
What does education mean in my life. The role of education in human life. Some interesting essays

Federal State Professional Educational Institution

"Kineshma technological boarding school"

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

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History teacher - Nadezhda Sergeevna Zvereva


Education is what remains after

when everything that was taught is forgotten.

A. Einstein

Every citizen of our great state has the right to education. This right is enshrined in the Constitution of our country. The life of a modern, civilized person living in society is impossible without education.

In Russia, everyone can get an education. Education is not only the ability to write, read and calculate, but to communicate with people, to be in society, to acquire any work skills. A good education is becoming increasingly important in today's society.Modern man cannot imagine his life without knowledge. Many seek to know more, to improve.Quality education is the engine of every person's life and its important component. Getting an education, a person acquires the necessary knowledge and skills, develops self-confidence. Under the influence of learning, personality is formed.

The first stage of my education is kindergarten. Here I received the simplest knowledge about the world around me, acquired my first knowledge of mathematics, the Russian language, music, literature, learned to think and analyze in a directed way. AT kindergarten memory, thinking and speech develop. She also acquired her first social skills.

School education is an important element of education in modern society, which forms the child's basic knowledge and skills.Ten school years were the brightest event for me. This wonderful time is not to be forgotten.

As a seven-year-old girl, I first crossed the threshold of the school. Timid, shy, stupid child. It was scary to plunge into a new, unknown life. But I was lucky that there was always a person who became my second mother, the most faithful assistant and friend - my first teacher. Tatyana Borisovna left an indelible impression on my soul. It's very bright creative person, interesting interlocutor, talented teacher. She knew how to involve the student in the work, to make his learning easier and more entertaining. And how many exciting quizzes and competitions Tatyana Borisovna held, how many performances she staged with us, how many pleasant minutes we spent with her on campaigns and trips! Surrounded by her caress, attention, care, we grew up, matured, accumulated our first life experience. The image of my first teacher, dear and so dear, will forever remain in my heart!

And time inexorably ran forward. The school carousel carried me from class to class. New teachers appeared, subjects alternated, interesting acquaintances were made. Knowledge expanded and deepened, skills improved, talents were discovered and developed, childish timidity was replaced by self-confidence and self-confidence. And there were always reliable comrades nearby, ready to help in difficult times. T

At the age of seven, I entered a music school.She learned to sing and play there. musical instrument. Natalya Borisovna, my teacher, taught me to play the piano, and Ilya Fedorovich taught me to sing in the choir class. Our music school is a beautiful old two-story building. Most of all, I was filled with concerts that took place every six months. My parents came to school for concerts that were organized in the concert hall on the second floor, where portraits of great composers hung on the walls: Rimsky-Korsakov and Tchaikovsky, Sergei Prokofiev and Dmitri Shostakovich, Beethoven and Bach. There were two black pianos on the stage. Have you heard the music of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky for the ballet "Swan Lake"! This is a bewitching music for a ballet - a fairy tale!

Classical music, in my opinion, is an art that opens up a whole world of passions and emotions, high feelings and noble impulses. It makes people spiritually rich and paints life with new and bright colors.

Attitudes towards higher education in the CIS countries have paradoxically changed over the course of recent years 150. Either it was considered elitist during the period of the empire, then it was almost shameful during the times of the USSR, then again it was extremely necessary for success in the early 2000s.

I remember how excited I was in the late 90sXXFor centuries, parents actively encouraged them to enter a university, how important it was to get on the budget, not only because of the high prices for training on a contract, but also because parents still could not come to terms with the new idea for them after the collapse of the USSR about what kind of education need to pay. And I entered the university at the Faculty of History on a budgetary basis.

I needed a higher education in order to increase my self-esteem, to feel like a literate person in society who understands science, art, culture and other areas of social development. Higher education entitles a person to a free choice of his future destiny. Francis Bacon said that “knowledge is power”, because the quality of knowledge gained at a young age at school, in the future depends on admission to the chosen university, and then a profession that should not only please, but bring a sense of satisfaction and benefit to people.

Now I work as a teacher of history and social studies at a technical school. Therefore, I believe that self-education is a very important part of personal development. Nowadays, every person has access to the most different sources information. Everyone can independently choose to study exactly what he is interested in. With the help of video lessons, you can learn to draw, learn foreign languages ​​without leaving your home.

For the harmonious development of personality it is also important to read. Reading develops a person's horizons, expands his vocabulary.It is interesting to talk and communicate with an educated person. An educated person is sociable, he has a wide social circle, a large number of friends.

Education makes a person a versatile interlocutor. Knowledge allows you not to get lost in conversations on any topic, making it easy to participate in discussions and express your position.

I will never stop gaining knowledge, I will always try to know as much as possible in order to become more educated in the future, because I will share my experience with future generations.

Education plays a very important role in the life of every person. After all, an educated and literate person has more opportunities to realize himself and achieve high success than a person who does not have an education. Education is a valuable asset in our time.

An educated person is a good specialist in his field, and therefore rapidly climbs the career ladder, develops, achieves heights and earns more. An educated person also means that he must have a broad outlook, be well-read, versed in many issues, and not only in his field, but also be educated. An educated person constantly develops his abilities.

Education starts from the school stage, it has a significant role for people. Such education provides the basis and path for the further development of education. The education we were given at school is primary and secondary. Then, after graduating from a higher educational institution, a person has a higher education. Today it is very much appreciated in our life. It helps us to choose a good position.

Then comes the so-called practical education. He is trained on the job. There is also a type of education called self-education. These are additional improvement skills obtained independently with the help of various literature, the Internet, and training courses.

Children, from an early age, instill a love of reading. After all, reading is the key to academic success. Adults are trying to provide their children with competent specialists, worrying that they study and gain knowledge. Parents are always worried about the future of their child. This means that in the future, our country will be even more developed, as even more educated people and competent specialists will live in it.

When receiving education, a person gets the whole world before his eyes. Someone just wants to get it "for show", and someone really gets pleasure from knowledge. Someone even has several formations, and someone thinks that one average is enough and is used to go with the flow.

Education is an integral part of life. Indeed, without it, a person could not even read, write, count, would not know elementary rules and safety precautions. An intelligent literate person has a much greater chance of being realized and revealing his talents.

2 composition

What is education? Education plays a very important and significant role in our life. Education, so to speak, creates and even in some cases determines our future. Getting an education, we can safely go to work and finally earn money for our life and existence in this world.

Everyone has always wanted to get an education. People are literally chasing him, giving all their strength. After all, education has always been taken seriously. It's like a valuable manuscript. Which is valued from generation to generation. After all, our world will begin to develop precisely from what kind of education you will have, because maybe you are the very person who is ready to move mountains and change this world for the better. When people get educated, they just become more educated and don't cool off just sitting on the street. They study, learn new things every day and work on themselves.

When a person has learned and received his cherished education, he can become a professional in his field, in his profession. But he also may not go further in his specialty, perhaps in a couple of years of study his tastes and point of purpose have already changed. If a person goes to work in his specialty, then he needs to develop his professional experience, he must become even better than he was. Thus, a person can break through from an ordinary worker to the top and become a professional in his field of activity.

But it is worth noting that not only education gives you an impetus in life. Not at all. If you formally do not have a head on your shoulders, then you will not become successful, rich, or even special in some area. You will be like everyone else. Indeed, in order to become better than others, you need to think differently than others, act differently than other people, you don’t need to be a gray mass in a circle of people, you even need to be perhaps a little special, look for different approaches to solving one thing, etc.

Education gives us what it won't give us more life. Education is necessary for the formation of personality. Education makes it clear what talent you have, in what area you are the best and in which you are not, in which area you are special, and in which you are not very good. A person who does not know what he will do in life can solve this through education. After all, he will understand where he is strong in what profession and will begin to give himself completely to this or that activity!

  • Composition by Grinev and Shvabrin (comparison)

    "The Captain's Daughter" is a historical work written by the great Russian writer A. S. Pushkin, just not long before his death in 1836. The work is written in the form of memoirs of the protagonist.

  • Education, no matter how it is expressed, has a direct impact on the development of the civic position of each individual, gives a clear idea of ​​the history and culture of his country, affecting the patriotic feelings of a person.

    What is human education

    Together with education, the many-sided experience accumulated over the centuries on the example of previous generations is adopted, and thanks to this, in turn, the road to tomorrow is opened. Thus, the role of education in human life cannot be overestimated, it is a kind of crossroads - living in the present, the wisdom of the past is used for accomplishments in the future.

    According to experts, among people who received a good education in their youth, there are much fewer people suffering from mental retardation, mental disorders and Alzheimer's disease in old age.

    A high school diploma and a diploma confirming graduation from a university are weak arguments in favor of the education of their bearer. Of course, in modern world you can’t do without it, the presence of documents on education gives certain advantages, formally, in employment, for example, in moral terms, this does not give superiority over others. Why? A certificate or diploma not supported by knowledge is the worst form of ignorance, and knowledge of a school subject “with excellent marks” does not make a person educated yet. This concept implies a multifaceted set:

    • basic and higher education;
    • observance of norms of behavior and moral principles;
    • personal development;
    • gaining life experience;
    • realization of one's own potential for the benefit of the whole society;
    • desire to grow and improve, regardless of the heights achieved;
    • always remain a bearer of culture, no matter what it is expressed.

    The main stages of human education

    Every person throughout his life, from the moment of birth to old age, goes through a long way of the educational process - first he acquires certain knowledge and skills, and then consolidates them and does not stop developing and learning new things for himself. People receive knowledge and education not only at school, it will be enough to pay attention to the catchphrase “science of life”, which has already become a catch phrase, one of the most intelligent teachers one has to deal with. And all the stages of human education look like this:

    • The beginnings of education - a person receives in infancy, when he learns everything, so to speak from scratch. Knowing the world, it absorbs everything on which a more complex science will be built in the future;
    • Elementary education - home or kindergarten education, when the first rules of behavior, the simplest concepts are instilled in the child, the ground is being prepared for learning to write and count, in a form understandable to him;
    • School education - laying the foundations of education, generating a craving for knowledge, arousing his interest. In the process of school education, the child gets acquainted with other cultures, history, comprehends the true dimensions of the world and the knowledge accumulated in it;
    • Higher education - continues school, but only in a slightly different framework: education takes a narrow profile, with an emphasis on choosing a future profession. At this stage, young people are preparing to face adulthood;
    • Practical education - this is work, almost the same thing happens here as in a university, only a place for practical, people acquire practical knowledge and skills, which soon turn into experience;
    • self-education is a process of improving the knowledge gained before, using a variety of materials and sources, from books and the Internet, to science, which is presented by everyday situations.

    Benefits of Higher Education

    The most important thing in the life of every person is higher education. Higher education provides opportunities for obtaining a prestigious position in a reputable company. Main advantages:

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    • Many destinations are closed to people without higher education. This applies to medical, legal, educational and scientific government institutions. Similarly, private companies do not want to see people without a diploma among their employees;
    • While studying at a university, they call it the time of experiments, when there is an opportunity to try yourself in different areas activities. Such an experiment does not threaten anything, but you can find something really worthwhile;
    • Higher education is a kind of intellectual investment in the future, having a diploma opens many doors, and with it you can find a job with decent pay that compensates not only for material, but also for moral expenses;
    • Without exception, all universities are open structures cooperating with each other and with financial companies and public organizations. This opens up a lot of opportunities, such as receiving grants, scholarships, internships, which means to learn and learn something new and get more chances to realize yourself in the future.

    According to statistics, the number of unemployed among people with higher education is 40% less than among people with secondary education.

    What have we learned?

    The role and significance of education in the life of a person and society, into which he then merges, is very great and should not be neglected. The learning process is multifaceted, it can be difficult and thorny, but for their efforts, everyone receives an appropriate reward. From childhood to old age, we continue to learn, often without realizing it ourselves. And knowledge is also important because once acquired it, then it will be impossible to lose it, in contrast to the position in society and material values. Lack of education of citizens is one of the main problems of modern society.

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    A person throughout his life continues to develop and learn something new. The spheres of human society are changing daily: from the economy to spirituality. To understand life as a whole and to develop further progress, a person needs to improve.

    The main contribution of education starts from childhood. The school gives the basics, kindles interest in knowledge, showing how much interesting and immense is all over the world and in the Universe. In the process of education, a person gradually gets acquainted with the cultures of the world, the history of his country, inflames his interest in knowledge, asks questions and looks for answers.

    Quotations play a huge role in education and the comprehensive development of a person. famous people about the meaning of life and life with meaning. If you are a fan of such quotes and like to quote them yourself on occasion, then welcome to the site "All the jokes", which is located at vse-shutochki.ru. By visiting this site, you will have the opportunity to replenish your stock with new and interesting quotes, as there is a huge selection best quotes about love, about life, quotes from great, famous people, but also, of course, funny quotes.

    Getting an education, people significantly expand their horizons, replenish knowledge, gain experience based on them. An educated person differs significantly from an uneducated person. The first one is more self-confident, owns positive thinking, has its own view of spiritual things and material values. An educated person easily makes connections by rotating in a circle of specialists in his field. He believes in his strength and experience, which allows him to cope with various life situations.

    Education makes a person a versatile interlocutor. Knowledge allows you not to get lost in conversations on any topic, making it easy to participate in discussions and express your position.

    It is known that active brain activity practically excludes mental disorders in the future and contributes to a long and interesting life.

    Statistics show that people who graduate from higher educational institutions receive better salaries and are highly valued. Yes, you can buy a diploma. But knowledge is not. Only practical development, knowledge, independent advancement to the new, will help in education. Knowledge has always been valuable. Educated people are the future.

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    The final article, which will fully cover the main categories of didactics.

    The main criterion for education- systematic knowledge and systematic thinking, manifested in the fact that a person is able to independently restore the missing links in the knowledge system with the help of logical reasoning.

    Depending on the amount of knowledge gained and the level of independent thinking achieved, primary, secondary and higher education are distinguished. According to the nature and orientation, education is divided into general, vocational and polytechnic.

    General education provides knowledge of the fundamentals of the sciences of nature, society, man, forms a dialect-materialistic worldview, develops cognitive abilities, equips a person with the necessary educational and labor skills, various practical skills.

    The volume and direction of general education is regulated by the state.

    In many developed countries general (it is secondary) education is mandatory.

    Vocational education is one that gives a person a profession of a certain level:

    • primary (vocational school, vocational school, TU, school of masters), trains highly qualified workers;
    • secondary (technical schools, colleges, colleges);
    • higher (institutes, academies, universities), train highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the national economy.

    Polytechnic education introduces the basic principles modern production, develops skills in handling the simplest tools that are used in everyday life.

    Didactics makes extensive use of the interscientific concepts of "formation" and "development".

    Formation- the process of becoming a person as a social being under the influence of all factors without exception - social, economic, ideological, psychological, environmental, etc.

    Education- one of the most important factors in the formation of personality; but not the only one.

    Formation implies a certain completeness of the human personality, the achievement of a level of maturity, stability.

    Human development- this is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the formation of a personality under the influence of external and internal, controlled and uncontrolled social and natural factors. It is associated with constant, incessant changes, transitions from one state to another, ascent from simple to complex, from lower to higher. In human development, the action of the universal philosophical law of the mutual transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones and vice versa is manifested. The development of personality is the most complex process of objective reality. The factors of personality development include: heredity, environment (natural and social), upbringing and a person's own activity.

    To understand didactics as a science, it is necessary to define the object and subject of its study.

    To do this, it is necessary to consider learning from a special point of view, didactic, because. other sciences are also engaged in the study of learning and education: psychology, sociology, cybernetics, physiology, etc.

    At the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the knowledge about teaching accumulated by pedagogy, to determine the modern scientific level of didactics, its functions, possibilities, and most importantly, the task of scientific substantiation of teaching practice, i.e. practical activities of teachers. Then we get such an idea of ​​the subject of didactics, which will allow directing research work in a single direction so that such work both enriches pedagogical science and helps to properly organize pedagogical practice.

    At present, experts in the methodology of science consistently distinguish between the concepts of "object of science" and "subject of science".

    Types of education.

    Depending on the goals and content of the training of students, there are general, polytechnical and vocational education.

    General education is the process and result of mastering by students the basics of science necessary for the formation of a scientific worldview and the most important qualities of a person, preparation for participation in social and labor activities, for obtaining vocational education. The main ways of obtaining general education are: education in secondary general education schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, secondary vocational schools and self-education. There are the following levels of general education: primary, incomplete secondary and secondary.

    Primary education covers the first few years of schooling. AT different countries it begins between the ages of five and seven and takes up to seven years. Currently, at least 70% of the world's children receive primary education. UNESCO is expected to introduce universal primary education in most countries of the world by 2015. The age of completion of primary education in different countries is different, but on average it is 11-12 years. In some countries, primary and secondary education institutions are separated.

    In developed countries, secondary education, like primary education, has been compulsory and universal since the 20th century. The age of graduation from secondary education is usually close to the age of majority, after which education is either completed or continued in higher education, vocational education institutions and other educational institutions, education in which education is not compulsory for everyone. Typically, secondary education is received in adolescence, and its main purpose is preparation for continuing education.

    Polytechnic education(technical training) introduces the basic principles of all production processes and at the same time gives the student the skills to handle the simplest tools of all industries.

    Professional education(also vocational education) - a system of training qualified workers in vocational schools, as well as through on-the-job training.

    The acceleration of the pace of economic development (in particular, industry, construction, high-tech industries) is already causing a certain shortage of personnel. Employers feel a shortage of skilled workers. Eliminating the shortage of personnel is one of the tasks of modernizing the system of vocational education.

    Education. The role of education in human life and society

    Among the main directions of this modernization can be identified: the improvement of the material base, the creation of resource centers, the involvement of business structures (potential employers) in the educational process, the formation of a system of "social order".

    Unlike primary and secondary education, higher education, even in developed countries, is not universal. In the most developed countries, up to half of the population passes through the higher education system. It is in itself a significant sector of the economy, as a source of scientific knowledge and educated workers for other sectors.

    Traditionally, higher education is divided into two stages: bachelor's and master's/postgraduate studies, but in Belarus, before joining the Bologna process, this division applies only to postgraduate studies, and instead of bachelors and masters, universities train specialists. The main institutions of higher education are universities and institutes. Graduates of universities usually receive a diploma, and graduate students can be awarded a degree after defending a PhD thesis. At the last stage of education, students and graduate students are required not only to receive education in the usual sense of the word, but also to take a direct part in scientific research, and obtaining a diploma or a degree depends on the results of scientific work.



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    The word education in English letters (transliteration) - obrazovanie

    The word education consists of 11 letters: a a b c e z i n o r

    Meanings of the word education. What is education?

    General education

    General education - the first level of education - is not vocational or special education.

    3. The role of education in the life of Russian society

    At present, general education in a broad sense includes the following components: preschool, primary general, basic general ...


    GENERAL EDUCATION - a set of generally significant moral and cultural indicative knowledge, skills and abilities sufficient for a person's conscious and productive participation in society.

    GENERAL EDUCATION is the result of mastering the basic sciences necessary for a person to understand the main phenomena of nature and society, to participate in social and labor activities.

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    Higher education

    Higher education, higher vocational education - the upper level of vocational education following after secondary general or vocational education in a three-level system.


    Higher education, a set of systematized knowledge and practical skills that allow solving theoretical and practical problems in the field of training, using and creatively developing modern achievements science, technology and culture.

    TSB. - 1969-1978

    Higher education. The third stage of the antique. educate. process following the elementary. and cf. links of education. At this highest stage, they studied first of all philosophy (for the first time with Plato), and then rhetoric (for the first time with Isocrates).


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    EDUCATION - the process and result of a person's assimilation of general and specialized social experience, systematized knowledge, skills, as well as social norms and values; one of the most important means of social regulation ...

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    public education

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    Public education The first schools in St. Petersburg were opened during the reforms of Peter I: first of all, professional educational institutions were created - the Maritime Academy ...

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    Right to education

    The right to education is one of the “second generation” human rights (socio-economic and cultural; the aspect of non-discrimination can also be considered as a civil right of the first generation).


    RIGHT TO EDUCATION - the constitutional right to receive a certain amount of knowledge in accordance with state educational standards.

    Fixing P. on about.

    Constitutional law of the Russian Federation. - 2002

    The RIGHT TO EDUCATION is one of the fundamental rights of citizens of the USSR (see Basic Rights and Duties of Citizens of the USSR), legally enshrined in the Constitution of the USSR.

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    LIFELONG EDUCATION philosophical-ped. the concept, according to which education is seen as a process covering the whole life of a person; aspect of educational practice…

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    LIFELONG EDUCATION - the process of growth of the educational (general and professional) potential of the individual throughout life, organizationally provided by a system of state and public institutions and corresponding to the needs of the individual and ...

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    Professional education

    PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION is a socially and pedagogically organized process of labor socialization of an individual, providing orientation and adaptation in the world of professions, mastering a specific specialty and skill level ...

    Pedagogical dictionary of the librarian. - St. Petersburg: RNB, 2005-2007.

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    Vocational education is the process and result of professional formation and development of the individual, accompanied by the acquisition of established knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies in specific specialties and professions.


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    Orthographic dictionary. - 2004

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    She has an economic education, but she has not worked in her specialty for a single day.

    Moreover, culture and education serve to affirm human dignity.

    Because being in Moscow and getting an education there, I did not hope to return home.

    And the laws are written in such a way that even specialized education does not always help to parse them.

    Tags: Unified state exam, Rosobrnadzor, Moscow, Secondary education, Exams.

    All employees have energy education and extensive experience in this field.

    About half of the graduates are going to get higher education at TTU.

    To reform education and science in order to inject personnel into the economy.

    This formation will give new dynamics to integration cooperation, M. Myasnikovich said.

    Education - the process of mastering the system of ZUNs developed by man. Formation on this basis of a holistic worldview, cognitive abilities, consciousness and behavior. The content of education is defined as a set of systemic knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs, as well as a certain level of development of cognitive forces and practical training achieved in educational work. In the ordinary sense, education, among other things, implies and is mainly limited to the teaching of students by a teacher.

    In order to survive in the modern world, we need knowledge.

    Essay on social science "The role of education in human life"

    First we are sent to school, where we must study the elementary sciences and acquire important and necessary knowledge. Then we decide on the choice of a future profession and enter higher educational institutions, where we gain the experience and knowledge that we need for a particular specialty. Education makes us full members of the society in which we live, helps us develop, gives us precious experience and wisdom, without which we cannot live a decent life. Education plays a huge role in the life of every person. It brings us "sweet fruits" of spiritual satisfaction and material benefits. But the most important advantage that education gives a person is, of course, the foundation for the formation of personality, the formation of life goals and principles, and the development of the spiritual component of a person.

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    Ticket number 1

    1 question: Organizational and legal foundations of higher education in the Russian Federation

    2. Simple PCS: Modern lecture in the system of higher education

    3. Comprehensive PKZ:

    1. Organizational and legal foundations of higher education in the Russian Federation (competencies OK-1, OK-2, OK-3, OK-5, PC-1)

    The legal foundations of education management are laid down by the Federal Law “On Education”. The organizational basis of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education is the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020. Higher and postgraduate professional education are regulated by the Federal Law of the same name.

    Education is understood as a purposeful process of upbringing and education in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.

    Higher vocational education aims to train and retrain specialists of the appropriate level, meet the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational education.

    The following levels of higher professional education are established in the Russian Federation:

    higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully passed the final certification, qualifications (degrees) "bachelor";

    higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully passed the final certification, the qualification "certified specialist";

    higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully passed the final certification, the qualification (degree) "master".

    Persons who have received state documents on higher professional education of a certain level, have the right, in accordance with the received direction of training (specialty), to continue their education in the educational program of higher professional education of the next level.

    Obtaining education for the first time in educational programs of higher professional education at various levels is not considered as obtaining a second higher professional education.

    The mastering by a person of the educational program of higher professional education of the corresponding level in a higher educational institution that has state accreditation is the basis for him to occupy a certain position in a state, municipal organization, receive an official salary and allowances for it.

    Postgraduate professional education provides citizens with the opportunity to improve the level of education, scientific, pedagogical qualifications on the basis of higher professional education.

    In addition to basic education, citizens can receive additional education.

    Additional educational programs include educational programs of various directions, implemented by:

    a) in general educational institutions and educational institutions of vocational education outside the main educational programs that determine their status;

    b) in educational institutions additional education(in advanced training institutions, courses, vocational guidance centers, music and art schools, art schools, home children's creativity, at the stations of young technicians, stations of young naturalists and in other institutions that have the appropriate licenses);

    c) through individual pedagogical activity;

    d) in scientific organizations.

    Taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual, educational programs are mastered in the following forms:

    In the Russian Federation, state educational standards are established, which include federal and regional (national-regional) components, as well as a component of an educational institution. State educational standards are the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates, regardless of the forms of education.

    · Currently, the process of gradual modernization of the system of higher professional education continues in the Russian Federation. It is well known that the modernization of education is a political and national task, it should not and cannot be carried out as a departmental project. The interests of society and the state in the field of education do not always coincide with the sectoral interests of the education system itself, and therefore the determination of directions for the modernization and development of education cannot be confined within the educational community and the educational department. In the course of modernization of education, considered as a priority sector national economy, the state will consistently increase its financial support to the necessary need.

    In the modern world, the importance of education as the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of the economy and society is increasing along with the growing influence of human capital. The Russian education system is able to compete with the education systems of advanced countries. At the same time, broad public support is needed for the ongoing educational policy, the restoration of responsibility and the active role of the state in this area, a deep and comprehensive modernization of education with the allocation of the necessary resources for this and the creation of mechanisms for their effective use.

    The role of education in human life.

    The educational policy of Russia, reflecting national interests in the field of education and presenting them to the world community, at the same time takes into account the general trends in world development, which necessitate significant changes in the education system. The domestic education system is an important factor in maintaining Russia's place among the leading countries of the world, its international prestige as a country with a high level of culture, science, and education.

    The main task of the Russian educational policy is to ensure the modern quality of education on the basis of preserving its fundamental nature and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state. The education system should be focused not only on tasks from the state, but also on the ever-increasing public educational demand, on the specific interests of families, local communities, and enterprises. It is the focus on the real needs of specific consumers of educational services that should create the basis for attracting additional financial and material and technical resources.

    Modern lecture in the system of higher education.

    Lecture (lat. lectio - reading) - oral systematic and consistent presentation of material on any problem, method, topic, etc.

    A lecture at a university should have a clear and strict structure. Historically, a lecture, as a rule, consists of three parts: introduction (introduction), presentation and conclusion.

    The educational process at the university is a combination of lectures, seminars and laboratory classes, consultations, independent work of the student with a textbook and other literary sources, research, term papers, design and graduation works, etc.

    Tasks of modern education

    In connection with the current relevance of the problem of constant updating of knowledge, higher education is faced with the task of teaching the methodology of self-acquisition and updating of knowledge, developing students' desire to update them throughout their lives, training the intellect, logical thinking.

    There are two points of view about lecturing. Some say that in the presence of textbooks, lecturing loses its meaning - all the necessary information can be gleaned by the student from manuals. With the availability of books and computers, lectures were no longer needed, and teachers were needed as consultants!

    Others argue that no textbook can replace the living word of the lecturer and the direct communication of generations. The lecture is one of the most important moments of passing the baton of knowledge.

    However, at the current level of development of science, no educational, lecture course simply can be comprehensive. A lecture cannot, and a lecturer should not have the goal of conveying to the audience the entire content of the subject, presenting all the facts and problems, the entire history and literature of the issue. The lecture can ensure the assimilation of the material only at the level of familiarization, a general orientation in the subject of study.

    The lectures should present the basic concepts and fundamental provisions of a given scientific discipline, its ideas and principles, the most significant key problems, an overview of the field of knowledge through a living personality; connection of this knowledge with the most important goals of human life; excitation of active interest, leading to an independent understanding of the subject. The course of lectures should be systematic.

    The global trend in the educational process is the transition to reading only orientation lectures! The lectures cover only the main sections of the courses, covering the latest achievements in this field of knowledge,

    The main time and attention in higher education should be given to active forms of learning in small groups, independent work of students on literature and mandatory seminars that stimulate the development of students' cognitive abilities, not memorization of the material, but its understanding. Learning that focuses on memorizing facts unwittingly inhibits the development of creative abilities and even leads to the loss of talents.

    However, everything that is said above about the modern lecture refers to students who, upon entering a university, have a sufficient initial level for studying. If students are accepted without competitive selection, with a very low level of training and unable to study independently, lectures are the most economical way to convey information to them, to introduce difficult topics that students cannot master on their own. In addition, the students themselves imagine a good lecture as a clear and orderly overview, logically planned, emphasizing the main points, without a lot of digressions, without retelling the contents of the textbook.

    As for the lecturer, the first ten characteristics are known in terms of significance:

    1) presents the material clearly and logically;

    2) enables the student to understand the basic principles of the subject;

    3) speak loudly enough and clearly;

    4) makes it possible to understand the significance of the material;

    6) observes the sequence in the course;

    7) criticizing, seeks to constructively help students;

    8) demonstrates thorough knowledge of the subject;

    9) maintains the correct pace in the presentation;

    10) includes material that is difficult to find in books.

    Modern types of lectures:

    1. The problem lecture begins with questions, with the formulation of a problem that needs to be solved during the presentation of the material.

    Lecture-visualization - lectures using the principle of visibility

    3. Lecture together - educational material of problematic content is given to students in live dialogic communication between two teachers. When presenting two sources of information, the task of students is to compare different points of view and make a choice whether to join one or another of them or develop their own.

    4. Lecture with pre-planned mistakes

    5. Lecture-press conference- The teacher names the topic of the lecture and asks students to ask him questions in writing on this topic.

    6. Lecture-conversation, or "dialogue with the audience"

    7. Lecture-discussion - In contrast to the lecture-conversation, here the teacher, when presenting the lecture material, not only uses the students' answers to their questions, but also organizes a free exchange of opinions in the intervals between logical sections.

    8. Lecture with case studies

    Ticket number 2

    1 question: State policy in the field of higher education: concept and principles

    2. Simple PCS: Practical lesson in the system of vocational training: technology of preparation and conduct

    3. Comprehensive PKZ: Development in writing and conducting an open author's training session on any topic within any legal discipline

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    To knowledge about the world, values, experience accumulated by previous generations.

    Education, like science, can be considered in tex aspects:

    • it's a holistic knowledge system a person about the world, supported by relevant skills in various fields of activity;
    • it's purposeful education personality, the formation of certain knowledge and skills;
    • it's a system social institutions providing pre-vocational and vocational training.

    aim education is to introduce a person to the beliefs, ideals and values ​​of the dominant part of society.

    Functions education are as follows:

    • upbringing;
    • socialization;
    • training of qualified specialists;
    • familiarization with modern technologies and other cultural products.

    Criteria of education

    Education is the result.

    Educated person- a person who has mastered a certain amount of systematized knowledge and, in addition, is used to thinking logically, highlighting causes and effects.

    The main criterion for education- systematic knowledge and systematic thinking, manifested in the fact that a person is able to independently restore the missing links in the knowledge system with the help of logical reasoning.

    Depending on the amount of knowledge gained and achieved level of independent thinking distinguish between primary, secondary and higher education. By nature and direction education is divided into general, vocational and polytechnic.

    General education gives knowledge of the foundations of the sciences of nature, society, man, forms a dialectical-materialistic worldview, develops cognitive abilities. General education provides an understanding of the basic patterns of development in the world around a person, the training and labor skills necessary for each person, and a variety of practical skills.

    Polytechnic education introduces the basic principles of modern production, develops skills in handling the simplest tools that are used in everyday life.

    The role of education in human life

    Through education, transmission occurs from one generation to another.

    On the one hand, education is influenced by the economic and political spheres. public life, as well as the socio-cultural environment - national, regional, religious traditions (therefore, the models and forms of education differ significantly from each other: we can talk about Russian, American, French education systems).

    On the other hand, education is a relatively independent subsystem of social life, which can influence all spheres of society. Thus, the modernization of education in the country makes it possible to further improve the quality of labor resources and, consequently, contribute to the development of the economy. Civic education contributes to the democratization of the political sphere of society, legal - to the strengthening of legal culture. In general, high-quality education forms a harmonious personality both in general cultural terms and professionally.

    Education is of great importance not only for society, but also for the individual. In modern society, education is the main "social lift" that allows a talented person to rise from the very bottom of social life and achieve a high social status.

    Education system

    Education is one of the most important spheres of social life, on the functioning of which the intellectual, cultural, and moral state depends. The end result comes down to the education of the individual, i.e. its new quality, expressed in the totality of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Education retains its potential as a determining factor in the socio-economic development of Russia.

    Education system includes:

    • preschool educational institutions;
    • educational institutions;
    • educational institutions of higher professional education (higher educational institution);
    • educational institutions of secondary specialized education (secondary specialized educational institution);
    • non-state educational institutions;
    • additional education.

    Educational institutions are a massive and extensive system. Their network affects the socio-economic situation, both in the country and in the regions. In educational institutions, the transfer of knowledge, moral principles and customs of society is carried out.

    The most important social institution in the education system is a school.

    Problems facing education management:

    • low salaries of teachers;
    • insufficient material and technical support of educational institutions;
    • lack of personnel;
    • insufficient professional level of education;
    • insufficient level of general culture.

    Structure of education

    Education, like any social subsystem, has its own structure. Thus, in the structure of education, one can single out educational institutions(schools, colleges, universities), social groups(teachers, students, pupils), educational process(the process of transferring and assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities, values).

    The table shows the structure of education on the example of the Russian Federation. Basic general education in the Russian Federation until the age of 15 is compulsory.

    Educational levels

    In addition to preschool, general and vocational education, sometimes there are:

    • additional education that takes place in parallel with the main one - circles, sections, Sunday schools, courses;
    • self-education– independent work to acquire knowledge about the world, experience, cultural values. Self-education is a free and active way of cultural self-improvement, which allows to achieve the best success in educational activities.

    By forms of education when structuring, full-time, part-time, external, according to an individual plan, distance forms are distinguished.

    The selected information is transmitted to students with the help of certain teaching aids, sources of information (the word of the teacher, teaching aid, visual and technical means).

    Basic principles of formation of the content of school education:

    • humanism ensuring the priority of universal human values ​​and human health, free development;
    • Scientific, which manifests itself in accordance with the knowledge offered for study at school recent achievements scientific, social and cultural progress;
    • Subsequence, which consists in planning the content that develops in an ascending line, where each new knowledge relies on the previous one and follows from it;
    • historicism, meaning the reproduction in school courses of the history of the development of a particular branch of science, human practice, coverage of the activities of outstanding scientists in connection with the problems under study;
    • Systematic, involving the consideration of the knowledge being studied and the skills being formed in the system, the construction of all training courses and the entire content of school education as systems that are included in each other and in the general system of human culture;
    • Connection with life as a way to test the validity of the knowledge being studied and the skills being formed, and as a universal means of reinforcing school education with real practice;
    • Age Compliance and the level of preparedness of schoolchildren who are offered this or that system of knowledge and skills for mastering;
    • Availability, determined by the structure of curricula and programs, the way scientific knowledge is presented in educational books, as well as the order of introduction and the optimal number of scientific concepts and terms studied.

    Two subsystems of education: training and education

    Thus, the concepts of "education" and "education" are the most important pedagogical categories that allow one to separate the interconnected, but not reducible to each other, subsystems of education as a purposeful, organized process of human socialization.

    And here we are talking about understanding the term "education" in narrow pedagogical sense of the word, as a subsystem of education, which is on the same level with training, at the same level, and not “under it” or “above it”, which can be schematically expressed as follows (Fig. 1).

    Rice. 1. Two subsystems of education

    This distinction in the education system has already been highlighted by Plato, who in the dialogue "Sophist" called to distinguish "from the art of teaching the art of educating", and in the "Laws" argued that "we recognize the most important thing in training is proper education." Moreover, by upbringing, he understood the formation of a person's positive attitude towards what he is taught, introducing not only knowledge, but also methods of activity.

    Since then, many attempts have been made to define training and education, to separate these processes. In recent decades, in the domestic pedagogical science very promising approaches to solving this problem have been proposed, primarily by such researchers as AND I. Lerner, V.V. Kraevsky, B.M. Bim-Bad and etc.

    Moreover, their concepts were not mutually exclusive, but complemented each other and, from the point of view of their main content, boiled down to the following:

    • training and education are subsystems of a single process of education;
    • education and upbringing are sides of the expediently organized process of human socialization;
    • the difference between training and upbringing is that the first is mainly addressed to the intellectual side of a person, while upbringing is directed to his emotional-practical, value side;
    • training and education are not only interconnected processes, but also mutually supporting, complementing each other.

    As noted Hegel, one cannot teach a carpenter's paw and not teach carpentry, just as one cannot teach philosophy and not teach philosophizing.

    From this follows the general conclusion that education will be educational only when, along with educational goals, the goals of education are set and implemented. But still, in this two-pronged process there is a main link, and such is precisely training, which provides knowledge as the most solid foundation for education.

    By expression K.D. Ushinsky, education is construction, during which a building is erected, and knowledge is its foundation. This building has many floors: skills, abilities, abilities of trainees, but their strength depends primarily on the quality factor of the foundation laid in the form of knowledge.

    The unity of training and education is determined by the very nature of the pedagogical process, which includes purposeful training and education as subsystems of education.

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