
Masons who are by nationality. Who rules the world: secret societies from the Ku Klux Klan to the Freemasons. What is a Masonic temple, what does it look like

The philosophy of masons

Most of the historical sources that have survived to this day testify to the emergence of the Masonic Order as the successor to the famous Order of the Knights Templar, tragically defeated by Philip IV the Handsome in 1312. It is said that some of the surviving "beggar knights" organized a new ideological corporation under the banner of the Frank-Freemasons. translated from French means "free masons". But if the task of the Templars was originally to protect Christian pilgrims from the attacks of Muslims, then the goal of the Freemasons can be characterized not as the imposition of one religion by another, but peace in the world, the highest humanism through the knowledge of great wisdom and self-improvement. At the same time, the philosophy of the masons is similar to the Templar. Although the former, according to the same historical notes, were “in the service of the Jews, but professed not the Christian God, but the Jewish God” - in fact, the beginnings of both orders were permeated with light and greatness, the desire to live in peace, love and harmony. The path leading to the development of true humanity and world morality, freedom of conscience and the principle of solidarity is equally applicable to most religious and philosophical movements.

So why free and why masons? In the Middle Ages, meanwhile, Gothic flourished - with it began the construction of majestic, at the same time gloomy and soaring buildings. Architects and builders promoted the idea of \u200b\u200ba better future that awaits all of humanity, conveying their confident thoughts on this subject in creativity. The Masonic Order began with its organization by builders who had solid experience and were initiated into the secrets of the art of building. Later, those who wanted to join the Order, but did not possess any special skills and did not belong to the class of masons, became the successors of God's work on earth, since they were the builders of true forms of life. The Mason of high dedication, Dr. Papus, in a few words almost completely revealed the meaning of early Freemasonry: “Regardless of the visible light, they (the brothers) learned about the existence of invisible light, which is a source of unknown forces and energy - this secret light that illuminates every person coming into this world is depicted as a pentagonal star "(VF Ivanov" Secrets of Freemasonry "). It is the pentagonal "flaming star" as a symbol of a man emitting a mysterious light from himself, and became the emblem of world Freemasonry.

The Masonic organization, despite its strength and the number of adherents, remained a secret almost throughout its existence, and only a select few could join it. "The Order of Free Masons," says Tira Sokolovskaya, "is a worldwide secret society that has set itself the goal of leading humanity to the achievement of earthly Eden, the golden age, the kingdom of love and truth, the kingdom of Astrea." (According to the definition of the own statutes of Freemasonry (§1 of the Constitution of the "Grand Orient of France", 1884).

Scattered all over the world, the Frank-Masons constituted one Frank-Masonic lodge without a definite difference between the Freemasons of different countries, for the ideas and goals of the organization were the same and could not be geographically separated.

From the memoirs of Sokolovskaya: “Dreaming of an all-world brotherhood, they want to see the Order spread throughout the world. Lodges are the world "(VF Ivanov" Secrets of Freemasonry "). It is characteristic that the lodges - the rooms in which the "brothers-masons" gathered, were designated by an oblong rectangle - a sign that before Ptolemy designated the Universe. The lodges themselves served the Masons as temples, and even more than that - they called the Lodge the Solomon Temple, which meant in their understanding the ideal temple, because Solomon intended it not only for the followers of the Law of Moses, but also for people of all religions - everyone who would like to visit a temple to serve God. People who felt “spiritual smoothness” behind them, seeking truth and light, came to the Solomon temple to “cleanse the soul”.

Answering the question about the religion practiced, it can be noted that the symbols and Masonic rituals are of Jewish origin. Initially, the hammer, square, compasses and other tools of the masons became symbols for them, each of which served as a reminder to the Mason of his duty, or symbolized some positive quality that must be achieved. Basically, they were deeply religious people who looked at their construction activities as an imitation of the Great Architect, Builder of Worlds, from where God received from them the name of the Great Architect and Great Builder.

Much later, Lune Blanc, describing the work of the Freemasons during the 1789 revolution, mentioned the following: “Everywhere above the throne, where the chairman of each lodge, or the master of the chair, sat, a shining delta was depicted, in the middle of which the name of Jehovah was written in Hebrew letters” ( VF Ivanov "Secrets of Freemasonry"). The original Jewish origin of the Order is also confirmed by the anti-Masonic writer A.D. Filosofov. “The first thing that strikes everyone entering the Masonic lodge is the name of Jehovah, surrounded by rays and written in Hebrew over the altar or throne, which must not be approached before, as having passed through two steps, meaning exoteric (external) and esoteric (internal ) Freemasonry "(VF Ivanov" Secrets of Freemasonry ").

Freemasons called work in the Order the performance of various rituals, for example, admission to the Order of the profane and further initiation into higher degrees, as well as the tireless pursuit of their own enlightenment and self-improvement.

Structure of the Order

The highest administration of the Order was called the East, for “the East is the land of election”, the shrine and the ancestor of the highest human wisdom. The supreme government, or the East, as in our days, issued the Constitution, which was a special founding charter. The Constitution was issued to all Lodges, in the heads of which were the governing Masters, Venerables (aka Prefects, Abbots, Presidents). An aide (assistant, deputy) of the Manager was called a local master. The other officers in the lodges are the 1st and 2nd Overseers, the Secretary or Seal-Keeper, the Whitney or the Rhetor, the Ceremonist, the Preparer, the Introducer or Brother of Terror, the Treasurer or Treasurer, the Trustee of the Poor, the Alms-Gatherer or Stuart and his assistants - deacons.

Considering that Freemasonry is divided into several degrees - student, comradely and workshop - for the formation of a lodge, each degree must be available in the number of three people, although in practice there were much more of them. The "correct lodge", according to the Constitution, should consist of three masters and two apprentices, or three masters, two apprentices and two apprentices - respectively, the master of the lodge (or "master of the chair"), two overseers, the master of ceremonies, the inner and outer watchmen. The Great Master - the one who was fortunate enough to become the manager of an entire union of lodges - was referred to as a grandmaster. A union of lodges, devoid of a grandmaster and located in a different area from the Supreme Order's government, was considered a provincial or regional union.

For greater unity and order, many lodges that were close to each other merged into a single Grand Lodge or Supreme Administration, which subsequently concluded concordats with each other (terms of relationship or agreement). One such concordat was even published in 1817 under Alexander I by two great lodges of Russia.

The secret element of Freemasonry

To create such an organization in the Middle Ages, promoting the ideas of inner freedom and belief in a better future, was considered at least a dangerous undertaking. Among the noble brothers themselves, such punishment as the death penalty was spread, if the secrets of the Order were indulged in a pen, brush, chisel or other understandable instrument. All secret knowledge was transmitted exclusively in oral speech, and then after the oath of keeping silence. However, with the growth of the organization, it became impossible to hide the work of the Freemasons from prying eyes, and modern Freemasonry, with the support of famous influential people, even considers itself so strong that it speaks openly and does not hide its work. For the sake of fairness, I would like to add that for all the general appearance there is a distinction between external and hidden Freemasonry, not every mortal can penetrate into the depths of which.

As for the doctrine itself, all the degrees of Freemasonry are closely linked to one another by the outgoing orders of power, and those standing below unquestioningly obey the invisible will from above. The disciple does not know what the comrade is doing, and the comrade does not know about the goals and work of the master. L. de Ponsen writes about it this way: “A disciple of the highest knows only a few comrades and masters of his lodge, the rest are in obscurity. A comrade can be everywhere among the students, but for them he is only a student. The Master can be everywhere among his comrades and disciples; but it happens incognito: for comrades - he is a friend, for students - a student. And such a system of conspiracy has been carried out in all further stages - that is why an order issued from above, whatever its content, is automatically carried out below by irresponsible instruments. Only within the limits of his lodge a student knows several Masons of the highest initiations of his "seven", that is, "according to the class of the position held", everything else is hidden from him by a thick veil of mystery "(VF Ivanov" Secrets of Freemasonry ").

A Mason is ordained to the highest degree once and for all, for life. He is not elected by democratic voting, but by the Supreme Group - by the leadership, who watch him for a long time and secretly in order to understand whether he deserves such an honor. And even here the former comrades of the Freemason do not know about the "promotion" of their colleague, since he officially continues to visit the lodge under the old conditions.

Upon admission to Freemasonry, the new entrant must have recommendations from the members of the lodge, as well as those who can vouch for him. This was followed by an equally complicated ceremony of initiation into the first Masonic degree of a student. On the appointed day and hour, the surety, blindfolding the layman, took him to the lodge, where specially invited masons were already waiting for them. The initiate stepped on the signs inscribed on the carpet, not yet understanding the Masonic meaning of these symbolic figures. The initiate sealed his decision to join the brotherhood not only with an oath on the Bible, but also on a naked sword, betraying his soul to eternal damnation in case of betrayal, and his body to death from the brothers' judgment. Further, the initiate read out an oath: “I swear, in the name of the Supreme Builder of all worlds, never to reveal to anyone without orders from the Order the secrets of signs, touches, words of doctrine and customs of Frank-Freemasonry and to keep eternal silence about them. I promise and vow not to change him with a pen, sign, word, or body movement, and also not to convey to anyone about him, not for story, not for writing, not for printing or any other image, and never disclose that, what I now know and what can be entrusted later. If I do not keep this oath, then I undertake to undergo the following punishment: let my mouth be burned and incinerated with a red-hot iron, let my hand be cut off, my tongue ripped out of my mouth, and my throat cut, let my corpse be hanged in the middle of the box when a new one is dedicated brother, as an object of curse and horror, let them burn him with sweat and let the ashes scatter through the air, so that no trace or memory of the traitor remains on the ground. "

A leather zapon (apron) and a silver unpolished spatula served as a sign that the initiate was admitted to the Order, for "it will polish its use in protecting hearts from attacks from splitting forces," as well as a pair of white male mittens as a symbol of pure thoughts and parting words to lead a blameless life. which is the only chance to build the Temple of Wisdom. All rituals and symbols were of great importance to the Freemasons. The ruler and plumb line symbolized the equality of the estates. Protractor is a symbol of justice. The compass served as a symbol of the public, and the square, according to other explanations, meant conscience. A wild stone is a rough morality, chaos, a cubic stone is a "processed" morality. The hammer was used for processing wild stone. Also, the hammer served as a symbol of silence and obedience, faith, as well as a symbol of power, tk. it belonged to the Master. The spatula is condescension to universal human weakness and severity towards oneself. Acacia branch - immortality; coffin, skull and bones - contempt for death and sadness about the disappearance of truth. The robes of the Freemasons depicted virtue. The round hat symbolized in a certain sense liberty, and the naked sword symbolized the punishing law, the struggle for the idea, the execution of villains, the defense of innocence. The dagger is also a symbol of the preference for death over defeat, the struggle for life and death. The dagger was worn on a black ribbon, on which the motto was embroidered in silver: "Win or die!"

The superstate is the ultimate ideal of Freemasonry

No matter how fair and prudent the "brothers-masons" were, on the way to the establishment of the Masonic Eden on earth stood religion, nation and monarchical states, which hindered the unification of all nations into a single union. Carefully and tactfully, decisively and loyally, the Masons over the centuries prepared the medieval society for actions to destroy the church and authoritarian power.

Historians write that “The Brotherhood everywhere rebelled against the corruption of the clergy and in many cases was at odds with even Catholic teaching. In the church of St. Sebald in Nuremberg, a monk and a nun were depicted in an indecent pose. In Strasbourg, in the upper gallery, opposite the pulpit were depicted a pig and a goat, which carried a sleeping fox as a shrine: a bitch followed the pig, and ahead of the procession a bear with a cross and a wolf with a burning candle, a donkey stood at the throne and served Mass. In Brandenburg Church, a fox in priestly vestments preaches to a flock of geese. In another Gothic church, the descent of the Holy Spirit is ironically represented. In the Bernese Cathedral in the image of the Last Judgment, the Pope is also placed, etc. " (VF Ivanov "Secrets of Freemasonry"). All this almost pagan symbolism was based on the fact that the Masons themselves were free-thinking people and, accordingly, persecuted by church fanaticism, with which they had to fight throughout the existence of the Order.

Almost without exception, the philosophers of the last two centuries, including Locke, Voltaire, Diderot, who emerged from the secrets of internal Freemasonry, wrote with indescribable bitterness against the Christian religion. “For two centuries,” writes Nys, “in all parts of the world, members of the lodges were at the head of fighters for the triumph of the ideas of political freedom, religious tolerance, and agreement between peoples; more than once the lodges themselves were drawn into the struggle; finally, and according to its basic principles, Freemasonry is the enemy of delusion, abuse, prejudice "(VF Ivanov" Secrets of Freemasonry ").

The Masons approached the question of the destruction of the Christian religion as a dogma strategically - they created and supported various sects in the enemy clan itself. Under the guise of religious tolerance, they introduced heresies and schisms into the Christian church. By the way, the Reformation in the West and Protestantism are closely related to Freemasonry and have their roots in Freemasonry. Freemasons were convinced that the struggle against the church would end when it finally separated from the state, becoming a private and community organization. The monarchical form of government, just like the ruling church, in the eyes of the Masons was an inevitable evil, and the form of government itself was tolerated only until a more perfect republican system was established. The new church must first of all work for a philosophical education, and not primarily for a political one. Religion, in the deep conviction of the Masons, should preach humanity, freedom and equality, and not blind submission to prejudice. Masons could no longer recognize God as the goal of life; they created an ideal that is not God, but humanity.

Thus, it was the Freemasons who were the first to develop the worldwide concept of democracy. This idea found expression in 1789 in the teachings of the English Freemason Locke and was further developed by the French "enlighteners" - the ideologists of the 1789 revolution, who, as you know, belonged to the Freemasons. The freemasons Voltaire, Diderot, Montesquieu and, finally, J.J. Rousseau asserted the democratic concept through experience and, through their work, created a democratic movement throughout the world. It is characteristic that the "Declaration of Human Rights" was drawn up by the Freemason Thomas Jefferson with the participation of the Freemason Franklin and announced at the Congress of the Colonies in Philadelphia in 1776.

Destroying all the old foundations, it was thanks to the Masons that the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy and popular rule, as well as the theory of the separation of powers - all this originated in Masonic heads and from Masonic lodges spread widely throughout the world. Humanity is higher than the fatherland - this is the whole innermost meaning of Masonic wisdom.

In 1884, the "Almanac of Frank-Freemasons" tells of that happy time when "a republic will be proclaimed in Europe under the name of the United States of Europe."

In June 1917, the Freemasonry of allied and neutral countries organized a congress in Paris, one of the main tasks of which, according to its chairman Carnot, was: “To prepare the United States of Europe, to create a supranational power, whose task is to resolve conflicts between nations. Freemasonry will be the agent of propaganda of this concept of peace and general well-being. "

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe League of Nations, which also originated in the Masonic depths, is only a stage towards the achievement of the ultimate ideal of world Freemasonry - the creation of a superstate and the liberation of mankind from any moral, religious, political and economic enslavement.

Notable Masons in the list of Grand Masters and Grand Masters who have ruled the Priory of Zion: Sandro Botticelli; Leonardo da Vinci; Isaac Newton; Victor Hugo; Claude Debussy; Jean Cocteau. The great writers Dante, Shakespeare and Goethe belonged to the Masonic lodges. Composers - J. Haydn, F. Liszt, W. Mozart, Jan Sibelius and others. Encyclopedists - Diderot, D'Alembert, Voltaire; Simon Bolivar; the leader of the Latin American struggle for independence; Giuseppe Garibaldi, leader of the Italian Carbonari; Ataturk, founder of the current Turkish Republic; Henry Ford, "America's automotive king"; Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister; Eduard Benes, former President of Czechoslovakia; Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Richard Hixon, Bill Clinton - former American presidents; Allen Dulles, founder of the CIA; American astronaut E. Aldrin and Soviet astronaut A. Leonov, politicians - Francois Mitterrand, Helmut Kohl and Willie Brandt, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Albert Gore, current US Vice President, Joseph Retinger, Secretary General of the Bilderberg Club, David Rockefeller, head of the Trilateral Commission and many others.

Studies of conspiracy theorists also show that all the armed conflicts of the last centuries from the military campaigns of Napoleon, and all revolutions, starting with the French, were financed by the banking houses of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgan, Wartburgs associated with the Masonic lodges.

From the middle ages to the present day

Although the official date for the emergence of the legal rather than secret Masonic movement is considered to be the beginning of the VIII century, many sources indicate that it was born much earlier. The philosophy that has been promoted all this time is so universal that it could not end in anything. By the beginning of the 20th century, the contradictions between the French and Anglo-American Masons intensified and this is due, first of all, to the evolution of Masonic teaching - along with the conservative, new, modern forms of Freemasonry began to appear. French masons at that time devoted all their strength to an active struggle against clericalism and the church, which entailed joining the socialist organization, and with them new horizons of teaching appeared. By the 30s of the 20th century, very little remained of Freemasonry in its pure form. Once a secret place of upbringing, the Masonic moral school acquired an increasingly political character. Lodges began to serve as a place where they meet, get to know each other and strengthen ties, build a political career. The main Masonic rituals were also abolished, severity and secrecy fell away, and joining the lodge became an open and public event.

Perhaps only Germany has preserved the traditions of the old masters, strictly following the precepts of humanity and tolerance, giving all efforts to moral improvement. German Freemasonry is more aimed at smoothing out any social antagonisms - racial, class, estate, economic, etc. The English lodges adhered to the same position in the development of Freemasonry, condemning the practice of French and American Freemasons, who translated the old ideology into a political channel. However, American Freemasonry has more of a religious and charitable character than a political one.

Russian Freemasonry has always developed as a part of a single whole - the World Brotherhood of Freemasons, so to this day the ties of Russian Masons with the brothers of Great Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, and the USA are traditionally strong and fruitful. Russian Masons, being abroad, attend meetings of foreign lodges, as well as foreign - during their stay in Russia - meetings of Russian lodges. And on June 24, 1995, under the auspices of the Grand National Lodge of France, the Grand Lodge of Russia was consecrated, under whose jurisdiction 12 workshops (symbolic lodges) were founded and are now working, constantly accepting new members. The Grand Lodge of Russia is recognized as a regular one, and fraternal ties have been established with it by the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Mother Lodge of Scotland, the Grand Lodge of Ireland, the Grand National Lodge of France, the United Grand Lodge of Germany, the Grand Lodge of Austria, the Grand Lodge of Turkey, the Grand Lodge of New York and many other Great Jurisdictions around the world.

Thus, the mentality of different countries laid the foundation for the end of the old Freemasonry in the distortion of the true meaning and form of the world ideal of all Freemasons. Although many attempts have been made throughout its history to bring together various Masonic movements and form a single organization under the banner of the Order, this never happened.

Dedicated to the memory of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga John (Snychev), who blessed my work on the study of the subversive anti-Russian activities of Masonic organizations.


To understand modern Freemasonry, firstly, it is extremely important to understand that the current forms of activity of this criminal community are very different from the traditional ideas about it. Today's Freemasons seldom wear their robes. The usual Masonic ritual in our time fades into the background. Most of the "Masonic work" is no longer carried out in traditional Masonic lodges, but in various closed organizations of the Masonic type - the Rotary, Pen, Magisterium clubs, the "humanitarian" orders of the Eagle or Constantine the Great, etc. Masonic ritual , which for centuries served as a camouflage for the political intrigues of free masons, in the second half of the 20th century, to a large extent lost its significance. In conditions when in all countries of the Western world people came to power, no longer hesitating to recognize their membership in Masonic organizations, the need for a Masonic ritual has disappeared. Freemasonry is turning into a secret political trade union, a kind of international, uniting unscrupulous politicians, financial swindlers, crooks of all stripes, who put profit and unlimited power over people above all else. This secret international is headed by Jewish leaders. Like the CPSU in the USSR, Freemasonry in the West is the backbone of the political system. All major political decisions are prepared and made in the quiet of closed organizations. In a "democratic election," the public is allowed to choose from several candidates presented by the Masonic backstage. It is these candidates who receive informational support from television and newspapers, which are practically all controlled by the same backstage. The people in this political system are just an extra in the hands of political intriguers. It is this system of power formation that has been introduced in our country since the late 80s.

The second thing that is important to note for understanding modern Masonic power is that the Judeo-Masonic structures today are not a monolith, but consist of a number of clans, warring among themselves for power and money. Even in the so-called world government - the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Club - there is an ongoing struggle between Judeo-Masonic clans, orders of various rituals and regional centers of power. This struggle is vividly illustrated by today's events in Russia, where supporters of the Order of Malta and American Freemasonry (Yeltsin, Berezovsky, Abramovich), "B'nai-Brit" and Jewish Freemasonry (Gusinsky, Fridman, Khodorkovsky, Yavlinsky), the Great East of France and European Freemasonry (Luzhkov, Primakov, Yakovlev). All these three ramifications of the Judeo-Masonic power bring grief and destruction to our people, all of them are focused on the dismemberment of Russia and the genocide of its people.

In today's Russia, there are more than 500 Masonic lodges and organizations of the Masonic type (not including occult organizations and branches of the Church of Satan). Their activities are strictly secret, closed in nature. Most of them are not registered with the authorities, observing conspiracy and Masonic secrecy. Actually Masonic lodges, performing traditional rituals of free masons, make up no more than a third of the above number.

The lodges of the Scottish ritual are considered the most "solid" part of Russian Freemasonry, most of them are organized by the masters of the Grand Lodge of France. The activities of these lodges are carried out according to old documents, observing full continuity with the Masonic institution of the 18th-20th centuries. By 1998, such old Russian lodges of the Scottish ritual as "Astrea", "Hermes", "Northern Lights" and others were renewed, new lodges were organized - "Pushkin", "Novikov", etc. They use ritual documents " the Scottish rita of the "Astrea lodge" of the 18th century and the emigrant "Astrea" lodge of the 1920s and 1930s.

The Great East of France has resumed in Russia the activities of Masonic lodges focused on militant Russophobia and godlessness, and above all the Free Russia Lodge, which, according to our information, unites, in particular, several State Duma deputies, officers of the General Staff and the FSB.

In the system of national Germanic Freemasonry, the Russian Masonic lodge "The Great Light of the North" is being recreated, working according to the ritual documents of the emigrant Masonic lodge of the same name.

According to some reports, several lodges of American Freemasonry (York ritual) are emerging in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Attempts are being made to establish the Schreiner Order in the Russian land.

In addition to the rituals listed above, recognized in the Masonic world, such "self-made" Masonic lodges (like the "Russian National Lodge") are created, which are not recognized by real free masons.

In general, according to our rough estimates, the number of members of all Masonic lodges in Russia is at least two thousand people.

A much larger number of members (at least 10 thousand) are listed in the so-called white Freemasonry - organizations of the Masonic type that do not use the traditional rituals of freemasons, but accept the Masonic principles of life and are usually led by real Masons. The first place is occupied by members of Rotary clubs (there are several dozen of them in Russia). Organizations such as the Order of the Eagle, the Magisterium, Reform, Interaction, International Russian Club, and the Soros Foundation are very characteristic of "White Freemasonry". Figures of "white Freemasonry" consider themselves "the chosen people" (elite), which has special rights to rule over other people. The subversive anti-Christian, anti-Russian work of these organizations is strictly closed and secret.

Agents of influence

The first step of the world Masonic behind-the-scenes to recreate the Masonic network on the territory of the USSR was the operation associated with the search in our country for persons who could become agents of influence. In terms of intelligence services, an "agent of influence" is a citizen of one state who acts in the interests of another state, using for this his high official position in the upper echelons of power - the country's leadership, political party, parliament, the media, as well as science, art and culture. In our work, we will only touch on that part of these individuals who worked for the United States and were trained by the CIA.

Specialists dealing with this problem note a number of characteristic features inherent in agents of influence working in favor of the United States [1].

This is, firstly, the ability to influence public consciousness, society as a whole, or individual official and regional groups (which, in fact, is inherent in all agents of influence).

Secondly, the indispensable inclusion in a certain network. An agent of influence is always just a cog in the most complicated machine of "making politics", which is controlled according to programs created by the CIA back in the sixties and seventies.

Third, objective assistance in achieving the goals set by the "master", in this case the CIA as a body of the world behind the scenes. At a certain stage, these goals may even be passed off as the corresponding interests of our country, but in reality they are only an intermediate point on the way to achieving the goals of the "owner".

Fourthly, compulsory training, which is conducted by group or individual methods. The forms of education are multifaceted and varied: from ordinary lectures to intimate conversations in a relaxed atmosphere. There are special instructions for this.

Fifthly, belonging to the number of "background" functionaries. The stronger the agent, the deeper it is hidden. These are "shadowy" from politics, "gray cardinals". They do not rule, but direct, suggest a solution of this or that issue that is necessary for the "owner" and harmful for the country.

Sixth, adherence, most often selfish, to some "universal human values" and the achievements of world civilization, which, as a rule, hides, at best, the absence of Russian national consciousness (national ignorance), and at worst - ordinary Russophobia and hatred of historical values Russia.

The first five characteristics can be very diverse for agents of influence, but the latter is surprisingly the same for agents of influence brought up by the CIA in the sixties, and for the foremen of perestroika in the second half of the eighties.

The program of activities of agents of influence in the USSR was developed personally by Freemason A. Dulles, the future director of the CIA. Having become a Freemason while studying at Princeton, Dulles already in the mid-1920s reaches 33 degrees and other Masonic regalia. In 1927, he became one of the directors of the international Masonic coordinating center, a mondialist organization - the Council on Foreign Relations, in 1933 he received the key post of secretary, and since 1946 - the president of this organization. At one of the secret meetings of this council in early 1945, in the presence of the leaders of American Freemasonry, US Vice President H. Truman, Treasury Secretary G. Morgenthau and B. Baruch, A. Dulles stated the following: “The war will end, everything will be settled somehow, And we will throw everything that we have, all the gold, all material assistance or resources to fool and fool people.

The human brain, the consciousness of people are capable of change. Having sown chaos there, we will imperceptibly replace their values \u200b\u200bwith false ones and make them believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our assistants and allies in Russia itself (emphasis added. - O. P.).

Episode after episode, the tragedy of the death of the most recalcitrant people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of its self-consciousness, will be played out, grandiose in scale. From literature and art, we, for example, will gradually eradicate their social essence, wean artists, we will discourage them from engaging in depicting, researching, perhaps, those processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theater, cinema - everyone will portray and glorify the most base human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, dissidence, in a word, all immorality. We will create chaos and confusion in government ...

Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone, will become a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness, drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, dissidence, nationalism and opposition of peoples - we will plant all this deftly and imperceptibly ...

We will shake generation after generation in this way ... We will tackle people from childhood, adolescence, we will always place our main stake on young people, we will corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them. We will make them agents of our influence, cosmopolitans of the free world. This is how we will do it "[2].

At this meeting, the main directions of the struggle against the Russian people were determined, which were subsequently embodied in the official documents of the US government, and above all in the directives of the US National Security Council and the laws of this country.

The directive of the US National Security Council SNB-20/1, approved by US President G. Truman on August 18, 1948, proclaimed: "To carry out fundamental changes in the theory and practice of foreign policy adhered to by the government in power in Russia ... This is before all about making and keeping the Soviet Union politically, militarily and psychologically weak in comparison to external forces outside its control. "

Directive SNB-68, signed by President Truman on April 7, 1950, prescribed: "We need to wage an open psychological war with the aim of causing massive betrayal ... sowing the seeds of destruction ... to strengthen positive and timely measures and operations by secret means in the field of economic, political and psychological warfare in order to provoke and maintain unrest ... We must lead the construction of the political and economic system of the free world.But in addition to affirming our values, our policies and actions must be such as to bring about fundamental changes in the character of the Soviet system ... it will be cheaper, but more effective if these changes are the maximum result of the action of the internal forces of Soviet society. "

In a circular issued by US Secretary of State J. F. Dulles to American embassies and missions abroad on March 6, 1953, immediately after Stalin's death, it was emphasized: “Our main goal remains to sow doubt, confusion, uncertainty about the new regime not only among the ruling circles and the people masses in the USSR and the satellite countries, but also among the communist parties outside the Soviet Union. "

And finally, the Law on Captive Peoples, adopted by the NOA Congress in August 1959, openly raised the question of dividing Russia into 22 states and inciting hatred of the Russian people.

Since 1947, under the pretext of fighting communism, the American government has allocated hundreds of millions of dollars annually to implement programs to fight Russia and the Russian people.

One of the main points of these programs was the training of "like-minded people, allies and assistants" in Russia.

Apparently, one of the first such experiences of training like-minded people was an attempt by the American special services to recruit some individuals from a group of Soviet trainees who were in the late fifties - early sixties at Columbia University, among whom were, in particular, the future "foremen of perestroika" A. Yakovlev and O. Kalugin. As the former chairman of the KGB of the USSR V. Kryuchkov noted: “Yakovlev understood perfectly well that he was under the close supervision of the Americans, he felt what his new American friends were driving towards, but for some reason he did not draw the right conclusions for himself. He made unauthorized contact with the Americans , and when we became aware of this, he portrayed the case in such a way as if he did it in an effort to obtain the materials necessary for the Soviet side from a closed library ... "[3]. His other fellow in training, O. Kalugin (the future KGB general), in order to evade responsibility, reported on his friend, who after that was in big trouble. From those times, a photograph of the fifties has survived, published in the émigré newspaper Russkiy Golos, on which A. Yakovlev and O. Kalugin are captured in the company of CIA personnel [4].

However, the competent Soviet authorities did not manage to find out then whether the recruitment was carried out or the CIA case did not go beyond establishing familiarization contacts and establishing contacts for the future.

Nevertheless, Yakovlev's behavior in the second half of the sixties - early seventies in many ways corresponded to the requirements that A. Dulles presented to the agents of influence. This, in particular, was manifested in an article by Yakovlev in the Literaturnaya Gazeta, where he spoke out sharply against the still timid sprouts of Russian national revival, allowing rough anti-Russian attacks. In fact, Yakovlev called for an administrative reprisal against his bearers, and it immediately came.

In the early seventies, Yakovlev was appointed ambassador to Canada, where he actively maintains contacts with a wide range of people, among whom he developed a particularly trusting relationship with the prime minister, a prominent freemason P. Trudeau. Apparently, it was during that period that this figure was “fraternizing” with the world Masonic behind the scenes.

In the 60s and 70s, surrounded by the top leaders of the CPSU Central Committee, a group of agents of influence emerged, which, in particular, included F.M.Burlatsky (until 1964), G.Kh. Shakhnazarov, G.I. Gerasimov, G. A. Arbatov, A. E. Bovin. Disguising their anti-state activities with the usual Marxist phraseology, these party advisers gradually pushed the country's political leadership to make decisions that became the first steps towards the destruction of the USSR. A striking example of such an adviser - an agent of influence was the director of the Institute for the USA and Canada, GA Arbatov, who already held a pro-American position. In the foreword to the memoirs of this agent of influence, published in the United States, Deputy Secretary of State Talbot frankly admits that Mr. Arbatov has become a friend of America since the 70s.

Since the late 1960s, A.D. Sakharov and E.G. Bonner have become an important element of the agents of CIIIA influence. Their rampant praise of the Western political system and their tendentious criticism of the Soviet regime through CIA-sponsored propaganda played a large role in the West's Cold War against Russia. The former physicist, who broke with science, and his wife, the daughter of rabid Jewish communists, took a leading place among other Jewish-Soviet public figures and anti-Russian dissidents, becoming a kind of symbol of opposition to the historical values \u200b\u200bof Russia, the banner of the struggle for its dismemberment and humiliation.

The aggravation of the activity of agents of influence in our country is associated with the projects of the world behind the scenes carried out within the framework of the Masonic coordinating centers - the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission. Back in the late fifties and sixties, in the secret materials of these centers, concerns were expressed about the nature of the processes taking place in the USSR. The danger of the revival of Russia on national-patriotic principles, the further strengthening of the influence of our country in the world community, which had sharply increased as a result of the Second World War, was emphasized. Even the theoretical possibility of the consolidation of Russia, which is reviving on a national basis, with the countries of the Third World, aroused a feeling of fear in the world behind the scenes, because only such consolidation could stop the predatory use of natural resources belonging to all mankind by the West.

The Masonic futurological organization "Club of Rome", which, in particular, includes Ye. M. Primakov, is developing a report "The Limits of Growth" (1972), which has become widely known throughout the world. The data in this report showed that resources are dwindling at a catastrophic rate and that Western countries are facing the threat of declining consumption.

The new US strategic doctrine regarding the USSR NS DD-75, prepared for US President R. Reagan by Harvard historian Richard Pipes, proposed intensifying hostile actions against Russia. "The directive clearly formulated," writes the American political scientist Peter Schweitzer, "that our next goal is not to coexist with the USSR, but to change the Soviet system. The directive was based on the conviction that it was within our power to change the Soviet system with the help of external pressure."

Another American doctrine - "Liberation" and the concept of "Information War", developed for the administration of President George W. Bush, openly proclaimed the main goal of the Western world to "dismantle the USSR" and "dismember Russia", ordered American legal and illegal structures to exercise control over the state of affairs, initiate and manage anti-Russian sentiments and processes in the republics of Russia and establish a fund in billions of dollars. a year to help the "resistance movement".

In the seventies and eighties, the American program for training agents of influence in the USSR acquired a complete and purposeful character. It cannot be said that this program was not known to the Soviet leadership. The facts say that it was. But those people who today with full responsibility can be called agents of influence, deliberately turned a blind eye to her.

The KGB of the USSR prepared a special document on this matter, which was called "On the CIA's plans to acquire agents of influence among Soviet citizens."

“According to reliable data obtained by the State Security Committee, recently the US CIA, based on the analysis and forecasts of its specialists on the further development of the USSR, has been developing plans to intensify hostile activities aimed at the decomposition of Soviet society and disorganization of the socialist economy. the task of recruiting agents of influence from among Soviet citizens, conducting their training and further promoting them in the management of politics, economy and science of the Soviet Union.The CIA has developed an individual training program for agents of influence, which provides for the acquisition of skills in espionage by them, as well as their concentrated political and ideological In addition, one of the most important aspects of training such agents is teaching management methods in the leading echelon of the national economy. ”The leadership of American intelligence plans purposefully and persistently, not counting hiding with costs, to search for persons capable of their personal and business qualities in the future to occupy administrative positions in the administrative apparatus and carry out the tasks formulated by the enemy. At the same time, the CIA proceeds from the assumption that the activities of separate, unrelated agents of influence, carrying out a policy of sabotage in the national economy and distorting guidelines, will be coordinated and directed from a single center created within the framework of American intelligence. As conceived by the CIA, the purposeful activity of the agents of influence will contribute to the creation of certain difficulties of an internal political nature in the Soviet Union, delay the development of our economy, and conduct scientific research in the Soviet Union in dead-end directions. In developing these plans, American intelligence proceeds from the fact that the growing contacts of the Soviet Union with the West create favorable preconditions for their implementation in modern conditions. According to the statements of American intelligence officers, called upon to directly deal with such agents from among Soviet citizens, the program currently being implemented by the American special services will contribute to qualitative changes in various spheres of our society, and above all in the economy. And it will ultimately lead to the adoption of many Western ideals by the Soviet Union. The KGB takes into account the information received to organize an event to uncover and suppress American intelligence plans "[5].

Programs for the training of agents of influence were carried out in parallel with the development of programs for the dismemberment of Russia and the preparation of the genocide of the Russian people.

Pay attention to the deadline - it speaks of a well-thought-out, long-term policy, the core of which is genocide "[6].

Today we can speak with complete certainty about the implementation of many plans developed by the world behind the scenes in relation to the USSR. In any case, by the beginning of the 1980s, American intelligence had dozens of assistants and associates in the highest echelons of power. The role of some of them is not yet clear enough, but the results of their activities are obvious and the data on their cooperation with foreign special services cannot be refuted.

According to the data reported by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, from 1985 to 1992, the West (primarily the United States) invested 90 billion dollars in the process of democratization of the USSR (that is, the destruction of Russia). [7] This money was used to buy the services of the right people, prepare and agents of influence were paid, special equipment, instructors, literature, etc. were sent.

Formation of the "fifth column"

We do not know with what silver coins and in what amount the masters of the world behind the scenes paid off the agents of influence2, but it is known that it was in the mid-eighties that these agents became more active. In particular, A. N. Yakovlev returns to Moscow on the initiative of G. Arbatov (director of the US Institute), who is closely associated with Western circles, and with the direct support of Gorbachev, who immediately took a key position in conducting anti-Russian processes. It was around him that after a while a number of odious personalities who played a tragic role in the history of our country were grouped: V. Korotich, Yu. Afanasyev, E. Yakovlev, G. Popov, E. Primakov, G. Arbatov.

The circle of these revolutionaries was very small at first, but Gorbachev's strong support made them confident.

The CIA is dramatically expanding the scope of its operations [8]. The training of agents of influence is put on the stream. The tasks of the American residency in the USSR are simplified by the fact that the contingent of traitors (mainly from the party apparatus, science and culture), with whom it has to work, acquires a sense of impunity, inspired by high support. Moreover, in the new light of perestroika, ordinary traitors and traitors are presented as fighters for the idea.

Billions of dollars to pay for traitors through various intermediary structures (the Public Committee of Russian Reforms, the American Association "National Contribution to Democracy", the Cribble Institute, various funds and commissions) enter our country.

For example, the Cribble Institute (whose head, in his own words, decided to "devote his energy to the collapse of the Soviet empire" [9]), created a whole network of its representative offices in the republics of the former USSR. With the help of these representations, from November 1989 to March 1992, about fifty "training conferences" were held in various points of the USSR: Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Voronezh, Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Kiev, Minsk, Lvov, Odessa, Yerevan, Nizhny Novgorod , Irkutsk, Tomsk. Six instructional conferences were held in Moscow alone [10].

The nature of the instructive work of the representatives of the Cribble Institute is evidenced by the example of the party propagandist G. Burbulis, who until 1988 firmly repeated the theses about the leading role of the CPSU and emphasized "the consolidating role of the party in the perestroika process." After being instructed "by Cribble," he constantly repeated that "the empire (ie, the USSR) must be destroyed."

Another brainchild of the CIA, the National Contribution to Democracy Association (headed by A. Weinstein), funded the activities of a number of institutions in the USSR:

1984 - A. Sakharov Institute in Moscow, study of the possibilities of creating a center for human rights and peace problems at the institute.

1986 - A. Sakharov Institute, creation of a "free university" for students who reject the Soviet system of higher education.

1990 - the Fund of the US Congress, proactive financing of the Interregional Deputy Group of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR [11].

Hundreds of people who made up the staff of the destroyers of the USSR and the future Yeltsin regime, including G. Popov, G. Starovoitova, M. Poltoranin, A. Murashov, S. Stankevich, passed through the network of representative offices of the Cribble Institute and similar institutions. , E. Gaidar, M. Bocharov, G. Yavlinsky, Yu. Boldyrev, V. Lukin, A. Chubais, A. Nuikin, A. Shabad, V. Boxer, many "shadowy" people from Yeltsin's entourage, in particular the head of his campaigns in Yekaterinburg A. Urmanov and I. Viryutin, M. Reznikov, N. Andrievskaya, A. Nazarov, prominent journalists and television workers [12]. Thus, the "fifth column" of traitors to the Motherland was formed in the USSR, which existed as part of the Interregional Deputy Group and "Democratic Russia".

It is reliably known that M. Gorbachev from the reports of the KGB of the USSR knew about the existence of special institutions for the training of agents of influence, he also knew the lists of their "graduates". However, he did nothing to stop the activities of the traitors.

Having received from the KGB leadership a dossier containing information about an extensive network of malefactors against the state, Gorbachev forbids the KGB to take any measures to suppress criminal encroachments. Moreover, he does his best to cover up and shield the "godfather" of the agents of influence in the USSR, AN Yakovlev, despite the fact that the nature of the information about him coming from intelligence sources did not allow doubting the true background of his activities.

Here is what the former chairman of the KGB Kryuchkov reports: “In 1990, the State Security Committee, through intelligence and counterintelligence, received extremely alarming information regarding A. N. Yakovlev from several different (and assessed as reliable) sources.” The meaning of the reports boiled down to the fact that According to the Western intelligence services, Yakovlev occupies favorable positions for the West, reliably opposes the "conservative" forces in the Soviet Union and that he can be firmly counted on in any situation. But, apparently, in the West they believed that Yakovlev could and should show more persistence and activity, and therefore one American representative was instructed to conduct an appropriate conversation with Yakovlev, directly telling him that more was expected from him "[13].

Not only Ragash, but also other leaders of the Masonic lodges openly told (after the establishment of the Yeltsin regime) how the training of personnel was carried out for introduction into the former socialist countries, and above all into Russia. “It was easy to guess, listening to these stories,” writes an eyewitness to these revelations, “that the Freemasons have been secretly recruiting citizens of socialist countries who were on long foreign business trips in Western Europe, and above all in Paris, for several years. And, of course, having returned to their homeland, they they did not sit idly by, they were probably carrying out the orders of their foreign brothers and recruiting supporters. Almost every lodge had its own branches to work with these spiritual deserters "[20].

Since 1989, the Freemasons have been carrying out a wide and even, in a sense, open campaign to promote subversive Masonic ideas and recruit new members in Russia. The so-called "externalization" campaign is being carried out, within the framework of which the Freemasons give lectures, reports in large halls, in print, on radio and on television.

In March 1991, Radio Liberty, funded by the CIA, called on the inhabitants of the USSR to establish contact to join the Masonic lodges. The host of the program, F. Salkazanova, provided the address where Soviet citizens could enroll in the Masonic lodge in Paris. This lodge was not simple, but created specifically to "promote the spread of Freemasonry in Russia" and to recreate the "Masonic structure" there. To make this lodge attractive, the Masonic falsifiers called it "Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin" (although someone knows very well that the great Russian poet was not a Freemason). The “brothers” from this lodge, speaking in the program, called for the moral and spiritual improvement of society, considering the USA as an example, which “were based on Masonic principles from the very beginning” [21].

Calls to join Freemasonry on Radio Liberty have generated extensive mail. Letters from Vilnius, Baku, Kiev began to come to the French lodges. And then individual work was carried out with the candidates. After selection and verification, the candidate was "initiated", that is, initiated into the Freemasons.

The Freemasons of France are seeking to "lay their stone on the building of democracy in Eastern and Central Europe." This was announced in September 1991 in Paris, speaking to reporters, by the Grand Master of the Masonic Great Orient of France J.R. Ragache. According to him, the members of the Great East are intent to increase the necessary material and financial efforts for this purpose [22]. After some time, the Grand Master comes to Moscow, and later visits St. Petersburg to organize proper Masonic work there. The Grand National Lodge of France operates in parallel. In April 1991, she dedicated two Russian citizens to her ranks, who became the organizers of the Russian lodge "Severnaya Zvezda" [23].

The day before the start of the August 1991 coup d'état, a member of the Pushkin Lodge I already mentioned, a Jew who had emigrated from Odessa in 1922 (his name was kept secret), arrived in Moscow from Paris. Eight more members of this lodge came with him to Moscow. Despite the alarming events, this Masonic emissary inaugurates a new Novikov lodge on August 30, 1991. The Masonic Journal of Scottish Ritual hailed the event "under the auspices of the Grand National Lodge of France." "This means," wrote the Masonic magazine, "a step forward in the gradual restoration of blue lodges and the highest councils of Scottish ritual among the peoples of the eastern bloc" [24].

As a result of the anti-Russian coup d'état in August-December 1991, the plans for the world behind the scenes were achieved. However, institutions for training and instructing agents of influence are not only not dismantled, but are turning into an important part of the power structure of the Yeltsin regime, developing for him a kind of directive programs of activity and supplying him with advisers. In the United States, a legal public center of this structure called "Russian House" was opened, which was headed by the agent of influence E. Lozansky, although, of course, all important decisions were made within the walls of the CIA and the leadership of the world behind the scenes.

Confident in the final victory, Yeltsin no longer concealed his direct connection with subversive anti-Russian organizations such as the American National Contribution to Democracy, to whose leaders he sent a message, which, in particular, said: “We know and highly appreciate the fact that you contributed to this victory "(fax dated 23 August 1991) [25].

The world behind the scenes rejoiced, each of its representatives in their own way, but they all noted the key role of the CIA. US President Bush Freemason immediately after the August 1991 coup with full knowledge of the matter and as a former CIA director publicly declared that the coming to power of the Yeltsin regime is "our victory - the victory of the CIA." The then CIA director, Freemason R. Gates in Moscow, on Red Square, conducts his own "victory parade" in front of the BBC television cameras, saying: "Here, on Red Square, near the Kremlin and the Mausoleum, I am performing my solo victory parade." ... Naturally, a relationship of master and vassal is established between the CIA and representatives of the Yeltsin regime. For example, in October 1992, R. Gates met with Yeltsin in complete secrecy. Moreover, the latter is not even given the opportunity to use the services of his interpreter, who is put out the door, and the entire translation is carried out by the translator of the CIA director [26].

The world behind the scenes awards Yeltsin with the title, which is borne by almost every member of the world Masonic government - Knight Commander of the Order of Malta. He receives it on November 16, 1991. No longer embarrassed, Yeltsin poses in front of the reporters in full attire of a knight-commander [27].

In August 1992, Yeltsin signed Decree No. 827 "On the restoration of official relations with the Order of Malta." The content of this decree was kept in complete secrecy for some time. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was instructed to sign a protocol on the restoration of official relations between the Russian Federation and the Order of Malta.

Planting lodges in Russia

Relying on high support, Masonic lodges are growing like mushrooms in Russia. Foreign Masonic functionaries of various persuasions, no longer hiding, come to the country, travel around the cities, organizing their lodges and events there. On September 8, 1992, the Harmony 48698 Lodge, a subsidiary of the Grand National French Lodge, was opened with great solemnity in Moscow. The ritual was attended by the great secretary "brother" Yves Gretournelle and himself "honorary brother" Michel Garder, lieutenant and great commander of the Supreme Masonic Council of France. The lodge was headed by G.B.Dergachev. On the same day, 12 Russian profane were dedicated [28]. In the same 1992, the atheistic lodge "Free Russia" (28 "brothers" at the time of opening), as well as the Masonic Order of the Great East of Russia, appeared.

In 1994, the newspaper "Moscow News" (No. 9) announced the registration in Moscow of the Grand National Masonic Lodge, which arose with the assistance of the Grand National Lodge of France. In the Moscow Library of Foreign Literature, the leaders of the Masonic Order of the Rosicrucians built their nest, organizing propaganda lectures and selecting candidates for the lodge within its walls.

The reviving Russian Freemasonry adopted all the modern features of the formation and development of free masons. Many politicians, entrepreneurs, and people in the liberal professions who accept the Masonic principles of life, nevertheless, feel closely within the framework of traditional Masonic lodges with their special rituals. For this large category, the leaders of Freemasonry create broader, dynamic and not limited to ritualistic rituals organizations (called "white Freemasonry"), pursuing the same goals and acting most often in the form of clubs, foundations of commissions, committees.

Some Masonic organizations exist under the guise of various "spiritual culture" clubs, such as, for example, the "Citadel" club, headed by the artist O. Kandaurov, the host of the "Oasis" program on the 4th TV channel "Russian Universities".

Since the imposition of Freemasonry came from the West, then, naturally, the first such organization in Russia was the Rotary International Masonic Club, widespread in Western countries, the opening of which was reported on June 6, 1990 in the Vremya television program. Its branches quickly spread throughout Russia, and even two are opening in St. Petersburg. Heads of the administrations of Moscow and St. Petersburg Luzhkov and Sobchak, banker Gusinsky, well-known democratic functionaries M. Bocharov, A. Ananiev, Y. Nagibin, E. Sagalaev and several dozen more large and small democrats, the majority from which passed the "school" of the Cribble Institute and similar anti-Russian institutions.

To match "Rotary" and the so-called International Russian Club (IRC), created in 1992. This club was headed by M. Bocharov, already known to us from the activities of the Moscow Rotary club, and P. Voschanov, former press secretary of Yeltsin. It included a number of well-known persons, for example, Minister of Justice I. Fedorov (again known from the Rotary club), international deputy E. Ambartsumov, member of the Masonic Commission "Greater Europe" entrepreneur Svyatoslav Fedorov, filmmaker Stanislav Govorukhin, former head of state security V. Ivanenko, General K. Kobets, member of the Presidential Council A. Migranyan, as well as a group of others, as they wrote at the time, "no less famous people who did not want to disclose their incognito." According to the charter, the club consists of forty people, and each year no more than a third can be added, and each newcomer is obliged to secure three recommendations. The RTO holds closed meetings and guarantees its members "strict confidentiality of the information received in connection with the activities of the club ...". It draws attention to the fact that the club is dominated by people who at one time were surrounded by Yeltsin.

“The organizers see the club not as a party, but simply as a place where“ real politics ”is done and where informally, modest but real rulers of the country can easily see each other, discuss the state affairs, and decide the fate of the Fatherland” [29].

On the model of one of the main organizations of the world behind the scenes - the Bilderberg Club - in 1992 its Russian counterpart, the Magisterium Club, was created, which at first united about 60 "brothers" in spirit. The key figure in this Masonic underground was the already mentioned J. Soros, who published the article "Big Money Makes History" in the first issue of this club's secret bulletin. The cynical aphorism of this financial speculator reveals both his life credo and the main method of action of the world behind the scenes. The significant role of the "Magisterium" club is underlined by the participation in it of the adviser to the President of the United States of America B. Clinton on economic issues - R. Reich, who represents the Trilateral Commission in the club. The key figures of the club are the patriarchs of the Masonic movement in the former USSR A. Yakovlev and E. Shevardnadze. Such well-known Russophobes as E. Evtushenko, E. Neizvestny, A. Sobchak, V. V. Ivanov, I. Brodsky, S. Shatalin and others are represented in the "Magisterium" [30].

Like the Magisterium, in order to achieve Masonic goals, a number of foundations and clubs of lower rank are being created, but they also play an important role in shadow political structures - the role of coordinators of anti-Russian activities. The most typical example of such an organization is the Reform Club "Interaction", which unites entrepreneurs, heads of banking and exchange institutions, high-ranking government officials, united into one whole by the desire to shape Russia's policy on the principle "big money makes history." This club is headed by one of the leading figures of the anti-Russian movement, E. T. Gaidar, as well as a number of odious personalities like him - A. B. Chubais, K. N. Borovoy, L. I. Abalkin, E. G. Yasin, A. P Pochinok, EF Saburov, OR Latsis, etc. Among the members of the club are BG Fedorov, SN Krasavchenko, NP Shmelev, SS Shatalin.

Close to the "Interaction" club is the International Fund for Economic and Social Reforms, headed by S. S. Shatalin. LI Abalkin and VV Bakatin should be noted among the major functionaries of the foundation.

An analogue of the widespread in the West form of Masonic control over the literary environment - the "Pen-Club" organization, was also created in Russia. It was the so-called "Russian Pen-Center", which immediately turned into a gathering place for anti-Russian forces and united in its ranks ardent cosmopolitan writers and ardent antipatriots. It is quite characteristic that it was the members of this "Pen-center" who made up the core of the "signers" of the shameful criminal-inflammatory denunciation letter named after B. Yeltsin demanding a brutal reprisal against the defenders of the House of Soviets in early October 1993 [31] Written in extremist tones, the letter called on Yeltsin to immediately put an end to all dissidents, to ban all Russian parties, to close all Russian press organs, to hold a speedy trial like a military tribunal over all participants in the resistance to the regime. The corpses of one and a half thousand Russian people have not yet been removed from the streets of Moscow, and the instigators-signers from the "Russian Pen-Center" (among them - B. Akhmadulina, G. Baklanov, T. Beck, D. Granin, Yu. Davydov, D. Danin, Al. Ivanov, S. Kaledin, D. Likhachev, B. Okudzhava, V. Oskotsky, A. Pristavkin, L. Razgon, R. Rozhdestvensky) call for the use of force again, declaring: "So isn't it time to demonstrate it to our young , but already, as we again with joyful surprise were convinced (after the murder of 1,500 people. - O. P.), a sufficiently strengthened democracy? " Is this an atypical reaction of the Masonic cosmopolitan worldview, which constantly feels a panic fear of the elements of the Russian people?

The most resolute supporters of the shooting of the White House in order to suppress the resistance of the Russian people were such leaders of Masonic structures as Gaidar, Chernomyrdin, Luzhkov and Yavlinsky. The first three personally directed punitive operations against the Russian people. "No negotiations!" Chernomyrdin, one of the managers of the world backstage, shouted into the microphone. "We must kill this gang!" [32] Another representative of the international Masonic movement, Yavlinsky, insisted that "the president show maximum cruelty and firmness in suppression" [33]. The Commander of the Order of Malta B. Berezovsky allocated significant sums to pay for the mercenaries who participated in the suppression of the uprising. V. Gusinsky, a member of the B'nai-Brit order and the Rotary club, not only allocated money for punitive operations, but also financed detachments of the Beitar Jewish gangs.

In 1993, another organization of the Masonic type was created - the Order of the Eagle. According to the charter, it unites "on the basis of common interest" "the best people", develops a system of elite ties for the implementation of political and economic goals.

Hiding behind the name of the award organization (claiming to coordinate all state award activities), the Order of the Eagle aims to take control of all influential political and economic forces. A person who enters the Order of the Eagle pays membership fees, and the award organization promises to create certain benefits, privileges, payments.

According to the master of this order, RB Begishev, the Order of the Eagle "can be regarded as a financial institution with formalized, elite and specially designed business communications (or connections). This is a serious capital. The source of this capital is the" everyday "connections of the organization's members. of these links are objectively a commodity. The price of such a commodity is usually determined by the volume of paid services rendered through a system of constructed links "[34]. The Order of the Eagle publishes a closed (secret) telephone directory "The Best People of Russia", considering it as a way to give members of the Order "the opportunity to practically take advantage of the personal benefit of specially designed communications."

Members of the Order of the Eagle have special order plastic credit cards, with the help of which benefits, bonifications, and mutual settlements are calculated. They are a symbol of membership in the order and "an attribute of belonging to the elite."

The management of the order is carried out by the Board (Chapter) and the Executive Committee (Magistrate). Membership in the order is collective and individual.

Among the main founders of the Order of the Eagle were the well-known financial swindler, the head of the Stolichny bank, A. Smolensky, previously convicted under a criminal article, his colleague banker P. Nakhmanovich [35], the agent of influence of the world behind the scenes P. Bunich, the new Russian businessman V. Neverov, one of the leaders of the international Masonic movement M. Shakkum, as well as such anti-Russian figures as the chess player G. Kasparov, S. Soloviev, sculptor Z. Tsereteli, editor-in-chief of "Economics and Life", a member of the Masonic club "Interaction" of Yu. Yakutia.

From the very first "successes" of the broad revival of Freemasonry in Russia, the Russian "brothers" began to prepare a gift for their foreign bosses - the return to the West of the Masonic archives collected by Hitler during the occupation of Europe and taken away by Soviet troops as a trophy. With the support of Yakovlev and Shevardnadze, the director of the institution where the Masonic archives were kept, Prokopenko, a big fan of Freemasonry, is carrying out all the preparatory work for transferring them to the West. In deep secrecy, A. Kozyrev enters into a secret agreement with the interested parties on the transfer of the legitimate trophy of the Russian people, for which he paid with his own blood.

As one of the leading leaders of the world behind the scenes, a member of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Club, the head of the Jewish B'nai B'rith order, closely associated with the CIA, G. Kissinger wrote: “I would prefer chaos and civil war in Russia to the reunification it into a single, strong, centralized state. " And his colleague in the Masonic order "B'nai Brit" 3. Brzezinski firmly declared: "Russia will be fragmented and under the tutelage." Masonic conspirators are developing a variety of plans to weaken and dismember Russia. Among these plans is the destruction of the Russian economy and its transformation into an appendage of the economic systems of Western countries. It was for this purpose that the so-called privatization of state property and the liberalization of prices were carried out on the recommendations of Western advisers, which set the country's economy back several decades and caused the death and suffering of many millions of people.

The world Masonic behind-the-scenes pays the closest attention to the selection of cadres of Russian leaders both in politics and in the economy. The current democratic leaders of Russia either themselves belong to the Masonic structures, or they unconditionally accept all their conditions (exceptions are extremely rare). But today the world behind the scenes is no longer worried about the current, but the future leaders of Russia. In search of loyal and capable servants, she creates not only clubs, foundations and commissions, but also political parties and associations, ready to fulfill their goals.

At the end of 1993, two political associations were created to achieve Masonic goals. These are the electoral blocs "Russia's Choice" (it would be more correct to say - the main choice of the world behind the scenes) and "Yavlinsky - Boldyrev - Lukin" ("Yabloko" is the second choice of the world behind the scenes). The Choice of Russia, for example, was founded by the leaders and members of such influential Masonic and anti-Russian formations as the Magisterium club (A. N. Yakovlev), the Interaction club (E. T. Gaidar, P. Filippov), the commission " Greater Europe "(G. E. Burbulis, G. Yakunin, A. Chubais). Its activists were the old cadres of the agents of influence A. Shabad, L. Ponomarev, S. Kovalev and others. Associated with the mondialist centers abroad, this organization received comprehensive support from them. Again "big money makes history." For the December 1993 campaign alone, Russia's Choice received about 2 billion rubles, a significant part of which was provided by the world behind the scenes (through various intermediary commercial structures). To voice the anti-Russian plans of Gaidar, Burbulis, Chubais, Kozyrev, Poltoranin and others like them and to give them a decent look, hundreds of American specialists "worked", filming special films and clips. Western media and intelligence agencies made every effort to support the world's government henchmen, but they still failed.

Less was spent on the alternative choice of the world backstage "Yavlinsky - Boldyrev - Lukin", but still the lion's share of all Yabloko's expenses was financed from abroad [36]. Lukin alone personally brought 10 million rubles from the United States for these purposes.

The failure of Russia's Choice made the Yavlinsky bloc the new favorite of the world government. Since 1996, the same Western as well as Russian democratic media outlets, especially the TV program "Itogi" on the NTV channel (sponsored by the vice-president of the Rotary club, banker Gusinsky [37]), obedient to the baton of an invisible conductor, have reoriented themselves from "Choice Russia "on the Yavlinsky bloc and carried out an obsessive mental processing and the creation of a winning image of G. Yavlinsky. Western companies made a film about the life of this political cheat, who served both Gorbachev and Yeltsin faithfully.

Of course, the tasks posed by the world behind the scenes for the current and future leaders of Russia are colossal. On the agenda is the program for the dismemberment of Russia and the transfer of a number of Russian territories to foreign states:

Kaliningrad region - Germany, part of the Leningrad region and Karelia - Finland, part of the Pskov region - Estonia, a number of Far Eastern territories - Japan, most of Siberia - the United States.

Even the question of a possible occupation of Russia under the pretext of control by the "world community" (more correctly by the world government) over its nuclear arsenals is quite definitely being worked out.

The first step towards the implementation of these extreme and dangerous plans of the world behind the scenes was the Masonic development of the idea of \u200b\u200ba so-called Europe without borders, or Greater Europe. In June 1992, under the "roof" of the Council of Europe and under the patronage of its Secretary General Catherine Lalumière, the colloquium "Social Rights of a Citizen of Europe" was held, which was in fact a purely Masonic event aimed at uniting Freemasonry under the motto "Europe without Borders". According to the program, the organizers of the event were the Grand Orient of France, the Grand Lodge of France, the Grand Lodge of Turkey, the Grand Symbolic Lodge of Spain, the Grand Symbolic Lodge of Memphis and Misraim, the Grand Lodge of Italy and a number of other Masonic organizations. Russian Masons were also represented at the colloquium. Among those invited from Russia under the program were A. Sobchak, a former assistant to M. Gorbachev and a former executive officer of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Grachev, member of the editorial board of "Moscow News" A. Gelman, Yeltsin's advisor Vladimir Kolosov [38].

A year later, a new international Masonic meeting was convened with almost the same composition. At its meetings, a document is developed that establishes the European Masonic Conference and its working committee, in which the leaders of all participating lodges, including the Great East of Russia, are represented. Thus, a single coordinating body of the main Masonic lodges of the West and East of Europe emerges, which has set itself the goal of creating a "Europe without borders". Within the framework of this movement, the "Greater Europe" Commission was established, which included many prominent European Masons: the mayor of Paris J. Chirac, the chairman of the Liberal International, Count O. Lambsdorff, his deputy W. Schottley, the former Prime Minister of Belgium W. Martens, former British Minister of Defense D. Patty and others. On behalf of Russia, such prominent functionaries as A. Chubais, E. Ambartsumov, G. Sidorova (adviser to Kozyrev), G. Burbulis, K. Borovoy, A. Sobchak, V. Tretyakov (chief editor of Nezavisimaya Gazeta), G. Yakunin (former priest, State Duma deputy). As a result of the commission's work, on December 21, 1993, the "Greater Europe" charter [39] was adopted, which is a typical example of Masonic creativity. A careful reading of this unique document allows you to see the real goals pursued by the Masonic behind the scenes in relation to Russia behind the usual Masonic discourses on freedom, democracy and peace.

First of all, the aim is to deprive it of its national identity by drawing it into the sphere of "adherence to the European principles of freedom and democracy," the main of which is proclaimed the principle of individualism, absolutely alien to Russia. "There is a common thing," say the Masonic sages, "that gives this diversity the features that are characteristic of Europe: the desire for individualism and pluralism, the struggle for these values, which, under favorable circumstances, led to success." The Western principles offered to the Russian people as a model are in fact an expression of spiritual degradation and, in terms of their inner content, are immeasurably qualitatively lower than the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof Orthodoxy and conciliar collectivity, professed by our people for a millennium. Moreover, they contradict them and therefore cannot be accepted under any circumstances.

Of course, Masonic ideologists are well aware of this and include in the charter the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to fight all dissidents - "aggressive nationalism" (meaning here all those who disagree with the idea of \u200b\u200ba "Greater Europe") and religious fundamentalism (including both Islam and Orthodoxy, who disagree put up with the hydra of pluralism).

It is supposed to work out a kind of a great charter as a constitution for "Greater Europe", which should provide for the creation of supranational superstructures, a kind of pan-European government that monitors the observance of laws and controls power, which for Russia will mean a complete loss of independence.

The "Greater Europe" charter is planning the same loss of independence in the economic sphere. As a starting point for the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200ba Greater European Market, it is proposed, firstly, “to create a common energy community of Greater Europe.” As is known, Western Europe has very few energy resources, which means that we are talking about the supply of cheap energy resources by Russia to Secondly, the charter calls for the fastest liberalization of trade.In the current conditions of an unequal ratio of the ruble and Western currencies, as well as in the absence of effective control over product quality in Russia, this will lead to

on the one hand, it will pump everything of value that is in our country to the West, and on the other hand, it will overwhelm it with the dumping of second-rate, low-quality and even unhealthy products that cannot be sold in the West. Thirdly, the charter requires the provision of state guarantees for the management of Western capital in Russia.

And finally, the role that the world behind the scenes assigns to Russia in geopolitics is extremely unenviable, proposing to make it a kind of bastion against Asia, opposing the entire Asian world. For this, a military pact on joint security is concluded (including, in addition to Western Europe, the United States and Canada). Moreover, it is assumed that "the protection of common European (read, Western. - O. P.) security interests, including not only a military threat, but also a whole set of challenges of a civilizational nature. "Given the geographical position of Russia, this means that the West is not only seeking to turn Russia into an instrument of military deterrence in Asia, but also to drag our country into the fight against others, by the way, closer to us in spirituality, civilizations. To implement the project of "Greater Europe", the world behind the scenes will need to make tectonic changes in the consciousness of the Russian people. Therefore, at its core, her project is utopian. But does this mean that she will abandon it, believing just that "big money makes history"?

Freemasons and the CIA

The Masonic conspiracy has become the prototype of the activities of many modern Western intelligence services, primarily the CIA and the Mossad. "Enveloping the authorities" with a network of their employees and agents of influence, the use of blackmail, bribery, intimidation and defamation of their opponents have entered the arsenal of these related organizations, pursuing the common goal of establishing a "new" Judeo-Masonic world order. The merging of the leadership of the Masonic lodges, the Mondialist organizations and the Western special services became the rule of the life of these communities. In the post-war period, I do not know of a single example when the head of the Western secret service would not be simultaneously a member of a number of Masonic lodges and mondialist organizations. A classic example of this is the ideological enemy of the Russian people, the founder and long-term head of the CIA A. Dulles. After becoming the head of the CIA, Dulles remained the director of the Council on Foreign Relations and an active Freemason until the end of his life. The CIA credo formulated by Dulles was defined as 10%. conventional intelligence (collecting and transmitting information) and 90 percent. subversive work [40]. It is this principle of the CIA's activity that Masonic and mondialist organizations most often used against Russia. The famous speech of A. Dulles in the Council on Foreign Relations with a monstrous program of subversive work against Russia and the corruption of its youth is quite natural within the framework of this principle. Of the 29.1 billion dollars allocated by the American government in 1999 for the CIA, according to experts, about 9 billion dollars, that is, almost a third, is spent on subversive operations in Russia and the former republics of the USSR. Some of these funds are channeled through front organizations to support gangs in Chechnya and other regions of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

In 1997, during my trips to Latin American countries, I met a former CIA officer, Russian by origin, I will call him R. In his time, R. specialized in secret subversive operations of the American government against Russian Orthodoxy [41]. A sincerely repentant person told me a lot of interesting things about some of the methods of the CIA that he knew.

The American intelligence services in many cases consider the Freemasons to be a reliable support in their secret work. Through the "brotherly connection" the establishment of relations with the necessary persons is carried out. All other things being equal, when selecting agents, preference is given to freemasons and their families. Masonic lodges serve not only as a personnel reservoir, but also as a kind of guarantor of the reliability of this or that employee.

In the countries of Eastern Europe, especially in Poland and the Czech Republic, R. told me, the organization of Masonic lodges served as the first stage in the creation of the CIA's agent network. Masons - employees of this organization - make lodges, look closely at their new brothers, gradually drawing them into their subversive work. The future President of the Czech Republic V. Havel (33o), for example, formed a series of Masonic lodges, mainly of journalists, writers, university professors, some of whom were later recruited by American intelligence. Similar techniques, R. said, were used in the USSR. In 1987-1988, the CIA Freemasons created the Commonwealth of Russian Freemasons in Paris, uniting in their ranks about 50 free masons of a predominantly Scottish ritual. The organ of the CIA - Radio Liberty - begins to regularly transmit calls to the citizens of the USSR to join the Masonic lodges. One of the main strongholds of the CIA for recruitment, according to R., becomes the lodge "A. S. Pushkin" [42]).

It was this lodge and the association "A.S. Pushkin" that arose on its basis that initiated the creation of a number of other lodges, in particular the already mentioned lodge "Novikov" (Moscow), as well as "Sphinx" (St. Petersburg), "Geometry" ( Kharkiv). With solid financial support from the CIA, the freemasons of the Scottish ritual extended their tentacles into the province. Today it is known about the existence of Scottish ritual lodges in Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Orel, Tula, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don and even in Novocherkassk. In 1992-1996, several lodges of the Scottish ritual were formed in the army and in the internal troops (it is reliably known about the existence of two). They consist mainly of middle and senior officers. According to some information, a Masonic lodge has been functioning since the mid-90s, closely associated with the AS Pushkin association, consisting of officers from the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.

Although its connections with the CIA were mainly "lit up" by the Freemasons of the Scottish ritual, who worked under the roof of the Grand Lodge of France, the Western intelligence community attached an equally important role to the development of the lodges of the Grand Orient of France. It is not for nothing that the organizer of the lodges of this order in Russia was the "friend of America" \u200b\u200bA. Combe, known for his connections with American intelligence. Together with his colleague J. Orefis, he trained several dozen Freemasons to work in the depths of Russia. The Grigory Vyrubov Lodge in Paris has become a kind of training center for personnel training for Russia. The leadership of this lodge regularly advertises in the newspapers and on the radio about their readiness to accept new candidates for Masons. Following the lodges "North Star" (Moscow, 1991) and "Free Russia" (Moscow, 1992), the Great East of France undertakes to recreate the lodges of this order in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and a number of other cities. The work is carried out secretly, the new brothers are obliged to keep the Masonic secret not only from others, but even from family members.

In June 1996, the Aurora Lodge was registered in Moscow, designed specifically for foreigners living in Russia. Its representative V. Novikov said that the lodge would strive to influence the social life of Russia in the Masonic spirit. Modern Russian Masons, V. Novikov said, "are mainly intellectuals: teachers, journalists, officers" [43].

According to the former CIA officer R., the Rotary clubs play a function similar to Freemasonry. Uniting in its ranks specialists, managers of the enterprise, government and public institutions, "Rotary" is an ideal place for gathering intelligence information, as they operate among the people who own it. R. has numerous examples when, through the Rotary clubs operating in 156 countries of the world and uniting 1.2 million people, American intelligence received the information it needed. Most often, this is carried out in the framework of the so-called service to the world community. Rotarians understand this "ministry" as "international activities that provide an opportunity for clubs to cooperate with one or several foreign clubs and exchange information, experience, equipment, specialists, and funds for the implementation of significant joint projects" [44].

In 1996, there were about 30 Rotary clubs in Russia [45]. In the 90s, in addition to the clubs I have already mentioned in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Rotary organizations emerged in Irkutsk, Kiev, Dubna, Yakutsk, Magadan [46], Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Yekaterinburg, Angarsk. The Rotary movement is run from the United States. Its headquarters are located in Evanston, Illinois. Indispensable members of Rotary are American presidents (starting with Taft) and CIA leaders (starting with A. Dulles).

The establishment of official relations between the Yeltsin regime and the Order of Malta and the entry into it personally of Yeltsin and many figures from his entourage, in particular S. Filatov, B. Berezovsky, V. Yumashev, V. Kostikov, R. Abramovich, and others, opened its doors to numerous emissaries. A branch of Maltese Catholics appears in St. Petersburg. It was founded by V. Feklist, "authorized by the World Parliament of the Knightly Order of Malta" [47].

In addition to the Catholic Order of Malta, St. Petersburg has an "Orthodox Order of Malta" founded by Archbishop Makarios. The order is run from London and is financially supported by wealthy Greek Masons in the United States. According to the press, its St. Petersburg branch includes intellectuals from the Pushkin House and the University; the residence is in Old village... At one time, "Orthodox Maltese" even claimed the Zelenetsky monastery near Volkhov [48].

Islamic Freemasonry stands apart from other Masonic lodges and associations in modern Russia. Little is known about him. Most of the scattered information about the Young Turkey lodge was created on the basis of Masonic formations that existed in Turkey since the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Genetically, these associations are associated with the Grand Orient of France. It is also known about visits to these associations by Russian masons of the early XX century (A. Guchkov, M. Margulies, etc.). After the Second World War, apparently, not without the participation of the US and NATO special services, the activities of these associations, and above all of Young Turkey, were reoriented from internal problems to implement the ideas of the Great Turan - the creation of a global mystical Turkish state on a Masonic basis, the attraction to Turkey of lands belonging to Russia-USSR, including the Muslim territories of the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Dagestan), Central Asia and the Volga region. Before the collapse of the USSR, the main goal of the free masons of Young Turkey and similar organizations was to "build bridges" with the national intelligentsia of these regions with "the prospect of further involving them in Masonic work." With large financial resources, "Young Turkey" has achieved notable success in promoting the delusional idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great Turan. In particular, G. Dzhemal, who later became the chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia, became a pet of this Masonic organization. In the early 90s, the members were the leaders of the Chechen bandit formations D. Dudayev (and later Maskhadov), the presidents of Tatarstan and Ingushetia M. Shaimiev and R. Aushev. The President of Azerbaijan G. Aliyev also maintains ties with this lodge (not being its member). The presence of such a number of high-ranking persons is explained rather not simply by the Masonic significance of this lodge, but by the political weight of those forces that initiate its activities and finance the anti-Russian projects of its members.

In Russia in the 1990s, the most powerful mechanism of destabilization and destruction in the hands of the world behind the scenes was the Soros Foundation, headed by one of the leaders of the "world government", a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Club, J. Soros [49]. Under the guise of "philanthropic" activities, which I have already talked about, this influential Freemason and mondialist created an extensive subversive organization that worked closely with the CIA and Mos-Sad and became a legal cover for many of these intelligence officers [50]. The Soros Foundation coordinates its activities with other subversive, anti-Russian organizations in the West. According to another representative of the "world government," a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, US Deputy Secretary of State S. Talbott, "Soros's policy is not identical to the one pursued by the American government, but it competes with it. We are trying to synchronize our efforts in former communist countries with Germany, France, Great Britain and George Soros "[51].

Financial and economic scams of the Freemasons

J. Soros was the think tank and initiator of almost all the largest financial and economic scams committed in Russia in the first half of the 90s. It was he who, in collaboration with Sh. Eisenberg ("B'nai-Brit"), D. Ruben (the English lodge), M. Rich (the lodge of the York ritual in New York), stood behind the backs of Chubais, Gaidar, Burbulis and a number of other newly minted Russian Masonic functionaries during the so-called privatization, as a result of which the overwhelming part of the property belonging to the Russian people passed into the hands of international financial swindlers. According to the Chairman of the State Property Committee V.P. Polevanov, "500 largest privatized enterprises in Russia with a real value of at least $ 200 billion were sold for a pittance (about $ 7.2 billion) and ended up in the hands of foreign companies and their front structures. "[52].

In the mid-90s, the Soros Foundation carried out a number of operations to undermine the Russian economy. According to the Wall Street Journal (1994.10.11), American financial experts consider the collapse of the ruble in Russia on the so-called Black Tuesday, October 11, 1994, the result of the activities of a group of funds led by Soros. Attention is drawn to the fact that by the beginning of the summer of 1994, the Soros Foundation had acquired shares of Russian enterprises in the amount of $ 10 million. In late August - early September, Soros, having waited for the growth in the share price, sold them. According to experts, on this operation, he made a profit equivalent to $ 400 million. At the end of September, the Soros Foundation began buying dollars for rubles, which, according to American experts, caused a rapid rise in the US dollar and a rapid fall of the ruble, the collapse of the financial system and the rapid ruin of many Russian enterprises.

An even more destructive operation by Soros against the Russian economy was the manipulation of GKO securities. In 1992-1993, as a permanent adviser to the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, J. Soros initiated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe GKO pyramid. The payment of high (but not secured by real income) interest to the holders of GKO securities was ensured through the compulsory imposition of their purchase by Russian enterprises and financial institutions. The operations with GKOs were carried out with the decisive role of such members of the Chernomyrdin government and consultants of mondialist organizations, such as A. Chubais, G. Burbulis, A. Shokhin, B. Fedorov, A. Livshits.

With the exhaustion of organizations and institutions that could be imposed on GKOs, the collapse of this financial adventure was approaching. Soros, who invested considerable capital in GKOs, determined the moment of this collapse earlier than others. In the spring and summer of 1998, he and the businessmen and senior government officials associated with him, through dummies, are gradually getting rid of GKOs, thereby provoking their further depreciation. The main speculative source of income for the Russian government is crumbling. According to data published by Western investigators and experts, more than 700 of the largest Russian figures, including state leaders, participated in the GKO scam. On the day of default on August 17, many top government officials sold their GKOs at super-lucrative rates for the money of the International Monetary Fund, thus depositing billions of dollars into their personal accounts in the West, leaving worthless notes of GKOs in the state treasury. On August 17, the government refuses to pay T-bills. For banks and enterprises that have concentrated in their hands a significant number of GKOs, a real financial catastrophe sets in, which caused the devaluation of the ruble by three times, a rapid rise in prices and the ruin of enterprises.


Since both foreign investors and banks bought GKO bonds because of their high yield, they also suffered. The already low financial prestige of Russia fell to zero. According to the Institute of Economic Analysis, thanks to the GKO-OFZ market, the federal budget managed to attract about $ 18.6 billion in five years. USA. At the end of May 1998, the amount of accumulated debt reached 71.9 billion dollars. Thus, for each dollar attracted to the state budget, Russia had to pay four dollars [53]. Most of the payment funds were embezzled by members of the criminal Masonic clan and his entourage. Using official information, members of the Masonic organizations amassed huge fortunes on this scam. So, A. Chubais only in 1996 earned 2 billion rubles on T-bills. [54]. G. Burbulis did not lag behind him - the Bank "Strategy" headed by him literally grew on government securities. The head of the State Tax Service, Pochinok, despite his official position, did not even hide the fact that his huge income was obtained as a result of speculation in the government securities market [55].

Burbulis's business is closely related to the business of other financial swindlers - the freemason A. Smolensky and the Urinson brothers [56]. The latter have close ties with the Bank of New York, through which, it is assumed, illegal transactions under the Rosvooruzheniye line are carried out. In this business, Burbulis cooperates with "one of the largest criminals in the world," wanted by Interpol, a major drug dealer, a Mossad agent, already mentioned by me higherM. Rich [57]; and also by the Russian criminal businessman A. Tarasov. Burbulis received oil export licenses from Yeltsin for Rich, bringing in huge profits.

Chubais's business is directly related to the machinations of J. Soros, whose interests are represented by B. Jordan, who actually manages the ONEKSIMBANK-MFK group, which is backed by Anglo-American Jewish capital. Chubais had a joint business with Bonde-Nielsen, a large Freemason, owner of a shipbuilding company, who was convicted of fraud and prosecuted [58]. It is known about the cooperation of Chubais (with his personal assistance, Yeltsin signed documents supporting the criminal business) with the Far Eastern mafia structures involved in the smuggling of valuable seafood into Japan [59]. Chubais's financial machinations with compensation to the National Sports Fund (Sh. Tarpishchev), which received almost 33 non-denominated trillion rubles from the state budget, received a wide response. rub. [60].

"Cutting off the rough stone of Russia", practically all the large Russian Freemasons I know have amassed huge personal fortunes on the troubles of our Motherland. In addition to the free masons already listed above, particular success in this field, according to the periodicals, was achieved by: the Commander of the Order of Malta B. Berezovsky (personal fortune of more than $ 1 billion), a member of the B'nai-Brit and the Rotary club V. Gusinsky (at least $ 800 million), consultants of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations V. Chernomyrdin and R. Vyakhirev (approximately $ 1 billion each), a member of the Rotary club Y. Luzhkov (300-400 million .doll.).

According to data published in Swiss, Italian and American newspapers in August-September 1999, most of the loans of the International Monetary Fund - at least 15 billion dollars. - were plundered by the commander of the Order of Malta B. Yeltsin, his daughter and their closest circle (A. Chubais, A. Livshits, O. Soskovets, V. Potanin) [61].

This money was pumped through offshore zones created by the famous leader of the Masonic movement, the former head of the IMF from Russia, K. Kagalovsky in Cyprus, Gibraltar and Zurich. Among the main transshipment points in the implementation of this international scam was one of the largest American banks - the Bank of New York, whose four main leaders - T. Reni, D. Beckot, R. Gomery and M. Moose - were on the Council on Foreign Relations. Thus, the operation was carried out without the knowledge of the world behind the scenes. Operational management of the transfer of funds abroad was carried out by Kagalovsky's wife, who works as one of the executive directors at the Bank of New York. Much of the stolen money was placed in the securities of American corporations. Apparently, Kagalovsky's closest associate and friend, Chairman of the United Management Board of Yukos and the head of Bank Menatep, M. Khodorkovsky, was involved in the scam. In 1993, at a meeting of the world behind the scenes, the World Economic Forum in Davos, M. Khodorkovsky was included in the list of 200 representatives of humanity, whose activities will influence the development of the world in the third millennium. Steeped in financial scams and outright theft, international and Russian Masonic leaders are confident in the superiority of the Judeo-Masonic civilization. The union of all believers in mammon is for them the guarantee of the universal victory of the "new world order". In their worship of money, the forces of world Freemasonry and Mondialism are blind and utopian, but this is what makes them capable of any crime and villainy. Pet is nothing more dangerous to humanity than a utopia with power behind the scenes and big money and always striving for ever more complete and absolute power. The most striking example of this is the current events in Russia.

New favorites behind the scenes

The world behind the scenes is working with particular persistence with the current ruling regime in Russia, trying to protect itself from the "accidental changes of power" and "ensure the continuity of the leaders of democratic reforms," \u200b\u200bthat is, politicians pleasing to the West. The series of politicians like Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Gaidar, Chernomyrdin, Chubais, Nemtsov, Kiriyenko, who went bankrupt and completely discredited themselves in Russia, are being replaced by a new echelon of favorites of the world behind the scenes. Among them, in addition to the already mentioned G. Yavlinsky, a special place in the late 1980s is occupied by L. Lebed, in whose image the elite of the world behind the scenes sees a modified analogue of Yeltsin. The general who is not very literate, limited, unprincipled and unscrupulous in his means appeals to the West with his readiness to make any concessions and agreements in exchange for political support.

In 1995, during my trip to the United States, I received information from sources close to the government circles of this country that among influential American politicians there is an opinion that it is necessary to elect Lebed, not Yeltsin, as the new president of Russia. It even named the amount of money that this group of politicians was going to "invest" in Lebed - about 1 billion dollars. Then I did not believe this information - the personality of Swan seemed too insignificant and frivolous to me. However, further events showed that I was wrong.

In October 1996, A. Lebed arrived in New York at the invitation to take part in a meeting of one of the main bodies of the world behind the scenes - the Council on Foreign Relations. The meeting was preceded by a friendly meeting between Lebed and the "architects of the destruction of the USSR", the leaders of the said Council - former US President George W. Bush, former US Secretary of State D. Baker and General B. Scowcroft. These well-known Russophobes familiarized Lebed with the agenda and outlined the main areas of discussion at the upcoming meeting.

On November 18, Lebed was admitted to the Council on Foreign Relations. The meeting with him lasted about 5 hours. G. Kissinger introduced the general to those present, D. Rockefeller, Z. Brzezinski, former American ambassador to Moscow, personnel intelligence officer D. Matlock, D. Simes took an active part in the discussion. The leaders of the world behind the scenes assessed the personality of the general as a candidate for the presidency of Russia. In his speech at the Council, Lebed assured the "world government" that he considers it necessary to continue the reforms initiated by Yeltsin, approves the West-centric foreign policy of the current government and "cooperation with NATO without hysteria", advocates the final destruction of "imperial and anti-Semitic traditions" of Russia. In response to the question whether he is ready to specifically fight anti-Semitism in Russia, the general replied "sharply in the affirmative." Answering questions about the Caucasian territory of Russia, the general said that he was ready to agree to its withdrawal from the North Caucasus and the transfer of the entire Caucasian region under the control of the West. Lebed also agreed with the possibility of NATO custody of Russia's nuclear facilities.

The next day, General Lebed attended a meeting of the World Jewish Organization, at which he once again assured Jewish leaders of his readiness to fight the "imperial and anti-Semitic traditions" of Russia and urged participants to support him as a candidate for the presidency of Russia. At all meetings and meetings of Lebed with the American elite, the issue of financial assistance to the future presidential candidate in Russia was discussed. According to an Orthodox newspaper, in 1999 Lebed visited the largest French Masonic lodge, the Great East. With his participation, an ancient ritual was carried out, after which he was awarded the honorary Masonic signs [62].

A. Lebed is not the only political figure used by the world behind the scenes to influence the Russian patriotic movement. According to information I received from the aforementioned former CIA officer, in the second half of the 80s - early 90s, this subversive organization allocated hundreds of millions of dollars for special operations in the Russian patriotic movement, including recruiting agents and introducing their own people in patriotic organizations, and above all, surrounded by prominent patriotic figures. According to my informant, by deception, bribery, blackmail, the CIA managed to persuade a handful of traitors who play a certain role in patriotic organizations, as well as in some patriotic magazines and newspapers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk to cooperate. As my informant, who attended various meetings and colloquia of the CIA, managed to understand, a significant part of these renegades [63] were selected from former emigrants of the third wave associated with organizations such as NTS, Radio Liberty, and without that previously collaborated with the CIA. The so-called Orthodox Freemasons, who continue their activities in the United States in the Orthodox Church of American jurisdiction, provided noticeable assistance in introducing themselves into Russian patriotic organizations. Moreover, the CIA did not always recruit directly [64]. This was most often done through CIA-funded public organizations and foundations.

The main goals of the CIA in relation to the Russian patriotic movement were:

    introduction of instability, contradictions, playing off leaders;

    spreading discrediting rumors about authoritative Russian patriots;

  • taking actions that contributed to the split and fragmentation of patriotic organizations, discrediting the leaders of the movement who have the ability to unite significant patriotic forces around them;
  • the creation of organizations false in their tasks, designed to split the patriotic movement, to bring confusion into it, to replace its true goals.

In this regard, it is appropriate to cite as an example the events that developed in the Moscow Society for the Protection of Monuments (VOOPIiK) in the second half of the 1980s. During this period, Moscow society was one of the spiritual centers of the Russian national revival, concentrating around itself significant forces of Russian patriots. Around 1984, a well-organized anti-patriotic group emerged here, promoting liberal-Masonic ideology. This group set as its goal during the next re-election of the board of the Moscow Society to displace its leadership and change the patriotic direction of its activities. The group failed to achieve this goal. All of its members were almost unanimously expelled from society and began to write denunciations against patriots, accusing them of anti-Semitism, extremism, ignorance and even Orthodox clericalism. The finale of this story is most interesting: a few years later, the most active members of the anti-Russian, anti-Orthodox group, unfortunately, became private guests of patriotic radio stations such as Radonezh and Narodnoye Radio, and one even got a job teaching at the Moscow Theological Academy. The names of these werewolves will be announced in due course.

Much of what was planned in the CIA in relation to "national-patriots", he failed to implement, although some of its operations in the Russian patriotic movement the CIA considered successful. For example, the 1991-1992 special operations to introduce their agents into the entourage of authoritative leaders of the patriotic movement, who most often acted under the roof of entrepreneurs and financiers, who offered these leaders money and gave them advice, as a result of which the patriotic movement reached a dead end.

Conducting active subversive activities against the Russian national movement, seeking to crush and destroy it, the United States, at the same time, seeks to strengthen anti-Russian national movements in all possible ways in the former republics of the USSR and in the national regions of Russia itself. For these purposes, the CIA spends at least $ 1 billion. in year. Particular attention is paid to the development of the anti-Russian movement in Little Russia. The budget of the Ukrainian nationalist organizations RUKH, UNA-UNSO is funded by the CIA for almost three quarters, and most of the top leaders of these organizations have been in the service of the American government since the "pre-perestroika" times. The frank words of Z. Brzezinski at a closed meeting of the American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee on the occasion of his being awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Lvov are quite characteristic: "The building of our American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee is the long-term planning of US-Ukraine relations. My role as leader of this committee is It is important for Ukraine to constantly and consistently go to the West, because if it neglects this and does not define itself as a Central European state, it will be drawn into the sphere of influence of Russia.

A "new world order" under US hegemony is being created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the ruins of Russia.

Ukraine for us is an outpost of the West against the restoration of the Soviet Union "[65].

goal - destruction of Russia

In the second half of the 90s, the Judeo-Masonic leaders of the mondialist organizations - the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Club, the World Forum and other criminal communities, hatching the idea of \u200b\u200bworld domination over humanity, began to loudly declare that the time frame for establishing a "new world order was approaching. ". Using the "magic number" of 2000, the mondialists believe that by this time the "world government" will not only control, but also direct all spheres of society's life, including the religious one. For example, one of the ideologues of Mondialism J. Attali in his program book "Horizon Lines" announced that the creation of "planetary political power" and "a new world order" would become a reality by 2000 [66]. In the plans of the world behind the scenes, Russia is assigned the role of a "reservoir of raw materials and energy resources." The future "world government" is not at all worried about the fate of the people living in our country. In the calculations of the leaders of the Judeo-Masonic world, it is considered as a "strategic territory" (3. Brzezinski) or "a place where the lion's share of the planet's useful reserves is concentrated" (D. Rockefeller). According to Z. Brzezinski, expressed by him at a meeting of the US National Security Council, "the less population there is in this territory, the more successful its development by the West will be."

In 1992, the study "American forecasts of the development of the geostrategic situation in the world at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries" was published, which set out considerations in favor of dividing Russia into 6 independent state entities: Western Russia, the Urals, Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, the Far East and the Northern Territories.

In October 1997, Z. Brzezinski proposed to divide Russia into three parts: European Russia, the Siberian Republic and the Far Eastern Republic. “Decentralized Russia,” Brzezinski declared, “is a real and desirable opportunity” [67].

At the meeting of the Bilderberg Club on May 14-17, 1998 in Great Britain, the main attention was paid to the issues of the dismemberment of Russia. For this purpose, it was proposed to divide our country into several zones of control. According to the considered scheme, the Center and Siberia should go to the United States, the Northwest - to Germany, the South and the Volga region - to Turkey, the Far East - to Japan.

According to information sparingly coming from sources close to the US government, the main strategic line of this country in relation to Russia is to maintain it in a state of constant destabilization, provoke processes of destruction and disintegration, and all kinds of assistance to destructive elements in the economy, politics and national relations.

US Secretary of State, one of the leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations M. Albright, in her speech at the meeting of the Russian-American Council of Business Cooperation (Chicago, October 2, 1998), stated that, based on the national interests of the United States, their main task is to "manage consequences of the collapse of the Soviet empire "that it is necessary to provide" support to Russia as long as it moves in the right direction of collapse "[68].

Z. Brzezinski's book "The Grand Chessboard" and a number of his recent speeches and reports formulate a long-term geopolitical strategy of the world behind the scenes, the core of which is the US establishment. According to this strategy, in the long term, it provides for the complete destruction of Russia on its historical European territory up to the Ural Mountains, the resettlement of Russians (including Little Russians and Belarusians) in remote places of Siberia as a labor force for the extraction of natural resources intended for Western industry.

If we translate Z. Brzezinski's crafty expressions and formulations from Judeo-Masonic into normal human language, the main idea of \u200b\u200bhis recent speeches is to destroy Russia as a country that cannot be converted into a "Western-type democracy", unable to integrate it into Judeo-Masonic civilization. For Brzezinski and other ideologues of the world behind the scenes, Russia is a "black hole" hostile to the Western world. Rightly criticizing and clearly despising the criminal, corrupt Yeltsin regime, mired in theft and corruption, Brzezinski does not believe in his ability to control the development of Russia in a direction pleasing to the West, and Brzezinski is also skeptical about Yeltsin's possible successors, no less than he, mired in theft and corruption - Chernomyrdin, Kiriyenko, Nemtsov, Luzhkov, Primakov, Stepashin ... Like many other rulers of the world behind the scenes, Brzezinski does not like the fact that the money they allocated through the IMF for the "reconstruction" of Russia according to the Western model is being brazenly stolen and are transferred to the accounts of Yeltsin's relatives, his prime ministers on duty and those closest to him [69]. But a crow will not gouge out a crow's eyes. Freemason Brzezinski does not propose to prosecute the Commander of the Order of Malta Yeltsin and his Masonic team, but considers their theft and corruption to be an innate property of Russia. Therefore, he proposes to do away with Russia once and for all as a geographical, political and spiritual concept, dismembering it into several puppet states subject to the West and at the same time transferring part of its territories to the states of the European Union, Turkey, Japan and even China.

One of the main tasks of the world behind the scenes is the destruction of national governments and the establishment of Judeo-Masonic ruling regimes in their place. Over the past 150 years, all Western European countries have lost their national governments and are governed by cosmopolitan and Judeo-Masonic elites, far from the national interests of the overwhelming majority of the French, Germans, British, Belgians and other Western European peoples. The comedy of elections of two or three essentially identical parties with a fig leaf covers the most brutal dictatorship of the secret world government and international Jewish capital, unswervingly defending the line of a handful of Jewish leaders on the world domination of the "chosen" people.

Yugoslavia and plans for the dismemberment of Russia

The plans for the barbaric armed aggression of the West against Yugoslavia were developed at the meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. It was these bodies that made the political decision to "punish" the Orthodox Serbian people for violating the "rules of the game" of the world behind the scenes. The main fault of the Serbs, from the point of view of the world behind the scenes, is their firmness in defending the national interests of their people, the main of which is the preservation of Orthodoxy and territorial integrity. In the eyes of the leaders of the world behind the scenes, the Serbian people is the greatest heretic, since the only one among the European nations managed to preserve the national government, which found the strength and courage to resist the dictates of the world behind the scenes.

The armed aggression of the United States and its NATO satellites in Yugoslavia in April-June was a punitive operation of the world behind the scenes, one of the stages in the establishment of a "new world order." As a result of this operation, millions of people were injured, tens of thousands were killed during the bombings (including the use of weapons prohibited by international conventions), and most of the economy of Yugoslavia was destroyed. The world behind the scenes trampled on the accepted norms of international law and UN conventions, in fact, officially proclaiming force as the main instrument of international relations.

The deployment of NATO troops to a significant part of the territory of Yugoslavia is the actual occupation of this country, aimed at its gradual destruction with the transfer of territory to neighboring states.

One of the leaders of the "new world order" J. Soros in his article "Breaking the Borders" [70] a month after the end of the NATO bombing campaign said that "The Balkans cannot be reconstructed on the basis of national states." In his opinion, in order to put an end to the national statehood of the countries of South-Eastern Europe, they need to be taken under the protectorate of the European Union, which "must unfold its umbrella over the entire region." New borders are expected to be established for all Balkan countries, including Yugoslavia (excluding Kosovo), Albania, Romania and Bulgaria. In all these countries, it is planned to liquidate customs, abolish state regulation of the economy, destroy national currencies and introduce the euro or the German mark.

Similar ideas are carried out in the documents of the Council on Foreign Relations. In the program "Reconstruction of the Balkans", developed on behalf of the Council by a member of this council, President of the Carnegie Endowment M. Abramovich, Yugoslavia is absent on the map of Europe. According to this program, the "reconstruction" of the Balkans will be carried out in the conditions of "a powerful military presence of NATO at its long-term bases in Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia and Kosovo. As a result of the reconstruction, the following states will be left on the map of the Balkans: Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro ". The operation to redistribute borders and destroy national states in the Balkans in the Council on Foreign Relations and other organizations of the world behind the scenes is viewed as a testing ground for the dismemberment of Russia and the destruction of its statehood. Secret support of anti-Russian gangs in Chechnya, Dagestan and other Caucasian territories, carried out by the American government through the regimes of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia, as well as the Afghan Taliban movement organized with CIA money, aims to seize rich territories from Russia oil, prepare this region for the role of Russia's Kosovo.


1999 brought a new alignment in the Judeo-Masonic elite ruling in Russia. The Russians' disrespect for this elite can only argue with their hatred of them. Under these conditions, there is a shift within the ruling elite from the criminal-cosmopolitan clan Yeltsin-Chernomyrdin-Chubais-Berezovsky to the new Luzhkov-Primakov-Gusinsky-Yavlinsky clan, no less criminal before the Russian people. This new clan is called upon to unite all anti-Russian forces inside the country, who have enriched themselves from the grief and suffering of our compatriots. Unlike the old clan, which came to power mainly on the cosmopolitan slogans of "democracy" and "freedom", the new clan is going to use the patriotic card, to play on the fair hatred of ordinary people for the Yeltsin regime.

At the end of 1998, a new electoral bloc was created under the false name "Fatherland - All Russia" ("OVR"), which in the fall of 1999 was headed by three well-known anti-Russian figures - Moscow Mayor Yu. Luzhkov (Rotary club), former chairman of the Russian government. Primakov (Order of Malta) and Tatar nationalist M. I. Shaimiev (Young Turkey lodge), as well as another Young Turk R. Aushev. All these people, one way or another, took part in the coup d'état of September-October 1993. The main financial and information support of the electoral bloc was carried out by one of the leaders of international Zionism, vice-president of the World Jewish Congress, head of the Jewish community of Russia, member of the B'nai-Brit and Rotary club V. A. Gusinsky, who owns the newspaper Segodnya, " Moskovsky Komsomolets, Moskovskaya Pravda, Literaturnaya Gazeta, Itogi magazine, NTV television company and Echo Moskvy radio station. Gusinsky's closest associates - M. Fridman, B. Khait, V. Malkin, A. Smolensky, M. Khodorkovsky [71] also participated in financing the OVR electoral bloc.

It is important to note that, unlike the old clan of the ruling elite, which was oriented mainly towards the United States and the Jewish capital of this country, the new clan, headed by Luzhkov, is oriented towards Western Europe and Israel. The latter is evidenced by the fact that the new clan is supported by the entire leadership of the Jewish, Zionist organizations, many of which are B'nai Brit.

In the days when NATO aircraft began bombing Yugoslavia, Yu. M. Luzhkov negotiated with European representatives of the world behind the scenes in Paris. According to our Parisian informers, Luzhkov has repeatedly met with the leaders of the European network of Rotary clubs, as well as, most importantly, with senior officials from the Grand Orient of France. As a result of Luzhkov's contacts with the French brothers, they decided to support the new clan "as the most promising circle of people in modern Russia." It was decided to appeal to all the brothers in different countries, and above all in Russia, with a request to assist the people united around Luzhkov. The Great East of France sent its high-ranking brother (33o) Jacques Seguela, who is considered one of the leading experts in modern electoral technologies, to help in the election campaign of Luzhkov.

The preliminary agreements between the leaders of the anti-Russian Fatherland bloc and the Masonic structures of the Great East were clarified and confirmed at the negotiations between E. Primakov and French President J. Chirac in November 1999.

In contrast to the grouping of Judeo-European Freemasonry, the American and Maltese Masonic clans are creating an electoral bloc called "Unity", which aimed to unite all anti-Russian forces under the leadership of Yeltsin and his criminal-cosmopolitan circle. The organizational structure and personnel structure of the block leaders were determined by B. A. Berezovsky, R. A. Abramovich, A. S. Voloshin, V. B. Yumashev. The puppet leaders who voiced the commands from B.A. Berezovsky became the nominal head of the block. All the forces of the state apparatus were sent to serve the clan interests. The first and second channels of state television, as well as TV-6, worked entirely on the propaganda of this anti-Russian bloc. The dirtiest and shameless methods were used to discredit their political opponents, which especially distinguished the telepropagandists engaged by Berezovsky - S. Dorenko, N. Svanidze, M. Leontyev. However, the protege of V. Gusinsky E. Kiselev was not inferior to them either.



The clash between the two Masonic clans in the 99 elections showed the boundless meanness, baseness and cynicism of Masonic politics. In the heat struggle compromising both sides stripped each other naked, showing everyone their complete squalor, boundless greed and moral insignificance. After the elections, summing up their results, two well-known Russian Masons G.O. Pavlovsky and S. Govorukhin, representing both Masonic clans, admitted that they looked at these elections as a special performance. According to Govorukhin, the election victory depended on whose behind-the-scenes direction of this performance was more successful [72].

Freemasonry - a criminal community

Freemasonry in all its manifestations is a secret criminal community pursuing the goal of achieving world domination on the basis of the Jewish doctrine of the chosen people.

The Russian Orthodox Church has always condemned Freemasonry, rightly considering it a manifestation of Satanism. Millions of Orthodox Christians annually anathematize all individuals who are members of Masonic lodges or affiliated organizations. In 1932, at the All-Diaspora Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, a decision was made that participation in Masonic lodges "is incompatible with the title of a Christian - a member of Christ's Church, that they must either decisively renounce Freemasonry and related doctrines, or with further impenitence they will be excommunicated Holy Church ".

Freemasonry has always been the worst enemy of humanity, all the more dangerous because it tried to cover up its secret criminal activities with a veil of false discourses about self-improvement and charity. However, the terrible, sinister crimes it committed made it illegal. In almost all countries, Freemasonry was constantly prohibited by law as a criminal organization. Here are some facts:

1725 - Freemasonry is banned in France. 1737 French police forbid the gatherings of Freemasons.

1738 - Freemasonry was banned in Holland (originated in 1734) and Sweden (originated in 1735).

1740 - King Philip V of Spain issues the Decree against Freemasonry (originated in 1728).

1740 Freemasonry is prohibited on the island of Malta.

1745 - the government of the Republic of Bern prohibits Freemasonry by a special decree.

1748 the Ottoman Porta bans Freemasonry in Turkey.

1749 Lord Derwentwater, the first Grand Master of the Masonic Order in France, is executed on the scaffold for crimes.

1751 Ferdinand IV of Spain bans Freemasonry in his states.

1801 - Emperor Francis II bans Freemasonry in Austria.

1823 Freemasonry is prohibited in Portugal.

Nevertheless, despite the prohibitions, Masonic ideology gradually spread in the public consciousness, poisoning its Christian content. To inspire confidence among the uninitiated in the criminal activities of the Masonic order, freemasons disguised themselves as philanthropic organizations, declared their love for humanity, piety and decency. In fact, the activities of the Freemasons reproduced the Jewish ideology of the "chosen people", who supposedly had special rights to rule over the rest of humanity. With regard to all non-Masons, free masons were allowed to lie, slander, kill, play people against each other, class against class, people against people. Masonic influence was one of the main factors in all wars, revolutions and great upheavals of the XVIII-XX centuries.

By the end of the 19th century, the Freemasons began to exert not an indirect, but a direct influence on the politics of Western countries. By the middle of the 20th century, Masonic lodges and associated Masonic-type organizations in these countries had become the dominant state force, playing a key role in the formation of governments and parliaments. Freemasons came to power and were able to carry out their Masonic principles without any restrictions. As a result of evil, violence and injustice, there is more in the world than before.

The stronghold of today's Western world order is the United States of America, which freemasons around the world consider a "Masonic state", a "great Masonic superpower." The US president and government are made up of senior members of the Masonic lodges. Today's US President B. Clinton is a world-famous "corrupted type, dishonest", a member of the elite Masonic lodge "Skull and Bones". His predecessor, George W. Bush, is a member of several lodges of Scottish and York rituals. One of the most respected American Freemasons (33o), President H. Truman stated that he "builds his state activities on the principles of Freemasonry" and wants these principles "to spread throughout the world."

Guided by his Masonic principles, President G. Truman in 1945 gave a monstrous order to bomb two peaceful Japanese cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as a result of which 200 thousand inhabitants died.

Based on Masonic principles, it was only after World War II that American Freemason presidents committed so many war crimes against humanity that their deeds deserve a military tribunal:

1948-1953 - participation in punitive actions against the Filipino people. Many thousands of Filipinos die.

1950-1953 - armed invasion of Korea by about a million American soldiers. The death of hundreds of thousands of Koreans.

1964-1973 biennium - participation of 50 thousand American soldiers in punitive operations against the Republic of Laos. Thousands of victims again.

1964 - Bloody suppression of the Panamanian national forces, demanding the return of Panama's rights in the Panama Canal zone.

1965-1973 biennium - military aggression against Vietnam. Destruction of over half a million Vietnamese. Following Hitler's example, peaceful villages were completely destroyed, whole territories were burned with napalm, along with all the inhabitants. Mass killings of women and children.

1970 - aggression against Cambodia. From the US side - 32 thousand soldiers. Numerous civilian casualties.

1982-1983 - terrorist attack by 800 US Marines against Lebanon. Numerous victims again.

1983 - military intervention in Grenada by about 2 thousand marines. Hundreds of lives have been lost.

1986 - perfidious attack on Libya. The bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi. Numerous victims.

1989 - armed intervention in Panama. Thousands of Panamanians were killed.

1991 - a large-scale military action against Iraq, involved 450 thousand troops and many thousands of pieces of modern technology. At least 150 thousand civilians were killed. Bombing peaceful targets to intimidate the Iraqi population.

1992-1993 - the occupation of Somalia. Armed violence against civilians, killing of civilians.

1999 - aggression against Yugoslavia, thousands of victims of the civilian population, hundreds of thousands of refugees.

But this is only open aggression. And how many decades the United States has been waging an undeclared war against El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iran, investing huge amounts of money to maintain the puppet pro-America

kan regimes or American-inspired rebels that opposed legitimate governments that did not recognize American dominance in the region. Honduras was turned by the United States into a military staging area against El Salvador and Nicaragua.

The total number of victims of the criminal orders of American Masonic presidents in 1948-1999 alone is more than a million people, not including the wounded and disadvantaged.

Humanity has the right to present the "Masonic superpower" with an account and judge the American Masonic administration and the Masonic administrations of its satellites but NATO as war criminals at the new Nuremberg trial. Like the ideology of fascism, the Masonic ideology should be outlawed, and its carriers should be subject to severe criminal prosecution. Masonic lodges and related organizations, such as Rotary or Pen Clubs, should be rightly equated with fascist organizations and prohibited.

In Russia, Masonic lodges were banned three times by special Imperial decrees - under Catherine II, Paul I and Alexander I. The last ban existed until February 1917.

Nevertheless, despite the ban, the Masonic lodges continued to "work" in secret. Criminal traces of their activities can be traced in the 19th and 20th centuries (and even under Soviet rule). A new "heyday" of Masonic lodges took place during the so-called perestroika. By special decrees of M.S.Gorbachev, and a little later, of B.N.Yeltsin, Freemasonry was again legalized and greatly expanded its scope of activity at the expense of Masonic clubs and other organizations created to achieve Masonic goals. In its current form, Freemasonry poses a huge threat to Russian society. Today, Russia, as at the beginning of the century, faces the task of completely eliminating and banning Masonic organizations.

Chapter 12


The topic of the history of Freemasonry in recent years has aroused keen interest due to its former closed nature for many years in Russia, and also because in modern public life there have been many political speculations on the issue of the "world Masonic conspiracy", "Jewish-Freemasonry", its omnipotence, penetration to all countries, influencing the most important political processes.
Literature about Freemasonry in our country has not been published for many years, it itself was condemned, ridiculed, considered a phenomenon incompatible with the Soviet political system. The beginning of perestroika, the change in the socio-political climate in the country gave rise to a wide interest in the previously "closed" topic. Works on world and Russian Freemasonry, published at the end of the 19th - first third of the 20th centuries, began to be reprinted. There were also publications of modern researchers. Based on this literature, consider the cultural and historical phenomenon of Freemasonry.

The history of the origin of Freemasonry has no unambiguous explanation. One of the legends associates its origin with the Israelite-Jewish reign of Solomon in the 900s. BC e. Another legend tells that in the XII century. in Jerusalem, the Order of the Templars was founded (from the French temple - temple). They were located in a house that stood on the site of the temple of King Solomon. At the beginning of the XIV century. the head of the templars, Jacques de Moyu, expanded the influence of the order by creating lodges - Paris, Edinburgh, Neapolitan and Stockholm. Let us explain that the Order of the Knights Templar even in the era

The Crusades were perceived as a robber order that departed from Christianity and its precepts. The Templars considered themselves superior to others. They were notoriously infamous as robbers, villains, and murderers. Having become, in fact, militant atheists, the Templars departed from religious vows. Christ became a false prophet for them. The letter T (Templar) appeared on the robes of the former crusaders.
The Catholic Church and Pope Clement V condemned the departure of the Masonic orders from Christian traditions and began the inquisition process. The result was the prohibition of Freemasonry and the burning at the stake of the head of the templars, Jacques de Molay. This is how the paths of true Christians and Masons, who served "the dark forces of Satan", parted. There is also a legend: Freemasonry spread to Europe from the East, since the masons believe that wisdom comes from the East. It is no coincidence, apparently, that the highest Masonic administration is called "East". Who are the Freemasons? The very name "Freemason" is associated with something mysterious, influential and powerful. When, for what purpose did their organizations appear? What is their history and how is their role in history manifested? What influence do they have on political and public life today?
The word "mason" comes from the French francmason and means "free mason". This name arose back in the Middle Ages, when builders of temples, palaces and castles, including bricklayers, began to gather in their meetings, where they discussed the secrets of professional skill. This period is called "operational Freemasonry". Gradually, bricklayers' lodges turned into closed societies, where representatives of the aristocracy, wealthy classes, who had nothing to do with the profession of a bricklayer, entered, and where, in addition to purely professional issues, political issues began to be discussed. From the XVI-XVII centuries. Freemasonry is becoming a purely aristocratic phenomenon. In 1717, four London masons' partnerships united into the Great English Lodge. This example was followed later in Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium. These associations had a mission - to help ensure the class interests of those in power through the implementation of the domestic and international policies of the bourgeois state. They strove for the achievement by all of humanity of the kingdom of truth and love, freedom, equality and brotherhood, "earthly paradise". For this, it was necessary to destroy the monarchical, national states

Figure: Masonic symbols: trowel and spirit level

Stva. The republican form of government with the division of powers into legislative, executive and judicial, the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy - this is what, according to the Masons, should replace the monarchical government.
However, republicanism was seen by them as an intermediate stage. Their ideal is the creation of a world Masonic state, led by a world Masonic government. To achieve this goal, as they believed, is possible only through a revolutionary struggle, through the Masonic education of mankind. This means that the main thing in the activity of Freemasonry is the creation of a supranational power, the task of which will be to establish peace and harmony between nations, and universal well-being.
The goal of the Masonic lodges was the religious and moral education of fellows in a non-church environment, while they replaced the old religious morality with a new one - the morality of solidarity. The place of God was replaced by humanity, whose morality should be non-religious. Expressing a similar idea, one of the prominent Belgian Freemasons Fleury in 1881 directly declared: "Down with the Crucified! ... His kingdom is over! God is not needed!" Spiritually rebuilding a person, prominent Freemasons have repeatedly declared that Christianity and Freemasonry are absolutely incompatible. In Masonic symbolism, the cross was replaced with a triangle with the eye of the devil; instead of the temple of God, the brothers must cultivate themselves in lodges.
These Masonic goals remained hidden, since they involved a struggle with historically established forms of religion and power in different countries, with a desire to change the self-consciousness of the masses. All this, naturally, provoked resistance both among those in power and among the population. That is why the Freemasons began to create a kind of conspiratorial organizations and associations, developing and using complex symbols of rituals, gestures, signs for centuries.
The gatherings of Brother Masons are called lodges, which invent beautiful names for themselves. In the beginning, there were three degrees of initiation - apprentice, journeyman, master. Each brotherhood of Masons is subject to a superior Grand Lodge. The leaders of the lodges are elected in annual elections by secret ballot. In Freemasonry, a strict discipline has developed with the subordination of ordinary lodges to their superior, those of the younger in the degree of initiation to the elders. When admitted to the lodges, the property and educational qualifications are observed (previously access to women was closed). In Russia, for example, non-Christians, mainly Jews, in brotherhoods in the XVIII century. almost not allowed. Newly ordained to Freemasonry take an oath with the obligation to remain completely silent regarding the actions of the order.
In Russia, the first Masonic lodges appeared in the 30s. XIX century, which is associated with friction in the environment of the "noble" class - between the groupings of the aristocracy and the middle nobility. Spread

Freemasonry proceeded slowly. By 1770 there were only 17 lodges, mainly in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Riga, Mitava, Arkhangelsk. In Catherine's times, in the 60s-70s, Freemasonry began to acquire specific national features, the main of which can be considered the desire for moral development russian society, his "moral awakening". Russian masons of the 80s. HUSH c. intrigued against the empress and relied on Paul, who was accepted as a Freemason in Germany in 1772. Catherine II stopped this political game by banning the activities of the lodges in 1792. One of the most influential Masons N.I. Novikov was imprisoned in the fortress for 15 years, others were exiled. Paul I, having become emperor, allowed the Freemasons to gather without legalizing them completely. Officially, the activities of the Freemasons were allowed by Alexander I only in 1810.
The Masonic movement in Russia was then of little influence. Their representation in the highest state institutions was significant, but they acted in isolation. The initial period of the existence of Freemasonry in Russia fully demonstrated its social significance as one of the tools of the conservative noble opposition to the autocracy, which stood on the basis of the preservation of the monarchy and serfdom, advocating only reforms of public administration, designed to strengthen the predominance of the upper strata of the nobility in government by some restriction royal power. Freemasonry flourished during the Patriotic War of 1812. Freemasons fought for humanism and enlightenment, proclaimed liberal-democratic ideas, advocated the development of a constitution, and the transformation of Russia into a republic. The main direction of the underground Masonic influence was the "enveloping" of the state apparatus of Russia with Masonic cadres. Since the formation of the ministerial system in 1802, many key posts (up to 1822) were held by high-ranking Masons.
A very interesting justification for the spread of Freemasonry during this period was given by the famous Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaev: "Freemasonry, mystically colored, was very widespread in the Alexander era and played a great educational role. Freemasonry was the first form of self-organization of society. The most intense spiritual life of that time was poured into this form." [Berdyaev N. A. The origins and meaning of Russian communism ( reproduction). - M .: Nauka, 1990. - S. 20].
Masons were A.N. Radishchev, N.M. Karamzin, General A.P. Ermolov. In May 1821 A.S. Pushkin was admitted to the Chisinau lodge. Immediately, we note that the box in which Pushkin was enrolled was never organized, the poet practically did not recognize Freemasonry. It was in the Masonic lodges that the freedom-loving ideas of the Decembrists were born. Until about 1821, the Freemasons were

A fifth of the leaders of the Decembrists. But at the time of his arrest in December 1825, only five members of the leadership continued to remain Freemasons. Another 28 Masons were brought to the investigation in the case of the Decembrists.
The bulk of the Decembrists left Freemasonry. And this happened because many of them did not fall into mysticism, but after looking closer to Freemasonry, they became disillusioned with it and gradually left the lodges. The reasons for the disappointment were the political conservatism of Russian masons, the insignificant size of educational and charitable activities. In addition, their meetings and rituals in the boxes took up a lot of time, and therefore the development of the secret societies of the Decembrists took a different path - organizationally independent. The future Decembrists, who were opposed to tsarism, began to prepare for an armed struggle against it.
It should be noted that in Russia there was, as it were, a kind of fashion for Freemasonry. Their lodges were joined by people who believed in the possibility of moral improvement, to whom liberal-democratic reformist ideas were consonant. Many were attracted by the mystery, splendor of rituals and titles, the opportunity to be in the circle of famous and influential people, which was important for a successful career. There were also those who, having come into contact with Freemasonry, became disillusioned with it, regarded its essence as reactionary and left the lodges. For example, Karamzin and Radishchev left the boxes, but they kept their oath to keep secrets.
Fearing a possible transformation of the lodges into hotbeds of anti-government activity, on August 1, 1822, Alexander I commanded: under no guise either Masonic or other secret societies, either inside or outside the empire. The Tsar's rescript obliged all civil servants to sign on not belonging to Freemasonry. The masons had to go underground again.
For almost a century of the initial existence of Freemasonry in Russia, it did not play a significant role in public life. The lodges united a very small part of the nobility, who nevertheless served as the support of tsarism and Orthodoxy. Note that at that time Freemasonry in France and Italy was a progressive anti-feudal movement. The Masonic inspirers of the Great French Revolution could not come to terms with royal power. Russian Freemasonry did not become such, and since it was characterized by a very moderate liberalism, it adopted constitutional and republican ideas. Discussion of them in the lodges revealed different opinions on the ways to achieve goals, determined the political image and heterogeneity of the Russian intelligentsia.

Once again, interest in Freemasonry in Russian society manifested itself in the 80s. XIX century. Some Russian liberal figures, familiar with the role of Freemasons in the political life of European states, entered foreign lodges. They also became the conductors of the ideas of the revival of Freemasonry in Russia. The creation of Masonic lodges gained a certain popularity among part of the liberal bourgeoisie in a crisis situation, during the recession of the first Russian revolution.
The appearance of the first Masonic lodge in Moscow on November 15, 1906, called the Renaissance, was not accidental. It is also no coincidence that lodges arose in these years in St. Petersburg, Kiev, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Odessa, Kharkov, Warsaw and other cities. This process should be viewed in close connection with the development of the class struggle of that time and the demarcation of political forces. The most far-sighted representatives of the liberal bourgeoisie realized that it was impossible to achieve at least a constitutional limitation of the autocracy without a coalition with the petty-bourgeois parties. The idea of \u200b\u200ban opposition union of liberals and democrats against the regime of Nicholas II was embodied in French-style Freemasonry.
Thus, we can assume that groups of bourgeois politicians relied on the overthrow of tsarism by conspiratorial means, in order to impose a parliamentary republic of the Western, bourgeois model on the country.
The Masonic lodges included many well-known lawyers, writers, scientists, industrialists, financiers. In their political views, these were the Cadets, Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Trudoviks. It is quite remarkable that representatives of different parties were united in one lodge. And sometimes the Cadets recommended a Menshevik to the Lodge, while the Mensheviks recruited Socialist-Revolutionaries, etc. "There was no formal discipline," one of the Masons explained in an interview. "There was only a general desire to come to an agreement and then act in a general direction" [See: V. I. Startsev. Russian Masons of the XX century // Questions of history. 1988, No. 10.].
At the meetings of the lodges, judging by the memoirs and interviews of former Masons, there were exchanges of views on all major issues of the country's political life. The rules of the Masonic ritual adopted in the West were not always observed in Russia. Note that on this basis, some researchers do not consider Russian Freemasonry to be "regular" or true. The Masons of Russia were more interested in politics, discarding mysticism and rituals, but secrecy was strictly observed,

Piracy. And this also manifested a secret anti-tsarist orientation. Masons tried to publish their own magazine, special literature, gave lectures in Moscow and St. Petersburg, opened clubs - in secret.
Masonic organizations were created on a territorial basis and mainly in large administrative centers. There were also lodges for special purposes: journalists and writers, members of the State Duma, and the military. The writer N.N.Berberova counted in the military box 27 people who belonged to the highest officers, including seven naval officers. National lodges were created: Polish, Ukrainian, Finnish [Hass Ludwig. Once again about Freemasonry. Russia at the beginning of the XX century // Questions of history. 1990, No. 1.].
In 1908-1909. Russian Freemasonry was fully formed. It received from the "Grand Orient of France" the right to further independent development. In November 1908, the first Russian Masonic convention was held, which elected the Supreme Council of Russian Freemasonry. In the summer of 1912, all the lodges in the country were united under the central leadership of the Executive Committee. Cadet N.V. Nekrasov became the first secretary of the committee, then he was replaced by another prominent cadet, A.M. Kolyubakin. Representatives of the Cadet Party prevailed in the highest Masonic offices. From the very beginning, the Supreme Council of Russian Freemasonry set the task of "enveloping" the power with people sympathetic to Freemasonry. From the surviving sources, one can judge that the State Duma included Stepanov, Volkov, Chkheidze, Nekrasov, Kerensky, Konovalov, who were Masons.
In the historical literature, a lot of attention is paid to the problem of the multiparty system of the State Duma. We read about how the political tactics of party factions manifested themselves in different ways at the turning points in the historical development of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. But this is only what was revealed, which the representatives of the bourgeois-democratic strata of the population did not conceal. Speakers of various parties - bourgeois, petty-bourgeois, and liberal-democratic - clashed in opinions in the State Duma, denounced each other. And then at secret meetings of Masons - members of the Duma, there was a calm exchange of views on the state of affairs, on actions planned by the parties. The scenarios of the battles fought in the State Duma were written in advance by the Freemasons in their boxes. They supported each other even in such trifles as applause during speeches, creating authority for their brothers in the box, although they were representatives of different parties. But this line of Masonic connection and support was never advertised.
Masons became especially active after Russia entered the First World War, which directly affected the interests of the bourgeoisie. Then all political parties, except the Bolshevik, spoke in favor of

Dene war to the bitter end, sided with the government. The bourgeoisie and landlords created large public organizations to provide assistance to the front. At the same time, the Central Military-Industrial Committee was headed by A.I. Guchkov and A.I. Konovalov (both Masons), and the All-Russian Zemstvo Union for Aid to the Wounded was headed by G.E. Lvov (also a Freemason). Is it coincidental?
When the first serious political crisis arose in the summer of 1915, the newspaper Utro Rossii put forward the slogan of creating a government of "national defense" from representatives of "social elements." Freemason Kovalevsky wrote on August 14, 1915 in the "Stock Exchange": "We firmly hope that the state ship will be entrusted to the helmsman, who enjoys popular love and whose names are on everyone's lips." The names of these "helmsmen" were announced in the newspaper "Utro Rossii" on 13 August. In the article "Cabinet of Defense" the leaders of the bourgeois parties were assigned to ministerial posts. It is characteristic that the leading positions were intended, as it became known after many years, to the Freemasons, who penetrated practically all state institutions and public organizations.
With the outbreak of the First World War, Freemasonry began to grow even faster, attracting members from zemstvo unions, city Dumas, military-industrial committees, ministries and cooperatives into its ranks. Recruited, as a rule, were people who enjoyed influence in various spheres of bourgeois society. Recalling the affairs of the Masonic organization, E. D. Kuskova four decades later wrote to the Menshevik N. V. Volsky: "The movement was enormous ... We had our own everywhere ..." By the time of the February Revolution of 1917, all of Russia was covered with a network of lodges [Henry E. New Notes on Modern History. - M., 1976. S. 292.]. It is quite obvious that Russian Freemasonry during the First World War was a purely political organization. It had nothing to do with philanthropy and mysticism, which the Freemasons in other countries have always covered up with. Behind the screen of the Masonic organization there were people who were trying to seize power.
In the spring of 1917, many were surprised by the promotion to the post of head of the first composition of the Provisional Government of a rather gray zemstvo leader, Prince G. Ye. Lvov, who soon came out in favor of taking "decisive" measures against the workers 'and peasants' movement. Today it is known that Lvov was a prominent leader of the Freemasons. When the events of February 1917 led to the establishment of dual power, when it became clear that the people's revolution could not be stopped, the Freemasons tried to subordinate the revolutionary movement to their influence. The leadership of the Petrograd Soviet and the Provisional Government were united by personal Masonic connection and general policy. They had a common enmity towards revolutionary socialism and a joint counter-revolutionary program. N. S. Chkheidze, who also headed

1917 The Petrograd Soviet and its kneading pot A.F. Kerensky for several days in the Soviet did not formally raise the question of power. From February 27, they disappeared for a long time in the right wing of the Tauride Palace, where, with their assistance, the Provisional Government was formed. In its first composition of 11 members, 10 were Masons.
The Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet, headed, as it became known many years later, by the Freemasons, transferred power to the Provisional Government on certain conditions that bypassed the most burning questions of the revolution: about war and peace, about land and the 9-hour working day. It can be concluded that this was a kind of Masonic alliance of the leaders of the Council and the Provisional Government, directed against the further development of the revolution.
In historical literature, the position of the Menshevik Chkheidze and the Socialist-Revolutionary Kerensky in this revolutionary year is assessed as compromising, betraying the interests of the workers, soldiers and peasants, which the Soviet was supposed to express and defend. New historical sources make it possible today to assert that this was not a conciliatory policy, but a coordinated, consistently bourgeois one, pursued along the line of Freemasonry. The Provisional Government had, as it were, its agents in the Petrograd Soviet and through them held back the implementation of revolutionary transformations. Now it becomes clearer why the thousands-strong demonstrations in Petrograd demanded "All power to the Soviets!" political crises. Could one Mason go against another?
All these people were connected not only by the political, but also by the organizational chain. Party affiliation and party discipline gave way to stronger bonds of Masonic affinity. The Freemasons formed a Provisional Government, they managed to carry out the appointment of members of their organization to the highest government posts in the center, locally and abroad. The fact that the majority of statesmen of the Provisional Government belonged to Freemasonry had the most direct influence on their policies, and on the outcome of the revolution as a whole. The failure of the Provisional Government to withdraw from the world war played a fatal role in the fate of the bourgeois-democratic regime. N.N. Berberova, based on a number of testimonies, argued that Kerensky understood the hopelessness of the position of the Provisional Government, which could only be saved by a separate peace with Germany. But could Kerensky take such a step? Perhaps he wanted this, but he could not do something, for he had earlier promised to the emissaries of the Parisian lodges not to end the war with the Germans, not to leave the French Socialist Masons and the British Labor Masons. Thus, a fundamentally important conclusion can be drawn: the Freemasonry of Kerensky and

At a decisive moment in history, other members of the Provisional Government connected them with the interests of other states, while the national and state interests of Russia they had to give up.
The same can be said about another very important issue of the revolution - the agrarian one. It is known that the Socialist-Revolutionary Party acted as a defender of the peasant masses, while proposing very sensible programs for changing the land use system in the country. But the ministers of agriculture in different structures of the Provisional Government - the SRs Chernov and Maslov, again bound by Masonic obligations, did not dare to carry out land reform in favor of the peasants.
Freemasons tried to seize power from the revolutionary masses, created their own shadow cabinet, and carried out a behind-the-scenes policy. The Provisional Government did not become popular with the people. The Masonic government could not meet the moods of revolutionary transformations in the country, decisions of military, land, and labor issues. In 1917, the bankrupt Masonic movement itself also faded. In an open and class political struggle, his activities and organizations declined.
The elite of all bourgeois parties, without exception, could not, despite their unification in the Masonic super-organization, lead the revolutionary events and direct them according to their own script. The mass revolutionary movement proved to be a more effective force than Freemasonry, which had several hundred members. But what hundreds! Those who were at the helm of power. However, they still could not turn the wheel of history on their own track. But also do not take into account their influence on the political history of Russia in the XX century. also not possible.
Some Freemasons in the period civil war opposed the Soviet regime. Berberova, already mentioned by us, touching upon the activities of Freemasons during the Civil War, cites data that the Ufa government from the fall of 1918 to the spring of 1919 consisted of 13 people under the leadership of N. D. Avksentiev, and only two of them were not Freemasons [Startsev V. I. Russian Masons of the XX century // Questions of history. 1989, No. 6.]. Masons were members of the Georgian Menshevik government, the government of Yudenich, they were ministers in Ukraine, however, they did not play a noticeable role. Once in exile, Russian Freemasonry tried to become more active. But the main events in Russia took place without them. They were left to live by memories and writing memoirs, which they decided to publish only after 30-40 years.
Despite the political bankruptcy of the Freemasons, the extremely reactionary forces in Russia put forward a version of the 1917 revolution as a "Bolshevik-Judeo-Masonic conspiracy." In it, they saw the basis of the revolutionary movement that led to the fall of tsarism, the elimination of Russian identity.

Ti and culture, people's aversion to Orthodoxy. Already in the first years of the 20th century, marked by powerful protests against the autocracy, they argued that the Freemasons were behind this: the Freemasons have Jews in their ranks, therefore they are enemies of autocracy and Orthodoxy, are associated with international Zionism; Masons have socialists in their ranks, therefore, they are associated with the "Internationale", which Karl Marx invented.
It is interesting that the Russian Masons themselves, finding themselves in emigration after the revolution, wanted a kind of rehabilitation of Freemasonry. When Kerensky in 1956 decided to "protect" the Provisional Government, Kuskova wrote to him not to do this. Why? Yes, because, as she believed that even 40 years after the revolution, the last Russian emigrants, having learned about the Masonic composition of the Provisional Government, could associate it with "Jewish-Freemasonry", Kuskova reprimanded Kerensky: "Your version, as you yourself, probably feel fatal for the prestige of the Provisional Government, and for now it is better not to exaggerate, no matter how true it may be "[Henry E. New Notes on Modern History. - M., 1976. C. 45.]. This is how it is necessary to carefully hide the activities of the Freemasons in the Provisional Government. His political and practical bankruptcy and downfall are attributed to the Bolshevik Masons. It is noteworthy that such a falsification of events was involuntarily refuted by the Masons themselves.
So what is the reason for the persistence of the version of "Jewish-Freemasonry"? The explanation for this, as we see it, is that the Jews, being one of the peoples discriminated against by the tsarist government, actively embarked on the path of revolutionary struggle. Hence the line stretches to the "Jewish-Masons" who prepared and carried out the revolution.
Attempts to link "Jewish-Freemasonry" with the Bolsheviks are all the more untenable. In 1932, the book "Freemasonry in the Russian Emigration" was published in Paris. Its author F. Stepanov (pseudonym N. Svitkov) without any evidence included in the list of masons V.I. Lenin, L.D. Trotsky, Ya.M. Sverdlov, L.B. Kamenev, etc. However, in no recollections of true Masons, oral or written, these names do not occur. This conjecture cannot be accepted also because the above-named leaders of the liberation movement in Russia fundamentally diverged from Freemasonry in their ideological views and practice of struggle. It is known, for example, how intransigent Trotsky was to Freemasonry.
The Freemasons did not prepare the revolution. They had a counter-revolutionary program. In their organizations, the views of representatives of various parties were coordinated, recommendations were worked out on the line of a common struggle against the autocracy. Judging objectively, it could not make an independent contribution either to the field of politics or to the sphere of public life in Russia, but in the political history of the early XX century. it left its mark.

One of the modern and most profound researchers of the topic of Russian Freemasonry O. A. Platonov, who published in 1995 a solid book "The Crown of Thorns of Russia. History of Freemasonry. 1731-1995", quite categorically asserts that the secret organizations of Freemasons are of a conspiratorial nature, the goal of achieving political influence and domination. At the same time, Platonov notes, unlike Western Freemasonry, which played the role of a behind-the-scenes ideological and political lobby, Russian Freemasonry had its own characteristic features. Retaining all the features of the behind-the-scenes lobby, due to its dependence on foreign Masonic orders, it was the focus of persons devoid of national consciousness, and often openly anti-Russian orientation. In Freemasonry, the Russian intelligentsia was alienated from the Russian people, inventing various projects for "arranging" Russia in a Western way.
The main thing is that Russian Freemasonry, being a branch of the Western Grand Lodges, is completely controlled and directed by foreign centers. How many times have Russian Masons entered into a secret conspiracy with foreign brothers to pursue the line of "great Masonic truth"! At the same time, as the main one, Platonov singles out the idea that Russian Masons were inherently agents of foreign governments and, carrying out the installation of foreign Masonic centers, undermined the national interests of Russia. Freemasonry became the main invisible form of the spiritual occupation of Russia, a form of implementing anti-Russian impulses from the West. Reading the book by O. Platonov, it is difficult not to agree with this conclusion [Platonov O. A. Crown of Thorns of Russia. History of Freemasonry (1731-1995). - M., 1995].

Russian Freemasons did not recognize Soviet power, fought against it, and then went into exile. Most of them settled in France, maintaining contact with the lodges of the "Grand Orient of France" - the progenitors of Russian lodges at the beginning of the 20th century.
In 1922, Masonic lodges were banned in Soviet Russia. Why did the Freemasons not fit into the Soviet reality, disagree with the new government? An interesting interpretation of this was given by the former in
1992 Jean Pierre Ragache, Grand Master of the "Great East of France": "The fact is that anti-Freemasonry was embedded in the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe Soviet system, which could not tolerate any organization next to it that did not depend on the totalitarian state and operated absolutely freely ". And then Monsieur Ragache very figuratively commented on how co-

The veteran government determined the essence of its anti-Masonic policy: "When at one time Khrushchev was asked whether it would be possible to restore Freemasonry in Russia ... oh," he said: "I do not intend to throw lice under my shirt!" [See: Freemasons in Russia // Glasnost. 1992, January 30.]. Let's pay attention to these words of the Grand Master. After all, this is direct evidence of the fact that during the Khrushchev "thaw" foreign Freemasons sounded about the expansion of the influence of world Freemasonry on the USSR. The same thing happened during the period of Gorbachev's perestroika.
International Freemasonry exists today. According to various estimates, it includes from 6 to 10 million brothers. Two thirds of the total number of Freemasons in the world are in the United States. American Freemasons hold conservative views, helping ruling parties during election campaigns and promoting their leaders to important government positions.
The time when Freemasonry as a whole was a progressive movement that helped the radical bourgeoisie attack the feudal nobility, despotic monarchies, is over. But it would be wrong to underestimate the role of this political association. Its leaders use in the interests of the big bourgeoisie all the centuries-proven technique of veiled political action.
In 1982, the world community was literally stunned by the information in the press about Italian Masons, when the P-2 lodge was opened. This is how solid the roster of lodge members looked like. It was headed by the former fascist functionary-entrepreneur Licio Gelli, and included the most influential people of Italy: the ministers of labor, justice, foreign trade, the secretary general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, parliamentarians, political secretary of the Social Democratic Party, president of the Italian industrialists' association, presidents of banks, chief general staff of the armed forces, head of military intelligence and counterintelligence, head of the internal security service, commander of the carabinieri corps in Naples, director of the newspaper. A total of 962 people were listed on the list. Later it turned out that not all of them are listed there yet.
The investigation into the case of the P-2 lodge made it possible to find out that ministers were appointed and dismissed here, they collected spy information about progressive figures, and planned conspiracies and terrorist acts in order to destabilize the situation in the country. Lodge "P-2" was an espionage and sabotage nest and at the same time a shadow cabinet, an invisible center of power. The journalist M. Pecorelli, who violated the norms of silence and spoke about the cooperation of Italian masons with the US CIA, was shot by "unknown persons".
We have given such extensive information about the Italian lodge because such revelations are very rare. At the same time, they provide an opportunity to represent

To build the real power of Freemasonry in the modern power structures of many states, which are under the vigilant control and influence of world Freemasonry. Here's an example from England. In the spring of 1992, 10 thousand "free masons" met here openly and solemnly to celebrate the 275th anniversary of the first Big Lodge. Among the most prominent participants in the celebration was a member of the royal family - the Duke of Kent, who has been the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge for 25 years. At the celebrations, it was openly said that the united Big Lodge has 321 thousand people, it has 8488 local sections, of which 1672 are in London alone. It is known from the press that the Freemasons of England constitute a significant part of the judiciary and police corps, they are also among the lawyers , doctors, financiers. As they say, the Queen's husband Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, and the former deputy prime minister in M. Thatcher's office, Lord Whitelaw [See: A. Krivopolov Story and fables about the Freemasons // Izvestia, 1992, June 16], are included in the Big Lodge.
Freemasons are also in key government posts in France, and even there is a kind of surge in their activity. By the beginning of the 90s. their number exceeded the pre-war level. Today they claim to be serving democracy, working for the future. "Freemasonry does not set itself the task of seizing power. The main thing for us," asserted the Grand Master of the influential lodge "Grand East of France" Ragache, is a discussion and comprehensive analysis of political, economic, social and other problems "[See: V. Bolshakov Masons. Part I. Conversation with the Grand Master. // Truth. 1992, January 31.].
The overwhelming majority of today's leading Western politicians are either members of Masonic lodges or unconditionally accept the rules of the game of the world behind the scenes. Possessing the highest degrees of initiation, they perform purely political functions and are the core of the ruling systems of all Western countries. It is they who determine the policy of states, develop prospects for world development, prepare and promote their like-minded people (sometimes not even Masons) to the highest posts in governments. Masons count among their merits the struggle for freedom and democracy, for world harmony. The latter could only be welcomed if it were not for one of the ideological concepts of world Freemasonry - I mean the ideology of Freemasonry, which is based on the "great Masonic truth", on the establishment of such a world order, such an understanding of freedom, democracy and harmony, which are not considered with no other views, do not take into account national interests. The goal of the Freemasons is to establish a world order in which the solution of all problems, even domestic ones, will be determined by their dominant views, will be under their control and influence.

As we have already mentioned, Freemasonry in the USSR was prohibited in 1922. But, according to the XIV Conference of the Masonic High Councils of the World, held in the fall of 1990 in Mexico City, the secret activity still continued [Umenkov E. Masons among us? // TVNZ. 1990, November 1.]. The democratization of the political system in our country, which began in the mid-80s, the proclamation of political freedoms in 1989 led to the revival of Freemasonry, the expansion of its influence on the life of society. In Platonov's book The Crown of Thorns of Russia "it is reported that the first official Masonic structure that arose in the USSR was the international Jewish Masonic lodge" B'nai Brit ". The permission to open it was received personally from M. S. Gorbachev at the request of one of the leaders of the order G. The first lodge of this order was organized in December 1988 and by May 1989 it had 63 members. By the same time, two more lodges were established - in Vilnius and Riga, and later this happened in St. Petersburg, Kiev, Odessa , Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk.
The French masons became especially active, remembering that until 1917 Russian masons were "a very important link in world obedience." They took organizational, political and even financial measures to revive Freemasonry in Russia. Another Masonic organization in France - the second most important in the country: the Grand Lodge of France - showed interest in creating a "Russian branch". Its structure includes the "Pushkin Lodge", which includes Masons of Russian origin living in France. The Grand Master of the Pushkin Lodge and six other members arrived in Moscow in 1991 on the eve of the August putsch with luggage containing all the tools necessary for the initiation process - swords, squares, aprons, etc. During the days of the putsch, the luggage was carefully hidden, and then used for its intended purpose. According to the weekly "Express", on August 30, 1991, the first members of the newly created "Novikov Lodge" were dedicated.
The Russian Orthodox Church and its hierarchs have repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that the current Russian leaders do not interfere with the revival of Freemasonry. The Church has always condemned Freemasonry, considering it a manifestation of Satanism, a thirst for domination over other people, a justification for the policy of group egoism. Today she is concerned about the loss of national identity and the introduction to "universal human values", the desire of the "godless" forces "to corrupt Russian Orthodoxy." Meanwhile, in Moscow in 1993, the Masonic association, the Great National Lodge of Russia, was completely officially registered, which indicates a higher level of organizational cohesion of Russian Masons and even the creation of a coordinating body.

On July 21, 1993, the Pravda newspaper published an interview with a certain "free mason Volodya". Without much hiding, he said that Russian Masons are involved in international Masonic affairs, that he was personally elected to the leadership of the European Masonic Conference, which "does not recognize borders and puts loyalty to the Masonic brotherhood far above patriotism."
The resurgent political Russian Freemasonry has received the support of the "top" and operates almost openly. At the end of 1991, Boris N. Yeltsin received in the Kremlin representatives of the Order of Malta, which has long been considered the center of world freemasonry. The world behind the scenes awarded Yeltsin the title of Commander of the Order of Malta, then he was presented with a staff and other insignia, as well as the vestments of a knight - Commander of the Order of Malta, in which he was photographed. The photo appeared in the mainstream press. It was continued in August 1992, when Yeltsin signed Decree 827 "On the restoration of official relations with the Order of Malta." Let us recall that these relations were severed back in 1822 by Emperor Alexander I, when he returned to Malta the Maltese commander's regalia, which had previously been presented to his father Paul I. And now, 170 years later, relations are being renewed.
The revival of Freemasonry in post-communist Russia confirms the fact that it is most widespread in times of crisis in the development of society. I must say that many politicians who accept the Masonic principles of life feel uncomfortable within the framework of traditional Masonic lodges with their somewhat strange rituals. Therefore, Russian Freemasonry has taken on such a modern form as clubs, foundations, commissions, whose activities are identical to Masonic lodges.
On July 20, 1994 "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" published an interesting selection of materials under the meaningful title: "Modern Freemasonry. Clubs instead of Parties?" This publication says that at the end of 1993, an executive power vertical was formed in Russia - from the president to the prefect of the district. It does not depend at all on political organizations, representative institutions and ultimately on citizens, even the Federal Assembly is not able to seriously control the power in the country in any way, even corporate associations of entrepreneurs and financiers cannot effectively influence the decisions of the president and the government. The old lobbying mechanisms were broken. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that recently both supporters and opponents of the current government have become popular with the idea of \u200b\u200b"elite clubs" as a means of influencing the situation in the country and leading the process of making major political decisions in Russia.
While the elite clubs "Rotary", "Interaction", "Realists", the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, etc. are just a place of interesting meetings where you can tie

Make new useful contacts. It is prestigious to be a member of an influential club. But, as Kommersant Daily wrote on September 7, 1992, “the organizers see the club not as a party, but simply as a place where“ real politics ”is done and where informally modest but real rulers of the country can easily see each other, discussing state department, to make the fate of the Fatherland. " This is how the "new Russians" revive the Masonic traditions of behind-the-scenes influence on the government. Like a number of leading Western
states, in order not to depend on the legal coming to power of any particular party or bloc of parties, Russian masons want the actual government of the country to be carried out by a secret group of people who have concentrated in their hands most of the national capital.
Freemasons say they are working for the future. But will Russian Masons, subject to Western influence and associated with Western interests, have their own future?

test questions

1. In what historical conditions and in what social environment Freemasonry originated?
2. How has the status of Masonic lodges changed in the seventeenth century? and what ideals did they preach?
3. What are the goals pursued by international Freemasonry and what methods does it use to achieve them?
4. Tell us about the penetration of the Freemasons into Russia and the main stages of their activity.
5. Why was the Russian creative intelligentsia carried away by Freemasonry? How did her attitude towards this organization change?
6. Tell us how the penetration of Freemasonry into all spheres of the life of Russian society influenced the state policy?
7. What role did the Freemasons play during the February and October revolutions of 1917 in Russia?
8. Why is information about Freemasons in the media and literature controversial?
9. How do the ideas and actions of international Freemasonry influence the development of modern society?
10. In what direction have Freemasons in the Russian Federation been developing their activities in recent years and why do they receive support from state and public structures?

Already in modern times, the Freemasons created texts where they proved the ancient origin of their order. If you ask who the Masons are and what they do, you will notice that they are seriously different from their predecessors. The first texts, written in the late Middle Ages in England, talked about the ancient craft of masonry and the acquisition of its secret by English craftsmen. After the formation of the London Lodge, the history of the order began in biblical times. The appearance of Masons (experts in the secret of masonry) in England was attributed to the era of King Athelstan (X century).

In England in the XIII-XIV centuries, the documents recorded the appearance of the name "Freemasons" as a designation of masons. The documents also call them "Freemasons", which may mean that the masons were not enslaved or serfs.

The Master Mason was supposed to receive a good education in his teens: learn Latin, serve as a page with a knight, to learn manners. Then he studied the profession of a bricklayer and geometry. In his youth, a Freemason received the status of an apprentice and had to submit a "masterpiece" (to do construction or design work) in order to obtain the status of a qualified worker.

To become a master, a bricklayer had to complete some kind of large and significant project. Master Masons are mentioned in the documents as supervisors of works with high social status. Those who received this status went through an initiation ceremony, the details of which were kept secret.

Already in the Middle Ages, Masonic lodges were mentioned as organizations of masons. In the 16th - 17th centuries, their members were people who had nothing to do with the craft of masons. Among them were philosophers, alchemists, as well as nobles ("noble students").

Gradually admitted to the fraternities, they became the keepers of the traditions of free masons' lodges. Practicing bricklayers, on the other hand, forgot them, focusing on their direct activities. The traditions and teachings of medieval stonemasons began to be interpreted in a new way and laid the foundations of the esoteric society of Freemasons.

The beginning of speculative Freemasonry

In 1717, four London lodges, whose names came from the taverns where their members gathered, united into the Great London Lodge. Its members began to collect materials on the history of Freemasonry. In 1723, the "Book of Charters" was published, which included a list of the duties of the Freemasons and information on the history of the brotherhood.

Most English lodges continued to maintain independence from London and even criticized it. In 1753, the opposition created their own "Grand Lodge". They showed respect for the old rules, and their charter was a pamphlet against the Book of Rites of Londoners. In 1813, both organizations created a Grand United Lodge and two years later a new charter.

Under the influence of the British, their own Masonic lodges appeared in Ireland and Scotland. After 1649, Freemasonry entered France with English emigrants.

In the 18th century in France, lodges of the "Scottish" type and new ones subordinate to the Great London one operated. The number of Masonic societies in the kingdom grew throughout the 18th century - by 1771 their number exceeded 300. Only a few of them were recognized by the Grand Lodge of London. In 1738, the French aristocrat Ludovic de Pardalyan was elected a great master of the French kingdom. In 1773, French Freemasons founded a national lodge - the Grand East of France.

Freemasons were not persecuted and enjoyed the public interest. Members of the lodges were representatives of the most noble families, including the Counts of Provence and Artois, who would later become Kings Louis XVIII and Charles X. It was said that King Louis XV himself was a member of the lodge.

In the 1720s, Masonic lodges appeared in Spain, in the 1730s in Italy, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Portugal, and India. In 1733, the Great American Provincial Lodge began operating in Boston. In the Netherlands, their activities were soon banned.

In 1756, Freemasonry on the mainland was organized into the so-called orthodox system. The territory of the order was divided into nine provinces and covered the whole of Europe. The members of the order were divided into six degrees. In addition to these, in the 1760s and 1770s, there were the highest degrees of Initiated Masons and Vowed Greats. They directed the affairs of the order, while remaining unknown to the rank and file.

Lodges appeared in Russia after the era of Peter I. In 1731, the first great master was appointed in the country. In 1792 and 1822, the activities of Freemasons in Russia were banned by imperial decrees. The revival of Freemasonry in the country began at the beginning of the 20th century.

Who are Masons and what do they do today

Freemasonry is primarily an ethical system. Membership in a Masonic lodge assumes that a person is a believer in one of the world's religions. Some legends of the Freemasons are based on the Old Testament.

Members of a Masonic organization should engage in moral self-improvement. A Freemason must improve as a member of a religious denomination. The worship of God, whom they call the Great Architect of the Universe, has been at the heart of ideology since the 18th century. Discussions on religious issues are prohibited among Masons.

Another principle of Freemasonry is loyalty to government. Freemasons should not oppose the authorities of the country where their lodge is located.

The main task of this society is charity. Members of Masonic lodges collect money that goes to help orphanages, medical and educational institutions. Members of the fraternity found charitable organizations.

There is a laboratory in the USA medical research, which was founded by the Grand Lodges of the United States. It appeared in 1918 when the United States entered the First World War. After the war, the organization began to open its centers throughout the country and abroad.

World Freemasonry. - Relocation of its center to the USA. - 24 million American Masons. - Bilderberg Club. - Trilateral Commission. - Rotary International and other Masonic clubs. - The composition of the world government. - Fusion of the state and Freemasonry. - The CIA as an operational weapon of the world behind the scenes.

To understand the further role of Freemasonry in the fate of Russia, it is necessary to dwell in somewhat more detail on the changes that have occurred in the Order of Freemasons in connection with the Second World War. These changes are due to the movement of the world masonic center from Western Europe to the United States. As the researcher L. Zamoysky rightly notes, “the European“ brothers ”became“ small ”, not excluding the legislators of the“ Scottish ritual ”themselves, who were grouped in London. The role of "big brother" finally passed to American Freemasonry in the person of the Northern and Southern Districts of the United States, which acted hand in hand. "

In the West, they write about Freemasonry either well, or nothing, in the same tones as recently in our country they wrote about the Communist Party. And this is quite natural. Freemasonry in the Western world plays the same role that the Communist Party played in the USSR a few years ago. A global, all-encompassing apparatus of political and ideological control and influence permeates the entire society from top to bottom, placing its "commissars" and secret spies at the vital points of the social mechanism. The overwhelming majority of modern Western politicians are either members of Masonic lodges, or unconditionally accept the rules of the game of the world behind the scenes. In the United States, for example, membership of the Masonic Order has become a political tradition for many American presidents, starting with the first.

Looking back at the recent history of world Freemasonry and identifying the directions of its influence on Russia, we are amazed at the rapid growth of the ranks of the underground “brotherhood”. In the first third of the twentieth century alone, the number of members of Masonic lodges has more than doubled, increasing from 2.0 to 4.4 million people, and in the nineties exceeded 10 million.

Total in the world 2020040 4377130 more than 10000000


USA and Canada 1,513,460 3,492,140 over 8,000,000

United Kingdom 222,000 459,000

Germany 56810 75000 (1933)

France 37,600 49,200 (of which 1,700 are the Great East,

16000 - Grand Lodge)

Sweden 13940 23100

Norway 4200 11100

Denmark 4370 7930

Netherlands 4600 7500

Belgium 2500 4800

Switzerland 4200 5000

Austria ... 1830

Hungary 6010 ...

Romania 250 4700

Serbia 70 850

Bulgaria 360 550

Greece 950 4000

Turkey 400 2000

Portugal 3460 3000

Spain 5480 3680

Italy 15900 ...

Africa 750 4500

America 72470 85160 (except North)

Oceania 50 180 200000

Asia ... 6400

More than three-quarters of the world's growth in Freemasonry comes from the United States. England, Germany and France, although they are the largest Masonic countries, are far behind America, in whose territory almost 8 million Masons live today.

However, these statistics include only the actual members of the Masonic lodges belonging to the main world orders and does not take into account the members of irregular Masonic formations, as well as the numerous categories of persons who were members of various Masonic clubs and other organizations of "white" Freemasonry. According to our estimates, for one member of the Masonic lodges there are at least two members who belonged to different organizations of "white" Freemasonry. Thus, it is legitimate to speak about the number of world Freemasonry at about 30 million people, of which 75-80 percent should be attributed to the United States (ie, about 24 million people). In general, today there are more Masons in the USA than there were members of the CPSU in the USSR.

The Masonic Order is the world's largest secret organization, with assets and a combined budget of many billions of dollars today. Each lodge has its own budget and property. The income of Masonic lodges comes from a variety of sources, among which contributions of members and donations of individuals are not always the main item, many "fraternal" organizations receive huge profits from the management of Masonic property and securities. With the secret data of the thirties, one can use the example of international Masonic organizations and national lodges in France to trace the murky sources of financial receipts and money redistributions. Here are the largest Western (primarily Swiss and French) banks, international Zionist organizations, the Israelite Society in Vienna, the American Jewish Congress, the Central Jewish Information Center in Amsterdam and many other organizations whose activities were covered by the "secret" stamp.

From these documents, the inextricable link between the Masonic and Zionist movements is quite obvious.

This is most clearly manifested in the activities of the Jewish Masonic order B'nai-Brit (Sons of the Covenant), founded back in 1843 in the United States by German Jewish immigrants. By the end of the 1980s, this organization already existed in 42 countries around the world and had about half a million members. In France, the B'nai-Brit lodges were established by the famous anti-Russian leader and Zionist, a St. Petersburg lawyer and member of the State Duma (from the CD) G. Sliosberg. “B'nai Brit”, writes the English historian P. Goodman, is the greatest organized force of our time. In fact, this is a kind of supermasonry, Freemasonry over Freemasonry, or "order within an order."

After the Second World War, the tendencies that began to take shape at the end of the 18th century - the creation of a powerful secret political center and the expansion of the sphere of activity of Freemasonry through the development of legal organizations operating under the leadership of Freemasons and pursuing their goals, as a rule, without ritually -Masonic rites.

On the basis of the Council on Foreign Relations, which from the very beginning of the twenties served as a secret center of policy formation, in the fifties the so-called Bilderberg Club was created - one of the main coordinating centers of the world behind the scenes, which some researchers even call "world government".

Later, in 1973, another coordinating body of the world behind the scenes was created - the Trilateral Commission, headed by the American billionaire Freemason D. Rockefeller.

The expansion of the sphere of activity of Freemasonry went mainly through the creation of special legal clubs and other organizations, a striking example of which is the Rotary International club.

This club was created as an international Masonic lodge by the American freemason lawyer Harris back in 1905. According to the researcher of Freemasonry L. Hass, the Rotary movement is the most rationalistic and youngest American formation of Freemasonry.

"Rotary" refers to the so-called white Freemasonry, that is, to associations through which Freemasons seek to influence society.

In addition to Rotary, which has about 1 million members, there are a number of closed Masonic clubs operating on the same principles and with the same goals. The most common of them are "Bohemian", "Lions", "Sörkl". Like traditional Masonic lodges, they are a personnel reservoir for filling the highest positions in politics, business and public organizations.

Thus, it should be emphasized once again an important distinctive feature of the post-war period, when persons who support and work for Freemasonry may not be enrolled in a Masonic lodge with a certain ritual ritual, but participate in the activities of one of the organizations pursuing Masonic goals. It is clear that these people are the same Freemasons as their “brothers” in the lodges, performing rituals.

The world Masonic behind-the-scenes fostered a special kind of leaders of the international Masonic network, who are members of a secret organization that opposes all of humanity, while at the same time occupying top government posts in the administration of the largest Western states, primarily the United States. These rulers, being real conspirators and enemies of all mankind, performing official state functions, cause irreparable damage to international principles of law and order and their activities should be considered according to the same standards as the crimes of Hitler and his associates (convicted, as you know, for conspiracy against humanity).

The book by L. Gonzalez-Mata (a former CIA employee) "The True Masters of the World" (1979) contains a list of persons belonging to the category of leaders of the world behind the scenes in recent decades, and we will supplement it with data from the list of members of the American Masonic Club "Bohemians" and other sources. The above list includes the most senior Masonic conspirators who played a tragic role in the catastrophic events in our country:

Allen Dulles , the founder of the CIA, its director in 1953-1961, the lawyer of the leaders of the American mafia - Meyer Lansky and Lucky Luciano;

Joseph Retinger , Secretary of the "European Movement", Secretary General of the Bilderberg Club;

Thomas Braden , head of the foreign policy sector of the CIA;

William Donovan , former director of the Office of Strategic Services and later the CIA;

Manlio Brosio , NATO Secretary General;

Licho Jelly , head of the lodge "Propaganda-2" of the Great East of Italy;

Jacques Attali , President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a member of B'nai Brit;

Harry Truman , President of the United States, Supreme Leader of American Masons;

Richard Nixon , President of the U.S.A;

Gerald Ford , President of the U.S.A;

Ronald Reagan , President of the U.S.A;

George Bush President of the United States, Director of the CIA in 1975-1977;

David Rockefeller , head of the Trilateral Commission;

Henry Kissinger , former US Secretary of State, head of the most influential Masonic lodge, B'nai Brit;

Alexander Haig , Secretary General of NATO.

The list goes on and on with many Pentagon and CIA leaders.

Examining the personal composition of the leaders of the US administration and the world Masonic behind-the-scenes, it is possible to identify with certainty three main patterns.

First, there is a complete fusion of the top of the American administration and the leadership of the world Masonic network. A number of US presidents, for example H. Truman, were simultaneously the supreme leaders of Freemasonry.

Secondly, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), starting with its founders A. Dulles and W. Donovan, is by all means headed by high-ranking Masons, they also occupy all key posts in it. It is safe to conclude that, since the late fifties, the CIA has been the main operational weapon of the world Masonic behind-the-scenes, and huge funds of American taxpayers go to ensure the stability of the invisible Masonic government. Of course, this does not mean that the secret services of other Western countries are not working in the same direction, but their work is more regional than global.

Thirdly, being the most influential force, American Freemasons completely control Western European Masonic centers, using the enormous capabilities of the CIA for this, for which a typical example is the story of the Masonic lodge "Propaganda-2".

This story should be told in a special way, as it perfectly illustrates the nature of the relationship prevailing in the underground world behind the scenes, and the methods of its work.

In 1981, the Italian police, while investigating an important state crime, accidentally learned about the existence of a powerful Masonic lodge called "Propaganda-2", which included many high-ranking officials in Italy.

The head of the lodge was one of the leaders of world freemasonry L. Jelly. The lodge was organized like the headquarters of the country and included about 18 units that controlled various spheres of state and public activities, with special emphasis on the military and foreign policy departments. As one of the members, P. Carpi admitted: “Lodge P-2 unites the Freemasons of Italy, as well as of other countries, which, thanks to the public posts they hold, due to the popularity of their names, the importance and delicacy of their“ secular ”functions, form the elite both among Freemasonry proper and in general on the scale of their states. "

The lodge was especially conspiratorial, its high-ranking "brothers" were not included in the official lists of the Grand Orient of France.

The investigation revealed the involvement of the lodge in many terrorist acts in the country in order to destabilize the political situation. At the same time, the facts of numerous scams were revealed. In particular, the P-2 lodge on a large scale smuggled gold from South Africa and sold it through Zurich. Jelly was personally involved by the US government in hostage rescue operations in Tehran. Jelly's involvement in the campaign for some presidential elections in the USA and Western Europe. It is established that "Jelly took part in the inauguration of American presidents Ford, Carter and Reagan."

But the most important discovery was the establishment of the fact that the P-2 lodge was controlled from the United States, and all its criminal and state crimes were planned by the CIA. The terrorists, acting at the behest of the CIA, received weapons and explosives from NATO bases. “One of the main areas of work of the P-2 lodge conspirators, in addition to preparing military and fascist actions, was the reorganization of the terrorist shock troops and their subordination to the goals of Jelly, that is, the CIA. The main target was the Red Brigades. A member of the P-2 lodge, Colonel of the Italian secret services Spiazzi, a participant in the aforementioned conspiracies, later testified that his agent Fumagalli, like Sogno, who had been sent to the “partisans” at one time, “had an order to form the first detachments of the“ red brigades ”... to organize arson and explosions in offices ... and trains ... Explosives and weapons were delivered to the provocateurs from NATO bases, they were given 20 million lire so that they could launch attacks on army units, kill border guards ... Weapons for the "red brigades" were partially brought from France ... Its delivery was handled by the "Templars", a Masonic branch of the high ranks of the French police and secret services, organized on the model of Jelly's lodge.

Caught red-handed, the Masonic conspirators start covering their tracks. The assassins killed a number of important witnesses and persons involved in the P-2 crimes. They killed judges and lawyers, ordinary agents and leaders of criminal organizations. Even journalists who were conducting their own investigations were killed. M. Pecorelli, a correspondent for one of the Italian magazines, was killed because he was able to penetrate the secrets of the relationship of the Italian Masons from P2 with the Trilateral Commission. The journalist was shot dead on the doorstep of the editorial office, and all documents related to his investigation disappeared from the archive. In London, the banker L. Calvi, close to L. Gelli, was killed, and his secretary was thrown out of the window of a high-rise building in Milan.

These are the methods of "work" of the world Masonic government with which our country became closely acquainted in the late eighties - nineties.

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