
Research work "Modern Russian language on the Internet". Presentation on the topic "Russian language on the Internet" Russian language on the Internet to make a project

Tasks for research: - to study literature on this topic; - to analyze the texts of the Internet messages and identify the features of their design; - reflect the results of the study in diagrams. - determine the ratio of spectabilities to use a special language in the Internet - communication; - Determine whether the original writing of the Internet is influenced by the literacy of users on the example of students of 7 "a" class of the MOU "Kugysssky Lyceum".

Internet - communication with the whole world has become simple, comfortable and natural. A centuries-old dream of mankind comes true - to receive information instantly, despite the distances of thousands of miles, which can share us. We quickly used to write each other emails (e-mail). Internet as a means of communication. The huge role of the Internet in everyday life and in communication is becoming more and more obvious every day.

"Point" is written as "TO4KA" prevented, hare, Yezhigg Harasho, cryatively, here, Sy, right now, I'll call back at the lesson later (skipping punctuation marks). I'm sorry, what bothered (fusion writing words). Distinctive feature Internet - language - the complete absence of rules. Spish Pishetz, Pets

Pros and cons of Internet language messages 1. Larger than information for minimal amount Time 2. SEXTENDING OF INFORMATION 3. Non-emotional coloring of speech 4. Specifies simultaneously for the transmission of information and emotions (may transmit interpretation of oral speech) 1. Equality in understanding the contents of the contents of the contents of grammar and spelling, which leads to a total reduction in literacy

SHA CONTINUE MAPSPSB SONSE I'm Liua! Throwing this error is made by the crash, these errors are made Frequentlyotypes of punctuation signs at the end of the proposal; saving the number of characters Che is you doing? Using the spaciousness. Pains are interesting - it is interesting to help !!! Writing the words in capital letters Emotional allocation of the word Hi sorry for the use of symbols not provided

Conclusion: Internet messages have the following features: an electronic method of transmitting information, writing uniform, informality of communication, an abundance of abbreviations, spelling and punctuation errors, compensating for the absence of emotions with emoticons. Internet - communication is a new speech genre. A peculiar writing of the Internet - reports does not directly influence the total human culture, his literacy. This can be perceived as youth slang. A.I.Kuprin said: "In skillful hands and experienced lips - handsome, singers, expressive, flexible, obedient, deft and spacious."

"KVN in Russian" - Pasta + Wedge \u003d? Disk with sound record for playing. Competition of captains. In what word 100 consonants? What note is put in the soup? (Salt). Bird with big goiter. Water + Ring \u003d? Bunch of sweet berries. (Moaning). Cognitive contest. What ends the summer and the autumn begins? In what word 40 vowels? Lick + foam \u003d?

"The Week of Russian Language" is the winners of the competition "The Best Notebooks in the Russian language". Ivanova Anastasia 1 Class "A" Arbuzov Evgeny 1 Class "B" Mordvinov Vladimir 1 Class "B" Nikolaev Dmitry 1 Class "B" Salnikov Kirill 1 Class "B" Aliyev Rimma 1 Class "B" Agarisaeva Karina 2 Class "A" Hatefov Murat 2 Class "A" Abgaryan Karin 2 Class "B" Mukhtarov Olga 2 Class "B" Mitrofanov Vladimir 2 Class "B" Erokhina Daria 2 Class "B" Cardiac Karina 3 Class "A" Razorovna Tatiana 3 Class "B" Zabelina Maria 3 Class "B" Ragimov Farman 3 Class "B" Petrov Mikhail 4 Class "A" Bestcoe Anastasia 4 Class "B" Abgaryan Ekaterina 4 Class "B".

"Russian language and literature" - Russian. In school, the truth to learn about the world people begin in warehouses. About me: maybe it will be difficult, not born, I will live, I'm not painting my choice. Teacher Understand, Mom, I am a teacher. Objectives of teaching literature: Anyway in Moscow or in Siberia, the school year is equal to years. Objectives of the subject "Russian language":

"Business Russian language" - the correctness of speech, the culture of the word. School form: for and against? Forms of Business Communication. Study, explore and analyze important modern problems. Business. Business speech genres. Discussions. 5. Special show for demonstrating new products and other innovations. Business game. Business conversation.

"The problems of the Russian language" - Problem number 3: Problem number 2: the Russian Federation. Russian language and school: what should be done so that the graduates of the school speak Russian competently? The action "I want to speak Russian correctly!" (3 Stage). Problem # 6: Topics of the conversation: Problem # 1: Russian abroad: How to increase the number of foreigners interested in learning the Russian language?

"Picture lesson" - a lesson plan. V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Theme lesson. Content literacy "5" - 5 "5" - 3 "4" - 6 "4" - 6 "3" - 2 coped with work - 100%, high-quality performance: 100% 82% literature. The form. Example planning. Method. uk. To the textbook. The problem is like any communication, communication with art should be specifically learning.

Total in the subject of 25 presentations

The rapid negative changes that occur in Russian are forced by many scientists, researchers are increasingly and more often to say that it is depleted, loses its shine, beauty.

So, what is the reason for negative trends in the development of the Russian language? Most researchers converge in the opinion that the problem is in too active penetration into the literary language of the spoken, spaticral language. This is especially true of the language of communication of young people, youth slang. Much popularity today has acquired the Internet, which often replaces this communication. Today, the Internet is a colossal source of information that humanity ever knew. I and my peers do not imagine your life without the Internet, we constantly use its capabilities, such as efficiency, speed and availability of communication between users on distant and close distances. The Internet has turned into a tool for communication.

The ability to answer the question of how the language of virtual communication affects the language of the present, live communication, and is relevance My research. Hypothesis Studies were the identification of the role of Internet passion for the formation of the Russian language of our time.

Purpose of work: Studying aspects of the influence of the Slang of virtual communication on the language of living communication. The achievement of the goal is implemented by the formulation of the following tasks:

1. Study of theoretical sources about slang virtual communication, about its interaction with the Russian language.

2. Study, comparative analysis Relationships to Welcome Virtual Communication People of different ages Based on the survey, linguistic analysis of blogs, Internet chats.

3. Generalization and systematization of data, formulation of conclusions and proposals on the stated problem.

Subject of study: Internet relationship with Russian.

Object of study: Social Internet networks (classmates, in contact) and phenomena called norms, youth speech of our time.

Research methods:

    Sociological studies: testing and social survey on the street of the Moscow of our city;

    Systematization of data, which indicate that the Internet has a significant impact on the formation of modern rules of the Russian language.

Basic the result of the study It is identifying the overwhelming role of the Internet to form the language of young people of our time.

Practical value of work consists:

    In the development of various types of speeches on cooling hours and extracurricular activities;

    In conducting the social action "Day without Mata and Slang", the organizers of which will be students of our PMPC branch, and participants - passersby on the streets of our city).

CHAPTERI.. Use of the Internet as a tool for knowledge and communication

The Internet acts today not only as a tool for knowledge, but also as a tool for communication.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, last years in school essays The number of errors associated with the use of Internet slang has increased. All sorts of "Ischo", "Preveav", "token" and "Can't", as well as emoticons and abbreviations like lol (we laugh at the soul), teachers are increasingly catching in the written works of Russian students. On the other hand, Internet slang is introduced into a business correspondence. It came to the point that, for example, the Director General of one of the oil companies developed a system of fines after he found a phrase "Customer undertakes" in an outgoing letter. The fact that Russian needs to be protected from the "virtual verbal garbage", cultural figures declared more than once. Now the problem is discussed at the state level.

Scientists conducted a study among the inhabitants of all Russia. These studies have shown that people aged 20 to 45 communicate in a network of 38%, while the remaining majority - 58% - adolescents are 15-20 years old. Pension and pre-pre-age people on the Internet numbers less than 4% (Appendix B. Fig.1).

Our research is dedicated to youth and it becomes obvious that the overwhelming majority of young people have their own pages in various social networks, for example: in "in contact" or in Odnoklassniki. From 100 students surveyed by me, the Architecture branch "Architecture" aged from 15 to 18 years of Internet uses 85 people -85%. It should be noted that the remaining 15% use the Internet, but with another purpose of finding the necessary scientific publicist information (Appendix B. Fig.2).

In addition, many of us (63%), as statistics show, abuse the use of Internet networks and honestly recognize that they live on the Internet (Appendix B. Fig.3). And we found the understanding of this as a result of our research. Many of the students of our branch allow themselves such because parents are allowed to use and do not limit in time, and such 78% of all respondents and only 22% use the Internet strictly at the set time. Therefore, with confidence you can declare what the result of how much time we spend on the Internet and for which it lies in how much for us is permitted, accessible.

Thus, I managed to find out that young people, having received sufficient training in the field of information technologies, and today most have such, they begin to actively use the Internet for various purposes, including to communicate.

CHAPTERII.. Virtual communication features

What is the attractiveness of a virtual type of communication? I myself am an active user of the Internet, communicate with friends in "in contact". The experience of virtual communication allowed me to allocate the following features:

1. Anonymity. Despite the fact that it is sometimes possible to obtain some information of a questionnaire and even a photo of the interlocutor, they are not sufficient for real and adequate perception of the individual. In addition, you can hide or submit false information about yourself. A man in the network can show and exhibits greater freedom of statements (up to insults and obscene expressions), since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal. From here, the first thing that distorts our native language, the language of communication, the permanent use of the abnormative, grave vocabulary.

2. The originality of the processes of interpersonal perception in conditions lack of non-verbal information. The inhabitants of chats are almost completely devoid of auxiliary means: the tempo of speech, emphasis part of the statement, emotional coloring of speech, voice tone, his strength, diction, gestures and facial expressions.

The problem of lack of non-verbal information in communication by visitors to chat visitors is solved by using (to compensate the timbre and emphasis part of the statement) of the so-called "caps" (from English "CAPS LOCK" - blocking the upper keyboard register; writing the phrase or part of its capital letters), which is everywhere on the network Treked as an increase in voice. With the same purpose, a multiple writing of exclamation marks is also used.

3. Volunteering and the desirability of contacts. Attractive in virtual communication is that the user voluntarily tying contacts or leaves them, and can also interrupt them at any time.

    Difficultness of the emotional component of communication. Emotional deficit Participants Communication Compensate due to the surrogates of emotional reactions - "emoticons" (from the English "smile" - "smile"), which were extremely widespread. It was natural that the survey showed: 84% of respondents (i.e., almost every participant in virtual communication) use "emoticons" to give emotionality to their report. Nevertheless, the emotional palette of communication remains poor. Below I brought examples of "emoticons" - substitutes for emotions that most often use virtual communication participants.

But even the most colorful emoticon will not replace a living smile, a good look, angrily frowny eyebrows, lowered shoulders, joyful laughter, and can not be replaced by voice intonation by no emoticon.

5. The desire for indecent behavior. I repeatedly came across that users admit abnormative behavior, atypical for the social medium to which they relate. For example, to stand out on the Internet networks, participants in communication are trying to work out their own, individual style: intentionally write with errors, use the stressed font, they write alternately and capital letters (letters), use abnormative vocabulary.

In my opinion, the peculiarity of the language in the network is grammatical freedom. Pages of chat rooms and forums and fierce neologisms and slang. In fact, the Internet is a kind of piggy bank of those words that are clear only to those people who use them in social networks. For example: "ATP" (thanks), "I have Liu" (I love you) and many other words, phrases and already established expressions, some of which I bring to Appendix - A.

Youth lives all new and absorbs all new as a sponge, creating something of their own, unlikely to be previously used in speech. This creates the effect of peculiar kinship. For example, when the company comes a conversation in such a language that do not know people may turn out to be the object of ridicule or may simply do not understand what it is about.

This problem, in turn, aggravates the persistent attachment of young people to telephone communication through SMS and ISQ. If SMS is a property that is understandable to everyone, even the phenomenon of its time, which is understandable to all, the services of ICQ using slang, the so-called ICQ, have many, but not all. Create, what is ICQ? ICQ (eng. I Seek You. - "I'm looking for you") - a centralized instant Internet messaging service. Permanent, daily, every minute use of SMS and ICQ is a great way to quickly and cheap information to your interlocutor. Here, the rate of transmission of thought is important, so the words are mercilessly reduced by forgetting about grammar, if only it was clear and few people think about the fact that it distorts our language.

CHAPTERIII. Vocabulary of participants in communication, its replenishment

Virtual network vocabulary is enriched with new words that are borrowed, as a rule, from americanized of English language. Initially, there were special terms denoting any detail constituting that did not have an accurate analogue in their native speech. But, despite the fact that most of the borrowing has its own Russian analogue: "Nickname" - pseudonym, "Ban" - blocking, "Online" - real time etc., Internet neologisms firmly occupied their niche in the language of virtual communication. The most commonly used neologisms that appeared on the Internet and for the Internet, I cite in the application - V.

"Internet non-environmental" communication begins with the network space, and then transferred to the soil everyday life. The vocabulary of communication is thus updated.

Scientists suggest that the vocabulary of the Russian language as a whole is about 500,000 words, vocabulary A.S. Pushkin - 21 290 words, and the vocabulary of the modern Russian person - about 3,000 words.

With the help of the survey, I tried to find out: What is the vocabulary of youth? In everyday communication, young people, according to their own estimates, use from 150 to 350 words, and this figure does not depend on age. Thirt of the number of words is limited to the quarter-grader, and high school student, and a student. It turns out that until a certain age, a person replenishes his vocabulary, and as soon as his life includes virtual communication, such a necessity disappears, as they surround you and so understand. The following results are also talking about this: the question "did you think about the number of your vocabulary?" Of the 100 students surveyed only 15% think about how many words they own. An important question in the questionnaire became such: "Due to what you replenish your vocabulary?" and only 5% of respondents answered that by reading fiction, classical and modern; 15% - chose reading newspapers and magazines; 20% - replenish their vocabulary due to the media and the majority of respondents - 60% - noted that the vocabulary is replenished as a result of communication with people and it is on the Internet (recipient - r; Fig. 4).

Linguistic analysis of blogs and internet chat gave me the opportunity to bring many examples of the formation of a new style in Russian - the so-called Internet communication style, which is not only a specific feature of the Internet community, but also seriously affects the speech behavior of the whole society as a whole.

I believe that the decision to explore the designated problem on the materials of the virtual communication of young people was correct, because it was the Internet that is the way to understand the true situation with the language literacy of the mass audience. On the Internet, spontaneous speaking oral speech inevitably must be fixed in writing (or rather, in the printed) form. Consequently, all speech and linguistic errors are also fixed on the letter, and the most terrible is considered to be permanent in the individual speech of each modern person.


Today, the Internet can be viewed not only as the level of high-speed technologies, but as the history of the language, namely the modern stage of its development. Each youth generation requires new words to explain their look at the previous things that have previously existed. This is what leads such a large number of slang words and expressions reflecting the specifics in Slang of modern youth. virtual Mira and diversity of youth subcultures. Studies have shown that there are many examples of how the language is distorted on the Internet.

Nevertheless, I found the positive aspects of virtual communication. The language of virtual communication can not be prohibited nor cancel. Of course, bad if this language completely replaces a normal language. But modern youth is impossible to imagine completely without slang. The main advantage is here - brevity. It is not by chance that at present the virtual slang is used in the press and even in the literature to give a speech of the literature. High rank state figures also use slang expressions in their speeches.

Therefore, it is impossible to treat virtual slang as something that only pollutes the Russian language. This is an integral part of our speech, moreover, this is the phenomenon of our time. This is part of us!

In order to solve the problem, use the Internet-language, which displaces the living oral speech - I suggest ways to solve it:

1. Systematized and actively conduct activities aimed at the formation of love for a clean, beautiful Russian language at all levels of education, starting with school.

2. At the level of the PMPC Department "Architecture" (if possible at all branches of our college), organize a number of events:

    classroom hours in groups;

    conducting the social campaign "Day without Mata and Slang", the organizers of which will be students of our PMPC branch, and participants are passersby on the streets of our city).

Before you, the project "Russian language on the Internet", which was created to correct and enrich the speech of the younger generation. In this paper, you can find and explore the composition of the "spoiled" Russian language, find the result of the survey among students, community information, see how the project works in action.

  • Text of work: Russian language online As of March 31, 2017 12:28 (28.7 KB)
  • Presentation: Russian language online As of March 31, 2017 12:28 (9.9 MB)
Results of expert assessment

City stage. Humanitarian project estimation sheet (experts: 2)

Middle score: 1

0 - Objectives and tasks are not formulated. 1 - goals and tasks are not formulated or with errors. 2 - goals and tasks are fully formulated and without errors.

Middle score: 1

0 - In the project documentation there is no description of the relevance of work. 1 - In the project documentation, there is a description of the relevance, but is common, blurred. 2 - in the project documentation there is an accurate and specific description of the relevance of the project.

Middle score: 0

0 - In the project documentation there is no evaluation of resources. 1 - In the project documentation, resource assessment is present, but incomplete or errors. 2 - In the project documentation, the assessment of resources in full and without errors.

Middle score: 1

0 - Criteria for the success of the project are not described. 1 - the criteria for the success of the project are indicated, but the connection between them and the objectives and objectives of the project is not shown. 2 - criteria for the success of the project are shown, the link between the success criteria and the objectives and objectives of the project.

Middle score: 0

0 - In the project documentation there is no description of the stages and the timing of the project implementation. 1 - In the project documentation, the description of the stages and the timing of the project is generally common. 2 - in the project documentation there is an exact and specific description of the stages and the timing of the project implementation.

Middle score: 0

0 - Planned results Projects are not related to the objectives and objectives of the project. 1 - Planned results are not fully related to the goals and objectives of the project. 2 - The connection of the planned results with the objectives and objectives of the project is accurate and specific.

Middle score: 1

0 - no in project documentation. 1 - There is, but does not reflect the content of the project, there are no important elements of the product. 2 - fully reflects the content of the project work.

Middle score: 0

0 - In the project documentation there is no assessment of the success and efficiency of the project. 1 - In the project documentation there is an assessment of the efficiency of the project's success, but does not comply with the stated criteria, the project development prospects are not indicated. 2 - In the project documentation there is an accurate and specific assessment of the efficiency of the project's success, the prospects for the development of the project are indicated.

Middle score: 1

0 - In the project documentation there is no information on practical implementation. 1 - information about the level (degree) of practical implementation is general. 2 - information about the level (degree) of the practical implementation is accurate and specific.

Middle score: 0.5

0 - The project is simple or is relevant. 1 - the project is complex, but it does not seem relevant or the project is current, but simple. 2 - the project is complex and relevant.

The collected of very dying chapters, with a significant number of inaccuracies (where are the common words from the Internet? What kind of beast is this - the Internet language at all?) In addition, the criteria for effectiveness are incomprehensible. The number of subscribers a dubiary cannot talk about the level of speech subscribers. Although the idea is initially: and a round table, and public is interesting.

Work on learning a language that is used on the Internet is quite relevant. However, it remains not very clear what criteria used the authors for the selection of lexical units representing the "components of the Internet language". The goal and the tasks, delivered by the authors, do not correspond to the obtained conclusions.

Points: 5.5

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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2 Slide

Slide description:

Objectives: Determine the value of the Russian language in the global Internet; Identify the features and character of the special distortion of the words of the Russian language in the virtual space; To evaluate the considered new phenomena in Russian, streamline these features; To summarize.

3 Slide

Slide description:

Russian language is native or second native for 280 million people; This is the language of international and interethnic communication. According to the results of the latest research, the Russian language came out on the second place in popularity on the Internet, slightly bypassing German and yielding only English.

4 Slide

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Alternative Language, "Afftar language", "Seteyyyaz", "Linguistic anarchy", "Novoyaz", "Padonkuffsky language" is the names of a new style, new words used not only on the network, but also in life too. Today, the phrase "Runet Language" is on the threshold of becoming a full-fledged linguistic term.

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6 Slide

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The danger of using such a style of communication is not for those who have already been formed about the language skills, and for a child who may see the word written not in the book written with the error, but on the computer screen. Subsequently, his experience will prompt writing, accepted on the Internet, and not recommended by dictionaries. In addition, a person who is accustomed to other spelling will reluctantly read books, and even the school will not be able to withstand the Internet daily. And then the generation will arise with another writing.

7 Slide

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Today, essentially arose new form Language interaction - written conversational speech. Russian language exists on the Internet mainly in a written version, but in the conditions of interactive network communication, the tempo of speech close to the oral species.

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Internet space can exist only under the condition of active human activity on its creation and development. It in itself is nothing more than real, alive, human thinking embodied in the information. Virtual personalities become the creators of new verbal and non-verbal means of statements and communications, not only the virtual space itself, but also the language in which this society communicates.

9 Slide

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"Written pronunciation" the function of intonation structures takes on emoticons that help the interlocutor to express expressive-emotional color coloring. Before the internet appearance, the spontaneous speech was manifested in oral form, as a rule, simultaneously, and on the Internet, spontaneous spokenies should be fixed in writing. So one of the rules of the virtual language appeared: both hears and writes.

10 Slide

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The most important source of replenishment of the dictionary language dictionary is word formation. Borrowing or calculation of the English-speaking root morpheme. Not only morphemes, but also abbreviations can be borrowed. Examples: Memorism (eng. MEMORISE) - toze, Hi (English Hi!) - Hello, Lol (English Laughing Out Loud) - laugh very loud. Also productive body, suffixation, prefixation, and other conventional methods. Active, in particular, unpleasure (weakening or loss of segments of frequently used, sustainable combination two words). Examples: Browser, Maleler, Listalka, Ring, anonymous - an anonymous letter.

11 Slide

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Another type of compressive word formation should be considered an activated abbreviation process. Rapid or even the complete coincidence of the abbreviation with the usual word gives it additional values, serves as a means of irony, jokes. 1. Most abbreviations are created on the basis of English-speaking components 2. are derivatives of phrases, and not just phrases: HH (eng. Hope this). 3. Forms based on the language game: 10x (from English. Thanks - Thank you). 4. Enable various graphic signs - letters, numbers, symbols: @teotd (from English. At the end of the day - at the end of the day)

12 Slide

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The results of the latter sociological surveys of students in diagrams are indicated (1,2,3) - this is the numbering of links, 1 junior, 2-average, 3-senior. Do you regularly use non-commodity words when communicating on the Internet? What, in your opinion, the reason for the distortion of the norms of the Russian language on the Internet?

13 Slide

Slide description:

The results of the latter sociological surveys of students in diagrams are indicated (1,2,3) - this is the numbering of links, 1 junior, 2-average, 3-senior. Is there always a language of the Internet that is understandable for you? Is there any Internet language from the regulatory language?

14 Slide

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A characteristic feature of the syntax of the global network language is the trend towards adgammatism, i.e. deviation from syntactic and punctuation norms literary language creator of text. In many discussion groups, the amount of sent messages is limited by software, therefore participants in such discussions often have to neglect the donation to at least the signs of punctuation.

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