
Zodiac signs are ideal suitable for each other. What signs of the zodiac are suitable for each other? Suitable signs of men and women. Marriage horoscope: compatibility on zodiac signs


Creating a couple and family is responsible and serious. Many represent how they will be equipped with homemade hearth, build strong relationships, raise children. Remember: family life is constant balancing between passionate bats and love, among compromises and claims, disinterested dedication and manipulations. It is believed that the quality of family unions of people in a large extent depends on the signs of the zodiac - after all, they determine the nature of the person.

How to determine the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in love by date of birth

In most cases, determine the signs of the zodiac, suitable friend A friend in love, you can with the help of a special table. The date of birth of a person or another is accounted for a specific zodiacal symbol. Knowing it, you can determine the following table: with a representative of what signs it is worth building relationships and create a marriage union in the future, and with what better to stay friends or acquaintances. Thanks to the compatibility indicator, you can approximately learn about how long the union with a specific person is survived.

Compatibility table

To learn the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in love, regardless of the age category, you can from the table related to astrology. It contains information about which horoscope compatibility options are prosperous, and which may be far from perfect. The symbol "+" means that the combination is successful, "-" - unfavorable to marry, and an empty cell - speaks of uniformity, neutral compatibility:





Zodiac signs - who is suitable for love

Familiarize yourself with more detailed compatibility horoscopes for men and women of each sign. Owning such information will have a good chance to create a strong family, where both spouses will respect each other. The combination of types of zodiac will help initially decide on the person with whom it will be interesting and fun to communicate, and the problems will be solved easily, quickly.


For women, the Aries is characterized by frequent mood changes and unpredictability. A key concept for her is desire, and in the broadest sense: from primitive needs to high spiritual aspirations. Sometimes a partner is difficult to understand it. She loves riddles. The desire to compete is its lack and advantage. Conflict, quick temper is often condemned in a woman, but thanks to these qualities, Aries reaches its goals. It is quite possible to create a strong union with men who were born under the signs of the zodiac:

  • Sagittarius;
  • Virgo;

Due to the fact that women-Aries are strong personality and leaders from nature, their relationship with a taper, distinguished by stubbornness, will be complex. A woman born under the sign of Aries will often quarrel with twins. As for the union with the same type of zodiac sign, it is possible only if there is clean, strong love. At the same time, you will have to accept the conditions of the second half - then the union will bloom.

Aries men by nature is a leader. It is distinguished by perseverance and confidence in his abilities. Such a man represents itself as a leader in various areas of life, including love. It is characteristic of putting his conditions and wait for the partner of the unquestioning their implementation. Aries-man is able to create a successful pair with a representative of any sign, but provided that the chosen will be delighted in every word of the partner. Relations and marriages with twins often ends with a break due to the fact that such a man does not like powerful girls.


The representative of this symbol is slow and leisurely personalities who need persecution, sincere confirmation of the senses of the partner. Woman Taurus is the "earth". The energy of the present and the earth is fully manifested in it. The main thing for her is her house, family. In the house she shines: perfectly leads life, it cooks well, creates comfort for myself and loved ones. A union with dynamic people often encourages a failure.

To create a strong, good family, a woman-to-tell woman is worth searching for a strong sex representative of one of the balanced signs - this is:

  • Fish;
  • Libra;
  • Aquarius.

Male Taurus in most cases becomes a good husband, which is not alien to the concept of loyalty. The purpose of the Taurus is to find the very only, unique girl. Often it tries as early as possible to "put roots", i.e. marry, build a house and start children. He will rather be until the end of his days along with one woman, than to change them as gloves.

The representative of a strong floor with the symbol of the Taurus cares about his second half and loves homemade comfort. He wants to just swim downstream along with a person who loves. Life with him is considered comfortable, safe, although it can be demanding. In order not to sacrifice everything, it is better not to try to build relationships with a lioness who are unsuccessful because of its aggressive manners. Ideal will be the Union of Taurus with a representative of the relative element of the Earth. A good union can be concluded with a girl:

  • Virgo;
  • Cancer;
  • Silver.


The representatives of this sign of the zodiac are gentle and easily-free romantic people, which are characteristic of multipleness. They are constantly required by caressing, manifestation of senses from a partner. Twin women should feel that they are really loved. Often they cannot hold all what is happening in their inner world, choose words to express their own feelings, thoughts. These representatives of the beautiful floor adore poetry. Men with them are simultaneously easy and difficult. An ideal family in such girls can be obtained from:

  • Twin;
  • Capricorn;
  • Aquarius;

Men born under the sign of the twins - freedom-loving personalities who do not tolerate monotony, boredom in any field of life, incl. And in love. They like to spend time as actively as possible. Such men live in their imagination, and real relationships often seem to him very "grounded." It should not be thought that it is not capable of serious relationships, because In fact, he can turn into the most ordinary husband who will quickly get used to comfort and will not spend time on a new union.

Such a representative of a strong sex can wait a long time, without feeding the form that someone likes. To care for this it will be elegant. Cooling the ardent temple of the twin, characterized by explosion hazard, is capable of a woman-taurus, but such an alliance will be relatively short-lived. It is recommended to avoid relationships with lioness or fish. For a long time, the twin is capable of reasonable scales, Virgo.


For women crayfish, which are romantics by nature, you need a belly and attentive partner who will give gifts, talk compliments. If the second half turns out to be a strong personality, it will become a reliable support for the girl in life - such a marriage will be successful. About the woman-cancer say that it is elusive, changing, emotional, gentle. Being under the auspices of the Moon, such a girl quickly adapts to the mood of man.

In fact, the lady, born under the sign of Cancer, is a caring mother, on whose caressing is so bored by representatives of strong sex. This lies the secret of the special charm of these "lunar" in Pers. For the relationship to be successful, they must learn to believe their partner. No matter how surprisingly, such "lunar" girls are confident careerists who slowly, step by step, reach their own. It is possible to achieve good compatibility with lions, calves.

A man-cancer knows how to conquer the heart of the lady and make it always to be with him. He is trying to prove his love partner in every possible way, belonging to her with great respect. He is perfect for a girl who can make laugh and feel somewhat relaxed, but most importantly, she should stay with him. Often such men blind strong, influential ladies that are older. Relationships with weights will be difficult. The perfect combination will be the calf.


Girls with this fiery sign are proud, volitional and noble, they easily present high demands to their second half. Due to the fact that they are strong and powerful people who like dominance, then they need a conspicuous and softer partner. The main fuel of the girl-lion is public recognition and love. It can achieve phenomenal heights - provided that it will feel moral and material support. Not the most successful will be the union with aquatic and scorpion.

For a lioness, attitudes with men is a field of wonderful fight. She will experience passion, indignation, jealousy and love. Such passions are used by it unconsciously to attract attention. His lioness will not miss. It may seem that it is just a beast, but the motives are the most noble, because Such a girl fights for himself and his family using all opportunities. Strong and long-term relationships with it are possible with firing or devices.

When a man-lion falls in love, he does not regret the forces in order to make a relationship really luxurious. He is from those people who remember the date of dating with the second half and can fall asleep a lady with different gifts. At the same time, the lion is looking for a comradier in the girl and best friendWith which he will be easily and fun. Since the lions are concerned about their welfare, but only then - the feelings and desires of their beloved, the second half must take care, excerpt. The deplorable finals may have relationships with weights or twins, but Virgo is the perfect marriage partner for Leo.


Women with the sign of the Zodiac Virgin prefer to adhere to conservative views on life, so they need to constantly push. They are energetic, punctual, honest. Girl-Virgo does not like to show those surrounding his emotionality, but it can demonstrate its practically a manic concentration on the details. Sincere love can manifest itself in marriage between a woman-Virgin and a man-fish.

To avoid constant clarification of relations and misunderstandings, such a girl should not try to create a family with men of such signs as:

  • Scorpio;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Capricorn;
  • Libra;
  • Virgo.

A male representative born under the sign of the Virgin is a good family man. It is easier for him to fulfill any whim of his second half than to offer something to him. To show care and defend your love, he needs to feel necessary. Such a man has a property attracted a fair sex representative, which has difficult times. He is the one who can listen and support a person. At the same time, Virgo will begin to empathize. Good relationships can work out with fish, but it is not recommended to start relationships with Aquarius and scorpions.


IN family relationship Scales of discusses and tolerant. Given that they have a variable temper, such a girl needs to look for a relaxing partner. She is very romantic, sees beauty in the most common situations, phenomena, people. The ability to give all aesthetic meaning is laid in it from birth. It is controlled by Venus, thanks to which the Woman's scales have an innate sense of grace, unsurpassed diplomatic skills. To achieve calm in relationships and balance them can be with:

  • Taurus;
  • Scorpion;
  • Taurus;
  • Oily;
  • Fishes.

The male scales are almost never silent, he can speak absolutely everything in the face, including what contradicts etiquette or unpleasant. He is considered to be entitled to criticize others and put people in an awkward position. Such a strong sex appreciates equality, independence in relations. He wants the second half to feel happy with and without him. Partner should prepare for a sharp discrepancy of the chosen one. Scales create a good union with a lioness, but the marriage with a taurus can turn into a divorce. Relations will be distressed with:

  • Virgo;
  • Twins;
  • Ova.


Girl Scorpio is a fatal woman, seductive and intellectual person, inside which hurricane of feelings, emotions. At the same time, it differs intensity, because Does not show them surrounding. This lady masterfully owns, adores extremes and needs ultimate clarity in everything, including love. Men likes a variety of different, but there is something in common. The chosen one must be strong, romantic in nature, and at the same time have a stable nervous system. Union with a partner of his sign is doomed to failure, but marriage with fish or twins will be successful.

The representative of the strong sex with the zodiac sign Scorpio wants to create a real story of great love, a unique alliance. He needs that woman who is capable of becoming the closest man. He likes independent, strong ladies who have many interests and a successful career. At the same time, Scorpio strives to become a family leader. He likes when she lives according to his rules. A good partner for scorpion will be the Sagittarius or Fish. Harmonious relations with aquatic, a virgin, no other will not work.


Girl with a sign of the zodiac Sagittarius is a freedom-loving person, not tolerant of control over himself. At the same time, she needs protection, tenderness, attention. Such a lady does not disappear and his ideals try to defend to the last. Plank her requirements becomes so high that often the Sagittarius girl feels lonely in the world. Sagittarius love interesting men with whom joint activity is possible. In a pair, they always seek to teach and re-educate. Relations with authentic, aquatic, twins will be short-lived and saturated quarrels. The best combinations:

  • Scorpio;
  • Capricorn.

Representatives of the strong gender belonging to the Sagittarius are charming people who attract attention to many ladies. A special paradox arises in the relationship with Sagittarius - he wants to feel free. For this reason, such a man is difficult to keep. He is able to become an excellent partner, although he is partly impulsive. Relationships with Taurus for the Men-Sagittarius can end with full failure, strong shocks. It is best for him to fit the girl of an identical sign and a woman lion.


Capricorn woman is perfection itself, angel. She thoughtfully coming to his actions and actions before doing something. If the Capricorn girl falls, she will be a support for his partner. Many such ladies devote themselves to her husband. They will be interested in a career and constantly maintain a certain one. They are distinguished by reliability, sincerity. Corporate mutually beneficial and strong relationships are better with a man identical sign or twins, Taurus. Plan the Union and go to the registry office with weights is not worth it, because He is doomed to scandals.

Capricorn men are often indecisive, thoughtful. They need to constantly push to active actions, but the union with them is designed to create a strong family. Capricorn's rod is stubbornness in all relationships. The value of such a representative of a strong sex is that it is restrained and serves her work. Under the strict appearance of the Capricorn is hidden sentimental, sensitive nature. He should not impose optimism in alliance with fish or scorpions. The best combinations will be:

  • Calf;
  • Capricorn;
  • Sagittarius.


The girls born under this watermark of the zodiac seek a warm and cozy family atmosphere. They require constant feeding of feelings, otherwise their love will quickly begin to fade, turning into indifference. Aquarius is a model of originality, freedom, so such a girl does not withstand love shackles. The management of the economy is not its strength. She needs a partner with a sense of humor and emotional ease. A good union is possible with the chief twin. Intense relationships will be with:


The main characteristics of the girl-fish (February 20 - March 20) is that it is insightful, loving, incredibly romantic. The motto of fish is "I believe." Such a lady can stand up for itself, but it needs a strong, purposeful partner. The representative of this sign prefers to be in family life on the second roles, giving a leading role in a pair to its partner. Her union with Capricorn or authentic will become complex. So that there is more positive in the relationship, pay attention to:

  • Scorpio;
  • Cancer;
  • Virgin;
  • Taurus;
  • Fish.

Male fish - windy and very variable. In relations with him you should be patient, to show understanding. The main secret of the location of such a strong sex and successful relationship with it is considered the lack of desire to releasing. Marriage male fish with authentic or ibex is doomed to fast failure. A good union is possible with:


What signs of the zodiac are suitable for each other in love - horoscope compatibility

We are looking for our soulam in various criteria. And let the horoscope not for everyone is the adviser in this matter, but still many, having met a potential "prince" or "love of all their lives" look at his section describing the signs of the zodiac suitable for each other.

Astrologa Council: The level and type of people's education, very strongly imposes a mark on the method of manifestation of various qualities. Human education also contributes to the characteristic of different properties of behavior.

Determine compatibility:

Horoscopes propose to learn about the combination of people in all sorts of parameters: from the conduct of a joint business to the possibility of creating a solid union of two loving people.

Astrologa Council: Sometimes, the chance for the global transformation of your life in the best direction, the only time in life arises. Do not miss it - sign up on and find out how to expect him soon!

There are many nuances, predictions depend on the sex of the sign of the zodiac, its age and many more factors. There will be a family with someone, somewhere it will be limited to flirting, some will survive a rapid romance.

There are also such combinations that, according to astrologers, initially "doomed" to failure in an attempt to establish a joint life.

Astrologa Council: Take into account that for accurate characteristics, it is necessary to correct information taking into account the place of birth, date and time. Refined data will help you know more deeply or understand another person.

You can believe or doubt about such predictions, but suddenly the rubbed phrase: "We have not constructed with the characters" has some kind of attack, which partly explains the horoscope? Below are the signs of the zodiac suitable for each other.

Ideal u. Ovnov Relationships with Lvom and Sagittar, the alliance with Capricorn is also harmonious too. They are very in love, but these signs are able to keep their attention for a long time.

Astrologa Council: We offer you to watch horoscopes for a month, year for all signs of the zodiac. The forecast will help you to take the most effective solution on various issues. Interesting and useful. Go to category.

Born under the sign Tales seriously approach to solving the issue of creating a family. Fishes and twins are capable of passion and the union will be durable, as well as with economic cancer

Inclined to rush out of extremes to extreme Twins , then strive for marriage, then run from him. To bring a novel to official design relationships are capable of tales, aquarius, and Capricorn.

Astrologa Council: To comprehend and closer to understand the nature and features of the sign of zodiac, it is necessary to study it from different sides and the rubric will help you in this.

Raki. change your character throughout life. It is best to behave in Cancer Cancer at middle age. This idea will bring to the end of fish and aquarius. Caltza also worth trying happiness.

a lion it's eager for love as well as fame and recognition. Capricorn capable of admiring them until the end of days. Virgin and Sagittari will soften egoism and will not be blossom from the rays of glory.

Virgo very picky. Relationships are possible with aquatic, lion (which, however, will become a kitten) and Sagittar.

Libra rarely can call themselves happy in marriage. Scorpions and crayfish will become "the smallest of the evils" for them in terms of creating the Union.

Astrologa Council: The year of the birth of a person, the same very noticeably affects the potential laid in man when it appears. You can read better on our resource in the heading.

Scorpions tasting others, sometimes even not wanting it. Avoid poison and peacefully get along next to them there is a chance of fish, crayfish, virgins and scales.

Sagittarius many actions makes, not thinking about the consequences, as a result - frequent early marriages and disappointments. But Aries and Lions will become reliable satellites.

Capricorn in search of perfect couple Starting on someone is not in a hurry. As a result, he can penetrate the feeling of a trowel, lion, to the calf.

Aquarius open your feelings does not show. But raki or maiden will eventually wait for recognition from him.

Fish list in marriage support and severe shoulder. And they will take the entire emotional component of marriage. This alignment will arrange cancer, Taurus, Aries.

Astrologa Council: Relationships between loved ones, very noticeably depends on the month of birth. Compatibility of signs An interesting section in classical astrology. You can explore more about the attitude in the category.

Such a description is very incomplete, the signs of the zodiac, suitable to each other require an in-depth study. And of course you should not be upset if you are Capricorn, and your beloved Sagittarius and immediately tear the relationship. If follow the horoscope is so important, then spend an individual analysis and let the stars favor you!

Compatibility by date of birth will allow you to know the future in a pair. Sometimes, especially at the initial stages of relationships, it is difficult to understand whether the person is nearby, as a further life begins, and what awaits in marriage. All these questions can be answered using simple calculations.

At first, take the date of your birth and fold all the numbers from which it consists. Bring the resulting number again by the method of addition of its components to unambiguous. Example: 25.09.1979 \u003d 2 + 5 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 \u003d 35 \u003d 3 + 5 \u003d 7. Number 7 is a birth code in the example above. When you calculate your birth code, you need to find out the number of birth of your second half. The result will turn out two numbers: it and yours. You can learn compatibility by date of birth using the decryption below. In the list of couples numbers you will need to find numbers of your pair and find out what is destined.

1 and 1 - you are two leaders, one of you will have to give the palm of the championship in a relationship, otherwise there will be permanent conflicts in a pair.

1 and 2 - your partner will fight for its primary position in a pair. Give him - everything will be fine.

1 and 3 - In this case, friendly compatibility is more successful than love.

1 and 4 - Union fails for love relationship, It is more suitable for business cooperation.

1 and 5 - the relationship will be full of feelings and passions, but in the future you will live as if on a powder barrel. Unstable.

1 and 6 - successful love compatibility. There will be feelings and understanding, and trust.

1 and 7 - compatibility of almost 100%. You have common goals and views on life.

1 and 8 - the union is quite harmonious, but it is not necessary to demand more from each other than you can give.

1 and 9 - very good steam. You are as if related souls.

2 and 2 - for love the union is unsuccessful, only for friendship.

2 and 3 - harmonious relationships. The union is very successful for marriage, the establishment of the joint life and birth of children.

2 and 4 - a couple waiting for a good future if the lovers learn to find compromises.

2 and 5 - in this pair, people are associated with sexual attraction and passion. For marriage and family, such a ratio of characters will not suit.

2 and 6 - stability, love, loyalty and mutual understanding. Perfect Union.

2 and 7 - friendship - yes, love - no.

2 and 8 - a strong union, both will stand the mountain in both each other.

2 and 9 - unsuccessful love compatibility. In this pair, only a friendly communication is possible, no more.

3 and 3 - "Husband and wife - one Satan" - belongs to this pair. They always together, they are not bored with each other's society. Over time, they become very similar to each other.

3 and 4 - opposite characters. Despite different views on life, people with such numerology will still be able to create a strong and happy union.

3 and 5 - in this pair in love well together. They will strive for a single goal and go hand in hand all life.

3 and 6 - harmonious and happy couple. Compatibility in love is very successful.

3 and 7 - bad compatibility. Both love to dream and fantasize, and when it comes to actions, no one wants to take responsibility.

3 and 8 - a complex couple. One will strive for freedom, and the other will require submission and put pressure on its partner.

3 and 9 - excellent compatibility! Common goals and principles will be able to be a pledge of strong and happy life.

4 and 4 are stable relationships, but compatibility is not entirely successful. This pair will be a deficit of feelings.

4 and 5 people in this pair are incompatible. One tends to constantly move and change, and the other wants stability and measured life.

4 and 6 - happiness and harmony in a pair are guaranteed.

4 and 7 - compatibility is quite successful, both will complement each other.

4 and 8 - the Union will be successful only if there is no struggle for leadership.

4 and 9 - the first stage of relations for this pair is very complex. But if his lovers are survived and stay together, they are waiting for a long and happy life.

5 and 5 - unsuccessful compatibility. Relationships will not be able to become durable.

5 and 6 - the Union is quite possible, but in order to achieve harmony, efforts will need.

5 and 7 - common interests combine this pair. Quite successful compatibility in love.

5 and 8 - incompatibility in characters will not give a strong relationship.

5 and 9 - In spiritual terms, this pair is compatible, but as for life and joint living - there is little chances.

6 and 6 - too similar to each other people. It will cause disagreement and quarrels.

6 and 7 is a union of heart and mind. Compatibility is unlikely.

6 and 8 - people in this pair are different vital priorities. One appreciates everything material, and the other is spiritual.

6 and 9 - compatibility such a pair - 50%. Everything will depend on their efforts and desire to be with each other.

7 and 7 - in this union will not be enough frankness and trust in each other, and otherwise everything is safe.

7 and 8 - short-lived union. One thinks about career and money, another - about family and children.

7 and 9 - this couple can destroy only one - life.

8 and 8 - compatibility is quite successful, but there are still no problems anyway.

8 and 9 - an unsuccessful union. People in this pair will have different views on life and goals.

9 and 9 are the perfect union. Happiness, harmony and love for many years are provided.

This loving compatibility computation will help you learn whether you come to each other, and how good the your union is. If the couple was incompatible, it is not worth a despair too! The main thing is mutual love, support and respect. And everything else comes with time. And for feelings in your pair never fade, press on or

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage. Full list For all signs of the zodiac.
Learn how much you come to each other by the sign of the zodiac. Each woman dreams of finding such a man with whom it would be possible to create a solid and happy family. And sometimes it seems to us that here it is, the chosen one who was waiting for all his life, but in time we understand what was mistaken.

Compatibility of zodiac signs.

It is not necessary to part with a man if he does not fit on the horoscope. It is enough just to find out what kind of marriage with this man may have problems, and be ready for them.Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage by year - Great thing! With the right approach, it helps to bypass many sharp corners in the relationship. We want this? Of course! So let's ask the stars as you behave with my spouse - a representative of this or that sign of the zodiac. So…Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage.

1. Woman Aries

With a man-autumn, she strives for dominance, which will create tension. For a normal marriage, his wife should be compliant. Marriage with a man-taurus is also complicated - Taurus Pragmatic, and it annoys.

A union can be very good with twins. Both tirelessness are inquisitive, active and capable of complementing each other. Communication with a man-cancer promises initially powerful sexual attractionAnd then - quarrels because of the smallest detail. Regular storms can lead to the collapse of the Union.

With my husband, Lv's marriage will become prosperous if you constantly praise his sexuality and potency.
Spouse-Virgo - also a very suitable party. It is only necessary to forgive him the restraint and inability to behave too relaxed. But with the weights, with their inclination to idealize everything, it will be quite difficult to get along, - the ideal of her husband will have to fit.

Spouse Scorpio is so independent that if he does not provide freedom, it can lead to serious disagreements.The Union of Aries-Sagittarius promises to be quite good if you treat conflicts with humor. Aries with Capricorn will also catch a lot, it is worthwhile to awaken in their restrained husband a strong libido.You need to be very tactful with my husband, and then the connection with him will be great. The Union of Aries - Fish is extremely successful in all respects;

2. Woman Taurus

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. The Russian Taurus is successful only when the wife does not cool the enthusiasm of her husband and forgives him rare treason. Taurus's tie with Taurus ambiguous - Men-Taurus loves to do with women.If the wife does not give this importance, the connection will become strong and pleasant. With a twin husband, marriage is folded.The twins are dual and changeable, and the Taurus prone to constant is difficult to adapt all the time under their half. With cancer, the Taurus may be a prosperous marriage if the physical side will satisfy both.

Musha Lion's wife-tolets will have to constantly cheat. Otherwise, the marriage will quickly fall apart. With a male-Virgin special problems will not arise, if you do not pay attention to the Puritanism of the spouse. Good marriage and spouse-scales that will try to satisfy his wife in everything.With husband-scorpion, the connection promises to be violent, and it will be needed for it. Male-Sagittarius is a good option for the Union, if you do not try to put it on a short leash. With her husband-Capricorn, marriage is unresolved, but stable under the condition that the calf curls his stubbornness.

Life with a man-aquatic is problematic due to the difference in temperaments. With the husband, the fish will be difficult to cope if it is not tactfully helping him in the embodiment of fantasies;

3. Twin Woman

Good perspectives at the Union of twins with a fan. They are not bored together. But with a man-taurus, almost complete incompatibility in everything. Tales - jealous owners. They will limit the freedom of the twins that will not be injured.

Communication of twins with twins is unstable due to the impulsivity of both. The connection of twins with cancer is not very successful.

Cancer trusting and will perceive the twin seriously. It is worth it to understand that the twin plays, and the marriage will fall apart. But the marriage of twins with a male-lion is just the perfect option! The Lion husband will respond to all the rests of his wife with admiration and will not let her do in anything.

Gemini with the Virgin is unlikely to create a happy union. Men-virgin are not adventure and tend to criticize the unpredictability of twins. With my husband - the scales marriage promises to be very happy. Both spouses are not jealous, not owners, both have appropriate temperaments and love to experiment.

But with jealous scorpion, twins will have to be tight. Passion will cool quickly, and relationships can become hostile.

With a husband, the marriage marriage is not bad if the spouses do not prevent overgrowth requirements. With Capricorn, creating a strong alliance is not easy if you do not take into account its conservatism.

With the husband, aquatic twin will be good. The main feature of his character is the unpredictability of fantasies that twins love so much. But with a male fish, the relationship is unstable due to the atmosphere of suspicion and distrust;

4. Cancer Cancer

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. With a man-autumn Communication complicated. Cancer - owner, Aries loves freedom and adventure. Cancer jealousy can destroy marriage. With the Taurus, the marriage is successful - the Taurus is able to understand the mood of cancer and smooth out the problems arising because of him.

With a twin husband, a good union is possible if Cancer can curb his jealousy. Spouse-cancer is too similar to his wife. The marriage is unlikely to be happy if the partners do not become more friendly.

Cancer and Lion - Communication is successful, provided that the lion will dominate, and cancer is constantly admired. A good marriage of cancer and a virgin, perfectly understanding and complementing each other. With the weights of the cancer, it is difficult to focus due to inconstancy of scales. Union will be risky. But Scorpio is able to make his wife happy with his passionism and the need to protect.

Communication with Sagittarius may be stable if they allow him to satisfy his wishes of the wanders. With Capricorn Cancer Find a common language is difficult, - Capricorn has too many alien cancer of interests. Union will be unstable.

Aquarius is too fussy, prone to adventure and little comply with the needs of cancer. Good partnership to create difficult to create. Cancer and fish - the union is beautiful. They great fit each other in everything;

5. Woman Lion

Lero is very suitable for the marriage of Aries - he has the same eccentric and passionate nature. But the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in marriage Leo Taurus is doubtful because both too stubborn. With twins, the lion will be excellent relationships, if the twins are cared and allow lion to dominate in the Union.

The forecast of the lion's communication with cancer is favorable when the cancer loves Lion very much and worships him. The man-lion is able to make his lioness happy. They both are extremely romantic and swap. With her husband, the Virgin Lero will have to be shattered.

Virgin conservatives and they do not like the royal authority and extravagancy of Lviv.

With the weights of the lions can perfectly blame if they learn to control their mood and admire with their partner. With scorpion will be not easy due to the tendency of scorpion to proper quality. Emergency husband is an excellent option for lion. He is devoted and able to inspire his wife.

Practical Capricorn will be a good batch only under the condition that the lion will give way to some of its requirements and will become less extravagant. Marriage of Aquarius and Leo is generally undesirable.

Analyst Aquarius undermines the confidence of a lion in its own power. Unfortunate lion with fish. They simply do not understand each other;

6. Woman Virgo

Aries - an inappropriate party due to the difference in the interests of temperaments. You will be happy with Taurus Virgo, since in almost all areas of life they are fully compatible.

With the twins, the Union is successful only in a stable question. In the rest of the freedom-loving twins annoy the masses. The magnificent will be the connection of the Virgin with Cancer. Virgo wants to patronize, cancer is inclined to dependence.

With Lev Virgo, hardly comes to mutual understanding. Virgo Pragmatic, and Lev Expansive and does not make critics. With a Men-Virgin Union is possible, but it is unlikely to be bright and joyful due to the restraint of both.

With weights, the connection is not easy. With allowing frequentness of the scales and is intolerable to this, the virgin is not enough. With a scorpion husband, the Union will be prosperous if Deva will allow him to wake his sexuality.

Sagittarius for the Virgin - a notable candidate for husbands. He will not make the calculation of the Virgin and in life, and in sex. The marriage of Virgin and Capricorn will be strong and successful. They both practical, restrained and have many points of contact. With aquiet, Virgin is better not to contact.

Virgo - Puritanka, Aquarius - Sadrod. With fishes, the Union is also complicated - Deva in love is kept, and for fish love - the main thing in life;

7. Woman scales

With autonomy tense. Aries tireless, and the scales are eager for peace. With the Taurus, marriage is unlikely to be successful. Scales are romantic, Taurus owner and materialist. With twins, partnership is perfect. Both are passionate, romantic and freedom-loving.

Marriage with cancer is complicated. Scales are impulsive and non-permanent, cancer pragmatic and econthomen.

With Lvom, the union is warm if the scales are inferior to the powerful lion. Mercantyl dictators of the Virgin are unlikely to make a happy wife-scales. With her husband-scales, she wonders well if both are more practical about life.

Leaders scorpions for weights are too jealous. Communication can be stormy, passionate, but explosive. With Square, the scales are happy if it is forgiving his desire for independence.

The Alliance with the spouse-Capricorn spouse, because the Capricorn workahol is annoying the laziness of the scales, and the scales do not endure the practicality of Capricorn. Union with water is successful.

Aquarius perfectly complements his wife and in everyday life, and in bed. It will not need to live with fish weights. None of them wants to take responsibility for the family on themselves;

8. Scorpio Woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With an oily relationship uneven due to selfishness and ambitiousness of both. With the Taurus of Scorpion can only combine bed. Otherwise, they are unlikely to come to mutual understanding.

Twin for scorpion - constant voltage. Twins are too changeable, scorpions are persistent and stubborn. Wonderful union they can create cancer. With it - almost complete compatibility and in the Snsual relationship, and in characters.

With Lv's scorpion, it is better not to contact. They are both very quick-tempered, and constant scandals are inevitable. With the Virgin Scorpions threatens incompatibility in the sexual sphere. If not, the Union will succeed.

Folded scorpion marriage with weights. Scales of lazy and sensitive, scorpion actors and jealous. Unfortunately and scorpion union and scorpion due to almost complete similarity of heavy characters.

Scorpio and Sagittarius also leaves much to be desired. Sagittarius is too freedom, Scorpio - the owner. With Capricorn, Scorpio will easily find a common language, and the marriage will be harmonious.

With a water union fail. Scorpio will not be able to adopt its sociability and impracticality. Good scorpion marriage with fish. They will be happy to obey Scorpio;

9. Sagittarius woman

With having a lot of common interests with him. Marriage will be excellent. With a Taurus for good relationships, self-discipline will be required. Taurus is a practical Domosted, Sagittarius.

Twins are too mobile and unpredictable. Serious relationship is problematic. Unfortunately and a union of scorpion with cancer. Cancer loves stability and safety, the Sagittarius adventure and craves adventures.

Lion for Sagittarius is an ideal partner. They have a lot in common, which allows you to perfectly understand each other.

With the virgin connection is continuing. Pedantic Virns do not endure the recklessness of Streltsov. But the husband's husband's practicality is suitable and even liked.

Union with weights are promising and will become long and happy. Scorpions wife-Sagittarius will be annoying with its independence all the time.

Marriage between them is not easy. Communication Sagittarius - Sagittarius is unpredictable due to the similarity of natur. The Sagittar Union with Capricorn is unreliable. Sagittarius impulsive and undisposed, Capricorn is careful and attached.

Sagittarius with Aquarius will perfectly understand each other, as they have similar characters. Good family Sagittarius with fish is doubtful. Fish are inactive and shy, Sagittarius are energetic and sociable;

10. Capricorn Woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With another, she will compete in everything. The marriage will be successful if both the battles like.

With Taurus, relationships will be perfectly due to the similarity of life values. Gemini and Capricorn - opposites.

The Union is unlikely to last long. Capricorn's connection with cancer can be also a briefly - they are too different. Lion for Capricorn is also an unimportant partner. Both are too independent.

A strong union will succeed in Capricorn with the Virgin. Both are conservative, dependent, practical and neat. With weights, the connection is not easy.

Scales are selfish and are not able to satisfy the needs of the Capricors. Capricorn and Scorpio marriage are successful. Capricorn is able to adopt the tendency of scorpion to domination.

A union with Sagittarius is complicated due to the conservatism of Capricorn and the extravagance of Sagittarius. Capricorn connection with Capricorn is satisfactory. Both hardworking and economical.

With an alarm, the marriage is successful if friendly relationships are installed between the spouses. Capricorn's bond with gorgeous fish. They perfectly complement each other;

11. Woman Aquarius

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With another, if it becomes the leader, the Union is excellent. With the Taurus in Aquarius, constant clashes are both uncompromising and have a strong will. Marriage Aquarius with twins is promising and successful.

Gemini willingly succumb to Waterwords and share their interests. Union with cancer is problematic due to the excessive emotionality of cancer. With the lion relationship complex.

Lion is more interested in physical side, Aquarius is spiritual. With a virgin good marriage is possible only if there are common interests.

With the weights, the connection will be happy. Aquarius and scales have similar aspirations. Scorpio marriage is undesirable. He is very jealous and can become aggressive, with which it is difficult to put up with an alarm.

Beautiful partnership in Aquarius with Square. Both are not jealous, love to fantasize and be in society.

With Capricorn Union contradictory. Capricorn is the owner, it is difficult for him to make society society. Reliable will be a marriage of Aquarius with water - they have a lot of common interests. With fishes in Aquarius, communication is continuing due to the difference in order;

12. Fish woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With a happy happy, if it does not attach the values \u200b\u200bof its sharpness. With the Taurus, the marriage is successful when he pays his wife a lot of attention. Fish and twins will walk away if both are less egocentric.

Fish and cancer when the governing role of cancer is a good couple. The union of fish and lion will be difficult. Fish is hidden and sentimental, which annoys the unrestrained lion.

The relationship of fish and the virgin is not easy. Virgin is practical and picky that wounds overly sensitive fish.

Not too favorable union of fish with weights. Fishes are needed leading, the scales are not like to be leaders. In this respect, the fish will satisfy scorpions. They love to dominate the family.

Union with Sagittarius is undesirable. Slispid fish burden an independent and active shooter. With strong and power Capricorn fish will feel protected.

The relationship between them is reliable and strong. Independent Aquarius Such support can not be able to fish, therefore marriage is problematic. Pare of fish - fish, in the absence of a leader, threatens emotional exhaustion and indifference.

07.04.2017 10:11

Love ... how much in this word just mysterious and unusual. This feeling in all the centuries was considered one of the strongest. Not changed in our day. For many people, the most difficult and at the same time an important task is to search for a loved person - who will want to share joy and who can survive sadness. However, to meet such a person - often not the most difficult task. When lovers together and know about reciprocity from the second side, it is important to protect the relationship.

This will help a special horoscope compatibility. He will not only tell me which of the signs of the zodiac is better than others, but also outlines the problematic sides in relations and love. Knowing what can wait in the future, a person will be able to solve, continue or no connection and how to avoid disagreements. The combination of the types of zodiac is one of the most ancient, and its effectiveness and truthfulness is not proved by one generation.

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Twelve types

The entire zodiac circle is divided into twelve signs of the zodiac. Any of us has a sign, calculate that is very simple: it is enough to know the date of your birth. People born in the same period, regardless of the year, will be the same type.

And knowing your zodiacal type and type of its partner, you can easily determine your combination. In addition, this description will also help in choosing a partner for love and serious relationships.

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Selecting a person of certain zodiac signs, you can be sure that you come to each other. And what types are best with what best are compatible, we will talk in this article.


For Aries it is extremely important to find a suitable partner, because the loneliness they are transferred very difficult. An excellent couple of Aries will make sensual tales, relations with which will be thrift and long-term. Create a strong family and harmony will help the Aquarius, which will be able to teach on the marriage of Aries to plan and live not only today. They will also be suitable fish, which, even despite the opposite, will be able to change the Aries for the better.


For calves, stability is very important, regardless of whether we are talking about relationships, feelings or marriage. In many ways, reminiscent Tales of Aries will be able to make them happy. Cancer is considered the best partner, whose interests are completely coincided with the interests of the Taurus. If weighs and calf will meet in love, then their connection can be very strong if the scales can accept the solid and even character of the partner. Also, an excellent union will succeed in Taurus and Scorpio, but in such relationships will have to be given to each other.


Of all the signs of the zodiac for twins, more than others are suitable for themselves. This option will be win-win, and two lovers will be happy. Also a good pair will be the scales with which there will be harmonious relationships built on trust.


Cancer and love of cancer will be able to surround more than the signs of the Zodiac Taurus, with whom it will always be good and cozy. With scorpions, with constant work on relationships and concessions, you can build a strong union, and most importantly - long-term. In marriage with fish there will be confidence and respect, which will make both partners happy.

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An excellent pair for Leo will be another lion, with which a complete harmony will turn out, because only a very similar person will be able to understand his complicated nature. Sagittars are also very similar to Lviv and can create a strong union with them, built on love and mutual understanding.


Wounding and practical Virgo in relationships with cancer can find yourself if such a union is too boring. But the two maids will not be bored together will not be. They will be able to deliver each other every day and live happily. In love, the Virgin will also suit the Capricorn and Aquarius, with whom it will be possible to find yourself and develop in the right direction.


Among all the signs of the zodiac weighs, the Sagittars are suitable, with which they will not get bored and depressed. Tract for adventure and everything is incomprehensible to unite two partners. In harmony and mutual understanding will be married scales and aquarius. They will give way to each other, extending the life of love.

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Fat and mysterious scorpions in marriage with cancer will be able to reveal and enjoy harmony. Both partners will be able to develop and grow spiritually. Successful and durable will be a union with a taurus, as the patience of the second will allow to withstand all whims of the first. Capricorns will help create home comfort and comfort, they will unite them with a scorpion. The desire to build a house-fortress, for these signs it is extremely important.


The emotional and active archers are suitable for people of their sign. You can remain with themselves and enjoy common hobbies. Also in marriage high compatibility in Sagittarov with the scales, with whom any business to turn into something funny and fascinating.


In marriage, Capricorn and Taurus will be able to perfectly attach and create an atmosphere in which it will be well both. If you avoid discussing material issues, then the combination will also be good with devices. An excellent union will be the Capricorn Scorpio option: they will be able to quickly find a common language and blame.


Great Waterwords of Virgo and Aries. With them, relationships will be harmonious and happy, and each partner will be able to realize. Virgin helps the Aquarius develop and spiritually enriched, which makes the Union with one of the most prosperous.


Cancers are suitable emotional and romantic fishes. Since they belong to the same element, can understand each other practically without words. Also with fish will be able to get along Scorpio: such relationships will be harmonious if the partners are proceeding to give way and look for compromises. The choice of a partner for love is an important occupation to which you should approach with utmost attention. The combination of types of zodiac will help initially choose a person with whom it will be fun and interesting to communicate, and the problems will be solved quickly and easily.

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