
Who wrote a fairy tale soldier sinel. Soldier coin. Listen to the fairy tale Soldier Sinel online

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Summary: The one who gets tired of a large and difficult work, to this and any short rest will be pleasant, such a true morality to our attention is the Russian folk fairytale Soldier coin. In one of the good solar and warm days, a simple soldier and a rich thick barin met each other. There was a dialogue between the interlocutors, the soldier began to praise his warm and gray sinch before Barin. It is possible, if necessary and put it instead of a pillow under the head and hide it, too, instead of a blanket. Nowhere can you sleep so sweet and firmly, like on warm overcoats. Barin listened to the servant for a long time and suggested that he redeem him such a warm, soft and desired chinel. As a result, the brave soldier agreed to sell his chinel. Only Barina's sleep was not soft, but hard. A disappointed barin came to complain to the general himself that he succumbed to deception from serving and that he sold his chinel for 25 rubles. He called the poor soldier to his interrogation. The servant faces her beloved and native chinel and was a soldier comfortably and comfortably relax on it. I looked at the satisfied soldier, praised him and even poured him a little wine. And for the Barina, he gave a tough remark that the one who really gets tired would be convenient to relax not only on the sheel, but also on a solid stone. You can read the fairy tale Soldier Schinel online for free here. You can listen to it in audio recordings. Leave your comments and write your suggestions and reviews.

Fairy Tale Text Soldier Shinel

Spoke Barin with a soldier; He became a soldier to praise his chinel:

"When I need to sleep, I am a sinel, and in my heads put a sinel, and turn the chinel.

Barin began to ask the soldier to sell him a sinel. Here they are twenty-five rubles. Barin came home and tells his wife:

- What kind of thing I bought it! Now I do not need neither perina, nor pillows, nor blankets: the sinel bed, and in the heads to put the chinel, and shyly shine.

Wife began to scold him:

- Well, how will you sleep?

And accurately, Barin Barin Schinel, and in the heads put and dressed nothing, and he is rigidly lying.

Fixed a barin to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call a soldier.

Brought a soldier.

"What are you, brother," says the commander, "Barina deceived?

"There is no way, your well-being," the soldiers answers. He took the soldier of the sinel, spread, put his head on the sleeve and covered in a half.

- Where as well, - says, - on the sheel after the campaign sleep!

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him for a hero. And Barina said:

- Who will work and get tired, he sleeps on the stone, and who does nothing, he will not fall asleep on the parine!

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Soldier Schinel

Spoke Barin with a soldier; He became a soldier to praise his chinel:

When I need to sleep, I am a sinel, and in my heads put a chinel, and finish the chinel.

Barin began to ask the soldier to sell him a sinel. Here they are twenty-five rubles. Barin came home and tells his wife:

What kind of thing I bought it! Now I do not need neither perina, nor pillows, nor blankets: the sinel bed, and in the heads to put the chinel, and shyly shine.

Wife began to scold him:

Well, how will you sleep?

And accurately, Barin Barin Schinel, and in the heads put and dressed nothing, and he is rigidly lying.

Fixed a barin to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call a soldier.

Brought a soldier.

What are you, brother, says the commander, - did the Barina deceived?

There is no, your well-in, - the soldiers answers. He took the soldier of the sinel, spread, put his head on the sleeve and covered in a half.

Where as well, - says, - on the sheel after the campaign!

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him for a hero. And Barina said:

Who will work and get tired, he sleeps on the stone, and who does nothing, he will not fall asleep on the parine!

G. around Barin with a soldier, became a soldier to praise his chinel:

When I need to sleep, I am a sinel, and in my heads put a chinel, and finish the chinel.

Barin began to ask the soldier to sell him a sinel. Here they are twenty-five rubles. Barin came home and tells his wife:

What kind of thing I bought it! Now I do not need neither perina, nor pillows, nor blankets: the sinel bed, and in the heads to put the chinel, and shyly shine.

Wife began to scold him:

Well, how will you sleep?

And accurately, Barin Barin Schinel, and in the heads put and dressed nothing, and he is rigidly lying.

Fixed a barin to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call a soldier.

Brought a soldier.

What are you, brother, says the commander, - did the Barina deceived?

There is no, your well-in, - the soldiers answers.

He took the soldier of the sinel, spread, put his head on the sleeve and covered in a half.

Where as well, - says, - on the sheel after the campaign!

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him for a hero. And Barina said:

Who will work and get tired, he sleeps on the stone, and who does nothing, he will not fall asleep on the parine!

Soldier Schinel

Somehow sometimes autumn on the village of Loskutka
She held a squad of the military ... so twilight is close.
Disamed across the entire district - it is necessary to sleep somewhere.
Asked for a soldier's house: "Will there be a bed?"

The house was a barin with a hostess: "Come in, once he knocked.
Such a boking does not exist. Sleep on the shop, "muttered.
Lots of soldiers on a shop and a chinel with head
He hid. It became quiet, only snoring sounded sometimes.

In the morning, the barin was released: "What, a soldier, not hardly slept?"
- I myself, having a sinel, did not ask this question.
Serves immediately as a pillow, blanket and mattress,
And in the campaign heats, and by weight I just.

Barin began to ask for a soldier: "I sell my sinel,
It will be useful by the housework, twenty five rubles I give! "
Stretched. Barin was glad, he became his wife to boast:
- Look, what kind of thing I bought. I will be Son.

Sweet, soft until dawn, I can sleep without alarms.
- Yes, the chinel with your tall will not close his bare feet.
The gaze smile jumped. Stitched sinel on the floor,
He began to lie down like a soldier. For sure - a small hem.

Lobik will hide - legs goals, legs will hide - Breast goal,
And for the growth of a little bit, and in the waist narrow.
To the regimental commander of the barain with a complaint hurries:
- deceived the soldiers: do not warm the shinel and soul.

The commander called the soldier: "Intrusted you Barin into deception."
- No, see yourself, how I warm up at night.
Schinel beds, shelled, head - on the sleeve:
"I sleep sweetly in a hike," says Soldier, putting.

- Well done, soldiers, a snack, - commander plow stingy, -
- Here is the Pyhat on the charm da eat hot soup.
Barina's boss palls: "The case is not over the coin:
Thirty Loors protesting the day, you will sleep under the sounds of pipes.

Do not need a bed in a campaign: the bed, what will get it.
If I enjoyed Lenya - you will not sleep on the parin. "

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