
Famous Ukrainians: true and imaginary. Outstanding physicists of Ukraine Ukrainian scientists known throughout the world

Today is World Science Day. And there is something to celebrate, at least in Ukraine. In particular, every year Ukrainian scientists create about 15 thousand inventions! For the holiday, the editors of Channel 24 want to tell you about nine scientists whose inventions have turned the world upside down.

Joseph Timchenko

Joseph Timchenko

Who are the parents of the cinema? Lumiere brothers? Yes and no. Indeed, 2 years before their discovery, Ukrainian mechanic Iosif Timchenko and physicist Nikolai Lyubimov developed the "snail" jump mechanism. Namely, its principle of operation was the basis for the creation of a picture tube! Therefore, Timchenko is the real father of cinematography.

In 1893, in Ukraine (namely in Odessa), two films were shown, shot with the first kinescope. Timchenko was ahead of Lumiere! What is the matter then? Its device was not patented ... By the way, Timchenko's kinescope is still kept in the storerooms of the Polytechnic Museum (in Moscow).

However, these are not all the achievements of the scientist! He is the author of automatic, meteorological, physical and astronomical instruments. For them, he repeatedly received the highest awards at world exhibitions. Took part in the creation of the first model of the automatic telephone exchange of Freudenberg.

Igor Sikorsky

Igor Sikorsky - the creator of the helicopter

The project of the miracle machine, which flies and is now known as a helicopter, was developed by the Ukrainian Igor Sikorsky.

A Kiev aircraft designer who emigrated to the United States patented his invention in 1931. And at 39, tests of the helicopter began. For a year, Sikorsky lifted the car into free flight. The first order was for the US Army. And then Sikorsky became the owner of a powerful concern. In total, Sikorsky Aircraft has produced 17 base aircraft and 18 helicopters.

Sergey Korolev

Sergei Korolev is the man who "launched" Gagarin into space

Ukraine is a space power, in this area we are still not lagging behind. And it all started, probably, with Sergei Korolyov, who is considered almost the founder of cosmonautics! It was under his leadership that the first intercontinental ballistic missile, the first artificial Earth satellite, the first manned flight into space and manned spacewalk were launched.

It all started with the fact that he and Friedrich Zander created a public organization for the study of jet propulsion. Later, it developed into a research and development laboratory for the development of rocket flying vehicles.

Petr Bobonich

Petr Bobonich

The life of people with diabetes is difficult and no one will argue with it. But a scientist from Transcarpathia Petr Bobonich found a way to make their life much easier!

He invented the blood glucose meter (a device for measuring blood sugar) in the form of a wristwatch. With this device diabetics can check their blood sugar levels at any time. You do not need to donate blood for this. Also, his glucometer can be used to deliver insulin using an insulin pump, which is programmed through the blood glucose meter. Bobonich developed and patented attachments for mobile devices for measuring blood glucose concentration in diabetic patients.

He is also the author of an optical tomograph for diagnosing breast disease in women. This device could make it possible to diagnose diseases without the use of X-rays, which is harmful to humans.

Eugene and Boris Paton

It turns out that you can cook not only metal

Father and son, whose inventions are used by the whole world! Evgeny Paton is the inventor of various methods of electric welding. His methods are still used today.

The son followed in his father's footsteps and also studied electric welding. But he went much further! His idea is to weld living tissue! Under the leadership of Boris Paton, scientists conducted experiments that proved the possibility of obtaining a welded joint of various soft tissues of animals by the method of bipolar coagulation. Later, experiments began on welding tissues of remote human organs. This is an incredibly important discovery for medicine!

Nikolay Amosov

Amosov is a man with a big heart

Another genius of medicine is the legendary man Nikolai Amosov. This outstanding surgeon was the first to perform mitral valve replacement. He was also the first in the world to introduce prosthetics of heart valves with antithrombotic properties.

Also Amosov is known as the developer of his own health promotion system. His book "Thoughts on Health" has been published in a huge circulation - 7 million copies!

Anatoly Malykhin

Who among us in childhood was not afraid to donate blood for analysis?

Blood test without blood? No, this is not fantasy. It . It was he who figured out how to find out the state of the blood without damaging the patient's skin.

5 sensors are attached to a person (2 on the neck near the carotid artery, 2 under the armpits and the last one on the stomach). So they can determine 131 indicators of a patient's health! The development of the Ukrainian lasted 25 years. Data accuracy up to 98%, which is not inferior to the traditional method. However, the advantages of Bioluch are overshadowed by the price. You will have to pay 20 thousand dollars for a wonderful device.

And while Ukrainians are tortured with ordinary blood tests in queues and on an empty stomach, the Ukrainian invention is actively used in China, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Egypt and Mexico.

Viacheslav Petrov

Do you remember such a thing as a CD?

Today the CD is a rarity. But there was a time when all the information was stored on these shiny circles. Films, music, photo.

However, did you know that the first version of the CD was developed by the Ukrainian cyberneticist Vyacheslav Petrov? And it happened back in the 1960s! True, then the disk was created for a supercomputer. And its development was of a purely scientific nature.

Marina Vyazovskaya

Marina Vyazovskaya

And quite recently the world was shocked by a young Ukrainian scientist Marina Vyazovskaya. She solved one of the most difficult mathematical problems of the present, over which scientists have been struggling for several centuries.

Its achievement is of great importance for error correction in mobile phones, the Internet and space exploration. She now lives in Germany. After all, realizing as a scientist in the homeland, unfortunately, is much more difficult.

The editors of the 24th channel congratulate all those involved in the Day of Science. We sincerely hope that soon the work of scientists will be appreciated!

Today is World Science Day. The holiday, which in Ukraine has long become an occasion to reflect on a number of problems. Indeed, due to the lack of funds for equipment and reagents, it is almost impossible to conduct a full-fledged research, and talented young people leave Ukraine in search of better conditions for work.

Moreover, even with the current situation Ukrainians win prestigious scientific competitions, and their works are referenced by Nobel laureates in their research.

the site offers to get acquainted with modern scientists who have made a breakthrough in knowledge about our planet.

1. Yuri Izotov: Secrets of galaxies and amazing discoveries

Yuriy Izotov, an employee of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, together with his American colleague Trin Tuan discovered the youngest galaxy in the Universe, which became a sensation in the scientific world.

As it turned out, the dwarf galaxy I Zwicky 18 is only 500 million years old, which means that it originated almost simultaneously with the appearance of life on earth.

The scientist headed an international research group that acquired new knowledge about our Universe and marked a breakthrough in the knowledge system. Previously, scientists did not understand why in the early stages of development, after passing through the plasma stage and already cooling down, the Universe returned to the plasma state. A scientific group led by Izotov found the answer: it turned out that the phenomenon resulted in intense hard ultraviolet radiation from massive stars.

2,3. Valery Gusinin and Sergey Sharapov: Two steps away from the Nobel Prize

The name of the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Theoretical Physics named after Bogolyubov National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Sergey Sharapov last time thundered all over Facebook after the presentation of the current Nobel Prize in physics. As it turned out, one of the laureates, Dungan Haldane, referred to Sharapov's research in one of his works.

As it turned out, the developments of the Ukrainian scientist became the basis for a number of well-known works of Western scientists, in particular, Vitaly Ginzburg and Klaus von Klitzing.

Moreover, Sharapov himself, together with his colleague Valery Gusinin, were half a step away from the Nobel Prize. Scientists worked on the discovery of graphene at the same time as British scientists Andrey Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, who eventually received the award.

For understanding, graphene is a modification of carbon, with the help of which it is possible to create transistors of a new type and supersensitive sensors that allow even individual molecules of a substance to be recorded.

4. Marina Vyazovskaya: Solved a problem that has been fought for centuries

The woman from Kiev, who now lives in Berlin, managed to solve the problem of combinatorial geometry, which her colleagues have been tinkering with for several centuries. Vyazovskaya figured out how to nest balls in 8 - and 24-dimensional space. In practice, the work of the Ukrainian scientist will help, in particular, improve signal transmission in space.

To deal with the problem of balls Vyazovskaya was inspired by the Kiev mathematician Andrey Bondarenko, noting that a girl has all the qualities to cope with an extremely difficult task. But Marina was able to start work only when she moved to Germany.

5. Marina Rodnina: Ukrainian pride of Germany

Now the Ukrainian, a native of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, heads the Max Planck Institute in Götingen. Rodnina's achievements were highly appreciated - and not only emotionally. So, for research on the functions of ribosomes, the scientist received the Leibniz Prize in the amount of 2.5 million euros.

Money is allocated for the development of research and further ideas.

Although Rodnina began her career in Kiev, she moved to Germany in 1990.

7.Oleg Angelsky: Galileo's successor

Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences from Chernivtsi Oleg Angelsky became the first Ukrainian scientist to be awarded the Galileo Galilei International Prize for achievements in the field of optics, and physics was also included in the EOS (World Optical Society).

Angelsky - has written over 300 articles for international journals, and also authored or co-authored six monographs published in the United States.

The scientist conducts research in holography, statistical and correlation optics, optical diagnostics of rough surfaces.

It is interesting that, despite the lack of funds, the soil is now being created for the emergence of a new generation of scientists. In recent years, the interest of the general public in science has been growing rapidly - in particular, Science Days are held for the holiday, where everyone who is not indifferent is invited. Another successful project is Scientific Picnics, where even very young Ukrainians are taught an interest in the world around them.

7.Alexander Rubanov: A sniper can't miss

Scientists direct their efforts not only to the development of theory. Rubanov's development in the field of military IT has a practical character, although it is based on fruitful work.

As Focus points out. ua, a Ukrainian mathematician and researcher, has devoted eight years to studying the processes of the human brain. He embodied his knowledge in a helmet for snipers, which helps to avoid mistakes and save the life of a fighter. True, it was not Ukraine that became the basis for the experiments: the innovative gadget was born after a series of studies conducted at the University of Michigan.

The helmet has a built-in algorithm for correct actions, created on the basis of analysis of the brain activity of snipers who fired successful shots. The system integrates with the human brain, which puts it on and compares the processes in the host's brain with the existing algorithm. Subsequently, it signals the correctness of actions, or that the process of preparing for a shot must be started anew.

The development of the Ukrainian is already used by the Arab and Chilean military. In the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, the helmet is not yet in demand.

Undoubtedly, Ukraine is a land rich in talents. Many great artists, composers, actors, athletes, politicians, scientists known around the world were born in Ukraine or they have Ukrainian roots.

1. Stephen "Woz" Wozniak

American computer developer and programmer of Ukrainian origin. He is a co-founder of Apple Computer. Some speculate that Jobs and Woz were a couple of young guys trying to make some money. They may be right, but their success exceeded the wildest expectations!

2. Max Levchin

Co-founder of PayPal. Computer scientist and entrepreneur originally from Ukraine. In 1991 he moved to the United States with his family in search of political asylum and settled in Chicago, Illinois. PayPal Inc. entered the open market in February 2002 and was subsequently acquired by eBay. In 2004, Levchin launched Slide, a media sharing service for social networking sites MySpace and Facebook. In August 2010, Google acquired Slide for $ 182 million.

3. Ivan Poddubny

The famous Ukrainian wrestler was born into a family of Zaporozhye Cossacks in a village near Poltava. Poddubny worked for 7 years as a port loader in Sevastopol and Feodosia, and in 1898 he began performing in circus arenas.

4. The Klitschko brothers

Vitali Klitschko, the current WBC heavyweight boxing champion, has the highest percentage (95%) of knockout victories. His younger brother Wladimir Klitschko holds the IBF, WBO, IBO and Ring Magazine heavyweight boxing titles.

5. Vasily Virastyuk

In 2003, he took third place in the competition "The strongest man in the world", and in 2004 he won the title of the strongest.

6.Andrey Shevchenko

A footballer playing for Dynamo Kiev and the national team as a scorer. He is ranked third in the list of top scorers (63 goals) in the history of European competition after Filippo Inzaghi and Raul. Andriy's most prestigious awards are the 2004 Golden Ball (besides him, the Ukrainians Oleg Blokhin and Igor Belanov were awarded this prize) and the victory in the UEFA Champions League (2003) with Milan.

7.Sergey Bubka

The renowned pole vaulter Bubka won six IAAF World Championships, won Olympic gold and set world records 35 times. He is the first to jump over 6 meters and the only one to jump over 6.10 meters.

8. Lilia Podkopaeva

The gymnast who became the absolute champion of the Olympic Games in 1996, the world champion in artistic gymnastics in 1995 and the absolute champion of Europe in 1996. She is considered one of the best gymnasts in history.

9. Anna Bessonova

In 2007, Bessonova became the absolute world champion in rhythmic gymnastics in the city of Patras. In 2004 she won the bronze medal at the Athens Olympics, and in 2004 - at the Beijing Olympics. To date, her collection contains 24 medals of the world championships, 2 Olympic medals, 24 medals of the European championships and 10 medals of the World Cup.

10. Yana Klochkova

Ukrainian swimmer who won five Olympic medals, including four gold medals (in the 200 m and 400 m complex swimming at the 2000 and 2007 Summer Olympics). In 2004, Yana was named the best swimmer in the world.

11. Anna Ushenina

Since December 2012 she is the 14th world chess champion. In 2012, at the Women's World Championship, she won the chess crown, beating Antoanetta Stefanova in the final. In addition, in 2013, the Ukrainian national team won gold for the first time in history at the FIDE World Team Championship among women (Ekaterina Lagno, Anna Ushenina, Maria Muzychuk, Natalia Zhukova and Inna Yanovskaya-Gaponenko).

12. Oksana Baiul

Ukrainian professional figure skater. Olympic champion 1994 in women's singles and 1993 world champion.

13. Terrence Gordon Savchuk

Canadian hockey goalkeeper of Ukrainian origin. Savchuk became the goalkeeper's standard of excellence and was named “the best goalkeeper of all time”. Savchuk ended his career with 447 victories. His record for the most clean sheets (103) lasted 39 years and was broken only in 2009.

14. Dmitry Khristich

Professional hockey player. During his career, he played 811 NHL games - for the Washington Capitals, Los Angeles Kings, Boston Bruins and Toronto Maple Leafs. Now Khristich is the head of the Supervisory Board of the Professional League of Ukraine.

15. Eugene Melnik

Canadian businessman of Ukrainian origin, owner of the professional hockey club Ottawa Senators, playing in the NHL. Former manager of the pharmaceutical company Biovail Corporation and former owner of the Trimel Corporation.

16. Evgeny Gudz

The vocalist of the group "Gogol Bardello" was born in Ukraine. His film debut was the film "And Everything Was Lit" (2005).

She won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2004 with the song "Wild Dances": the singer received points from 34 (out of 35) participating countries.

18. Ani Lorak

Having received the most prestigious and honorary title of People's Artist of Ukraine and the most beautiful woman Eastern Europe, Lorak represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2008 and took second place with the song "Shady Lady".

19. Oleg Skrypka

Ukrainian musician, vocalist, composer, leader of the Vopli Vidoplyasova group, artistic director of the Kraina Mriy ethnofestival.

20. Solomiya Krushelnitskaya

One of the most talented Ukrainian opera singers (soprano).

21. Quitka Tsisik

American opera singer (soprano) of Ukrainian origin. Has made a successful career in 4 different musical genres: popular music, classical opera, Ukrainian folk music and advertising jingles for TV and radio.

22. Herbert "Herp" Alpert

American musician, founder and co-owner of A&M Records (a label co-founded with Jerry Moss, which later became the property of Polygram).

23. Vladimir Horowitz

American virtuoso pianist and composer. Horowitz is best known for his performances of the romantic repertoire.

24. Nikolay Kolessa

Outstanding Ukrainian composer and conductor. Among his works: two symphonies (1949 and 1966), symphonic variations (1931), "Ukrainian suite" (1928), suite "In the mountains" for string orchestra (1972), a number of chamber works and music for drama theater and several song cycles.

25. Maria Zankovetskaya

Actress, singer and theatrical figure. Zankovetskaya's repertoire includes more than 30 dramatic and heroic roles, which she played with innate penetration and talent.

26. Ekaterina Belokur

Ukrainian folk artist. At the beginning of the journey, she had many trials. Her paintings became famous in the late 1930s-1940s. - in them Catherine captured the beauty and wealth of nature. She was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

27. Ksenia Simonova

Sand animation artist. In 2009 she won the television show "Ukraine Got Talent". The video of her performance received 15 million views on YouTube.

28. Serge Lifar

French ballet dancer and choreographer of Ukrainian origin. In 1921 he left Kiev and made his debut in Diaghilev's Russian Ballet and quickly became its lead soloist. He starred in ballets by George Balanchine, headed the Paris Opera and created his first ballet.

29. Bogdan Stupka

The most famous Ukrainian actor. He has played over 100 roles in films and over 50 in the theater.

30. Nick Adams

American film and television actor of Ukrainian origin. Fame was brought to him by supporting roles in Hollywood films of the 50-60s. and the lead role in the television series Rebel (1959).

31. Chuck Palahniuk

Ukrainian-American novelist, author of the award-winning book Fight Club, based on which the film of the same name was filmed.

32. Taras Shevchenko

The greatest Ukrainian sings.

33. Mikhail Bulgakov

Soviet writer and playwright. The period of active creativity fell on the first half of the 20th century. Bulgakov's most famous novel The Master and Margarita is recognized by The Times as one of the masterpieces of the 20th century.

Ukrainians gave the world many useful discoveries

For the Independence Day of Ukraine, NV has prepared a selection of the best inventions that glorified Ukrainian scientists not only in their homeland, but throughout the world


The inventor of the helicopter is the Kiev aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky who emigrated to the United States. In 1931, he patented a design for a machine with two propellers - horizontal on the roof and vertical on the tail. The structure was a steel tube with an open cockpit for the pilot, a Franklin engine and a belt drive. The first VS-300 helicopter took to the skies in 1939.

Its power was 75 horsepower. Later, on the basis of the VS-300, the world's first amphibious helicopter on a float landing gear was created, which could take off from the water and land on land. After the improvement of the helicopter developed by Sikorsky, the serial production of these aircraft began.

The first helicopter took to the skies in 1939. Photo: aviastar.org

Electric tram

In the early 1870s, a Poltava resident Fyodor Pirotsky developed a technology for transmitting electricity through an iron wire, fixed by telegraph insulators on wooden poles, and two AC machines. In 1880, Pirotsky presented a project for the use of electrics "for the movement of railway trains with the supply of current."

To implement the project, the inventor converted a two-level horse-drawn carriage to electric traction. railroad weighing 6.5 tons, built a power plant and redesigned part of the tracks. A year later, the first tram, produced by Siemens according to the scheme of a Ukrainian, set off in Berlin. Its speed was about 10 km / h.

Pirotsky presented his project in 1880.Photo: Siemens

EnableTalk Glove for People with disabilities

The “speaking” glove is designed to translate sign language into words. The project of a device for people with hearing and speech disabilities was developed by Ukrainian students of the STEP computer academy from the QuadSquad team. The device looks like two gloves equipped with sensors that track hand position and transmit data to a mobile device.

Next, a special program converts the gestures into words and sentences. EnableTalk won the Imagine Cup 2012 international student technology competition in Sydney, and Time magazine included it in the list of the best inventions of 2012.

This glove is one of the newest Ukrainian inventions. Photo: enabletalk.com

Kerosene lamp

The lamp based on the combustion of kerosene was created by Lviv pharmacists Ignatiy Lukasiewicz and Jan Zech, as well as by tinsmiths master Adam Bratkovsky in 1853 in the pharmacy Under the Golden Star. The prototype of a kerosene lamp consisted of a cylindrical mica shell in which a wick was placed, and a metal reservoir separated from the combustion chamber. There was also a carrying handle.

Simultaneously with the lamp, a new method of producing kerosene by distilling and refining oil was invented. On July 31 of the same year, the lamp was first used by doctors from the Lviv hospital during an operation. However, Bratkovsky did not patent his creation, and soon entrepreneurs from Europe, America and Russia launched the mass production of kerosene lamps.

At the entrance to the Gasova Lampa restaurant in Lviv. Photo: about.lviv.ua

Bloodless blood test

Kharkiv scientist Anatoly Malykhin figured out how to make a blood test bloodless. He created a device, five sensors of which are attached to certain parts of the human body, after which 131 health indicators are displayed on the computer screen. In 2008, a Ukrainian private company took up the production of the device. Also in Hungary, a plant was built for its mass production, since the device is actively used by doctors in China, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Egypt and Mexico.

The device can detect 131 health indicators. Photo: biopromin.info


In 1932, a unique letter marking system was created in Kharkov. Initially, it used numbers from 1 to 10, and later the format changed to number-letter-number. The first number in the code meant the city, the letter in the middle meant the country, the second number meant the district. With the outbreak of World War II, this indexing system was abolished, but later continued to be used in many countries of the world.

Rocket engine

A native of Zhitomir, Sergei Korolev is the designer of Soviet rocket and space technology and the founder of cosmonautics. In 1931, already known as a capable aircraft designer, Korolev, together with his colleague Friedrich Zander, achieved the creation of a public organization for the study of jet propulsion, which later became the state scientific and design laboratory for the development of rocket flying vehicles.

It was in it that the first long-range liquid-propellant cruise and ballistic missiles, aviation missiles for firing at air and ground targets and anti-aircraft solid-propellant missiles were created. In 1936, the first tests of cruise missiles took place - an anti-aircraft missile with a powder rocket engine and a long-range one with a liquid propellant rocket engine. In 1957, Korolev launched the first ever artificial Earth satellite into near-earth orbit. And in 1961 he realized the world's first manned flight into space with Yuri Gagarin on board the Vostok-1 spacecraft.

Few know that the Ukrainians made missile flights possible. Photo: NASA

Antibiotic Batumin

Scientists from the Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine have created a new antibiotic with high activity against staphylococcal and hospital infections. In their own way chemical composition this drug has no analogues. Batumin is selectively active against all studied types of staphylococci. The study continued for 30 years and after the successful completion of the development of the drug were sold to Belgium.

Batumin has no analogues. Photo: EPA / UPG

Flexible supercapacitor

Specialists from the Lviv Polytechnic National Institute have come up with a flexible fabric supercapacitor that runs on a solar battery and can even charge a mobile phone. The device is a compact energy saving system that bends and attaches to any surface. This Ukrainian invention was included in the top 100 best research and development in the world in 2011 according to the influential American R&D Magazine. The project was funded by China. Production licenses have already been purchased in the US, EU and Japan.

The project was funded by China. Photo: portal.lviv.ua

Liquid jet scalpel

Aerospace Institute and National Aviation University scientists create a liquid jet scalpel that doesn't damage vascular system when conducting operations on internal human oraganes. High pressure during the operation of the device allows you to remove non-muscle tissue with minimal blood loss. The scalpel has no analogues in the West and is a reusable instrument.

The instrument does not damage the vascular system during operations. Photo: EPA / UPG

Seagull - the first submarine

Deckless flat-bottomed boat of the Zaporozhye Cossacks Chaika was created in the XVI-XVII centuries. It looked like a large hollowed-out log sheathed with boards, 18 meters long, 3.6 meters wide, with sides 1.6 meters high. Outside the sides, a reed belt was attached, which made it possible to sink the boat and keep it afloat in this state.

One of the features of the Seagull were two rudders. Their placement in front and behind made it possible to sharply change course. The boat was equipped with 15 pairs of oars. The speed of the Ukrainian submarine was about 15 km / h, which allowed the Cossacks to easily get away from the Turkish galleys.

In our time, enthusiasts are engaged in the revival of the legendary boat. Photo: life.zp.ua

Blood glucose meter for diabetics

A scientist from Transcarpathia, Petr Bobonich, invented a blood glucose meter in the form of a wristwatch. With its help, people suffering from diabetes mellitus can find out the level of sugar in their blood at any time. This does not require a blood test at a medical facility.

The infrared beam of the device passes through your finger, ear or nostril. The inventor hopes to improve the device in the future to such an extent that it automatically supplies the patient with a dose of insulin.

The photo shows a design concept of a foreign analogue. Photo: designbuzz.com

Environmentally friendly fuel

Slavutich engineer Vladimir Melnikov has designed a machine that converts wood waste into fuel briquettes. The ultra-high pressure oven heats the sawdust up to 300 degrees, resulting in the formation of vegetable glue. Next, a press works, which compresses the mass with a force of 200 tons per square centimeter. The output is a fuel briquette, similar in quality to anthracite. The inventor posted a description of the production of ecological fuel on the Web and within a few hours received offers from buyers from Germany, Lithuania and Poland.

Environmentally friendly fuel was invented in Slavutych.

Desalination of sea water

The technology of seawater desalination for drinking was developed by Leonard Smirnov, a professor at the Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration. The seawater frozen in a special way turns into crystals, from the surface of which salts, harmful substances, as well as heavy hydrogen isotopes can be removed, which negatively affect the genes and the human nervous system. The development was interested in the USA, Israel and Italy.

The USA became interested in the development. Photo: EPA / UPG

Prophylactic Evminov

Vyacheslav Evminov was prompted by his own serious injury to create the simulator and the now well-known method of prevention and treatment of diseases of the spine. Having tried all known methods of treatment, Evminov began to develop exercises for the muscles surrounding the spine himself.

Realizing that the usual exercise stress does not fit, he came to the conclusion that it was necessary to unload the spine and used an inclined plane for training. In the course of experiments with dosing loads and performing exercises at different angles with different amplitudes, which activated metabolic processes and strengthened the muscles of the spine, a simulator was invented, called the Evminova Preventor.

Evminov began to develop muscle exercises himself. Photo: censor.net.ua

Hurricane Control Device

A unique structure to protect the coast from hurricanes was developed by Viktor Bernatsky, associate professor of the Physics and Technology Faculty of Rivne State University. The device captures strong wind currents and reduces its force by counteracting the oncoming air flow. On the ocean coast, for effective operation, it is necessary to place about 300 such devices in a staggered manner. For his invention, the Ukrainian received an award from the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber.

The fastest car in the world

The fastest Soviet car, the project of which was developed by a Kharkov resident Vladimir Nikitin in 1966, was equipped with a 400-horsepower GTD-350 helicopter gas turbine engine. The design speed of the car was 400 km / h, but it was not reached due to the lack of a suitable track. However, during the race on the Chuguev highway, HADI-7, starting from a spot, was able to reach a speed of 320 km / h at a distance of 1 km. During 1966-1967, this racing car set four all-Union records.

The design speed of the car was 400 km / h. Photo: lsa.net.ua


Iosif Timchenko is the man who, two years before the discovery of the Lumiere brothers, together with physicist Nikolai Lyubimov, developed the "snail" jump mechanism. It was this mechanism that was used to improve the stroboscope - a device that produces rapidly repeating pulses of light. The principle of operation of the hopping mechanism was the basis for the creation of a kinescope. In 1893, two films shot with the first kinescope were shown in Odessa. Timchenko was ahead of Western inventors of cinema, but his apparatus was not patented.

Timchenko was ahead of the western inventors of cinema. Photo: wikimedia.org

Coal harvester

In 1932, a Ukrainian, a native of the present Luhansk region, Aleksey Bakhmutsky developed the design and built a prototype of the world's first coal harvester. In the same year, the combine was tested in operation at the mine. This machine could simultaneously perform notching, chipping and loading of coal in the mine face.

After some improvement, in 1939 the Gorlovsky plant named after. Kirov began mass production of coal harvesters, which successfully worked in the mines of Donbass until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War... Subsequently, on the basis of the developments of Bakhmutsky, many types of Soviet combines were created.

Monument to the roadheader in Donetsk. Photo by Andrey Butko / Wikipedia

Welding of living tissue

The idea of \u200b\u200bwelding living tissue appeared among the scientists of the Institute of Electric Welding named after Evgeny Patona. Back in 1993, under the leadership of Boris Paton, the son of the inventor of various methods of electric welding, together with surgeons from the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery and the Okhmatdet hospital, experiments were carried out that proved the possibility of obtaining a welded joint of various soft tissues of animals by the method of bipolar coagulation.

Later, experiments began on welding tissues of remote human organs. The peculiarity of the method is that during operations such methods of modeling an electric current are used, which allow maintaining the viability of tissues, do not leave burns, and the operation is almost bloodless. Since 2002, soft tissue welding has been successfully applied in practice.

During operations, such techniques are used to simulate electric current. Photo: stc-paton.com


According to one version, it is believed that the inventor of the X-ray was the German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen, but in fact this is not entirely true. The Ukrainian Ivan Pulyui, 14 years before the German, designed a tube, which later became the prototype of modern X-ray machines. A month and a half after Roentgen gave a lecture on X-rays in 1896, Pulyui published his work devoted to the study of the same topic.

He analyzed the nature and mechanisms of the appearance of rays much deeper than Roentgen, and also demonstrated their essence by examples. In addition, the pictures of Pulyuy, taken with the help of a vacuum tube designed by him in 1880, were of better quality. It was Ivan Pulyui who was the first in the world to take an X-ray photograph of a human skeleton.

Modern world hard to imagine without X-rays. Photos from open sources


Against the background of reports about the invention of the CD by the corporations Sony, Philips and the American James Russell, few people know that the prototype of the CD in the late 1960s was invented by a graduate student of the Kiev Institute of Cybernetics Vyacheslav Petrov. Then the development was scientific in nature and had nothing to do with music. The optical disc was created for a supercomputer.

The removable disk of the world's first storage device had a capacity of 2500 MB. Petrov is also the chief designer of a small-sized storage device with immersion recording on optical cylinders EC5153 for use in personal computers.

Eco car running on air

A resident of Kharkov, 48-year-old Oleg Zbarsky, created a car that runs on compressed air. Such a pneumatic machine, although it travels at a speed of 40 km / h, does not produce harmful emissions. To implement his idea, the Kharkovite developed a special camshaft for an internal combustion engine.

Instead of a carburetor, a ball valve is used through which compressed air is supplied from the cylinders to the engine. And although the eco-car has a drawback in the form of bulky cylinders, with appropriate refinement, the technology can be widely used.

Let's start with the fact that physics is one of the most important sciences in the world, etc., etc. No start. All articles on the fundamental sciences and their outstanding creators (in this case, physicists) begin approximately the same way. Boring somehow. Meet the unique and brilliant physicists of Ukraine!

Lev Landau is the author of the classic course of theoretical physics (together with a friend Evgeny Lifshchits). He was awarded the Lenin Prize, three times - the USSR State Prize, and, finally, the Nobel Prize.

Lev graduated from school at the age of 13. For the institute, this age is catastrophically small, so Landau studied for 1 year at the Baku Technical School. He said that he did not remember himself so that he could not integrate and differentiate. Here I remembered a case when a not yet outstanding, but already charismatic physicist swore not to communicate with girls in the humanities, because they cannot take the integral. Landau is not on them ...

Quite frankly, all physicists have a somewhat dismissive attitude towards other disciplines. And at the beginning of his scientific career, Lev Landau loved chemistry, but physics prevailed. At the age of 19, he became a graduate student at the Leningrad Physics and Technology Institute.

Leo was a narcissist and rude critic, but he had and gave deep knowledge. All his life Landau considered himself a student of Niels Bohr, personally communicated with him and discussed topical problems of theoretical physics ... At the age of 24, Lev Davidovich wanted to create a complete course in theoretical physics, and years of painstaking work were not in vain: he accomplished his plan. His books and articles cover everything from hydrodynamics to quantum field theory.

It is well known that everyone is interested in juicy details from the life of prominent people. There are many legends surrounding Landau's personality. It is believed that he was a supporter of marriage without responsibilities and jealousy: he and his wife Cora (Concordia) had the right to have a relationship with someone on the side. “The main duty of a person is to be happy” (Lev Landau). So be it. Everyone has their own happiness.

In the 30s of the 20th century, the country suffered from the onset of arrests (another manifestation of the senselessness of Stalin's policy). In 1938 Landau was arrested, but thanks to the support of Pyotr Kapitsa and Niels Bohr, Lev Davidovich returned to scientific activity. An outstanding scientist died on April 1, 1968

Yuri Kondratyuk is a mysterious person, even his fictitious, real name is Ignat Benediktovich Shargei. At the age of 13 he became an orphan. In 1916 Ignat Shargiy was forcibly mobilized into the ranks of the White Army, twice he fled from the front, after the second escape he lost all his documents. It is not so easy to live without a name and a tribe, so in 1921 the former Ignat Shargei received documents in the name of Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk.

At first, the future scientist was engaged in technical specialties: he lubricated and coupled cars, worked as a mechanic, built and improved elevators. Now Yuri Kondratyuk is the author of the famous Mastodont elevator, built without a single nail. This invention then became the reason for the arrest of the scientist, because it allegedly harmed production (the authorities judged that the structure could not withstand the load). Yuri Kondratyuk was lucky, and three years in the camps were replaced by work in the Novosibirsk design bureau, associated with miners. Later he took part in the design of wind farms. His life and the horror of World War II did not pass, during which, most likely, he died (there is no exact data).

One of the most fundamental works of Shargiya-Kondratyuk in cosmonautics is “On interplanetary travel”. His invention - a way to reach the surface of space bodies - was used in the development of the American lunar module in the Apollo project. Kondratyuk's work was not recognized at home, and grateful Americans erected a monument in his honor at the Cape Canaveral cosmodrome. There is also a Kondratyuk trail and crater on the Moon. This is how Ukrainians are gradually exploring outer space.

Mikhail Ulyanovich Bely - a graduate of the KNU. Taras Shevchenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Dean ... The list of honorary titles and awards is long. He headed the Department of Optics, Experimental Physics, Solid State Optics.

The scientist began new methods of studying luminescence, proved the existence of a new type of chemical bond between central mercury-like ions and halogen ions, and investigated the processes of nonlinear interaction of intense laser radiation with activated media. Under the leadership of Bely, they carried out priority research in the field of metal optics. Special attention was paid to the study of the optical properties of metals in the amorphous state and the processes of second harmonic generation in the surface layer of metals.

MU Bely is a co-author of microwave resonance therapy. This method is used to treat infantile cerebral palsy, stomach ulcers, etc. Also, the scientist investigated the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the state of the body, the results of his experiments are used to treat and diagnose a large number of diseases. This is one of the proofs that physicists work not only for the benefit of machines, but also for the benefit of people.

And yet physicists are amazing people ... It would seem that physics , like mathematics, is a "dry" science, even stale. But these people firmly believe that physics is life and creativity.

The stereotype of our thinking is limited by the fact that a typical physicist is a person of average height with long hair and large glasses, a little distant from the outside world ... Have you seen physicists? These eccentrics and eccentrics with green and blue hair, charisma and an inexhaustible stream of talent and enthusiasm dethrone all standard ideas. Physicists are sincere, open-minded, sociable. Their ambitions are inspiring, their actions are amazing. Almost none of them regrets that they have chosen this particular path, the path of studying the mechanisms of nature. Some of them think globally, worry about the energy independence of countries, and most want to connect the future with physics. Perhaps there is no turning back.

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