
What are the best cat names. Russian nicknames for girls' cats.

The appearance in the house of a new pet - a small cat - is a bright event, which is associated with pleasant memories and previously unfamiliar impressions. However, this period can be overshadowed by the fact that the owners cannot decide on a name for the new "family member". In some cases, the owner knows in advance how the pet will be named, but often the choice of a name for the cat develops into heated arguments or long thoughts. So that the process of choosing girls does not make the owners feel nervous and worried once again, they should adhere to the recommendations highlighted in this article.

It should be understood that the names for girls' cats should be simple and sonorous. This rule is due to several factors. Firstly, choosing a simple nickname for a cat, the owner himself will not experience difficulties with pronunciation, and the pet will quickly learn to remember its name. The second factor is due to the peculiarities of feline perception - it is easier for animals to remember sonorous nicknames, which consist of several syllables.

The sonorous nicknames for kittens of girls, presented below, can be called successful:

Such nicknames are distinguished by easy pronunciation and a small number of syllables. Cats quickly perceive them by ear and easily get used to their nicknames.

Is it worth leaving the complex nicknames recorded in the pedigree?

Pedigree cats bred in professional catteries can have a complex name consisting of several words. In addition to the fact that the name in the pedigree is distinguished by splendor and pomp, it can also have a complex pronunciation. For example, they give English names, Burmese and Siamese - oriental, and oriental breeds - Arabic nicknames. It should be understood that the difficult name for a cat girl - Beatrice Lionella Camilla Amelgton sounds beautiful, but it is very difficult to pronounce it. Therefore, such a nickname is recommended to be shortened. The owner can keep the name indicated in the pedigree, but he should use a simpler form of the nickname in everyday life - Busya, Kami, Lily, etc.

The abbreviated nickname will allow the pet to learn to identify its name, while during participation in exhibitions, the full nickname for the female cat, indicated in the documents and assigned in the cattery by the breeders, can be used.

Choosing a name by the nature of the pet

Among people, there are many prejudices associated with how a name affects the fate and character of its owner, therefore, the owners treat the process of choosing a nickname for a pet with great responsibility. Like a person, a cat is given a name once for a lifetime, so it should embody its character and manners. Of course, when the cat is only a few months old, it is difficult to understand what her character will be in the future. However, you can take a closer look at the habits of the animal and note its unique character traits.

If the owner does not know how to call the cat a girl, then he should pay attention to her behavior. So, the following nicknames are suitable for active and playful cats:

Calm cats who like to laze on the couch should be given a nickname from the following list:

  • Sonya;
  • FIFA;
  • Sissy;
  • Murlena;
  • Weasel;
  • Suzy;
  • Sweetheart;
  • Lyalya, etc.

For majestic, proud cats who display superiority and arrogance in their entire appearance, choose appropriate names. It can be a nickname for a cat for a girl, chosen from the options below:

Thus, you can pick up names for vociferous, quiet, timid, fearful cats. The main thing is to show imagination and be creative in choosing a name.

The influence of a cat's appearance on the choice of a nickname

The nickname can also reflect the appearance of the pet. The easiest option would be to choose a name in accordance with the color of the cat's coat. So, mysterious tricolor cats can proudly bear the name Zlata, Zara, Aurella, Rufina, while the nicknames for cats of gray girls can be chosen among the following options - Haze, Cinera, Gray, Cinderella, Cinderella, etc. If the owner does not know, how to call a black cat a girl, he can pay attention to the following nicknames - Panther, Bagheera, Find, Mavra, Smokey, Isis, Lilith.

For light cats, the following nicknames are suitable: Bela, Snezhinka, Winter, Vesta, Zefirka, Perla, Pastila, Blondie, White, Zhemchuzhinka, Lana, Milka, Vanilla.

You can pick up girls with apricot or red hair: Abrikoska, Caramel, Pumpkin, Cinnamon, Zara, Goldie, Amber.

Similarly, it is worth choosing nicknames for cats of other colors.

How to reflect in the name the belonging of a cat to a particular breed?

V last years cats of rare exotic breeds... Buyers are willing to pay big bucks to get a "show" or "breed" class kitty. Accordingly, the choice of a name for pedigree cats is a whole ritual, during which the the best option nicknames.

Owners who have acquired a rare expensive cat from the cattery can draw inspiration from studying the origin of the pet's breed. Before deciding on a specific name, they should learn a little about the history of the breed and come up with a unique name. For example, the owners of Persian breeds can pick up unusual names for girls' cats from Eastern folklore - Ali, Jasmine, Laila, Perseus, Zakhara, etc. etc.

British cats are distinguished by consistency and English tact, so the popular names for cats of girls of this breed are represented by the following list:

They are of noble origin. This breed is especially respected in Arab countries, so you can choose a name for a cat among the pantheon of oriental goddesses or ancient rulers.

The following nicknames will sound original:

If a Siamese cat lives in the house, and the owner still does not know how to call a cat a girl with a beautiful name, then he can pay attention to the following options:

Traditional Slavic names

Some owners want to choose a traditional Slavic name for the cat, so they study folklore, old epics and legends in the hope of finding beautiful Russian nicknames for girls' cats among the nicknames of fairytale and mythological characters. These can be names such as Bereginya, Lada, Mokosh, Vesta, Lelya, Moranda, etc. You can also name a cat popular name Murka, Zosya, Mashka, Frosya, Varya, Dusya, etc.

By choosing Russian names for girls' cats, owners can also show originality and creativity.

If the owner is attracted by the idea of ​​naming the cat after the Russian heroine folk tale, then he can pay attention to the following options:

Vasilisa, Martha, Dunyasha, Varvara, Krasa, Milolika, Akulina, Marfushechka-Dushechka, Lyubava, etc. If the proposed Russian cat names for girls do not suit the owner, he can independently select the material and choose the most suitable and harmonious name for his pet. In this process, reference books and books with references to Slavic traditional names will help him.

What mistakes should not be made when choosing a name?

If the owner of the pet has studied the information on how to call a cat a girl, then he probably knows that there are some rules for choosing nicknames. As mentioned above, the name for a cat should not be complicated and difficult to pronounce. However, there are a number of other rules as well.

It is believed that the presence of hissing sounds in a nickname makes it more acceptable for a cat, so you should not give up nicknames that have hissing letters - s, w, h, sch, c.

With the right approach, the process of choosing a name for a pet can turn into an exciting and entertaining activity that can involve all family members. To choose a truly worthy name, each household member should write down popular names for girls' cats that they like, which are suitable for a new pet. Then you should gradually narrow the list, crossing out inappropriate nicknames. As a result, the family will receive a small list of names, among which it will remain to choose the perfect nickname. A good nickname should be easy to remember, easy to pronounce and attract the cat's attention.

It is worth remembering that choosing a name should not be made in a hurry. The decision to name the cat while the pet lives in the new house will be quite justified. Thus, the owners will have the opportunity to observe the pet and gain time to select the most suitable name during that period while the cat is getting used to in an unfamiliar environment.

After the appearance of the kitten, a rather difficult question arises, how to name the pet? I would like to come up with something original and interesting. And here you will be helped to choose a beautiful name for a girl's cat, our list of cat names. You can easily pick up a name from the hundreds provided.


Ada, Aba, Abigel, Ava, Aviadzhi, Agatha, Agasha, Aggi, Agra, Agouti, Addi, Adele, Adea, Aji, Azari, Quince, Ivory, Aigi, Aida, Irene, Iris, Alina, Alice, Alita, Alli, Alri, Alrinida, Alura, Alba, Alva, Alga, Alda, Aldona, Alzhbetta, Alza, Alco, Alcona, Alma, Alta, Alpha, Ambergris, Ameta, Amiga, Anga, Angara, Andra, Angelica, Anza, Ani, Anida, Anita,
Anta, Appa, Aralia, Arbella, Arda, Ardella, Aremo, Arilda, Arima, Arioso, Arisha, Arielsi, Arka, Arlanda, Arleta, Arma, Armita, Arna, Arsinaya, Arta, Harp, Asa, Assal, Assol, Assonita, Asta, Astena, Atava, Atanga, Atika, Aurika, Athena, Afira, Afra, Akhta, Achcha, Aelita, Ayuta, Aya.


Babette, Bava, Bagiro, Bagryanka, Bada, Baida, Bayra, Baka, Bakara, Bara, Barbara, Barco, Barletta, Barney, Young lady, Basta, Basya, Beatrissa, Bega, Bagi, Becky, Bekto, Belka, Bena, Beni, Benka, Benta, Berna, Berry, Berta, Besta-Reta, Beta, Betty, Biwa, Biggie, Bizarta, Billy, Bilda, Bimki, Bina, Binga, Binra, Biotti, Burma, Bitty, Bishka, Biya, Biyanka, Blanka, Boa, Bona, Bonna, Bora, Botti, Bochara, Boyara, Braga, Brada, Brahma, Brozia, Brenta, Brett, Brig, Brig, Brigen, Brigitta, Briza, Brino, Britta, Buka,
Buksa, Bulya, Bumba, Buna, Bursa, Tempest, Busi, Busika, Busa, Bucha, Beauty, Bianca, Bassey, Betty.


Vaga, Vaida, Vaika, War, Vaxa, Walda, Wanda, Vendee, Wanza,
Varda, Varna, Varsha, Vega, Veika, Veysi, Vienna, Venedica, Venus, Venta, Vereda, Verondica, Oars, Spring, Vesta, Westphalia, Veto, Veya, Vivi, Visa, Vizi, Vixie, Vigneta, Violetta, Vira, Virgie, Virta, Vistula, Vista, Vita, Cherry, Vlada, Vlasta, Volga, Wally, Volna, Volta, Volya, Raven, Vtora, Vatigri.


Gabby, Gayda, Gayna, Gamma, Garley, Hekla, Gella, Hera, Gerda, Gidel,
Giselle, Gilla, Gingta, Gears, Gloria, Gokto, Gokta, Greifa, Grana,
Grow, Dreams, Great, Gressy, Grinda, Grona, Guko, Gulka, Gyurza.


Doina, Daza, Daiga, Daima, Daira, Dakki, Dolila, Damka, Dana, Daniello, Danko, Dara, Darga, Darkley, Darta, Devi, Dehira, Desi, Desira, Delta, Dolphin, Deniza, Derika, Dessi, Deya, Joga, Jalmo, Jaggy, Jay, Jackie, Jela, Jelika, Jerry, Jessie, Jessica, Jipsy, Jitta, Gioconda, Jonia, Georgia, Jude, Judy, Julia, Julba, Jumi, Jiella, Diana, Diara, Dixa, Dixie, Dikuma, Dina, Dingo, Ditta, Dolari, Dolly, Share, Don, Dong, Donna, Dorry, Dota, Druza, Haze, Dara, Dune.


Eva, Evita, Jaeger, Egina, Egoza, Ezhenka, Elga, Elika, Elima, Elina, Elka, Elonka, Ena, Enga, Enka, Erika, Erma, Erta, Yesenia, Eshka.


Zhalejka, Zhalli, Jeanette, Zhanna, Zhegira, Zheyda, Zheka, Zhexa, Zella, Zhera, Gervaise, Zheri, Zherika, Gerry, Zhesy, Zhalley, Zheti, Zheya, Vein, Gironde, Josephine, Zholly, Zhuzhi, Zhuzha, Zhuzhu, Zhuiga, Zhulba, Zhulga, Zhulda, Zhulcha, Zhulia, Zhura, Zhurcha, Zhucha, Zhulga, Juliette.


Amusement, Bully, Bunny, Zanga, Zapevka, Zara, Zarri, Zatyka, Zaura, Star, Zeggy, Zenta, Zereta, Zeya, Zylta, Zimushka, Zina, Zinga, Zinta, Zirsa, Zita, Zita, Zitta, Zlata, Zlata, Zolmo, Zone, Zora, Dawn, Zuza, Zuka, Zulma, Zunda, Zura, Zurna, Zuta.


Willow, Ida, Idzhi, Idia, Isis, Isolde, Ilga, Ilida, Ilva, Ilda, Ilto, Ima, Inora, Inga, Indra, Inessa, Inza, Iolissa, Irena, Irgina, Irika, Iriska, Irma, Iskra, Ista, Truth, Eaton.


Kaa, Kada, Kaira, Kalinka, Kalma, Kama, Camellia, Cameo, Kamila, Kana, Kanora, Capa, Drop, Kara, Karda, Karina, Carmen, Curry, Karta, Killer Whale, Kasia, Katayka, Kacha, Kashtanka, Kvinta, Cedar, Kema, Kenarka, Kenta, Kera, Keri, Curty, Kessie, Ket, Keta, Ketris, Ketty, Kzhela, Kidi, Kinga, Kinel, Kitha, Kitri, Clyde, Kledi, Cleopatra, Clique, Claudie, Knop, Button, Cobra, Koda, Codra, Coquette, Cora, Crown, Korra, Korsa, Kosey, Costa, Kreia, Krisa, Kris, Krista, Krieta, Kristi, Kristop, Kroina, Krona, Baby, Kreisy, Xanfa, Doll, Kuna, Capsi, Carey, Carley, Carrie, Kasis, Cat, Catty.


Lavra, Lada, Ladi, Loyga, Laida, Laika, Lime, Laina, Loini, Lakki, Lala, Lally, Lamia, Lana, Lanara, Lange, Landa, Lani, Lanni, Lapa, Larni, Larry, Larma, Larsa, Laska, Lossy, Lasta, Laura, Luffy, Lega, Legra, Leda, Lady, Leila, Lesta, Li-Li, Leakey, Lixie, Limva, Lika, Linda, Lipsi, Lyra, Lyrano, Lirata, Liter, Lova, Loyda, Lolita, Lona, Longa, Londa, Lawrence, Lot, Lotta, Lottie, Lugana, Lutta, Luchaia, Lusha, Larry, Luka, Lutta, Lyalka, Liana.


Maga, Magdalene, Magri, Madeya, Madeleine, Mike, Maina, Myra, Maka, Maxi, Malvina, Malta, Manesta, Marena, Mari, Mariolo, Marion, Marquis, Marno, Marta, Martinka, Marula, Martha, Maura, Mega, Meggie, Copper, Mella, Menta, Mary, Blizzard, Dream, Midi, Miki, Milady, Darling, Milta, Mimi, Mina, Mini, Minnie, Mira, Miranza, Mirta, Mlada, Moyda, Molly, Mona, Monica, Monta, Moreka, Muse, Munti, Murza, Fly, Fly, Maggie, Malla, Ma'am, Maris.


Nabbi, Navara, Nadira, Naira, Naida, Zero, Nani, Nancy, Nara, Narga, Natti, Neva, Nevada, Nevida, Him, Negro, Neda, Neji, Neima, Nelly, Nelma, Nemi, Nera, Nerika, Nerli, Nessie, Nefertiti, Neya, Niva, Niveta, Niger, Nigra, Nika, Nikka, Nikka, Nyxa, Nymph, Nita, Thread, Nitra, Nolly, Nora, Norby, Norma, Note, Notka, Night, Nuxi, Nuncha, Nyukta, Nyarma.


Oda, Odesi, Oji, Ozola, Oida, Oira, Oyto, Oya, Oka, Oksa, Oleri, Opivia, Olympi, Olito, Olli, Olsi, Olvia, Omma, Onega, Onica, Ora, Orna, Orsa, Orta, Osta, Otava, Ottawa, Ophelia, Ocher, Okhta.


Palm, Pandora, Pani, Panna, Panta, Parcella, Patti, Peggy, Pella, Penny, Peri, Song, Pica, Pinga, Pint, Pira, Pita, Pitta, Fir, Bun, Floodplain, Polla, Poldi, Pomp, Kidney, Pride, Prima, Proyda, Psyche, Puva, Puma, Blizzard, Pusi, Paji, Perry.


Rada, Ruddy, Radegunda, Raji, Radiana, Ryda, Roima, Royna, Rocket, Rally, Ralta, Rummy, Rana, Ranta, Rachana, Rachel, Reggie, Rei, Remi, Remina, Rena, Rigona, Reeda, Ricky, Rixa, Riolo, Rifi, Rifka, Rhyme, Ritsa, Razin, Rozka, Roxana, Rolda, Rona, Rhonda, Rosinka, Rochelle, Ruja, Ruzana, Rumba, Rumaila, Runa, Rusta, Ruta, Ruta, Lynx, Red, Reji, Redy, Rem, Russie.


Saba, Sabrina, Saga, Saji, Saida, Sally, Sana, Sanda, Sandra, Sonnet, Sunny, Santa, Sarbona, Sari, Sarma, Sarna, Sayany, Svega, Svir, Sekki, Selga, Selena, Sandy, Sentap, Serena, Setta, Setti, Sibello, Silva, Sina, Singa, Cindy, Signora, Siren, Snyda, Snow, Snezhana, Sulli, Soldo, Sparta, Starkey, Stony, Arrow, Arrow, String, Susani, Suleika, Surena, Susie, Setty, Susana.


Tavi, Tavra, Togira, Tahira, Thais, Taiva, Taiga, Taiza, Mystery, Tolia, Taman, Tomila, Tana, Tango, Tonda, Tara, Tatra, Tegri, Tedda, Tezi, Teila, Bodies, Thames, Tera, Termeri, Terry, Tertsiya, Tessa, Teera,
Tiki, Tim, Timona, Tina, Tinga, Tisza, Titus, Toira, Topsi, Torah, Tosna, Trilli, Troy, Toulouse, Tuma, Turandot, Teza, Tema, Taro, Terry.


Uarda, Uganda, Uda, Uza, Ula, Ulana, Ulinka, Ulla, Ulli, Ulzana, Ulma, Ulmara, Ulfi, Uma, Umka, Scream, Una, Unda, Undine, Unica, Unitka, Uniya, Ureula, Urza, Urma, Ursa, Urta, Usa.


Fabbi, Fabira, Phase, Faina, Fayty, Falika, Fang, Fanny, Fanny, Fanta, Farina, Farri, Fata, Feda, Fairey, Felika, Femika, Feni, Feri, Fairy, Fina, Firm, Fita, Flute, Flena, Fleur, Fleury, Flora, Flori, Fonola, Fortuna, Franta, Francesca, Frau, Frezi, Freud, Fresco, Frida, Friza, Phryne, Fronda, Fruga, Fury.


Haba, Haza, Khaita, Haneta, Hani, Hanko, Hanni, Hara, Harry, Helma, Hemmy, Happy, Hepsi, Khibina, Khiva, Hilda, Hitty, Khlada, Khlolly, Khlonka, Chlora, Chlorella, Chloe, Holly, Honka, Horza, Horta, Juana, Persimmon, Hella, Hapty, Harry.


Tsanta, Tsanto, Tsarina, Tsatsa, Ceza, Censi, Centsa, Cera, Cerri, Cerro, Cesso, Cecilia, Tseia, Cyana, Tsilla, Tsilda, Tsimo, Tsina, Tsinia, Tsinta, Cynthia, Tsiruza, Tsita, Tsitro, Tsonni, Zorna, Tsunto.


Chaga, Chazeta, Chaika, Chayra, Chakki, Turban, Chana, Changa, Chanita, Chanka, Chanuri, Chapa, Chara, Charda, Charen, Charyna, Charita, Enchantress, Chauna, Chacha, Chaya, Cesara, Chase, Chekki, Cherkiza, Chesma, Chiba, Chida, Chika, Chilesta, Chilita, Childa, Chin, Chinara, Chinga, Chinita, Chiolo, Chita, Choira, Choppy, Chudeta, Chunga-changa, Chunya, Chucha.


Shagan, Shaina, Shammi, Shani, Charlotte, Shokhin, Shahinya, Sheilap, Sheina, Shell, Shelda, Rogue, Sherry, Shesta, Shinta, Shipka, Shorda, Shumka, Shurasta, Shusta, Shusha, Shushara.


Ewalda, Eurydiko, Ega, Aegis, Egri, Eji, Ezita, Eira, Eisha, Ekdal, Eksa, Elado, Eleko, Eli, Elite, Ellada, Elos, Elosi, Elba, Elsa, Elfa, Eltso, Emma, ​​Ena, Enalya, Enka, Era, Eri, Erica, Earley, Erna, Ernani, Esta, Esther, Estreliya, Eteri, Etna.


Yuda, Judita, Yuzhana, Yuzo, Yuzaro, Yuzefa, Yucca, Yulona, ​​Yulot, Yuma, Yumara, Yuna, Yunota, Yunessa, Yuniko, Yunoro, Yunga, Yura, Yurga, Yurena, Yurze, Yurma, Yusi, Yusta, Yuta, Yutana, Yufta.


Java, Yaza, Yanga, Yanda, Yanetta, Yanika, Yanka, Yanta, Yara, Yarga.

The choice of a nickname for a pet must be approached very responsibly, since the further fate of the beast depends on it. Choosing a name for your pet, do not rush and while the animal is small, you can rename it even once. You should not give your kitten a long and complicated name, as in most cases it turns into a dissonant and funny contraction. And this in no way matches such a good-natured and at the same time majestic and warlike British.

Also, you do not need to call the beast funny and offensive nicknames. The British understand very well the intonation and mood with which they are addressed. In the future, the animal may become angry at everyone and grow up very aggressive.

Therefore, if you do not know what to call british cat girl, do not rush, but you need to think carefully, because the name of the animal is given for life.

What is the name to give a British kitten

When choosing a name for an animal, you can be guided by various factors. There are several ways to choose a nickname for British kittens.

Character and behavior

If the animal is constantly in motion and does not sit quietly for a minute, then names such as Wagner, Berta, Bams, Greta, Simba, Gerda, Argo, Ulyana or Ulya, Pirate, Agent will suit him.

When British cat The baby is quieter and more calm, and especially if he loves to sleep, then it is better to call him Sonya, Matilda, Perseus, Sofa or Fifa.

For warlike persons, the nicknames Gray, Rex, Perseus, Leva, Hera, Besya, Tiger, Velimira Bullet, Mira are suitable.

Features of the appearance of the animal

Depending on the external characteristics of the animal, its owners do not have to limit themselves in choosing a nickname, it all depends on their imagination and sense of proportion.

For example, if a British kitten has big eyes, you don't need to call him Ooggle-eyed. But such nicknames for the Briton as Fluff, Serebryanka, Kapitoshka, Ryzhik, or even Begemotik are quite appropriate.

A British boy can be given an "aristocratic" royal name - Caesar, Richard, Louis and others.

Given the pedigree

A thoroughbred kitten with a pedigree is given a name in the cattery, however, usually it is rarely used by anyone. Such a name, as a rule, is either abbreviated or even replaced by one that begins with its own letter.

An unconventional approach to choosing a name for a Briton

You can name a British kitten based on your profession or hobbies.


What name to give a British kitten a girl, starting from its sphere professional activity? For example, an artist can name his favorite Palette, Mazila, La Gioconda or Muse. For British boys, names like Easel or Tube are suitable.

And chemists have an even greater choice at their disposal almost the entire periodic table: Wolfram, Franz, Vanadium or Vanadium, Hafn, Bromine. Similarly, you can choose any nickname for your pet, taking into account the specifics and interesting moments of your professional activity.


Focusing on your hobbies, you can name a pet: Bead, Chamomile, Cornflower, Petunia, Beaker, Mers, Lada, Flash, Torrent, Shekel, Evrik.

Passionate moviegoers can give their British kitten the name of their favorite character in a feature or cartoon film.

Also, choosing a name for a British kitten, you can be guided by his gastronomic preferences. For example, such names as Khrustyk, Carrot, Cherry, Peach, Salmon, Trout sound beautiful.

Nominal incidents

And here are a couple of examples from real life how not to call an animal.

The neighbors brought in a black kitten, and since they never had animals in their house, they thought for a long time how to christen a new family member. After much debate, they came to a consensus and decided to name the little British kitten Lubomir. The Briton grew up and began to disappear on the street more often, mastering new territories, and it became more and more difficult for the owners to look for and call him out.

In addition, cats usually do not remember long and complex names and respond better to those in which there are hissing sounds. In the end, the ending -mir disappeared from Lyubomyr and the cat began to be called Lyuba. This is how a British cat with a female name lives with the neighbors.

And here is another story that is not fictional.

A cat named Ivanych lives with my friends. And somehow a distant relative came to them with her husband. Of course, it never occurred to anyone to ask the man for his patronymic, only after a while they learned that the full name of the husband of the relative Stepan Ivanovich was.

Well, while it turned out, the man heard a lot of flattering and interesting things about "his" address, then they will praise him that he went into the tray, and not by, then they will scold that he turned everything upside down or stole a chicken from the table, that is, they will call him, putting cat food in a bowl. And since the friends were not particularly shy in terms of addressing the cat, one can only guess what Stepan Ivanovich felt when he heard that "he" was a bastard or something like that.

Well, when the friends found out the middle name of the man, it was decided to rename Ivanovich to Murzik. So the cat lives now with a new name. And more recently, friends took another new friend to their house. They now take choice more seriously. Anastasia.

We hope this article will help you find a name for your British kitten. After all, it affects the character and further life of the pet.

Names for cats girls with the letter "A"

Ada, Aba, Abi, Abigel, Ablaya, Ava, Avda, Augustina, Aviadzhi, Aurora, Agatha, Agasha, Agatika, Aggi, Agra, Aguti, Agyna, Addi, Adele, Adeya, Ajelika, Aji, Adulina, Azari, Aida, Quince, Ivory, Aigi, Aidana, Ayesha, Aiza, Ayla, Ailisa, Aymara, Aina, Aira, Irene, Iris, Aisa, Aya, Akai, Axal, Shark, Alabama, Alexa, Ali, Alina, Alice, Alicia, Alita, Allie, Alri, Alrinida, Alura, Alba, Alberta, Albina, Alva, Alda, Algetta, Aldona, Alzhbetta, Alza, Alka, Alcona, Alma, Alpa, Alta, Alfa, Alsha, Ama, Ami, Amalia, Amantha, Amarilpi, Ambergris, Ameta, Amiga, Amina, Aminhatepa, Amphitrite, Angara, Anella, Angelica, Anza, Ani, Anida, Anita, Anka, Anna, Anta, Anti, Antonina, Anuka, Anfisa, Anchuta, Appa, Ara, Aragva, Aralia, Arbella, Arvi, Arga, Arda, Ardella, Aremo, Rent, Arzo, Arilda, Arima, Arioso, Arisha, Arielsi, Arka, Arlanda, Arleta, Arma, Armita, Arna, Arsinaya, Arta, Aruncha, Harp, Asa, Asla, Assal, Assol, Assonita, Asta, Astarta, Astena, Astiz, Astrolabe, Asya, Atava, Atanga, Atik a, Auri, Aurika, Athena, Afira, Afra, Aphrodite, Afrosia, Affiliation, Akhta, Achcha, Ashera, Ashugo, Aelik, Aelita, Ayuta, Aya.

Names for cats girls with the letter "B"

Babette, Bava, Bagheera, Bagryanka, Bada, Baida, Baila, Baira, Baka, Bakara, Bucks, Bara, Barbara, Barbatsutsa, Barbie, Barco, Barletta, Barney, Barsa, Barcelona, ​​Barsya, Young lady, Basiko, Bast, Basta, Bastet, Bastila, Bastinda, Basya, Bounty, Buffy, Beatrice, Beatrice, Bega, Bagi, Becky, Bekta, White, Squirrel, Ben, Beny, Benka, Benta, Bereginya, Berna, Berry, Berta, Besta, Bestia, Besya, Beta, Betty, Biwa, Biggie, Bizart, Billy, Bilda, Bimki, Bina, Binga, Binra, Biotti, Burma, Bitts, Bishka, Biya, Biyanka, Blanche, Blanche, Blondie, Boa, Bona, Bonna, Bora, Botti, Bochara, Boyara, Braga, Brada, Brahma, Brotsia, Broochka, Brenta, Brett, Brig, Brig, Brigen, Brigitte, Briza, Brino, Britney, Britta, Armor, Bruceilda, Buka, Buckle, Buxa, Buhl, Bumba, Buna, Bunya, Bursa, Buryska, Tempest, Busi, Busika, Businka, Bussa, Busya, Bucha, Beauty, Bianca, Bella, Bassey, Betty.

Names for cats girls with the letter "B"

Vaga, Vaida, Vaika, Vanilla, Vaxa, Walda, Valkyrie, Vanda, Vendée, Vanza, Varvara, Varda, Varna, Varsha, Vasilisa, Vasyanya, Vasena, Vaflya, Vega, Veika, Veisi, Vienna, Venedica, Venus, Venta, Vereda, Veronica, Oars, Spring, Freckle, Vesta, Westphalia, Veto, Veya, Vivi, Vivien, Visa, Vika, Vicentina, Vixie, Villa Dolores, Vigneta, Violetta, Vira, Virgi, Virta, Vistula, Vista, Vita, Cherry, Vlada, Vlasta, War, Volga, Wally, Wave, Volta, Volya, Raven, Vtora, Vatigri.

Girl cat names starting with G

Gabby, Gayda, Gayna, Gamma, Garley, Geisha, Hekla, Hexa, Gella, Hera, Heraldina, Gerda, Guenhwyvar, Gzhelka, Gidel, Gizel, Gilla, Gingta, Ginka, Girsa, Gita, Glafira, Glasha, Gledia, Gloria, Gladys, Gokto, Gokta, Greif, Grana, Pomegranate, Hot-water bottle, Grisabella, Grissy, Grow, Greza, Great, Gressy, Grinda, Grissy, Grona, Pear, Gryzla, Gudrun, Guko, Gulka, Gyurza.

Girl cat names starting with "D"

Daza, Daiga, Daima, Daina, Daira, Dairin, Daisa, Dhakki, Delilah, Damka, Dana, Daniello, Danko, Dara, Darga, Darkley, Darta, Daphne, Dasha, Devi, Degira, Desi, Desira, Delta, Dolphin, Denise, Derika, Dessie, Deya, Jalma, Jaggy, Jay, Jackie, Jela, Jelika, Jemmo, Jenny, Jerka, Jermona, Jerry, Jessie, Jess, Ginger, Jessica, Jipsy, Gina, Jitta, Gioconda, Jonia, Georgia, Judah, Judy, Julia, Julba, Jumi, Jewella, Diana, Diara, Dixa, Dixie, Dikuma, Dina, Dingo, Ditta, Dolari, Dolly, Dolores, Share, Dona, Donga, Donna, Dora, Dorri, Dosia, Dota, Druza, Dulcinea, Dulia, Dusya, Haze, Dera, Dune.

Girl cat names starting with E

Eva, Evita, Evlana, Europe, Jaeger, Egina, Egoza, Blackberry, Ezhenka, Elga, Elisabeth, Elika, Elima, Elina, Elka, Elonka, Elva, Ena, Enga, Enka, Enca, Erika, Erma, Erta, Yesenia, Efrosinya, Eshka.

Names for cats girls with the letter "Ж"

Jacqueline, Zhalejka, Jalli, Jeanette, Jeanne, Jasmine, Justina, Zhegira, Zheyda, Zheka, Zhexa, Zella, Pearl, Gera, Gervaise, Geri, Zhali, Gerry, Zhesy, Zhesy, Zhety, Zheya, Vein, Gironde, Josephine, Jolly, Zhudi, Zhuzha, Zhuzhu, Zhuiga, Zhulba, Zhulga, Zhulda, Zhulch, Zhulia, Zhura, Zhurcha, Zhucha, Zhuchka, Juliette.

Girl cat names starting with Z

Amusement, Zabina, Bully, Bunny, Zanga, Zapevka, Zara, Zarella, Zarri, Zatyka, Zauri, Zauri, Star, Zeggy, Zenta, Zereta, Zeya, Zylta, Zimushka, Zina, Zinga, Zinta, Zipa, Zyrsa, Zita, Zitta, Zlata, Zlyunya, Snake, Zolma, Zora, Zorka, Zosima, Zosimya, Zosya, Zuza, Zulma, Zunda, Zuta, Zura, Zurna, Zuka, Zurna, Zyulya, Zyunya, Zyupa, Zyura.

Girl cat names starting with I-Y

Willow, Ivita, Ivushka, Igrunya, Ida, Idzhi, Idia, Isabella, Isabelle, Isis, Isolde, Raisin, Raisin, Iksa, Ilga, Ilida, Ilva, Ilda, Ilsa, Ilta, Ilya, Ima, Inora, Inga, Indra, Inessa, Inza, Iolissa, Irena, Irgin, Irika, Iriska, Irlotta, Irma, Iskra, Ista, Truth, Isumboshi, Etona, Iffi, Itsutsu Yoka, Yolanta, Yorlotta.

Girl cat names starting with "K"

Kaa, Kabanka, Cada, Casimira, Kaira, Kalinka, Kalma, Kama, Camellia, Cameo, Camila, Reed, Cana, Canela, Kanora, Capa, Capitolina, Drop, Kappa, Caprice, Kara, Karda, Karina, Karissa, Carmen, Curry, Carolina, Karta, Kasandra, Killer Whale, Cassiopeia, Kasia, Katayka, Katrya, Katzi, Katzen, Katya, Kacha, Kashtanka, Quinta, Cedar, Kema, Kenarka, Kenta, Kera, Keri, Kermisite, Curti, Kessi, Ket, Keta, Ketris, Ketty, Kzhela, Kidi, Kiiza, Keela, Kinga, Kinel, Kipa, Kira, Pussy, Kitty, Kiss, Kitana, Kitana, Kitasia, Kitty, Kitsi, Kitri, Kitty, Kiten, Klyda, Klaya, Klasha, Kledi, Glue, Cleopatra, Klepa, Clique, Claudie, Clotilde, Clary, Cranberry, Blot, Knop, Button, Goat, Koki, Kokimota, Cobra, Koda, Codra, Coquette, Koko, Kolda, Concordia, Kopa, Kora, Cow, Crown, Korra, Corsa, Costa, Kosya, Koshmi, Kryda, Pretty Woman, Kreia, Krisa, Krista, Kristina, Krieta, Kristi, Kristop, Kroina, Krona, Tiny, Kreisy, Rat, Rat, Ksanta, Xantippa, Xantia, Ksanfa, Ksenia, Ksi, Ksiva, Ksyu, Ksyusha, Kuzin a, Kuzya, Cook, Doll, Doll, Corn, Cuckoo, Kulya, Kuna, Kusama, Nippers, Kushimona, Bush, Kusya, Kshisya, Kynya, Kysa, Kysya, Kapsi, Carey, Carly, Carrie, Kasis, Cat, Catty.

Girl cat names starting with L

Lavi, Lavra, Lada, Ladi, Laida, Laika, Laima, Laina, Lytessa, Laichi, Lakki, Lakshmi, Lala, Lally, Lamia, Lana, Lanara, Lange, Landa, Lani, Lanni, Lapa, Laplandia, Larni, Lara, Lari, Lariska, Larma, Larsa, Laska, Lossi, Lasta, Laura, Luffy, Lega, Legra, Leda, Lady, Leila, Lexi, Lyolya, Lesta, Lestat, Leska, Lisa, Li-Li, Liki, Lixie, Liliana, Limva, Lika, Lilian, Lilu, Lina, Linda, Lipa, Lipka, Lipsi, Lipshen, Lyra, Lyrano, Lyrata, Fox, Lisyona, Lisi, Litji, Litzhi, Litra, Lova, Loyga, Loyda, Loini, Lola, Lolita, Lolka, Lona, Longa, Londa, Lawrence, Lot, Lotta, Lottie, Lugana, Louise, Lukerya, Lunita, Lourdes, Lutta, Luchaia, Lusha, Lysya, Larry, Lula, Luca, Lucy, Lucien, Lucinda, Lucy, Lutta, Lyalka, Lyalya, Lyana, Lyapa.

Girl cat names starting with M

Mava, Magician, Magdalene, Magri, Madeya, Madge, Madeleine, Mike, Maina, Myra, Maka, Macedonia, Maxi, Malvina, Malta, Mami, Mommy, Manesta, Manya, Manyasha, Mara, Marena, Margo, Marie, Marina, Mariola, Marion, Maria, Mark, Marquis, Marquis, Marno, Marcela, Marcina, Marta, Martinka, Monkey, Marula, Marusya, Martha, Marsha, Maryska, Masya, Masyanya, Matilda, Matryona, Maura, Mafia, Makha, Masha, Medea, Mega, Mega, Meggie, Medi, Mexico, Melanie, Mella, Melissa, Menta, Mary, Mersa, Blizzard, Dream, Midi, Mika, Mikaela, Mika, Milady, Milena, Miles, Milka, Milli, Darling, Milta, Mile, Mimi, Mina, Minako, Mini, Mininora, Minnie, Mira, Miram, Miranza, Myrtha, Mirchik, Bowl, Mystery, Mitu, Michelle, Miya, Mlada, Mozhi, Capelin, Moida, Molly, Molly, Moth, Mona, Monica, Monta, Moreka, Maurice, Cloudberry, Motrya, Motya, Moshka, Muse, Mulya, Muna, Munti, Munya, Mura, Muranya, Goosebump, Murza, Murzilka, Murka, Murlysya, Murlyashka, Murrkisya, Murchetta, Murysya, Musya Musya, Fly, Musheira, Fly, Medlar, Myrla, Mouse, Mouse, Mute, M Newt, Maggie, Malla, Ma'am, Mary, Maris, Muslya, Muchiro.

Names for cats girls with "N"

Nabbi, Navara, Nadira, Naira, Naida, Naira, Nala, Zero, Nanaka, Nanayka, Nani, Nancy, Naomi, Nara, Narga, Natty, Nebetta, Neva, Nevada, Nevida, Negro, Negra, Negri, Neda, Neji, Sissy, Neyma, Nelly, Nelma, Nemda, Nemi, Nera, Nerika, Nerli, Nessie, Neska, Nefertiti, Neya, Niva, Niveta, Niger, Nigra, Nika, Nikita, Nikita, Nikka, Nyxa, Nymph, Nira, Nisya, Nita, Thread, Nitra, Nola, Nolly, Noldi, Nonya, Nora, Norby, Norgin, Norma, Nota, Notka, Night, Nuxi, Nuncha, Nusya, Nancy, Neshka, Nyukta, Nyurka, Nyurchella, Nyusya, Nyushka, Nyama, Nyarma.

Names for cats girls with the letter "O"

Oda, Odesi, Odemira, Odette, Oji, Ozola, Oida, Oira, Oyto, Oya, Oka, Oksa, Oleri, Olympiada, Opivia, Olympi, Olito, Olli, Olsi, Olfi, Olvia, Omma, Onega, Onica, Ora, Ormella, Orna, Ornella, Ornetta, Orsa, Orta, Osta, Otava, Ottawa, Ophelia, Ocher, Okhta.

Girl cat names starting with P

Paisia, Paloma, Palma, Palmyra, Palfo, Pandora, Pani, Panna, Panta, Panya, Pormo, Parmoti, Parcella, Passy, ​​Passia, Grazing, Patya, Patricia, Patricia, Patti, Peggy, Pelestrina, Pella, Pendoza, Penelope, Penny, Peppa, Peppina, Peri, Song, Pestle, Petrovna, Pica, Pilarka, Pima, Pinga, Pingua, Pint, Pisyuha, Pira, Pita, Pitta, Fir, Splash, Bun, Floodplain, Pocahontas, Polett, Polison, Polla, Poldi, Pomka, Kidney, Pride, Prima, Clothespin, Pass, Psyche, Puva, Puma, Punya, Purga, Pusi, Pusiketa, Pusya, Fluffy, Cannon, Pagi, Perry.

Girl cat names starting with R

Rada, Ruddy, Raji, Radiana, Radma, Razina, Raisa, Ryda, Rocket, Rally, Ralph, Ralta, Rummy, Rana, Ranta, Rachana, Rachel, Reggie, Rei, Remi, Remina, Rena, Rigona, Reed, Rika, Ricky, Rixa, Riola, Risa, Risk, Rifi, Riffi, Rifka, Rhyme, Ritsa, Rich, Rishuni, Rosetta, Rose, Roxana, Rolda, Rona, Rhonda, Dewdrop, Rochelle, Rouge, Ruzhena, Ruzana, Rumba, Rumeila, Runa, Rusta, Ruth, Ruta, Redhead, Lynx, Lynx, Lynx, Red, Reji, Redy, Rem, Russi.

Girl cat names starting with "S"

Saba, Sabrina, Saga, Saji, Saida, Sayda, Sally, Salma, Sana, Sanda, Sandra, Sanguine, Sandra, Sunny, Sansara, Santa, Santana, Sanchita, Sanka, Sarah, Sarbona, Sausage, Sari, Sarma, Sarna, Satan, Safari, Safi, Safira, Saffi, Sayany, Svega, Svenda, Svir, Condensed milk, Sekki, Selga, Selena, Selenga, Sandy, Sentap, Century, Senyava, Seraya, Serena, Serushka, Setta, Setti, Setsuna, Sibello, Sigma, Sykora, Silva, Sylvia, Sima, Simbalista, Simka, Simona, Simonka, Simcha, Simchilla, Sina, Singa, Cindy, Signora, Siren, Sita, Scully, Scarlett, Squeak, Violin, Smoli, Snyda, Snow, Snezhana, Snowflake, Sulli, Soldo, Sonnet, Sonya, Sofa, Sofia, Bipod, Sparta, Spyushka, Old, Starkey, Stephanie, Stephanie, Stesha, Stony, Arrow, Arrow, String, Suzani, Sulamith, Suleika, Suomi, Surena, Antimony, Scylla, Susie, Sessie, Setty, Susana, Susya, Syusha, Syapa.

Names for cats girls with "T"

Tavi, Tavra, Tagira, Taira, Tais, Taiva, Taiga, Taiza, Mystery, Taisha, Takis, Taman, Tamara, Tana, Tango, Slipper, Tara, Tacis, Tasia, Tatra, Tatuli, Thea, Tegri, Tedda, Tezi, Teiki, Teila, Body, Tella, Thames, Tera, Termeri, Terry, Terzia, Tessa, Tessie, Tefi, Teera, Tigra, Tiika, Tiki, Tim, Timon, Tina, Tinga, Tisza, Tita, Tlada, Toira, Tolia, Fat, Fat Lady, Toldi, Toma, Tomila, Tomiris, Tonda, Topsi, Tora, Tosna, Tosca, Tosya, Tosha, Trila, Trilli, Trilba, Trisha, Troy, Tukni, Toulouse, Tuma, Turandot, Tusya, Tuttsi, Cloud, Cloud, Carcass, Tydra, Teza, Tema, Tero, Terry, Tyusya, Tyusha, Tyapa.

Names for cats girls with the letter "U"

Warda, Uganda, Uda, Stung, Uza, Ula, Ulana, Ulinka, Ulla, Ulli, Ulzana, Ulma, Ulmara, Ulfi, Ulsi, Uma, Umka, Scream, Una, Unda, Undine, Unica, Unitka, Uniya, Upa, Ureula, Urza, Urma, Ursa, Urta, Usa, Uta, Ushana, Ushanka.

Girl cat names starting with F

Fabbi, Fabira, Fabricia, Phase, Fazenda, Faina, Fayty, Falika, Falli, Falka, Fang, Fanny, Fanny, Fanta, Fania, Farina, Farri, Fasia, Fata, Faustina, Feda, Fairey, Thekla, Felika, Felicia, Femida, Femika, Fenichka, Feni, Fenya, Feri, Fetisa, Fairy, Phil, Fi-fi, Owl, Fina, Fira, Firm, Fita, Fifa, Chip, Flafi, Flute, Flena, Fleur, Fleury, Flora, Flori, Flash drive, Fonola, Fortuna, Franta, Francesca, Françoise, Frau, Frezi, Freud, Fresco, Frida, Friza, Phryne, Frinch, Fronda, Frosya, Fru-frou, Fruga, Ftusha-kutusha, Fury.

Names for cats girls with the letter "X"

Haba, Khaza, Khaira, Khaita, Khalta, Hamletka, Haneta, Hani, Hanko, Hanni, Hanora, Khara, Harry, Haruka, Hasya, Khvoska, Helga, Helma, Hemmi, Hensi, Happy, Hepsi, Khibina, Khiva, Hikari, Hilda, Hitty, Khlada, Trash, Khlolly, Chlonika, Khlonka, Chlora, Chlorella, Chloe, Hobby, Holly, Honka, Horza, Horta, Hohonya, Piggy, Juana, Persimmon, Hella, Hapty, Harry.

Girl cat names starting with C

Tsampa, Tsanta, Tsanto, Tsarina, Tsapa, Tsatsa, Tseza, Celli, Tsenzi, Tsenta, Cera, Cerri, Cerro, Cesso, Cecilia, Tseya, Cyana, Tsilla, Tsilda, Tsimo, Tsina, Tsinia, Tsinta, Tsintia, Cyrusa, Tsita, Citro, Tsicelia, Tsona, Tsonni, Tsorna, Tsuazel, Tsunto, Tsutsa, Tsypa.

Names for cats girls with the letter "Ч"

Chaga, Chazeta, Chaika, Chayra, Chakki, Turban, Chama, Chana, Changa, Chanita, Chanka, Chanuri, Chapa, Chara, Charda, Charen, Charika, Charina, Charlita, Charlotte, Enchantress, Charoida, Charonka, Charunya, Charusha, Chauna, Chacha, Tea, Cesara, Chase, Chekki, Chelsea, Cherkiza, Black, Nigella, Chernyga, Blackie, Chernyavka, Chesma, Czech, Chiba, Chibi, Chida, Chika, Chilesta, Chilita, Childa, China, Chinara, Chinga, Chinita, Chiolo, Chipa, Chita, Chichiosa, Choira, Choppy, Chuvi, Chudeta, Plague, Chunga-changa, Chunchirella, Chunya, Chucha, Chuchundra.

Girl cat names starting with "W"

Shagan, Shagola, Gang, Shayna, Slut, Shammi, Shani, Shan, Charlotte, Charlotte, Sharma, Shahinya, Shahirezada, Mop, Shvayka, Shadow, Sheila, Shane, Shella, Shelly, Shelda, Rogue, Shelya, Shena, Cher, Sherri, Pole, Shiva, Shinta, Shipka, Effervescent, Shishi, Skoda, Skin, Shmyga, Shorda, Shokhin, Bobbin, Shu, Shumka, Shurasta, Shusta, Joke, Shusha, Shushara, Shady, Shandy.

Names for cats girls with the letter "E"

Ewalda, Evita, Eurydiko, Ega, Aegis, Egri, Eji, Ezita, Eira, Eisha, Ekdal, Ekka, Eksa, Elado, Elaine, Eleko, Eleanor, Eli, Elizabeth, Elizabetti, Alice, Elite, Hellas, Elosa, Elosi, Elba, Elsa, Elfa, Elfi, Eltsa, Ela, Emma, ​​Ena, Enal, Enka, Era, Eri, Erica, Early, Erna, Ernani, Esmeralda, Esta, Esther, Estreliya, Eteri, Etna.

Names for cats girls with the letter "U"

Yu-yu, Yuville, Yuda, Judita, Yuzhana, Yuzo, Yuzaro, Yuzefa, Yucca, Yulissa, Yulona, ​​Yulot, Yulia, Yuma, Yumara, Yuna, Yunota, Yunessa, Yuniko, Yunoro, Junga, Yupi, Yura, Yurga, Yurena, Yurze, Yurma, Yusi, Yusta, Yusya, Yuta, Yutana, Yufa.

Names for cats girls with the letter "I"

Java, Yaza, Yana, Yang, Yanda, Yanetta, Yani-Vesta, Yanika, Yanka, Yanta, Yara, Yarga, Yasya.

Congratulations, you've got a kitty! Now you need to know how to name the cat!
There are many options for cat names! Can be called by a human name, in honor of someone, or just like that. For example, Manya, Lucy, Elya, Asya, or foreign names: Sally, Carey, Britney, Molly.

But many people think that calling animals by human names is not very nice, especially if. There are “special” cat names: Murka, Musya, Maska and others, which, however, are presented in the alphabetical list below.

Cat names alphabetically:

To choose a name for a kitten girl, take a closer look at her.
The cat's appearance, or the distinctive character, habits of your cat will certainly give a suggestive hint. Sometimes the name can be humorous, for example, a baby who sleeps all day can be called Sonya. But here it is important not to overdo it. A funny nickname does not mean offensive.

You can choose a beautiful intricate name for the cat, for example Aphrodite, Penelope, Matilda. There are those who like to call cats funny or even strange names: Herring, Pussy, Kitiket. All the most best options here!

How to name a cat.
How to name a kitten (cat / cat).
How to name a British kitten.
How to name a ginger kitten?
How to name a white kitten.

Names for cats "A"? Angelic names for cats:
Agu, Ananaska, Ananasya, Avdosya, Agnessa, Azazel, Axi, Alexa, Alisa, Alsou, Alaska, Amazonka, Amurka, Angelica, Anfisa (Anfiska), Apa (Apochka), Araratka, Orange, Arisha, Arishka, Harp, Asmik, Assol, Asya, Asta, Asti, Atomanka, Arkhyzka, Amelia, Anfisa (Anfiska, Fiska), Aigul (hot eastern name) and excellent Achillea, Ashanti, Ashwarya, Aelita, Aphrodite.

Names for brilliant girls with the letter "B":
Butterfly, Bagheera (Bagirka), Basya, Baileys, Becky, Blassie, Bleska, Goddess, Bonnie, Bossya, Busi, Bead, Buska, Busya, Buzya, Bug, Buklya, Bulgari, Bulka, Bulya, Bunyasha, Burza, Bixa, Bianca , Baby, Becky, Beisa, Barry, Bertie, Bassey, Beauty or Butka and Bombochka.

Great ideas for funny cats on "B":
Vata, Valencia, Valerian, Vanilla, White, Varvara, Varka, Vasilisa, Velina, Venus, Freckle, Vikki, Victoria, White, Vaxa, Valenka, Valencia, Walda, Valkyrie, Fork, Wilda, Cherry, Yummy, Wella, Wendy.

Harmonious cat names for graceful ladies with the letter "G":
Gasia, Gata, Gafa, Gabby, Gummy, Gambi, Gabriella, Gabrielle, Hawaii, Glamor, Gray, Grisma, Grina, Glasha, Countess, Grace, Gremi, Gremislava, Crouton, Gressy, Grunya, Pear, Sleeve, Guillotine, Gypsy, Gita, Glafira, Grace.

Wonderful D-Names for Precious Cat Girls:
Dakosha, Daikira, Daiquiri, Demi, Money, Jessica, Josephine, Gioconda, Juliet, Jacy, Jusya, Jessie, Japhy, Giel, Gina, Dzinta, Diadem, Dianka, Diva, Dira, Disya, Dita, Melon, Drakoshka, Dusiney Duska, Darling (Dushka), Diana, Dukata, Thumbelina, Dyusha, Donya, Dolka.

The best cat names starting with the letter "E":
Eve, Evdokia, Evlampia, Blackberry, Yolka, Enna, Erika, Evra, Europe, Egoza, Hedgehog.

Cheerful names for the coveted bully with the letter "F":
Jean, Jasmine, Zhasia, Flagellum, Zhezelle, Jacqueline, Janet, Jasmine, Josephine, Priestess, Juliette, Bug, Zhuzha, Julie.

For girls, he also turned on sultry beauties with the letter "Z":
Fun, Bunny, Zuhra, Marshmallow, Ziggy, Zoya, Cinderella, Zosia, Zorya, Zuleika, Zulka, Zelena, Zema, Zemfira, Xena, Zeta, Ziga, Zizi, Zika, Zila, Winter, Zina, Zyusha.

Simply amazing options for graceful cats with the letter "I":
Iola, Yolanda, Jonah, Irbis, Iris, Ivari, Yoshka, Ivette, Isolde, Inessa, Iriska, Isidora, Sparkle, Isya, Ivita, Ivka, Ivsi, Yoga, Yokka, Yoko, Yolanda and Yosya.

Colorful nicknames for women - coquette with the letter "K":
Kama, Kamar, Cameo, Camila, Cola, Capa, Carro, Katilda, Queen, Kenya, Keri, Kessie, Ketana, Keti, Kiki, Kitty, Klessie, Cranberry, Wedge, Clea, Clip, Bedbug, Kloya, Klusha, Blot, Coquette, Sausage, Konsuela, Sweetie, Cinnamon, Queen Krasulya, Ksyunya, Cousin, Kusya, Cassie, Kat, Kim, Kunya, Kurkul, Piece, Piece, Kusya, Kuta, Kutya, Bunch, Kshisya, Kyska, Kysya, Kytya, Katsy , Kathy and Kathie.

Radiant names for affectionate cats on "L":
Lime, Loki, Loxic, Lola, Lolita, Laura, Lisa, Lavender, Ladushka, Swallow, Laura, Leska, Lincy, Lissy, Lurka, Lorca, Lawrence, Lyova, Leda, Lady, Leica, Leila, Lexa, Lady, Lacey, Lucy.

And for fashionistas cats on "M" there are special alluring options:
Manta, Mara, Madessa, Madonna, Mandarin duck, Manu, Maya, Maura, Mafi, Maha, Masha, Manyasha, Mega, Meggi, Megi, Margo, Margosha, Marisol, Marmalade, Marquise, Marusya, Marfusya, Maslinka, Maska, Masya, Matryoshka, Mashka, Melissa, Dream, Mrs, Moxie, Mona, Motya, Monroe, Moskina, Morela, Moishe, Moth, Momo, Mona, Monana, Monica, Monichka, Monroe, Montana, Murkissa, Murcella, Musinda, Mira, Mirabelle, Miranda, Miriya, Mirosha, Mirra, Misa, Misi, Miska, Missy, Musien, Musya, Mia, Blowjob, Merlin, Merry, Mercy, Miaska, Myatka.

Delicate names for irresistible purrs on the letter "H":
Nasya, Nana, Nafanya, Sissy, Forget-me-not, Nancy, Nymph, Ninel, Nora, Nola, Mink, Nura, Nabu, Navi, Nadine, Nadia, Nike, Naysi, Nala, Nana, Nani, Nanochka, Naomi, Nappa, Narcissus, Narcissa, Nasa, Nastya, Nasya, Nata, Natalie, Natasha, Natasha, Naumi, Nafanya, Nafi, Nezha, Nezhka, unknown, Nacy, Neka, Neko, Nectarine, Nelly, Nelsi, Nancy, Nenya, Nessa, Nessie, Nefi, Ney, Niagara, Niebles, Nika, Niki, Nikita, Nicole, Nila, Nilda, Nils, Nilsa, Nymph, Nira, Nisi, Nissa, Thread, Nifa, Nisha, Nomi, Nonna, Nora, Norda, Noris, Mink, Norochka, Sock, Notka, Night, Noya, Naina, Nubi, Nuori, Nuri, Nuta, Nutela, Nutella, Neko, Nancy, Nessie, Nafi, Nyura, Nyusya, Nyusya, Nyusya, Nyuta, Nyusha, Nyama, Nyasha, Nyurka, Nyusya, Nyusha.

Mischievous nicknames for adorable cats on "O":
Ognessa, Audrey, Olivia, Omina, Olka, Osya, Otrada Osya, Monkey, Cloud, Odeville, Odette, Odilia, Audrey, Ozhesika, Ozarina, Ozira, Oksana, Oxy, Octavia, Olesya, Olivia, Olive, Olympia, Omanda, Onica , Onyx, Orik, Orchid, Osaka, Oska, Osya, Otrada, Ophelia, Omar.

Nice names for captivating cats with the letter "P":
Passia, Panochka, Peggy, Persona, Pemi, Penelope, Penny, Penochka, Peola, Pepe, Pepita, Pippi, Pepsi, Pina, Pifa, Pifi, Pinessa, Pinky, Pinny, Pina, Pipa, Perchinka, Petrovna, Polly, Adorable, Princess, Preity, Prima, Pronya, Prosha, Pupsya, Pussy, Pusya, Cannon, Bee, Paris, Puffy, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Bunch, Push, Pusha, Pusha, Puzya.

For decisive and romantic natures with the letter "R":
Joy, Rada, Rafaelka, Rachel, Fatal, Roxana, Roxy, Rochelle, Mermaid, Lynx, Riki, Rina, Rinata, Rintana, Rita, Rusya, Ruta, Ruta, Rufina, Rusha, Ruzanna, Rumata, Rumba, Runa, Rusia, Rachel and Ryushka.

Sunny names for stylish felines in "C":
Sambuca, Summer, Sana, Sander, Sandy, Sandra, Sandrine, Sanechka, Sanita, Sunny, Sansara, Santa, Sabina, Xiaow Mew, Sakura, Sandra, Sara, Silva, Sima, Simona, Simochka, Simka, Sirafima, Siren, Sonechka , Sonya, Sonya, Sorbonne, Sosa, Pacifier, Selena, Celeste, Herring, Celine, Selma, Celta, Sema, Semmy, Semura, Sandy, Senya, Sulfur, Skipi, Skitty, Cream, Sunshine, Sonnet, Sonya, Stasya, Steffy , Stesha, Dragonfly, Stewardess, Drying, Serra, Stisha, Streya, Sessil, Suzanne, Suzy, Suzy, Suksi, Syusha, Syava, Syavka, Syama.

Temperamental cat names for mysterious pussies with the letter "T":
Tishka, Tyapa, Taya, Taisia, Tamarka, Theona, Teresa, Tera, Teresa, Terra, Tesla, Tess, Tigrana, Tiama, Tiberius, Tigla, Timosha, Tina, Tinka, Tinky, Tyra, Tiffany, Toska, Tosya, Tracy, Tropikanka, Tusya, Tuska, Tutsi, tutta, Tutti, Tutya, Tufa, Tuchka Trinity, Trisha, Troika, Troyana, Trynda, Truffle, Tuzya, and Tessi.

Refined options for amazing cats with the letter "U":
Uga, Ulyanka, Whitney, Ulka, Umka, Ursula, Usya, Usha, Urcha, Ucha and Uska.

Fantastic names for enchanting cats with the letter "F":
Fyokla, Faina, Fasolka, Fegi, Fedosya, Felisia, Fenka, Fenya, Fairy, Fi-fi, Violet, Fimka, Fiona, Fiska, Pistachio, Fifa, Fenka, Fenya, Feodosia, Feona, Feofania, Ferrari, Ferrari, Ferrari Feta, Fairy, Thekla, Fia, Fiba, Phoebe, Figa, Fiji, Fica, Fluffy, Flo, Florca, Fortuna, Francisca, Francesca, Frau, Freesia, Frida, Frosya, Maid of honor, Freya, Fuchsi, Fuchsia, Fuska, Funya, Furya, Fusya, Futya, Fufu, Fufu, Fynya, Fendi, Fancy, Fyaka, Fancy.

Good names for fragile cats with "X":
Khadzhi, Hadiza, Happy, Khan, Khavroshechka, Helga, Hilary, Predator, Hani, Chrysanthemum, Christ, Christ, Christa, Chron, Khrum, Piglet, Piggy, Piggy, Piggy, Juanita, Huja, Khusya, Huhta, Hetshi, Khurya.

Blooming variants of names for cats-queens with the letter "C":
Tsarina, Flower, Tsapa, Tsarevna Swan, Tsarina, Tsakha, Tsvetik, Flower, Caesar, Tsesi, Tsesna, Tsivya, Tsiganka, Tsigeyka, Tsilya, Tsinti, Citrus, Tsitsilia, Tsesarevna, Tsushima and Tsiganochka.

Unusual names for cats with the letter "Ш":
Shavi, Shagane, Shakira, Shamina, Shandi, Chanel, Shani, Shankara, Shansi, Chantal, Shanti, Shan, Hat, Shara, Charlize, Charlotte, Charlotte, Sharma, Sharmel, Shasya, Shati, Shatu, Shahirizada, Shash, Sheba, Sheva, Shega, Shedi, Shady, Sheila, Rogue, Sheny, Shenya, Shera, Sheri, Shirley, Sherlock, Sherry, Wool, Shiva, Shiza, Shizya, Sheila, Shilya, Shina, Thorn, Shirley, Shisha, Bumblebee, Shmiga, Shmysya, Hairpin, Veneer, Thing, Shulya, Shuma, Shumi, Shumka, Shuni, Shunya, Shura, Shusya, Shusha, Sheila, Shelley, Shiney, Charlotte, Sherri, Shirley, Sheherizada, Spy, Shokki, Steffi, Shura, Shura, Shusha

Wonderful cat names for bewitching cats with the letter "H":
Seagull, Chukki, Enchantress, Chelita, Chelsea, Chelsya, Chenka, Chenya, Cheri, Blackie, Cherry, Chiquita, Chikki, Chilya, Chinzana, Chio, Chita, Chorri, Chunya and Chuchi.

Energetic nicknames for spectacular moray eels on the letter "E":
Effie, Abby, Eva, Elite, Elana, Eva, Ewalda, Evita, Edita, Edita, Airy, Asy, Eclair, Electra, Ellen, Eliza, Elin, Elina, Ellips, Alice, Ella, Ella, Ella, Elsie, Elvira, Elga, Elsa, Elka, Elsa, Elfrida, Elya, Emanuel, Emily, Emilia, Emma, ​​Emmy, Angie, Enya, Apple, Erica, Escada, Esmeralda, Essie, Estelle, Esther, Estreya, Etna, Ettel, Efa, Efi, Efiona, Ashley, Elizabeth, Elka, Elfa, Erna, Esteka, Efa, Ashley.

Names of cats "Yu":
Yushka, Yuanka, Yuzhanka, Yuji, Yuka, Yuki, Yucca Blue, Yucca, Yula, Yuliana, Yulona, ​​Yulka, Yulia, Yuma, Yumiomiru, Yumosh, Yuna, Yuni, Yunona, Yunori, Yunya, Yura, Jurmala Satari (Agnia) , Yusta, Yustina, Yustysya, Yusya, Yuta, Yuffi, Yukha, Yusha, Yukka, Yula, Yulia, Yulka, Yutka, Yusya and Yusha.

For bright cats, nicknames on "I":
Yasmin, Yashonua, Yabeda, Berry, Yagoza, Yadviga, Yanka, Fossil, Yana, Yanda, Yanetta, Yanka, Yanusya, Yania, Yaroslava, Yarisya, Yasina, Yasmina, Jason, Yasya, Yacht, Yach, Yasha, Yashka, Yashma, Japanese woman, Yarkiska, Yasmina, Yaska, Yasya and Yashma.

How to name a cat? How to name a kitten(cat / cat girl) you already know, since we have presented enough names of cats that will suit many breeds. How to name a British kitten girl?.
If you have a purebred kitten, it probably already has a given name.
How to name a ginger kitten? If you have a simple ginger cat, give him a funny bright name. What to call a white kitten girl ?. There are many beautiful nicknames for white cats in our list of names - choose according to your taste. We also recommend taking a look at the list

The content of the article:

Having an independent and proud character, cats live with people for many years. It is believed that the cat began to live next to sedentary people for more than ten thousand years!

The cat's name should not be too pretentious, otherwise it will be difficult for the cat to remember it. Cats are better at remembering short names with hissing or growling sounds.

History of the appearance of cats

The history of the origin of cats is confusing. There is a theory that the ancestor of cats is the North African wild steppe cat, which later came to Egypt, and another theory is that the first cats appeared among the ancient Egyptians.

Domestication of cats took place in the East with the development of agriculture, when the grain harvest had to be protected from rodents. In ancient Egypt, the flourishing of religion helped tame cats.

Currently, there are about 40 different breeds of cats, which are very different in character and appearance.

Cats in Russia

In Russia, cats appeared even before the Christian faith. At first, cats were very expensive, and lived only in wealthy families, but by the 15-16th century, cats appeared in the homes of ordinary people. The first mentions of cats appeared in the books of the 17th century.

The church appreciated the cats, they are allowed to enter the churches, in the Vladimir and Suzdal Kremlin there are special holes in the walls of the churches for the convenience of cats. Even the Russian tsars had favorite animals in their families.

The Hermitage contains an image - a large portrait of a cat that belonged to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1661).

Peter I had a cat brought from Holland. The daughter of Peter the Great, Elizaveta Petrovna, ordered in 1745 to write out rat-catchers from Kazan for the Winter Palace.

In the palace of Catherine the Great there were ash-blue short-haired cats.

Now in Russia there are all breeds of cats: the rarest purebred and outbred from the street.

Cat names Russian, traditional

In Russia, cats have always been favorites in the house: whether or not they caught mice, they were always pampered with milk and sour cream, allowed to bask on sofas, and stroked the fur.

But there was no variety in the names of the cats: Murka, Vaska and Barsiki.

An especially important cat could be called "Kotofey Ivanovich".

Then, after the Russian-Turkish war, if the cat is mischievous, then he is Basurman, if black, then Sultan or Bayazet. Sometimes a cat in a foreign manner could be called "Matilda".

Christians have tried to avoid giving the animals the names of the priests. But love for animals overpowered, and Anfisa, Vasilisa, Matryona and simple Muska, Masha and Oska appeared.

Nicknames for cats: how to choose?

We call it based on character and habits.

The appearance of a kitten often determines its name, what features: spots or stripes on the face or paws, eyes of a special color, or some other feature.

Traditional nicknames:

  • The name Kisa is a modest kitty without any pronounced manifestations of character.
  • Murka, Muska - loves to misbehave, can pull something off the table or climb into a bag and see what the hostess brought home.
  • The Marquise is a flirtatious, imposing, endlessly grooming and licking herself, never runs to her cup, but looks from afar, and descends to answer the call.
  • Sima is slow but affectionate.
  • Bagheera, Panther is gracefulness, flexibility.

Kitty's nickname outward appearance and color.

Emphasizing the color of the cat, the name can be given originality if you use the name of the color in a foreign language.

  • A gray kitten is "gray". Gray kittens are usually quiet, affectionate, suitable: Tishka, Haze, Blot, Gracie, etc.
  • The little white cat can be called Blanca. In French, white sounds like blanc.
  • Black - Night, Bagheera.
  • The red-haired cat is Lisa (Alice), Orange, Zlatka.
  • Does he like to sleep? So much for Sonya.

To make the kitten quickly remember its name, give a simple of two syllables, maybe even the same, such as Lily, Mimi or Marie.

An unusual eye color may serve as a reason to call the cat Violet, Turquoise, Bead, Busy, etc.

Name for the territorial origin of the cat.

Buying a purebred cat, you immediately receive a passport for it, where the name of the cat is already indicated, coming from the nicknames of the relatives of this cat. Usually this name is long and inconvenient, it is used for participation in exhibitions.

But there is always the opportunity to come up with a nickname and call the cat that way at home.

For a thoroughbred kitten, a name is chosen for the territorial characteristic of the breed: British, Persian, French, Egyptian and others ...

  • For Persian kittens, names with an oriental bias are suitable: Kasia, Percy, Darcy, Kamila, Sabrina.
  • For British kittens: Britty, Quinn, Mary, Betsy, Catty, June, Fifi, Cecile, Dusty, Quinny or Ellie.
  • Kittens of French origin are called Coco, Josephine, Mona, Biatrice, Mirabella.
  • For a rare breed of Sphynx, the Egyptian name is suitable: Bast, Isis - symbolizes femininity and tenderness, Astarte - playfulness, fearlessness.

Names for cats girls funny

You can always pick up for a kitten unusual name related to a book you read and a memorable movie.
For male kittens, they often use:

  • title or military rank - Marquis, Prince, Major or Colonel.
  • names of movie characters - Timothy, Tom, Batman, Sherlock, Hercules, Richard, etc.,
  • cartoon characters, Behemoth, Leopold, - Filya, Matroskin, Boniface, Mowgli.

For cats, you can take a name - Madonna, Lolita, Matrix, Zemfira, Lady Dee or Scarlett.

Choosing an original cat name is not easy. A cat must hear its name from the first days in order to get used to it and understand it. The name should be suitable for this particular cat.

My cat's name is Mouse. When they brought her into the house, she entered with one hand, hid in the corners, grayish with stripes, very small and squeaked thinly, like a mouse. Now she knows her name very well and runs when you call.

How to feed a domestic cat - read here.

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