
Scenario for an extra-curricular event "Day of the Disabled". Scenario for every day

The participants of the concert program were only people with handicapped health.

Presenter: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to see you at the concert program for the International Day of the Disabled "Art gives joy."
But who are these people whom we call carefully disabled people. Why do we get lost when faced with such a person? Why do we feel some kind of awkwardness in their presence? Because we understand that these people need help. Our help with you.

About how they live, what pressing problems require immediate resolution - we can only guess about this. But we also know that the daily struggle with these problems is their life. Low bow to you, people with sincere hearts and warm souls.

We met today - this is already a holiday. Today on this stage, performers and groups with disabilities engaged in artistic creativity in various genres. At the entrance to the auditorium, you all saw an exhibition of arts and crafts made by you.

After all, art in any of its manifestations always gives joy!

Concert number.

Presenter: All people need support and support, without exception, but people with disabilities need it especially.
It is much easier to defend your interests, to prove that you can do a lot, if you have like-minded people. Remember that a person, smiling, radiates goodness, carries a charge of positive emotions. So let's give each other smiles now! Do you feel how warm it is in the hall?

Concert number.

Presenter: Public organizations of the disabled, uniting more than two hundred people, work effectively in our district. This is the Society of the Disabled, the Society of the Blind and many others. Of course, not everyone can achieve success in life, but everyone can overcome themselves.

Concert number.

Presenter: Society and the state are increasingly paying attention to solving the problems of disabled people. But the person himself must be disposed to realize the possibilities available to him. Among people with disabilities, various competitions and sports days are held. And today we have active participants who were able to realize themselves. The director is invited to the stage for the awarding ....

Concert number.

Presenter: What is needed so that every day we have a good mood, so that diseases pass by, so that boredom and sadness do not corrode our hearts? The advice is simple - sing, sing old and new songs, always and everywhere, as _____________________________________ does.

Concert number.

Presenter: Today, our festive meeting, we combine with another day, Mother's Day. The most beautiful word on earth is mom! And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her affection, her look, her kind word. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life. We wish you that your children will please you, making your life happier and brighter.

Concert number.

Presenter: We wish only joyful days in your life. Let nothing overshadow your everyday life, and let the holidays accompany every minute! May the love of your own children and the laughter of your grandchildren fill your soul with joy!
Presenter: So our holiday concert has come to an end! I invite all participants of the concert program to the stage.

Concert number. Presentation of gifts and letters of thanks.

Presenter: And now I want to tell you a parable.

An old man, dying, suddenly saw in a dream his whole life in the form of a long chain of footprints in the sand, and next to his footprints there were someone else's.
— Why, it was the Lord who walked by! the old man guessed. But to his chagrin, he also saw that in those parts of his life, when it was especially difficult for him, only one footprint was imprinted on the sand.

— How so, Lord? the old man said reproachfully. - In the most difficult years, did you leave me?

“No,” the Lord answered from heaven. “In those years, I carried you in my arms. So, our dear ones, knowing how difficult and difficult life is for you, the Lord carries you in his arms.

And let December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, be another reason to remember that people who live next to us are the same as us, but still somehow different from us, and that it is in our power to help these people. After all, we all know: the one who is looking for opportunities and at the same time has a great desire, such a person will always achieve his goals!

And most importantly, we must remember that your art always gives joy!

Presenter: We wish you, our dear ones, good health, happiness, prosperity! May the sun shine brightly for you every day, and all adversity bypass you!

artistic director
MBU "Center for Culture, Leisure and Folk Art",
Artinsky urban district

MBOU "Yukhmachinskaya secondary school" of the Alkeevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan


to the Day of the Disabled

in the Yukhmachchi Nursing Home

"We live to bring goodness and beauty to the world."

Teacher-organizer: Gimadeeva Z.N.

December 3, 2014

Scenario of the "Day of the Disabled"

Presenters: Safina Alsou, Tuktarova Aida(Quiet music playing )

Goals: create a comfortable, friendly environment; develop the psycho-physical abilities of the disabled, the emotional sphere; to form an aesthetic culture; instill in children feelings of empathy, mercy, tolerance for the disabled.

Training: decoration of the hall with flowers, balloons, preparation of costumes, attributes, selection of music.

Event progress

1. Opening remarks.

Presenter 1: Hello dear friends, dear guests!

Here today my friends

We have not gathered in vain.
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

We are YOU!

May the angel always keep you

From loss of life
Joy, luck and happiness always

The door is open for you!

Vedas current 2 : We are very glad to see you at the holiday of kindness and mercy.
In 1992, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed December 3 as "International Day of Persons with Disabilities". This is your day - the day of strong, aspiring people, people who understand how precious this life is, no matter what it is! I would like to read you a poem:

Day of the Disabled is an unusual day.
Solemn, but with a hint of sadness.
No, no, and a shadow will run over their faces.
Have you noticed this with your friends?
But life is life. Although the pension is small,
Don't expect your debts to be paid for you.
You are the optimists of your warmth,
Not only for you, but also for healthy people.

Presenter 1. And today's concert, prepared by the students of the Yukhmachi school, we dedicate to YOU! The concert will be held under the slogan "We live to bring goodness and beauty to the world." Why do we live in this world? Of course, in order to bring good, light to all people. What should be a real person?

Lead 2: Of course, honest, responsible, educated, kind.

For you, performed by the ensemble "Domisolka" sounds p song " "Big round dance". Meet!

Presenter 1: V did you like the performance? Yes, it has become happier, happier.

We are with you! Life is always beautiful

And everyone is gifted with something.
Let only joy reign

And the light of hope is not defeated.
In the maelstrom of all events,

On the hardest frontier
Hope, believe, create

As commanded by the soul

Host 2:The International Day of Persons with Disabilities reminds everyone of those who need support and help, but at the same time, courageous, strong-willed people who show talents in professional skills, fine arts, amateur art, and sports.

Presenter 1: Dear friends, on this day we want to wish them not to lose heart, set a specific goal and achieve it, even if it is the most elementary thing, but this will already be their achievement, their success! Good luck to you, respect and help from the people around you!

Host 2:For you, a song performed by Rodionova Alina. Meet!

Presenter 1:
Day of the Disabled is an unusual day.

Solemn, but with a hint of sadness.

No, no, and a shadow will run over their faces.

Have you noticed this with your friends?

But life is life. Although the pension is small,

Don't expect your debts to be paid for you.

You are the optimists of your warmth

Not only for you, but also for healthy people

Host 2:We wish you health vital energy unbending striving to achieve the set goals. Let close, understanding people surround you!

Presenter 1:The choreographic group "Alsu" performs for you

Let's give them a big round of applause.

Host 2:This day is very necessary for our society - both in order to pay attention to the problems of people with disabilities, and in order to admire the extraordinary fortitude, determination, ability of people with disabilities to succeed in the most difficult conditions. These manifestations of vitality and optimism can serve as an example for all of us.

Presenter 1:

Life can be lived in different ways:

In sorrow it is possible and in joy,

Eat on time, drink on time

Do stupid things right away.

And you can do it this way: get up at dawn

And, thinking of a miracle,

Reach out the bare sun with your hand

And give it to people.

Presenter 2:The poem is read by a 8th grade student Demyanov Dmitriy.

Presenter 1:A person should be able not only to rise, but to rise above himself, above his personal daily worries and think about the meaning of his life - look back at the past and look into the future.

Presenter 2:If you live only for yourself, with your petty concerns about your own well-being, then there will be no trace of what you have lived. If you live for others, then others will save what they served, what they gave their strength to.

Presenter 1:In life, kindness is most valuable, and at the same time, kindness is smart, purposeful. Clever kindness is the most valuable thing in a person, the most conducive to him and, in the final analysis, the most correct on the path to personal happiness.

Host 2:Happiness is achieved by those who strive to make others happy and are able to forget about their interests, about themselves, at least for a while. This is the "unchangeable ruble".

Knowing this, remembering this at all times, and following the path of kindness is very, very important. Believe me.

For you, dear friends, the song "We are little stars" sounds. Meet!

Presenter 1:The most important thing for a person is friendship. Without friendship, a person's soul can perish. People who know how to make friends are the happiest people on earth. We are all ready to make our world a better place, so let's bring goodness and beauty to the world...

Presenter 2:…After all, the life of an individual person makes sense only to the extent that it helps to make the life of other people more beautiful and nobler.

The song "Derevenka" sounds for you. Meet!

Presenter 1: So our concert came to an end! We want one more time wish you not to lose heart, set certain goals for yourself, believe in your strengthand got them no matter what! We wish you health and vitality. Let close, understanding people surround you. Good luck and help from the people around you!

And again, the choreographic group "Alsu" performs in front of you. Meet !

Lead 2.

We wish you health

Smile more often,

May this day give you

Lots and lots of happiness.

The song "I wish" performed by Rodionova Alina.

Host: Good afternoon, dear children, dear adults, all present. Today we have a wonderful holiday. A holiday that everyone was looking forward to: both adults and children.

Today we will talk about those who are not like us - these are also children, but with disabilities.

The law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled” states that a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation.

Many people, seeing a disabled child, look at him with fear in his eyes. After all, these children are no worse, they are just special. They also like to play, walk, draw and do different things. Many of these children have a very deep inner world. Many label a disabled child as a clumsy, loser, bungler, freak, dumb, but why? Is it really so difficult to understand, to show at least a modicum of sympathy and understanding? After all, these children need society! Like no one else, they really deserve support!

Leading: Guys today we are going to an unusual fairy tale.

Music sounds. The girl Zhenya runs in.

I got lost. The dog ate my bagels, the place is completely unfamiliar, there are no big houses, and there are small houses all around. The girl got scared and cried.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an old woman appeared.

Why are you crying girl?

- I got lost. The dog ate my bagels, my mother will scold me.

- You're a good girl. It's okay, don't cry, I'll help you. However, I don't have a lamb. And I don’t have money to buy bagels either, but on the other hand, one flower grows in my garden, which is called a seven-colored flower, it can do anything. I know you're a good girl, even though you like to yawn around. I will give you this seven-flower flower, and it will arrange everything in the best way.

- This seven-color flower is not simple. He can do whatever you want. To do this, you just need to tear off one of the petals, throw it and say:

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

Command that this or that be done. And immediately whatever you wish will be done.

- Thank you, grandma. What do I wish? I want to play with children. I want to go to kindergarten.

Music sounds. Zhenya spins and greets the guys.

Vedas. Hello Zhenya. We have a holiday "Day of Disabled Children".

- Guys, I have a magic flower - a seven-flower, and I want to play with you.

Vedas. There are children who cannot see and1 contest "Tie the tail to the donkeywith closed eyes.

The game "Zhmurki"

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

They ordered that blind children could see.

Vedas. There are children who cannot hear2 competition "What instrument sounds"

Zhenya: Tears off the first petal.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

“Tell them so that deaf children can hear.”

Vedas. There are children who cannot speak3 contest "Guess the riddle",but show the answer with gestures or facial expressions.

Zhenya: Tears off the first petal.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

“Tell them that the dumb children could talk.

Vedas. There are children who do not have a hand4 contest "Tie a scarf" with one hand.

Zhenya: Tears off the first petal.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

- Command that all children have two hands.

Vedas. There are children who have no legs5 competition "Ride on one leg"

And some children do not have two legs and they only move on all fours.

Competition "Roll the ball".

Zhenya: Tears off the first petal.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

- Ordered that all the children could walk.

Vedas. There are children who have a broken spine and they cannot move at all, but only lie down, they read and draw while lying down.6 contest "Draw a picture"

Zhenya: Tears off the first petal.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

“Tell all the children to be able to move.

Vedas. Guys, there are many different diseases from which children become disabled and let's all childrensing the song "Friendship"

Zhenya: I have one petal left, and let's all guess together so that all the children are healthy.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

Tell all children to be healthy.

And now it's time for me to return to the fairy tale.

Vedas. Guys, today we learned a lot about children with disabilities, we ourselves felt how difficult it is for them to walk, talk, run, play. If you see such a child, always help him, because he also has dreams, desires, fantasies, and he is the same as you.

Goals: formation of universal human values: kindness, attention to one's neighbor,
● create a comfortable, friendly environment;
● develop the psycho-physical abilities of children with disabilities, the emotional sphere;
● to form an aesthetic culture;
● instill in children feelings of empathy, mercy, tolerance for the disabled.

Preparation: decorating the hall with flowers, balloons, preparing costumes, attributes,

selection of music, sports equipment, learning musical

material and poetry.

Attributes: dance costumes, rustlers, computer, presentation projector

music center, gifts for disabled children.

Event progress.

Sometimes people are too cruel

Indifferent to the troubles of others,

They do not accept other people's vices,

I don't see mine at all.

But let's be kinder

Mercy is our motto!

There is nothing better than kindness

Life is so miserable without her!

LEADING:. Hello dear children and adults! Today we are gathered to

celebrate the day of kindness, love and mercy.
In 1992, the United Nations General Assembly

proclaimed December 3 as International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On this day

We dedicate the holiday program "The Way of Kindness" to you. And this

the song is for you!


Don't hide your kindness
Open your heart to everyone.
With what you have, generous
Share, open your soul.

Give only warmth:
Child, woman and friend
And push back the void.
Life will return everything in full circle.

HOST: On life path of each person there are people who carry in themselves

such a charge of positive energy that even after talking a little with

they make you feel somehow especially inspired, joyful.

The word for congratulations is given to the head ... ..

For you O.E. The guys prepared an exercise with balls.


LEADING: Kindness is capable of compassion, empathy, sympathy. Yes, it is difficult

to be always ready to comfort one's neighbor, to share someone's grief, to rush

for help. But a person should always strive to be kind.
Not only medicine, but also a kind word helps to recover

to a person. No wonder they say: A good word, what a clear day! In our children's

every child in the garden knows and uses “magic” kind words.

Kind words are the flowers of the human soul.

- Good day! - you were told
- Good day! - you answered.
How two strings are tied
Warmth and kindness.

We wish you a "Good journey!"
- It will be easier to go and go.
- Hello! you tell the person
- Hello! - he will tell us in response.
And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy,
And will be healthy for many years.

Why do we say "thank you"?
For everything they do for us.
And we couldn't remember
Who was told how many times.

These wonderful words
Everyone is very happy to hear
Adults and children get better
And smile at you.

HOST: They will share their kindness, good mood and smiles with you

guys 4 groups. They will perform the orchestra "Polyanka"

3. ORCHESTRA "POLYANKA" (tambourines, rattles, xylophone)

HOST: We wish all those present health, vitality,

relentless drive to achieve goals. Let you

Surrounded by family and friends, understanding people!

Now Lenya will perform for you his favorite song “The house in which we

3. "HOUSE IN WHICH WE LIVE" sl. E. Black Muses. O. Volokh

HOST: The International Day of Persons with Disabilities reminds everyone of those who need support and help, but at the same time, courageous, strong-willed people who show talents in fine, amateur art, sports. This day is very necessary for our society - both in order to pay attention to the problems of people with disabilities, and in order to admire the extraordinary fortitude, the ability of people with disabilities to succeed in the most difficult conditions. These manifestations of vitality and optimism can serve as an example for all of us. For you, dear friends, our artists Lenya and Maxim continue their performance. Sports dance

5. SPORTS DANCE (with sultans)

LEADING: Mothers have a holy position in the world -
Pray for gifted children.
And day and night in the invisible ether
Our mothers are praying.
One falls silent, the other echoes.
Night will replace day, and night will come again.
But mothers' prayers do not stop
For a dear son or daughter.

6. DANCE "TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN" Words and music. N. Tananko
(Dance with heart-shaped balloons, at the end of the dance we throw balloons to the guests and return to our places and continue to dance)

Kind hearts are gardens
Kind words are roots
Good thoughts are flowers
Good deeds are fruits.

LEADING: Let's do our best for each of us to be around

only kindness, love and mercy, there was no place for cruelty and

malice. Let's wish everyone well with a song.


LEADING: So such an unusual, but bright and kind holiday has come to an end. We hope you had a good evening, got a charge of vivacity and good mood. Let me say goodbye to wish you good sunny days! We do not say goodbye to you, but we say to you: “Goodbye”, until we meet again!

Let life be beautiful

Scenario for the International Day of the Disabled

Presenter 1. Hello everyone who came today to our meeting dedicated to the International Day of the Disabled!

Presenter 2. Good afternoon to everyone who did not remain indifferent to these people.

Presenter 1. Today at our meeting there are people who want to tell you the warmest, most sincere words.

Presenter 2. The beginning of December is on the calendar. Winter is not far off with its severe frosts and snowfalls. So why do we celebrate this day at this particular time?

Presenter 1. The history of its origin began in the 80s of the last century, when the United Nations declared 1983-1992 the decade of the disabled.

Presenter 2. During this period, work was carried out to take measures to improve the situation of persons with disabilities and provide them with equal opportunities for their further integration into society.

Presenter 1. "International Day of Persons with Disabilities" is a day of summing up what has been done for this category of citizens, analyzing the actual situation of people with special needs in society and determining plans to improve their living standards.

Presenter 2. But who are these people whom we call carefully disabled people. Why do we get lost when faced with such a person? Why do we feel some kind of awkwardness in their presence?

Moderator 1. Because we understand that these people need help. Our help with you. About how they live, what pressing problems require immediate resolution - we can only guess about this. But we also know that the daily struggle with these problems is their life. Low bow to you people with physical disabilities, but with sincere hearts and warm souls.

Presenter 2. We are with you!!!

Life is always beautiful

And everyone is gifted with something.

Let only joy reign

And the light of hope is not defeated.

In the maelstrom of all events,

On the hardest frontier

Hope, believe, create

As commanded by the soul.

Presenter 1. Mercy is characteristic of any people on Earth. But it manifests itself more clearly and sharply in our Slavic peoples. Maybe because we are a very religious people. To love your neighbor, to take care of the elderly, of the weak people who need help - this, we can say with confidence, is in our blood.

Presenter 2. And now we are in a place where exactly such people are present. Let's welcome them!

The students of our school came to greet the heroes of today's holiday! Welcome to our 5th grade students!

Installation. Presentation by 5th grade students.

1. What are our troubles! Next to the disabled

Bedridden hourly.

Both his body and his soul hurt inexhaustibly,

Difficult and ... silently.

2. And what do we have to grieve about, since there are hands,

And the head is intact, and the heart is cramped?

And hot forces and plans can not be counted,

And is it just interesting to live in the world?

3. We all complain. Looking for that vest

In which tears do not hurt to cry.

And the neighbor has no sun in the windows: he is blind.

And therefore moaning is enough!

4. Does not like Life of suffering for show,

Groundless, senseless moaning.

Time will reward the hard worker in full,

A loafer - he sang himself in advance.

5. What are our troubles for the disabled! Should we speak

About the fact that it is not easy for them all in this world?

It's not easy, yes. But you just have to live

Even when in the face - a stubborn wind! ..

6. we celebrate this holiday.

We say to the disabled:

Everyone will respect you in their hearts.

We must be firm.

7. Not giving up is very difficult.

We will support you in everything.

You can achieve goals

Are you discouraged? What for?

8. disabled people are people too

We will not forget!

We will congratulate them

Leave wishes.

We wish you all good health

Everything will be fine, we know

Don't be sad, folks

You are not strangers to us!

9. Accept all congratulations from the bottom of my heart,

On a beautiful day, this cherished hour!

May aspirations and zeal come true,

We often think about life and about you!

10. Let insults leave you forever,

All troubles will vanish like smoke.

International holiday of the disabled -

Let it be bright, sunny, different.

1. Let no rights remain in the calm,

There will be people who will stretch out their palms to you,

And women, men and children

Ignite hope in the heart - like a fire!


Lyric music

Presenter 2. And now I want to tell you one parable.

An old man, dying, suddenly saw in a dream his whole life in the form of a long chain of footprints in the sand, and next to his footprints there were someone else's.

Presenter 1 - Why, it was the Lord who walked by! - guessed the old man. But to his chagrin, he also saw that in those parts of his life, when it was especially difficult for him, only one footprint was imprinted on the sand.

Host 2 - How is it, Lord? - the old man said reproachfully. - In the most difficult years, did you leave me?

Host 1 - No, - the Lord answered from heaven. - In those years, I carried you in my arms. So, our dear ones, knowing how difficult and difficult life is for you, the Lord carries you in his arms.

Lyric music - off.

Presenter 2. And let December 3 - International Day of Persons with Disabilities - be another reason to remember that people live next to us who are the same as us, but still somehow different from us, and that it is in our power to help these people. After all, we all know: the one who is looking for opportunities and at the same time has a great desire, such a person will always achieve his goals!

Presenter 1. We wish you, our dear ones, the best health, happiness, prosperity. May the sun shine brightly for you every day, and all adversity bypass you. And know that we remember you. None of you are forgotten. We are with you!

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