
The stomach is complete but I want to. Why do you want to eat when you feel: how to cope with the problem

Feeling hunger is familiar to every person and should not tolerate it. Small snacks with small portions are considered a normal phenomenon. But what to do, if you always want to eat? How to be, if after a little time after the satisfying lunch, the hands will be drawn to the refrigerator? All this indicates disorders of food behavior, the reasons for which there may be several. Let's try to figure out which factors affect such behavior.

What is the difference between hunger and appetite

It would seem that there is no difference between these concepts. In both cases, I want to eat. In fact, these are different things. Under the hunger, the natural reaction of the body is implied on the lack of nutrients. When there is a sense of hunger, the body begins to feed certain signals. If the energy reserves are not replenished in a timely manner, the body will first begin to eat glycogen extracted from muscle tissue, with time this process will lead to a change in the hormonal balance. Thus, even adhering to a certain diet, in no case cannot be allowed to have a feeling of hunger overcome you.

Appetite is a completely opposite value. Such a sense is caused by the body due to the influence of any psychological factors or diseases. If a person begins to use products with large portions and quite often, this appetite becomes dangerous. Frequently encoded from food, because other problems will appear.

There are two types of reasons affecting abundant appetite:

  • physiological;
  • psychological.

We will analyze every kind and that it refers to it in more detail.

Physiological factors


Quite often, why it constantly wants to eat, is a lack of fluid. In the brain, both centers (hunger and thirst) are too close, so when activating any of them, a person is immediately quite difficult to recognize that in fact it is necessary to organize. Therefore, you should not immediately reach the refrigerator, it is enough just to drink a bit of clean water or a savory green tea. Do not drink fructose industrial drinks - from their use appetite will only increase, besides, they contain a large number of calories. Also in order to reduce the appetite and eat less meal during meals, enough to drink a glass of water before eating.

Unbalanced nutrition

Sometimes even with full stomach manifests a feeling of hunger. This is due to the fact that during the meadow the body has suffered the necessary amount of nutrients. Thus, if you continue to eat those products, the stomach will never be satisfied. In addition, the organism daily should receive a certain rate of vitamins and minerals, therefore, the nutrition should be full and balanced.

Food regimen is far from perfect

The break between meals must be 3-4 hours. If the gap is much larger, then gastrointestinal (GCC) Begins to produce a hormone Grethin, causing uncontrolled food behavior. And also should not be neglected with breakfast or do it is unnecessarily modest, since throughout the day the sugar level constantly fluctuates and it is even more. In addition, such people often snack at night.

The speed of eating food

The food must be carefully chewed, slowly savor. The faster the person will absorb her, the sooner he wants to eat again. In addition, with a rapid absorption, he is 2-3 times more than the products, since the sense of saturation comes with the receipt. A similar phenomenon leads to the stretching of the gastric walls, as a result of which people eat more and more.

Pregnancy and hormones

Women often suffer from drops of hormonal system. This is due to the feature of the body. Especially acutely strong appetite is manifested in the second phase menstrual cycle, as well as during pregnancy, in particular throughout the first trimester. Due to the fact that the kid during growth and development actively uses nutrients, the woman starts them, on the contrary, miss. If the future mommy at this time is additionally tormented by toxicosis, then food in the body does not absorb and it constantly pursues a feeling of hunger.


People who have breakdown in sleep and recreation, quite often pulls on a snack. This is due to the violation of the process of producing hormones, which are responsible for the feeling of satiety and hunger, while the second is produced much more. Due to the food intake, the body tries to fill the energy dissolved during sleep, and the snack pulls something sweet or flour.

Reception of drugs

It happens that the appetite is caused by the reception of certain types of drugs. Mostly include:

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • antidepressants;
  • glucocorticoids and the like ...

When identifying such side Effects It is necessary to discuss the situation with the doctor, which either change the prescribed dose, or replace the drug by another medicine.


In the presence of certain types of diseases, a person can often appear a false feeling of hunger. First of all, this is influenced by violations in the work. endocrine system and its elements when strong hormonal bursts occur or jumps of blood sugar levels. These diseases should be attributed:

  • diabetes;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hypoglycemia.

In addition, diseases causing brutal appetite must be attributed:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • gastritis;
  • genetic disorders;
  • tumors located in close proximity to the departments of the food center;
  • some variations of Helminthosis.

Therefore, to accustom yourself less, it is necessary to determine the reasons that influenced it, that is, to solve the problem elevated appetite It follows from a doctor survey.

These terrible diseases such as drug addiction and alcoholism also provoke an increased appetite. Such diseases are dehydrated by the body (about the reaction to thirst and the famine has already been negotiated above).

Psychological factors

In addition to physical reasons, there are psychological. They negatively affect the brain, which in turn is trying to get the problem of appetite.

Depression and stress

In such situations, the body begins to produce cortisol stressful hormone hardening. To suppress his happiness hormones, a self-acid feed is necessary, which can be obtained only with food. That is why all the time I want to eat when people are experiencing any nervous tension. The main source of amino acid is cocoa from which chocolate is produced. Not only chocolate can help to cope with the problem. In order not to want to eat during stress, specialists are recommended to do exercise.

Emotions and habits

Another reason for increasing. Any emotional state (fear, sense of guilt, hopeless situations) requires consolation that most often turns out to be the food. In particular, these are sweets, allowing to temporarily enjoy hormones of joy.

Idleness and boredom

When there is nothing to do or time is killed by watching TV, the frequent phenomenon become hiking to the refrigerator. At the same time, the snacks fulfill the role of some entertainment among idleness. In this case, so that I do not want to eat, you just need to take yourself with something useful. For example, while watching gears or films, perform in parallel anything else (knitting, cleaning, manicure and so on ...).

Festive overeating

Another reason is not to limit yourself in anything - festive feast, weekends in a noisy company. There overeating is the norm. In particular, a special role is played here to leave a plate empty. Therefore, during the feasts, a portion should be reduced.

Getting rid of bad habits

A similar phenomenon is stress for the body, therefore, as already mentioned above, it requires a certain feed and most often it is food.

Accessibility of food

How to accustom yourself smaller, if the food at every step: a cafe, fast food, even advertising posters always look so appetizing that it is impossible to resist. In addition, the brain on the subconscious level is only from the contemplation of food begins the production of hormone hungry - Great.


If a person suffers from various mental disorders, then he appears an insurmountable desire to eat or cheer. Such behavior is due to a number of factors:

  • chemical imbalance;
  • lack of some kind of hormones;
  • genetic disorders.

Society and its influence

Social factor can also have a negative impact on human nutrition. Today in the world to the fore there are harmony. Strict restrictions are able to lead to gluttony, some of them cause stress, which as a result also leads to abundant eating food.

To answer the question: how to stop there is a lot, you need to find the root cause of this behavior. The best thing to do is try to replace eating for anything useful for the body (hobbies, physical exercises And so straight ...). When it is possible to at least partially encoded from thrust to gluttony, the body will be overly grateful to you. In addition, you will relieve yourself from many concomitant health problems, because overweight is a heavy "burner" for the body.

Well, well, winter began, it's cold, I want to eat. Later New Year And the full table of snacks, here everything is broken and eaten as the last time in life. Then February - Well, yes, the gloomy month, depressive, tedious, windmill, what else remains, just chewing. March 8 passed - again the table, salads, cakes. Well, all, it is time to stop, because all the reasons to argue are over! So no, some of us constantly want to eat, and jeans are already on your knees, the blouse cracks on the seams, and the sides are silent in so do not even steps - breathing.?

Why do you always want to eat? Main reasons:

1. Inclime.

Scientists accurately determined that the smaller the person sleeps, the more he eats. The more we are not sleeping, the unbearable I want to nourish "I don't want the same." The smaller we spend time in bed, the slower these hated calories are burned. Thus, it turns out that the less we fall out, the more I want to eat!

In order to stop a lot there, it is necessary to make an effort and start to sleep more.

2. Lack of vitamins and trace elements.

The body catastrophically lacks vitamins, so it requires constantly replenishing "stocks" to extract missing microelements and nutrients from the new portion of meals. Fast - Fud, cutlets on skouring hand, Frozen soups, shopping dumplings - Of course, it is not a complete food, it is an energy trash that can be simply fill with the stomach, and then for a short time.

Homemade soups, porridge, boiled meat and fish, yes, in order to prepare at home you need to find time, but the goal is to build - a healthy body and a slim figure.

3. Easy to eat too quickly.

Some girls eat so quickly that the feeling of saturation does not have time to walk to the brain (if you explain this process primitively), the stomach is stretched to incredible sizes, and food is absorbed in two or three times more than necessary. Always keep in my head that you eat too fast, so try to eat as much as possible as much as possible. The minimum time for which the food should be absorbed is 20 minutes.

4. Not that EMP.

If you are constantly chewing, but at the same time you go to eat anyway, it means that you are not something. If the amount of nutrients in the diet is below the norm, then it leads to a wild desire to nourish! A bucket of low-headed cabbage and a stroke from a grated carrot along the energy component of approximately equivalent to one good chop with a garnish. It is better to eat a sausage sandwich in the first half of the day, and at lunch a decent portion of borscht, than all day to chew apples, causing stretching of the abdomen and disorder of the stomach.

5. Violations in the work of the endocrine system.

Violation of the pancreas, thyroid glands, any hormonal shifts in the body of a woman can lead to a feeling of permanent hunger.

What to advise here is to go to the doctor.

6. Stress.
Old as the world - than less happy woman He feels, the more she wants to eat. Troubles at work - a chocolate cake, a quarrel with a loved one - a huge pizza, knighted with a friend - two sandwich for the night.

If you notice a tendency to eat your trouble, then you should make a new habit - to react with unrestrained dancing or sports loads. When stress helps awesome!

8. Incorrect power mode.

If you are used to breakfast in the morning, snack at lunch, and after all the second half of the day, chew on the go, then rummaged to the dump for the night - it means that you thoroughly shot down all imaginable and inconceptive settings of your own body and a sense of constant hunger - this payment for your frivolity .
We'll have to make an effort and breakfast right tomorrow morning. And at night, looking only a glass of kefir.

Many marked a rather strange feature, where after the next meal again, after a short period of time, I want to eat again. The question comes to mind that with the appetite, why do you want to eat, even if you feel that with the body? The reasons for this state are somewhat, lower and will talk about why I want to eat when you felt.

First of all, it should be revised by its diet, perhaps there is not enough useful substances in it, that is the body, feeling their drawback, and requires food. In order to fill them, it is worth starting the reception of mineral and vitamin supplements.

In addition, you want to eat after meals and because a person is not allowed proteins, carbohydrates and the necessary calories. As practice shows, this state more often occurs when a person sits on a diet or consumes less food than usual, wanting to lose weight.

Permanent desire to enjoy something in case of violated work in the hormonal system. This applies, first of all, violations of the pancreas, therefore, the endocrinologist should be visible.

Another reason for frequent desire to snack is chronic stress. A man wants to chew to get rid of depression and a handra. In addition, the food brings nutrients to the body, it still acts a kind of soothing means for the nervous system.

As practice shows, women suffer from a constant feeling of hunger during premenstrual syndrome. In addition to excessive appetite, a woman may suffer from problems with sleep and mood drops.

From the permanent feeling of hunger, people prone to completeness suffer. The fact is that they have a stretched stomach, so one portion of food is small. Exit only one - contact the nutritionist to pick up right ration Nutrition.

A few words should be said about the benefits of tea. A cup of black or green tea, drunk after a satisfying lunch, makes a man full and joyful, and those who do not drink tea feel hunger in many ways faster. Everything is due to the fact that this drink contains polyphenol compounds.

The question of an increased appetite, why I want to eat, even if fed , it occurs when a person often resorts to sweet carbonated drinks, as well as to preserved products. The fact is that there are many fructose in drinks, which contributes to rapid starvation, and canned foods reduce the level of hormones that are associated with a feeling of hunger. It is necessary to replace the gas meter with a narrow or compote, and canned foods - on fresh.

I want to eat shortly after meals and those people who miss breakfast or eat very little. The fact is that those who run to work, volley drinking a cup of coffee or tea with a sandwich, suffer from feeling hunger in an hour, since the level of sugar in their blood increases significantly. As a result, the lunch they "swallow" in their own, thereby gaining overweight, because the body is experiencing stress and postpones the food "about the supply".

The feeling of hunger can come shortly after eating and then when a person drinks little water. Experts have proven that if you eat quite a lot and still remain hungry, you need to drink a glass of water, after that the desire to eat something else will pass.

Those who want not only get rid of an obsessive question why you want to eat when , but to lose weight, you should drink two glasses of water before each meal intake. In this case, the metabolism will significantly improve, it is better to work the stomach, getting rid of unnecessary slags.

It often happens that a sudden feeling of hunger after a meal arises from those who miss and want to distract at least something. In this case, the food becomes a kind of entertainment, so you need to remember if there were less than four hours from previous meals, instead of escape to the refrigerator, something useful should be done.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that no matter what the reason is to eat after eating, you need to constantly replenish a set of vitamins and useful trace elements in the body. First of all, it is worth not only on time, but also to eat right, then the desire to eat through a short time after eating will disappear.

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