
When Wenger began to train arsenal. Arsen Wenger is the latest news. Achievements on coaching position

Children's and youthful years Arsena Hanger:

After graduating from school, Arsen entered the University of Strasbourg, where he successfully studied at the faculty of engineering, and later graduated from the magistracy and became a doctor of economic sciences. He combined with the game in amateur football teams, from 1963 to 69 years old played for the Datlenheim youth team. Young Wenger always sought to organize and knowledge, so by 24 years owned 6 languages, including his native French.

Successes of the novice football player Arsena Hungarian

The debut of Arsen took place as part of the amateur football team called "Mütig", for which he played from 1969 to 1973. In 24, he was offered to join the club "Mulhouse", in which Wenger stayed 2 years. In the period from 1975 to 1978 was a member of the Pierro Voban team.

The peak of his football career as a player Arsen reached the club "Stasburg", in which he stayed from 1978 to 81 years. During this period, the team with the participation of Hanger won the title of Champions of France, as well as Arsen had the honor to go to the field in the fight for the UEFA Cup.

Actually, on this career, Arsen Hanger as a football player was completed, because He always felt his vocation precisely in coaching. (See also about)

Arsen Wenger - World Recognition Coach

The coaching activity of Wenger began in 1981. This year, he became the coach of the Strasbourg Youth Team and was its coach for 1983. In the period from 1983 to 84 Arsen became the assistant of the head coach in the club "Cannes".

1984 brought the Venger to the coach in the club "Nancy", in which he stayed until 1987.

The turning point for the better in the life of the Hungarian occurred at the moment when Arsen became coach of the Monaco football club, where Wenger was able to maximize himself as a talented and professional trainer. Thanks to him, the team became the champion of France, and in 1991 he led them to victory for the France Cup. In addition, the team repeatedly became finalists of various competitions. Wenger stayed by the Monaco coach until 1994.

But the real starry hour has arrived at Arsena Hungarian at the coming of Arsenal in 1996. Perhaps it is the consonance of his name and the name of the team influenced the fact that this club became the most beloved for the coach. Instructing Arsen Hanger for each team member, a personal training system was developed, as well as a special diet and nutrition course. This contributed to the energetic players and excellent collens in matches. Arsen Wenger became one of the best foreign coaches in the history of the club "Arsenal", which brought the team to the champions and himself became the best coach of England. In 2001, Vengeru was received a proposal to become the head coach of France's football team, but he refused, since he found his soul in Arsenal.

Arsen Wenger was the favorite of the public and football fans for his wisdom and professionalism, he was even given a nickname "Professor".

In the period from 1998 to 1999, A. Wenger was awarded the Prize "Fair Game." For a long time I was the ambassador of Castrol and the developer. Also, Wenger was remembered by their gripping rivalry with whom he was constantly fighting for the championship in English football. On this basis, there were always scandals and incidents around the two geniuses, due to which the yellow press was a variety of various exclusive headlines, and Arsen himself periodically received a reprimand and fines. The real victory of Wenger won over Ferguson, when he headed the ranking of the best football coaches of the beginning of the 21st century. And the real fiasco has experienced when the best player of Arsenal Robin Bath Perscy moved to "".

in the photo Arsen Wenger and Andrei Arshavin

Merits in front of the team and trophies brought by the team during the breaker of the Hungarian; Three times became champions of England, 6 times won the Cup of England, 6 times the Super Cup of England, 2006, Arsenal is part of the Champions League final, 2000 - UEFA Cup finalists.

It is believed that good coaches rarely have been the same good footballers. As an example, you can take José Mourinho or Andre Villas-Boash (who, by the way, was not a professional football player at all). Arsen Wenger also includes such coaches (in the article Next). Frenchman by origin, Englishman in the heart - so you can characterize this coach. Arsen Wenger, his biography and everything connected with him is very interesting.

French childhood and youth

Despite the fact that Arsen Wenger was born only 4 years after the end of the Bloody Second World War, his childhood can be called quite cloudless. He grew up in a very secured family that had its own business selling and replacing auto parts. He spent all his childhood in a small village, where in his free time playing football in the courtyard. His proudly giving an interview that they were familiar with such a great man, noted that even then he was distinguished by tremendous organizational abilities and preferred not so much to play how much to train. Since in parallel with the auto parts sale business, his parents owned a pub, where the matches were constantly broadcast and discussed football events, Little Arsen felt that football was exactly what he was willing to devote his life.

Game career

Arsen Wenger did not reach some big heights, being a football player. Until 24 years old, he played in the Amatorian team of France, after which there was a transition to the team of the 2nd League "Mulhouse", where for 2 years he spent a little more than 50 matches. Then - the 3rd League and the "Pierro Voban" team, in which he was captain and spent 80 matches, scoring 20 goals. Very good indicator for the central defender (occasionally played on the position of the support midfielder).

It can be seen, this statistic attracted a larger club, and he was invited to the Strasbourg team. For 3 years, held in the team, he played only 10 matches of the inner championship and appeared in the UEFA Cup match, but it also allowed him to get the "Champion of France" medal, which became the biggest achievement in his game career.

Career coaching

Immediately after the end of his game career, President Strasbura saw the future in Arsen and offered him the position of coach of the youth team. Wenger, short-minded, agreed and received his first experience, training young guys. 2 years he spent at the post of senior coach of youths of "Strasbura" and, thanks to his success, received an offer to become an assistant of the head coach at the Club of the Elite Division "Cannes".

And now, finally, Arsen Wenger receives an offer to lead his first professional club. This command was "Nancy", but, as they say, "the first pancake comormed". Much did not work in a young and ambitious coach. Perhaps his ambitions went ahead of him himself.

After 3 years in Nancy, he became the head coach in "Monaco" and it was there who managed to reveal his coaching potential, winning the first year "League 1". However, after that, there was no chance to repeat their achievement, Wenger retired and went to train to the country of the Rising Sun - Japan. Working with the local club "Nagoya Grampus", he returned to Europe. Here in 1996, Arsen Wenger was headed by Arsenal (London), and it could hardly imagine that their cooperation would delay such a long time.

In September next year, Wenger will be able to boldly celebrate 20 years since the beginning of cooperation with Arsenal. Through his coaching hands passed a whole generation of talented football players. What is the names of such players like Sesk Fabregas, Thieri Henri, Nicolas Anelka and Robin this list can be continued for a very long time. Over the years working with Londoners, Wenger managed 3 times to bring them to the desired championship and made the Grand European football club, who even had such teams as "Real Madrid" and Catalan "Barcelona". He took the team and in the Champions League Final, Europa League. Let the team have ups and downs, but in the coach everyone is also believed.

Fighting Sir Alex Ferguson

All in England, throughout the career, Arsen Wenger watched the opposition of the two geniuses of the coaching corps - the Hungarian himself and recall at least the match of 2004 between Manchester and Arsenal, when a rather controversial penalty was appointed in the gate of Londoners. The match ended with a score of 2: 0 in favor of the team from Manchester, and after the star of Canonirov Sesk Fabregas threw meals in Alex Ferguson. Arsen Wenger, in turn, because of the post-match discussions of the decision of the arbitrator (Wenger was confident that it was simulated) received a fine of 15,000 pounds of sterling. Continuing to insist on their own after the match, the Arsenal coach has repeatedly received such a fine.


As coach Arsen Wenger has repeatedly received the most prestigious awards. And it is not surprising: 19 years of work in one of the strongest clubs of the most strong planet championship make themselves felt. Three times, the Frenchman became the best coach of the English Premier League, and this is a very honorable title, because the same Ferguson, Mourinho and many other strong experts stand in one row with Wenger. It is also a record holder in the number of rewards received, given every month the best coach of the submarine for the past period of time. According to IFFHS estimates (the International Federation of Football History and Statistics), he became the best coach of the first decade of the XXI century, bypassing precisely Alex Ferguson, who was on the 2nd position.


Without a doubt, Arsen Wenger is exactly the coach that can be attributed to great specialists in the history of football. And who knows how many years he will still work with his brainchild called "Arsenal" (London). With confidence, it can be said that the coach club will last until it seems that the coach does not consider it necessary to break these strong bonds.

    • 17:24 Alexey Shatilov:Boyarkin Maxim Vladimirovich,
      the logic in your words is, but something like that sounded to Jose and Mu. He was given time, understood that the front of the work was extensive and nothing could be changed in a week or a month. But in the end it became clear that, in fact, Mourinho does not change anything in general. He just sits and earns money, not wanting to evolve. The Portuguese stayed last decades, if at all in the middle of the "zero". Football, how not to twist, but develops. There are new techniques, tactics, miscalculations, but it's all alien for Jose. He is able to destroy the club and the former fruits of work peretnino and confidence in their abilities. If this happens, the new coach will not build a new team on, because the spine will not be broken, but he is twisted in such a way that it will be held healthy organismand disabled. Actually, while Tottenham did not get a disabled person, IMHO castling Moore - so how to produce.
    • 16:15 Boyarkin Maxim Vladimirovich:″... Most of all, it can be disturbed by the factor that Mourinho has changed very little in Tottenham, and in itself, it seems, it is absolutely not going to change. At their press conferences, the Portuguese still prefers to look antagonistic and, as if a powder barrel, ready to explode at any second. But Bed Jose is that his wards seem to be not ready to answer positively on such a manner of behavior of their mentor. And if the Portuguese did not make serious and positive changes after pens, then the question is logical - for which the coaching circuit ...″
      This paragraph concluded the main error of the author of the article and, at the same time, the answer, why Tottenham now (!) It is impossible to return peretelly. (Impo).
      The task of an experienced trainer who took the club in disgusting, and even in the offseason, is to assess the depth and degree of "bottlenecks" in the game team, draw conclusions and outline the image of the football model for the future (next season), if possible, retaining That is a positive, which remained from the previous mentor, does not pass the "breaking the spine" with its new ideas of the already "immobilized patient." Mourinho is now engaged in this, paying all emotions and networks on injuries, eliminating all illusions to trophies, and leaving alone at the hope of a favorable tournament alignment. She was engaged in Sudan last year, adopting a collapsed Real from "Playful Hands" Solari, having profitted until the end of the championship without a "radical" intervention in the "cream" game model.
      Therefore, the mission of the football "resuscitation" TTX, for this season (!), Mourinho is still doing 100 (Imp).
    • 15:40 fCK: Detached !!!
    • 15:37 fCK: Jazzoo, FAS! So where is the Diza?
      by the way, at the meeting, I would suggest you! In the meantime, rejoice.
    • 14:35 Yura: Pankrat White "... dear, well she former girl football player)))) ... "
      In the ninth grade met?
      And with which in the seventh flushed, well, which works on normal operation and tits does not show, write a result
    • 10:21 flash_Z: We still have in the yard yesterday boys from the area in a note shot - 19:19. I think the news deserves the first strip ...
    • 09:08 Boyarkin Maxim Vladimirovich:It is felt, the article took a lot of time and effort. But the author does not agree with the author in one important, principal moment. When equals such as Pele and Messi - statistics, in itself, there can be no argument in principle. Pele - Football Perfection. It is impossible to be better than him. But be significant - you can. For this, it is necessary to show not only football on the field. Messi succeeded. Proof of? They are: in the world, the number of atheists, as well as people who think that in sports achievements, the human anthropometry is played, and not the brain.
    • 08:03 Boyarkin Maxim Vladimirovich:Pankrat White. "... And Aliyev is really a narrow-minded one who lost his head for another EDAK in the 16th, when only began to kick a ball ...."
      If the truth tells the fool, she has no relation to this.
      I am now talking only in the part of his words that this quinus really has its real creator.
      It's no secret to anyone that even during the time of the USSR, Pindos, from time to time, have experienced similar things on the Chinese. This is confirmed by many sources that, for obvious reasons, could not become official, as well as simple mortals - people who served in the army in those year: Sosla Barati served on the border, in the Trans-Baikal Territory ..., a lot of what told.

There are not many managers in the football world that have become real legends of their clubs. In fact, they can be counted on the fingers. Sir Alex Ferguson gave "Red Devols" 27 years of life, Valery Vasilyevich Lobanovsky Kiev "Dynamo" - twenty years.

Arsen Wenger flashed in the London "Arsenal" the third ten, and, no matter how individual fans have treated him (the team for more than ten years does not win the English championship and none of the European Cups, the Frenchman has long entered the history of "Kanonirov", and it is with him associated all achievements in newest Story Club.

Arsen Wenger: Biography and Interesting Facts

The boy named Arsen with the characteristic German surname Wenger was born in Strasbourg in October 1949. The post-war shadow lay down on Europe, however, in contrast to many French families, Alfons and Louise Wenger could not complain about the lack of livelihood. The family had a small business in the form of a cafe-bistro, so Arsen, as well as his brother and sister in free time Could just play, as it should be children, and not to engage in households with adults.

The guy successfully graduated from school, entered the engineer to the University of Strasbourg and even received a doctoral degree in economics. During his studies, he played for various youth football teams. Arsen Wenger in his youth to new knowledge, so in incomplete 25 years already knew several foreign languages.

By the way, it is the language game of the words that gives rise to rumors about the roots with which Arsen Wenger is connected. The nationality of the Arsenal coach is a Frenchman, although he has the German branches in his family. Another language pun in honor of the instructor of "Kanonirov" was already invented by the fans of Arsenal. The fact is that in english language The name of the club "Arsenal" is consonant with the phrase "ARSENE KNOWS" (Arsen knows). Similarly, the fans of "Pushkur" express huge support and all confidence in their coach.

Carier start

As a player, the French footballer revealed to the Positions of Ustbek. Today, you can often hear that the thinking defender is a bad defender that playing the role is needed as simple as possible and uncomplicate that it is better to just knock the ball than to go to the stroke.

Arsen Wenger is a bright refutation of this dogma. Being indement manHe and on the field calculated his actions a few steps forward, preferring such technical and tactical actions to a banal end of the ball to the field center. Looking in advance, let's say that such qualities will be useful to him and in the work of a football manager. While his partners in the coaching workshop from the famous clubs are accustomed to getting the best football players for considerable money here and now, Wenger has always been a supporter of the upbringing of young people, "diamond cuts", so to speak. Surely, individual fans of "Canonirov" with reproxity recall Monsieur Arsen inverse effect of such a position - the absence of current trophies. However, time shows that the coach is moving in the right direction, and after almost a decade of drought "Kanonira" won two cups and the Super Cup of England.

In the career of the Hungarian Player there was no "big" clubs, loud names and raised above the head of trophies. All his gaming practice was held in his native France, and the names of the clubs, in the colors of which the defender played, little to say the ordinary fan. Mutzig, Mulhouse, Pierro Voban - a total of nine years in Wenger spent about 200 fights for these teams. Only on the outcome of the player player, he moved to Strasbourg for three years, with whom he won his only trophy - the France Championship.


In the coaching activity of Monsieur Arsen began immediately after the end of the game career. In 1981, he headed the youth team of Strasbourg, and two years later he worked as an assistant to the head coach in Cannes. In 1984, he was already offered to manage the first team - so the coach was in Nancy. The crown of the same coaching work in France was the period from 1987 to 1994, when Arsen Wenger took the "Monaco" on the field. It is with Monegaski "Professor", as it will be later called, won his first trophies: the gold medals of the France championship and the National Cup. In addition, under the leadership of the Frenchman "Monaco" reached the Final Cup of the Cup owners in 1992.

In 1995, Monsi Arsen was surprised by a football community, replacing one of the European Top Championships on an exotic J-league. For one season, he trained Nagoi Grampus EIT, and at the end of the 1995/1996 championship, Arsen Wenger was recognized as the best coach in Japan. A photo of the French mentor to today can be found on the club posters, and the fans from Naja are very proud of this fact in the history of their team.


Since the summer of 1996, Arsen Wenger - the coach of the London Arsenal. The new Mentor "Pushkur" from the first days in the club showed an innovative campaign to the organization of the training process and even hired a whole staff of specialists who help the coach to introduce an individual approach to the functional training of team players. Individuality belonged to everything, starting with the training process, ending with a separate menu, compiled, taking into account the needs of each of the football players. Along with this, Wenger, unlike other representatives of the Elite of English football (Chelsea, Manchester United, "Manchester City"), is not in a hurry to invite for fabulous money to the team of the stars held, he prefers to educate them from the "green" young men .

So, at different times, the Arsenal Club Academy released Ashley Cowla, Fabregas sescape and other stars of the global magnitude of modern football. In addition, Monsieur Wenger opened the world a lot of young talents, subsequently climbed at the club and in national teams (Thierry Henri, Patrick Vieira, Robin Baths Perse and others). It is not surprising that while working with the Wenger Club received a nickname "Professor".

Golden times

Thanks to painstaking work, Arsen Wenger has already won the gold medals of the English Premier League very soon with Arsenal. It is noteworthy that the achievement also the fact that the Frenchman became the first foreign specialist whose team was first submitted first place in the championship and the National Cup for one season.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Pushkari finally joined the group of leaders of European football. The club has become a regulance of the most prestigious tournament of the old world, the Champions League. In the English Premier League "Arsenal" walked foot with applicants for gold medals. The team three times (1998, 2002, 2004) became the champion of the country. In the 2003/2004 championship, "Kanoniram" and completely submitted a very rare achievement - the London team managed to never lose the 38 matches of the National Championship and predictably issued the championship, which the team of Arsen Hungarian had not conquered since then.

Separate attention deserves the personal opposition of the Frenchman and the other two, not less "mothers of fighters," who had obeyed various things in the Premier League. This, of course, is about Sir Alex Ferguson and Jose Mourinho.

Wenger - Mourinho

The Cold War between Arsen Wenger and the Portuguese specialist began back in 2005. Then "special" criticized the Mentor of "Kanonir" for putting eleven legionnaires at the next match of the Premier League. The Arsenal coach was pointed by a good knowledge of the main composition of the "aristocrats", which turned out to be only one pupil of the Chelsea Academy, John Terry.

The Frenchman himself has already started the French speaker, accusing Jose Mourinho in ignorance, inadequate behavior and psychological pressure On the opponent. The answer of the Portuguese did not make himself wait long. "Special One" gave a sarcastic commentary of this situation, which said that there was a special magazine on Stamford Bridge, where the club workers contribute to the quotes of Hungarian about Chelsea. According to the Aristocrats mentor, these quotes are barely accommodate in four volumes.

Wenger - Ferguson

In 2004, an episode called "Pizzzgate" happened in the British Premier League. Alex Ferguson and Arsen Wenger acted as the conflict instigators. The "Arsenal" football player SECS Fabregas on emotions after the missing battle after unsuccessful for "gunners" allowed himself to throw pizza in the legendary mentor "Manchester United". In that match, a very controversial penalty was appointed to the goal "Pushkin", and Monsiery Arsen Postfaktum received a solid penalty for prosecution to the simulation to the forward "Red Devils" Ruda Bath Nistel.

The next time the Frenchman was already on the horse. In 2010, the International Football Statistical Agency published a rating of the best coaches of the new century. The first place in the list was taken by the Arsenal coach, bypassing the principal enemy on nine points.

Arsen Wenger: Family and Personal Life

By virtue of a kind of activity, the instructor "Kanonirov" is a personal personality. However, in contrast to the football workshop partners, the Frenchman does not like to expose private life atpon. Even the most prudent journalists did not know for a long time that the Arcenala coach of London lives with his companion in civil marriage.

Annie (so called Wenger's spouse) and Arsen have an adult daughter Lei (1992 p.). The pair legalized his marriage only in 2010, but five years later, the spouses decided to part.


With the name of Arsen Venger connected several interesting factsconcerning football and not only.

For the sake of opportunity to train Arsenal Monsieur Arsen in 1996 rejected the proposal of the Football Association of England to lead the national team.

One of the most difficult languages \u200b\u200bin the world, Japanese, was conquered by Arsen Wenger in less than a year of the leadership of Nagoe Grampus.

At the end of the past millennium, the French coach of "Kanonirov" received a special prize Fair Play for the initiator of replaying a cup match with Sheffield United . By the way, for this act Wenger received another nickname - "Gentleman."

Achievements on coaching position

In addition to the three championships with Arsenal, since 1981, the French coach put in the piggy bank of the Achievements of the Cup and Super Cup of Japan, six cups and Super Cups of England, as well as Career Cup of France and Gold Medals of the Local Championship.

Arsen Wenger was born on October 22, 1949 in Strasbourg (France). He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering University of Strasbourg in 1974, has a Master of Economic Sciences. Owns (in addition to the native French, as well as an Alsatian dialect) five languages: English, German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese.

Career player
As a player played in the position of the central defender in the amateur clubs "Mutzig", as well as at the club "Mulhouse" of the 2nd Division and in the club "Pierro Voban" of the 3rd Division. In 1978-1981, he played a professional club "Strasbourg", although he played only 12 matches for the club. In the 1978/1979 season, France's title won the title of France, and also entered the field in the same UEFA Cup match.

Career coaching
1981-1983 - the second coach of the junior team in Strasbourg (France)
1983-1984 - Assistant Coach in Cannes (France)
1984-1987 - Head Coach "Nancy" (France)
1987-1994 - Monaco head coach (France)
1995-1996 - Head Coach "Grampus EIT" (Japan)
1996-N.V. - Head coach "Arsenal" (England)

Head coach "Arsenal"
From September 28, 1996, Arsen Wenger became the head coach of Arsenal.
The first match as the head coach "Arsenal" was against "Blackbarna", in which Arsenal won with a score of 2: 0.

Under the leadership of Arsen Hungarian Arsenal became the champion of England (seasons 1997/1998, 2001/2002, 2003/2004), winner of the Cup of England (1997/1998, 2001/2002, 2002/2003, 2004/2005), winner of the England Super Cup ( 1998/1999, 1999/2000, 2002/2003, 2004/2005), Champions League finalist (2005/2006), Finalist of the UEFA Cup (1999/2000).

No coach "Arsenal" to Arsen Hungarian did not lead the team for so long and did not reach such success.

Three won championship, four cups and four Super Cup of England were won by Arsen Wenger in 11 years at the helm of the club. At the same time, twice, in 1998 and 2002 he managed to make the Golden Doubl.

Arsen Wenger is the only head coach of "Kanonirov", which won more than one Cup of England and went to the Champions League final. Also, he is the only head coach in the history of English football, whose team during the entire season never lost. This success happened in the 2003/04 season.

Arsen Wenger is known for his mind and a rare gift to find and develop young players from around the world. Arsen interferes in all the vital aspects of the club management - from the diet of the team to training methods.

His calm and measured behavior reflects the style of his team, which plays an attacking and attractive football.

As mentioned above, he received a Master of Economic Sciences of the Strasbourg University, and was also awarded the title of Honorary Doctor at the University of Herdforsira. In 2002, he received the Higher Civil Award of France, the Order of the Honorary Legion, and a year later he was awarded the Order of the British Empire. October 19, 2010 recognized as the best coach of the first decade of the 21st century according to IFFHS

On August 14, 2010, Arsen extended his three-year contract for three years until June 2014.

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