
Urogenital infections in gynecology. Urogenital infectious diseases: the current state of the problem

Urogenital infections are a combined group of inflammatory diseases that are transmitted by sexual path (STD). As a rule, these are those pathologies that penetrate the body of women and men with unprotected (vaginal, anal, and more often oral) sex with an infected partner. In rare cases, such infections such as chlamydia and syphilis can be transmitted by the household, during blood transfusion, the use of non-sterile syringes, as well as in natural breeding, during the passage of the fetus generic ways. In this article, we will focus in detail on the types of urogenital infections, as well as tell about the diagnosis of these diseases and their treatment.

Types of urogenital infections

Considered infectious diseases differ depending on the microorganisms that cause them. It can be enterococci and staphylococci, mycoplasm and ureaplasma, garcenells or chlamydia, herpes virus or genus Candida fungus. As a result of their penetration into the body, diseases are developing as:

  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis);
  • papillomavirus infection;
  • candidiasis (thrush).

Consider the causes of the occurrence and signs of each urogenital infection.

1. Mycoplasmosis
This is an infection that is caused by intracellular microbes - mycoplasmas. As a rule, it occupies the urethra, the cervix and the vagina of the woman, as well as the extreme flesh in a man. Nevertheless, more often from mycoplasma are women who lead an erratic sex life.

There are 14 types of mycoplasm that can provoke: pyelonephritis and prostatitis, urethritis and postpartum endometritis, adhesitis and salpingitis, salpingo-phorite, as well as pregnancy and fetal pathology.

The cunning of mycoplasmosis is that this infection is practically no manifest. True, under certain conditions, men can feel uncharacteristic allocations in the mornings and pain in groin. And women suffering from mycoplasmosis can feel abundant allocations between monthly and pain during sexual intercourse.

Mycoplasmosis is especially dangerous for pregnant women who can cause this infection:

  • threat of abortion;
  • anomalous attachment of the placenta;
  • complicated pregnancy;
  • multi-way;
  • premature detection of spindle water;
  • late toxicosis;
  • premature childbirth.

Without adequate treatment, mycoplasmosis can cause infertility, breaking the ability of an egg to promote.

2. Ureaplasmosis
This disease is often considered together with mycoplasmosis, since its causative agent - ureaplasm, like mycoplasma, refers to intracellular microbes (an internal form between viruses and bacteria).

Risk factors under which there is the greatest probability of infection are:

  • indiscriminate sex;
  • early start of sexual life (previously 18 years old);
  • transferred STDs and gynecological pathologies;
  • age from 14 to 29 years.

Such an infection is the greatest danger for pregnant women who have serious complications and can provoke premature childbirth.

3. Trichomoniaz
Such a disease of the genitourinary system causes the simplest single-cellular - trichomonade. Every year there are more and more patients with trichomoniasis, and girls and women are 16-35 years old in the risk group. In the United States, 3 million infected news representatives annually appear in one year.

Of pathogenic factorsthat contribute to the development of this ailment can be allocated:

  • violation pH vaginal secret;
  • deterioration of the epithelium condition;
  • the presence of venereal diseases;
  • frequent change of sexual partners.

Most often, the disease is transmitted from an infected person during sexual contact. In rare cases, infection occurs by a household, oral-facal way, through food or when visiting a medical institution. Infection and animals are transmitted.

Disease does not show itself for a long time. In men, pathology is revealed earlier, as it starts to manifest itself with a thorny during urination. In women, trichomoniasis is manifested by frothy discharge, itching and burning, as well as the emergence of the erosion of the cervix. Without treatment, it can provoke infertility. If it suffers from this infection future momTrichomoniasis can provoke premature childbirth or even fetal death.

4. Chlamydia

This infection can develop on any mucous membrane, which is covered with cylindrical epithelium. At the same time, for a long time, the chlamydia breeding in the body does not cause completely no symptoms. Most often about this ailment, a woman learns at the moment when chlamydia provokes the development of another infectious disease, for example, such as: Cervicitis and Bartolynitis, Salpintingit, Ureretrite or SalpingoForit.

Depending on the disease caused, the symptoms of infection differ. For example, Salpingitis manifests itself pain at the bottom of the abdomen, uncharacteristic discharges and subfebrile temperature, salpingooforitis - pain in the sacrum and bleeding between monthly, urethritis - raised urination to urination and itching in the urethra, and bartolynitis - inflammation of the bartoline gland and the advent of infiltrate. However, most often chlamydia provokes the development of cervicitis, which manifests itself with bleeding in the intermenstrual period and mucous-purulent discharge from the vagina.

The development of chlamydia in pregnant women is extremely dangerous, as it can cause:

  • underdeveloped pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • weak generic activity;
  • premature celaiming placenta;
  • gestosis;
  • multi-way;
  • intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus.

Chlamydia in men also remains unbearable for a long time, showing itself only in the event of the development of other infections, such as: urethritis and epididimitis, prostatitis and damn.

Usually men overwhelm urethritis, manifesting themselves with pains and thumbs during urination, as well as frequent urges. The complication of this inflammatory process often becomes prostatitis. In this case, pain in the groin, in the scrotum and the sacrum, and also appeared symptoms blood discharge During urination and defecation. If a man struck chlamydial epidididimitis, he can have pain in the egg, which gives to the seats or lower back, and if I prohibit, it will be weak pain in the rectum, as well as mucous allocations.

5. Gardnerellosis
The bacterial vaginosis (garardnellosis) caused by Gardnells, most often amazes women of childbearing age. According to statistics, 20% of women around the world suffers from this infection. Often, doctors detect it in patients with purulent or chlamydial cervicitis.

Characteristic symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are the foam selection of white or gray, as well as a characteristic pending (fish) smell of vagina. Moreover, the symptoms of illness are increpacined before menstruation, as well as during intercourse. From other symptoms of Gardnerellis, it is possible to highlight itching in the vagina, the feeling of burning and frequent urge to urination.

Inflammation of the small pelvis organs, bartolinite, urethral syndrome and infertility can be a complication of this disease. And if a pregnant woman becomes a pregnant woman to the gardnerellosis, the infection can hit the fruit growing in the womb.

As for men, they, often, are only carriers of Gardnell, although in rare cases and they can develop chronic infection, for example, chronic prostatitis.

6. Papillomavirus infection
The human papilloma virus (HPV) has more than 40 strains, each of which can hit the mucous membranes and the skin. Like other urogenital Infections, HPV is more often transmitted by sexual contacts, although it may come into the body even after touching the infection carrier. In this case, after passing the incubation period on the genital organs, novel neoplasms appear (pointed condylomas).

These neoplasms rise above the skin surface, provoking an aesthetic problem in a patient, as well as causing pain during sex. In addition, they can grow into the skin, causing pain. Finally, the rebirth of the calculated papilloma in cancer is not excluded.

7. Candidiasis (thrush)
This infectious disease causes a yeast-like Candida fungus, which penetrates the body when weakening immune system and changing the acid-alkaline medium of the vagina.

Most often, this disease appears in women who complain to the doctor at itching in the perineum, as well as the appearance of cottage cheese seals of whitish color, due to which the disease is called the thrush. Moreover, the infection is rather quickly distributed throughout the body, provoking the occurrence of foci on the gastric mucosa and even in the mouth of a person.

At the same time, it is not necessary to think that the thrush is exclusively "female" disease. Candidiasis can develop in men on genitals and other mucous membranes.

8. Genital herpes
According to statistics, among sexually transmitted infections, urogenital herpes occupies 3rd place. It is transmitted during intimate intimacy From a person who is a carrier of the virus. And the disease does not actually have acute flowTherefore, after a long period of incubation, a chronic course of illness is developing with periodic exacerbations.

It has genital herpes and characteristic symptoms. In periods of exacerbation, the patient appears itching in the genital organs, and on the skin there are vesicles that burst, turning into painful ulcers. If such a disease is not treated, it will gradually coagulate immunity, and in the future it may threaten to men with impotence, and women - the inability to conceive a child or frequent miscarriages.

9. Cytomegalovirus
This is a conditional pathogenic microflora that peacefully "lives" in the body of 75% of the adult population of the planet. In addition to sexual contact, this infection is transmitted by air-droplet, for example when kiss. As in the case of genital herpes, the disease more often takes a chronic form.

A cytomegalovirus infection for representatives of weak gender is especially dangerous. Pregnant women such infection threatens the complications of the fetal tool and the high probability of miscarriage. And during the delivery of the infection, the infection can pass the infant, provoking the defeat of the urogenital and nervous systems.

Diagnosis of diseases

You can identify the existing urogenital infection with three common methods that you will be offered in the clinic. It:

1. Delivery of Bakposev (bacteriological sowing). As a rule, blood, urine or stew becomes material for research. To prepare for this analysis, it is advisable to abandon sexual contacts for 3 days before the tests of tests, as well as refrain from urination and hygiene of the genital organs in the morning before surrendering analyzes.

2. Immuno enzyme analysis. Compared to Bakpospose, this is a more accurate analysis by which you can identify an infectious agent at any stage of development (even in the incubation period). For this, the patient gives venous blood, and therefore, a week before the procedure should be refused to receive medicinesAnd the analysis itself should be handed over to an empty stomach.

3. PCR (polymerase chain reaction). This is the most accurate method for identifying infections in the human body, which allows you to get the result literally in a few days. The test material here also performs blood, urine or feces, and therefore the conditions for preparing for the surrender of the analysis are similar.

2016 0

Viral urogenital infection- This is a disease that is predominantly sexually transmitted.

The source of infection is a person eating a virus from the mucous membrane or skin.

The virus penetrates through the damaged epithelium of the mucous membranes, as well as through the injured skin.

There is an infection with a virus during sexual or oral-genital contact. Sometimes herpes is transferred even to the fingers. It is important to know that once ill with herpetic infection, it is impossible to completely cure it. This is due to the fact that viral particles penetrate into nervous fabric, where they are stored in an inactive state. When imminent immunity, the virus can again be activated, causing typical lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.

The incubation period lasts an average of 5-7 days, the disease is usually characterized by pronounced local and common symptoms.


The disease is manifested as follows. The genitals appear in the genitals, swelling, rash in the form of small bubbles, which are often merged into larger erosion and ulcers.

Rash are accompanied by soreness, itching, dysuria, discharge from urethra and vagina, increasing and soreness lymph nodes. In some patients, fever may be observed, headacheWeakness. Complete healing erosion and ulcers occur in 2-3 weeks.
First of all, women are affected by external genital organs (sex lips, clit) and cervix, and with orally genital contacts, the oral mucosa and pharynx sheath and pharynx can occur. In men, herpetic lesions of the genital organs are usually developing on a sexual member and an inner surface of the extreme flesh.

In case of diseases of viral etiology in the uterus separated from the urethra and channel, neither microbes are not found at all, or they are found in very small quantities, so they are difficult to consider as the inflammatory proceedings. In such cases, the viral etiology of inflammation is involved.

More than 80% of people who were subjected to the first manifestation of genital herpes, and seconds have been experiencing during the year. It is impossible to predict recurrence of herpes, but they usually occur at a more moderate form and can be triggered by lack of sleep, poor nutrition, weakness or cold (which occurs most often).

Most people, after a number of years, recurrences are not less and less.

As you know, the genital herpes is not completely cured, however, despite this, it must be treated. Otherwise, ulcers will cover the increasing and large surface of the body, high temperature will rise, and a fatal outcome may come.

Treatment of genital herpes.

The most efficiently combined treatment. Treatment of genital herpes is to use antiviral drugs, interferon, immunomodulators and local means. The main means of treatment are aciklovire and Famvir. You can also use biogenic stimulants and symptomatic preparations for removing itching, pain, etc. For external treatment, oxaline oxaline, state paint, bonaftan, alpizarin are used.

For the prevention of recurrences of the disease, a herpetic vaccine, immunomodulators are used. Prevention measures are reduced to abstain from sexual contacts until ulcers lie completely.

If a partner's man has herpes, and there is no woman, but she got pregnant; It is necessary to use condoms even in the case of a complete lack of manifestations of herpes during this period. Also, if possible, it should be periodically checked for herpes.
S. Trofimov

Gardnellla (Gardncrella vaginalis) is the pathogen of bacterial infection - Gardnerellosis, inflammatory disease of the urinary tract.

For the first time, Gardennell was described in the middle of the twentieth century. It has a typical structure of the structure, but in size a little larger than gonococcus. If you look at the materials for research that are taken in patients with garcellosis, you can see that the cells of the epithelium of the sexual system are covered with cells of the pathogen. Causeing inflammation of the urogenital tract, this infection can lead to severe consequences, for example, to infertility.

It should be noted that it is present in the microflora of the urinary tract healthy people, Only in very young yokes. According to some scientists, bacterium itself is not a causative agent of infectious disease, but it creates favorable conditions for other microorganisms and anaerobic bacteria.

The bacteria multiply in the vaginal microflora and the urethra, while the products of their livelihoods quickly destroy the normal microflora of the urinary tract. Referring to the anaerobic bacteria, Gardnerella is able to multiply in the depleted oxygen medium, contributing to the development of inflammatory processes in which other microorganisms can participate.

Without the appropriate treatment, the infection as a rising way can get from the urethra in the uterus and phallopyes of the pipe. Often, this infection is caused by vaginites.

Gardleylez (Bacterial Vaginosis) is a disease caused by Gardnerell (Gardnerella Vaginalis), which is characterized by a high concentration of bond-anaerobic microorganisms, as well as a reduced lactobacilli content in the human body.

For Gardnerellosis, excessive reproduction of anaerobic and elective bacteria is characterized, which is why the final microflora changes. The disease belongs to the diseases indulging in sexuality (venereal diseases). About 20% of women of childbearing age are affected by the disease. Not rare in women infected with Gardnellular, calazm, peptococcus, peptopulationococcus and bateroids are found.

Infection more often occurs in sexually active women who do not use barrier methods of contraception. Often the disease reveal in patients suffering from chlamydial or hymealic cervicitis. Infectness of a pregnant woman can lead to intrauterine fetal infection.

The incubation period ranges from 3 to 10 days, after which symptoms of the disease appear. Often there are mixed infections. Gardnellosis may suffer both women and men. Although men have a disease less often, they may be carriers of infection.

In men, the infection causes a garcellious urethritis, in which the patient complains about grayish discharge, itching and burning in urination. Women to urethritis also join the inflammation of the vagina and cervix. The reason for the unpleasant "fish" smell is the amines generated during the metabolism of Gardnell.

Since the causes of the occurrence of Gardenarellize did not have a decision studied, three main variants of the microbiocenosis of the vagina were allocated:

  • the variant is the normal microflora in which lactobacillius prevail.
  • option - Normal microflora with a small amount of lactobacilli changes dramatically due to the appearance of bacteria characteristic of gardnerellosis.
  • the option - the completely substitution of lactobacilli is bonded with anaerobic microorganisms, which is the lead to a complete change in the microbiocenosis of the vagina.

Hormonal factors can also lead to an imbalance in the vaginal microflora. Enhancement of exogenous bacteria in the vagina leads to reinforced reproduction of endogenous microorganisms.

Gardnerellosis - A disease that requires treatment. If you put it without attention, then serious complications may arise. Not only the microflora of the vagina will change much, but also may arise diseases of the small pelvis (both in women and men):

  • infertility;
  • urethral syndrome;
  • cervical intraepithelial neoplasia;
  • bartolinite and bartholine gland abscesses;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • neuongococcal urethritis;
  • balanit, Balanopostitis.

Clinical picture Gardnernelles

Gardnerellosis can flow without any signs, but in most cases there are:

  • abundant creamy separation of grayish-white color, which adhere to the walls of the vagina;
  • the presence of an unpleasant (fish) odor arising from the collapse of amines, which are produced by anaerobic bacteria; inflammation of the vagina;
  • vulvovaginal irritation (itching and burning);
  • unpleasant feeling with sexual intercourse.

In pregnant women, Gardnerellosis can cause:

  • inflammatory diseases of the bodies of the reproductive system and the urinary tract with frequent relapses;
  • pathological uterine bleeding;
  • premature breaking of the fetal shells during childbirth;
  • postpartum endometritis;
  • complications after operations on the organs of the small pelvis and cesarean section;
  • chorioninionitis;
  • pneumonia in a newborn;
  • low weight newborn.

In women, patients with gardnerellosis, the infection of the placenta shells is often found. However, to reduce the risk of a low weight child with a timely treatment of the mother.

The persistent changes in the vaginal microflora lead to serious complications, significantly increases the risk of diseases of the abodes of the small pelvis.


Candida - yeast-like mushroom genus Candida, causing candidiasis (thrush).

Favorable conditions for growing fungus Claims are considered to be the temperature of 21-37 ° C and pH 5.8-6.5. As a rule, these microorganisms peacefully coexist with other bacteria and the human body mushrooms. However, this balance may be violated, which leads to excessive reproduction of Candid.

Vaginal candidiasis is the most frequent disease of the urinary in women, which can proceed chronically and cause a recurrence at the urinary tract.

The most common causative agent of the disease is Candida Albicans. Pathogenic for humans are strains with Albicans, C.Guillermondi, C.Krusei, C.parakrusei, C.parapsilosis, with pseudotropicalis, c.tropicalis. Other strains are not pathogenic for humans. Conditional pathogenic mushrooms are usually highlighted on mucous membranes and skin.

Most often, the thrush is found in women, more than 50% of women have been faced with this disease, especially residents of hot countries. The exacerbations are usually provoked by the following reasons:

  • pregnancy, changed hormonal status;
  • operational interventions;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • reception of hormonal contraceptives;
  • reception of antibiotics, corticosteroids, cytostatics.

Candida can coexist with other causative agents of sexually transmitted infections. Candidiasis can sometimes be a consequence of the treatment of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis and other infectious diseases (due to the use of antibiotics).

Candidiasis (synonym - thrush) - fungal disease of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, which is caused by excessive reproduction of yeast-like mushrooms of the genus Candida (Candida).

Constantly present in the body of a healthy person (on the skin, oral cavity, in gastrointestinal, in the urinary system). However, the balance of microorganisms can be disturbed, which leads to excessive reproduction of candidis and, as a result, to candidiasis.

Acute form of candidiasis (thrush), if not treated, can lead to chronic. For chronic shape, numerous relapses are characterized, the reasons for which in most cases is a secondary infection. As a rule, such patients detected diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis) and various gynecological diseases that reduce local immunity.

One of the main features of the candidomic infection is polystagity. The urban-like mushrooms are affected by the urinary tract, and sometimes internal genitals. The microorganism is able to penetrate the cells of the multilayer epithelium and form the phagos in which Claims can exist and multiply a long time, being protected from the drug effect. Due to the high adaptability, the candidal infection penetrates various organs, leading to a change in their functions.

Quite often, the thrush manifests itself in pregnant women, as a result of the restructuring of the body, hormonal changes and reducing local immunity. In such cases, a woman should take more carefully to their body and do not delay the visit to the specialist.

Chlamydia is a disease caused by chlamydia (chlamydia) and are one of the most common sexually transmitted infections.

The causative agent of chlamydia is the bacterium of the genus Chlamydia, 2 types of these bacteria, one of which is mainly striking animals and birds and sometimes causes people an infectious disease - ornithosis. Another reason is called chlamidia trachomatis. There are 15 of its varieties, some of them cause trachom, venereal lymphogranuomatosis. Two of the varieties may affect the urinary human system, causing urmsnital chlamydia. The causative agents of the disease occupy an intermediate position between viruses and bacteria, so diagnosis and treatment of traditional methods are usually essential more complex than in conventional bacterial infections.

Every year in the world, the chlamydia is ill about 90 million people annually the number of illness is about 4 million people.

30-60% of women and up to 51% of men who suffer from non-phonococcal inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs are amazed by this disease. The urogenital chlamydia refers to venereal diseases, there is quite often a combination with other infections - trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, ureaplasmosis.

As a rule, this disease often proceeds without any symptoms, it is difficult to diagnose laboratory. All this makes it difficult to treat, without which serious complications are possible.


Infection can occur at the following gender contacts:

  • genitapo-genital;
  • genital anal;
  • genital oral.

It is almost impossible to infect the outstoluhaous path (in the shower through underwear).

Chlamydia can cause:

  • neuongococcal urethritis;
  • salpingitis;
  • chlamydial cervical infection;
  • diseases of the small pelvis (fell);
  • epididimitis.

Infection can move from mother to child in the process of childbirth. It is noted that more than half of children born from mothers with chlamydial infection suffer from conjunctivitis and pneumonia.

Clinical picture

The incubation period of chlamydial infection is from 5 to 30 days. As a rule, the urogenitapy chlamydia does not exhibit itself, it flows torpid or asymptominously. The clinical picture depends on the place of the defeat, the time from the moment of infection and the severity of the reactions of the macrorganism.

In men, the initial focus of infection is the mucousness in women - the cervical channel. Usually chlamydial urethro infection takes sharp, chronic or persistent. As a rule, during the diagnosis of chlamydia, it is also detected with e-infections transmitted by sexual means (trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, etc.).

Currently united. There is no clinical classification of the disease, so when diagnosing, doctors use the following terms:

  • fresh chlamydia of the lower departments of the urinary tract is not complicated;
  • chronic - a long-lasting disease of the upper departments of the urinary tract and the organs of the small pelvis.

Chlamydia in women

Chlamydia in women can cause the following diseases:

  • bartolinitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • urethritis;
  • salpingitis;
  • salpingoForit;
  • pelvioperitonitis.

Bartolinite is inflammation of the bartolinium gland. At the initial stages, the disease flows a little-hypomito. Over time, chlamydial infection extends to the surrounding fabrics. This leads to an infiltrate that is located at the entrance to the vagina.

Cervicitis is one of the most frequent manifestations of chlamydial infection in women. The main symptoms: itching, mucous-purulent discharge from the cervical channel, bleeding in the intermenstrument period. With acute cescitis, the cervical channel is blocking. The cervix becomes eatery, hypertrophic erosion occurs.

Chlamydial urethritis does not have any characteristic symptoms. In some cases, a woman can complain about itching in the urethra and rapid urges.

Chlamydial Salpingitis is characterized by: pain at the bottom of the abdomen, violation menstrual cycle, discharge from the vagina, an increase in body temperature up to 38-39 ° C. The infection can spread through the abdominal hole of the uterine tube, which leads to an amazing of the ovary. The consequences of chlamydial salpingitis are the obstruction of uterine pipes, a pipe pregnancy.

SalpingoForit is the defeat of the fallopian pipes and ovaries. Symptoms of the disease: pain at the bottom of the abdomen, in the sacral region, bleeding in the intermenstrument period.

Chlamydial pelvioeritonite is the result of complication of salpintingitis and salpingooforita. When pelvioperitonitis, the abdominal wall is noted, an increase in body temperature up to 38-40 ° C, a rapid pulse, a positive simtom of brush, expressed leukocytosis.

Chlamydia pregnant women

Pregnant women with chlamydial infection can be the following complications:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • undeveloping pregnancy;
  • premature childbirth;
  • weak generic activity;
  • fever in childbirth;
  • gestosis;
  • multi-way;
  • placental anomalies;
  • premature placental detachment;
  • intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus.

As a rule, chlamydia in pregnant women proceeds asymptomatic. The presence of infection may indicate cervicitis and pseudo-erosion cervix.

Chlamydia in men

Chlamydia in men can cause:

  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • epididiment;
  • orchoepididiment;
  • pararenteritis;
  • digid.

In chlamydial urethritis, the patient complains of pain in the urethra, frequent urges, white or mucous meals from the urethra. With a laboratory study, more than 4 leukocytes are found in sight. Urethroscopy allows you to identify soft infiltrate.

The complication of urethritis often has prostatitis. The main symptoms of prostatitis are: pain in the groin area, scrotum, sacrum, itching in the urethra, isolation at the end of urination or during defecation. Depending on the degree of lesion, the prostate is distinguished: the catarrhal prostatitis is affected by the infrequent grooves, follicular, affecting the follicles of glands, and the parenchymal, when inflammation moves to the passagers of the prostate gland.

Chlamydial epidididimitis is the result of the canalicular drift of chlamydia from the rear urethra, which develop against the primary damage to the urethra. The disease can occur in acute, subacute and chronic form. Acute epididimitis is characterized by: high temperature, pain in the appendage of eggs, which is revealed to the lumbar and sacral field. With a subacute of the course of the disease, there is a subfebilitation, minor pain, lack of signs of intoxication. Symptoms of chronic epidididimitis: minor pain, a small seal and an increase in the appendage.

Orchoepididimitis - inflammation of the membrane of the egg. The patient complains of palpation soreness, while the scrotum is hot, edema and hyperemic. Chronic unilateral orchoepididimitis can lead to a violation of the spermatogram and sexual function.

Chlamydial proctitis is a disease transmitted by the genitortal path. Characteristic symptoms: weak pain in the rectum, mucous secretions, bleeding are possible.

Mycoplasma - intracellular microbe belonging to the first type - Mycoplasma-Taceae, causing mycoplasmosis.

There are many types of mycoplasmas, some of which are absolutely pathogenic for a person. Often, in combination with other pathogenic microorganisms, they can cause infectious inflammatory processes.

Toxic human body cells are the vital products of these microorganisms that damage the cell wall of the host. They are able to dispose of cholesterol and fatty acid Host cells.

As Mycoplasma Hominis is attached to the cells - the mechanism that is still not studied. And although the complete attachment does not occur (this can be seen with an electron microscopic examination), this connection is quite durable.

The peculiarities of this microorganism include:

  • the ability to grow in a cell-free environment;
  • lack of cell wall in the presence of a three-layer membrane;
  • dNA content and RNA;
  • the presence of a trend towards the host of the host;
  • the ability to be immunostimulants or immunosuppressors;
  • the ability to cause respiratory diseases and diseases of the genital tract.

Mycoplasma Hominis is also found in adults and in children who are infected in the process of childbirth. As a rule, this organism colonizes the vagina, urethra and cervix in women. In men - urethra and extreme flesh.


Mycoplasmosis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by mycoplasma.

Women suffered most often with mockoplasmosis that have suffered gynecological diseases, sexually transmitted infections, leading an erratic lifestyle.

There are about 14 types of mycoplasmas that can exist in the human body:

  • Mycoplasma Hominis, Mycoplasma Genitalium, Mycoplasma Pneumoniae - pathogenic for a person;
  • M. Hominis, M. Genitalium - are causative agents of the infections of the urogenital tract;
  • M. Pneumoniae is the causative agent of respiratory infection.

As a pathogenic for a person, a mycoplasma infection may be the pathogen of the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • arthritis;
  • sepsis;
  • pregnancy and fetal pathology;
  • postpartum endometritis.

The urogenitapy myoplasmosis usually does not show itself and diagnose it can only be laboratory. However, with certain stressful situations for the body, certain symptoms may appear:

  • in men: small allocations in the morning, pulling pain in the groin area, increasing the appendage;
    • uniform: abundance, itching, pain during sexual life.

During pregnancy, mycoplasmosis infection can cause spontaneous abortion, premature genera, postpartum fever.

Clinical picture of mycoplasmosis

Mycoplasma The infection can be the pathogen of a number of inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs: Salpingitis, nonspecific capingoophoritis, endometritis, adnexitis, parameters, etc.

As a rule, patients with such diagnoses are detected by mycoplasma (ureaplasm). Most often, microorganism is diagnosed in women:

  • suffering from vaginitis and cervicitis unclear etiology;
  • with mixed infections (trichomonas, gonococcus);
  • with a changed flora of the vagina (with a small amount of lactobacilli);
  • in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Pathology of pregnancy and fetus

Recently, the number of pregnant women with hidden sex infections has increased, including a mycoplasmafe infection. Due to the change in hormonal and physiological status, the sessions of microorganisms

Increases 1.5-2 times. This indicator is much higher in women who suffer from the usual non-penny of pregnancy. Mycoplasma infection in such patients is included in the microcenosis of the vagina and the cervical canal.

The most frequent complications caused by mycoplasma in pregnant women:

  • complicated pregnancy;
  • threat of abortion;
  • premature childbirth;
  • late toxicosis;
  • multi-way;
  • anomalous attachment of the placenta;
  • premature detachment of a normally attached placenta;
  • premature detection of spindle water;
  • formation of intrauterine infection.

Long inflammatory processes There may be a reason for secondary infertility in women, due to the disorders of the ovogenesis and the ability of an egg to promote.

Neuongococcal urethritis

One of the most common diseases in men caused by mycoplasmafe infection is non-profococcal urethritis. Infection occurs in sexual path from a partner who, as a rule, the disease proceeds asymptomatic. For non-profococcal urethritis, frequent relapses are characterized.


Ureaplasm - the causative agent of ureaplazmosis, refers to intracellular microbes like mycoplasma.

The most often ureaplasm is infected with young people, which are recommending sexual partners, women who enjoy contraception. As a rule, this disease amazes women of childbearing ages of pregnant women who have excessive reproduction of microorganisms is stimulated by estrogen.

Often, ureaplasmen infection occurs in people suffering from trichomoniasis, gonorads, various gynecological diseases (in women), in children (in the respiratory tract) born from the infected mother. However, the clinically healthy persons with laboratory analysis can be detected by U. urealyticum.

Urmsaplasmosis infection (mycoplasmosis) occurs in sexual means. The incubation period can last 2-4 weeks. The beginning of the disease can be completely unnoticed, and symptoms of urethritis may appear. In men, ureaplasmable urethritis is often accompanied by balanopostitis. The patient may complain about the selection from the urethra in the morning, burning in urination, it has increased body temperature and the general condition has deteriorated.


Ureaplasmosis - Ureaplasma disease caused by ureaplasma

Very often ureaplasmosis are viewed with mycoplasmosis. Both of these pathogen (ursaplasm and mycoplasma),

taking an intermediate position between viruses and bacteria belong to intracellular microbes and are transmitted by sexual.

The risk factors of ureaplasmen infection include:

  • early start of sexual life (up to 18 years);
  • erratic sex life;
  • transferred gynecological diseases and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • age groups 14-19 years and 20-29 years.

As a rule, the disease proceeds asymptomatic. However, if it is not treated, it can cause a number of diseases:

In pregnant women with ureaplasmosis, pregnancy often passes with complications, often there are premature childbirth. Diagnostic methods are:

  • segmental diagnostics;
  • resonant testing and electropuncture diagnostics according to the Fall method at ATM APK;
  • culture (bacteriological) method;
  • determination of antigens by reef or ELISA;
  • serological method;
  • method of genetic probes;
  • the method of activated particles;
  • method of polymerase chain reaction "(PCR).


There are three forms of urogenital trichomonad: killing , pear and amobovoid.

Vaginal trichomonada is an independent view that affects the urinary tract. Men are affected by the prostate gland, seed bubbles and the urethra, and in women - the vagina and the urethra.

Microorganisms can only exist within the human body, falling into an external environment, they instantly die. For reproduction, they need anaerobic conditions, pH of the medium 5.5-7.5 and a temperature of 35-37 ° C.

Main features:

  • it is very easily transferred to a person who has sex with infected;
  • the presence on the surface of the micapuronidase microorganisms, cattle aza, amylase;
  • able to repeat the relief of the epithelial cell and penetrate in host cell;
  • able to protect against the destructive effect of the body by fixing on their surface of antitripsein; the presence of direct dependence of the virulence of urogenital trichomonads from their hemolytic activity; The ability to attack leukocytes, red blood cells, epithelial cells at the expense of glycoprotein.

Trichomoniasis (Trichomonosis)

Trichomoniasis (Trichomonomosis) is a disease of the urinary tract, whose causative agent is trichomonas (Trichomonas Vaginalis).

Recently, trichomoniasis has been widespread. Most often, they are sick of a child of childbearing age from 16 to 35 years. Every year about 3 million infected women appear in the United States. Also, the large percentage of patients constitutes persons suffering from other venereal diseases and frequently changing sexual partners.

Pathogenetic trichomonosis factors include:

  • the degree of intensity of infectious impact;
  • pH of the vaginal secret;
  • concomitant bacterial flora;
  • the physiological state of the epithelium.

Penetration trichomonade occurs through intercellular spaces or lymphatic gaps. In the urethral, \u200b\u200bthey are fixed in the cells of the mucous membrane, causing inflammation. Hyaluronidase, secreted by trichomonas, contributes to breaking tissues and, as a result, the penetration of bacterial exchange products of the accompanying flora becomes more free.

Infection by trichomoniasis takes place mainly in sexual way, domestic way (swimming in the pool or river, in the shower) to get infected almost impossible. However, in sperm, urine and water, the causative agent remains viable for 24 hours.

In patients and those who have suffered this infection, serum and secretory antibodies are produced, but immunity on trichomonaceous infection is not developed.

Clinical picture of trichomoniasis

With trichomoniasis, men are affected by the urethra, and in women - the vagina and the urethra. In girls, the disease occurs in the form of vulvovaginitis or vulvivsvestibulovaginitis, at which there is no damage to the organs of a small pelvis.

The incubation period is from 5 to 15 days.

Several forms of trichomoniasis are isolated:

  • fresh acute, undercoat, trapid;
  • chronic;
  • trichomonasia.

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a maposimptomic flow, when more than 2 months passed from the moment of infection. Periodic exacerbations can be triggered by a decrease in the body's resistance, excessive alcohol use, change in the pH of the contents of the vagina or disorders of the ovarian function. Depending on how often recurrence and how hard they are transferred, they allocate trichomoniasis uncomplicated and complications.

Trichomonasiasis - a form of the disease at which there are no symptoms.

Acute trichomoniasis manifests itself in women in the form of vaginite. Basic symptoms:

  • abundant discharge, irritating the skin of the external genital organs;
  • painful urination;
  • sponges of urethra are echo and hyperemic;

In case of inspection, a small hyperemia of the vagina or cervical cervix is \u200b\u200bfound, but extensive erosion is possible. In girls, trichomoniasis, manifested in the form of vulvovaginitis or vulvivovbulovaginitis, does not affect the organs of the small pelvis due to insufficient estrogenization.

With acute vulvo-bullovaginit, there is:

  • purulent foam discharge with unpleasant odor;
  • itching and burning genital organs;
  • swelling of external genital organs;
  • diffuse hyperemia;
  • it is possible to form erosions and ulcers.

In men, trichomonaceous infection leads to trichomonaceous urethritis:

  • under acute form, abundant purulent discharges are characteristic;
  • with a subacter - a small amount of sulfur sections;
  • in the torpid form, symptoms may generally be absent.

Trichomoniasis (Trichomonosis) in men can also lead to prostatitis, epididiment or vesiculitis.


In case of bacterial infections, in some cases, it is quite enough to conduct two-three courses of therapy of 8-10 sessions according to the described scheme (7-20-7-20-7), with an interval of 10-14 days, one session per day. It should be noted that sharp processes will be leaving, the pathogen of which is in the blood or lymph. The pathogens located in the cavities and tissues, or intracellular infections will require an increase in the number of sessions on the course of therapy. For example, such pathogens of the disease of mycoplasma or ureaplasm, need a course of therapy (from 15 to 20 sessions for single) Because are intracellular infections, and removed from the body longer. Therefore, before the start of therapy, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination in order to determine the causal factor that caused the disease.

The recommended diagnostic examination and control over the treatment process is carried out by the methods of segmental express diagnostics, a resonant test or the method of electropuncture diagnostics on the Fall on the ATM hardware and software complex. With a strong reaction or exacerbation, it is recommended to increase the intervals between sessions and conducting therapy every other day.

Treatment of urogenital pathology includes not only the use of methods of active and passive bioresonance, installation, but also a lifestyle correction: adherence to the diet, refusal of alcohol, a refusal of sexual life during treatment. An important point is that to achieve a strong result, a survey and simultaneous therapy of both partners is needed.

Sexually transmitted infections represent the greatest danger, since in rare cases a person can independently recognize them. That is why the question of the timely delivery of tests and the diagnosis of urogenital infections becomes relevant.

Before moving to the main infections, it is worth saying that the concept of venereal diseases and urogenital infections is almost the same.

So, learn about whether you have some kind of infection in three ways:

  1. This is the passing of bacteriological sowing, or as it is easier to call Bakposposev. It is usually taken from smear, feces, blood, etc.
  2. Linked immunosorbent assay. This is a more accurate analysis, compared with bacteriological sowing, as it allows you to identify infection at various stages, whether it is an incubation period, a long and others.
  3. Polymerase chain reaction. This is the most that there is neither the exact method of determining the kind of infection, and its presence. Urogenital infections by PCR are detected literally in a few days.

Why should the timely diagnosis of urogenital infections be carried out? Health is above all. This motto should be guided by all people, because sexual contact may be excellent, but, then, not very pleasant.

So, regularly pass tests for the presence of urogenital infections, you need because:

  • They go very easily in chronic stagingAt the same time, without manifesting himself.
  • They can cause a number of diseases associated with urogenital system. For example, cystitis, salpingitis, etc.
  • The formation of adhesions may begin.
  • In most cases, the neglected disease has to be treated for a very long time, and this affects sex life.
  • Some infections can lead to cancer development.
  • If you run an infection, it will easily go to other vital organs.

In addition, the treatment of urogenital infections is not a simple matter. In most cases, it is necessary to resort to the help of antibiotics, which in itself is not useful for the body, as there are a number of side effects.

With timely surrender all tests, you can reveal at the initial stage of development such dangerous waste as:

  • Trichomonas. This infection leads to male infertility. And most importantly, that men, if you compare them with women, the presence of this infection proceeds asymptomatic. That is why a man ishes just not to know what is a carrier trichomonade.
  • Chlamydia. The most common sex infection, which proceeds almost asymptomatic, thereby making a huge harm
  • Gonorrhea. The defeat with this infection is colossal, but its main difference from the above infections is that already a few days after contact with an infected person, the first symptoms of manifestation will appear.
  • Mycoplasma. It can affect the development of such inflammatory diseases, like prostatitis, vaginitis, etc.
  • Herpes. This is a real problem in modern worldsince every day more and more people are exposed to this infection
  • Papilloma.

Deliver analyzes for urogenital infections are recommended in several cases:

  1. If there was an unprotected sexual act, and at the same time you have changed partners
  2. If the drug was intravenously introduced
  3. If you recently poured blood

Turn on time tests is to feel responsible in front of yourself and your body, since it is much easier to treat infections at the initial stage than when she moved into a chronic stage. Yes, and know whether you are also important.

Urogenital infections - It is this term that should be recognized as the most accurate. Using the term "hidden infections", does not define the exact list of infectious factors. All the infections of the urogenital tract are appropriate to divide into absolutely pathogenic - sexually transmitted infections (STIs) where the causative agents of gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, syphilis, genital herpes, mycoplasm genitalium (Mycoplasma genitalium). The second group consists of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, i.e. Those bacteria and mushrooms that are also in healthy people, but under certain conditions become inflammation. The second group includes streptococci, staphylococci, intestinal wand, Klebsiella, Enterococcus and many others. The term "hidden infections" is misleading both the patient and the doctor himself. For when identifying microbes from a conditional group - treatment of sexual partners is inappropriate, the treatment of the body in which these bacteria caused inflammation (urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis, etc.)

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Gonorrhea - (Gonococcal infection)- The infectious diseasedness of a person transmitted by sexually caused by gonococci (Neisseria Gonorrhoeae) - gram-negative diplococci, representing a bean-shaped form, fixed, non-controversial disputes of gloting bacteria. Currently, the gonorrhea occurs infrequently, however, erased and low-almptomatic forms in combination with antibiotic resistance - features of the modern flow of gonorrhea.

Chlamydia - (chlamydial infection)- Infectious disease transmitted by the sexual way, whose causative agent is Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia rarely cause bright symptoms, and therefore the patients later learn about their disease, often after the development of complications from the genital organs. Chlamydoz is effectively treated. The duration and volume of treatment is determined by the absence or availability of complications.

Trichomonosis - (urogenital trichomoniasis) - Infection transmitted by sex, the pathogen of which is Trichomonas Vaginalis. A distinctive feature The disease is the peculiarity of the pathogen - according to the classification is the simplest microorganism. Antiprotozoic drugs are applied in the treatment of this infection, antibiotics against trichomonade are not effective.

Mycoplasma genitalium. - Pathogenic microorganism transmitted by sexually capable of causing urethritis in persons of both sexes, cervicitis and inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs (walking) in women. A feature of the microorganism is its difficult allocation of the culture method (the planting method on nutrient media). The only one possible method Diagnostics in broad medical practice are methods that detect DNA (RNA) of the microorganism are PCR, PCR-RT, NASBA.

Primary syphilis

Syphilis- an infectious disease caused by pale treponus (Treponema Pallidum) transmitted mainly by sexually characterized by lesion of the skin, mucous membranes, nervous system, internal organs and musculoskeletal system. Unlike other infections, there has a longer incubation period, which can be further extended if the patient has been prescribed antibiotics about another sex infection (for example, chlamydia). Therefore, after any sex infection, a survey on syphilis should be appointed, taking into account the named features of the disease.

Pointed Condylomes (anogenital (venereal) warts) - viral disease caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) and characterized by the appearance of expansions on the skin and mucous membranes of external genital organs, urethra, vagina, cervix, perianal area, anus. Treatment is to remove Condyl. The most preferred methods are laser techniques. The clinic is equipped with a laser apparatus - ECO2 ™ Lutronic. A unique method of laser administration of cytostatics drugs into the skin in the treatment of warts and a deep square; The procedure with a short period of recovery is absolutely painless.

Immunomodulators with antiviral activity are used to prevent recurrences. We also conduct a study of immune status with the definition of individual sensitivity to immunomodulatory drugs.

A group of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is present in normal and in healthy people, the pathogenic properties of this group of bacteria are manifested under certain conditions.

Mycoplasma and ureaplasma (often used term mirjplasmosis / ureaplasmosis)- Mycoplasma Hominis and Ureaplasma Urealyticum, Ureaplasma Parvum (for the designation of two species at once, apply the designation Ureaplasma SPP.) - Conditional pathogenic microorganisms, the manifestation of pathogenic properties of which occurs under certain conditions. Ureaplasma is able to cause urethritis in men (U. urealyticum) and cervicitis, cystitis, ate, as well as complications of pregnancy, postpartum and post-charge complications in women.

Ureaplasma and M. Hominis can be detected in healthy individuals (in 5-20% of observations). Treatment of these infections is carried out only after a comprehensive survey and exclusion of the role of other infections, primarily from the STI group.

Intestinal wand, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Streptococci - microorganisms, also related to a conditional pathogenic, are in the norm in the intestine. Often detected as the cause of the inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), the prostate gland (prostatitis), the vagina (vaginitis) and other diseases. The diagnosis requires not only a simple excretion of the pathogen by the culture method, it is also necessary to prove the fact of inflammation - at an increased level of leukocytes (in the smears or secrete of prostate).

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