
How to cure a cough with folk remedies at home. Effective methods for quick cough treatment at home The simplest folk recipes for cough at home

A cough that does not stop for a long time causes a lot of discomfort and a desire to get rid of it as soon as possible. Colds, flu, allergies, asthma, acid reflux, dry air, smoking, and certain medications are common causes of coughing. Coughing causes discomfort and pain. After reading this article, you will learn how to quickly get rid of a cough.


Part 1

natural remedies From cough

    Try honey. Honey is very good for coughs and soothes sore throats. Some studies have shown that honey is just as effective for coughs as are some over-the-counter cough medicines. Honey helps to soothe the lining of the throat. Take honey right before bed if your cough keeps you awake.

    Try licorice root tea. Tea with licorice root soothes the respiratory tract, helps reduce inflammation and thin mucus. To make tea, add two tablespoons of dried licorice root to a mug and cover with a glass of water. Insist for 10-15 minutes. Drink twice a day.

    • Do not drink licorice root tea if you are taking steroids or if you have kidney problems.
    • The active ingredient, licorice, may cause negative side effects. Search in stores healthy eating or in pharmacies, licorice root glycyrrhizinate. Supplements with it are also effective.
  1. Try thyme tea. Thyme is used in some countries, such as Germany, to treat respiratory problems. The flavonoids found in thyme help to relax the throat muscles and reduce inflammation. Bring water to a boil and add two teaspoons of chopped thyme. Infuse for 10 minutes. Strain before drinking.

    • Add honey and lemon for additional sedatives. In addition, honey and lemon can make the tea taste more pleasant.
    • Do not take thyme oil internally. Use dried or fresh thyme seeds.
  2. Enjoy sucking caramel. If you don't have cough syrup on hand and don't want to use cough drops to reduce it, you can simply suck on a regular lozenge.

    Try turmeric. Turmeric is a traditional cough remedy that is very effective for coughs, as many have noted. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of warm milk. If you have a dry cough, try turmeric powder with a teaspoon of honey. To make turmeric tea, mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder with four cups of boiling water. Let the tea steep, then strain. Mix with lemon and honey and enjoy this delicious tea.

    Mix mint and ginger with lemon juice. Ginger helps loosen mucus. In addition, ginger and mint relieve irritation in the back of the throat, which provokes coughing. Add honey to this mixture and you have an effective cough remedy.

    Try essential oils. Combining essential oils with water vapor can work wonders. Try tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil, both of which are known to improve airway flow. In addition, essential oils have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight bacteria and viruses.

    Make a bourbon cough syrup. If you want an effective cough syrup for adults, you can mix some whiskey and warm water with lemon in a mug. Alcohol will not affect the cough, but it will help to relax.

    • In a mug suitable for microwave oven, mix 60 ml of whiskey, 60 ml of lemon juice and 60-125 ml of water.
    • Heat the mixture in the microwave for 45 seconds.
    • Add 15 ml of honey and microwave again for 45 seconds.
  3. Try Korean folk remedies. If your cough is due to the flu or a cold, you can try making a Korean cold medicine mixture. It includes dried jujube with spices, honey and some other ingredients.

    • In a large saucepan, combine 25 dried jujubes (cut into wedges), one large Asian pear (quadruple, no seeds), 7.6 cm piece of ginger (cut into wedges), 2-3 cinnamon sticks, and 2.8 liters of water. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil over low heat.
    • Reduce the heat and simmer the mixture for one hour.
    • Strain to separate the rest of the ingredients.
    • To sweeten the tea, add one to two tablespoons (15–30 ml) of honey. To moisten your throat and stop coughing quickly, enjoy a cup of this warm medicine. All you have to do is try to relax and take deep breaths.
  4. Gargle with salt water. Salt water not only helps relieve a sore throat, but also reduces coughing and gets rid of phlegm. Dilute 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, dissolve completely, and then gargle for 15 seconds. Repeat until you've used up all the water.

    Try apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a great remedy to get rid of a cough without medication. It can be warmed up, honey added and drunk as tea. Or you can drink it cold with apple juice.

    Part 2

    1. Try decongestants. Decongestants can relieve swelling in the airways that a cold causes, which reduces the feeling of "cloggedness" and makes it easier to breathe through the nose. Decongestants are available in various forms such as tablets, syrups, and nasal sprays.

      Try lozenges for sucking. The most effective cough drops are mints. These lozenges allow you to reduce the sensitivity of the back of the throat, the cough reflex and reduce coughing.

      Use a medicated cough ointment. An over-the-counter cough ointment contains menthol or camphor and can stop both types of cough.

      • This kind of ointment is used for topical application, and in no case should they be taken orally.
      • Do not rub such ointments on the breasts of babies.
    2. Try a cough suppressant. Cough suppressant is best for wet coughing in the middle of the night.

      Use expectorants. The expectorant stimulates coughing and expectoration, which will help to cure the cough faster. If you have a wet cough, an expectorant will thin the mucus and make it easier to cough up.

    Part 3

    other methods

      Drink a lot. This is extremely important if you want to reduce your cough. Fluids help loosen mucus, making your cough clear faster. You can drink a variety of drinks other than alcohol or caffeinated drinks (they lead to dehydration) and acidic citrus juices (which irritate your throat).

    1. Breathe in the warm vapor. When taking a hot shower, inhale the steam. This will reduce nasal congestion and improve sputum discharge. It also helps humidify dry air, which can be a cause of coughing. At night, turn on a humidifier and inhale the warm steam.

      • This method is good for coughs caused by colds, allergies or asthma.
      • Humidifiers need to be cleaned regularly. Otherwise, they will do more harm than good. Mold, fungi and other bacteria start up inside the mechanism, which spread through the air along with the steam.
    2. Try changing your coughing technique. At first, you will instinctively have a deep, hard cough, but once you get used to it, you will be able to suppress the cough and cough less. This is especially helpful if you have a wet cough. When you have a coughing fit, cough slowly and little by little. This cough will not produce much mucus. End this series of short coughs with one big one. A short cough will push the phlegm up to the throat, while a strong cough will push it out.

      • Please note that antibiotics are not used in the treatment of cough. They are used only in very rare cases. Antibiotics kill bacteria and nothing else, making them ineffective against viral or non-illness coughs. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics only if there is a suspicion that the cough is caused by a bacterial infection.
      • If you have trouble breathing, use an inhaler that you keep with you at all times.
      • Drinks such as coffee or tea can depress your immune system.
      • Drink only warm water, as cold water will irritate your throat.
      • Rest as much as possible. Avoid long walks, runs, or workouts until you feel better.
      • If your cough doesn't go away within a week, see your doctor.
      • Make sure that the upper half of the body and head are elevated during sleep. This will reduce coughing and, as a result, rest more fully.
      • Drink warm water with honey, turmeric and pepper.
      • Heat the milk and add chocolate (not cocoa) to it. Add some turmeric and honey, then stir. Drink slowly - the drink will help warm your throat. If you do not like milk with chocolate, you can drink tea.
      • Take cough medicine throughout the day and right before bed. A dose at bedtime will help you sleep better.


      • Contact your doctor promptly. Usually, the cough goes away on its own within 10 days, and if the recommendations described above are followed, the cough goes away even faster. If the cough lasts two to four weeks, you need to see a doctor. You should also see a doctor if you are coughing up blood, coughing is accompanied by severe chest pain, fatigue, severe weight loss, chills, or a body temperature of 38.3 °C or higher.

How to quickly cure a cough at home? Adults have no time to get sick, but when a child starts to cough, I want to cure him as soon as possible. Is it really possible to get rid of a cough in a few hours, and is it worth it? We have collected for you all the necessary information on how to quickly, effectively and without complications cure a cough at home. We do not promise in 2 hours, but the result is guaranteed.

Causes and types of cough

The most important thing to remember once and for all about coughing is that it is not a disease. The phenomenon itself occurs due to irritation of receptors on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

They send nerve impulses to the brain, reporting the appearance of a foreign substance in the bronchi or lungs, and the center sends a signal to the muscles to contract and push out uninvited guests. Thus, cough is just one of many possible diseases.

Possible causes of cough include:

  1. Respiratory infections caused by bacteria or viruses (colds, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, tuberculosis, etc.)
  2. Allergies or diseases of infectious-allergic genesis (asthma)
  3. Contact with chemical or mechanical irritants (dust, smoke, smell of paint, gasoline, etc.)
  4. Neoplasms in the respiratory organs
  5. Other coughing illnesses (such as whooping cough)

Periodically cough brings each of us

AT Everyday life we most often encounter such causes of coughing as. Bronchitis or pneumonia can occur as a complication of these diseases if the course is started and the prescribed treatment regimen is not followed.

It is worth noting that only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of a cough. Do not self-medicate and first consult with a general practitioner or pediatrician (depending on who is sick).

Tip: Try to treat exactly the root cause, and not a cough in isolation. Withdrawal acute symptoms can only hide the disease and provoke complications.

It is worth distinguishing not only the genesis of cough, but also its variety. Dry cough, also called "non-productive", is concentrated mainly in the upper respiratory tract.

With it, as the name implies, there is no sputum production. This is its main difference from the wet, "productive" type of cough, which is concentrated in the lower part of the respiratory system. Often (but not necessarily) a dry cough turns into a wet one as the disease progresses.

Different techniques are used to treat these types of coughs. With dry, the main task is to soften and moisturize the mucous membrane to relieve irritation and relieve the urge to cough.

When wet, it is necessary to facilitate coughing by thinning the sputum and stop the formation of new sputum, getting rid of the cause of the disease. Means that soothe irritation of the mucosa, in this case, are used last, since the weakening of the cough in the presence of sputum can provoke serious complications.

Different means have different efficiencies, and therefore not all are equally suitable for the treatment of adults and. First, let's talk about how to quickly cure a cough at home in an adult.

Tip: be prepared for the fact that in 2 hours you can remove the most acute manifestations, but it will take a little longer to fight the cause of the disease.

10+ Ways to Cure a Cough in Adults

It can be extremely dangerous to resort to pharmacy medicines without a doctor's recommendation for symptomatic self-treatment.

Life Reactor reminds you: do not self-medicate and do not take pills unless you have received a prescription from a doctor! It is better to use at home.

Before starting any therapy, make sure that the room where you are is sufficiently humid (at least 70%).

In seasons when the likelihood of catching a cold or flu with a cough is highest, our apartments have heating that dries the air a lot, and this irritates the mucous membranes even more and aggravates the cough.

In addition, you yourself must drink a lot. No drug thins phlegm better than your own body, but for this you must help it and provide it with the necessary resources.

The above two points are required for effective treatment: only if there is sufficient humidity and plenty of fluids, all other remedies will work quickly - literally in 2 hours.

Therefore, only by creating the necessary home conditions, you can begin a comprehensive fight against dry cough. We will tell you how to cure it.

At home, you can prepare a lot of cough remedies

Teas and cough drops

To soften and moisturize a dry cough, you should drink a warm decoction of the following ingredients daily:

  1. Ten grams of green mustache leaves
  2. Ten grams of buckwheat flowers

Pour the herbs with half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for thirty to forty minutes. No less useful is a decoction of raisins. Pour one hundred grams of raisins with a liter of water and cook for thirty minutes over low heat.

Then let cool, take out and squeeze. The remaining liquid must be taken three times a day for half a glass.

One of the most effective remedies for dry cough is considered.

To prepare it, we need:

  1. Fifty grams of fresh ginger root
  2. a third of a lemon
  3. Two tablespoons of honey

Cut the ginger and lemon, pour water and cook over low heat. When the broth becomes hot, add and bring to a boil. Drink this tea warm, two or three times a day.

Inhalations to alleviate dry cough

Inhalation is considered one of the most effective cough treatments. The procedure is not too pleasant, but it helps to make the cough "productive" in two or three sessions.

Tea with sage

A decoction for inhalation is prepared according to a simple recipe:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of coltsfoot, sage or thyme into the pan
  2. Add two drops of menthol or eucalyptus essential oil
  3. Fill with boiling water

Then you should put the pan on a low stool or any comfortable surface near which you can sit. Take a large towel, cover your head and pan with it and breathe through your mouth for at least ten minutes.

In inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract or in the trachea, inhalations will be required two to three times a day.

For decoction, you need to take:

  1. A tablespoon each of thyme, chamomile, coltsfoot and sage
  2. Two tablespoons of baking soda
  3. Two drops of eucalyptus oil

Tip: for inhalation, you can use any herbs that have an expectorant effect.

Compresses for adults

For the compress we need:

  1. Fifty milliliters of vodka or medical alcohol
  2. Thirty centimeters of gauze
  3. A sheet of parchment or a warm handkerchief

Wet gauze with vodka, place it on the chest in the area of ​​the bronchi, cover it with parchment on top. The patient should be covered with a blanket and left with a compress for half an hour. Repeat the procedure every other day.

If you do not feel like lying with gauze, as an alternative, you can mix five milliliters of ammonia with ten milliliters of sunflower oil and rub into the chest instead of an ointment.

But do not forget that ammonia has a rather sharp unpleasant odor.

When coughing, do not do without compresses

Other remedies for dry cough

There are several more remedies that will help cure a dry cough in an adult. We will tell you how to cook them at home quickly and without much cost.

We take two or three peeled cloves, two tablespoons of honey. Grind the garlic, mix the ingredients. Take one teaspoon twice a day, the intake schedule is two days after one.

If you like turmeric, you can take the ground powder of the dried root of this plant and take three grams twice a day.

For those who love nuts, there is also a good recipe:

  1. Soak seven nucleoli of peeled almonds in cold water overnight
  2. Grinding nuts in a mortar
  3. Add a teaspoon of sugar and butter
  4. We take twice a day

you will like ginger tincture, prepared from the following ingredients:

  1. Fifty grams of ginger root
  2. A teaspoon of lemon juice
  3. Half a teaspoon of honey
  4. Half a glass of boiling water

We clean and rub the root on a fine grater. Mix a teaspoon of ginger juice with lemon juice, add honey. Pour the mixture with boiling water and let it brew under the lid for fifteen minutes. You need to take the medicine one teaspoon every thirty minutes.

Tip: do not swallow the ginger mixture right away, you need to hold it in your mouth for a few seconds to enhance the effect.

Best practices for treating cough in children

When a child starts coughing, it is always a big problem for parents.

Cough medicines alone are not enough

The younger the baby, the more difficult it is for him to cope, because the disease does not go away in 2 hours. But there are ways to cure this symptom at home without resorting to medication.

Remember that the treatment of children's cough should be complex, so you should combine warming, potions and warm drinks. All procedures must be carried out only with the approval of the attending pediatrician.

Warm drink for children

If a child is older than 5 years, he can be quickly cured of coughing with. They are easy to prepare at home from the ingredients at hand, you should drink drinks no more than three times a day.

The first recipe will help alleviate bouts of severe dry cough. For cooking, take one tablespoon of dried calamus roots and one and a half cups of boiling water. Let's brew for ten minutes.

Drink two-thirds of a glass half an hour before meals. With a severe cold or whooping cough, milk with figs is excellent. We cook six dried figs in half a liter of milk (until the liquid boils). Give a glass before bed.

A rather unusual, but effective remedy is milk with mineral water. Mix half a glass of hot boiled milk with the same amount of cool mineral water.

Children's cough mixtures

If the child is 2 years old or a little more, it is better to use medicine to eliminate cough. At home, you can quickly prepare various formulations that will help cure your baby. We will show you how to make the most effective means.

A kind of homemade potion can be prepared from honey and carrot juice.

Those who have a juicer at home can prepare a healthy mixture for the child. We clean large carrots, make juice from it, add a little honey to it.

You need to give the baby medicine in a tablespoon four times a day. Black radish is very useful for coughing. It quickly removes the symptoms and saturates the body with vitamins.

Peel one or two medium-sized radishes, cut into small cubes, put in a baking dish and sprinkle with sugar. Bake the vegetable for about two hours at medium temperature.

It is important to ensure that the radish does not burn, and the liquid does not evaporate. When the vegetable is ready, pour the resulting syrup into a large cup or any other container convenient for storage. Give two teaspoons three times a day.

Anise mixture at home

Known for a long time, anise mixture is prepared even easier:

  1. Boil one and a half cups of milk
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of salt
  3. Pour two tablespoons of anise seeds into the liquid
  4. Bring to a boil and strain

The child should be given one tablespoon every three hours. A very tasty medicine is prepared from one hundred grams of butter, the same amount of honey and a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Mix the ingredients and give the child one teaspoon after meals. Of course, the primacy in this list of usefulness should be given to the combination.

It will help to quickly cure not only dry, but also wet cough. If the child has a strong nocturnal cough, then one teaspoon should be taken at bedtime and in the middle of the night.

When treating dry cough at home, you need to take six tablespoons of the medicine a day, gradually reducing the number of doses.

List of ingredients for the potion:

  1. medium lemon
  2. Two tablespoons of glycerin
  3. About a hundred grams of liquid honey

Honey and lemon for cough

Put the lemon in a small saucepan, add some water and cook for about ten minutes until it becomes soft. We wait until the lemon has cooled, then cut it in half and squeeze the juice into a short glass.

Add glycerin, and then add honey to the top of the glass. Before use, the product must be shaken.

Tip: You can use unconcentrated apple cider vinegar instead of lemon, but then the medicine will be less tasty.

Means for warming the bronchi and lungs

With a strong dry cough, it is imperative to make compresses to the child. As a rule, once a day is enough - at night. You can combine them with rubbing with warming ointments.

To prepare a mustard compress, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Two teaspoons of honey
  2. A tablespoon of mustard powder and flour
  3. Dessert spoon of vodka and vegetable oil

We mix everything in a shallow bowl and form two small cakes from the resulting mass. We wrap them in single-layer gauze, put them on the child's back and chest, and wrap them with a bandage to the body. Then we wrap the baby in a warm blanket and leave it overnight.

If there is no mustard at home, but there are potatoes, then you can make an equally effective compress.

Recipe for its preparation:

  1. Boil four to five small potato tubers with skins
  2. Drain the water from the saucepan and transfer the hot potatoes to a tight plastic bag.
  3. Add two teaspoons of vegetable oil and tie tightly
  4. We accept potatoes in a bag with light movements
  5. We cover the baby's chest with a thin towel and put a bag of potatoes on top

Tip: Make sure the bag isn't too scalding, as potatoes retain heat for a long time and can burn delicate skin. And do not keep a potato that has already cooled down on the baby’s chest - it is a source of moisture.

The easiest way to warm up the bronchi is a salt heating pad. To make it, you need to heat about two hundred grams of rock salt in a frying pan, and then pour it into two clean warm socks.

Socks are applied to the chest and back of the child for twenty to thirty minutes. After warming up, it is advisable to wrap the little patient with a blanket and send him to sleep.

One of the main folk remedies for coughing is still honey. How to choose a quality product, you can learn from.

A debilitating cough not only torments a person and undermines the state of the body, but also causes sidelong glances from others. It is necessary to get rid of a cough as soon as possible and there are many ways to do this. It is not at all necessary to empty the pharmacy shelves in pursuit of an effective antitussive - a folk pharmacy comes to the rescue.

How to get rid of cough at home? Before starting the fight against the painful syndrome, the enemy should be recognized. And alternative treatment at home to select based on the type of cough. Only in this case, grandmother's methods will help cure an unpleasant symptom.

Varieties of cough syndrome

Certain areas of the brain are responsible for the development of the cough reflex. There are many reasons why such zones react. These include getting into the bronchi of a foreign body, runny nose, polluted air. Cough is also caused by various diseases:

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Influenza, ARI, SARS.
  • Cancer diseases.
  • Heart failure.
  • Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: rhinitis, adenoiditis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis.
  • Lower respiratory tract infections: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, airway obstruction, tracheitis.

Doctors divide cough into two main types:

Dry (or unproductive). It develops at the very beginning of the disease. The main feature of dry cough is the absence of sputum. The patient wants to cough all the time, free the lungs and bronchi, itching in the throat. But relief does not come. Dry cough is dangerous by injuring small blood vessels, which leads to loss of voice and hoarseness.

Wet (or productive). Cough with expectoration of mucous sputum. Such a syndrome says that the person is on the mend, and the body gets rid of the bacteria that accumulate in the bronchi. Prolonged and painful wet cough causes insomnia, high blood pressure and even become the culprit of heart problems.

The cough reflex is also classified according to the duration of the syndrome:

  1. Spicy. Lasts up to 2.5-3 weeks. An acute cough torments a person continuously. This cough syndrome helps the body clear the lungs and bronchi of accumulated mucus. More often, an acute cough develops against the background of pneumonia, bronchitis, respiratory infections, pharyngitis.
  2. Protracted. Duration of cough from 3 weeks to 3 months. A feature of the syndrome is its undulation (coughing attacks come for 2-3 days, then leave the person to return again after some time). More often, coughing begins at a certain time.
  3. Chronic. If the cough is not cured in 3 months, it goes into the chronic stage. Such a syndrome indicates the presence of serious pathological conditions of the body or the development of complications of the disease. Chronic cough is inconsistent - it either worsens or subsides.

According to the type and characteristics of the cough symptom, doctors can preliminarily diagnose possible cause painful condition:

type of cough. Possible illness.
Sharp and painful. At the beginning of the disease, dry, after 4-5 days it turns into wet. Sputum is watery at first, gradually becomes viscous, mucous Bronchitis
Prolonged cough, exhausting, dull. In the cold there is an exacerbation of seizures. Purulent mucus comes out Obstructive bronchitis
Dry barking cough, accompanied by suffocation (a child especially suffers from such a symptom) Bronchial asthma
Harrowing, constant, painful, with phlegm. Expectorant mucus of a rusty hue, has bloody patches Pneumonia
Dry, agonizing cough, more common at night. When the cough syndrome becomes wet, the sputum is thick, viscous, difficult to separate Tracheitis
At the beginning of the disease, there is a slight cough, unobtrusive, with exacerbations at night. As the disease progresses, the cough becomes painful, wet, chronic type. Sputum bloody-purulent Tuberculosis
Nassadny strong cough syndrome, often develops in the morning (smoker's cough). Initially dry, quickly becomes wet. Greenish or grayish sputum obstructive pulmonary disease

Dealing with dry cough

To cure this type of cough syndrome - it is necessary to reduce the intensity, soreness and help in the production of mucus. Folk remedies successfully help to cope with the second problem. And the resulting sputum reduces the strength of coughing attacks. How to treat dry cough at home in adults?

Black pepper. Small nondescript peas are strong helpers in the fight against dry cough. They help to cure weakened bronchial mucosa, open accumulations of sputum and remove it, turning dry cough syndrome into wet. Cough treatment at home with black pepper is carried out in the following ways:

  • Fans of spicy taste are recommended to chew 2-3 peas daily.
  • Add 3-4 peppercorns to a glass of hot milk. After 15-20 minutes, drink a healing liquid.
  • Grind 4-5 peppercorns, mix with cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and 2 basil leaves. Add a teaspoon of ginger powder to the mixture. Brew the fragrant mass with boiling water and drink.
  • Mix crushed pepper (3-4 g) with sugar syrup and ghee(10 ml). Melt the mass and make sucking lozenges.
  • Mix equal amounts of black pepper and ginger powder. Dilute the mass with liquid honey (5 ml). Take orally a tablespoon 2-3 times daily.

Onion. Onion drugs have antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. The drug well dilutes viscous sputum, increases its amount and helps to expectorate. How to cure an annoying cough with onions at home:

  • Boil 2-3 medium peeled onions in milk (200 ml). After infusion (4-5 hours), the remedy is taken orally. Drink it every 3-4 hours for a tablespoon.
  • Husk from 10-12 onions pour boiling water (1 liter). Cook the mass over low heat until ½ of the liquid has evaporated. Filter the broth and drink 150 ml three times a day.
  • Finely chop one onion and scroll through a meat grinder. Add honey to the mass in equal amounts, mix well. The fragrant mass is taken orally in a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
  • Grind 4 large onions. Stir honey (50 g) and sugar (400 g) into the onion puree. Pour a liter of boiling water over the mass and cook for 50-60 minutes. After cooling the mixture, strain it and drink a tablespoon 3-4 times daily.

Inhalations. Inhalations are great for dry coughs. Such procedures are carried out daily after meals for 15-20 minutes. How to cure a cough at home using inhalation:

  • With soda. Mix soda with boiling water (based on a glass of water ½ teaspoons of soda).
  • Potato. Boil ½ kilogram of potatoes in their skins, drain the water and breathe in the resulting steam.
  • Herbal collections. For inhalations, it is recommended to mix 2-3 types of medicinal plants in equal parts (15 g per liter of boiling water) and breathe in steam. For the treatment of dry cough, thyme, plantain, sage and thyme are beneficial.
  • Garlic. Mash 1-2 cloves of garlic and pour mint decoction. Bring the mass to a boil and breathe in the healing steam.

Attention! Inhalation when coughing at home is not recommended at elevated temperatures, the presence of allergic reactions, with purulent tonsillitis, bronchial asthma and cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment of cough with sputum

To cure a wet cough, the main emphasis is on thinning the sputum. Slime liquid consistency is easier to remove from the bronchi. And along with it, pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes. The more sputum the patient will expectorate, the faster he will cure the disease.

Black (bitter) radish. A powerful and effective folk remedy for the treatment of wet cough at home. To effectively cure a wet cough, use not a young radish, but a sprouted, large size. How to cook radish for cough treatment at home:

  • Wash the root crop and make a recess in the upper part. Place natural honey in the hole and wait for the juice to form. Healing liquid take a tablespoon 2-3 times daily.
  • Cut the radish into pieces and grate or chop in a blender. Squeeze the juice from the mass and take 15-20 ml 3 times a day.
  • Bake the radish and chop the vegetable. Add sugar (2 tablespoons) to the mass and put the container in the oven for 2-3 hours. Pour the resulting juice into a jar. Take the medicine twice a day (in the evening and in the morning) after meals, 20-25 ml.

Nuts. A real Klondike of amino acids, vitamins and tannins that help thin phlegm. Since ancient times, nuts, along with herbs, have successfully helped people cure the painful cough syndrome. How to use them at home:

  • Boil unroasted pine nuts (200 g) in a liter of milk. Boil the mass over low heat for 20-25 minutes (until the milk turns brown). Strain the broth and take 150-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Dilute crushed walnuts (6-7 kernels) in a liter of milk. Put the mixture in a warm place to infuse. The next day during the day (3-4 visits), gradually drink the resulting healing drink.
  • Chop the walnuts. Mix the nut mass (1-2 tsp) with warm boiled water (100 ml). Drink the mixture in small sips.

Medicinal herbs. With a wet cough and sputum, pathogenic microorganisms are released. In order to quickly help the patient cure a cough at home, it is necessary that medicinal plants not only help with the removal of mucus, but also have antiseptic properties.

The best such herbs for treating cough are wild rosemary and eucalyptus. How best to use them:

  • Eucalyptus leaves brew in boiling water (2 tbsp leaves per liter of water). Infuse for 30-40 minutes and take it warm three times a day.
  • Boil wild rosemary grass (30 g) in water (250 ml). Let it brew for half an hour and take 1.5-2 tbsp. three times a day.

They help to cure a wet cough at home and herbal preparations from mallow and marshmallow leaves, chamomile flowers and flax seeds (20 g of each herb). Steam the herbal collection with ½ liter of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours and strain. Infusion drink warm in the amount of ½ liter per day.

Coughing. You can cure an annoying cough at home, which exhausts a person with bouts for a long time, by the following means:

  • Steam the lemon fruit for 3-4 minutes over low heat to soften. Then squeeze out the juice. Add glycerin (2 tablespoons) to it, mix thoroughly and pour in honey (20-30 ml). Take the mixture in a teaspoon 4-5 times daily. As soon as the cough subsides, drink the mixture in 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day.
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of butter in a glass of hot milk. In a tablespoon of milk, drip 4-5 drops of turpentine and drink the mixture in one gulp. Then finish off the remaining milk.

Wet cough and runny nose. If the patient suffers from a runny nose along with a cough, try the following home treatment method: mix heated sunflower oil and finely chopped onion(2 tsp each).

Leave the mass for 2-3 hours to infuse. Then squeeze the onion and remove it. Instill the remaining mixture into the nose, 2-3 drops into each nostril.

Smoker's cough. To quickly alleviate and cure a wet cough in people who smoke at home, folk healers recommend taking decoctions of marshmallow, oregano, thyme, elecampane, fennel and calendula.

What to do with allergic cough

Allergic cough passes without fever and fever. Attacks of the dry type, they develop suddenly and last for a long time, accompanied by itching in the larynx, nose, sneezing and runny nose. Such conditions are dangerous, they cause breathing problems, and even suffocation.

In order to cure allergic cough syndrome at home, you need to use folk remedies that help stop the cough reflex and reduce susceptibility to the irritant allergen. What can help cure a cough?

Soothing baths. To prevent nocturnal coughing attacks, take a bath every night using:

  • Decoctions of herbs: sage, lemon balm, oregano and motherwort.
  • Clay powder (4-5 tablespoons per half liter of water).
  • Essential oils of lemon, patchouli, calamus, cypress or lavender (20-25 drops per 100 ml of water).
  • Infusion of redcurrant leaves (a large handful of leaves per liter of boiling water). After infusion for 10-15 minutes, filter the mass and pour into water.

The duration of healing baths in the fight against allergic cough at home is 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to take such procedures once every 3 days.

With a runny nose. At home, infusions of the following medicinal herbs will help cure an obsessive allergic rhinitis that accompanies an uncontrollable cough:

  • Field horsetail. Infuse a couple of teaspoons of herbs in a water bath for 30-40 minutes (in a liter of boiling water). Instill 2-3 drops in each nostril twice a day.
  • Lubricate the nasal mucosa with Kalanchoe juice every evening.

Reception inside. What to do when coughing allergic attacks torment a person every day? The following recipes will help treat a cough at home:

  • Drink 3-4 teaspoons of celery root pomace every day.
  • Mix the juice of 2 carrots, 3 cauliflower florets and a large apple. Before use, add chopped greens of one bunch of parsley to the pomace. Means to take 4-5 times daily for ½ cup.
  • Make an infusion of nettle (3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water), drink a healing tincture four times a day, a tablespoon.
  • On an empty stomach in the mornings and evenings, take inside a mixture of mummy (0.2 g), milk (200 ml) and a teaspoon of natural honey.
  • Grind the lemon fruit, mix the mass with honey (60 ml) and water (70 ml). The mixture, stirring, cook over low heat until thickened. Means to take cold on a tablespoon 5-6 times daily.
  • Chop 4-5 garlic cloves and mix them with ½ cup honey. Let the mass brew for 1.5-2 weeks and take 1-2 tablespoons with each cough attack.
  • Helps to cure cough decoction of honey, bay leaves (a tablespoon) and a pinch of soda. Drink ¼ cup 2-3 times daily.
  • Boil milk (½ l), mix with cream (10 ml), honey (5 ml) and egg yolk. Mix quickly and thoroughly (so that the yolk does not curl). Means to take 2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day.
  • Anise seeds (2-3 tablespoons) stir in a glass of water and boil. After an hour of infusion, drink a tablespoon every hour.

Inhalations. Inhalation of healing steam is an effective cough remedy for an allergic nature. For inhalation are selected medicinal herbs to help cure a cough at home and reduce the frequency of attacks:

  • Put chopped dope leaves on a hot frying pan. Breathe steam for a quarter of an hour.
  • Steam sage in 2 liters of boiling water (2-3 tbsp), after a quarter of an hour, start inhalation.
  • Fill the rye harvest with cold water (400 ml). Bring the liquid to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes. Breathe in hot vapors.
  • Boil peeled potatoes, add thyme and eucalyptus leaves to them. Simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Drip 2-3 drops of fir oil into the finished product and breathe in the healing steam for 10 minutes.

Healing syrup. Mix cayenne pepper powder (red, capsicum) with ground ginger (¼ tsp each). To the mass add warm water, melted honey and apple cider vinegar (one tablespoon each). Stir the mixture and drink during the day (as soon as the next coughing fit begins).

The People's Pharmacy is a reliable and dedicated assistant to help cure a cough at home. Natural remedies are effective and safe. But they should not become a panacea, but only supplement medical treatment. Be sure to visit a doctor for advice before starting home therapy.

Good health and don't cough!

Cough can not only bring a lot of inconvenience to a person, but even threaten life. It is often much easier to get rid of the symptoms associated with the disease, such as fever and runny nose, but a cough can haunt a person for a long time. How to get rid of a cough, how to quickly cure a cough?

In the human nasopharynx small glands are located, which produce about 2.2-2.6 ml of mucus daily, which is required for normal breathing. Elevated body temperature or allergic reactions cause this mucus to thicken, turning into sputum. Viscous and sticky, sputum cannot freely exit the respiratory tract, clogging them, preventing normal breathing. Therefore, the cough reflex is activated, the body tries to rid the bronchi of excess mucus.

Alas, the causes of coughing are not limited to respiratory diseases. In addition, pathologies can cause cough gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, heart. It can also be caused by allergies and colds.

How to treat a cough?

First you need to determine the nature of your cough, and only then use some means. Conditionally cough medicines are divided into three groups:

  • soothing cough medicines - reduce its activity;
  • expectorants - increase the activity of coughing;
  • mucolytic drugs - thin the sputum.

How to quickly cure a dry cough?

Dry cough can help cure infusions of licorice, wild rose, wild rosemary, marshmallow and coltsfoot, as well as alkaline warm inhalations. All these remedies help to cope with the disease, having a softening effect on the throat. Decoctions and infusions must be used several times daily for half a glass. Libexin can help treat bronchitis with a dry cough.

When a person painful and violent cough, feels “scratching” in the chest and throat, then it is best to treat this disease special preparations, which normalize sputum production and reduce cough symptoms. You can use Bronholitin, lozenges and lozenges with sage.

A hot and plentiful drink will help to quickly cure a dry cough, as it enhances the effect of absolutely all expectorant drugs.

How to cure a wet cough?

Dissolve sea salt in water - one tablespoon in a glass of warm water. This composition must be instilled into the nose 4-5 times daily.

How to quickly cure a cough with phlegm? In this case, the most important thing is to make the sputum not so sticky and viscous, that is, to thin it so that it comes out of the respiratory tract faster and easier. Removal of the maximum amount of sputum is required, since at the same time it comes out of the bronchi and lungs different products tissue breakdown and inflammation.

Well, of course, you need to deal with the causes of sputum formation, otherwise it will begin to appear again. In the case of acute respiratory infections prescribe antitussives without the use of antibiotics. If pneumonia or bronchitis is diagnosed, then antibiotic treatment is performed first of all, since the main task is to suppress the reproduction of microbes and their activity.

Treat sputum that is difficult to pass medicines that thin it, these include: "Abroxol", "Lazolvan", "Tussamagom", "Bromhexine", "Acetylcysteine".

How to quickly treat a cough in children?

In this case, a lot depends on how old the child is. Very carefully you need to approach the treatment if the children are newborns. Do not forget: at this age, without consulting a doctor, it is strictly forbidden to use something.

Mustard plasters and inhalations will help to quickly cure the disease for older children. As for whooping cough in children, it can be cured only by means that soothe nervous system, for example, "Tussamagom", "Sinekod". With tracheitis and bronchitis, the main task is to cause sputum with the help of mucolytics, and then treat the disease in children with expectorants and by all means give the child hot solutions (warm milk, fruit drinks, teas).

home remedies for cough

Universal treatment has marshmallow. This plant creates an enveloping and softening effect on the bronchial mucosa, improves sputum output, and reduces irritation. It can be used to treat dry and wet coughs.

Oregano and thyme can help to quickly cure the disease at home, as they have an antimicrobial and expectorant effect.

By and large, the treatment of cough at home is quite diverse, in folk medicine there is huge arsenal of tools. Here are the most popular:

When are inhalations required?

The fastest and effective way at home, which can be used during a dry cough, are inhalations. Can be bought at the pharmacy compressor inhaler or a nebulizer that medicinal product becomes a cloud of microparticles during operation, and not steam, as during home procedures. But you need to know that these devices are usually used to treat the lower respiratory tract.

When you need to act on the upper paths, you do not have a temperature, then you can safely breathe over the pan, covering yourself with a towel. It is during problems with the upper respiratory tract and acute respiratory infections that steam inhalations are most effective.

During contact with warm and humid air, coughing becomes most productive, increases rheological properties of sputum and she starts to loosen up. But we must understand that during the moistening of dried mucus, its volume will increase in quantity. And this means that steam inhalation causes airway obstruction. Do not forget that if there is no mucus in the airways, then there is no need for steam inhalation either.

How to perform inhalations?

The temperature of the water for inhalation should be approximately 35-45 degrees, hotter steam provokes even more swelling of the mucosa. It is necessary to bend over the container with steam by 25-40 cm, and inhale it with your mouth. The duration of this procedure is 7-15 minutes. During the day, this inhalation can be performed up to 5 times. Then for at least an hour you can not go out, just as you can not drink and eat, and even talk.

With the condition that there is no allergy to the components, inhalations can be performed according to the following recipes:


Compress is almost universal remedy. To make it, you can use many different ingredients. Compresses can be alcohol and oil, water and dry, hot and cold.

  • The simplest compress can be made from water and apple cider vinegar, in a ratio of 3: 1, and put 1 tsp. honey. Wet a napkin in this composition and apply to the throat and chest. Wrap a blanket or scarf over the top. Keep the compress for half an hour.
  • When your skin is sensitive and alcohol or vinegar lotions do not suit you, you can prepare a compress with beer. Heat 250 ml of beer to 30 degrees, add a teaspoon of honey, wet, wring out and apply a napkin to the chest and throat, warming with a scarf.
  • Honey compress is an excellent remedy for bronchitis. Liquid honey (preferably lime) is carefully rubbed on the chest and covered with paper or parchment. The patient needs to lie down and cover with a blanket. You need to lie down until you feel that the chest has warmed up. After the honey is washed off, and the breast is treated with vegetable oil.
  • When a child gets sick, and you are afraid to put some kind of wet compress on him, you can apply a dry one. This will require mashed potatoes, but instead of butter and milk, add a little vodka. The warm composition must be transferred to a plastic bag, wrap it with a napkin, and apply one compress to the chest, and the second to the back, wrap it with a scarf. Remove the compress when it cools down. You can perform this procedure several times daily. Just do not forget, any warm-up procedures can only be done when there is no temperature.

Folk compresses

Can help with a persistent cough vegetable oil compress. The oil is heated in a steam bath, then a napkin is dipped in it and the chest is wrapped around, excluding the region of the heart. Paper or parchment (not polyethylene!) Is applied on top of the compress, then wrapped with a scarf. This compress can be safely left overnight.

An oil compress during bronchitis is done like this. Vegetable oil is heated in a steam bath, a towel is wetted in it, squeezed out and dipped in black radish juice. After, as usual, wrap up. You need to keep it up to an hour. If the patient sweats severely or feels severe burning, remove the compress, wipe with a towel, removing the product from the skin. After carefully rubbing the body, if redness appears, we treat it with petroleum jelly.

Cottage cheese is an effective ancient remedy. At first, it is slightly heated by placing it on a hot battery or in a cooling oven (not on the stove!). When the cottage cheese is hot, add a tablespoon of honey and mix. Cottage cheese is carefully laid out in a small layer on a towel and the patient is wrapped with it, excluding the region of the heart. Cover with paper on top, fix and insulate with a scarf. The compress is left overnight.

Cough compresses are an effective remedy, but you must not forget to follow general treatment diseases. Simultaneously with compresses, take medications prescribed by a doctor, drink more hot, prepare infusions to quickly cure the disease.

That is, as you can see, there are a large number of different ways to treat cough. As a rule, methods of treatment at home are used, which are less expensive. But some of them may be contraindicated. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the advisability of using any method of alternative treatment.

Attention, only TODAY!

When a cough appears, it is usually immediately attributed to a cold. Many do not even try to treat it for the first time, hoping that it will go away on its own. In people with strong immunity, this usually happens. But only if it is really a cold or SARS. However, a cough can have many other causes, in which treatment is simply necessary, since its absence can lead to the rapid development of a serious disease and dangerous complications. Therefore, it is worth at least starting cough treatment at home in order to prevent negative consequences.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Your cough is combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in evening hours(already bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, do you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity Are you quickly "out of breath" and tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Causes of cough

To understand how to get rid of a cough at home as quickly as possible, we must try to find out the real reason for its occurrence. There may be many such reasons. Basically, anything that irritates the throat or makes breathing difficult. It is simply impossible to list everything, but it is realistic to divide them into three main groups.

Often the cause of a cough is too dry indoor air or fungal diseases caused by mold. In this case, elementary preventive measures, which will be discussed below, will help get rid of the problem.

Home treatment methods

There are many ways to cure a cough at home. Most of them are time-tested and really help a lot. If desired, at home, you can provide a full-fledged complex treatment, which includes:

Ideally, a package of measures for home treatment should be drawn up together with the attending physician, as it differs with various types cough. This is especially important when taking antibiotics, since some folk remedies can weaken or, conversely, enhance their effect on the body.

Now let's talk separately about how to cure a strong cough in the home walls with various diseases. The recipes below are not medicines. This is just one of the ways to significantly alleviate the patient's condition, reduce cough as a symptom, and speed up the healing process.

If there is no noticeable improvement in a few days, you should seek medical help.


It is quite easy to recognize an allergic cough. His constant companions: severe swelling, shortness of breath, redness of the eyes, skin redness and / or rashes. When in contact with an allergen, it occurs as if suddenly. With its constant impact - with increasing frequency.

How to treat an allergic cough at home depends on whether it is random, when you first encountered the substance that turned out to be an allergen, or permanent (for example, with seasonal allergies). Since no one is immune from sudden manifestations of an allergic reaction, antihistamines should always be in the home medicine cabinet. fast folk ways there is simply no way to remove allergies.

But what to do if an attack of an allergic cough caught suddenly, and the necessary drugs were not at hand? First of all, do not panic, but try to regulate your breathing. When panic occurs, bronchospasm occurs, which only exacerbates the situation. Facilitate breathing by expanding the bronchi, put on the chest mustard plaster.

Perhaps in the home medicine cabinet there will be an Asterisk balm or a validol tablet. These products contain menthol, which has an antispasmodic effect and quickly relieves an attack even very severe cough. Throw a small amount of "Asterisk" or a validol tablet into hot water and breathe over the steam. This cough treatment can also be used for chronic bronchitis and even bronchial asthma.

Reduces the frequency and intensity of allergic cough attacks and another simple proven remedy is eggshell with lemon. But to obtain a lasting effect, it must be used for at least 2 months daily.

Shell cooked chicken egg clean from the inner lining and grind into a powder in a coffee grinder. In the morning on an empty stomach, pour half a teaspoon of ground shells with freshly squeezed lemon juice and eat. You can eat or drink no earlier than after 20-30 minutes. But the remedy will help if you are not allergic to citrus fruits themselves.


If a non-infectious cough in adults is caused by external stimuli, they must first be eliminated. Ordinary warm milk will help to quickly relieve inflammation and soothe a sore throat - it is also able to neutralize the toxins that were present in the air. If there is no milk at hand, you need to drink warm water or a glass of green tea with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.

Mustard plasters are excellent for colds. They have a local irritating effect on the skin, and also cause the expansion of blood vessels and the activation of blood circulation. If only the first signs of a cold are noticeable: chills, liquid transparent snot, a shallow, hacking cough, then it is better to put mustard plasters on the calves or put them in socks with the mustard side to the skin. With a deep cough, you can use them to warm the bronchi.

An excellent home remedy for coughs is regular burnt sugar lozenges, which can be made in just five minutes.

A little sugar must be melted over a fire in a stainless or enameled container, wait until it thickens and acquires a pleasant brownish color, and then pour it into silicone molds or in small portions onto parchment greased with melted butter. Reinforce medicinal properties lozenges various additives: lemon or ginger juice, tea tree oil or eucalyptus, currant or raspberry syrup.


Cough of an infectious nature very quickly goes "into the depths." If within one or two days it is sharp and sonorous, then it becomes wet, deep, deaf. It is very important not to miss the moment and start active treatment as soon as possible. You can recognize an infectious cough by the following accompanying symptoms:

  • yellow or green snot;
  • severe weakness;
  • headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increase in body temperature.

Treatment for a cough of an infectious nature should be aimed at destroying pathogens and increasing immunity. Essential oils and plants with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties can help with this, which can be used in various ways. How to treat a cough specifically in your case, focus on the general condition.

Essential oils are usually used for inhalation or added to ointments or rubbing mixtures. It is best to use coniferous oils for these purposes (cedar, fir, pine, thuja), tea tree, eucalyptus, menthol, mint, camphor.

Remember that they should be consumed in very moderate amounts so as not to cause allergies or severe skin irritation. An excellent way to ease breathing and at the same time improve the air in the room is aroma lamps.

With a dry, sharp and unproductive cough, onion decoction in milk helps well. To prepare it, put 3-4 large, cut into 4 parts, peeled onions into a liter of milk. Boil milk over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Then strain everything, add a spoonful of honey and take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Garlic with honey not only has powerful bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties, but also perfectly stimulates the immune system. To do this, the head of garlic is thoroughly cleaned, passed through a meat grinder and poured with the same amount of liquid honey. It is good if the mixture stands for several days. But if necessary, it can be used immediately after preparation. Similar, but not as pronounced, has a mixture of honey with lemon or aloe (scroll along with the peel), which is prepared in the same way.

Preventive measures

No preventive measures can give a complete guarantee that you will never get sick. But following them will help prevent the appearance of a strong cough and serious damage to the respiratory system. Necessary:

Separately, I want to say about smoking. Defeat the smoker's cough without parting with this bad habit, will fail. Moreover, even if you completely give up cigarettes, coughing will still be your companion for up to six months - in this way, the process of active cleansing of the bronchi and lungs is going on. The use of home remedies can only soften the cough and facilitate the discharge of sputum poisoned by nicotine and tar.

Remember that when we treat a cough at home, we must be very attentive to dosages. Even herbal teas cannot be drunk in unlimited quantities. The maximum allowable dose is not more than one liter per day.

Similarly, it is reasonable to treat procedures. It is better to do warming up every other day, keep compresses for no longer than 2-3 hours, when rubbing, you do not need to bring the skin to a purple state.

If you have any doubts about the effectiveness of the chosen procedures, the correctness of their implementation or the presence of contraindications (and they exist even for folk remedies!) - be sure to consult a doctor. Often the wrong way to treat a cough causes the transition of the disease into a chronic form and even the development of serious complications.

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