
Cooking cabbage. Why fresh and boiled cabbage is useful for health. The most common cabbage dishes

Each person has their own favorite product, but if asked to name it, then the rare answer will be that it is cabbage. At the same time, everyone knows about its beneficial properties, it is mandatory to include it in your diet, it is prepared for the winter in different forms and is used with pleasure in the preparation of both the first and second courses.

In addition, cabbage is one of the main products diet food, suitable for people working on weight loss, used in traditional medicine. Most often it is used fresh or sauerkraut, although the use of boiled cabbage has its positive aspects.

Why boiled cabbage is useful

From the point of view of Mr. Mendeleev, many of the elements of his famous table can be found in cabbage, which serve to strengthen human health. This plant is also rich in vitamins, the most famous of which, vitamin C, breaks records in quantity, overtaking lemons. In addition, cabbage contains a fairly large amount of protein, pectin, natural antioxidants, and plant fibers.

Boiled cabbage, although it loses some of its nutrients and minerals during cooking, is nevertheless also useful for humans. On the contrary, prepared in this way it is more easily absorbed by the body and does not irritate the stomach. These properties will be appreciated by people with digestive problems.

Boiled in a little water, or even better steamed, cabbage retains nutrient fibers. Thanks to fibers, the feeling of hunger disappears faster, a person eats a smaller portion, which ultimately leads to weight loss.

Boiled cabbage enhances intestinal motility, removes toxins and toxins from the body. It acts both as a diuretic and as effective drug against constipation.

For a variety of the daily menu, you can cook cabbage with other vegetables, including boiled or stewed carrots, peas, and onions.

The harm of boiled cabbage

They knew about the benefits of cabbage in ancient times, the great Avicenna even gave a list of diseases in which it must be consumed. At present, on the contrary, doctors have found out that there are a number of diseases in which the use of cabbage, including boiled cabbage, should be minimized.

In this list, the main positions are occupied by known diseases associated with gastroenterology. Stomach ulcer requires close attention to the diet, exclusion of any products that irritate the mucous membranes. The same can be said about duodenal ulcer and pancreatitis, where there is also a very limited list of dishes and products.

Acute infectious diseases are cured faster if you limit the amount of food you eat, including plant foods. With a smile, doctors say that it is harmful to overeat, even if it is dietary and healthy boiled cabbage.

Knowing about the beneficial and harmful properties of cabbage, anyone can properly organize their daily diet.

The early white cabbage is peeled, washed, the head of cabbage is cut into 4 parts and the stump is cut out. Processed cauliflower is used in whole buds of the same size. The coots of Brussels sprouts are pre-cut from the stem. Prepared cabbage is placed in boiling salted water, quickly brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for 15–20 minutes until cooked with the lid open so that the color does not change.

Before the release, cabbage is stored in a hot broth for no more than 30 minutes, since with prolonged storage it acquires a dark color and the taste deteriorates. Take out the finished cabbage with a slotted spoon and let the water drain.

When you leave, the cabbage is placed in a portioned pan or in a ram, poured with butter or milk sauce. The sauce can be served separately in a gravy boat. White cabbage can be chopped into checkers and seasoned with butter or sauce. If cauliflower is used as a side dish, then it is divided into small inflorescences before cooking.

Boiled green peas

To prepare this dish, use green pea, fresh, dried, frozen and canned. Fresh green peas are peeled, put in boiling salted water and boiled in boiling water until tender. Fresh-frozen green peas, without defrosting, are placed in boiling salted water, quickly brought to a boil and cooked for 3-5 minutes. After washing, dried green peas are soaked in cold water for 1–1.5 hours and boiled without salt in the same water in which they were soaked. Canned green peas are heated in their own broth.

The cooked green peas are thrown into a sieve or colander, allowed to drain the broth, then placed in a bowl, seasoned with butter or milk sauce, salt and sugar are added and heated. Use as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat dishes, poultry and fish dishes.

When you leave, green peas are put in a slide in a portioned pan or in a ram, on top - a piece of butter or served separately on the outlet. Sprinkle the peas with boiled chopped eggs.

Stewed vegetables

Usually carrots, turnips, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, sorrel are allowed. Vegetables are allowed in their own juice or with a small amount of liquid (water or broth) with the addition of butter. The lid is closed during the priming. The liquid remaining after the simmering is not drained, but used together with vegetables. Loss of nutrients when stewing is much less than when cooking.

Peeled vegetables are cut into cubes, wedges or sticks. For letting go, vegetables are placed in a layer of no more than 20 cm or in one row (cabbage). Vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach) are allowed without liquid, which easily release moisture. You can let certain types of vegetables (carrots, turnips, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, etc.) or mixtures thereof. Spinach should not be simmered with sorrel as it becomes tough and discolored. Seasoned vegetables are seasoned with butter or milk sauce, used as an independent dish or as a side dish.

Carrots in milk sauce

The carrots are simmered as described above. Then combine with milk sauce of medium thickness, add sugar and heat.

When on leave, they are placed in a portioned pan or in a ram, a piece of butter is placed on top, you can add wheat bread croutons.

Cabbage, which is part of the traditional borscht set, is grown in many countries and is one of the most popular vegetables. Having started its spread across Europe from the Mediterranean countries, it has firmly established itself in Siberia and the Non-Black Earth Zone of Russia. Some consider Russia to be the birthplace of cabbage, because it occupies a significant share in the volume of vegetables grown and has many breeding varieties bred by Russian scientists. It is very important to know about the benefits and harms of cabbage in order to use it correctly - about this in detail in this article.


Cabbage is a biennial cruciferous plant. Comes from wild species that existed before our era in North Africa. They were engaged in cabbage cultivation in ancient greece, other Mediterranean countries. From there she began her victorious march to Turkey, the Balkans, Transcaucasia, Russia. The mention of cabbage as the main vegetable is found in the writings of the times of Kievan Rus. Cabbage has long been grown in China and Korea.

White cabbage composition

To better understand the benefits and harms, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of this vegetable. Cabbage mainly consists of water and has a low calorie content - 27 kcal (per 100 grams).
Cabbage is rich in vitamins of group B, C, macro- and microelements. Most of all, cabbage contains potassium and calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, manganese.

Here detailed list composition of white cabbage:

  • glucose and fructose (sugar);
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • potassium salts;
  • phosphorus salts;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • fiber;
  • phytoncides (natural antibiotics);
  • lipase;
  • protease;
  • enzymes;
  • lactose;
  • vitamins A, B1, B6, P, K, U (antiulcer vitamin);
  • 16 free amino acids, including in this list some of the most important amino acids for the body lysine, histidine, methionine, tyrosine.

This entire impressive list is contained in large quantities mainly in freshly squeezed cabbage juice, which can be easily obtained at home by chopping fresh vegetable leaves and squeezing them through cheesecloth.

As you can see, cabbage is a storehouse of nutrients. And its beneficial effect on the body is multifaceted.

The benefits of cabbage

For problems with urination, cabbage juice helps. And the presence of fiber removes cholesterol and other toxins from the body.

Useful cabbage for cardiovascular diseases eating cabbage cleanses the walls of blood vessels and resists the development of atherosclerosis.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin U, which is rare in its natural form, which is able to protect the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and heal ulcers. But it can be eaten only during the period of remission, and first boiled.

It also eases the course of liver disease.

Cabbage is very useful for people suffering from overweight... The presence of tartronic acid in its composition inhibits the process of converting glucose into fat.

Many men are familiar with the relieving effect of cabbage brine to relieve hangover symptoms. And if you eat sauerkraut before a feast, you can avoid intoxication.

Fresh cabbage leaves are applied as a compress for bruises, inflammation of the joints. And if you smear a cabbage leaf with honey and apply it overnight, then its healing effect will increase.

Cabbage is useful for diabetics, as it lowers blood glucose levels. Cabbage juice is taken as an expectorant for coughs, bronchitis.

Benefits of Sauerkraut:

Sauerkraut rivals citrus fruits in the amount of vitamin C. The composition of fresh cabbage contains the natural substance ascorbigen, which, during the fermentation process, turns into vitamin C, moreover, in a significant amount. Lack of ascorbic acid causes a breakdown. Weakness and reduced immunity, which contributes to frequent colds, are a sign of a lack of vitamin C in the body. And the easiest, cheapest and most delicious way to make up for this deficiency is to consume a little sauerkraut every day.

Benefits of cabbage juice:

Sauerkraut juice does not contain fiber, therefore it is preferable for those who suffer from flatulence or other gastrointestinal diseases.

Harm and contraindications of eating cabbage

Despite many beneficial features, cabbage can cause some harm to the body, it has a number of contraindications:

  • Excessive consumption of cabbage in some can cause temporary darkening of the eyes;
  • Men who have problems in the sexual sphere should limit the consumption of cabbage.
  • Cabbage can be harmful for thyroid diseases; cabbage dishes are not recommended;
  • With exacerbation of stomach ulcers, inflammation of the duodenum, cabbage is contraindicated;
  • If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, replace raw cabbage dishes with cooked ones.

If there are restrictions on the use of salt in food, then it is recommended to rinse the sauerkraut in order to reduce the salt content in it. Overcooked cabbage is not beneficial.
In conclusion, we advise you to adhere to the measure in the consumption of products. And then they will only bring benefit, not harm.

Treatment by a doctor wearing a hundred robes: white cabbage and its valuable properties.

The healing qualities of white cabbage in many areas of traditional medicine have long been known in many countries. With the course of scientific progress and the development of medicine, the fact of the beneficial effect of this unpretentious plant on the body has been proven and confirmed in the laboratory based on the study of its chemical composition... With a detailed study of the constituent substances of cabbage, it turned out that this simple vegetable known to everyone from childhood is immensely rich in many substances necessary for health and is much more useful than all of us are used to thinking.

An unexpected wealth of luscious green leaves.

Among the variety of useful substances contained in white cabbage, it is especially worth highlighting the presence of a high level of ascorbigen - one of the forms of ascorbic acid, more known to the world as vitamin C. This form is particularly resistant to external influences, and with proper storage, crushed cabbage leaves can retain their beneficial properties due to its content for a whole year. It should be noted that ascorbigen is also found in other vegetables, for example in potatoes, but its content there is almost fifty times lower than in cabbage.

Also worthy of special attention is tertronic acid, which protects the body from obesity and diabetes mellitus, preventing the processing of sugar and other carbohydrates into adipose tissue and promoting their rapid breakdown.

In addition, white cabbage contains a whole set of other substances, vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body to maintain health, and even some manufacturers of pharmacy multivitamins can envy this composition.

For all ailments, cabbage is a friend!

The use of this truly wonderful product is widespread in many folk recipes and helps with an impressive list of diseases.

Freshly squeezed juice of cabbage leaves has:

  1. expectorant and antitussive action for bronchitis and sore throat;
  2. beneficial effect on the digestive organs of all departments gastrointestinal tract: accelerates gastric motility and food evacuation, improves absorption in it, reduces pain in the liver area and normalizes its size, alleviates dyspeptic disorders.
  3. diuretic and promotes the passage of intestinal gases;
  4. a pronounced antibiotic effect against Koch's rods, Staphylococcus aureus and other dangerous pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. a pronounced vitaminizing effect due to the high content of useful microminerals and vitamins.
  6. positive effect in low-acid gastritis, ulcerative colitis, intestinal atony, diabetes.

Cabbage juice with wine helps with snake and rabid animal bites by neutralizing poisons and killing bacteria.

Cabbage leaves are also used in mashed and whole form to help with burns, heat, bruises, body hyperthermia and many other diseases.

There are cabbage-based recipes that cause miscarriage with vaginal administration of lotions with juice and leaves and fetal death in the womb with a longer gestation period.

As a part of the diet, cabbage is used for diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart and kidney ailments, gout, cholelithiasis, and malignant neoplasms.

Over the centuries of using cabbage traditional medicine formed a mass of effective and easily accessible recipes for cooking at home, which are still in demand and do not lose their relevance.

Cabbage as a medicine.

Based on the above properties and indications, below is a list of recipes and recommendations for specific ailments and diseases. Of course, full list The ways to use white cabbage with their detailed presentation can take a whole volume, but these recipes will help form a rough idea of ​​them.

In case of neoplasms, it is recommended to pour one tablespoon of chopped cabbage roots and pour half a glass of boiling water over them. Wrap the resulting mixture and insist for eight to ten hours at room temperature, then strain and take a quarter of a glass fifteen minutes before meals. Three to four doses are recommended per day.

You can also pour sunflower oil on the finely chopped stalk. Together with this, pour three hundred milliliters of boiling water over two tablespoons of crushed tartar leaves and leave for thirty minutes. After that, strain the liquids, mix and drink at one time in the morning for a long period of time.

There are also powder-based recipes. Chop and dry the root of one large head of cabbage. Crush the resulting powder and sift from lumps, then take three tablespoons and pour half a liter of red dry wine. Insist in a dark, dry place for two weeks, shaking the container occasionally. Take a long course, alternating ten days of admission and ten days of a break, with a dosage of thirty milliliters twice a day.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers, it is recommended to drink cabbage juice in one of two ways:

Take half a glass of warm juice before meals three times a day for four weeks.

Drink one and a half to two glasses of juice an hour before meals for a period of three to four weeks.

When treating ulcers and gastritis with cabbage juice, patients' well-being improves from the fifth to the tenth day of admission, depending on the degree of organ damage.

With hoarseness and coughing, frequent repeated intake of one teaspoon of fresh cabbage juice helps.

With cholangeohepatitis, dried cabbage juice powder helps.

With low stomach acidity, flatulence and constipation, sauerkraut juice helps. Also, brine helps with worms, hemorrhoids, improves appetite, and is also widely used to relieve hangover. It is recommended to take cabbage pickle up to half a liter during the day.

Compresses from light cabbage leaves help with scabs on the head. They should be applied to damaged skin twice a day for two to three weeks, pre-lubricating the head with vegetable oil.

In diphtheria, cabbage leaves are applied to the sore throat and tied with a cloth to achieve a warming effect. Warmed cabbage leaves are replaced several times with new, fresher ones.

In case of skin lesions, you can apply fresh whole cabbage leaves to the diseased skin areas, or moisten them with fresh cabbage juice. This recipe is effective for burns, ulcers, wounds, neurodermatitis and eczema. It also helps with pain caused by arthritis and gout.

The second option for the treatment of purulent wounds, burns and ulcers is a mixture of grated cabbage leaves and egg white.

With weeping eczema and scrofula, ground cabbage leaves, pre-boiled in milk, mixed with bran, are applied.

In typhoid fever, fresh cabbage leaves are laid over the entire body of the patient, which helps to relieve inflammation and reduce high fever.

For Parkinson's syndrome, a decoction of cabbage seeds is used.

In case of kidney stones, ash from a burnt cabbage root helps crush and remove stones.

This is just a small list of methods of treatment and preparation of natural medicines based on natural healing properties cabbage. Depending on the specificity of the disease and the patient's personal preferences, the composition and method of application may slightly change. For example, pure cabbage juice is often consumed with a spoonful of honey dissolved in it.

Cabbage - to be!

Conclusions on the benefits and dangers of cabbage

The above facts speak for themselves: the beneficial properties of this garden plant are not at all invented or exaggerated, but are fully justified and reasoned. The use of cabbage and cabbage juice has practically no contraindications, and its availability and taste only increase the conviction that its use, at least for food, will not be superfluous. When eating cabbage salad in any of its types, you not only satisfy your hunger, but also do high-quality and effective prevention a wide range of diseases and intensively saturate the body with the necessary valuable microelements, amino acids and vitamins.

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To prepare boiled white cabbage, you must first clear the head of cabbage from the integumentary leaves. Then cut the cabbage (together with the stump) into large slices and cook in boiling salted water (the presence of salt in the water depends on the characteristics of the diet). Cook the cabbage over medium heat until soft. Additionally, you can put 1 bay leaf and 2 peas of black or allspice into the water a few minutes before the cabbage is ready (for some diseases, these spices are excluded).

Remove the finished cabbage from the water, put it in a colander and let the excess liquid drain (it is important to remember that slightly boiled cabbage acts as a laxative, and cabbage that has been boiled for 40-45 minutes, on the contrary, fixes it). After that, the cabbage can be sprinkled with pre-fried bread crumbs(with flour), or sprinkle with sour cream sauce, or season with melted butter (depending on the presence or absence of medical prescriptions).

Boiled cabbage for weight loss is the perfect weapon: it is low in calories, it is extremely nutritious and at the same time incredibly healthy. What are the benefits of boiled cabbage and how can you lose weight with it?

In the West, they are sure that the cabbage diet, which appeared about 30 years ago, was invented by the Russians themselves. It exists in two versions: cabbage is eaten raw or boiled. What is the use of boiled cabbage for weight loss?

First of all, it must be said that cabbage is the leader among vegetables in terms of the amount of protein, it contains pectin, which is considered the strongest antioxidant, and in addition, it helps to remove heavy metals from the body, thereby cleansing it and normalizing digestion. Cabbage contains more vitamin C than 1 lemon or orange, it is also rich in vitamins B, U, PP, and with all this, it has an unimaginably small amount of calories: about 27 per 100 grams.

Boiled cabbage is just as healthy as fresh cabbage. It is very nutritious, it contains a lot of dietary fiber, which makes a person feel full, and its beneficial properties do not diminish with such processing. Boiled cabbage for weight loss is useful in that it improves intestinal motility, effectively eliminates constipation, removes toxins and toxins from the body, acting as a diuretic. Thus, by cleansing the body and consuming a small number of calories daily, a person naturally begins to lose weight.

The essence of the diet on faithful cabbage is as follows: cabbage is cooked until cooked, then fried carrots are added to it and stewed without adding oil. After stewing, they also put herbal peas in the dish, after which the dishes are covered with a lid and left on minimum heat for another 5 minutes. it boils down a lot, because at least 4 kg will go away per day, so you will have to cook a lot at once. It is allowed to add various spices and herbs to such a dish so that the taste does not become too boring.

For those who are interested in how many kcal in boiled cabbage, you can relax - if their number changes during boiling and stewing, then it is completely insignificant. In addition, daily you can eat a couple of unsweetened fruits, leafy greens, tomatoes, 100-150 grams of lean beef or lean fish, a little brown rice. You should try to consume no more than 1000 kcal per day. Allowed to pull low-fat dairy products (for example, a glass of kefir shortly before bedtime), herbal tea and water in unlimited quantities.

You can also diversify your menu by combining different types of cabbage: white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Beijing, red, kohlrabi. All of these varieties are low in calories and high in nutritional value. The taste is enriched with spices and / or lemon juice.

It is advisable to exclude alcohol at the time of the diet altogether, however, 1 glass of dry red wine 1-2 times a week, and even with a small piece of any hard cheese, will not bring significant harm.

In general, the properties of boiled cabbage make such a diet absolutely hungry and even tasty, and, most importantly, effective. They sit on it a little, a little for a week, during this time, on average, 4.5-6 kg go. You can increase the period to 2 weeks, however, it should be borne in mind that a diet on boiled cabbage does not guarantee lasting results and you can gain all the lost kilograms just as easily in the same 2 weeks, starting to eat as before.

To prevent this from happening, as if only the boiled cabbage diet is over, you should continue to exclude bread, all flour and sweets, fast food, unhealthy fats and sugary carbonated drinks from your diet. Only in this case will the weight stand. A diet is not a disagreement from sweets for 1-2 weeks, and after eating, I don’t want to, a diet is a way of life. A table of boiled cabbage has been helping to change the diet for some time, but only the right and healthy food will help keep your figure slim forever.

The benefits of boiled cabbage have been proven by doctors and nutritionists, and the boiled cabbage diet can be safely called one of the most effective: the results are visible in a few days and you do not need to starve yourself.

Like to lose weight

This culture is beneficial for everyone, without exception, as it is large, it contains a lot of nutrients, you can cook a variety of dishes from it, and most importantly, the low price. And all this is about her - white cabbage. What is its benefit, harm, are there any contraindications - we will find out in more detail.

Representing the cruciferous family, cabbage is a biennial plant. The structure directly reflects the overgrown bud, the shape of which is the large leaves of the head of cabbage. It is unpretentious, in the first year it gives all of us the usual harvest. If you do not cut the head of cabbage, then a stem is formed, on which small yellow inflorescences bloom, seeds are formed. The culture grows almost everywhere, easily tolerates temperature extremes, geographically, the Far North and the lifeless deserts are an exception. Ripening period up to 2.5-3 months, there are also earlier varieties. The later the head of cabbage ripens, the longer it will be stored.

A little about the history of white cabbage

Pythagoras wrote about the benefits of this vegetable in his treatises. He argued that cabbage invigorates, sobering the mind, strengthens the mind. Moreover, one of the rulers of the Roman Empire, Diocletian, completely abandoned his rule and went to the village for the sake of this culture. There he was engaged in growing vegetables, and most of all he was content with a magnificent harvest of his own cabbage.

Some linguistic scholars have made a lot of interesting arguments in favor of cabbage. It turns out that the purity of Russian, Belarusian and other languages ​​was directly formed due to the presence in the diet of our ancestors useful products, especially green onions and cabbage, in particular sauerkraut. Diseases such as scurvy, venereal ailments, loss of teeth, ulcerative processes in the oral cavity influenced the emergence of French grassing, the English alveolar dialect.

Due to the presence of valuable foods in the diet in ancient times, saturated with a mass of micro and microelements, vitamins, the Russian language is one of the few that has remained pure and beautiful.

Useful composition and properties of white cabbage

The culture belongs to the dietary one, since 100 grams contains only 27 kilocalories. Cabbage contains a lot of useful micro and macro elements, minerals, vitamins, acids. Among them are vitamins of group B, A, C, PP, K, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, iron, manganese. A rare type of substance is found in a vegetable - vitamin U, folic, pantothenic acid, fructose, coarse fibers and fiber.

The beneficial properties of the vegetable were known in ancient times. We used fresh leaves, decoction, freshly squeezed juice. Leaves were applied to sore spots, juice in the form of a compress, which made it possible to relieve swelling, pain, venous asterisks, etc. The vegetable has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates metabolic processes, regulates the normal inflow and outflow of gastric juice, regulates the work of the cardio vascular system... Cabbage is included in the diet and as a medicine for lotions for gout, kidney disease, genitourinary system, with ischemia, problems with the gallbladder.

Is it possible for pregnant women

If you study the positive qualities of cabbage in relation to women's health, it is worth highlighting several important points:

  • stimulates metabolism;
  • improves the digestive tract;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • has a beneficial effect on reproductive functions.

Doctors strongly recommend expectant mothers to consume cabbage, and different types and in a variety of cooking. Useful as stewed, fresh, and boiled in borscht or soup culture. As you know, a pregnant woman often experiences stomach discomfort, gas, bloating, nausea. Thanks to cabbage, there is a quick and gentle cleansing. Every pregnant woman needs to replenish the reserves of folic acid, which plays an important role in the formation of the nervous system, psyche and other functions of the child. Thanks to fresh cabbage in the form of salads or stewed, the risk of congenital fetal abnormalities is minimized.

Sauerkraut is also useful, especially it plays a positive role for the baby's body, preventing the development of oncological pathologies.

Important: coarse fibers prevent a woman from bloating and gaining extra pounds. It quickly saturates the body and satisfies hunger.

At what age can you give cabbage to children

This question worries all parents who are worried about the healthy diet of their child. By about six months of age, the baby should already begin to supplement the main food with complementary foods, which may also include cabbage. You can not feed children with raw vegetables, cabbage must be boiled and given in small portions in the form of mashed potatoes. This is an excellent way to combat diathesis, anemia, obesity, and a good prevention of rickets.

Important: before adding cabbage to a child's diet, you must consult a pediatrician.

What are the benefits of cabbage for men

The almost calorie-free vegetable reduces body fat. This is especially important for men leading a sedentary lifestyle and consuming large quantities of beer. They form a visceral layer of fat, which directly affects the deterioration of the genitourinary system and leads to oncological processes.

  1. A large amount of vitamin C inhibits the aging of men, has a good effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair. This antioxidant strengthens immune system and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.
  2. With regular consumption, the prostate gland will not bother with problems.
  3. After physical activity, as a rule, muscles ache, and there is a soreness. A few cabbage leaves or a little juice will eliminate the soreness. Also, a salad with this vegetable, due to the content of vitamin K, quickly restores strength after physical exercise or work, gives vigor and energy.
  4. Cabbage potassium relieves puffiness, soothes nervous system, improves sleep.
  5. Salads, cabbage juice prevent early ejaculation, which allows you to enjoy sexual intercourse longer.
  6. A large amount of calcium, potassium and magnesium strengthens the bone structure, prevents joint degradation.
  7. For representatives of the stronger sex, cleansing the blood, the body from toxins and toxins is no less important. The more often men include in their diet cabbage salad, soups and borscht with the presence of a culture with soft coarse fibers, the less they will be worried about health problems in general.

Contraindications - who should not eat cabbage

Consumption restrictions mainly relate to fresh produce. It is worthwhile to be careful about cabbage for people suffering from problems of the gastrointestinal tract. You can not include a vegetable in the diet for people with high acidity, upset stomach, colitis, enteritis, gastroduodenitis, etc.

Important: if you have problems with the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, before including fresh cabbage in the diet, you should consult your doctor.

How to grow and choose cabbage

It is important to pay attention to the external indicators of culture. The head of cabbage should be firm and springy, leaves without blackheads and foul spots, tough and crunchy. Late varieties are suitable for long-term storage. Young cabbage is stored for a short time - up to 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.

Someone plants seedlings, while others prefer to start planting from seeds. We will not delve into the professional type of work with growing cabbage. And for lovers of gardeners, it is enough to thoroughly loosen the ground, fertilize a little with peat, organic fertilizers, sand, ash. Plant seeds and periodically get rid of weeds, loosen the soil. Watering should be normal - you cannot keep the soil dry or too wet. As for the seedlings, they also plant them - at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from each other and also monitor the plant.

Cabbage has many pests - aphids, cruciferous fleas, slugs. To shield the plant, yet in early spring you need to sprinkle the leaves with ash a little. Dry mustard and black ground pepper help with slugs.

Early planting and infusion of white mustard, stepchildren of a tomato, which must be placed between the rows, saves from cabbage.

The best varieties of early, mid-season, late and pickled white cabbage are:

  • Rinda;
  • Kazachok;
  • June;
  • Dumas;
  • Tobia;
  • Glory;
  • Atria;
  • Dobrovodskaya;
  • Present;
  • Midor;
  • Krautman;
  • Megaton, etc.

The best recipes with cabbage

A lot of dishes are prepared from this culture. It has an excellent taste, both boiled and stewed, fried, as part of other vegetables, with meat, fish, etc. But for our readers, we will present several recipes that will be useful in all cases.

Ukrainian borscht, traditional

This dish can be prepared with any type of meat, but traditionally it is better to use chicken, pork or beef. As for the last two options, the meat on the bone (0.5-07 kg) should be put on low heat for 2.5 hours. So the broth will receive the necessary substances and a tasty broth.

So, while the meat is boiling, we are preparing the rest of the products. For 6 liters of borscht we need:

  • 5 medium potatoes;
  • 3 medium or 2 large onions;
  • 1-2 sweet peppers;
  • 1 large or 2 medium carrots;
  • 2 medium or 1 large beets;
  • Half a head of white cabbage;
  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste.

Sunflower oil, 50 grams of butter and 100 grams of vegetable oil, dill and parsley, 6-7 cloves of garlic, salt, black pepper to taste, bay leaf.

While the broth is cooking, let's fry. Pour into a large skillet sunflower oil and a slice of butter, fry the onion cut into half rings. Then add short strips of sweet pepper, fry, then grated carrots. After 3 minutes, grated beets on a coarse grater, stir constantly. When ready, add 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, stir thoroughly, fry and pour the broth to the top.

2.5 hours after boiling the meat, add bay leaves (3 pieces) and diced potatoes to the broth, and 15 minutes later the shredded cabbage. Cook for another 15 minutes and pour in the prepared vegetable gravy. Season with salt, pepper, squeeze out the garlic, sprinkle with chopped herbs 5 minutes before turning off. Let the borscht brew for about 1-2 hours and you can enjoy the amazing taste of healthy food. Serve with salted lard and sour cream.

Slimming cabbage

First of all, you should lean on salads with cabbage, but season only with vegetable oil, lemon juice and low fat yogurt without additives. It is also impossible for those who are losing weight to salt the dish, add sugar, season with mayonnaise, sour cream. You can diversify the taste with seasonings such as coriander, cumin, mustard, chili, etc.

The second indispensable cabbage dish for those who want to lose weight is soup, which can be eaten in unlimited quantities. At the same time, the complex of other vegetables and seasonings present in the first course will bring invaluable health benefits and will be fed with vitamins. So, we memorize the recipe for cabbage soup for weight loss:

  • 1 head of cabbage;
  • 2 sweet green peppers;
  • 7 tomato;
  • 2 onions (medium);
  • 1 carrot;
  • medium bunch of greens (celery, dill, parsley).

Wash all vegetables thoroughly, peel, cut into cubes and cook until cooked. Instead of salt, add to the soup - cinnamon, garlic, chili.

Diet scheme - eat soup for a week in unlimited quantities, on the 3rd day of the diet you can pamper yourself with 200 grams of lean white fish or meat (brisket). In the final - 7 day, you need to cleanse with boiled rice, a portion is also at the request of the losing weight.

In addition to soup, during fasting days, you can feast on raw vegetables, fruits, kefir, low-fat yogurt.

Important: even during a diet, you need to drink plenty of water - at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, you can combine it with herbal or green tea.

Slimming recipe with sauerkraut

This scheme provides for 4 days, with its help they lose up to 2 kilograms. But at the same time, the body receives powerful relief, toxins will be cleansed, vigor and energy will be added. And also a fermented product:

  • improves metabolic processes;
  • regulates fat metabolism;
  • only 20 kcal per 100 grams of product;
  • neutralizes the feeling of hunger for a long time;
  • the body spends a lot of energy on processing coarse fibers.

Diet scheme:

  1. Breakfast: kefir or yogurt with orange, tangerine, kiwi or mango slices. If you wish, you can make a cocktail from these ingredients.
  2. Lunch: one thing - soup, salad, stew with rice, buckwheat or sauerkraut cutlets with beans.
  3. Dinner: vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable (preferably olive) oil, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Jellied cabbage pie for a quick hand

And finally, we offer an easy and five-minute recipe for an amazing cake, which, of course, does not apply to a diet. But sometimes you can still pamper yourself with delicious quick baked goods.

We have to:

  • a glass of sour cream (250 gr.);
  • a glass of mayonnaise (250 gr.);
  • salt;
  • baking soda;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 6 tablespoons flour.


  • a quarter of a head of cabbage;
  • boiled eggs (2 pcs.);
  • 1 onion medium size;
  • dill (bunch).

Peel the onion, finely chop into cubes. Fry in a skillet in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add shredded cabbage, season with salt and pepper and cook over medium heat. Boil 2 eggs until steep, chop, mix with cabbage, add finely chopped dill.

Dough: mix 3 raw eggs with a pinch of salt, baking soda (slaked with vinegar), beat the composition with a mixer. Add sour cream and mayonnaise, mix thoroughly, gradually add 6 tablespoons of flour, mix with a mixer until the state of liquid sour cream.

There are a huge variety of recipes for amazing dishes, baked goods using cabbage. In addition to being banally tasty, it is also healthy. Moreover, cabbage can be included in the daily diet without any harm to health.

I advise you to read: Cherries: benefits and harms.

Goodbye to everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

To prepare boiled white cabbage, you must first clear the head of cabbage from the integumentary leaves. Then cut the cabbage (together with the stump) into large slices and cook in boiling salted water (the presence of salt in the water depends on the characteristics of the diet). Cook the cabbage over medium heat until soft. Additionally, you can put 1 bay leaf and 2 peas of black or allspice into the water a few minutes before the cabbage is ready (for some diseases, these spices are excluded).

Remove the finished cabbage from the water, put it in a colander and let the excess liquid drain (it is important to remember that slightly boiled cabbage acts as a laxative, and cabbage that has been boiled for 40-45 minutes, on the contrary, fixes it). After that, cabbage can either be sprinkled with pre-fried bread crumbs (flour), or sour cream sauce, or seasoned with melted butter (depending on the presence or absence of medical prescriptions).


1. Semi-cooked White cabbage used for constipation (1-2 glasses of cabbage are taken together with cabbage broth).

2. With coarse and rough skin, freshly boiled cabbage is recommended to be chopped and mixed with cabbage broth (the water in which cabbage was boiled), then apply a fat cream to the damaged skin and apply the cabbage mixture. Keep the cabbage gruel on the skin until it cools.

3. Boiled white cabbage is a part of dietary meals with the following diseases: chronic constipation; hypoacid gastritis; chronic enterocolitis; enteritis; colitis; atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart and brain; cardiac ischemia; hypertension against the background of atherosclerosis; urolithiasis with oxalate composition of calculi; diabetes; overweight.

4. Avicenna said that cabbage broth helps with alcoholic intoxication and cures dandruff.

5. Boiled cabbage (gruel) with fenugreek is used for external purposes for gout, and cabbage broth is doused with pain in the joints.

6. In case of retrosternal cough with difficult sputum, as well as in chronic bronchitis, it is recommended to mix 1 part of finely chopped cabbage with 5 parts of water and 1/5 of honey. Simmer the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes, then add water to the original volume and drink 1/2 cup warm 3 times a day.

7. With rickets, boil beets, carrots and cabbage together; the resulting broth should be taken 1 tsp - for young children, and for adolescents - 1 tbsp. spoons 4-5 times a day.

8. To prepare a drug for arthritis, boil white cabbage, after which barley flour, coriander, mint and a little salt are added to the resulting broth. The broth is used for lotions.


1. Boiled white cabbage is contraindicated in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, in hyperacid gastritis, in pancreatitis, in acute infectious diseases, gout, flatulence, thyroid diseases.

Interesting fact

1. The ancient Egyptians served boiled cabbage for dessert, as they believed that it improves digestion.

2. About boiled cabbage Dioscorides wrote the following: "If you boil cabbage a little and eat it, then it weakens the stomach, if you boil it in water twice, it will fix it."

3. Due to the high sulfur content of white cabbage, some nutritionists do not recommend combining it with starchy foods such as potatoes or rice.

Given the health benefits of cabbage, people often include it in their diet. They are harvested for the winter in different forms, and also used for preparing first and second courses. Boiled cabbage is a low-calorie food rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help prevent inflammation in the body.

What it is?

Cabbage belongs to the family cruciferous vegetable... There are many varieties of cabbage: white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli. Vegetables are of different colors: white, lilac, green.

Leaves are smooth or wrinkled. It is useful to use all types of cabbage boiled, seasoned with various spices, lean or butter. Although it is a low-calorie food, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. One cup (100 grams) cooked white cabbage contains:

  • Calories - 24.
  • Protein - 1.8 grams.
  • Fat - 0.1 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 3 grams.
  • Fiber - 2 grams (7% DV)
  • Sodium - 930 mg (39%)
  • Vitamin K - (90%)
  • Vitamin C - 30 mg (43%)
  • Potassium - 300 mg (9%)

A small amount contains vitamins: A, E, B1, B2, PP, riboflavin, calcium, magnesium, iron.


Cruciferous vegetable is one of the main dietary foods, suitable for people who want to lose extra pounds of weight. It is more often used fresh and sauerkraut, although the use of boiled cabbage has its positive properties:

  • Product especially rich in vitamin C(ascorbic acid), which has many important functions in the body. First of all, it protects against heart disease and loss of vision, and also inhibits the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, such as Koch's bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus. It has an expectorant effect, relieves the symptoms of bronchitis.
  • Cruciferous vegetable, also rich in many antioxidants that reduce chronic inflammation. Who eats boiled cabbage in vegetable soups and borscht, he is less likely to suffer from respiratory diseases.
  • Boiled cabbage is a healthy food, but it loses some of its nutrients and minerals during cooking. Prepared by heat treatment, it has a beneficial effect on the stomach.
  • Vitamin C in the product protects the body from cellular damage caused by free radicals in chronic and oncological diseases... The risk of developing lung cancer is reduced by 7% if you eat boiled cabbage daily. Purple vegetables contain 30% more antioxidants than green vegetables.
  • A boiled vegetable is appreciated by people who have digestive problems. Cooked in a little water, or even better steamed, the product retains nutrient fibers... Thanks to fiber, the feeling of fullness appears faster, a person eats a smaller portion, which contributes to weight loss.
  • Insoluble fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system by promoting regular bowel movements. What's more, it's rich in soluble fiber, which increases the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut. Cabbage, raw and boiled, enhances intestinal motility, and also removes toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Boiled vegetable contains flavonoids, so called plant pigments. They give this delicious vegetable a vibrant purple color. Plant pigments can prolong a person's life. Scientists have found a link between foods rich in this pigment and a reduced risk of heart disease. People who eat vegetables purple have far fewer heart attacks. Increasing your intake of purple vegetables has also been shown to reduce blood pressure and risk ischemic disease hearts.


There are a number of diseases in which the use of boiled cabbage should be minimized:

  • With gastritis.
  • With gastric ulcer.
  • It is not recommended for use in case of acute infectious diseases.
  • It is recommended to limit use in case of duodenal ulcer and pancreatitis.
  • From overeating a cooked product, bloating occurs.

After reading the helpful and harmful properties boiled cabbage, you can choose the right individual diet.

The product is available all year round. Choose a dense head that is brightly colored and free of brown spots and wilted leaves. Before cooking cabbage rolls, to make the leaves more tender, boil the cabbage for 3 minutes, after removing the tough inner head of cabbage. When cooking purple cabbage, it is recommended to add a little vinegar to the water to preserve the color.

To make a salad with boiled cabbage, you will need:

  • Medium head of cabbage - 1/2 pc.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice - ½ lemon.
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp l;
  • One pinch of crushed cumin seeds.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Remove the outer leaves, and rinse the cabbage head with water.
  2. On a cutting board, using a large knife, cut the head in half.
  3. Carefully remove the tough head of cabbage with a knife.
  4. Chop the vegetable.
  5. Cover with water, bring to a boil and simmer. Boil until tender (10 minutes).
  6. When the vegetable is ready, drain and cool.
  7. Drizzle generously with vinegar, lemon juice and olive oil. Salt if necessary.
  8. Sprinkle with cumin seeds, previously crushed with a rolling pin. Serve salad with meat dishes.


Boiled cabbage - economical product... It is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, calcium and iron. Vegetable good source soluble fiber that lower cholesterol levels. Boiled cabbage is a low-calorie food that deserves the centerpiece of a weight-loss diet. It is a source of vitamin K, the main function of which is blood clotting. Without this vitamin, the blood loses its ability to thicken, which increases the risk of excessive bleeding.

Boiled product improves digestion and protects against inflammation. Boiled cabbage is especially recommended for use in atherosclerosis, urolithiasis, gout, and cancerous tumors.

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