
In a dream, walk in new shoes. Dream interpretation - different shoes on your feet: the choice of the dream book, the meaning and interpretation of sleep. Shoes according to the dream book of the witch Medea

If you dream about shoes, then whose it is, its color, look and feelings of the dreamer have a certain meaning. The article will help to correctly interpret the dream in which the shoes were dreamed.

One cannot equally interpret the dream in which I had to run barefoot in search of shoes and the one that pleased me with the feeling of a new pair of leather boots on my feet. Anyone who wants to understand his vision will have to remember its smallest details.

If you dreamed that happened choose shoes - serious changes are ahead, or rather, the dreamer himself foresees, expects and with all his might brings them closer. Several paths will open before him, which one to choose? The decision should be made independently, without outside interference.

Also, such dreams can portend a quick trip, a trip, an offer, perhaps a hand and heart.

Choice of shoes for men - to success in reality. According to the interpretation of Freud's dreams, shoes symbolize a desired partner or relationship to an existing one, love preferences.

The color of the shoes cannot be ignored when deciphering sleep. For instance, white shoes in a dream, it can be perceived as something good and bright. In Slavic culture, white is a symbol of purity, joy and celebration. therefore white shoes in a dream, it reflects in the mind of the dreamer pure and bright thoughts, satisfaction with the current state of affairs.

According to Miller, since black shoes in a dream, you can associate positive, favorable changes in life. See in a dream black shoes, especially to put on your feet, means that the black streak in life will end, and changes for the better will not be long in coming.

Wash your shoes in your sleep - take care of your reputation. To the one who saw himself in a dream washing shoes, the opinion of others is not indifferent. It may also indicate an attempt to put things in order in their affairs, to achieve greater success. With a positive result, it will succeed and well-being will increase. If it was not possible to wash the shoes from dirt - the gossips will do their job and the dreamer's reputation will be shaken.

A pair of shoes in a dream says that loneliness in the near future does not threaten the dreamer. Choosing and buying a new pair of shoes in a dream symbolizes a new meeting, acquaintance, relationship.

Big shoes in a dream speaks of the existing dissatisfaction with reality. If a the shoes are so large that it is difficult to walk in them, then the dream persistently warns of difficulties.

However, if this nice, new, albeit a big pair of shoes, then, despite all the difficulties and seeming hopelessness, the dreamer, in the end, will be successful. Having traveled a difficult path, he will be able to win.

If a shoes in a dream were stolen, in reality you have to be on the lookout. A dream promises a negative, signals that the dreamer urgently needs to change his demeanor, to reconsider his views. The planned plans may be in jeopardy. But everything will be in the hands of the dreamer, only he can correct mistakes. It also does not hurt to pay attention to the environment - the probability of a stab in the back is now unusually high.

Loss of shoes in a dream can predict parting or separation from a dear person with whom it was cozy and good. If in a dream there was lost an uncomfortable pair of shoes, then the dream does not bode well. The dreamer will be able to get rid of the burdensome burden and breathe a sigh of relief.

If a red shoes dream of a man, then, perhaps, a pleasant long-awaited meeting awaits him. Woman - sensuality, passion, stormy temperament will soon make themselves felt. Perhaps in the near future a bright event or an exciting journey awaits her.

Deceased's Shoes in a dream, he can talk about the closeness of views with this person. Also, some interpreters talk about the opportunity to go through a similar life path. In this case, the one who saw the shoes of the deceased in a dream has the opportunity to take into account his mistakes in life and avoid them. If the life of the deceased was successful, bright and secure, then the dreamer may have a chance to turn his own life into a holiday.

Beautiful shoes in a dream, it reflects the current state of mind and waking affairs - everything is good for the dreamer and suits.

Give away shoes - to the expected changes. If in a dream a relative gives the shoes - he needs help or support. According to some interpretation give shoes - means to submit to fate, even if something does not suit her.

Heeled shoes in a dream, it will give confidence, give faith in victory in reality. High heels in a dream can also predict good luck in a career, a high position, a promotion, a new rank.

The dream in which it happened accept beautiful shoes as a gift, portends good events. It is pleasant to receive gifts both in life and in dreams. Someone is supportive of the dreamer, ready to help him.

Giving shoes in a dream - to provide assistance to those who need it in reality.

Clean shoes in sne - to the successful resolution of cases. A positive result will not be long in coming. The dreamer will be able to make rivals respect himself. Also, clean shoes indicate the absence of health problems, or that they will soon be able to cope with them.

Uncomfortable shoes for any reason predicts difficulties, unpleasant, difficult situations that will have to be resolved. A dream can also speak of a feeling of discomfort that one has to experience from the current situation.

Larger or smaller than necessary shoe size suggests that the dreamer is not really satisfied with the current state of affairs. Difficulties, a subconscious desire to change something, uncertainty about the future - all this is predicted by dreaming shoes that are not in size.

What is the dream of new shoes?

A pair of new shoes in a dream, it says that loneliness does not threaten the dreamer. The choice of a new pair of shoes in a dream symbolizes a new meeting, acquaintance, relationships in life.

Trying on several pairs of new shoes in a dream, it can mean a relationship with several partners in reality.

Buying new shoes - a pleasant event, and if in a dream you happened to go shopping with a view to buy new shoes, positive changes and joyful events will certainly come in the near future.

Why do many shoes dream?

It all depends on what kind of shoes you dreamed about. If it's a whole bunch shoes in good condition or completely new and shiny, then the favorable results of the conceived will soon change to better life dreamer.

Lots of shoes in the house - to guests, gossip, strife, disputes.

Freud interprets dreams such as desires and thoughts about many partners, as well as popularity with several people.

  • Lady, trying on a new pair of shoes in a dream, will cheat on her husband in the future.
  • Seeing myself in a dream taking off shoes, you can expect a sharp deterioration in the health of a loved one, moving to another city or country. Female, taking off a pair of shoes, may be close to the loss of her husband due to the appearance of his mistress.
  • The woman who is in a dream wears shoes feeling uncomfortable, in life will soon be surrounded by people unpleasant to her.
  • If a woman shoes rubbing calluses in a dream - in reality, there will be a constant desire to get rid of annoying people.
  • Well-groomed and comfortable couple in a woman's dream is a very positive sign. In the near future, a romantic relationship with a pleasant, handsome man will arise.
  • Winter or autumn shoes also means a romantic relationship for a woman, and the look and length of the sock symbolizes their duration.
  • If a girl dreamed old, worn shoes, in the future she will have an unhappy marriage.
  • Lonely woman who saw old shoes, can leave hopes for the appearance in life of a person who will love her. Meeting men will only bring frustration and damage.
  • If a the girl sees herself walking in heels, soon she will have a new romantic date in reality.
  • A woman sees bright and comfortable shoes in a dream - luck awaits her ahead: a sharp career growth, replenishment in a family or a dream come true
  • Men's shoes dreamed of by a woman, can symbolize the appearance of a new lover. If a the shoes were white - the chosen one will have courageous qualities of character: courage, perseverance, courage.
  • When a man's hand puts shoes on a woman in a dream, in the future, love impressions await her.
  • If a woman dreams of blue sneakers - relatives will pay a visit in reality.
  • See a man in blue shoes - to the appearance of a lover.
  • Trying on shoes not to fit - desires, expectations and requirements do not coincide with reality.
  • The woman's shoes deteriorated in a dream - innuendo, misunderstanding, quarrels with the second half, which will leave a noticeable mark in the present tense and affect the future.

Why dream of women's shoes?

See in a dream women's shoes - happiness, success and luck await in life, however, all this will not last long.

A married man saw in a dream a woman's pair of shoes - sorrows will not appear in the family for a very long time. He can be confident that he made the right choice. The bachelor who saw such a dream, may in the near future meet his chosen one, who will not leave him the same.

Woman looking at graceful shoes from the side in a dream, she can be convinced that others have a good opinion of her.

Seen female shoe in a dream, he can confirm that others are ready to accept the dreamer, not only because of his attractive appearance, but also because of his rich inner world.

According to the fortuneteller Vangi, women's shoes symbolizes the beginning of a new path or a new blank sheet of life.

Z. Freud claims that a pair of women's shoes can generally reflect the nature and preferences of its owner. In his opinion, a large number of shoes in a dream promise a new relationship in reality.

The dream book of Nostradamus says that women's shoes may dream of marriage. At the same time, old and worn out shoes symbolize an unhappy marriage.

If a comfortable shoes, she portends a long family and happy life.

Broken shoes warn of understatement and disagreements between spouses.

Why dream of dressing, trying on shoes?

Who tried on shoes in a dream - not satisfied with his life, he is not satisfied with the present state of affairs. He wants or is considering other options for a way out of this situation, thinks about changes.

Trying on shoes for a girl - to an early romantic relationship and meetings that will not keep you waiting long.

Trying on several pairs of shoes in a dream - to meet several young people.

If the shoes are comfortable and of the right size - convenience comfort in life will last for a long time.

Familiar, everyday shoes - a journey awaits the dreamer; new, unworn, unfamiliar - a new business with good prospects.

Buying shoes in a dream - to carry out the movement forward in reality.

Bought high-heeled shoes and they fit - the dreamer in life takes the right actions to move up the career ladder.

Buy formal shoes - unhurried steps forward.

Buy heavy, uncomfortable shoes - choose a difficult path. It's good if these shoes turn out to be solid... Such a dream will mean that, despite all the difficulties, the dreamer will be able to "stay afloat" in any situation.

Why do lost shoes dream?

Loss of shoes in a dream it can have different meanings.

  • The lost pair was uncomfortable, old, dirty - in life it will be possible to get rid of something superfluous and unnecessary, which burdens and interferes.
  • If in a dream lost shoes with one leg - in reality, you can make up for the loss with a more successful acquisition.
  • Lost expensive beautiful shoes, in a dream about this I had a chance to feel regret and annoyance - mistakes made will lead to a bitter loss.

Why dream of shoes on your feet?

See shoes on my feet - to feel stability in life. Than better shoes, the more confident the dreamer feels.

Gustav Miller notes that people who saw shoes on their feet in a dream, such qualities as courage, the ability to fight for their own happiness, determination to win are inherent.

  • Dark shoes on the feet - a thorny, difficult path that will have to go to gain the desired happiness.
  • Shoes on my feet in the mud - envious people or competitors interfere with achieving the goal.
  • If the shoes on the left foot are different from the shoes on the right - you will not be able to achieve what you want, there is no harmony in life.
  • Watch in a dream how the shoes on their feet clean themselves by themselves - unexpected help will come from outside.

Why do old shoes dream?

Old shoes can be a symbol of difficulties, financial difficulties, unsuccessful efforts:

  • worn out heels portend difficulties in the family
  • glued sole - a break with a lover.

but old shoes can also carry positive meanings. For instance, trying on old shoes - to joy and pleasant changes.

Putting on old shoes can promise travel to their native places. Cleaning or repairing such shoes promises the end of previously suspended cases.

  • Throw away old shoes - to successfully overcome difficulties.
  • To sort through used shoes - life with memories, past.
  • The shoes are so worn out that they cannot be repaired anymore and cannot be worn - bitter disappointment awaits the dreamer.

Why do different shoes dream?

Different, unpaired shoes in a dream - a bad sign. Strong fright or great disappointment will overtake the one who saw his feet shod in different shoes... The worse the dreamer's state of affairs will be, the greater the difference between the right and left legs.

Why do you dream of dirty, torn shoes?

Dirty and torn shoes in a dream does not promise a positive in reality. In personal life, it can be a cooling of relationships, family showdowns. In public or collective - gossip.

Leaky shoes dreams of offended people. Forgetting grievances and continuing to live is necessary for someone who saw boots, shoes or boots with holes in a dream.

  • If on shoes laces torn - business will be unfinished
  • torn shoe socks - storm clouds hung over the relationship with a partner
  • the tongues came off - it's time to listen more than talk
  • the sole has come off or torn - unlucky journey
  • a lot of torn dirty shoes - to disputes, scandals, strife

What is the dream of a shoe store?

To the one who sees in a dream shoe store, you will have to face a choice in reality. The bigger the store and the more choice it offers, the more ways and opportunities will open before the dreamer in real life.

Freud assures those in a dream ended up in a shoe storethat sexual adventures are provided for them. The most important thing is that a nondescript pair of shoes should not be found among the rich assortment. It is both a warning and a warning against rash actions.

Why dream of looking for shoes?

The clue to the dream in which it happened look for shoes - quality, condition and type of loss.
If a the shoes are good, new, which fit and liked - you need to be wary and pay attention to your surroundings. Someone is plotting, slandering, jeopardizing the dreamer's reputation.

Girl in a dream i was looking for my shoes and saw the lost pair on a friend - their friendship may end due to rivalry and understatement.

Look for shoes and accidentally find them on a colleague - worries about career growth, fear that a colleague will get a good position.

The dreams in which I had lose but lucky enough to find shoes, have a positive meaning.

Search and not find old, unusable shoes - to liberation, a feeling of lightness.

Why are other people's shoes dreaming?

Seeing someone else's shoes in a dream, you should be ready for changes, but which ones depend on her condition:

  • new, good quality shoes - change for the better
  • old - not good.

If in a dream happens accidentally put on someone else's shoes and enjoy ity - things will get better in life, but not without the unexpected help of an outsider.

A woman to see herself in a dream of men's shoes - looks at her in life married man and wants to make him his mistress.

Freud warns men who see themselves in women's shoes in a dream about the likelihood of their homosexual preferences.

Why dream of walking without shoes?

Generally, walking barefoot in a dream - a good dream, but some nuances can "negate" its favorable meaning:

  • walking barefoot in a dream on frozen ground, ice crust or snow cover - to confident correct actions, love satisfaction
  • walk barefoot on a muddy road - to rivalry, mistakes, bad thoughts
  • get barefoot in a snowdrift - overcome obstacles
  • stick to ice with bare feet - an obsessive admirer or fan, which will not be so easy to get rid of
  • not feel the discomfort of walking barefoot - the right path in life
  • walk on clear water - for vacation, rest, completion of business, joy
  • go barefoot and carry shoes - to support influential people
  • walk barefoot on dry grass - to forgiveness
  • stones under bare feet - obstacles on the way
  • walk on hot asphalt without shoes - a dream come true soon, on hot ground or sand - unnecessary haste will prevent
  • go barefoot into someone else's house - the dreamer is inclined to trust all the familiar and unfamiliar people in the area
  • the one who is in a dream climbed barefoot on the table, in reality believes that he is the best

Soiled untidy children's shoes in a dream, it will bring minor troubles, troubles. One way or another, they will be associated with children.

If a baby shoes from sleep were neat, clean and left pleasant sensations and emotions, then the dreamer can count on small joys, pleasant surprises.

If a pregnant woman dreams of baby pair of shoes, complications in childbirth await her.

Trying on children's shoes in a dream - making frivolous decisions in reality.

It turns out that shoes in a dream can both act as a harbinger of joyful events and predict trouble. But it can certainly be argued that no global shocks or changes in the dreamer's life will occur. Sooner or later, everything will return to its normal course, and life will continue as usual.

Video: Why are shoes dreaming?

Various types of shoes (shoes, boots, boots, sandals, etc.) - symbolize a woman or female genital organs.

If you fit, you get full pleasure from your sex life.

If you feel great - you doubt your sex appeal.

If you are pressed, you strive to change your sexual partner.

If a nail is found in the shoe, you do not get satisfaction from your sexual partner.

If you dry wet shoes, you are afraid of an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.

If you clean and smear shoes with cream, you get satisfaction from sexual relations with your regular partner and do not strive for changes.

If you choose the shoes that you are going to wear, you carefully choose your sexual partners and are not prone to love adventures.

If you buy shoes, you are striving for new romances.

If a man puts on shoes, he needs a quick sexual release, but he should not forget about a condom.

If a woman puts on shoes, she is indifferent to male caresses; she is more attracted to other women, or to masturbation.

Worn-out shoes - symbolizes your cooling to your sexual partner.

Dirty shoes - symbolizes possible diseases of the genital organs.

Shoes according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Shoes in a dream - symbolizes the willingness to take any action.

Torn shoes - means that you have not prepared well for possible difficulties and because of this, your plans may be frustrated. After such a dream, you should once again weigh your plans and soberly assess your capabilities.

Dirty shoes are complications in business and conflicts.

Cleaning your shoes in a dream is a sign that soon you will have to settle your problems.

If the shoe is pressing your foot, such a dream suggests that in reality you have not taken any necessary measures, which will make it difficult to advance your plans.

If the shoes are big, it looks like you are making too many plans for the future. Try to moderate your ardor a little and dwell on one thing, otherwise you will not be able to complete any of your undertakings.

Sports shoes are a sign that you need to speed up your business and more energetically implement your plans.

Home slippers and flip-flops are a sign of complete liberation and confidence in the future. At the same time, being in slippers on the street or in the office space means that, when you relax, you risk getting into a mess.

Unassuming, but sturdy and comfortable shoes in a dream - indicates that you have a chance to solve problems in some simple but effective way.

Unpaired shoes are a warning that without a reliable companion you will not be able to fulfill your plans.

Shoes on one leg - means that you are looking at some problem too one-sided, thereby dooming yourself to failure.

The loss of your shoes in a dream is a sign of serious difficulties in promoting some ideas. You may need to postpone your business for a while.

If you see that someone else is wearing your shoes, this is a hint that someone is going to take your place.

Shoes according to the latest dream book by G. Ivanov

Shoes - to foot disease; to gout.

Shoes according to the Spring Dream Book

Washing or cleaning shoes in a dream - to cancel the planned path.

Summer Dream Book Shoes

Washing or cleaning shoes in a dream means buying new shoes.

Shoes according to the Autumn Dream Book

To wash or clean shoes in a dream - for an upcoming trip or business trip.

Shoes according to the dream book from A to Z

Wearing a pair of identical shoes in a dream portends a normal course of affairs, unequal - to the most unexpected obstacles and difficulties. Taking off your shoes in a dream - soon you will have to go on the road.

Spacious shoes falling off your feet means a complete break in relations with a person who did not meet your expectations. Tight shoes that unbearably press and rub painful blisters - you will be persuaded to make the wrong decision by people who will be the first to blame you for the negative consequences.

Patent shoes - portends that you will be misled or deceived with good intentions to save you from frustration. Wooden shoes in a dream - says that your hoarding will bring the desired material wealth, but leave you completely alone.

Seeing old shoes - to a loss in entrepreneurship, repairing them - make new useful acquaintances, wearing - to problems that could have been avoided.

Shoes according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

Patent footwear is a fun journey; surface - deceptive hopes; boots - sadness

Shoes according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

If you dreamed that you were wearing new shoes, you will soon get a new place.

If you dreamed that you were wearing old shoes, a big setback awaits you.

Buying shoes means looking for a new job.

If you dreamed that you were selling shoes, an old acquaintance will appear, whose existence you forgot long ago.

Throwing out your shoes is a scandal at work.

In a dream, you observed how someone was selling or buying shoes - one of your loved ones may change jobs.

Shoes according to the Esoteric Dream Book

New, clean shoes - good luck.

Trying on, choosing - any of your undertakings will bring profit.

Buy - you mistakenly think that you have to pay for happiness. It can ruin everything.

Old, dirty - bad luck.

Cleaning, stitching - you have to make an effort, and everything can still work out.

Shoes according to Azar's dream book

Shoes are a hard road, endless running around.

Shoes according to Evgeny Tsvetkov's dream book

Shoes are a new place; unusual shoes - unusual affairs or relationships.

Shoes according to the Modern Dream Book

Shoes - travel; clean - good; dirty - heavy

Shoes according to the Schiller-Shkolnik dream book

varnished - a fun journey; elegant, clean shoes are a good road; dirty shoes are a hard road; being barefoot or in tattered shoes - illness and poverty

Shoes according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Shoes - you see shoes in a dream - you have a long road ahead of you in real life. It is as if you have lost your shoes - your business will decline due to your sluggishness and slowness.

Shoes according to N. Grishina's Noble Dream Book

Shoes in a dream are a symbol of the road / minor everyday troubles / female organs of love.

Putting on new shoes is good / finding a new man, changing your husband / night of love.

Putting on shoes in a dream is something associated with an act of love; a woman - a new man.

Taking off your shoes - traveling, changing location / losing a friend.

To drive a nail into your shoes - troubles await.

To wear tight shoes is a feeling that you are surrounded by people whom you would gladly get rid of.

Shoes rub the corn - someone's importunity or impudence.

Trampled heels are a change in the family.

Torn shoes - unsuccessful labors / loss of a husband / sterile wife.

Shoes without soles are an insult.

To see or find soles is fun with a man.

Wearing high-heeled shoes is a high distinction.

To see many different shoes - many roads / great success in love / connection with several persons at the same time.

For a woman to see boots - success and declaration of love.

To see rough leather or leather clothes - you are intolerable to your surroundings, everyone suffers from you / anger, quarrel.

Safyan - news.

Suede is tenderness.

Shoes according to the dream book of Krady Veles

Wearing shoes that are too small for you is difficult to establish a personal relationship with someone (whose shoes), or you will not like the job offered to you.

To choose worn shoes is a desire to enter into a personal relationship with someone (with the one whose it is) who has many acquaintances. You may be offered someone else's position

Shoes according to the dream book of Prince Zhou-Gong

Shoes - Someone is putting on your shoes. - Cheating wife, romance on the side.

You buy shoes or boots. - Indicates happiness for servants, subordinates.

You lose your shoes. - Indicates possible departure or escape of servants or subordinates.

You take off your shoes, you untie your belt. - Indicates an unfortunate event, failure.

Shoes are torn, spoiled. - Indicates the illness of the wife, children or grandchildren, close relatives.

You put on cloth, hemp sandals. - Indicates success and good luck in all matters. You receive a new title, an honorary title. - Indicates the birth of noble offspring.

You ask someone for shoes. - Heralds help, support.

You take off your wooden shoes, bulky uncomfortable shoes. “So the danger will soon pass.

The ruler, the Emperor, with his retinue sets out on a military campaign. - Foreshadows great, unexpected happiness, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Shoes according to the ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Why Shoes Dream - Shoes and galoshes mean a servant or servant, as well as small property; keep in mind also that dreamed old, dilapidated, completely worn-out shoes - to joy, while new - to sadness.

Shoes according to the Modern Dream Book

Shoes - travel; clean - good; dirty - heavy

Shoes according to the British dream book

Shoes - Shoes can make walking easier or harder for us. We wear shoes so that they fit exactly on the leg, and we say: comfortable, like in old shoes. Walking in someone else's shoes is an analogue of the Russian expression to take someone else's place. - Approx. translation means looking at things from the point of view of another person. What the dream is about: If you wear uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, tight or tight, this may mean that you feel limp in reality, possibly because of other people's expectations about your life. For a man, dreaming about someone else in the wrong shoes means that he sees this person as a victim - you can't run far in such shoes - or as a helpless creature in need of help. There is an obvious sexual element in such a dream: the other person is at the disposal of the man. Sneakers or sneakers indicate a desire to run away from a situation or from a person in real life. What else were you wearing? If you were dressed for a wedding, then it might be worth thinking twice about whether to go to the altar! Heavy work boots indicate a period of hard, possibly physical, work in the immediate future.

Shoes according to the dream book of the witch Medea

Shoes - Shows that there is a way to solve your problem. Pay attention to the color, style of the shoe. This is a hint of the path. Clearly someone else's shoes urge you to accept someone else's point of view. Putting on new shoes - portends success, additional profit, a new lover. To see a lot of shoes (on a shelf, in a store) - a large selection of roads, communication with several persons. To see old, shabby shoes, and even more to put on - to everyday troubles.

Shoes according to the Home Dream Book

You dreamed about Shoes - a position in life. Taking off your shoes - leaving the past behind; go barefoot - contact with nature; if it is hard or cold to walk - difficulties; graceful, clean shoes - good luck; dirty shoes are a nuisance.

Shoes according to the Jewish dream book

What does it mean in a dream Shoes - Putting on shoes is good, taking off is bad. New shoes foreshadow joy, and old ones - trouble and need. Throwing out old shoes means getting rid of something annoying and interfering with a quiet life. To put on the right boot on the left foot or the left on the right - seek protection from damage. Shoes that are pressing or rubbing on the leg indicate difficulties that are coming soon, and those dangling on the leg indicate an unstable and uncertain position.

Shoes according to the Magic Dream Book

You dreamed about Shoes - the road, a lot of different shoes - endless running. If your shoes are cleaned, they will grovel in front of you. Losing shoes is losing your way. A hole in the sole - the relationship has become obsolete. Tight shoes are a predicament in life. Giving shoes is a good deed. Trying on shoes is the beginning of a good enterprise. Wooden shoes - achieve good capital through frugality. Wicker shoes - beware of usurers.

Shoes according to Cleopatra's dream book

New, beautiful shoes are dreamed of when there are no problems in sex life, when everything in it goes like clockwork.

Torn, dirty, old shoes are a sign of trouble in personal relationships or gossip about your reputation.

Shoes according to the Psychotherapeutic dream book

Women's shoes: losing shoes is an obstacle; to see in a chink - contentment; change - a change in life; to see the shoemaker is good deeds; buy - fixing things in another city.

Shoes according to the dream book of winged phrases

FOOTWEAR (shoes) - “to put on someone's shoes” - to deceive; "Felt boots" - about a dull, simple, stupid person. See boots separately.

Shoes according to the Muslim dream book

Shoes and galoshes - mean a servant or servant, as well as property; and any old garment in general - to sadness, new - to joy, but worn footwear - matters better than new.

Shoes according to the dream book of the future

Shoes - to the road; if the shoes are clean - to a successful trip; if dirty - to poverty and longing on the way; Putting on lacquered shoes is a useful and profitable business trip.

Shoes according to the Idiomatic dream book

"Shoot someone" - to deceive; "Felt boots" - about a dull, simple, stupid person.

Shoes according to the dream book-horoscope

Trying on shoes - an offer you recently made is worth accepting.

Shoes according to the online dream book

The dream interpretation interprets shoes as a sign that the difficulties that have arisen in front of you can be overcome.

If it is not yours, then you should listen to the opinions of the people around you.

One half pair does not match the other - a warning that plans to come true only together with like-minded people.

If you dreamed that shoes are much larger than your size - moderate your ardor, and really correlate desires with possibilities.

If, on the contrary, it is too small, it means that you missed something and did not react on time, and now things will not go as smoothly as you would like.

Trying on a still-worn pair - you will meet an interesting person of the opposite sex, or you will receive some material benefit.

I dreamed that strangers put on your shoes - be careful, someone is coveting your position or family status.

You have lost it - on the way to the goal, unforeseen difficulties will arise that will ruin all your plans.

If you dream that the shoes were presented to you, you will help someone in a difficult situation, followed by sincere gratitude and generous rewards.

It was women's shoes that you dreamed about - you will be incredibly lucky in your personal life, and everything will go well in the business sphere, but the period of luck will be fleeting.

Giving shoes in a dream - in reality, you feel sympathy for the gifted object, and he is more than worthy of it.

Forgetting shoes in a dream - you have to go on a rather long journey, or a loved one will leave, the separation will be long.

If you dreamed that the shoes were small - at the moment something does not suit you in your life, something is not going the way you would like, and this violates your spiritual harmony.

Walking without shoes in a dream - you do not have enough freedom of action, you either drive yourself into some kind of framework, or you have to do something for which your soul does not lie, and this takes away your vital energy.

Choosing shoes in a dream is a sign of conservatism in the field of intimate relationships and your excessive selectivity, take everything easier, and you will become truly happy.

According to the dream book, a pair of shoes that match each other means that everything will develop in the most favorable way for you.

If it is different

If you dream of already worn out, old shoes - a period of mutual cooling has begun in your pair, this union no longer has a future, and it must be broken as quickly as possible.

If you dreamed about children's shoes - before starting any serious event, carefully cock everything and calculate all possible scenarios, since sudden complications can confuse you and destroy all your plans.

The solid men's shoes seen in a dream are evidence of your straightforwardness and the habit of making specific but effective decisions, and also that you will achieve everything in life with your hard work.

If you dreamed that you were wearing different shoes, be prepared that your affairs will not go the way you would like, additional efforts will have to be made to implement your plan.

If you dreamed that the shoes were white and she dreamed of a young lady, in the near future she will meet an attractive man who will become a worthy companion in life.

If a girl dreams of black shoes, she should get ready for an exciting romantic adventure, which will become one of the brightest events in her life.

If you dreamed about red shoes and not yet worn, you will become incredibly attractive in the eyes of men, your personal life will be transformed in the most extraordinary way.

A dream in which you were clearly wearing large shoes indicates that complete confusion reigns in your life now, you are fussing, in a hurry, but you do not have time for anything. To implement your plans and achieve success, you need to carefully weigh your every action and think over everything several steps ahead.

In a dream, shoes are dirty and sloppy - be attentive to your health, and also beware of getting all kinds of injuries.

If in a dream you are wearing someone else's shoes, you should be more selective in intimate relationships, strive not for quantitative, but qualitative indicators.

If you dreamed about new and high-quality shoes - you are in for great luck, try on the role of a true darling of fate.

I dreamed that the shoes are torn and worn out - this is a warning that you misjudged the situation and, therefore, chose the wrong tactics, you urgently need to correct your plans, otherwise they will not be implemented.

The dream in which you are going to buy shoes - says that not everything is sold and bought, accept with sincere gratitude the benefits that come to you, and do not even try to repay the same.

If you dreamed that you were trying on shoes, be prepared for the fact that at any moment you will need to jump off your seat and hit the road, although you will not know about this in advance.

According to the dream book, to wash your shoes - you will have to leave your home and go to another city to solve some work issues.

To clean your shoes in a dream - be prepared for unforeseen difficulties and obstacles on your way; in order to overcome them, you will have to gather all your strength into a fist.

If your shoes were stolen in a dream, this is a warning that you should change your plans, otherwise you will not achieve what you want, but only make yourself additional problems.

Losing shoes in a dream - you should be more resourceful, be able to act according to the situation, otherwise you will be disappointed and serious financial difficulties.

Looking for shoes in a dream - most likely you cannot decide what to do and how to position yourself in society.

Find shoes in a dream - in the near future you will go on some kind of forced journey to solve important issues, everything will go even better than you expected, circumstances will develop in your favor, and those around you will be happy to help you, as a result you will succeed in business and interpersonal communication.

If you dream that you want to take off your shoes, you will see dramatic changes that will affect your career, personal life, and even ideological positions.

If in a dream the shoes are wet or you are not comfortable in them - be attentive to your well-being, there may be problems with the lower limbs.

Shoes according to the Universal Dream Book

The shoes we wear reflect our mood and our character. What kind of shoes did you see in a dream? Who wears it and where? Is there a person waiting for something, does not want to take action until you feel completely confident in something? Or a dream symbolizes a change in luck - that's another matter entirely.

Shoes according to the dream book of symbols

Shoes are what we walk on the ground with, that is, how we walk through life; a symbol of the road, new or old affairs, a sign of love relationships (for women).

Shoes according to Daniel's Medieval Dream Book

To have new shoes is to wealth.

To have old or torn shoes - to deception or to losses.

Wearing old shoes is very difficult

Having new shoes or putting them on for the first time - for joy and fun, or for wealth.

Shoes according to the Russian dream book

Shoe is a business road that will lead to success

Shoes according to the Chinese dream book of Zhou-gun

Someone puts on your shoes - betrayal of his wife, romance on the side.

You buy shoes or boots - indicates happiness for servants, subordinates.

You lose your shoes - indicates a possible departure or escape of servants or subordinates.

Take off your shoes, untie your belt - indicates an unfortunate event, failure.

Torn, deteriorated shoes - indicates the illness of the wife, children or grandchildren, close relatives.

You put on cloth, hemp sandals - indicates success and good luck in all matters.

You receive a new title, an honorary title - indicates the birth of noble offspring.

If you ask someone for shoes, it portends help, support.

You take off your wooden shoes, bulky uncomfortable shoes - it means that danger will soon pass.

The ruler, the Emperor, with his retinue, embarks on a military campaign - portends great, unexpected happiness.

Shoes according to the Interpreter of 1829

Beautiful shoes mean honor and benefit arising from the diligence of subordinates; To see bad shoes is a sign of shame and illness.

Shoes according to V. Samokhvalov's Psychoanalytic Dream Book

Shoes are the point of contact of the phallic and female genital symbol, as well as a symbol of freedom.

Lace-up shoes are a well-known symbol of death.

Shoes according to the Old Persian dream book of Taflisi

Shoes and galoshes - mean a servant or servant, as well as small property; keep in mind also that dreamed old, dilapidated, completely worn-out shoes - to joy, while new - to sadness.

Shoes according to Shereminskaya's dream book

Shoes have always been a symbol of marriage.

If the shoes are old and worn, then the marriage is unhappy.

If in a dream both shoes (boots) or a pair of shoes fit, the marriage will be long.

If one shoe is lost, then the marriage may fall apart.

A flying heel - may mean a disagreement with a loved one.

Dream book shoes for bitches

A lot of different shoes - an interesting unforgettable journey.

Clean - easy road, good health.

Dirty - obstacles.

Letting someone wear your shoes - a rival will appear.

Shoes according to the dream book of the XXI century

The glitter of new patent leather seen in a dream is a warning that "all that glitters is not gold." A project that deserves your attention, a new job or business, interesting and promising at first glance, may turn out to be absolutely unpromising and even unprofitable.

Seeing new shoes in a dream is for joy, old ones for trouble or need.

If you see or wear moccasins in a dream, you have to run, be it sports events or rest.

If in a dream you wore wooden shoes, this means that thanks to your frugality you will achieve wealth.

For a girl, shiny shoes may portend an acquaintance with a very rich, but stupid person.

Seeing women's shoes in a dream - to the road, happiness in love, quick but short-lived success.

Losing shoes in a dream is an obstacle, mending them is a pleasure, changing them is a change in life, buying is to improving the state of your affairs in another city.

Cleaning shoes in a dream - to the appearance of a good neighbor.

Shoes according to the Slavic dream book

Shoes - polished and new dreams - to new acquaintances and profit. Old and decrepit - to betrayal of a loved one and secrets. Fish.

Shoes according to the dream book Veles

Shoes are expensive; the old one is a nuisance, a need; new - joy; dress - good health, good; old shoes - a familiar road / shame, bad; new shoes - news, pleasant trip, wedding, meeting / unfamiliar road, deception; presses - family troubles; losing shoes and not finding - death of a husband, divorce, losing a close friend; to lose one of the shoes - a quarrel; buy - improvement of affairs, new acquaintance; to fix shoes - get ready for the road, joy; ragged footwear - losses, death in relatives; ugly - disease, shame; beautiful - benefit, honor; the sole fell off - loss, misfortune, death in relatives.

Shoes according to Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

New shoes, beautiful shoes - I dream when there are no problems in sex life, when everything goes like clockwork in it.

Torn, dirty, old shoes are a sign of trouble in personal relationships or gossip about your reputation.

Shoes according to the Ukrainian dream book

How boots, boots dream - there will be some kind of road or trip.

New shoes - meeting, deception.

Torn shoes or clothes - someone will die in the family.

She dreams that the sole has disappeared (and also from the right leg) - this is necessarily some kind of loss, misfortune.

The sole is distracted from the shoes - there will be a dead man in the family.

Shoes according to the Gypsy dream book

Beautiful shoes signify honor and benefit arising from the diligence of subordinates; To see bad shoes is a sign of shame and illness.

Dream books 2012

Shoes are a reflection of understanding in general.

Shoes according to the ABC of interpretation of dreams

Shoes - shows that there is a way to solve your problem. Pay attention to the color, style of the shoe. This is a hint of the path.

Clearly someone else's shoes - encourages you to accept someone else's point of view.

Putting on new shoes - portends success, additional profit, a new lover.

To see a lot of shoes on the shelf, in the store - a large selection of roads, communication with several persons.

To see old, shabby shoes, and even more to put on - to everyday troubles.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

new place or new relationship; unusual shoes - unusual affairs or relationships; you buy - a new novel; if you lose, you will be let down; torn - a disease of loved ones; taking pictures - failure, breakdown of relations; shoes (in general) - help, someone's services.

Why dream about shoes

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

someone - to take revenge or deceive someone (it is not for nothing that they say “they shod you”); to losses (it is not for nothing that they say, “they shod me”); he shod himself - disappointments, mistakes in business or personal.

The meaning of barefoot sleep

according to Freud's dream book

Running barefoot in a dream means that in your intimate life you are not shy about expressing your feelings and emotions. This makes your relationship especially close and trusting.

Dreamed barefoot

according to Miller's dream book

Wandering barefoot at night, in torn clothes, means that your hopes will fail. Some evil forces will hinder your every action.

Why is the shoemaker dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

works - an incredible and unexpected business proposal; to be a shoemaker - great income or position; a woman sees her husband as a shoemaker - money worries will recede; to see a shoemaker - a change of leadership or patron; talking to a shoemaker is a new business or promotion.

Dreamed of a shoemaker

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a shoemaker, it means that circumstances will not be conducive to your success. If a woman dreams that her husband or lover is a shoemaker, then all her desires will be satisfied.

Dreamed of boots

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your shoes on someone is a bad dream for those in love. It is possible that your opponent will oust your image from the heart of a loved one. Putting on new shoes in a dream is a great success in business, for men - to an increase in wages. Old shoes in your dream are a warning against cunning traps on your path to success.

Why do sandals dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

on the legs - poverty; unusual behavior or relationships; to see - strange help or acquaintance.

Why do shoes dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

putting on - a joyful road, new relationships; to lose, withdraw - divorce, parting; one to lose - a quarrel; to buy - improvement of affairs, a new acquaintance or a turn in business in another locality; to fix is \u200b\u200ba pleasure; new - a successful business with an unexpected result, honors and income; getting wet - infidelity, betrayal or secret enemies; clean, sparkling - money matters, business arrangement; press - family or personal troubles; wooden - a bad destructive connection; you remove wooden ones - to get rid of the danger in your personal; pour out the water - secret intrigues will be revealed.

Why do boots dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

solid ones - faithful helpers; new ones - good luck in business.

The meaning of a dream about boots

according to Freud's dream book

Putting on boots in a dream - a trip to the country awaits you with a person dear to you. Perhaps this time, in an unusual setting, you will be able to see a person in a new way, whom you already thought you already know very well. Rubber boots are a sign that you should be wary of the acquaintances you make. And if this is not done, then there is a risk of experiencing an unpleasant chill of jealousy.

The meaning of a dream about a heel

according to Freud's dream book

For a man, to see a woman walking in high heels in a dream means a penchant for all kinds of sexual fantasies that he never dares to bring to life. In your soul, you imagine yourself as a much more determined person than it appears in real life. If this continues, then you risk remaining a timid person for life. Your dream suggests that you are ready to gradually begin to translate your ideas about yourself into life. If a woman sees herself walking in heels, then this dream indicates dissatisfaction with her own sexual role... You are not who you have to be in bed. You have great potential that you can realize. In a dream, breaking a heel while walking or putting on shoes with a broken heel - recently you have suffered a failure on sexual grounds, and this is quite a burden for you, you think that now everything will be exactly the same. But try it all over again, only with the same partner - you have a much better chance of regaining your former self-confidence. If in a dream a man saw himself walking with a companion with a broken heel, it means that he (the man) prefers to dominate in sex, loves it when his partner does everything as he pleases.

Dreamed of shoes

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream your shoes are torn and dirty, it means that you risk making enemies for yourself with indiscriminate criticism. If in a dream you are wearing black shoes, it means that your affairs will go well, and some important event will bring you satisfaction. New shoes promise a change that will benefit you. If your shoes are too tight, you will be vulnerable to those who want to laugh at your mistress or lover. If the laces on the shoes are untied, it means that losses, quarrels and illness await you. Losing your shoes threatens to end your relationship with you and disown you. If in a dream your shoes are stolen, but stockings or socks remain on you, this means that by losing something, you will gain in something. If a girl dreams that she is admiring well-fitting shoes on her feet, this dream warns her against excessive gullibility and familiarity with new acquaintances, and especially with men of a certain warehouse, in relations with whom one should keep a distance.

Why do shoes dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(female) - love relationships; to lose - to parting; red shoes - passion; reset - break off relations; get rid of the fear.

Whatever bumps are encountered on the path of life, shoes play a huge role in the comfort of walking. Dream Interpretations know: by the appearance of boots in a dream, you can learn about the state of mind of the sleeping person, pressing problems. And get an answer to the question: what is the dream of a wardrobe item for?

If you dream about shoes

It is common for everyone to doubt their own abilities. No one is immune from uncertainty. If you dream about shoes, you are in luck, because, from the point of view of dream books, what you see in a dream promises to be useful for people experiencing the pangs of choice.

Finding a suitable pair indicates a lack of readiness for action. The larger the assortment and the stronger the confusion, the more assertive the circumstances are. Interpretation is considered most accurate if you are able to describe the details of the dream - model, color and ease of walking. Why is a specific option dreaming:

  • classic boats - steadfastness;
  • house slippers - avoiding responsibility;
  • rubber boots - commercialism;
  • sports sneakers - compassion.

Dream interpretation in detail about the interpretation

Seeing shoes in a dream is the beginning of unknown roads. Not necessarily in the literal sense of this expression. There is a chance to really go on a journey, this is exactly the interpretation given by Loff's dream book. But, as a rule, we are talking about a spiritual movement.

The esoteric dream book is sure: to change shoes in shoes taken from the deceased means to take on the sins of the deceased. I had a chance to change the bot from the left leg to the right - there will be no global changes in the current business, the previous situation will remain unchanged.

According to Vanga's dream book, breaking a boot is to make a forced break in plans. Obstacles will appear unexpectedly and force you to abandon the idea.

Dream interpretation Enigma

Dream Interpretation Enigma offers its own version: uncomfortable, cheap shoes, rubbing your feet up to calluses, indicates that you ignore your own needs in the name of the desires of other people. Your sacrifice is used for personal purposes.

If the size in a dream is small, do not spread gossip and do not discuss those with whom you are new. It is often given to see only one side of the coin.

Miller's dream book

Miller's decoding sounds no less curious: if the shoes are beautiful, expensive, and the insoles are worn, it makes sense to think about virtue. To fulfill your ideas, you are sometimes ready for terrible deeds.

A woman will dream of shoes presented by a man - let her count on support from a fan. Soon the lady will not have to worry about money - this is what Miller's dream book says.

Islamic dream book

According to the Muslim interpretation, to follow the traces left on the earth is to succumb to influence. The Islamic dream book believes: wet shoes visit in a dream to tears and send off a loved one to departure.

Well-Worn - displays the experience of the sleeper, the hardships that befell him. The dream came to add strength and stamina, to support in difficulties. The Islamic explanation for light sandals in a dream sounds like this: you are destined for a cloudless existence, full of joy.

Why does a guy dream that recently purchased shoes begin to reap mercilessly? The sleeper is full of bold ambitions, which sometimes go beyond what is possible. Great potential is not the key to success. You need to have flair and caution.

Seeing yourself as a fashionista in a dream

In a dream, were you in high spirits, visited chic shops and enjoyed active shopping? To sort out goods on the shelves means well-founded doubts. Receive a tempting offer, but be careful not to agree immediately.

Why dream of auditing the wardrobe, throwing out more irrelevant shoes and clothes? You have prioritized and subconsciously decided to free yourself from extra people and thoughts that interfere with development. Throwing out new shoes means trading a promising risk for familiar comfort. Why dream of finding your shoes:

  • dirty - a tricky act;
  • polished - sweet flattery;
  • with a broken heel - a gross insult;
  • cracked - missed opportunities.


In a dream, you had to be in the role of Cinderella and try on shoes? We sat down perfectly the first time - you were lucky, the project, which is now busy with thoughts, promises profit.

If a girl has a chance to lace up her shoes, she is destined to marry a powerful and despotic chosen one. And to put on neat sandals with an elegant stiletto heel means to enjoy a resounding success with the opposite sex.


Have you turned to the master with a request to repair shoes that have come apart? You are in dire need of a good friend, an advisor. However, do not overlook the fact that you will have to make the final decision yourself.

To fix it yourself, to glue holes - to fully realize the mistakes and make efforts to eliminate them. Sewing from scratch is to be a domineering, bright personality.

Allow theft

In a dream, acquired a penchant for kleptomania and tarnished your reputation with theft? To accidentally confuse and leave in someone else's shoes is a sign that must be considered: you are threatened with an unpleasant duty to be responsible for what you did not do.

To see that the shoes are gone - in reality to yield to a more punchy and influential person, stepping into the shadows. To remove from someone is to encroach on the inviolable, sacred.

Why do children's shoes dream? Dreaming hints at unfulfilled dreams, long forgotten desires already forgotten. Keep in mind - there is an opportunity to implement them. Throwing away small shoes - mentally saying goodbye to something, sad about the past.

Pink shoe - which means color

If the shoes in a dream were remembered for an unusual color, a portion of incredible events taking place in succession, one after another, is measured out to the sleeping person. On your feet are bots of different colors - you are a versatile, creative personality. To lace up such is to swim in universal recognition.

The color is similar, but different, for example, one shoe is blue, and the second is blue - you cannot decide, realizing that each of the roads will lead to negative consequences. Shades of white, beige promise tranquility and serenity. Why do shoes dream:

  • pink - flirting, sympathy;
  • yellow - business trip;
  • black - serious conversation;
  • green is a witty joke.

Why dream that the sole is on fire

Finding shoes on yourself that burns when walking is a double symbol. You don't just do a good job - sometimes pedantry reaches absurd levels. It is worth accepting small mistakes more easily and not suffering from every mistake you make.

Dream books also believe: having seen a burning sole in a dream, you can safely leave your duties to the trustees and start packing your bags. An unforgettable journey lies ahead. Finding a decayed pair in a box is interpreted as the absence of a way back. The past cannot be returned.

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Who dreamed just today. It was on this night ️ 🌃.

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Questions to the author


    In a dream, I just see men's brown shoes. They are new at first, but then right before my eyes they become worn, i.e. with traces of socks - creases appear, the sock is slightly worn out. The shoes just sit on the floor and I see this transformation from new to worn. What is it for?

    I dreamed that a former man gave me 3 pairs of shoes: boots, ankle boots and shoes, they were all old and full of holes. I didn't measure them. I took it out of the box and looked at it and put it back in the box to return it to him.

    I have a bunch of different shoes in front of me, I have one sneaker on my leg, but no other sneaker. In a dream, I try to find a pair for shoes, but everything is unsuccessful. Someone gives me one shoe, but I get nervous and say that I need the very sneaker that is on my foot. What does this dream say?

    • That you are indecisive. And at the moment, too, are in doubt. Understand that the right path is always the awkward one 🙂. Follow it and get closer to great success!

      Hello. I dreamed that I was looking for high-heeled shoes in a package among boots and boots, with a steady black heel. I found shoes and tried on a clean white sneaker on one leg and a stiletto heel on the other. I chose shoes.

      • You are not looking for easy ways! Although you always have a good choice in life - no matter what it involves. But you love to overcome obstacles. Passion is in your blood. Oh, this sweet sense of victory! You are familiar with it 😉.

        10-Sep-2019 Sabina:

        Hello, I dreamed that I was wearing beautiful pink slippers, and then I noticed that one is not my size, and both are either left or right.

        • You will face a choice and be confused. Neither one nor the second road promises anything good. But go all the same to the one that seems easier to you. And this will be the right step!

          • They take care of you and will not leave you in trouble. Men's footwear - sign of presence nearby strong man, father, brother or husband 👨🏻. It may also be an outsider who wants to protect you from problems.

            Hello. I had a dream that a man with whom we have not been in contact for a long time sent a photo in which there are 4 shoes and all are different, that is, there are no paired shoes at all. Here are 4 pieces all different. What is it about? Thank you.

            Today in a dream I presented shoes to my stepmother and also at the same time my grandmother and grandfather presented shoes, as it turned out, we bought almost the same, but she liked the ones that I bought more, just the size did not fit and we went to change .. what does it mean ?

            It was like I was choosing shoes in the market. I couldn't choose. The shoes were old, not fashionable. But clean and leather. Ugly colors. What is it for?

            My father recently died, with whom I have never communicated, he brought too much pain to our family. And then I dream that he gave me size 37 red suede rollers. Although I wear 39, they were very comfortable and I enjoyed rolling around the yard. Please tell me what it could mean.

            I dreamed that I was measuring shoes on the market, I chose dark red leather shoes with lacing, I really liked it and were comfortable. This is a good sign?

            I saw a lot of yellow shoes for men and women. I could not find mine among these. I found one of my shoes and didn't find the second. What could it be? Thanks.

            In a dream I saw light sports shoes with laces. They were new and I held them in my hands. The part to which the lace is attached came off. I tried to glue it myself, but for some reason the glue did not set. Then my friend's mother (she died a few years ago) advised me to return these shoes to the store once they are new and not worn.

            From the multitude of strangers, worn, not always paired, but clean slap I chose what to enter the public toilet, because I'm barefoot, but it's wet and far from sterile. I didn’t choose anything, but accidentally climbed into one nursery with three fingers, just the opposite, through the opening from where children's fingers usually look out. What does it mean - it's scary to imagine, but curious!

            18-Feb-2017 Marina:

            I dreamed that I came to study where my older sister is studying, the next day I had to go to physical education, and I forgot my sneakers at home, but my sister gave me her sneakers and they fit me.

            I dreamed that I bought new red ballet flats, but when I was wearing them, I didn't like something and for some reason they looked like men's moccasins.

Dreams are our subconscious. There are events after which one can draw a conclusion about the near future, sometimes the brain misses them. And during sleep, the subconscious mind processes the delayed information.

Do you think shoes in a dream are a bad omen?

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This is where prophetic dreams come from - no mysticism, just the power of the human mind.

This does not mean that they cannot be trusted. On the contrary, prophetic dreams are based on reality, so you can and should trust them. The main thing is without fanaticism.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, shoes in a dream often signify a negative for a person.

Sometimes such a dream warns about the danger: for example, if a girl dreamed that she was wearing beautiful shoes, then you need to trust less friends and especially men.

Unkempt, dirty shoes hint: refrain from harsh criticism in someone else's address. And black shoes, on the contrary, will bring harmony, satisfaction and good luck to life.

The loss of shoes means the loss of a relationship (precisely in the context of a quarrel), so try to reduce scandals to “no”, at some moments to restrain your emotions so that a loved one does not leave your life.

Dream interpretation of Vanga

The Bulgarian clairvoyant predicted the fall of the Twin Towers in New York, and both world wars, and natural disasters in Asia, and many other tragedies of mankind.

In addition to words about the future, Vanga left her own dream book to the descendants.

According to him, trying on your shoes brings cardinal changes in your personal life, and in a pleasant sense: soon you will either get married or have a long-term relationship.

But someone else's shoes on your feet means your patronage over the owner of the couple, that is, partial power over someone else's life.

If the size does not fit, then you will face difficulties in work or study.

Islamic dream book

Muslims have a dream about shoes means a servant or property... A new pair of shoes in a dream warns you of unpleasant events ahead.

Dreamed of old worn shoes? A pair of such shoes / boots / sneakers means joy and happiness in your life, but there is a nuance - this pleasant surprise will most likely be wrapped in an equal problem. The main thing is to overcome the difficult stage and enjoy the well-deserved happiness at the end.

Who dreamed?

To an unmarried girl

In a dream, choosing shoes in a store - wanting changes in life, striving to turn them upside down. Taking off your shoes? This means getting rid of the old, unnecessary in a global sense - complexes, fears, self-doubt will soon leave you.

If you dreamed of branded, fashionable shoes that you like both in a dream and in reality, then expect a wealthy lover to appear. He will pamper you, indulge any whims and will not be able to refuse you anything.

Be careful!

Such events in life cause the envy of the people around you, including those whom you could not even think of - friends, colleagues, relatives. In a fit of anger, many are capable of vile deeds, so do not seek to show happiness to everyone.

Nice and comfortable shoes also speaks of financial prospects - soon you will get a high-paying job or you can start your own business.

If you dreamed about your shoes, and they were torn, worn out so that it cannot be repaired, then be prepared for the worst. In the near future you will not find a soul mate, perhaps you will lose close friends or quarrel with them. There is a risk of being unemployed or even all together.


For a married woman, a spoiled couple means a possible breakdown of the family, serious illness or a dysfunctional family life in general. There is a likelihood of treason on the part of her husband.

In addition to infidelity, such a dream implies subsequent resentment, painful experiences. You will often be haunted by the thought that the marriage was a mistake and in general you do not love this person. It is possible, but it is better to wait 2-3 weeks and then return to the question.

Shoes with an unusual heel, bright color, intricate design - a harbinger of travel, change of image, unexpected changes for you.


Sleep about maternity shoes is different from others - pay attention to comfort and size.

If you see rough boots that look like army boots, then get ready for the tests. In the near future life will be like a war. Be careful with heights, steps and large crowds. It will not do without conflicts, humiliation.

If the shoes are strong, well made, you will earn decent money, but with hard work.

Lost your shoes in a dream? It is better to go to the hospital for storage, because the loss of shoes means a serious obstacle in your business, perhaps the threat of pregnancy.


Men, unlike women, rarely dream of shoes for bad events. According to many dream books, even a leaky, worn-out pair of shoes or boots brings joy in their lives.

Dreamed of patent leather shoes? Soon you will lead your beloved down the aisle. Your feeling in shoes determines the success of a marriage: if the shoes are too tight, then your spouse will take "power" into her own hands, control you, suppress you with her authority. That is, you seem to be "squeezed" in this cage.

If the shoes, on the contrary, dangle on their feet, the union will soon fall apart due to the frivolity, inconstancy of the chosen one.

And the third option - the shoes fit well on your feet, are matched to size, nothing rubs you, does not press. Then the marriage will be happy, the spouses will live together for a long time. Even in the event of a divorce, they will remain in a normal relationship and communicate as friends.

Staying with one shoe for a guy means being abandoned in reality. In a difficult situation, friends will turn away, and there will be nowhere to wait for help.


Men often decipher soldiers' boots in a dream as an ambulance in the army. This is not true. The explanation is the same as for women - the blows of fate will not keep you waiting.

What kind of shoes did you dream about?

Someone else's shoes

Someone else's shoes foreshadow two developments:

First, you saw the owner of the shoe, then soon you will try on someone else's lifestyle. This is usually a job title or social position. Remember whose pair it was. If this is an acquaintance with whom you are on good terms now, quarrels are possible due to competition with him. Conversely, wearing the enemy's shoes means defeating him.

The second option is treason on your part. If you do not see the owner of the shoe on you, then soon you will want new sensations and will find them in another person.

Old favorite shoes

Provided that you still have your shoes, sleep means stability. In the coming year - no dramas, it will be calm and measured. But do not expect ups in life. The dream shows that now is the time to stop, think, occupy yourself with books, handicrafts, yoga or other sports.

If you threw out your shoes, and you dreamed about it, you will soon meet with those whom you have not seen for many years, or even return to the origins, to your hometown. Possible reunion with ex boyfriend or a girl.

Dirty shoes

The meaning of dirty shoes is simple - you will encounter dirt in your address. You may be slandered or gossiped behind your back. Your status may change after that, but this is unlikely. To avoid this, do not get into an altercation with spiteful critics. Remember that this is what they want.

To see dirty shoes at the door, in the hallway - to quarrels in the family.

A dirty pair of shoes should raise doubts on a bride or groom. Think again, if you avoid divorce, you will spend a lot of nerves and health.

Such a dream before a trip is a bad sign. High probability of accidents, accidents. Be especially careful with ground and underground transport. Aircraft do not carry any danger.

If you see someone in dirty shoes, then soon your relationship with him will deteriorate, and women's dirty shoes warn of gossip at work.

Dirty shoes on your feet portend either infertility or a creative crisis, the latter being more likely. By infertility we mean not so much a medical diagnosis as the impossibility of "giving birth" to an idea, a project.

Wooden shoes

Wooden shoes warn of obstacles on the way to the goal. We are talking about serious problems - illness, death, poverty, so you will have to give up your dream at least for a while.

This is a sign from fate, they say, "not worth it, not yours." Switch to something polar. If you wanted to go on vacation - jump headlong into work, you decided to take a break - take care of your health, go to the clinic for examination.

Beautiful shoes

It's simple: beautiful shoes herald a new, equally beautiful stage. This is either a wealthy patron, or a salary with a lot of zeros, or a bohemian life ahead.


If someone put on such shoes on you, then this person will impose his point of view. Have you seen the face? Then a person is a composite image of society around you, that is, society (classmates, colleagues, family) will want to bring it under their influence.

Torn shoes

Shoes with holes, torn off the sole, dream before unsuccessful trips. Tragic events do not portend, but accidents and injuries are quite.

If you are going on a trip, and in front of him saw such a sign, it is better to cancel the plans. As a last resort, choose a flying vehicle as a replacement for a car or train. Any ground movement at such a moment is dangerous.

Sometimes torn shoes warn of large financial expenses, losses, bankruptcy. Do not take risks and check every penny, negligence will turn out badly.

White shoes

White color indicates the solution of "sore" issues. What lasts for years, torments you, does not allow you to live in peace, will soon be resolved by itself.

White shoes also hint at the right choice, that is, now you are on the right path and will achieve your goal without changing direction. A good sign for those who have chosen a business to their liking or changed their profession. This means that you need to realize yourself in this area.

The third meaning of white shoes is a new source of income. This is, rather, a part-time job than a full-time income, but then it will lead you to a high position in the career ladder.

If a bachelor or a bachelor saw them in a dream, soon a new love will appear in life, with serious consequences in the form of a family.

Children's shoes

Children's shoes do not bring significant changes.

This is the point - pay attention to the details. Doing business - control your accounts. Doctors should do the work with double care and check the diagnosis several times, thinking over every little thing. Electricians should be careful and not take unnecessary risks.

There is a second option for decoding: if children's shoes were dreamed of after making a decision, then this is a hint of your mistake. Think it over again.

Patent Shoes

Shoes covered with varnish dream either for noisy fun or for marriage.

What did you do in your dream?

Clean your shoes

This means making an effort to get what you want or predicting a quick trip to work.

Fix shoes

Had a dream that shoes were repaired in a dream?

Then pack your bags - you will have a joyful journey that promises a holiday romance.

Try on, choose shoes

Two meanings:

The first is changes in life, moreover abrupt and unplanned.

The second is changing the relationship with the owner of those shoes. Chances are great to quarrel over work, money, competition in business.

Buy shoes

Consciously change yourself. Sleep carries nothing in itself, it is a reflection of what is happening now.

Dreams when moving, losing weight, mastering a new profession, etc.

Change shoes

The interpretation is almost the same as for buying shoes, but there is a nuance. Changing shoes in a dream can mean betrayal in reality, on the part of the one who changed shoes.

Wash shoes

Washing shoes in a dream is a bad sign, you will have to wash in reality. Slander, slander, gossip, nasty things behind your back are waiting for you.

You need to endure and continue to live as you did. Get down to conflict - it gets worse.

Put on shoes

If you put on your shoes, then a trip or a business trip is ahead, and if you new, you will soon start doing an unusual thing, which you previously refused.

Lose your shoes

Brings into life the fears of many people - illness, tragedy, death. Also poverty and abuse.


Remember that people are stronger than any circumstances, and even more so, dreams!

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