
An essay on the topic "What is real love? What is love - an essay of an essay on the topic Is there ideal love



"Love is an invaluable gift. This is the only thing we can give and still it remains. "

(L. Tolstoy)

So, love ... What is this feeling, which is the impact of centuries excitement of the hearts of people?!

How many pages are written and have been told about this great comprehensive feeling and in prose, and in verse. In many poems it makes it a unique, unique, no matter what is the condition of the soul!

And the question of what love is both and remains relevant to this day. Until now, a man breaks his head over what power is behind him and why it makes strange metamorphosis with people, throwing them from one pole to another, changing the perception of peace, their favorite people in the root of the owner of this feeling of great creative force. Either the opposite is destructive.

Who or what is the reason for this phenomenon, is standing for these events, one can say conducted by them?

As if the great magician had a lot of people love to love and made a person responsible for how to dispose of this precious gift:

One becomes the Creator, the other goes on crimes,

One gives it by force, courage, makes disinterested in his motivations, the other - on the contrary, weak, harsh, dependent on the subject of his lust, or the selfish owner and the dominance, ready for any actions for the sake of satisfaction of their own ego,

One heats up, the other will plunge into the despondency and even depression,

One becomes sacrificial, the other is the victim of the subject of his love.

And how many times love saved and cured doomed to slowly fading and the death of sick people! And these are facts from life! And there are a lot of them.

And so on ... List of miracles, doing with this divine feeling, long. And there is not one, even the most potent medication, which in its effect could be compared with this, doctor's heart and body, feeling.

In order to deal with the question "What is love?" And to understand what this force, which lies in a great all-consuming feeling and which leads to such absolutely opposite phenomena, we will have to remember, oddly enough, the design of a person.

After all, it was this concept that since childhood was explained wrong, distorted, bringing the perception of such a difficult creature as Human To a simplified scheme, presenting it to the material two-legged creation with heads, hands, body and attached to them five senses.

Since the concept of a person is extremely ejected to such a template designation, which is why we perceive ourselves those with all the ensuing consequences. And we are not to blame for this.

But in our power to understand yourself and in this stunning feeling, presented to us by the Most High! Would a desire! Let's try?

None in any educational institution, including the Medical Institute (and I do not know it, because I myself finished it) did not study at the department of anatomy and human physiology a complete design, including both material and spiritual components. Knowledge was limited only to the topography of organs, nerves, muscles and vessels in the body of a person and flowing in it with chemical reactions. And in vain. Since the spiritual part really exists and even explains to us where it lives in a person it is a great feeling called love! I will not go into details now, but it is not necessary. Since there is a very visual video on the U-Tuby website. For 6 minutes and 53 seconds of viewing, you will receive comprehensive information about it.

I would also like to note that love is a spiritual category. And so answer the question "What is love?" From a material point of view, it is practically impossible, despite the fact that its presence is confirmed in the material medium with certain chemical reactions, the presence of endorphins, neurotransmitters and other chemicals present in the human body and accompanying this unique feeling. At the physical level - that is, at the body level, when a person is experiencing love, there is a tide of strength, there is a powerful surge of endorphins and other hormones "happiness." Visually, this state is reflected on the face of the eyes in love in the form of a special radiance of the eyes, a surge of positive emotions, directed outside, in particular for adoration.

But the fact is that these chemicals are not the cause, but a consequence of chemical processes launched by this deep sense of chemical processes, regardless of the will of the person.

The impact of this process lies completely in the other. And it is about this that we now indulge in if you are not against ...

So, what is love?

Why does she ignite the hearts of people?

Why "drives them crazy"?

How to distinguish real love from the substitution?

Should love cause sadness, sadness?

How to dispose of this feeling correctly, not splashing on trifles his main message?

If we consider a person, contrary to the problem of school teachers, precisely as a spiritual being that has received his body for temporary use, it becomes clear that there are two starts in a person: spiritual and material. The body must be the soul, only for its development, to acquire the skills you need. The body is a practically a tool that when used using use gives the soul of invaluable experience and helps to achieve certain vertices.

And love, as a feeling, plays the most important role in this process.

Our life path can be bolden by the "love test".

One who at least once experienced this feeling acquired his invaluable personal experience.

There are significant differences between superficial feelings emanating from matter and deep feelings emanating from the spiritual, that is, a true sense of manifestation of higher love.

This spiritual feeling is limitless, of course, unconditionally, disinterestedly. And it is these qualities that need to learn here on Earth, while we are still in a bodily shell. This is what we are here! Because, experience is purchased only here on Earth.

And in heaven, we only use what they acquired what they brought up in themselves. This is the true sense of love in the end we will bring the Creator who created us so and breathed in us this great feeling, on which our universe practically holds.

But the experience of love we acquire exactly on earth, giving this feeling to their neighbor: parents, their chubs, children, just people.

What happens to us while we are in the body?

Since the material principle exists in us on a legitimate basis, (as a managers of a corporal shell), it participates in decision-making. The material reason is characteristic of such features as ego, property, credit, self-love, jealousy and others. And it is these features that affect the sensual component, distort this feeling, bringing suffering into it. And people mistakenly accept these sufferings for a strong feeling, confused him with love and succumb to his tricks. They allow themselves to rinse themselves, or the opposite rolled up and blackmail with their feeling of others.

A person cannot figure out these confused feelings in which they are mixed into one bunch and light and dark qualities. But it was repeatedly reinforced with each other, they are distorted by a person, as a real feeling of love - after all, he suffers so much! As a result of such experience, a person has a false understanding of love, with whom he goes on life further and on which is focused in the future.

However, this feeling has nothing to do with this love! And it will only understand that person who can recognize and curb the egoistic material component with all the ensuing consequences and will allow their love to exist in its pure form - that is, in such a thing that it appeared to us from their spiritual world.

If love acquires a shade of sadness, suffering, tragedy and other similar quality, then this is a sign that the material that wanted to immerse the love of the rusty, the crucible cart of the negative, to pull it into the swamp, which is essentially happening with this feeling in people.

Remember what a big and bright feeling was at the beginning of the relationship, when everything just started! How many positive emotions were directed outside and harmonized the world around love!

And what kind of feeling appeared at the end of the unexpeted relationship? Weighted mutual reproaches, jealousy, the desire of revenge and other negative emotions, carrying their owners and the outside world in the nearest environment destruction, sadness, suffering!

And here is already very important AS Man comes out of this situation! With that feelings are going to live on! What "luggage" will be lucky with him to the future!

Therefore, we, all people of the planet, you need to learn to perceive any end of relationships, (if it comes), with understanding and gratitude for the acquired experience of love. After all, in fact, no matter how hard it was on the soul, the loss of the object is important, but rather, the subject of love is as such, but it is important to acquire the experience of therapy, the ability to exit with dignity from any situations, not looking, continuing to love this The world, God, their loved ones. This is the positive experience of love - the path, developing and chaging the soul!

It is important for us to remember the main thing - the only value in this life, which will go along with the soul in a different world to the Creator of the Universe - is love!

All that was before - exercises in improving and developing this present and deep feeling.

From here it becomes clear to the question: why do you need to wed up into this holy feeling and destroy it with your negative emotions?

The answer becomes clear:

Because it will never give way to spiritual. It is mortally determined and finished its existence along with the death of the body. And the soul is eternal! Therefore, this confrontation will always. While it allows man himself. While it solves his mind, and not a pure consciousness! Understanding this, we just need to learn to subordinate the material mind spiritual. Because voluntarily he will not pass his position.


There are only two ways:

Firstly: Holding your thoughts under control, putting the material to the barrier. As if filtering these thoughts from spiritual. After all, the negative is first born thinkwhich comes from the inside (suspicion, jealousy, property, and anything) and only then, if you give it to develop and strengthen in consciousness, negative arises emotionwhich requires its permission. The way a person will cope with it depends only on him.

Secondly: With the help of spiritual practices, meditations, reading mantras, respiratory exercises, etc.

Having coped with negative emotions, a person begins to subjugate his mind, and this is a step towards improving the soul.

From this person will only win, as it will rise in the spiritual plan on the step above.

So, I come to the conclusion that real love and suffering are incompatible!

And the feeling of love, tested in the body on Earth, is nothing but acquired experience, the disclosure of the talent to love to come in due time with this feeling towards God!

But while we are people living on earth, this feeling can serve us a big service - save civilization from death.

Since the emitting positive fluids of love, a person cleans the space, improves the energy of the Earth and thereby saves the planet from the negative.

Who said that beauty will save the world? Not! The world will save love!

Because beauty is an attribute, though aesthetic, but from the material world, and love - from the spiritual, where we all will return to keep the answer to the Creator!

Today, in our difficult, but insanely interesting time, the sky presented to people of the planet the Land of the Golden Key, which opened the doors to the future, where, instead of the inverted death of civilization, the civilization expects entry into the golden millennium.

It's a small thing - take this key and open the magic door to them!

Choosing for us.

I invite everyone to whom this topic is interesting, to paint on the page of the group: "Love - what we know about her ..."

Join !!!

Love is a gusting of the souls, the radiance of reason, this is a feeling when you want to be with a person who understands you to which pulls. How many humanity, so far it has not found an accurate answer to the question: "What is love?" Only one thing is known, what our love was not: to his homeland, to the mother, to the family, to his beloved person, is undoubtedly the most beautiful of all the feelings, able to inspire the actions and accomplishment, to ennoble a person, to do it better. There is also love for music, to artistic art, to dance, to singing.

As for love for the opposite sex, then far from everyone knows how to love. To do this, learn, tolerate failures and even pain. It happens in love of two people: one who loves, the other that allows you to love yourself.

It is not right. Love comes herself when God gives. Love is God. She comes to those who have no aggression, envy, anger. Therefore, it is very important to live in good. After all, any defeat is the path to success and happiness. Giving love, we get twice as much. People should not look for love, deal with their affairs, learn mistakes, to know the world, open their new and new opportunities, redo their inner world, fight complexes and uncertainty. And with time, love comes. When we are in love, we want to constantly please our soul mate with pleasant gifts and cute surprises and certainly keep all important dates in memory and unforgettable events. Most think that a person should be perfect. Everyone wants to find a ready-made perfect person in order to communicate, love, be friends. Ideal - no. We all grow and develop their inner world yourself, we are all different, and this is normal.

I was caught by the statement of Shakespeare: "All lovers swear to fulfill more than they can, and do not even fulfill possible." I understand this statement so that two people lovers give each other an oath of loyalty, they promise to make any actions for love, but in the end, difficulties were frightened or because of some circumstances did not try and lowered their hands, betrayed their love. In the statement of Shakespeare, I confuse the word "all". He summarized everyone. Not all people are superficial and let the words on the wind! Live in the centuries of legends and legends about beautiful, sublime love in the deepest sense of the word! Rows from the poem of Alexander Bloka: "One you, one, love and happiness of the queen, you are beautiful, young. All lives Best Pages!

You, you are alone, oh my passion,

My love, my queen!

In the darkness of your night soul

Blusters like a long-range zarin.

The block wrote these lines to his girlfriend, whom he loved, she is for him the queen, passion him, he breathes her.

Love and be loved!

Nowadays, in the age of mass culture, and inattention to an important cultural grounds for humanity, remain beyond the understanding of comprehending fundamental human experiences. About one of them I would like to talk in this article - more precisely about the manifestation of love.
Now in my opinion, there is a misunderstanding of this feeling (this is how it can be described). It leaves a place for some passion or lust, essentially identifying with elementary human feelings. In its differentiation, they reached their judgments before they do not put equality between love for parents and love, let's say to the girl. However, if you think about and analyze, you can completely definitely come to the fact that it is the same. Just a tool of manifestation is different.
Love is the essence of human existence. Without love, no one's most simple human activity, whether material transformation or logical conclusions are not possible. In their activities, one way or another, every person strives to transform around himself to the right of that good, which is felt for him as the most weighty. Moreover, love is the basis of the motivation of human nature. However, if you analyze the human activity, that is, for what reason the person comes in one way or another, it turns out that he is experiencing in his soul the motives, the initial foundation of which is love. Otherwise, a person will act destroy everything around. And in this case, he is alienated from love and approximate to death. However, the essence is so strong in man that it is many times covers everything destructive. That is why a person is so difficult to become destructive in a short time.
Love encourages passion, that is, through passion and similar feelings, a person makes certain cases that can go beyond its limits of normal activity. All other feelings - there are just tools to action. They themselves are impersonal and can be aimed at anything. Therefore, a person who is guided in its activities is just the achievement of satisfaction of feelings, does not see the object of its substantial significance and identity. In this case (even with the inner worldview of egoism), the subject is alienated from real reality, plunging into the world of its own ideas, which in essence there is the fruit of his self-destruction. A person does not know how to give, it is unlikely to accumulate a positive in himself. Consequently, radical egoism (denial of everything around as equivalent to self) itself is dislike themselves and everything else.
Love as a great insight illuminates as if all around everything around, more giving than taking. Love giving up does not pursue the goal to purchase anything from the object. It is self-replenished and blooms due to this. That is, the coming beginning as if self-sustaining and strive for self-cultivation did not get death and the inner strength and potential.
Any tool (as a pseudo prompting, that is, feelings and even rationality) is always temporary. Therefore, in the end, it does not base on anything. He does not see any more need to fill, as I am felt - he himself in its pure form depletes to those who put the focus on this tool in the end he gets tired, and the subject who used to give bright colors faded in front of her eyes. This is characteristic of our time, which a tool for comprehending reality replaced the truth (in this case, love is understood under the truth as a concept, that is, the substitution of the concept). Love is eternal, it always manifests itself through a constructive, through the creative and never man really loving does not dry. The tool (feeling) to which it can use, with time becoming banal and alienated. Therefore, we sometimes seem to be in love that we are "tired of love" but it is not. A loving person will never stop loving. This can be found by what we have the risk of losing our love object. That is, even more so, if the risk threatens primarily the object we are ready for it to give life and even more than it for the sake of the mountains. Even hundreds of years. Love does not waste himself for every statement for himself. This is a self-sufficient phenomenon. That is complete. Consequently, through love, we can come to truth.
Therefore, I argue that love is the essence of human existence. But she is inherent not only to a person but also to everything alive. This follows from the logic of reflection. From here you can assume, the different manifestation of love has some roots. And they are located in God - as in the self-sufficient owner of the truth.
Denial of love is death. Death is the lack of love, like darkness lack of light. At the end, I would like to give 3 statements, which, in my opinion, reflect various manifestations of love:

1. "... And life is only a word - there is only love and there is death ..." (V. Tsoi "Legend")
2. "... Love not" because, and no matter what "...". (Dictionary on ethics. Ed. Huseynova A. A. And Kona I. S. - M., 1989)
3. "... And if I samples all the estate and I will give my body to burn, but I have no love," there is no benefit to love. Love long-patio, merciful, love does not envy, love is not exalted, does not proud, it does not matter, not looking for his own, not annoying, does not think evil, it does not rejoice untrue, but the truth is so much ... love never ceases, although the prophecies will stop , and languages \u200b\u200bare smelled, and knowledge will abolish. (Bible. 1 Cor. 13: 3-8).

Love is the most beautiful feeling that any person on the planet may experience. She teaches to be kind, patient, wise and generous. Love begins with birth, when mom and dad seen their newly born baby. Mom has the most rejected and sincere love. She will never betray, will not deceive, will not let her baby. It will always be to believe in it and donate throughout his life and warmth. Love can start suddenly, at first glance of two people. And may come gradually, after a long communication with each other, when people unite any joint hobbies, hobbies.

Love is different, but it always gives heat to other people. There is love for animals, to defenseless cats and dogs, to the pigeons on the street, to their pets. Animals feel love very much, and stretch to those who treat them with good feelings. Even little children are able to love animals.

Love is always in any family. Dad falls in love with Mom long before the child is born. Then the parents give their love to children, and it will increase. Children also love their parents, as well as sisters, brothers Grandparents. Parents and children love each other all their lives. Teenagers and young girls and guys can fall in love. The first feelings are very touching and gentle. Usually the first love is remembered for life. When a person loves, he wants to show constant care, give joy, make pleasant actions. The people in love will never grieve his halm, will try to do everything for happiness his beloved or beloved.

Believers are very worshiped by love for God. They pray in the church, read prayers. Such people are very kind and more others know what love is. Everyone in the course of life necessarily loves someone and himself, I love someone. Love is the most beautiful feeling on Earth, helping to be happy, give joy and warm to other people.

Option 2.

Love is the best feeling on our land that can experience a person! It is different, for example, to parents, to animals, sports, opposite sex. But always this feeling manifests itself with the fact that you do not imagine your further life without the object of your love. You all the time I want that the object of love would be near, and you would always do only good for him.

Love between a man and a woman is the most important thing that is on our planet. Thanks to this feeling, families are created and children appear, human genus continues on our land. Lovers are very happy, if a person managed to create a family for love, then we can say that he is very lucky in life.

A loving person gives heat, kindness, care and does not require anything in return. We love our parents, friends and parents and friends love us. We give each other gifts, ready to even give their lives for your loved one.

Such a feeling as love is capable of much. For example, love can take away from tragic actions, to defeat the war, cure from terrible disease, inspire heroism.

Love is not only a magic fairy tale, she can bring pain and suffering. A loving person always wants to possess the object of his heart, but in life it does not happen everything, for example, a terrible thing, as death will not allow it, and then a loving person is doomed to bitterness and sadness. It is also worth understanding that love is not always mutual, and then the loving person is doomed to heavy experiences.

In our life, everyone has a favorite close people and friends who we do not have time to pay more attention than I would like and this is not correct. It is worth postpone everyday troubles, worries and entertainment, and pay attention to your parents, grandparents. It is worth coming up, hug and remind, how much you love them and you really need them.

Each person on our land wants the world to love the world. Only love can save from wars and diseases! Only thanks to love, the world becomes cleaner, brighter and more fun. If love is, then people will be happy, obsessed only on good actions and will not cause any evil to each other. Love and be loved!

Writing about love and its types

Songs are made about love, the poems compose, for the sake of her crazy actions. But what is love? Love is the most mysterious feeling in the emotional life of a person. No one can give a clear definition of this concept. Although people have different associations with the word love, the majority associates this feeling with such concepts as serenity, peace, warmth and fun in the heart. However, love is different.

When people hear the word of the motherland, they feel a sense of love. Love for your state, regions, city. Love is manifested in respect for the surrounding nature, people and animals. This is a love for home and the street, where your childhood passed, and to grandparents, who were taken in the summer in the village, this is the first pet.

Another type of this feeling is love for your relatives and, of course, to parents. The first words of each child is "Mom" and "Dad". Parents take their children since childhood, surround with love and care, teach the basics of existence and help in all endeavors.

One of the important aspects of human life is friendship. Throughout life, a person meets and get acquainted with different people who are then becoming friends. Here is the love of friends, expressed by support, care, loyalty. With friends, you always have fun, walk and share all kinds of news and secrets.

Finally, love between a man and a woman. Each person meets his soul mate in life. Someone believes that to meet a loved one manages only once in life. True love never notices the shortcomings and bad deeds of the beloved person.

It is possible to conclude that love surrounds all people on the planet Earth. She is the component of the life of every person. Love helps our heart beat more often and fill it with light and warmth. Therefore, it is very important to show love to everything in this world, because it helps not give up and go further.

Essay 4.

It is believed that love can be arguing for hours. No wonder this lesson, the most famous philosophers, writers and poets gave out a considerable part of their time. The first tried to understand that there is love, why does she have a person, perhaps easier to exist without this mysterious feeling? In other words, philosophers did not want to be reconciled with the fact that for some unknown reasons, from nowhere, suddenly, between two people, and often not only people, a strong "unearthly" connection may occur. While there is no competent explanation for this fact, no philosopher can sleep quietly!

Poets and writers, by virtue of their spiritual affiliation, creativity and feeling, on the contrary, appreciated the above and without detailed explanations. The poet, raising the topic of love, could scream in all "I do not believe!" Only when it came across the natural world in the sensory world - a rupture. Disappointment in love, attempts to reduce the score with their own life together with attempts to revive those bright emotions, which at the moment does not get - what a fertile topic for creative reasoning! Judge themselves, among all the poets of the famous "Golden Age" there are no and a dozen of those who never affected the theme of tragic love.

But back from the vertices of poetry and philosophy on Wednesday, ordinary unremarkable people. Don't they raise the topic of love in their daily conversations? Do not rejoice at the general acquaintances celebrating a silver wedding, do not speak about the first children's love and do not discuss kissing couples in public transport? Does them, "simple mortal", is not available to this feeling? Available, still as accessible! I just don't have any strength, nor the time from an ordinary citizen to deepen every day into philosophical reflections on what is true love, or to kill months due to an undivided feeling. And even if he thinks about it, he will write down his arguments, in the hope of transferring them to descendants, it certainly will not.

An essay on what love is?

Each person answers this question in its own way, since it is impossible to give an accurate definition on it. Everyone thinks and feels different, so the manifestation of love is also individually.

Some people love money and as soon as they meet a man with prosperity, they immediately fall in love. Many call such a manifestation of love is not real love, arguing this by the fact that as soon as the money disappears, love will pass, but real love never passes. I have a hurry to disappoint such people, love leaves even from those who are experiencing the strongest feelings. This happens when the person does not pay attention to a person, he feels not needed and just leaves, but he loved, his love was sincere, why then can we afford to say that she was not real? People rarely think about such questions like, what is love? Why is it needed? How to distinguish it from the habit.

Love is that there is a habit of man, which is why family couples arise, because because of the long love, the habit and people did not see their further life without a partner.

Love whatever she is, always real, just most people have the principles and what does not converge with their opinion, rejected. Love helps a person move forward, she makes it more productive, he works more to marry / get married, raise children, go to his loved ones / My go somewhere. But, despite all the positive parties, she can and bring a person, for example, in studying, his brain ceases to normally memorize information, because of this, bad marks may appear.

And in general, love is a wonderful feeling, it is impossible to live without her day, so love people and all living beings. Love will bring in a soul a little joy and feeling of happiness.

OGE 9 Class Ege Grade 11. Correspondence for grade 8. 15.3.

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Essay on the topic of:

« What is love?"

Prepared by a student of 11 "a" class

MBOU - SOSH №28 Yekaterinburg

Wichkanova Natalia

Leader:, Russian teacher and literature, 89022670748

What is love? Is it possible to give an accurate definition of this word? Probably, this is a rhetorical question.

Love is a special, strange feeling, invisible, very personal. It goes

from the inside, like all the present. This is one of those feelings that is given to experience a person in life. To feel every cell of your body.

All my life we \u200b\u200blove, consciously or not. The child we experience feelings of sincere attachment to the mother.

Podral, we show love for the knowledge of the surrounding world. Soon we will learn love for their native language, to their home, to the homeland.

Later comes to love for the opposite sex. Than the older we become, the more we open the meanings of this word for themselves - love,

we understand his immensity and uniqueness. It is impossible to say that I love something more, something less, love has no face. Just love we always

different and show their feelings not by the template.

Love, intimate and deep feeling, aspiration on another person, human community or idea. Love must be included in the impulse and will to constantly decorated in the ethical requirement of loyalty. Love arises as the most free and inspired "unpredictable" expression of the depths of the personality; It can not be forced or overcome. The importance and complexity of the phenomenon are defined by the fact that in it, as in focus, the opposites of the biological and spiritual, personal and social, intimate and commonplace intersect. On the one hand, sexual or parental love includes healthy biological instincts, common in person with animals, and unthinkable without them. On the other hand, love for the idea may be an intellectual delight, possible only at certain levels of culture. But no matter the love between themselves in their psychological material, which mother loves her newborn baby, the love that loved his beloved, and the love that a citizen loves his homeland, all this is love, differing from everything that only "seems" It is from egoistic "attraction", or "preferences", or "interest." "The true essence of love is to refuse the consciousness of himself, to forget himself in the other, and, however, in the same disappearance and oblivion for the first time to gain yourself and possess themselves" (Hegel, writings, volume 13, M., 1940, p. 107).

Since the ancient times, this beautiful feeling was accelerated, probably, therefore, all world literature is somehow impregnated by the theme of love.

This topic is so large and limitless that writers and poets acted for it for many thousands of decades.

"Love jumped out before us

As the killer pops up from behind the corner,

And instantly struck us both. "

So wrote Bulgakov in his novel "Master and Margarita". How he was right! We do not choose a place and time, we do not choose who we love and how long.

Love breaks into the heart and soaks him through, like poison. And from now on we are in her power.

She can make the knees of the proud and hypocritical person, will not ask the status in society or a pedigree family.

Just open the door to the heart without any knock and the key and will remain there in spite of your will. And you let this feeling and enjoy it. Let a rapid flow break into your heart, fill the soul of the spring melody.

Loving always so passionate on that they do not notice anything but this feeling. She paints them and makes smiling as children, sincerely, truly.

Anna Akhmatova, in one of his poems, called the love of the "Unusual Fifth Time of the Year", with the help of which the remaining ordinary four were noticed.

And after all, indeed, when a person loves, he is happy, he sees the world somewhat different, in brighter and bright colors. All ordinary becomes extraordinary.

Say: "I love you," it means to say: "You will never die," once the French poet Albert Camus once said.

This means to capture a person in his thoughts, memories, in his heart. Thereby making it immortal.

An example of such a "immortal" love is considered to be the tragedy of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet".

Two equilibrium families

In Verona, where events meet us,

Learning internecine battles

And do not want to take bloodshed

Each other love the children of the leaders

But they fate adjusts the goats.

And the death of them in the sobility doors

Puts the end of an irreconcilable retail.

The girl and young man fought for their love, despite the consequences. Romeo was ready to renounce on behalf, and Juliet parted with life in the name of a high feeling. After all, the mind is powerless before the cry of the heart.

"No story sadder in the world

Than a story about Romeo and Juliet. "

Shakespeare, having told this drama to the world, conquered the hearts of millions of readers with his heroes, and their heartfelt and shy love to each other, for which they gave lives.

How many examples can be given when feelings seemingly needed to bring joy and happiness, and only grief and sadness, pushing on insane acts, forcing a person to suffer from pain, which he calls love.

Each has to survive love disappointment: resentment, treason, lie, loss of something expensive, very personal, and in the heart, as if through hole. And, it seems, the wound almost healed, almost delayed. But this is the most "almost". Quite a bit, there is still a little bit, and everything will pass, but no, nothing passes, and the wound rotes, as well as yesterday, remaining the memories of your heart.

To date, love has changed a little, but this fabulous feeling continues to inspire new accomplishments, feats and endeavors.

Sometimes it makes you soaring over the ground, and sometimes throwing down a stone without a parachute, but, in spite of everything, as before, there were fights for castles, land and resources, so and now people are fighting for the present, genuine feeling that everyone is called love.

After all, the most expensive on earth is love that we give each other.

Love, say so much,

So little understand

After all, only a lot of legends are difficult about it,

And we do not feel it for a long time.

As if it was not at all

And everyone who tells me otherwise

He is either a liar or a happy man.

After all, only love lives

That in our heart sometimes brings happiness forever.

Tolstoy wrote that there is no such grief,

Which can not be transferred, but I'm sure

Love is salt,

What loses on the heart from the inside.

She is tender, timid, passionate,

And glow from the joy of eyes,

When you understand Hello, clearly.

Love, she is everywhere around you.

In all: in all passersby persons

And in the birds of birds on the street in the spring,

And most importantly, notice, grasp,

understand what is in the light of wonders

You do not be sad, love she is like a bird,

What flies straight to our hearts.

With one difference: love, she is the queen

Her long not know the knock in the hearts.

She bursts, silently, passionately,

And it will deseparate the fire within you.

You know that if that, then the dust of love is unclear,

Like a Phoenix bird, once, once,

Let even at sunset day.

it believed that "Love is the only reasonable human activity" and warned: "This love, in which only there is life, is manifested in the soul of a person, as a slightly noticeable, gentle sprout among her coarse sprouts of wearing herbs, various lust of man who are We call love. At first, people and the person himself seems to be that this sprout is the one from which the tree should grow in which birds will be hidden - and all other sprouts are all the same. People even prefer the sprouts of weeding herbs, which grows faster, and the only sprout of life stalls and freezes; But even worse, that even more often happens: people heard that among these sprouts there is one real, vital, called love, and they instead, Topchach him, begin to raise another sprout of weed grass, calling him love. But what's even worse: people are grown with rude hands the most sprout and shout: "So he, we found it, we now know him, we will observe him. Love! Love! Higher feeling, here it is! ", And people begin to transplant it, correct it and capture him, zaminat him so that the sprout is dying, not blooming, and the same or other people say: all this is nonsense, trifles, sentimentality. The sprout of love, when manifesting her gentle, not tolerant, is powerful only at its back. Everyone that people will make over him are only worse for him. He needs one, is that nothing hid from him the Sun of the Mind, which one claims it. "

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