
How to draw with finger paints with a child of 1 year. The first lessons of creativity - finger drawing

Unusual drawing methods

You can draw not only by ordinary paints and brushes. There are many unusual and fascinating methods of drawing, which will like your children and bring them love for creativity.

Prints of palm and legs

You can draw not only with your fingers, but also with palms and even legs. These are such interesting works from the prints of the handles and legs, if you attach a bit of fantasy.

Drawing ice cubes

You will need:
- Fat paper
- temperature (or watercolor)
- Form for ice
- Toothpicks
How to draw:
Pour water into the form and put in the freezer. When the water is half freezed, insert into each cube along the toothpick and let the water finally freeze. After that, get ice. You will use cubes like brushes, holding them for toothpicks.
On paper, apply several stains of different colors (or dry the toilet or turn watercolor) and draw on them with ice! For example, you can cross all the stains of the paints by the same cube, allowing them to be buntered.

Drawing milk

You will need:
- quarter cup of condensed milk
- Food paints
How to draw:
Mix condensed milk with paints, run into separate containers (jars or molds) in colors. The resulting paints must be applied by a thin layer, because They dry long.

Drawing for shaving foam

You will need:
- Shaving foam
- Food paints
- Aluminium foil
How to draw:
Turn off the long sheet of foil and apply a few "pile" for shaving foam. Let the child choose the colors of the paints and mix them with foam. Paints are ready, you can now draw with brushes or fingers. The main thing is to explain to children that the foam cannot be put in the mouth. After the drawing is driving, the foam will create an interesting texture. After drawing, the foam is easily washed off from the skin and any household surfaces.

Drawing toothbrush

You will need:
- Old Toothbrush
- Paint
- paper
How to draw:
Everything is very simple: the toothbrush serves as a brush. You can draw a pencil face on gray paper and "clean" to his teeth with a toothbrush and white paint. And then paint face.

Drawing beads

Cut a piece of thick color cardboard and put it on the bottom of the baking of pies, to a tray or something like that. Apply a few drops of paint to the cardboard, and then, while the paint does not dry, put several glass beads from above and ride them - and see what happens!

Drawing soap bubbles

Lamind a little watercolor in a soap solution for bubbles. Spread on the floor paper for drawing and ask the child to blow bubbles - they will sit on paper and create bizarre patterns.

Blowing the tube

Divide a little paint and pour a small amount on paper, give a child a tube and allow you to blow any pattern (just follow the child blowing on the paint, and not sucking it).

Another way to draw with soap bubbles: in a glass with a painted soap-foam mortar to swell more foam and top to lean the paper to it.

Frosty patterns on the windows - we do and draw your own window, photos, description

If the frost did not get to your windows, then let's make your own window with a frosty pattern. It turns out nothing worse than the present.
Required Material: Gouache blue and white colors, a wide brush, a cocktail straw, a glossy silver cardboard, a simple pencil, a decoration glitter, a rairy tape width of 1.5 cm.
How do:
1. Draw the window on the cardboard, take a rairy tape on the contour.
2. Singing a gouache to crate the surface of the cardboard. There is a moment: the gouache can not be diluted with water, otherwise too liquid paint will check the window and the window contours will become odes.

3. How the blue paint dries, dilute the white gouache with water, take the straw and blow out frosty patterns.

4.Well, how frosty patterns are well dried, carefully remove the tape. It should be a window with frosty patterns on the windows.

5.Ukrasim painting with glitters.

Mirror pattern

Bend paper sheet in half, draw on one half a simple figure - and maybe just spray a little paint. Then break the sheet and impose the second half over the painted one. Give the paint to imprint and break again, and then together study the resulting mirror pattern.

Cut a large piece of cardboard and put it on the table or on the floor. Put the paper sheet on top of the drawing. Cardboard will protect the surrounding surfaces from splashes. Then weigh watercolor paints well, take a hard brush or toothbrush - and splash the paint on paper. Show the child that you can make beautiful splashes, spending a bristled on a solid piece of paper or on a wooden stick.

In the same way, you can draw pictures using a stencil.

On the colored paper Take the stencil. It can be various flowers, silhouettes of houses, trees. In a jar from under yogurt, liquid divert paint. In the paint, lower the toothbrush and swipe on the brush of the brush towards myself, splashing the paint around the silhouette. Try so that the whole background is covered with clips. Remove the stencil and draw the details on the "unreplicable" part of the pattern. You can also use the leaves of trees as stencils.

Take an unnecessary spray bottle and fill it with water with paint - and go to draw. To do this, it will be more convenient to take a large sheet of paper or even a piece of old wallpaper. It is best to draw in the open air.


It is to teach children to make blots (black and multicolored). Then a 3-year-old child can look at them and see images, objects or individual details.

You will need a gouache, thick brush and paper (better than 1/2 or 1/4 sheet).
Bend paper sheet in half and expand again. At one half, ask the child to put a few oily klex, smears or curls. Now bend the sheet again in half and tightly press the palm. Carefully expand the sheet. You will see the fancy pattern "What is your look like or my blossom?", "Who or what does she remind you?" - These questions are very useful, because Develop thinking and imagination. After that, without hosting a child, but showing, we recommend proceeding to the next stage - Circuit or Dorivovka Kleks. As a result, a whole plot can be obtained.

Spot drawing

Children like all unconventional. Drawing points belongs to unusual, in this case, receptions. To implement, you can take a marker, pencil or an ordinary wand for cleaning the ears. But it is best to get point drawings with paints.

For each color you will need a separate wand. With the help of this technique, lilac or mimosa flowers are perfect. Spend lines sprigs felt-tumb. And the bunches of colors already make chopsticks. But this is the highest pilot! No less pleasure will bring the child and drawing simpler things - flower and berries (stalks can be drawn with a felt-tip pen). And you can cut out a dress (handkerchief, tablecloth, mittens) and decorate the ornament from the points.

For some reason, we all tend to think that if we draw paints, it is necessarily a tassel. Not always. Porolan can come to the rescue. We advise you to make a variety of small small geometric figures from it, and then attach them to thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The instrument of labor is already ready. It turns out a big brush without hairs. The wand holds strictly perpendicular to the surface of the sheet, without inclination. Now it can be dipped into the paint and the method of stamps to draw red triangles, yellow mugs, green squares (the whole foam in the difference from the wool is well clean). Initially, children will draw chaotically geometric figures. And then propose to make the simplest ornaments from them - first from one species of figures, then from two, three.
The trail left by such a "tassel" can mimic animal wool, crown trees, snow. A wand with a foam rubber is dipped into the paint (the main thing is that there is no large amount of water), and the baby begins to cover the sheet with its traces. Let first he simply understand that with the help of a "magic stick" you can quickly and easily draw traces. Then depict a black felt-tip pen of a tree or bush, let the child drawing a foliage of green, yellow, red or orange paint. Draw a pencil, an imperious contour of the bunny or foxes, let the kid "flood" with his "magic tool" - a bunny and fox will turn out fluffy, their wool will seem so discerned that the baby will certainly want to touch it.

It is extremely interesting to work in this technique with a stencil.
Cut in the middle of a tight cardboard sheet any image, such as a tiger or bear head. Attach the cardboard with a stencil-cutting stencil to the landscape sheet and offer the baby to "flood" the part of the album sheet, which is visible to the stench hole. After the child does this, let work dry, then draw your tassel, mouth, mustache, stripes.

Glue a sheet of white and black paper sheet so that in the end it turned out a large leaf, one half of which is black, and the second is white. Give the child a black and white gouache and offer to draw the same simple drawing first white paint on black, then black paint on white.

Collect a few leaves, spread them on a sheet of paper. Prepare a well-diluted watercolor and sponge. Pulk the sponge into the paint and apply over the leaf, so that the area around it is painted. Then carefully remove the leaf.

Such an uncomplicated look artistic creativityLike unconventional drawing by prints of leaves, is remarkably suitable for small artists, for which the tassel is still a complex tool. It turns out that the usual, seemingly leaf (maple, poplar, oak or birch) can turn into a tool for artistic creativity not worse than a brush.

What do we need?
Leaves of different trees (preferably fallen);
The child covers the wood sheet with paints of different colors, then applies it to the paper painted side to get a print. Every time the new sheet is taken. The resulting drawing is drawn by paints at will. So it turns out:

Picture in the appliance Pasparta

On the sheet, draw an apple, fish or car in the center of the leaf. And now you need to cut through the contour item that you painted. It turned out to the passe. In the pictures, you can only cut part of the image. Fish is part of the calf, tail, fins. Give the baby sheet of paper. Let the Kroch smells the paint, slapsing along the sheet with his palms and leaves tracks. Stick the passe on the leaf, painted by a crumb. The baby will be very surprised and glad when he sees a multicolor bright fish (typewriter or a girl).

"Figured" figurine

Very interesting way to draw with a pencil, a felt-tip pen, a ballpoint handle on a pre-made stencil. Stencils can be two species - one carved inside the sheet, others are made of sheet and separated from it. Little children are easier to circuit shapes, knocked out inside the sheet. Many squares and rules have such ate. Having attached them to the album sheet, you ask the baby to circulate the shapes. Then remove the stencil and invent with him, how can you draw one or another form. The guys of 4.5-5 years will be able to circulate single stencils cut from cardboard. It is more complicated, since the hand is poorly held on the outside of the flow and the kid stuck extra lines. But the interest of children can be the content of stencils: for boys - these are silhouettes of cars and airplanes, for girls - animals, matryoshki, bows and houses. Arriving Pekal, children can paint their images with markers and paints, stroke various lines: straight, wavy, zigzag, with loops, wave-like with sharp vertices. Stencils can help when creating their own drawings, they will complement what the baby himself created.

You can begin the game: the child drives various items, and you are guessing what it is. First, not all items can be obliged. Finding them, the baby will understand what the difference between the bulk and flat objects or things that have at least one smooth side, and those that are missing. Secondly, herself, without the help of an adult, it is difficult to circle one or another subject. And thirdly, in this game the roles are changing: the kid puts parents to a dead end, and adults are stronger to find an answer. All this pleases the child, providing him with a tide of creative forces.

Mysterious drawings-nitcope

Mysterious drawings can be obtained as follows. Cardboard is taken in size about 20x20 cm. And folded in half. Then the half-walled or woolen thread is selected with a length of about 30 cm, its end is 8 - 10 cm is dipped into thick paint and clamping inside the cardboard. It should then be taken inside the cardboard with this thread, and then remove it and open the cardboard. You can simultaneously paint a few threads with different colors. It turns out a chaotic image, which is considered, dreamed and draw adults with children. It is extremely useful to give names to the resulting images. This complex mental speech work in combination with the visual will contribute to the intellectual development of preschool children.

Threads can be drawn and otherwise. Cut a woolen thread with a length of about 20 cm, plunge it into the paint and give the baby. Let him drive a papers on a sheet of paper, as he wants. Then then do the same with another thread and new paint. The sheet will remain multicolored lines, zigzags, divorces. Word, beautiful abstraction.

Drawing shallow

Preschoolers love diversity. These opportunities provide us with ordinary shames, Sangin, coal. Smooth asphalt, porcelain, ceramic tile, stones - this is the foundation that chalk and coal goes well. So, the asphalt places to the capacious image of the plots. Them (if there is no rain) can be developed the next day. And then according to the stories to make stories. And on the ceramic tiles (which sometimes are stored in the residues somewhere in the storeroom) we recommend depicting patterns or coal patterns, small objects. Large stones (type of boulders) are asked to decorate them under the image of the head of the animal or under the pecks. It depends on that or someone like a stone reminds.

Method of magical drawing

This method is implemented. The angle of wax candle on white paper is drawn image (Christmas tree, house, and maybe a whole plot). Then brush, and better by cotton or foam rubber, the paint is applied on top to the entire image. Due to the fact that the paint does not fall on the fat image of the candle - the drawing seems to appear suddenly before the eyes of the guys, manifest. You can get the same effect by drawing first by stationery glue or a piece of economic soap. At the same time, not the last role plays the selection of the background to the subject. For example, the snowman drawn candle is better to paint blue paint, and the boat is green. No need to worry if when drawing will begin to crumble candles or soap. It depends on their quality.



Draw a candle drawing on a white sheet. Pain in black ink.

Drawing small kameshkov

Of course, most often the child depicts Pa Planes, on paper, less often on asphalt, tiles of large stones. Plane image of the house, trees, cars, animals on paper does not imply like the creation of bulk their own creations. In this regard, marine pebbles are ideally used. They are smooth, small and have a different shape. Herself the shape of the pebble sometimes will tell the child which image in this case is to create (and sometimes adults will help the kids). One pebbles are better to prick under the frog, the other is under the bug, and a wonderful fungus will come out of the third. Bright thick paint is applied on the pebbles - and the image is ready. And it is better to complete it: after the pebbles dry, cover it with a colorless varnish. In this case, glitters, brightly overflow the volumetric beetle or a frog made by children's hands. This toy will not participate in independent children's games yet and make a lot of favor to its owner.

Strange patterns

Take Watman and Little Orange (Mandarin) or a ball, pour some paint of different colors onto the sheet and roll the ball on the sheet in different directions. Then "revive" received.

The method of finger painting

Here is another way to portray the world around: with your fingers, palm, cam, leg feet, and maybe a chin, nose. Not everyone will perceive such a statement seriously. Where is the line between prank and drawing? And why should we draw only a tassel or felt-tip pen? After all, a hand or individual fingers are a helping. Moreover, the index finger of the right hand is listening to the child better than a pencil. Well, if the pencil broke, the brush was laid out, the felt-tumbers were over - and I want to draw. There is another reason: sometimes the subject just asks children's palm or finger. For example, the drawing of a tree a child will better fulfill with his hands than other guns. He will bring the trunk and branches with her finger, then (if autumn) strikes yellow, green, orange paints on the inner side and draws a bugland-red tree from above. It is good to mix several colors and shades. For example, first apply yellow paint, and then brown or orange, it turns out fluffy!
Well, if we teach children to use your fingers rationally: not with one index finger, but by everyone.

Monotopia method

Two words about it, unfortunately, rarely used method. And in vain. Because he trays a lot of tempting for preschoolers. If you briefly say, this is an image on cellophane, which is transferred then to paper. On the smooth cellophane draw paint with brushes, or matches with a cotton, or a finger (no need to unite). Paint should be thick and bright. And immediately, until the paint dried, turn the cellophane down the image down onto white thick paper and, as it were, the drawing is wet, and then raise. Two drawings are obtained. Sometimes the image remains on cellophane, sometimes on paper.

Film pattern

We squeeze the paint to the cardboard or paper, we put the film on top and smooth your cotton, then dramatically pull the film. So it turns out the sunset, the sea, the fire ...

Drawing on wet paper

Until recently, it was believed that it was possible to draw only on dry paper, because the paint is sufficiently diluted with water. But there are a number of objects, plots, images that best draw on wet paper. I need an ambiguity, blurry, for example, if a child wants to portray the following topics: "The city in the fog", "I had dreams of dreams," "the night city", "Flowers behind the curtain", etc. You need to teach a preschooler to make paper a little wet. If paper is excessive wet - the drawing may not work. Therefore, it is recommended to wet watts chicks in clean water, squeeze it and spend it either throughout the sheet of paper, or (if necessary) only in a separate part. And paper is ready for the work of unclear images.

Draw with postcards

Almost every home is stored a lot of old postcards. Take old postcards with children, teach cut the desired images and stick to the place, in the plot. A bright factory image of objects and phenomena will give even the most simple unpaired drawing quite a decoration. Three-, four- and even five-year-old child sometimes difficult to draw a dog and beetle. They can be prepared ready, and let him draw a sun, rain and will be very happy to the dog and bug. Or, together with children, cut out of the postcard and stick a fabulous house with a grandmother in the window, then a preschooler, focusing on his imagination, knowledge of fairy tales and visual skills, undoubtedly, draws something to him.

Whose mark

Another drawing method, or rather, printing is based on the possibilities of many items to leave colorful prints on paper. You take potatoes, cut it in half and from one half cut the square, triangle, rhombick, flower or something interesting. Moreover, one side of the print must be flat for applying to paper, and for another you will hold on hand. Then you or the child make such a seal in the paint (better than the gouache) and apply to the paper. As you guess, the imprint remains. With the help of these sectors, beads, ornaments, patterns, mosaics can be made.
The stamp is not only potatoes, as well as the covers from bottles, caps from markers, buttons, small boxes, etc.
You can try to portray something on the principle of design from different parts. For example, a car (coil - wheels, cubes - body and window); Castle of the wizard, animals, etc.

You can paint the paint wheel from the toy typewriter and climb it on paper.
An interesting imprint in the form of a rose is obtained from the remains of Kochan Peking (Chinese) cabbage.

Salty drawings

And what if you pour glue, and to sprinkle with salt on top of these sites? Then it turns out amazing snowy pictures. They will look more effectively if they are performed on blue, blue, pink colored paper. Try it very exciting!


Or let's create winter landscapes in another way - drawing a toothpaste. Previously, the baby must be explained that this is a creative search, and such use of toothpaste does not give him the right to squeeze it on the floor, shelves and tables. Together with the baby, make a pencil light contours of trees, houses, snowdrifts. Slowly squeezed toothpaste, Walk it on all the outlined circuits. Such work must be dried and better not to fold into the folder along with other pictures. For creativity, it is best to use a domestic product - it dries faster.

Figure with relief

Flour is added to the paint, applied to the sheet. The cardboard strip is cut by the teeth and fume the patterns along and across. From the dried leaf, cut out a form, such as a vase. Draw flowers on a white sheet, and then glue. You can read with a wand, toothpick, fork, match.

Glue picture

Let's squeeze the glue on paper on paper, let dry, and then paint the paint, it turns out the relief.

As an artist artist

But a completely unusual way! It is necessary to get a large sheet of paper. You ask the baby to lie on such a sheet and blaming it. Of course, it is better that he gets all (this can be achieved by bonding two or three sheets of Watman) or, in the extreme case, to fit the body and head. You crawled the baby, and now it came to get it - let him try to decorate silhouette: draw eyes, mouth, hair, decoration, clothes. If the child is small, then perform this work together - the baby suggests, and you, admiring his fantasy, draw along with him.

Rainy fantasy
Another version of non-traditional drawing is as follows: during rain or snowfall, you boldly open the window and exhibit less than a minute of a sheet of paper, holding it horizontally. You probably guessed that droplets of rain or snow will remain on the sheet. And we achieved this. Now the traces of bad weather can be circled and turned into fabulous creatures. They can also be connected to each other, guessing that the image is obtained.

Drawing by points

Adult prepares in advance the pattern of the pattern, exposing the contour points. Child say: "Do you want to be surprised? Then connect points with each other in order! " Intellite the resulting contour, offer to try, paint, think of a plot and name.

Picture on both sides

You will need a cardboard sheet, a wide brush, paper clips, color pencils. First you need to paint a cardboard sheet (an old cardboard folder is suitable). Immediately, while the paint did not dry, put on top of a sheet of ordinary white paper (better than the script). Attach the paper with paper with paper and let the child draws something with a color pencil on a white sheet. If you want, you can use the coloring, but the drawing should be simple - some item. When the drawing is finished, disconnect and remove the paper. See what happened - on the other side that was pressed to the folder, it turned out the color picture with the convex, as if an outlined pattern.

Take a thick paint diluted with water (it is better to use an acrylic or gouache) and draw a color stain. A piece of cardboard or knitted crochet scratch lines. And you can cut the cardboard to the tooth and scratch in the paint. Crochet scratch different curls. The edge of the cardboard will squeeze the cross-cross lines. Make a feltwaster hat. After the child tempts this technique, you can start creating a picture. To do this, on multiple sheets of paper, apply paint of different colors and in different ways to scratch the surface. Now collect the composition. For example, cut from a piece with scallops with a reservoir, from the curls - the sky with clouds, from the scaly surface, make a snake and so on. Cut items cover on a blank sheet of paper.

Draw a gouache method of the tick

It will take gouache, brushes, landscape sheets. The baby holds a brush in his hands and puts it on paper perpendicular. Show how the tassel is jumping! This method you can draw salute, you can paint a fluffy cat (the cat should be drawn in advance with a felt-tip pen or pencil), you can paint colors.

The very concept explains the meaning of this method: it's several described above. In general, we ideally seem important to the following: well, when the preschooler is not only familiar with various techniques of the image, but also does not forget about them, but uses the place by performing a given goal. For example, one of the children 5-6 years old decided to draw the summer, and for this he uses a point drawing (flowers), and the sun drew a finger, fruits and vegetables it will cut out of the postcards, fabrics will depict the sky and clouds, etc. There is no limit to improving and creativity in visual activities.

English teacher Anna Rogovin recommends everything on hand to use for exercises in drawing: draw with a cloth, a paper napkin (folded many times); Drawing with dirty water, old tea brewing, coffee grounding, squeezing from berries. It is also useful to paint banks and bottles, coils and boxes, etc.

(PART 1)

Many children love to draw. But how to be if the kid is still small and do not know how? There are many techniques with which you can create original work and crafts for children, even without having any artistic skills. And you, and your child will receive from such classes not only pleasure. In these games, he will get acquainted with the color, properties of paints, he will develop an artistic taste and spatial imagination, fantasy and hard work. And he will imbued with respect for parents who know how to do such things! Here are games with paints that will attract interest in drawing and will help in the development of the baby.

1. Stamps with fingers

In his wonderful book "ED EMBERLEY" S COMPLETE FUNPRINT DRAWING BOOK "The author describes the fingerprint equipment. You will need paint of different colors, water, sponge, paper and felt-tip pen.
Applying several colors with a shift on a sponge, you can get the gradient of the paints.

Lion - the figure is more complicated, but not so much so that your karapuz does not cope with it.

With this technique you can draw funny faces




Fingerprints Little artist can paint coloring pictures. Only coloring should be large, without small details.

(PART 2)

2. Prints of palm and legs

You can draw not only with your fingers, but also with palms and even legs. These are such interesting works from the prints of the handles and legs, if you attach a bit of fantasy.

3. More prints

You can make prints than you like. For example, you can paint the paint wheel from a toy typewriter and brings it on paper. An interesting imprint in the form of a rose is obtained from the remains of Kochan Peking (Chinese) cabbage.

With the help of conventional woolen threads, you can create very interesting surprise drawings. This technique is called a nitcope. To do this, take a sheet of paper or cardboard, fold it in half. The end of the woolen thread is 10 cm in the gouache, then clamp the colored thread between the bent paper and take it there. We remove the thread, turn the paper and be surprised together with the baby an unusual combination of lines and smears. You can simultaneously paint a few threads with different colors and get a multicolor abracadabra. Consider with the crumb of the resulting image, think about what it seems to give him a name. Maybe this is a firework or color meadow, or just a good mood?

You can draw with soap bubbles! To do this, add to any soap-foaming solution of paint or food dye, sweeping more foam and lean the paper to it.
From such a paper you can make greeting cards to relatives and friends.

Now on sale there are game sets of stamps for children's creativity. Thanks to them kid can decorate greeting postcard, add your drawing with the necessary elements. Playing with stamps, you can introduce a baby with such concepts as a logical sequence of characters (pattern) and symmetry. Promote the development of creative thinking sets with stamps in the form of geometric figures from which various pictures can be made. For example, a set of tangram stamps.

Drawing with fingers: why and how

For the first time, the "drawing finger" technique was described in 1932, and in our time, finger drawing has gained special popularity. At exhibitions, in museums, galleries, we can see the paintings drawn with only your fingertips. Did you think about what you yourself can create your masterpiece? Would you like to draw a unique picture with your baby? For this you have a weighty background - five fingers on the right hand and five on the left. What else is needed? Sheet of paper and paint.

Drawing with fingers can be offered even annoyed child, just important while watching the baby does not want to try your fingers taste. Paints It is advisable to use special - for finger drawing. It is also necessary to determine the place where the child will be engaged in creativity, and not change it to be accustomed to a certain order in the house. After each session, the drawing is cleaning only with the bloop - it will teach it to be careful and follow the rules.

What value does finger drawing for a child? Development of shallow motility hands, concentration of attention, coordination of movements under visual control, preparation for the future letter, cohesion of relationships in the "child-adult" system - the result of an exciting process of drawing a child with mom (dad, grandparents).

How can I draw with your fingers?

There are several finger-drawing techniques:

  1. Draw half column camFor example, so we can draw a rainbow, hills, bananas, etc.
  2. Draw palms At the same time, the fingers can be closed (butterfly - vertically apply two degraded palms, fish - one palm attached to paper horizontally);
  3. Draw your fingers , namely, the tips of the fingers put the dots (you can draw a caterpillar, grapes, rowan or paint this technique a regular coloring), spend the line with your fingers (it is so good to draw geometric shapes), we apply my fingers (coloring 1-2 fingers and apply them to paper - Boots, trees, asterisks will come out), we collect your fingers in a bundle (and get flowers and winter snowflakes);

Draw a cam From the side of a big finger (beautiful roses, shells, snails)

Finger paint - best tool For the first dating baby with drawing.

  1. Babies are difficult to immediately learn to draw and paint with pencils. Therefore, we recommend first trying your finger paints, because your finger controls much easier than pencil or felt-tip pen.
  2. Drawing finger paints It will be very useful for the development of shallow motility and will prepare a child's handle to "true" drawing - with a pencil or tassels.
  3. Coloring with fingers, the child will learn to feel the boundaries of the image faster.
  4. Finger paints will teach the baby to get the desired shade - they are easily mixed on paper.
    5. With finger paints, you can also get the color of the desired brightness - dip your finger in the paint and press the paper several times in a row. Each subsequent imprint will be paler than the previous one.
    6. Promotes development: perceptions, formation of sensory standards of color, magnitude and shapes, shallow motors, imagination, creative abilities, artistic abilities, arbitrariness (skills to play according to the rules and execute instructions).

Combine the techniques and create your masterpieces !!!

Do not forget to praise a little artist and make a finger-drawing album for memory!

Is it fantasy ???

Children seven-eight months not only can actively draw, but turn out to be deeply immersed in this process.

This reality described by many parents and teachers from us and abroad.

In general, there are a myth that the baby aged 6-7 months - "Mind" - this word cares for parental journals, reflecting a common opinion. Or here's another fact: many (even very good) fathers, believe that the child is up to a year - this is "a piece of pink flesh" and communication with him is impossible. And this is not like this: children at this age, if they are actively engaged in their development and correctly, are completely contact and quite conscious people. We have noticed more than once that when in 4-4.5 months you teach a child to get up in bed, intonation you easily give the child the meaning of your words. Suppose he does not get up, and repeat it once again: "Yes, you take you for the next rail, put the hand higher!", - And for the twentieth time, he just understands these words! Talk with a child, explain everything you are doing with Him, and the child will be perfectly able to deal with him from him.

But this is four months old, and for six-seven months, the child's experience increases indefunct: he has long been sitting at a common table and almost participates in a conversation, traveling around the apartment, tries to make the first steps without support, he knows how the door of cabinets work, and studied Already many low shelves from which you can dump books and brushes. He knows where the rattling pans live, but just not to list! And such children can perfectly understand that you offer them for the lesson. We want to say that drawing is a new complex action, it looks completely fantastic, but no qualitative difference from the fact that the child at this age is already able to do - no!

Preparatory stage. (On the knees)

Savy the artist on the hands: we have a white sheet and a jar with paint. Really begin this stage in 4.5-5 months. The student was quite ripe - he is interested in everything new, he himself gets up in bed and looks around the surroundings with pleasure. At this point, we begin to introduce paints into his life.

And you can select several principal steps. We begin with the fact that with the child we draw yourself. Majm paint finger and make several smears in his eyes. Do it in a minute at least every day, and let this stage take a month. But at some point, you smear his own finger or palm paint and lead through paper with his hand. But so that the child for this actively watched! Hold his hand on paper, wiped her fingers - the half-minute drawing session is over. And let such classes - with minimal forward movement - occupy one and a half or two months, and no less. Do not rush anywhere! You must convey to the child. Mysterious principle: with hands on a white sheet can be transferred to the paint!

Do not put the child immediately to the full jar with paint. Such a stormy start can only end in that the first lesson will also last. And it will happen because of the child, and because of us. We ourselves are the first to decide that drawing is too time-consuming and a packing apartment. Therefore, all first it is worth taking a tiny amount of paint, it is enough for a few minutes of your artistic activity. Or you can come up with something like ink debris (ask your grandmothers - they remember what it is).

Are you gouache ???

At this stage, we we extend the child to eat artistic material in food. Or even try to do it! Any paint is an absolutely inedible thing, and you need to remember! We tried various colors and stopped at Guashi, as it is less than just a poison. Gouache is glue and bleel.

The first thing that the intelligent artist should make six months - it will taste paint. This is the natural, most anticipated research deed of a child. He tries not to language because it is small or stupid, but because he clarifies. Or overtakes. (He will need to try again several times to make sure it is not mistaken). At this point (for our part), we connect a solution of the English salt or mustard into the case - after all it is better than trying gouache. Magnesia sulfacy (English salt) stands in a pharmacy three rubles and this is the most easy way Illustrate the word "bitter" and illustrate the word "it is impossible"! This is a natural salt, and not the product of the chemical industry of Russia. I tried, frowned - drove the water, the bitterness disappeared. Try not to overdo it so that this bitterness does not bother the child from drawing itself.

By itself, the gouache is quite unpleasant for the taste, so that the child does not want to run this paint! Therefore, calm down - you have a smart child and he will not have such a taste. And from the fact that the difference is randomly losing his painted finger, nothing can happen (you, of course, know that the artist has a habit from which they do not worry, lick tassels - the truth is touched by a delicious watercolor and so we draw watercolor with infants we will not). But never a single artist from this was poisoned.

Started to draw ...

  1. In the thickness of the gouache should be like a liquid paste from a tube.
  2. Sometimes we apply a little paint on paper, or you can use the palm in the form of storage.
  3. You can draw on cardboard or on large piece of wallpaper. The rough surface is very well suited for our drawings. A sheet of paper can be on the table or on the wall, sometimes on the glued on the floor.
  4. It is very important to give the child to draw and right and left hand - left hand Be sure to participate in this process.
  5. During the preparatory stage, we begin to show the child to the paint, call them, demonstrate the combination of colors. Draw with different paints.
  6. We give two or three colors, change colors, let you choose. We are usually starting with warm colors, or give two warm - yellow, orange and one cold - green or blue.
  7. We try not to use bright poisonous "acid" colors, believing that they are not from the surrounding world - in nature with them a person does not face - they are artificial, synthetic, invented by people.
  8. At 7-10 months we are drawing 2 times a week to save interest and not turn the game in everydayness, and each session lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. But from the very beginning, we attach great importance to the ritual. By how we are preparing, explaining your actions, the child knows exactly what a miracle will happen and we will draw!
  9. So that the sensory perception was voluminous, we definitely associate drawing with music! It is important that the child always created a festival feeling.
  10. But at any age (and even more so breasts) we do not teach draw!
  11. Training drawing is a pragmatic goal. Such a goal can not go from the child. We just give him the opportunity to mess with paints.
  12. Something he does, imitating your movements when you, holding it in your hands, happy to try to enjoy this process for a few minutes.

What is the early start of drawing?

It is difficult to determine this with several phrases. But, first, the children really like it, and their good raised mood is already a sufficient success of any occupation.

But the main thing is: all the authors who write about painting in the infants, emphasize that children are somehow growing up in front of their eyes, becoming less dependent on their parents. We read that there are techniques that help drawing to smooth out the stress in a child, who for some reason the mother is forced to overcome from the chest.

But there is another thing that is better not to pronounce with psychologists: it seems that the child appears .... Self-esteem. We provoke him to the awareness of themselves as individuals: but psychologists believe that this process is going on much later. Even if they are right, but the feeling of person does not appear from nothing - it consists of small bricks, first appears a prototype of personality, and then a person. And so, in this process, the formation of a person, drawing is a very successful productive activity.

And let the psychological theory of the child still does not allocate himself from the world around, but this world is becoming more and wider for him, and we help him not be afraid to take the next step.

And besides all, at any age, drawing is true pleasure, and this is not comparable with anything! Most of us never draws, and by this we are very impoverished. Maybe we also needed to start painting early!

Creativity or not

When the baby drawing is said that this is creativity, we, unfortunately, are not ready to agree with this. Still, this is not in the full sense "Creativity" - it is still just an activity, a way to know the world. And creativity - this should be the moment of conscious activities, self-expression, which neither in 6, not at 9 months, of course, no.

And the fact that such paintings are sometimes exposed at exhibitions, we do not consider it justified (but we do not condemn the parents for it). For us, such pictures, in a sense, the manifestation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe subconscious, but the old Freud has long died, and with whom in this area can be advised, we do not know. Interestingly, the one-year-old and more adult children perceive their paintings as complete - even adults their picture will never seem such, that is, there is a sense available to one infant. And speculate on this topic is unnecessary. Sometimes we even think that this is not a creation on white color, but the destruction of white color is that the child pursues. But, in any case, we will not risk it with creativity.

And it does not matter how to call the process if it gives a tangible benefit. After all, the vision is involved, touch, maybe even smell (paintings are tasty smell), and therefore the occupation is useful and developing!

What else gives the earlier start

Is there any difference - start at 3 years or six months? What are you asking for? For painting or to develop a child? For the development of a child there is a difference. For pure painting - I do not know. But painting is a strange area of \u200b\u200bcreativity. After all, for the painter, unlike the musician, the early appearance of equipment is only a hindrance. And it is important to something else (special vision of the world, colors, forms).

Drawing strengthens the independence of the child is good or bad?

Independence gives greater space for development.

Recently, we often come across the statements of children's psychologists, which is most importantly that the mother keeps the child as much as possible in her arms. Such words can only be written with huge caution. If you do not teach a child and bind it to yourself, then this situation "hands" becomes forced. But if a child knows everything and loves to drive around the apartment, then you should not keep such a child on the tanning. Making a child with independent, you just change his connection with the mother, she (this connection) becomes more interesting and richer, because the child is interested in living. And "to keep more in your arms" - for us only in a situation where the child calls when he needs help, and he should feel in such a situation that the mother is near and she did not quit him.

Theory and practice. Of course, there is nothing magical in drawing. But the benefits of drawing is not equal to the total amount important components, of which drawing is. Almost benefit is disproportionate more. You see your head that a small motor was involved, and bright colors affect, and activity, and a miracle that you yourself can do something (I can!). But in practice there is still over-effect, and it can be explained by the theories of "learning of the right brain".

Drawing is mastering and fixes the links between the right and left hemisphere, and hence the leap in the development, which is immediately visible and parents and caregivers using drawing in the game with infants.

When studying educational classes for childrenfrom 5 months, among the games I metdrawing. First I was surprised, really in such a small age, you can alreadypaintand whether he will have?! But closer to 6-T. for months of the child, I so caught up with this idea that I decided to spendcreativity lesson with my baby And see if it will like such early drawing.And drawing is unusual - finger.

"It's better to see once ...". Let's see the video about how they draw children with finger paints from 3 to 6 months.

My first drawing fears were dispelled: the paints are safe, and very easily made from what is always available in the arsenal in the kitchen; minimum items for creativity; Son satisfied and passionate, under the supervision of mom; Mom is happy with rest and lesson with a child - everything is wonderful. But in practice there have been small difficulties ...

Let's consider everything in order.

What is needed for finger drawing:

- a comfortable place for drawing;

- paints;

- paper or surface for drawing;

- Tassels (not necessarily);

- Wet and dry napkins;

- Camera;

- good mood.

1. Finger-drawing technique

Our first masterpieces :)

There are various drawing techniques finger paints. At this now we will not stop in detail. For the first attempts, and while the child is quite small, it seems to me, there will be enough improvisation in drawing by children's handles.

Before you (the child sits on his knees or placed on the floor on the tummy) is a paper or a drawing surface, there is a saucer or jars with paints. If the child himself does not sit well, then support him under handles. For the first lessons Drawing with a child in 6 months 1-2 colors will be enough. Poppipes and fingers of a child in paint and draw: Try to put the prints of the palms and the baby's fingers; Let Kroch himself will challenge and knock on paper handle; Draw a child simple geometric shapes and lines with a tassel, etc.

2. Convenient place for drawing

Why is it important? The first time we painted on the floor, shining a diaper, and on top of white paper sheets.

So it was with us :)

The son on the floor in the tummy lying on the tummy and, when mom, mostly manipulates the pen, did not really like it. He was still confident sitting, but actively made attempts. Therefore, he liked in a sitting position on the floor or at my knees, and also tried to draw standing on the legs. In the 2nd cases, it was necessary to lean forward or a side and to me and my son is not very convenient, and I also hold my son - quickly tired.


If you love to play on the tummy, then calmly place on the floor. You can put a child under the handle to put a roller from a towel, so it will be more convenient for him and easier.

- If you are already trying to sit down or sit down, love to stand, then you may be more suitable for drawing at the table (children or adult). My son and I also tried to draw on a high box, but again, it is inconvenient, because there is nowhere to give the legs.

In any case, not the first time, but you will definitely find a convenient for you with the baby, the position for drawing with handles.

That's what we did.

3. Finger paint

I used the following recipe cooking of finger paints: 3T.L. Salt, 1st.L. sunflower oil, 3 tbsp. Water, food dyes, flour.

Mix the listed ingredients listed in a mixer or spoon, while pouring the flour to the consistency of thick sour cream, lay on the jars and add dyes to each gradually and, stirring, bring paints to the color we need. Keep homemade finger paints Better in the refrigerator.

Another recipe: half a glass of corn or potato starch, 50 grams of sugar sand, 1/2 teaspoon shallow crash salt, 400 ml. Cold water.

Mix everything thoroughly, put in the pan and bring to a boil. Reducing the fire, boil the mixture of about 20 minutes, constantly stirring so that no lumps formed. After that, let the mixture be cooled, but periodically continue to stir it. After the mixture is cooled to about the body temperature, burst the paint on the jars and add the desired color to each liquid food.

Important! Make sure that the child does not eat paint. Despite the fact that they are homemade, but still contain food dyes, a large amount of salt and sugar, and this child is not very useful. But if your crumb fucks a finger in the mouth, fan in paint, then it should not bring any harm to his health. Our fingers at the mouth visited :)

We really liked to play not only with paints, but also jars with them.

4. Paper or drawing surface

Paper, as it seems to me, is better white and dense, but it all depends on your fantasy in drawing. You can try and color, drafts, newspapers, wallpapers, etc.

Frame for drawing: Tile in the bathroom, covers from boxes, album with children's photos, baby diary TD

5. Tassels

Baby tassel draw, most likely, will not. Tassels More for Mom - Draw a child a couple of curves lines, funny grimaces, simple geometric shapes, etc. The child will be interested in watching the movement of the brush in your hands and pattern. My son brushes attracted. He himself took them in the pen, threw and caught when they tried to point from him. Tried to shove into the mouth. In general, I did not take them in vain :)

6. Wet and dry napkins.

I used those and those. We still have not been clean, but we wipe small errors: when the paint did not flow somewhere there or something fell.

7. Camera

With a small child, such a thing should always be at hand. All the most interesting photos are unexpected and inconspicuring moments. When finger drawing Will be photographed. Believe me :) Therefore, prepare the camera in advance.

8 . Good mood

A good mood should be both in your child. Do not be discouraged if everything happened not as you wanted or the game lasted 5 minutes. Each child is individual, he may not like to draw at all. Then postpone it until the next time. Enjoy time along with the baby. Play jars or paper, with tassels and toys that came paint Together with your baby. We had it. Drawing in the sense in which we are his adults, we know. It was a game with objects that were present during developing classes with baby.But of course, they praised paint on paper, felt her in the handles and on the body and went to swim :)

Draw better in the clothes that you do not feel sorry. It is then detained, but will have to educational classes with baby change clothes. If the child is naked, then it will have to bathe it completely. My son, for the first time, was dressed up to the belt, so the finger drawing smoothly moved to the bathroom. By the way, we also had fun. Therefore, perhaps it will be more convenient for you, play before the evening bathing.

I now understand why kids love to play food and smear it on the table. For us adults are a mess, and for them - creativity. Therefore, you can also play with meals, with a pediatric puree, for example. But not at the scene and when the child is not hungry.

What was your first drawing experience? At what age? If there are additions, write in the comments under the article.

Successful developing classes with your 6 month old child! Smiles, good mood and wonderful memories.

Destounded in paint - it is very fun, unexpectedly and interesting for any child. And turn this pack in the artistic occupation - especially. When the child is still small, it is still hard to cope with a pencil or brush. Draw a finger for it is easier and natural. And this is not just a game, but also the preparatory stage of transition to traditional drawing, on which the baby learns to feel the borders of the sheet, mix and study colors, trains its figurative thinking.

Many interesting workshops, abstract classes and nodes using finger painting is collected for you in this themed section.

Finger drawing - step to real painting.

Contained in sections:

Publications 1-10 of 374 are shown.
All sections | Finger painting. Draw your fingers

The abstract of open classes on drawing with palms and fingers "Octopus in the underwater kingdom" The abstract of open classes on the visual activity (drawing. Non-traditional drawing techniques. Technique drawing: draw palms, fingers. Name work: "Octopus in the underwater kingdom" at medium group. Software content: 1. To teach children to the process ...

In the first younger group, it was conducted on drawing on the topic "Decorating Mittens". Children were asked to decorate mittens for Santa Claus. goal: - Teach children draw paints with fingers; - to form interest and positive attitude to drawing; -...

Finger painting. Draw your fingers - Children's master class "Collective work" Winter forest full of miracles "in the technique of appliqués and drawing with fingers"

Publication "Children's Master Class" Collective work "Winter forest full of miracles" in ... "

Children's master class "Collective work" Winter forest full of miracles "- fine activities in the technique Application and drawing with fingers Purpose: Develop the artistic and aesthetic perception of the world around the world: educational: learn to allocate such a means ...

Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

Abstract for unconventional drawing with palms and fingers "Beautiful flowers for bee" Abstract drawing classes. In 2 younger group. The educator: Bel' Levtsova. M. P. Topic: "Beautiful flowers for a bee." Goals and objectives: maintain interest in the visual activity; Continue learning to draw palm and finger on a sheet of paper; Fasten

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Abstract Classes for drawing with fingers with young children "Snowflake" Topic: "Snowflake" Software content: Continue to teach children to draw lines with fingers, distributing them throughout the sheet. Develop attention. Secure white knowledge. Materials and equipment: paper snowflakes, blue paper, white gouache diluted ...

Finger painting. We draw with your fingers - the abstract of painting drawing with fingers with the children's children's "Falling snow"

Topic: "Falling snow" Software content: Continue to teach children to draw your fingers, distributing them all over the sheet. Develop attention. Learning to transfer the words of poem with the help of appropriate movements Materials and equipment: Space with small pieces of white ...

An abstract of drawing drawing with fingers with young children "Balls for the Christmas tree" Subject: "Balls for the decoration of the Christmas tree" Software content: Continue to teach children to draw fingers point. Expand the knowledge and presentation of children about the world around. Fastening flower knowledge, shapes. Bring up kindness and responsiveness. Materials and equipment: artificial ...

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