
Distillates for whiskey from what is produced. How is the production of whiskey? Technology and interesting facts. The best brands from Scotland

Features of production in different countries

The main countries producing this alcoholic beverage on their own technologies are Scotland, Ireland, America, Japan and Canada. Consider in detail how and what the whiskey is made in these countries.


Scotch is a "national" product, which is why its name is enshrined in geographically at the legislative level. A distinctive feature in production is the raw material - in-shop whiskey - the main percentage is barley (all other solid cereals are used in the minimum one).

The production of malt occurs according to classical technology, however, for its drying in Scotland, the smoke of the marsh peat for the "subservation" of the fragrance of the future alcohol is used very often.

Scotch ripening should occur on an excise warehouse of Scotland, where the alcohol is withstanding at least 3 years. By the way, according to the regulations, the volume of the oak barrel can not exceed 700 liters. The final product after batting and filtering must have a fortress of at least 40%, and its dilution is allowed only with water and alcohol caramel.

Irish whiskey

As with the previous variety of this alcohol, the Irish whiskey is made using barley, which is possible to add wheat, rye or oats. Usually this moment is indicated on the bottle wrap. For example, the inscription "Pure Malt" suggests that the composition of this alcohol is a malt from different varieties of barley. "Single Malt" means one barley variety from one enterprise. "Blended" is the most popular view - it is made from mixing different varieties of this alcohol.

The main distinguishing feature of the production of this alcohol is a triple distillation that is rarely used. In Ireland, it is a mandatory criterion for obtaining high-quality alcohol. The first distillation gives a fortress of 25-30%, the second is 65-70%. The third distillation is perfectly cleans alcohols. Ripening is standardly occurring in oak barrels that were collected manually.


Bourbon is produced in the United States and, unlike predecessors, is made from corn, not barley. According to standards, its content in production should not be less than 51%. This cereal is immediately grinding, poured with hot water and after getting the wort goes to fermentation.

Another interesting distinguishing feature is a container in which the hottest after distillation is withstanding. If the 2 previous species ripes in the Spanish oak barrels from under the sherry, then American alcohol is stored exclusively in new barrels from American oak, which are burned from the inside (there are 4 degrees of lung - from the weakest to the strongest). This method ensures the appearance of coal and wooden notes in the taste and aroma of Bourbon.

Japanese whiskey

The technology of manufacturing this whiskey is no particular specificity of production, since the Japanese whiskey was originally manufactured as an analogue of Scottish alcohol. By the way, the Japanese very carefully approacted to comply with absolutely all norms of manufacturing this hot. They observed not only the production technology, but even the climate and the type of soil, where companies producing best scotch were posted in Scotland.

However, its feature is still present in this form. If there are varieties from different plants in Scotchia to bathes, then in Japan, it is very rare. Mainly use distillates of only their own production.

Canadian whiskey

also relates to an independent form, since its production is regulated at the legislative level. This alcohol can be made from any grain, there are no restrictions at this point. Also, the regulation is allowed to add to the finished product of the dye in the form of caramel and flavors.

The process of making whiskey, regardless of the production region, consists of eight stages.

According to this scheme, whiskey are made in Ireland, Scotland, USA, Canada, Japan and other countries.

Malt cooking for whiskey

Barley (rye, wheat, corn) is purified from garbage and illiquid, dried.

The grain is poured with water, placed in a thin layer before the appearance of sprouts. After 7-10 days, go to the next stage.

If the grain does not pass the stage of location, the whiskey obtained from it will be called grain (grain). In its pure form, it is practically not sold, but used to create bipes.

Dry malt in its own way in different locations. In Japan and Scotland, this goals are used by smoke from burning peat, charcoal and beech chips.

As a result, the so-called "smoked grain" is obtained. It reports the finished products of the smoke-peat character with the notes of iodine.

It is noteworthy that the Japanese in the desire to approach the standard buy peat at the Scots.

In Ireland and other countries, drying is carried out without using smoke. Exception - "Cooley Distillery".

Obtaining wort for whiskey

The drying malt is ground to the state of coarse grinding torch (Grist), are connected to hot water and praise for 8-12 hours, stirring regularly.

In this way, malt wedge is obtained, which is a sweet, light white crawling with a strong grain fragrance (Wort). After the flour as it should be solved, the mixture is cooled.

Friction of the future whiskey

Specially cultured strains of pure yeast are made to activate fermentation in the wort, are well mixed with a mass to their uniform distribution and send a mixture into the ferment tanks.

Fermentation lasts an average of 2-3 days at a constant temperature of 35-37 ° C.

As a result, a low-alcohol braga is obtained - a drink that resembles beer with a fortress about 5%.

Braga is distilled twice (or three times) in the distillation devices from copper (POT Still), in shape similar to retorts.

Copper for the manufacture of cubes and coils is not accidental:

    The material has excellent living, which allows you to make equipment from it any form.

    It is characterized by high thermal conductivity, which provides accelerated heating of distillation containers (and therefore cost reduction) and their rapid cooling needed for high-quality condensation.

    If an open fire is used for distillation, the uniform heat distribution is of particular importance: it prevents the burning of the braga particles (yeast sediment, lumps of malt flour).

    It has a positive effect on the quality of the final product.

    Copper ions effectively bind to sulfur, which, when interacting with alcohols, at high temperatures can form ill-smelling organic compounds (mercaptans).

    For the same reason, in the production of strong alcohol (brandy, tequila), sulfure of the initial raw materials is prohibited.

    During distillation in copper vessels, in contrast to distillation in tin or steel cubes, a lot of aromatic compounds are formed needed for high-quality drinks: aldehydes, esters, furfurol, fury-row compounds.

    In addition, a number of complex reactions (dehydration of pentosis, polymerization of sugars, melanin formation, etc.) are more active, etc.), the result is the appearance of a dark-amber shade and a whole spectrum of aromas: nut, vanilla, chocolate, caramel, spicy.

After distillation in the first container (Wash Still), the volume of 700-2300 gave a liquid called "weak wine" (Low Wines). Her fortress: 25-30%.

The distillation in the second apparatus (Spirits Still) of 600-2100 gave after separation of "heads" and "tailings" gives whiskey with a fortress up to 70%.

The initial and final fractions are poured into "Low Wines" and again send to distillation.

The design of the distillation cubes significantly affects the taste of products. In each distillery, the devices are made by their scheme with respect to a certain form and volume.

It is believed that the higher the capacity, the more light and thin whiskey it turns out in it.

When replacing the equipment, they try to reproduce the exact form of wear cubes, up to copying the slightest dents and convexities, so as not to "lose" the taste of the produced drink.

The main load during distillation falls on the upper part of the apparatus ("Swan neck") and a serpent, which is more in contact with the hot steam.

If possible, the replacement is trying to produce partially, without dismantling the cube completely, and updating the deciduous segments. Recovery zones with ultrasound.

In addition to the classic "Pot Still" for distillation, continuous distillation devices are used ("Coffee Still" or "Patent Still"), invented in 1831 by the Irish Aerbian Coffei. Such constructions are 15-20 times accelerate the process, but are used mainly to obtain light grain alcohols that are included in Blended Whisky.

Whiskey, obtained at double (or triple) distillation, is bred by spring water to a fortress 50-63.5% and go to the next step.

Restore distillates in oak barrels at least 3 years. The best are the containers in which the sherry was previously kept. Re-use of the barrels used to import Spanish wine were tested in the XVIII century for the purpose of saving. The experiment was successful and entered into technology.

Today, the excerpt in the jersey tanks testifies to the high quality of whiskey. Due to the lack of such vessels, American white oak barrels are used, in which Bourbon was previously kept.

An alternative option is to process fresh containers cheap sherry.

Interaction with wood provides whiskey characteristic properties: makes it darker, softer, gives additional accents a bouquet.

The alcohols, aldehydes and esters entering the whiskey penetrate the pores of the wood, oxidize and form complex compounds.

A part of the distillate, evaporating during excerpts through the pores of Oak, received a poetic name - "Share of Angels" ("Angel's Share", "La Part Des anges"). Such a process is observed not only in the ripening of whiskey, but also other alcoholic beverages: cognacs, Romov, Armagnakov, wines.

The number of annual "divine losses" depends on the humidity and temperature of a certain area and is in the range of 1.5-7%. Based on these data, the recommended terms of the excerpt of different alcohol in a particular climate were determined.

In the hot countries, drinks rarely ripen in barrels for more than 10 years due to the huge losses of the product.

In each terrain of the tradition of exposure whiskey their own:

    In America, alcohols ripen exclusively in new tanks.

    In Ireland and Scotland, distillate agrees only in used barrels (from under Bourbon, sherry or port).

Different vessels in size and forms. There are 6 categories of barrels in Scottish pebbles:

    Butt. - accommodate up to 110 gallons (approximately 500 liters)

    PunCheon. - the volume is the same as "Butt", but the barrel itself is lower and wide

    Hogshead. - Capacity: about 56 gallons (250 l)

    Barrel. - up to 40 gallons (about 180 l)

    Quarter. - accommodates up to 30 gallons (127-160 l)

    OCTAVE - the smallest barrel calculated on 10 gallons (45-68 l)

Spanish tanks are highly appreciated. Barrels from under the local port is characteristic of the elongated form, seemingly resembling a cigar.

To create blended beverages (blends), 15-50 sodium varieties and 3-4 types of grain alcohols of different age are mixed separately. Two categories are combined into one and withstand the mixture for a few more months.

Some cumulative recipes have a centuries-old history, others - refer to modern developments based on old technologies or "from scratch" in accordance with market requests.

The purpose of the batting is to obtain a product of mounted quality through the connection of the best characteristics of different varieties of whiskey in one drink.

The first blend recognized by the masses was drawn up in 1853 Andrew Asher. It was "Old Vatted Glenlivet".

Master of swimming in the process of mixing different varieties of single-barrier and grain whiskey, it is necessary to solve two tasks at once: to create a unique taste, peculiar to a certain brand, and for many years to monitor its constancy.

Each alcohol selected for Blend needs to be tasting not only after distillation, but also in the process of maturation.

Two methods use 2 methods for bays:

    Different varieties of malt and grain alcohols are connected in special tanks (egoant), where it is kept for 1 day. Then the mixture is transferred to the barrels in which it spends several weeks before bottling. So make cheap whiskey.

    Selected several varieties of single-barbecue whiskey, in the egoantizers connect it with grain alcohols. To improve the properties of the bathing, "marriage" ("wedding") of components are produced: withstand the mixture in oak for 6-8 months. So get the dear whiskey of excellent quality.

If the label of the battered drink is shown the term of exposure, it refers to the youngest alcohol, which is part of the Blend. Whiskey, in which the proportion of old single-beam components is significant (Single Malt), mark the word "de luxe".

Pouring whiskey

Before proceeding with bottling, whiskey is driven through membrane or cellulose filters at 2-10 ° C. If necessary, the drink is diluted with spring water to the desired parameter of the fortress.

Error or is there anything to add?

You can relate to alcohol in different ways, but it is impossible to judge it only from one point of view. Alcohol, especially high quality, is not only a fortress, but also a rich taste. Of course, it all depends on the ingredients used, the method of cooking and exposure time. Especially difficult and interesting is the production of Scottish whiskey. This amazing drink has a fortress of 40 degrees and above. In addition, it is completely natural and has corn, barley, rye and clean water. Is it possible to consider whiskey with an elite drink? And is it possible to cook it at home?

From market leaders

Perhaps it is worth highlighting some varieties of drink and on the basis of those described the production of whiskey. An example can be Jackdaniels. It is a delicious drink that has proven itself perfectly.

Release "Jack" in the distillers of the town of Lynchberg. Its fortress is classic 40 degrees, and this is fully natural in which 80% occupies corn, about 12% - rye and about 8% - barley. All this goes in tandem with tasty spring water. The product is distinguished by high quality, which is due to the use of distillation and filtration methods in production. Such methods allow sugar, glucose and fusion oils from the drink. Maple coal is used for filtering, which gives the beverage unique with its softness.

Jackdaniels appeared in 1875 and was named after the founder of the Liquor-breeding plant of Jasper Newton Daniel. Daniel used his entrepreneurial talent and was able to establish the production of whiskey, spending a lifetime on it, namely 50 years.

Daniel focused his distillery in 20 years. It used slow filtering methods using coal layer. The process was carried out before the spill of the beverage on the barrels, and this attached to taste softness. The production of whiskey went in the town of Lynchberg is not by chance, since in this area there is a spring with delicious and clean water. With such a base, the drink acquires a unique taste, and therefore it has become profitable to produce whiskey.

Initially, Jack was spilled in clay bottles and covered the corks from oak bark. In 1895, branded packaging became square. The reason for such an upgrade was a visit to the city of a commuter, conducted by a presentation of a non-sterootic bottle with a twisting cork.

Technology manufactured by whiskey

Naturally, good drink is not so easy. So do you really have true connoisseurs to abandon the preparation of whiskey at home?! Although! The most important thing in whiskey is his taste and aroma, and on these two characteristics there is a way of location, grain quality and its variety, used water, filtering method and, of course, the design of the distillation cube.

If everything you need find at your home, then the production of whiskey at home does not make it difficult for you. In the process of manufacture, the barrel in which the beverage will be maintained. Ideally, you should look after the barrel in which Portverine, Madera or Jerez had previously withstood. If for several years to overflow whiskey into other barrels, then you can create the most complex taste compositions, thereby changing the shades of the aroma and taste.

IN different countries Its technology produced by whiskey and results, respectively, differ significantly. There are two main directions that are called classic. This is Scottish and Irish technology.

Details of classic manufacturer algorithms

So, the production of whiskey in Scotland is characterized by the use of peat when drying malt. It provides a special flavor of smoke. For Irish technology, the peat is excluded, but the triple distillation is used, because of which the whiskey becomes soft to such an extent that it can be drunk, not diluted.

Better look at the Scotch whiskey. This is a truly national product that has a category of titles enshrined geographically legislatively. The name of the drink occurred from the Gaelic phrase "water of life." It turns out that the drink was originally compared with the medicine and recommended for extending life.

The production of whiskey in Scotland implies the use of barley malt and barley. To get wort, the locked barley is required. Previously, the imitation of spring warming is performed so that the grain began to germinate. The method of location stops by drying. The collected malt will dry with hot dry air with smoke from the marsh peat. Mostly in Scotland produces a blended whiskey, obtained as a result of the mixing of malt and grain whiskey (in proportion 1: 2).

And how are they?

Completely different to the taste and method of cooking Irish whiskey. Production is different from Scotland triple distillation. When drying, peat is extremely rare, and therefore the drink is obtained without the taste of smoke.

Irish whiskey leads its own story from the fifth century of our era, when the missionaries were brought to the island the art of distillation. This is a legend, but historical records are narrated by the first licensed disturbing OLD Bushmills and its owner Walter Taylor. Already in the 19th century, the largest producers of the drink producers were formed, which were conducted by international trade. The aroma and taste of the Irish whiskey were estimated at the international level.

But the twentieth century, who has written wars, almost erased the Irish whiskey from the market. As a result, only the Irish themselves consume domestic whiskey, and a pathetic handful remained from hundreds of distillers. In Ireland, only three main producers of the drink, and in Scotland their almost a hundred. But the beverage varieties in Ireland are truly unique. In particular, there is a single-barrier and one-rail whiskey, as well as pure distillation cube. The last grade is really unique, as in its composition there is a green unpainted barley.

In order to become!

The correct procedure for the production of the Scottish and Irish whiskey is very difficult for the amateur, and the master of the industry is in no hurry to destroy the halo of mysteriousness surrounding their work. In the process, masters have to go through seven key stages before revealing their creation to the world. So, the main components of the Irish whiskey are barley, barley malt, spring water and cereal cultures, among whom - wheat, rye and oats.

At the first stage, the grain is soaked in water for a couple of days, and it is necessary to lay a thin layer so that the seeds can germinate. Part of the grain starch is converted into sugar.

At this stage, the order of the Scottish and Irish whiskey is identical. Next, the grains go to special furnaces to keep the soft flavor of the malt without extraneous flavors. Scots at this stage dried grain hot peat smoke. These moment they consider the most important in production, as the drink receives a characteristic "smoked" taste. Different regions of the production of whiskey use their peat, which sometimes smells of algae and iodine, and elsewhere - heath and honey. These nuances significantly affect the aroma of the drink.

Next, the mixture of malt and barley must be grinding and pour boiling water in special chains to dissolve the remaining starch and sugar. For the Scottish Whiskey, the exposure time is limited to 12 hours, and for the Irish wort is withstanding two days. The liquid from the grain sediment is separated. During the insistence, sugar turns into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

At the fourth stage, Irish launch the process of triple distillation in copper distillation cubes. The first two distillations add a beverage degree, but the third finally cleans the alcohol. In Scotland at this stage, the light 5% braga, resulting from the wort, is subjected to distillation (one or two), and after diluted with water up to 50-60% and sent to the last stage.

On the finish line are direct

To the fifth stage of the drink, in fact, ready, but the most painstaking and careful work begins - spill through the oak barrels. In absolute darkness and peace of whiskey is withstanding at least three years. During this period, a bouquet is finally formed, taste, and the drink acquires a golden color. For each variety - its excerpt, after which the barrel is printed, and experts taste a drink.

Finally, the mixing step occurs. The fact is that the character of each grade whiskey defines a master who can decide to combine in barrel to forty grades of whiskey. After drink, it is once again filtered and the Irish is divorced by water to the desired fortress, and then bottled. The correct procedure for the production of the Scottish whiskey differs little from Irish. Exposure should be at least three years, and ideally, when other alcoholic beverages have already been kept in the barrels. In such a container, the taste of Scotch is enriched.

By the way, there is its own culture of cooking whiskey in the USA. The inhabitants of America due to the acute barley deficit learned to combine corn, rye and wheat. The drink was called "Bourbon". By the way, the whiskey in Canada makes a similar recipe, and the Japanese add millet to the corn. Interesting is the fact that the procedure for the production of Scottish whiskey implies the use of a certain barley grown only in several districts. This preserves the original taste and aroma of the beverage.

Secretly about the main

So, whiskey has become a rather popular drink, and therefore it is not surprising that it is done in many parts of the world. The most expensive and high quality, however, remains products from Ireland and Scotland. It is to these countries account for most of the bottle sold worldwide, as the original recipe and production technology has been preserved here. It turns out that it reached our time through four centuries.

It is planned toast!

A good company, competently covered table and elite alcohol - you see, it is very difficult to resist such a bait! It remains only to find several reasons for a solemn toast, and there will be no nurses of conscience.

Start with the fact that the whiskey does not contain fats and carbohydrates, which means that your figure will not suffer from the subject. But keep yourself in the framework of decency, because with non-valid use your liver and appearance will suffer. Are you really hoping that in the morning after a stormy feast, your eyes will be wide and clear, and the bags under the eyes will not be honored with your visit?!

Continue the feast with the idea that whiskey is "water of life." You can spend fantasies that you drink real living water. Luxurious thought, especially if the "living water" drink with feeling, with a sense and with the arrangement. Bloother whiskey with ice and soda will not clutch your consciousness, but will cause a pleasant feeling of light disorientation, relaxation and tranquility. From this point of view, whiskey and the truth can become a living water, because the drink literally wakes up the craving for life.

Then you can remember the distant 18th century, which we only know about the first. That's the whiskey becomes equivalent to the currency. The drink was exploited for cooking, medicine, drinking. Such a devotion of whiskey led to the uprising of farmers in 1794, when increasing taxes and fees could be brought to the complete elimination of whiskey. The struggle was worth it, but how nice is that today the favorite drink can not just take and disappear from the counters!

If you are worried about your health, relax and boldly pour yourself a portion of whiskey, because this drink can help prevent cancer. In 2005, Dr. Jim Sven stated in 2005, when I presented at the conference in Glasgow, the results of research on the group of people who consume one-barbecue whiskey. It turned out that whiskey contains more ellagic acid than red wine. Such an acid is present in many fruits and is an antioxidant absorbing cancer cells in the body.

Also, the use of whiskey can protect you from a stroke, however, in the event that you own the art of moderate alcohol use, and this is about a couple of stacks of 50 grams per day.

A sip of whiskey after a labor day can reduce the risk of developing heart diseases, which confirmed 1998 studies. Also, such dose of the beverage mobilizes the body's protective forces from many diseases by increasing the level of antioxidants in the body.

Well, finally, boldly object to everyone who dares to reproach you in the absence of intelligence when drinking alcohol, because six stacks of whiskey a week protect you from senile dementia. This version has a medical rationale; Special studies of the Israeli medical center showed that the risk of developing dementia is less among those adults who moderately used alcohol.

Or maybe at home?

A good question will be similar to the original whiskey? Homemade production in such a matter is relevant or better to trust the professionals of the sphere? Of course, it will be difficult for the greatness on the basis of ordinary cans and the flasks that there are houses from any person. There is a million reason to engage in the replenishment of a home bar, but you probably have to devote a lot of time to search for all necessary tools. So it is necessary to immediately refuse the idea to get the original drink within one apartment. In this case, the Chan can be replaced with a bulk pan, find an analogue of the Cuba for distillation among the kitchenware and arrange a beverage filtering through a beloved dying. But it is still better to insist alcohol in a wooden container. Will find such? Then you may have a good surrogate, but, in principle, you can try to do with bottles for the first time, although there is no original aroma and taste in this case.

Barley can be pulled out and clean, and then soak in the storeroom. After that, you can "forget" about it for a week and a half. If the grain does not germinate during this time, then the whiskey will be grain. Next, the grain must be dried, and using no peat, as in Scotland, and smoke from charcoal and beech chips. In the apartment do it will not work, so go to the cottage.

Next, use the mixer or conventional pusher to grind the malt and mix it with water. Do not forget about exposure to get sugar. Add Yeast Thus thus obtained and leave to roam for a couple of days. The stage of distillation for ordinary home alcohol can be omitted, but not for whiskey, so the copper apparatus is created like the retort. Exposure and drinking drink at home can be performed exclusively on the eye.

Beautiful finale!

Not in vain requires such specific equipment for the production of whiskey, because this drink deserves respect and a reverent relationship. On the tastings of the wizard, the correct method of spill is demonstrated, beautifully describe the taste of the beverage, managing the notes of raisas, nuts or honey in it. Scots and Irish are very closely relating to their technologies of cooking whiskey and do not cease to argue about who became the discoverer in the release of the drink. Even writing "whiskey" they will be varied. In Scotland on bottles writing whisky. And in other countries - whiskey.

But in any case, whiskey recommend slightly dilute with water to feel a rich fragrance. Ideally, you need to cook for a snack of Bacon, which will not give toxicate quickly, as well as stocking a glass of apple juice, which perfectly shakes the taste of whiskey.

Whiskey - This is a weathered fragrant strong distillate. In every recipe whiskey includes grain raw materials: barley, wheat, rye, buckwheat. The whiskey fortress varies from 35 to 50.60%. It is mainly produced in Scotland and Ireland. Moreover, each country has its own secret preparation of this drink. For example, in Scotland whiskey has a characteristic smell of smoke: during its production, malt is dried at the peat. Irish peat do not use. Due to what, their whiskey has a pleasant color, a soft taste and aroma. In addition, the Irish distilts the wort of at least 3 times. The abundance of the recipes of cooking whiskey at home leads beginner winemakers to horror. They believe that it is almost impossible to prepare whiskey at home. But it is not. To make whiskey at home you need to have a good moonshine apparatus at hand, a proven recipe for cooking drinks and the necessary ingredients. Also, do not forget about the exposure: the longer the wort is in the oak barrel, the greater its excerpt. Winemakers recommend it to withstand from 3 to 20 years.

After reading all the secrets of cooking whiskey in our article, even the novice winemaker can cook a drink that will not be ashamed to put on festive table, surprise your guests and even establish homemade production. And we will gladly share our secrets.

How are whiskey are made, and what kinds of it happens? Views:

  • Malt whisk. They are called single-beam whiskey. The technology of its preparation is based on the use of pure barley malt.
  • Single Malt. It also includes single-beam whiskey. It is prepared from certain varieties of malt, in a certain place.
  • Vatted Malt. They are called barrel malt whiskey. It is mixed from several malt whiskey, which are taken from different winemakers.
  • Single Cask. This type includes malt whiskey, which is taken from one barrel.
  • Grain whisky. They are considered an rye grain whiskey. It is prepared from malt grains and barley malt.
  • Blended whisky. This blended whiskey. Its producers are mixed from the whiskey of malt and grain breeds.
  • Bourbon. It includes corn whiskey, which makes from corn.

Secrets of preparing a real whiskey

To find the "perfect" recipe for cooking whiskey at home you need to know the rules how to cook it:

Selod selection

Malt concentrate

It is a malt that is the basis for the preparation of malt whiskey. He is bought in specialized stores. Often, malt is done by the winery at home on their own, but it takes it no less than 2 weeks. What is it done from? It is made from barley and rye grains. Before use, they are soaked: rye for 25-30 hours, and barley is 50-60 hours. Every 10-12 hours of grain interfere, remove dirt, change water. Also grain in the process of soaking should be 1 hour to lie without water. After soaking the grain disinfect weak mortar Manganese. Next, it is placed in a plastic jar and germinated at room temperature. Rye genthes 3-4 days, and barley - 6-8 days. Do not forget the grain to spray with water and mix at least 2-3 times a day. After all the procedures taken grain is ready for the preparation of various beverages from malt.

What malt is better? Beginning winemaker is desirable to acquire the base malt for beer. The most popular types of them: Pilsner, Pale Ale, Vienna. They are used in pure form or mixed together.

Also malt for the manufacture of drink is: caramel, melanoid, acidic.

The main thing is: for the preparation of a drink, a fortress of 40 degrees is used at least 2 kg of malt.

Stretching malt

Solot rubbing scheme

During the rubbing, the starch of the malt is reworked into the fermented sugar or maltose. How do it do? Everything is very simple: the malt at home is mixed with water and subjected to a certain temperature effect at a certain period of time. The same process is used in the preparation of a beverage of green malt.

Pushing the wort for whiskey is made in a special dish with a filter-system installed in it. The volume of packaging should be at least 50 liters. It is possible to produce wort in a conventional kitchen boiler or a special bag for wiping.

How is rubbing?

  1. Malt is required to prepare. How to properly prepare barley malt? It is originally grinding on a special roller mill. It is impossible to grind in flour malt, otherwise the composition will be difficult to strain. In the absence of a roller mill, a coffee grinder is used, a grainwork, a blender.
  2. Water heats up to 70 degrees and malt supersed. The temperature is reduced to 63-65 degrees.
  3. Tomis malt at a temperature of 63-65 degrees 80-90 minutes.
  4. After 90 minutes, you can add amylase. She makes wedge more liquid and faster splits starch.
  5. We make an iodine sample: dripping a drop of iodine and a drop of wort on a saucer, mix them. The color of the drops remained unchanged? So the output technology is done correctly. Also, the test helps to find out the degree of malt sugar.
  6. We raise the temperature of the composition up to 72 degrees and withstand it for 15 minutes. This will be the second temperature pause.
  7. We also raise the temperature of the wort to 78 degrees and withstand it 2-3 minutes.
  8. Rinse wedge. Use rye wedge - no need to rinse.

It is washed in hot water in 2 stages:

  • at the first stage, the washing is carried out in another vessel with water heated to 71-72 degrees;
  • in the second stage, the water heats up to 82-83Gradusov

During washing from the wort, extra sugar is removed, which remained in it after cooking. Filtered wort through the filter system. It is impossible to break the filter layer, so water must be constantly pouring.

  1. When the wort is completely filtered, the winemaker can boil it. Although this is not necessary to do.
  2. The composition is cooled by 2-30 degrees. It is done in Chiller. They are called a cooling device made from copper or stainless steel. In the absence of a chiller for cooling, a conventional sink with cold water and ice is used.
  3. The cooled composition overflows to fermentation tank. You can add yeast, lactobacillia.

Broagi fermentation for whiskey

We bring yeast and activate fermentation:

  • Before adding to the homemade wort of yeast, it is saturated with oxygen: overflow from one container to another at high altitude. The main thing is not to rearrange. Otherwise, the process of formation of esters will slow down.
  • Yeast is also required to prepare: this is done according to the instructions that are on the package.
  • In the wort, add diluted yeast, cover the container with a lid, install the hydraulic. It will help to prevent air from entering the capacitance.
  • Braga, prepared on this recipe for a home whiskey, should wander in a room with a temperature of 25-30 degrees. To control the temperature of the fluid in the package, aquarium heater is installed in it. Malt Braga wanders from 3 to 5 days. How to determine what Braga is ready? Easy: carbon dioxide will be released from the container, the liquid will become bitter, the alcohol flavor will be felt in its taste.


Newbies are usually not used to prepare the whiskey home bacterial frans, more often they are used by professional winemakers. You can purchase lactobacillia anywhere. They are kept in the swaws for yogurt and cheese, in tablets for healthy eating. They are also sold in a frozen form. Lactobacilli is added to the composition together with yeast or several hours before their application. It is advisable to add them to the fermentation process or 10-15 hours before draining or distillation of prepared braga.

Lactobacillia is saturated with bats with volatile acids that give her incredible smells, as well as dairy taste.

If the lactobacillia contains the acids that were transformed into ether, then we make a marriage with a taste of violet, jasmine, honey, strawberries. By adding lactobacillia to the composition and waiting for the necessary reaction, the winemaker can begin to the next stage.

First distillation

Why braga for cooking whiskey needs first distilling? So it turns out raw, alcohol or "low wine".

How are the first distillation?

  • The cube of the moonshine is poured composition and high power is installed.
  • It is distilled to obtain water or completely non-alcoholic beverage.

According to the classical technology of the production of whiskey, 8-10 liters of alcohol are obtained at the first distillation. His fortress is 28-30 degrees.

It is definitely diluted with water up to 20 degrees, and then it is distilled off the second time.

Second distillation

The second time the alcohol is distilled in copper alambic or in the brogin column.

How to spend the second distillation?

  1. The alcohol is poured into the cube and set low power. So the heads or 10% of the absolute alcohol or 300 ml of fluid are selected. Heads have a specific smell and usually they pour.
  2. Next, the "body" of the drink is selected. This is 2 liters of alcohol. His fortress is 85-90 degrees.
  3. The latter is allocated "tail". It also has a specific smell. Its small amount is added to the main composition of the drink. Otherwise, whiskey will be dry and tasteless. The winemaker should be focused on its taste: more "tail" is added to the beverage, and for less tap and soft taste - less.

How best to do? Add some liquid from the "tail" and try. Be sure to write down all stages of the process of manufacturing the temple. This will help avoid mistakes in the future and get your "perfect" drink.


The main thing during the manufacture of whiskey in the home conditions is insisting in the oak barrel. But, not everyone knows that all the barrels are different and lead to the saturation of the brody with different acids.

Barrels are made of:

  • American oak. This composition is saturated with vanilla, wood resins, light brown spices and tanning substances.
  • French oak. A drink in such a barrel acquires the taste of cinnamon, brown spices, vanilla, tanning substances. He is moderately sweet and very pleasant.
  • Limuzen oak. The composition acquires a bright vanilla taste, strongly saturated with brown spices.
  • Hungarian oak. This Braga has a strong vanilla and strawberry taste, gives a light perch.
  • Mongolian oak. Drink acquires caramel, slightly vanilla flower taste.

Home whiskey is in 15-20 liter barrel. The time of insteading is 1 year. Before the injection of the composition, the barrel is prepared: it is filled with water for 1 month, then for 2 months the wine is poured into it and the prepared distillate prepared. But, it is definitely diluted to 55-60 degrees and the barrel fill completely.

And how to make whiskey in a conventional bottle? Whiskey in glass containers insist on oak chip. Bottle put 3 cm oak cubes. Before laying a chip smelting in wine or sherry.


This is mixing barley malt alcohols with grain, cheaper and not very high-quality alcohols. Before swimming, barley malt or grain alcohol must be withstanding at least 3 years. For the manufacture of an elite blended whiskey, the exposure time should be about 12 years.

Mixing a detected distillate, made according to a specific recipe, you can get a high-quality homely bathing whiskey of the excellent taste and quality.

What battered whiskey do we drink?

  • Standart Blend.
  • De Luxe Blend.
  • Premium.

Consider how these brands are so attractive to conventional consumers:

  1. Beverages of the first brand have not the most pleasant taste, but have an inexpensive price, optimal quality.
  2. The compositions of the second brand have an average quality, the average price.
  3. The third brands are withstanding about 12 years old, have very good quality and high price.

When blewing the winemaker can be mixed at the same time about 50 distillates. But, immediately after mixing, the composition is not poured on separate bottles. Wait until the drink is mixed, taste will become homogeneous and completely revealed. It is advisable to pour into the barrel and put aside for 3 months.


The last stage of cooking whiskey includes bottling bottles.

But it is necessary to pour it right:

  1. This is impossible to pour into a bottle immediately. It is originally filtered by a mechanical way.
  2. The filtered drink is spilled by separate bottles.

Want to know how to make whiskey at home nothing worse than Scottish? Take advantage of the following tips:

  1. Add to the composition only 1 tablespoon of sugar syrup. If you add 2 spoons of sugar syrup, then you will do Irish sweet whiskey.
  2. No sherry? Replace it with a burning sugar.
  3. Add to the finished composition of the remnants of vodka from the first run down gently and do not rush.
  4. Doing all the technology, you get 1 liter of high-quality whiskey. If the composition was not enough to concentrate sugar sand, oak bark or smoke, then the alcohol will be less. It is easy to solve this problem: add 800 grams of vodka to it. If the ingredients were added much, and the taste turned out to be too saturated, then add a little more vodka.
  5. Press the drink saturated color can food dyes: an unusual taste, yellow and dark brown gives a drink with saffron. Before use, prepare the dye: 25 grams of spices dilute 200 grams of vodka and pour into the composition. During insistence, it takes the container with a drink every day and blast. Drink insist on saffron 2 weeks.
  6. A powder from black bread will give a drink a pleasant bread taste and paint it into a dark brown color.
  7. Make your own hands from homemade drink This Irish Scotch helps the leaves of nine. For a drink, you will need 25 grams of crushed leaves. The composition insist in the dark corner of the room.

Thus, the cooking of the grain distillate is a creative and time-consuming process. Any winemaker can explore many different recipes and secrets of its preparation. But to prepare a truly delicious and high-quality drink, it takes a lot to practice and not be afraid to experiment.

Cooking moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legally!

After the cessation of the existence of the USSR, the new government stopped fighting moonshine. Criminal liability and fines have been canceled, and an article on the ban on the production of alcohol-containing products at home is seized from the Criminal Code. To this day, there is not a single law prohibiting us with you to engage in your favorite hobby - the preparation of alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ "On the administrative responsibility of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and turnover ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products "(collection of legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 28, Art. 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The action of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals), which do not produce products containing ethyl alcohol in order to sell."

Moonshine in other countries:

In Kazakhstan In accordance with the Code of RK on administrative offenses of January 30, 2001, N 155 provides the following responsibility. So, according to article 335 "Production and sale of alcoholic beverages of homemade production" illegal manufacturing for the purpose of selling mogon, chaqi, taut vodka, brags and other alcoholic beverages, and equal to the sale of these alcoholic beverages entails a fine of thirty-monthly calculated indicators with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatuses, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other values \u200b\u200bobtained from their implementation. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal purposes.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses are provided for imposing fines in the amount of from three to ten non-taxable minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the goal of sales, for storage without the purpose of the distribution of devices * for its development.

Practically the word for word repeats this information. Article 12.43. "Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (Braga), storage of apparatus for their manufacture" in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on administrative offenses. Clause number 1 reports: "Production of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (Braga), and the storage of devices * used for their manufacture - entail a warning or imposition of a fine in the amount of up to five basic quantities with confiscation of the specified Drinks, semi-finished products and devices. "

* Create moonshine apparatus for home use is still possible, since the second appointment is to distillation of water and receiving components for natural cosmetics and perfumery.

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