
What to do if you ate a lot of sweets. What to do if you eat too much sweets. Why You Can't Eat Sweets Why You Can't Eat Too Much Sweet Food

Of course, you can't do without a sweet treat - it contains carbohydrates that are vital for the body to function properly. Our cells are entirely dependent on the regular intake of carbohydrates into the body, because they provide energy boost. In addition, sugar contributes to the production of serotonin - the "hormone of happiness". But if a sweet tooth turns into an addiction, serious health problems can arise.

Recently, scientists have managed to find out a lot of new things about the dangers of sweet foods.

Side effects of the "sweet life":


A recent study from Harvard University found that eating a lot of sweets affects testosterone and estrogen production.

Sugars increase the level of lipids produced by the liver, and they in turn decrease the level of a special protein, SHBG. It is SHBG that is responsible for the balance between testosterone and estrogen levels in the blood, a deficiency of which can subsequently lead to the development of infertility.


Ladies who cannot deny themselves a piece of cake or chocolate are more likely to suffer from thrush (urogenital candidiasis). Thrush is known to be caused by fungi from the genus Candida. They live in almost every person, but the disease occurs only when there are too many of them.

Most often this happens while taking antibiotics, but food rich in carbohydrates, that is, sweets, can also provoke increased activity of fungi.

Bowel cancer

American scientists also warn that cancer is one of the unfortunate consequences of addiction to sweets. Eating a lot of sweet flour products causes the pancreas to produce insulin vigorously - this can provoke the formation malignant tumors in the intestines. This conclusion was made by doctors on the basis of observation of several thousand women.

Sweets are bad for the brain

Specialists are especially concerned about the possible harmful effects of sweets on the human brain. Spanish experts say that sugar has a negative effect on the brain.

Scientists have studied a rare hereditary disease in mice - Laforte syndrome. In this disease, glycogen begins to be deposited in the brain cells. As a result, epileptic seizures, movement disorders and dementia develop.

So that glycogen is not "deposited" in the cells of the brain, 2 types of a special protein are produced in the body. A specific gene is responsible for each of these proteins. In case of damage to one of the genes, Lafor's syndrome develops.

Sugar and mental ability

Scientists from California State University also came to interesting conclusions during the study. They conducted tests in 803 boarding schools and 9 juvenile colonies. Sugar and sweets were removed from the diet of these children, and they were replaced with vegetables and fruits.

The results were striking: children's scores increased by an average of 1 point on a 5-point system, and 50% of all mentally retarded children were considered healthy.

Life expectancy is shrinking

Scientists from Germany are also interested in the pros and cons of sugar for health. They found that glucose can significantly shorten a person's life - on average by 25% (this is equivalent to about 15 years of a person's life). Later, the conclusions of German scientists were confirmed by American researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Research in California.

Danger to pregnant women

Another danger associated with the consumption of sweets: an excess of carbohydrates in the diet of pregnant women can provoke allergic reactions in children and increase their risk of developing diseases of the nervous system.

Sugar substitutes

Some people, in search of the best alternative to sugar, begin to use sugar substitutes - they are not so high in calories, and in terms of taste, they differ little from the "original". Some of the most common sugar substitutes include saccharin, suclamate, aspartame, xylitol, and sorbitol.

However, even these substances can be harmful to health, if the measure is not followed. For example, saccharin (available in 40 mg tablets) in large doses can contribute to the formation of malignant tumors - it is recommended to use it no more than 4 tablets per day. TO side effects Suclamate and aspartame are allergic, while xylitol and sorbitol have choleretic and laxative effects.

British experts recently came to disappointing conclusions regarding sorbitol. They have shown that the sugar substitute sorbitol (E420) can cause intestinal upset, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Sorbitol is used especially in large quantities in the production of chewing gum, and is also included in some toothpastes.

What to do for a sweet tooth who is unable to give up their favorite delicacies? For such people, the most important rule is to know when to stop! After all, all these dire consequences arise only in the case of the abuse of sweet foods.

But if you still feel that you cannot refuse another piece of cake or pastry, try following these nutritionist tips:

Replace sugar with honey and dried fruits

Limit your glucose intake and switch to "natural" sweeteners: fructose or lactulose (they are found in large quantities in fruits)

Try drinking tea without sugar, and use mineral water instead of sugary carbonated drinks.


If you can't do without sweets, try at least switching to the least harmful sweets, for example:

-Honey 100g of this product contains the daily requirement of iron, manganese and magnesium. If you are not allergic to bee products, switch to honey! It has antimicrobial properties, is useful for colds, constipation, insomnia. Calorie content - in 100g - 320 kcal.

-Marmelade The pectin contained in marmalade is very useful - it absorbs and removes toxic substances from the body, even salts of heavy metals and radionuclides. It also helps to cleanse the body of "bad cholesterol". Calorie content - in 100g - 290 kcal.

-Dried fruits They are very rich in fiber (especially dates and apricots: 1.5 g per 100 g of product), iron, magnesium. It is good for blood vessels, heart and gastrointestinal tract... Calorie content - in 100g - 240 - 270 kcal.

-Marshmallow Of course, it is far from the most healthy dessert, but still less harmful than cakes and sweets. Marshmallow contains a lot of protein, iron and phosphorus. Calorie content - in 100g - 300 kcal.

There is good saying: forewarned is forearmed! It also applies to our health. Knowing the possible consequences of an addiction to sweets, we can insulate ourselves from them. Remember the golden mean, and then you will not have to regret the next piece of chocolate or candy you eat.

Anastasia Vladykina

There are not so many pleasures in life to deprive yourself of sweets - they say among the people. Meanwhile, sugar can hardly be called a friend of man. Recent research by scientists has shown that the love of sweet foods can bring many troubles. In addition to the familiar diseases and conditions provoked by the abundant use of sweets, such as the accumulation of excess weight, obesity and diabetes, sweet food also affects a woman's fertility, desire intimacy and the appearance of PMS. We are investigating the connection between the sweet life and the listed problems.

The female reproductive system is sensitive to many factors. A little stress, an increase in the level of physical or emotional stress, adherence to a diet, and a measured rhythm of life will be disrupted. The greatest danger is for a woman hormonal disbalance... It can contribute to a decrease in fertility, lead to problems with conception, PMS, the development of endometriosis and other diseases.

Among other factors, food can be the culprit for hormonal imbalance. For example, experts believe that a diet high in sugar, caffeine and alcohol can disorient a woman's hormones.

Refined sugar and all products containing it - cakes, buns, sweets, compotes, marmalade, as well as any fast carbohydrates - honey, sweet fruits, when ingested, increase the level of insulin in the blood. As soon as this happens, the person feels great - there is a surge of strength and energy, mood improves, appetite dulls. But after a while, the insulin level drops sharply and the opposite effect occurs: euphoria is replaced by fatigue and irritation, a person feels hungry. Many people in such a situation lean on hearty fatty foods, and then the accumulation of extra pounds is only a matter of time.

Expert commentary

The more sugar and sugary foods you eat in general, the more insulin your body produces. Its excess is fraught with the fact that the body does not have time to break down the accumulated fat deposits, since it constantly has to react to new food intake. Consequently, fat builds up.

Body fat can be compared to a factory for the production of estrogen, an excessive amount of which leads to an imbalance of hormones. If you want to be healthy, you need to give up the heavy use of sweets, this will reduce the likelihood of hormonal imbalances. Remember: Sugar is empty calories, they don't do any good!

Why can't you eat sweets? 5 facts "against"

According to the observations of foreign scientists, 9 out of 10 women of childbearing age suffer from PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Scientists have not yet been able to find out why this is happening. But one thing is clear: the painful sensations preceding the onset of menstruation are influenced by two hormones - progesterone and estrogen. And they, in turn, are greatly influenced by stress and diet. According to a study published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, the more sugar you eat, the worse you may feel during your critical days.

Expert commentary

Many women have managed to cope with PMS simply by changing their diet. They have stopped eating sugary foods and are doing well before and during menstruation.

If you also want to see positive changes, eat small and frequent meals, and include some protein in every meal and snack. And avoid sweets to keep your blood levels of the hormone insulin stable.

Fact 2: Sweet tooth fondness can lead to endometriosis

Endometriosis is one of the most common factors leading to female infertility... In this disease, endometrial cells grow beyond the inner layer of the uterine wall. Scientists claim that one of the reasons for this fact is the excessive consumption of sweets. As mentioned above, the love of sweets increases the level of the hormone estrogen in the body, which in turn provokes the development of endometriosis.

Polycystic ovary syndrome occurs in many women today. Its appearance is preceded by a hormonal imbalance. This syndrome is characterized by a violation of the normal functioning of the ovaries and accompanying symptoms - the appearance of acne, an increase in the growth of unwanted hair on the woman's body, obesity.

According to aesculapians, this syndrome develops due to an excess of insulin. The more sugary foods a woman eats, the more insulin is produced in the pancreas, which can lead to insulin resistance or resistance.

This condition is very dangerous for a woman. Studies show that women who are diagnosed with endometriosis by doctors have a 7 times higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who do not suffer from this disease. In addition, polycystic ovary syndrome is accompanied by other serious problems - abnormal ovulation, problems with implantation of an embryo into the lining of the uterus, and an increased likelihood of miscarriage.

Fact 4: Less Sugar - Better Sex Life

If a woman's diet is balanced and her hormone levels are stable, she feels great throughout menstrual cycle... Excellent well-being, in turn, is a guarantee of an active life and a woman's confidence in herself and her strength. She feels attractive and desirable, she wants intimacy and she is ready for it.

But the abuse of sweets, on the contrary, leads to a decrease in libido. Therefore, if a woman wants to become pregnant in the near future, it is better for her to say goodbye to bars, cakes and sweets!

It is no secret that many women today are experiencing problems with pregnancy. In order for conception to occur, the fair sex must monitor her health, her cells must work optimally, and the body must constantly receive nutrients.

Sweet food has a negative effect on the uterus and promotes development in it inflammatory processes... Therefore, if you want to conceive, carry and give birth to a baby, reconsider your diet! A sweet life, as numerous studies show, can turn into the bitterness of unfulfilled hopes.

Why can't you eat a lot of sweets?

Most children and adults love to eat sweets very much, and sometimes they get so carried away that relatives, worrying about their health, are forced to pull them back. Sometimes the body itself can not stand it and protests as best it can.
What is the problem with sweets, why can't you eat them as much as you want?
And the thing is that sweets have a high glycemic index.

Glycemic index(abbreviated as GI) is a measure of the effect of a product after consumption on blood glucose levels.

And hence the first reason - if you eat sweets in large quantities, it provokes an increased concentration of glucose in the blood.

Excess glucose can provoke the appearance of hyperglycemia, which causes apathy and fatigue.

An excess of glucose provokes the production of the hormone insulin.

Insulin- a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. When a person eats a serving of carbohydrates, their blood glucose levels rise. The pancreas begins to produce the hormone insulin, which utilizes glucose.

And this is another reason, because the insulin hormone has another ability - it accelerates the synthesis of proteins and fats. And if a person's muscle tissue is not damaged, then insulin directs its effect on the synthesis of fat cells, and from here it can quickly reach excess fat deposits and the appearance of problems of excess weight.

In addition to all this, sweets can cause psychological dependence. Many people with a sweet tooth think that they cannot be happy without a piece of sweet tooth. This is certainly not true, and in order to overcome such an addiction, they need to find another hobby in life that can cause positive emotions.

V modern world many sweets are also harmful due to the content of harmful additives that can negatively affect the functioning of the body.

Ecology of life. Health: Recently it was revealed that Mars is recalling Snickers, Mars and Milky Way after plastic was found in the chocolates. Plus, spring is just around the corner - it's time to pull yourself together. In general, everything indicates that you need to tie up with sweets. But what should you do if you really, really want to? We are in a hurry to calm down and tell you about delicious and healthy sweets.

It was recently revealed that MarsrecallsSnickers, Mars and Milky Way after plastic was found in the chocolates. Plus, spring is just around the corner - it's time to pull yourself together. In general, everything indicates that you need to tie up with sweets. But what should you do if you really, really want to? We are in a hurry to calm down and tell you about delicious and healthy sweets.

Recently it became known that the American concern Mars is recalling Mars, Snickers and Milky Way bars in 55 countries, after pieces of plastic were found in the chocolates. After such sweets, they cause a wave of suspicion and doubt among buyers. You may say: but are there other brands on the shelves in bulk? Yes, it is, but soon spring and fasting, so people are slowly preparing for the "sweet" tests. What, after all, can and should be eaten at the same time?

An important detail: it is worth remembering that most natural sweets cannot be absorbed in kilograms. Oddly enough, they contain a lot of calories and sugar (most of them - about 300-320 Kcal per 100 g.). But as a "detonator" for vitality in the morning or in the afternoon they will work great.

Healthy chocolate

One of the permanent leaders in the ratings useful products because of its properties. Many people know that dark chocolate has a tonic effect and can quickly raise your mood, as it is considered a powerful antidepressant. Another advantage is that it normalizes metabolism and is one of the most famous antioxidants. In addition, dark chocolate has antiseptic properties and is able to regulate cholesterol levels.

The best salvation from depression and bad mood is sweet! Surely you have tested this method on yourself more than once. 20 grams of dark chocolate actually lifts your spirits, but only uneaten on an empty stomach.

Sweets provoke fatigue

Sweet foods on an empty stomach are able to excite the pancreas, which begins to vigorously produce insulin, which lowers blood sugar, which provokes fatigue and apathy. If you want to feel cheerful in the morning, it is recommended to start the day with healthy breakfast- oatmeal in milk or water, buckwheat or whole grain bread with lightly salted salmon.

See also: What dried fruit helps fight obesity?


Sweet food on an empty stomach causes a brutal appetite. The thing is that the blood sugar level rises sharply, and then it drops sharply. If you ate cake for breakfast, be prepared for a brutal appetite in 40 minutes.

Yeast baked goods

It is difficult to refuse aromatic pastries for breakfast. Croissant with chocolate combined with cocoa or coffee is delicious, but harmful to the body. Yeast baked goods contribute to increased gas production in the intestines, and this is hardly a good start to the day.

Sweet fruits for breakfast

Kiwis, oranges, apples, and other sweet breakfast fruits can cause heartburn. Fruit is recommended to be consumed as a snack or an hour after the main meal. This also applies to freshly squeezed juices.

See also: What time of day and how to eat sweets correctly

For breakfast, it is recommended to consume complex carbohydrates (cereals), which take a long time to digest and relieve hunger for 3-4 hours. Coffee should be consumed one hour after the first meal. Also bad habit drink coffee on an empty stomach. The drink irritates the stomach lining, which can cause gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems.


Of course, you can't do without a sweet treat - it contains carbohydrates that are vital for the body to function properly. Our cells are entirely dependent on the regular intake of carbohydrates into the body, because they provide energy boost. In addition, sugar contributes to the production of serotonin - the "hormone of happiness". But if a sweet tooth turns into an addiction, serious health problems can arise.

Recently, scientists have managed to find out a lot of new things about the dangers of sweet foods.

Side effects of the "sweet life":


A recent study from Harvard University found that eating a lot of sweets affects testosterone and estrogen production.

Sugars increase the level of lipids produced by the liver, and they in turn decrease the level of a special protein, SHBG. It is SHBG that is responsible for the balance between testosterone and estrogen levels in the blood, a deficiency of which can subsequently lead to the development of infertility.


Ladies who cannot deny themselves a piece of cake or chocolate are more likely to suffer from thrush (urogenital candidiasis). Thrush is known to be caused by fungi from the genus Candida. They live in almost every person, but the disease occurs only when there are too many of them.

Most often this happens while taking antibiotics, but food rich in carbohydrates, that is, sweets, can also provoke increased activity of fungi.

Bowel cancer

American scientists also warn that cancer is one of the unfortunate consequences of addiction to sweets. Eating a lot of sweet flour products causes the pancreas to produce insulin vigorously - this can provoke the formation of malignant tumors in the intestines. This conclusion was made by doctors on the basis of observation of several thousand women.

Sweets are bad for the brain

Specialists are especially concerned about the possible harmful effects of sweets on the human brain. Spanish experts say that sugar has a negative effect on the brain.

Scientists have studied a rare hereditary disease in mice - Laforte syndrome. In this disease, glycogen begins to be deposited in the brain cells. As a result, epileptic seizures, movement disorders and dementia develop.

So that glycogen is not "deposited" in the cells of the brain, 2 types of a special protein are produced in the body. A specific gene is responsible for each of these proteins. In case of damage to one of the genes, Lafor's syndrome develops.

Sugar and mental ability

Scientists from California State University also came to interesting conclusions during the study. They conducted tests in 803 boarding schools and 9 juvenile colonies. Sugar and sweets were removed from the diet of these children, and they were replaced with vegetables and fruits.

The results were striking: children's scores increased by an average of 1 point on a 5-point system, and 50% of all mentally retarded children were considered healthy.

Life expectancy is shrinking

Scientists from Germany are also interested in the pros and cons of sugar for health. They found that glucose can significantly shorten a person's life - on average by 25% (this is equivalent to about 15 years of a person's life). Later, the conclusions of German scientists were confirmed by American researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Research in California.

Danger to pregnant women

Another danger associated with the consumption of sweets: an excess of carbohydrates in the diet of pregnant women can provoke allergic reactions in children and increase their risk of developing diseases of the nervous system.

Sugar substitutes

Some people, in search of the best alternative to sugar, begin to use sugar substitutes - they are not so high in calories, and in terms of taste, they differ little from the "original". Some of the most common sugar substitutes include saccharin, suclamate, aspartame, xylitol, and sorbitol.

However, even these substances can be harmful to health, if the measure is not followed. For example, saccharin (available in 40 mg tablets) in large doses can contribute to the formation of malignant tumors - it is recommended to use it no more than 4 tablets per day. Side effects of suclamate and aspartame include allergies, while xylitol and sorbitol have choleretic and laxative effects.

British experts recently came to disappointing conclusions regarding sorbitol. They have shown that the sugar substitute sorbitol (E420) can cause intestinal upset, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Sorbitol is used especially in large quantities in the production of chewing gum, and is also included in some toothpastes.

What to do for a sweet tooth who is unable to give up their favorite delicacies? For such people, the most important rule is to know when to stop! After all, all these dire consequences arise only in the case of the abuse of sweet foods.

But if you still feel that you cannot refuse another piece of cake or pastry, try following these nutritionist tips:

- replace sugar with honey and dried fruits

- limit your glucose intake and switch to "natural" sweeteners: fructose or lactulose (they are found in large quantities in fruits)

- try to drink tea without sugar, and use mineral water instead of sugary carbonated drinks.


If you can't do without sweets, try at least switching to the least harmful sweets, for example:

-Honey 100g of this product contains the daily requirement of iron, manganese and magnesium. If you are not allergic to bee products, switch to honey! It has antimicrobial properties, is useful for colds, constipation, insomnia. Calorie content - in 100g - 320 kcal.

-Marmelade The pectin contained in marmalade is very useful - it absorbs and removes toxic substances from the body, even salts of heavy metals and radionuclides. It also helps to cleanse the body of "bad cholesterol". Calorie content - in 100g - 290 kcal.

-Dried fruits They are very rich in fiber (especially dates and apricots: 1.5 g per 100 g of product), iron, magnesium. It is beneficial for blood vessels, heart and gastrointestinal tract. Calorie content - in 100g - 240 - 270 kcal.

-Marshmallow Of course, it is far from the most healthy dessert, but still less harmful than cakes and sweets. Marshmallow contains a lot of protein, iron and phosphorus. Calorie content - in 100g - 300 kcal.

There is a good saying: forewarned is forearmed! It also applies to our health. Knowing the possible consequences of an addiction to sweets, we can insulate ourselves from them. Remember the golden mean, and then you will not have to regret the next piece of chocolate or candy you eat.

Anastasia Vladykina


Can't eat sweets at all?

Small amounts of sweets are healthy. Moreover, it is worth giving preference to sweets with minimum amount harmful additives.


What do we need carbohydrates for?

Our bodies need vital nutrients to function properly. It's about proteins, fats and carbohydrates. When they are not supplied with food in sufficient quantities, disruptions in the work of many body systems are inevitable.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. We all know that they are divided into complex and simple. The former can be found in plants - vegetables, grains and legumes, while the latter are found mainly in sweet foods - sugar, honey, confectionery and other sweets, berries, and also in some vegetables and fruits.

Excess carbohydrates are harmful. This can lead to many diseases, including obesity. However, one should not limit their number to a minimum either.

When should you eat more sweets?

In reality, it is not carbohydrates, including sweets that have fallen into disgrace, that are dangerous, but their amount in the diet! With their lack in the body, lipid and protein metabolism is disrupted, and not only harmful substances accumulate in the blood, but the level of glucose also drops. As a result, symptoms of carbohydrate deficiency develop.

If you see one of these signs in yourself, perhaps you should reconsider your attitude towards carbohydrates, both slow and fast?

1. An agonizing feeling of hunger

Glucose is involved in the regulation of appetite, so when blood sugar levels drop, a signal is sent to the brain to eat a new meal.

2. Constant feeling of tiredness

Carbohydrates give us a boost of energy. Lack of these nutrients can be expressed by a lack of strength, from which even a full night's sleep will not save.

3. Frequent attacks of headaches

If your head hurts only from time to time, there is nothing to worry about, perhaps the abrupt change in the weather was to blame. But when you have to drink pain relievers every day, and you also consider yourself to be on low-carb diets, chances are that you are eating too few carbs (or food in general!) And your brain signals that it is not enough glucose.

4. Memory impairment

When the brain isn't getting the glucose it needs, it simply can't function at its full potential. As a result, many describe this state as preventing them from focusing on something important or even complaining about forgetting about an event or business that is meaningful to them.

5. Increased sweating

Suffer from excessive sweating even when it's not hot outside? You may be just eating few complex carbohydrates or skipping sugary foods altogether. As a result, you may have low blood sugar levels.

6. Your workouts are not effective.

When the body does not get enough carbohydrates, fitness is much more difficult: exercises that you previously performed with ease will require more effort on your part. Another aspect is related to the fact that when there is a lack of carbohydrates, the body begins to take energy from the muscles, as a result, you do not build muscle mass and gain weight. Which carbohydrates to choose - simple or complex - depends on the time to prepare before training, as well as its type.

7. You are constantly cold

Symptoms of a carbohydrate deficiency may include chills, cold fingers and toes, or simply tremors in the hands or throughout the body. If at the same time you do not have a cold and do not have a fever, then something in your body is not working correctly. In most cases, these signs are indicative of thyroid dysfunction - which is how low-carb diets pay off.

It is also often associated with the release of adrenaline (in this way the body tries to compensate for the lack of sugar in the blood).

8. Mood swings

Low blood sugar can lead to low mood, irritability and increased anxiety. Often, people who refuse carbohydrates are not even happy that such a diet as a result leads to weight loss.

9. Dizziness

With a lack of glucose, people often complain of dizziness. This is due to the fact that brain cells do not receive enough nutrition and oxygen, and the body does not produce enough energy. In addition, a person may have problems with orientation in space, besides, his gait becomes so wobbly that he may fall.

Take the test Are you eating a healthy diet? What is your diet and how correct is the meal regimen? Take the test and find out what mistakes are worth taking note of.


The main reasons why it is impossible ...

Sugar stimulates appetite

The first thing that comes to mind when they talk about the harm of sugar is that it is better to give it up altogether. But depriving the body of sugar is not a good idea, and fundamentally wrong, because glucose is the main food for the brain. The danger of sugar abuse is as follows: sugar, entering the bloodstream, produces the hormone insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels, it takes 20 minutes and the brain requires food again. It turns out a vicious circle. A person constantly experiences a feeling of hunger, but eating food with a high sugar content does not fill up for long. As a result, this eating behavior leads to a number of adverse consequences that will be very difficult to change on your own.

Sugar accelerates the aging process

Eating sugar without measure leads to premature aging. Women with a sweet tooth notice the appearance of wrinkles earlier than their peers. Excess sugar is deposited in the upper layers of the skin, reducing its elasticity. The complexion changes, the skin ceases to be fresh and beautiful. If the blood sugar is constantly high, then vitamins and minerals are poorly absorbed, which leads to brittle nails, hair becomes dull and lifeless, falls out and loses volume. This is an important reason for women - why you can't eat a lot of sweets.

Sugar takes the joy out of life

Experiments have been conducted where people completely give up sugar. They describe their feelings as “withdrawal”. At first, they felt dizzy, there was a breakdown, apathy and irritability replaced each other. On the second day, most suffered from headaches. Glucose is a kind of drug, a person becomes addicted to sugar. In a person who uses glucose uncontrollably, the parts of the brain responsible for the release of the hormone endorphin decrease their functions, and the person ceases to enjoy proper and wholesome food, and life in general. The subjects who were able to give up sugar for more than a week noted an improvement in their health and mood, normalization of sleep, and a desire to go in for sports.

Sugar causes depression

Sugar is so insidious that it can cause depression in a person. If the brain is accustomed to getting large amounts of glucose on a regular basis, then quitting sugar or reducing its consumption will lead to depression or at least to a worse mood. It is for these reasons that the crying child is offered candy, although this forms a bad habit.

Sugar disrupts sleep

Why can't you eat a lot of sugar at night? After all, a cup of tea with something tasty soothes and tunes the body for a restful sleep. Not at all, sugar, when it enters the body, causes a surge of serotonin, which regulates sleep processes. Therefore, 15 grams of sugar at night can lead to insomnia. You can do the opposite, if you have trouble sleeping, then you can remove sugar from the evening meal.

Sugar makes bones brittle

Eating a lot of sugar, you need to understand that the body has a lot of work to process it. A huge amount of calcium is wasted, which is used to process glucose. With age, bones lose such a valuable component, and sugar speeds up this process. Hence diseases such as osteoporosis. Thinning bone tissue leads to fractures and a long process of bone fusion. In old age, this process is especially long and painful.

Sugar in the morning is bad for you

It's very helpful to know why you can't eat a lot of sugar, especially in the morning. The consumption of glucose at the beginning of the day disrupts the functioning of the body until the night. Blood sugar rises sharply and continues to jump throughout the day, thus provoking a person to quick, improper bites, which usually consist of sweet bars, pies and cookies.

Sugar spoils blood vessels

Sugar, with the help of certain biochemical metabolites, damages the walls of blood vessels. It creates small holes on the vascular network and cholesterol rushes there to close these holes with fat, thus forming an atherosclerotic plaque, over time the plaque grows and completely closes the lumen of the vessel.

Sugar leads to obesity

The problem is that sugar is often added in the preparation of common meals, and the common food contains fats as well. At the moment when sugar is spent on energy production, the fat has no choice but to integrate into adipose tissue. The catastrophic combination of sugar and fat leads to obesity, the belly grows, the hips are enlarged. Increasing total weight leads to obesity internal organs, which naturally disrupts their functions. Posture deteriorates, complicating the entire work of the body. Physical activity decreases with weight gain. The energy obtained from sugar is not wasted and is deposited in fats. Hence the terrible health problems: damage to the liver and gastrointestinal tract, suffers the cardiovascular system, the work of the respiratory system is disrupted.

Sugar lowers the immune system

High blood sugar lowers immunity several times. Leading the body to frequent ARVI diseases, which can proceed with complications. For people with diabetes, this is a real problem, because the level of sugar in their blood is consistently kept at a high level. Nowadays, you can find a huge amount of information about proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and why you can't eat a lot of sugar. Its use in large quantities has a detrimental effect on the body. It will not be possible to completely remove sugar from the diet, and it is not necessary, because the brain feeds on glucose. But it is worth excluding foods high in glucose from the daily diet.

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