
Why do not trains come from rails? What happens when the train goes off with rail

Now the railway formulations have a much greater length, and speed, and weight compared to the first trains that they went 160 years ago. But they have all the same steel wheels with a protrusion on the edge of the rim and roll through the cast-iron rails. All the same forms in the form of a Latin letter I. Each train wheel has a 1-inch rim on the inside.

It is these protrusions that direct the wheels on the rails, whether it is a direct plot or rounding of the path. The railway wheel and rails are so well suited to each other, that is, they have such a small friction ratio that if a 40-ton car is to freely roll around the horizontal path with a speed of 60 miles per hour, it will emit as much as much as 5 miles before the stop. While the truck weighing 40 tons with a turned off motor and the same initial speed will be able to stop about 1 mile.

Elastic Rail Support

The rail rests on wooden or concrete spats laid in the base of gravel. As a rule, long bolts passing through the spring brackets hold the rail on the place put it. Such an elastic fastening system contributes to a madest ride.

Rail jack

When the rails are docked, between each of their length of 39 feet there is a small gap. It allows metal rails without interference to expand when heated. Bowed by bolted Railed pad keeps together neighboring segments of rails. Although currently on the main railway highways, all segments on each side of the rut are welded into one rail.

Traction force

The railway composition with all its weight (through the wheels) presses on the rails. A rolling wheel from behind friction is cloured with rail and from this in the place of their contact there is a force of thrust, which moves the composition ahead and on flat sites and on the lines. Weight plus friction between the rail and the rolling wheel behave so that they pull the composition forward.

c - friction coefficient

F - friction force

Overpric paths

In order for a moving train to move from one track to another, such a transition should make its wheels. And in this, interchangeable railway arrows help them. Guide rails allow the wheels to cross the "cross", where both gates are found. If the train falls on the arrow, moving up the picture from the bottom up, then after the arrow, it will continue to move along a straight track painted on the right.

Movement on the bend

When the train moves along the bending of the way, there is a so-called centrifugal force on it, which seeks to push the train from his rut. To oppose this lateral force, the outer rail is set above the internal. This exceeding one rail over the other is called the inclination of the virage. It allows trains without reducing the speed to overcome the rounded areas of the path.


The distance between the rails on the bends of the way makes more than in direct areas. As a result, the friction force decreases, which acts on the wheels when the centrifugal force pulls the wagon car, and at the same time the wear of rails is reduced.

Trolleys on wheels

Wheels of wagons are attached to carts, that is, movable platforms on which there is still a suspension system. Two pairs of wheels are fixed to each trolley. And the carts themselves who put the car can rotate to the right - to the left with a special device - the spiend. Which gives the movement of the carriage when the train passes rounded areas of the path. An independent suspension system helps to ensure the softness of the stroke.

Profession\u003e Not as ancient as many others, and is associated with the advent of railways. Prim railway Appeared in antiquity. These were rail (wooden or stone) ruts, which dragged heavy loads. In 1825, the first railway in the world with steam rod was built. This date can be considered the date of the appearance of the profession\u003e.

Why do not trains come from rails?

Wheels of wagons or locomotives are tightly planned on the axis and rotate together with them (they are called wheeled pairs). On the rim of each wheel, a tightly grabbing his steel ring - bandage. From the inside of the bandage throughout its circle there is a protrusion - a comb. He does not give the wheel to get off the rail outward. To get off the rail inside the rail track the wheel hinders the crest of another wheel of the same wheel pair.

The weight of the locomotive or car creates a load on the wheel, and through it on the rail. Therefore, when moving between the wheel and rail, friction force arises (clutch), and the wheel does not slide, and rolls along the rail. From the force pressed the wheel to the rail depends on the strength of the locomotive. The harder the locomotive and the stronger its wheels are pressed against the rail, the more difficult train can be driving. Of course, the locomotive engines should be powerful enough to carry the train with the required speed. But if the locomotive is too light, he will not be able to carry a heavy train, no matter how powerful it is its engines. The wheels of such a locomotive will not be sufficiently pressing towards the rails and start sliding.

The locomotive is an autonomous locomotive, the primary engine of which is the internal combustion engine (DVS), usually diesel.

The diesel locomotive emerged at the beginning of the 20th century became a cost-effective replacement as low-efficient outdated steam locomotives, and the electric locomotives that appeared at the same time, cost-effective in highways with a relatively large cargo and passenger traffic.

Currently, diesel locomotives have almost completely replaced the locomotives on maneuvers and perform approximately 40% of the cargo turnover of the network. Continuously growing requirements for improving the mass of trains and speeds of their movement determine the need to create more and more powerful locomotives. Already, autonomous locomotives of the sectional capacity of 6000 - 7350 kW (8000 - 10,000 liters p) are needed. An equally important task is to translate autonomous locomotives for alternative fuels, such as gas. These problems are successfully solved when using gas turbine engines in the locomotive construction. Gas tubes were created and operated - autonomous locomotives, which have a gas turbine - the main power engine.

The diesel locomotive is called an autonomous locomotive with an internal combustion engine, usually diesel. Diesel diesel locomotive converts liquid fuel energy into the mechanical operation of the rotation of the crankshaft, from which the movement is obtained through the transmission. Diesel is poorly adapted to variable modes of operation. The power is directly proportional to the speed of rotation of the crankshaft (with constant fuel supply), so it is more profitable to work in constant mode, at the maximum rotation frequency of the crankshaft. To ensure the possibility of a diesel engine with a constant frequency of rotation of the shaft and transmission of energy by moving wheel pairs, the transmission corresponds to the operating conditions of the locomotive and diesel engine.

How the electric locomotive works and works

In diesel electrosals, electrical energy, moving wheels, is formed through the operation of diesel engines. Turbo pumps constantly pumped into the engine air, increasing its power.

Electric locomotive is called the locomotive driven by electric motors that receive electrical energy through the current receiver from the contact network. In the contact network, electricity comes from the traction substation.

General information about electrified railways

A variable or permanent current?

Electrical stations produce the electrical energy of three-phase alternating current, which is transmitted over long distances in three wires. AC frequency feeding industrial installations in different countries Various. It fluctuates from 25 to 60 periods per second (hertz). In Russia, as in most countries, industrial frequency is adopted equal to 50 Hz.

Some of the train movement theory

The theory of the train movement is an integral part of the applied science about the trail of trains studying the issues of the movement of trains and work of locomotives. For a clearer understanding of the process of work of the Electrovoz, it is necessary to know the main provisions of this theory. First of all, the main forces acting on the train when driving is the force of thrust, resistance to movement, braking force. The driver can change the strength of thrust and braking force; No resistance to driving control.

The driver can not do without measuring instruments. It is necessary to know their principle of operation, be able to deal with electrical circuits and adjust high and low frequency amplifiers.

Light alarm on transport has a long history. In Russia, it can be considered to be the introduction of independent green lights on steam locomotives. His highest commandment came out after one night at the only then in Russia the Tsarskoye railway railway, the train crushed the watch.

Nowadays the transmission of light alarm on w. The village is carried out using various signal lights, traffic lights, information board, television screens, IT monitors. d.

It is possible to deal with the blinding action of the floors using polarizers. Polarizers are for example films, plates substances that skip light only in one direction. So, passing through two polaroids, located at an angle of 90 °, the intensity is zero. This property of polaroids can be used in practice, if such a first polarizer is installed in the outlet of the locomotive, the second, rotated 90 °, - on the windshield of the cabling driver of the locomotive: the direct light of the oncoming train searchlight in the driver's cabin will be strongly weakened.

White paint reflects everything apparent radiation, black - on the contrary, absorbs all this irradiation. That is why on the southern roads of our country the roof of the wagons are painted into bright colors, and in the north - on the contrary, dark tones are desirable, and it means that there will be warmer in the car.

Different colors our eyes perceives unequal well. The red color recognizes quickly and at the same time acts on us exciting. Yellow and orange cause concentration, and light green acts soothing. The color is even a feeling of temperature: they say that red-yellow colors are warm, and bluish blue is cold. The eye reacts in different ways to a combination of colors: the best distinguishes red and green, yellow and black. That is why colors are used for signaling on transport: red (danger), yellow (warning), and green (safety). It is not by chance that the orange color of the workers on the road is also chosen - it is immediately\u003e. Another example: it was found that it is the orange-red stripes on the frontal part of the locomotive have the greatest range of visibility. Often they are applied with fluorescent paints, luminescent under the influence of daylight, which increases visibility range of 1.5-2 times. To highlight the color and reduce its intensity, light filters are used (for eclipse too bright light).

Magnetoplan or Maglev (from the English Magnetic Levitation) is a train on a magnetic suspension, driven and controlled by magnetic forces. This composition, in contrast to traditional trains, does not concern the surface of the rail during the movement. Since there is a gap between the train and the surface of the movement, friction is excluded, and the only braking force is the strength of aerodynamic resistance.

The speed, reaching Maglev, is comparable with the speed of the aircraft and allows the competing of the air reports on small (for aviation) distances (up to 1000 km). Although the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch transport is not new, economic and technical limitations did not allow it to be fully: for public use, the technology was incarnated only several times. Currently, Maglev cannot use the existing transport infrastructure, although there are projects with the location of the elements of the magnetic road between the rails of the ordinary railway or under the vehicles.


Drive - electric motor;

Period - since 1989;

Speed \u200b\u200b- up to 600 km / h;

Scope - Intercity Public transport;

Infrastructure - magnetic rail path.


At the moment there are 3 main technologies of the magnetic suspension of trains:

1. On superconducting magnets (electrodynamic suspension, EDS).

Superconducting magnet - solenoid or electromagnet with winding from superconducting material. The winding in a state of superconductivity has zero ohmic resistance. If such a winding is closed in short, the electric current induced in it remains almost arbitrarily for a long time. The magnetic field of the unlucky current circulating over the winding of the superconducting magnet is extremely stable and deprived of the ripples, which is important for a number of applications in scientific research and technology. The winding of the superconducting magnet loses the superconductivity property when the temperature is raised above the critical temperature of the superconductor, when the critical current or critical magnetic field is reached in the winding.

2. On electromagnets (electromagnetic suspension).

3. on permanent magnets; This is a new and potentially most economical system.


* Theoretically the highest speed of those that can be obtained on serial (non-sports) ground transport.

* Low noise.


* High cost of creating and servicing a gauge.

* Magnet weight, electricity consumption.

* The electromagnetic field created by the magnetic suspension may be harmful to train brigades and surroundings. Even traction transformers used on electrified by alternating current of railways are harmful to machineists, but in this case the field strength turns out an order of magnitude greater. Also, perhaps, the Maghelov lines will not be available for people using pacemakers.

* It will take high speed (hundreds of km / h) to control the gap between the road and the train (several centimeters). This requires ultrafast management systems.

* Requires a complex wayflaw infrastructure. For example, an arrow for Maglava represents two parts of the road, which replace each other depending on the direction of rotation. Therefore, it is unlikely that Magelev's lines will form a little-old branched networks with developments and intersections.


The first public system Maglev was built in Berlin in the 1980s.

The road 1.6 km long connected 3 metro stations. After a long test, the road was open to the movement of passengers on August 28, 1989. The passage was free, the wagons were controlled automatically without the driver, the road worked only on weekends. July 18, 1991 The line has passed into industrial operation and is included in the Berlin metro system.

After the destruction of the Berlin Wall, the population of Berlin actually doubled and it took to connect the transport networks of the East and the West. The new road interrupted an important subway line, and the city was required to provide high passenger traffic. 13 days after commissioning, July 31, 1991, the municipality decided to dismantle the magnetic road and restore the subway. From September 17, the road was dismantled, and later - the subway was restored.


Nearby Maglev-Chelock went from Birmingham Airport to the nearest railway station from 1984 to 1995. The length of the track was 600 m, and the suspension clearance was 1.5 cm. The road, worked for 10 years, was closed due to complaints of passengers on inconvenience and was replaced by the traditional monorail road.

Failure from the first Maglev dear in Berlin did not scare away the German company Transrapid from continuing research, and later the company received an order from the Chinese government to build a high-speed (450 km / h) Maglev and Shanghai Airport Pudong to Shanghai. The road was opened in 2002, its length is 30 km. In the future, it is planned to extend to the other end of the city to the old Hongziao airport and further to the southwest to the city of Hangzhou, after which its total length should be 175 km.

In Japan, there is a road in the vicinity of the Prefecture of Yamanasi. The speed achieved in the process of testing with passengers on December 2, 2003 was 581 km / h.

In the same place, in Japan, the new route was introduced into the opening of the Expo 2005 exhibition in March 2005. The 9-kilometer line of Linimo (Nagoya) consists of 9 stations. The minimum radius is 75 m, the maximum bias is 6%. The linear motor allows the train to accelerate up to 100 km / h in seconds.

There is information that Japanese companies are building a similar line in South Korea.

Japan will launch a train on a magnetic cushion

Japan plans to launch a super-speed train on a magnetic cushion in 2025 fiscal year. The construction of the line and compositions will cost approximately $ 45 billion dollars.

The Chinese against the "Road of the Future"

The population of Shanghai made a massive protest against local pride - a unique railway on a magnetic pillow, the trains of which seem to fly through the air.

"We feel as if we live in a microwave stove, our homes depreciated, realtors refuse to have a deal with us when they find out that our houses are near the train track," the Chinese complain, whose dwellings were in the immediate vicinity of the "future road ". According to them, the highway radiates a strong electromagnetic radiation.

In the Moscow Metro between the stations "Victory Park" and "Slavic Boulevard". According to the latest data, three people died as a result of the accident ,.

AiF.Ru explains what to do in the event of a train crash in the metro.

What to do with emergency braking?

With emergency braking or accident, try to grab the handrails. In case of fall, try to grind, protect your head with your hands, try to remove points.

In no case, do not jump out from the car until the trains stop. If the train went on the subway line from the rails, remember that high voltage (more than 800 volts) is served on the rail.

Leaving the wagon because of a fire or other danger, jump over a conductive rail and leave the tunnel crash to the nearest metro station.

What to do after a complete train stop?

If the train stopped in the subway tunnel, do not leave it without instructions.

When the permission is received to leave the car, open the doors, if possible, or select the glass with a heavy item.

Selecting from the car, turn on rescue work. Break the window windows, pull out the victims, if necessary, assist them with urgent help and psychological support. Any wire lying on Earth go around: they can remain under voltage and constitute a deadly danger. Go along the train movement to the station by Huska by Kaoi between the rails, not approaching to avoid damage to electricity to the current tires, located on the side of the rails. In the tunnel, it should only go to the right way to move the side of the train, as the contact rail passes on the left side.

What to do in case of fire?

If, as a result of the accident outside the train, a fire arose and you turned out to be locked in the car, do not open the tambourities and windows, since the air flow can lead to strengthening and even more rapid spread of fire.

If the fire beats behind the door, you should look for another way out. Close all the doors that can split you and fire, select the hardware window and already void the outside, but exhibit caution when you jump from the car down - remember the high voltage.

If the train continues to move and fire has arisen in the car, it is necessary to start grieving fire:

Prickly means

With the help of a fire extinguisher, which is under the seat in the end of the car.

If possible, go to the freezing part of the car and suppress the spread of fire, knocking it with clothing and poured it with existing non-flammable liquids, such as juice, milk, water.

When landing in a train, give preference to central cars, which in the event of an accident suffer less than the head and tail.

The trains are not insured from the disaster, and the tragedies happen even in the most seemingly safe places. Even in Japan, in a country where the technique, including transport, is at the highest level, all sorts of transportation cataclysms happen. For example, on May 3, 1962, three trains collided in Tokyo, as a result of which 163 people died.

If a person strives to protect himself during the railway journey, he first needs to keep calm. No in vain, folk wisdom says that what a person is afraid most, as a rule, happens to him. Therefore, the passenger needs to throw away all the idea of \u200b\u200bthe head concerning the possible occurrence of any tragedy. From the fact that a person will constantly think about the troubles and scare himself an accident, nothing will change, and the journey will be overshadowed with barren fears and doubts. Well, if the train comes down from rails, it is important to act here, according to the situation.

If the incident occurs not far from some city or settlement, then, most likely, assistance will come quite quickly, but in this case the remaining passengers who have not received serious injuries should, of course, make their own contribution to the salvation of others People who are lucky in this catastrophe less. Very often, as a result of railway accidents, a fire arises, which is also desirable to faster.

Even in a difficult situation, passengers must maintain peace of mind and can not be panic. Disorderly actions on the verge of hysteries will only prevent rescuers to engage in their work. If a person feels that he is captured by fear, with whom he cannot cope with, he needs to immediately switch to the problems of other passengers. If he looks around, it will certainly see people who are in more pitiful condition than he himself. Of course, at this point, many will be required to help, since if physicians arrive at the scene, they will not be able to serve all immediately. First of all, doctors will begin to save heavy victims, and the rest can be helped by passengers in a catastrophe.

If the tragedy occurs away from the settlements, the role of rescuers will have to take overwhelming or easily wounded passengers. In this case, someone will need to take on the role of the leader, which is usually spontaneously, and lead the entire operation to rescue passengers. Of course, all participants in the tragedy must maintain composure and if they cannot help, then at least not to prevent it from doing others. Do not stand in a hurry to pull out your things, rushing for them into the fire. Indeed, in this case, a person who survived during the catastrophe itself can easily die because of some things. Everything can be purchased again, besides human life, so do not risk it for some things or papers, even if important.

First of all, children and seriously injured, further old men and women should be evacuated from the place of the tragedy. Capturing the buses that will take out from the place of the tragedy, passengers should also keep calm. After all, everything has already happened, and from the fact that at how much some minutes someone will hit the city, hardly what will change. Usually, the major incidents on the roads are immediately reported on the media, so if a few hours have already passed since the beginning of the tragedy, then, hitting the city, be sure to call your relatives and calm them that you are all right. This is very important, because, as a rule, people are worried about their loved ones, it is at such moments that the elderly people have heart attacks and strokes, so the faster they will be warned that the danger has passed, the better.

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