
Circular face skin suspension. How do a circular face tightening. What anesthesia is used in facelifting

The factors that lead to the loss of skin of the tone, quite a few, and the face lift often becomes the only way to partially return the youth. Of course, it is possible to apply cosmetic drugs for this or passing simple procedures, but not always they are so effective as the plastic surgery. A considerable role in favor of suspenders is played and the duration of the effect - the skin will look smooth and healthy for several years.

The methods of "plastics" have a lot, so you can choose the most safe, which will save from aging, refreshing the face, will return to him a healthy beautiful shade, adjusts the lines, even relieve from some defects (scars, pigment spots). Let's try to understand the features of the operations and their species - this will help to decide on a visit to the surgeon, which will do everything you need to return youth.

What is a face lift?

Many ladies begin to panic when, with another visit to the cosmetologist, they are recommended to make a face suspender and categorically refuse to go frightening perspective "under the knife." In fact, nothing terrible here is not - the surgeon will simply remove the extra fat fabrics, too stretched skin and tighten the muscles, and it is not necessary to make the excision of tissues - there are wonderful ways of rejuvenation without injury.

What is the name of the face lift? Cosmetologists solemnly master its facelifting, regardless of how the procedure is carried out. Only after a thorough inspection, the specialist will determine which skin suspender will be the most effective.

Types of surgical lifting

The person's operating suspension can be carried out in several methods, depending on the location of defects, the patient's health, skin features. No matter what kinds of facial suspenders are applied, they are held in one scheme.

The circular lift of the facial oval is pre-discussed with a specialist, and only in the absence of contraindications, the date of the procedure is assigned. It should not be forgotten that such manipulations are quite dangerous, so you do not need to be careful about prohibitions.

Holding the face of men in men only recently has gained considerable popularity - representatives of the strong floor also want to look like young and well-groomed. Preparation for facial operation for men in order to suspend skin cover is practically no different from the requirements provided for women.

The procedure with the use of the endoscope is one of the newest techniques for the skin suspender and neck. It is almost safe, because the cuts are made very small, and they will not need to put the seams.

What is the essence of the procedure? The surgeon makes tiny excision, introduces a special endoscope in the epidermis tissue and tools that remove the extra tissues of the ram (fat cells, and drax-wire). The duration of the operation is not more than 3 hours, but it usually passes much faster.

Such an operation on a facelift is applied only if there are deep folds in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows or forehead. The effect of the procedure is smoothing wrinkles and a slight raising of eyebrows.

There are two ways to carry out surgery:

  1. Open. Large excision is made near the ear shells, through which the muscles lift are carried out, the removal of unnecessary tissues, the redistribution of the skin.
  2. With the help of an endoscope. Small excision are made for the introduction of the endoscope and required tools. The procedure is lowravich, the period of rehabilitation will not need.

Important! The only requirement after the frontlifting is to try for a month not to do hard work and not take a bath, especially hot.

The effect of the circular lift of the face and neck can be observed up to ten years, so many women prefer this method of getting rid of defects on the skin. A few months after the procedure, you can observe such an effect:

  • full disappearance of deep folds;
  • smoothing the rosal furrow;
  • disappearance of fat folds;
  • removal of the second chin.

The essence of the operation - extra tissues are removed under general anesthesia, muscles and skin and skin coat are redistributed.

For the overall face lift, this operation is not suitable - it is recommended to ladies with problems in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheek, under the eyes, near the nose. Cuts are made right under the lower eyelid, after which the tension of the muscles and the skin is carried out.

The main advantages of the procedure:

  • malotramum;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • full removal of wrinkles, declarations, ethnicity;
  • getting rid of the "fish eye".

The duration of manipulations is no more than one and a half hours, the rehabilitation period is up to two weeks.

Plastic surgery recommends such a suspender with young people or ladies who need to re-tension epidermis tissues. The cuts are made behind the ears (in men - in front of the ear shell), after which the surgeon excishes extra fabrics at the bottom of the face.

The last stage of the operation is the imposition of seams that perform a special role - additionally stretch the skin. The rehabilitation period is short - after a few weeks you can play sports or severe physical labor.

This is the safest way to get a tightened face line, because shorts are tiny and do not require superimposed seams. Operation is recommended for insignificant aging of the skin or small defects.

Indications and contraindications

Deep folds on the face, blurred contours, defects in the form of a "fish eye", lowered corners of the mouth, eye, loss of the skin of freshness and a healthy shade, may be deeply writing.

Contraindications in plastic operations a lot:

Important! Before conducting operation, the surgeon is obliged to tell in detail about the prohibitions. It should not be treated in casually to contraindications, otherwise it is possible to obtain a number of complications.

There are no special requirements before conducting the procedure, but it is necessary to undergo inspection from the doctor. Not recommended manipulations that can lead to straw irritation. A visit to a solarium or beach is also undesirable.

You can go on the course of drugs that will help increase immunity - it will contribute to rapid rehabilitation. Do not take medicines affecting blood intake.

How is the operation?

No matter what kind of rejuvenation was selected, the operation is carried out according to the same scheme:

  1. the skin is undergoing thorough cleaning and processing with antiseptics;
  2. the surgeon inflicts the lines by which the removal of excess fabric will be carried out;
  3. cuts are made;
  4. special tools, the doctor excreted extra fabrics;
  5. tightening the neck, face;
  6. superimposed seams;
  7. antiseptic recycling is carried out.

The duration of the process depends on the skin area, but usually it does not take more than 4 hours.

From the video you will learn how the person's operating suspended is:

Recovery after the procedure, if everything has passed successfully, will not take much time. What is forbidden to do? Requirements few:

  • do not deal with the head of the head to the permission of the doctor;
  • do not use without appointing a doctor drugs from waste;
  • do not attend for some time the pool, sunny beach, solarium;
  • do not lift gravity;
  • refuse sports for 1-3 weeks.

Be sure to regularly visit the doctor who will certainly notice side effects And prescribe drugs that will get rid of problems.

Typically, "plastic" passes without complications, but in rare cases, humanity may appear, numerous hematomas. Such manifestations disappear independently after 1-3 weeks.

The most dangerous complication is enhancing in infection. This can end with an inflammatory process, so you need to make all the efforts to avoid the disease.

Where can I do?

Even in small towns there are clinics that successfully carry out operations for rejuvenation. The face lift in Moscow is offered even to large cosmetic salons - usually they have experienced plastic surgeons in personnel. If the suspension is carried out in the capital, it will not be possible to save - Moscow is famous for the most expensive plastic clinics, although specialists here are the best.


It is impossible to determine with the accuracy of the charge cost, because it depends not only from the site where the operation will be carried out, but also on the type of procedure used drugs and tools. Usually the simplest stretch can cost from 40 thousand rubles. The maximum price is about half a million, but only famous surgeons are appreciated for so much.

We bring to your attention a photo after a facelift. As you can notice, even men look wonderful after such procedures. About women and talk nothing - the effect is excellent, the skin looks much younger.

Skin aging neck can have different features. Therefore, several types of operations are applied in plastic surgery that can return to her youth and elasticity. The correct choice of the type of intervention is the key to a successful and long-term result, at which the neck becomes newly elegant and taped.

Read in this article

Indications for the neck suspender

In youth, and many and in adulthood to preserve the elasticity of the skin of the neck enough creams, masks, sometimes massage, hardware procedures. Operation on its suspender is needed if there are the following changes:

  • pronounced transverse wrinkles and folds in this area;
  • skin Skin Skin;
  • the appearance of excess fat on it and under the chin;
  • the weakening of the main muscle (plague), leading to the discrepancy of its edges and the appearance of heavy
  • weakening the skin to such an extent that "bag" is formed in the neck and lower part of the chin, the boundary erases, there is no clear angle between the plots.

Contraindications to intervention

It is possible to correct the aesthetic problem only in the absence of a patient contraindications. These include:

In addition to common contraindications for any operation, each type of plastic has separate prohibitions for carrying out:

  • liposuction is not made with severe skin declarations;
  • cervicoplasty is not carried out in the presence of goiter and other diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • plasticism is not planned for muscle pathologies.

Surgical methods of skin suspenders and muscles of the neck and their features

There are three ways to improve appearance Neck with the operation. They are carried out individually from each other or combined if the aging of this area has several manifestations at once.


The appearance of the neck largely depends on the state of the muscle below the chin and descending to the clavicle. If the tone of the platizm is reduced, it saves or its edges diverge to the sides. In the first case, the neck receives many ring-shaped folds. In the second, longitudinal trams are formed on it.

Correct the position can be an operation that adjusts this muscle. It consists in:

  • Tightening of the platizm and giving it a more physiological position. This is lateral platmism. With her, the muscle is peeled, move up and fix. Excess tissues if it is, deleted.
  • Rappront and connect the edges of the front muscle of the neck. This is medial platmism. With it, the muscles are tightened to the middle of the neck, and not upwards, due to which the excess volume and longitudinal trash is eliminated on it.

Lateral and medial plasticoplasty

The most effective intervention becomes with a combination of both methods. Mixed platformoplasty allows not only to make the neck younger, tightened, but also more clearly draw the angle between her and chin.


Sometimes the neck looks old, wrinkled, but at the same time her muscle remains quite elastic. It is possible to solve the problem with cervicoplasty. Intervention is the removal of excess skin. If the amount of necessary changes are small, it can be done under local anesthesia.

Cervicoplasty is carried out with a cut behind the ears or in the projection of the thyroid gland. The skin is then peeled, part of it is excised. The remaining tissues are pulled up and fixed in a new position using seams from biodegradable or non-disseminated threads. The neck becomes smooth, the angle between it and the chin is pronounced.


If the reason for the aging of the neck was an excess of fat deposits in this area, liposuction is shown. The procedure can be carried out under local anesthesia. Under the chin make a cut in which the cannula is placed. Fat first diluted with crack solution, affect it during the procedure with laser, radio frequency radiation. It is displayed through the tube with a vacuum or, falling into lymphotok, is derived from naturally.

Liposuction scheme

As a result, the neck is reduced, brighter stands out the angle between her and chin. Laser and radio frequency liposuction methods provide skin tightening. Both types of radiation stimulate neocolalagezes in it. But to carry out only this procedure without additional rejuvenating measures, the skin should be sufficiently elastic.

Preparation for the operation

The preliminary stage includes several mandatory components:

Anesthesiologist will determine suitable drugs for anesthesia, taking into account the state of health, the presence or absence of allergies, pathologies.

  • Survey. Usually require general blood and urine tests, as well as a coagulogram, research on infection, biochemistry, ECG, fluorography. Sometimes additional diagnosis is needed.
  • Self-preparation. The patient 2 weeks before the operation must complete the reception of the blood diluted drugs, hormones, analgesics. He should quit smoking and drink alcohol. At this stage, it is impossible to sunbathe, sit on a tough diet, to play hard. On the day of operation, the patient does not eat and does not drink. He should take a shower, it is impossible to use cosmetics.

Conducting an operation on suspension of muscles and skin neck

If the operation affects several layers of the problem area, it can last to 2 - 3 hours. Therefore, it is carried out under general anesthesia. The process looks like this:

  • on the skin perform markup to designate cuts;
  • the patient's hair is hiding under the hat;
  • after antiseptic treatment, the skin is cut into the chin and ears;
  • platism correction is made (it pulls up, deprived of excess tissues, stitched in the center);
  • if there is excess fat under it, it is excised;
  • neck skin is partially removed by the scalpel to remove folds and wrinkles;
  • the fabrics are layered in layers, sometimes with the installation of drainage tubes;
  • the sterile bandage is superimposed.

About how the neck suspender is running, look at this video:

Rehabilitation after

The recovery period last an average of up to 3 to 4 weeks. The duration of this period depends on the complexity of the intervention, the individual characteristics of the patient. During rehabilitation:

Result before and after

The plastic effect is expressed as follows:

  • clearly refers to the angle between the neck and chin;
  • fat layer disappears and skin sagging in this area;
  • the chin is deprived of excess tissues, uncertainty, its contours are more pronounced;
  • there are no longitudinal traps on the neck, visually separating it into three zones;
  • smoothed transverse wrinkles.

Neck looks young and slim. The result will continue for a decade if all layers of the problem area were affected during the operation. A slightly less time is holding the effect of cervicoplasty. In general, its duration depends on the body of the patient, his lifestyle, the subsequent care of the neck of the neck.

Possible complications after surgery

With careful preparation for plastic, the qualitative intervention of the consequences of it is in most cases only favorable. But if the surgeon made mistakes, or the patient neglected the rules of rehabilitation, the appearance of complications:

  • bleeding;
  • gray or hematoma;

A week after plurrylasty
  • development of inflammation in the tissues of neck or infection;
  • necrosis in the seams;
  • disadvantage skin Loskuta and caused by the neck of the neck;
  • reduction of sensitivity of the operated region;
  • formation of rough scars, keloids;
  • conservation of wrinkles due to insufficient removal of excess skin;
  • asymmetry of the operated region;
  • deterioration general well-being Due to anesthesia.

The cost of the neck suspender

The price that will have to pay for aesthetic intervention may vary depending on several factors:

  • character and severity of defects, age-related changes;
  • general health of the patient;
  • clinic level;
  • view of anesthesia.

All of them determine the scale of the operation, the amount of effort spent on the return of youth. therefore prices can be from 40000 p. up to 200000 p.

Like any intervention, the surgical correction of the neck should be trusted only by a professional. It will be able to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, and even at initially difficult conditions, perform plastic at a high level. The risk of complications will be minimal.

Plan article

The uterus is the main organ of the female reproductive system. With it, the woman shelters and give birth to children. Because of the weakening of the muscles, there may sometimes occur such pathology as omitting the uterus. To the main reasons, causing this disease belongs:

  • hormonal failures;
  • frequent delivery;
  • excessive physical exertion.

If the process is at the initial stage, conservative therapy, supporting corsets, and special uterine rings applies to restore women's health. In addition, specially designed exercises and balanced food helps well. If the situation is critical, then the patients show an operation when omitting the uterus.

General concept of omit

Ollowing the uterus (prolapse) is called displacement or loss of the pelvis organs. In a normal position, it is located with a well-developed ligament and sufficient tone. Support for the body also provide muscle press and pressure inside abdominal cavity. If any parts of the system begin to function well, this leads to the fallout of the internal genitals. Careless attitude towards the disease leads to serious complications. Obesity, dystrophy, a tendency towards constipation, the appearance of large mioms, hereditary factors often lead to the omitting of the cervix. Often, women suffer from elderly alert. To protect yourself from this pathology, it takes carefully to relate to your health and regularly visiting the gynecologist.

Indications for the operation

The choice of procedure depends on the age and desire of a woman to give birth to a child in the future and continue sexual relations with a partner. Many ladies are wondering - is there really an operation or can you do without surgical intervention? If the severity of the disease is low, then in most cases spend medicia treatment. It can eliminate the unpleasant sensation and repetition of symptoms. But this method will not be able to fully cure patients from pathology. In the event of a complete loss of the authority, the operation is required at mandatory. Only this will help solve the problem.

When the uterus is incomplete, the gynecological rings of Pessary are usually prescribed to women, replacement hormonal therapy and therapeutic physical education. The patients who have reached the age when the reproductive function fits the complete removal of the uterus. The prolapse can manifest itself in young girls of childbearing age, which in the future wish to conceive the baby. In this case, doctors are done by all that they can save the reproductive function, that is, to preserve the organs that participate in the conception and birth of children. However, sometimes you have to resort to complete removal of the uterus.

Types of operations and how to perform

There are several types of operations that make the uterus in full swap. Experts apply the most effective and less traumatic methods of surgical intervention. Among the varieties are the most popular methods such as:

  1. Colpoplexia. In this case, the organ is nears. Doctors perform the fastening of the back either the front wall of the vagina to the internal structures of the abdomen. If only the stitch is done, then with time the loss can occur again. Therefore, it is better to use more modern methods.
  2. Mesh-sacrynexification. With this procedure, fixation of the dome of the vagina, walls, uterus and cervix to the convex area of \u200b\u200bthe cross in the pelvic region is carried out. After such an operational intervention, the body ceases to descend. Endoprosthesis is used to consolidate, which holds the uterus and retains her position. The rehabilitation time goes a bit, after a week, women can lead a normal lifestyle.
  3. Lightweight laparoscopic promotecting. Safe and used most often for women who are planning the birth of children. For the operation requires a device, thanks to which minimal cuts are made. Operation is performed through small holes, after whose healing, the scars is practically left.
  4. Plits of sacroyatar ligaments. The operation is done for partial return of the body. It does not violate a childbearing function. After her, the girl remains capable of childbirth. The advantage of this procedure is a quick recovery period, usually it does not cause complications.
  5. Hysterectomy or the removal of the uterus when omitting. it good way To fully get rid of the disease. It is suitable for ladies who no longer plan the birth of a kid. For young girls, this option is not suitable.

Methods operational treatment The omission of the uterus is chosen depending on the severity of the symptoms that are manifested during prolapse. Doctors also focus on the state of the woman and how small pelvis organs are located. The gynecologists are taken into account contraindications so that the surgical intervention does not cause complications in the future. An important role is played by the experience of the doctor himself in conducting procedures.

Recovery period

If the operation is successful, the probability of re-falling comes down to a minimum. In order for recovery to go fast and without unpleasant consequences for 7-10 days, it is necessary to comply with the recommendations of the attending physician. Do not constantly be in a sitting position, it is better to perform several exercise Or just like. In the postoperative period, several uncomplicated recommendations should be followed:

  • It is necessary to handle the crotch with an antibacterial agent during the week.
  • Take appointed antibiotics.
  • Two weeks try not to sit.
  • A month should be refrained from serious physical exertion.
  • Poland should last about 5 weeks.
  • For 7 days, eat half-liquid food.

If you perform all instructions, the rehabilitation period will be quickly and without consequences.

Price per operation

Many women ask a question about how much the operation is. The surgical procedure can be carried out for free. When contacting a private clinic, the cost of the operation when omitting the uterus will depend on which type of operation is chosen, and the final cost will be named after consultation. Hysterectomy on average cost 50 thousand rubles, and Kohlpopia is approximately 40 thousand. Typically, the price includes treatment before and after the operation and the patient in the hospital.

How long does it last

The time spent on the operation when omitting the uterus depends on the complexity of the procedure. Laparotomic hysterectomy takes from 40 minutes to 2.5 hours. Lucky removal of the uterus takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Vaginal hysterectomy lasts no more than two hours. Colpopsychia occupies about 1.5 hours. Mesh-sacrovaging drug is done no more than 2 hours. Laparoscopic promotecting is carried out in 120-180 minutes.

If the woman has wrinkles, then the circular face lift is just what is needed in this situation. This method is able to smooth out not very deep folds. Rejuvenation is carried out in different ways: with the help of a laser, radio waves, threads or surgical method. The effect of the procedure can last from 5 to 10 years.

Features of the procedure on a circular facial suspender

With such a cosmetic procedure, as a circular face lift, manipulation of wrinkles in the eye, forehead, lips and nose is carried out. In particular, attention is paid to sagging cheeks, corners of the eyes and mouth, as well as the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows and the facial oval. Also, when the face is suspended, work is carried out with the neck, thanks to which the second chin is eliminated.

Currently, cosmetologists allocate 4 main ways to hold a facelift.

Circular face lift without surgery includes:

  • radio wave therapy;
  • tightening threads;
  • surgical intervention.

Another name of the procedure is Faislifting. It is aimed at eliminating the skin folds of medium and fine depths.

Women of all ages can contact the cosmetologist for conducting this procedure. At the same time, the person after the procedure will look like younning for 5-10 years (depending on the patient's skin). The advantage of facelifting circular is still that it not only eliminates unwanted wrinkles, but also prevents the emergence of new folds.

Indications for Circular Face Tightening

Go to circular suspender Persons can already be at initial signs of aging, it is not worth waiting for the appearance of deep wrinkles. The patient of the cosmetic salon can be both a woman and a man who care about their appearance. Even if the patient's age is great, plastic will lead to the desired results. The procedure is suitable for any type of skin.

The following appearance problems may become an indication for circular face lift:

  1. The presence of a double chin.
  2. Hanging cheeks. They are especially noticeable after slow slimmingWhen the skin loses considerable reserves of elastin, responsible for skin elasticity.
  3. The omission of circulating arcs, for example, due to the age-related sedimentation of the upper eyelids. But some people have this feature present from birth.
  4. Deep folds in the nasolabial triangle area. Such a state may also be congenital disadvantage of human skin or a sign of aging.
  5. Debrity of the skin. Such a problem arises after a person's age exceeds the mark of 30 years. This is due to the reduction of collagen and elastin production, which are responsible for the condition of the skin. As a result, minor, and then large wrinkles gradually appear.

Contraindications to Circular Persons

Each self-respecting clinic will not serve minor patients because of their whims. The minimum permissible age is 21-23 years old. The permissible maximum age is 70 years in the absence of contraindications. There is also a number of diseases in which plastic, and especially the surgery of the face is not carried out. These include:

  1. Infectious diseases, especially in the stages of exacerbation. It is hepatitis, syphilis, meningitis, influenza, tuberculosis, bronchitis, corte, etc.
  2. Blood blood clotting. This is due to the fact that when the seams are applied, bleeding can begin.
  3. Problems with work endocrine system. These include diabetes, hypoteriosis, nodal goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. A tendency to form a keloid type scar. This contraindication will be relevant for surgery. In the case of laser or radio wave therapy, this indicator is not an obstacle.
  6. The presence of both benign and malignant tumors.
  7. The presence of a person's cardiac or other metallic devices. In particular, if the patient chose a radio wave method of a circular face lift. Such circumstances can make the procedure ineffective.

Preparation for the procedure

Already a month before the circular suspender, you should refuse to receive the medicine and smoking containing aspirin. After the operation, the operation should not smoke for two weeks.

6 hours before the start of the procedure, you should not drink fluid and eat, it is necessary to remove all the cosmetics from the face and wash the hair.

How is the procedure

Salon methods, such as the injections of special drugs, or differ from how they make plastic surgery on a circular facial suspender. Surgical intervention is much more serious and longer in time:

  1. At first, the doctor examines the patient, finds out age, and then sends for tests and narrow specialists. After that, the correction zones are determined, organizational issues are solved.
  2. In the preparatory period, the doctor makes recommendations regarding diet and prohibitions. ABOUT medicinal preparationsWho takes a woman, the doctor must be aware. For a few days, the patient must go to light food, and 6 hours before the operation on a circular suspender face - to abandon fluid and food.
  3. Plastic surgery is done under anesthesia. It is selected.
  4. During the operation, the doctor makes cuts, if necessary, removes excess skin, pulls it up, redistributes tissue, fixes and performs other actions.
  5. In places of surgical intervention, i.e. Sections, apply seams by absorbing threads.
  6. After that, a special mask is superimposed on the face, which performs the functions of the dressing. Its task is to fix tissues, reducing swelling, in preventing random injury. So all the seams and the skin will be pulled.

Here are video graphics of circular suspenders (facelifting):

All these actions are described quite conditionally, in fact, each time the Facelifting operation provides an individual approach. Plastic will be successful:

  • if the surgeon is highly qualified and has experience in conducting circular suspenders;
  • under sterile working conditions;
  • in compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor.

The recovery period plays an important role. It provides for a few days after surgery in the clinic. In addition, after discharge, the following rules are required:

  1. Wearing mask on the face. The duration is established by the doctor separately for each patient.
  2. Compliance with diet food.
  3. The use of special medicines for better healing. It is necessary to eliminate the edema and in order to quickly dragged the seams.

In some cases, complications arise after a circular face lift:

  1. Edema. They can hold up to 5 weeks.
  2. Under the poorly performed operation, the face is observed.
  3. The most serious consequence is a violation of facial people, muscle tissue atrophy.

The results of circular face lift

The final result after the facelifting will be visible after 1-3 months. But even at this time, the scars will have a pinkish color and will be harvested on the touch. Their smoothing will begin only after 6 months.

The effect of rejuvenation will depend on many indicators in the aggregate. This preparation before the operation, surgical intervention itself, the rehabilitation period, which provides for the implementation of all the recommendations of the surgeon, etc.

The face will become younger for several years, the effect of tightening, freshness will appear. Woman looks rested. These indicators affect its emotional state. There is interest in life, self-confidence. Here are just a few photos before and after a circular suspender suspenders:

But do not wait for perfection in your appearance, the purpose of the circular lift of the face is to improve the dermis. If you are realistic, you will satisfy the result.

For a certain period, signs of aging of the skin will disappear, but you must understand that these are temporary indicators, and the natural processes in the body are inevitable. Therefore, about 10 years will need re-plastic facial.

To extend the result after the operation, additional skin care is needed, it is possible to use.

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