
Whether the fish looks at the clock. Evening fishing

There are certain patterns associated with cool fish, which are confirmed in many cases, but not always.

Late autumn I. early spring - The best period for energetic Kleva fish, at this time the fish takes the nozzle greeding and more often. At this time, the best kvel fish falls in the middle of the day. Cloudy days can be equated to autumn and spring days, and therefore the fish is well caught in the middle of the day.

The profit or wise of water is noticeably reflected, namely, the more water will arrive, the worse Klev, and vice versa.

The wind is favorable and a little cold on the Klevel fish, especially for bottom fishing rods. And in the heat of Klev subsides.

For Kleva, the best time is the morning and evening hours.

On the path, the fish begins to touch in a light lunar night, and the next day you can expect the welcome activation of Kleva.

Strong heat, terrible cold, squall wind, the fast change in pressure and air temperature affects the Kleva.

For the catch of most types of fish, the nozzle should move at the bottom, and even better - to do it through the bottom - this one of the "secrets" Conduct to wiring. To this end, in the reservoirs without a current or with a very slow flow, the first loaded of the hook is placed at a distance of 20-60 cm, depending on the relief. With this position, the loads will not touch the bottom surface. With a smooth day and a faster current, the loads lowered to the hook to 10 and even 3 cm.

Rivers, where the current flows quickly or with a whirlpool, it is best to catch without a float with one ship of oval shape, while the forests all the time holds in a stretched position, and the load with the nozzle is dragging along the rod movement or demolished. With a rapid flow so that the float is not delayed under water, it should be moved to the top of the rod 50 cm from the tip; This is a deadlock. Such equipment is universally, you can catch at any depth.

Klev improves if:

    • spring was installed clear weather, calm or a weak wind is allowed;
    • in summer, non-jarous weather with a weak wind;
    • autumn quiet cloudy weather without precipitation, with a light misty haze;
    • in winter, first and last ice, stable windless weather without precipitation with moderate frost;
    • sustainable atmospheric pressure (keeps around norms or slightly grows);
    • prolonged bad weather - with the establishment of steady warm weather;

    • the night was quiet and cool, and during the day the air temperature rose (in spring to 16-20 degrees, in summer to 25-30 degrees, in the fall up to 10-15 devices);
    • the wind appears after sunrise, slightly enhanced by noon and subsided in the evening;
    • in the sky, torn cumulus clouds appear for 10-12 hours of the day, and in the evening they disappear;
    • in the morning in lowlands and over the water, the fog, scattering after sunrise, and at night abundant dew, disappearing by the morning;
    • smoke from the pipe or fire rises upwards;
    • after the rain in the summer, if only the weather has not changed sharply;
    • before the onset of thunderstorms and during the rain at faceless;

Klev worsens if:

    • throughout the year - before changing the weather, sharp differences in air pressure;
    • in the spring, water will arrive and thrust, the wind direction will increase and replaced the direction of the wind, it creates, before the start of rainy weather (the exception is Nalim);
    • in the summer, the bloom of water will begin, the heat intensifies, in front of the bad weather, water in the rivers (with raising water levels in lakes and in reservoirs, thereces a short-term gain of Kleva, replacing a sharp and long-lasting deterioration), dry, unstable weather with variable winds and drizzling rain;
    • the autumn will increase the wind and the prolonged weather will begin;
    • in winter, frosts will strengthen (except for malima, perch, pikepec), during gym, snowfall and sharp change in temperature will begin; Summer cloudless hot weather, winter - bright, sunny;
    • water temperature drops or increases (the optimal water temperature is considered from 10 to 25 degrees);
    • the wind suddenly changes the direction and enhances.

To the aid of the fisherman will always come barometer. The barometer can be determined whether the fish will be achieved. Klevel fish can sharply decrease or absent with the change of atmospheric pressure, because there are less oxygen in water (760 mm Hg) is considered to be a normal atmospheric pressure.). When the pressure decreases, the fish rises upwards, and when the pressure increases, the fish holds at the bottom. At atmospheric pressure below the mark 750 mm Hg, accompanied in our latitudes, relatively warm, cloudy weather, perch, for example, is caught in the upper layers of water, and vice versa, at a pressure above 750 mm Hg, when it is cold and sunny , it is necessary to catch from the bottom.

Which of the actively catching jig-spinningists did not come across such a situation that active (and productive) bite of predatory fish occur at one time?

Someone may seem like Butaforia, but after studying the order of thirty "points" over the past six to seven years in the lower reservoirs of the Cheboksary reservoir, I came to the unequivocal conclusion that the way out of these very points is predictable. And this is not at all a fiction, long-term statistics only confirms my opinion.

To begin with, we will talk about global, mass outputs that happen everywhere - like us, on the Cheboksarsky reservoir, and on the Oka under Ryazan, and anywhere else in the middle of Russia at once. These "outputs" are familiar with absolutely everyone and wear the names of the morning and evening kleva.

I want to immediately warn that I am talking about the spinning fishing of Sudak.

So, Morning Klev. In all the points known to me, it begins only when, because of the forest, the most edges of the sun comes out or still at twilight, when it starts to aleut in the east. Losts the KLEV, as a rule, no more than two hours and in fact everywhere on all standard shoes. Book follow one after another, but at some point they end up. And only the perch can manifest itself at this time. But the hour and a half and the Klem of Sudak will be renewed, but already on deeper places. This happens in the fall. In the summer, the picture is somewhat different: active morning bunches on 2-4 meter brows, in an hour after the mood of the pike perch can only be found along the boundary of the thermocline, but not under the coast.

The question arises: why the fish after the morning kleva ceases to show himself for a whole hour, and later discovers himself at high depths? So, this is what I see an explanation of this phenomenon. In the morning, the pike perch comes to the shore, where its potential mining is, and "wool" in the stakes of the tulle. He clearly chases herd of trivia along the coast, pressing her collectively under the coast. The battle lasts two hours, before they give the current. This daily procedure makes a change in the life of all the inhabitants of the reservoir and they are rebuilt under new conditions. "Perestroika" is expressed just in the transition to more significant depths. There is an exception. So it does not happen late autumn, late-year-old Sudak - the inhabitant of large depths.

Personally, the evening Klev is more interesting for me. It was in the evenings that I caught my most significant trophies like a puffy and somewhere breed.

In our places Evening Klev starts hours so at six evenings and continues to darkness. Pokleki stop somewhere after half an hour and hour after the sun leaves the forest ridge. The most peak of Kleva is observed at the moment when the sun is only the village for the horizon.

Sudak's night cliff is very explicitly regulated: the first bite on the nightdowns begin somewhere after half an hour after the sunset and ends the Klev already in complete darkness somewhere after an hour and a half. The second wave of night activity is observed only at 2-3 am, but this exit is very violent and more than five perch brings rarely.

At the end of the conversation about the morning and evening Kleve, it should be said that there are certain years when the morning and evening kleva is not at all! This situation, in particular, has developed this year at one point. Until eight o'clock in the morning and after eight in the evening, Sudak did not slander neither in the spring nor in the summer!

On a certain section of the reservoir, several flocks of Sudak can be immediately located and on "approaches" it is possible to catch a whole day with interruptions in Klevel from 15 minutes to one and a half hours.

Now let's stop at Clea Sudak, or rather at the "outputs" at a certain time at a certain place. I myself would not have any years ago, I would not believe that fishing can be really planned and painted literally as follows: 7: 10-8: 30 - point number 1, 8: 35-9: 05 - point number 2, 9: 15-9 : 25 - point number 3. I have long come to the conclusion that every point is individual. There is no two absolutely identical points!

Another thing I understood, each point has its own owners. It is right here to note that now I do not take into account the coastal dots, but I speak about therapy. On the coastal brows, the trick outs are carried by a passing character, i.e. One brow is visited at once a few shoes flocks at once, the individuals of which differ in size from each other.

I know a lot of places where the local (so-called owners) is a flock of Sudakov of one particular weight. Here they can approach the sucked, but their appearance on the point is unpredictable in nature and it cannot be systematized.

What else noted, the owners of the point can be in the vicinity or not far from this point, but not to peck. But at one time, they all go on fat. Zhor lasts, as a rule, no more than twenty minutes, but you can catch a dozen and a half of the tails during this time.

I remember the case last year. Pocked only a famous brow on me and started to ride it. He knew that the Klev on her begins hours so half an hour later, I had another half an hour of "free" time, but I still cut the brow. The fish did not flush, but clearly attended: he felt like a folotonka jumps on some kind of abnormal subjects, but there was no bite. As a result, once again, sculpting on someone's back, I'm a little bandage. Pulled out a pike perch, the hook clinched in the vicinity of the spinal fin.

But the time came up, and the first self-confident bunch, which happened exactly at half an hour later, brought a kilogram of Jersey. The yield lasted for about 25-30 minutes and also suddenly sat down, as it began. It was caught eleven tails, everything is around 900-1100 grams, and this is despite that there was not a single empty bite. After the end of the "output" changed the place and got up on the next brow, which was meters in three hundred from the previous one. It remained a whole hour before the start of Kleva (already knew how much he begins here), but I still decided to polit. And again not a single bite.

But the time is suitable, and the long-awaited strike brings pike perk kilogram by one and a half. At this point, Klev lasted just ten minutes, and I had time to catch three tails, everything is around 1400-1700 grams. After graduating from Kleva, he quickly earned oars towards another point, having remembered that the way out on it would be five minutes later and that Sudak, if he starts to peck, like a large selection.

I heard a lot from the fishermen about the evening klevel fish. Why not? Morning Klev is - it means that the fish should be caught at sunset. In the regional newspaper "Altai True", in the fishing category, we conducted a survey of fishermen about this and came to the conclusion that the peak of the activity of the evening Kleva falls at the time of sunset by the horizon. From my practice, I can give three memorable examples when the fish at the end of the day began to be violently and evil enough bait. Alas, before the evening dawn on the ice, those fishermen remain, who seek to "ignite", and the bulk of the risers begins to go closer to the house after noon.


End of February. Weather - do not understand what: then the sun shines, then the clouds will close the winter sky. Several times left with friends for distant areas of Obi, but, except for the pianos and Okunkov, there was no "good" fish in the catch. Next to the regional center was caught exactly the same fish, so it's not worth climbing in the wilderness. " Began to visit the peeling channel connecting with the other.

The reservoir is studied before each chaggage. In the middle of the channel depth Four meters. Coast shores, with trees shed in water. If you count how much fish is killed by fishermen here, it is unlikely that it can be said that the fish was less in Siberia.

Fishermen on the canal on weekends is a lot. Mostly float. Drill the wells, put tents, empty the tackle under the water and wait for the pillars. Between the tents, the unloofers naught their holes. Catch exclusively on "locomotives" with "Dogs". The catches that at the renamers that the floors are almost the same, so it is not necessary to miss.

Gathered home when in the evening twilight nodes on the fishing rod became badly visible. In the bus, I talked with a familiar shine and even joked, why the pillars are caught in the gloss when they are not bad for Mermatki. The fisherman "joke" did not in response, but untied a backpack and showed a couple of kilogram pikes. Honestly, from what I saw on the seat was inserted. Word for the word, began to punch the topic of shine on the canal. Information turned out very useful.

The fisherman flashes in the afternoon throughout the channel, occasionally catches a small pike to four hundred grams weighing, and in the evening it takes the range from the shore in the depths of the corrjer. A flock of grown up to the canal with Obu comes to the feed in the canal and does the "bypass" of the places of his feeder. As soon as the Sun concerns the edge of the horizon, the pike perch begins to "live", the grip follows the constantly, but rushes over the horizon the daylight shine - and everything ... even "soak".

It is necessary to check, especially the working day ended at sixteen hours - I just manage to get to the house, change clothes, take the tackle and at six evenings to be ice. At all unexpectedly, the very glitter was met on the ice, which Sudakov caught here. Greeted. I learned how "the wind" on the working day it was listed on the ice. It turns out that fisherman's work is like this: three days cries, three days fish catches. The fisherman advised me to not lose time, chosen the five of his arms with his holes, which I did.

Before sunset, half an hour left, and with every minute I had confidence that I would feel bumping. It was tuned to shine to darkness until the neighbor starts to be collected.

I want to stay on gear. Fisherman caught on a homemade narrow glitter with a single crochet, and I on the gloss "Vlasov" with a triple, on which a brush of bright-red woolen threads was imposed.

We waited, the sun began to "fall out" to the edge of the horizon. Poklevok

so it was not, but ... the neighbor made a sharp cover and the "drag" from the hole of Sudak. I hurry closer to Him, there I was drilled by one of the wells, I launch glose under the ice and did not have time to reach the bottom, as the fish weight feels on the fishing line.

There is! In Sudak, a kilogram, no less. I liberty and throw it in my hole, leaving caught fish on the ice. Ten crumbs of bait, no bite. I hurry to another well. Also deaf. I turn to the other side, I trigger the gloss, I make three lures of the bait, and another pike perch flows on the tee. I liberate fish, throw it on the ice, and gliding in my hole. Twice supported, and again a grip, but the fish goes away.

For many minutes, Three Macaus "Vomoku", and then change the hole. The next "fangy" grabbed on the descent, and in the same well, catching the fourth perch. I did not notice the moment when the sun hid behind the horizon, but no matter how much it was moved along the wells, there was no more grop.

The neighbor caught two perch, and there was one gathering. His mistake was that the fisherman had a long fisherman. Almost in complete dark went to the bus stop. Fishing remained quite satisfied. Tomorrow I once again scheduled a "timing" after work and counted for a more significant result.

At the ice came exactly at six evenings. Besides a dozen breeds sitting in the tents on ice, the fishermen no longer had. There was no companion on the Sudak plot. The shine occurred in yesterday's scenario. The sun hurt the sun to the edge - begins biting, it rolled out - at least "push", there is no touch of bait fish. Of the four bare caught two kilogram pikes.

The following days of the week as if from the chain fell out, spent on ice every evening. Without Sudakov did not return, but also no more than three tails. At the coming day off, just announce glitus. And it was necessary to happen that trick was caught in the morning in the morning. The colleagues on the passion and glitters were noted on me, eight made me a company to late evening.

All! Neither on this day, nor in the next three evening dawns of Pokakov Pokakov no longer. Perhaps the weather is to blame for something, it became a day noticeable warmer, melt water began to fall under the ice, and blue sky Closed gray lead clouds.

After Sudakov small pillars to catch, honestly, I did not want.


Before the New Year holidays, I invited me a fishermen friends to grab the pike on the pond of the village of Souryi Log. The reservoir is huge, and the fish in it is neuroyano, only information from like-minded people did not competently: he cartoomed the tooth "robbery" and is caught only when the bait in the open mouth put. Okay, if I do not catch it myself, so I will see anyone else.

We are four, all experienced brilliants who know the pond well, so as soon as the car closed, we scattered in different directions. I didn't want to walk to the distant corner of the pond on the ice, and I spoiled in the corrjeper in the direction of the flooded river, where the five before us arrived by fisherman.

The morning passed quite acceptable. On the large glitter "Vlasova" caught two pucks kilograms for a half weight, there was one gathering and two "post", the origin of which did not understand: or the fish pushed, or at some point sculpt the tee for a tyer.

At noon - complete silence, and I went to the pit, where the walled Kobylsky walked. The catch of the colleague was dissatisfied: of the three dozen of the drilled hole took only one kilogram pike. Talked. I showed a friend my fish and "Vlasovka" checked the Lunka Vladimir. Useless. As they say, silence is complete.

The other members of our crew came up and offered to go home, but Volodya, as the owner of the car, did not support them and offered in the evening in the evening in the corrje.

That day I did not notice when the sun began to hide behind the horizon. Not before that it was: for an hour and a half I caught six pucks from 800 grams to 1.5 kg. Volodya snatched three, and two other team members - two pikes.

On the back of the fishermen, they did not cease to withdraw the "Formula Kleva", and I wrote off on a successful intention. Ten years passed, but we still have not forgotten that memorable fishing.


In mid-January, a large cant of a small pummy went into the bay of the city beach. Fishermen "Faneru" quickly discovered, and daily on the reservoir stood up to two hundred fishing tents.

In one of the weekend days, I sit on a catch-up well and dragged the "steam locomotive" with the "devils" fish. Time passed far in noon.

My comrade Sasha Kormmin comes to me and shows my catch. In the fishing drawer fish a little, but what! Selected perch up to the shelter Weight pleased the fishing eyes.

Alexander told that five days fisherly fishing on the combination of the bay with coming in full alone and hides caught perch from a prying view. Also reported Kleva's schedule: early in the morning and late in the evening.

Today he has urgent homework, and the wells are abundantly embarrassed by Live Merdsham. Suggested if I have a desire to be afraid in the evening perch on his wells, then I can take them now. I advised the line thinner 0.14 mm not to put and not take with you "helpers." Alexander on the trail across Ob went to the city, and I configured to catch the perch. Wells found quickly.

Depth under the well - one and a half meters with ice. If I had not seen fish, I probably thought that Sanya was playing me. For an hour spent on the "landed" site, not a single bite. There were thoughts that it was time to finish fishing, but the fish very much wanted to feel decent attention.

The sun slowly began to lean to the horizon and ... nods on the rod sharply hit down, so so that I felt my hand. The fishing line on the fishing rod is durable, so the growing Gorbach in three interceptions was thrown onto ice. For twenty minutes, fishing managed to catch seven perch of the same size.

I caught on a large inspection of the "goat" with a yellow cambrick on one of the hooks. Experiment did not have time.

Klevel as suddenly began, so suddenly and broke. A day later, strong bachership frosts hit, and I no longer walked for perchs on the beach.

Vladimir Tellakov, Barnaul

Previously, we already wrote about distinctive features fishing in the morning , and night fishing . Go to the next item - fishing in the evening of the day, with which it is eaten?

In essence, evening and morning fishing are similar, yes incurred. The evening is the transition from day to night, morning - on the contrary. Simply put, in the evening begins to peck the fish, which pecks at night, and ends "daylight".
pros evening fishing :

1. Active blesses of white large fish. It turns out that in the afternoon, the same large bream and crucia is almost no possibility to eat normally because of a fry and a small pillage that everyone sweeps on their way. Probably, the fry is postponed at the genetic level, but in the late afternoon its activity is noticeably declining due to the appearance of predatory fish (but this later). From about 19:00 - 20:00 Small fish come across the hook is noticeably less frequently inferior to their larger brethren. This is where the transition from smaller fish to the larger one. Up to 12 o'clock in the morning, we have noticed that it is well kept bream, on a conventional worm, this does not happen during the day, the crucian is also becoming larger. At night, it comes a completely "explosive" for a fisherman time, then silence, then the fishing rod is half in the water.

2. The predator also "grows" from a small deceze or puffy day fishing in a completely normal, heavy perch and pike. Perhaps you will think that "why predators are chosen in the evening, if all the Male in the afternoon?".

It is not worth questioning the greatness of nature, and the fact that she has provided everything. If all the predators were floating in the afternoon, it would not be fry, and as a continuation - a new generation of predators. Predators, living side by side, with prey can not eat it so easy, on that they are predators, which hunt, by entering non-paint or patients with pillars. Therefore, "gliding in teeth and forward."

In the evening, about 21:00 begins to peck soma, we practice it catching a frog. The bottom line is that first pecks a small cattle, and then, rather quickly comes large.

3. Fishing in the evening It has no Sumbura, like day. There is almost no wind, the sun rises, the lighting deteriorates - such actions are forced to always be alert, closely follow the tackle, add to it more and stronger, compared to daytime, bite. Fishing in such conditions, in my opinion, is a pleasure. And the fact that evening time also passes quite quickly, from 20:00 to 23:00 (conditionally) gives this fishing even more temptation.

4. Well, the fourth plus is convenience. It happened that most people are "owls", and I, among other things. Therefore, I would prefer to sit in the evening with the fishing rod than getting up at 4 am and move to the morning fishing.

Minuses evening fishing :

Still, in the morning, the fish pecks better, and more and more, although, as already written above, morning and evening are similar. And the second minus - mosquitoes, for me it is a sore topic.
Practice, good fishing!

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