
Academician Tarl. Interesting education. Analysis of historiographic sources, comparative method, observation method, and the like

Evgeny Viktorovich Tarla was born on November 8, 1875. Father belonged to a merchant class. The mother took place from the family, in whose stories there were a lot of tsadikov - experts and interpreters of Talmud.
In Odessa, in the house of the elder sister, he met the famous historian-Byantinist professor (later academician) F. I. Uspensky. According to his advice and recommendations, Tarla was adopted by the Imperial New Russian University. For the second academic year, Tarle was transferred to Kiev.

In Kiev, in 1894, Tarle was baptized through the Orthodox ritual. The reason for the adoption of Orthodoxy was romantic: since the time of the gymnasium, Tarla loved a very religious Russian girl from the noble family - Lelly Mikhailov, and so that they could connect, he accepted Orthodoxy. Together they lived 60 years.

Tarla did not hide his ethnic origin. Became the famous phrase "... I'm not a Frenchman, but a Jew, and my surname pronounced Tarla" (emphasis on the first syllable), which he said on the first lecture on the new history of Europe and North America, the first rate of the historical and international Faculty of MGIMO Foreign Ministry of the USSR in the fall of 1951 ("In the USSR, the anti-Semitic campaign was gaining momentum, it was not far from the killer doctors, officially, on the" fifth point "in Ankette, in MGIMO then there was not a single Jew ... ").

In 1903-1917 Privat-Associate Professor of St. Petersburg University. In 1911 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the basis of a two-volume study "Work class in France in the era of the revolution."
In 1913-1918, at the same time Professor of the University in Yuryev (Tartu). From 1918 Tarla is one of the three managers of the Petrograd branch of the CentroRechian RSFSR. In October 1918 he was elected by the ordinary professor of Petrograd University, then Professor of Moscow University.

On the eve and during the first Russian revolution, he spoke with lectures, which talked about the fall of absolutism in Western Europe and promoted the need for democratic transformations in Russia. In their political views, adjacent to Mensheviks, was friends with Plekhanov, was a consultant of the social democratic faction in the III State Duma.
After the February Revolution, 1917, Tarl immediately goes to serve "young democracy". It includes members of the Extraordinary Investigation Commission of the Provisional Government for the crimes of the royal regime. In June 1917, Tarla is a member of the Russian official delegation at the international conference of pacifists and socialists in Stockholm.
TO October revolution Tarl is wary. In the days of the "Red Terror" Tarla in 1918 in the liberal publishing house "the Poison" publishes the book: "The revolutionary Tribunal in the era of the Great French Revolution (memories of contemporaries and documents)".
In 1921 he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in 1927 - a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In the autumn of 1929 - in the winter of 1931 OGPU on the "academic cause" of Academician Platonov, a group of famous scientific and historians, only 115 people were arrested. OGPU accused them of conspiracy in order to overthrow the Soviet power. E. V. Tarla in the new office was intended, allegedly, the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR excluded the arrested from the Academy.
The decision of the college OGPU dated August 8, 1931 was exiled in Almaty. There he began writing his "Napoleon". March 17, 1937 The Presidium of the USSR CEC took off trial with Tarla, soon he was restored to the rank of academician. Awarded the State Prize (first degree) of 1942 for the collective work "History of Diplomacy", Volume I, published in 1941

In the last period of the life of Viktorovich, the scientist paid a great attention to the history of the Russian fleet, published three monographs on the expeditions of Russian military sailors, the author led many new facts about the activities of Russian fleets.
Tarla Honorary Doctor of Universities in Brno, Prague, Oslo, Algeria, Sorbonne, Corresponding Member of the British Academy to encourage historical, philosophical and philological sciences, a full member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and the Philadelphian Academy of Political and Social Sciences.

Evgeny Tarl died on January 5, 1955 in Moscow. Buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.


Eugene th tarle


The monograph on Napoleon Bonaparte, created by an outstanding historian Evgeny Viktorovich Tarl, does not need a special idea. More than once published in our country, translated into many European languages, it belongs to the best examples of world and domestic historiography on Napoleon. I still have not lost scientific significance, the book E. V. Tarle is distinguished by an exquisite literary style, fascinating presentation, the subtle psychological characteristics of the main character And his era. All this makes the work of E. V. Tarl attractive for both historical professionals and wide circles of the reading public.

Evgeny Tarl


The book tells about Charles Maurice de Talilan Perigore - French politics and diplomat, who served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs at several modes, starting with the directory and ending with the Government of Louis-Philippe. The name Talleyran has become hardly nominal to designate tricks, dexterity and unprincipledness. The series "Life of wonderful people". Illustrated edition of 1939. ORFography is saved.

Evgeny Tarl

Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov - commander and diplomat

Evgeny Tarl Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov - commander and diplomat

Evgeny Tarl

Northern War and Swedish invasion of Russia

The author put the author of his work on the Swedish invasion, primarily the most, of course, Russians, materials such as unnecessary archival data and published sources. And then, by setting one of the goals of his research, the refutation by the facts of old, new and newest hostile Russia fabrications of Western European historiography of the Northern War and, in particular, about the invasion of 1708-1709, I had to say, to attract and almost ignored by our old , pre-revolutionary historiography and especially diligent western historians Swedish, English, French, German evidence.

Evgeny Tarl Borodino

Crimean War. Volume 1.

Evgeny Tarl

Politics History of territorial seasons. XV-XX Century Works

The name of Evgeny Viktorovich Tarla, a brilliant scientist and a talented narrator, is well acquainted with domestic history connoisseurs. Less known is the fact that Tarl is still headed by a list of the most published abroad Russian historians. Making a presentation of the history of foreign policy leading european countries Over the past few centuries, inherent in Tarl, the ability to combine the most interesting factual material with scientific and artistici brought him unprecedented success in the reading public and at the same time - the hostility of "Matrov" of Soviet historiography. So books worthy of decorate any home library, steel in the USSR bibliographic rarity. And now the publishers of Russia appeared the opportunity to return the readers of the launched masterpieces of historical beliefiCI.

Regular article
Tarla, Evgeny Viktorovich

Evgeny Tarl at Lesgafeta courses, 1903
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Date of death:
A place of death:
The country:

Tarle was close to Social Democrats; At the end of April 1900, he was arrested for participating in an illegal gathering and after a two-month imprisonment sent to the Kherson province under the supervision of the police. In October 1901, he defended the master's thesis in Kiev on the analysis of "Utopia" T. Mora (some opponents accused Tarla in compilation and superficial knowledge of the era).

In 1903-17. Tarle was a private associate professor of the St. Petersburg University. Lecture courses Tarl on the history of England and France and public lectures, where autocracy criticized in the veiled form, were very popular with a radically tuned public. In 1903-1905 Published articles in the illegal newspaper Russian liberals "Liberation", published in Germany. During the acceleration by the police in October 1905, the rally at the Technological Institute (Petersburg) was easily wounded.

Basic works Tarla in 1900-1917: "Work class in France in the era of the revolution" (SPB., 1909-11; doctoral dissertation), "Continental blockade" (SPB., 1913). In 1913-18. - Professor of Yuryev University; From 1917 - Professor of Petrograd University. In 1917, he published in the Menshevik authority - the newspaper "Day" of articles that condemned the defeat policy of the Bolsheviks. Published a collection of documents "Revolutionary Tribunal in the Epoch of the Great French Revolution" (TT. 1-2, Petrograd, 1918-19), which was perceived as the conviction of the Bolshevik terror.

Since 1921, Tarla - Corresponding Member An, since 1927 - Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The book of Tarla "Europe in the Epoch of Imperialism 1871-1917)" (M.-L., 1927) was a sharp criticism in the Soviet press. Tarla was accused of political "branches" and "enthantophone".

In January 1930, Tarla was arrested. It was originally planned that he would pass on the process in the case of the industrial complex, but then the OGPU refused his plan, and Tarl in August 1931 was accused of the case of the Academy of Sciences, or in Platonov-Tarl. Historians and philologists, arrested in this case, were accused of being included in a certain nationwide union of the struggle for the revival of free Russia, and Tarl himself also in the future bourgeois government he had to become a minister of foreign affairs. In August 1931 he was sent to Almaty. He taught at the university.

In 1933, he was allowed to return to Leningrad, and he became a professor at the University of Leningrad. The book of Tarl "Napoleon" (M., 1936) enjoyed great success among leading parties, including I. Stalin, N. Bukharin, K. Radeka (author of the preface to the 1st Edition). This work and subsequent works are "Zherel and Prairil" (M., 1937), Talleyran (M., 1939) - written from Marxist positions. The book "Napoleon's invasion to Russia in 1812" (M., 1938) reflects the strengthening great-gas course of Stalin's policy, who defended Tarla after the attacks on him in Soviet press. In September 1938, Tarla again became an academician, was erected into the rank of the "prominent Soviet historian".

In his subsequent works: "Nakhimov" (M., 1940), "Crimean War" (t. 1, M.-L., 1941, vol. 2, M., 1943), "Admiral Ushakov on the Mediterranean (1798 -1800) "(M., 1945) Tarl remained at ultrapatriotic positions, which gave the basis of some historians to call Tarl" unbridled unconditional nationalist-patriot. "

In 1942-45 Tarl was part of the Emergency Investigation Commission on the establishment and investigation of the atrocities of the German fascist invaders, later was a member of the Soviet Committee for the Protection of the World.

During the anti-Semitic campaign of the late 1940s - early 1950s. Tarla was attacked in the party press for the "antipatriotic assessment of the role of Kutuzov". He was sharply criticized in the Decree of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of November 19, 1949. "On the shortcomings in the work of the History of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR", but by order of Stalin, the criticism was discontinued.

In his works, Tarl avoided the coverage of the Jewish theme or guidance on the national origin of some heroes of his books. Tarla never hid his ethnic origin. I became the famous phrase "... I'm not a Frenchman, but a Jew, and my surname is pronounced Thal", spoken by him in the first lecture in MGIMO in the fall of 1951 at the end of 1940-50. In private conversations, he condemned the Soviet authorities for making the topic of destruction of the Soviet Jewishness in the Soviet-German war, for not the efforts to evacuate the Jews, repeatedly spoke of preparing in 1953 deportation of Soviet Jewrythat anti-Semitism has become the main ideological database of the regime.

The Soviet authorities have repeatedly awarded Tarl, including three times he was awarded the Stalin Prize (1942, 1943, 1946).

soviet historian. 1874-1955

Born on November 8, 1874 in Kiev in the Jewish family, was named Gregory. The father belonged to the merchant class, but was engaged in mainly the upbringing of children, served as a shop manager who belonged to the Kiev firm, and his wife was managed there. He owned German and even translated Dostoevsky. The mother took place from the family, in whose stories there were a lot of tsadikov - experts and interpreters of Talmud. Childhood and Early Youth Tarl passed in Kherson, where the inter-element world reigned.

In Odessa, in the house of an older sister, he met the famous historian-Byzantistist professor (later academician) F.I. Assumption. According to his advice and recommendations, Tarla was adopted by the Imperial New Russian University. Uspensky Svet Tarl with his future teacher - Professor of the University of St. Vladimir (Kiev) Ivan Vasilyevich Luchitsky. For the second academic year, Tarle was transferred to Kiev. In Kiev, in August 1893, Tarla was baptized in the Orthodox rite in the Sofia Cathedral and was nailed by Eugene. The reason for the adoption of Orthodoxy was romantic: since the time of the gymnasium, Tarla loved a very religious Russian girl from the noble family - Lelly Mikhailov, and so that they could connect, he accepted Orthodoxy. Together they lived 60 years.

As many students of Kiev University of that time, he went to the student circles of Social Democrats. There, Tarl did reports, participated in discussions, "went to the people" - to the workers of Kiev factories. On May 1, 1900, Tarla was arrested along with other members of a mug on a student apartment during the report of Lunacharsky about Henry Ibsen. He was sent under the vice supervision of the police at the place of residence of parents in Kherson. A year later, he was allowed to defend the master's thesis, which was about the English utopian Thomas Sea. It was 1901. The thesis was written in the spirit of "legal Marxism".

In 1903, after stars supported by prominent professors, the police allowed Tarla teaching on an hourly privat-associate professor at the University of St. Petersburg. The circle of his communication was A. Dostoevskaya and S. Platonov, N. Kareyev and A. Dzhivelegov, A. Amphitheatres and F. Sologub, P. and V. Schegolev, V. Korolenko and A. Koni, N. Rerich and I. Grabar , K. Chukovsky and L. Panteleev and others.

In 1911, Tarl defended his doctoral dissertation on the basis of a two-volume study "Work class in France in the revolution era." In 1913-1918, at the same time Professor of the University in Yuryev (Tartu).

By the October Revolution, Tarl belongs to a wary. In the days of the "Red Terror" Tarla in 1918 in the Liberal Publishing House "Poison" publishes the book: "The revolutionary tribunal in the era of the Great French Revolution (Memories of Contemporaries and Documents)".

Since 1918, Tarla is one of the three heads of the Petrograd branch of the CentroRehiv RSFSR. In October 1918, he was elected an ordinary professor of the Petrograd University (and then Leningrad), then becomes a professor of Moscow University and lives in Moscow.

In 1921 he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in 1927 - a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In the fall of 1929 in the winter of 1931, the OGPU for "academic cause" Academician S.F. Platonova was arrested a group of famous historical scientists, only 115 people. OGPU accused them of conspiracy in order to overthrow the Soviet power. E.V. Tarla in the new office was intended, allegedly, the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR excluded the arrested from the Academy. By the decision of the college OGPU dated August 8, 1931 E.V. Tarle was exiled in Almaty. There he began writing his "Napoleon". The image of Napoleon in it is romantically embellished, in places - to the detriment of the historical truth. However, written with a brilliant literary talent, the book remains so far one of the most popular work on Napoleon.

Tarla "Europe in the era of imperialism", "Napoleon's invasion to Russia", "Crimean War" have great importance in historical science. The work of the Tarle is characterized by some liberty in relation to historical facts allowed by the sake of the living, exciting style of presentation, representing Tarl in a number of works rather as a historic writer than historian. Strictly historical works are not deprived of the ideological distortion inevitable for the scientific work, nevertheless remain brilliant monuments of historical thought, quite preserved their importance for science.

On March 17, 1937, the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR removed the conviction with E.V. Tarle, soon he was restored to the rank of academician.

Awarded the Stalin Prize (first degree) of 1942 for the collective work "History of Diplomacy", t. I, published in 1941.

In the period of the Great Patriotic War E. V. Tarl was in evacuation in the city of Kazan, where he worked as a professor at the Department of History of the Kazan State University. In 1942 his work "Hitler and Napoleonic Epoch" was published, written in a journalistic genre; The book praised Napoleon as a great converter and gave the derogatory characteristic of Adolf Hitler, argued the "caricature of serious comparison of insignificant pygmy with a giant."

Member of the Commission for the Investigation of the Attractions of the German Fascist Invaders (1942).

Tarla never hid his ethnic origin. I became the famous phrase: "... I'm not a Frenchman, but a Jew, and my surname is pronounced Tarla" (emphasis on the first syllable), - the first course of the historical and international Faculty of MGIMO Foreign Ministry of the USSR, uttered on the first lecture on the first lecture on the new history of Europe and North America 1951. It was a time when the next anti-Semitic campaign was gaining momentum in the country, which ended with the "Fifth Killers", officially, on the "fifth point" in the questionnaire, there was not a single Jew in MGIMO then.

In the last period of life, the scientist paid a lot of attention to the history of the Russian fleet, published three monographs on the expeditions of Russian military seafarers, the author led many new facts about the activities of Russian Flotovodians.

Honorary Doctor of Universities in Brno, Prague, Oslo, Algeria, Sorbonne, Corresponding Member of the British Academy to promote historical, philosophical and philological sciences, a valid member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and the Philadelphia Academy of Political and Social Sciences.

The Russian Academy of Sciences awards the Tarle Prize for outstanding scientific work in the field world History and the development of international relations.

Tarla, Evgeny Viktorovich(1874-1955), Russian historian. Born on October 27 (November 8) 1874 in Kiev in a merchant family. He graduated from the 1st Kherson gymnasium, studied in Novorossiysk, then in Kiev University, where he joined the student democratic movement. He was engaged in the seminar at Professor I.V. Lucitsky, on the recommendation of which was left at the university for preparing for the professorship. On the eve of May 1, 1900 was arrested on a gathering on the occasion of collecting funds in favor of the strikers, he conducted a month and a half in conclusion. Then he was sent to the Kherson province and Warsaw with a temporary ban on the right to teach.

In 1901 defended the master (candidate) dissertation Public views of Thomas Mora in connection with the economic state of England of his time. From 1903 - Privat-Associate Professor of the University of Petersburg, where he taught (with short breaks) to the end of life.

On the eve and during the first Russian revolution, he spoke with lectures, which talked about the fall of absolutism in Western Europe and promoted the need for democratic transformations in Russia. In terms of their political views, it was adjacent to Mensheviks, friendly with G.V. Plakhanov, was a consultant of the social democratic faction in the III State Duma.

The events of the revolution led Tarl to the thoughts on the study of the historical role of the working class. In 1909 he released the first, and in 1911 - the second volume of research Work class in France in the era of revolution. In the same year, Tarl defended his doctoral dissertation.

Gradually, the scientific interests of the scientist were increasingly focused on the study of international economic and political relations. Based on the study of documents from the archives of Paris, London, Berlin, Hague, Milan, Lyon, Hamburg Tarl prepared the first in world science research of the economic history of Europe of the Napoleonic Wars Continental blockade(t. 1, 1913; 2nd Tom called Economic life of the Kingdom of Italy in the reign of Napoleon I Released in 1916).

Tarl welcomed the fall of autocracy, became a member of the Extraordinary Investigation Commission of the Provisional Government to investigate the crimes of the royal regime.

The Oktyabrskaya Revolution, the scientist met hostile, but refused to emigrate and take the place of Professor Sorbonne, continued to work in domestic scientific and pedagogical institutions. Tarla indirectly condemned the "Red Terror", publishing in 1918-1919 two volumes of documents about Jacobin Terror called The revolutionary tribunal in the era of the Great French Revolution. Memories of contemporaries and documents. Another book West and Russia(1918), dedicated to the memory of the Interim Government Ministers A.I.Shvgareva and F.F. Kokoshkin, killed by revolutionary sailors in the hospital.

In the late 1920s, in the conditions of brutal persecution on the dissenting professors, Tarla was injured. His work Europe in the era of imperialism(1927) historians-Marxists declared "Classo alien", and the author is the "defender of French and English imperialists." On January 28, 1930, Tarla was arrested and more than a year and a half he conducted in the conclusion as an accused of two falsified OGPA political processes - "Prompali" and the "National Union of Fighting for the Revival of Free Russia" (the so-called academic business). In both cases, it appeared as a conspirator and the supposed minister of foreign affairs. He was sentenced to five years of reference to Almaty. There, thanks to the support of his former student and the local party leader, F.Goloschekina, took the place of professor at the University of Kazakhstan.

In October 1932, at the direction of I.V. Stalin, who probably expected to use Tarl as a court historian, the scientist was ahead of schedule released from the reference. He was provided with apartments in Leningrad on the Palace Embankment (part of the former apartments S. Yu.Vitte) and Moscow (in the famous government "house on the embankment"). In 1936, he saw the world's most famous and popular book Tarl Napoleon. Stalin favorably perceived the book: after her release from the author, a conviction was removed, he was restored to the valid member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, taken away from him in 1931.

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, Tarle issued a book on the invincibility of the Russian people in the fight against aggressors - Napoleon's invasion to Russia (1938), biography Talleyran (1939), research on folk uprisings in Paris in spring 1795 Germinal and Prairil(1937). During the war years, two volumes of fundamental labor appeared Crimean War, On the events of 1853-1856 and the heroic defense of Sevastopol.

In the last period of life, the scientist paid a lot of attention to the history of the Russian fleet, published three monographs on the expeditions of Russian military sailors: Chesmers and the first Russian expedition to the archipelago. 1769-19774(1945), Admiral Ushakov on the Mediterranean Sea(1798–1800 ) (1945–1946), Expedition Admiral D.N. Snevain in the Mediterranean Sea(1805-1807) (1954). The author brought not only many new facts about the activities of Russian Flotovodians, but also embedded foreign Policy Russia, which corresponded to the then political settings aimed at combating the West.

Over another trilogy, Tarla began to work not in his will, but "on the initiative of the top leadership of WCP (b)" (i.e., at the direction of Stalin), as academician himself wrote about it in the report on his scientific works for 1949. The topic of the trilogy should Russia was struggled with aggressors in 18-20 centuries. It is clear that the central place in the trilogy of the Customer took the book on the invasions of Hitler and praising his personal role in the defeat of the enemy. But Tarla was not in a hurry to write a politically relevant volume and took up the first volume of the trilogy about the Petrovsky era and the invasions of the Swedes. As a result, the scientist fell into opal, his work, as in the old days, began to criticize in the press. Book Northern War and Swedish invasion of Russiait turned out to be the last and was published after the death of academician in 1958.


Born in a Jewish family. The father belonged to the merchant class, but was engaged in mainly the upbringing of children, served as a shop manager who belonged to the Kiev firm, and his wife was managed there. He owned German and even translated Dostoevsky. The mother took place from the family, in whose stories there were a lot of tsadikov - experts and interpreters of Talmud. Childhood and Early Youth Tarl passed in Kherson, where the inter-element world reigned. In Odessa, in the house of the elder sister, he met the famous historian-Byantinist professor (later academician) F. I. Uspensky. According to his advice and recommendations, Tarla was adopted by the Imperial New Russian University. Uspensky Svet Tarl with his future teacher - Professor of the University of St. Vladimir (Kiev) Ivan Vasilyevich Luchitsky. For the second academic year, Tarle was transferred to Kiev. In Kiev, in 1894, Tarla was baptized in the Orthodox rite in the Sofia Cathedral

The reason for the adoption of Orthodoxy was romantic: since the time of the gymnasium, Tarla loved a very religious Russian girl from the noble family - Lelly Mikhailov, and so that they could connect, he accepted Orthodoxy. Together they lived 60 years. Tarla never hid his ethnic origin. I became the famous phrase "... I'm not a Frenchman, and a Jew, and my surname pronounced that? Rla", spoken by him in the first lecture on the new history of Europe and North America, the first rate of the historical and international Faculty of MGIMO USSR MFA in the fall of 1951 (" The USSR was gaining momentum the anti-Semitic campaign was gaining momentum, there was a case of "killer doctors", officially, on the "fifth point" in the questionnaire, there was no Jew in MGIMO then ... ")

As many students of Kiev University of that time (for example, like Berdyaev), he went to the student circles of Social Democrats. There, Tarl did reports, participated in discussions, "went to the people" - to the workers of Kiev factories. On May 1, 1900, Tarla was arrested along with other members of a mug at a student apartment during the Lunacharsky report about Henry Ibsen) and sent under a vice supervision of the police at the place of residence of his parents in Kherson. As "politically unreliable," he was forbidden to teach in the imperial universities, and in state-of-government gymnasiums. A year later, he was allowed to defend the master's thesis. His master's dissertation on the English utopian Thomas Sea (1901) was written in the spirit of "legal Marxism".

In 1903, after stars supported by prominent professors, the police allowed Tarla teaching on an hourly privat-associate professor at the University of St. Petersburg. In February 1905, he was again arrested for participating in student gathering and again removed from teaching at the university.

On October 18, 1905, Tarla was wounded by horse gendarmes at a rally at the Technological Institute in St. Petersburg. The rally was devoted to the support of Tsar Nicholas II and his manifesto about "civil liberties" of October 17, 1905, Manifesto was an amnestied all unreliable, and Tarl returned to the University of St. Petersburg.

"The circle of his communication was A. Dostoevskaya and S. Platonov, N. Kareyev and A. Dzhelelegov, A. Amphitheatres and F. Sologub, P. and V. Schegolev, V. Korolenko and A. Koni, N. Rerich and I. Grabar, K. Chukovsky and L. Panteleev, and many others. "

Academic career

He graduated from the Historical and Philology Faculty of Kiev University (1896). The graduation study: "Peasants in Hungary before the reform of Joseph II" in February 1900. The scientific council of the Kiev University has assigned a scientist privacy-affiliates to Tarle. His master's dissertation (1901) was published by a separate book, and in 1902, on the basis of the dissertation, Tarla publishes in the liberal and population journal V. G. Korolenko "Russian wealth" Article "On the issue of the boundaries of the historical foresight".

In 1903-1917 (with a slight break in 1905), Privat-Associate Professor of the University of St. Petersburg. In 1911 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the basis of a two-volume study "Work class in France in the era of revolution." In 1913-1918, at the same time Professor of the University in Yuryev (Tartu). Since 1918, Tarla is one of the three managers of the Petrograd branch of the CentroRechian RSFSR. In October 1918, he was elected an ordinary professor at the University of Petrograd (and then Leningrad), then becomes a professor of Moscow University and lives in Moscow (before arrest).

In 1921 he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in 1927 - a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Awarded the Stalinist Prize (first degree) of 1942 for the collective work "History of Diplomacy", t. I, published in 1941. Honorary Doctor of Universities in Brno, Prague, Oslo, Algeria, Sorbonne, Corresponding Member of the British Academy (1944), Valid Member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and the Philadelphia Academy of Political and Social Sciences.

Buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Repression and official criticism

After the February Revolution of 1917, Tarle immediately goes to serve "young democracy". It (as well as poet A. Blok) includes members of the Emergency Investigation Commission of the Provisional Government for the crimes of the royal regime. In June 1917, Tarla is a member of the Russian official delegation at the International Conference of Pacifists and Socialists in Stockholm.

By the October Revolution, Tarl belongs to a wary. In the days of the "Red Terror" Tarl in 1918, in the liberal publishing house "POLY" publishes the book: "The revolutionary Tribunal in the era of the Great French Revolution (memories of contemporaries and documents)".

In the fall of 1929 in the winter of 1931, the OGPU on the "academic cause" of Academician S. F. Platonov was arrested a group of famous historical scientific. Yu. V. Gautier, V. I. Picet, S. B. Veselovsky, E. V. Tarl, B. A. Romanov, N. V. Izmailov, S. V. Bakhrushin, A. I. Andreev, and . I. Diamonds and others, only 115 people. OGPU accused them of conspiracy in order to overthrow the Soviet power. E. V. Tarla in the new office was intended, allegedly, the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. The USSR Academy of Sciences excluded the arrested.

E. V. Tarl was also accused of belonging to the "Prompteey". By the decision of the OGPU College dated August 8, 1931, E. V. Tarl was exiled in Almaty. There he began writing his "Napoleon". On March 17, 1937, the Presidium of the USSR CEC removed the conviction with E. V. Tarl, soon he was restored to the rank of academician. However, on June 10, 1937, crushing reviews on Napoleon's book were published in Truth and Izvestia. In particular, it was called a "bright example of enemy shaft." Despite this, E. V. Tarl was forgiven, presumably on the personal initiative of Stalin.

In 1945, the Journal of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "Bolshevik" criticized his work "Crimean War"; Repressions did not follow this time. The author of the article marked as "Yakovlev N." I wrote, in particular: "Many provisions and conclusions of Academician Tarl cause serious objections. Some important issues relating to the essence and consequences of the Crimean War are offended by him or are solved incorrectly.<…> He gives the wrong evaluation of the outcome of the war, believing that the Tsarist Russia in the Crimean War was essentially not defeated. "

During the war years

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. E. V. Tarla was in evacuation in Kazan, where he worked as a professor at the Department of History (1941-1943) of the Historical and Philology Faculty of the Kazan State University. V. I. Ulyanova-Lenin (KSU). Simultaneously with pedagogical activities in KSU, Evgeny Viktorovich worked on the preparation of the monograph "Crimea War" and read public lectures for historical and patriotic topics for the working people of the Tatar ASSR.

Member of the Commission for the Investigation Department of the German-Fascist Invaders (1942).

Scientific and literary activities

Tarla, even before the revolution, who took leading positions in Russian historical science, was later one of the authoritative historians of the USSR. In the 1920s, E.V. Tarla, S. F. Platonov and A. E. Presnyakov began to create their own "historical library: Russia and the West in the past." Participates in 1923 in the International Historical Congress in Brussels and in 1928 in Congress in Oslo. In 1927, I published my course "Europe in the Epoch of Imperialism, 1871-1919", which caused great irritation from official Marxists. He played a big role in the cooperation of Soviet and French historians, which is very appreciated by the latter. In 1926, the First Scientific Committee for Relations with Scientists of the USSR was created in the active participation of Tarle in Paris, which included such world luminaries like P. Lanzhen, A. Mathiza, A. Mazon, and other large French scientists.

Tarla "Europe in the era of imperialism", "Napoleon's invasion to Russia", "Crimean War" have great importance in historical science. The work of the Tarle is characterized by some liberty in relation to historical facts allowed by the sake of the living, exciting style of presentation, representing Tarl in a number of works rather as a historic writer than historian. Strictly historical works are not devoid of ideological distortion inevitable for the scientific work, but nevertheless remain brilliant monuments of historical thought, well-preserved their importance for science.

In 1942 his work "Hitler and Napoleonic Epoch" was published, written in a journalistic genre; The book praised Napoleon as a great converter and gave the derogatory characteristic of Adolf Hitler, argued the "caricature of serious comparison of insignificant pygmy with a giant." The book ended with the statement: "And we can safely say, in all my great history, never even excluding 1812, the Russian people did not have a savior of Europe, as at present."

Once on the anniversary ... Evgenia Viktorovich Tarla, Chukovsky filed Samuel Yakovlevich, that even he would not be able to find rhyme for the surname of the Yubililier.
In response, Marshak instantly issued an imprompt:

In one sitting historian Tarl
Could write (like me album)
Huge Tom about every carle
And about Louis of any.

  • According to L. E. Belozerskaya, "he loved the most Dostoevsky from the writers."

Publications of work

  • Tarla E.V. Works in 12 volumes. - M., Publisher of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1957-1962.
  • History of Italy in the Middle Ages 1906
  • Continental blockade 1913.
  • Economic life of the Kingdom of Italy in the reign of Napoleon I 1916
  • West and Russia 1918
  • Europe in the era of imperialism 1927
  • Zherel and Praulian 1937
  • "Hitler and Napoleonic Epoch." Academy of Sciences of the USSR. - M.-L., 1942.
  • Essays of the history of the colonial policy of Western European states 1965

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