
Finger paints are the best. How to use finger paints

For kids who are just beginning to know the world with his bright and multicolored paints, but do not yet know how to use pencils and tassels, the most necessary - children's paints for drawing with their hands.

Little children classes with finger paints help develop tactile sensations, which ensures both brain development and nervous system. Also, in such classes, the motility of the hands is being developed and the color perception is formed. The occupation of kids with paints produces a soothing effect, improves mood.

The structural composition of such paints does not allow them to be broken, spread, their consistency allows various colors to mix well. High-quality finger paints are produced using only food painting components. They contain a lot of food sodium salt.

This is due to the fact that the kid, feeling the taste of paint once, will no longer repeat this experience.

The base of paints aqueous, consistency gel jelly-like. This allows paints not to spread, even if the jar falls and turn over, the paint does not fall out of it. Children's paints for drawing with hands dried quite slowly.

After classes in the paint there are not only palms and sheets of paper, but the whole young artist: clothes, hands and legs, face and body. As a rule, good finger paints for children quickly and without a trace are washed off, and the clothes are dismissed. Quality paints are considered safe to children's health, as there are no harmful substances in their composition.

Many people think that the baby under the age of the year is not capable of such a complex lesson as drawing. But it is at this age that the active and comprehensive development of children requires a variety of sensations and classes. Of course, to give the baby at this age there is no sense, the development of muscles and motility hands is not enough for such a difficult class, there is no ability to control the length of the line, draw any shapes. But you can already start working in color, try to transfer paints on paper using such finger paints.

To begin with, it will be enough even one jar of paint and a large sheet of paper. It is necessary to show the child how paint falls on paper, how can this be done with your fingers, the whole palm. When the baby is growing, you can move to several colors, mix them.

Such games with paints help the baby to develop attention and color perception, positively affect the development of shallow motility of the hands. In turn, this very much helps the development of speech in kids: cerebral centers who are responsible for movement and speech are in the immediate neighborhood, and interact with each other. Accordingly, the development of one center entails and the development of another portion of the brain.

As a rule, finger paints are sold in jars, which have a fairly narrow neck. Macked in the paint will be only one finger.

You can draw a whole palm if you fill the paint into flat plastic plates. Young creators really like to leave bright colored prints of their palm on a sheet of paper. Older children can use when classes with finger paints and pieces of shopping sponge, and tassels. In some sets of finger paints there are special stamps with various figures.

Another way to draw with finger paints - stencil. It can be made of cardboard or buy. The smaller the young artist, the easier it should be stencil.

When the baby becomes a little older, you can start mixing various colors. It is enough to do on a sheet of paper two or three blots from the paints of various colors and suggest the child to smear them. The obtained new colors and their combinations will be very pleasant to the kids.

Finger paints can be created by "works of artistic art" not only on sheets of paper and special coloring, but also on the glass surface, on the cardboard, even in the bathroom on the tile. Last lesson really like the kids.

Good finger paints are easily flushed from such surfaces. Various large trays, pieces of tarpaulin and plastic film, mirrors and other surfaces that are easily are suitable for this.

Another way to draw with finger paints, which is very loved by kids - it is a body. Since good finger paints do not contain harmful substances and safe for nursery, you can quite calmly allow the child to draw on the skin and legs, paint faces, turn yourself into an "Indian" or "cat".

Video. Finger paint.

In order for the choice of children's finger paints for drawing was right, you need to take into account several aspects.

  • First, you need to consider age kid. When the child has not achieved the age of three, seats, choose special paints, which contain the food component of bitter taste. Sensing this taste on the lips once, the child will not repeat attempts to try paints to taste again.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to pay special attention to composition of colors. They should not have substances and components that can harm the child's health. The basis of good children's colors - food dyes.
  • Thirdly, it should be considered structural component formwhich created paint. Now they are most popular with finger paints having a gel base. Such paints on the skin do not have a negative impact, do not drown it.
  • Fourthly number of flowers The set will also be an important factor for choice, you should also consider them color gamut. Usually, standard four or six colors give a complete opportunity to embody their bright fantasies. Do not buy a small artist "screaming" acid, neon shades.
  • Fifth, when buying finger paints should be considered volume and shape Packaging of paints. Do not hurry to buy paints in large volumes, if the young artist will inhable, you can always repeat the purchase. Finger paints usually go on sale in jars, but there is a gouache that is produced in tubes.
  • Sixth, must be carefully learned information that is placed on a package with a set:who is the manufacturer of this product, what are the rules for the safe use of the product, as well as the date of manufacturing this product and its use.

Today is themselves famous manufacturers Children's paints for drawing with hands are:

Appeared in the family of finger paints so-called sensory. Small particles of sand, which is added to the composition of the paints, allows children's fingers when painting feel not only the gel base of paints, but also solid particles in it. Recently, paints with smells of fruit appeared.

In artistic practice, conceivable and inconceivable visual means are used. Sometimes these are ordinary paints, liquid and solid materials of all sorts of origin and sometimes the most unexpected substances. The very famous word "pastel" color (when it is said about the gentle, careless shade) occurred from one of the ways of pressing painting pigments. The word pastel itself occurred from the Latin term denoting the "dough" or a similar consistency. We will understand why interesting color pastel chalks were given such name, and what kind of pastel varieties can offer you a modern market.

About finger paints.

Recipes for making finger paints at home.

It is known that tactile sensations (that is, the touch, sensations from touch) directly affect the development of the human nervous system, in particular the brain. Drawing is a vast experience in color perception, thin tactile sensations and true pleasure, this is nothing comparable! Most of us never draws, and by this we are very impoverished. In this article we will tell about finger paints for the smallest and about how to teach the baby to draw.

There are myths that the baby aged 6-7 months - "Mind" - this word cares on parental journals, reflecting a common opinion. Or here's another fact: many (even very good) fathers, believe that the child is up to a year - this is "a piece of pink flesh" and communication with him is impossible.

And this is not like this: children at this age, if they are actively engaged in their development and correctly, are completely contact and quite conscious people. How to develop a child and his creative abilities? It is useless to give a baby to the child: 3 years old it is useless at all, because the hands of the hands are still not well developed so that the child can consciously adjust the length of the lines and draw the figures of a certain shape.

What to do? There is a way out - Give your child finger paints and you give him the opportunity to express yourself.

Let it not draw specific items, it will carry his feelings on paper, for example, instead of Mom, he will draw his love to her, instead of the sea, shows the feelings of lightness and weightlessness.

From what age can you draw with your fingers?

W. the 5-month-old baby can already offer finger paints and a large sheet of paper (the more, the better). You can first give only 1 jar of paint - for example, yellow. Then already enter the rest of the colors. With a break in a few days (or months), show the baby, how to draw with your fingers, palm, how to mix paint.

The game contributes to the color, development of attention, hands, social adaptation. With the help of independent drawing, music, dancing, a child learns to shoot negative emotions, unspoken offensive, inexplicable alarms and fears.

In addition, finger paints develop fine motility, which affects not only the kid's ability to use their handles, but also contributes to the development of speech. How? The fact is that the center responsible for the movement is located in the cerebral cortex very close to the speech center, and when the first starts to work, it makes it worry and the second.

These paints can be drawn not only on paper, but also on cardboard, glass, even on the body. And also - what has a big plus for mothers - they are well wash off from any surfaces and easily dismissed. And most importantly - they are not delicious!

Please note that finger paints can be drawn with the baby when it is splashing in the bathroom - wash off the paint from the walls and from the child you can in a few minutes.

How to start drawing?

Put the baby on your knees, show him yourself how to draw. Map finger in paint and make several smears. Do it in a minute at least every day, and let this stage take a month. At some point, smear his own finger or palm paint and spend on paper with his hand. Do it so that the child for this actively watched! Hold his hand on paper, wiped her fingers - the half-minute drawing session is over. And let such classes - with minimal forward movement - occupy one and a half or two months, and no less. Do not rush anywhere! You must convey to the child. Mysterious principle: with hands on a white sheet can be transferred to the paint!

Recipes of finger paints: how to make finger paints with your own hands.

Recipe for finger paints โ„–1. 0.5 kg of flour, 5 tbsp. Salt, 2 tbsp. Oils, add water to the consistency of thick sour cream. All this is mixed with a mixer, then the resulting mass is pouring into separate jars, add food dye (beet or carrot juice, as an option - Easter sets), mix to homogeneous mass.

Recipe Finger Colors โ„–2. Mix 1/3 cup starch and 2 sugar spoons. Add 2 glasses of cold water and put on a small fire. Cooking 5 minutes by stirring constantly until the mixture becomes a translucent gel-like mass. When this mass be cooled, add 1/4 mug in it liquid means For washing dishes (it will make paints easily washed from clothing and other surfaces.) Then the mass should be divided into several portions and add either food paint to each portion, or non-toxic gouache.

Recipe for finger paints โ„–3. Mix 1.5 cup starch and 0.5 cup of cold water, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add a liter of boiling water there, continuously stirring until the transparent mass is obtained. Continuing to stir pour 0.5 cup talca. When the mixture is cooled, add 1.5 cups of soap chips and stiritate well. Boil into jars, tinted with powder temperatures and cool a little.

So, drawing with finger paints contributes early Development Creative abilities. Not because the baby learns to draw, but because he learn to express themselves, transmit his feelings and impressions.

And finally, setting up a session of drawing, you just deliver a great pleasure to him! After all, small children love new games so much, something unusual, and if suddenly, they will be allowed to "stain" the handles and everything around - the storm of delight is guaranteed!

In this article, I will tell you how we got acquainted with finger paints, which can be drawn with paints, from what age you can use them.

Let's start with what we bought finger paints. I am in constant search, as you can develop a baby, especially now, when the first speech skills are formed. Drawing with fingers is developing the motility of the hands, and the development of small motility, directly connected with the speech, it is not for nothing that the kids need to do the thumb gymnastics, to make circular, rotational movements - this affects the development of speech. Also drawing with finger paints gives a clearer perception of specific colors. Finally, the method of applying such paints has a positive effect on the emotional state of the child, and its general development.

At what age can you use finger paints?

Paints are completely harmless and therefore it is allowed to use their children up to three years. Some moms begin to use them from three months old, so that they are in a hurry to develop their crumb. To be honest, it seems to me a comfortable age for the start of using the paints, when a child at least sits on his own, put it on the side and tell him calmly, show him the world of paints. At the expense of "quietly," I, of course, got excited, because little children are big fidgets and simply will not be able to calmly sit in place, so in the process of drawing it is not possible to avoid traces of paints everywhere.

Several tips before starting drawing: Prepare a big watman, create more space around the child. Remove the carpets, set out away from the sofa so as not to sleep, put on the child and on yourself, what is not sorry to get sorry. I am glad that the paints are perfectly lazy.

What can be painted with finger paints? ANDhow to use?

The most common thing is to make penprints and baby legs.

Prepared paints, the water is not required, gave each paint, commented on the process, it is a red paint, it's yellow, blue, etc. Then take the handle of the child and smear it all the case on paper, baby likes it. Then make the prints of the palms in two, three copies and after that the grandmother's beloved, sign, sign and in the photo album and are all happy.

In addition, you can make stencils, for example, print or draw a flower, leaf or Christmas tree and cut the middle, then put the stencil into place where the baby smeared the paint and comment with delight "Oh, what a wonderful thing we got a Christmas tree!" After all, the main thing, the mood to create in your creation ๐Ÿ™‚ (an example is attached)

At an older age when the child starts talking, after you depic palms with him or simply anxious sheets, ask the baby, what did it happen to us? Who did we paint? Let the child imagine, maybe he will see a bird, a house, mother)

And when you get acquainted with the paints, you can ask the baby, and what kind of paint do you like most or what color do you have a mood today?

But our creativity))

Finger paints - amazing material for children's creativity. Bright and soft, they help train the imagination of the child and shallow motility, dexterity and spatial thinking, contribute to the formation of proper color and early development of intelligence. To use such material does not require special skills, tools and special paper. All you need is just a desire, a little fantasy and children's handles.

In a variety of finger paints, it is difficult to choose those that are ideal for the baby. However, knowing several significant moments, to understand abundance will not be difficult for those who meet them for the first time.

Finger paints: what is it?

Special composition on a water basis, created using natural coloring pigments. This plastic color mass, which has a pleasant to the touch consistency, is practically not spread over the surface. Even if the baby accidentally turns the jar with the paint, then the risk of falling everything around is minimal. The material dries relatively slowly, so it is easy to eliminate when you get on the table or other items with a soft sponge.

Through the use of finger paints, tactile sensitivity, spatial thinking of a child, fantasy, perfection, petty motorbish, contributing to the development of a kid speech. Drawing helps to study colors, learn the basics of creating new tones and explore the forms of items.

You can use finger paints from six months when the kid shows an active interest in drawing, but insecurely owns a brush or pencil. This gives a significant impetus to strengthening the muscles of the hands and fingers contributing to the increase in the plasticity of motility.

Finger paints: drawing technique

You can draw on simple sheets of paper and watman, to use for this old baby clothes, as well as apply bizarre pictures on a tile in the bathroom. You can do creativity not only with your fingers. Due to the jelly-like consistency, the mass can be applied in several ways:

  • Palm. Lords can create images of birds, animals, plants and flowers - for fantasy a huge space. The kid will be able to make them himself or continue your undertakings, guess your pictures or make you an image. You can also draw feet and even combine with palms. Suitable for this funny classes Big Watman or even a roll of wallpaper. It is enough to disseminate the paper on the floor - and you can begin to merry creativity.
  • Finger. This method is no less exciting, but more complicated for the baby. The child requires coordinated movements. At the same time, it is possible how to independently make prints or apply images to special screen drawings.
  • Stamps and rollers. In kits for creativity may include special prints. With their help it is easy to create drawings, dipping a blank in the paint and imprinting the image on paper.
  • With the help of a sponge For this, sponges are suitable from the kit, but you can use ordinary economic. Large and small sponges can create intricate images on paper, fabric, tile.
  • Stencil. It is suitable for ready blanks that are sold complete with paint, but you can also attantize and create your own unique stencil. And the painting can be made as fingers and sponge.
  • Application "Pasparta". Invite the child to paint the entire sheet of paper in random order, and cut out any image by contour (flowers, fish, butterflies). After that, just impose stencil on the background created by the baby.
  • Body Art. No less delight causes and drawing on the body of crumbs. It can do it independently or with your help, but will surely cause delight.

Features of choosing finger paints

When buying finger paints for a child, you need to consider several important parameters:

  • Age. Non-toxic paints are suitable for kids. Augmented by a bitter component. If the child tastes such a mass, then it will disappear to repeat the attempt.
  • Structure. Be sure to pay attention to the composition, it is allowed only for food dyes and water.
  • Release form. Paint can be plastic mass or to be in the form of a gel, produced in a jar or tube. Most convenient to use gel texture. As for the packaging, the individual preferences are taken into account - in the tube, the paint retains the humidity longer, but for the child it is more convenient to use the jar.
  • Number of colors. For a full-fledged game for a kid, 4-6 tons are quite enough. And already from this basis, the child will be able to create new shades.
  • Volume. For the first time it is worth acquiring medium-sized jars, and then as the kid uses finger paints, you can buy a new set.
  • Quality. When buying, you must pay attention to the color and smell. In the right paint color is close to natural tones, and the aroma is unobtrusive and thin. Too acid shades should alert.
  • Product information. On the package, all product data should be indicated - from the date of production and composition until the manufacturer's full name.


Finger paints for children do not have toxic substances in the composition, they are soft and pleasant to the touch, do not spread, are applied different ways on paper, fabric, body and other surfaces. Perfect not only for the organization of full-fledged classes with a child, but contribute to the development of the fantasy of the baby, spatial thinking, shallow motility, strengthening muscles of fingers and improving coordination. With their help, in the game form of the child it is easy to introduce with flowers, show various forms of objects, as well as teach a lot.

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