
Derbent is the most ancient city of Russia. Where is Derbent: Ancient History and Development Areas and Real Estate Derbent

Inner division:

4 millennium BC e.

Former name:

Bab Al-Abvab

Climate type:

Subtropical climate


112 466 people (2010)


1607 people / km²

National composition:

Lezgins, Azerbaijanis, Tabasarans, Dargints, Gorny Jews, Russians, Armenians

Confessional composition:

Islam, Christianity, Judaism


Derbents, Derbentz, Derbentka


UTC +3, summer UTC + 4

Telephone code:


Car code:

Official site:

Geographical position

History of the city

Ancient period

The capital of Derbent Emirates

From Seljuk to Sefavid

Between Russia and the Persia

Bab Al-Abvab


Coat of arms Derbent

Description of the coat of arms

Population of the city


Famous natives

Derbensty athletes


Derbent - City in Dagestan on a narrow passage between the Caspian Sea and the foothills of the Caucasus. Derbent - Self southern City Russian Federation. The city and the Derbent district adjacent to it are located in the semihow zone of subtropics.

Derbent is one of the oldest "living" cities in the world. The first settlements arose here in the Epoch of Early Bronze - at the end of the 4th millennium BC. E .. The first mention of the Caspian gate is the most ancient name of Derbent - refers to the VI century. BC E., His famous ancient Greek geographer Pekatay Miletsky.

Geographical position

The city is located on the western coast of the Caspian Sea, close to the mouth of the Samuri Rubas River, where the mountains of the Great Caucasus are closest to the Caspian Sea, leaving only a narrow three-kilometer strip of the plain; Its closure, the city formed the so-called Derbent or Caspian pass. The role of Derbent and Derbent Passage was great, it was located in one of the most strategically important and topographically convenient locations in the famous Caspianaway, connecting East Europe and the front Asia.

History of the city

Ancient period

The importance of this passage was the cause of the gripful aspirations of Scythians, Sarmatov, Alanov, Gunnov, Khazar and others. He survived the stormy historical events, storming and destruction, periods of decline and heyday. Here, one of the most important sites of the Great Silk Road, and Derbent performed a crossroads of civilization, binding East and West, North and South.

Ancient Greek Herodot historian One of the first provides information about the "Derbent Passage" in V in BC. e. The Roman Empire, the first expedition of which was organized during selevka I in 290-281 g to N. e. In 66-65 g to n. e. Military campaigns of Lukulla and Pompey are being carried out in the Caucasus, one of whose main goals was the capture of Derbent.

The successors of Rome and Parphy in the struggle for the Caucasus in the early Middle Ages are Byzantium and Sassanid Iran.

An important fact in the history of Derbent, which was part of the Caucasian Albania called Chola, was the adoption of Christianity in 313. From the V century, the active development of the city begins, as well as the grand fortification construction, designed to protect the front Asia from the new wave of nomads - the Turkic tribes of the Huns and Khazar. 439-457 - construction of fortification facilities by Yezdigerd I; In 488-531, there is a replacement of raw walls by stone masonry chosher i Anushirvan. The fortress begins to acquire the view that has been preserved before our time.

The growing power and richness of the Derbent could not but attract powerful neighbors. In 552, the Khazar attacks the city. The patriarch throne, with the purpose of salvation, is transferred from the city of Chola (Derbent) to the city of Parutav. According to Yu. D. Bruzkusus, some part of the Jews in this period moves from Persia to Derbent.

The capital of Derbent Emirates

During the breakdown of the caliphate, the inhabitants of Derbent in 869 proclaimed Hashima Ibn Suraka with their Emir, who became the founder of the Hamshamid dynasty. In the reign of his son Mohammed I, in 901, the Khazara was attacked by Kar Ibn Buljan to Derbent, but were repulsed. In 969, Emir Ahmad built a citadel and strengthened in it.

From Seljuk to Sefavid

In 1067-71, the town of Selzhuki Turks capture. In XII, in Derbent, an independent principality was formed, which existed relatively long - until 1239, when Derbent, conquered by the Mongols, is part of the Golden Horde. The city gradually comes into economic decline.

In 1395, Tamerlan was reached through the Derbent passage of Tamerlan and an embriting defeat of the Golder Troops in his shores on his shores. In the same year, he handed over Derbent Shirvansha Ibrahim I, entrusted to the protection of the Debent pass.

In the XVI-XVII centuries. Derbent - Arena fierce wars between the Ottoman Empire and the State of Sefavid, until in 1606, at the Persian Shah Abbas I, Derbent is not part of Persia.

Between Russia and the Persia

At the beginning of the XVIII century, when the threat of the Persian and Turko-Ottoman conquest of the Caspian regions, Peter I took the famous Persian (Caspian) campaign. On August 5, 1722, the Russian Army, under the command of General Admiral Apraksin, moved to Derbent, and on August 15, transport flotilla arrived at the city (21 vessel) with artillery and a province under the command of Captain Verden. August 23, the Russian army took the city. On August 30, Peter I wrote Admiral Housing from Derbent:

On September 12, Russia concluded a peace treaty with the Persia, according to which Russia received the city Derbent with the regions adjacent to it.

At the beginning of the XVIII century, when the threat of the Iranian and Turkish conquest of the Caspian regions, Peter I launched the famous Persian (Caspian) campaign (1722-1723). In the plans of Peter the Great Special place occupied Derbent. On August 23, 1722, Peter I with a large army arrived in Derbent. The population of the city, led by a local flavor, Imam Kulibek and the Muslim clergy, solemnly met the Russian emperor and presented him with two silver keys from the city gate and the book "Derbent Science", telling about the history of the city. Petr I paid special attention to his historical monuments. Scientists and specialists who were in his retinue: Kantemir, Gerber, Soymonov gave the first description of historical monuments, laid the beginning of studying Derbent.

Measures to protect and improve the city were taken, ordered the harbor according to the drawing, the food warehouses, lazarets, the factors of Russian merchants were opened. Petr I provided Dersubentians the right of free trade within Russia, planned to develop here of viticulture, winemaking, silkgrounds. But a storm began, which spread 30 cargo ships. There was not enough food, and to get the bread in the rebellors of the lands of Shirvan and Muskyur did not seem to be possible. Epizooting began - half of the horses fell in one night. As a result, the Military Council decided to suspend promotion to South, and Peter I turned back, leaving a small garrison in the city. In 1735, in the Ganja Treaty, Derbent again departed to Iran. In 1747, the city became the center of Derbent Khanate, the residence of Nadir Shah. From 1758 - the Board of Feta Ali Khan.

In the spring of 1795, Persian troops led by the founder of the Kajarov Aga Mohammed dynasty invaded Kakheti, and September 12 captured and plundered Tbilisi. Performing its obligations under the St. George Treatise of 1783, the Russian government sent the Caspian Corps (about 13 thousand people) from Kizlyar through Dagestan to Persia.

On May 2, 1796, the Commander-in-Chief General-Lieutenant Graf Valerian Alexandrovich Zubov approached Derbent, starting the storm of the city. On May 10, the White Flag was thrown out on the fortress wall, and Khan Sheikh Ali Khan appeared to the Russian camp. On the same day, the commandant of the Derbent Fortress was appointed Major Savelyev General, and on May 13, the commander-in-chief of the teeth solemnly drove into the city. Sheikh Ali Khan remained in the Russian camp, the honorary prisoner has not yet accomplished escape. The teeth restored calm in Derbent, and Khanate was transferred to the management of his native Uncle Khan, Kassima. With the entry into the Russian throne of Paul I and a change in the course of foreign policy, in December of the same year, Russian troops from the Transcaucasia were withdrawn, and all conquered areas were returned. In 1799, the younger son of Cuban Khan Fatali Khan - Hasan was proclaimed by Derbent Khan. Having collected a strong army, Sheikh Ali Khan moved to Derbent, but the twelve-day siege of the city did not bring him success and he was forced to reconcile with Hasan Khan and recognize his rights to Derbent. After death in 1802, Derbent Khan Sheikh Ali Khan joined Derbent possession to Cuban Khanate.

In 1813, in the Gulistan Peace Treaty, Russia has been joined, from 1846 - the provincial city, was part of the Dagestan region. From the 1840s. Survived a rapid economic lift associated, in particular, with the development of marquenms (growing the garnet - plants from which a cheap dye received). In addition to the cultivation and processing of Maren and Mac, the inhabitants of Derbent in the XIX century. Gardening, viticulture and fisheries. In 1898 through Derbent passed railway Petrovsk-Port (the former name of Makhachkala) - Baku.


Continental, transitional from moderate to subtropical.

The average annual temperature in Derbent is positive: +12.5 ° C, the average monthly temperature of January +3.1 ° C (minimum -35 ° C), average monthly temperature of July +23.3 ° C (maximum +44 ° C). The duration of the warm period is 270 days. Precipitation on average 800 mm per year; The most rainy month is October.

  • The average annual air temperature - 12.5 ° C
  • Relative air humidity - 69.5%
  • The average wind speed is 6.0 m / s

The average daily air temperature in Derbent according to NASA

Derbent water temperature

Bab Al-Abvab

Bab Al-Abvab - It is often given in abbreviated form as Al-Bab, the Arabic name of the city of Derbent.

Literally Bab-Al-Abvab (Al-Bab) meant the main (large) gates, the gate of the gate. Named because of the role played by Derbent in the geopolitis of the early Middle Ages, being an essential strategic point on trade routes from Europe to Asia.

Derbent was renamed Bab Al-Abwab (al-Bab) after Arabic conquest at the beginning of the 7th century. Appeared under this title in the Arab historical and geographical literature. It was also distributed for a while in Iranian and Turkic-speaking literature. After the fall of the Arab Caliphate and the formation of independent states in the region, the city began to be called an old way, Derbent.


  • Approximately from 5-4 centuries. BC e. At the site of the Derbent there was a nomadic parking of Massagetian tribes.
  • Approximately 2 V. BC e. At the site of the parking was built a city known in the ancient and medieval sources as a chola.
  • From the end of 1 century. BC e. Chola - the capital of the Tribal Union of Muscuts (Massagets), often referred to as the historical sources of the kingdom of mascut.
  • From 1 c. n. e. Chola, like all the kingdom of Mascot in a vassal dependency from the kings of Caucasian Albania.
  • In 6 c. n. e. Sassanid Shah Kavad, subordinating the Muscuts of the power of Sasanidov, began restructuring and strengthening Chole.
  • In 6 c. n. e. Sassanid Shah Hosrars Anushirvan, fully completed the restructuring of the Fortress of Chole, at the same time replacing its name for Derbent. The fortress guarded the passage between the Caucasian Mountains (Tabasaran Ridge) and the Caspian Sea, located on the way between Europe and the front Asia, which is reflected in the title: Iranian "Derbend" means "road node".
  • Some part of the Jews during this period moves from Persia to Derbent. The beginning of the formation of the community of Jews, the first monotheists in the region.
  • In the 630s. Derbent captured the Khazars.
  • With the Grand Duke of the Caucasian Albania, Javanshire, Derbent, like the whole area of \u200b\u200bmascut, is attached to the Caucasian Albania.
  • With 652 Derbent as part of the Arab Caliphate. The mosques were built in the city, 24 thousand Syrians were resettled here, the city is divided into magals (quarters), most of the inhabitants are facing Islam.
  • 730 - the adoption of Judaism by Khazari (presumably, under the influence of Derbent's Jews).
  • In the VIII century Derbent is the major Military Political Center of the Caucasus, in which the residence of the chlorine governor was located. In the 10th century, with the collapse of the Arab Khaliphat, Derbent becomes the center of an independent emirate.
  • With IX century Derbent under the influence of the state of Shirvanshakhov.
  • In 1071, the city captured the Seljuk Turks.
  • From the XII century. Derbent as part of the state of Shirvanshakhov, who was in vassal dependence on the state of the Great Atabeks of Azerbaijan.
  • In the XIII century. Derbent, like the whole state of Shirvanshakhov, conquered by Mongols.
  • In the XVI - early XVIII centuries. Derbent - as part of Sefavoid Iran.
  • August 23 - September 6, 1722 - Peter I in Derbent.
  • With 1743 Center of the Derbent Khanate State of Sefavid and Apchars, the residence of Nadir-Shaha.
  • In the XVIII century With the death of Nadir-Shaha Afsha, Khan Derbent proclaimed his independence.
  • In the XVIII century Derbent with Khanate is attached to Fatali Khan Kubin to Cuban Khanty.
  • In 1796 conquered by Russian troops.
  • in 1813, joined the Russian Empire.
  • From 1840 Derbent - county, from 1846 - Posad city.
  • From the 1840s. Survived the rapid economic rise associated, in particular, with the cultivation of the garmen - the plants from which the cheap dye was obtained. At 19 in. Horticulture, viticulture and fisheries were also developed.
  • In 1898, Petrovsk-Port Railway (now Makhachkala) - Baku passed through Derbent.

Coat of arms Derbent

The coat of arms of Derbent county approved on March 21, 1843, together with other coat of arms of the Caspian region of the Russian Empire, to which the city was then treated. Later, this coat of arms unchanged became the emblem of the city of Derbent.

The flag of the city has not yet been approved.

Description of the coat of arms

In the upper half of the shield having a gold field, part of the coat of arms of the Caspian region is repeated: the left is the standing tiger, and the right-handed gas departing from the Earth; In the bottom, having a silver field: on the left - the old fortress wall with a gate, resting on one side in the ridge of the mountains, and with another adjacent to the sea, right - intertwined the roots of the garnet plants and a few stalks of poppy, tied with a golden rope, as a sign that Residents with great success are engaged in the processing of the garments and dilute the poppy to prepare therapeutic opium from it (widecare). The oculturing of the garmen, the source of a valuable dye, the world presented a resident of Derbent Kelbalay Hussein.

Population of the city

According to the Russian historian S. M. Bronvorsky,

According to the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron:

According to the 1897 census, 14,649 people lived in the city. (Of which the Azerbaijanis, called at the time Aerbage Tatars - 9,767 people, Jews - 2,81 people, Russians - 1092 people).

The population of the city is currently about 130 thousand [30% -Lesgin, 25% -Tabasarana, 24%-chamber. 5% -Dartigines] Man, the increase mainly is natural (+5 per 1000 us. Per year), although the growth of the population occurred in 1950-1980-x.

National composition according to the 2002 census

Lezgins - 30 955 - 30.62%;

Tobasarana - 29 606 - 25.45%;

Aguly - 2 956 - 2.93%;

Rutulas - 715 - 0.71%.

  • Azerbaijanis - 29 064 - 24.74%;
  • Dargins - 5,582 - 5.53%;
  • Russians - 5,073 - 4.02%;
  • Jews - 2,038 - 2.02%;
  • Tats - 2 038 - 2.02%;
  • Armenians - 1,534 - 1.52%;
  • Kumykov - 552 - 0.55%;
  • Avars - 442 - 0.44%;
  • Laktsi - 436 - 0.43%.


The monumental witness of the era of the great resettlement of peoples and an outstanding monument of defensive architecture, Derbensky fortress complex performed defensive functions for 1500 years. It includes the fortress of Naryn-Kala, where two long city walls lead, which completely blocked the passage and went to the sea, forming a port. In 2003, UNESCO recognized the world's world's heritage old part of the Derbent with traditional development, highlighting the following monuments:

  • Derbent Wall - Double Wall of Sassanids, overlapping the Caspian Gate. The wall for the 15th centuries was used for defensive purposes by Persians, Arabs and Mongols (Ilhans, Timurides). It is the only preserved monument of the ancient Persian fortification architecture.
  • Naryn Cala - Ancient fortress with an area of \u200b\u200b4.5 hectares, which rises above Derbent from the mountain. Inside the baths, water tanks for the case of siege and ruined buildings in which you can assume deep antiquity. They own the Krestovo-Dome Church of the V century, later rebuilt under the temple of fireproken and mosque. The Shahsky Palace reached our time in ruins.
  • Juma Mosque is the oldest mosque in Russia. This is a temple was intercepted by the Arabs-invaders and converted into the mosque. The temple was created long before the appearance of Arabs in Derbent. Therefore, this mosque has an entrance from the south, and not from the north, as must be in the mosques. This was the first time to write Amri Shikhsaydov in the book "Dagestan shrines". Before Mosque - Madrasa XV century.

The value of the city for the Republic of Dagestan and the Russian Federation

Derbent is the oldest cultural center of Dagestan, the burned his spiritual and material culture, from which art, artistic craft, writing, values \u200b\u200bof Islam and other world religions. The combination of unique monuments of history, architecture and archeology with the magnificence of natural landscapes and a favorable climate reports the importance of the largest center of domestic and international tourism.

Famous natives

  • Al-Langsi Mammus (approximately 1040-1110) - influential Shaya Bab Al-Abvaba (Derbent), author of the chronicles "History of Derbent and Shirvana", was born in the family of immigrants from the country Lezgin - Lakz.
  • Abramov, Schotel Semenovich - (November 11, 1918 - May 14, 2004) - Hero of the Soviet Union (1945), Lieutenant Colonel (1995).
  • Alekberley Mamed-Kasir Alekberovich - Head of the Department of Universal History of DSU.
  • Aliyev, Shamsulla Fezulla Ogly - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Gaidarov, Naum Kasyanovich - Major General, Member of the Caucasian War and Central Asian Hiking.
  • Hasanov, Heinrich Alievich (born on May 1, 1900) - counter-admiral, doctor of technical sciences, chief designer of ship steam boilers and steam generators, nuclear-fuel reactors of sea ships, Hero of Socialist Labor (1970). Lenin Prize (1958), USSR State Prize (1942).
  • Hasanov, Gottfried Alievich - composer, founder of Dagestan professional musical creativity, Honored Artist of the Dagestan ASSR (1943), Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1960). The author of the first Dagestan works of musical and theater genres (opera, ballet, music. Comedy). The names of Gotchka Gasanova called Makhachkala music school.
  • Gut, Fortunate Ferdinandovich (October 6, 1861 - after 1935) - famous Siberian builder and architect
  • Jasmine, nee Sarah Manahimov - Singer, Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan.
  • Zeynalla, Asef Zeynlabdin oglu - the first Azerbaijani composer who received professional education In the walls of the Azerbaijan State Conservatory.
  • Mirza Mirza is a major Linguist Scientist and Orientalist, three times awarded the Demidov Prize, a member of the Royal British and Irish Society in London, the Royal Northern Antiques Society in Copenhagen, and others. In 1869, elected Honorary Doctor of St. Petersburg University.
  • Kazihahmedov, Felix Gadzhimedovich - Head of the administration of Derbent from August 2000, the honorary title of "Honored Economist of the Republic Dagestan", Chairman of the Dagestan branch of the Dagestan, was awarded for merits to the republic in 1999.
  • Rasulbekov, Guseyn Jumschudovich - Lieutenant-General Artillery, Commander of the Baku Air Defense Rocket forces; Minister of Communication of the Azerbaijan SSR.
  • Suleiman Kerimov (genus March 12, 1966) is an entrepreneur, a member of the Federation Council from Dagestan. Controls the financial and industrial group Nafta-Moscow.
  • Mamedova, Shaffiga Gashim Kyzy - actress Theater and Cinema, People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR.
  • Sadrooms Nedzmeddin Husein Oglya - Lieutenant-General, Head of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • Shikhsaydov, Amri Rzaevich (born in 1928) - one of the founders of the modern Dagestan school of Arabistra, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan, winner of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Eldarov, Omar Hasan Oglya - Sculptor-Monumentalist, People's Artist of Azerbaijan, a valid member of the Russian Academy of Arts, President of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Arts.
  • Yusufov, Igor Khanukovych - Ambassador to special instructions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the former Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation.
  • Ragimova Duri Gulbab-Kyzy - Actress of the Azerbaijan State Theater. People's Artist of the Republic of Dagestan

Derbensty athletes

  • Erzy Babayev (Armirusling) - Russian Championships (2009). The captain of the team of Derbent Medical School. The champion trains Javid Mirzakuliyev.
  • Agamirza Alirzoev (checkers) - the bronze medalist of the Russian Championship among the disabled victims, the silver medalist of the Republic of Dagestan in Russian Checkers (2009), the winner of the Dagestan Cup in Russian Shaskam (2010), the Bronze medalist of the Championship of the Republic of South Ossetia in Blitz (2010). Candidate master of sports in Russia.

The fact that Dagestan Derbent is the most ancient city in the territory of the Russian Federation, does not cause any doubts, because this is evidenced by the facts, but disputes arise due to the fact that some scientists do not want to consider this city as Russian. Indeed, in those times, when he was founded, there was no Rus, nor the more Russian Empire. However, UNESCO came to the conclusion that Dagestan Derbent is the most ancient city Russia. And in 2012, this fact was confirmed not only by Russians, but also by representatives of other countries, when, in the framework of the All-Russian program "Trees - Living Monuments of Nature", Derbent planes were recognized as monuments of wildlife and were taken under protection. According to scientists, their age is equal to several centuries.

History of ancient Derbada

The most ancient city of Russia - Derbent, was founded many years before the first settlements in this area appeared over 2600 years ago. Ancient Greek historian and geographer nicking this place with a Caspian gate. The most ancient city of Russia in Persida was called Derband - a narrow gate, since it was located in the appropriate mountain pass (Dagestan corridor) between the Caucasus foothills on the West Bank of the Caspian Sea. Derbent in antiquity lay on and was an important strategic object. Because of it, many battles and battles were conducted. Today, the ruins of the ancient city are preserved on the territory of the Derbent. The Museum-Reserve includes a whole complex of stone buildings of the 6th century. BC er, the simplest water supply system, baths, the Persian fortress of the Naryn-Cala, and the length of the fortress wall is over 40 km. On the territory of the museum is also located Juma Mosque - the oldest Muslim shrine in the territory of not only Russia, but also the CIS. Therefore, UNESCO also believes that the place that the Derdand was called in the past is the most ancient city of Russia, because Dagestan is an administrative unit of the Russian Federation. Consequently, the city is posted on the territory of the Russian Federation and is Russian.

Historical value of Derbent

Despite all this, the city is not yet the largest tourist center. Although there is hope that after an international organization recognized its historical value, tourist flows from all over Russia and the world will rush in the most ancient city of Russia - Derbent.

For many centuries, art, science and craft have developed in Derbent. The historical museum of the city contains many preserved household items and artistic creations belonging to local masters. Stone structures themselves with interesting architecture, strong fortress walls that could withstand the onslaught of enemy hordes, talk about the power of the city.

Other ancient cities in the territory of the Russian Federation are Veliky Novgorod, Murom, Uglich, Rostov-Great, Belozersk, etc.

Of course, Veliky Novgorod is an original Russian city, however, compared to Derbent he is very young. Novgorod starts his summer from 859, long before Russia accepted Christianity. Naturally, it was originally in the city there was no churches with golden domes that modern Novgorod proud of the way. After Prince Vladimir dotted the Russian people, the 13-heading wooden church of St. Sophia Wovemed was built in Novgorod. Later, the city became the spiritual center of all Russia. Many analysts believe that the most ancient city of Russia is not Derbent, namely the great Novgorod is one of the most Russian and ancients in Russia.

Derbent is an excellent old town in Dagestan, 130 km from Makhachkala, on the Kaspia. So old that he is considered one of the old now "living" cities in the world. His story is so rich that it is possible to write Tom about it: many centuries the city with his powerful wall served as the protection of the entire anterior Asia from the barbarians, standing between the impassable mountains and the sea. The old town of Derbent is recognized as UNESCO as a World Heritage Site of Humanity. At the same time, Forbes magazine included Derbent in the first eight of the most undervalued seaside resorts in Russia. And, probably, rightly: there are practically no tourists in the city.

One of the most important attractions of the city is the complex of the old fortress, which successfully served Derbent (though, different owners) one and a half millennium in a row. The Citadel includes several objects, each of which is separately described by UNESCO.

How to get to Derbent

By train or regular minibus from Makhachkala bus station (the bus runs every half hour) or from Caspian. In Derbent makes the stop train Moscow - Baku (travel time is about 32 hours).

Search for flights to Makhachkala (Nearest a / n to Derbent)

A bit of history

The first settlements on the site of the current Derbent appeared about 6 thousand years ago. The first written mention of the city made by the ancient Greeks is dating from 6 century. BC e. In the current city, the city is more connected with Persians: in the middle of 5 century. They founded their fortress here, extinguishing the serfs of the passage from the sea to the Caucasian Mountains. In 7th century Arabs invaded the city, building the Juma Mosque here and turning it into one of the main Caucasian centers of his influence. During this period, Derbent actively grew and developed as a handicraft, agricultural, shopping and port city, in whose harbor, Russian, Khazar, Indian ships could be seen.

Then, at 11 c. Derbent was conquered by Selzhuki Turks, but not long ago: in the first half of the 13th century. The Tatar-Mongolian Horde came here, and under her igod, the city has lost the former strength and well-being. In the second half of the 17th century. The brave Cossack of the wall of Razin at the very beginning of his Volzhsky-Caspian campaign stormed Derbent and took it. But already in the 18th century The city became difficult to keep under pressure from the Persians and Turks, and Peter the Great sent a flotilla here, as a result of which Russia officially seen Derbent in a peace treaty with Persians. But not forever: after 13 years, the city handed over Iran. Only in 1813, Derbent became finally Russian.

Popular hotels in Derbent

Weather in Derbent.

Entertainment and attractions of Derbent

Derbent is primarily an old town. And in this case, the word "old" means not just the earliest city building. Many of the monuments of the old derbent are already one and a half thousand years (or even more). One of the most important attractions of the city is the complex of the old fortress, which successfully served Derbent (though, different owners) one and a half millennium in a row. The Citadel includes several objects, each of which is separately described by UNESCO.

First of all, the composition of the citadel enters the lard of the Naryn-Cala with two walls - those themselves that they blocked the path from the sea. The fortress on the mountain prevented quite well, and the walls as such, even today they can give an idea of \u200b\u200bher power. Here on the square in almost 5 hectares today you can see the terms, siege storage facilities and the church of the 5th century, which was then transformed into a mosque. The history of discovery of the church is interesting: as a result of the excavations on the north-western territory, an underground construction, carved in a rock, which has long been considered a reservoir for a long time. Only by the results of the study it became clear that it was a Cross-dome temple.

And the Derbent Wall in principle is considered to be the only construction built even before the Persians who came to the present day. This is a double wall of more than 3.5 km long, consisting of parallel southern and northern parts. That of her plot that rose to the mountain was significantly destroyed, but the one that went down to the Caspian was preserved. The distance between the walls is up to 400 m, and it is this territory that is the place where the old derbent is located.

The southern part of the wall was very destroyed, but the North has been preserved well. It is posted out of large vested stone blocks, the height of the wall is more than 10 m, the minimum thickness is 2 m with superfluous. On the wall, naturally, "on duty" turrets: Initially, there were 73, more than half were preserved. Also today you can see 9 of the 14th gates of the wall, very curious from an architectural point of view. The most beautiful - southern orta kals, which means the "middle gate".

It is from behind the wall, Derbent received his name, which means "narrow" or "locked" gates ". The merchants paid the duty for the right to drive a city with transit.

Another landmark of Derbent and the most important shrine for Russian Muslims is the Juma Mosque. This is the oldest mosque in the country and in all former Union Republics. The main mosque was built in the first half of the 8th century. And then it became the highest in the city of the building. At the 14th century She suffered from the earthquake and was restored, and in the 19th century. The complex was expanded by adding Madrasa and residential premises to the mosque. In fact, today the old mosque seems not too high: her dome reaches a height of only 17 m. But in the courtyard, in each of the four corners, it grows on the centuries-old planeball, and these trees, rising above the walls, make a mosque well visible everywhere in the old city.

Another significant religious building in Derbent is the old Armenian Church of St. Nespasitor. It is rather rude, harsh structure with pointed, crowned crosses of domes. She was erected in the second half of the 19th century. And heavily destroyed during Civil War. The restoration was carried out only in the 70s -80s. The last century, and since then, the placement of the church is assigned to the branch of the city museum: there is a carpet exhibition.

Water reservoirs, and old fountains are preserved on the territory of the Old Town. Water comes here from mountain springs, and the fountains still serve as a source from where the townspeople are taken from. And in the center of the fortress, you can see the old Khan bathrooms of the 17th century: according to the legend, those who spied behind the swimming persons of the opposite sex, scored eyes. The ancient city cemeteries are curious and, where monuments and sarcophages are preserved, the oldest of which are dating 5 V.

In 2006, Derbent received the UNESCO Prize as the most tolerant city of the world. The national composition of the city is really rich, although the third of the population is lezgins and Azerbaijanis.

In the art museum of the city, you can explore the world's largest collection of objects of Dagestan decorative and applied art. These are silver belongings of elegant dressing, and weapons, and carpets, and carving on stone and wood. In addition, there are pictures of Russian and Western European artists, as well as a good collection of picturesque works of Dagestan authors since the 20s. last century and to Soviet times.

As for the Derbent as a seaside resort - then yes, there is a beach here. But the lion's share of its territory is leased by private traders. And the fact that it is not given is usually stupid to the inability, and it negates all the delights of truly transparent and beautiful warm sea water.

3 Things to do in Derbent:

  1. All day we run along the old fortress.
  2. Try the famous derbent cognac, which still makes from the local grapes.
  3. Arriving with sturgeon in one of the city restaurants.

Derbent surroundings

Approximately 30 km from the city, if they move along the coast of the Caspian Sea to the south, is the only one in Russia and is hardly the only Lianovsky forest in Europe. Samursky Forest is located in the delta of the river of the same name, and here, in the subtropical relict forest, in the National Park, can be perfectly carried out even one day. There are full sources of clean water, many tree breeds grow, birds nest, fish spawn, and, of course, all this wrap the most evergreen lianas.

50 km from Derbent (in a straight line much closer, but there is no direct road there) there is a waterfall in the village of Hutchi. This is a beautiful 30 meter narrow watercraft with a lake, suitable for swimming, and a campground. Near the waterfall is a fortress of seven brothers and sisters (Yagdig fortress). This is the last fortress of a number of mountain fortifications, stretching from Derbent by 40 km, and its foundation is believed to be treated as much as 6-7 centuries. The name of the fortress was obtained in accordance with the popular ancient legend: seven brothers successfully defended the fortress from the invasion from Iran, but their beauty-sister betrayed his for the love of Iranian Khan, and the fortress fell.

And before the joining of Crimea was considered the oldest district of Russia. For its existence, this locality had several names, and the most famous of them is Alban.

The city is located in the southern part of Russia. It has a unique location. The city is located between the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus Mountains. Such a location determines its interesting history and numerous stages of development.

Derbent stands near the Sukhodol River. In ancient times, the city played an important role as a reliable fortress. He was on the Caspian Path, which connected Eastern Europe with Asia. Over these roads often passed enemy troops, which planned attacks on the counties of other states.

History of Derbent

The first settlements here arose in 4 thousand BC. e. These times were called bronze epoch. Then such as such a city also did not exist and ancient people built their life in small settlements.

Over time, military attacks began on various lands in the area and residents were forced to strengthen their positions, respectively, built a fortress. She looked like a citadel with two tall and long walls, which went to the sea. Thus, the passage between water and the mountains was blocked.

In these times, the fortress was called Chola. The city was considered the capital of the Mascot tribe. This locality was dominated by the kings of Caucasian Albania. In the VI century n. e. There was a complete restructuring of the fortress and the city was named Derbent. Such an important historical event happened during the Board of Shah named Hosras Anushirvan.

History of development of architecture

Where is Derbent? Wonder all who looks at the city's photos. Unusual mixing different styles In one place introduces all tourists to the confusion. Such a variety architectural features associated with a long history of this area.

Since 652, the city was under the rule of caliphas. Therefore, mosques and oriental buildings were tied here. More than 20 thousand Syrians arrived here. Many residents accept Islam. In the V century n. e. A large number of Jews moved here. Local buildings were immediately partially transformed into their way.

In the X century, the Khalifat collapsed and the city of Derbent was under the authority of the Emirates. Therefore, new architectural oriental knowledge has appeared much during this period. Then the district was under the authority of Shirdohashakhov and Seljuk. After that, the locality won the Mongols.

Each new ruler rebuilt Derbent (Dagistan) at his own discretion. As a result, in the city you can find oriental mosques and Jewish palaces with their symbolism, Emirate castles and houses of Russian merchants.

An important stage of Arabic conquest

In the VII century n. e. Arabs approached the gate of the Derbent and captured it. In this period, the mass administration of Islam in the city has gone. In 754, a Juma Mosque was built here, which was designed to envelop all the population of the city into a new faith.

From this time, Derbent (Dagestan) became the military center of the Arab Caliphate. There is a development and expansion of the city. New buildings arise and the number of handicraft points is increasing. The city produces silk, soap, metal products, jewelry and glass.

The district becomes a large port and actively trades with various countries. Ships arrived here from Europe, Russia and India. Such a feature allowed to quickly develop the city in the infrastructure.

This period was lifting for the city, and the locality was replenished with new architectural attractions. From the XI century, he was again captured by several conquerors, but for a long time these states did not exist.

History of the city as part of Russia

In 1668, for the first time, the district was captured by Russian Cossacks ataman Stepan Razin. It was from this city that he began his way during the Persian campaign. As a result, the Persia fleet was burned.

Peter I rated the historical value of the city and ordered to study all architectural attractions and maintain them. People in the city are tired of the permanent military attacks and the Russian king independently gave the "keys" from the fortress. The history of Derbent from this did not lose anything.

Then the city was then transmitted several times to various states. But only in 1813 Derbent (Dagestan) was finally attached to Russia. In 1840, the district received a significant economic increase as a result of the production and trade of dyes.

Now if someone asks: "Where is Derbent?" The answer will be obvious - in Russia. As already mentioned, due to numerous military conquests in the city there is a multinational population. According to the latest statistics, you can find here:

  • lezgins;
  • jews;
  • azerbaijanians;
  • tabasaranov;
  • dargintsev;
  • russians;
  • agules;
  • armenians;
  • kumykov;
  • laksev.

Such a variety of nationalities makes culture and traditions of the city saturated and interesting. The schools of this area reads a separate subject on the history of the city. This is due to the rich events of the development of Derbent.

Modern Derbent.

Now there are more than 120 thousand people in the city and it is located at the 38th place in the population in the country. Many tourists arrive here every year, as it has a profitable location of Derbent. Sea and mountains in one place can be found rarely. Tourists can enjoy these benefits at the same time.

The city has established alcoholic beverages. The famous Caucasian wine and brandy are manufactured in this area. Where is Derbent? Of course, where the vineyards of various species grow and the most delicious wine is produced in Russia.

Hospitality of residents of the city amazes. Having been here once, I want to come back here many times. Variety of traditions I. delicious dishes Different people make gourmets spend most of their vacations here.

There are about 50 underground cities in Kapadokia in Turkey, and the city of Derinkic (translated from Turkish - "Deep Well") is one of them. Some of them are already fully investigated, some began to explore, the following - waiting for their turn. Derinka is the most famous and most studied from this group of underground cities of antiquity.

Reaching the depth of about 55 m (8 tiers), in ancient times the city could shelter up to 20 thousand people along with food and livestock. The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is not accurately installed - from 2.5 km² to 4 km². Scientists believe that now only 10-15% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe city is investigated. It is assumed that the city may have 20 floors, they managed to explore only 8 of them.

The underground city of Derinka was wounded in a soft tuf - typical of capadokia volcanic rock. On his origin, there are still disputes: according to the Ministry of Culture of Turkey, the city was founded in the VIII-VII centuries BC. e. We moved here by Frigyian tribes. According to another version, Derinka was built even earlier, in 1900-1200 BC, when these lands inhabited Hitty. Before the arrival of Hittites, Hatta lived on this territory - the people who inhabited the country of Hatti in the Central and Southeast Part of Anatoly (current Turkey) in the period 2500-2000 / 1700 BC. In the era of the early and middle bronze century. The name of the country and the people later inherited the requisitioned hitts that were related to another language family. The kingdom of Hutty before the capture and assimilation of the indigenous tribes of Hettites existed a thousand years, so, most likely, underground cities were built by the Hutti previously inhabited by these places.

The entrance to the dungeon is located in a single-storey building in the village of Derinkic, located on a plogram height of 1355 m above sea level. All rooms and tunnels are well covered and ventilated. The temperature inside fluctuates from 13 to 15 ° C. For communication between floors in many places in the floor, small holes.

Derinkic dungeon is a complex branched system of rooms, halls, tunnels and wells, divergent down (closed with lattices), upwards and sides. At the first level there were stables, a davile press for grapes and a massive arch. Residential premises, kitchen and church were deeper. On the second tier there is a unique room for underground cities, a distinguishing feature of Derinka, a large hall with a vaulted ceiling. On the third and fourth tiers were weapons warehouses. On the stairs between them, you can get into the church of the cross-shaped form with dimensions of 20 × 9 m. Next, it leads a narrow tunnel (ceiling height of 160-170 cm), on the sides of which empty cameras are located. When you descend, the ceilings are getting lower, and the passages are all already. On the lower eighth floor there is a spacious hall, possibly intended for assembly.

Vertical ventilation mines (all of them 52) at the bottom reach groundwater and previously served simultaneously well. The city is famous for a very complex ventilation system and water supply, which is amazing for such an early historical period. Until 1962, the population of the village Derinka satisfied the need for water from these wells. To avoid water poisoning during the invasion of enemies, the outlet holes of some wells were carefully closed and masked. In addition, there were special ventilation mines, skillfully hidden in the rocks. Often, secret moves were masked for the wells, which at the moment about 600 pieces were found.

The city was built in such a way that it could be impossible to capture. All precautions were provided: in case of danger, the city closed from the inside with the help of large stone doors, they could overlap access to individual rooms or even to whole floors. Each door is a large stone disk with a height of 1-1.5 m, a thickness of 30-35 cm and weighing 200-500 kg.

The doors opened with holes inside them, and only on the inside and the forces of the minimum of two people. These holes could also perform the role of door eyes. Probably, the city was built in such a way that only its inhabitants are well-oriented in its device, and the enemies, on the contrary, were instantly lost.

Regarding whether people lived under the ground constantly or periodically, there is no consensus. According to one version, the residents of Derinka went to the surface only for the cultivation of fields, on the other - they lived in land settlement and hidden under the ground only during raids. In the latter case, they quickly eliminated signs of life on the surface and went underground to hide there for several weeks.

There are references to the underground facilities of Cappadocia in the historical chronicles. The most ancient famous writing source of underground cities is dated to the end of the 4th century BC - this is "Anabazis" an ancient Greek writer and the historian of Xenophon (approx. 427- Ok. 355 BC. E). This book describes the location for the night of Ellinov in underground cities.

In it, in particular, it is reported: "In the settlements of the houses are built underground. The entrance to the houses was narrow like the throat of the well. However, the indoor premises were quite spacious. Animals also contained in carved dungeon refuge, special roads were built for them. The houses are invisible, if you do not know the entrance, but people entered these refuge on the stairs. Inside contained sheep, goats, lambs, cows, birds. Local residents in clay vessels made beer from barley and residents in wells made wine. "

Specialist in archeology from Los Angeles Raul Saldivar who lives and works in Nevsehir claims: "And Christians, and Frigians have already found these premises empty. In 2008, a radio carbon analysis was held. He showed that the megalopolises are cut in the rocks about 5 thousand years ago. Separate cells were used as banks, tons of gold were stored there. The excavations were raised to the surface hundreds of dings of pets, but not a single skeleton of a local resident. "

These statements of ancient Greek authors and modern scientists confirm the previously expressed assumption that the underground cities of Cappadocia existed in the I millennium BC. e. (VI-IV centuries BC. E.). Taking into account the finds of obsidian working tools, hatt letters, items of the Hittte and Dashtt eras and the results of radiocarbon analysis, the time of their construction can be attributed both to the II-III and (according to the results of the study of Neolithic Turkey) to the VII-VIII millennium BC. e., and even to earlier, Paleolithic, times.

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