
“Love (composition-reasoning). What is true love (School essays) What is true love essays

Love is the impulse of the soul, the radiance of the mind, this is the feeling when you want to be with a person who understands you, to whom you are drawn. How long is humanity alive, until now it has not found an exact answer to the question: "What is love?" Only one thing is known what our love was not: for our Motherland, for our mother, for our family, for our loved one - undoubtedly this is the most beautiful of all feelings, capable of inspiring actions and accomplishments, ennobling a person, making him better. There is also a love for music, for art, for dancing, for singing.

As for love for the opposite sex, not everyone knows how to love. This requires learning, failing, and even pain. It happens in the love of two people like this: One who loves, the other who allows himself to be loved.

It is not right. Love comes by itself when God gives. Love is God. It comes to those who do not have aggression, envy, anger. Therefore, it is very important to live in goodness. After all, any defeat is the path to success and happiness. When we give love, we get twice as much. People should not look for love, go about their business, learn from mistakes, learn about the world, discover new and new possibilities, redo their inner world, fight with complexes and insecurity. And over time, love comes. When we are in love, we want to constantly delight our soul mate with pleasant gifts and cute surprises and by all means keep in memory all important dates and unforgettable events. Most people think that a person should be perfect. Everyone wants to find a ready-made ideal person in order to communicate, love, be friends. There are no ideal ones. We all grow and develop our own inner world, We are all different, and this is normal.

I came across Shakespeare's statement: "All lovers swear to do more than they can, and do not even do what is possible." I understand this statement in such a way that two people in love take an oath of fidelity to each other, promise to do things for the good of love, but in the end they were afraid of difficulties or because of some circumstances did not try and gave up, betrayed their Love. In Shakespeare's statement, the word "everything" confuses me. He summarized everyone. Not all people are superficial and let words go down the drain! Legends and traditions about beautiful, sublime Love in the deepest sense of the word live in the centuries! Lines from a poem by Alexander Blok: “One to you, you alone, love and happiness to the queen, to you beautiful, young. All lives are the best pages!

You, you alone, oh my passion,

My love, my queen!

In the darkness, your night soul

Shines like a distant lightning.

Blok wrote these lines to his girlfriend, whom he loved, she is the queen for him, his passion, he breathes her.

Love and be loved!

Essay on the topic of:

« What is love?"

Prepared by a student of grade 11 "A"

MBOU - school №28 in Yekaterinburg

Vichkanova Natalia

Head:, teacher of Russian language and literature, 89022670748

What is love? Can I give precise definition this word? This is probably a rhetorical question.

Love is a special, strange feeling, invisible, very personal. It goes

from the inside, like everything present. This is one of those feelings that a person can experience in life. Feel with every cell of your body.

All our life we ​​love, consciously or not. As a child, we experience feelings of sincere affection for our mother.

Growing up, we show love for knowledge of the world around us. Soon we will learn love for our native language, for our home, for the Motherland.

Later, love for the opposite sex comes. The older we become, the more we discover the meanings of this word - love,

we understand its immensity and uniqueness. This is not to say that I love something more, something less, love has no edge. We just always love

in different ways and show our feelings out of the pattern.

Love, intimate and deep feeling, aspiration to another person, human community or idea. Love necessarily includes the impulse and the will to constancy, which takes shape in the ethical requirement of fidelity. Love arises as the most free and so "unpredictable" expression of the depths of the personality; it can neither be forced nor overcome. The importance and complexity of the phenomenon of Love is determined by the fact that in it, as in the focus, the opposites of biological and spiritual, personal and social, intimate and generally significant intersected. On the one hand, genital or parental love includes healthy biological instincts common to humans and animals, and is unthinkable without them. On the other hand, Love for an idea can represent an intellectual delight that is possible only at certain levels of culture. But no matter how different from each other in their own way psychological material Love with which a mother loves her newborn baby, Love with which a lover loves his beloved, and Love with which a citizen loves his homeland, all this is Love, which differs from everything that only “looks like” her - from a selfish “attraction”, or "Preference" or "interest". "The true essence of love is to abandon the consciousness of oneself, to forget oneself in the other self and, however, in the same disappearance and oblivion for the first time to find oneself and to possess oneself" (Hegel, Works, vol. 13, M., 1940, p. 107).

Since ancient times, this wonderful feeling has been sung, perhaps that is why all world literature is somehow saturated with the theme of love.

This topic is so vast and limitless that it has been addressed by writers and poets for thousands of decades.

"Love jumped out in front of us,

Like a killer jumps out of the corner

And instantly struck both of us. "

This is what Bulgakov wrote in his novel The Master and Margarita. How right he was! We do not choose the place and time, we do not choose whom to love and for how long.

Love bursts into the heart and permeates it through and through, like poison. And from this moment we are in her power.

She can force the most proud and hypocritical person to kneel, she will not ask status in society or family lineage.

It will simply open the door to your heart without any knocking or key and will remain there against your will. And you let this feeling in and enjoy it. Let it burst into your heart with a stormy stream, fill your soul with a spring melody.

Lovers are always so carried away that they do not notice anything other than this feeling. She inspires them and makes them smile like children, sincerely, for real.

Anna Akhmatova, in one of her poems, called love "the extraordinary fifth season of the year," with the help of which the other ordinary four were noticed by her.

And indeed, when a person loves, he is happy, he sees the world a little differently, in brighter and lighter colors. Everything ordinary becomes extraordinary.

To say: “I love you” means to say: “you will never die,” the French poet Albert Camus once remarked.

This means to capture a person in your thoughts, memories, in your heart. Thereby making him immortal.

An example of such "immortal" love is considered to be the tragedy of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet".

Two equally respected families

In Verona, where events meet us,

Fighting internecine

And do not want to calm the bloodshed

The children of the leaders love each other,

But fate adjusts their intrigues.

And their death at the coffin doors

It puts an end to irreconcilable strife.

The girl and the boy fought for their love, regardless of the consequences. Romeo was ready to renounce his name, and Juliet to part with life in the name of a high feeling. After all, the mind is powerless before the cry of the heart.

"There is no story sadder in the world,

Than the tale of Romeo and Juliet. "

Shakespeare, having told the world this drama, won the hearts of millions of readers with his heroes, and their heartfelt and unfeigned love for each other, for which they gave their lives.

How many examples can be cited when feelings, it would seem, should bring joy and happiness, but bring only grief and sadness, push to crazy actions, forcing a person to suffer from pain, which he calls love.

Everyone has to endure love disappointments: resentment, betrayal, lies, the loss of something dear, very personal, and in the heart, as if a through hole. And it seems that the wound has almost healed, almost healed. But this is the "almost". Just a little, just a little more, and everything will pass, but no, nothing goes away, and the wound aches, like yesterday, remaining a memory in your heart.

To date, love has changed a little, but this fabulous feeling continues to inspire new achievements, exploits and beginnings.

Sometimes it makes you soar above the ground, and sometimes it throws a stone down without a parachute, but despite everything, as they used to fight for castles, land and resources, people are still fighting for that real, genuine feeling that everyone calls love.

After all, the most precious thing on earth is the love that we give each other.

Love, we talk so much

We understand so little

After all, there are so many legends about her alone,

And we have not felt it for a long time.

As if she is no longer at all

And everyone who tells me otherwise

He is either a liar or a happy person.

After all, only love lives

That in our heart sometimes brings happiness forever.

Tolstoy wrote that there is no such grief,

That can't be carried, but I'm sure

Love is salt

What is pouring into the heart from the inside.

She can be gentle, timid, passionate,

And eyes shine with joy

When you understand sensibly, it is clear.

Love, it is everywhere, around you.

In everything: in all the faces of passers-by

And in the song of birds on the street in spring,

And most importantly, to notice, to grasp,

understand that there are miracles in the world

Don't be sad, love is like a bird

That flies right into our hearts.

With only one difference: Love, she is the queen

Her heartbeat has not been known for a long time.

She will burst in, silently, passionately,

And light a fire inside you

You know that if something happens, then the dust of an obscure love,

Like a phoenix, it will flare up one day,

Even at the end of the day.

believed that “Love is the only rational activity of man” and warned: “This love, in which there is only life, manifests itself in the soul of a person, as a barely noticeable, tender sprout among rough sprouts of weeds similar to it, various lusts of man, which we call love. At first, it seems to people and to the person himself that this sprout - the one from which the tree in which the birds will take refuge should grow - and all other sprouts are all the same. People even prefer at first the sprouts of weeds, which grow faster, and the only sprout of life stalls and freezes; but even worse is what happens even more often: people have heard that among these sprouts there is one real, vital one, called love, and instead of him, trampling it, they begin to bring up another sprout of weed grass, calling it love. But what is even worse: people with rough hands grab the sprout itself and shout: “Here it is, we have found it, we now know it, we will grow it. Love! Love! the highest feeling, here it is! ”, and people begin to transplant it, correct it and seize it, crush it so that the sprout dies without blossoming, and the same or other people say: all this is nonsense, trifles, sentimentality. The sprout of love, in its manifestation, is gentle, does not tolerate touch, is powerful only in its growth. Everything that people will do over him will only make things worse for him. He needs one thing - that nothing hides the sun of reason from him, which alone brings him back. "


Love is the most beautiful feeling on Earth, given to a person from above. Love is the most incomprehensible and mysterious phenomenon in the emotional life of people. It is love that makes us commit rash acts: good and vice versa. Happy love inspires a person, makes him able to soar above the ground.

Each of us saw a man in love, perhaps was in his place: how happy his eyes are! They sparkle like stars in the moonless night sky ... The gait becomes light and weightless: behind the back, unfortunately, invisible wings have grown ... A person in this state discovers abilities and talents previously unknown in himself. One wakes up a poetic gift, the other takes up brushes and paints. Lovers want to shout to the whole world about their feelings. Their hearts, souls and minds are too overwhelmed with emotion to remain silent.

But those who had the misfortune of experiencing love disappointment or loss feel completely differently. Their hearts are bursting with pain and longing. Life completely loses its meaning. For such people, the only question becomes: “Why do I need such a life if there is no one next to whom I love more than anyone else in the world?”. Thoughts about settling accounts with life more and more often visit the unfortunate. Nothing can bring him back to his old life. Only after a while, the pain subsides, leaving a deep wound in the heart.

Perhaps later, people who have suffered a heartbreak will be unable to give and respond to a bright feeling, fearing new blows of fate. They will talk about humanity in, -lom, they will talk about love for him. But these are all just empty words ...

Humanity, in my opinion, is really much easier to love than a specific person. This love does not require any daily confirmation, nor any costs - material or mental. All of humanity will not be able to make claims about trifles, will not argue and quarrel about or without.

True love for humanity begins with love for your loved ones, for those around you. And even if the banal phrase “Love thy neighbor” does not seem to us to be something unreal and supernatural: great love begins with small things.

Love is not easy beautiful words... Love is a great work: daily, stubborn, sometimes even too hard. Having fallen in love with a person, you are obliged to take care of him, to be always there at the right moment. It is not for nothing that when they marry, lovers swear to be together "in illness and health, in sorrow and in joy." Without mutual respect, without patience for each other, even the most passionate love cannot last for many years.

It is interesting that couples who have been married for 40-50 years called these qualities the basic rules of happiness: patience, attention, respect. And, of course, responsibility for each other and before each other. You cannot do without this. It is very important that everyone feels a reliable shoulder to lean on in difficult times. I think many will agree that without all of the above, love is not possible.

But in order to learn all this, you need to see your soul mate in a person. You need to learn to restrain your emotions, if something annoys you in your beloved: it is better to tell him calmly about it. Working on yourself is the hardest part of love. But here it is also important not to "go too far": you should not humiliate yourself, cling to a person. True love does not need such sacrifices.

Of course, it's easier not to start a serious relationship if there is no desire to work. But years later, looking back at my life and not finding anything worthwhile in it, my heart aches painfully from the aimlessly spent days. It is not for nothing that wise people said: "Love is easy to acquire, but difficult to keep ..."

What's happened true love? How should close people relate to each other? Can a relationship between lovers be based on one person's disrespect for another? Writers of Russian literature have pondered over such questions more than once.

Great love is not only happiness, but also great suffering. This is truly a blessing of Destiny, which sends a “bird of happiness” to a person as a token of gratitude for the suffering he has endured. The love of each individual person has its own light, its own sorrow, its own happiness. There are no barriers to a loving heart. But here it is important not to indulge the weaknesses of a loved one, but to try to direct his actions in the right direction. She became a shining example of the voice of conscience for Rodion Raskolnikova, the hero of the novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", Sonya Marmeladova, which, like a ray of light in the dark for a loved one, followed him to hard labor. Sonechka did not support Raskolnikov's destructive idea, she simply saw in him something that “is really beautiful,” something that at times he himself could not see in himself. She resurrected his soul with her disinterested love!

But there will never be a real, sincere relationship, if only you allow yourself to be loved, as she did, for example, Helen Kuragina, the heroine of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace". We see only a cold, soulless beauty, shining with the whiteness of her dazzling shoulders. Could Pierre Bezukhov be happy with her? Is he so sincere, loyal and real? Of course not!

And Victor Astafiev, reflecting on the problem of true love, in one of his works shares his impressions of the incident he saw in the life of one married couple. The narrator rides a train with married couple... The head of the family, a front-line soldier, disabled, goes to a meeting in charge. To "facilitate" his trip, his wife is with him. A disabled husband treats his wife “like a dog” and tries to please her in everything. But the young lady, as the writer calls her, does not respect her husband, is capricious. There is no warmth in their relationship ... So Astafyev writes that “love, of course, is different,” but “this kind of love” cannot be called love. Indeed, in love, it is important to think not about how it will be best for yourself, but about how to make it better for the other. But reciprocity is important here. In true love, there should be both mutual help “in sorrow and in joy,” and mutual understanding.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that love is a huge, all-consuming feeling that gives a person life-giving joy and immense suffering, pacifying peace and endless rushing. If you really love, sincerely, then with all the fullness of your soul you should surrender to this feeling, finding an ardent response in a kindred loving heart, invariably devoted and faithful!

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