
What facial suspenders can be done. Features of execution and recovery after the operation on a circular face suspender (ritidectomy). Different thoughts and my opinion on operations and suspenders

The age changes of the skin of the person are associated with the gradual slowdown in all cell regenerative processes, a decrease in synthesis in the body, a decrease in the production of protein fibers and elastin. All this leads to the loss of tissue ability to hold water, to a decrease in their elasticity and elasticity. On the face, small, and then deep wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, on the forehead, between the eyebrows, on the upper lip.

The result of a decrease in tone tone is their declaration, under the action of muscle gravity forces, fascia and skin are lowered, nasolabious folds, double chin, "bags" under the eyes, squeeze cheeks, the face loses its clear outlines and acquires a tired, sullen look, changes his oval .

Correct changes that begin after 30 years and increasing increasingly, no longer possible by any cosmetics and hardware techniques. But the skill of plastic surgeons using various methods Tissue suspenders combined with a single term "facelifting", able to return to the face of youth and attractiveness.

General view of Facelifting methods

The essence of operations is to excise excess skin, removing excess fatty tissue, strengthening muscles and fascia, and the return of soft fabrics of the face in the original position. Modern techniques make it possible to do without such negative results, as a shift of the angles of the eyelid to the temples, unnatural facial expressions and skin tension, stretched corners of the lips.

Ritidectomy (Circular suspender)

This operation is carried out under general anesthesia and is a comprehensive elimination of deep wrinkles on the face and neck and redistribution of tissues of these zones, removal of nasolabial folds, excess fat deposits, "second chin". As a result, signs of aging disappear and the effect of rejuvenation is achieved.

There are three options of circular lifting - surface suspension, deep and mixed.

Surface ritidectomy carried out in 3 stages:

  1. The incision is produced in the temporal area from the border of the hair, hereinafter - on the front border of the ear shell with the transition (under the urine) to the harsh portion of the ear zone. If it is necessary to eliminate the "double" chin, a second short incision is carried out along the inner edge of the lower jaw in the chin area.
  2. Separation of leather from the subjectable tissues, excision of its excess and, if necessary, excess fat fiber.
  3. Skin tightening, combining its edges and overlay seams.

Deep circular suspenders () This is a combination of surface suspenders with the release and movement of the muscular-fascial and tendon complex. When performing this option, not only wrinkles and folds are eliminated, but also the sowing faces. The effect is preserved longer than in the previous embodiment, but the risk of complications increases and the rehabilitation period is extended.

Combined ritidectomy Additionally includes the excision of surface tissues in the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer edge of the chewing muscle and excision of deep tissues up to the chewing muscle. This option makes it possible to correct the correction of deep and surface tissues by tensioning them in different directions.

The duration of the operation depends on its option and can be from 2 to 4-6 hours. Features of the rehabilitation period consist in a back position during sleep, exclusion physical Loads, sharp slopes and lifting weights for three weeks. It is also necessary to avoid thermal procedures, staying in the sun, visits to the sauna for three months.

The effect that can be estimated after 3 months is preserved for 5-10 years.

For more information about this method of facelifting, read.


The method is a suspender of the upper sections of the face - eyebrows and the forehead. As a result, folding folds and wrinkles occurs, and the lifting of eyebrows gives the face openness and clarity. This type of facelifting is used mainly in the presence of deep interbursted folds and transverse wrinkles, elevation of eyebrows and upper eyelids, which is why the face acquires a sullen and tired look.

Depending on the technique of execution distinguishes frontlifting:

  1. Open - The incision is carried out at 7cm above the frontal hair line from the level of one-ear shell to another. If a high forehead, the incision is made even higher. Through this access, the fabrics are moving, suspended muscles and muscles in the field of surveillance arcs that promote the formation of folds, modeling the position of eyebrows, excision of excessive skin Loskutov and subcutaneous fiber. Moving and fixing tissues are made in the back direction. The rehabilitation period is 2-3 weeks.
  2. Endoscopicwhich allows you to achieve a goal of 2-3 small (1-1.5 cm) cuts, less injury to vessels and nerve branches, reduce operation time and rehabilitation period up to 1 week. The forehead leather is peeled, but does not excine, and redistributed and fixed in a new position from the inside.

The open method is more shown to persons over 50 years, since the endoscopic method has often does not allow to achieve the desired results.

Check Lifting

The operation is shown in cases of pronounced signs of aging in the field of middle departments of the face - bags under the eyes, a significant chechery of the cheeks, pronounced nasolabial folds and so on. This type of facelifting is recommended to be carried out in a blepharoplasty complex. Cuts are carried out only under the crop edge of the lower eyelid. Due to low trauma, plastic can be carried out under local anesthesia.

Age changes of the skin begin from 20 years, when the number of dying cells is increased each day compared to those who are born. That is why, after several years, the first "calls" are beginning to manifest themselves that the skin is aging. The complexion becomes dim, appear dark spotsThe turgor and elasticity decreases, and the dryness increases, causing the appearance of the first wrinkles.

It is known that women older than 40s are addressed to the help of plastic surgeons, and this is not surprising, because at this age, little cosmetics helps a little. And what to do those who are in the interval between 25 and 40 years? For such patients, cosmetologists have a whole arsenal of facial lifting capabilities without surgery. What methods of non-Iperative suspenders exist and what are their advantages? This will be discussed.

Advantages of non-operational suspenders

The basis of all methods of lifting facial without surgery is the principle of therapeutic injury to internal or outer skin layers. At the same time, the layers of the dermis are completely responded to damage, but in all cases this intervention ends with the formation and formation of new collagen fibers, elastin and molecular chains of hyaluronic acid.

Undoubtedly, surgical operations are largely radical and may eliminate many aging problems for one intervention, but also in non-functional suspenders have their own advantages that need to be known before deciding to apply any of them.

So, below are the advantages that having lifting without surgery:

  1. The presence of minimal contraindications to the conduct of such manipulations. The exception is mainly infectious diseases, period of pregnancy and feeding, oncological diseases and diseases associated with blood coagulation process.
  2. The practical absence of side effects and negative consequences, except for the possibility of the appearance of swelling, bruises, hyperemia and peeling of the skin.
  3. Shortened rehabilitation period. Low level of painful sensations. Mostly a patient is sufficiently local anesthesia. Except is, except, the suspender with surgical threads. It is possible to even use anesthesia.
  4. The rapid appearance of the first results and the increase in the effect of rejuvenation. Many methods of non-functional lifting retain their effectiveness up to several years.
  5. The overall positive and health effect on the body. Many cosmetic manipulatias by rejuvenation use the reserve forces of the body: the microcirculation of blood and lymph is improved, the speed of blood flow is normalized, the vessels are cleaned and the products of metabolism are removed.
  6. Most procedures are performed in outpatient conditions and do not require hospitalization to the hospital.
  7. Small invasiveness or non-invasiveness of methods, as well as reducing the risks of infection of the body during manipulations. On the skin there is no traces of exposure, scars and scars.

How to make the right choice?

Unfortunately, none of us can stop time, but we can extend the youth and linger on the top of the strength and energy, if we use the hidden reserves of the body and use the ability of cells to self-renewering. What procedure to choose from among the already available? This problem can be solved only by cosmetologists, which are diagnosed and determine the dominant type of aging of the skin.

Diagnostics is very important, as it may be biological aging (premature aging due to external and internal factors), photoboring (due to solar radiation), as well as chronostation when aging occurs due to age. It is important to define not only the type of skin, but and which of the skin layers will be corrected.

The face lift without surgery is achieved in two ways, each of which has its own nuances and with which you can achieve the necessary changes.

These include:

  1. Correction methods that are aimed at eliminating early signs of aging, and produced at the level of the dermal layer of the skin. These technologies are applied in cases where there are no obvious wrinkles and skin omitting. These methods include RF-lifting, laser dermabrasion, laser fractional thermolysis and laser nanoperphoration, bioarming, use of microtoks, plasmolifting, photorejuvenation, vector lifting.
  2. Correction methods that eliminate ptosis, as well as medium and deep wrinkles. These methods affect the level of the hypoderma and the muscular layer, that is, at a deeper level. These include the injections of botulinumoxin and nyate lifting.

How do lifting methods apply without surgery?

According to experts, many of the methods of non-functional suspenders are a decent alternative to the methods of rejuvenation of the face and body with the help of surgical intervention. In almost every one of them uses the ability of skin cells to self-healing and updating collagen fibers.

  • Radiofrequency lifting or . The effect on the tissue is made by low frequency radio waves, as a result, a reduction in stretched collagen fibers is reduced. After several sessions, mechanisms for developing new hyaluronic acid molecules, collagen and elastine are launched. The procedure can be applied on any part of the body and face, and 5-6 sessions can save the effect of up to 24 months.
  • Skin rejuvenation with laser technology (, Laser nanoperphoration, and others). With the help of laser radiation, many signs of age-related changes can be eliminated and significantly increase the turgor and the elasticity of the skin. There are two types of exposure: ablative (when the epidermis cells are simply evaporated and the lifting effect is achieved by regenerating damaged tissues) and non-balance (when protein coagulation occurs in deeper deeper layers and neocolatene processes and tissue restructuring are launched). To prevent the occurrence of destructive changes, laser therapy is carried out from 25 years and enough of the 1st session. For a persistent effect, you will have to go through a course of several sessions.
  • Bioarming, Simply - injections of hyaluronic acid. To maintain an excellent condition of the skin, it is enough to carry out 1-2 procedures in 6-12 months, starting from 25-30 years.

Read more about the procedure in the article: - Alternative to the operating suspension

  • Electrotherapy - based on the effects of microtons on the tissue of the dermis. With this method, you can not only carry out lifting without surgery, but also eliminate problems such as cellulite and fat folds.
  • Plasmolifting - Therapy in which the plasma is introduced under the skin, enriched with platelets and obtained from the patient itself. It is enough to carry out only 2-4 sessions of the 1-2 course annually to stay young and tightened for long years.

The modern spectrum of cosmetology services is replete with innovations in the field of beauty. It is possible to deal with the signs of aging of the skin of the face, not only with the help of surgical intervention and radical methods, but also with the help of the latest technologically safe procedures.

An integrated approach allows the skin to return the previous elasticity, saturate the cells with oxygen and smooth out unnecessary wrinkles. However, it should be remembered that all procedures must be selected individually, focusing on the advantages of a technique.

Currently, lifting surgery concludes damage to deep layers of skin and stimulating the formation of new cells. However, such a cardinal method is not suitable for everyone. The method of skin suspenders without surgery has its own positive parties:

All these advantages indicate the maximum productivity of these procedures. However, it should be understood that there are certain contraindications, as well as side effects:

  • procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the presence of infectious, oncological diseases and with inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • the appearance of small hematomas, the ethnicity of the fabrics and the presence of hyperemia;
  • patients with a low pain threshold should be understood that some procedures will require the use of anesthesia to reduce sensitivity;
  • the procedure may require a repeated repeat until the result is achieved.

Considering the peculiarities of the body, an experienced beautician must be advised to prior to the procedure for the possible risks of the methods used.

What method of suspended facial oval is better to choose

When choosing a method of rejuvenation, cell diagnosis should be carried out and determine the character of aging of the epidermis:

  • the chronostation indicates the natural process of skin fading;
  • biological - arises under the influence of external and internal factors;
  • photostying is observed when excessive in the zone of solar radiation.

In addition, the diagnosis allows you to identify the spectrum of the activity of lifting procedures at the level of the anatomical structure of the skin. Usually use two main ways to adjust the facial oval.

Elimination of the first signs of aging:

  • Photorejuvenation;
  • Laser correction methods;
  • Bioarming;
  • RF lifting;
  • Vector lifting;
  • Application of microtons.

Work with wrinkles, restoration of elasticity:

  • Nytee lifting;
  • Botoululus-toxin injections (Botox)

The techniques of the first line are based on surface impact on the epidermis layers:

  • the hardware mechanism is used to stimulate metabolic processes in cells using laser or radio waves;
  • in the practice of injection methods, such as plasmolifting and mesolifting, specialized drugs are introduced using needles under the skin.

The second group can be attributed to a deeper level of stimulating cell rejuvenation:

  • the use of the finest bio-threads is used for quick and effective results, by implantation of them under the skin in "problem" zones.

In addition, cosmetologists also refer to methods for the formation of the right contour of the face of deep penetration peeling, specialized massage and acupuncture. Such procedures purify the skin from the damaged cell layer, helping the regenerating new ones, and also lead to the tone of the face muscles and activate the collagen generation.

Types of non-functional face suspenders

Specialists in the field of medicine and cosmetology offer a fairly wide range of services for rejuvenation and restoring the contour of the person without surgery. In order for the patient to understand which method it will be suitable for him, a professional cosmetologist must consult and tell about the mechanism of action of the techniques used:

All these techniques are basically based on the biological ability of living cells to restore independently, forming new compounds of collagen, elastane and hyaluronic acid.

Indications and contraindications

Before you go on the procedures for rejuvenation and lift the contour of the face, it is necessary to get acquainted with the list of contraindications, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for the health of the body. Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated to people who have such diseases as:

  • oncological tumors;
  • endocrine disorders ( diabetes, thyroid dysfunction);
  • skin inflammation of any type;
  • mental and nervous dysfunction;
  • blood diseases (hemophilia);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic eye diseases (cataract, glaucoma);
  • acceptance of narcotic substances and potent antibiotics.

In addition, it should be remembered that any facial rejuvenation procedures are contraindicated by pregnant and nursing women.

In case of readings to the selection of a technique, you should focus on that result as I would like to achieve after the procedure:

In case of incorrect administration of the drug or non-compliance with hygienic standards after the procedures, side effects may occur: from headaches to serious tumors. In this case, immediately seek medical care.

Prices for procedures

Rejuvenating procedures relating to the formation of a beautiful face contour are expensive. However, it is necessary to navigate prices to choose not only an acceptable technique, but also certified clinics:

Procedures such as peeling, acupuncture and specialized massage are less expensive, they vary prices from 1 thousand rubles. It should be understood that the price modification depends on the complexity of the procedure, the defects of the effect and quality of the equipment used.

What can be done at home

Many women prefer to care for skin at home, in addition, expensive lifting procedures are not available. You can independently perform a set of procedures at home:

  1. Exercises for skin suspenders may include a complex aimed at strengthening muscles: lifting the grazing arcs up and down, inflate cheeks, stretch a wide smile, lower down the bottom lip. Any mimic manipulations will lead to a tone muscle facial fabric.
  2. Massage can be done independently, thoroughly renewing the hands or putting sterile medical gloves. To make manipulations yourself, you should study massage lines of the face: from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the eyebrows up and on the side to the hair growth line, from the middle of the chin down and side to the neck. The duration of the session should not exceed 10 minutes.
  3. Gymnastics is carried out for 5 minutes and consists of exercises that pull the skin: from the second chin, the movements of the jaw from side to side are eliminated; If you move the air from the cheek to the cheek, closing the mouth, you can pull the oval and form the cheekbones.
  4. Application of professional apparatus for self-use: darsonval, laser and microchetons, ultrasound massagers for the face (mesaroller), miniimulators, vacuum devices. Before applying any apparatus, you should pay attention to the presence of contraindications.

All these procedures improve blood circulation, stimulate the operation of the muscular system, lead the skin to the tone.

Question answer

Before any cosmetic procedure, each woman chooses for itself the most acceptable option. There are top frequently asked questions about non-operational lifting:

  • What procedure is more effective after 50 years?

Changes on the skin after a certain age threshold become strongly pronounced, so it should be resorted to deep penetration procedures, such as the injection of hyaluronic acid and Botox. Laser techniques, photorejuvenation, radio wave method are also often used.

However, the most effective correction of the person can be called a thread.

  • How long does the rejuvenating action last after the completion of the procedures?

With the right manipulation of the lifting effect should be maintained from a year to 2-3 years. The longest action shows the thread tightening of the skin.

  • How many sessions will need to achieve a rejuvenating result?

The number of sessions depends on the procedure used, as well as from the age of the patient and the skin condition. Laser and radio wave procedures usually include up to 5-6 sessions, the remaining procedures can include from 2 to 4 sessions. For young skin, the number of required visits to the cosmetologist can be limited to two or three.

  • What does the cost of services depend on?

The cost of the procedure depends on the quality and amount of biomaterial used, the availability of high-quality professional equipment, certification of specialists of the chosen institution, the complexity of the manipulations carried out.

  • What is the most effective procedure?

When choosing a facial suspender technique, you should focus on the skin type, age-related changes.

All techniques are effective, but the individual features of the body force the skin in different ways to respond to the procedure.


Completing the story about how to make a facelift without surgery, one should once again stay on the basic rules for choosing lifting techniques:

  1. With the help of modern technologies, it is possible to quickly and painlessly improve the condition of the skin, tighten the oval and stimulate the production of natural skin enzymes;
  2. When choosing a technique, it is necessary to navigate the type of skin aging, the age threshold of the patient, as well as possible contraindications;
  3. Prices for procedures are not available for each willing, so you can produce a rejuvenating complex yourself at home.

About another method of non-functional face lift, you can learn from the following video.

The value of the circular lift of the face, the methods of its holding and varieties. Indications and contraindications. Features of laser, radio wave, surgical and nietary lifting, rehabilitation nuances.

Features of the procedure on a circular facial suspender

Circular face lift is a cosmetology procedure, during which wrinkles in the eye, forehead, lips, nose are smoothed. Special attention is paid to hanging cheeks, mouth corners and eyebrows. This service is very often working with the neck, allowing to eliminate the double chin and not only.

There are 4 ways to pull up problem areas - nite, laser, radio wave and surgical.

Another name of the procedure is "Facelifting". With it, the skin folds of the middle depth and small are removed.

It is carried out in almost any age and helps to visually reset over 5-10 years, depending on the individual features of the skin. It is very important that such a technique allows not only to be rejected, but also warns the emergence of new wrinkles.

Indications for Circular Face Tightening

Become a plastic surgeon patient specializing in circular suspensioncan almost everyone, both a man and a woman. It is not necessary to wait at all until the skin begins to frighten the skin. This option is especially relevant in old age, when other procedures no longer give the desired effect. It is suitable for any type of dermis and never hurts.

Be sure to conduct a circular suspension of the face recommended in such cases:

  • Double chin. Check if you have it, you can: become in front of the mirror and lower the head slightly. If there is a problem in the neck area, a significant seal will appear, which will cause discomfort.
  • Hanging cheeks. Most often, this happens with a sharp weight loss and with age when the skin is deprived of a significant part of the reserve of Elastin (it is responsible for elasticity).
  • Noticeable entry of eyebrows. It mainly leads the sediment of the upper eyelids of the eyes, which inevitably happens over the years. This pathology may be present from birth.
  • Deep nasolabial folds. In height, they can reach 3-5 cm, in contact with the chin. This can be both a characteristic feature of the face and the consequence of the aging of the dermis.
  • Skin declaration. This phenomenon face mainly after 30 years. Just at this age there is a sharp loss of collagen and elastin that feed the epidermis. As a result of this zone around the eyes and forehead are covered with small wrinkles, with time growing in size.

Contraindications to Circular Persons

Forbid you tighten your face in this way, no one can. But the conscientious doctor will never work with minors. The minimum permissible age here is 21-23 years old, the maximum is also present - people over 70 find a suitable specialist will be much harder than young. Do not consider for a circular face lift as patients and people with problem health.

The stumbling block on the way to getting young and beautiful skin can be:

  1. . This is especially true if they are in the stages of exacerbation. These include all types of hepatitis, syphilis, meningitis, malaria, cortex, tuberculosis, bronchitis, influenza.
  2. Blood coagulation disorders. This condition is called coagulopathy and can be both congenital and acquired. The reasons should be sought in the improper work of the liver and the shortage of vitamin K.
  3. Endocrine diseases. Such are hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus, nodal goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis. Using a laser and radio waves can provoke a deterioration in the position of the patient.
  4. Hypertonic disease. It is necessary to talk about its presence when blood pressure rises above 140 and for a long time independently normalizes. The operation may take place only at the 1st degree of the disease at the discretion of the doctor.
  5. Next to the formation of keloid scars. Such a contraindication is relative, since it is relevant only in surgery, for a laser and radio waves, this is not a hindrance.
  6. Benign and malignant neoplasms. The fact is that at this time the immunity is strongly weakened by the disease. Therefore, recovery after the procedure will be much more complicated and longer.
  7. The presence of a cardiorator and metal structures. This concerns only the radio wave method, since the metal reflects radiation. In this case, the effectiveness of the work of the doctor is only 10-20%.

Types of circular face lift

Plastic surgeons offer a lifting of the upper third of the face, middle part, lower and neck. It is not necessary to pass all these procedures, it all depends on what area wrinkles are localized. Most often, during the circular lift of the face, it is necessary to work with the forehead, the folds on which they appear due to its constant voltage (raising eyebrows, visualing in the distance).

Consider the types of circular lifting faces:

  • Top third face. Lifting in this case is performed on the upper eyelids, forehead and eyebrows. Most often, it requires common anesthesia, the local here is not always suitable. Endoscope will use the work, thanks to which the operation is carried out with the smallest risk of injury. The task of the doctor is to remove excess skin using microinstruments and tighten the muscles by fixing inside the self-sessive threads. To avoid errors, the doctor monitors the progress of the procedure on the monitor screen. It is very important because the vessels and nerves will not be affected in the right place. At the end of the patient, cosmetology seams are superimposed. On full healing of wounds is required from 2 to 4 weeks, there are practically no traces.
  • . Another name of the procedure is "Check-lifting" or "Midfais". It affects the zone from the lower eyelid to the upper lip. With it, it is adjusted to the skin sections under the eyes, near the nose, cheeks and corners of the mouth. Thus, a problem with ugly bags and deep nasolabial folds is solved. In this case, the excision of the tissues is not required, it is only necessary to move them vertically. This allows you to give the storms natural shape. Up to 35-45 years, it is quite enough to suspend the middle zone of the face. For senior patients with pronounced wrinkles, the addition of its lipophiling and blepharoplasty is relevant. Unlike other parts, the incision is small and right under the lower eyelid. That is why you should not expect a very bright effect.
  • Circular lift of the bottom of the face and neck. This zone includes everything that is located on the face below the corners of the mouth along with the chin, partially cheeks and necks. Such a plastic surgery implies work not with leather, but with a surface aponeurotic layer. Her holding is justified if the presence of balls in the field of the lower jaw, a noticeable omission of the lower lip, deep wrinkles. This method of circular face lift is most often involved in the use of an endoscope. On the skin there are several cuts, the main (length is 2-3 cm) - under the chin, and the additional - just below the ears on the edge of the hair growth. Through them, fixing threads are fixed, which are then tightened and fastened together. "Lower lifting" is effective only with pronounced skin sagging.

How to make a circular face lift

4 methods of performing lifting - threads, a laser, with radio waves and scalpel, are proposed. The most secure and effective is the second option, but it is the most expensive. Regardless of the type of suspender, it is usually carried out in 1-3 times. In particularly disturbing cases (too noticeable damage to the skin), 2-3 sessions may be needed.

Circular face lift threads

Operation is performed under local anesthesia for 30-60 minutes. The harder the problem, the more time it goes onto its solution.

The patient does not require hospitalization, everything is carried out in a day hospital. After 3-4 hours, he is already allowed to leave the medical center. Results are usually noticeable on the same day. They depend on the skill of the doctor and the type of thread used. The most effective among them "APTOS" and "Silhouette Lift Soft".

Scheme of a circular face lift threads:

  • Anesthesia of the desired site. For this, the doctor makes special injections, sliding a problem area. The introduced drugs operate about 5-10 hours. At this time, the patient does not experience unpleasant sensations.
  • Purification of the skin. This is necessary to avoid infection. The face is treated with antibacterial compositions that quickly eliminate microbes.
  • Application markup. The surgeon defines for itself the points in which punctures will be made. They can be both single and multiple (from 5 or more).
  • The introduction of threades. They are used to form a frame that will retain the fabric in the desired position. To do this, with the help of thin needles, stretch through the cuts made. Then the doctor adjusts the degree of tension and fastens them between themselves.

Important! Immediately upon completion of the procedure in the body, the process of developing connecting fibers required to maintain skin in a tone is launched.

How is the circular face lift with a laser

The prerequisite is the refusal of 2 weeks before visiting the doctor from sunbathing in solarium and in the sun, the campaign to the sauna. The specialist should find out what health problems are available in the patient. For security reasons, it is recommended to use special glasses that protect eyes from radiation.

To obtain bright results, the doctor lubricates the skin in the places of exposure to the laser chilled gel. The duration of the session is about an hour.

The progress step looks like this:

  1. Taking the necessary posture. The patient is asked to lie face to the ceiling on the couch. It is necessary that the upper part of the body is at an angle of 20-40 °. Muscles need to relax as much as possible.
  2. Anesthesia. At this stage, local anesthesia is carried out - the layer-by-layer introduction of anesthetic in the influence of the laser. Nervous endings are blocked after 5-10 minutes. With increased sensitivity of the patient, general anesthesia is possible.
  3. Treatment of leather. For this, degreasing and antibacterial agents that eliminate all pollution and microbes on the desired surface are used. They carefully lubricate the necessary places, after which they are waiting for their drying.
  4. Definition of contour. Before holding a circular face lift, the doctor draws lines and puts points in which microprocries will be made. This allows you to perform the procedure with maximum accuracy.
  5. Working with laser. A wave of a certain length is directed to the desired areas and penetrates the skin about 2 mm. The duration and intensity of the impact of the beam depends on the characteristics of the processed zone. This is the main and most responsible part of the procedure.

Important! Using a laser is completely safe for health, it eliminates bleeding and scars.

Circular face lift with radio waves without surgery

This type of lifting implies penetration into the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat cells of electromagnetic waves different lengths. As a result, the skin heats up, and collagen fibers are strengthened. It is from this protein that its elasticity depends! Give a healthy and fresh look helps to improve blood circulation in the tissues.

During the circular lift of the face, discomfort is practically absent. To obtain the desired effect, 1-3 sessions are required for 30-40 minutes.

Stages of radio wave suspenders:

  • Cleansing and toning. For these purposes, it is lubricated by simulating gel activating fibroblasts. These cells are responsible for the production of elastin and collagen affecting the elasticity of the dermis.
  • Application of a concentrate with a lifting effect. It is evenly distributed in the field of exposure to the waves and leave before absorption.
  • Skin warming. This stage takes from 15 to 20 minutes. The temperature is selected based on the complexity of the problem. Receiving the burn is completely excluded if a competent doctor works.
  • Moisturizing skin. This is a final chord; To soften the Derma, the doctor uses green tea extracts and various oils (olive, almond).

Operation on a circular face suspender

With classical circular lifting, excision scalpel of excess skin with further tightening tissues is carried out. This technique implies work mainly with a derma, aponeurosis (muscular layer) is practically not affected.

The duration of the procedure is from 1 to 1.5 hours. It is carried out necessarily in the hospital and under general anesthesia. The patient at this time does not have any pain and discomfort. The operation is completed with the overlapping of the seams and the bandage, which is changed every few days.

Recovery is required from 2 to 4 weeks. In the first days, numbness and tingling on the suspended area can be felt.

Features of rehabilitation after circular face lift

The timing and complexity of the patient's restoration after a circular lift of the face depends on how it was carried out. The general is a monthly ban on sunbathing under the sun and in the solarium. In the first 2 weeks, in no case can you visit the bath and sauna. It is strongly recommended to refuse 2-3 days from the use of any caring and decorative cosmetics.

Useful tips, how to survive the suspender without any problems:

  1. NITE. The sharp period lasts the 3rd day. That remains on the face holding plasters. At this time, it should be carefully chewed. Active mouth movements are not allowed. In order to avoid infection, punctuated 3-4 times a day must be treated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. For anesthesia, you can apply a piece of ice to the treated zone. For 5-7 days to speed up the recovery, it is recommended to use ultrasound and pursue phonophoresis. The bandage and the patch are cleaned after about a week. A month later, all restrictions are removed.
  2. Laser. Immediately after the procedure, the patient appears swelling at the place of exposure to the beam, they pass on 3-5 days. First night it is advisable to spend in the hospital. Within 2 weeks, the feeling of stiffness of the face and gravity is possible. For efficient rehabilitation, it is important to abandon alcohol, follow arterial pressure And do not take a hot bath / shower. In the presence of noticeable bruises, you can use special ointments and gels - indochin, throksevazin, express bruises.
  3. Radio wave. In this case, there is no rehabilitation period. The patient can immediately leave the hospital and return to the former lifestyle. In the first 3 days after the procedure, the likelihood of redness and swelling of the skin, which take place independently.
  4. Surgical. The suspension in this way requires a 4-week recovery course. Ideally, the patient should stay in a hospital at least 2-3 days. In the first 5 days it is forbidden to use cosmetics. From time to time it is necessary, at the discretion of the doctor, make a dressing. The seams are removed after 1-2 weeks. To accelerate the process of tightening the wound, lymphatic drainage massage and physiotherapy procedures can be assigned.
What is a circular face lift - watch video:

Circular face lift is an excellent alternative to Botox and Mesotherapy. It allows you to reset as much as 5-10 years old and without health risks. It is very important that after such a procedure never arises serious complications. Boldly choose it and not mistaken!

The first thing comes to mind when it comes to face lifting is a plastic surgery. However, not everyone wants and can expose themselves to radical influences. The compromise option in this case is numerous low and non-invasive rejuvenating techniques.

This is a whole layer of a variety of procedures that make it possible to improve the condition of the skin, get rid of the wires of tissue and add clarity to oval without surgical intervention and associated complexities.

The main advantages of such techniques compared with surgery are relatively low cost, low trauma and fewer contraindications. At the same time, with their help, it is not always possible to get such an impressive result, as after the operation, and it remains not so long, usually up to 2-3 years, which will partially protect and benefit in price.

Basic methods of non-functional suspenders

All non-surgical lifting faces can be divided into several large groups:

Injection suspension and face rejuvenation

Plasmolifting or PRP therapy It is the injection of patient's own blood (or rather, plasma has passed a special pre-processing). The course is 4-5 sessions, the result is saved for about 1 year. Plasmolifting acts as locally, on cellular level Skin, launching the synthesis of collagen fibers, and has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body as a whole - stimulates immunity, launches the processes of regeneration and cell renewal. Also plasma, as a biological glue, fastens the skin of the face to the subject to the subjects, eliminating. After passing the course, the skin is smoothed, it becomes more elastic, tightened, small and deep wrinkles disappear and decrease.

If the meso and plasmolifting have a comprehensive effect on the whole face, pulling up and rejuvenating it, then contour plastic fillers and botinotherapy Carefully solve specific age problems.

  • Injections of filler are designed to fill deep wrinkles, replenishing the volume of missing tissues, the correction of the facial oval. Today, the disposal of cosmetologists has a wide range of drugs, mainly on the basis of high density hyaluronic acid developed for the correction of individual age defects. The most popular brands: ,.
  • Botinotherapy uses drug-based drug-based drugs, which blocks nerve endings in the injection zone and does not give them to cut the muscles of the face. As a result, the skin smoothes and even deep mimic wrinkles decrease or disappear completely. The most famous drugs: ,.
  • See also Article ""

The effect of contour plastics and botulinate therapy is kept about 8-12 months, depending on the activity of metabolic processes and other individual characteristics of the body.

Hardware methods suspended

Principle of work of most techniques hardware lifting The same - directional influence is heated by subcutaneous tissue, which stimulates the sealing of the available collagen fibers and the production of new collagen and elastin. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed, pores are tightened, the skin pulls up and becomes an elastic. The main differences between similar procedures are exactly what kind of energy is used (laser, radio wave, etc.) otherwise they are very similar: it is carried out by courses of 3-5 sessions, and the duration of the result is about 2 years. Today the most popular are the following techniques:

  • - Laser energy is used;
  • ELOS-lifting - based on the impact of two types of energy-holder and light;
  • - Used low power and high frequency radio waves.

Another option - microcurrent therapy- It works a little differently. Skin cells in this case are stimulated by microclands and specially developed biological preparations containing strong antioxidants that activate the natural mechanisms of skin regeneration.

The standard course of such an uncontapplying suspenders consists of 4-5 procedures per week. The main advantages of this method refers minimal amount Contraindications and complete harmlessness for the body. Microckers activate the metabolism, normalize chemical composition Cells increase the elasticity of tissues - for this reason they are often used as a restorative procedure after surgical interventions.

This is a minimally invasive technique, during which thin threads are introduced under the skin. Then they pull up by moving the soft tissue in the desired position. The procedure is fast and safe, but still quite serious, so it should be done by a cosmetologist working with the "outdoor" person, but a plastic surgeon, well acquainted with its internal structure. Depending on the general testimony and personal preferences of the patient can be used:

  • Unproductive threads (, APTOS, etc.) made from biocompatible materials, such as polypropylene.
  • They are considered somewhat less effective, but they are made from polyolic acid, which does not remain under the skin, but completely absorbed in a few months. In addition to actually suspenders, they have a beneficial effect on general state And skin health (like mesotherapy, hence the prefix "Meso" in the title)

The resulting result is maintained on average for 2-3 years, after which you can put additional threads or choose another method (already installed threads do not interfere with cosmetology procedures, nor surgical lifting). Some of the non-disseminating threads can later be "pre-", but there is no consensus among specialists about the feasibility of such manipulation.

This is quite traumatic and painful, but at the same time very effective procedures, with which you can strengthen the regeneration processes in the skin, achieve improvement of its color, smoothness and elasticity, and eliminate many external defects (hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, etc.).

  • In the course deep chemical peeling Acid compositions based on phenol are applied on the face, which destroy the upper layers of the leather up to the middle of the grid layer of the dermis. The procedure is carried out only in clinical conditions, under general anesthesia - as a full-fledged operation (for more
  • Deep laser grinding (SmartXide Dot, Fraxel) combines two processes: applying thermal microtrams to the skin, which run in it internal recovery mechanisms and vaporization (evaporation) of old cells. Modern fractional ablative lasers perform both of these actions at the same time, which makes it possible to achieve a more pronounced lifting effect for a smaller number of sessions than when using previous generation lasers.

The recovery period after deep peels is quite long (there is up to 2 weeks to rehab). The effect is saved for about 1 year. If we compare both procedures, then the laser grinding has one important advantage - the ability to adjust the power and depth of exposure. This allows you to select the optimal parameters for each zone, even very sensitive (eyelids, lips, neck), which is impossible to achieve when carrying out chemical peeling. In addition, the cooling system makes it not so painful, allowing you to use local anesthesia.

With the help of manual impact, a certain lifting effect can also be achieved, although there are very different opinions among specialists regarding its severity and duration. The most demanded procedure from this group - sculptural face massage (Plasticizing massage, face massage on Joel Siokko and other author techniques).

The principle of its action is based on the deep power of working out of the facial and nonimemical muscles of the face with the simultaneous activation of lymphatic drainage. Masseur as it were, "lept" contours of the face, adjusting the problem areas. As a result, the oval becomes clearer, the manifestations of age-related changes are reduced, the muscle tension is removed, the skin color is improved.

The standard course is 10-12 sessions, which are conducted at a periodicity of 2-3 days. Next, supporting procedures are needed 2-3 times a month, which is the relative disadvantage of this method of non-functional suspenders. The obvious advantages of sculptural massage is painlessness, full safety, lack of rehabilitation period, risk of complications, irritation on the skin. The obvious minus is significantly less expressed compared to other results described above.

How to choose the best technique of non-functional face lift?

To smooth, but perhaps completely eliminate signs of aging, it is necessary to determine the reasons for their appearance. This peculiar diagnosis is one of the main tasks of a specialist-cosmetologist or plastic surgeon. It is he who should entrust the choice of a particular way of rejuvenation or their combination. In the case of face, the question is usually worth as far as "deep" the age-related changes are localized:

  • If they affect mainly skin - i.e. We are talking about small wrinkles, amending the relief, a decrease in the turgora - preference is given to the methods affecting the dermal layer (recovery, sealing, enhancement of the elastin-collagen frame, grinding existing defects). For this use peelings, thermalifting, plasmothherapy, mesolifting
  • During problems with subcutaneous structures of the face (deep wrinkles, pronounced nose-colored furrows, broke, bags under the eyes, the loss of clarity of the facial, the second chin) - choose methods affecting the muscular frame and hypoderma. These include threads, botulinity, contour plastic, microcuria, sculptural massage.
  • In many cases, the changes affect both the skin and internal structures, then to obtain a pronounced effect, a well-known combination of several rejuvenating techniques is required.

Opinion of specialists

Journalists Website asked the leading cosmetologists of Moscow to comment on the effectiveness of the application of certain options for non-functional face lifting, and also appealed for professional opinions to plastic surgeons:

plastic and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Ph.D.:

The question is much simpler than it may seem. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of techniques, do not go to the operation earlier than required, but also not to spend longer in the offices of cosmetologists, you need to figure it out with three things:

  • The condition of the soft tissues, the degree of their ptosis. If age changes came not too far - we can talk about uncontapplying solutions. If we are talking about pronounced folds and sufficiently large excess skin - do not waste time and money for cosmetology, do not engage in self-deception. By itself, the excess skin will not disappear, it can be removed only by the scalpel, and here only a plastic surgeon will help you.
  • Age. Up to 40 years (most often) cosmetology procedures work quite well. After 40, their effect becomes less noticeable, and after 50, if you need a real effect, and not just care, you should seriously think about the operation.
  • Patient desire. Only you determine to whom to go and what you need. Not all women want to warm up for 10-20 years, it is important to just look well and quite fresh for their age. This task can be solved without surgery. Dusty skin color, her degros, minor wrinkles, pigment spots, etc. - with all these problems, cosmetologists are perfectly coped. But if you are not satisfied with the flooded contours of the face, hanging the eyelids, balls, bags under the eyes, double chin or folds on the neck - contact only the surgeon.
If you need a very small suspension, pay attention to the vector lifting of various threads or contour plastic. Repeating these procedures 1-2 times a year, you can postpone the operation for several years. You yourself can understand when the effect of the effect will cease to arrange you and come time to think about more radical methods.

leading Cosmetologist Clinic Beauty Line:

"Impacting techniques, of course, will not replace plastic, but they are a good tool for prevention and can permanently delay a visit to the surgeon. To gentle suspenders (hardware cosmetology), women are advisable to resort from 25 years. Almost every of the above methods can help with certain non-scientifically expressed age-related changes. Our specialists use some of these procedures separately, but most often within the comprehensive program.

So, after operating handling, there may be stagnant phenomena that are well treated with microtoks. The contour plastic fillers allows you to adjust minor age-related changes, but in this case the plasmaphivleres (analogues of the filler on hyaluronic acidwhich produce patient's own blood).

Preparations of botulinum or, of course, they give good results and it is impossible to replace them with analogs. The RF lifting also gives a good effect for both the prevention of aging and during the supporting therapy after the plastic surgery. But the phenol peeling in our clinic is not used because of its trauma.

Significant plus procedures of the non-functional suspender - in the fact that they can be recommended to patients in a sufficiently young age, with non-surgical age-related changes. For example, a sparing alternative blepharoplasty can be plasma, laser or RF-lifting, as well as mezzani - what exactly to choose, will depend on the "severity" of the skin, the depth of wrinkles, the age of the patient and the presence of certain contraindications.

plastic Surgeon Clinic "Estette Clinic":

"Immediately I want to note that, of course, none of the minimally invasive techniques are able to compete according to performance with surgical operations. However, it often happens that the patient is not allowed to decide on a similar step of the patient or the specific situation does not require operational intervention. In these cases, a minimally invasive cosmetology comes to help us.

Nitee lifting, laser lifting of a person, RF-lifting techniques may well delay the need to surgery and serve as a kind of temporary replacement by surgical techniques of face suspenders. Botinotherapy and fillers allow you to get rid of wrinkles. Plasmolifting improves the turgor of the skin and its general condition. Peelings are also responsible for the tour, color and quality of the skin. These procedures are effective in their field of action, but the direct alternative to plastic surgery is not.

Almost all procedures are held in the Estet Clinic, which is described in the article, but each of them has both indications and contraindications. In particular, patients who came to us on the total lifting of the face, I recommend plasmolifting before and after the operation, it allows you to reduce the rehabilitation period. But to carry out any hardware rejuvenating procedures before surgical intervention is not worth it. "

cosmetologist Clinic "Frau Clinic", Ph.D.:

"Currently, there are a large number of effective techniques of non-functional rejuvenation of the person, but it is important to understand the difference in the possibilities of a plastic surgeon and a beautician. The surgeon creates the contour of the face, the cosmetologist - improves the quality of the skin. And aging manifests itself in the omission of the skin and muscles, and in reducing the skin tone, and in the deterioration of its quality. There are only about 5 kinds of aging, depending on their manifestations and the program of rejuvenation is developed, including using non-operative techniques.

The most effective today I consider hardware procedures (laser fractional phototermolysis, laser thermalifting), RF lifting, as well as contour plastic and nyate lifting. But it is necessary to honestly note that with pronounced ptosis and large quantity of subcutaneous fiber tissue, all types of hardware lifting are ineffective, as they affect the deep layers of the skin without affecting its surface. Also, the so-called 3D-modeling of a person is very popular and efficient, which uses a complex of measures: contour plastic, nite lifting, botulinitherapy.

In general, in our arsenal there is a fairly large selection of minimally invasive methods of face lift, but an integrated approach is always necessary for the best result. Separately taken method, no matter how good it is, will not be able to solve all the problems. "

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