
Siege Narva 1700. Northern War, Battle of Narva: Description, Causes, History and Consequences. History in persons

On August 6, during a liturgy in the Russian camp, it became known that "from Multi-Multi-Bomb" from the Honor Bastion, who had a fragile base with Hat River, collapsed FAS, and with him an earthen brush, so that all moats were loose, and access to the bastion was made free. At the same time, 2 bastion are made in Victoria bastion, and the former enemy tools here are given to silence (from 70 cannons remained alone).

To avoid unnecessary bloodshed, a commandant of the Fallen Derpte, Skitt, who Peter was deliberately brought with him so that he convinces Horn in the uselessness of resistance; But Mountain did not even accepted the Skitt and promised to answer the next day. Oglvius did not agree to such a deferment and sent a new ambassador to the Narva, Colonel Pokhviisiyev. He had to hand the Horn of a letter in which it was: "The path to the row is open, and the garrison is there there is no hope for Sichirs. The sovereign promises mercy and honest chord; If it comes to the assault, Narva will not have mercy "3). Mountain answered: "We all hope to justice the Lord God. He will come up for the rightful case, and his powerful land, with the high courage of the royal majesty, when courses, the troops will release Narva, as before "4). It is said that by passing this paper, Mountain allowed himself to respond with a mockery about the Russian king and his army. In the journal Peter Velikago, it is said that Mountain uttered the "Some Children's Words". Adlefeld also mentions that Horn allowed himself some kind of obscene joke, and he adds that this circumstance was probably the cause of the harsh appeal of Peter with the mountain after taking Narva. According to Golikov, Gorn referred to the success of the Swedish weapons in 1700 and added it stiffly that he thinks Russians about it yet forgotten.

Having entered into negotiations with the mountain, Peter at the same time ordered to throw in the city in bombs and on arrows a lot of participating letters to citizens of Narva, calling them to voluntary surrender and promising merchants. The commandant, however, under the fear of the death penalty, forbidden to read them and ordered all these letters, not printed, deliver to him. After the refusal of Horn in surrender, the Russian generals gathered at the military council, which decided to take the city to the attack. Ohilvius has drawn up a schedule, in which order should have followed Russian troops.

On August 8, they were brought unnoticed by the enemy of the stairs in Apres, and the next day at 2 o'clock the most assault began. The stairs were pushed to the fortress walls with "wine soldiers", i.e., those that fled from the regiments at home and were caught again. For the Bastion Victoria sent his onslaught by Lieutenant Schongbek, against the Honor Bastion, Gene Ral Major Chambers moved; To radin against Bastion Gloria - Major General Scarf and, finally, to the bastions of Gloria and Fama - General von Verden. Russians went to the attack with a big inspiration 1). The contemporary contemporance on this: "The soldiers (during the team for the attack) one of the other tried to warn one, no matter how they walked on the feast or for the wedding, which surprised the extremely foreign, former Russian camp, and the passage of the prisoners of the Swedes and, instead of The Russians at that time encourage, they were heard the complaints from many officers and soldiers, for which they were not immediately sent. "

The Swedes were desperately defended: the assault barrels and stones were rolled, the stairs were discharged, for which Russian soldiers climbed, blew up; Nothing, however, did not stop the Russians. CHAMBERS WITH PRAINERS The first broke into the Honor Bastion. The case was obviously lost to the Swedes, and the mountain, finally, was aware of this: he ordered the "Shamad", to express the magazine Peter the Great, and the first hit his fist in the drum. The russian Russian soldiers did not hear or did not want to hear the signal to pass; They continued the massacre, drove the Swedes to Samago Castle, did not appreciate along with warriors and civilians, until, finally, Peter the Great Power did not put the limit of robbery and bloodshed.

One of the Narva residents describes the siege and storming of Narva: "In May 1704, the city was besieged early and on August 9 between 2 and 3 hours of the day assigned; Many people were killed and died in almost all houses, excluding few, and on all the streets of the city were the dead, everywhere she was robbery, which caused a big disaster. All those who were captured did not have news: neither husbands about wives, wives about husbands or children about parents. It seemed that no one would remain, only one God was merciful in his anger and retained some of us ...

At that time, I started the assault, despite the unhealthy, left home to the late Burgomaster Schwartz to join the detachment, which was gathered there. On the way to the house of Schwartz met our company on the shaft, I wanted to take my weapon and follow it, as suddenly the riders who had to meet the riders declared that the new city had already surrendered. The Russians appeared in the old town on all the streets, so I could not have been, without losing my life, go home, and I was forced to enter the Schwartz House and there to hide in the basement along with Pastor Schwarz and many others; There was also a colonel Shlippenbach, a former commandant of Noteburg. Barely closed the doors that led to the chungy, as it became audible that the winner had already come. To our happiness, in addition, the German Major Waid approached the door, knocked and after several times promised us mercy. Then the door was opened, and the Major entered several grenadiers. Although we were fatally afraid and expected death, but Major kept his promise and did not harm anyone. " So, bloodshed on the streets of Narva was not so merciless.

The legend says that, stopping the bloodshed, Peter his own brawl of the Russian soldier, which robbed and killing civilians. Thus, stopping the robbery, the monarch with nude and bloody velvene appeared in the house of Burgomistra Goette and threw it on the table. Gathered here are the dignitaries and some inhabitants of Narva with families with horror were expected to decide their fate, but Peter said to them:

Do not be afraid: it is not Swedish blood, but Russian; Saving you, I did not gem my subjects.

Then, then in the magistrate and seeing the mountains there, the king in the seizure of anger gave him a cruel slap and exclaimed Grozno:

- "Are you no culprit so much and useless shed blood? Having no hope of helping and no means to rescue the city, could you have long to put the white flag?! ".

Then, according to the order of the king, Mountain was given to the arrest, and the Mountain's prisoner for the surrender of the Noteburg Commander was released and released in Sweden. The son of Horn and his four daughters were entrusted to the care of General Chambers.

So the 9th of August was "terrible and fatal", as Adlefeld is expressed, the day for Narva. "And the Taco of this proud Commander Narvsky is aimed at the magazine of Peter the Great - in the plight of death and the discrepancy of the garrison and citizens perseverance resurable, and if soldiers would not have been severely from bloodshed, then few people remained."

However, despite the fall of Narva, Narva battles could not be considered quite over, as the garrison of Ivangorod did not take more weapons to the feet of the winners. To the commandant of Ivangorod, Lieutenant Colonel Stirrhntra has been sent for peace negotiations first Colonel Ritter, and then ArnSttedt 3). Styranstral did not give up for a long time, calculating probably on reinforcements; He even used the trick in order to guess the time, namely he ordered to say Russian sent that he was not in the Ivangorod, and that the garrison could not surrender before his arrival 1). Finally, he had to give up, but he said a garrison right to free exit from the fortress with a weapon in his hands. His request for resolving to perform with lots of banners and with music was rejected.

On the negotiations with the styranstral and the following, then the passage of Ivangorod there is the following modern narrative of the eyewitness.

"After the assault of Narva, on the same day the Russian colonel Ritter was on the Ivangorod wall in the evening. He was asked to wait until the commandant were found; finally announced that the commandant in Narva, and is unknown, alive or dead. Case that the styranstral wanted to win the time for making a disruption, although under the gun there were no more than 200 people. After the ritter, the other Colonel Arstshtedt came, with written orders, General Major Major will conquer usless. The commandant answered that Horn in the hands of the enemy, hence his orders impressive; He decided to defend himself to his garrison to the last drop of blood. The king was very angry with such a response and secondly sent Arnschtedta to announce that if his will not immediately fulfill him, all the prisoners in Narva will be committed to death without mercy of babies in Mothernie Warred. "In the will of the Sovereign do anything - the styranstral answered - but I think for shame to give the fortress for the first requirement, handed over to me by the king . If the fair conditions are proposed, then there may be a royal desire. After the Feldmarshal Oglviy gave to know that he was amazing how to stubbornly with a hungry garrison and that there is still time to take advantage of the royal grace; As a result, they asked, under what conditions the commandant is thinking to pass the fortress, and they demanded to send 3 officers to the contract, agreeing, on their part, send the same number in the form of hostages in Ivangorod Stirrhral, \u200b\u200bwith tears in his eyes, asked his: what to do? Everyone was answered unanimously: to submit, otherwise the garrison would die from hunger, having no more than 5 measures of bread. On August 15, they wanted to join the negotiations, but the Russians were engaged in the celebration of Narva ... Another day was sent to Narva 3 officers for negotiations; Russians sent 3 captains on their part. Commander demanded the consent to the entire Ivangorod garrison to retire to Revel with wives and children and speak from a fortress with leaning banners, with music, with weapons in hand and 4 field cannons. Feldmarshal agreed to the free removal of the garrison; In weapons, music and banners refused. August 16, at 9 am (in the Swedish style - August 17) the Russians joined the Ivan city; And the garrison part on the ships, a part of dry pathway went to Revel and Vyborg. "

The Northern War began with the invasion of Russia's allies to Swedish ownership. At the beginning of 1700, a 7-thousand Saxon army led by Kurfürst August II without declaring war invaded Liflandia. Saxon captured the city of Dynamyund and besieged the city of Riga. Danes decided to hit the duchy of Holstein, the Allied Sweden, confusing himself from the rear. In March, the 16-thousand Danish army led by King Frederick IV Danish (1699 - 1730) invaded duchy. Danes captured the fortress of the hum (Husum) and besieged tonningen. After the occupation of Holstein, the Danish command planned the capture of Pomerania. The duke asked Karl Xii as his relative (the Golishtian ruler was married to the older sister of Charles XII).

Frederick IV (King Denmark).

Karl XII was not confused and began to actively act. The 8-thousand Swedish Corps was sent in Pomerania. At the same time, the Swedish king prepared a blow to the Denmark itself, 20 thousand army and 42 ships were concentrated in Karlskrun. At the head of these forces, the Swedish king sailed to Zealand's island. On April 13, 1700, the Swedish king left Stockholm, in which he was no longer destined to return. Before leaving, Karl established the defense advice from several senators. This state body was supposed to take care of the army, fleet and fortresses. The king instructed the Senate to manage all areas within the state not related to the military area. Karl himself planned to engage only war. Swedish king took on board the most powerful ship of the Sweden's naval forces - "King Carl", he was armed with 120 guns.

The Swedish fleet stopped in Gumleba, 7 miles from the Danish capital. On the side of Sweden, unexpectedly for the Allies, Holland and England spoke, they sent the joint squadron headed by the Swedes headed by Admiral D. Hovu. The British and the Dutch in the Alton Conference in 1689 guaranteed the position of Holstein, and they did not want the Danes to control the Zunda Strait. Danish royal fleet, and he had in his composition 29 linear ships and 4 frigates, did not dare to go out into the sea and give a fight.

On July 24 (August 4), 1700, the Swedish army landed on Zeland's island. Ashanth commanded General Graph Carl Gustav Renshild, he was the closest advisor to Charles XII on military issues. It was a very bold decision, because in the presence of a smart and decisive commander, they could disrupt this idea (you can recall the battle, who gave the Turkish landing to Alexander Suvorov in 1787 by Kinburn). Danez near Gumbaek gathered all the cavalry, behind her, militia and artillery were located in the trenches. The Swedish landing squad did not exceed 6 thousand people. King Karl, despite the seizures of seaside disease that tormented his attacks, personally headed the shock detachment of 300 grenadiers. From the sea, the landing was covered with fleet artillery fire. Under the fire Danes, the Swedish landing rushed to the shore. The king showed great courage, the officer killed near him and wounded the Stuart-General-General Stuart, one rock bullet could stop the whole war. Danes actually did not take the battle and retreated. The construction of earthworks around Copenhagen began, the next day another 9 thousand soldiers landed.

Such a powerful fortress as Copenhagen could defend a very long time. But several negative factors played their role. First, the Danish leadership did not prepare the capital to defense in advance. Secondly, the Swedish Army of Charles XII, a number of 15 thousand people, the Danes could oppose the garrison of no more than 4 thousand soldiers, the main Danish army headed by the King Frederick was in Holstein. Thirdly, the townspeople were psychologically not ready to defend the city to the last opportunity, wait for the arrival of the Danish army. When Karl XII threatened to completely destroy the capital, if the Danes refuse to sign the world on its conditions, they surrendered. Copenhagen paid Carlo to the ending of 400 thousand talers. And the possibilities for this were: from the Danish fleet one could remove a significant number of guns, intensifying the defense of the capital, send to the strengthening of the sailors, the main army of Denmark did not defeat. Swedes could not tighten with siege, Saxony fought against them, Russia.

7 (18) August 1700 in the Holstea Castle, the world was concluded. Denmark took the troops from Holstein, recognized her sovereignty and pledged to pay it as compensation for military losses of 260 thousand Reichstarters. The Danish side refused the Union with Saxony and Russia, it was obliged to not assist the enemies of the Swedish Empire. The overall result of a brief Danish campaign was different: the 18-year-old King of Victoriously finished the war against the old enemy of Sweden in six weeks (the period of active activities of the main Swedish forces), almost without loss, the army's troops were released for transit into the Baltic States.

Entry into the war of Russia, the actions of Carl and the Saxon Army

Russia according to agreements with the allies, was going to enter into war after the conclusion of peace with the Ottoman Empire. August 8 (19) The news came to the news that the Russian envoy of Ukrainians signed a truce in Istanbul with a port for 30 years. The next day, Russia declared the War of Sweden "For many of their sagging, the most important dishonor, who was committed to the Great and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors in Riga, in the past 1697." Russian troops were moved from Moscow through Novgorod to Narva, which was considered the key fortress of the Swedes in the Baltic States. In principle, the calculation was true: the fortress on the banks of the river Narov, 12 kilometers from her mouth, was of great importance. The seizure of the territory along the Narov line was driven by a wedge between two Swedish military groups - Liflyand-Estland and Karelian. In addition, the Fortress of Narva itself was an excellent base for the deployment of offensive operations of the Russian Army in Ingria (Ingermanland, Izhora, Izhora Land - an ethnocultural and historical region, located on the banks of the Neva).

King Peter I planned to bring more than 60 thousand people to the Swedish fortress: a regular army, as part of three divisions under the command of Anyakitis Repnin, Adam Weide, Autonom Golovin and Prince Ivan Trubetsky (about 40 thousand people), a local cavalry, which included 5,000 A squad under the command of Boris Sheremetyeva (only about 10 thousand people), and Cossacks from Ukraine under the command of the punishment Ataman Ivan Obidovsky (more than 10 thousand people). But due to a number of reasons, not all the forces managed to focus from Narva, by the time of battle with Karl. Thus, the Division of Repnin was in Novgorod, the Cossacks of Obidovsky in Pskov, Gdovo and the Pechora monastery. In addition to these forces, the artillery regiment was part of Russian troops, he consisted of 195 guns, commanded Tsarevich Alexander Imereti (from the genus of Bagrations). Initially, the Supreme Commander of the Russian Army was Field Marshal Auton Golovin, but this position was nominal, since the factual leadership was carried out by the king himself. For the supply of troops, the general provisional of semen languages \u200b\u200bwas responsible. At the last moment, the Netherlands Duke, Field Marshal, Karl-Eugene de Crup, joined the headquarters of the Russian army on the recommendation of the Saxon Kurfürst.

On the way to Narva, the Russian army in September seized the fortress of Yamburg (PM), Coporye.

Swedish king, leaving part of the army in Denmark, the main forces by the sea began to transport in Liflandia (about 10 thousand). Pyarno (Pernov) was selected by landing. From here the Swedish king-commander planned to go to Riga to strike at its precipitating Saxon troops. The Saxon ruler, having learned that the Danes were defeated, Denmark was derived from the war, and the victorious Swedish army put forward to Liflandia, immediately removed the siege from Riga and retreated to the Polish territory. Therefore, Karl changed his original action plan and decided to strike in the Russian army, which was askedid by Narva. Looking at Pärno on October 6, he sent troops to Revel (Tallinn) and further to Narva.

Osada Narva

Narva was a powerful fortress submitted by a unified defense system with Ivangorod's castle, on the right bank of the Narov River. Ivangorod and Narva combined the fortified bridge, which made it possible to cross the units between strengthening even in the conditions of siege. This led to the need for the Russian army to block both fortresses at the same time. The terrain around the fortress was swampy, especially difficult for it was after the autumn rains. This sharply narrowed the possibility of using the Russian cavalry. The fortress itself possessed powerful fortifications, a heavy siege artillery was needed to do the bars. Defended her garrison of 2 thousand soldiers under the command of Colonel Horn. The commandant of the Mountain fortress on the proposal to capitulate answered ridicule: the colonel extended to the power of fortifications, the bravery of the garrison, on the backwardness of the Russian army from the requirements of an advanced European experience. Moreover, the Gorna came to the soon arrival of Charles XII with the army.

The advanced squad of the Russian army led by Prince, Novgorod Voivod Ivan Trubetsky arrived in Narva three weeks after the announcement of war - 9 (20) of September. September 23 (October 4), a detachment of Ivan Busurlin arrived at the fortress together with Peter I. 14 (25) of October, part of the golovin car and the cavalry of Boris Sheremetyev. As a result, by the beginning of the hostilities, the Russian command was able to focus from the Swedish fortress from 34 to 40 thousand bayonets and a saber (21 soldier regiment, 7 shooters, 2 Dragunsky, artillery regiment and a number of other connections).

The Russian troops are located camps on the left bank of the Narrow in one line, which by the semicircle covered the fortress of Narva and flanks went to the river. Ivangorod was also blocked. The camp was reinformed with moat and embankment, the front at 7 kilometers was addressed to the West. The right flank of the Russian army occupied part of the Golovin division, former "funny shelves", the center of the forces of the Novgorod Governor of Trubetsky, the left flank - the compounds of the Vase Division; The noble militia of Sheremetyeva occupied positions on the tip of the left flank, besides, it was assigned to the task of conducting intelligence in the Reversion.

To organize the siege of Narva, August II recommended that the Russian king of the engineer Ludwig Allarta, he was friendly adopted by Peter, he was pressed by Gen Lieutenant General. Augustus also sent several engineering and artillery officers to manage siege work. The leadership of siege works, the king instructed foreign military specialists. But soon it was found that foreign engineers did nothing, constant disputes and criticism prevented each other. As a result, Peter had to take the leadership of the Siege himself, to reach everything independently. Under enemy fire began to build "aprozy" (approaches). In early October, 1700, severe artillery brought from Pskov and Novgorod. The king personally led the choice of places and installing guns, managed artillery players. It must be said that the artillery was in a deplorable state: the boots and wheels were constantly broken out of the roads, it was shot from the Mortira, because the bombs did not match the gauge of the guns, the gunpowder was low quality. 20 (31) October, the Russian army began regular shelling of Narva, but after two weeks the charges were over. In addition, most cannons were small caliber. They could not apply the fortress of serious harm.

Siege of Narva in 1704.

Parally with Siege Tartu, Russian troops were first blocked, and then besieged another important point of the Swedish troops in Estland - Narva. In the initial plan of the Russian command, 1704 of the siege of Narva was not provided with only its blockade. For this, a corps was formed under the command of P.M.Apraxin to whose task was to capture the mouth of the Narov.

On April 27, Apraksin with the 5th Roths of the Connection and the Three Infantry Shelves - Prince Andrei Shakhovsky, Grigoria Titova and Bils arrived at the mouth of the river. Rossoni. Here he will take his camp towards the tops on all four corners. In the direction of Narov, a battery of 13 guns was directed, a bridge was hooked through Narov. All these works were made on the instructions and under the direction of Sergeant of the Preobrazhensky regiment, Mikhail Shpöttooth, who was entrusted to the king to convey in detail about the state of the Narva fortress and the situation of its defenders.
The day before arriving apraksin, Rossoni's mouth came to the Narovskaya Bay of 5 Swedish ships. Three of them are located at the very mouth of Rossoni, two steel on the seaside. Next, 4 more vessels abandoned on the raid. Middle ships were soon chosen by cannon shots with apraksin batteries. One ship was completely broken by the nuclei, others went to the sea (A.V.Petrov).

On April 30, the commandant of Narva Gorn told Schlippenbach that the city was cut off from the sea and asked food as soon as possible. Under the pressure of Karl XII Schlippenbach was going to attempt to break the blockade of Narva. To help him from Karlskrun, a squadron was sent under the command of Vice Admiral de Pru. On May 13, the squadron de Pru arrived on the raid of Narva and began the shelling of the positions of Apraksin. The squadron included 7 warships and up to 28 transport vessels with food cargo for Narva. De Pru also expected reinforcement from Vyborg (X.pali).

Part of the courts approached the very mouth of the Narov, and the Russian batteries until the night were shelled, fortunately, without much harm. Three-domain bombs flew outways, or burst into the sand. Pitching at sea prevented to fall into the target. According to Sergeant, Mikhail Schpetives Menshikov, at all Swedish ships up to 1,000 soldiers were assumed. The ships were loaded with bread, malt, herring, meat and butter. 700 people soldiers on several small courts, under the authorities of Colonel Gaspora, managed to get into Nar in at night and then in Narva. Narva garrison has been strengthened and encouraged by the hope of reinforcements that can still appear. Peter the Great was very angry with Apraksina, having learned about his mistake, and forgave him, only because of the intercession of the younger brother, Fyodor Matveyevich (A.V.Petrov).

Meanwhile, the Swedish command ripened a new blockage breakthrough plan. Schlippenbach with their corps should have come from Rakvere, and de Pru with landing troops from the sea. Apraksin found out about these plans from captured languages. In his letters, he reported Peter I on the changed military situation. Peter correctly appreciated the created dangerous position and canceled the planned campaign under Korelu.

Starting from May 26; Russian shelves have become tightened to Narva. Narva's campaign of 1700 was performed from Moscow through Novgorod and Pskov, on the eastern side of the Church of the Lake and then on the Right Bank of the Narov River. In 1704, a trip to Narva passed through Petersburg, on Corporea and then on the swamps, rivers and prospects - to the mouth of the Narov, where Apraxin was sent in February. This road was walking through Yamburg (Kingisepp) on the swamp on places, Starolar graveyard and then to the shore of the Narov. This new path to Narva from St. Petersburg and the former through the river meadow, on 1/4 of the versts above its thresholds, was indicated by Peter the Great Yumburgh resident, which served the Russian army by the conductor through a huge swamp, spreading 40 miles. As a reward for this service, Peter, at the request of the bottle, gave him the exclusive right of fishing in the river. Meadow, at one and a half versts above the bridge (A.V.Petrov).

On May 26, the foremost parts of the Russian troops led by the king approached the mouth of the Narov and stood near the Camp of Apraksin. On May 30, Russian troops began to ship through Narov on the bridge, the above camp of Apraksin, and move to Narva. Subsequently, Russians occupied the same positions that occupied in 1700. The siege of Narva began.

At the beginning of the siege, the Swedish fleet still stood on the Narva raid. For his containment was left on his positions and the Corps of Apraksin.

June 3 was a storm at sea. The strong wind has broken down with anchors and nailed the two Swedish schooners to the shore with people and the provinet. This was reported to the king from APRAXIN. Peter himself riding a horse with several soldiers in Rod went to Schunam, who stood on Meli, and seized them. On both injured by an accident, the Cydah was captured: two lieutenants, one auditor, skipper, navigator, 25 sailors, one sergeant, 75 soldiers, Swedish flag, rifles, about a hundred muskets and provisions. After that, the Russian batteries tried to shoot the nearest Swedish ships, but several iron cannons in APRAKSINA were "Stargo and the bearer of thin casting, and as so much to shoot, then two at the first shot of a breakdown and guns of one wounded, the other killed (A.V.Petrov).

After this event, the Swedish squadron left the Narva raid. The Corpus of Apraksina was transferred to Ivangorod. Having learned about the arrival under the Narva of the significant forces of Russian troops, Shlippenbach, which was already in Rakvere on May 30, did not mess around the city. Towards with the province for the Narva garrison, which was supposed to deliver Shlippenbach, sent back to Tallinn.

From the letter intercepted from the courier, the Russians learned that the Narva garrison is waiting for reinforcements. Then Peter I, a big hunter to any military tricks, invented to take off the part of the Narva garrison trap. Several Russian infantry and dragoon regiments were disguised into the blue Swedish uniforms and secretly deployed on the Reveling Road. "The Swedes" commanded Peter I. At two in the day, the "Swedish" troops appeared in sight of the Narva Fortress. The troops of Repnina and Menshikov moved to them from the Russian camp. The preliminary battle began. After some time, the "Swedish" troops began to close the enemy. The commandant of Narva Horn personally watched the course of battle. He was sincerely convinced that the long-awaited reinforcement finally came. To meet the "reinforcement" Gorn sent Colonel Murat and Lieutenant Colonel Marcade with a detachment of dragoons in 100-150 people and Colonel Lod with 800-1000 soldiers. As soon as the dragoons approached "to their reinforcement", they were surrounded and captured. Among the captives were Lieutenant Colonel Marcad and Rothmist Konau. Colonel Lod, guessing that this is a trap, returned with his squad and guns to Narva (X.pali).

From the prisoners received information on the number of Narva garrison, as well as the fact that the deposited was waiting for the arrival of Schlippenbach. The Russian command recticled to information on reinforcement with all seriousness and decided to strike on the body of the shlippenbach, which was standing under Rakvere. For this purpose, Peter allocated the entire Connection, standing under Narva: Dragoon shelves K.E. Rennes, Pfluga, I. Gorbova, A.ostafyeva, and Morel de Career and F. Suwas. Also assistance to the drago regions were given the Butyrsky Infantry Regiment, 500 people of the Ingermanland Infantry Regiment and 60 Preobrazhenskiy and Semenov Grenader. The infantry for accelerating the campaign was planted on the carts. Command Corps, which counted about 6,000 people, was entrusted to K. Renna (X.pali).

Having learned about the approach of the Russians, Shlippenbach moved to Liazna. His advanced posts stood at Lobu and Arbaver. Everything at the disposal of Shlippenbach was 1,400 rated and dragoons. Not far from it was the infantry shelves of Dughadi and Liven, who had 1200-1400 people together. There were also militias from locals under the command of Colonel A. Sezheg.

On June 15, early in the morning Rennes met with the advanced Schlippenbach detachments and overturned them. The retreating body of Shlippebach, Rennes pursued on the heels and broke it on his head, so that only two people got to Tallinn. Colonel Wakhtmeister and another 7 officers were captured. The gun and horse horse shlippenbach were also captured.

On July 1, Peter, displeased by the siege of Tartu, drove out of Narva to Sheremetyeva camp. The command of the Russian army near Narva was transferred to Field Marshalu Gilvi. Despite the retreat of Shlippenbach, Ogilvi was still afraid that reinforcements from Sweden will arrive in the Baltic States. To block the path to this forces, Oglvi sent all those who were under Narvaly Dragun shelves, with the task to build a double defense line there. This line of fortifications of 1704 known under the name "Swedish shaft" is partially preserved to our time.

Fig.29The scheme of the preserved fortifications of 1704 in the Vaiwara area on the beginning of the twentieth century.

On July 11, the first siege guns under the Narva arrived. Through Narov, two bridges were built - one from the Narva waterfall, the other - at the island of Camperst. (X.pali) Construction of aproises, batteries and other fortifications under Narva continued almost until the end of July. On the hill, PortrangesGolm Russians installed a battery of 103 cannons (A.V.Petrov). The battery was also built on the Hermansberg Hill. The commandant of Narva Horn under the threat of a fine forbade the opening of fire (especially from the guns) on precipitating during siege or other operations, with the exception of the assault. This ban is one of the most mysterious actions of the Commandant. Apparently, Mountain decided to take care of ammunition for a long defense. An underestimation of the possibilities of Russian troops played a well-known role in this. (X.pali).

On July 18, Peter I returned to Narva. After taking Tartu, Sheremetyev was ordered to connect with the renne case. On July 28, Sheremetyev arrived in Yoevi, and from there His Dragoon shelves were directed to Vaiwara, where they remained until the end of the siege of Narva.

July 31, a hurricane fire in the city and Swedish fortifications was opened with Russian batteries. On the night of July 31, on August 1, one bomb fell into the Narva Arsenal and exploded. On August 7, in the morning, one side of the bastion "Honor" fell apart as a result of the shelling. At the same time, I was broken in the Bastion "Victoria". Favorable conditions have been created for the storming of the city. The Russian command made an attempt to stop the bloodshed and offered to Narva garrison capitulate. To convince the commandant of Narva to surrender, the Russians resorted to the help of the commandant Tartu Colonel Schute, but Mountain did not want to talk to him. For the offer of Field Marshal Zilvi to surrender to "Accord", Gorn also answered with refusal.

Fig.30 . Bombarding Narva and Ivangorod in 1704

On August 8, a military council was gathered in the Russian camp, which decided to go to the assault. The Lieutenant-General Shenbek was instructed by the Attack of Bastion "Victoria", Major General Chambes had to seize the Bastion "Honor", the assault of the Bastion "Gloria" was instructed by Major Major Maulor.

On August 9, on the day of the assault, Peter sent the drago shelves to the mouth of the Narov to prevent the possibility of landing the Swedish landing. At two in the afternoon, the Russians went to the attack. Chambes with Preobrachters first broke into the "Honor" bastion. Bastion "Victoria" the Swedes blew up a mine, thus delaying for a while the promotion of Russian parts. The assault time was selected successfully. The Swedes did not expect the assault to the daytime, and therefore there was no sufficient number of soldiers to the fortifications. This circumstance influenced the loss of Russian troops and did not give the opportunity to organize resistance on the old urban walls within the city. Only a small part of the soldiers and officers of the Narva garrison managed to hide in the Ivangorod.

Fig. 3.1 . Storming Narva in 1704 (

Taking Narva. 1704 year. On August 20, under the personal command of Peter I, the Russian troops took the Swedish fortress of Narva. Thus, a complete revenge for defeating near Narva in 1700 was taken. On April 26, 1704, Ocolnichy P.M. Apraksin with three infantry shelves and the three returns of the cavalry (only about 2500 people) took the mouth of the river the Narov (when the Rosona River is shifted). The foresight of the Russian command was justified: on May 12, the Swedish admiral de Pru, which came up to the mouth of the Narov with a squadron and transport vessels, tried to deliver reinforcements to Narva in the amount of 1200 people and reserves, but who came to the fire of Russian coastal batteries, was forced to go to Revel. On May 30, the Russian army crossed the left bank of the River of the Narov and was located on the sea camp in five versts from Narva. Later, she ranked the very place that had already occupied in 1700, adjacent flanks to the river near the village of Yula and near the island of Hampergolm. Four Draghogan regiments actually laid out the Narva, two regiments surrounded by Ivan city, and the rest of the troops were located in three versts from the fortress. P.M. Apraksin remained near the mouth of the Narov. But the Russian army could not begin the siege before the enjoyment of guns and the Mortira. Commanded the troops in the absence of Peter first, General Shanbok, and from June 20 - Field Marshal Oglivi. In the Russian army, after the approach of Sheremetyev's troops and the arrival of artillery, there were up to 45,000 people (30 infantry regiments and 16 equestrians) at 150 guns. The Swedish garrison of Narva consisted of 31/5 people of infantry, 1080 cavalry and 300 artilleryrs, just 4555 people at 432 guns in Narva itself and 128 guns in the Ivan city. The commandant was the same courageous and energetic General Horn. Soon after the start of the siege among the besieged and the precipitating, the rumor was spread that the Corps of General Shlippenbach comes from a roll to help Narva. In this regard, Menshikov offered Peter to arrange "Masquerade", that is, to change the four shelf to the blue uniforms so that they like to go to the Swedes. These shelves should have been depicting the Schlippenbach Case. The masquerade squad led by Peter moved to the fortress. They were pretended to attack the precipitating led by Menshikov and Prince Repnin. A small detachment of Swedish dragoon came to the rescue from the fortress. Russian troops tried to cut off the Swedes from the fortress. However, those quickly missed the deception and retreated in perfect order. The Russians managed to take into captivity of four officers and 41 soldiers. Several Swedes were killed. Peter was delighted and everywhere praised his Victoria. Colonel Ren for this operation received rank general major. But, alas, in general, the operation failed. The correct siege of the fortress began. The Russian command decided to seize the two northern bastions of the fortress - Victoria and Honor, which were shot through both the right and left banks of the Narov. To distract the attention of the enemy, an attack on the Ivan city was planned, as well as the imitation of the attack or the southern bastions of Triumph and Fortune. The first molding of trenches for attack on the right bank of the Narov River followed on the night of June 13th. 750 meters from Bastion, Honor was built, from which the approaches to the fortress and the message of the message were back. On the night of 16 and on June 17, the Russians opened the approaches on the left bank of the Narov, where the mortar battery was the last siege. The deposited counteracted by jobs and artillery fire, but could not stop approaching the approach to the fortress. On June 25, an attack was launched on Ivan city. Apraksin, leaving one regiment near the mouth, with the rest of the troops approached the Ivan city. On July 17, Peter arrived in Narva from Derpta, siege artillery arrived on July 18. On July 30, fire was opened from the raised siege batteries: from the cannouncer - on the bastions of Victoria and Honor, with morty - on the inside of the attacked front and the city. The continuous fire of the batteries continued until August 9. Until the end of the siege, 4556 bombs were released. On the 16th of July, infantry shelves arrived from Derpta, they were located opposite the southern fronts of the fortress and led a false attack on them. On August 2, the main attack on the left bank approached the Bastion Victoria approached. On August 6, the sixth battery (No. 17) was built on the ridge of Glysti to shoot off the guns from the double flanks of Bastion Victoria, who defended the approach to the Honor Bastion. On the same day, the left FAS Bastion Honor hit, forming a gentle and wide collapse. Feldmarshal Ogilvi sent a letter to the commandant of Narva with a proposal to surrender, without waiting for an attack. Canonada, meanwhile, continued. Russian troops approached the RB. The next day, August 7, Mountain sent a response, which said that he could not pass the fortress without royal commandment. In view of such an answer in the Russian camp, a military council gathered, and decided to storming Narva on August 9th. The command of the troops was entitled to Field Marshal Oglvi. He appointed three storm columns: General Shenbek was ordered to break into Bastion Victoria, where it was also a gap; General Chembers - move to the collapse of Bastion Honor; General of the Scarf - to Retalin opposite Bastion Gloria. Another 8 August, the assault stairs were secretive to the nearest approaches. Opposite Bastion Victoria, the meter itself put a four-power battery for shooting during the assault. On the night of August 9, the Grenader appointed to the assault. Peter ordered to bring order in the city and, navigated to the horse, stacking Narva streets. On the path of Peter personally, the swollen of two Russian marauders. Arriving for the town hall, where the city was going to know, Peter saw the horn there. The king ran up to the general and shoved him a huge plush. Peter shouted in anger: "Are you not to blame for everything? Without having any hope for help, no means to rescue the city, could you have long to put a white flag?" Then, showing the sword of the blood, Peter continued: "Look, this blood is not Swedish, but Russian. I have my own brazing, to keep rabies to which you brought my soldiers with your stubbornness." Then the king was ordered to plant the mountains at that very hat, where, by order of the latter, the commandants of surrendered fortresses were held (Noteburgian - Colonel Gustav Wilhelm Shlippenbach and Nienschian - Colonel Fields). August 16 without a fight capitulated garrison of Ivan-Cities. The week preceding the surrender of the Ivan city was devoted to developing the conditions of surrender. Garrison Commander Lieutenant Colonel Stirnstarl on the orders of Gorna to pass the fortress responded with refusal on the grounds that Horn is in captivity and is not free to express his genuine thoughts. "I think for shame to give a fortress for a first requirement, handed to me by the king," said Stirnstarl. It was just a bravada, since the fear of food garnishes with a number of 200 people, of course, ordered himself for complete destruction. The officers of the garrison proved to be more prudent of the commandant, and everything agreed to surrender. The fortress capitulated on the conditions dictated by the Russians: the garrison was allowed to be removed into Revel and Vyborg, but without artillery and banners. With the storming of Narva, the Russians lost 1340 people injured and 359 people killed. The losses of the Swedes for the entire siege amounted to 2,700 people. In Narva, 425 guns, Mortira and Gaubitz, Falcontovets and Shotguns of 82, guns 11200 were taken. In the Ivan city of cannons, 95, Mortira and shotgun 33 were taken.

N. Zherevwide. Peter I doubt the fierce soldiers of his when taking Narva in 1704. 1859 year

1704 year. August 20 (August 9, Art.) Under the personal command of Peter I, the Russian troops took the Swedish fortress of Narva. Thus, a complete revenge for defeating near Narva in 1700 was taken.

Siege of Narva and Ivangorod Army of Peter I B1704, Engraving of the early 19th century

"Celebrately take the capture of the" French city of Yuryev ", Peter sat on the yacht and the Amoves River, the Church of the Lake and the Narov River reached the fortress of Narva.

The storming of the fortress began at a signal at 2 pm on August 9, 1704. Swedes stubbornly defended, protecting the tops of the collaps, undermining mines and rolling assault barrels. But it did not stop the Russians. Already 45 minutes after the start of the assault, the winners broke into Narva. "Celebrately take the capture of the" French city of Yuryev ", Peter sat on the yacht and the Amoves River, the Church of the Lake and the Narov River reached the fortress of Narva.

On April 26, 1704, Ocolnichy P.M. Apraksin with three infantry shelves and the three returns of the cavalry (only about 2500 people) took the mouth of the river the Narov (when the Rosona River is shifted). The foresight of the Russian command was justified: on May 12, the Swedish admiral de Pru, which came up to the mouth of the Narov with a squadron and transport vessels, tried to deliver reinforcements to Narva in the amount of 1200 people and reserves, but who came to the fire of Russian coastal batteries, was forced to go to Revel.

On May 30, the Russian army crossed the left bank of the River of the Narov and was located on the sea camp in five versts from Narva. Later, she ranked the very place that had already occupied in 1700, adjacent flanks to the river near the village of Yula and near the island of Hampergolm. Four Draghogan regiments actually laid out the Narva, two regiments surrounded by Ivan city, and the rest of the troops were located in three versts from the fortress. P.M. Apraksin remained near the mouth of the Narov. But the Russian army could not begin the siege before the enjoyment of guns and the Mortira. Commanded the troops in the absence of Peter first, General Shanbok, and from June 20 - Field Marshal Oglivi.

In the Russian army, after the approach of Sheremetyev's troops and the arrival of artillery, there were up to 45,000 people (30 infantry regiments and 16 equestrians) at 150 guns. The Swedish garrison of Narva consisted of 31/5 people of infantry, 1080 cavalry and 300 artilleryrs, just 4555 people at 432 guns in Narva itself and 128 guns in the Ivan city. The commandant was the same courageous and energetic General Horn.

Soon after the start of the siege among the besieged and the precipitating, the rumor was spread that the Corps of General Shlippenbach comes from a roll to help Narva. In this regard, Menshikov offered Peter to arrange "Masquerade", that is, to change the four shelf to the blue uniforms so that they like to go to the Swedes. These shelves should have been depicting the Schlippenbach Case. The masquerade squad led by Peter moved to the fortress. They were pretended to attack the precipitating led by Menshikov and Prince Repnin. A small detachment of Swedish dragoon came to the rescue from the fortress. Russian troops tried to cut off the Swedes from the fortress. However, those quickly missed the deception and retreated in perfect order. The Russians managed to take into captivity of four officers and 41 soldiers. Several Swedes were killed. Peter was delighted and everywhere praised his Victoria. Colonel Ren for this operation received rank general major. But, alas, in general, the operation failed.

The correct siege of the fortress began. The Russian command decided to seize the two northern bastions of the fortress - Victoria and Honor, which were shot through both the right and left banks of the Narov. To distract the attention of the enemy, an attack on the Ivan city was planned, as well as the imitation of the attack or the southern bastions of Triumph and Fortune. The first molding of trenches for attack on the right bank of the Narov River followed on the night of June 13th. 750 meters from Bastion, Honor was built, from which the approaches to the fortress and the message of the message were back. On the night of 16 and on June 17, the Russians opened the approaches on the left bank of the Narov, where the mortar battery was the last siege. The deposited counteracted by jobs and artillery fire, but could not stop approaching the approach to the fortress. On June 25, an attack was launched on Ivan city. Apraksin, leaving one regiment near the mouth, with the rest of the troops approached the Ivan city. On July 17, Peter arrived in Narva from Derpta, siege artillery arrived on July 18. On July 30, fire was opened from the raised siege batteries: from the cannouncer - on the bastions of Victoria and Honor, with morty - on the inside of the attacked front and the city. The continuous fire of the batteries continued until August 9. Until the end of the siege, 4556 bombs were released. On the 16th of July, infantry shelves arrived from Derpta, they were located opposite the southern fronts of the fortress and led a false attack on them.

On August 2, the main attack on the left bank approached the Bastion Victoria approached. On August 6, the sixth battery (No. 17) was built on the ridge of Glysti to shoot off the guns from the double flanks of Bastion Victoria, who defended the approach to the Honor Bastion. On the same day, the left FAS Bastion Honor hit, forming a gentle and wide collapse. Feldmarshal Ogilvi sent a letter to the commandant of Narva with a proposal to surrender, without waiting for an attack.

Canonada, meanwhile, continued. Russian troops approached the RB. The next day, August 7, Mountain sent a response, which said that he could not pass the fortress without royal commandment. In view of such an answer in the Russian camp, a military council gathered, and decided to storming Narva on August 9th. The command of the troops was entitled to Field Marshal Oglvi. He appointed three storm columns: General Shenbek was ordered to break into Bastion Victoria, where it was also a gap; General Chembers - move to the collapse of Bastion Honor; General of the Scarf - to Retalin opposite Bastion Gloria. Another 8 August, the assault stairs were secretive to the nearest approaches. Opposite Bastion Victoria, the meter itself put a four-power battery for shooting during the assault. On the night of August 9, the Grenader appointed to the assault.

Only then Horn ordered the drummer as a sign of delivery to hit the drums. However, the surveying Russian soldiers did not pay attention to this and the collars of drummers. Then Horn himself hit the drum. Nevertheless, the Russians continued to kill everyone in the city, who came down at hand, without making the difference between soldiers and civilians. "Celebrately take the capture of the" French city of Yuryev ", Peter sat on the yacht and the Amoves River, the Church of the Lake and the Narov River reached the fortress of Narva.

On April 26, 1704, Ocolnichy P.M. Apraksin with three infantry shelves and the three returns of the cavalry (only about 2500 people) took the mouth of the river the Narov (when the Rosona River is shifted). The foresight of the Russian command was justified: on May 12, the Swedish admiral de Pru, which came up to the mouth of the Narov with a squadron and transport vessels, tried to deliver reinforcements to Narva in the amount of 1200 people and reserves, but who came to the fire of Russian coastal batteries, was forced to go to Revel.

On May 30, the Russian army crossed the left bank of the River of the Narov and was located on the sea camp in five versts from Narva. Later, she ranked the very place that had already occupied in 1700, adjacent flanks to the river near the village of Yula and near the island of Hampergolm. Four Draghogan regiments actually laid out the Narva, two regiments surrounded by Ivan city, and the rest of the troops were located in three versts from the fortress. P.M. Apraksin remained near the mouth of the Narov. But the Russian army could not begin the siege before the enjoyment of guns and the Mortira. Commanded the troops in the absence of Peter first, General Shanbok, and from June 20 - Field Marshal Oglivi.

In the Russian army, after the approach of Sheremetyev's troops and the arrival of artillery, there were up to 45,000 people (30 infantry regiments and 16 equestrians) at 150 guns. The Swedish garrison of Narva consisted of 31/5 people of infantry, 1080 cavalry and 300 artilleryrs, just 4555 people at 432 guns in Narva itself and 128 guns in the Ivan city. The commandant was the same courageous and energetic General Horn.

Soon after the start of the siege among the besieged and the precipitating, the rumor was spread that the Corps of General Shlippenbach comes from a roll to help Narva. In this regard, Menshikov offered Peter to arrange "Masquerade", that is, to change the four shelf to the blue uniforms so that they like to go to the Swedes. These shelves should have been depicting the Schlippenbach Case. The masquerade squad led by Peter moved to the fortress. They were pretended to attack the precipitating led by Menshikov and Prince Repnin. A small detachment of Swedish dragoon came to the rescue from the fortress. Russian troops tried to cut off the Swedes from the fortress. However, those quickly missed the deception and retreated in perfect order. The Russians managed to take into captivity of four officers and 41 soldiers. Several Swedes were killed. Peter was delighted and everywhere praised his Victoria. Colonel Ren for this operation received rank general major. But, alas, in general, the operation failed.

The correct siege of the fortress began. The Russian command decided to seize the two northern bastions of the fortress - Victoria and Honor, which were shot through both the right and left banks of the Narov. To distract the attention of the enemy, an attack on the Ivan city was planned, as well as the imitation of the attack or the southern bastions of Triumph and Fortune. The first molding of trenches for attack on the right bank of the Narov River followed on the night of June 13th. 750 meters from Bastion, Honor was built, from which the approaches to the fortress and the message of the message were back. On the night of 16 and on June 17, the Russians opened the approaches on the left bank of the Narov, where the mortar battery was the last siege. The deposited counteracted by jobs and artillery fire, but could not stop approaching the approach to the fortress. On June 25, an attack was launched on Ivan city. Apraksin, leaving one regiment near the mouth, with the rest of the troops approached the Ivan city. On July 17, Peter arrived in Narva from Derpta, siege artillery arrived on July 18. On July 30, fire was opened from the raised siege batteries: from the cannouncer - on the bastions of Victoria and Honor, with morty - on the inside of the attacked front and the city. The continuous fire of the batteries continued until August 9. Until the end of the siege, 4556 bombs were released. On the 16th of July, infantry shelves arrived from Derpta, they were located opposite the southern fronts of the fortress and led a false attack on them.

On August 2, the main attack on the left bank approached the Bastion Victoria approached. On August 6, the sixth battery (No. 17) was built on the ridge of Glysti to shoot off the guns from the double flanks of Bastion Victoria, who defended the approach to the Honor Bastion. On the same day, the left FAS Bastion Honor hit, forming a gentle and wide collapse. Feldmarshal Ogilvi sent a letter to the commandant of Narva with a proposal to surrender, without waiting for an attack.

Canonada, meanwhile, continued. Russian troops approached the RB. The next day, August 7, Mountain sent a response, which said that he could not pass the fortress without royal commandment. In view of such an answer in the Russian camp, a military council gathered, and decided to storming Narva on August 9th. The command of the troops was entitled to Field Marshal Oglvi. He appointed three storm columns: General Shenbek was ordered to break into Bastion Victoria, where it was also a gap; General Chembers - move to the collapse of Bastion Honor; General of the Scarf - to Retalin opposite Bastion Gloria. Another 8 August, the assault stairs were secretive to the nearest approaches. Opposite Bastion Victoria, the meter itself put a four-power battery for shooting during the assault. On the night of August 9, the Grenader appointed to the assault.

Peter ordered to bring order in the city and, navigated to the horse, stacking Narva streets. On the path of Peter personally, the swollen of two Russian marauders. Arriving for the town hall, where the city was going to know, Peter saw the horn there. The king ran up to the general and shoved him a huge plush. Peter shouted in anger:

"Are you not to blame for everything? Without having no hope for help, no means to rescue the city, could you have long ago to put the White Flag?"

Then, showing the sword of the blood, Peter continued: "Look, this blood is not Swedish, but Russian. I have my own brazing, to keep rabies to which you brought my soldiers with your stubbornness."

Then the king was ordered to plant the mountains at that very hat, where, by order of the latter, the commandants of surrendered fortresses were held (Noteburgian - Colonel Gustav Wilhelm Shlippenbach and Nienschian - Colonel Fields).

August 16 without a fight capitulated garrison of Ivan-Cities. The week preceding the surrender of the Ivan city was devoted to developing the conditions of surrender. Garrison Commander Lieutenant Colonel Stirnstarl on the orders of Gorna to pass the fortress responded with refusal on the grounds that Horn is in captivity and is not free to express his genuine thoughts. "I think for shame to give a fortress for a first requirement, handed to me by the king," said Stirnstarl. It was just a bravada, since the fear of food garnishes with a number of 200 people, of course, ordered himself for complete destruction. The officers of the garrison proved to be more prudent of the commandant, and everything agreed to surrender. The fortress capitulated on the conditions dictated by the Russians: the garrison was allowed to be removed into Revel and Vyborg, but without artillery and banners.

With the storming of Narva, the Russians lost 1340 people injured and 359 people killed. The losses of the Swedes for the entire siege amounted to 2,700 people. In Narva, 425 guns, Mortira and Gaubitz, Falcontovets and Shotguns of 82, guns 11200 were taken. In the Ivan city of cannons, 95, Mortira and shotgun 33 were taken.

Cited by: Wigworld AB Northern Wars of Russia. - M.: ACT; MN: Harvest, 2001. C.207-212

History in persons

Letter about the defeat of the Muscovites under Narva and why they will never be a solid foot in Liflandia and will not be able to do anything against Poland:
Your Majesty!

All sorts of justice to extreme surprises the defeat of the Muscovites under Narva, that such a big army, which consisted of more than 80,000 people, not only could not, after almost a nine-month siege, to master Narva, not particularly strongly fortified, but even captured on November 20 perhaps in his The camp is much weaker than the Swedish army, under the leadership of Karl XII, was broken, and the entire camp, with all artillery from 150 guns, 30 Mortira, all luggage and 25 Ober officers (generals and other chiefs), between Koima was the Field Marshal Crowe himself , I got the Swedes captured and prey. If it were all only alone Moskvatians, then no one, familiar with the courage and military art of the Swedes, was not surprised; But since the officers were the biggest part of the Germans, the Scots, Danes and from others known to their courage of nations, then it is even more amazing and rather should scratch the detention center than the human one. About this incident came to me a lot of serious and wonderful thoughts, by the way that not without reason it can be said that this defeat cost Muscovites more expensive than the previous one, because they crossed the borders appointed by God by God themselves, and therefore cannot have No good luck, for the experience is proved that the famous borders themselves are appointed every state, through which they cannot cross, whatever work and efforts they use, and if they decorate contrary to the divine definition, they will be punished for this shame and shame. This confirms the AP. Paul, comprehended by the Divine and Human, in Dean. ap. XVII, 27, where he writes: "From one blood, God made all the human genus, for habitat around the face of the Earth, appointing predefined times and limits to their habitat." These, the appointed, the limits or borders can be seen both in ancient and new states: whenever Assyrius and Persians wanted to spread their borders for Gellespont, they suffered only defeats; For ancient Romans, such a fateful border was in the east of the Euphrates, and in the West - Elba, for which they tried in vain to spread their possessions, as you can read about the Richter in the "axioms". Also, when tivseli at the board of August, dares with his Roman legions to go through the Elbe, a certain spirit in the female image brought horror on him and ordered him to return back. In view of this predestination, Traian ordered to stop attempts to distribute the Roman limits for Euphrates. Similarly, it was proved that the Tanais River and the Caucasus Mountain were in antiquity as fatal for all kings and monarchs, and they could not cross these borders. With existing currently, the states happened to the same thing: why did the Turks, despite all their power and ferocity, could not be established in the West, for Hungary, and twice the vein was twisted twice? Therefore, I will answer that this was not allowed by God the borders appointed for them. The French are still, after repeated, vain efforts, could not be established by the Alps in Italy, and in the future to fulfill it will be even more difficult for them, as, on the other hand, Raine seems to be a fate for them to border against Germany. For all reasons, Liflandia and Livonia for the Moscow State, which the king is given far in the east and distributed his power over half the Great Asian Tataria, on space 500 miles, to the vast state of China, as can be seen from the description of the trip to China Russian Messenger is the named; But in the West, in Liflandia and Livonia, Moscow monarchs, for two centuries, could not purchase on one mile; In the past century, Moscow Tiran Ivan Vasilyevich, which either used (for this) effort, but everything is in vain; In the current century, the king Mikhail Fedorovich, the grandfather of the current Grand Prince, thought that with the proper item begins the case, besieged the city of Riga in 1656, while the Swedes were intensified into a dangerous and hard war with the Poles, but should have been with shame and shame Go back. Also, with the current enterprise, the king could not be otherwise, because he wanted to act contrary to the definition of God, and even also against loyalty and faith, as a violater of the world, and henceforth he could not be better if he remembers this definition And they will not pay it, from God received, power with great right to the other side, against the Turks and Tatars. We will stop and so on.

Cited by: opinions of foreigners-contemporaries about the Great Northern War // Russian Starina, No. 8. 1893. C.270-272

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