
Pain in the middle of the cycle (during ovulation): the causes of severe pain in the right or left side during and after ovulation. Pulls the lower abdomen during ovulation Pain associated with ovulation

Ovulation is a natural process in the female body. It usually occurs in the middle menstrual cycle. In most cases, this process is asymptomatic, but a woman may also experience certain discomfort. These include discomfort in the lower abdomen, headaches, lethargy, and the like. They are a kind of norm, but if the pain during ovulation continues for a long time and is accompanied by bloody discharge, then you should consult a doctor.

Pain during ovulation is often natural.

This is a natural process that takes place every month in the female body, which confirms the ability of a woman to conceive. The egg matures in the follicle, which bursts and releases it from itself. She continues her way further into the uterine cavity through the fallopian tubes. This process lasts for a day, so within 2-3 days a woman may experience some discomfort.

If unpleasant symptoms last for a longer time, then it is necessary to consult a specialist, as this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

What does it feel like when you ovulate?

The process of maturation of the egg may be accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • During ovulation, the lower abdomen hurts. When the mature follicle bursts, some of the blood enters the abdominal wall, and some goes into the uterus. This causes pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation, followed by the release of ichor. Also, the promotion of the egg through the fallopian tubes and the possible introduction into the endometrium may be accompanied by the release of blood and discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Pain in the head and confusion. A decrease in estrogen production can cause a spasm of cerebral vessels and provoke the onset of pain. If the head hurts after ovulation, then this may indicate the presence of endocrine disorders.

Ovulation may cause nausea and vomiting
  • Nausea and vomiting. Hormonal changes in the body and the presence of pain can have a negative impact on the digestive tract. Appetite decreases, symptoms of nausea appear, in more pathological cases, vomiting is possible.
  • Smearing discharge of ichor. Symptoms of ovulation and pain last no more than 2-3 days, if the amount of blood released is significant and the discharge does not stop, then this is a reason to consult a specialist.
  • Increased libido. During this period, blood rushes to the genitals and causes sexual desire in a woman. This is a manifestation of the natural need of the female body to procreate.
  • The discharge becomes clear and non-sticky. The secret of the vagina acquires such a consistency in order to facilitate the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity
  • .Increase in basal body temperature. Women who keep regular records basal body temperature, you may notice that the most low temperature in the vagina is observed immediately before the process of ovulation, subsequently, at the second stage of the cycle, it increases sharply.
  • Feeling of weight gain, swelling, discomfort in the mammary glands. Girls may experience such sensations due to an increase in the content of progesterone in the blood.
  • The body of a woman is preparing for a possible conception. The mammary glands swell, the uterus swells, the total body weight increases, ovulation pains appear.

May experience chest discomfort and pain

Can pain be normal?

Ideally, this process should be almost asymptomatic, however, deviations are allowed, which are explained by physiological individual characteristics. They are also within the normal range and should not cause panic in girls.

Most often, ovulatory pains accompany women with a low pain threshold.

When pain is a symptom of pathology

A woman needs to take care of her body. Do not attribute all the discomfort to ovulation. Certain symptoms are pathological and the girl needs to visit a gynecologist. These include:

  • the duration of ovulatory pain is more than three days;
  • pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation;
  • high fever and headache;
  • severe indigestion;
  • pain, stinging and burning when emptying the bladder;
  • strong bloody issues;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor in the vaginal secretion.

In addition to pain, diarrhea may begin, then go to the doctor as soon as possible.

The most common symptoms of pathology during egg maturation are indicated in the table.

Why the pain does not let go after ovulation

If after 48 hours the pain during ovulation does not go away and even intensifies, then this indicates the presence of a serious pathology in the reproductive organs. Causes of pain during ovulation can be:

  • the presence of adhesions and cysts;
  • endocrine disorders;

Pain is lingering in endometriosis
  • the presence of a tumor process;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • the presence of a sexual infection;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

A woman needs to be examined by a gynecologist at least once a year, regardless of whether her stomach hurts during ovulation.

How to relieve pain

Before eliminating unpleasant symptoms, you must first determine the nature of their occurrence. Only a doctor can do this, as well as develop the correct treatment regimen. The main ways to relieve unpleasant symptoms include ensuring a state of rest. If possible, you should lie down, reduce physical activity, do not lift weights. This will help relieve the burden on the reproductive organs in given period, relieve abdominal pain during ovulation.

You need to eat and drink less. A heavy load on the digestive tract can put pressure on the uterus and ovaries. This can lead to abdominal pain during ovulation, as well as nausea and vomiting.

Spazgan will help relieve pain

It is advisable to take a pain reliever. This can help antispasmodic drugs, such as Spazgan, No-Shpa, etc.

Additionally, you can take sedatives. Often, pain is exacerbated by a psycho-emotional factor. If during ovulation the stomach hurts a lot, then during this period a woman should take sedative decoctions and infusions.

When to See a Doctor

A woman needs to take care of her health. A gynecologist should be visited if even minor deviations are found in order to be able to stop the development of a serious disease on early stage. Specialists should be contacted in the following cases:

  • the stomach hurts very much after ovulation and during it;
  • high temperature and fever;
  • profuse bleeding.

How to reduce pain during ovulation, see this video:

All of the above symptoms can be the result of various ailments dangerous to a woman’s health, such as appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, ruptured ovarian cysts, and cancerous processes. Even if the stomach hurts quite a bit during ovulation, then you need to visit a gynecologist for prevention.

Doctors say that not all women feel the onset of ovulation. It would be more correct to say that only 1⁄4 of the beautiful half of humanity feel this process in their body. If, according to your calculations, the day “X” has come, then you can feel how the lower abdomen hurts during ovulation. You can also feel pain in the side, or discomfort in the stomach, in the lumbar region and anus. There may be loose stools.

Character or how the stomach hurts during ovulation

Many women are familiar with the pain that accompanies menstruation. However, not all ladies know that mild soreness can also be observed during ovulation. They can be of various manifestations: cramping, cutting or stabbing. Most often, this means that the function of the ovaries is working normally. The duration of such pain lasts from several minutes to a couple of hours.

Pain is usually felt on one side. This is due to physiological processes. The eggs must mature in different ovaries in turn. Therefore, if last month it hurt on the left, then this month the pain will be on the right.

Pain during ovulation: symptoms

In addition to pain, a girl can feel an increase in libido. At this time, the discharge also increases. Their color changes, maybe with shades of pink or red. These symptoms indicate the approaching release of the egg and the woman's readiness to conceive.

"Advanced" women clearly feel and determine this period of the cycle, using the functions of childbearing to control. Perhaps there are those "who are not in the subject." For them, this will be a very informative article.

What is the cause of these pains, let's try to figure it out.

6 main causes of pain during ovulation

  1. Maturation and release of the egg. Ovulation occurs once a month. This occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle on days 11-21, depending on its duration. During ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. It is at this point that pain may appear, as the walls of the follicle are strongly stretched and torn.
  2. Vessel ruptures at the base of a burst follicle can bring painful notes to a woman. After the rupture, the fluid from the ruptured follicle enters the walls of the uterus. It irritates the receptors. The uterus begins to contract, which causes pain.
  3. Contraction of the uterus. The hormone estrogen is responsible for uterine contractions. Throughout the entire menstrual cycle, the uterus undergoes various changes: immediately after menstruation, it becomes firm, at the time of ovulation it becomes loose (for better attachment of a fertilized egg), then it becomes hard again. Along with its changes, discomfort can be felt, especially sometimes ovulation.
  4. Gynecological diseases and various kinds of inflammatory processes (adnexitis, vaginitis, thrush, etc.) can actively manifest themselves during ovulation. It should not be assumed that everything is due to ovulation. If the pain, say, is not the same as it was last month, this is an occasion for a visit to the gynecologist.
  5. Appendicitis at the beginning of its course gives similar symptoms with ovulation. If the pain does not subside, it becomes sharp, cutting and there is an increase in body temperature, you should definitely consult a specialist.
  6. Adhesions in the pelvis are themselves characterized by pain. It may increase during ovulation. Girls feel intense pain in the lower abdomen, anus, back, during intercourse. But this is information for those who have already been diagnosed with adhesions. In the case when the described symptoms appeared for the first time, it is necessary to visit a antenatal clinic.

Also, the causes of pain can be:

  • large follicle (rupture may damage the ovarian capsule)
  • rupture of the fallopian tube (during the movement of the egg through it)
  • after stopping birth control pills
  • violations hormonal background
  • the presence of various neoplasms in the pelvic organs
  • and etc.

Is ovulation pain dangerous?

Pain is tolerable, not a threat to health and emotional state. These pains are caused by physiology. By nature, the pain is aching, cramping, reminiscent of menstrual pain, but much less pronounced. Treatment is usually not required. If this happens to you for the first time, then it would be better to contact a specialist and consult.

To understand that this is ovulation, and not some kind of disease, will help the presence of viscous "protein" secretions and increased sexual desire. Also, your assistant can be a calendar that will help you calculate the day of the release of the egg.

How to get rid of abdominal pain during ovulation.

If you have definitely found out that this condition is due to ovulation, try to relax, eliminate nervous tension to maintain a positive attitude. Drink a lot. A warm heating pad on the lower abdomen will also help to cope with pain.

However, due to various reasons, pain can begin. It is removed, as a rule, with a single dose of an antispasmodic or analgesic drug.

When to See a Doctor

It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor if the pain does not go away after two days. Also a sign of an immediate trip to the doctor will be:

Very intense pain that leads to loss of consciousness. In this case, you do not need to wait for the end of two days - immediately call an ambulance and conduct a professional examination;

Increase in body temperature. It is accompanied by intense headache, severe dizziness;

The appearance of vomiting, nausea, profuse diarrhea;

Pain during trips to the toilet for a little with the admixture of blood, diarrhea;

The appearance of severe shortness of breath.


Dear girls and women, pay more attention to your health. Follow the signals of your body, study its habits. Any illness begins with symptoms. When a disease is detected at an early stage, it is easier to cure or predict its development. Visit a planned gynecologist 2 times a year if you are over 30. Be healthy.

In the middle of the cycle, every month in all healthy women, the most important moment comes, ovulation, an egg ready for fertilization is released from the ovary. And this moment is sometimes painful, abdominal pain may occur, usually minor and quickly passing, which may be accompanied by the appearance of the same short-term bleeding (not necessarily, but possible).

In most cases, these nagging pains during ovulation and discharge are completely harmless, and do not require any treatment or attention from a doctor, but sometimes they are quite strong, or they are not caused by ovulation at all, but by much more dangerous health problems.

In this article, we will figure out why there is pain during ovulation, what should be considered the norm, and in which cases you need to see a doctor.

The reasons

The causes of pain during ovulation are quite understandable.

Starting from the first days of your next menstrual cycle in one of the ovaries, in the right or left, the process of maturation of follicles takes place.

Usually, only 1 follicle matures in 1 cycle, it is called dominant, and by the 14th day of the menstrual cycle it is a rather large bubble filled with liquid. Inside this vesicle is an egg. In order for her to free herself and start her journey through the fallopian tube to the uterus, the bubble has to burst, which happens to most women, this is ovulation.

Meanwhile, the wall of the bubble on the ovary is formed by the living cells of your body, there are many vessels in it, and of course, when they break, they are damaged. In most cases, these vessels are small and thin, severe bleeding does not occur, but sometimes a sufficiently large vessel is damaged and then one or another amount of blood is poured into the abdominal cavity.

Pain during ovulation means that this is what happened to you. Blood irritates the peritoneum, causing pain. Pain during ovulation is possible, even if there was no hemorrhage - if a woman has a high sensitivity by nature and, in principle, she does not tolerate any painful and unpleasant sensations.

Since it is arranged by nature that one ovary works in the current cycle, and the second one rests, and in the next cycle everything happens the other way around, pain in the ovaries during ovulation can also sometimes be on the right, and in another month on the left.

Pain in the right ovary during ovulation is more common, this is due to the peculiarities of the innervation and blood circulation of the female pelvic organs and the close location of the appendix. It is known that adnexitis (inflammation of the ovary) is also more often on the right.

In rare cases, the rupture of the follicle is so violent that damage occurs to the tissues of the ovary itself, which is accompanied by significant bleeding into the abdominal cavity and is called ovarian apoplexy. In such cases, it is quite sharp, severe pain during ovulation, which is described as cutting. They are accompanied by dizziness, cold sweat, severe weakness and decreased blood pressure. This is a rather dangerous situation that requires the attention of a doctor.

Why does pain during ovulation not happen to everyone and not in every cycle?

Nature arranged it so that the fertility of a woman falls every year. Not every menstrual cycle is accompanied by the release of an egg ready for conception, and the older the woman, the less chances for full ovulation and conception become.

Also, everyone's sensitivity is different. Some people feel nothing at all, while others nervous system very susceptible and they experience pain.

For those women who experience discomfort or pain during ovulation, getting pregnant is easier than others - they know when the chances of conception are very high. And for those who do not feel this event at all, it can help to find out their auspicious days only a basal temperature chart and an ovulation test.

During the period of ovulation, other changes in the body are possible that suggest that this event has occurred: there may be small spotting associated with a sharp drop in the level of hormones - estrogen in the blood, and so far too low progesterone levels.

There is simply nothing to produce progesterone in the first days, the corpus luteum is responsible for its production, which will form in place of the follicle that burst when the egg is released. And since the level of sex hormones is very low, the endometrium of the uterus may begin to partially exfoliate, which serves as a source of spotting.

This should not be confused with implantation bleeding associated with the onset of pregnancy, it is possible a little later, about 7-10 days after ovulation, even before the next menstruation.

Pain as a symptom of ovulation

We figured out the reasons, but what should be considered the norm, and what should be considered a pathology? What kind of pain during ovulation can be and how long does it last?

Many women in their entire lives will never know if there are pains during ovulation, while others suffer from them almost every cycle.

Sometimes it happens that a woman who has never suffered from pain before begins to suffer almost every month after giving birth or suffering inflammatory disease organs of the reproductive system.

Symptoms may also appear after surgery and inflammation of other organs. abdominal cavity such as after appendicitis.

This is due to the fact that inflammatory processes change the structure of the ovarian membrane, it becomes denser and now ovulation is accompanied by greater pressure inside the bubble before rupture, and more severe bleeding is possible. The adhesions in the small pelvis also play a role, which inevitably occur if there was any inflammation in the abdomen.

In the photo you see an ovary with a mature follicle, look at this shiny, tense, ready to burst bubble - of course, if its wall is denser than normal - and the pain at break will be stronger.

So whether there is pain during ovulation in a particular woman may indicate her state of health in general.

There may be ovulation pain that lasts only a few hours and then goes away completely, but sometimes it lasts for several days. As a rule, it happens in the lower abdomen, pulling or aching in nature, and is felt on the right or left (women call this pain in the ovary, or say that it hurts in the side, quite clearly characterizing the place where it hurts).

If the hemorrhage was strong enough, the blood accumulates in the so-called Douglas space. This is a "pocket" of the peritoneum between the rectum and the back wall of the woman's uterus. Irritation of the peritoneum here leads to a feeling that the pain in the entire abdomen radiates to the lower back (the whole back hurts in its lower part), and sometimes ... in the leg or in the groin.

Since the blood directly irritates the peritoneum covering the uterus, it causes pain associated with this organ (pain in the uterus). Irritation of the peritoneum covering the rectum leads to pain radiating to the anus.

Such strong and incomprehensible pains for the woman herself during the days of ovulation force her to consult a doctor. Often, they initially turn to a surgeon with suspicion of an acute surgical pathology, for example, appendicitis, and only after the examination it is possible to find out why the stomach hurts.


If you have mild, low-intensity, and short-term pain during ovulation, no treatment is required.

How to relieve such pain during ovulation?

It helps rest, rest, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics (analgin, no-shpa). In most cases, medications are not needed at all, the discomfort stops on its own within a few hours.

Another question is if you have very severe pain during ovulation. What to do in such cases should be decided only by the doctor, to whom you need to contact.

Don't forget: the period of release of the egg does not mean that the simultaneous development of any other serious disease is impossible. Maybe these painful sensations are not at all what you thought?

In what cases is it vital to visit a doctor:

Severe abdominal pain that comes on suddenly and makes you unable to sleep, eat, or do your normal activities

Pain that is accompanied by vomiting, impaired stool, fever

Pain, accompanied by weakness and dizziness, blanching of the skin

Pain that does not go away for a long time, more than a day

Remember, pain during ovulation is normally almost invisible and does not affect the general condition. Usually, pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation disappears within a few hours, a maximum of 1-2 days. If you don't, then you have reason to be concerned.

Am I ovulating or something else?

Abdominal pain can have a variety of causes, and of course, if any of the above symptoms bother you, you will first fall into the hands of surgeons. It is important to exclude a catastrophe in the abdominal cavity, in the first place, acute appendicitis, in which the pains can be very similar, and are usually localized in the same way in the right side.

How to distinguish pain during ovulation from appendicitis? In secret - it is difficult even for doctors, the symptoms are almost the same.

In the emergency room, a surgeon examines a woman, and suspecting that this is not his case, invites a gynecologist for a consultation. Next, you will need to take a blood and urine test, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity will be prescribed, which, during ovulation, reveals characteristic changes in the ovary and fluid in the abdominal cavity.

But most of all, gynecologists love in such obscure cases a procedure called puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina.

This rather painful and unpleasant manipulation is performed without anesthesia on a conventional gynecological chair. The doctor makes a puncture in the area of ​​​​the posterior fornix of the vagina, and the needle enters this same Douglas space, described above. According to its contents, you can immediately, without further examinations, make an accurate diagnosis.

If they receive blood, the obvious cause is the rupture of the ovary during ovulation. Depending on how much of this blood has accumulated there, a decision is made how to treat the patient further.

With a small amount of content, relief comes almost immediately after the puncture, and after 1-2 days you will be allowed to go home. If there is a lot of blood, and there are symptoms of ongoing internal bleeding, the diagnosis of “ovarian apoplexy” will sound, and everything will end with an operation (ovarian rupture must be sutured to stop blood loss, but this is a slightly different story).

Hormonal changes in a woman's body, if she is completely healthy, should not be accompanied by any symptoms. Breast pain, ovulatory pain in the ovaries, headaches before, during and after ovulation, mood changes - all these are symptoms that impair quality of life and may indicate impaired women's health.

If you suffer from hormonal storms and the symptoms that accompany them from month to month, be sure to go to the gynecologist as planned.

Our health and ability to give birth to a strong and full-term baby in the future depends on how we treat ourselves. A woman is so arranged, she often neglects anxiety symptoms to the last, not finding time and giving everything to those she loves, family, children, or even just work ... But if we don’t take care of ourselves, who else will take care of us?

Contact your doctor promptly if you realize that something is wrong with you. Painful ovulation also not the norm and requires the attention of a gynecologist. Be healthy and happy.

A woman of childbearing age may experience various pains during the month - at the time of menstruation, during ovulation, or at the end of the cycle. Most often they are associated with changes in the body, but sometimes they can indicate gynecological diseases. Usually the ovulatory process is asymptomatic or with minor discomfort during hypersensitivity to pain. But what if the pain has a pronounced character, radiates to the back or side, and occurs with a certain frequency? What additional symptoms may indicate serious pathological processes?

Various factors can lead to painful ovulation, but if the woman is healthy, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. A large follicle creates pressure on the walls of the ovary, which can provoke discomfort before it ruptures.
  2. When the dominant follicle bursts, a tear forms on the ovary, which is sometimes painful.
  3. At the moment of release of the oocyte, fluid flows out of the follicle, which irritates the abdominal cavity. The same irritating effect is the blood that has flowed out in a small amount from the blood vessels damaged during the rupture of the follicle.
  4. Accelerated peristalsis of the fallopian tubes during ovulation also causes discomfort.
    Drawing pains after ovulation can be triggered by a pregnancy that has begun, when a fertilized egg passes through the fallopian tubes and then implants into the uterus.

If the pain during ovulation is prolonged and / or severe, this may indicate an adhesive disease in the pelvis that occurs with chronic inflammation of the reproductive organs or after surgery on the ovaries and appendages.

Severe pain syndrome is a harbinger of pathologies such as:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • rupture or twisting of the cyst leg;
  • ovarian rupture;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs;
  • ovarian hyperstimulation due to medication;
  • appendicitis.

These diseases require urgent medical attention, so do not hesitate and endure the pain in the expectation that it will pass by itself. You need to contact a medical facility as soon as possible.

If a woman has a low pain threshold, then she will feel how her ovaries hurt during ovulation. The main signs of discomfort, as mentioned above, are associated with the very process of maturation and release of the oocyte from the follicle. It is worth noting that at this moment one ovary, which "worked", hurts more often. If last month pain was felt in the right ovary, then this month, most likely, the left organ will ache.

Sometimes it happens that both ovaries hurt. This may mean that both organs have “worked hard”, and this month there is an opportunity to conceive twins.

If the ovary hurts after ovulation for several days, there may be reasons such as an increase in the corpus luteum, which was formed from the follicle after the egg was released from it. The growth of this gland sometimes reaches 2 cm in diameter, which creates pressure inside the ovary, and can cause pain.

But it is worth noting that such pains do not always speak of a process in the ovaries themselves. If the inflammation began in the appendages or in nearby organs (appendicitis, intestines), the pain is localized on one side, and it can be confused with pain in the ovary.

It is noticed that the right ovary most often hurts during ovulation. This happens because there are more blood vessels in it, which means that more blood will flow into the peritoneum when the follicle breaks. And this leads to irritation of the walls of the abdominal cavity. After 1-2 days, the blood and fluid from the follicle are absorbed by the walls of the peritoneum, and the pain disappears.

And on the right side there are more nerve endings, because of this, the right ovary hurts more than the left one.

If painful ovulation is accompanied by additional symptoms (bleeding, dizziness, nausea, etc.) or the pain radiates to the leg, thigh, pubis or lower back, this is more likely to indicate an inflammatory process in this area. Therefore, a trip to the doctor in such a situation is mandatory.

Pain in the left ovary

If the ovary hurts after ovulation on the left side, this may indicate not only gynecological pathologies or the release of the oocyte from the follicle, but also intestinal diseases. Especially if the pain is accompanied by bloating, increased gas formation, diarrhea, or other malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

The fact is that the intestine is located very close to the organs of the small pelvis, and if inflammatory processes begin in it, this is expressed by a kind of soreness from the side where the focus of inflammation is localized. The pain may radiate to the lower abdomen or back.

When the left ovary hurts, be sure to pay attention to such features as:

  • the nature of the pain - pulling, stabbing, cramping;
  • where does the pain syndrome give - in the thigh, lower back, leg, stomach;
  • gastrointestinal symptoms - type of stool, flatulence, nausea;
  • other symptoms - bleeding, migraines, fever and so on.

Symptoms of painful ovulation

When a woman does not have gynecological and intestinal diseases, pain before ovulation will have a short period with a slight pain syndrome. The duration depends on the processes in the body, but usually does not exceed two days. The localization of pain depends on the ovary, which should covulate, since the dominant follicle has matured and creates discomfort in the organ. If two eggs in different ovaries have reached maturity, the pain can be expressed on both sides, and can only be localized on the right.

But it is worth knowing that painful ovulation in a healthy woman has other symptoms:

  1. Increased libido. Since ovulation is the most favorable time to conceive a child, nature has tried to increase sexual desire during this period.
  2. The consistency of the secretions changes. A few days before, during and after the ovulatory process, the discharge becomes more liquid and stretchy, like egg white. These changes contribute to the fastest penetration of spermatozoa into the reproductive organs of a woman and their advancement to the egg.
  3. The color of the highlights changes. Due to the sharp drop in estrogen levels and the lack of progesterone, the production of which has not yet begun, the endometrium begins to flake off a little. This changes the color of the secreted fluid, which now contains some blood, giving it a pinkish tint.
  4. Soreness of the mammary glands. Already before the release of the egg, the body is preparing for a possible pregnancy, which is also reflected in the mammary glands. Therefore, they become more sensitive or slightly ache. But this passes with the beginning of the emergence of the corpus luteum.

But you should pay attention to your health if there are additional symptoms:

  • pain syndrome lasts more than 2 days;
  • soreness intensifies;
  • body temperature rises;
  • there was nausea or vomiting;
  • there is bloody discharge from the vagina of any intensity;
  • fainting state.

In this case, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor so as not to miss the moment when the disease can be detected at an early stage and cured without waiting for complications.

Headache during ovulation - what to do

Often women complain that their head hurts a little during ovulation. There are various explanations for this.

If headaches occur before the onset of ovulation, this is most likely due to a decrease in estrogen in the blood. As a result, the vessels leading to the brain are reduced, less oxygen is supplied to the cells of the head, and this leads to a headache.

When pregnancy occurs, you can also have a headache. This is due to early toxicosis and the restructuring of the woman's body for gestation.

After the release of the oocyte from the follicle, the uterus periodically contracts to ensure the movement of the egg. Such spasms lead to pressure on the blood vessels, which causes symptoms of hypoxia.

Taking contraceptives changes the hormonal background of the female body, which at the time of ovulation leads to discomfort and headache.

Improve health and relieve yourself of an unpleasant condition will help healthy eating and healthy lifestyle. Increasing vitamins in your diet also has a beneficial effect on the processes occurring in the female body.

should not be neglected and drug treatment headache. Only the reception of antispasmodics must be agreed with the attending physician.

If painful ovulation is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bleeding, bloating, or weakness, these are clear signs of a gynecological disease. Only a doctor can help here.

What do pulling pains in the lower abdomen after ovulation say

Drawing pains in the abdomen during and after ovulation can tell about the following pathologies:

  1. Follicular cyst. A growing cyst presses on nearby organs, which leads to aching unpleasant symptoms in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bit formation, and gives it to the lower abdomen.
  2. Premenstrual syndrome. Due to the decrease in progesterone, the same sensations occur as at the time of menstruation, only without bleeding.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy. Its first manifestation is detected precisely by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, and later, with the growth of the embryo, other symptoms are added.
  4. development of the climacteric. Painful ovulation may indicate the first signs of this problem, and then there are reductions in the number of periods, headaches, and increased sweating.
  5. When the uterus hurts during the alleged ovulation, a pregnancy test should be done. If conception occurred in the last cycle, but for some reason there was spotting that was mistaken for menstruation, then in this cycle there may be a threat of miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, if the test is positive, it is better to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment to maintain pregnancy.

It should be noted that pulling pains during ovulation in the lumbar region do not always indicate healthy physiological processes. More often, pain in the lower back and even in the spine gives off with such pathologies as:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • appendicitis;
  • inflammation in the kidneys;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • rupture of a cyst of the corpus luteum or ovary.

Why does the back hurt in such cases or after ovulation? The whole problem lies in the fact that the nerve endings of the appendages, uterus, kidneys and lower intestines are interconnected. And when any of these organs is irritated, the pain impulse diverges to other innervated structures.

Side pain during ovulation

In addition to the appendages, kidneys and adrenal glands, pain in the right side can be triggered by the onset of inflammation of appendicitis after irritation during ovulation.

This will be indicated by aching and cutting pains in the side and a rise in temperature. Although appendicitis does not always pull only the side. If this organ is located closer to the bladder, then the pain can also radiate to the lower abdomen.

Therefore, if the left side hurts, it is better to undergo an examination, since this disease can also have a chronic form.

If painful ovulation is associated with natural physiological processes, it is recommended to follow some rules for a few days before it starts and for some time after it ends:

  • rest more at this moment;
  • refrain from excessive physical activity;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • take soothing baths with aromatic oils and herbal decoctions;
  • reduce in the diet dishes that negatively affect intestinal motility - legumes, cabbage,
  • spicy and fatty foods, chocolate, coffee.

If severe pain is not associated with inflammatory processes, and recurs every month during ovulation, the doctor may prescribe painkillers, for example, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Solpadein, Ibuprofen.

Antispasmodics are also used to block pain. More often appoint No-shpu, Baralgin or Spazmalgon.

But it is not recommended to use on such days medications contributing to a negative effect on the egg. And in no case should you resort to the help of a heating pad, since excessive heat, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation.

If the patient is not going to become pregnant in the future, the specialist may advise some types of contraceptives. They block the growth and release of eggs, thereby preventing pain. However, for young women who want to become pregnant, this method is not used.


In order not to miss the moment of the onset of the disease, when the pathology is easier to cure, doctors advise listening to your body and monitoring all symptoms every month. And in order to determine whether the nature of the pain during ovulation is associated with natural processes or there are other causes that cause discomfort, it is recommended to keep a special diary. It needs to record all the features that occur in the cycle. Any deviations from the norm are best discussed with a gynecologist.

Ovulatory pains that appear in the middle of the menstrual cycle signal the readiness of the female body to conceive. A change in the hormonal background (alternate release of follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormone, estrogen) is the main cause of ovulatory pain. How long ovulatory pain lasts depends on general condition body, natural hormonal levels, the presence of systemic diseases, as well as the individual characteristics of the reproductive system.

Causes of ovulatory pain

The process of ovulation rarely goes unnoticed: headache, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, increased appetite, increased sexual desire in the middle of the cycle are familiar to many women. Physiological changes in the reproductive system under the influence of hormones confirm the readiness of the body to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. female body creates the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of offspring.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, active production of the pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogen by the ovaries is observed, under the influence of which the egg matures. When it is finally formed, the luteinizing hormone is activated, which promotes the release of the egg from the ovary. In place of the bursting follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, releasing the hormone progesterone.

From the moment of ovulation, the reproductive system is ready for the process of fertilization.


Such jumps in hormones cannot go unnoticed: for this reason, during ovulation, the head hurts, sleep is disturbed (becomes superficial), psycho-emotional instability manifests itself. For some women, this is so commonplace that it is a symbolic signal of the onset of ovulation. In most cases, headaches occur in the temporal zone. A headache during ovulation can also be in the back of the head if a woman suffers from vegetovascular dystonia.


Caused primarily by a hormonal imbalance: the released progesterone inhibits uterine muscle contraction to provide favorable conditions for attachment gestational sac, prevent miscarriage. The walls of the intestines are also subject to the action of progesterone: slow peristalsis is a clear confirmation of this.

Slow movement of food gastrointestinal tract, insufficient production of enzymes, stagnation stool in the intestine contribute to the appearance of dyspepsia. The rotting of food debris in the intestines activates the fermentation process, increases gas formation. Gases, as well as toxins released from decay products, penetrate the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body. Increased gas production (flatulence) stretches the walls of the intestines, causing pain in the abdominal cavity and groin.

Pain in the groin

Pain in the ovarian region is caused by the rapid growth of the follicle, rupture of its membrane and stretching of the ovarian capsule. Unpleasant sensations arise in the inguinal zone and radiate to the sacrum. This condition causes a deterioration in general well-being, the appearance of apathy, weakness and irritability.

Pain in the groin during ovulation is usually localized on one side and is accompanied by a change in the vaginal secretion. Vaginal discharge becomes thick, viscous, similar in consistency to chicken protein. The appearance of ovulatory pain on both sides may indicate the simultaneous maturation of several eggs.

anxiety symptoms

Ovulatory pain resolves itself after 2-3 days, in the absence of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs, the digestive system, hormonal imbalance. If the pain observed before ovulation and at the time of its onset does not go away within a week, it makes sense to visit a gynecologist.

Ovulatory pain often turns into pain during menstruation. A similar condition is attributed to premenstrual syndrome, neglecting the advice of a gynecologist. However, there are some warning signs that should not be ignored:

  • ovulatory pain lasting more than a week;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • Strong headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • the appearance of unnatural vaginal discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle (purulent, sanious).

Particular attention should be paid to ovulatory pains in case of existing diseases of the endocrine, digestive, nervous, reproductive systems in order to avoid possible complications during their exacerbation. Often, completely different conditions are taken for ovulatory pain, requiring immediate medical attention.

Severe ovulatory pain occurs after the abolition of COCs. This phenomenon is associated with stimulation of the ovaries and increased production of hormones. In the case of drug stimulation of ovulation, the appearance of tangible pain in the groin is also characteristic.

The phenomena of intoxication against the background of ovulatory pains can be the cause of poisoning food products, medicines, hazardous substances of household chemicals. An increase in body temperature to febrile levels and the appearance of an allergic reaction are not associated with the process of ovulation. A change in the usual state in the middle of the menstrual cycle does not always indicate the development of pathology, but requires special attention and examination by a doctor .

The greatest danger is the development of neoplasms in the pelvic organs, including oncology. In this case, ignoring unpleasant symptoms threatens not only reproductive dysfunction, but also death. A consultation with a gynecologist will tell you if this may be due to ovulation and whether treatment is required in this situation.

Relief measures

Pain during ovulation is an unpleasant phenomenon for any woman. Therefore, the question of how long ovulatory pain normally lasts worries many. Usually, discomfort persists for 24-48 hours. During this period, the egg matures, leaves the ovary and dies (or meets the sperm). Persistence of ovulatory pain for more than 48 hours requires examination by a gynecologist.

With minor pain during ovulation, after consulting a specialist, symptomatic drugs are used that relieve pain, eliminate the effects of intoxication, bloating, and normalize digestion:

  • Power correction- one of the important points to reduce the duration of ovulatory pain. From the diet it is necessary to exclude products containing starch, vegetable fiber, sugar, yeast, gas, caffeine. Diet food during the period of ovulation can reduce the duration and severity of pain in 80% of cases.
  • Active lifestyle, feasible physical exercises, aimed at increasing the tone of the muscles of the uterus, intestinal walls, help to reduce ovulatory pain in the middle of the cycle.
  • No stress increases the body's resistance, promotes the normal course of natural physiological processes, prevents the appearance of "tension" headaches and in the lower abdomen during ovulation.

Ovulatory pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle for several days is a common occurrence among women of reproductive age. Pain of low intensity, self-eliminating after ovulation, in most cases does not indicate a pathology. A change in the nature of pain, the appearance of new unpleasant symptoms requires additional consultation with a doctor. Careful attitude to your health, compliance with the doctor's recommendations will reduce the risk of pathological processes in the body.

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