
How the soul behaves after the death of man. What happens to a man's soul before after and at the time of death. From the point of view of religion

Most people who achieve a certain age are beginning to think about questions, whether there is an afterlife, as our dead lives. Most religions are preached by the world of other, where a person is delighted from all the troubles and worries, but in order to get a place in Eden, it is necessary to earn it with pious behavior in earthly life. After in the last decades, atheism began to take his position, scientists of non-traditional directions proved that the afterlife exists. What happens on the other side of visibility and what gave the basis for such conclusions?

Is there an afterlife: evidence

Many seams (Vangelia Gushterovp - Vanga, Grigory Rasputin - new, Tanzanian boy Sheikh Sharif) did not doubt the existence of the other world and in the fact that for each person there was given its place there. Direct evidence of the posthumous existence of real, historical personalities (mostly Virgin Mary) can be considered Fatimis wonders (1915-1917) and Lourdish healing . Some scientists who hold the atheistic worldview, to the question, there is a random life, the evidence of which in most cases is indirectly associated with the affirmative.

Academician-neurophysiologist N.P. Bekhtereva , whose profession itself does not accept any mysticism, in his autobiographical memories it tells that she repeatedly was the ghost of the late husband. At the same time, the spouse, also worked in the field of medical physiology, was consulted with her about the problems unresolved during the lifetime. If initially night meetings with the ghost caused concerns from a woman, then after the appearance of him during the daytime, all fears disappeared. Natalia Petrovna nor a drop doubted the reality of what is happening.

Known american providers Edgar Casey By introducing himself to a somnambulic state, about 25 thousand predictions made, in one of which, with an accuracy of an hour, the time of his death was indicated. When diagnosing diseases, E. Casey has reached an accuracy of 80% - 100%. He was deeply confident about his reincarnation and repeated appearance in another image.

Some researchers based on real events, phenomena and phenomena, read the immutable fact that scientists have proven that the afterlife exists. However, contact with the other world is possible only among individuals - "conductors": individuals in stress or borderline, or people with extrasensory abilities.

The latest evidence of the existence of the afterlife can be considered resident Novosibirsk M.L. Babushkina The graves of their father who deceased in time Patriotic War. His burial Maria Lazarevna found as part of the "Search" group. At the same time, according to the expedition participants, it indicated the place of rest with the striking accuracy. In an interview with television M.L. Babushkina explained quite convincingly to correspondents that his voice led his voice to the grave of the father of the search engine, and he also pointed to the meter to the place of finding the stops of Frontovik.

About such cases repeatedly reported participants of the search expeditions from Novgorod . According to their reports, the souls of the unsuccessful properly of the front-line people go to single search engines and the reference coordinates. The greatest number of contacts with the representatives of the afterlife is marked in one of their borrowing. Meat Bora (Death Valley), where in 1942 he was surrounded by the fascists of 2 impact army, most of the soldiers and officers died when trying to break through the environment.

Vision of the otherworldly world

  • Galina Lagoda from Kaliningrad During clinical death, being on the operating table, met with a stranger in a white robe, which she said that she did not fulfill his earthly mission, and for its completion he handed over the deceased gift of foresight.
  • Yuri Burkov After stopping the heart, he did not lose touch with the outside world, and after returning to life, the first thing was asked by his wife, whether she found the lost keys, which was not told about the woman in a panic. In a few years, after a few years, being with my wife, the bed of a sick son, which the doctors put a deadly diagnosis, predicted that the Son would not die now and he was given a year of life - the prediction came true with absolute accuracy.
  • Anna R. During clinical death, a dazzling bright light and a corridor leading to infinity was observed, in which successfully conducted resuscitation procedures did not give dead.

The saints, prophets and martyrs, which with sufficient accuracy predict not only global world events, but also the future of a particular person, can be said as real facts. This gives reason to believe that the afterlife exists, as our dead people live in it, inhabiting the material world remains unknown. These knowledge is beyond the understanding of a person, and remind of other cases of the past world.

A loss close man - It is always a tragedy with which it is not easy to accept. Therefore, many are interested in the question: can the soul of the deceased come to visit? After all, we often feel not only on spiritual, but at the physical level we feel that a deceased relative or a close friend came to us.

Moreover, sometimes such "visits" can have sufficiently significant confirmations in the form of odors, movements of objects, dreams, music, numbers. In connection with the increasing issues on this topic, we decided to tell a little more in more detail about how the criteria and signs you can determine the presence of the soul that recently left this world of relative or a familiar person.

How they are associated with the deceased with relatives

The smell is one of the options of how the dead with relatives are associated. After all, often close people are associated with a certain smell. The aroma of toilet water or his beloved dishes of the deceased, the smell of cigarette smoke - all this can speak in favor of the fact that the deceased native man is near.

In addition, our sensations can tell us that the soul of the deceased is near, no matter how implausible it did not sound. You ask: how are the souls of the dead with their relatives? We answer: With the help of light touches to the hair, strokes or even kisses that we feel.

And how often does that musical composition be played on radio or television, which is associated with a person you lost? Coincidence? And if the melody sound starts at the moment when you think about this person? It is possible that it is messages from the dead, from those who are dear to you, despite the fact that there are no longer there and will not be near.

The dead comes in a dream

Losing a loved one, we want to meet him at least in a dream. But when the dead comes in a dream, we are afraid, considering that in this way he is trying warn us about danger. Sometimes, indeed, the soul of the deceased wants to warn us from the rash step.

Or can the soul of the deceased come to visit a dream in a dream to just say that everything is good, what time to let go (or her) and live on? Or the dead come in a dream, because the living constantly think of their loss, about those dawn and sunsets that spent together? This option is also impossible to exclude.

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Souls of the dead see us

Many believe that the souls of the dead see us, they are watching our lives. And if we become on a dangerous way, if we need support and advice, may sign signswhich can tell a person how to solve or not get into one or another dangerous situation.

It may be the loss and appearance of items in the most unpredictable places. You remember exactly what the ring was put on the coffee table, and an hour later it was not there, although in the apartment, except for you, there was no one.

Sometimes it is possible to observe and not amenable logic picture - move objects (For example, a mug can move without assistance on the table). What is it: scattered or presence of a deceased person?

The fact that the souls of the dead see us, sometimes come to guests alive and try to contact us may testify and. So, there may be no interference when watching the TV, the flickering of light can be observed. Moreover, electrical appliances can also be turned on and off.

But this is not all: there is information and about strange calls "from that light." There may be calls to the phone of relatives or friends or even coming sms from the phone of the deceased, which has long been disconnected.

Communication of the dead with relatives

In a dream (and in reality), the connection of the dead with relatives can be carried out by means of numbers from which codes, anagram and other messages can be drawn up.

At the same time, the figures used are often very significant for those who left our Breen World. I wonder what these numbers can both dream relatives and surround them in everyday life As signs that only need to learn how to read correctly.

Many are interested in the question: Can the soul of the deceased come to visit the animal? There are quite a few cases when, after the death of a close man, relatives were found under their cats or dogs. Thus, the soul of the dead gives to know that they are near that they protect and protect from troubles and misfortunes.

In addition, if your pet begins to behave restless or strange, especially if you have further observed several signs described above, then think about what it may be the soul of someone who recently left this world maybe Your deceased relative or a person close to you. And sometimes even the one, about whose death you have not already knew.

Of course, as a result, believe in whether the soul of a deceased person can come to visit to living people or not - everyone's work! It is important in any case to remember that life continues that after the rain always shines the sun, and after winter it comes in spring. And, most likely, the deceased person came to say goodbye and let you go to a new independent life!

Also release both those who too strongly hold on this land with their experiences, even if it is very difficult, but after that, you probably and your soul left this land of a close person will be much better and easier to continue your future path. What we strongly recommend and advise you.

Also, if you recently happened a similar event in life, you can additionally get acquainted on our portal and video channel with how to spend correctly, and even from the day of death. And also we advise you to learn more, according to Slavic, and traditions, and many other useful materials on self-development.

The afterlife and its uncertainty is something that most often leads a person to reflections on God and the Church. After all, by the teaching Orthodox church And any other Christian doctrines, the soul of a person - is immortal and she, unlike the body, exists forever.

The person is always interested in the question, what will happen to him after death, where will he go? Answers to these questions can be found in the teachings of the church.

Soul after the death of a body envelope awaits the court of God

Death and Christian

Death always remains a certain permanent satellite of a person: loved friends, celebrities, relatives and all these losses are forced to think about what will happen when this guest comes to me? The attitude towards the end largely determines the flow of human life - the expectation of her painfully or a person lived such a life that at any moment she was ready to appear before the Creator.

Read about the afterlife in Orthodoxy:

The desire does not think about it, having embraced from thoughts - this is the wrong approach, because then life ceases to be value.

Christians believe that God gave a person an eternal soul, in contrast to a pulled body. And this determines the flow of all Christian life - after all, the soul does not disappear, which means it will definitely be seen with the Creator and will answer for each business. It constantly holds a believer in a tone, without allowing you to live thoughtless days. Death in Christianity is a kind of transition from life worldly to heavenlyAnd here's where the spirit to go after this intersection directly depends on the quality of life on Earth.

Orthodox asceticism has in his writings "Memory mortal" - constant retention in thoughts The concept of the end of the worldly existence and expectation of the transition to eternity. That is why Christians are subject to meaningful life, not allowing themselves to spend moments.

Approaching death from such a point of view, is not a terrible, but quite logical and expected action, joyful. As the old man said Iosif Watopedsky: "I have come to the train, and he does not come."

First days after care

Orthodoxy has a special concept of the first days in the afterlime world. This is not a strict dogmat of faith, but the position that the Synod adheres to.

Death in Christianity is a kind of transition from life worldly to heavenly

Special days After death, considered:

  1. The third - This is a traditional mom's day. This time is spiritually connected with the resurrection of Christ, which happened on the third day. St. Isidore Pelusid writes that the process of the resurrection of Christ took 3 days, from here and the idea was formed that the human spirit also goes to eternal life on the third day. Other authors write that the number 3 is of particular importance, it is called God's number and it symbolizes faith in the Holy Trinity, so it is necessary to remember the person on this day. It is in the paneir of the third day that the Triune God is asked to let go of the deceased sins and forgive;
  2. Ninth - Another day to remember the dead. St. Simeon Solunsky wrote about this day as a time to remember 9 angelic ranks, to which the spirit of the deceased can be counted. It is so many days that the soul of the deceased for the complete awareness of his transition is given. This mentions St. Paisius in his writings, comparing a sinner with a drunkard, which during this period runs. During this period, the soul is humbled with his transition and says goodbye to a worldly life;
  3. Fortieth - This is a special day of commemoration, because according to the legends of St. Solunsky, this number is of particular importance, because Christ on the 40th day was ascended, it means that the deceased on this day appears to the Lord. Also, the people of Israel mourned its leader Moses exactly. On this day, it should not only sound the prayer-postposition of mercy for the depled of God, but also a fortyst.
Important! The first month, which includes these three days, is extremely important for loved ones - they are humbled with loss and begin to learn to live without a loved one.

The three dates are necessary for special memories and prayers of the past. During this period, their hot prayers for the deceased will be informed to the Lord and, in accordance with the teachings of the Church, may affect the final decision of the Creator regarding the soul.

Where the spirit of man is sent after life

Where exactly is the spirit of the deceased? There is no accurate answer to this question, because it is a mystery hidden from man by the Lord. Everyone finds out the answer to this question after its rest. The only thing that is exactly known is the transition of human spirit from one state to another - from the worldly body to the eternal spirit.

Only the Lord can determine the place of perpetual stay of the soul

It is much more important here to learn not "where", but "to whom", because it does not matter where the person will be after, the main thing with the Lord?

Christians believe that after the transition to eternity, the Lord causes a person to court, where he defines the place of eternal stay - heaven with angels and other believers, or hell, with sinners and demons.

The teachings of the Orthodox Church says that only the Lord can determine the place of the eternal stay of the soul and no one can affect his sovereign will. This decision is the answer to the life of the soul in the body and its actions. What did she choose during life: good or evil, repentance or proud exceeding, mercy or cruelty? Only a person's deeds define the eternal stay and the Lord judges them.

According to the book, the revelation of John of Zlatoust can conclude that the human race is waiting for two ships - individual for every soul, and common when all the dead will resurrect after the end of the world. Orthodox theologians are convinced that in the period between an individual court and the general, the soul has the opportunity to change their sentence, on the prayers of their loved ones, good deeds who are creating in his memory, memories in Divine Liturgy and a commemoration with the alignment.


The Orthodox Church believes that the Spirit on the way to the throne of God is undergoing certain nuclearities or tests. Traditions of the Holy Fathers say that Naitaria is in charge of evil spirits, which are forced to doubt their own salvation, in the Lord or his victim.

The word of Naitaria comes from the ancient Russian "soot" - the place of collecting fines. That is, the Spirit must pay a fine or be tested by some sins. Help this test can own virtues who have succeeded, being on earth.

From a spiritual point of view, this is not a tribute to the Lord, but the full awareness and recognition of the whole thing that the man tormented in life and with which he failed to fully cope. Only hope for Christ and His mercy can help the soul to overcome this feature.

The Orthodox Lives of Saints contain many descriptions of Naparactions. Their stories are extremely bright and written in sufficient detail so that you can vividly imagine all the pictures described.

Icon of the icon of the blissful feodora

Special detailed description can be found in sv. Vasily new, in his life, which contains the story of the Blessed Feodora about her Naitaria. She mentions 20 tests of sins, including:

  • the word - it can heal or kill, it is the beginning of the world, according to the Gospel of John. Sins, which are contained in the Word not empty statements, they have the same sin, as well as material, perfect actions. There is no difference between changing her husband or say about it out loud, dreaming - sin the same. Such sins include rudeness, obscenity, trigger, incitement, blasphemy;
  • lies or deception - any fault that has been told by man there is a sin. This also includes perjury and oath, which are serious sins, as well as a dishonest court and body kit;
  • czechodie is not only the secret of his abdomen, but also any pocking of the carnal passion: drunkenness, nicotine addiction or narcotic;
  • laziness, together with Haltur and Tunesthood;
  • theft is any act, the consequence of which is the assignment of others, to treat here: theft, fraud, fraud, etc.;
  • measurement is not only greed, but also a thoughtless compassion of everything, i.e. Storage. This category includes bribery, and refusal to alms, as well as extortion and laminate;
  • envy - visual theft and greed to someone else;
  • pride and anger - they destroy the soul;
  • murder - both verbal and material, bringing to suicide and abortion;
  • divination - Appeal to grandmas or psychics there is a sin, it is written in Scripture;
  • looking - these are any lustful actions: view pornography, rugberobride, erotic fantasies, etc.;
  • adultery and soda sins.
Important! For the Lord there is no concept of death, the Spirit only passes from the material world to the intangible. But what it will appear before the Creator depends only on its actions and solutions in the world.

Recommend days

This includes not only the first three important days (the third, ninth and forty), but any holidays and simple days, when the closest remembers remember him.

Read about the prayer for the deceased:

The word "commemoration" means compounds, i.e. memory. And first of all, it is a prayer, and not just a thought or bitterness from separation from the dead.

Tip! Prayer is committed in requiring mercy from the Creator for the deceased and justify him, even if he did not deserve himself. According to the canons of the Orthodox Church, the Lord can change its decision about the dead if it is actively praying and asking for his close, committing alms and good deeds in his memory.

It is especially important to make it in the first month and the 40th day when the soul appears before God. For all 40 days, Sorokoust is read, on prayer every day, and a funeral service is ordered in special days. Together with prayer, loved ones at these days the church and the cemetery are served by alms and distribute a commemorative treat in memory of the deceased. Such memorial dates include the following anniversary of death, as well as special church holidays to remember the dead.

Holy Fathers also write that the deeds and good matters of living may also cause the change in God's sentence to the deceased. The afterlife is full of secrets and mysteries, none of the living exactly knows nothing about it. But the worldly path of each is the indicator that may indicate the place in which the Spirit of a person will hold all eternity.

What is Nataria? Archpriest Vladimir Golovin

Do you see dead relatives? Such a problem worries many who lose their loved ones. Believers are convinced, a person's life continues, only in another form. Orthodox claim that a person can go to hell or paradise, depending on whether he followed the main Christian commandments. In this article we will tell you what theories about life after death are whether the grain of truth is in them.

Scientific fact

Problem, whether the dead relatives see us, even scientists took care. At the same time, it is worth recognizing that the conclusions to which they came are not so unequivocal and categorical, according to skeptics and convinced atheists.

For example, in 2012, curious scientific facts appeared. Whether the deceased relatives see us, experts in the field of quantum physics were investigated. In particular, numerous media reported that scientists managed to find out where the man's soul was going on after death.

Specialists from Great Britain and American University Arizona stated that they managed to understand why people see black and long tunnels with light at the end, as well as their own long-dead relatives. In their opinion, such visions appear at a moment when a man's soul leaves the body, going to the expanses of the universe.

Study of near-themeal experience

Scientists investigated the near-themeal experience with which people who have undergone clinical death. These patients told that at the same time they met with their long-dead relatives, and their own body was observed by. Prior to this, it was believed that it was a brain reaction that faces oxygen starvation, some areas begin to die in it.

British and American scientists came to a completely different conclusion, when they studied this experience from the point of view of the quantum theory of consciousness. They found out that the human soul is contained in certain structures of our body. They were called microchannels or microtubes. They are in brain cells. When a person see such pictures when death sees, it is explained by the effect of quantum gravity, which develops in microtubes. The soul gradually leaves nervous system, becoming part of the universe.

It is noteworthy that this point of view coincides with the ideas about the afterlife of Krishnaitov and Buddhists. They also believe that the soul of the deceased person becomes part of the Universe, and later returns to the world as a result of reincarnation.

What do the dead after death see?

If you contact the options that offer world religions, they can be divided into two groups.

Representatives first argue that after the death of a person is waiting for eternal bliss in some other place, and the rest are convinced that the soul is reborn.

It is noteworthy that in each of these options there is an opportunity to see the living after the death.

Uses, whether the dead relatives see us after death, some argue that dreams are served by confirmation. After all, completely unknown people appear in them, who in a dream communicate with you as if they have known for many years.

Meeting in a dream

There is an opinion that these are people we met during the day. You do not know them, did not remember, but for some reason they were deposited in your subconscious.

There is another version. As if it is your dead relatives visiting you in dreams. They themselves have already switched to another world, but sometimes they have the opportunity to see you, and you are them.

At the same time it is believed that they say from parallel reality. In this situation, it is safe to argue that this is one of the few ways to communicate between souls. According to this version, it will obviously see the dead of their living relatives.

Help from heaven

According to another version, a person was in a different world. In heaven or in Nirvana - no matter. The value is that this is an ephemeral reality in which the soul is connected with a common mind.

Such a person receives a large number of new features that were previously unavailable. At the same time, it is still associated with common experiences and emotional bonds with those who stayed alive. Answering the question, see and hear the deceased relatives, supporters of this theory are convinced that they are capable not only for it, but also try to help in one way or another.

You can find a lot of evidence how deceased friends or loved ones warned those who live about the future dangers, advised how to act in a difficult situation.

Of course, you can write everything with intuition. But why do we face images of dead relatives? There is no logical answer to this question.

Are both versions?

Finally, there is a third option when you try to answer the question whether the dead relatives see us. It can be argued that both of the above versions are correct.

In this case, it turns out that after death, a person turns out to be in a different world in which he is gracious while he has, to whom to help alive. He remains there, while he lives in a cross-either subconscious. But since the memory of human is not eternal, sooner or later the last relative or descendant dies, who knew him.

After that, the dead is reborn to start a new cycle. Get a new family and acquaintances, repeat this circle again.


Objacing that it is generally capable of seeing a person after death, you can come to the conclusion that in front of the overweight itself there comes a certain state of Qatarsis. This is the limit of physical suffering when the thought begins to gradually fluff, until it falls finally. Often the last thing a person hears is the words of a doctor about a heart stop.

At the next stage, a person begins to observe from the side of his body. At the same time, he most often hangs a few meters above the ground, sees how doctors save him, trying to return to life. What happened to him, he finally understands only when everything calms down.

The man after that hesitates with the current situation, realizing that he was now a new way. The path to another world, from which he will be able to watch his relatives for a while, help them and maintain in a difficult moment.

What does our soul sees?

Objoring whether we see our souls of dead relatives, you need to understand that in this case we are talking about what the human soul can see. It is believed that the consciousness of a person concentrates, turning into a religious shell, at the moment when he finally arms with death, taking it.

Up to this point, his spiritual body looks like the same as physical. But after he understands that the peculiar shackles fall from it, the power of gravity no longer has the power over it, the body begins its transformation, losing the usual eye of the outline.

Then begin to appear around the soul of the dead before the relatives. In this situation, they tend us to support us to make it easier for a person to go to the next stage of its existence.

When the soul begins to move, it is believed that a strange creature appears in front of it, which is impossible to describe in words. You can only understand that the love of tremendous power comes from it.

Among those who have suffered a clinical death, having visited this face, there is an opinion that this is the very first of our ancestor, from which all people have occurred on earth. He is always in a hurry to help anything else not understanding the dead. This creature begins to communicate, asking questions, but not a voice, but by images. In these moments, a person sees the whole life in front of him, only in reverse order.

At Barier

It was then that awareness comes that the approach to a certain barrier took place. It may not be visible, but it is already felt. If you argue logically, believers come to the conclusion that it is an obstacle that separates the world of the dead from the world of living. What is happening for her is unknown to anyone from now living. You can only guess this, build various versions and assumptions.

Now it is clear whether the dead relatives see us. Obviously, they are not only able to observe us, but also have an impact on the loved ones remaining on Earth, help them, give delivel advice.

Having considered all versions that today exist, believers argue that the dead can really see us.

Mysticism in the life of children

If adults see their dead relatives quite rarely, exclusively in critical situations, then stories about small children who felt the connection with the other world, much more.

In such a situation, it is important to figure out that this is a prank or irrepressible fantasy. Can children see dead relatives?

Skeptics and atheists assure that the case is in an excessive impressionability of babies. After all, it is especially often happening with relatives who knew the children well and remember. In the event of their death, they begin to fantasize, imagining that they are again to them, as in life, play with them, tell fairy tales, ride.

Of course, to unambiguously answer whether the children of the souls of the dead relatives are seen, it is impossible. Among the believers is considered abnormal when his relative who went into the world is different, without any particular need. It is one thing when it hurries from that light to warn about the coming misfortune or give a vital advice. A completely different situation when the soul comes only to play with the baby.

It is believed that in this position, the most correct decision will go to the priest. The probability is high, which is not your relative, but demons or fallen souls that shagitate in this way. The child must be mounted, the house is better to consecrate.

It is not necessary to encourage if with a child and in the family does not happen bad. Deams are very cunning, only the priest will be able to give a good advice, how to act in such a situation.

If the baby really is the recently deceased relative, then the service should be ordered. Apparently, his soul is not able to find peace on that light. It is important to bust the soul of the deceased so that no trouble is neither the child or his relatives.

Life on earth of each individual is only a segment of the path in the material embodiment, designed for the evolutionary development of the spiritual level. Where does the deceased, as the soul fall leave the body after death and what does a person feel when moving to another reality? This is one of the exciting and most discussed topics throughout the existence of humanity. Orthodoxy and other religions indicate the afterlime world in different ways. In addition to the opinion of representatives of various religions, there are also witness of eyewitnesses who survived the state of clinical death.

What happens to man when he dies

Death is an irreversible biological process, in which the vital activity of the human body is terminated. At the stage of dying of the physical shell, all the exchange processes of the brain, heartbeat and respiration occurs. Approx at that moment the thin astral body, called the soul, leaves the talked human shell.

Where the soul leaves after death

As a soul leaves the body after biological death and where it rushes - the question that interests many people, especially old age. Death is the end of being in the material world, but for an immortal spiritual essence, this process is only a change of reality, so considers Orthodoxy. On the topic where the soul of man is sent after death, many discussions are being conducted.

Representatives of Abrahamian religions tell about "paradise" and "hell" in which the souls fall forever, according to their efforts. Slavs, whose religion is called Orthodoxy, because they are planted "right", they adhere to the beliefs about the possibility of rebirthing the soul. The theory of reincarnation is preached and followers of the Buddha. It can be unambiguously to argue that leaving the material shell, the astral body continues to "live", but in another dimension.

Where is the shower of the deceased to 40 days

Our ancestors believed, and now living Slavs to this day believe that when the soul leaves the body after death, it is 40 days where there lived in the earthly incarnation. The dead attracts the places and the people with whom he was associated with life. The spiritual substance that left the physical body, the entire forty-day term "says goodbye" with relatives and house. When the fortieth comes, the Slavs are made to arrange the shoes of the soul on the "that light".

Third day after death

Many centuries there is a tradition, to bury the deceased three days after the death of a physical body has occurred. It is the opinion that only at the end of the three-day period there is a separation of the soul from the body, everything is completely broken life energies. After the three-day sense, the spiritual component of a person, accompanied by an angel, is sent to another world, where her fate will be determined.

For 9 days

There are several versions of what makes the soul after the death of the physical body for the ninth day. According to religious figures of the Old Testament cult, the spiritual substance after the expiration of the nine-day period after the audit is taking place. Some sources adhere to theories that the delicious body leaves "flesh" (subconscious) on the ninth day. This action takes place after which he had rested "spirit" (superconscious) and "soul" (consciousness).

What does man feel after death

Circumstances from life can be absolutely different: the natural end of old age, violent death or because of illness. Following the soul leaves the body after death, according to the evidence of eyewitnesses of those who experienced to whom, the etheric twin will have to undergo certain stages. People who returned from the "Le Light" often describe similar vision and sensations.

After a person dies, he does not immediately fall into the afterlife. Some souls, having lost their physical shell, first do not realize what is happening. Special vision, the spiritual essence "sees" his immobilized body and only then understands that life in the material world is over. After emotional shock, having resigned up with his fate, the spiritual substance begins to explore a new space.

Many at the time of the change of reality, referred to as death, are surprised that they remain in the individual consciousness, to which they are accustomed to earthly life. The surviving witnesses of the afterlife argue that the life of the soul after the death of the body is filled with bliss, so if you have to return to the physical body, it is reluctant. However, not everyone feel tranquility and peace of reality. Some, returning from the "Le Light," talk about the feeling of the rapid fall, after which they turned out to be in a place filled with fear and suffering.

Peace and calm

Different eyewitnesses communicate with some differences, but more than 60% of reanimated, testify to a meeting with an amazing source emitting incredible light and perfect bliss. One of this space identity is represented by the Creator, another - Jesus Christ, the Third - Angel. It distinguishes this unusually bright creation consisting of pure light, the fact that in his presence the human soul feels a comprehensive love and absolute understanding.


At the moment when a person dies, he can hear an unpleasant hum, buzzing, loud ringing, noise as if from wind, crackling and other sound manifestations. Sounds are sometimes accompanied by the movement at a huge speed on the tunnel, after which the soul falls into a different space. A strange sound is not always accompanied by a person who is on her deathbed, sometimes you can hear the voices of deceased relatives or an incomprehensible "speech" of angels.

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