
What memory does the teacher leave in the hearts of the students? A real teacher will make an unloved subject a favorite Essay on what a real teacher should be

Averyanova Irina Alexandrovna

institution: MAOU Gymnasium No. 17 Beloretsk city

What should a modern teacher be like?

"Master, be the sun that radiates human warmth,

be a soil rich in ferments of human feelings,

and this knowledge is not only in the memory and consciousness of your students,

but also in their souls and hearts.

Sh. Amonashvili

Teacher, educator, mentor - this is not a profession, but rather a vocation! A cruel, domineering, selfish person cannot be a teacher.

Teachers are often compared to a sculptor. But the human child is not clay from which anything can be fashioned. The Talmurd compares a teacher to a raindrop. Why? - you ask. As rain reveals the potential of each grain, so the teacher reveals the unique potential of each student.

The profession of a teacher is not easy, but I have never regretted that I chose this particular profession. There are many difficulties in this work, but to be able to overcome them and then see the results of my work - this gives me joy.

Being a teacher means for me to be a creative person, with a rich inner world, kind and with inexhaustible energy, to work hard on myself and constantly improve myself.

Today I am a class teacher, which means that I have 25 sprouts in my hands. And my task is to make sure that these sprouts grow, get stronger, develop ... I always try to make children feel how interesting and joyful it is to communicate with the teacher, how in difficult times he will come to the rescue, rejoice at successes, cheer up in case of failure. It is important that children know that a teacher knows how to empathize, forgive, help as well as demand.

It is important for a teacher to love all children equally: naughty and obedient, quick-witted and slow-witted, lazy and exemplary. Sharing the kindness of the soul equally among my guys is the key to my work.

People who truly love children and are sincerely passionate about their work achieve their goals and remain in the hearts of students for life. I want to be on a par with such people.

Teacher... This word contains years of hard, hard work. This word contains smiles and tears, joy and sorrow, ups and downs. In this word - children, parents, meetings and notebooks. And yet today I am a teacher. What does it mean? There is only one answer - to be

At many

H local

AND sincere

T creative

E diligent in his actions

L inquisitive

b- soft, like this sign.

I have no doubt: my profession is the main one on earth! To teach a person to be a Human is a colossal task, one cannot do it alone. We are all destined to learn this all our lives. The main thing is to understand that each of us can give a piece of our warmth and love to another. So why not start doing it today?

The education system in Russia, as you know, is not the most productive. However, despite this, the tradition of educating our teachers is considered an excellent example of what a teacher should be. Today we will talk with you, dear reader, about who real teacher and what he is. So:

What should a teacher be like?

Trying to imagine the audience that this article will be interested in, we came to the conclusion that, at its core, it will be young novice teachers or trainers, as well as those people who are not indifferent to the quality of education. In this regard, we will try to highlight those personality traits of a person that will help him become a real teacher.

A real teacher is a person, first of all, responsible and understanding his responsibility. The fact is that a teacher or any person who somehow conveys information to those who are not familiar with it expands the horizons of people. That is why he is responsible for the quality of information and for its veracity.

It is no secret that a person, once having learned something, will find it difficult to cope with changing the usual structure of his activity. That is why it is very important to teach a person the right behavior. The basis of any activity determines its success. This applies to absolutely everything in our life. It is with this thesis that such a quality as the conscientiousness of a teacher is connected. It lies in the fact that the teacher, having the right information, teaches the person the right behavior. Many experienced teachers try to get feedback from their students. They give the task to write an essay, what should be a teacher.

Another important quality of a teacher is to be able to find his own unique approach to teaching for each of his students. This skill is very difficult to master, as it requires great patience and maximum effort in order to find this approach. As you know, each person is unique, so only general principles work in education. Various details and tricks in the educational process must be skillfully used depending on the specific person being taught and the specific situation. However, one cannot ignore the fact that a teacher is also a person whose powers are far from limitless. It is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to find an approach to each student if there are thirty people in the teacher's class. Thirty people with their own characteristics and capabilities. This is the main flaw in the education system in Russia. Excessive universalization excludes the possibility of the full development of the personality, knowledge and skills of a particular student. We believe that the further development of the pedagogical system should go through individualization. The commonality of principles must be preserved, but various methods and approaches should be developed more deeply. Only in this way will we receive an education that will give our society mature, skillful and intelligent people, which will ultimately lead to universal progress and prosperity.

An important quality of a teacher is that he is open to new experience. Simply put, the teacher must be modern. A modern teacher is obliged to create something new in his personal educational system, and to take successful attributes from other members of the teaching staff. Modernity, too, is the ability to keep abreast of the latest developments in the educational field. Modernity is the desire and desire of the teacher to use new technologies and actively introduce them into their educational system. Modernity is also progressive views on global problems society and social life, since the teacher works not only on the development of specific skills and abilities of the student, but also on their adaptation in our complex, ambiguous world.

What other qualities should a teacher have? A good teacher cannot but possess such a quality as the desire for creativity. Known fact, any use of imagination and a non-standard approach in any activity not only really interest people, but also help to achieve more high results. The teacher must be able to support and develop the creative spirit of his students. The teacher is obliged to create conditions so that his students can apply not only the schemes for performing activities fixed in the traditions, but also connect their imagination. It is very important to see those students who need it most urgently. It is in the nursery and adolescence, the child gets the only chance in life to develop his imagination and increase the level of intelligence.

Completed by: Fayzullina Natalya Aleksandrovna

Teacher of Russian language and literature

“Those from whom we learn are correctly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name,” wrote J. Goethe. And indeed it is. And let's think, who is the teacher? Someone will say, perhaps this is a curator, mentor, teacher, second mother. And all the above synonyms are true. Because the teacher not only teaches, but also heals souls. Referring to the words of I. Goethe, we can say that not every person can become a teacher. Since the teacher is multifunctional. He has not only the function that can teach, but also knows how to educate and develop a personality in a student. We are exposed to learning from childhood. FROM early years we are taught certain skills by our parents, we learn something from friends, relatives, relatives. But only a teacher can guide us in the right direction. Thanks to teachers, the understanding of the world expands. We learn different cultures, traditions, histories, rules. We get acquainted with great scientists, philosophers, writers, critics. Speaking about the teacher, a question arises.

What qualities should a modern teacher have? First, he must love and know his subject well. be very interesting person and interlocutor. Secondly, he is a very responsible person. He loves and respects children. In return, he receives the same respect. A person who is an authority and an example for others, who owns modern technologies, understands all the details. Has some knowledge in the psychology of the child. The teacher is a purposeful, intelligent, competent, honest, fair, kind person. It turns out that this is a very difficult and responsible profession. If the function of an accountant ispay state taxes on time and correctly, report to state authorities and company owners, organize work with clients and partners of the organization, monitor the financial condition of the enterprise. His task is only to count and control, and the function of the teacher is multifaceted.Thanks to the teacher, people achieve their goals in the future, because he lays in him not only knowledge, but also part of his soul. Everything begins with the teacher, because in his hands our future is children. Which are our hope and support, because all pride the teacher in the disciples, in the growth of the seeds he has sown.

What does teaching mean? “Teaching is just one of the petals of that flower called education,” wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky. One cannot but agree with him, since teaching is part of education. You can teach anything, but whether the student will apply it in life depends only on the teacher, how he will teach this or that information. Its main goal is not only to educate the student, but also to educate himself. Self-study throughout his life. As times change, demands increase. And more is expected of teachers. The generation is changing. The perception of this or that information changes. It is necessary to present it in such a way that it is relevant, and the student knows where he can apply this knowledge. A teacher can bring up the future of an engineer, a builder, an astronaut, and so on. It depends on what mark he leaves behind. What will be the child's impressions of the teacher as a person. If it is a good teacher who knows hissubject, how to teach it and where, then he will achieve the desired result.

The teacher, like no one else, must control his feelings, temperament, be an example for children, own his emotions. After all, the teacher gives the child an example of how to communicate with people. Abusive attitude towards children inflicts deep spiritual trauma, harms the entire work of education and upbringing. In the classroom, you need to not only smile, but also be demanding, strict, make each student think; to teach critically, to relate to one's own thoughts and the thoughts of others; try to introduce diversity into the educational process through the use of methods and techniques of different pedagogical technologies.

As an example, I would like to cite the outstanding Soviet teacher of all times and peoples Makarenko Anton Semenovich, who was recognized by UNESCO as one of the four teachers who determined the way of pedagogical thinking of the 21st century.When working with minors, he achieved incredible results. The basis of his success was the educational force applied in the team. He combined learning and teamwork, combining demands with the spirit of the game. He was the head of the Ukrainian children's colony, which was famous for its pupils - incorrigible thieves and homeless children. And Makarenko managed to achieve phenomenal success in their education. He did not just re-educate difficult teenagers, but also produced excellent productive results. The colony began to pay for itself and even bring profit to the state. At the same time, he developed a project for the management of children's colonies in the province of Kharkov. but later methods Makarenko's upbringing was declared "non-Soviet" and he left his job. However, now his teaching methodology is set as an example.

Another example, I would like to give from the work of G. Rasputin "French Lessons". In this work, we are talking about a boy who fell into bad company and did not learn French well. This piece raises a number of issues:this is the adaptation of a rural boy to the conditions of life in the city, the severity of post-war life, relationships in a boyish team as a model of society and, of course, the problem of the subtlety of the line between moral and immoral. These are the problems we often face in school. In order to solve these problemsLidia Mikhailovna offered to play with the boy for money. She taught him the game of her childhood, the wall. Just to keep the boy from playing outside. And at the same time, she offered him to additionally study French. On the one hand, such behavior of the teacher can be condemned, sinceit can be attributed to a pedagogical crime, but the author emphasizes for what purpose this act was committed.I believe that this is a vivid example of the moral behavior of a teacher who wanted to save a child.After all, a sincere, clumsy desire to help the boy could only be realized by giving him a sense of justice and honesty of the money received. In this case, by fair play in the "wall".So that the child does not get into a bad situation, feels needed.And there are an infinite number of such examples.

For me, my reward - my work - is the burning, understanding eyes of the students in the lesson! Children share all their joys and sorrows with me. You need to find time to listen and understand everyone. And I think thattogether we will succeed. So let's work on ourselves. And think about our future, because everything is in our hands! The future of the country, the future of the planet! So love yourself and your work!

What kind of memory does the teacher leave in the hearts of students - that is the question that V. Astafiev thinks about.

The writer, talking about his first teacher, Evgeny Nikolaevich, enthusiastically describing how much he did for him and the rest of the children, thinks about the role of a school mentor in our lives, about what kind of memory he leaves in the hearts of his students.

evokes love, respect and a feeling of gratitude among his pupils, remains forever in their memory.

I share the point of view of V.P. Astafiev. Indeed, students always remember that teacher who loves children, treats them well, and gives solid knowledge.

Maria Petrovna Sidorenko became such a teacher for me. She didn't work at the school for very long, but we all had a lot to learn from her. Maria Petrovna offended no one, let no one down. She came to school early and left late, following her inner discipline and duty. Maria Petrovna helped us, the clumsy ones, without fail, in the knowledge of the computer. She taught

and studied on her own, did not complain about fate, or about children, or about colleagues. Maria Petrovna accepted all of us as we are. With her, you could be calm for any business. The Teacher left the school, but remained in the memory of the students for decades.

On the Internet, I met Irina Olegovna Vykhodtseva's poems about her teacher, who remained in my memory forever:

But we warm it

Keep in our souls forever

After all, love and calling

Will never die

A teacher's work

Means immortality.

The earth will be eternal

If the memory passes through the years!

Thus, I can conclude that a teacher who loves his students and helps them will forever leave a memory of himself in their hearts.

P. S. According to the collection of tests N. A. Senina 2013, test 22

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At all times, the teacher was a respected person, because he taught not only the sciences, but also life, he instructed. Unfortunately, today's teachers do not win the respect they used to. Children sometimes do not obey, play pranks, do not learn lessons. Let the essay-reasoning "What should be a teacher" be mandatory at school. Most likely, children will frankly describe the problem in the text. On the other hand, such a topic may have another purpose, namely: reflection I would like to appeal to students: whatever teachers you have, respect them!

What kind of teacher is he?

Of course, the adult who is standing at the blackboard with a pointer graduated from a special educational institution with a profession of "teacher". It is said in summary. In fact, teachers each have their own specialization. Let's think about what structure the essay "A Good Teacher" should have. No need to write that he should not load homework and put deuces. It will be wrong, because you have to learn somehow, master the subject.

Let's get to the story. A good teacher explains his subject in an accessible and interesting way, tells the topic, gives examples. A competent teacher will listen to each student, answer all questions. If something is not clear, he will try to explain it again. You can not use the kindness, patience of the teacher. The student must also be able to take a responsible attitude to school subjects.

I want to become a teacher!

If a student dreams of becoming teachers, then they must understand that a lot will depend on their attitude towards children, their subject. It will be useful to write an essay-reasoning "What a teacher should be", and then show it to the teacher who, in his opinion, is the best. It will be important to listen to advice, comments, wishes. After all, this is a living example, beloved teacher.

What should be the text? Tell us why you want to be a teacher, what subject to teach. Or maybe your dream is to teach elementary grades? Please open this topic. How do you see yourself, how do you explain how you educate the younger generation. How would you react if a naughty student becomes naughty in your lesson.

How to write a good essay?

To make it easier to write an essay-reasoning on the topic "Teacher", put yourself in the place of any teacher. Or ask the class teacher to spend an extracurricular hour to play teacher: stand with a pointer at the blackboard. Any student can come out and explain any favorite topic within 5-10 minutes. On the other hand, you can practice this way at recess.

What were the feelings? But keep in mind that being a teacher is much harder than you imagine. The teacher should also have time to check your notebooks, and not only yours.

What the student does not see

It is unlikely that students in the essay-reasoning "What a teacher should be" will include such an item as the activity of the teacher outside the lesson. An exception can only be for those whose parents are teachers, and who see every day tired mom or dad with a pile of notebooks at home, with teaching materials, textbooks, notes. If the teacher had only 4 lessons today, this does not mean that his working day is completely over. This is not true at all.

It will be useful for students to ask their favorite teacher and class teacher what it is like to be a teacher. Most likely, he will share his impressions, talk about the work.

Remember that good teachers are not born, they are made. If the teacher loves children, life, his subject, knows a lot of interesting things, then he is happy and made the right choice. The essay-reasoning "What a teacher should be" is a good reason to think about teaching life and about the proposed choice of profession. One should not submit to momentary desires, such a choice should be conscious. It's important to be good at something.

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