, he unconditionally went to the front. Yes, it was difficult for him - a few wounds, captivity, but Andrei never thought about betraying his homeland. Even the thought of this was disgusted with him. The brave behaved his falcons and in the camp. Recall the episode when the hero refused to drink with the German commandant Muller. As we see, the meaning of life for Andrei is his depreciation and love for her.
  2. For Vasily Turkina, Hero poems A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Khorkin", Motherland is the meaning of life. He is an ordinary soldier who is not afraid to give his own life for victory over the enemy. Thurkin - brave, deft, courageous and strong. He is not afraid of difficulties, since with the help of his smelting it is able to find a way out of any situation. The hero is worthy of real respect. Vasily Torkin is an example of a true patriot of his country, which is ready for everything for everything.

In love

  1. main character drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", Katerina, considered the meaning of his life love. It was this feeling that was inextricably connected with her with freedom, which she lacked. All his life heroine wanted to love and be beloved. However, her husband, Tikhon, did not pay attention to Katerina. With each day, the heroine felt everything is unhappy and unhappy. Only after the appearance of Boris Heroine realized that she was capable of love. This forbidden connection is Katerina, but she could not do anything, because she wanted to be loved and in this feeling to gain long-awaited freedom. However, the conflict of feelings and debt led her to the fact that she could not live, abandoning one of the conflicting parties. The woman chose death, as she lost sense in life.
  2. The meaning of life in love saw the hero tale A.I. Kepper "Pomegranate bracelet". Despite the fact that these feelings were doomed from the very beginning, yolks continued to love faith with all his heart. He did not require anything in return. For him, the most important thing is her happiness. Yolkov never allowed himself to cross the line, knowing that faith was a married woman. In its example, the hero proved that love is stronger than death. When he was forced to abandon his feeling, he left this world, because he lived only for love.
  3. Searches for the meaning of life

    1. In the Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Hero all his life was looking for his destination. However, any business brought only boredom and disappointment. He was tired of an empty chatter in the world, he began to organize the economy in the inherited village. But this activity soon ceased to interest him. Friendship and love also did not inspire Eugene. As a result, he understood too late that it was in them could find himself. Pushkin leaves the final open, in order to emphasize that there is only monotonous single wandering ahead of the hero, which makes no sense to describe. He lost his meaning of life because of the priesthood and felt soul.
    2. In the novel M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time" Pechorin is looking for the meaning of life, but does not find it because of his vices: egoism, fear of feelings and indifference. Many people go to him with good, caress and love, but instead they receive only coldness. Because of this, Gregory Aleksandrovich is lonely and powerless to gain the destination. He missed fate in the labyrinths and lost hope for a prosperous outcome. Neither in the service, nor in the family, nor in the work, he was able to receive the satisfaction of his ambitions. Therefore, critics called it " empathy person", Which fruitlessly fused into non-existence, never applying his skills and knowledge.
    3. In the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy One of the heroes throughout the narrative was looking for himself. Pierre Duhov tried to find his place in the highest light, but was convinced of his false and hypocrisy. Then he found love, but he was disappointed, having received a hoax instead of devotion and affection. He even joined secret societyIn order to bring society to society. However, none of these roles approached him, each of them did not bring complete satisfaction. Only in the village of the family after all his wandering he gained himself and the meaning of being. Children, marriage, honest work for the benefit of the people - this is what has become for Pierre in a real purpose.
    4. False meaning of life and effects of error

      1. In the work of N. V. Gogol "Shinel" Hero lived, not aware of why. His existence was only an insignificant stagnation of a little man in a big city. Therefore, he found him like in recognizing the environment. He wanted to earn it not merit, but appearance. The new chinel, as it seemed to him, began to respect his person. Because of this, he was unnaturally attached to this thing, and even died of grief, having lost it. If a person is mistaken in the choice of life guidelines, he is waiting for the tragic effects of error.
      2. In the play A. P. Chekhov "Uncle Vanya" Hero worked all his life in the name of false ideals. He and his niece worked for the minimum reward, and all the remaining money sent a girl's father, her husband's late sister Uncle Vani. He is a professor, and in his face, modest people saw the science itself, which they willingly served. However, a personal meeting with Kumir showed them that they donated to all for the sake of a smug innocence. The psychological crisis of Ivan Vozyitsky after aware of the falsity of ideals led to the fact that a quiet and timid man tried to kill a relative. However, in the final he met the fate and his deep misfortune.
      3. In the work of A. P. Chekhov "Ionch" The main character rejects the proposal of Starty, in order to go to the capital and enter the conservatory. The girl sees the meaning of his life in music. Everyone praised her game on the piano, no one doubted success. But Madmoiselle Turkin actually turned out to be a mediocre pianist. She returned to his hometown with anything, but also diligently engaged in music, although this was no longer any meaning. Catherine disappointed in itself and did not find the strength to gain a new stimulus to develop.

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