
Types of women prone to treason. The most wrong zodiac sign: who is he? He enjoys female attention

It is worth noting that the number of signs, "punctures" in the behavior of a changing woman varies depending on the "quality" of the treason itself. If the adulter is based on sex - the lady can never give himself. However, it is worth falling in love with her and, God forbid, to afford to naphantize a possible marriage with a lover - and the number of "signals" in her behavior in one day can reach a dozen.

She is active search

This phase of changing the relationship of women to his chosen one, as a rule, precedes the appearance of a lover. At this stage, everything is still reversible, the woman is simply trying to compensate for the lack of spiritual heat. And the first thing she does is pleased to enter the World Wide Web, that is, it goes online! Dating sites, active life in social networks, chatting is far over midnight ...

Smart, and most importantly, a loving husband such behavior of the spouse should alert! At that moment she just wants peace of mind! And if she won't give him a spouse, then among billion users of the network, there is surely a romantic romantic! First - conversations, and there to come to the meeting with your hand ...

Unreasonable joy

"Hear me," the spouse will repeatedly say before "in all grave". She will complain about the lack of attention, cooled the dust, ask you to tell her the words of love, brought a gift ... She has not yet changed you physically, but often such conversations are the last "straw" for which she is enough to keep his feeling for you . The one who will hear his woman at such a moment - will not only keep her from treason, but also rises in her eyes immediately into several steps up!

Frequently aging on male attention married women, fall in love before the actual treason. Just begins the chemical process in the blood - and that's it! And she will definitely talk about the subject of his love, and for sure - with her husband too. It will be about how this "some" is good and wonderful, and talented, and kind ... there would be a careful spouse about the careful spouse and eliminate the rival to the portion of love, attention and caress to their half! Smart and loving will come. And for the rest - the faithful signs of the adulter already happening.

Change of intimate habits

You can not get anywhere, you will have to talk about the main thing - that is, about sex. If a woman changes her husband, it, as in the mirror, is reflected in their married bed. Most often, the lady who received satisfaction "on the side" no longer needs intimate joy with her husband. She simply "feste". In particular, such a behavior is characteristic of girls who think stereotypes and do not like much variety in bed.

Another scenario is possible - the spouse "suddenly" wakes up a sexy appetite, and she begins to show such "top pilot figures" in bed, which her husband earlier and did not dream! Well, as they say, every medal has two sides!

She is not interested in your life

Her ceased to annoy your delays at work? She no longer rises hysteria when you come a few subeer? She stopped looking at the list of your calls in the phone book, and the late SMS, who came from "Sergey Alexandrovich", are cheerful and provoke on witty jokes like "Protect"? Your business trips, trips to the cottage to parents, corporate parties are satisfied without wives?

This is because her own life is now literally hits the key and for the manifestation of emotions, she now has a completely different object. In some cases, the spouse ceases to prepare food for her husband. This is an alarming signal that says that she no longer sees the successor in it. And therefore, why feed him?

Changes gardened

No longer in life and a woman scored a woman will never allow himself to appear in front of a lover in old cowards! There is such a type of men who allow themselves to appear before his mistress in family cowards, but there is no such type of women! It is not at all necessary that the wardrobe of the newly-old mistress is filled with linen from the sex shop, but the fact that it will be regularly to appear just new underwear - a prerequisite! The purchase price and the level of eroticity will depend on the level of the lover, because she now wants to like it, and not her husband!

Not only men "come across" on the persistent fragrances of the spirits of their mistress! Women whose partners love expensive, and even more so niche flavors risking no less! The concept of behavior of "Dari Wife and Mother of the same perfume" is taken by many smart ladies! Well, who did not guessed - on behalf of himself!

Slip phone

Here the risk of being shown in treason in men and women is about the same. Most of the spouses will learn about the treason of their half that "thanks" by accidentally read SMS-Kam! And asks, why store them in the phone? But lovers are sentimental, and so nice to read a few words from your loved one ...

Experienced lovers and mistresses kill all SMS and even clean the list of calls before going home. This, by the way, should also alert attentive spouse. In my practice there was a case when the wrong wife was trimmed with her husband, who accidentally read the angry SMS-ku, which her lover's wife sent! It is asked, and this is why they were stored in the phone, if you were not going to quit my spouse? Stupid, and only!

Change gait

Psychologists know that a woman in an active sexual search signals a minimum of its gait. She goes, expressively shaking his hips. Not "scratching" forward, "blowing sleepers", does not run scrapping, and moves, attracting all attention! The length of the skirt is definitely, can abruptly "jump" up, but such a signal will allow yourself only some ladies. The rest will wear sexy underwear to the familiar skirt, and, by exposing the Miriada Pheromonov, will proudly defile in the city with a proudly raised head, attracting greedy male male eyes with his honeycomb hiking.

Sanidity is replaced by well-kept

Changes in the wardrobe are necessarily accompanied by changes in appearance. "If a man for a date you just need to buy champagne and a condom, then we need to make a hairstyle, manicure, pedicure, epilation," they assure beauty. Naturally, the minimum preparation for a date requires the mass of cosmetics in jars, tubes, bottles that begin to occupy all the space of the bathroom and bedrooms. From the successful success of a woman comes the mass of delicious aromas ... Restressing husbands, whose wives suddenly began to be bolshing!


"Good lovers are usually generous, otherwise why are they needed?" - So talks good half of the wrong wives. And it is generosity in all respects, including financial, so attractive in Ajulter! The husband who got used to feel the financial lord of female happiness suddenly discovers that his woman can well do and without serving from his side! And at the same time, her trips to beauty salons have become more regular, and the wardrobe is updated with an enviable speed!

Calculate lover!

So, you suspected a spouse in treason. Even found in her phone SMS-ku unequivocal content, new spirits on the dressing table, constantly raised mood and even empty packaging from a condom in her pockets tried the picture. But you do not know who he is, because SMS came from someone who is written in her phone under the name "Allochka"?

Then you need to re-read and revise our lesson on the signs of female sexual arousal, and how maximum is to try to calculate her lover among your acquaintances. Otherwise, when I come home, you risk discovering empty cabinets and a note of a certain content. So, what signals will tell you that it is "he"?

First, in your presence they will communicate little, but they will exchange short eloquent looks several times. It will regularly straighten the hair, tear them, shook with their "mane". Look carefully on her legs - she will definitely send her knee or sock of shoes in his direction (even if at the same time it will not look at him!).

If your rival came with his own spouse (and she also guess about their novel), his wife will carefully look at your own, trying to understand "what is in her, what I have"; "; It will be clearly nervous and at some point will definitely stand in between them (most likely, turning his back to your spouse) - this is a typical behavior of the jealous female of primates, but no one has canceled physiology! And at this moment, look at yourself, and think about how much you lose if it leaves you still. And remember, it's never too late to fix it, and it's not so easy to give your woman to someone else's person!

Anna Soltneva, "Today"

A great many articles have already been published on the theme of men-models. But not only the representatives of strong sex are capable of changing their second half. What kind of sin, the girls also succeeded in this, and, in addition to stereotypes about women-women, there are also several types of women who are not averse to the side. Based on the 19-year experience of Ruth Houston, a relationship consultant, we have prepared for you several major types of female hearts that are prone to treason (warned - it means armed!).


(The features below do not argue that their owners with 100% change with confidence. But, according to statistics, these categories of girls are more subject to treason than those behind which such signs have not been observed).

So let's go!

1. mercenary thing, or adventure

Such girls put material values \u200b\u200babove all! This particular will need to give a lot of gifts, click on the execution of any whims and buy her beautiful robberies. And if you don't do this, she will question your feelings! The mercenary things can easily be able to change, because her love in a literal sense can be measured materially. So if you no longer be able to indulge her desires, it will immediately switch on the next rich dumping.

2. Rose with spikes

This type of girls usually has many men's friends to whom you will be jealous all the time. With some of these friends, she can be so close that others can take them for a couple. After all, we know that romantic relationships are often born from Platonic Friendship. And who knows maybe your girlfriend and her faithful boyfriend from of real love Did the whole couple of wine glasses or tequila glasses are separated? The only way out in this situation is also to become her best friend And find a common language with her buddies. To spend together as much time as possible and always be alert, of course!

3. Persistent on attention

You have to write it several times a day and in each message to confess love. Such a girl will have to prove his love all the time and repeat what it is delightful, beautiful and so on. But what if you are busy at work or just want to be alone? Meeting with the attention of girls, you need to always be ready for the fact that if you do not pay her attention enough, she can easily start looking for him on the side.

4. Women's version Barney Stinson, or heart

Like the character of the popular series "How I met your mother" Barney Stinson, such a girl is distinguished by a very windy attitude to the opposite sex. The reasons for such behavior may be different: maybe she just loves sex, and maybe he conceived to sleep with a certain number of guys before it is formed, or dates with men for her - just entertainment. And what if she just did not find his only one? Well, while the cardka will not determine you as "of that very," you risk becoming just one of the items in her long-pre-lizard of lovers.

5. Girl with addiction

The dependence of this type of women can be the most diverse - alcohol, drugs or even sex, and the girl with any of them is distinguished by the teaching. First, the abuse of psychotropic substances seriously changes the behavior of a person, bringing more risk and excitement into it. Secondly, the girl or nymphomaniac on sex or nymphomaniac at one fine moment can start looking on the side of partners who can satisfy it. And such relationships are clearly not prominent anything good.

6. Lovers of parties

Most likely, you will get acquainted at the party, because it is always in the center of the dancing crowd. You can make a very successful relationship, but if you do not share her lifestyle, such a girl tends to exchange you to the parties. She lives with energy, music and drink, so just as she met in the club you, this person will be able to pick up a new guy with ease. Especially after a pair of alcoholic cocktails.

Well, we brought only a few major types of women who tend to change their partners. True, they or not - to solve only you!

Experts called the names of women with whom should not connect their destiny. In their opinion, a number of individual traits of the nature of the owners of certain names are associated with marital treasures and as if it would be programming for infidelity. Such women can subconsciously smash the marriage bonds after a while after the wedding, they consider bioenergy and specialists in the names.

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Catherine "\u003e.


Proposed to treason because of the permanent search of a man is stronger than yourself "\u003e

Teaches are prone due to a constant search of a man stronger


In search of a brutal partner with a pronounced male beginning of Catherine (by the way, they themselves are rather powerful) are often mistaken when choosing favorites, overestiming them. The subsequent disappointment pushes Katya on treason and a new search for a decent man, believes a specialist in studying the influence of the name on the fate of Boris Higir.

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Photo © shutterstock.

Svetlana "\u003e


Woman with a complicated and controversial character. Sometimes herself does not know which partner it is suitable "\u003e

Woman with a complicated and controversial character. Sometimes herself does not know which partner it is suitable for her


Unlike his aunt from balletZhukovsky, separation from beloved does not tolerate and can afford to betray. But only yourself! Partner Svetlana brutally reaps for similar attempts.

The expert on the names of Boris Higir explained that Svetlana spoils insecurity. Her personality and character forms are formed, self-esteem is lame. She is trusting and rasima, worries in trivia, but ignores serious problems, for example, short-sightedness and exposure to someone else's influence. It attracts the attention of men as a magnet than actively uses for lifting self-esteem. But deeply in the soul rarely whom he keeps, fearing no less deep love wounds. But if the light is seriously tied to your chosen one, it will not allow any more to change.

Photo © shutterstock.


Photo © shutterstock.

Alla "\u003e.

Alla - extremely indifferent to the opposite sex "\u003e

Alla - extremely indifferent to the opposite sex


The nobility of Alla in loyalty issues does not work. Although it does not make a sex cult, but loves experiments and gives this sphere of life great importance. The motto of Alla - walk so much! - Says a specialist in the names of Boris Higir. - She is - wide soul and likes to walk on a wide leg. Because of which its numerous marriages disintegrated.

Alla is extraordinary, energetic, persistent and mighty. She is confident, but slightly boastful. Loves to be the center of attention and compete with men in work and love. For the sake of spontaneous sex Alla, it will easily postpone an important meeting. It is very impulsive, because of what is often mistaken in a relationship, while herself is very jealous. If Alla is allaw or restrained himself, all of her sexual potential will go into fantasy about big and all-consuming love.

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Photo © shutterstock.

Maria, Bella and Karina - Mustache Operations "\u003e

Maria, Bella and Karina - a vengeful person

Acting, it was capable of even random sexual relationship "\u003e

Acting called, capable even for a random sexual connection


Less susceptible to such a type of vote Masha, who prefers to immediately "cheat and cut" or be satisfied with the role of the victim ... However, long-term - dependence on male attention literally absorbs Maria. Neither Bella nor Karina nor Maria is transferred to monotony, and therefore often change partners.

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Photo © shutterstock.

Zhanna, Jegestta "\u003e

Zhanna, Jesentta.

In society, men are shy and infantile, but the constraint quickly passes when Zhanna covers the vortex of passion "\u003e

In society, men are shy and infantile, but the constraint quickly passes when Zhanna covers the vortex passion


Photo © shutterstock.


Photo © shutterstock.

Evgenia, Alexander, Yana, Julia "\u003e

Evgenia, Alexandra, Yana, Julia

. "\u003e Content

Women's names derived from men, impose a brutal imprint on the fate of their carriers, including in matters of loyalty, change and sexual behavior. According to the expert Boris Higira, due to the excessive stiffness, the initially in these names, their owners are not able to fully show and realize their feminine on the relationship, which is why they are constantly in active search.

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Photo © shutterstock.

Natalia "\u003e.

Having a tendency to treason, prefers short resort novels in style "\u003e"\u003e

Having a tendency to treason, prefers short resort novels in the style of "all inclusive" - \u200b\u200brelationships with gradual development


More often than others are the loyalty of Valentina, Irina, Valeria, Tatiana, Lyudmila. Psychologists also remind mutual responsibility in the case of married infidelity. After all, the desire to change can and provoke. To avoid evil rock and not to bring the case to the treason, the carriers of potentially "dangerous" names and their beloved, experts are recommended, it is better not to marry at all and not register relationships until they are tested for strength and loyalty.

Crises of many marriages are associated with the fact of registration of unions, which have not yet strengthened. I did not spend one study on the topic of influence on the name of loyalty in marriage and the tendency to lies. I believe that much depends on the patronymic, - says Boris Higir

According to the expert, modern marriages are ruins of the groove of responsibility related to the design of official relations, and the unaware of couples to serious and durable ties. For such pairs, marriage becomes in the literal sense of chains.

Cheating is so unpleasant that we are trying to avoid it. Not in the sense of not changing yourself, but to reinforce it in order not to change us. And so regular portion Wisdom on the topic of betrayal from a British specialist in relations and the author of a pair of bestsellers Matthew Hassi.

Matthew volunteered to tell us about three types of people who most often climb in treasures. Actually, they are heavier than others, so sooner or later they turn to the left, even if they are in stable relationship with the favorite partner.

So, three types of people who are most prone to treason

01 Narcissus

"Treason for daffodils is, first of all, a way to prove to yourself how much they are desirable, - Hassas Narcissus. "They are not enough love of one person, they need everyone around them." So, if you see that your girl is a pronounced daffodil - for example, he spends in the morning at the mirror not two hours, like all the girls, and three, - sympathize.

02 Insecure people

"And I do not talk about that uncertainty that each of us has," explains Matthew. "I'm talking about deep, rooted complexes that make a person with the slightest suspicion that the partner loses interest to them, it is feverish to look for this interest on the side." In other words, if the girl constantly asks if you love her very much and love her at all, or sighs: "You definitely find me," Keep vigilance.

03 Egoista

The most dangerous type of all three. They sincerely believe that general rules The morals are not applicable to them, and they are ready to forgive even what they condemn in others. "They know perfectly well that their treason is injured by a partner, but they are too concerned about their own pleasure to think that someone is wounded," the atmosphere of Hassa.

In general, we warned.

Do you have doubts about the loyalty of your beloved woman? And you want to know if she changed you? Then read this article. It discloses the main signs of female infidelity.

But at the beginning a few words about the causes of such behavior. Women are emotional and most often they change their halves if they are not satisfied with the current relationship, they lack attention, care, caress. They feel offended or emptiness. Therefore, to reduce the risk of infidelity by your beloved, be gentle and caring, say good words, love her.

1. Disclaimed homecase. They become more economic, it is better to care about children, make more domestic business.

2. As a rule, women who are not true to their halves behave more cold. They, as if emotionally removed from their men. Do not interest them. They do not want to spend a lot of time with her husband, do not speak about their feelings, do not want intimacy. Often find reasons to not make love. Avoid conversations on how they spend time.

3. One of the signs of female treason is the desire of a woman to spend time outside the house. She can linger at work, or go to her before, she has a lot of affairs, interests, new girlfriends, pleasants with which she spends time without you. She really does not ask you to meet it, on the contrary, it says that this should not be done.

4. She does not let you know you to your phone, to the page on the social network. Removes sms, call logs. It is nervous, maybe even start to accuse you that you do not trust her.

5. It becomes more nervous and irritated. He feels guilty and it gives it to her. More thoughtful.

How to check a woman on a tendency to treason

There are 2 ways to check your favorite on the tendency to treason. You can buy a sim card and start correspondence. Or create a new account on the social network, do not rush here. An empty page suggests strange thoughts. First, place it correctly, update the records for a week, place photos, and pay attention to the account that there were friends in the account. First, check it on whether it will join virtually, if so, after some time, offer to exchange phones, and then meet.

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