
Presentation on the topic of criminal responsibility and punishment. Minors and the law. Presentation presentation for the lesson on social studies on the topic. Stages of the crime

Liability of minors in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 87. Criminal liability of minors 1. Minors are persons who at the time of the commission of the crime were fourteen years old, but not eighteen years old.2. Compulsory measures of educational influence may be applied to minors who have committed crimes, or they may be sentenced, and upon release from punishment by the court, they may also be placed in a special educational and educational institution of a closed type of the educational administration. Law of N 162-FZ) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 87. Criminal liability of minors 1. Minors are persons who at the time of the crime were fourteen years old, but not eighteen years old.2. Compulsory measures of educational influence may be applied to minors who have committed crimes, or they may be sentenced, and upon release from punishment by the court, they may also be placed in a special educational and educational institution of a closed type of the educational administration. Law of N 162-FZ)

Article 88. Types of punishments imposed on minors; fine; deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities; compulsory educational measures; compulsory educational measures; compulsory work; correctional labor; arrest; imprisonment for a specified period.

Penalty A fine shall be imposed both if the convicted juvenile has independent earnings or property on which a penalty can be levied, and in the absence of such. A fine imposed on a convicted juvenile may, by a court decision, be levied from his parents or other legal representatives with their consent. A fine is imposed in the amount of one thousand to fifty thousand rubles or in the amount of the salary or other income of a convicted minor for a period from two weeks to six months. (Part two as amended by Federal Law of N 162-FZ) convicted juvenile independent earnings or property, which can be foreclosed, and in the absence of such. A fine imposed on a convicted juvenile may, by a court decision, be levied from his parents or other legal representatives with their consent. A fine is imposed in the amount of one thousand to fifty thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of a convicted minor for a period from two weeks to six months. (Part two as amended by Federal Law No. 162-FZ)

Deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities and compulsory measures of educational influence Restriction of leisure may include a ban on visiting certain places, using certain forms of leisure. Since compulsory measures of educational influence are not divided into basic and additional, a minor may be assigned several measures of an educational nature at the same time. In the event of a systematic non-compliance by minors with a compulsory measure of educational influence, this measure is canceled on the recommendation of a specialized state body, and the materials are sent to bring the juvenile to criminal responsibility. Restrictions on leisure activities may include the prohibition of visiting certain places, the use of certain forms of leisure. Since compulsory measures of educational influence are not divided into basic and additional, a minor may be assigned several measures of an educational nature at the same time. In the event of a systematic non-compliance by minors with a compulsory measure of educational influence, this measure is canceled on the recommendation of a specialized state body, and the materials are sent to bring the juvenile to criminal responsibility.

Obligatory and corrective labor 1) Obligatory labor is assigned for a period of forty to one hundred and sixty hours, consists in performing work that is feasible for a minor, and is performed by him in his free time from studies or main work. The duration of the execution of this type of punishment by persons under the age of fifteen cannot exceed two hours a day, and by persons aged fifteen to sixteen years - three hours a day. 2) Correctional labor is assigned to juvenile convicts for a period of up to one year.

Arrest and imprisonment 1) Arrest is imposed on juvenile convicts who have reached the age of sixteen by the time the court sentenced them for a term of one to four months. 2) Punishment in the form of imprisonment shall be imposed on juvenile convicts who have committed crimes under the age of sixteen, for a term not over six years. The same category of juveniles who have committed especially grave crimes, as well as other juvenile convicts, are sentenced for a term not exceeding ten years and are served in educational colonies. Punishment in the form of imprisonment may not be imposed on a convicted juvenile who has committed a crime of minor or medium gravity for the first time at the age of sixteen, as well as other juvenile convicts who have committed minor crimes for the first time. (Part six as amended by Federal Law No. 162-FZ) 1) Arrest shall be imposed on convicted minors who have reached the age of sixteen by the time the court sentenced them, for a term of one to four months. 2) A sentence of imprisonment shall be imposed on juvenile convicts who have committed crimes under the age of sixteen, for a period not exceeding six years. The same category of juveniles who have committed especially grave crimes, as well as other juvenile convicts, are sentenced for a term not exceeding ten years and are served in educational colonies. Punishment in the form of imprisonment may not be imposed on a convicted juvenile who has committed a crime of minor or medium gravity for the first time at the age of sixteen, as well as other juvenile convicts who have committed minor crimes for the first time. (Part six as amended by Federal Law of N 162-FZ)

Application of compulsory measures of education 1. A juvenile who has committed a crime of little or medium gravity may be released from criminal liability if it is recognized that his correction can be achieved through the use of compulsory measures of educational influence. The following compulsory measures of educational influence may be imposed on a minor: a) a warning; b) transferring under the supervision of parents or persons replacing them, or a specialized state body; c) imposing an obligation to make amends for the harm caused; d) restriction of leisure and the establishment of special requirements for the behavior of a minor .3. Several compulsory measures of educational influence may be assigned to a minor at the same time. The term for the application of compulsory measures of educational influence, provided for in paragraphs "b" and "d" of the second part of this article, shall be established for a duration of one month to two years for the commission of a crime of little gravity and from six months to three years for the commission of a crime of average gravity. 4. In the event of a systematic non-fulfillment by minors of a compulsory measure of educational influence, this measure is canceled on the proposal of a specialized state body and the materials are sent to bring the juvenile to criminal responsibility. 1. A juvenile who has committed a crime of little or medium gravity may be exempted from criminal liability if it is recognized that his correction can be achieved through the use of compulsory educational measures. The following compulsory measures of educational influence may be imposed on a minor: a) a warning; b) transferring under the supervision of parents or persons replacing them, or a specialized state body; c) imposing an obligation to make amends for the harm caused; d) restriction of leisure and the establishment of special requirements for the behavior of a minor .3. Several compulsory measures of educational influence may be assigned to a minor at the same time. The term for the application of compulsory measures of educational influence, provided for in paragraphs "b" and "d" of the second part of this article, shall be established for a duration of one month to two years when committing a crime of little gravity and from six months to three years when committing a crime of average gravity. In the event of a systematic non-fulfillment by minors of a compulsory measure of educational influence, this measure is canceled on the proposal of a specialized state body and the materials are sent to bring the juvenile to criminal responsibility.

Article 89 Imposing punishment on a minor 1. When imposing punishment on a minor, in addition to the circumstances provided for in Article 60 of this Code, the conditions of his life and upbringing, the level of mental development, other personality traits, as well as the influence of older persons on him shall be taken into account. Minority as a mitigating circumstance is taken into account in conjunction with other mitigating and aggravating circumstances. 1. When sentencing a minor, in addition to the circumstances provided for in Article 60 of this Code, the conditions of his life and upbringing, the level of mental development, other personality traits, as well as the influence of older persons on him shall be taken into account. Minority as a mitigating circumstance is taken into account in conjunction with other mitigating and aggravating circumstances.

Broke the law, answer! Persons who have reached the age of fourteen at the time of the commission of a crime are subject to criminal liability for murder (Article 105), deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm (Article 111), intentional infliction of average gravity harm to health (Article 112), kidnapping (Article 126), rape ( article 131), violent actions sexual nature (Article 132), theft (Article 158), robbery (Article 161), robbery (Article 162), extortion (Article 163), misappropriation of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft (Article 166), deliberate destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances (part two of Article 167), terrorism (Article 205), hostage-taking (Article 206), knowingly false reporting of an act of terrorism (Article 207), aggravated hooliganism circumstances (part two of Article 213), vandalism (Article 214), theft or extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices (Article 226), theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (Article 229), rendering vehicles unusable or ways of communication (Article 267). Persons who have reached the age of fourteen at the time of the commission of a crime are subject to criminal liability for murder (Article 105), deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm (Article 111), intentional infliction of average gravity harm to health (Article 112), kidnapping (Article 126), rape ( Article 131), violent acts of a sexual nature (Article 132), theft (Article 158), robbery (Article 161), robbery (Article 162), extortion (Article 163), misappropriation of a car or other means of transport without the purpose of theft (Article 166 ), deliberate destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances (part two of Article 167), terrorism (Article 205), hostage-taking (Article 206), knowingly false reporting of an act of terrorism (Article 207), aggravated hooliganism (part two of Article 213) ), vandalism (Article 214), theft or extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices (Article 226), x seeking or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (Article 229), rendering vehicles or means of communication unusable (Article 267).

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"THE LAW IS SEVERAL, BUT IT'S A LAW" Since January 1, 1997, a new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has been introduced, in which there is a special section devoted to the criminal liability of minors. Minors who have reached the age of 14 and 16 can sufficiently comprehend their actions, recognized by law as crimes, and realize their social danger.

TYPES OF CREDIT OFFENSES - this is a violation of generally recognized rules of conduct; defiant behavior. OFFENSE is a violation of the law, administrative responsibility is incurred for it. CRIME is a gross violation of the law. All possible crimes are collected in the Criminal Code Russian Federation... Persons who, at the time of the commission of the crime, have turned 14, but have not turned 18, are recognized as minors (Article 87 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

CRIMES CRIME is a guilty socially dangerous act prohibited by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under threat of punishment (part 1 of article 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Crimes are recognized as the most dangerous offenses that infringe on the social system of the country, its security, fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as other acts provided for by the criminal law. Crimes entail the most severe penalties - imprisonment or restriction of freedom, correctional labor, and significant fines. A crime necessarily entails a reaction from the state, that is, punishment.

CRIMINAL LIABILITY Persons who have reached the age of sixteen by the time the crime was committed (Article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) are subject to criminal liability. However, in some cases, when a sufficiently serious crime is committed, the public danger of which must be realized at an earlier age, persons who have reached the age of 14 are subject to criminal liability.

TYPES OF CRIMES Persons who have reached the age of fourteen by the time a crime is committed are subject to criminal liability for: - Murder (Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm (Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - deliberate infliction of medium-gravity harm to health (Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - kidnapping (article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - rape (Article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - violent acts of a sexual nature (Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - theft (Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - robbery (Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - robbery (Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - extortion (Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - unlawful seizure of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft (Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - deliberate destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances (part 2 of article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

TYPES OF CRIMES - terrorist act (Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - undergoing training in order to carry out terrorist activities (Art. 205.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - participation in the terrorist community (part 2 of article 205.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - participation in the activities of a terrorist organization (part 2 of article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - failure to report a crime (Article 205.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - hostage-taking (Article 206 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - knowingly false reporting of an act of terrorism (Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - participation in an illegal armed formation (part 2 of article 208 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - hijacking of an aircraft or water transport or railway rolling stock (Art. 211 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - participation in mass disorders (part 2 of article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - hooliganism under aggravating circumstances (parts 2 and 3 of article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - vandalism (Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

TYPES OF CRIMES - illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of explosives or explosive devices (Article 222.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - illegal manufacture of explosives or explosive devices (Article 223.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - theft or extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices (Article 226 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (Article 229 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - making vehicles or means of communication unusable (Article 267 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - encroachment on the life of a state or public figure(Article 277 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - an attack on persons or institutions that enjoy international protection (Art. 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); - an act of international terrorism (Article 361 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

PUNISHMENT Punishment is a measure of state coercion, imposed by a court verdict, is applied to a person found guilty of a crime, and consists in depriving or restricting the rights and freedoms of that person. Punishment in criminal law is an assessment of the danger of an act recognized as criminal, and is applied to a person who has violated a criminal prohibition, as the most severe of the legal ones. Punishment is applied in order to restore social justice, as well as to correct the convicted person and prevent the commission of new crimes.

PRINCIPLES OF IMPOSING PUNISHMENT The following principles of sentencing adolescents, as well as adults, apply: it must be fair; a more severe measure is applied only if a less severe one does not allow achieving the purpose of the punishment; a tougher sanction is imposed on a combination of crimes and sentences; the judge takes into account the nature of the crime, its danger to society and circumstances that can mitigate or increase the measure of responsibility.

TYPES OF PENALTIES FOR CRIMES The types of punishments imposed on minors are: a) fine b) deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities; c) compulsory work d) correctional work; e) restriction of freedom; f) imprisonment for a specified period. According to Part 2 of Art. 87 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, instead of punishment, compulsory measures of educational influence can be applied to minors who have committed crimes, or they can be placed in a special educational and educational institution of a closed type.

TYPES OF PENALTIES FOR CRIMES A PENALTY shall be imposed both if the convicted juvenile has independent earnings or property on which a penalty can be levied, and in the absence of such. A fine imposed on a convicted juvenile may, by a court decision, be levied from his parents or other legal representatives with their consent. A fine is imposed in the amount of one thousand to fifty thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted juvenile for a period from two weeks to six months.

TYPES OF PENALTIES FOR CRIMES Mandatory work is assigned for a period of forty to one hundred and sixty hours, consists in performing work that is feasible for a minor, and is performed by him in his free time from school or main work. The duration of the execution of this type of punishment by persons under the age of fifteen cannot exceed two hours a day, and by persons aged fifteen to sixteen years - three hours a day.

KINDS OF PUNISHMENT FOR CRIMES Correctional labor is assigned to juvenile convicts for a period of up to one year. Restriction of freedom is imposed on juvenile convicts in the form of the main punishment for a term of two months to two years.

KINDS OF PUNISHMENT FOR CRIMES Punishment in the form of imprisonment is imposed on juvenile convicts who have committed crimes under the age of sixteen years, for a term of not more than six years. The same category of juveniles who have committed especially grave crimes, as well as other juvenile convicts, are sentenced for a term not exceeding ten years and are served in educational colonies. Punishment in the form of imprisonment may not be imposed on a convicted juvenile who has committed a crime of minor or medium gravity for the first time at the age of sixteen, as well as other juvenile convicts who have committed minor crimes for the first time.

TYPES OF PENALTIES FOR CRIMES When sentencing a minor, in addition to the circumstances provided for in Article 60 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the conditions of his life and upbringing, the level of mental development, other personality traits, as well as the influence of older persons on him are taken into account. Minority as a mitigating circumstance is taken into account in conjunction with other mitigating and aggravating circumstances.

Aggravating circumstances, repeated commission of a crime; serious consequences of the atrocity; participation in a crime as part of a group; the motive of racial, national or religious hatred; concealment of traces of another violation; an attack on a pregnant woman or child; special cruelty. ...

MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES committing a crime for the first time; pregnancy; the presence of children; heavy life circumstances who pushed him to commit a crime; coercion, committing an atrocity due to dependence (material, service); immoral behavior of the victim; confession, assistance to the investigation; assistance to the victim. ...

COMPULSORY MEASURES OF EDUCATIONAL IMPACT The following compulsory measures of educational influence may be assigned to a minor: warning; transfer under the supervision of parents or persons replacing them, or a specialized state body; imposition of the obligation to make amends for the harm caused; restriction of leisure and the establishment of special requirements for the behavior of a minor. Several compulsory measures of educational influence may be assigned to a minor at the same time. The term for the application of compulsory measures of educational influence, provided for in paragraphs "B" and "D", is established for a duration of one month to two years for the commission of a crime of little gravity and from six months to three years for the commission of a crime of average gravity.

COMPULSORY MEASURES OF EDUCATIONAL INFLUENCE In the event of a systematic failure of minors to comply with a compulsory measure of educational influence, this measure is canceled on the proposal of a specialized state body and the materials are sent to bring the minor to criminal liability. So minors who have committed a crime, but released from criminal liability or punishment with the use of compulsory educational measures against them, should not miss their chance, given to them by law. This chance is in strict observance of the prescribed educational measure. Otherwise, there is a threat of replacement by a measure of criminal punishment.

OTHER MEASURES If a minor aged 11 years and older has committed a criminal offense, but has not yet reached the age of criminal responsibility, or has committed a crime of average gravity, but was released from punishment by the court, he may be placed in a special educational and educational institution of a closed type. This is done on the basis of a judge's order or a court verdict. The maximum period for which a minor can be sent there is 3 years. This measure is legally considered not a punishment, but a special form of education for minors.

OTHER MEASURES Juveniles who have committed socially dangerous acts may also be sent to temporary detention centers for juvenile offenders. There they are contained, by general rule, no more than 30 days.

EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Another measure applied to minors is expulsion from an educational institution (school, college, etc.). By decision of an organization carrying out educational activities, for repeated commission of disciplinary offenses (gross and repeated violations of the charter of an institution or commission of unlawful acts) provided for by law, it is allowed to apply the expulsion of a minor student who has reached the age of 15 years from an organization carrying out educational activities as a disciplinary measure. foreclosure.

EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS The expulsion of a minor student is applied if other disciplinary measures and measures of pedagogical influence have not yielded a result and his further stay in an organization carrying out educational activities has a negative impact on other students, violates their rights and the rights of employees of an organization carrying out educational activities, and also the normal functioning of the organization carrying out educational activities.

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Teacher of history and social studies MBOU "Secondary school Alekseevka village Bazarno-Karabulaksky district of Saratov region" Ozernova Elena Anatolyevna Minors and the law

The state and society must react to the crimes of adolescents in such a way as to return them to normal life after serving their sentences as full-fledged individuals. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of bringing to criminal responsibility minors who have reached the age of 14, but who have not yet turned 18. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on Minors

When adolescents reach the age of 14, criminal responsibility comes for murder (Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), intentional infliction of moderate harm to health (Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), rape ( Article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), theft (Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), robbery (Article 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), robbery (Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), extortion (Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), car theft (Art. 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and some other crimes.

fine; deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities; compulsory work; correctional labor; arrest; imprisonment for a specified period. Of the 13 types of punishments provided for in the criminal code of the Russian Federation for all types of convicts, only the following six can be applied to juvenile offenders:

minors who have committed a crime under the age of 16, the punishment may not exceed six years in prison; minors under the age of 16 who have committed especially grave crimes, as well as convicted minors between the ages of 16 and 18, the term of punishment cannot exceed ten years of imprisonment and the sentence is served only in educational colonies. minors under 16 years of age convicted for the first time for committing a crime of small and medium gravity cannot be sentenced to imprisonment; minors between the ages of 16 and 18, convicted for the first time for a crime of little gravity, cannot be sentenced to imprisonment. With regard to minors, there is also a certain sequence in calculating the size and terms of sentences:

a warning; transfer under the supervision of parents or persons replacing them, or a specialized state body; imposition of the obligation to make amends for the harm caused; restriction of leisure and the establishment of special requirements for the management of a minor. Art. 90 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following compulsory measures of educational influence:

It should be noted that the commission of crimes by adolescents before they reach the age of 14 or 16 does not go unnoticed by the state. Compulsory educational measures are also applied to such persons, including placement in a special educational institution.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

execution of the Federal Law No. 120-FZ of 05/21/1999 "On the Foundations of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency"

Dispute: "The Law of the Krasnodar Territory" On measures for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency "

Purpose: to acquaint students in more detail with Article No. 3 of the Law, to pay special attention to its individual points, to reveal the attitude of adolescents to the Law through discussion, to convince ...

Minors concept. Age of criminal responsibility.

  • Minors are persons

from 14 to 18 years old

  • Criminal liability in full from 16 years old.
  • But there are crimes for which they can be prosecuted from 14 years old. By this age, a teenager should be aware of the nature of the actions being performed.
  • Minors (under 14 years of age) are not criminally liable. At this age, the child is not aware of the consequences of his actions.

  • Sometimes (if the court deems it necessary) the same sanctions are applied to people from 18 to 20 years old as to adolescents from 14 to 18 years old.
  • In many cases, age is determined individually based on many factors. The legislator takes into account the severity of the crime.

Criminal liability from 14 years old comes after:

  • murder(Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm(Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • kidnapping

(Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

  • Rape

(Article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

  • sexual assault

(Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

  • theft(Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • robbery(Article 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • robbery(Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • extortion

(Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

From the age of 14, criminal liability arises for:

  • terrorism(Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • hostage taking(Article 206 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • knowingly false reporting of an act of terrorism(Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • aggravated bullying(Art.213 h. 2.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • vandalism(Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

From the age of 14, criminal liability arises for:

  • theft or extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices(Article 226 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances(Article 229 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • making vehicles or means of communication unusable(Art.267 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

From the age of 14, criminal liability arises for:

  • unlawful seizure of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft(Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • deliberate destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances(Article 167, part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Features of the criminal liability of minors .

  • There are two types of criminal law enforcement against minors who have been found guilty of committing crimes: the imposition of punishment or the use of measures of educational influence.
  • Forensic psychological and psychiatric examination is used.
  • If a teenager is found insane, then he will not be criminally liable. In this version, the court orders compulsory medical measures.
  • To minors

life imprisonment and the death penalty are not applied.

Types of punishment for minors .

  • Fine(appointed only if the juvenile convict has independent earnings or property on which a penalty can be levied).
  • Deprivation of the right engage in certain activities
  • Mandatory work(assigned for a period of 40 to 160 hours, consists in performing work that is feasible for a minor, and performed by him in his free time from school or main work).
  • Arrest(appointed by juvenile convicts who have reached 16 years of age by the time the court sentenced them, for a term of one to four months).
  • Correctional labor(assigned to juvenile convicts for up to one year).
  • Imprisonment of a minor (for up to 10 years). The punishment is served in educational colonies of general regime and reinforced regime.

Compulsory educational measures:

  • a warning;
  • transfer under the supervision of parents or persons replacing them, or a specialized state body;
  • imposition of the obligation to make amends for the harm caused;
  • restriction of leisure and the establishment of special requirements for the behavior of a minor(for example, banning visits to certain places, limiting staying outside the home after a certain time of day).
  • Compulsory educational measures are different from punishment those that do not entail a criminal record. They are appointed, first of all, for the purpose of correcting minors, and if this does not happen, then the materials are sent to the court.
  • The court can release a minor from punishment, but at the same time place him in a special educational institution - a special school or a closed-type special school.

Closed-type special school, Surgut

Protection of minors

  • For the trial, the court may appoint lawyer who will represent the interests of the child and act for his or her benefit.
  • If desired, a minor has the right to personally appear in court and exercise his or her procedural rights. This rule applies under the condition of the emancipation of the minor, and from the time of his marriage.
  • Interests of persons who have not reached

14 years old, represented in court by parents, guardians or adoptive parents. Legal representatives can delegate these rights to another person.

Prevention of crimes committed by minors.

  • Over the past five years, criminal statistics indicate an annual increase of 2-3% in juvenile recidivism. In 2015, the number of juvenile repeat offenders exceeded 20 thousand. However, the number of children who committed crimes after being registered with the police department, on the contrary, tends to decrease.

Early crime prevention measures:

  • identification of dysfunctional upbringing and poor living conditions of the child;
  • identification and elimination of sources negative impact for teenagers,
  • corrective and restraining influence on a minor with socially dangerous behavior.

Prevention of recurrence of offenses committed by minors .

  • If the child has previously committed an offense, is registered with the juvenile affairs authorities, then special preventive measures can and should be applied to him, preventing relapse.

This level preventive measures includes:

  • correction and re-education of a minor who previously committed a violation of the law;
  • elimination of sources of negative influence on the adolescent violator.
  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to solve the problem of the growth of juvenile delinquency, more fully using the preventive capabilities of the police resource base - for example, by placing a suspected or accused minor not in a pre-trial detention center, but in temporary isolation center for minors offenders. In such centers, children will not intersect with adult criminals and fall under their influence.

If poverty is the mother of crime, then the dull mind is their father. Jean de La Bruyere

Only the weak commit crimes, the strong and happy don't need them

F. Voltaire

It is much better to prevent crimes than to punish them. Catherine II

Persons who, at the time of the commission of the crime, have turned fourteen, but have not turned eighteen, are recognized as minors. Article 87. Criminal liability of minors Minors are persons who at the time of the commission of the crime were fourteen, but not eighteen years old. Article 87. Criminal liability of minors

Criminal liability of minors Russian criminal law recognizes only an individual who has reached the age of 16 as the subject of a crime. However, persons who have reached the age of 14 can be held criminally liable: for murder (article 105) for murder (article 105) intentional harm to health (article 111) intentional harm to health (article 111) intentional infliction of medium gravity harm health (Article 112) deliberate infliction of average gravity harm to health (Article 112) kidnapping (Article 126) kidnapping (Article 126) rape (Article 131) rape (Article 131) theft (Article 158) theft (Article 158) robbery (Article 161) robbery (Article 161) robbery (Article 162) robbery (Article 162) extortion (Article 163) extortion (Article 163) terrorism (Article 205) terrorism (Article .205) vandalism (Article 214) vandalism (Article 214) Theft of weapons and ammunition (Article 226), etc. Theft of weapons and ammunition (Article 226), etc.

Criminal liability of minors The following types of punishments are applied to minors (Article 88): fine; fine; deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities; deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities; compulsory work; compulsory work; correctional labor; correctional labor; arrest; arrest; imprisonment for a specified period. imprisonment for a specified period.

Criminal liability of minors A fine is imposed only if the convicted juvenile has independent earnings or property on which a claim can be levied (in the amount of 10 to 500 minimum wages or in the amount of wages or other income for a period from 2 weeks to 6 months) ...

Criminal liability of minors Imprisonment is imposed on juveniles convicted for a term of up to 10 years and is served by: male minors sentenced for the first time to imprisonment, as well as female minors in educational colonies with a general regime; male minors sentenced for the first time to imprisonment, as well as female minors in educational colonies with a general regime; male minors who have previously served imprisonment - in educational colonies with a high security regime. male minors who have previously served imprisonment - in educational colonies with a high security regime.

Criminal liability of minors We will answer the questions: We will answer the questions: What punishments cannot be imposed on a minor? What punishments cannot be imposed on a minor? What features of investigation and consideration of criminal cases of minors do you know? Page What features of investigation and consideration of criminal cases of minors do you know? Page

Obligatory participation of a defender (lawyer). Minors especially need qualified legal assistance, therefore, it is unacceptable to investigate such a category of cases or consider them in court without a lawyer. Moreover, even if the minor refuses assistance, such refusal should not be satisfied by the investigator, prosecutor or court. Obligatory participation of a defender (lawyer). Minors especially need qualified legal assistance, therefore, it is unacceptable to investigate such a category of cases or consider them in court without a lawyer. Moreover, even if the minor refuses assistance, such refusal should not be satisfied by the investigator, prosecutor or court.

In the investigation and consideration of criminal cases of minors, their legal representatives (parents or persons replacing them) take part. Legal representatives have the right, after the investigation of the case is completed, to get acquainted with all the materials of this case, to address the investigator with various requests (motions), to participate in the consideration of the case in court, to investigate and present various evidence to the court, to file motions, to appeal court sentence. In the investigation and consideration of criminal cases of minors, their legal representatives (parents or persons replacing them) take part. Legal representatives have the right, after the investigation of the case is completed, to get acquainted with all the materials of this case, to address the investigator with various requests (motions), to participate in the consideration of the case in court, to investigate and present various evidence to the court, to file motions, to appeal court sentence.

A preventive measure - detention - can be applied to a minor only in exceptional cases and only for the commission of a grave crime (for which a punishment of 2 years in prison is established). When making a decision to apply such a measure of restraint to a minor, the prosecutor must personally question him: make sure that arrest is the only possible measure of restraint in this case. A preventive measure - detention - can be applied to a minor only in exceptional cases and only for the commission of a grave crime (for which a punishment of 2 years in prison is established). When making a decision to apply such a measure of restraint to a minor, the prosecutor must personally question him: make sure that arrest is the only possible measure of restraint in this case.

In addition to the measures of restraint provided for by the legislation in respect of adult accused, a minor may be placed under the supervision of parents or persons acting in their stead prior to the sentencing of the court.In addition to the measures of restraint provided for by legislation with respect to adult accused, a minor may be placed under the supervision of parents or persons replacing them

In the interrogation of a juvenile accused under 16 years old, a teacher can participate, who must help the investigator correctly, clearly formulate the question, establish psychological contact with the juvenile.In the interrogation of a juvenile accused under 16 years old, a teacher who must help the investigator correctly, understandably formulate a question, establish psychological contact with a minor

When passing a sentence against a minor and determining the punishment, the court must first of all discuss the possibility of applying a conditional sentence to him or imposing a punishment not related to deprivation of liberty, or releasing the minor from punishment. When passing a sentence against a minor and determining the punishment, the court must first of all discuss the possibility of applying a conditional sentence to him or imposing a punishment not related to deprivation of liberty, or releasing the minor from punishment.

Release of a juvenile from punishment If a juvenile committed a crime for the first time and it is of small or medium severity (i.e. a punishment not exceeding two or five years in prison), and also if it is recognized that the correction of a minor can be achieved without bringing him to criminal liability , he can be released from criminal liability and compulsory measures of educational influence can be applied to him. If a juvenile has committed a crime for the first time and it is of small or medium severity (i.e., a punishment has been imposed not exceeding two or five years in prison), and also if it is recognized that the juvenile's correction can be achieved without bringing him to criminal responsibility, he may be released from criminal liability and compulsory measures of educational influence can be applied to him.

Coercive measures of educational influence are: Prevention - is expressed in the provision of educational and moral influence on the minor. This measure consists in the fact that the court explains to the minor the harm caused by the crime committed by him, as well as what consequences will occur if the minor commits the crime again, i.e. will not live up to the trust placed in him. Warning - is expressed in the provision of educational and moral impact on the minor. This measure consists in the fact that the court explains to the minor the harm caused by the crime committed by him, as well as what consequences will occur if the minor commits the crime again, i.e. will not live up to the trust placed in him.

The imposition of the obligation to make amends for the damage caused is, as a rule, associated with the need to apologize to the victim, to compensate him for material damage (for example, to return a thing or replace it with a similar one) or to eliminate the material damage caused by his own labor (for example, to repair damaged property). Therefore, such a measure of educational influence is imposed taking into account the property status of the minor (for example, whether he has independent earnings) or whether the minor has appropriate work skills that will allow him to eliminate the damage caused by his labor. The imposition of the obligation to make amends for the damage caused is, as a rule, associated with the need to apologize to the victim, to compensate him for material damage (for example, to return a thing or replace it with a similar one) or to eliminate the material damage caused by his own labor (for example, to repair damaged property). Therefore, such a measure of educational influence is imposed taking into account the property status of the minor (for example, whether he has independent earnings) or whether the minor has appropriate work skills that will allow him to eliminate the damage caused by his own labor.

Restriction of leisure and the establishment of special requirements for the behavior of a minor - is that a minor may be prohibited from visiting certain places, obliged to be at home after a certain time, attend an educational institution or get a job. Restriction of leisure and the establishment of special requirements for the behavior of a minor - is that a minor may be prohibited from visiting certain places, obliged to be at home after a certain time, attend an educational institution or get a job.

Transfer under the supervision of parents (persons replacing them) or a specialized state body means that these persons or bodies are obliged to control the behavior of the minor and educate him. Transfer under the supervision of parents (persons replacing them) or a specialized state body means that these persons or bodies are obliged to control the behavior of the minor and educate him.

The release of a minor from punishment does not mean release from criminal liability. In this case, criminal liability will take place without punishment - the court will find the minor guilty of committing a crime, will pass a guilty verdict, but will release him from the punishment provided for by law for committing this crime. The release of a minor from punishment does not mean release from criminal liability. In this case, criminal liability will take place without punishment - the court will find the minor guilty of committing a crime, will pass a guilty verdict, but will release him from the punishment provided for by law for committing this crime.

If a minor has committed a crime of little or medium gravity, compulsory measures of an educational nature may be applied to him. If a minor has committed a crime of little or medium gravity, compulsory measures of an educational nature may be applied to him.

If the minor is convicted of a crime of medium gravity and the court recognizes that the goals of punishment can be achieved only by placing the minor in a specialized institution, then the court may decide to place the convicted person in a specialized educational or medical educational institution for a period not exceeding the term of punishment. provided for the commission of a crime. If the minor is convicted of a crime of medium gravity and the court recognizes that the goals of punishment can be achieved only by placing the minor in a specialized institution, then the court may decide to place the convicted person in a specialized educational or medical educational institution for a period not exceeding the term of punishment. provided for the commission of a crime.

Specialized institutions for minors are special schools and special vocational schools. In a specialized institution, freedom of communication is significantly limited, special requirements for the regime, study, and organization of treatment are established. This measure is applied in relation to minors who are out of the control of their parents, if it is advisable to isolate them from the negative influence of the environment, as well as in relation to persons with mental disorders when they need special treatment. Specialized institutions for minors are special schools and special vocational schools. In a specialized institution, freedom of communication is significantly limited, special requirements for the regime, study, and organization of treatment are established. This measure is applied to minors who are out of the control of their parents, if it is advisable to isolate them from the negative influence of the environment, as well as to persons with mental disabilities when they need special treatment.

The administration of a specialized educational institution is obliged to provide special conditions for the detention of minors. These conditions include the need to protect the territory, personal safety of minors and their protection from negative influences, restriction of free entry to the territory of the institution of unauthorized persons; isolation of a minor, excluding the possibility of their leaving the territory of the institution, round-the-clock observation and control of minors, personal examination of minors, examination of their belongings, received and sent letters, parcels or other postal messages. The administration of a specialized educational institution is obliged to provide special conditions for the detention of minors. These conditions include the need to protect the territory, personal safety of minors and their protection from negative influences, restriction of free entry to the territory of the institution of unauthorized persons; isolation of a minor, excluding the possibility of their leaving the territory of the institution, round-the-clock observation and control of minors, personal examination of minors, examination of their belongings, received and sent letters, parcels or other postal messages.

Minors can be placed in a special educational and educational institution of a closed type until they reach the age of 18, but for no more than three years. The term of detention of a minor in this institution also cannot exceed the maximum term of punishment provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for a crime committed by a minor. Minors can be placed in a special educational institution of a closed type until they reach the age of 18, but for no more than three years. The term of detention of a minor in this institution also cannot exceed the maximum term of punishment provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for a crime committed by a minor.

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