
As I implement a competence approach in extracurricular activities. Implementation of the competence approach in the organization of extracurricular activities The primary school teacher is a competence approach in the organization of extracurricular activities

Novikova I.S.

Competence approach in extracurricular activities.

Novikova Inna Sergeevna,

primary school teacher

MBOU "Main general education

Sorokinskaya School "Staroscol

urban district of the Belgorod region

In the modern dynamically developing world, the process of changing the lifestyle, thought of thought, personal installations is relevant. At the same time, a person is forced to not just adapt to the conditions of modern society, he must constantly assert themselves, to create himself. The task of modern school is changing: to form a comprehensively developed personality, which is capable of solving problems and typical tasks arising in real life situations, using knowledge, educational and life experience.

All these ideas in pedagogical science have formed the basis of a fundamentally new approach - competence, which develops certain abilities. The basis of the formation of competencies is the experience of students (competence \u003d knowledge + experience).

In extracurricular work, I actively introduce one of the methods of forming communicative competenceproject training method, because this pedagogical technology is focused on the application of the available and acquiring new knowledge, and the implementation of which makes it possible to develop new ways of human activity in a sociocultural environment. In the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project technique, I am attracted to what students themselves participate in the initial choice of the subject of activity, in the discussion of suitable working methods, in the schedule of work on the project and in the final product representation. At different stages of work on the project, different competences are developing: the ability to go, the ability to process, analyze information, the ability of a public speech is formed, the ability to work in a team and respond to the results of their work.

Design work provides students with the possibility of using well-known knowledge, skills and skills in real situations and involves expanding students' activity. It develops the ability to identify resources, use rational ways of educational and other activities, and also makes it possible to use research methods in training.

The organization of project activities in extracurricular work is very effective, since in the second half of the day the guys have more time to develop a project, there is a naturally compound of the theory and practice, which makes the theory more interesting and more real.

The most important task of modern school is to teach a person to live in the information world. Implementationinformation and communicative technologieson an elective course in extracurricular time it is necessary to create a cognitive environment, actualization of training activities, increase the interest of students to acquire new knowledge, introducing novelty element, students develop communicative and information competence. I am impressed that computer technologies facilitate the task of involving students in active activities, help develop interest in the subject. The principle of visibility in training is easily implemented, the availability of explanation increases, since students have a figurative imagination.This is achieved by increasing the share of the information provided in visual and sound form, the speed of delivering information.

The best educator is any significant and attractive activity for children. In the younger and middle school age, the children love to make a tiny, create something new. In class Mug "Shatvory with your own hands", the guys perform amazing things from affordable materials. Especially here reveal the creative abilities of students who are hard to have studies. In the classroom, the circle such children show themselves on the other hand, feel their strength, see their own result, and we all support these successes by all the team, organizing exhibitions of drawings and creative works. In class, such competences are formed as independence, initiative, accuracy, diligence, purposefulness.

In modern conditions, the development of Russian society is not acceptable to the decision of yesterday. Today we need clear, earthly goals that coincide with the real aspirations of a developing person. Implementation of the competence approach in extracurricular time - interesting and current work, whichit should be aimed at the development of the personality, through the disclosure of creative potential, through the formation of creative thinking, the development of independence and initiative.

It is important to choose such a material and present it so that he has not only a training, but also a life justification and did not cause a thinking student an unrequited question "Why do we do it?"


    Golub, G. B., Chuhrakova, O. V. Project method as technology for the formation of key competencies of students [Text] / g. B. Golub, O. V. Churanov.- Samara, 2003.- 91 p.

    Domansky, E.V. Reflection as an element of key educational competence [Electronic resource] / e. V. Domansky // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2003. - April 24th.

    Key competencies and educational standards. Transcript of discussion of the report A.V. Khutorsky in RAO [Electronic resource] / a. V. Khututor // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2002. - April 23.

    Kraevsky, V.V. On the cultural and competence approaches to the formation of the content of education [Electronic resource] / V. V. Kraevsky / Reports of the 4th All-Russian Distance August Agricultural Pedagogical Conference "Upgrades of the Russian School" (August 26 - September 10, 2002).

    Lobok, A. The main complexity of the "competence approach" [Electronic resource] / a. Lobok // First of September. - 2005. - №18. -

    Perelygin, E.A., Fishman, I. S. Methodical recommendations for the formation of key competence of elementary school students. [Text] / e. A. Perelygin, I. S. Fishman.- Samara, 2007.-128 p.

    Frumin, I. What is responsible for? Competence approach as a natural stage of updating the content of education [Text] / and. Frumin / teacher newspaper. - 2002. - №36. - http://www.ug.ru/02.36/t24.htm

Organization of extracurricular activities based on a competence approach to the implementation of a competence approach in the organization of extracurricular activities as a primary school teacher

The formation of the identity of the younger schoolboy in the conditions of introducing a competence approach is the actual problem of educational practice. This is due to the fact that, firstly, it is necessary to determine the set of competencies possible at this age, secondly, to identify the mechanisms for the introduction of a competence approach to the activities of students and teachers.

The introduction of a competence approach, starting with the initial stage of education, is difficult because most school programs used in modern elementary school are created before the competence approach appears.

With regard to the system of primary education, the keywords in the characteristic of competencies are words to search, think, cooperate, be worked out for business, adapt:

search: Align the environment; consult a teacher; get information;

think: establish the relationship between past and real events; critically refer to a particular statement, suggestion; be able to resist uncertainty and difficulties; occupy a position in discussions and produce your own opinion; Evaluate the social habits related to health, as well as with the environment; evaluate works of art and literature;

collaborate: be able to work in the group; decisions; settle disagreements and conflicts; agree; Develop and fulfill their duties;

become for business: turn on to work; be responsible; enter a group or team and contribute; prove solidarity; organize your work; enjoy computing and simulating devices;

adapt: \u200b\u200bUse new information and communication technologies; resistant to confront difficulties; find new solutions.

Competence cannot be determined through a certain amount of knowledge and skills, because A significant role in its manifestation belongs to circumstances. Being competent means to mobilize in this situation the knowledge and experience gained. It is competence that allows an individual to navigate in unforeseen social situations, which means the success of socialization. Socialization is the process of human interaction and social medium. A person does not just assimilate social experience, but converts it to its values, installations, orientation. The result of socialization is socialized, i.e., the formation of the features set by the status and required by this society.

Organization of extracurricular activities among primary school students

The most close integration of training and education is possible precisely in terms of a competence approach.

The implementation of extracurricular activities implies the formation in each student of moral, cognitive, communicative, aesthetic and physical potential, their development and formation.

The moral / value / potential implies perception and understanding of students such as "family", "School", "Motherland", "Teacher", "Nature", "Friendship with peers", "respect for the elders." The need to fulfill the rules for students, the ability to distinguish between good and bad things of people, correctly evaluate their actions and behavior of classmates, respect the order and discipline at school and other public places. The existence of participation experience in the preparation and conduct of social benefits, the implementation of individual and collective execution of orders and tasks in the process of organizing classroom and school life.

Cognitive potential - observation, activity, adjacent in training work, steady interest in knowledge. The formation of the main features of the individual style of training activities, readiness for training in the main school.

Communicative potential - mastering the simplest communicative skills and skills: the ability to speak and listen, the ability to empathize, sympathize, to take attention to other people, animals, nature. The formation of primary self-regulation skills.

Aesthetic potential is the aesthetic susceptibility of phenomena and objects of the environment and social medium, the presence of a personal, emotionally painted attitude towards the works of art.

Physical potential - compliance with the day of the day and rules of personal hygiene, the desire to become a strong, fast, dexterous, hardened, the desire to try their strength in the physical culture of sports.

The means of extracurricular (educational) activities are mainly formed: values \u200b\u200bof activity, communication, self-education; habit of being mobilized; Personal skills - reflexive, estimated; Personal qualities - independence, responsibility; Experience communication and interaction with people, including in the team.

As the main goal of the pedagogical organization of extracurricular livelihoods, the formation of key competencies of students should be considered. Accordingly, this goal becomes the main goal of the work of the class teacher and includes at least three tasks:

Own activity of the class teacher on the organization of life and development of a class team and individual students;

Coordination and tracking of the performance of subject teachers working with the class, on the formation of key competencies by the urgent and extracurricular funds of educational activities on the subject;

Organization of joint forms of work of the class teacher with subject teachers.

Installing a class manager to form key competencies requires a true democratic approach to the organization of class life. The class manager is not entitled to impose the goals of the development of a class collective and joint livelihoods, form of organization and methods to achieve the goal. His task is to choose together with students those goals that are really close at least most students, and the ways of their achievements that, according to general sensations, will be the most fruitful.

A prerequisite for the class life in conditions of a competence approach is an open expression by students:

His experiences, joys, separation of other people's senses for a deeper understanding of human relationships;

Its understanding of problems and ways arising in the life of the class for their permission;

Its estimates of educational and extracurricular activities of the class as a whole and the personal contribution of individual students to this activity.

The organizational and activity component of the educational process includes such elements as:

Education technology: collective creative activity, game, creative workshop, modeling of educational activity class.

Forms of organization of the educational process: holiday, collective creative business, quiz, competition, exhibition, excursion, oral magazine, conversation, etc.

Student self-government carried out in the framework of the class team.

Assessment of the formation of competence of students

The content of general education is formed from a combination of many subject areas, areas of activity, relations that master the child. A complex of systematic knowledge and ideas, skills and skills, traditions and value orientations can be called the system of cultural competence of the person. Communication competence characterizes a person as a carrier of values \u200b\u200bof the universal and national culture, moral norms and principles caused by their views, actions and actions, cultural and natural behavior and activities that owns oral and written speech, ways to communicate with other people. It involves a certain degree of human autonomy, which is necessary for the formation of a person who can make decisions, withstand external pressure.



Regulatory behavioral. (Attachment 1).

In the concept of "competence" built in this way, personal and potential cognitive-practical qualities that should be formed in the learning and education process should be assimilated. Competence is not tied to a tough to a certain educational content, knowledge or other abilities.

To determine the competence of a schoolchild, a list of indicators is proposed in accordance with the dedicated aspects of three levels:

Primitive behavioral;

Emotional behavioral;

Motivated behavioral. (Attachment 1).

The structure of general cultural competence reflects the main spheres of the interaction of the child with the outside world in the process of socialization.

The scope of environmental competence is a relationship between human civilization and nature at various levels. For the younger student, the following volume of competencies is characteristic: knows the rules of behavior in the forest, in reservoirs, in local natural zones at different times of the year; distinguishes live and non-living nature; knows personal hygiene rules; knows how to breed a fire, collect mushrooms and berries; Watches the phenomena of nature, describes them; takes part in landscaping class, school, yard; goes hiking, visits the dendroparks and carefully applies to nature nearby; Knows the rules of behavior in fire and other natural disasters.

Social competence - relationship in society. For the younger schoolchild, it is characteristic: knows the content of the concept of the Motherland; knows his rights and obligations; familiar with the professions of the driver, seller, doctor, teacher, postman, seamstress, builder, driver; It has an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe property; independently makes purchases; knows legitimate ways to make money; knows a safe route to school, to the store; knows a detailed address, main social objects; has an idea of \u200b\u200ba person's personal space; knows how to follow the sequence and rules of the game; interacts with other people in accordance with the established rules and rules; knows how to accept partial responsibility for what is happening; aware that he can do something without mandatory support for adults and their approval; Carries out an individual choice of instructions and tasks in the process of organizing life in class and school.

The scope of cognitive competence - unites intellectual, information culture and culture of self-organization. For the younger schoolchildren, the following volume of competencies is characteristic: learning to work with a friend; learns to read correctly (observe the strokes, pauses, the intonation of the end of the sentence, allocate the words important in the meaning of the word, etc.); mastering the main types of written works (entry for dictation, statement of text, reviews, etc.); plans training sessions in day mode; learns to control their actions and actions of comrades; learns to work properly with the textbook; listens to reading various texts, teacher explanations; Highlight the main facts and thoughts in the text is a simple plan, retells the content of the text; learns to work correctly with literature; Self-service skills are formed; Learn to properly state thoughts, work in the group.

The sphere of humanitarian competence is a human orientation in ideas, meanings, cultural texts. For the younger student, the following volume of competencies is characteristic: understands the figurative language of fairy tales, stories, poems; Shows interest in fiction; knows the works of Russian writers, poets; allocates the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work; expresses evaluation judgments, compares and evaluates the actions of heroes; reads verses of famous poets; Begins to master the foreign language; Shows the value attitude to subjects and phenomena of the surrounding life.

The sphere of aesthetic competence - the human orientation in the world of art, in the world of fine arts; Education of aesthetic taste. For the younger schoolchild, it is characteristic: distinguishes types of products; freely owns a pencil and brush with different types of drawing; sculptures; familiar with folk instruments; knows and executes Russian folk songs, proverbs, sayings; Formed the skill of listening to music; learns the famous musical works of Russian composers; has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe pictures of famous artists; participates in amateur amateur; illustrates.

The sphere of communicative competence is the daily relationship between people, family relations, between the floors, friends, partners, neighbors; Behavior in different kind situations. For the younger schoolchildren, the following volume of competencies is characteristic: can take others as a given; knows how to work independently in a large children's team without requiring the attention of the teacher; knows how to concentrately listen, not asked just to attract attention; quickly and accurately fulfill the requirements of the teacher; knows how to check out itself and is not distracted; knows how to get up on the point of view of the other, evaluates and controls the actions of another; Shows tolerance in relation to others; implements interaction with the teacher and other students in accordance with the established rules; knows the rules of behavior in the dining room, in the assembly hall; at a concert, in public places; takes care of books, clothing, property; Expands knowledge of the forms of appeal to senior, peers, unfamiliar people; knows general information about various etiquette situations (congratulations, wishes, requests, can empathize, argue); mastering comrade norms of relations (manifests care, has mutual assistance, sympathy); manifes behavior; It has a habit of being friendly, benevolent; Do not accept rough speech; It has skills to communicate with younger, peers, older children, adults.

The sphere of recreational competence is the sphere of recreation, health, sports, nutrition. The volume of the competence of the younger schoolchildren includes: the general concept of health and factors affecting it; It has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure and work of organs and human body systems; daily cares for the body; keeps the morning and evening toilet, cares for hair, hands, face during the day; Engaged in hardening the body, physical culture, sports; keeps the day, study, rest; complies with the rules of self-control for the right posture, gait, pose; Shows accuracy in clothes and shoes, cares for them; Recognizes signs of fatigue, knows how to behave correctly during the disease, has a skill of accurate treatment of drugs; It is capable of adequately evaluating the emotions of others, manifests its emotions and manages them.

The scope of economic competence is everyday household situations and problems. For the younger schoolboy, the following volume of competencies is characteristic: can play movable, intellectual games; knows and knows how to use the iron, washing machine, grater, meat grinder, electric stove, refrigerator; uses cutlery for destination, knows the rules for serving the table; knows how to prepare simple dishes; knows the rules for the preparation and cleaning of places for educational, labor, leisure activities and rest; grows indoor plants; participates in agricultural work; cares for pets; makes appliques from different materials do it yourself; Works with simple tools.

When studying the general cultural competence of schoolchildren, several diagnostic methods are used: observation, testing, survey. The use of each of them occurs in accordance with the requirements imposed on the procedure for applying a method of diagnostics.


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    Golub, G. B., Chuhrakova, O. V. Project method as technology for the formation of key competencies of students [Text] / g. B. Golub, O. V. Churanov.- Samara, 2003.- 91 p.

    Domansky, E.V. Reflection as an element of key educational competence [Electronic resource] / e. V. Domansky // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2003. - April 24th.

    Key competencies and educational standards. Transcript of discussion of the report A.V. Khutorsky in RAO [Electronic resource] / a. V. Khututor // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2002. - April 23.

    Kraevsky, V.V. On the cultural and competence approaches to the formation of the content of education [Electronic resource] / V. V. Kraevsky / Reports of the 4th All-Russian Distance August Agricultural Pedagogical Conference "Upgrades of the Russian School" (August 26 - September 10, 2002).

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    Frumin, I. What is responsible for? Competence approach as a natural stage of updating the content of education [Text] / and. Frumin / teacher newspaper. - 2002. - №36. - http://www.ug.ru/02.36/t24.htm

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    Khutorskaya, A.V. Key competencies as a component of a personality-oriented paradigm of education [Electronic resource] / A. V. Khutuorsk / reports of the 4th All-Russian Distance August Pedagogical Conference "Update of the Russian School" (August 26 - September 10, 2002).


Attachment 1

Characteristics of levels of competence

Informative aspect

Value-orientation aspect

Regulatory-behavioral aspect

Primitive behavioral

Knowledge of norms, rules of behavior, the simplest ways to perform actions in standard situations.

Understanding the need to comply with moral and legal norms; the ability to perceive the phenomena coming from the world; situational susceptibility to the needs of other people and public life; Response to adult demand.

Fulfillment of norms and rules of behavior at the request of adults or peers; make "like everything" or forced; The choice and execution of the method of activity with the help of others.


Knowledge of norms, rules of behavior and ways of activity in solving educational tasks; Perception, interest, emotional readiness to absorb new information.

Awareness of the need for legitimate behavior; expression of preferences and settling value orientations; Emotional-situational nature of responding to acts and actions of other people; Manifestation of sustainable interests in certain activities.

Emotional regulation of activity and behavior, depending on the mood, from attitudes towards others, from the situation.


Systematized knowledge of general principles, norms, rules governing social interaction.

Awareness of values \u200b\u200band meaning of own actions and actions; need for legitimate behavior; formation of personal, humanistic attitudes and value orientations; Understanding your abilities and restrictions.

Volitional regulation of behavior and activity; making independent decisions and forecasting their consequences; Responsibility for their actions and actions in various situations.

(Essay teacher physical culture MOU SOSH No. 40)

What is happening at the end of the twentieth and early XXI centuries. Essential changes in the nature of education (its direction, goals, content) are increasingly clearly, according to Art. 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", orient it to the "free human free development", on creative initiative, independence, competitiveness, which is emphasized in the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010. A competence approach suggests that the criterion for assessing quality education should be not assimilated with students of certain knowledge, skills and skills, and the formation and development of key personal competencies, among the most important of which include social competence and competence of health care. In the XXI century, such qualities of a person as individuality, creative activity and the ability to focus on the future will be in demand: the ability to predict, fantasy, flexibly proceed to new activities, make decisions and actively act even in uncertainty situations.

As a physical culture teacher, I consider its most important task to create optimal conditions for the harmonious development of the individuality of each student. The problem of preserving and promoting the health of schoolchildren is very relevant, since it is that health provides the possibility of successful biological, psychological and social adaptation of a person to environmental conditions.

The purpose of my pedagogical activity is to ensure the preservation and development of children's health during school learning. At the same time, "health" I understand not only as a lack of disease, but as a complete harmony of a person with its natural and social environment (the definition of the World Health Organization). The school today should be engaged not only by teaching children, but also takes care of the education of physically, psychologically and morally a healthy personality and a large role in this is given to physical culture.

Physical culture is not only a complex of certain motor skills and skills, but also a high personality, moral level of man.

A teacher can contribute to the personal growth of the child if it will strengthen its faith in itself, to form the ability to rely on himself, to disclose its potential, for this it is necessary, first of all, to take a child as it is now, to believe in it. Treating to the child as a person, the teacher helps him in the same way to treat himself, and then to other people. Thus, the path to the opening of the world for the child lies through the acquisition of herself.

For the successful implementation of its pedagogical activities, the teacher should treat himself positively, focus on the internal, and not on the external objectives of the development (recognition, material success) and build a learning process as a dialogue with students oriented to personal growth. It is very important that the teacher refuses an authoritarian position, from claims for errorlessness. He must strive to create such a learning environment in which the child does not lose his personal experience and ties with life, confidence in himself and to the teacher. Humanistic training involves openness to the future, the ability to predict and reassess value.

Call "HREF \u003d" / TEXT / CATEGORY / KOLL / "REL \u003d" BOOKMARK "\u003e teams in which schoolchildren and guests of the holiday take part. The holiday scenario is annually updated with the main events of school life.

I try to stimulate your own activity of students, their desire for physical and moral improvement, while a significant role is played by independent work of schoolchildren on themselves, directed by the teacher.

My students not only perform certain sets of exercises in their free time, fix and improve skills in class lessons, but also reflect on the meaning of physical culture in society's life and in their own lives, read, write abstracts and writings. "To strive for perfection and go ahead forces to everyone, for whom the sport is not an empty sound", these words from the composition of the 2003 graduate of Lena Maslova brightly illustrate the attitude of my students to physical culture.

In our school, the scientific conference of students "I and the world around me" is held annually. In the school year, in this conference, my student of Pavel Kim took part in this conference (11 and class), which on his own initiative developed a site dedicated to the guying sports and its sporting achievements. Serious sports did not prevent Paul to finish school with a silver medal. This year I also plan to prepare a member of the school conference.

In 2009, I was conceived and implemented a new form of holding a traditional autumn sports festival "Day of Health". The feature of this holiday is that eleven eighth and ninth grades should take part in it at the same time. To carry out such a large-scale event, I applied for help to students of ninth classes. Nine-graders made up the route lists in advance, invented contests, and during the holiday, each ninth class organized the reception of all eighth grades at one station. At each station, competitions of a sports, entertainment or cognitive character were held. Nine-graders became not only the organizers, but also by the judges. In addition, students of the ninth grades conducted a photo - and video filming, which allowed them to later create a colorful collage dedicated to the holiday. All holiday participants received great pleasure.

In my opinion, the teacher cannot limit himself as the role of the transmitter of knowledge, skills and skills, and should strive to become a role model, moral ideal for his students. For this, the teacher must be constantly engaged in self-improvement, to develop in physical, intellectual and moral relations, and then he will be able to captivate students. In other words, the key to the personal growth of the child is in the personal growth of the teacher.

The implementation of the competence approach in extracurricular activities is interesting and urgent work, which should be aimed at the development of the individual, through the disclosure of creative potential, through the formation of creative thinking, the development of independence and initiative.



Competence approach in extracurricular activities

In the modern dynamically developing world, the process of changing the lifestyle, thought of thought, personal installations is relevant. At the same time, a person is forced to not just adapt to the conditions of modern society, he must constantly assert themselves, to create himself. The task of modern school is changing: to form a comprehensively developed personality, which is capable of solving problems and typical tasks arising in real life situations, using knowledge, educational and life experience.

All these ideas in pedagogical science have formed the basis of a fundamentally new approach - competence, which develops certain abilities. The basis of the formation of competencies is the experience of students (competence \u003d knowledge + experience).

In extracurricular work, I actively introduce one of the methods of forming communicative competenceproject training method, because this pedagogical technology is focused on the application of the available and acquiring new knowledge, and the implementation of which makes it possible to develop new ways of human activity in a sociocultural environment. In the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project technique, I am attracted to what students themselves participate in the initial choice of the subject of activity, in the discussion of suitable working methods, in the schedule of work on the project and in the final product representation. At different stages of work on the project, different competences are developing: the ability to go, the ability to process, analyze information, the ability of a public speech is formed, the ability to work in a team and respond to the results of their work.

Design work provides students with the possibility of using well-known knowledge, skills and skills in real situations and involves expanding students' activity. It develops the ability to identify resources, use rational ways of educational and other activities, and also makes it possible to use research methods in training.

The organization of project activities in extracurricular work is very effective, since in the second half of the day the guys have more time to develop a project, there is a naturally compound of the theory and practice, which makes the theory more interesting and more real.

The most important task of modern school is to teach a person to live in the information world. The introduction of information and communication technologies on an elective course in extracurricular time is necessary to create a cognitive environment, actualization of training activities, increasing students' interest in the acquisition of new knowledge, introducing element of novelty, students develop communicative and information competence. I am impressed that computer technologies facilitate the task of involving students in active activities, help develop interest in the subject. The principle of visibility in training is easily implemented, the availability of explanation increases, since students have a figurative imagination.This is achieved by increasing the share of the information provided in visual and sound form, the speed of delivering information.

The best educator is any significant and attractive activity for children. In the younger and middle school age, the children love to make a tiny, create something new. In class Mug "Shatvory with your own hands", the guys perform amazing things from affordable materials. Especially here reveal the creative abilities of students who are hard to have studies. In the classroom, the circle such children show themselves on the other hand, feel their strength, see their own result, and we all support these successes by all the team, organizing exhibitions of drawings and creative works. In class, such competences are formed as independence, initiative, accuracy, diligence, purposefulness.

In modern conditions, the development of Russian society is not acceptable to the decision of yesterday. Today we need clear, earthly goals that coincide with the real aspirations of a developing person. Implementation of the competence approach in extracurricular time - interesting and current work, whichit should be aimed at the development of the personality, through the disclosure of creative potential, through the formation of creative thinking, the development of independence and initiative.

It is important to choose such a material and present it so that he has not only a training, but also a life justification and did not cause a thinking student an unrequited question "Why do we do it?"

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The information competence of the teacher is one of the key competencies. Personality quality representing a set of zone and value attitude towards effective implementation of various kinds ...

Competence approach in the content of education. Formation and development of universal training actions.

Analysis of the peculiarities of the content of the subject of the subject (physics) and the possibilities of students, the level of their development, allowed you ...

Implementation of the competence approach in extracurricular activities. English teacher Implementation of the competence approach in extracurricular activities. Teacher of English Sokolova OV Year is a municipal state-enforcement institution Secondary school with an in-depth study of individual PGT items. Santantchursk Kirov region

Values, principles, goals it can be the following judgments: freedom of student to be himself; Each person has its own "perfection"; Help each student his individual dating make socially fruitful; Individual development of each student corresponds to its abilities, interests and opportunities; A person studies only what corresponds to his abilities, interests and that he considers useful for himself; To be successful in modern society, a graduate must own the relevant complex of key competencies; The acquisition of a student to the cultural tradition, which to maximize the extent can contribute to its development.

Values, principles and goals Freedom freedom to be Himself to help each student his individual ability to make the individual development of each student, corresponds to his abilities, interests, opportunities to be successful in modern society, the graduate must own the relevant key competencies

Key competencies are in with their students; -nugenic and organize independent activities of students (help identify goals and educational results); - "Creating students, including them in a variety of activities that allow to accommodate the required competencies; build a learning process using a variety of activities of the organization and including students in different types of work, taking into account their inclinations, individual characteristics and interests to own project thinking (to be able to organize and manage group project activities); own research thinking (to be able to organize research and lead it); use the estimation system that allows students to adequately assess their achievements and improve them; carry out the reflection of its activities, behavior and be able to organize it with students in the process of training sessions; own computer technology and use them in the educational process.

Forms, methods, techniques used in classes Mug: Forms of training Types of training Methods of teaching techniques Training training activities Traveling competitions Competitions Studying a new material. Generalizing repetition. Systematization of knowledge and skills. Combined explanatory- illustrative reproductive partially search wondered: story, conversation visual: tables, schemes, drawings Practical independent work

A competence approach suggests that: the teacher must: own the competences with which he teaches; Learn along with your disciples; Motivate students through the use of various activities; build a learning process using various forms of organization of cognitive activity, taking into account their inclinations and individual characteristics; Reflexing its activities and be able to organize it from students in the process of educational and extracurricular activities.

Goals and objectives of work "Play and Learn English" Mug "Playing, Learn!" Objectives: to form skills to communicate in English, taking into account the speech capabilities and interests of younger students; Create the most favorable conditions for the development of the foreign language communicative competence of younger students. Tasks: Improving the communicative skills of younger students. The development of common and special training skills to improve the educational activities to master the English language.

"Play and Learn English" Electronic version of the curriculum of the work of the "Play and Learn English" mug. The name of the number of hours is 1.. Seasons My House 8 3. Survey-Motherland My My Family 10 5. Lowering 9 6. Animals 5 7.ED 10 8.Apportune 5 9. Final lesson 1 Total 68 hours

The main pedagogical principles implemented during the circle activities: the principle of systematic and training sequence (themes are sequentially, the study of each new section relies on the knowledge acquired in previous sections); The principle of availability (compliance of the content of learning with the individual age-related abilities of the child); The principle of creative activity (creating creative thinking of children); The principle of nature appearance (implies the formation of the general culture of the personality of the student, the development of activity and independence); The principle of interaction between scientific and humanism (suggests the comprehensive interaction between the teacher and the student).

To assimage educational material, children use such forms of work as memorizing poems, rhyms, songs, situational dialogues and small stages. General rules for conducting classes alternate types of classes. Gradually increase the load on the formation of lexical skills.

Expected work results Mug "Playing, Learn!" The primary skills of younger schoolchildren in communicating in English are formed. The knowledge gained will contribute to the development of the foreign language communicative competence of younger students. Expand the vocabulary of younger schoolchildren. General and special training skills will continue to improve the training activities for the English language in the second stage classes.

Implementation of the competence approach in extracurricular activities Methodical literature on the problem of redemption of the competence approach in extracurricular activities "Competence-based approach in modern education" D.A.Ivanov. Zao "MCFER", 2009 "Model of professional competence of a teacher in accordance with the standard of education." Journal "Zagaud" G. "English for the smallest" .g.P.Shalaev. Moscow. Eksmo g "Playing, learn!" S.M.Amamjyan. Moscow. Education.1978

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