
Gdz tsybulko exam. To add essays. How do you understand the meaning of the word kindness

Examples of essays 36 variants of cybulko 2018 in Russian

  1. "The ecological problem of human responsibility for the preservation of life on earth." Tsybulko 2018. No. 11
    Do people think about the consequences of a cigarette butt thrown on the ground, a package of chips, plastic bottle? More than seven billion people think that from one time nothing ...

  2. Option 24 USE 2017 Tsybulko
    Have you ever thought about how difficult it was for people during the war? How did they manage not to break down and survive? How did they overcome all these difficulties? So in this text, the author raises the problem ...

  3. USE-2018 TSYBULKO 20 option - the problem of the role of books in human life
    This text touches upon the problem of the role of the book in human life. To draw the attention of readers to this issue, Yu. V. Bondarev reflects on how important literary works are in ...

  4. USE-2018. TSYBULKO. Option 21. The problem of the value of childhood.
    The text proposed for analysis touches upon the problem of the value of childhood. To draw the attention of readers to this issue, V.G.Korolenko talks about a young teacher who has only recently started ...

  5. USE-2018. TSYBULKO. Option 22. The problem of being able to stand up for yourself
    In the text given for analysis, the problem of the ability to stand up for oneself, not to drop one's own dignity, when faced with vulgarity and rudeness, is touched upon. To draw the attention of readers to this ...

  6. according to option 25 / TSYBULKO 2018
    Who are the intellectuals? How to distinguish intellectuals from "semi-intellectuals"? What kind of person can be called an intellectual? It is these questions that the author of the article, Dmitry, makes us think about ...

  7. according to the text of V.P. Krapivin about Zhurka. The problem of loneliness in old age. Collection of I.P. Tsybulko, version 7
    Young people live in modern world full of problems and worries, joys and discoveries. In this bustle, we have no time to give our love and care to loved ones: grandmothers and grandfathers, who more and more often ...

  8. The problem of the "consumer" attitude of man to nature. (Tsybulko 2018 version 15)
    Man and nature have been together on Earth for many years. And this cohabitation did not always benefit both at the same time. The author in his text raises the problem of "consumer" attitude ...

  9. The problem of man's immoral attitude to nature. Tsybulko collection, 2018. Arguments.
    In the proposed text, the author raises the problem of the destructive influence of human activity on nature. For a long period of time, human activities did not cause great damage to nature. But...

  10. The problem of gratitude to loved ones, a sense of duty to them. Tsybulko 2018. No. 13.
    What makes a person feel grateful towards loved ones? Why do we feel indebted to our families? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of the famous Russian surgeon ...

  11. The problem of interrelation between generations, relations between adults and children. Tsybulko 2018. No. 7
    What is the basis of relations between representatives of different generations? It is this question that arises when reading the text of V.P. Krapivina. Revealing the problem of interrelation between generations, relations between ...

  12. The Power problem of genius. Tsybulko 2018. No. 30.
    How does the power of talent affect ordinary people? Is a true genius really given a power similar to that of a king? This is what A.I. Kuprin is thinking about. Revealing the problem, the author talks about ...

  13. The problem of the influence of war on the worldview and character of a person. Tsybulko 2018. No. 33.
    How does war change the worldview and character of a person? It is this question that arises when reading the text of V.P. Astafiev. Revealing the problem of the influence of war on the worldview and character of a person, the author ...

  14. The problem of the influence of music on a person according to the text of V. Astafiev In the outskirts of our village, Tsybulko stood on piles 2018 28
    V. Astafiev in his text undoubtedly raises important problem the influence of music on a person. This problem, of course, has been and is relevant at all times. Expanding the topic, V. Astafiev ...

  15. The problem of the influence of music on a person. Tsybulko 2018. No. 32.
    What effect does music have on a person? Is music capable of awakening very strong emotions in people, causing tears? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of V.P. Astafiev. Revealing ...

  16. The problem of the influence of nature on the spiritual world of man. Tsybulko 2018. No. 3.
    Does nature influence the spiritual world of a person? What feelings do we experience when we communicate with the world of fields, meadows and forests? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of K. G. Paustovsky. Uncovering the problem ...

  17. The problem of the teacher's influence on students. Tsybulko 2018. No. 21
    What influence can a teacher have on shaping the character of students? By what means is this influence carried out? It is these questions that arise when reading the text of V. G. Korolenko. Uncovering the problem ...

  18. The problem of choosing a profession, your life path. Tsybulko 2018. No. 36.
    Why is it important that a person independently, responsibly approaches the choice of his profession, his life path? It is this question that arises when reading the text of A.P. Chekhov. Uncovering the problem ...

  19. The problem of the unity of man with nature, Tsybulko 2018 option 3
    The author examines the problem of the unity of man with nature. Turning to this topic, Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky colorfully describes "favorite places" on Prorva, notices the smallest details of a living ...

  20. The problem of the value of a book in human life. Tsybulko collection, 2018. Arguments.
    1) When did the books first appear? Books in the form in which we see them now appeared only in the Middle Ages. The papyrus, which was rolled up into tubes, replaced them. By the middle of the 15th century, instead of ...

  21. The problem of the value of a book in human life. Tsybulko 2018. No. 1.
    Why love books? What is the significance of books in a person's life? Can you live without reading books? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of Yevgeny Alexandrovich Yevtushenko. Revealing ...

  22. The problem of personality traits of a real citizen, public figure. Tsybulko 2018. No. 17.
    What qualities distinguish a public figure, a real citizen? Is such a person able to withstand circumstances and power? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of D.A. ...

  23. The problem of the courage of soldiers in war. Tsybulko 2018. No. 26.
    What was the courage of the soldiers during the war years? It is this question that arises when reading the text of BL Vasiliev. Revealing the problem of soldiers' courage during the war years, the author describes the Brest Fortress, ...

  24. The problem of the moral choice between hypocrisy and sincerity. Tsybulko 2018. No. 12.
    What to do in a situation of moral choice between hypocrisy and sincerity? Is it always necessary to sincerely express your opinion? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of V.S.Tokareva. Revealing ...

  25. The problem of deception. Tsybulko 2018. Option 8
    In the text proposed for analysis, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov raises the problem of deception. Why do people deceive others? And is deception permissible in communication? Reflecting on this problem, the author ...

  26. The problem of defining the role of the Motherland in human life. Tsybulko collection, 2018. Arguments.
    1) Each writer is unique in the richness of his inner world, in the variety of creativity. But in the main thing - in love for their great and long-suffering Motherland - all Russian classics are united. Nikolay ...

  27. The problem of a person's awareness of his realization in life, the ratio of his desires and possibilities. Tsybulko 2018. No. 19.
    Does a person understand whether he managed to realize himself or not? How do our desires and realized opportunities compare? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of D. Granin. Uncovering the problem ...

  28. The problem of responsibility for the fate of the native language. Tsybulko 2018. No. 9
    Who is responsible for the fate of the native language? What needs to be done to improve the quality of the mother tongue? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of K.I. Chukovsky. Uncovering the problem ...

  29. The problem of attitudes towards outstanding personalities, idols. Tsybulko 2018. No. 30.
    How do people relate to outstanding personalities, idols? It is this question that arises when reading the text of A.I. Kuprin. Revealing the problem of attitudes towards outstanding personalities, towards idols, the author relies on ...

  30. The problem of attitudes towards famous personalities according to the text of A.I. Kuprin Tsybulko 2018. Option 30
    The problem of attitudes towards famous personalities is the problem that Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin makes us think about. Reflecting on this problem, the author recalls his meeting with an outstanding ...

  31. The problem of feeling guilty towards parents. Tsybulko 2018. No. 27.
    What gives rise to a feeling of guilt towards parents in a person? It is this question that arises when reading the text of Yu. V. Bondarev. Revealing the problem of feelings of guilt towards parents, the writer leads the story ...

  32. The problem of the fall of the spiritual culture of our society. Tsybulko 2018. No. 25.
    What are the reasons for the decline in the role of spiritual culture in our life? It is this question that arises when reading the text of D.S.Likhachev. Revealing the problem of the decline in the role of the spiritual culture of our society, the author ...

  33. The problem of the children's experience of military events, their feasible participation in the war. Tsybulko 2018. No. 10
    How did the children experience the war events? What was their participation in the fight against the enemy? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of the Soviet writer A.P. Gaidar. Revealing the problem of experience ...

  34. The problem of the feat of people during the war. Tsybulko 2018. No. 2.
    What is the feat of people during the war years? Was it only at the front that they committed heroic deeds? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of the Soviet writer V. Bykov. Uncovering the problem ...

  35. The problem of vulgarity. Tsybulko collection, 2018. Arguments.
    According to the text of AP Chekhov "Teacher of the military gymnasium, collegiate registrar Lev Pustyakov ...". Arguments. 1) "A knight without fear and reproach" - this is the name of an honest, noble person. But this...

  36. The problem of vulgarity. Tsybulko 2018. No. 8
    What is vulgarity? How can vulgarity manifest itself in our life? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of A.P. Chekhov. Revealing the problem of vulgarity, the author acquaints readers with his heroes, ...

  37. The problem of overcoming life's difficulties during the war. Tsybulko 2018. No. 24.
    How did people survive during the war? What qualities did they exhibit to overcome difficulties? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of A.P. Platonov. Revealing the problem of overcoming life ...

  38. The problem of attracting attention according to the text of A.P. Chekhov ("You feel something special ...")
    How to grab the audience's attention when public speaking? It is precisely such an urgent problem that the author raises in this text. Reasoning over the problem posed, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov talks about ...

  39. The problem of the reasons for the victory in the war. Tsybulko 2018. No. 31
    What helps to win the war? What qualities do soldiers need to defeat the enemy? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of D. Granin. Revealing the reasons for the victory in the war, ...

  40. The problem of parental love manifestation. Tsybulko 2018. No. 16.
    How strong parental love to the children? Is there anything more faithful and loyal than a parent's heart? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of A.G. Aleksin. Revealing the problem of manifestation ...

  41. The problem of the manifestation of humanity in war, the manifestation of compassion, mercy to the captured enemy. Tsybulko 2018. No. 14.
    Who is able to show compassion, mercy to a captive enemy? It is this question that arises when reading the text of BL Vasiliev. Revealing the problem of the manifestation of humanity in war, the manifestation of ...

  42. The problem of the role of books in human life. Tsybulko 2018. No. 20.
    What role do books play in our lives? It is this question that arises when reading the text of Yu. V. Bondarev. Revealing the problem of the role of books in human life, the author relies on his own reasoning. By...

  43. The problem of the role of music in human life (Tsybulko USE 2018 version 32)
    Music has been around for many years. This art form was created by people even before the creation of writing. The author in his text raises the problem of the role of music in human life. V.P. Astafiev, arguing ...

  44. The problem of the role of memory in human life. Tsybulko 2018. No. 35.
    What is the role of memory in human life? What is the value of memory? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of D. A. Granin. Revealing the problem of the role of memory in human life, the author relies on ...

  45. The problem of the power of the poetic word. Tsybulko 2018. No. 28.
    What is the power of the poetic word? Is poetry capable of awakening various feelings in a person, making him think about the most important? These are the questions that arise when reading V.P.'s text ....

  46. The problem of preserving monuments of history and culture. Tsybulko 2018. No. 4.
    Why is it necessary to preserve monuments of history and culture? Can it be considered that the preservation of monuments is associated with the preservation of historical memory? These are the questions that arise when reading Valentine's text ...

  47. The problem of the fate of Russian villages. Tsybulko 2018. No. 18
    What is the fate of Russian villages? Why do people leave their village homes? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of V.P. Astafiev. Revealing the problem of the fate of the Russian village, the author with pain ...

  48. The problem of the similarity between the life of nature and human life. Tsybulko 2018. No. 29.
    What is the similarity between the life of nature and the life of man? It is this question that arises when reading the text of M. M. Prishvin. Revealing the problem of the similarity between the life of nature and human life, the author narrates ...

  49. The problem of the value of childhood. Tsybulko collection, 2018. Arguments.
    1) AM Gorky wrote the stories “Childhood” and “In People” about his difficult childhood. Among the "abominations" of life, a bright spot was his grandmother - Alyosha's closest friend. She was a wonderful Russian woman ...

  50. The problem of the value of childhood. Tsybulko 2018. No. 23.
    What is the value of childhood? Can childhood be considered the main time in life? These are the questions that arise when reading the text of D. Granin. Revealing the problem of the value of childhood, the author relies on ...

  51. FIPI 2018 Tsybulko. Option 15. Problem: man and nature (In the autumn forest everything was yellow and crimson, goats, everything burned and shone together with the sun.)
    Man and nature are closely interconnected. So what influence do they have on each other. Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky, a Russian Soviet writer, discusses this topic, raising the problem of man ...

  52. FIPI I.P. Tsybulko 2017 (option 2)
    War ... How much this word tells us: death of people, pain and suffering of mothers, many orphans and terrible memories. In the text of the Russian writer B.L. Vasiliev, the actual ...

  53. FIPI I.P. Tsybulko 2017 (version 35)
    What is the role of memory in human life? This important question made me think about the author of the text D.A. Granin. Reflecting on this problem, he talks about how other writers: L. Tolstoy, ...

  54. Tsybulko 2017 version 21 composition The problem of conscience Over time I begin to understand what a person is
    What is conscience? Where did it come from? The Russian writer ponders these questions in his text and public figure YES. Granin. Granin recalls the funeral of Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko ...

  55. Tsybulko 2018 - 36 version text by A.P. Chekhova Someone enters the hallway, undresses and coughs for a long time ... The problem of attitude to studies
    A diligent, responsible approach to learning in most cases determines the demand for a person as a specialist in various spheres of life in the future. It is the problem of attitudes towards learning that is posed in ...

  56. Tsybulko 2018 19 version Daniil Alexandrovich Granin text about Likhachev (I thought that I still did not understand myself)
    In the history of our country, there have always been individuals who devote all their time and energy for the development and prosperity of their homeland. The most notable are cultural figures promoting ideals ...

  57. Tsybulko 2018 30 version the problem of which person can be considered intelligent, the problem of intelligence text by A.I. Kuprin Not so long ago I had the good fortune to speak with a person
    Educated, well-read people are the nation's hope for development and prosperity. Thanks to the intelligentsia, positive leaps and bounds in culture and science are taking place. But what kind of person you can ...

  58. Tsybulko 2018 the problem of the beauty of the Russian language text by D.S. Likhachev The greatest value of the people is their language
    The Russian language, like no other, expresses the national identity, conveys colorful emotional descriptions of events, surrounding reality and emotional experiences. Our mother tongue is not only ...

  59. Tsybulko 2018 Unified State Exam 5 version, an essay based on an excerpt about the ottic and grandfather from the work "Homeland" by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy
    In the text proposed for analysis, the famous Soviet writer A.N. Tolstoy raises the problem of the responsibility of each of us for the future of our Motherland. Taking responsibility for your homeland is ...

  60. Tsybulko 2018 Option 6 according to the text by L.N. Andreev
    In this story, the author raises the problem of the harsh essence of war, its grave consequences. This problem, I believe, is relevant at all times. In his story, Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev shows how ...

  61. Tsybulko USE 10 options 2018 Option 3 according to the text of Paustovsky
    In this story, the author raises the problem of the power of nature, its pacifying, soothing properties. This problem is very relevant in our time: with the modern pace of life, a person often forgets ...

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We have collected for you all the texts of statements from the collection of Tsybulko 2015. Under each text there are micro themes and a ready-made concise presentation. Many of these texts are repeated in the open bank of FIPI assignments, which means that they can get caught on the real OGE. Use it!

Text for options 1-4 ("Modern life with its ever-increasing pace ...").

Modern life with its ever-increasing pace makes people communicate with a large number people. Surprisingly, the more such "fleeting" acquaintances we meet, the more difficult it is to find real friends among them. However, one thing is clear: we all feel a strong need for companionship, close friendships still need us as much as food and water.
What should a real friend be like? A true friend can always help you with hard time but he will never use you as a means to achieve his goals. A true friend will sincerely rejoice at your success, but he will not pretend that he is glad, and at the same time envy you in his soul. A friend will always find the right word of support, which people so often lack. You can always rely on a friend because he is honest with you.
Do not think that a friend should be a perfect person, devoid of any flaws. No. A friend is also a person, and there are no ideal people. The main thing is to treat him with kindness and attention.

(According to I. Bondareva)


Paragraph number


Living a life with dignity and having joy for a person is possible with a real purpose, which is to serve people.

Personal gain cannot bring a person as much joy as good deeds for other people, done from the heart.

Therefore, the main life task should be broader than the personal interests of a person, it should be dictated by kindness to people.

Concise summary

1) Modern life forces people to communicate with a large number of "fleeting" acquaintances, among whom it is more and more difficult to find real friends. But we all feel a strong need for close companionship.

2) What should be a real friend? He will be able to help in difficult times and will never use you. He will be sincerely glad of your success and will not envy you. He will find a word of support. You can rely on him.

3) A friend is not a perfect person. It has flaws. The main thing is to treat him with kindness and attention.

Text for options 5-8 ("We often talk to each other ...").

We often say to each other: I wish you all the best. This is not just an expression of politeness. In these words, we express our human essence. One must have great fortitude to be able to wish well for others. The ability to feel, the ability to see people around you kindly is not only an indicator of culture, but also the result of a huge inner work spirit.

When addressing each other with a request, we say: please. A request is an impulse of the soul. To refuse to help a person means to lose one's own human dignity. Indifference to those in need of help is a mental deformity. To protect yourself from indifference, you need to develop in your soul complicity, compassion and at the same time the ability to distinguish harmless human weaknesses from vices that cripple the soul.

To increase goodness in the world around us - this is the greatest goal of life. Good is composed of many things, and every time life presents a person with a task that must be able to solve. Love and friendship, growing and spreading to many things, acquire new strength, become ever higher, and the person, their center, is wiser.

(According to D. S. Likhachev)


Paragraph number


Wishing people well is an expression of the essence of a person. The ability to see the world around us in a kind way, people is an indicator of culture, the result of a lot of inner work.

Kindness is human dignity, and indifference is mental deformity; to protect yourself from it, you need to develop sympathy and complicity in your soul.

To increase goodness in the world around us - this is the greatest goal of life; the ability to love and be friends makes a person wiser and stronger.

Concise summary

1) In wishing people well, we express our human essence, because it requires great strength spirit. The ability to see others kindly is the result of tremendous inner work.

2) To refuse help means to lose dignity. To protect oneself from indifference to those in need of help, it is necessary to develop complicity and compassion, as well as the ability to distinguish human weakness from vices.

3) Increasing goodness in the world around us is the greatest goal of life. Love and friendship gain new strength, becoming higher, and a person, their center, is wiser.

Text for options 9-12 ("I remembered hundreds of boys' answers to the question ...").

I recalled hundreds of boys' answers to the question: what kind of person do you want to become. Strong, brave, courageous, intelligent, resourceful, fearless ... And no one said - kind. Why is kindness not put on a par with such valor as courage and bravery? But without kindness, genuine warmth of heart, the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible. Good feelings, emotional culture is the focus of humanity.
Today, when there is enough evil in the world, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind in relation to each other, in relation to the surrounding living world and to commit the most daring deeds in the name of good. Following the path of good is the most acceptable and only path for a person. He is tested, he is faithful, he is useful both to a person alone and to society as a whole.
Learning to feel and empathize is the hardest part of upbringing. If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, they will never be brought up, because they are assimilated simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main of which is the value of life, someone else's, one's own, the life of the animal world and plants. In childhood, a person must go through an emotional school, a school of fostering good feelings.

(According to D.S.Likhachev)


Concise summary

1) Why is kindness not put on a par with valor and courage? Indeed, without kindness, the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible. Together with emotional culture, it is the focus of humanity.

2) Today we should be kinder towards each other, towards the animal world and commit bold deeds in the name of good. The path of goodness is the only true path for a person. He is tested, faithful, useful to both man and society.

3) If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, they will never be brought up. They are assimilated along with the main truth - the value of the life of all living things. In childhood, a person must go through a school of good feelings.

Text for options 13-16 ("A man has committed a misdemeanor ...").

The person has committed an offense or even a crime. Or he simply did not live up to the hopes that were pinned on him. Looking for an explanation. He is also looking for them. More often not so much an explanation as an excuse. The surrounding people and he himself blame the family, school, team, circumstances.

We should not forget what role a person himself plays in his own destiny. Forget about an important, and maybe the most important part of education - self-education. Indeed, of all the circumstances that shape a person, the most important is a conscious attitude to one's own life, to one's own thoughts and plans, and above all to one's own actions.

Self-education starts with self-esteem. If a person begins to find insurmountable obstacles in every business, loses self-confidence, it means that he has a low self-esteem. Overestimated self-esteem is no less dangerous when a person considers himself always and in everything right and does not listen to the opinions of others. Only the ability to adequately assess your capabilities allows you to correctly formulate life goals and achieve them.

(According to S. Lvov)


Concise summary

1) The person has committed an offense, a crime, or did not meet expectations. Everyone looks for explanations or excuses and blames others and circumstances.

2) But one should not forget about self-education. After all, the most important of the circumstances that shape a person is a conscious attitude to one's own thoughts and actions.

3) Self-education starts with self-esteem. A person has low self-esteem, when he loses self-confidence, everywhere he finds insurmountable obstacles. High self-esteem is also dangerous, because then a person considers himself to be right in everything and does not listen to others. Only the ability to adequately assess their capabilities allows a person to set goals and achieve them.

Text to options 17-20 ("Time changes people ...").

Time changes people. But besides time, there is one more category that affects you, maybe even stronger than time. This is a way of life, an attitude towards her, compassion for others. There is a consideration that compassion is nurtured by one's own misfortune. I don't like this consideration. I believe that compassion is a special talent, and without it it is difficult to remain human.

A man of a serene fate knows, of course, about troubles, that there are unfortunate people, and among them there are children. Yes, misfortunes and troubles are inevitable. But life is arranged in such a way that unhappiness to a happy person often seems distant, sometimes even unreal. If you are doing well, trouble seems to be scattered around the world in small grains of sand, unhappiness seems atypical, and happiness is typical. Happiness will not be happiness if every moment it begins to think about misfortune and sorrow.

Own troubles leave scars in the soul and teach a person important truths. But if a person remembers only such lessons, he has an underestimated sensitivity. Crying out of your own pain is not difficult. It's harder to cry from someone else's pain. A famous thinker of the past said, "Prosperity reveals our vices, and adversity reveals our virtues."

(According to A.A. Likhanov)


Concise summary

1) Lifestyle, attitude and compassion change you more than time. I believe that compassion is not nurtured by one's own misfortune, but is a talent, without which it is difficult to remain human.

2) Misfortunes and troubles are inevitable. But more often than not, they seem to the happy distant, unreal, because happiness will not be happiness if you constantly think about grief.

3) If a person remembers only the lessons of his own troubles, he has an underestimated sensitivity. It's harder to cry from someone else's pain than from your own. A thinker of the past said that prosperity reveals our vices and adversity reveals our virtues.

Text to options 21-24 ("Rudeness in the language ...").

Rudeness in language, like rudeness in manners, sloppiness in clothes is a very common phenomenon, and it testifies to a person's insecurity, to his weakness, and not at all to strength. I'm not even talking about the fact that this is a sign of bad manners, and sometimes cruelty.

A truly strong and balanced person will not needlessly speak and swear loudly. After all, it has long been known that our every act, every our word is reflected on those around us and is hostile to the dearest thing in the world - human life... And a strong person, realizing all this, is just strong in his nobility and generosity.

It is necessary to learn good, calm, intelligent speech for a long time and carefully - listening, memorizing, reading. But even though it is difficult - it is necessary, it is really necessary! Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind, our ability not to succumb to the influences of the environment, if it "drags on".

(According to D.S.Likhachev)


Concise summary

1) Rudeness in the language is a common phenomenon, indicating the weakness and insecurity of a person. It is a sign of bad manners, and sometimes cruelty.

2) A truly strong and balanced person will not speak and swear loudly. Our every action and every our word is reflected in those around us. A strong person understands this. He is strong just by his nobility and generosity.

3) You need to study calm and intelligent speech for a long time and carefully. This is really necessary, because speech is the most important part of the personality and the ability not to succumb to the influence of the environment, if it "drags on".

Text to options 25-28 ("Did human art have two paths ...").

The beauty of the surrounding world: a flower and a flight of a swallow, a misty lake and a star, a rising sun and a honeycomb, a dense tree and a woman's face - all the beauty of the surrounding world gradually accumulated in the human soul, then inevitably, the bestowal began. An image of a flower or a deer appeared on the hilt of a battle ax. The image of the sun or a bird adorned a birch bark bucket or a primitive clay plate. Indeed, until now, folk art has a pronounced applied character. Any decorated product is, first of all, a product, be it a salt shaker, an arc, a spoon, a ruffle, a slide, a towel, a baby cradle ...

Then art was distracted. The drawing on the rock has no applied character. This is just a joyful or sad cry from the soul. From a worthless drawing on a rock to a drawing by Rembrandt, Wagner's opera, Rodin's sculpture, Dostoevsky's novel, Blok's poem, Galina Ulanova's pirouette ...

(According to V.A.Soloukhin)


Concise summary

Text to options 29-32 ("Like any qualified ...").

Like any qualified, purposeful, planned and systematic work, a teacher is a profession, a specialty. But this is a special, not comparable to any other profession, profession. It differs in a number of special properties and qualities.

The object of the teacher's work is the spiritual life of a developing person - mind, feelings, will, conviction, self-awareness. The most important tools of the teacher's influence on the spiritual world of the student are the word, the beauty of the surrounding world and art, the creation of circumstances in which feelings are most clearly expressed - the entire emotional spectrum of human relations. Therefore, the teaching profession is a study of mankind, a constant, never-ending penetration into the complex spiritual world of man.

The end result of pedagogical work can be seen not immediately, not today, not tomorrow, but after a very long time. What the teacher did, said, was able to instill in the child, sometimes affects after five, ten years. Health, reason, character, will, patriotism, and human intellect depend on the teacher, on his skill, skill, art, wisdom. In other words, the present and the future of the student depends. Therefore, it is very important to believe in the possibility of successful upbringing of every child. Unlimited faith in a person, in his future - this is what should live in the soul of a person who has decided to devote his life to a noble teacher's work.

(According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky)


Concise summary

1) A teacher is a special profession, incomparable with any other business. It differs in a number of special properties and qualities.

2) The teaching profession is a study of mankind, constant penetration into the complex spiritual world of a person with the help of special tools - words, the beauty of the surrounding world and art, the creation of circumstances in which feelings are most vividly expressed.

3) The end result of the teacher's work is revealed after a long time. The present and future of the student depends on the teacher. Unlimited faith in a person must live in his soul.

Text to options 33-36 ("When I was ten years old ...").

When I was ten years old, someone's caring hand planted a volume of "Animal Heroes" on me. I consider it my "alarm clock". I know from other people that for them the "alarm clock" for the feeling of nature was a month spent in the summer in the countryside, a walk in the forest with a man who "opened his eyes to everything," the first trip with a backpack, with an overnight stay in the forest ...

There is no need to enumerate everything that can awaken in human childhood interest and reverence for the great mystery of life. Growing up, a person must comprehend with his mind how difficult everything in the living world is intertwined, interconnected, how this world is strong and at the same time vulnerable, how everything in our life depends on the wealth of the earth, on the health of living nature. This school must be there.

And yet, at the beginning of everything, there is Love. Awakened in time, she makes the knowledge of the world interesting and exciting. With her, a person also gains a certain point of support, an important starting point for all the values ​​of life. Love for everything that turns green, breathes, makes sounds, sparkles with colors, and there is love that brings a person closer to happiness.

(According to V.M. Peskov)


Concise summary

1) The volume of "Animal Heroes" became for me an "alarm clock" for the feeling of nature. For others, such an "alarm clock" was walking in the woods, life in the countryside, traveling with an overnight stay.

2) A person, growing up, must mentally comprehend the internal interconnection of the entire living world, its strength and vulnerability at the same time, the dependence of everything in our life on the health and wealth of the earth and nature. This school should be.

3) But at the beginning of everything there is Love for all living things - the starting point of all life values. It brings a person closer to happiness.

Compositions for the collection "OGE - 2018. Tsybulko. 36 options "

An essay on the topic "The boy was tall and thin, he kept his exorbitantly long hands deep in his pockets" (Option 1)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Valentina Danilovna Chernyak: "Emotionally evaluative words are words that are associated with the expression of any feeling, attitude towards a person, assessment of the subject of speech, situations and communication"

The well-known linguist V.D. Chernyak writes about emotionally evaluative words that they are associated with feelings, attitudes, or evaluations. I think these words help us understand the characters and the author's intention. For example, in the text of R.P. Pogodin, many such words are used. Let's say in sentence 13 Mishka says about Sim that he "got out". This word shows us the contemptuous attitude of Mishka towards another hero. In sentence 16, he refers to Sima not by name, but very roughly: with the personal pronoun "you". Further, he calls Sima a sycophant, says that he is sucking up - this also shows us his rudeness and contempt.

Emotional and expressive words make a literary work more expressive.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 55-56 of the text: “The bear got up and began to take pictures from the children. He collected all the sheets, put them back into the album "

In an excerpt from the work of R.P. Pogodin, we read about the relationship between children from the same yard. They did not like one of the boys, so they suspected him of various nasty things: for example, that he was a sycophant. Without understanding, they take the album from Sima and take apart the pictures. Only after some time their "leader" Mishka suddenly realizes that the album was intended for an old teacher who no longer works at school (this is stated in sentence 52). And from sentences 53 and 54 it becomes clear why Sima wanted to thank her: she helped him study during a serious illness. When Misha realized this, he felt ashamed, and he began to take pictures from the guys, put them back into the album. From sentences 67-75, we understand that the guys gave Maria Alekseevna the drawings Sima made for her.

These words mean that Misha knew how to admit his mistakes and correct them.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is conscience?", Taking the definition you have given as a thesis.

Conscience is the ability of a person to recognize that he is wrong; it restrains from doing a bad deed or reproaches if a person has already acted wrong.

In an excerpt from the work of R.P. Pogodin, Mishka took away from Sima an album with drawings that he made for the teacher, but then Mishka realized that he was wrong. Conscience reproached him, and he decided to correct his mistake. I took the drawings from my friends and still gave them to the teacher.

Both in life and in literature, we often meet situations in which a person experiences pangs of conscience. For example, in the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" main character judges himself harshly for cowardice. Fearing public condemnation, Eugene went to a duel with a friend and accidentally killed him. Onegin punishes himself - sends him into exile.

Each person must act in accordance with the requirements of his conscience.

An essay on the theme "The quiet bird chirping sounded like a spring joyfully ..." (Option 2)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal: "Our grammatical system provides many options for expressing the same idea."

The grammatical system of the Russian language offers the speaker different syntactic structures for expressing the same thing. They are synonymous.

For example, sentences with adverbs and subordinate clauses are synonymous. True, it is not always possible to replace subordinate clause adverbial turnover, but if possible, the text becomes livelier and more energetic. This is probably why V.O.Bogomolov prefers such constructions, with an excerpt from whose book I got acquainted. In this text there were a lot of adverbs and single adverbs. For example, in sentences 3, 5, 7, 12, 13 we find such constructions.

However, sometimes the writer prefers subordinate clauses: in sentences 21, 23 and some others. This makes the text more expressive and beautiful.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentences of the text: “- There is no plan,” Vitka said gloomily with his usual directness and bluntness. - And combat support too. This is irresponsibility and my oversight. I am responsible for this. "

The hero-narrator, after heavy fighting, forgot that he had been ordered to set up guards and outline a plan of action for an enemy attack (proposition 21). This was indeed necessary, but the narrator neglected this, albeit unintentionally, and because of his forgetfulness, his friend, the battalion commander Vitka, suffered. But the commander took all the blame on himself, realizing that the brigade commander could punish him and, in any case, would scold him. The words “This is irresponsibility and my oversight. I am responsible for this "they say that the battalion commander fair man, not able to let down a friend, in addition, he is ready to be responsible for everything that happens in his unit. The narrator was confident in his friend, as mentioned in sentence 24, he was very ashamed that his friend would suffer through his fault.

Sometimes friends have to correct each other's mistakes.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is conscience?", Taking the definition you have given as a thesis.

Conscience is a feature of a person's personality. Anyone who has a conscience will try in no way to commit a bad deed. If he accidentally does something bad, then his conscience torments him and forces him to correct the evil done.

In an excerpt from V.O.Bogomolov's work, the hero-storyteller forgot to fulfill the instructions of his friend, battalion commander, and because of this, the brigade commander scolded Vitka. But the friend did not betray his friend, but took the blame. The narrator was very ashamed of this.

We often see examples of pangs of conscience in literature and life. For example, in the novel by FM Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov" one boy, Ilyusha, succumbed to the persuasion of the evil student Rakitin, treated a stray dog ​​to a piece of bread with a pin. The dog screeched and ran away. The boy thought that the Bug was dead, and this tormented him terribly, he even fell seriously ill. But, fortunately, later it turned out that the dog survived.

Every person needs a conscience.

An essay on the theme "In a school called" Republic of ShKID ", simultaneously with the newcomer Panteleev, a decrepit old woman, the director's mother, appeared ..." (OPTION 3)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Dmitry Nikolaevich Shmelev: "The figurative meaning of the word enriches our language, develops and transforms it."

In the Russian language, along with unambiguous words, there is a huge variety of such words that have not one, but two or more meanings. If you look into Dictionary, then you can be sure that there are even more such words than unambiguous ones. Of course, this is no coincidence. Polysemous words give expressiveness to speech. On use different meanings one ambiguous word based on such a joke as a pun; the figurative meaning of the word allows you to make your statement brighter.

For example, in L. Panteleev's text in sentence 11 we read about how the pile of flat cakes “melted”. This word is used in a figurative meaning "decreased in size", and we can easily imagine this picture: a pile of cakes is getting smaller, and then they disappear altogether.

In sentence 20, the author writes about the boy that his lips "jumped". This is also a word in a figurative sense. Reading, we immediately understand that the newcomer is almost crying from anger and resentment, to such an extent he is shocked by the actions of the guys.

Figurative words are often used in fiction as a means of expression.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 47-49 of the text: “-You know, Lyonka, you are a fine fellow,” said the Japanese, blushing and sniffing. - Forgive us, please. This is me not only from myself, I speak from the whole class. "

The action of the book "Republic of ShKID" takes place in the colony. The guys who got there are, of course, not angels. Most of them stole on the street so as not to starve to death, and some of their habits remained at that moment, which is described in the episode with the stolen cakes.

But the new Panteleev was more honest than the others: it seemed dishonorable to him to steal from a blind old woman, so the other colonists beat him, and the director, without understanding, punished Panteleev, because he did not deny his guilt.

The other colonists felt ashamed. That is why the Japanese blushed when he asked Lyonka for forgiveness. The guys suddenly realized that it is possible to live more honestly than they are: not to offend the weak, not to shift the blame onto others. This is stated in the words of the Japanese (in sentences 40 - 42). But going to the director and confessing is still too heroic an act for the guys who are not used to living honestly. As a result, no one supports the Japanese proposal, but the guys still felt guilty and agreed with the apology. Therefore, Lyonka made up with the guys (proposal 51-52).

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE?

Conscience is what allows a person to be a person, such a feeling of the right or wrong of an act, a kind of compass. Anyone who has a conscience understands how to act, and how not, and he tries to avoid bad deeds even if no one knows for sure about them.

Conscience helps us evaluate ourselves. Unfortunately, not everyone has a conscience. Some believe that she has only problems: she reproaches, does not give rest, and yet a person strives for happiness and peace. And it also happens that someone's conscience has not yet been properly formed. For example, in this text we just see the guys who did not listen to their conscience, because it rather interfered with them when they lived on the street and were forced to steal and cheat so as not to starve to death. But Lyonka's honest act first shocked them and caused aggression, and then forced their best feelings to awaken. They felt ashamed, which means that they have become a little better than they were before.

Conscience makes a person ashamed of others if they do something bad. I met such an example in the literature - in the story "Doll" by E. Nosov. The hero of this story, Akimych, is ashamed of those people who pass by the disfigured doll and do not pay attention to this disgrace. He buries the doll and says: "You can't bury everything." I think he means that shameless people, with the tacit connivance of others, have already done a lot of evil, it is already difficult to fix it. The author calls on those in whom conscience is still alive not to get used to the bad, but to try to correct it.

Conscience is the core in the human soul.

An essay on the topic "I was standing in a semi-dark cold circus stable ..." (Option 5)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Lyudmila Alekseevna Vvedenskaya: "Any deviations from the norm must be situationally and stylistically justified."

The famous linguist L. A. Vvedenskaya has a saying: "Any deviations from the norm must be situationally and stylistically justified."

The Russian language is a rich and ideally structured system, this language is able to deeply and vividly describe the whole gamut of human emotions. A person who uses the Russian language has in stock a whole arsenal of phraseological units, sayings, an dishonorable number of synonyms, comparisons, metaphors, etc.

But still, every person has situations, joyful or bitter, when he sometimes lacks generally accepted norms to express his feelings. But in order to avoid general rules language, the speaker or the writer must have motives. These motives are explained by a specific situation, according to the statement of Vvedenskaya. For example, in the sentence “I was standing in the semi-dark cold stable next to my sick friend and with all my heart I wanted to help her”. The author here says about a friend, and then that he wanted to help "her." The text is about the circus elephant Lyalka. Why does the author call her a friend and not a friend? After all, if "she" means "friend". The fact is that the author is deeply worried about the elephant and is very afraid that she will not recover, because she is very dear to him. The word "friend" takes on much more meaning than "girlfriend." Friend is close person, he will support and calm, he will always be there. In this case, given how the author is rooting for Lyalka, the use of the word "friend" can be justified.

He turns to Lyalka, who has already recovered. The author speaks to the animal as if it can understand his words. This exclamation shows how sincerely glad the author is that the elephant recovered and ate the food. Here, the appeal to the animal with these words is justified by the author's genuine joy.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of a fragment of the text: “We always go ahead with our crackers and whistles, we, clowns, clowns and amusers, and next to us, of course, beautiful, funny elephants”

The story "Elephant Lyalka" tells how the author is very worried about his friend, an elephant named Lyalka. She became seriously ill and refused to eat. The author all night dreamed that Lyalka was shivering, shivering, but in the morning it turned out that she had already recovered. The good mood of the elephant was indicated by the way she fervently sounded the trumpets. The author, with joy, came up with the idea "We always go ahead with our crackers and whistles, we, clowns, clowns and amusers, and next to us, of course, are beautiful, cheerful elephants." This means that in any case, life wins, love for this life and work. Despite the impending illness, Lyalka won and is ready to further delight the kids with her performances.

From the sentence "Seeing me and immediately recognizing Lyalka triumphantly trumpet" we see that the elephant is very happy with her friend and wants to show him that the disease has receded and she is ready to get back into line again.

The author is so happy with Lyalka's mood, he is proud that it is they who arrange the holiday for people, that clowns and clowns allow them to plunge into their carefree childhood again. Lyalka fully supports the author in this and seems to say: "Let the amazing cavalcade of joy and happiness of life always dance!"

Kindness is the ability to empathize and put yourself in the shoes of another.

There are many definitions of the word "kindness", but I will focus on the fact that it is, first of all, empathy, sympathy. To do good, you need to be able to try on the grief and troubles of others, and then do as you would like to be treated with you.

If a person or an animal is in trouble, you need to show your nobility and willingness to help, because these are the traits that characterize a real Human.

Kindness is visible in the behavior of the author of the story "Elephant Lyalka". He worries about the animal with all his heart. The author prepared medicine for Lyalka, then did not sleep all night thinking about her how bad she was. In the morning, seeing nothing, he ran to her, fed her. The author does good for the elephant, as for a true friend.

What motivates us when we give money for the treatment of a child we do not know, help frail old people, give up a seat on the bus, pick up a hungry stray cat? Kindness, of course. It is she who helps us to preserve this world and all the best that is in it.

An essay on the topic "Were last days June ... "(Option 6)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian writer Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov: "The ellipsis are traces on the tiptoes of the words gone"

Despite all the richness of the Russian language, every person at certain moments of life is faced with a situation when he cannot find the right words; when it seems: here they are, spinning on the tongue, but he is not able to pronounce them, although they are clearly implied in speech.

This phenomenon is confirmed by the statement of the Russian writer V.V. Nabokov: "The ellipsis are the traces on the tiptoe of the words gone." If in a conversation we can understand from a person's behavior that he is not saying something, then in written speech this function is performed by an ellipsis.

In the sentence “Well, Grishuk, get well without me…” Emelya said goodbye to his grandson, who was seriously ill. “And I'll go after the fawn,” we clearly see how hard it is for a grandfather to leave one sick boy, but he has no other choice. The ellipsis in this sentence clearly slip anxiety, sadness, Emelya's worries about her grandson.

We can say that the ellipsis is used to save language resources.

Further, after returning from hunting empty-handed and after asking his grandson whether his grandfather had shot the fawn, Emelya says: “No, Grishuk ... I saw him ... Yellow himself, and his face is black. Stands under a bush and pinches the leaves ... I took aim ... "

Here, under the ellipses, you can clearly see the desire to console Grisha, to explain to him that his hand did not rise to shoot a defenseless fawn.

The ellipsis is an understatement that can be easily deciphered from the context and behavior of the character.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: "Grisha fell asleep and all night long saw a little yellow deer who was happily walking in the woods with his mother, and the old man slept on the stove and also smiled in his sleep."

The text ends with the sentence “Grisha fell asleep and all night saw a little yellow deer walking merrily in the forest with his mother, and the old man slept on the stove and also smiled in his sleep”.

Emelya's grandfather went into the forest, hoping to get a fawn, and exactly the one that Grishutka wanted him so much. But seeing how the deer bravely protects its cub, risking its life, he could not shoot, although the animals were only a few steps away from him.

To the question of his grandson, he replied: “How he whistled, and he, the calf, as it chirps into the thicket - only he was seen. He ran away, shot a sort of ... "

Grishutka was delighted that the little yellow deer remained alive and listened with pleasure to the stories of the case. Sincere childhood joy can be seen in the following sentences: “The old man told the boy for a long time how he had been looking for a calf in the forest for three days and how he had run away from him. The boy listened and laughed merrily with his old grandfather. "

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS?

Our world is based on kindness, responsiveness, willingness to help others. Kindness is what keeps everything beautiful in our life. If we did not show kindness and compassion to any living being, we would simply disappear from the face of the earth. By showing goodness and accepting it from others, we know that everything is still good in our life, not all is lost.

This text perfectly shows the act of mercy and kindness. The old hunter lost three days, his sick grandson was waiting for him at home. Luck was right in front of the old man. But, seeing how selflessly the deer protects its cub, he took pity on both of them. Instead of returning home with rich prey, he chose to give life to defenseless animals. What is this if not an act of kindness? The old man remembered who his granddaughter just miraculously survived when attacked by wolves, however, at the cost of his mother's life.

All of this is shown in the sentences “It was as if it snapped in the chest of old Emelya, and he lowered the gun. The hunter quickly got up and whistled - the small animal disappeared into the bushes with the speed of lightning. "

V real life There are many cases when people, risking their lives and health, rescued children in trouble, pulled out of burning houses, rescued from the water, from the attacks of animals.

All these cases give us hope that we will not be left without a helping hand in trouble.

Essay on the topic "Now Kolka, Vovka and Olya rarely met: vacation ..." (Option 7)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Golub: "In artistic speech, the use of homogeneous members of a sentence is a favorite means of enhancing its expressiveness."

The Russian linguist IB Golub has a saying: "In artistic speech, the use of homogeneous members of a sentence is a favorite means of enhancing its expressiveness."

It is often not enough for the speaker to express his thoughts using only one word, one synonym or description. In order to give persuasiveness and expressiveness to his speech, a person can use homogeneous members of the sentence, as, for example, in the sentence "But he told me like he was and saw, and Olya's eyes opened even wider."

Here the homogeneous members of the sentence are the words "was" and "saw". In order to understand the meaning of the sentence, it would be enough to use only one of them, but the use of both of them gave dynamism and brightness to the sentence.

The feelings and melancholy of the protagonist can be seen in the sentence "I watched how the arrow turns, how it trembles, where it points." It would be enough to say that the boy was looking at the compass, but the words "turns," "trembles," "points," convey how dear to the boy his compass.

Kolka's compassion shows that he does not even expect to get a puppy for a compass. It is enough for him at least that the dog will live. He is ready to lose what is so dear to him, just to know that the puppy will not be drowned: “I’m not for good,” Kolka sighed. - Let it live with you, if you want. I am for you not to heat. "

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS?

The age-old question - what is kindness? Each person will answer it in their own way, based on their own life experience. For some, kindness is the willingness to help the weaker and helpless than you are, for others it is the ability to sympathize, to share the pain and grief of others.

I believe that kindness implies the willingness to make any sacrifices so that an innocent living being does not suffer, it does not matter whether it is a person or an animal. You show good if you stop cruelty and injustice, not thinking about how it will turn out for you. Conversely, you indulge evil if you silently observe it, without even participating in it.

Kindness is when a person does not pass by someone else's misfortune or trouble, believing that it does not concern him. In the text, the boy Kolka is ready to donate something dear to him free of charge for the sake of saving the puppy, which he will not receive: “That's why it was decided. Vovka dragged the puppy home, Olka ran away, and Kolka with a compass went to say goodbye. I watched the arrow turn, how it trembled, where it points. "

I had to observe one case once. On a busy road lay a sick dog in a collar, breathing heavily. People passed by, glancing disgustedly at the animal. Only one girl dared to approach her without fear of human condemnation and opinion. She gave the dog water and pushed it away from the road onto the grass.

In this case, it was more important for a person to help, to show good, than what others might think.

An essay on the theme "There were long cold rains that night ..." (OPTION 8)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Golub: "Definitely personal sentences in comparison with two-part sentences give dynamism and laconicism to speech."

The famous linguist I.B. Golub has a saying: "Definitely personal sentences in comparison with two-part sentences give dynamism and laconicism to speech."

Native speakers, and not only, can express their thoughts without using personal pronouns to save language money and time. They, of course, give the sentence more concreteness, but they can still be omitted for the sake of brevity without losing the meaning of the sentence. For example, in the sentence "Let's cook porridge!" the soldiers could have said, “We’ll cook porridge!”, but they used a definitely personal sentence. The elimination of the pronoun "we" gave the sentence a brevity and a sense of solidarity among the soldiers, their common joy.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “The orderly also smiled and, stroking the nearest dog, replied:“ They ate the porridge. But they brought you on time. "

The text ends with the sentence “The orderly also smiled and, stroking the nearest dog, replied:“ They ate the porridge. But they brought you on time. "

The story tells about a difficult, military time. Cold, hunger, no food, soldiers eat only water with breadcrumbs. And what a happiness it was when the soldier Lukashuk suddenly found a bag of oatmeal, which seemed to the poor soldiers a real treasure. They were already looking forward to eating their fill hearty porridge... But suddenly the owner of this bag showed up and carried it away.

After a while, when things got better with food, the soldier Lukashuk was rescued by the very man who took their last hope from them - a bag of oatmeal. He turned out to be a military orderly.

It seems that this orderly seems to be making excuses to Lukashuk for what happened then. He makes it clear to the wounded: thanks to the fact that he gave the porridge to the dogs, they managed to take him out on a sled and thereby save him. After all, if the orderly had not done this, the animals would have weakened from hunger and, perhaps, thanks to this very incident, Lukashuk remained alive, because the dogs brought him on time. This is what happens in life: what at first glance seems like death, in fact, unexpectedly becomes salvation.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS?

Kindness is such a life phenomenon when a person helps others, despite the fact that for him it is fraught with some inconvenience, loss of time, etc. This means giving another a piece of his warmth without fear of freezing himself.

Know what you have done today better life for someone, realizing that you have done good to someone is not happiness? The joy and satisfaction from giving is much stronger than they are in a situation where you receive something yourself. Kindness makes the life of each of us better and brighter. If you have done good to someone, that someone along the chain will do good to another.

The text contains an example of showing kindness and compassion. The orderly, who took the bag of oatmeal from the soldiers, gave it all to the hungry dogs, although he himself could get enough of it, because it was a very hungry, wartime. Due to the fact that the orderly, to his own detriment, fed the animals, they were able to gain strength and bring the wounded and injured on sleds. This is what the sentence says “- They ate the oatmeal. But they brought you on time. "

There are many people who, despite being busy and having limited finances, visit orphans in orphanages and helpless old people left alone. These people share with them not only material values, but also warmth, which means that life for whom becomes brighter.

An essay on the theme "At dusk, Bidenko and Gorbunov went out on reconnaissance, taking Vanya Solntsev with them ..." (OPTION 9)

15.1. Write a reasoning essay, revealing the meaning of the statement taken from Literary encyclopedia: “By forcing the characters to talk to each other, instead of transmitting their conversation from himself, the author can bring appropriate nuances to such a dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by subject matter and manner of speech ”.

Every book lover knows how well monologues or dialogues of characters characterize them, vividly highlight their literacy, good breeding and other individual characteristics.

For convenience, the author could simply briefly convey the essence of the conversation between two or more book characters, but it is the schedule of their detailed dialogue that allows the reader to form an opinion about each of them. From the sentence “Well, why the hell are you hanging around here at night, you bastard! - shouted a German rough, cold voice "it is clear to us that these words belong to a cruel man who knows no mercy. There is even no need for more detailed description this character is so clear to the reader that nothing good should be expected from him.

The next example: “Oh, uncle, don't hit! He whimpered plaintively. - I was looking for my horse. I found it by force. I wandered all day and all night. Lost ... - he shouted, swinging his whip at Serko. Here the author could simply write that the boy pretended to be a shepherd and asked for mercy. But this phrase of Vanya helps the reader to vividly imagine the image of a miserable shepherd who is exhausted and begs to let him go in peace.

The characters' phrases, their unique manner of speaking help the reader to immerse himself deeper into the work and create the effect that he himself seems to be present at the scene of the events being described.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 31-32 of the text: “He knew that his friends, loyal comrades in arms, were nearby. At the first cry, they will rush to the rescue and lay down the fascists, every one of them. "

The boy Vanya is entrusted with a very important mission - to be a guide for the scouts, introduce them into the enemy camp and warn of danger. For this purpose, the image of a shepherd fool has been thought out for him. Vanya is well aware of how important this goal is and how much depends on him.

The text contains a sentence: “He knew that his friends, loyal comrades in arms, were nearby. At the first cry, they will rush to the rescue and lay down the fascists, every one of them. "

When Vanya showed the way to Bidenko and Gorbunov, he bumped into two Germans and was overwhelmed by real horror. He was not even afraid for himself, but that their whole plan would collapse. He knew that in any case, his comrades would not give him offense, they would protect him from the Nazis. When one of the Germans humiliatingly hit him, Vanya was furious: “How! Some fascist flaw dared to kick him, a soldier of the Red Army, a scout of the famous battery of Captain Yenakiev! " But he pulled himself together in time. If he gives vent to anger, the end of their plan. Despite the fact that there were people behind him who would protect him, Vanya pushed his personal resentment into the background and put his important task in the first place: “But the boy also firmly remembered that he was in deep reconnaissance, where the slightest noise could detect group and disrupt the execution of a combat mission. "

The boy Vanya, in the guise of a shepherdess, coped with his task with honor and did not disappoint the scouts, who completely relied on him.

The text describes a terrible time for a great country - the Great Patriotic War... These were the years when every citizen of our country was required to be fearless, ready to sacrifice everything in the name of victory and freedom. This was the time when ordinary Soviet people performed feats for the sake of their Motherland.

A feat in my understanding is when a person puts the well-being of his people and country in the first place, and then he cares about his personal welfare. A feat is what a person is willing to sacrifice his life for.

During the war, millions of people lost their families, shelter, they united for the sake of victory over the enemy, casting aside their personal concerns.

A simple Russian boy Vanya stoically endured the bullying of the Nazis, threw away his pride. It was incredibly difficult for him, but he knew that he simply had no right to let down his comrades: "Then he suppressed his rage and pride with a mighty effort of will." He coped with the horror that gripped him from meeting the enemies, and led the scouts further.

We hear from school incredible stories about the heroism and exploits of the Soviet people during the war. Despite the nation and religion, they all as one stood up to defend their country, were not afraid of difficult trials. People boldly made their way into the enemy camp, freed the prisoners, rescued the wounded. All these are the feats thanks to which we today have the opportunity to live and love, enjoy the peaceful sky above our heads.

An essay on the theme "Once, when my grandmother was on her knees, talking heartily with God ..." (OPTION 10)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Yevgeny Nikolaevich Shiryaev "The entire organization of linguistic means in fiction is subordinated not only to the transfer of content, but to the transfer of artistic means."

The artistic style differs from the scientific, official and publicistic in the richness of its means of expression. If in scientific works and newspaper articles contain only dry facts, then fiction gives unlimited scope for imagination. Fiction novels, stories, stories abound in such artistic means as metaphor, comparison, description, hyperbole, personification and many others.

A vivid example of the use of artistic means is shown in the following sentences: “On a quiet night, his red flowers bloomed smokelessly; only a darkish cloud hovered very high above them, not interfering with seeing the silver stream of the Milky Way. The snow glowed crimson, and the walls of the buildings trembled, swayed, as if striving to the hot corner of the courtyard, where fire played merrily, filling wide cracks in the workshop wall with red, sticking out of them with hot crooked nails. "

The text describes the heroism of the grandmother, who fearlessly and with enviable self-control gives out instructions: "- Barn, neighbors, defend! The fire will spread to the barn, to the hayloft - ours will burn to the ground and yours will take care of it! Chop the roof, hay into the garden! Fathers-neighbors, take it on friendly terms - God help you. " The author shows a simple dialect peculiar to this woman, these phrases characterize her as a man of courage and not losing her composure.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentence of the text: "It was impossible not to listen to her at this hour."

The text describes a fire that happened in two in the middle of the night and alarmed all the inhabitants of the house and neighbors. The servants and even the grandfather, the owner of the house, rushed about in confusion while the fire devoured everything in its path. And only my grandmother managed to keep her cool, act rationally and give instructions to save the economy and the whole family. She advises even neighbors who have run in on how to save barns and hay.

The little grandson, on whose behalf the story is told, describes in detail the events of this terrible night: “It was as interesting as the fire; illuminated by fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping up everywhere, giving orders to everything, seeing everything. "

The boy notices how his grandmother fearlessly ran into the burning workshop and carried out an explosive vitriol. She even managed to calm the frightened, hovering horse. Calls him affectionately "little mouse". The grandmother took upon herself all the burden and responsibility: "- Evgenia, take off the icons! Natalia, dress the guys! - Grandmother commanded sternly, in a strong voice, and grandfather quietly howled: - And-and-s. Therefore, the grandson immediately understood: "It was impossible not to listen to her at this hour."

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word FEAT?

Both in works of art and in real life there were and are numerous examples of feats that were performed by both men and women. A feat is a selfless act that is performed in the name of saving the Motherland, family, strangers, even at the cost of one's own life. Only a Man with a capital P, noble and ready to help, is capable of such an act. The man-hero runs to the aid of those who are in a difficult situation, and he thinks of himself last.

In the text, such a Person is a grandmother, she is the only one, risking her life, burst into a building enveloped in fire in order to save the rest, to save barns and hay, not only her own, but also those of her neighbors. She does not give in to panic, but calms the rest. She managed to calm down even a horse running in fear: “- Don't be afraid! - the grandmother said in a bass, patting him on the neck and taking the reins. - Ali, will I leave you with fear of this? Oh you little mouse ... "

They say about such women: "He will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut."

The world is held on such people-heroes, they give a chance for survival when it seems that everything is already over, the end. The feat does not depend on age. I remember a case when a fifteen-year-old boy rescued seven neighbour's children from a burning house, while the rest succumbed to panic and lost hope.

Compositions for the collection “The main state examination of the OGE - 2018. Tsybulko. 36 options "

An essay on the topic "The boy was tall and thin, he kept his exorbitantly long hands deep in his pockets" (Option 1)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Valentina Danilovna Chernyak: "Emotionally evaluative words are words that are associated with the expression of any feeling, attitude towards a person, assessment of the subject of speech, situations and communication"

The well-known linguist V.D. Chernyak writes about emotionally evaluative words that they are associated with feelings, attitudes, or evaluations. I think these words help us understand the characters and the author's intention. For example, in the text of R.P. Pogodin, many such words are used. Let's say in sentence 13 Mishka says about Sim that he "got out". This word shows us the contemptuous attitude of Mishka towards another hero. In sentence 16, he refers to Sima not by name, but very roughly: with the personal pronoun "you". Further, he calls Sima a sycophant, says that he is sucking up - this also shows us his rudeness and contempt.

Emotional and expressive words make a literary work more expressive.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 55-56 of the text: “The bear got up and began to take pictures from the children. He collected all the sheets, put them back into the album "

In an excerpt from the work of R.P. Pogodin, we read about the relationship between children from the same yard. They did not like one of the boys, so they suspected him of various nasty things: for example, that he was a sycophant. Without understanding, they take the album from Sima and take apart the pictures. Only after some time their "leader" Mishka suddenly realizes that the album was intended for an old teacher who no longer works at school (this is stated in sentence 52). And from sentences 53 and 54 it becomes clear why Sima wanted to thank her: she helped him study during a serious illness. When Misha realized this, he felt ashamed, and he began to take pictures from the guys, put them back into the album. From sentences 67-75, we understand that the guys gave Maria Alekseevna the drawings Sima made for her.

These words mean that Misha knew how to admit his mistakes and correct them.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is conscience?", Taking the definition you have given as a thesis.

Conscience is the ability of a person to recognize that he is wrong; it restrains from doing a bad deed or reproaches if a person has already acted wrong.

In an excerpt from the work of R.P. Pogodin, Mishka took away from Sima an album with drawings that he made for the teacher, but then Mishka realized that he was wrong. Conscience reproached him, and he decided to correct his mistake. I took the drawings from my friends and still gave them to the teacher.

Both in life and in literature, we often meet situations in which a person experiences pangs of conscience. For example, in the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" the protagonist severely judges himself for cowardice. Fearing public condemnation, Eugene went to a duel with a friend and accidentally killed him. Onegin punishes himself - sends him into exile.

Each person must act in accordance with the requirements of his conscience.

An essay on the theme "The quiet bird chirping sounded like a spring joyfully ..." (Option 2)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal: "Our grammatical system provides many options for expressing the same idea."

The grammatical system of the Russian language offers the speaker different syntactic structures for expressing the same thing. They are synonymous.

For example, sentences with adverbs and subordinate clauses are synonymous. True, it is not always possible to replace the subordinate clause with an adverbial turnover, but if possible, the text becomes livelier and more energetic. This is probably why V.O.Bogomolov prefers such constructions, with an excerpt from whose book I got acquainted. In this text there were a lot of adverbs and single adverbs. For example, in sentences 3, 5, 7, 12, 13 we find such constructions.

However, sometimes the writer prefers subordinate clauses: in sentences 21, 23 and some others. This makes the text more expressive and beautiful.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentences of the text: “- There is no plan,” Vitka said gloomily with his usual directness and bluntness. - And combat support too. This is irresponsibility and my oversight. I am responsible for this. "

The hero-narrator, after heavy fighting, forgot that he had been ordered to set up guards and outline a plan of action for an enemy attack (proposition 21). This was indeed necessary, but the narrator neglected this, albeit unintentionally, and because of his forgetfulness, his friend, the battalion commander Vitka, suffered. But the commander took all the blame on himself, realizing that the brigade commander could punish him and, in any case, would scold him. The words “This is irresponsibility and my oversight. I am responsible for this, ”they say that the battalion commander is an honest person who is not capable of letting a friend down, in addition, he is ready to be responsible for everything that happens in his unit. The narrator was confident in his friend, as mentioned in sentence 24, he was very ashamed that his friend would suffer through his fault.

Sometimes friends have to correct each other's mistakes.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "What is conscience?", Taking the definition you have given as a thesis.

Conscience is a feature of a person's personality. Anyone who has a conscience will try in no way to commit a bad deed. If he accidentally does something bad, then his conscience torments him and forces him to correct the evil done.

In an excerpt from V.O.Bogomolov's work, the hero-storyteller forgot to fulfill the instructions of his friend, battalion commander, and because of this, the brigade commander scolded Vitka. But the friend did not betray his friend, but took the blame. The narrator was very ashamed of this.

We often see examples of pangs of conscience in literature and life. For example, in the novel by FM Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov" one boy, Ilyusha, succumbed to the persuasion of the evil student Rakitin, treated a stray dog ​​to a piece of bread with a pin. The dog screeched and ran away. The boy thought that the Bug was dead, and this tormented him terribly, he even fell seriously ill. But, fortunately, later it turned out that the dog survived.

Every person needs a conscience.

An essay on the theme "In a school called" Republic of ShKID ", simultaneously with the newcomer Panteleev, a decrepit old woman, the director's mother, appeared ..." (OPTION 3)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Dmitry Nikolaevich Shmelev: "The figurative meaning of the word enriches our language, develops and transforms it."

In the Russian language, along with unambiguous words, there is a huge variety of such words that have not one, but two or more meanings. If you look in the Explanatory Dictionary, you can be convinced that there are even more such words than unambiguous ones. Of course, this is no coincidence. Polysemous words give expressiveness to speech. Such a joke as a pun is based on the use of different meanings of one polysemantic word; the figurative meaning of the word allows you to make your statement brighter.

For example, in L. Panteleev's text in sentence 11 we read about how the pile of flat cakes “melted”. This word is used in a figurative meaning "decreased in size", and we can easily imagine this picture: a pile of cakes is getting smaller, and then they disappear altogether.

In sentence 20, the author writes about the boy that his lips "jumped". This is also a word in a figurative sense. Reading, we immediately understand that the newcomer is almost crying from anger and resentment, to such an extent he is shocked by the actions of the guys.

Figurative words are often used in fiction as a means of expression.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 47-49 of the text: “-You know, Lyonka, you are a fine fellow,” said the Japanese, blushing and sniffing. - Forgive us, please. This is me not only from myself, I speak from the whole class. "

The action of the book "Republic of ShKID" takes place in the colony. The guys who got there are, of course, not angels. Most of them stole on the street so as not to starve to death, and some of their habits remained at that moment, which is described in the episode with the stolen cakes.

But the new Panteleev was more honest than the others: it seemed dishonorable to him to steal from a blind old woman, so the other colonists beat him, and the director, without understanding, punished Panteleev, because he did not deny his guilt.

The other colonists felt ashamed. That is why the Japanese blushed when he asked Lyonka for forgiveness. The guys suddenly realized that it is possible to live more honestly than they are: not to offend the weak, not to shift the blame onto others. This is stated in the words of the Japanese (in sentences 40 - 42). But going to the director and confessing is still too heroic an act for the guys who are not used to living honestly. As a result, no one supports the Japanese proposal, but the guys still felt guilty and agreed with the apology. Therefore, Lyonka made up with the guys (proposal 51-52).

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE?

Conscience is what allows a person to be a person, such a feeling of the right or wrong of an act, a kind of compass. Anyone who has a conscience understands how to act, and how not, and he tries to avoid bad deeds even if no one knows for sure about them.

Conscience helps us evaluate ourselves. Unfortunately, not everyone has a conscience. Some believe that she has only problems: she reproaches, does not give rest, and yet a person strives for happiness and peace. And it also happens that someone's conscience has not yet been properly formed. For example, in this text we just see the guys who did not listen to their conscience, because it rather interfered with them when they lived on the street and were forced to steal and cheat so as not to starve to death. But Lyonka's honest act first shocked them and caused aggression, and then forced their best feelings to awaken. They felt ashamed, which means that they have become a little better than they were before.

Conscience makes a person ashamed of others if they do something bad. I met such an example in the literature - in the story "Doll" by E. Nosov. The hero of this story, Akimych, is ashamed of those people who pass by the disfigured doll and do not pay attention to this disgrace. He buries the doll and says: "You can't bury everything." I think he means that shameless people, with the tacit connivance of others, have already done a lot of evil, it is already difficult to fix it. The author calls on those in whom conscience is still alive not to get used to the bad, but to try to correct it.

Conscience is the core in the human soul.

An essay on the topic "I was standing in a semi-dark cold circus stable ..." (Option 5)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Lyudmila Alekseevna Vvedenskaya: "Any deviations from the norm must be situationally and stylistically justified."

The famous linguist L. A. Vvedenskaya has a saying: "Any deviations from the norm must be situationally and stylistically justified."

The Russian language is a rich and ideally structured system, this language is able to deeply and vividly describe the whole gamut of human emotions. A person who uses the Russian language has in stock a whole arsenal of phraseological units, sayings, an dishonorable number of synonyms, comparisons, metaphors, etc.

But still, every person has situations, joyful or bitter, when he sometimes lacks generally accepted norms to express his feelings. But in order to deviate from the general rules of language, the speaker or writer must have motives. These motives are explained by a specific situation, according to the statement of Vvedenskaya. For example, in the sentence “I was standing in the semi-dark cold stable next to my sick friend and with all my heart I wanted to help her”. The author here says about a friend, and then that he wanted to help "her." The text is about the circus elephant Lyalka. Why does the author call her a friend and not a friend? After all, if "she" means "friend". The fact is that the author is deeply worried about the elephant and is very afraid that she will not recover, because she is very dear to him. The word "friend" takes on much more meaning than "girlfriend." A friend is a close person, he will support and reassure, he will always be there. In this case, given how the author is rooting for Lyalka, the use of the word "friend" can be justified.

He turns to Lyalka, who has already recovered. The author speaks to the animal as if it can understand his words. This exclamation shows how sincerely glad the author is that the elephant recovered and ate the food. Here, the appeal to the animal with these words is justified by the author's genuine joy.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of a fragment of the text: “We always go ahead with our crackers and whistles, we, clowns, clowns and amusers, and next to us, of course, beautiful, funny elephants”

The story "Elephant Lyalka" tells how the author is very worried about his friend, an elephant named Lyalka. She became seriously ill and refused to eat. The author all night dreamed that Lyalka was shivering, shivering, but in the morning it turned out that she had already recovered. The good mood of the elephant was indicated by the way she fervently sounded the trumpets. The author, with joy, came up with the idea "We always go ahead with our crackers and whistles, we, clowns, clowns and amusers, and next to us, of course, are beautiful, cheerful elephants." This means that in any case, life wins, love for this life and work. Despite the impending illness, Lyalka won and is ready to further delight the kids with her performances.

From the sentence "Seeing me and immediately recognizing Lyalka triumphantly trumpet" we see that the elephant is very happy with her friend and wants to show him that the disease has receded and she is ready to get back into line again.

The author is so happy with Lyalka's mood, he is proud that it is they who arrange the holiday for people, that clowns and clowns allow them to plunge into their carefree childhood again. Lyalka fully supports the author in this and seems to say: "Let the amazing cavalcade of joy and happiness of life always dance!"

Kindness is the ability to empathize and put yourself in the shoes of another.

There are many definitions of the word "kindness", but I will focus on the fact that it is, first of all, empathy, sympathy. To do good, you need to be able to try on the grief and troubles of others, and then do as you would like to be treated with you.

If a person or an animal is in trouble, you need to show your nobility and willingness to help, because these are the traits that characterize a real Human.

Kindness is visible in the behavior of the author of the story "Elephant Lyalka". He worries about the animal with all his heart. The author prepared medicine for Lyalka, then did not sleep all night thinking about her how bad she was. In the morning, seeing nothing, he ran to her, fed her. The author does good for the elephant, as for a true friend.

What motivates us when we give money for the treatment of a child we do not know, help frail old people, give up a seat on the bus, pick up a hungry stray cat? Kindness, of course. It is she who helps us to preserve this world and all the best that is in it.

An essay on the topic "Stood the last days of June ..." (Option 6)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian writer Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov: "The ellipsis are traces on the tiptoes of the words gone"

Despite all the richness of the Russian language, every person at certain moments of life is faced with a situation when he cannot find the right words; when it seems: here they are, spinning on the tongue, but he is not able to pronounce them, although they are clearly implied in speech.

This phenomenon is confirmed by the statement of the Russian writer V.V. Nabokov: "The ellipsis are the traces on the tiptoe of the words gone." If in a conversation we can understand from a person's behavior that he is not saying something, then in written speech this function is performed by an ellipsis.

In the sentence “Well, Grishuk, get well without me…” Emelya said goodbye to his grandson, who was seriously ill. “And I'll go after the fawn,” we clearly see how hard it is for a grandfather to leave one sick boy, but he has no other choice. The ellipsis in this sentence clearly slip anxiety, sadness, Emelya's worries about her grandson.

We can say that the ellipsis is used to save language resources.

Further, after returning from hunting empty-handed and after asking his grandson whether his grandfather had shot the fawn, Emelya says: “No, Grishuk ... I saw him ... Yellow himself, and his face is black. Stands under a bush and pinches the leaves ... I took aim ... "

Here, under the ellipses, you can clearly see the desire to console Grisha, to explain to him that his hand did not rise to shoot a defenseless fawn.

The ellipsis is an understatement that can be easily deciphered from the context and behavior of the character.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: "Grisha fell asleep and all night long saw a little yellow deer who was happily walking in the woods with his mother, and the old man slept on the stove and also smiled in his sleep."

The text ends with the sentence “Grisha fell asleep and all night saw a little yellow deer walking merrily in the forest with his mother, and the old man slept on the stove and also smiled in his sleep”.

Emelya's grandfather went into the forest, hoping to get a fawn, and exactly the one that Grishutka wanted him so much. But seeing how the deer bravely protects its cub, risking its life, he could not shoot, although the animals were only a few steps away from him.

To the question of his grandson, he replied: “How he whistled, and he, the calf, as it chirps into the thicket - only he was seen. He ran away, shot a sort of ... "

Grishutka was delighted that the little yellow deer remained alive and listened with pleasure to the stories of the case. Sincere childhood joy can be seen in the following sentences: “The old man told the boy for a long time how he had been looking for a calf in the forest for three days and how he had run away from him. The boy listened and laughed merrily with his old grandfather. "

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS?

Our world is based on kindness, responsiveness, willingness to help others. Kindness is what keeps everything beautiful in our life. If we did not show kindness and compassion to any living being, we would simply disappear from the face of the earth. By showing goodness and accepting it from others, we know that everything is still good in our life, not all is lost.

This text perfectly shows the act of mercy and kindness. The old hunter lost three days, his sick grandson was waiting for him at home. Luck was right in front of the old man. But, seeing how selflessly the deer protects its cub, he took pity on both of them. Instead of returning home with rich prey, he chose to give life to defenseless animals. What is this if not an act of kindness? The old man remembered who his granddaughter just miraculously survived when attacked by wolves, however, at the cost of his mother's life.

All of this is shown in the sentences “It was as if it snapped in the chest of old Emelya, and he lowered the gun. The hunter quickly got up and whistled - the small animal disappeared into the bushes with the speed of lightning. "

In real life, there are many cases when people, risking their lives and health, rescued children in trouble, pulled out of burning houses, rescued from the water, from the attacks of animals.

All these cases give us hope that we will not be left without a helping hand in trouble.

Essay on the topic "Now Kolka, Vovka and Olya rarely met: vacation ..." (Option 7)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Golub: "In artistic speech, the use of homogeneous members of a sentence is a favorite means of enhancing its expressiveness."

The Russian linguist IB Golub has a saying: "In artistic speech, the use of homogeneous members of a sentence is a favorite means of enhancing its expressiveness."

It is often not enough for the speaker to express his thoughts using only one word, one synonym or description. In order to give persuasiveness and expressiveness to his speech, a person can use homogeneous members of the sentence, as, for example, in the sentence "But he told me like he was and saw, and Olya's eyes opened even wider."

Here the homogeneous members of the sentence are the words "was" and "saw". In order to understand the meaning of the sentence, it would be enough to use only one of them, but the use of both of them gave dynamism and brightness to the sentence.

The feelings and melancholy of the protagonist can be seen in the sentence "I watched how the arrow turns, how it trembles, where it points." It would be enough to say that the boy was looking at the compass, but the words "turns," "trembles," "points," convey how dear to the boy his compass.

Kolka's compassion shows that he does not even expect to get a puppy for a compass. It is enough for him at least that the dog will live. He is ready to lose what is so dear to him, just to know that the puppy will not be drowned: “I’m not for good,” Kolka sighed. - Let it live with you, if you want. I am for you not to heat. "

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS?

The age-old question - what is kindness? Each person will answer it in their own way, based on their own life experience. For some, kindness is the willingness to help the weaker and helpless than you are, for others it is the ability to sympathize, to share the pain and grief of others.

I believe that kindness implies the willingness to make any sacrifices so that an innocent living being does not suffer, it does not matter whether it is a person or an animal. You show good if you stop cruelty and injustice, not thinking about how it will turn out for you. Conversely, you indulge evil if you silently observe it, without even participating in it.

Kindness is when a person does not pass by someone else's misfortune or trouble, believing that it does not concern him. In the text, the boy Kolka is ready to donate something dear to him free of charge for the sake of saving the puppy, which he will not receive: “That's why it was decided. Vovka dragged the puppy home, Olka ran away, and Kolka with a compass went to say goodbye. I watched the arrow turn, how it trembled, where it points. "

I had to observe one case once. On a busy road lay a sick dog in a collar, breathing heavily. People passed by, glancing disgustedly at the animal. Only one girl dared to approach her without fear of human condemnation and opinion. She gave the dog water and pushed it away from the road onto the grass.

In this case, it was more important for a person to help, to show good, than what others might think.

An essay on the theme "There were long cold rains that night ..." (OPTION 8)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Golub: "Definitely personal sentences in comparison with two-part sentences give dynamism and laconicism to speech."

The famous linguist I.B. Golub has a saying: "Definitely personal sentences in comparison with two-part sentences give dynamism and laconicism to speech."

Native speakers, and not only, can express their thoughts without using personal pronouns to save language money and time. They, of course, give the sentence more concreteness, but they can still be omitted for the sake of brevity without losing the meaning of the sentence. For example, in the sentence "Let's cook porridge!" the soldiers could have said, “We’ll cook porridge!”, but they used a definitely personal sentence. The elimination of the pronoun "we" gave the sentence a brevity and a sense of solidarity among the soldiers, their common joy.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “The orderly also smiled and, stroking the nearest dog, replied:“ They ate the porridge. But they brought you on time. "

The text ends with the sentence “The orderly also smiled and, stroking the nearest dog, replied:“ They ate the porridge. But they brought you on time. "

The story tells about a difficult, military time. Cold, hunger, no food, soldiers eat only water with breadcrumbs. And what a happiness it was when the soldier Lukashuk suddenly found a bag of oatmeal, which seemed to the poor soldiers a real treasure. They were already looking forward to eating plenty of hearty porridge. But suddenly the owner of this bag showed up and carried it away.

After a while, when things got better with food, the soldier Lukashuk was rescued by the very man who took their last hope from them - a bag of oatmeal. He turned out to be a military orderly.

It seems that this orderly seems to be making excuses to Lukashuk for what happened then. He makes it clear to the wounded: thanks to the fact that he gave the porridge to the dogs, they managed to take him out on a sled and thereby save him. After all, if the orderly had not done this, the animals would have weakened from hunger and, perhaps, thanks to this very incident, Lukashuk remained alive, because the dogs brought him on time. This is what happens in life: what at first glance seems like death, in fact, unexpectedly becomes salvation.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS?

Kindness is such a life phenomenon when a person helps others, despite the fact that for him it is fraught with some inconvenience, loss of time, etc. This means giving another a piece of his warmth without fear of freezing himself.

To know that today you have made life better for someone, to realize that you have done good to someone - isn't that happiness? The joy and satisfaction from giving is much stronger than they are in a situation where you receive something yourself. Kindness makes the life of each of us better and brighter. If you have done good to someone, that someone along the chain will do good to another.

The text contains an example of showing kindness and compassion. The orderly, who took the bag of oatmeal from the soldiers, gave it all to the hungry dogs, although he himself could get enough of it, because it was a very hungry, wartime. Due to the fact that the orderly, to his own detriment, fed the animals, they were able to gain strength and bring the wounded and injured on sleds. This is what the sentence says “- They ate the oatmeal. But they brought you on time. "

There are many people who, despite being busy and having limited finances, visit orphans in orphanages and helpless old people left alone. These people share with them not only material values, but also warmth, which means that life for whom becomes brighter.

An essay on the theme "At dusk, Bidenko and Gorbunov went out on reconnaissance, taking Vanya Solntsev with them ..." (OPTION 9)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement taken from the Literary Encyclopedia: “By forcing the characters to talk to each other, instead of transmitting their conversation from himself, the author can bring appropriate nuances to such a dialogue. He characterizes his heroes by subject matter and manner of speech ”.

Every book lover knows how well monologues or dialogues of characters characterize them, vividly highlight their literacy, good breeding and other individual characteristics.

For convenience, the author could simply briefly convey the essence of the conversation between two or more book characters, but it is the schedule of their detailed dialogue that allows the reader to form an opinion about each of them. From the sentence “Well, why the hell are you hanging around here at night, you bastard! - shouted a German rough, cold voice "it is clear to us that these words belong to a cruel man who knows no mercy. There is even no need for a more detailed description of this character - the reader is already so clear that nothing good should be expected from him.

The next example: “Oh, uncle, don't hit! He whimpered plaintively. - I was looking for my horse. I found it by force. I wandered all day and all night. Lost ... - he shouted, swinging his whip at Serko. Here the author could simply write that the boy pretended to be a shepherd and asked for mercy. But this phrase of Vanya helps the reader to vividly imagine the image of a miserable shepherd who is exhausted and begs to let him go in peace.

The characters' phrases, their unique manner of speaking help the reader to immerse himself deeper into the work and create the effect that he himself seems to be present at the scene of the events being described.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 31-32 of the text: “He knew that his friends, loyal comrades in arms, were nearby. At the first cry, they will rush to the rescue and lay down the fascists, every one of them. "

The boy Vanya is entrusted with a very important mission - to be a guide for the scouts, introduce them into the enemy camp and warn of danger. For this purpose, the image of a shepherd fool has been thought out for him. Vanya is well aware of how important this goal is and how much depends on him.

The text contains a sentence: “He knew that his friends, loyal comrades in arms, were nearby. At the first cry, they will rush to the rescue and lay down the fascists, every one of them. "

When Vanya showed the way to Bidenko and Gorbunov, he bumped into two Germans and was overwhelmed by real horror. He was not even afraid for himself, but that their whole plan would collapse. He knew that in any case, his comrades would not give him offense, they would protect him from the Nazis. When one of the Germans humiliatingly hit him, Vanya was furious: “How! Some fascist flaw dared to kick him, a soldier of the Red Army, a scout of the famous battery of Captain Yenakiev! " But he pulled himself together in time. If he gives vent to anger, the end of their plan. Despite the fact that there were people behind him who would protect him, Vanya pushed his personal resentment into the background and put his important task in the first place: “But the boy also firmly remembered that he was in deep reconnaissance, where the slightest noise could detect group and disrupt the execution of a combat mission. "

The boy Vanya, in the guise of a shepherdess, coped with his task with honor and did not disappoint the scouts, who completely relied on him.

The text describes a terrible time for a great country - the Great Patriotic War. These were the years when every citizen of our country was required to be fearless, ready to sacrifice everything in the name of victory and freedom. This was the time when ordinary Soviet people performed feats for the sake of their Motherland.

A feat in my understanding is when a person puts the well-being of his people and country in the first place, and then he cares about his personal welfare. A feat is what a person is willing to sacrifice his life for.

During the war, millions of people lost their families, shelter, they united for the sake of victory over the enemy, casting aside their personal concerns.

A simple Russian boy Vanya stoically endured the bullying of the Nazis, threw away his pride. It was incredibly difficult for him, but he knew that he simply had no right to let down his comrades: "Then he suppressed his rage and pride with a mighty effort of will." He coped with the horror that gripped him from meeting the enemies, and led the scouts further.

From school we hear incredible stories about the heroism and exploits of the Soviet people during the war. Despite the nation and religion, they all as one stood up to defend their country, were not afraid of difficult trials. People boldly made their way into the enemy camp, freed the prisoners, rescued the wounded. All these are the feats thanks to which we today have the opportunity to live and love, enjoy the peaceful sky above our heads.

An essay on the theme "Once, when my grandmother was on her knees, talking heartily with God ..." (OPTION 10)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Yevgeny Nikolaevich Shiryaev "The entire organization of linguistic means in fiction is subordinated not only to the transfer of content, but to the transfer of artistic means."

The artistic style differs from the scientific, official and publicistic in the richness of its means of expression. If in scientific works and newspaper articles there are only dry facts, then fiction gives unlimited scope for imagination. Fiction novels, stories, stories abound in such artistic means as metaphor, comparison, description, hyperbole, personification and many others.

A vivid example of the use of artistic means is shown in the following sentences: “On a quiet night, his red flowers bloomed smokelessly; only a darkish cloud hovered very high above them, not interfering with seeing the silver stream of the Milky Way. The snow was glowing crimson, and the walls of the buildings trembled, swayed, as if striving to a hot corner of the courtyard, where fire played merrily, filling wide cracks in the workshop wall with red, protruding from them with red-hot crooked nails ”.

The text describes the heroism of the grandmother, who fearlessly and with enviable self-control gives out instructions: “- Barn, neighbors, defend! The fire will spread to the barn, to the hayloft - ours will burn to the ground and yours will take care of it! Chop the roof, hay into the garden! Fathers-neighbors, take it on friendly terms - God help you. " The author shows a simple dialect peculiar to this woman, these phrases characterize her as a man of courage and not losing her composure.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentence of the text: "It was impossible not to listen to her at this hour."

The text describes a fire that happened in two in the middle of the night and alarmed all the inhabitants of the house and neighbors. The servants and even the grandfather, the owner of the house, rushed about in confusion while the fire devoured everything in its path. And only my grandmother managed to keep her cool, act rationally and give instructions to save the economy and the whole family. She advises even neighbors who have run in on how to save barns and hay.

The little grandson, on whose behalf the story is told, describes in detail the events of this terrible night: “It was as interesting as the fire; illuminated by fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping up everywhere, giving orders to everything, seeing everything ”.

The boy notices how his grandmother fearlessly ran into the burning workshop and carried out an explosive vitriol. She even managed to calm the frightened, hovering horse. Calls him affectionately “little mouse”. The grandmother took upon herself all the burden and responsibility: “- Evgenia, take off the icons! Natalia, dress the guys! - Grandmother commanded sternly, in a strong voice, and grandfather quietly howled: - And-and-s ”. Therefore, the grandson immediately understood: "It was impossible not to listen to her at this hour."

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word FEAT?

Both in works of art and in real life there were and are numerous examples of feats that were performed by both men and women. A feat is a selfless act that is performed in the name of saving the Motherland, family, strangers, even at the cost of one's own life. Only a Man with a capital P, noble and ready to help, is capable of such an act. The man-hero runs to the aid of those who are in a difficult situation, and he thinks of himself last.

In the text, such a Person is a grandmother, she is the only one, risking her life, burst into a building enveloped in fire in order to save the rest, to save barns and hay, not only her own, but also those of her neighbors. She does not give in to panic, but calms the rest. She managed to calm down even a horse running in fear: “- Don't be afraid! - the grandmother said in a bass, patting him on the neck and taking the reins. - Ali, will I leave you with fear of this? Oh you little mouse ... "

They say about such women: "He will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut."

The world is held on such people-heroes, they give a chance for survival when it seems that everything is already over, the end. The feat does not depend on age. I remember a case when a fifteen-year-old boy rescued seven neighbour's children from a burning house, while the rest succumbed to panic and lost hope.

Series “Unified State Exam. FIPI - school "prepared by the developers of control measuring materials (CMM) of the unified state examination.
The collection contains:
36 standard examination options, drawn up in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM USE in the Russian language in 2018;
instructions for performing examination work;
answers to all tasks;
evaluation criteria.
Completing the tasks of typical examination options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in the form of the exam, as well as objectively assess the level of their preparation for the exam.
Teachers can use standard examination options to organize monitoring of the results of mastering by schoolchildren of educational programs of secondary general education and intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.

Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1) The sparkling waves laughed mysteriously and ran ashore and crashed loudly against the stones.
2) Be silent, hide and secret and your feelings and dreams.
3) The whirlwind raged for about an hour or an hour and a half and then suddenly died down.
4) Children's memory turned out to be tenacious and the first meeting with the theater remained in her forever.
5) In his work, M. Voloshin tried not only to comprehend the past of Russia, but also to predict its future.

Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.
1) Sentence 2 is opposed in content to Sentence 3.
2) Sentences 10-11 contain a narrative.
3) Sentence 20 explains, discloses the content of sentence 19.
4) Sentences 21-23 provide a description.
5) Proposals 24-27 provide reasoning.

Free download an e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Unified State Exam 2018, Russian language, Typical examination options, 36 options, Tsybulko I.P. - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Unified State Exam 2020, Russian language, grade 11, Methodological recommendations, Tsybulko I.P., 2019
  • USE 2019, Russian language, grade 11, Methodological recommendations, Tsybulko I.P., Aleksandrov V.N., Arutyunova E.V.
  • Methodological recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of the typical mistakes of the 2018 USE participants in the Russian language, Tsybulko I.P.
  • USE-2018, Russian language, Recommendations for the assessment of assignments, Tsybulko I.P., Ateksandrov V.N., Arutyunova E.V., 2018

The following tutorials and books:

  • USE 2018, Thematic simulator, Russian language, Tasks of part 1, Egoraeva G.T., Nazarova T.N., Politova I.N., Skripka E.N.

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