
What signs come to each other on a horoscope. Zodiac signs that are suitable for each other in love. Do not despair

Compatibility today is quite interested in all. This is especially true for women. And although at the modern stage of horoscopes of compatibility a lot, most of them have the same opinion. In this review we will try to consider what signs of the zodiac are suitable for each other.

Interests in the first place

Taurus and cancer. The union of this pair will be based primarily on the same interests and affection towards the family, children. However, failures will happen after all. Without friction, it will not be possible to do. And regardless of the presence of mutual love and respect, treason can occur from any of the spouses. However, there will be positive parties in such a treason. With the help of it you can make the union is stronger. In the relationship of this pair, the expression "everything is coming in comparison" is completely truthful. Each of the partners after the hike to the left can find many advantages in their relationships, which previously remained unnoticed. Therefore, speaking about what signs of the zodiac are suitable for each other, we can say that the calf and cancer can create a happy union.

Family of the Virgin and Capricorn Cunning

Taurus and Virgo. Marriage between these signs is today pretty common. And in most cases it is happy. For both representatives, practicality, sanity, master qualities are characterized. Speaking about what signs of the zodiac are suitable for each other, it should be noted that it is this pair that is capable of the best way to equip your home. However, it is impossible not to notice that the Taurus is characterized by stubbornness. However, Virgo has progressiveness. The representative of this sign is able to forget about its interests for the sake of preserving family and calm in the house.

Taurus and Capricorn. The Union is considered favorable. And in many respects it is due to the fact that diplomatic abilities are characteristic of Capricorn. He is by its nature is the leader, so quite often the role of the educator takes. Taurus sometimes can show the outbreaks of protest, but Capricorn's trick is rather quickly with them copes. At the same time, a complete illusion is created that the partner is absolutely free. Speaking about what signs of the zodiac are suitable for each other, it is impossible not to note this pair, which is capable of becoming happy.

Relationships in which everything will be calm

Gemini and lion. In the first time, such an alliance will be based on passions and stormy feelings. After some time, all emotions will be weakened. However, instead of them, friendly, respectful relationships will appear, which will help strengthen the Union. The main role will go to the lion. These suitable signs of the zodiac will be in everything and always try to please each other. And if the woman is a twin, then the partner will start her pamper. If a woman is a lion, then the partner will become obedience to himself and seekness.

Gemini and scales - Suitable zodiac signs. Their relationship will be smooth and ordered. No outbreaks of delight and emotions. The main feature of the marriage is harmony. Representatives of signs have a large number of common interests. From the part it may seem that the primary role got twins. However, the true owner will be scales. But they will play the role of a secret ruler. The relationship will be fine if scales are a woman. Nature endowed it with excellent maternal qualities, business, which is highly valued by a partner.

The strongest relationship

Lion and scales - Zodiac signs, suitable friend Friend. Higherity, which is characteristic of Lviv. Balanced weights. They just perfectly complement each other. This marriage is the most successful, as harmony and constancy are present in it. Absolutely in all matters they can find a common language and make compromises.

What zodiac sign is suitable for twin men? Union with water will be the most successful on all sides. And they will not be able to influence constant clarification of relations. This couple is able to bring together common interests. They can perfectly complement and enrich each other. They will never be boring. In many respects, it contributes to the Aquarius, which has a high originity. In this regard, he simply cannot bother twins who always seek adventures. However, in such a pair, each of the partners should hardly assimilate that no one will forgive them from betraying.

What can I say about the representatives of the cancer sign?

Whether signs of the zodiac are suitable Cancer and Deva.? The union will be durable mainly due to devices that are able to take any caprises of crayfish. Devas are intended constancy and reasonableness. Quite often, they are able to forget about their interests, close their eyes on a variety of tricks from their partner, hoping that he soon cares, she repent and returns back. Usually everything happens. And this situation suits everyone. There will be no discomfort to feel partners.

Often you can hear the question: "What zodiac sign comes to me?". If you are cancer, the Union will be strong with the representative exactly the same sign. Life benchmarks, the same globility and perception - all this contributes to the durability of the Union. Representatives of this sign can understand each other with almost half a heart. In addition, they are trepidated and seriously belong to family values, trying to save them in every possible way from a variety of cataclysms.

Desire for comfort and common interests

On mutual respect will be built the Union of such signs as Lion and Sagittarius. In this regard, it can be considered quite strong. Combine such a couple capable joint workcommon interests and the same worldview. For both representatives are characterized by excitement and love for adventure.

One of the most common and no less successful unions is marriage between Virgo and weights. They possess the same desire to everything that is associated with comfort, comfort and well-being. They are characterized by the similarity on household soil. Representatives of these signs have similar opinions in many matters. All this is an excellent deposit in the sustainability of the relationship.

They are trying to keep their feelings

Scorpio and Capricorn Can make a fairly attractive union. Both representatives possess a strong character. They are capable of carrying their feelings through many years, the love of love. Their feelings are quite strong and constant. They will not change each other.

What kind of zodiac woman sign suits? If she is Virgo, then you should pay attention to the representative of the same sign. Marriage may turn out to be durable and quite happy. Both representatives will understand each other with almost half a favor. For them, the mind is characterized, patience, efficiency. In this regard, the family will always have prosperity and order.

Practicality and passion for travel will be rated

Excellent friend fit Virgo and Capricorn.. These relationships will be taken into account the quality of the economy and practicality with which Virgo has. Children in such an alliance will be welcome and loved. Accordingly, they will make marriage even more durable.

Excellent couple are able to become representatives of signs Scales and aquarius. Many will envy this relationship. Relationships of this pair will be durable thanks to common interests and plans. In addition, both are characterized by passion for traveling. For partners will be characterized by sociability, the ability to have fun, ease. Both will constantly invent anything, strengthening their reliable union.

Friendship is above all

Aries and Aquarius. These people are considered ideal partners. For Aquarius, a readiness for a variety of changes is characteristic. Both will be treated with their relationship with numerous friends. Therefore, there is nothing strange in their readiness to go for friendship for almost any actions. It will not affect the relationship. Aquarius belongs to great respect for their partner. The same is characteristic of the Aries.

Soyuz Scales with Archers It will be based not only in feelings, but also on active activities. It is due to this that they are able to reach a high position in society. This union is able to become great.

Idea inspirers

Excellent pair will be and Scorpio with Sagittarius. Marriage will become particularly successful and sexy. In this matter they will come to each other just great. Everything else will have excellent parents. Representatives of these signs are also able to become ideological like-minded people, which can play their rather big role in such relations.


In this review, an attempt was made to consider the strongest unions that could be formed. different signs Zodiac. We hope that you were able to find our relationship here. And if not, it is not necessary to get upset, as we ourselves register their destiny.

Astrology is a whole science that every day offers new amazing data on the relationship of stars and human destination. Sometimes, even the most serious skeptics show interest in horoscopes.

Many simply want to read something that is uniting optimism and bright hopes in their soul. Someone trying to find out which signs of the zodiac are suitable for each other, at the subconscious level, trying to rid himself from any doubt. Whatever the initial goals were, astrology is truly sometimes able to surprise with their insight and relevant answers.

Aries: who can not burn the fiery character of stubborn

Aries - representatives of the fiery element. These are energetic and passionate people. In order not to dissolve themselves, the Aries are trying to create an alliance with people of a calm balance. Often, they become representatives of the elements of air or land.

The spiritual fellow of the Aries are lions and fittings. They will be able to become loyal friends, reliable business partners who devoteed by spouses.

A man of Aries can find harmony with weights or tales, a woman of this sign - with aquatic or fish. Sagittarius will support the dust in bed, will become partners in extreme hobbies, other "fiery interests" will be separated. Lions are able to maintain a little hot-tempered uncertain "bars".

Tales: True beauty connoisseurs

Stubborn, but interesting personalities, can find a common language with almost every. Virgo and Capricorn possess similar characters.

With fish or cancers it will be able to create a particularly warm and cozy house. Partners will unite the same values \u200b\u200band life priorities. Especially bribe the shoulder soft and duplicate cancer capable of giving tenderness and affection.

Aquarius and Scorpio can have excessive pressure on the shoulders. These are categorical and wayward people.

Gemini: Duality and Charisma

Gemini - very interesting personalities. They are writhing and dreamy, often change their mind, lungs on the rise. They are literally the embodiment of their native elements - air.

Gemini will be able to get along with representatives of their sign 100%. It will be an union full of sensual pleasures, mutual understanding and harmony. The main thing, sometimes give freedom of choice.

  • Lions and Tales are the complete opposites of the "air sign himself". This is exactly the case when the opposites really attract and family life really gives joy
  • It will be interesting to the shooters, but not easy
  • But with fish and devices it is almost unrealistic to build a strong union. The thing is that these representatives of the zodiac constellation have a completely different worldview and a look at life
  • Fish and Aquarius will be able to provide the necessary moral support. Usually, twins are painted by feelings reach serious career heights.

Cracks: Softness that inspires

Cancer is the most feminine sign. Representatives of water elements are distinguished by a special vulnerability of tenderness and thirst for sensual pleasures. They are in family life from younger years. Heat of homemade hearth, children and second half: Here is the limit of dreams for cancer.

Fish and scorpions are ideal partners for feminine households. Similarly, things are in relationships with Taurus. "Updated bull" also seeks to quickly get a family.

Relationship will be relations with lion or oh. Cancers will have to compromise all the time, close the eyes on some "errors" of the partner's behavior.

It will be harder to get along with devices, Capricorn and weights. No common hobbies and desires. Sagittarius begged the home cancer with their quick temper and permanent extraordinary outcomes.

Lions: perfect partners for true kings

Lions temperament and proud. They love themselves very much and in every way they seek to be the center of attention. With the true kings and queens, it is very difficult to get along to everyone. But at Aries, twins and weights it may turn out. For example, rationally thinking scales will pacify the fiery temper of the spouse, and soft and delicate fish - will make partners kinder and humane.

Union of two lions - rarity. Still, two "royal individuals" will not be able to divide one throne in the family kingdom.

Tales and aquities are also not the best "partners" for family life. Virgo and Capricorn do not always understand the royal attitude of Lviv.

Virgo: Pedants and Misticks

Virgin is very complex people. They do not know how to compromise and give up. In most situations, Pedants and cleanly seek to achieve perfection, perform work perfectly, and require a similar attitude from others.

  • Virgin will find out without much difficulty, a common language with a representative of their zodiac constellation
  • Excellent relationships fold with scorpions
  • With cancers - successfully combined only physically
  • But with weights and aquarius, communication is generally difficult to build
  • Sagittarius and Capricorn - entail their business and intellectual gifting
  • Fish - very economic and responsible people. They bribe their softness and consistency, practicality in everyday life

Scales - the most balanced representative of the zodiac

Scales are excellent partners both in business, and in friendship, and in personal life. They are sex with representatives of water and air elements. Respectively refer to the signs of the Earth, but a little fear of the fiery "Zvobunov".

Especially favorable is the union with a scorpion, Capricorn or Taurus. It is not bad to get along with Aquarius and Gemini.

With the "Constellation Brothers" contact will not be able to establish. Partners will annoy each other with their slowness and indecision.

Scorpions: Passion and ambitions

Scorpions are very contradictory and complex personalities. They dream of eternal love and quiet family happiness, but quickly despair in the "quiet family harbor." To somehow diversify your life, they begin to actively "stiff" and "provoke a soul mate on emotions", moreover, not always positive.

Only melancholic crayfish and delicate fish will be able to dear such love. Representatives of the Earth's sign also agree to divide the bed with sexual representatives of the water element, but only if harmony reigns in the family.

Sagittarius - Idea inspirations of messy events

This is a real "fire in the flesh". They are hot, hot-tempered, movable adventurous ideas and bold experiments.

Family life will always develop quite difficult:

  • Aquarius and scorpions will only share a hobby
  • Cancers and fish will constantly give up, but suffer from moral pressure
  • Aries and lions can become good partners, but provided constant compromises

Capricorn: Stability Protecting

The most loyal and quiet representatives of Star Olymp Pleiads are distinguished by a special approach to life. They are very creative and intellectually gifted personalities, are interested in everyone and always.

With such people, it is always interesting and informative. Incoming lion will be relevant to such an intellectual. Fish, crayfish and scales - worship their unconditional lord. Scorpions - passionately reach the second half, studying new facets of his personality.

Do not like the character of Cashers and Taurizes. And the Sagittarius will not always appreciate such radicalism and thoughtfulness.

Aquarius: wayward and bold

Aquarius - nature thin, valued spiritual world of people. The harmonious alliance is expected by twins, tales and authentic. Full disharmony is observed in communicating with all fiery signs.

The main rule: the partner must have a similar temperament. Unity also contributes to the same look at sex.

Fish: the most tender and vane

Because of its tender vaniarity of nature, inability to defend their own interests, fish can not find a worthy partner immediately. Related souls - Scorpio and Cancer, experiencing a sincere sense of love, will protect the "Sleeps". The family will be really strong.

Were fear of aggressive Aries, arrogant Capricors and narcissist Lviv. Maiden will be crazy with their pedanticity, and aquatic - constant complaints.

These couples are designed to live long and happily together.

Aries and scales

Both signs love to communicate, having fun, and both emotional. Aries can be stubborn, but the scales are sufficiently diplomatic to smooth out any sharp corners that may arise due to the insensitivity of the Aries. Scales - adaptable and variable sign, so they may be interested in Aries. Both will fight for what they believe, and both socially active. These two signs are extremely sexually compatible and have chemistry that does not disappear for many years.

Taurus and Deva.

Relations between the Taurus and the Virgin are built on unity and trust. None of them enters the relationship easily - this is a time-consuming process for both parties. They appreciate confidence, and none of them will give it freely, it needs to be deserved. As soon as a solid foundation is created, their relationship will become stronger and intimate.

Taurus is more cordial and loving than Virgo, but his love focused, which makes the masses to sang from it. Taurus depends on the Virgin to correct the errors and make things better. When the Taurus shows stubbornness, Virgo knows that it is better not to annoy it, but just wait for time.

Gemini and Sagittarius

None of these signs seeks to accept the obligations, which makes their relationships special. When Gemini and Sagittarius come into relations with each other, it means that they really want to be with each other. Both signs like to speak, especially about their own ideas and philosophy, they like to go somewhere and meet with new people.

Gemini and the Sagittarius enjoy each other's society, and feel that when they do something together, their connection is even more strengthened. They often travel together and talk a lot.

Cancer and fish

These two signs are largely similar - both emotional, compassionative, sensitive and loving nature, so it is not surprising that they are well laid with each other. Cancer is extremely vulnerable, so it needs a person who knows how to choose words to not harm him, and also appreciates his openness and vulnerability.

These two signs form a tight connection, unattainable for the rest. Relations between cancer and fish are love and preservation of this love.

Lion and Aquarius

Lion and Aquarius seem very different, and therefore incompatible signs. But they both love people, have leadership qualities, and have a wide range. The lion may be proud, and Aquarius can think outside the framework, but their similarities and differences are well complemented by each other. When the lion bathes in attention, Aquarius can support it, not essay. Aquarius is quite independent, so without problems will provide a lion with the space that needs it for action.

Virgo and Capricorn.

No couple reaches such heights and success as Virgo and Capricorn. Both signs possess the same working ethics, are reliable and practical, which makes them perfect partners and parents. They are both calm and thoughtful, but they lack humor and sexuality. These two are perfectly combined when they work on something together, so they are not new to build a house or start a business together.

Scales and Taurus

Both of these signs, as a rule, are not looking for confrontation, especially if it is easy to avoid. Scales and Taurus bring inner harmony into each other's life and experience a strong need in a comfortable and beautiful environment. They love to stay at home and have fun. The scales admire the power and determination of the Taurus, and the calf is delighted with the flexibility and charm of the scales. One of the reasons why their relationships are perfectly completed - this is what scales are so adapted that they can take stubbornness.

Scorpio and cancer

These signs are extremely passionate and have strong sexual appetites, so they are well combined. Although you might think that two intense and passionate signs can burn each other, but they are combined into a strong and powerful union. Both signs can be somewhat obsessive, which can scare away other partners, but it only confirms that scorpion and cancer are the perfect combination.

Sagittarius and Lev.

Both characters crave new impressions and stimulation. They are usually excited by life and each other. Sagittarius and Lion are extroverts and strive for exciting and risk, in addition, they need constant changes and fresh incentives for promotion. These signs can not stay at home and do nothing. They like a tight schedule of social events and affairs. They are positive, optimistic people who are usually a soul of any company. Pair Sagittarius and Leo are those lucky with whom everyone wants to communicate.

Capricorn and Aries

This union is almost always successful, as well as people born under one of these signs. They are passionate, targeted and practical. They know that they need to take to achieve their goals, and 100% will be ready to accept them. What is especially useful in this combination is the support system. They are for each other - defender, assistant, supporter and inspirer.

Aquarius and twins

Aquarius and twins are an excellent combination, because there is no jealousy and offense between them. Their type of relationship is less restrictions, more freedom. Their relationship is constantly changing, and they change with them. Their connection is extraordinary and unique, as they do not feel limited traditions or rules of society. This is an union of creative and intelligent shower. It is known that the twins have a multifaceted personality, and Aquarius adores such people.

Fish and scorpion

Fish should feel loved and protected, and no one can do it better than Scorpio. Scorpio can be secretive, but this is not a problem for fish, as they are often lost in thoughts about some creative project or about something else. Fish tend to be loyal and loving, are the main qualities that Scorpio is looking for in a partner. Another thing that binds them is, they tend to build the quality of sex, which is only improving with time.

12 pairs of zodiac signs that are perfect for each other

Most people in the head of thought about love, romance and other sentimental moments. True, not everyone is suitable for each other, and this fact recognize astrologers. In order to avoid scandalous situations, quarrels, woven and other unpleasant moments, experts decided to prevent people in advance about what zodiac signs do not fit each other, the site reports.


In love worse than the wholeries falls with Capricorn and Virgo, EsotericBlog writes. Elements of land is difficult to combine the elements of fire, but if the chances are high enough, then with this couple they strive for zero. The only way to make life with a Virgin or Capricorn pleasant is to give them independence. Strong feelings in any case will be prompted to you.


You most likely will not work with Aquarius and Gemini. First, and the other with you will be bored, and secondly, they are the exact opposite type of people. You are phlegmatic and calm, and twins and water winds and are inconstant. And you, and they have a reason to end the relationship almost immediately. Such a union will be successful only in the case of a joint hobby or hobby.


It will be difficult for you to live with weights and a virgin. Incredibly attractive maiden can disappoint you in the future: it is enough for 3-5 months. If you do not have common interests, then marriage and relationships are doomed to failure. Scales will be raised due to your impermanence. When you enter into relations with them, you need to place all priorities immediately so that there are no problems in the future.


Worst of all cancer will be with another cancer. Yes, everything at first glance is perfectly - the same values, one look at the world, but it will be so boring that the chance of the appearance of a lover or mistress is just huge. Such relations fade slowly, but surely, and they are not incredibly difficult to register.

a lion

Cancer, Aquarius and Aries are the most terrible second halves for the lion. Craks are too simple to adore lions, waterwords are not enough for this time, and the Aries make the lion itself are jealous. To become a strong pair of lion, this three signs need to radically reconsider their behavior and worldview. There is little chances, because the lion does not tolerate offend, false and lack of attention to himself.


Devam is very difficult to get along with another Virgin. You will be able to become very faithful friends, but the love between you just do not. The girls also annoys laziness and lack of initiative to fish. Next to the Virgin should be a very volitional fish. More these people do not get along with weights, although there is a sympathy - it is important to be diplomatic.


The only sign of the zodiac, which you do not fit - these are twins. His impermanence will contribute to an imbalance in a relationship, but even in this case the chances of successful joint life and love are still available. Scales are a truly unique sign, because with 11 out of 12 characters there is no or almost no problems.


Scorpions are difficult with everyone. Less problems and most of all admiration for their virgins, twins and water. On the other hand, the same signs are capable of throwing you at any time - especially Virgo. Astrologers cannot come to a single opinion, so you yourself decide with whom to be better: with those who are independent and will not tolerate your character or with those who will obediently fulfill all your requests.


Worst of all the Sagittarius affect crayfish and fish. The first are too conservative and calm, and the second endlessly wounds and are not able to assess the dynamic lifestyle of the Sagittarius. The problem is in this case in those who are in love with you - you need to adapt to you, although it does not prevent you from cooling your heat slightly.


Capricorns are very suspicious and at the same time logical and rational. That is why they do not understand the twins and water. The worst compatibility of Capricorn with a scorpion, which can make the first hate the opposite sex as a whole, and not just one of his representatives. Capricorps are very accustomed to a person, so Scorpion's outcomes and its further disappearance can make from the Capricorn who is generally alien to any feelings.


Lions for Aquarius too proud. It makes the last laugh, because they simply do not understand why people can love themselves so much. Scales, on the contrary, are too uncertain in themselves, which also causes only laughter from water. If these signs are able to explain their behavior to reasonable arguments, then some chances of love or friendship will be.


Fishes are harder to live in love or friendship with other fish. The fact is that in such a union there is no initiative. Also, fish need love and attention, so the lions disappear immediately. With the rest, find a common language is relatively easy. Lions or other fishes need initiative and sincere feelings, exactly as you yourself. Only so in such a union it will be possible to live for a long time.

Journalist Joinfomedia Nastya Art notes that there are exceptions to the rules. We are talking about unions, which are successful in spite of everything. It also happens so that marriages and relationships are quickly disintegrated, which in all horoscopes have a high level of compatibility. In the love of a unambiguous answer, it cannot be - you just need to believe in yourself and in your soul mate, throwing doubts and prejudice away.

Compatibility by date of birth will allow you to know the future in a pair. Sometimes, especially at the initial stages of relationships, it is difficult to understand whether the person is nearby, as a further life begins, and what awaits in marriage. All these questions can be answered using simple calculations.

At first, take the date of your birth and fold all the numbers from which it consists. Bring the resulting number again by the method of addition of its components to unambiguous. Example: 25.09.1979 \u003d 2 + 5 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 \u003d 35 \u003d 3 + 5 \u003d 7. Number 7 is a birth code in the example above. When you calculate your birth code, you need to find out the number of birth of your second half. The result will turn out two numbers: it and yours. You can learn compatibility by date of birth using the decryption below. In the list of couples numbers you will need to find numbers of your pair and find out what is destined.

1 and 1 - you are two leaders, one of you will have to give the palm of the championship in a relationship, otherwise there will be permanent conflicts in a pair.

1 and 2 - your partner will fight for its primary position in a pair. Give him - everything will be fine.

1 and 3 - In this case, friendly compatibility is more successful than love.

1 and 4 - Union fails for love relationship, It is more suitable for business cooperation.

1 and 5 - the relationship will be full of feelings and passions, but in the future you will live as if on a powder barrel. Unstable.

1 and 6 - successful love compatibility. There will be feelings and understanding, and trust.

1 and 7 - compatibility of almost 100%. You have common goals and views on life.

1 and 8 - the union is quite harmonious, but it is not necessary to demand more from each other than you can give.

1 and 9 - very good steam. You are as if related souls.

2 and 2 - for love the union is unsuccessful, only for friendship.

2 and 3 - harmonious relationships. The union is very successful for marriage, the establishment of the joint life and birth of children.

2 and 4 - a couple waiting for a good future if the lovers learn to find compromises.

2 and 5 - in this pair, people are associated with sexual attraction and passion. For marriage and family, such a ratio of characters will not suit.

2 and 6 - stability, love, loyalty and mutual understanding. Perfect Union.

2 and 7 - friendship - yes, love - no.

2 and 8 - a strong union, both will stand the mountain in both each other.

2 and 9 - unsuccessful love compatibility. In this pair, only a friendly communication is possible, no more.

3 and 3 - "Husband and wife - one Satan" - belongs to this pair. They always together, they are not bored with each other's society. Over time, they become very similar to each other.

3 and 4 - opposite characters. Despite different views on life, people with such numerology will still be able to create a strong and happy union.

3 and 5 - in this pair in love well together. They will strive for a single goal and go hand in hand all life.

3 and 6 - harmonious and happy couple. Compatibility in love is very successful.

3 and 7 - bad compatibility. Both love to dream and fantasize, and when it comes to actions, no one wants to take responsibility.

3 and 8 - a complex couple. One will strive for freedom, and the other will require submission and put pressure on its partner.

3 and 9 - excellent compatibility! Common goals and principles will be able to be a pledge of strong and happy life.

4 and 4 are stable relationships, but compatibility is not entirely successful. This pair will be a deficit of feelings.

4 and 5 people in this pair are incompatible. One tends to constantly move and change, and the other wants stability and measured life.

4 and 6 - happiness and harmony in a pair are guaranteed.

4 and 7 - compatibility is quite successful, both will complement each other.

4 and 8 - the Union will be successful only if there is no struggle for leadership.

4 and 9 - the first stage of relations for this pair is very complex. But if his lovers are survived and stay together, they are waiting for a long and happy life.

5 and 5 - unsuccessful compatibility. Relationships will not be able to become durable.

5 and 6 - the Union is quite possible, but in order to achieve harmony, efforts will need.

5 and 7 - common interests combine this pair. Quite successful compatibility in love.

5 and 8 - incompatibility in characters will not give a strong relationship.

5 and 9 - In spiritual terms, this pair is compatible, but as for life and joint living - there is little chances.

6 and 6 - too similar to each other people. It will cause disagreement and quarrels.

6 and 7 is a union of heart and mind. Compatibility is unlikely.

6 and 8 - people in this pair are different vital priorities. One appreciates everything material, and the other is spiritual.

6 and 9 - compatibility such a pair - 50%. Everything will depend on their efforts and desire to be with each other.

7 and 7 - in this union will not be enough frankness and trust in each other, and otherwise everything is safe.

7 and 8 - short-lived union. One thinks about career and money, another - about family and children.

7 and 9 - this couple can destroy only one - life.

8 and 8 - compatibility is quite successful, but there are still no problems anyway.

8 and 9 - an unsuccessful union. People in this pair will have different views on life and goals.

9 and 9 are the perfect union. Happiness, harmony and love for many years are provided.

This loving compatibility computation will help you learn whether you come to each other, and how good the your union is. If the couple was incompatible, it is not worth a despair too! The main thing is mutual love, support and respect. And everything else comes with time. And for feelings in your pair never fade, press on or

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