
Vedas for single women. Vedas for women: an easy way to powder our brains.

Life outside of everyday life is quite difficult to understand. In order to understand it, you need to continuously develop your spiritual qualities.
The soul for a person is like a core for the Earth. This is the core, which is difficult to reach and comprehend its purpose. We can only assume, draw conclusions based on assumptions and conjectures, but we are not able to encroach on the knowledge of the truth. There are many religions in the human world. The Vedic scriptures are considered one of the oldest. They say that it came to us from the Gods themselves through the wise men who comprehended the truth. In every corner of the planet there is sure to be a group of people who worship Vedic knowledge. There is an opinion that the roots of Vedic culture come not only from the Indian people, but also from the Slavic. Confirmation of this is the records in the scriptures about their arrival from the "White Gods" and many ancient Russian fairy tales, songs and epics that contain the Vedic knowledge of the Slavs.

The connection between the Vedas

The statement that the Russian Vedas are fiction, loudly enough denies the obvious picture. Having studied carefully the Vedic history, one can draw a different conclusion based on the scriptures themselves: for a long time there was one powerful culture, uniting many lands and peoples, including the Russian and Indian. Therefore, the Scriptures given to the Indians do not deny the existence of culture and the concept of "Veda of the Slavs". In the ancient records of the Vedas there are inventories of Russian lands, in the ancient Russian written heritage there are many indicators of the presence of Vedic knowledge in them. A striking example will be "The Book of Veles" and "The Word about Igor's Host". What are the Vedas? Reviews about them are the most positive, and the opportunity to purchase is the advantage of our century.

What they write about Veda

The Indian and Russian Vedas carry the knowledge of the entire universe, the physical laws of the Cosmos and the secrets of the human soul. The history of nations, the structure of building the world and the divine principle - this is the basis of the foundations of the Holy Scriptures. Without this knowledge, a person is predicted to live an unhappy life in a lack of understanding of what is happening and in ignorance (Avidya). Each religion has its own characteristics and similarities with others, but the Vedic culture is one in its own way, having everything in order to make a person happy. The world is built in such a way that the human niche consists of relationships, purpose, fulfillment of it by a man and a woman. People should take care of their smaller brothers, animals. Be in tune with all the elements of nature and do your own true purpose - to be God's governor on Earth. It is difficult to imagine all this well-coordinated work without understanding between a woman and a man. Vedic knowledge for women is aimed at the full opening of the feminine principle, the creation of a worthy rear for a man.

Vedas for women

Man and woman as the elements of Water and Earth, a woman, in the presence of calmness and serenity, brings grace, uplifting and supporting him in all endeavors. Encouraging to feats, it is necessary, like water for the Earth, seeping through the secret springs of the soul and mind of a man, saturates him with love and peace.

A man, in turn, is a powerful getter and a wise ally, motionless in his path. Imagine a picture: a raging earth with volcanoes and earthquakes and water seeping through it, which rises to the height of a tsunami and sprays like waterfalls. This short-lived couple is destroying the world, and not a single generation of humanity will survive here. So with people, a nervous, ignorant woman next to an equally weak man forms the final path of genetic roots. Not fulfilling their destiny and not believing God, the couple destroys by their example human relations, and thereby life on Earth. It is worth considering whether you are an example for other couples? What are you doing to keep your family together? How do you fulfill your purpose from above? The Vedas for women contain wise answers to all questions.

What is purpose in the Vedas?

This word has many meanings. The main thing, of course, is not to violate the laws of nature, to follow the righteous path, to be in harmony with the surrounding world, to serve faithfully to your family and to be a true guardian of the human soul. Vedic knowledge for women will help to comprehend female destiny in the family, work and other spheres of life.

For a man, the purpose has the following meaning: depending on the caste that determines the inner aspiration of a person (brahmanas, kshatriyas, vaisyas, sudras), being a husband, to protect the family from hardships, first of all the wife, and then children, to provide everything necessary for their life, to be a spiritual teacher for wife and children. For your mother, also be a guardian and protector. What should a woman do? From childhood, her father protects her, and after the wedding - her husband. She is trained by her mother to cook well, to keep order in the house, to raise children correctly, and to fulfill marital duties with dignity. Vedic treatises say that the best wife for a husband is the one who faithfully serves him. But this does not mean that she is in slavery. No, on the contrary, this wife is so wise that, without unnecessary requests, she performs all the affairs necessary for the convenient and favorable development of a man. Such a wife is truly wise and prudent.

Duties of a woman (Vedas of the Slavs)

There are a number of factors that determine the wisdom and perfection of a woman in a family. If she possesses all of them ideally, then happiness always accompanies her.

1. Take care of your husband like a child

From her youth, the girl is taught everything and concepts. She is taken care of by her mother, father, brothers. In turn, a girl who has become a wife shows care and attention towards her husband. This attitude should be reverent and thrifty, as to your child. Why is it so? Notice how many selfish women are around, how they treat their chosen ones. Is it in true love is there self-interest? Today's wives are not good companions for men. A woman is by nature kind and generous. This also applies to love, she gives her beloved all of herself, without asking for anything in return. This is sincere and lasting love.

2. Strong support

In order for a man next to a woman to constantly grow and develop spiritually and physically, she takes on all the household work and difficulties. Fulfilling them faithfully, as a servant of his teacher, provides a full opportunity for her husband to develop. Thus, she lays on her shoulders a part for her husband is simply necessary, like a boat to cross the ocean of life.

3. Unbreakable and unshakable in its purpose

Imagine an unbalanced, hot-tempered, capricious woman next to a spiritually developed man. What do you think of this pair? Next to such a woman, a man will not only be unable to comprehend the basics of his mission in the world, but he himself will turn into effeminacy. Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman to maintain calm and peace in the family. Unwaveringly follow the path of your destiny. Vedic knowledge for a woman is of particular importance, not a single religion tells about how we behave in the most domestic conditions and how to become a wise companion.

For the husband, the spiritual master, the wife is the disciple. For the teachings to proceed correctly and to have a good result, there must be a prudent and judicious student with a wise mentor. She will absorb like a sponge all the correct knowledge and later become a worthy advisor and friend to a man. Which is also important in a strong relationship.

5. Beautiful only for her husband

In our time, girls and women succumb to the wind of fashion, forgetting, or even not knowing at all about the beauty of women. Fashion evokes the image of fornication and promiscuity. Is it decent to bare the body for all to see? The picture of life is this: in her house, a wife in curlers and a greasy robe, and somewhere for festive table in makeup and luxurious hair. Everything is clear here, since the husband - then let him endure, and at a party, let everyone admire. Such wives are not only stupid, but also dissolute. But really loving woman beautiful only for her husband, for the rest of the males she is inaccessible in her outward appearance. Long hair has always been a sign of beauty and wisdom, in public places covered with a scarf or other headdress. Now we see short-haired women more often than beauties with a braid to the toes. This speaks of the fall in the morality of the female sex. Long and well-groomed hair in all ages was and is a sign of a knowledgeable, prudent woman.

6. Knowledge about convergence from husband

To conceive full-fledged offspring, a woman should know about all the intricacies of getting closer to her husband. The main point in the realization of the human destiny is to transfer the father's knowledge to the heirs. Therefore, particular importance is attached to intimate relationships.

Tricks of the Vedic Women

The secrets of Vedic knowledge for women are mainly aimed at making her happy. The happier the woman, the happier the family relationships and the happier the children. Here are a few points that transform Vedic knowledge for women into the secrets of happiness, well-being, harmony with nature:

  • An impeccable appearance, from beautiful lush youthful skin to silky, thick hair. The signs of internal health are pronounced in appearance.
  • Proper nutrition, the ability to cook deliciously. Provides beauty, youth and health to all family members thanks to a knowledgeable hostess.
  • Discovering healing skills in yourself. This gift is given to every woman by nature, and the possession of it makes a woman truly happy.
  • Peace and harmony in a relationship with a man. And this is a wise upbringing of children, a benevolent attitude towards her husband, the presence of passion between a man and a woman.

The Vedic woman is the one who knows!According to the Vedas, female energy or Shakti is the basis of the entire Universe. It is the creative feminine principle that gives the man those forces that direct him to feats and achievements.

The wife embodies the best qualities of a husband. The Vedas say that the feminine principle carries many opulences. If a man achieves something in life, then first of all, for this he owes his faithful wife.

The physical body can endure hunger for a very long time and calmly return to nutrition without any disruption. But the subtle body cannot. Every day he needs certain states and, if they are not given to him, then we begin to emotionally wear out, become twitchy, nervous, irritable.

There is a Goddess in every woman. And sometimes - not even one. A huge amount of energy and emotions are constantly growing and developing in us, forming and losing their strength.

One has only to listen to your body, to your Heart - and you will understand, feel this mix of various impulses.

Every woman from childhood should know that the outside influences the inside, and the inside can transform the outside. That clothes, hair, jewelry and makeup can transform her inner state. And smells, colors and sounds literally fill her mental "body" with information, creating reactions and emotions. It is important to know how to cook not only tasty and healthy food, but food that can heal, cleanse the mind and heart. It is important to know about the structure of the female psyche, its features. It is important to see not only with your eyes, but with your heart and mind.

These are the qualities that Women possessed in Vedic times. And every modern woman can have this!

Sometimes it is so difficult to get rid of an already spoiled mood, you mentally try to tune yourself, say some words to yourself, calm down, but the mood still remains lousy. How to get out of this state?

Female magic is not only about being attractive and attractive. And also in a woman's ability to influence the world around her through energy and inner desire. "What a woman wants, God wants."

The magic of a woman, her ability to influence the world around her with her inner desire, is associated with the element of the Earth. The earth will give birth and nurture, give life and multiply. She herself creates everything out of nothing, everything comes out of her. She creates beauty by herself appearing to her.

From time immemorial, the circle was considered the personification of the feminine principle, and the line - masculine, in numerology, zero is considered a symbol of a woman (this is also a kind of circle), a unit is a man. And it is no coincidence that these symbols have such meanings.

Feminine nature can be comprehended endlessly, discover it in new events, phenomena, people, open it in oneself through the whole world around it, fill and empty it, allow some of its facets to be born, and somehow fade away.

When a woman has a lot of artificiality, men feel it very strongly, and they are repulsed by falsehood. After all, men are also "not bastard", they perfectly feel the energy, especially if they are looking for a woman for relationships, for intimacy, and such a number of "artificialities" in a woman is perceived as a lie.

A woman should NOT starve, get up too early, pour cold water. But women mostly do it because it's easier for them. But such austerities, masculine, coarse a woman's heart.

Women's austerities are associated with women's life: to love, take care, feed the hungry. Donate, give something from home. Women's austerities cleanse the family. Then the woman becomes happy in life.

From time immemorial, women have been engaged in constructive creativity, which helped to calm the mind, direct it in a good direction, improve these very relationships, and support a man in his development.

It often happens that after getting married (or entering into a serious relationship), a woman concentrates on the man, "all thoughts are about him and about him." Meetings with girlfriends boil down to discussing relationships with a man, hobbies and hobbies are often pushed back or disappear altogether, and interest in work is lost. A woman thinks about him, about their relationship and what they will result in or what their future will be. All feminine power, all her mental flow is directed towards a man.

Think how much time we spend every time we leave the house on hair, makeup and a well-chosen set of clothes in order to please ourselves and others. Why do we so often forget about this at home in front of our closest relatives and friends?

Women's health - women's happiness, beauty and harmony originate from it. A healthy woman is a woman filled with energy, radiating light and warmth, attracting goodness, abundance and love into her life.
1. Healthy food: include sweets, milk and vegetables.
The nature of a woman, according to Vedic knowledge, is very different from the nature of a man. We must live in harmony with our feminine essence, only then can we find true happiness.

What should a woman eat? You need to include sweets in your diet. Sweet food normalizes the hormonal system of a woman, improves her mood, well-being and gives a sense of satisfaction... This does not mean at all that you need to constantly eat fatty cakes and chocolate. Food can be sweet but healthy. Eat bananas, raisins, Ayurvedic sweets. And remember: for sweet food to strengthen the health of a woman, it must be taken in the morning.
Women should also eat more dairy products, as they are strongly associated with the energy of the moon, which gives us energy and maintains healthy hormones. Vegetables also have powerful feminine energy, so they just need to be included in your diet.
But flour and meat are best used to a minimum. Meat should be completely eliminated from consumption. It creates the energy of violence, murder and aggression, which is contrary to the soft female nature.
Thus, in order to follow her nature, be healthy and develop feminine qualities in herself, a woman needs to eat more vegetables, dairy and sugary foods.
2. The right time to sleep.
It is now customary to go to bed late, but it is in the first half of the night (until about half past twelve) that female hormones are produced when the moon rises. So go to sleep better no later than 22.00, or better - at 21.00. If the body will sleep from now on, over time, worries will go away from your mind, you will find peace, tranquility, inner balance, you will stop being nervous and will be able to do more. It is better to get up before 6 in the morning.
3. Woman's clothes: skirts or pants?
Many women today wear jeans. Here it is necessary to talk about the flow of energy in the body: where it is squeezed, energy stagnates, and where it is free, it leaves. In men, the energy in the body goes up, which develops activity, will, activity in it. Therefore, for men, trousers and a loose top are a natural form of clothing.

For women, the opposite is true. The top should be covered, and the bottom should be loose. Our energy goes down, and this downstream is associated with fertility. Therefore, the legs must be closed, but not pulled together. Women's beauty depends on the fullness of female hormones: if their level decreases, health and beauty also go away. Therefore, a woman should take care of her hormonal system and wear the right clothes.
4. Correct attitude to work
A serious cause of a woman's health problems lies in her education and attitude to work. By nature, the female psyche is created for love: a woman's mission is to love, take care, create an atmosphere of warmth and happiness... Family health requires 70% of female energy. A woman forms the harmony of family life.
Modern education has little to do with family and family values. It allows you to be active and businesslike in society and live "like a man." As a result, the psyche becomes tense, hormonal functions are upset, chronic depression appears, as a woman lives in contradiction with her true nature. There is no real happiness in life, where the main thing is career.
5. Habitat: home or society?
A man is healthy when he is active and achieves goals, and a woman when she is emotionally satisfied. Excessive presence in public, in public places wastes our strength, while at home we draw these strengths. Therefore, the natural environment for women is home, and for men - society. A man who spends too much time in the family becomes unhappy, and a woman who lives in a family and family becomes happy and healthy.
A woman feels good when she spends most of her time in her home. She needs to walk barefoot, receiving energy from the Earth, look at the sun, listen to birds singing, and take care of her garden. So she lives in harmony with nature and becomes healthy and benevolent.
6. Taking care of your loved ones and yourself
The purpose of a woman is to decorate the world with beauty. The female energy must find a way out. Idle existence and idleness have not yet brought happiness to anyone. Therefore, you need to direct your efforts to caring for your loved ones and yourself. A woman's vocation is to give warmth, give love and affection. Cooking with love, washing with love, cleaning with love - this brings true happiness. When a woman takes care of a man, he has the energy for growth and development, and his career goes uphill.
In addition, it is important to monitor your internal and external condition. A woman should feel like a flower, beautiful, perfect, loved. A man feels it and always goes home with inspiration and joy.
7. Developing feminine qualities
Many women lack feminine strength. It is in our nature to be caring, kind and gentle. But at work, these qualities do not develop. Therefore, we must learn to think, dress and treat people like a woman. Then personal life will begin to improve, because men value us not for the ability to earn money and lead, but for the ability to be sensitive, fragile, affectionate, obedient. The Wife is the embodiment of the Husband's best qualities.
When a woman is born, she is initially at level 7. A girl is like a battery, charged immediately, she immediately has all the purity and all good qualities of character, and only as a result of improper upbringing does she begin to lose them. Any girl always starts from level 7, but when others see this, they help her to descend from heaven and become easier (first of all, mothers). "So that she was ready for life, so that she would not be disappointed later."
True ladies are born, but then degrade if there is no true support and guardianship.
Men are born on the 1st level, and then all their life they rise upward. A man is helped in this either by a mentor or by a woman whom he loves - if she remains at the seventh level. The whole life of a man is to climb the fire escape to the 7th floor. If the woman is lower and there is no need to climb too much, the man is happy that he does not need to work much, but then the attachment is not great.
But not for the sake of every woman a man will climb to such a height, since this is a very difficult path - it's like climbing a rope ladder to a TV tower.
According to the Vedas, the Wife is the embodiment of the best qualities of the Husband.
The feminine principle carries many wealth. If a man achieves something in life, then first of all, for this he owes his faithful wife.
The presence of a godly woman brings the following to her husband:
- glory;
- good luck;
- graceful speech;
- memory;
- prudence, reason;
- purposefulness;
- patience.
Moreover, these qualities appear in the husband even if they were not, and increase in the described sequence.

Men and women are of different natures. According to Vedic knowledge, a man's nature is solar, a woman's is lunar. The sun is the giving planet, the moon is the receiving planet. The moon shines with reflected light, it receives the light of the sun and then reflects. The light of the moon is softer. A woman can accept from a man both gifts, compliments, care, and instructions, severity; her feminine nature is in acceptance.
It is difficult for the sun to accept anything, because it itself is a source, light emanates from it and is directed outward. The moon takes light outside and directs it inward. The woman is a cup that strives to fill, the man is a vessel that fills this cup. This can be seen even physiologically. Men do not like when they are given instructions, they are not able to accept them, but they themselves are very fond of giving instructions, this is their nature, and they love when these instructions are accepted with gratitude.
But modern women do not know how to receive, and therefore men have forgotten how to give. Women complain that men do not care about them, they earn little, but this is only because women got into the male sphere, assumed male responsibilities, began to provide for the family, give instructions, and patronize. Women have become teapots, and men have become bowls, but this situation is ineffective ... A woman is more connected with relationships, so it is easier for her to change. You need to allow a man to dominate his environment, and gracefully accept what he is able to give. Asceticism of a woman
Women often undergo male austerities: they starve, stand in an icy shower, get up early in the morning. It is easier for a woman to perform male austerities. For a man it is harder, for a woman it is easier. But these austerities she doesn't need, they make her heart even more rough.
A woman's asceticism consists in smiling at her husband. This is a real austerity. Because how does a man's psyche work? If he sees something bad, he does it, he sees it very well, but continues to do bad, because he is stubborn in his actions.
And a woman is stubborn in her mood. She doesn't want to change her mood because he misbehaves. It turns out to be a vicious circle. Someone should be the first to start changing it. A man should stop behaving badly by an effort of will, and a woman should by an effort of will begin to smile. And so the vicious circle changes everyone should start with himself.
But a woman should never demand love from a man, and a man should never demand respect for himself. Because, in fact, a woman naturally respects her husband, if he treats her like a human being, it comes naturally.
Women's asceticism is aimed at shaping character, while men's is associated with deprivation.
Women's asceticism is to wash with love, not just to wash, but with love; not just cook, but with love, disinterested, not greedy.
Learning to bless: the husband went to work - to bless him: so that everything would be good for you ... The child went for a walk - the same thing. Women's austerities are associated with women's life: to love, take care of, feed the hungry ... Donate, give something from home.
Women's austerities cleanse the family. Then the woman becomes happy in life. The true beauty of a woman
Recently, a lot of information has appeared about what the beauty of a woman is. Just a sea of \u200b\u200binformation on how to take care of yourself, your body, your skin, your hair. There are articles detailing hand care, different types of facial skin care, with various mask recipes, and so on. There is even more different information on bookshelves and on the Internet about fashion and clothing, about new trends and directions.
But, despite all this wonderful and useful information, at some point you realize that the essence is still hidden in something else.

Do not think, I am not going to say that you do not need to take care of yourself, you do not need to buy beautiful things, etc. It is necessary, even as it is needed. And most importantly, not just take care of yourself, but get real pleasure from it. But we are not talking about that now.
We are now talking about what really makes a woman not just a woman, but a WOMAN, who attracts and attracts the eyes of both men and women.
We are now talking about what comes first and what comes next?
Look, even if you spend the whole day in beauty salons, make yourself a fashionable hairstyle, dress in beautiful clothes, but at the same time you will be bored, or you will be constantly unhappy with everything, including your well-groomed appearance, unless this will make you more beautiful and attractive ? Would discontent and boredom on your face make you more attractive and interesting to the opposite sex? Is it interesting and easy to communicate with a person who is unhappy with everything, who never smiles? Or, if you are not confident enough in yourself and in your attractiveness, consider yourself "ugly, uninteresting, stupid" and so on, can you hide these negative beliefs with clothes and makeup?
Sometimes we attach too much importance to appearance, without realizing that the people around us primarily capture our inner, energetic mood.

If we are confident in ourselves, if we know that whatever happens, we will overcome and solve any difficulties and problems, if we know that we are a beautiful, interesting and attractive woman, then we deliberately radiate calmness and a certain inner light ... When we are confident in ourselves, we behave calmly in any, even in a very difficult situation. And this calmness gives us more beauty than even the most fashionable and expensive mascara on a woman who screams something in hysterics and waves her arms at the same time.
If we know our worth, we know how to respect our uniqueness and our needs, then we will not worry about the fact that this season we did not update our wardrobe, or that we slept at work in the morning and instead of a hairstyle with a hairdryer, our hair was simply pulled into tail. By the way, a very beautiful tail turned out and at the same time opened our high forehead, and emphasized the depth and expressiveness of our eyes.
If we are interested in living, if we constantly realize and fulfill our desires and goals, we feel inner strength and vital energy... At the same time, our eyes emit a certain light, we ourselves are like a small sun, in the rays of which the people around us want to bask.
If we lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor our diet and weight, get enough sleep and know how to rest, then our skin and our entire body will radiate health and beauty. After all, if you constantly eat sweet, fried and flour foods, then no creams and no clothes will help us hide excess weight, or pimples on the skin that appear after eating chocolates, buns and cakes.
If we adhere to certain life principles, if we have integrity and a desire for self-development, for inner growth, if we are always looking for the cause of what is happening in ourselves, we change our erroneous beliefs and suggestions instilled in us from childhood - we grow up, infantilism leaves us and irresponsibility, we become successful and happy. And we begin to radiate real, true beauty.
But now that we have put self-confidence, internal growth, working out negative beliefs, a healthy lifestyle and the realization of our goals in the first place, now we can start external self-care. In this case fashion trends, advertised clothes and promoted brands will not be able to take us away from our true, the real essence... In this case, they will only emphasize our beauty, individuality and sophistication. In this case, taking care of ourselves, we will feel that we are already a beautiful, perfect woman, and taking care of ourselves is just one of the thousand moments that we have in our life. But it is in no way the main goal of life. Yes, we will learn to get real pleasure and enjoyment from everything, but at the same time understand what is the main thing, and there is the secondary.

Slavic Vedas.


In Vedic culture, women have always been very revered. It all started with the birth of a girl. In Sanskrit, "deva" means divine. It was believed that a girl is born already perfect, and her most important task is to maintain her purity. At the same time, girls are initially by their nature much closer to God than boys - because they are woven from service.
And from the very birth they try to serve, help absolutely disinterestedly. It is in service that a woman is destined.

In all traditional cultures it was, but somewhere else it is.

There are even several facts about the feminine nature described in the Vedas:
A woman's feelings are 6 times stronger than a man's
A woman's mind is 9 times stronger than a man's
A woman is made of service - she always wants to help someone
The girl has tremendous strength - the power of chastity, capable of withstanding all kinds of evil eyes
Woman gives life to children
This does not mean that women are better than men. This means that we have been given the abilities we need to fulfill our role. A man does not need such a force of emotions - he then on the hunt can make a fatal mistake because of excitement. Also, he does not need such a depth of reason - then he will doubt all the time.
And for a woman in her initial duties, these qualities are very important. Emotions help her raise children and decorate herself and the house. A deep mind helps to find an approach to a man's heart. And so on.
Now, things are far from being so favorable for women. As well as for men.
The word "woman" has been almost an insult lately. Most of all, mothers are afraid that their daughters will become simply wives and mothers. Everywhere we meet the condescending "well, what to take from you, you're a woman." When hiring, many bosses choose to hire only men. And so on.
This creates a storm of protest in us, and we are fighting for our rights. Only we ourselves do not understand what rights we need.
Does not happy woman working 10 hours a day, and the right to vote did not bring happiness either. The right not to have children, not to get married, not to do housework. All this women sought to prove something to men. But somehow this does not make women happy.
And men can hardly be called happy either. After all, now in order to be the head of the house, they have to fight not only with the outside world, but also with their own wife. Fight her and prove that he is more important and better. It is difficult and there are never any winners in this fight. In any case, both lose.

What are the reasons for this state of affairs? And what really makes women happy?
A woman is born already perfect
Remember little girls - they are absolutely disinterestedly feeding toys and teaching dolls the alphabet. They play at mummies, teachers, doctors - their whole childish being is permeated with the idea of \u200b\u200bservice. They are very affectionate and give a lot of love. They have a very rich imagination, they easily converge with people. At the same time, they are very spontaneous and pure. And they are happy. Until a certain age, until they begin to educate and prepare them for the fact that the world is an ocean of pain in which to survive.
In ancient times, everyone understood that a girl is born perfect. They did not try to alter it or somehow polish it. She was taught to accept her feminine nature. They were praised a lot, even pampered. At the same time, they developed their natural talents. They dressed up, made a lot of compliments. And so the girls learned to maintain their self-esteem.
Things are different now. Women do not understand their original completeness, so they are constantly trying to develop something in themselves, working on themselves like a man. They set goals, plans, tasks and go to them, training purposefulness, willpower, determination. Qualities that are essentially masculine.
And it all starts in childhood. When, instead of praising and pampering her daughter, her mother makes her learn math. When her inept household help is judged by severity. “I washed the floor with stains. The cup is all greasy. And she broke the plate at all "
So from childhood we absorb the idea that we are imperfect. That you'd better be born a boy. That it would be better if you weren't born at all. That you're in trouble. That you have a lot to learn. And most importantly, you have to remake yourself at any cost.

And that's how we go out into the world. You have to be smart and read a lot of smart books. Better yet, defend your PhD in Quantum Mechanics. You need to be strong and determined. Realize in business. You have to be tough and sometimes brutal. You need to go over the head and manipulate men, because they only bring pain.
And our original essence goes somewhere. We now have a generation of women who don't like to cook. Who do not dance, do not sing, do not like children. But on the other hand, they build a business well and earn money. Are they happy with this?
I really liked the film "The Family Man" on this topic with Nicolas Cage. It is not about a woman, but about a man. And it is very clearly seen that having made the wrong choice once, we can find ourselves on the top of the mountain alone. And that doesn't sound like happiness at all.
This is my story too, for me the path of returning to femininity is very long and difficult. But only he gives me real happiness.
Two kinks in a woman's life
Very often we strive somewhere, climb the stairs, but when we climb to the very top, we understand that the stairs are set against the wrong wall. So is female development. If we develop, work on ourselves, then sooner or later we will get the result. But if our staircase is against the wrong wall, this result will only bring pain and disappointment.
A girl being raised as a boy has two main paths. Someone becomes a "man". Develops masculine qualities of character, achieves goals and sooner or later comes to the idea of \u200b\u200bemancipation. That men are worthless creatures, they do everything worse and there is no need for them.
And the second inflection is when a woman gives up. She does not want to live like a man, but she also cannot live as a woman. And then she becomes a victim. The victim of an alcoholic husband. A victim of domestic violence. A victim of their parents, girlfriends. She has no self-esteem - he was so crushed in childhood.

Both are kinks. Both have one reason. Misunderstanding of your true essence and your nature. Women cannot be better or worse than men. We are just different, we each have their own functions and tasks.
The Lord created us as Women and gave us a valuable gift. But for some reason we do not consider it valuable and treat it at random. We'll either push it into the far corner, or even break it altogether. After all, we can realize our unique features only when we follow our path.
Imagine that you have a boat and you are sitting in it. And if you swim in it along the river, then you move very quickly. And if you decided to go your own way - and left it on land? You have several options - to sit in it and continue to row - then you will move slowly. You can go on foot and load the boat on your back - then it's hard and inconvenient. Or you can throw it away and go where you want.
Likewise, a woman walking the masculine path will feel unhappy all the time. After all, everything that is in it very harmoniously could be used elsewhere.
And if we can throw the boat away, then our nature cannot. You can, of course, have an operation and change your sex - but even that won't make us men. You will still need constant hormones.
But there is also a third option. Even if we were brought up incorrectly, even if we were not praised or pampered, but, on the contrary, were hammered and criticized, we have a choice. And the choice is to realize your nature and begin to follow it.
Woman who Woman
As soon as we remember our female destiny, our nature, the world changes. When we develop self-esteem (but not arrogance!), People treat us differently.
And we can no longer treat ourselves as recyclable materials. Then we choose those with whom we communicate. And those we marry. Then we are able to set boundaries for our loved ones so that they do not sit on our heads. And only then can we give something to this world.

What can we give? The most valuable thing is yourself.
A woman with dignity is capable of being happy. And this happiness, like a magnet, attracts people to her. Wonderful men come into her life, because they like to be close to such a sun. She has girlfriends and friends - after all, she has something to share with people. Children bloom next to such a mother - they see that adult life is full of happiness and love.
You want to make such a woman even happier than she is. Because she already knows how to be happy. And even if a man fails to make her even happier, she will in any case remain happy! A win-win lottery that is impossible not to play.
Such a woman is able to make happy those who are with her. When you are full, it is easy for you to share happiness - because you have a lot of it.
One has only to take your heavy boat, take it off your shoulders and immerse it in the river, and the river itself will carry you towards Love and Happiness.
And it all starts at the point when you realize that you were born already perfect. And all you need is to remember how it was. Her destiny is the destiny of a Woman!

Text: Elena Nizeenko

Rules like "being a man" and "being a woman" lie in wait for us everywhere, from to the bestseller "" or the course "Wife-director", which promises to teach for 9 thousand rubles, "how to walk, sit, sit down" and "become for the husband the cause of great victories and achievements." After all, as he believes course author (and not only him), "being married is perhaps the most important position in a woman's life."

Women themselves speak about the idea of \u200b\u200bsome special “female destiny” and “following their female nature, given from above”, referring to millennial traditions - not only Slavic, but also Hindu. Let's figure out where the concept of "Vedic woman" came from, why it is so in demand and how they are trying to drive us into a comfortable framework from all sides.

"Femininity", both aggressive and "domesticated" - a successful market product

The idea is not new: in patriarchal discourses, the life of a woman is presented as a derivative form from the life of a man, and her existence is regulated by all kinds of "institutions of noble maidens." In fact, this is always an educational program - a set of rules necessary to complete the practice. So, in the nineties, Russian bookshelves were flooded with literature about a bitch woman: why it is useful for her to be and how to become. At the same time, consonant trainings came into vogue: it turned out that "femininity", both aggressive and "domesticated", is a successful market product.

Vedic authors have settled in the same commercialized niche: Vedic texts are sold, festivals (for example, “ Goodness »), Seminars and trainings. The ideologists of the movement act on the territory of psychology, most often without having the appropriate education - this is, first of all, "an expert in astrology and psychology of interpersonal relations" Ruslan Narushevich , dermatovenerologist and reflexologist Oleg Torsunov and his follower who is skeptical about academic education for women, Olga Valyaeva (“I’m not a psychologist. Once I was embarrassed by this. ). A similar niche, although clearly distancing itself from the Vedic teachers, is occupied by the "female coach" Denis Baiguzhin - a specialist in “giving women in marriage”. Differences in details do not change the basic principle: they all construct a certain model of femininity, earn money by broadcasting it and gaining supporters who disseminate "knowledge" for free.

One of the markers of a “real” woman, whose image is promoted by all ideologues and admirers of “true femininity,” is a married status or a desire to get closer to it. A wife and a woman are synonymous in this concept. The tags here are “serving a man” and “feminine destiny”, for the fulfillment of which it is necessary to adhere to both certain behavioral norms and standards of appearance: “In bed, men love round and beautiful shapes. The waist should definitely be narrow ”,“ A woman should dress for her husband and the way he likes ”. A separate, obligatory item of the dress code is skirts, the wearing of which is endowed with sacred and even healing power, the main thing is “not too short” in order to “accumulate” some “energy”.

A woman who obeys the precepts
life is promised
in harmony and happiness

The result is a retrograde, anti-scientific and crippling psychological state, but under certain conditions, a catchy image - after all, a woman who observes the instructions is promised life in harmony and happiness. In fact, she is offered a model of femininity - understandable, accessible, specific and deadly narrow. The main technique that "experts" work with is dividing the world into "masculine" and "feminine" and looking at relationships and the world as a whole exclusively from this perspective. Every action and deed becomes a part of (not) true femininity and masculinity.

As the ideologists of the trend themselves emphasize, they adapt Vedic knowledge to modern realities - and in this “adapted” form it spreads to the masses. The source of knowledge can inspire confidence with its antiquity and authority, but in this course there is an elegant substitution: as a fact, information is presented that does not have direct and accessible links to the Vedas, but endlessly appeals to them. No one provides a convincing evidence base, and it is not needed when there is persuasive rhetoric and the brightness of metaphors: “Let's start with the fact that the main purpose of a woman is to accumulate energy. This is stated in all ancient scriptures in different languages \u200b\u200band in different words. This energy is meant to make the world a better place. By the hands of a man. "

The exploitation of the image of a Vedic woman uses patriotic, esoteric and psychological references to reinforce the main idea: a woman's success lies only in the plane of relationships, and her main task is to "give herself to her husband" and fulfill a "female destiny" (up to the need to become pregnant no later than through five years after marriage).

Not surprisingly, much of the advice on how to be the right woman focuses on taking enough time to keep your home cozy and in a good mood. The first order of the Vedic wife is to follow the husband. The list of qualities that she must possess varies. Some talk about a dozen dogmas, others go further and offer sixty-four points - from the ability to arouse a husband, fall asleep after him and sleep in any position to the ability to solve dreams and interpret omens. The difference between such lists is perhaps in the degree of detail, but the general tone is the same.

For the visitors of this ideology, strength, power and resources are concentrated
in the hands of men

Supporters of Vedic knowledge propose to describe this knowledge system as ideal for those "who are tired of endless rush, deadlines and feminism." In general, feminism gets from the Vedic followers as an aggressive and killing femininity at the root of the model. Instead, a confident border is drawn between women's and men's rights, opportunities, and norms. Equality in such a concept cannot and should not exist.

The danger is also that these ideas are supported and disseminated by women themselves. On the online platforms dedicated to Vedic femininity, a cozy space of trust and warmth is created, the "women's circle", understanding people support, tell that problems can be solved. And then there is direct instruction. For example, that it is best to be friends only with women, and married (their energy is the most correct), it is dangerous to be friends with men (this is an energetic betrayal of her husband), you should not hit your career (this kills female energy) and further on. Attached to this is the habitual, not at all Vedic desire to teach others, what they bale us with kindergarten: "And put on a slightly different expression - the wrinkles on your forehead do not paint you at all."

The trap is that frankly archaic, baseless and pseudoscientific instructions and guidelines are interspersed with seemingly reasonable ideas. To monitor your diet, engage in physical activity and please yourself with massage - why not? Another thing is that self-care should not be imputed to women as an obligatory part of their identity and a way to serve men. In essence, this is a call to deprive yourself of autonomy. In this concept, a woman has no right to exist as an independent unit and is obliged to present herself to society, first of all to men: “The ability to remain a girl is very important. Immediate, sweet, funny, sometimes funny. Think of a lady of about five years old - and you will understand which women are successful. " The common place for these communities is that they are taught to exploit a certain form of femininity to get certain results from a man.

Danger awaits at the moment of loss of critical thinking

As with sectarianism, the threat to fly into something like this at full speed is the higher, the higher the vulnerability: after parting, moving to another city, because of the experience of violence or betrayal. Danger awaits at the moment of loss of critical thinking, which is facilitated by an unstable psychological state, an emotional hole or depression. If a woman shares at least part of the attitudes of a patriarchal society, then she can solidarize with him, especially at a time of crisis in personal relationships or suffering from their absence. Add to this the endless dumb question “When will you get married?”, Which each of us has to face at least once in our life (and if we are lucky).

The bait in this case is the promise of harmonious relationships and full self-realization. And to clear " useful tips"A tempting moment of" magical "thinking is added. To simplify, one of the fundamental ideas of Vedic femininity sounds like "give up emancipation, put on a skirt - and troubles will go away." This trick allows you to temporarily distance yourself from problem solving. The danger is that they do not disappear anywhere and then catch up in tenfold volume. And the Vedic femininity itself turns into a cage, and it takes a lot of energy to get out of it. It is symptomatic that many survivors of the "Vedic" experience subsequently seriously think about the rights of women.

The main catch is that for adherents of this ideology, strength, power and resources are concentrated in the hands of exclusively men. And the task of women, using the levers of "female" influence, is to get some of these benefits from men's hands. This concept is flawed in its very foundation - women are encouraged not only to come to terms with the position of the oppressed, but also to enjoy it, to use all its “bonuses”, being subsidized by a man and carefully honing certain skills of subjugation and seduction.

The danger of the Vedic paradigm relationship is that it tacitly approves of total inequality in relationships. A man and a woman are invited to prove their "masculinity" and "femininity" within the framework of the proposed strategies, which in turn becomes fertile ground for a wide variety of problems: the woman's financial and psychological dependence in such relationships, emotional burnout and neuroses. The multidimensionality of human identities, partnerships, personal interests - all this is out of focus. how sings Sati Casanova, “don't be smart - you need to keep love in your heart”.

In the wake of the current conservative turn in the Russian-speaking space, the Vedic concept looks organic. It meets the necessary patriarchal conditions: it preserves and fixes the gender gap, maintains a heteronormative matrix, concentrates on unified “dogmas” in relationships, and clearly draws the line between norm and abnormality. Fortunately, this is also her weakness at the same time.

Bloggers, representatives of the fem community, members of social networks, survivors talk about the negative effects of Vedic femininity. personal experience diving. For example, Evgenia Zadrutskaya is actively involved in this problem, who describes in detail and reflexively her experience of falling into the trap of Vedic femininity and then getting rid of it. Evgenia published an article where she tells her story in detail and with links and in turn conducts trainings for women who have faced the traumatic consequences of the "Vedic" experience.

A large public VKontakte is also devoted to this topic.

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