
Theme thunderstorms in works L.N. Tolstoy, V.V.Nabokova, A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev. Thunderstorm Description Thunderstorm in fiction

Rapidly and assertive because of the horizon, a dark cloud was greeted and somehow crawled the sky. Freshly sharpened the bright sun in his dungeon. It became frowning. For some moment everything gotten, but only for a moment. As if she spoiled, blew a sharp cold wind and raised the evil black waves on the river. Dazzling zipper in the sky. And now, sharply and frightening, like a shot, thunder thundered. Avalanche rain collapsed from the sky. He whipped on the waves with thick weaves. And the waves, threw up, beat towards tight rain threads. And in the board of the ship's wave killed noisy and threateningly.

Lightning flashed almost continuously one after another. Not dying, thundered in the clouds, the spurious heavenly cannonade. And from this brilliance and crashing the heart was flutterously compressed ... a thunderstorm was raging for a long time, at least thirty minutes. And she was cut around as many as it began. Clouds ran away and disappeared beyond the horizon. The sun was still brighter, overflowing by Marydia Raduga in drops hanging on the leaves of trees. Gradually calming down, as after a repulsed attack, the don was assigned and the dying.

Kolesnikov G. Thunderstorm // Secrets of the Steppe Forest /

I love the storm in early May,
When spring, first thunder,
As it were, begging and playing,
Rinsing in the sky blue.

Gremdogat young!
That rain splashed, the dust flies ...
His pearl rain,
And the sun is golden.

From the mountain runs a fault,
In the forest, the bird gam will not be pusing,
And gam forests, and the noise of Nagorno -
Everything fits fun thunder ..

You say: windy heba,
Calm of Zevez Eagle,
Loud cup from the sky
Laughing, shed to Earth!

I really like the description of the thunderstorm M. Yu. Lermontov.
Roars thunderstorm, clouds
Over the dark vigorous marine,
And foaming foamy by kip
Coupled, waves among themselves.
Round cliffs light ribbon
Sad zipper snake
Elements Anxious Roy Mint -
And here I stand real I.

Standing - so terrible
Stretching all the aboveground forces
Who felt in life in vain
And life was deceived?
Around whom this cordual poison
Furious slander
Like a rocky rocky,
Movement-fire, do you go?

Oh no! - Fly, fire air,
Whistle, winds, above the chapter;
I'm here, cold, indifferent,
And the thrill is not familiar with me.

Under your requirement is suitable for the first part of this poem: a brief and beautiful description of the thunderstorm. I hope I could help you.

My favorite:

And wind, cutting eyes,
Reheated voluminous
Thunderstorm fell on the ground.
And, thunder heaving the spring,
She rang on the grass
Mischohawn the door
In rapidness and steepness.
And down. To the cliff. Under the slope
To water. To a gazebo from hopes,
Where so much sweeping clothes
Hope and songs have flowed.
Far, maybe in the edge,
Where the girl lives my.
But, pines peaceful rows
High strength to swing
Suddenly suffocated in the bushes
Fell brood galchats.
And people came out of the apartments,
Tiredly dried grass.
And quiet again. And again the world.
As indifference, as oval.

I didn't love oval since childhood!
I drew angle since childhood!

Did you ever get to get under the first spring rain? Find yourself in the field in the midst of thunderstorms? I hear close rollers of thunder and see sparkling lightning in a thunderstorm sky? These impressions remain for a long time - frightening and exciting at the same time, fascinating breathing

Spring entered into their rights. Spring thunderstorm is not like a thunderstorm in the summer or autumn. This is a completely special phenomenon. Somehow for the May holidays we went to nature. We are located in a small country house, laid up products for a picnic. Adults took care of cooking, and my friends and I ran to explore the territory. Day stood beautiful. Spring began to manifest itself in all its glory. All trees were in bloom, and in the air stood a unique fragrance. Spring sunshine, sometimes hidden by incoming clouds, pleased with its warmth. Poultry poultry, rejoicing in spring. Sometimes a fresh breeze flew out, and then sacing. And it seemed that everything around burned at the time with him, as if listens. And what's next. Still, Nature knows: Spring weather is so changed!

Persisted by the game and conversations, we did not notice how they moved quite away from the house. And then everything has changed ... clouded clouds, everything around darkened. The sky from the friendly blue became terrible and heavy. In the distance it seemed almost black. We turned back and hurried to return to the house. Suddenly the sky cut the lightning, and on the other hand - another one. And, as if right above our heads, thunder struck. He rang out like a sudden shot, and, riding in the fields, reluctantly sat down somewhere around the horizon. Immediately, as it were, in response to him, from somewhere from afar, another ruscat came. The rumbling sounds were increasing, they fastened, resumed again and left the distance. It seemed that there, at the top, someone leads a rapid argument. About what? Unknown. But it became somehow scary. For a moment, everything was amended. No thunder, no wind noise. The leaflets were frozen on the trees waiting for something, smalcked the voices of birds.

Here the storm moved, somewhere he chicked a little bird. The face smelling the breeze, but not the topics, warm and affectionate. In the air, smelled freshness and light chill in the air ... And then it rained - the first one in this spring, as if someone overturned from the heaven a huge tub of water. Help from the rain was nowhere, to the house was still far away. Water was a circle, rain lilted with a solid wall. We fled almost at random, seeing nothing in front of me. In the sky, there is still some kind of lightning and extended thunder, but already far. They became less and less and weaker. And suddenly everything stopped, just as suddenly, as it began.

The sky quickly cleared, and the sun looked back. Birds again echoed, flight from the branch branch. And the one who appeared here only now would be very surprised, seeing endless streams of water, running along the road. And us, wet up to the thread, as if fought in the river right in clothes. Parents met us with angry persons, but then changed their anger to mercy. We changed out, planted at the table. And this May thunderstorm stayed in the past. But I am sure that the memories of her will continue for a long time!

Yesterday morning was quiet, warm and cloudless. At such days, I especially do not want to go to school, because when you sit at the window, it is impossible to listen to the explanations of the teacher. The cries of babies on the street, the singing of birds on the trees, the proximity of the vacation is not allowed to focus on the lessons - I would take, and jumped right into the window on the green grass, in the lilac bushes.

However, solar weather lasts only before the third lesson. Quickly quickly, as if someone had customized them from behind, they came up the frowning spots clouds, the thunder hung away. Suddenly it darkened so much that the light had to include in the class. We pulled, even the most restless guys stopped talking. And so, when in the classroom, a minute "dead" silence arose, right outside the window herled thunder and flashed lightning. The blow was so strong that I had a sveset in the ears, and many of our girls sneak. After a few seconds, she watched such a shower that the neighboring house was difficult to distinguish. The teacher told us to quickly close the vessels. It was seen how the raising flows of dirty water carry on the roads, washing the garbage and dust from the asphalt. Many pedestrians of Vyhod moved through the puddles. None of them took an umbrella, but it would still be a weak protection from such a shower.

Suddenly everything was amended. The rain stopped, in a few minutes stretched clouds. A tender sunshine looked into the window: do not be afraid, the thunderstorm ended!

Works on topics:

  1. Before me, the work of the famous artist, painter K. E. Makovsky. In their paintings, he refers to different topics. He has ...

Roars thunderstorm, clouds
Over the dark vigorous marine,
And harvest foam
Coupled, waves among themselves.
Sad zipper snake

The frowning cloud is moving,
By postponing Fullba in the distance,
Moving, huge and cray

"Anger of Zeus"

"Thunderstorm was short ..."

Thunderstorm is always fascinating, hypnotically acts on a person. The austerity of the elements is caught. Remember Lermontovskoe?

Roars thunderstorm, clouds
Over the dark vigorous marine,
And harvest foam
Coupled, waves among themselves.
Round cliffs light ribbon
Sad zipper snake
Elements Anxious Roy Mint ...

But as described N. Zabolotsky approximation of a thunderstorm:

The frowning cloud is moving,
By postponing Fullba in the distance,
Moving, huge and cray
With a lantern in a raised hand.

Grozny and majestic spectacle!

"Rapid cloud, rapidly and assert about the horizon and somehow crawled the sky. Frequently sharpened the bright sun in his dungeon. It became frowning. For some moment it all gotten, but only for a moment. As if she had a sharp cold wind. And raised the evil black waves on the river. Dazzling zipper of the Sports. And now, sharply and frightening, like a shot, thunder thundered. "

This is a description of the thunderstorms of V.Cesnikova.

Interesting and statements of participants of our project.

Look at what interesting joint story we turned out!

"Suddenly, the grindes and outbreaks of lightning were heard. I am very afraid of thunderstorms and therefore I try to distract. And the thunderstorm clouds - the giants are all thickened and the zipper sparkled more often."

"Anger of Zeus"

"It was scary, but very fascinated"

"Lightning, accompanied by thunder, had a sufficiently large diameter. Near the surface of the Earth, the flows increased in diameter."

"Thunderstorm was short ..."

"... I called me a storm of positive emotions"

"It was very beautiful and unforgettable !!!"

Such a poetic image of the first May thunderstorms has developed. But there is that participants and an explanation:

"Judging by the duration of about 30 minutes and the volume of 10-20 km can be said that this is a union cloud"it became the source of our creative inspiration.

Thanks to all project participants!

We are waiting for your new questionnaires! Be careful when filling them.

Art workshop
on the art of speech in the 5th grade

"My verse sings in the waves of his tide"

Type of lesson: Integrated Russian lesson, literature and MHC.

Form of the lesson: Visiting the mariny studio.

Cabinet interior: on the desks - photos with images of the sea; Cabinet curtains are decorated with blue flaps in the form of waves; Stand with reproductions of marine paintings; Stand "Poetic dedication by Sea" and others. Attributes that reproduce the atmosphere of the house of Marinist.

Equipment: reproductions of sea paintings by I. Ayvazovsky, M.Voloshina, A. Bogolyubova, K. Bogaevsky, U.Terner, M.Churlenis, etc.; Photos and postcards with images of the sea, with the views of the Museums of A.Grina and M.Voloshina; cassettes (\u003d discs) of K. Herbissi "Sounds of Nature"; Reproduction of the painting of K.Vasiliev "Sadko visiting the Maritime Tsar".

Objectives lesson: 1. Promote the modeling of verbal space concept "sea" By immersing children into the creative world of artists, poets and musicians who devoted their works by sea; To acquaint with the spelling of complex color epithets and teach them to use them in our own texts.

2. Expand and add children's fragmented ideas about the sea with new metaphoric and picturesque concepts.

3. Rail an artistic taste, the ability to understand and appreciate beauty.

The recording of the "Marine Mood" instrumental composition sounds (album "Nature sounds").

Teacher's introductory word

Teacher. Always a changeable sea delightfully, they can be admired without end. People have long been striving for the sea: his wet breathing soothes, fills the extraordinary energy. Today I suggest you to move from school everyday to the fascinating world of marine elements, without going beyond the learning office. To do this, we will include our imagination, and the omnipotent strength of our fantasy will help us to be in the creative studio of marinas. This studio consists of several amazing halls. We will move from one hall to another and fulfill the tasks that you helped come up with a mysterious natural artist by the name of the sea.

Poetic hall

The poets of all times and peoples devoted their poems to the sea. One of the best poetic gifts, the sea is still written more than 100 years ago the poem of I.A. Bunin:

All the sea - like a pearl grazor,
Lilac with a gang-gold chip.
In the rain, the rainbow shone.
Now soul over sacks thin smoke.

Won Seagull sat down in a climbing cliff, -
Like float. Takes off sometimes
And can be seen like a stream of silver
Running with pink water paws.

The coast in the water was frozen rocks,
Under them shines liquid emerald,
And there, away, - and pearls and opals
On golden yahonts flow.

(Children expressly read prepared poems.)

Nostalgic Hall

Teacher. The sea not only surprises and admires us, it brings light sadness, which always appears after parting with the sea.

(Exchange summer impressions on marine pages.)

When I remember the sea, then ...

... I feel the sea air - clean, invigorant, calling me in a fabulous journey.

... I dream of seeking to see again his waves, the sun, reflected in the water, jumping dolphins, warm sand and circling in the sky chap.

... I rush into mysterious Dali, from which it seems to call the melody of happiness and peace.

Portrait Hall

Teacher. There are people who could not part with the sea. They decided to devote their creativity to the removing depth of the seabed. They are called marinists. These include the writer A.S. Green (not by chance, his house-museum in Feodosia is designed in the form of a ship); Artist I.K. Aivazovsky, who, for his life, more than 6,000 canvases, two thirds of which are devoted to the sea. The sea, mountains and clouds are the favorite themes of the poet and the artist M.Voloshina, the brightest representative of the Silver Age. Let's look into the house of Marinist, because the owner itself invites us:

Outlet door. Cross the threshold
My home is revealed towards all roads.
In transparent cells, whiteways,
Sighs wind, lives deaf rolling
Waves, cheeking ashore flat,
Halfweight spirit and hard cicade cracks.

And outside the window molten sea
Lights a pair in Lazorian space ...
All breasts to the sea, right east
Frames like a church, workshop.
And again the human stream
Through the door it flows, not silent.

Enter, my guest, Stryakhni everyday dust
And mold doom at my threshold ...
From the bottom of the centuries you will be tied strictly
Huge Lick Tsaritsa Tahia.
My shelter is poor. And times - harshs.
But the shelves of books are ascended by the wall.
Here at night talk to me
Historians, poets, theologians.

(M.Voloshin. Poet's house)

The teacher shows the images of Museums A. Grina and M.Voloshina.

Teacher. Workshops of famous writers and artists, as you can see, be sure to contain book racks, paintings, portraits, bizarre sea souvenirs ... But today we have to look into the most unusual workshop of the most unusual Marinist, which is definitely the sea king. His workshop is a mysterious seabed. The Romans of the Lord of the Marine Element is called Neptune, in the Greeks - Poseidon. There was a maritime king and our ancestors - Slavs, there were no wish, the epics of the famous Novgorod merchant Sadko were preserved about their stay at the sea king. See how famously pays the Vladyka Navy for amazing Gusli Sadko in the picture K.Vasilyev. (Children view painting reproduction.) And what are you presenting the sea Slavic king? Describe it.

Mythological Word Article

Sea king - This is an elderly man who is dressed in the Russian folk costume. On his head - the crown of seashells. On his legs - Napti, woven not straw, but from the most beautiful algae. He has a fish tail and claw, like a cancer. In one clash, he holds the staff of the seas and the oceans, to the other - the layout of the pirate ship, from those that he loves to trample. (Katya Shilo)

The sea king is a huge octopus that sends on the coral throne. Sometimes he harnesses magic whales into huge sleigh, decorated with the most beautiful pearls. Then the sea rages, closing the king from a curious eye. When his daughters Dolphini dance for him, he rejoices. The sea begins to smile and tighten with them. (Sonya Kuzmenko)

Writing Hall

Teacher. Everyone can admire the sea, but to express their admiration in words not everyone. I propose to learn from the arts of the artistic word. Please note that no one in its description limited to one color tint. All authors resorted to the help of complex adjectives, i.e. Adjectives consisting of two roots. Such adjectives denoting color shades are written through a hyphen.

Selective dictation

The task. From these proposals, write phrases consisting of essential and dependent complex adjectives.

1. Ahead, sharply separated from the yellow water of Limana, lay a black and blue strip of the shaggy sea. (V.Katayev)

2. Thousands of glare crushed and wound up on the gray-gold sea. (D. Baby)

3. The sea lay right under the legs, calm, like a tightly stretched grayish-blue satin, and only in someone slightly wrinkled. (Z. Voskreshenskaya)

4. The sea in the harbor was dirty-green, and the long-blooded braid, which crashed into it on the horizon, seemed gently purple. (A.I. Kuprin)

5. So the bench, and the straw umbrella,
Further open - and foggy
Milisto-crimson sea \u200b\u200bhorizon
West sinister and strange. (I.A. Bunin)

Picture gallery of marinists

Teacher. In our picture gallery you can see the pictures of those artists who could depict their reverent enthusiastic attitude to the sea in the colors. The sea element in their picturesque works can spend gigantic waves, divide the myriad of rainbow splashes, brilliantly and rapidly, twist ships ... At the same time, they could portray the sea of \u200b\u200bquiet and gentle, calm and thoughtful, playful and playful, or anxiously sleeping before the thunderstorm ... To find the desired paint, the artist on his palette mixes and tries several times hundreds of different shades. We will also try to mix verbal paints now and describe a calm and racing sea. To find the most successful color to you, of course, will help reproduce paintings of famous painters. Do not forget: if you try to draw the gamut of the sea with the help of two color shades, you will need a hyphen.

Color gamut sea

Portrait of a calm sea

Turquoise Blue, Blue, Purple, Heavenly Pink, Silver-Azure, Emerald-Lazorova, ...

Portrait of a raven sea

Lead gray, steel, black, blue-black, ash and brown, dirty-purple, coal-bugs, ...

Teacher. Well, I think, the sea will be grateful to us for those outfits, which we gave him. After all, it dresses to deliver joy to people.

In the night any, per day any
The sea is employed:
In the morning it is dressed
In a dress of pink color.
Day - dressed in blue,
With a white ribbon of the surf.
At night on black stroy -
Soft velvet outfit
And on a velvet dress
Jewels are burning.
Sea, if not a secret.
Dai, please answer:
Why do you like outfits?
- So that people were happy!

(V. Oorlov)

Musical Hall

Listening to the instrumental composition of K. Tribussi "Sea".

Hall of alpographic township

Teacher. Artists and poets have always perceived the sea as a living organism. They understood that the sea, like a person, has their own character, their hobbies, their sorrow and joy. The sea is offended when some students consider his nouns of the female family and attribute to him -but. Let's not offend the sea and prove that we can correctly enter the verb endings, in accordance with the well-defined nouns.

Complicated chosenness with grammatical justification

1. Sea Dyshal_ calmly and easily.

2. And the sea rocked, cyzhel_ and Rushil_, blue wave.

3. Turquoise sea is not living in the rays of the Sun, calmly and deeply breathe.

Writing Hall

Teacher. I propose to return to the writing hall to once again enjoy the verbal sea palette of outstanding masters.


Against the background of the instrumental composition, in which you can hear the splashing of sea waves, screams of chaps, the teacher (or prepared by the student) expressively reads the passage from the story of V. Katayev "Belieta Sail Lonely".

No matter how much to look at the sea - it will never get bored. It is always different, new, unprecedented.

It changes in front of every hour.

It is quiet, light blue, in several places covered with almost white shine tracks. It is bright blue, fiery, sparkling. That it plays with lambs. That, under the fresh wind, it becomes suddenly the color of indigo, wool, exactly it is stroked against the pile. It flies the storm, and it is converting terrible. The storm wind drives a large asb. On the styling sky flies with seagulls. Waves of fiber and flush along the shore glossy body of dead dolphin. A sharp greens of the horizon is worth a gear wall over the brown clouds of the storm. The Malachite Outboard Boards, squeezed foamfully kept foam, with a cannon thunder are broken by the shore. Echo relieves bronze in stunned air. The thin fog spray hangs in the whole huge height of shocked cliffs.

But the main charm of the sea was in some secret, which it always stored in its spaces.

Is it not a secret was his phosphoric glow, when in a moonless July night a hand, lowered into black warm water, suddenly illuminated, all mowed by blue sparks? Or moving lights of invisible ships and pale slow outbreaks of an unknown lighthouse? Or the number of grasses, inaccessible to human mind?

Euritmic warm-up "Capricious waves"

Children become between the rows and take hands. Depending on the number of children in the class, organize two or three groups of "waves". Each group must first turn into a raw wave, and then in calm. Let the opportunity to discuss the nature of movements first. Pick up the appropriate music.

Poetic hall

Teacher. Before you try yourself in creating a verbal image of the sea, let's choose to write the "mystery of the seabed" epigraph.

BUT. Good between underwater stems.
.... pale light. Silence. Depth.
.... we only note the shadow of ships,
.... and the wave does not reach us. K. Balmont.

B. Silent sea, azure sea,
.... Discover your deep secret Your:
.... What drives your immense launo?
.... how does your hard chest breathe? Vzhukovsky

IN. But suddenly the forest will behave,
.... when through the sea blue
.... through lunar-star shiny
.... you will see a fairy tale in reality. L.Vunnik

G. Goodbye free element!
.... last time in front of me
.... you katiha waves blue
.... and bleach pride of colors. A.S. Pushkin

Justification of selected epigraphs.

Writing an essays by choice:

writing-fantasy "The Mystery of the Sea DNA!";

writing-description "When the sea is sports (worried, angry ...");

writing-fairy tale "Visiting the sea king."

Best student work

When the sea is frolic

When the sea is supersed, white lambs of his waves rolling and run away, fascinating. The sea as if alive: it tries to catch up with me, dump me. When the lambs are fighting about stones, it seems that the stones are the shepherds of the sea coast. They do not let the waves ashore.

The sea shines and overflows. It plays different paints: green, blue, pearl, emerald violet. These paints escaped from one artist who came to the sea every day to draw a picture. But he did not work in any way, and then offended paints ran away from the loser.

When some wave takes up, it seems that Neptune himself will come out of it to inspect their possessions. Usually he follows how people behave, whether they are sighing. And if he sees that they are still sipped, pumped them a big wave. White lambs always accompany Neptune during such control inspections.

In the evening, the sea subsides. Neptune floats to solve very important questions deeply deep into the sea. And people go home.

Alena Makarenko

Mystery of the Sea DNA

I descend on the very bottom and slowly slowly I go (or still sailing?). Oh! Here the dolphin flashed, on the right of the fish work over pearls: prepare decorations for the wedding dress of the daughter Neptune. He himself sends himself on the throne, follows his subjects to a special binoculars.

- What are we going to order, dear?

I was surprised at her good manners and answer:

- I really want to try water with algae.

Shrimp looked at me and suddenly backed up. I was surprised by her strange movements, but then I remembered that the shrimp was falling back. I look, and she already stands in front of me and a tray with a glass is twice again by Herself Herself!

- Thank you! - I thanked the strange waitress.

- Glass can leave yourself! - she replied and replete again.

I go (or sailing?) I'm on the streets of sea, drinking water, under my feet. Life Sea boats: Skate-buses float, labels geologists Earth root ... Good here! But, unfortunately, it's time to go home! On the surface! I'll pop up slowly to enjoy the marine species again.

After a few moments, I am at home, in a warm crib, and in my feet peacefully purring a cat. Tomorrow I will definitely tell her about the amazing marine inhabitants.

Sonya Kuzmenko

Visiting the sea king

Once I sailed on the sea on a yacht with white sails. Visible mountains sleeping in the fog; The bright sun was reflected in transparent water.

Suddenly I saw jumping dolphins. What was my surprise when they jumped on board and spoke to a human voice.

- Do you want to visit the fabulous underwater kingdom? They asked me.

It was my long-standing dream, and I, for a minute not thinking, agreed. Only I wanted to wear a mask, but the dolphins stopped me.

- But how will I breathe under water? I asked.

Dolphins did not answer and dived. Soon they returned with sea algae who offered me to eat. I ate them and turned out to be ... in a fairy tale. I discovered that I could breathe, swim and even talk underwater.

Accompanied by Dolphins, I headed for the Marine Tsar. When I found himself in his palace, he turned me into mermaid so that I was easier to swim. I sailed past the reef, firewood volcanoes, a garden of wonderful berries. I got acquainted with amazing creatures. But suddenly I wanted home. And then I realized that I could not return to the yacht, because I had a brilliant rusher's tail instead of my legs.

I returned to the king, but he refused to help. Then I thought about berries that saw in an unusual garden. I got into the garden again. There began to remember that it was me that Dolphins were told about these berries. In the garden grew a magic berry-transformer. I threw it and returned to the palace. The sea king was incredibly surprised when I heard my story about this berry. He decided to put her in his palace, so I took the berry from me.

I had to ask for help for the Faper Mermedia - the Great Maritime Magician. She gave me a pendant of glory. With it, I had to return my legs. Thanks the Fairy, I swam. To move faster, I certainly helped the mermaid tail. I went ashore, and then a miracle happened: the magic tail turned into ordinary human legs. In memory of this unusual immersion, I had a pendant of Mermedia.

Tanya Tsruup


1. Vanyanz A. The project "The World of Sea" in the lessons of fine art in elementary school. M.: Art, No. 3, 2007. P. 4-5.

2. Voloshin M. House of the poet: poems. Chapters from the book "Surikov". L.: Children. lit., 1991. P. 173-178.

3. Kataev V. White Sail Lonely: Tale. For senior school age. Vilnius: Vituris, 1987. P. 10.

N.I. Nemykina
Gymnasium number 3,

march 08 2011.

Did you ever get to get under the first spring rain? Find yourself in the field in the midst of thunderstorms? I hear close rollers of thunder and see sparkling lightning in a thunderstorm sky? These impressions remain for a long time - frightening and exciting at the same time, enchanting the breath of the spring in their way. Spring is not at all like a thunderstorm in the summer or autumn. This is a completely special phenomenon. Somehow for the May holidays we went to nature. We are located in a small country house, laid up products for a picnic. Adults took care of cooking, and my friends and I ran to explore the territory. Day stood beautiful. Spring began to manifest itself in all its glory. All trees were in bloom, and in the air stood a unique fragrance. Spring sunshine, sometimes hidden by incoming clouds, pleased with its warmth. Poultry poultry, rejoicing in spring. Sometimes a fresh breeze flew out, and then sacing. And it seemed that everything around burned at the time with him, as if listens. And what about? .. Still, nature knows: Spring weather is so changed!

Persisted by the game and conversations, we did not notice how they moved quite away from the house. And then everything has changed ... clouded clouds, everything around darkened. The sky from the friendly blue became terrible and heavy. In the distance it seemed almost black. We turned back and hurried to return to the house. Suddenly the sky cut the lightning, and on the other hand - another one. And, as if right above our heads, thunder struck. He rang out like a sudden shot, and, riding in the fields, reluctantly sat down somewhere around the horizon. Immediately, as it were, in response to him, from somewhere from afar, another ruscat came. The rumbling sounds were increasing, they fastened, resumed again and left the distance. It seemed that there, at the top, someone leads a rapid argument. About what? Unknown. But it became somehow scary. For a moment, everything was amended. No thunder, no wind noise. The leaflets were frozen on the trees waiting for something, smalcked the voices of birds.

Here the storm moved, somewhere he chicked a little bird. The face smelling the breeze, but not the topics, warm and affectionate. In the air, smelled freshness and light chill in the air ... And then it rained - the first one in this spring, as if someone overturned from the heaven a huge tub of water. Help from the rain was nowhere, to the house was still far away. Water was a circle, rain lilted with a solid wall. We fled almost at random, seeing nothing in front of me. In the sky, there is still some kind of lightning and extended thunder, but already far. They became less and less and weaker. And suddenly everything stopped, just as suddenly, as it began.

The sky quickly cleared, and the sun looked back. Birds again echoed, flight from the branch branch. And the one who appeared here only now would be very surprised, seeing endless streams of water, running along the road. And us, wet up to the thread, as if fought in the river right in clothes. Parents met us with angry persons, but then changed their anger to mercy. We changed out, planted at the table. And this May thunderstorm stayed in the past. But I am sure that the memories of her will continue for a long time!

Yesterday morning was quiet, warm and cloudless. At such days, I especially do not want to go to school, because when you sit at the window, it is impossible to listen to the explanations of the teacher. The cries of babies on the street, the singing of birds on the trees, proximity is not allowed to focus on the lessons - I would take, and jumped right into the window on the green grass, in the lilac bushes.

However, solar weather lasts only before the third lesson. Quickly quickly, as if someone had customized them from behind, they came up the frowning spots clouds, the thunder hung away. Suddenly it darkened so much that the light had to include in the class. We pulled, even the most restless guys stopped talking. And so, when in the classroom, a minute "dead" silence arose, right outside the window he rang out the thunder and flashed lightning. The blow was so strong that I had a sveset in the ears, and many of our girls sneak. After a few seconds, she watched such a shower that the neighboring house was difficult to distinguish. He told us to quickly close the vents. It was seen how the raising flows of dirty water carry on the roads, washing the garbage and dust from the asphalt. Many pedestrians of Vyhod moved through the puddles. None of them took an umbrella, but it would still be a weak protection from such a shower.

Suddenly everything was amended. The rain stopped, in a few minutes stretched clouds. A tender sunshine looked into the window: do not be afraid, the thunderstorm ended!

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