
When to collect nuts for jam. Unusual from the usual: learning to make walnut jam. Nut jam with citric acid

What are we used to seeing walnuts? A strong shell, inside of which there are delicious kernels that we eat just like that or add to soups, pastries, sauces, tinctures, salads, main courses ... It turns out that you can make delicious jam from whole walnuts! And today we will learn how to do it. But remember - you have to stock up on time and patience.

History of an unusual recipe

Do not be afraid of our courage and determination: you can really make jam from walnuts. But only not from those that have already ripened, but from quite young ones, the so-called milky maturity. These green fruits are still unsuitable for fresh food: they are bitter and taste completely different from those nucleoli that we compared in childhood with brains for their appearance.

These very fruits will be needed for tasty, fragrant and healthy jam. They need to be collected, depending on the region, from the end of May to the first decade of July. For example, in the south of our country, already in mid-June, most often nuts already enter the ripening period and become unsuitable for jam: the shell begins to form and harden.

To determine the right level of ripeness, pierce the fruit with a toothpick. If it easily passes through and just as easy to get - feel free to collect nuts. You can check each of them in this way, because later you still have to prick them.

Jam from unripe walnuts has been known since ancient times in the Middle and Near East, in the southern countries of Europe and Southeast Asia. Now this dessert is very popular in Italy, Spain, Greece, Moldova, Ukraine, the North Caucasus, and the Kuban.

In each region, the recipes for this dessert have their own characteristics, but they are all based on the same principle.

The general principle of making nut jam

Although milky walnuts are very soft compared to fully matured walnuts, they still need additional processing before cooking. The nut juice is very bitter due to its high iodine content, so it must be removed by long soaking.

Traditionally, nuts are soaked not in pure water, but in a lime solution at the rate of 100 g of the substance per 1 liter of water. Modern housewives are often indignant: “And so there is solid chemistry around, and soak nuts in lime!”. Let's remember the school course on this wonderful subject.

First, all products known to us contain chemical elements. Secondly, lime is nothing more than calcium oxide, a harmless substance used everywhere in everyday life. It is not worth talking about the benefits of calcium for the body. If you remember that table salt is sodium chloride (the result of the interaction of two toxic substances), you can be completely scared. However, we add it to most dishes, and nothing, very tasty.

Let's finish the digression into the basics of chemistry and return to our jam. Nuts for it are soaked in a lime solution from 5 days to 2-3 weeks, until soft. Strongly darkened during this time, they are repeatedly pricked or cut in half, after which they are boiled for several hours in sugar syrup. The standard ratio of products is:

  • 1 kg of soaked nuts;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

The amount of ingredients may vary slightly depending on the region or even the preferences of the hostess. In addition, many people like to add spices to dessert - cinnamon, figs, anise, cloves.

By the way, it is desirable that the utensils for soaking nuts be made of stainless steel: it is contraindicated for aluminum to contact water and iodine contained in nuts for so long, and you may not wash an enameled pan or bowl from persistent nut juice. For the same reason, you need to clean the nuts with gloves, so as not to walk around with black hands for a week later.

What is the use of such a dessert

Compared with ripe nuts, unripe fruits contain much more vitamins (groups B, E, PP), phytoncides, tannins, and vegetable fats. All of them are preserved in fruits after making jam, albeit in smaller quantities.

In folk medicine, nut jam has been used for a very long time, it effectively treats diseases such as:

  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • heart disease;
  • diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • angina;
  • furunculosis;
  • stomatitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • nervous overload;
  • hard mental work;
  • sleep problems;
  • pressure surges;
  • pregnancy (since the jam contains the required amount of iodine);
  • the rapid growth of children.

Green walnut jam - a source of microelements useful for the body

And for men, this jam is very useful: it has a positive effect on reproductive function.

But it is worth noting that walnut jam is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers, diabetes and obesity.

Nut Jam Recipes

We offer you several popular, not very complicated, but interesting ways to make jam.


You have probably tried prunes, and maybe you like to use them for various dishes. So, walnut jam, prepared according to the classic recipe, is very reminiscent of good dried plums, both in taste and in appearance.

It will take you a lot of time. And besides that, you will need:

  • 4 kg of green nuts;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 10 cloves;
  • 1 pinch of citric acid;
  • for soaking nuts - slaked lime at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of water.

Be sure to weigh the nuts: depending on their mass, you will have to adjust the amount of other ingredients.

  1. Rinse the nuts and put in a deep bowl or basin. Fill with water completely, to the top. At least every 6 hours, the water must be changed, and so - for 6-7 days. If you doubt that the nuts are already a little closer to ripening, keep them in water for a week. But do not forget that you also need to change the water 4 times a day! Do not worry that the liquid takes on a greenish color: it is the peel of the nuts that gives off excess juice.
  2. Now is the time to prepare the lime mortar. Add 0.5 kg of lime to 5 liters of water. Mix the solution thoroughly and let it stand for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Pour the settled clear solution without sediment into a bowl with soaked nuts. Leave for 24 hours. The fact that the surface of the nuts will darken or become stained is a natural reaction, and not at all a reason to get scared and throw away the product!
  4. After a day, rinse the nuts thoroughly in running cold water. If they are too large, cut them in half; prick smaller nuts with a fork in several places, and deeper.
  5. Boil water in a saucepan. Throw nuts in it and blanch for 20 minutes. Drain the boiling water and cool the nuts in running cold water.
  6. After all these "procedures", the nuts will noticeably change color to olive or brown. Boil a pot of water again and blanch them, but for half an hour already. Drain the water again and soak the nuts in running cold water until cool.
  7. Have you noticed that the nuts have darkened even more? Now it's time to start making jam.
  8. Prepare the syrup in a separate saucepan. Dissolve sugar in boiling water, boil, stirring constantly. Add cloves and a pinch of citric acid. Pour nuts with hot boiling syrup, bring to a boil and hold for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and leave for 1 hour.
  9. The nuts will darken greatly after the first boiling, and you need to carry out 4 more such executions with them, each for 5 minutes, with an hour break. And finally - another 15 minutes in a boiling state, after which the jam can be poured into clean sterilized jars.

Green walnut jam can be stored under lids for a whole year in a cool room, or you can eat it right away.


Armenians are big fans of walnut desserts, including jam. The peculiarity of this recipe is the use of alum. In addition, be sure to peel the nuts from the skin in much the same way as potatoes. Do this only with gloves: nut juice is very difficult to wash your hands.

You will need:

  • 100 pieces of young walnuts;
  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 10 cloves;
  • 10 g cinnamon;
  • 5 cardamom fruits;
  • 0.5 kg of slaked lime;
  • 75 g alum.

You can start making jam.

  1. Peel the shell off each nut. Put the fruits in a deep bowl.
  2. Pour the nuts with clean cool water. Leave them for at least 6 days in a cool place. Change the water four times a day. The fruits will darken significantly during this time.
  3. Drain the water for the last time and rinse the nuts well.
  4. Pour 0.5 kg of lime with 5 liters of water, mix thoroughly. Let stand and strain through cheesecloth.
  5. Immerse the nuts in the strained solution and keep for 24 hours, stirring occasionally, so that the fruits are completely soaked and not caked.
  6. Rinse the nuts again in running water, but now with special care. Prick each fruit with a fork in several places (the more holes, the better), then rinse again.
  7. Dilute 75 g of alum in 5 liters of water. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
  8. Dip the nuts in boiling water with alum, cook for 10 minutes.
  9. Throw nuts on a sieve, wait until all the water drains.
  10. Transfer them to a deep bowl, cover with cold water and leave for an hour.
  11. While the fruits are cooling, let's do the spices. Place the cinnamon, cardamom and cloves in a cheesecloth bag.
  12. Dissolve sugar in boiling water, stir and boil for 1 minute.
  13. Add a bag of spices, nuts to the syrup, and boil for another 5 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and leave to infuse for 24 hours. You need to completely repeat this procedure 3 more times. After the workpiece has settled for the last time, cook it again (it will take 3 hours) and remove the bag of spices.

That's all. Now the finished jam can be put into jars and rolled up. Or serve on the table, after cooling.

Walnut jam without lime

If the presence of lime still confuses you, we offer a method of preparation without using this agent. It can be easily replaced by the usual and often used soda in cooking.

So, take these products:

  • 100 pieces of walnuts;
  • 250 g of soda;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 4 glasses of water.

Cut the skin off the nuts, be sure to wear gloves, and start cooking.

  1. Put the nuts in a deep saucepan and cover with water. There is a little secret: in order for the fruits to be guaranteed to soak faster than usual, it is better to take water not cold, but warm, about 35-40 C. Put the pan for 2 days in a quieter place and keep it there, visiting every 6 hours to change the water to fresh .
  2. When you drain the water for the last time, sprinkle the nuts with baking soda while they are still wet. Mix thoroughly to coat each fruit well. Put the dishes back in a suitable place, now for 12-15 hours. Stir the nuts regularly to keep the baking soda from falling on them.
  3. Now rinse the nuts thoroughly in running water, then prick each fruit with a fork in several places. In order not to get dirty in the juice that will probably splash from the nuts, do this by putting the fruit in water or wearing clothes that you don’t mind.
  4. During the time that the nuts lay in water and soda, they took on a brown color. Fill them again for 2 days and change the water at the same frequency.
  5. Transfer the prepared nuts to a pot of boiling water, hold for 3 minutes after immersion. Drain the boiling water into another saucepan, put it on the fire and dip the nuts into it again. You need to do this 3-4 times. Boil the sugar syrup, put the fruits into it, wait for it to boil and cook for 3 minutes. Turn off the stove, wait 5 minutes, put on fire again and boil. Add chopped lemon, boil for 3 more minutes. Now you can pour the jam into jars.

This jam goes well with creme brulee ice cream: in tandem, you get the taste of Coca-Cola. And, by the way, this method is the fastest. Unlike the previous ones, it will take you only 5 days to make such a jam.

Italian recipe with chocolate

Sunny Italy has its own traditions of making desserts. Italians are big fans of sweets, they often add additional ingredients to a familiar dish to make it original. Milk green walnut jam is very popular in this country, and we are sure that you will like its chocolate version.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of nuts (already boiled);
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 300 g of water;
  • 100 g cocoa powder.

Take for jam only those nuts that are easily and effortlessly pierced through with a toothpick. Sort all spoiled fruits immediately.

  1. Trim each nut at both ends. This is necessary so that the fruits give off the bitter juice contained in them as quickly as possible while in the water.
  2. Put the nuts in a deep bowl and cover with cool water. Soak for 2 weeks, changing the water 2-3 times a day.
  3. Sort the soaked nuts by size, cut the largest in half. If there are a lot of nuts, then you can make 2 servings of jam: one from cut large ones, and the second from whole smaller fruits.
  4. Rinse the selected fruits thoroughly and boil for 2 hours. After that, pierce a couple of nuts with a toothpick: if this was done without difficulty, the fruits are ready. If they are still hard, cook for another 30 minutes. Boiled nuts should remain intact and not delaminate. If you cut them, you can see that the skin has not lagged behind the still unformed shell.
  5. Prepare syrup from water and sugar, boil nuts in it for at least 1.5 hours. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, draw some syrup into a cup, and carefully, in a thin stream, pour cocoa into it, stirring constantly so that the powder does not clump.
  6. Also, while gently stirring, pour the cocoa syrup into the pan with nuts. At this stage, you can optionally add your favorite spices to the jam, such as anise, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and even hot red pepper. But do not be too zealous so that the taste is not too spicy.

Chocolate walnut jam can be not only a separate dessert. Its syrup is excellent as a sauce for cakes, pastries and ice cream.

Video: making jam from young walnuts according to all the rules

A walnut is a real treasure, a favorite delicacy and a leader among all nuts on the planet in terms of its demand and useful qualities.

Walnut - a useful gift of nature

When to collect walnuts - fruits used in many cuisines of the world and rich in useful vitamins, lots of proteins and minerals?

Walnuts give strength in a vegetarian diet, are powerful antioxidants and increase potency; green peel is rich in iodine, has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Ten pieces of walnut fruit per day is the recommended amount for an adult; a child can eat from 5 to 7 pieces.

Autumn is the harvest time for walnuts

When to harvest walnuts? The ripening period of such valuable fruits falls on autumn. It is this time that is rich in the harvest of various crops. By the way, the average lifespan of a walnut is 400 years. Depending on the variety, the fruits have a different shape: round, oval, ovoid, and enclosed in a green pericarp, which gradually, as it ripens, turns black and cracks. The surface of the shell is often smooth, coarsely and finely wrinkled, sometimes bumpy and has numerous cells. Walnut is a heat-loving crop, it requires a lot of sun and a high average annual temperature.

Signs of fruit ripeness

When can you harvest walnuts? Often, the tree itself lets you know that the fruits are ripe and ready to eat. The plant generously shares the harvest by simply dumping it on the ground. By this, nature saves him the need to collect nuts at a height that, by the way, can reach 35 meters. Therefore, everything is simple: you just have to bend over and collect nuts from the ground.

Many may wonder how and when is the best time to pick walnuts. The ripeness of fruits can be judged not only by the fact that they crumbled to the ground; cracked green shells are another sign of ripe fruit, which are best picked with gloves, because the nut juice that stands out leaves persistent dark spots on the skin. If the green peel is not fully opened, then you can take a small knife to help. There is another tricky way to release nuts; for this, it is recommended to immerse them in water: the fruits will remain at the bottom, and the green peel will float.

Features of harvesting walnuts

How to determine the ripeness of fruits, it seems to be clear, it remains to find out when you need to collect walnuts. The period of their mass collection falls on September-October, one tree can produce from 100 to 300 kilograms. Walnut blooms in April-May, begins to bear fruit from 7-10 years of age, some varieties delight with a harvest for 3-4 years of planting. After harvesting, the nuts need to be spread in a thin layer and dried, periodically turning over. The yield of dry raw material, which can be collected in a bag and determined for storage, will be approximately 25%. An attic is quite suitable as a room; in any case, the place intended for storage should be dry and cool.

If there is an intention to keep nuts for 2-3 years, then several manipulations should be carried out. The fruits must be immersed for 7-8 hours in salted boiling water, dried and put in a bag. Heavily dried nuts can be "revived" by soaking them in salted water for 5-6 days. To get a good harvest, be sure to feed with organic fertilizers.

When to harvest walnuts in their milky stage

Known for their It is during this period that an unripe fruit with a core that has not yet hardened, which is in a gelatinous state, and not formed into a strong shell, soft, juicy and easily cut with a knife, is most recommended for harvesting. When to harvest green walnuts to make the most of their beneficial properties? The day before (July 7) is the most optimal time for harvesting healthy raw materials.

A green nut should be easily pierced with a large needle, and a copious flow of juice is observed from the hole. Green nut fruits contain 50 times more vitamin C than oranges and times more than black currants. When you can collect green walnuts - it's clear: this is the beginning of July.

The collected raw materials must be washed, dried, cut into slices and placed in dry jars, sprinkled with sugar in a ratio of 1 to 2. Next, glass containers must be covered with clean lids and placed in the refrigerator. As the liquid appears, the latter must be drained and used throughout the year, adding to drinks, but not more than a tablespoon. Such an extract is an effective remedy for the treatment of intestinal infections accompanied by diarrhea. Dosage for an adult - 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, children - a teaspoon.

Recipe for alcohol tincture from green nuts

Cut into a bottle of 30 unripe fruits, pour alcohol and insist in the sun for 14 days. After this time, strain, add sugar to taste to the remaining squeezed fruits, add alcohol (or vodka), leave for about a month and strain. For taste, you can add cinnamon or cloves. Take after meals 30 grams.

Medicinal properties of walnut leaves

When to harvest walnuts? It is autumn that is the time of the year that generously rewards with such useful and beloved fruits. It is worth knowing that its leaves are also useful in the walnut tree, the decoctions of which are good for skin, gastrointestinal and female diseases. As a medicinal raw material, bright green young leaves are selected, pinching them off from the central petiole. Collection is recommended to be done in dry weather, the month of harvesting is June.

Drying must be done in the shade, under a canopy or in a ventilated area. Store dried raw materials in a cool, dry place in paper bags. The smell of walnut leaves repels flies. It is precisely because of this feature that nuts were planted in places where it was supposed to gather important people, discuss plans, and wait for a long time. In small doses, the smell is pleasant for a person, to a large extent causes headaches and sleep disturbance.

Decoction of walnut leaves

To prepare a healthy decoction, 250 grams of dried leaves should be poured with a liter of hot water and boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cooled, strained and added to the bath or used for skin diseases in the form of lotions. An infusion of walnut leaves is an effective general tonic, recommended for loss of strength, irregular menstruation, gastroenteritis, atherosclerosis. Often used in combination with other medicinal plants.

The benefits of walnut pericarp

The collection of pericarp is carried out after harvesting the fruit. They need to be cut in half, and then dried in a warm room or in a dryer at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. The yield of dry raw materials is 20%. Dried leaves and pericarp, the decoction of which is characterized by anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, are successfully exported. They are treated with ulcers, boils, stomatitis, tonsillitis, frostbite. You need to pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of water, boil for a minute, leave for half an hour, strain and take a quarter cup before meals 3 times a day. pericarp is recommended for use in menstrual irregularities, leucorrhea and bleeding, especially uterine. To prepare, you need to pour 5 tablespoons of raw materials with half a liter of water, boil for a quarter of an hour, leave for about 30 minutes, strain and use as a wound healing agent.

Autumn is the time when collecting walnuts is a very useful and exciting activity. In combination with physical activity, it is the key to maintaining health, because walnuts are a storehouse of useful trace elements. The main thing is to timely consider it under your feet among the dense walnut foliage.

The jam that I will tell you about, I cooked last year.
I hasten to tell you about it, because the time has come to collect fruits for this jam.
And before that - a story about walnut liquor, freebies and a ladder ...

Every year, Felice, my husband's cousin, gives him a bottle of homemade Nocino nut liqueur on his name day.
Nocino is one of the unforgettable Italian delicacies. A few years ago I saw the International Coffee Competition, where I won coffee with the addition of Nocino.
We "persuade" our Nocino with ice cream very quickly.
Two years ago, I decided that I could make Nocino myself, so as not to wait for a gift, but to use my own. Fortunately, along the river where we walk, several huge walnut trees grow.
In search of recipes, I studied all possible literature. There were a lot of recipes. But I chose, as it seemed to me, the most reliable, from the Encyclopedia of Italian Cuisine. This is not a tattered notebook with Aunt Moti's recipes, but a publication!
The publication advised to go "nuts" on the day of San Giovanni, i.e. June 24th.
The day before, my husband and I went to scout those trees to check for nuts and their availability. We decided that the next day we would go somewhere after ten in the morning, when everyone riding bicycles to work had already passed; all those running after health have already run; all dog lovers have already unsubscribed and pooped out their pets, i.e. no one will be able to reproach us for the fact that we are stealing public nuts.
We also decided to take a ladder with us to make it easier to collect nuts from high branches.
Now I suggest you remember the plot from the film "The Old Robbers", in which Evstigneev and Nikulin go to steal a picture in a museum, in dressing gowns and with a ladder under their arms. We dressed in bathrobes in the same way (so as not to get dirty!) And with a ladder under our arm we dragged ourselves through the city. My man was walking and shaking, no matter how the police stopped us. I was dying of laughter looking at our equipment.
Lord, how I then jumped on these trees, collecting those nuts! Pure monkey...
We picked a huge bag of these nuts. Barely then they dragged that bag and ladder to the house. The poor husband was shaking even more.
The nuts were weighed at home. It turned out 11 kg. And then ... Suddenly it turned out that for 2 liters of pure alcohol you need somewhere around 700-800 grams of these nuts. And we have them 11 kg. Throwing away?
And we felt so sorry for these nuts that, they say, they could live and live, and now they will go to the trash ... That we decided to put them all into Nochino liquor. We even reasoned that we would give liquor to everyone at Christmas ...
The husband rushed to the supermarket to buy alcohol. But how much alcohol can be kept in an ordinary supermarket in the center of Italy? In short, he brought home only 8 liters.
And then I remembered walnut jam. But the Internet quickly disappointed me: "It's too late to rush about, girl! For jam, you need to collect nuts of milk ripeness, that is, in early June, when they can be easily pierced with a wooden toothpick." It was the end of June outside...

I specially photographed the milky ripeness of walnuts, but at that time they were already stiff, i.e. the outer shell of the fruit was still quite soft, namely, the shell of the future nut, which is under the outer shell, had already hardened. Alas...

Thus began our misfortune with those nuts. We poured the corresponding number of nuts in a huge bottle with 8 liters of alcohol. Then all summer long my head ached, as if not to forget to shake that bottle. At the end of the period specified in the recipe, it was filtered, mixed with syrup based on dry red wine and set to infuse. The result was a terrible sweet-sticky rubbish, which I then poured into all kinds of cakes and desserts so that the good would not disappear. Our liqueur was not like Nocino either in color or taste.
I concluded: greed destroys goodness. And she also changed her mind about "Aunt Moti's tattered notebook of recipes." My husband's cousin later gave me her recipe.
But I "tied up" with liquor, deciding that it was even for the best, so as not to get involved in alcohol for us. But my hands itch, and free nuts ripen every year. Therefore, the question of walnut jam naturally arose, with which, fortunately, I have very good memories.
I had a friend and colleague Irakli from Tbilisi in my youth. We went to him with my girlfriend several times a year, and he - to us. It was a golden time ... This is me both about youth and about Tbilisi. Memories are not enough for one post.
And I ate walnut jam there, which was cooked by the mother of Heraclius. That jam seemed to me the best jam in the world! But I remember that the mother of Heraclius said that the procedure was somehow complicated, with the soaking of nuts in lime.
Where to get this lime in Italy? And what is it called in Italian?
But a good friend named the Internet again came to my aid and reassured me, they say, everything is not so difficult: no lime is needed. Sleep well, dear cook, until the beginning of next June.
The next year, I honestly waited for the milky ripeness of the nuts. And improved their collection.
We no longer dragged the stairs through the city, but took a stick with which we remove the hangers in the closets. This stick is very convenient to bend the branches. And instead of a bag, they took a trolley on wheels with them. Still, it’s hard to cheat on darmovshchina a little bit. As a result, I successfully cooked 10 kg of jam. It turned out to be a very tasty jam! And unusual in that it looks more like dessert than jam. Unexpected guests came to you, and you! - and a nut dessert.
And so the question of walnut jam was decided by itself. And in general they became impudent, they went to collect them by car. But it was cold, the nuts grew small and somehow beaten. Collected only about 8 kg. But I modestly hope that it's just gratuitousness ended.

So, nuts are harvested in early June during their milky maturity, when a toothpick can pierce the fruit.
Each fruit is cut off at two ends and pierced several times with a fork.

Nuts are filled with water, which must be changed twice a day. So that the bitterness is gone, the nuts are soaked for 8-10 days.

Then the nuts are boiled in water until they begin to slip off the knitting needle that has pierced them. I use a pressure cooker. In it, nuts are boiled for about an hour and a half.

Then we weigh the nuts. For 1 kg of nuts take 1 kg of sugar and 300 grams of water. First, syrup is made, and then nuts are boiled in this syrup for about two hours. At the end of the jam, you can add spices: cloves, cinnamon, anise.
The first time I added cloves, but I didn't like it. I tried adding ginger. But I didn’t feel any significant aftertaste. So, I put a little.

I added bitter cocoa powder at the rate of 100 g of cocoa per 1 kg of nuts. Cocoa was first diluted in a ladle with a small amount of jam syrup, and then added to the main mass through a strainer so that there were no lumps.
Immediately after preparation, the result did not impress me. Then, after thickening, I really liked the jam ..

Walnut jam: 1st method

Fruits with an unformed shell are sorted, foreign impurities and damaged fruits are removed, dried during the day, soaked in cold water for 4-5 days, changing the water three times a day. The soaked nuts are blanched for 5 minutes in boiling water, cooled and cleaned of the green shell, pre-wetting the fingers with vinegar and drying them to avoid staining.

Peeled nuts are soaked in lime water for 2 days to remove bitterness. Lime water is prepared at the rate of 100 g of slaked lime per 1 liter of water. Lime is well stirred in water, allowed to settle for 6 hours, and then the clarified water is carefully drained from the sediment.

After soaking in such water, the nuts are thoroughly washed with cold water, pricked in several places with an awl or fork, and again soaked in cold water for 2 days, changing the water 2-3 times a day. Then the nuts are blanched for the second time in boiling water for 15 minutes and dipped in pre-filtered boiling sugar syrup (700 g of sugar and 600 g of water are taken for 1 kg of peeled nuts).

Green walnut jam is cooked in two steps. The first cooking lasts 10-12 minutes on low heat, after which the jam is removed from the heat and kept for 24 hours.

Then sugar and citric acid are added to the syrup (500 and 3 g per 1 kg of nuts, respectively) and boiled over low heat until cooked, periodically removing the foam. At the end of the second boil add 1 g of vanilla powder. Boiled to readiness, hot jam is laid out in dry heated jars, hermetically sealed and cooled.

Walnut jam: 2nd method

For jam, large whole nuts are selected. The ends of the fruits from the side of the stalks and inflorescences are cut off, nuts are pricked on both sides with a planed stick and put into the resulting hole, 1 pc. carnations.

Cooked nuts are placed in an enamel pan, poured with cold water and soaked for 10 days, changing the water 2-3 times a day. On the tenth day, the nuts are boiled for 12-13 minutes, hot water is drained and again poured with cold water for a day. During the day, change the water 2-3 times.

A day later, the nuts are thrown into a colander, dried, sugar syrup is boiled at the rate of 500 g of sugar and 0.5 l of water per 1 kg of prepared nuts, allowed to cool to a temperature of about 50 ° C and dried nuts are immersed in the syrup. 0.1 g of vanillin and 2 pieces of cinnamon are added to the mixture for every kilogram of nuts.

A day later, the nuts are removed from the syrup and the latter is boiled until it thickens. In the same way, two more brews are carried out.

When the sugar syrup thickens to the consistency of jelly, nuts are dipped into it, the mixture is boiled for 10 minutes and the hot jam is put into clean heated jars, hermetically sealed with lids and cooled at room temperature.

Walnut trees have become widespread throughout the world. Sweet jam made from unripe walnut stands out among others with an increased amount of vitamin C and is one of the most popular delicacies. There are many different variations. A large number of recipes for such sweetness came to us from Greece. In this article, we will consider what useful qualities jam has, how to cook it at home, and storage features.

The medicinal properties of walnuts have been known since ancient Babylon. The inhabitants of this great city identified it with food for the rich, and Herodotus considered it a source of vitality. Hippocrates prescribed walnut fruits for diseases of the stomach, kidneys, heart and liver.

Walnuts are known for their medicinal properties. "tree of life". After active physical activity, it perfectly satisfies hunger and restores energy, helps to overcome fatigue. Amino oxidants contained in the kernel reduce the risk of developing cancer.

The fruits of the "tree of life" are prescribed for people with thyroid diseases, disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. They improve liver function, lower blood pressure, promote weight loss, strengthen memory and bone tissue.

The fruit of the walnut tree, due to its high quantity, is recommended for people living in regions with an increased radiation background. Unripe nuts combined with strengthen immunity. A large concentration of vitamins P and E helps in the fight against impotence. Green nuts accelerate wound healing, stop bleeding, help with diarrhea.

Composition of walnuts

Unripe fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. In this regard, they are used in cooking for the preparation of jams and marinades, and in medicine for the preparation of alcohol tinctures.

Green fruits are best harvested in the first month of summer. During this period, they contain the largest number of useful elements, and the core and peel remain soft.


Dairy fruits contain vitamins, as well as,. It should be noted a particularly high concentration, in 100 g of green walnut its content is 2500-3000 mcg. For example, in a ripe nut, its concentration is 50 times less, and in a currant - 8 times. In addition, 100 g of walnut contains beta-carotene - 0.05 mg, - 0.4 mg, - 0.13 mg, - 77 mg, tocopherol - 23 mg, - 1 mg.

Vitamin PP helps regulate redox processes. To build muscle, athletes use beta-sitosterol, which is obtained from the pericarp of a walnut.

Did you know? High-quality activated carbon is prepared from burnt walnut shells.


Unripe walnuts are rich in iodine, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and calcium. 100 g of the product contains:

  • - 2.3 mg;
  • - 665 mg;
  • - 120 mg;
  • - 200 mg;
  • - 2 mg;
  • - 0.5 mg;
  • - 3 mg;
  • - 550 mg;
  • - 0.7 mg;
  • - 2.5 mg.

In terms of iodine content, milk nuts can be compared with. In this regard, they are recommended for use by people with impaired thyroid function. The high amount of iron contained in the fruits of the "tree of life" allows them to be used to prevent anemia.

Benefits of green walnut jam

Micro and macro elements, vitamins in unripe fruits will help maintain health. In folk medicine, tinctures and medicines for various diseases are prepared on their basis. One of the most delicious medicines is green walnut jam.

It is very difficult to buy such a delicacy, since it is not sold in ordinary stores and is considered delicacy. The main advantage of jam is a high iodine content, and long-term heat treatment allows you to remove bitterness. Let's look at the beneficial properties of young walnut jam.

Nut sweetness has a pleasant and unique taste with a slight bitterness. The rich composition of the jam helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve brain activity. After heavy physical exertion, it helps to quickly restore energy and satisfy hunger.

Important!With uterine fibroids, women are advised to use jam from the peel of an unripe walnut.

A healthy treat helps to cope with apathy and depression. It is recommended to use it for people with iodine deficiency in the body and kidney disease. Regular use of jam will help improve potency and increase libido.

Is it possible

The benefits of walnuts are noted by many doctors, but let's see if this useful product can be eaten by pregnant, lactating and children.

Pregnant and lactating

One of the top foods to eat is the walnut. The inclusion of this product in the diet is recommended due to its high concentration. Due to the fact that young nuts contain a large amount of useful substances, they are recommended in small quantities to strengthen the body, and during pregnancy, which is complicated by a lack of iodine, they are prescribed as an indispensable product in the diet.


Such sweetness is recommended for children in the period of active growth and suffering from rickets. For school-age children, it helps to cope with the load and to concentrate. Tannins and glucose contained in green walnut jam will help you quickly adapt to difficult school conditions.

Features of use: are there any rules?

Walnuts are a very healthy and high-calorie product, and the glucose contained in jam only increases its satiety and calorie content. In this regard, it is necessary to know the features of the use of delicacies, and then its benefits for the body will be maximum.

The recommended daily allowance for this product is 2-3 tablespoons. It can be used as an independent dish, or in combination with other products, for example, as a filling for pies. Green walnut jam is a great addition to.

Did you know? The walnut tree in the Caucasus is sacred, and some of them can be up to four centuries old.

Rules for choosing good nuts

Unripe walnut fruits have a green pericarp, and their shell is soft, so you need to choose the right fruits for future jam.

Nuts are better collect in May or June, as they combine milky ripeness and a storehouse of nutrients. Fruits are chosen the same size.

Important! The pericarp should not have any wormholes or spots.

To check the maturity of the fetus, it is pierced with a toothpick. It should go through with ease, in which case the nut will withstand the cooking process and retain its shape. Before making jam, especially if you are doing it for the first time, you need to study the steps and prepare all the necessary products.

Walnut Jam: A Step-by-Step Cooking Recipe

Such sweetness is one of the most popular types of jam in the world, and some even call it the "king of the sweet world." There are a large number of different recipes, consider one of them.

Grocery list

To make jam you will need 100 pieces. green walnuts and 1 kg sugar. Such a dish is prepared in June, when nuts contain the greatest amount of useful elements. It is better to collect them in an ecologically clean area, away from the highway and any production.

Step by step recipe

Important! In order to prevent hands from staining when working with young walnut fruits, rubber gloves must be used.

Green walnut jam in different countries is prepared according to different recipes. So, for example, in Poland and Western Ukraine, vanilla is added to jam, and in Armenia - and.

Storage Features

Green walnut delicacy retains its properties for 9 months if stored properly. For the safety of all useful substances, it is better to store it in a dark place and at room temperature. The lid must be tightly closed so that air does not enter the jar. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain.

Contraindications and possible harm

Green walnut jam is a very healthy dish, but it is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance and excess iodine in organism. Also, people should be careful diabetes.

Eating a treat is necessary in moderate portions, especially for people who are overweight. The combination of high-calorie nuts and glucose contributes to weight gain, although in a minimal amount it can help burn extra pounds.

Important! It is better for pregnant women in the second and third trimester to limit the amount of healthy sweets to a minimum, as it can cause the development of a disease such as pregnancy diabetes.

More about jam with nuts

Hostesses offer a wide variety of nutty sweet recipes. Various spices or citrus peels can be added to green walnut jam to add a piquant taste.
But very often nuts are used for stuffing various fruits. So, for example, if you add it to a nut, you will get a delicious jam, which is often called "royal".

With almonds

This nut is used to make various types of sweets. Jam with almonds combines the wonderful soft taste of plums, cloves and cinnamon, which are in harmony with the unique notes of almonds.

On a cold winter evening, apricot jam with the addition of almonds can warm you up, which combines sourness and a bright aftertaste of almonds.

With peanuts

In jams, peanuts are used as an additive to other fruits, and its use gives the taste unique notes. For example, jam with and peanuts acquires a subtle taste, and plum with peanuts has a unique taste that you will not forget for a very long time.
Green walnut jam combines excellent taste and a large number of useful elements. Various additives can be used to prepare treats, which will make it unforgettable. The main thing is to remember that such sweetness can sometimes harm, and they should not be abused, as this is a high-calorie product.

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