
What a name is Mary for marriage. The compatibility of the names of Maria and Eugene. Maria and Anton

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Name compatibility Maria and Eugene 5
Vibrations of the five in relation to any couple will bring the spirit of adventure, adventurism and constant aspiration for a new one. Since in this case the influence of the five is unifying, thirst for constant changes are experiencing both partners. Together they again and again move from place to place, looking for ways to expand the area of \u200b\u200bactivity, begin new life Every time the old at least a little bored. In this relationship there is no single dislike, but there is not enough stability. Under the influence of the top five, both begin to live alone, forget about the need to take care of the future, plan it.
Five vibrations will help such a couple to succeed in business activities, make a lot of useful dating, to succeed in any activity where communication and ability to influence others.

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These names are similar in their origin - which leads to the proximity, but not the complete identity of their owners. Name owners Evgeny and Maria can count on a good, although not the perfect compatibility.

The names are quite consonant - as a rule, such pairs are quite stable. A very favorable coincidence of the name of the name is one hundred percent. After all, this pair has two common date of the name - February 25 and March 20.

Evgeny - "Unit", his sign symbolizes the beginning of all began. This is a strong personality, a leader who does not want to remain in the shade, a business man, energetic, is able to instantly make important decisions. It is distinguished by generosity, the desire for power, responsibility and practicality. However, Eugene will not get involved in risky events, commerce.

"Four" Maria Eccentric is susceptible to oscillations between gifting and a burden to the mysterious, unknown. He loves stability in family relationships, a good mistress.

but Mary and Eugene compatibility It is impossible to consider favorable in the field of relationships. They are quite opposite personalities having different views on feelings. Evgeny is very energetic in any undertaking, and Mary is quite calm. Maria and Eugene in marriage You must constantly find compromises and search for a solution, which makes their life disqual. But they will not boast stable too. Having lived a certain period, both spouses begin to live alone - without thinking about what they expect to be expecting.

Evgeny's ambitious Evgeny is able to completely dissolve in his work, giving her all his strength, and his home Maria will fully support him - although common sense will tell her that giving her husband to work, she loses him like a family man. But his family, Masha considers almost the center of the Universe. Subsequently, the spouse will begin to be angry, expressing negative emotions, which will not like her to the business spouse. But if she manifests wisdom and starts specially difficult to put complex Eugene Evgeny, but fulfilled tasks - such a behavior of Mary will lead to harmony and well-being in their family.

Number Maria and Eugene compatibility It is 5. The vibrations of "fives", give them a desire for novelty, adventurism - they are ready for moving at a time when the well-established and expecting a little boring.

In marriage, the spouses become harmonious, living long enough - then their union becomes unselfish so much so that it may even seem like a stranger, as if the spouses are absolutely indifferent to each other. But in reality, their relationship is very strong, since it is not built on a momentary passion, but on the inner calm, confidence in their half. Maria sincerely convinced that her girlfriend would not meet anywhere else, and Evgeny thinks similarly about his spouse.

Although some surrounding can perceive their joint lives rather as a union is friendship than a marriage based on love, but in reality, just sincere feeling allows them to live in harmony and constancy. Little of, maria and Eugene name compatibility It is so obvious that this couple, like a magnet, attracts couples, sticking like such views. That is why their environment in the end is made up of couples, adhered to such views on the family.

But true Compatibility Maria and Eugene Demonstrate, staying alone, giving a real passion for each other. This temperamental couple does not like to expose the head of its intimate life.

Apparently means "desired, beloved." In childhood, Maria is under the hyperopica of his parents who want to protect it from difficulties, problems and adversity, which makes it infantile and non-feasible. Maria suffers from such education, seeks to become more independent, but it does not always work. Sometimes it happens that Mary has many complexes that prevent her in adult life. She really wants to be considered an interesting, outstanding personality with which you can talk to any topic. But her true nature is a mystery for others, as Mary does not like when someone is trying to penetrate her inner world. It is difficult for her to make friends, although they have it, albeit a little. Unfortunately, it also has ill-wishers, since she often dismisses others, trying to hide their complexes.

The greatest probability of strong relationships in Mary from:

Mary is not very lucky in love. She is closed, incredulous, at times arrogant. Being quite successful in the professional sphere, Maria thinks that her beloved does not really value it. Such thoughts lead to quarrels and scandals that are poorly affected by relations. Maria Jealis, because I am not sure of myself and needs constant approval, compliments and praise. Maria can love his chosen one, but demonstrate only his egoism and infantility, without knowing how to take care. Such a situation will be tired by anyone, so Maria, as a result, remains lonely. If she get married, it's too late, and the main quality of her future husband must be patience and the ability to forgive. He will have to treat his wife, as a small child, which is quite difficult. If Maria's marriage ends with a divorce, she is experiencing him very painful, thinking that he will never be happy again. Maria loves her children, but is too strict to them, because of what they consider her despotic.

The smallest probability of strong relationships in Mary from:

Adrian, Alexey, Anton,

In the nature of Maria, rigor is combined with heartiness, and passion from alienation. This is a serious and strict outwardly woman, but it is transformed next to close people, becomes passionate and sensual, gentle and loving. Also, Mary has excessive love for children.

Winter Maria represents a reserved standard . Since the school bench, it is sufficiently silent, and in adult life from Mary, it is rare to hear phrases not essentially. In the family of Maria, she tries to adhere to the opinion of her husband, and at various troubles, it behaves quite restrained.

Spring Maria - rare optimist that his cheerfulness raises the mood to everyone around. Maria - Nature is very soft, but if necessary, it is able to express and defend his point of view. The life of such a woman is filled with light desires and full of emotions.

Summer Maria - Familiarity and sensitive, it is very easy to offend. She tries to always avoid conflict, and if it fails, it loses in the dispute. In family relations, it behaves very restrained and rather will give way to her husband than will go to an open quarrel.

Autumn Maria Has a fortune, and even a small failure is experiencing as a tragedy. But it comes to each lesson in life scrupulous, which leads, as a rule, to a safe outcome. Also carefully it is suitable for choosing a husband, so family relationships Autumn Maria add up extremely successful.

Stone - Talisman

Mary's talismans are: grenades, sapphire, carnelian and diamond.

This stone symbolizes love and friendship.

Pomegranate is able to cause courage, courage, as well as it gives endurance.

This stone symbolizes loyalty, modesty and chastity.

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It is believed that Sapphire empowers the owner of wisdom, power and a sense of justice. Helps to believe in their strength, defeat laziness and fear.

Symbolizes this stone happy love.

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The carnelian raises the mood, gives eloquence and exacerbates mind. In addition, he creates a healing field around himself.

This stone acts as a symbol of strength, hardness, shine and light.

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He guards its owner from diseases, gives courage in battle, brings good luck.



A lucky number for Mary - 4 (about the meaning of the number four can be read in the article).


The patron of the name of Maria is Planet Proserpina. This planet symbolizes the desire to be constantly self-improvement, transformed, and also adapt to all sorts of (sometimes inhuman) conditions. This heavenly body does not allow to stop a person on the level achieved, pushing to the maximum knowledge of human being.


The elements of Mary are air (which means the patronage of this element, you can read in the article "The Effect of Elements, Planets and Numbers on Human Life").

Animal - symbol

Animal symbol for Mary is a pigeon, symbolizing peace and fertility.

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Favorable plants for Mary are cornflow and birch.

This flower symbolizes loyalty and constancy, as well as simplicity and tenderness.

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Vasilek is intended to bring joy and happiness to people. Since ancient times, Vasilka petals are widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

This tree is a symbol of spiritual beauty and extraordinary kindness. Birch is used in healing spells.

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Also, birch can remove fatigue, stress, restore mental harmony.


Metal talisman for Mary is lead.

AT Ancient Greece This metal symbolized power. Leads can repel the negative energy for a long time.

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This metal contributes to improving the concentration of attention. Lead "does not like" sociable people, but those who prefer to keep away the crowd, on the contrary, brings good luck.

Favorable days

Wednesday and Saturday.

An unfavorable day


A favorable season for Mary is summer.

Important years of life

Recent years of life for Mary: 7, 19, 30, 42 and 43.

The origin of the name Maria

Translation name

Maria's name comes from the Hebrew name Mariam, which means "rejected" and "sad". The Orthodox version of the translation of this name is "Mrs.".

History name

It is known that the first mention of the name Maria came from the Bible - so called the mother of Jesus Christ. Therefore, this name has become the most common among Christian peoples. Many royal people in Europe and Russian Empire Wore name Maria.

Forms (Analogs) name

The most common forms named Maria: Marisha, Marusya, Mashunya, Masha, Mashuta.

Legend of the name Maria

No less known among believers and the image of Mary Magdalene equivalent.

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This saint was originally from the city of Magdala, which is in Palestine. Maria was seriously ill (she was obsessed by demons). She came to Jesus so that he healed her from a terrible illness. Meeting and communication with Jesus, healed, led to the fact that Maria Magdalene became the right student of Christ, who remained with the teacher even when his apostles, frightened, left him. It was Maria Magdalene who became a witness of crucifix, death, burial, as well as the resurrection of the Savior.

Mystery named after Maria

Angel Day (Name Day)

February - 28, 19 and 25 numbers.

April - 2, 14, 16 and 25 numbers.

May - 17th number.

June - 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22 and 24 numbers.

July - 2 and 25 numbers.

August - 4, 22 and 24 numbers.

September - 28 number.

November - 11 number.

Patrons named after Maria

  • Martyr Mary Asian;
  • Rev. Maria Vifinskaya;
  • Rev. Maria Egyptian;
  • Martyr Mary Caesarian;
  • Maria Cleopova;
  • Rev. Maria Constantinople (or Palestinian);
  • Martyr Maria Constantinople (Patrician);
  • Mironine Mare Magdalene;
  • Mary Persian confessor;
  • Martyr Mary Persian;
  • Schimonakhin Maria Radonezhskaya;
  • Maria, Sister of the Apostle Philip;
  • Rev. Maria Hdidanskaya.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Maria:

  • Mary Poroshina;
  • Maria Andreeva;
  • Maria Ermolova.

Famous TV presenters named Maria:

  • Maria Gorban;
  • Maria Gaidar.

Famous singers named Maria:

  • Maria Callas;
  • Maria Maksakova.

Famous writers named Maria:

  • Maria Bashkirtseva;
  • Maria Arbatova.

Maria Sharapova - Russian tennis player, master of sports.

Maria I Tydor - Government of England (1553 - 1558).

Meaning of the name Maria

Maria is an active, dynamic and adventurous woman, full of secrets. She embodies the spirit of adventure and freedom. Mary's character traits are incessantly formed throughout life.

For a child

Masha is a calm, gentle and good girl. From childhood, she has been developing love for children - all games are related to dolls and the game in the "mother's daughter". Little Maria is easy to offend (even a small remark can perceive it very painful). Masha can be intense and often does what she likes. It happens a capricious and expects from parents to fulfill all their desires.

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With a school bench, Mary form such traits such as purposefulness and justice. She responsibly refers to home and school duties. Masha is hardworking and capable of empathy, for which her classmates respect her. In school years shows interest in accurate sciences.

For girl

Magked Mary sows warmth and tenderness around the people around others. She is always ready to come to help in need.

Of course, selfish people appear in her life, who can take advantage of Mary's kindness, then such features of her character as justice and composure are manifested, thanks to which she will not help themselves. Therefore, it is in dire need of people who will appreciate the best sides of her character. The future husband of Mary should be honest enough and have such qualities as good nature and self-sacrifice.

For woman

Maria by nature is mysterious, dynamic, active and enterprising. She is the embodiment of the spirit of adventure and freedom. Proud, she often worries the opinion of others about himself. Requires increased attention, especially in the company of men. Maria loves to live in prosperity and can go on a lot for this. It may seem inconsistent, but in fact this woman clearly knows what he wants from life. It always counts in advance all sorts of variations of events, so prefers to act on the planned path.

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As a child, it stretches more to the Father, with whom she is always interesting and fun. The girlfriends in Maria there is no little at all, because it does not tolerate competition.

Description name Mary


Too strict moral principles for Mary - this is the norm. She has a perfect feeling of decency, which manifests itself in many life moments. Often, the severe nature of Mary complicates communication with the surrounding people, but contributes to the formation of respect for it in society.


Because of the inclination to the completeness of Mary, the diet, hardening, swimming, swimming at sea is recommended. As a rule, Mary's weak bodies are a stomach and heart. Basically, Maria is a strong and healthy woman who even suffers rarely, as he loves sports and mobile lifestyle.

In Love Maria Cruption: she chokingly chooses a partner who weigh all the "for" and "against". She is in every way trying to "adjust" it under him, and if this does not work, then there is a breaking of relationship.

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But if a man goes on Mary, then as a reward, he will receive an extraordinary beauty of the love of a woman who will delight her future husband only with light emotions.


Maria is a loyal wife and an excellent hostess. Mare Mary must not forget to continue to care for his wife and is mandatory to show marks attention.

In terms of creating a homemade coziness, Maria is out of all competition, because it is vaccinated by her parents since childhood. Husband and children whom she pampers her caress and care, always know that, coming home, they will feel comfortable and protected (as in the fortress).

Family relationships

In the family, Maria should be "neck", which will indicate the direction of the "head". As a rule, it requires the unquestionless implementation of all vital family decisions that only herself takes. Of course, she will listen to her husband's tips, but it will be only a formal character. Therefore, Mary's husband needs to be patient and excerpt. However, Maria is always able to find the middle of the middle and not to get raised by family parties. Maria does not make souls in his children and to the end is predicted.

Sex for Mary is primarily the pleasure that she needs as good food or rest. Men show some aggressiveness.

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It will be fully able to reveal in an intimate plan only with a gentle and sensitive man who will be completely trusted.

Mind (intelligence)

Maria does not seek to exhibit his intellect and education atpon, on the contrary, it will rather give way to the leading position to people who wish to attract increased attention to themselves. It has an analytical mind. For Mary, there are no little things (it perfectly understands that the little things are particles of the whole).

Maria loves to work, her professions attract it, in which she could implement themselves in full. Mary Trudiva, fair, patient, sincerely and clean in judgments. The goal is not looking for easy paths. She likes to help people and work with children.

© Robert Kneschke.

Favorite business can be the work of a nurse, doctor, educator, teacher. But the most Mary is fits the role of mother and keeper of the home focus.


To create your business, Mary lacks hardness and determination. But if she is still solved on such activities, she needs a partner and an assistant to which you can always rely in difficult situations. Mary's ability to senior positions are minimal, but all the flaws in their own business can overlap its hard work and perseverance.


In his youth, Mary has an attraction to sports (run, tennis, athletics). Given her character, perhaps she will go further and will even show the best sports results. But still, often the vocation of Mary is children. She devotes himself completely by giving them their vital energy. It is children for Mary become the main passion.

Type of character


Maria - introvert, so often closes (most comfortable it feels alone with them).

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It is self-confident and calculated. But behind these qualities is hiding a very kind and sensitive heart, which can love, so it is constantly surrounded by men who are crazy about her. But in addition to personal qualities, Maria is interested in and high position in the society of their chosen one.


Although Mary is well developed intuition, it does not consider it necessary to use it, preferring to make decisions, guided by the mind. She loves when everything is clear and according to the rules. The least Mary hopes for a miracle, because it is used to achieve everything.

Horoscope named after Maria

This is a impulsive and insufficient nature. Maria-Aries can give a promise that will not fulfill, as well as take the case that will not bring to the end. It has many meaningless, but sincere impulses, as well as enthusiasm.

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This is a woman who never sadness and forever young soul. Mary-Aries enjoys high attention in men, because it is very easy with it, but there is no constancy.

Maria - Taurus

This is a solid, imperturbable and decisive nature. Maria can occupy leadership positions due to such qualities as honesty, selflessness, purposefulness and confidence. Mary-Taurus perfectly finds a common language with others and knows how to delicately impose his opinion. She does not always have enough time for a personal life device, but even if she appears free time, she prefers to spend it at home. Usually, Maria Tauries begins to raise relations with men, being in adulthood.

Maria - Gemini

This is talkative, a welcoming, energetic woman who is more worried about spiritual values \u200b\u200bthan material benefits. Maria-Gemini prefers objectively to look at things. She is quite frank with people, it loves to make new acquaintances and does not tolerate loneliness. Maria-twin can convinced of their point of view. It looks always extremely attractive, watching fashion and is always surrounded by the attention of men. She likes delicate and cavering wars.

This woman is shy and a few. It may seem that Maria-Cancer is pleased with everyone, restrained and patient.

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However, in the depths of the soul, she is raging passions and emotions. Only because of his modesty, Maria-Cancer does not attract attention and does not express his opinion. She will better agree with the majority opinion. Also, Maria-Cancer does not make sufficient efforts to enjoy a potential partner, so she has to establish a personal life with great difficulty.

Maria - Lev.

Woman proud, expansive. She has far-reaching plans for life, and without changing the trifles, she always goes ahead. Such enthusiasm often leads Maria Lion on the wrong path. She is ready to believe people, and they use it; She is convinced of her rightness, and they consider her a self-configuration. Men do not mind to take care of Maria Lv, but its complex character becomes an insurmountable wall. She roughly apply for the role of the family commander-in-chief and often rolls unreasonable hysterics.

Maria - Deva.

This is a methodical method, prudent and balanced. Maria Virgo is very patient and thinks prey, before you start doing anything. Perfectly disassembled in people and does not like conversations "nothing". She knows how to suppress her emotions, so men leave the impression of a cold woman. But in reality, Maria Virgo is able to love disinterestedly and unforgettably, while it does not attach great importance to sex and passion.

Peaceful, elegant and conspiracting woman. She is an excellent diplomat who knows how to smooth out "sharp corners" between people.

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Maria-scales can listen, give up and, if necessary, correctly impose your opinion. Only true gentlemen will appease.

Maria - Scorpio

This is a raining, hardworking, neat and sensual woman who has a huge internal potential. Maria-Scorpio can adapt to others and at the same time to hide his own feelings. It is difficult to convince in anything: if Maria-Scorpio decided, it will be final. The sensuality of this person attracts men with great strength. She often makes novels and quickly disappointed in them. Moreover, Maria-Scorpio's relationship breaks hard and no longer returns to them.

Maria - Sagittarius

Adventurous, straight and inquisitive woman. For her, there are no restrictions in life: if she decided to achieve something, then goes to his goal. Maria also worries the result. Maria-Sagittarius loves to demonstrate his superiority towards other people that surrounding irritation. However, this kind of behavior attracts men. Maria Sagittari is carried in a man uncharted sensations, but after satisfying his curiosity, she leaves his partner. In order for a man to keep such a woman, it is necessary to constantly amaze it and cook surprises.

Maria - Capricorn.

This is hardy, stubborn and pretentious personality. A pleasant woman is the first impression that Mary-Capricorn produces, but in fact, a very stubborn nature lies behind this screen. It is excessively independent, so often refuses any help. But the problems of friends and acquaintances solves with pleasure. It is friends in the life of Mary Capricorn often occupy a priority meaning.

Maria - Aquarius

This is an alienated and peculiar person. Maria-Aquarius is full of non-optical plans and ideas, but it is almost impossible to convince her in their illusion. Its classical vision of it in principle does not care, she has its own opinion on everything. Personal life in Mary-Aquarius is hard enough, because the chance to meet a man with the same worldview is negligible.

This is a subtle and touching the nature, which is predicted to his work and brings it to the end. Maria fish is hard to transfer failure. In addition, it is quite difficult for her to make new acquaintances. She is very disagreeable and can freeze because of any little things.

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To conquer the heart of Mary fish, you need to be persistent and original.

Mary's name compatibility with male names

This pair is destined to be together as an addition to each other. Alexander has a hot temperament, prone to leadership and does not tolerate disobedience. Maria, on the contrary, the nature is thin, so does not accept a rude attitude towards himself.

© Kzenon.

In this union, Alexander assumes the responsibilities of the "miner", while Maria is responsible for providing home comfort. She will not bother and love, so enviable harmony reigns between Maria and Alexander.

Maria and Dmitry.

The people around them may seem to see that between Maria and Sergey friendly or partnerships, but it is not. Only sincere love supports harmony in their relationship. This couple is very passionate and temperamental lovers.

Maria and Andrey

It's perfect suitable friend A friend a couple with common interests, the same mentality and joint desire to improve the material situation. Maria and Andrei are able to develop their relationship, which eliminates the formation of the abyss between them. In sex, they show their attention to each other, and instead they get harmony of intimacy.

Maria and Aleksey

It is important that the desire to be together lasts much longer than the "candy-bought" period. In marriage, the entire caress and care of Maria and Ivan give their child.

Maria and Eugene

This is a rare union, because Maria and Eugene are quite different people, their aspirations and goals are far from each other. Mary feels independent and thinks about global problemsAnd Eugene thinks more about the problems of pressing. However, there may be excellent sexual compatibility and similar views on the family to which they are extremely responsible. In order for this union to take place, Mary and Eugene should not forget about compromises and mutual understanding. Only this couple can exist for a long time.

Maria and Maxim

Maria and Artem adhere to the following principle: "The money in the family should be so much to not worry because of their absence."

Maria and Anton

Such a union has a lot of chances to become successful. Mary and Anton have a lot of common interests based on vitality and thirst for freedom. They are alien to calm and loneliness. Maria and Anton love the atmosphere of the holiday and rampant fun. In terms of Finance, Anton is represented by an absolutely generous gentleman, because it does not regret money on the elect. Maria is prone without emotional effort to give freedom to her man, closing his eyes on the blister of Anton with other women.

Maria and Mikhail

However, after the expiration of the time, their joint life is able to turn into a constant war of two strong, independent and bright personalities. You can avoid such an outcome you can only soften your morals, learning to endure and make compromises.

Maria and Vitaly

This is a couple of independent personalities. Individual qualities of Mary and Vitaly make it possible to succeed. However, coming home from work, they do not leave the struggle for leadership, besides, they do not want to take the first step to reconciliation. If they do not learn to make compromises, then such relationships will be ruined sooner or later.

Maria and Oleg.

In this pair, both partners are too stubborn. In everyday life Maria and Oleg do not fit each other. If initially their lifestyle did not coincide, it is unlikely that this will happen in the future. In general, passionate and emotional Oleg, as a rule, is not suitable for calm Maria.

Maria and Valery

These are very practical people, the relationship between which is built on a reliable foundation. Valery loves to risk, and Maria is a very restrained woman. But intimate interests of these names have a lot in common. This couple has every chance to be together, to build and build a family.

A very passionate couple, in which endless reconciliations go behind endless quarrels. The relations of Mary and Yuri are constantly accompanied by bright events.

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Such temperament is present in intimate life. Any disputes can go to "no" using sex. In general, their marriage may well take place and flourish.

Maria and Anatoly

This pair is not interested in material benefits, they are splitting spiritual unity, the influence of which applies to the other spheres of life. Maria and Anatoly are confident that without mental warmth, the attributes of wealth cannot give real happiness and calm.

Maria and Ruslan

In this pair there are two torture nature with an aggravated sense of independence. They are not used to making concessions and lose. Maria and Ruslan are suitable for each other, first of all, as passionate lovers, but to build a family happiness of perfect intimate relationships.

Maria and Nikita

They have a good chance for living together. Mary and Nikita have a lot of common interests: they love to travel, play sports, as well as read. Although both are complex, but they also know how to find a common language (as long as love is present in the relationship). In general, this union can be the beginning of another cell of society.

This is the union of two strong individualities for which their personal interests are extremely important. Maria and Kirill are endowed not only by high self-conceit, but also by non-light intelligence. Everyone in their lives has the degree of official, and even in intimate relationships there are patheaux.

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The marriage between Maria and Kirill is rarely strong and stable, because it does not have the main component of a solid relationship - love.

Maria and Victor

Maria is a person who likes excessive transit, while Victor is a workaholic that does not perceive empty pastime. He is ready for everything to take possession of such a woman, and she, in turn, gives his faithfulness and allows you to further improve the material component in order to implement her whim.

Maria and Stanislav

This pair expects a multifaceted and bright lifestyle. Maria and Stanislav are open to fresh ideas, as well as hobbies each other. They love to travel together, and new discoveries will accompany them and in everyday life and on vacation. Maria and Stanislav Manyat Dali, an interest in other peoples and civilizations. At the same time, they skillfully retain strong feelings and devotion.

This union can be strong in the material aspect. Mary and Timur predicted prosperity and wealth. They can become excellent business companions, partners in affairs.

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Most often, they are binding a sense of respect and solidarity, but not love. Most likely, they do not have enough passion in the relationship, as a result of which the couple will just be just friends or business partners.

Maria and Arthur

This couple passes all the stages of relationship with dignity and love to each other. They overcome the way from cooperation to friendship and love, constantly improving and strengthening relations. In the end, Maria and Arthur seek complete harmony both in spiritual and intimate relations.

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