
How to deliciously fry lamb in a pan - a step by step recipe. How to fry lamb: simple recipes and cooking secrets How to fry lamb in a pan with onions

To find out which meat is the most delicious, you need to ask a question to any resident of the Caucasus, and the answer will be unambiguous: of course, lamb fillet.

In addition, the highlanders know best of all how deliciously fry mutton and lamb liver in a pan, so that it retains its juiciness and turns out to be moderately browned. In order for the famous Caucasian dish to turn out, you need to choose a suitable piece of fillet and subject it to heat treatment, which consists of several stages.

Any type of meat requires an individual approach, and lamb fillet is no exception. So that it is not tough as a result of cooking, we advise you to take into account the recommendations on how to properly fry lamb in a pan and how long it needs to be done. Then the favorite meat of the mountaineers will take the place of a favorite in your family menu.

Choosing mutton for frying

Old sheep meat tends to remain tough even after long periods of cooking. It is least of all suitable for frying, therefore, for this type of preparation, it must be selected especially meticulously. The ideal option is the pulp from the carcass of a young lamb. So, the lighter the shade of the meat, the younger the animal from which it was obtained was.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the shade of fat layers. White means that the meat belonged to a young lamb, yellow - an elderly sheep.

If you want to cook not just a meat treat, but a delicacy, and looking for milk lamb fillets in the market, it would be good to check the calendar. The main lambing of sheep occurs in the first quarter of the year, so the likelihood of buying what you need is highest in winter and early spring.

Speaking about how to properly fry lamb in a pan, you definitely need to remember which pieces of carcass are suitable for this delicate culinary business. Putting in the pan is best of all meat from the leg, loin. The sternum (the so-called flank) and the upper scapula will do, but only young ones (light shade)!

The answer to the question of how much to fry lamb in a pan, cooking it with your own hands according to this recipe, so that it turns out to be soft, depends on the age of the animal, as well as the container for frying.

A deep frying pan with a thick bottom is best for this case. The bulbs need to be taken large so that their weight is about the same as meat. Then it will turn out juicy and incredibly fragrant.

Lamb in a pan: a classic recipe


  • - 600 g + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • + -
  • + -
  • + -

How to fry lamb in a pan with onions

  1. After thoroughly washing and drying the fillet naturally or with the help of paper towels, we divide it into strips as thick as a finger and up to 5 cm long.
  2. The first stage of cooking is frying over high heat. Preheat the frying pan, pour in the oil and after a minute add the meat. The frying time is 2-3 minutes. Do not forget to stir so as not to burn.
  3. Now you need to reduce the intensity of the heat to average.
  4. We add boiling water: it needs so much so that it is on a par with the meat roast.
  5. Next, simmer it without a lid until the excess water leaves. This will take about 25 minutes.
  6. When the water evaporates, add half rings of fresh onion to the meat. Now the semi-finished treat needs to be salted, seasoned with pepper and chopped herbs (do not forget to wash it first).
  7. Fry for about 10 more minutes until the meat pieces are browned.

In the Caucasus, it is customary to eat fried lamb with rice, which is rich in carrots and dried barberry. An excellent side dish is stewed eggplant with bell peppers. If you prefer potatoes most of all, then flavored with onions or with garlic sauce.

Diy lamb liver in a frying pan: the best recipe

Knowing how to fry lamb in a skillet so that it turns out to be an appetizing meal for the whole family, it is not difficult to learn how to cook lamb liver as well. Just a few minutes of time, a little spices and aromatic herbs - and the most delicate dish is already on the table!


  • Lamb liver - 400 g;
  • Bow - 1 medium head;
  • Olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • Greens (parsley and basil) - 1 bunch.;
  • Lemon juice - a few drops.

It's delicious to fry lamb liver in a pan at home

Many meat lovers treat lamb liver with bias. Of course, if you cook a product obtained from a battered ram, even the chef will not be able to make a delicacy out of it. On the contrary, a properly cooked liver of a young healthy lamb is truly a royal treat!

  1. We wash the fresh liver of a young animal (it has a uniform color and a slight liver aroma), free it from films, remove blood clots and large vessels.
  2. Cut the product into neat pieces about 2x2 cm in size, salt and pepper.
  3. Throw onion chopped into rings into the oil heated in a pan, fry until golden.
  4. Next, put the liver, add chopped basil to it, sprinkle with a couple of drops of lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed) and fry on a fire of almost minimal intensity for 4-6 minutes. You need to stir constantly!
  5. The final touch is the addition of freshly chopped parsley. Another minute - and the aromatic dish can be sent to the table.

Among the world's culinary heritage, Caucasian cuisine is considered one of the richest, especially in terms of the number and variety of meat dishes. Each hostess there owns her own secrets of how to deliciously fry fresh young lamb in a pan with herbs and onions. It is not at all difficult to learn how to cook a lamb just as well - if only there is a desire to please your beloved men with an original meat delicacy ...

Recipe for cooking lamb in a pan

  1. In Caucasian cuisine, there are amazing recipes for making quick snacks. Today we will get acquainted with a quick recipe for cooking roast lamb... Although a simple recipe, the lamb turns out to be very tender, aromatic and very tasty. Let's fry lamb in a pan according to the Ossetian recipe
  2. To prepare this dish, we need fatty lamb (preferably a loin or lamb ham)
  3. Fatty mutton is cleaned and washed under running cold water. Cut into pieces of 40-50 grams. Salt and stir
  4. Preheat a deep frying pan and put the pieces of meat in it. Cover with a lid and fry over low heat until the liquid secreted by the meat boils away
  5. If the meat does not become tender during this time, add a little more water and continue to simmer until tender.
  6. As the meat has become soft, remove the lid and add the chopped onions, mix and continue to fry in our own fat
  7. We fry, stirring constantly, not allowing the onion to burn, until golden yellow
  8. Remove the finished tender and aromatic fried meat from the heat. Salt and pepper again. Stir
  9. Ossetian fried lamb serve on a platter, decorating with herbs, especially not patient put the board on the table, and a frying pan with fried meat is piled on it, without any plates. Serve vegetable cuts as a side dish, and Caucasian sauces will only add spice to the dish.
Good appetite!

Potatoes with lamb brisket

Very satisfying, delicious potatoes with meat!

Compound: for 4 servings (1 pan)

Lamb brisket (bacon with layers of meat) - 250-350 g;
Potatoes (preferably young) - 8 - 9 pcs. medium size;
Onion - 1 head;
Vegetable oil for frying

How to cook

  1. finely chop the brisket. Put in a preheated pan with a little oil and simmer under the lid over low heat, stirring occasionally. How to brown - add salt;
  2. while the lamb fat is stewing: cut the onion and potatoes into half rings;
  3. Combine onion with browned brisket, mix. Fry for 1-2 minutes;
  4. add potatoes. Mix. Simmer covered over low heat until tender. Salt. Mix. Let it sweat for another 1-2 minutes so that the salt is well absorbed;
  5. sprinkle with herbs.

Delicious and simple potato and lamb food!

Cooking features and taste

Fried potatoes with lamb brisket turn out to be extremely tasty, richly meaty (with a small amount of meat in the dish), nourishing, pleasantly heavy, when you eat, you somehow relax and become kinder. A very pleasant, warm feeling is born inside.

Make sure that the bacon does not burn, it should only brown a little, becoming translucent.

When frying with lamb, young potatoes will keep their shape better. But the taste will be great with good potatoes of any: both the old and the new harvest.

Sprinkle cooked fried potatoes with lamb lard (brisket) with parsley, basil or dill. Here, I think, juicy and slightly sour purslane is still well suited.

It seems that we put a piece of brisket in the dish, designed for two in its pure form, but in potatoes it turns out for four ... and the dish seems to be abundantly filled with meat)

Before frying, the brisket can be sprinkled with lemon juice to neutralize the specific smell of lamb meat (if it bothers someone).

Eat the fried potatoes right away, then the bacon envelops each potato bite and hardens. This is also delicious, but it tastes better when hot.

This meat dish with chips is simple, quick and delicious!

Good appetite!

Enjoy your appetite!

It is not in vain that nutritionists and chefs talk about the benefits of lamb. Lamb has three times less fat than pork, a small amount of cholesterol and low calorie content.

Lamb contains no less vitamins and minerals, and even more iron than other types of meat. Also, during its lifetime, a lamb does not know the premonition of imminent death, which is characteristic of cows and pigs, therefore its skinned carcass does not contain the so-called "fear hormone".

The most delicious meat is from young lambs and sheep, up to one and a half to two years old.

An elderly ram can be easily distinguished by its dark, reddish-brown sinewy meat, thick yellow fat and a specific smell.

For piquancy and softening the aroma, lamb is marinated and served with sauces. Traditional lamb spices are cumin, ginger, garlic and onion. Also, when marinating lamb, unique shades of meat will be given: basil, oregano, tarragon, oregano or marjoram, sage, thyme and rosemary.

Lamb with string beans

500 g of lamb, 600 g of green beans, 200 g of onions, 2 sprigs of parsley, 3-4 sprigs of savory and basil, salt to taste.

Rinse the fatty lamb, cut into small pieces, put in a high frying pan and fry for 20 minutes, then add the finely chopped onion and fry for another 10-15 minutes.

Put the peeled and finely chopped bean pods to the fried meat and onions, season with salt, add hot water so that it covers the food, and put to simmer. Add chopped savory and basil if desired. When the beans are boiled well, remove the pan from the heat. Transfer the prepared meat with beans to a dish and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

Lamb in a pan in tomato sauce

500 g of lamb, 200 g of tomato paste, 3 onions, 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 tomatoes, 1 bunch of dill, 1 lemon, pepper and salt to taste.

Peel, wash and chop the onion. Wash and cut the tomatoes. Wash the lemon, peel and cut into slices. Wash the dill greens. Cut the meat into portions and fry in a pan in butter with onions for 15 minutes. Then pour in a small amount of water, add salt, pepper, tomato paste and simmer until tender. Put the finished meat in a dish, decorate with tomato slices, slices and lemon, dill sprigs and serve.

Braised lamb in a pan

lamb - 800g, ghee - 2 tablespoons, carrots - 1 pc., onions - 2 pcs., tomato puree - 1 tablespoon, herbs, salt, spices - to taste.

for garnish: potatoes - 500g, boiled peas - 300g.

The meat is cut into small pieces and fried in a pan in heated fat along with onions, carrots, tomato puree, then a little broth is added, the spices are stewed until tender. Finished meat is salted and sprinkled with herbs. Boiled potatoes and peas are served as a side dish.

Lamb with prunes

lamb - 400 g of pulp, pitted prunes - 120 g, onions - 1 head, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, beef broth - 1 glass, tomato puree - 3 tbsp. spoons, margarine - 50 g, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp. spoon, cinnamon - 1 g, cloves - 1 g, pickled onions 160 g, parsley and dill - 20 g, salt

Cut the meat into pieces of 40-50 g, salt, fry in a pan in margarine and put in a bowl for stewing. Save finely chopped onions and tomato puree in oil, add all of this to the meat, cover with broth and simmer for 20-30 minutes over low heat. Rinse the prunes, add to the meat and simmer until tender. 10-15 minutes before the end of stewing, add vinegar, sugar, cinnamon, cloves to the meat.

Serve the lamb with a complex vegetable garnish, garnished with sprigs of herbs and pickled onions

in Hungarian

lamb (brisket) - 1.5-2 kg, onions - 1.5 kg, lard fuel. pork - 100 g, sugar - 1 tbsp. l, paprika - 1.5 tsp, salt, ground black pepper, cayenne pepper, chopped greens - 3 tbsp. spoons, wheat flour - 1 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, meat broth - 1 l

Chop the brisket in large pieces. Cut the onion into strips and fry in a frying pan into pieces of bacon. Sprinkle the sugar on the onion, increase the heat, and stir-fry until brown. Fry the meat in the remaining bacon, season with salt and pepper. Mix the onion with flour, paprika and herbs, pour in the broth, stir well and cook until thickened. Pour the resulting sauce over the meat, cover and simmer for 1.3 hours. Add broth as needed.

When serving, put the meat on a platter, pour over the sauce. Garnish with boiled vegetables.

Lamb brisket in a pan

600 g brisket, 1/2 each carrot, parsley root and leek, melted bacon, ground white crackers, salt, pepper, parsley and dill. For a lezon - 3 tablespoons of milk, 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of flour.

Boil the breast with roots until tender, remove the seeds and put on the table, cover with a chopping board with a load and leave for 30 minutes. Then, cut into pieces, one per serving. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, seasoning for meat, if desired, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a skillet in a large amount of fat until crusty. Place in the oven for 5 minutes. Garnish - fried potatoes. Sprinkle the brisket with herbs.

Lamb with onions

Pieces of boneless lamb or the flesh of a shoulder, rolled into a roll, salt, then fry on a baking sheet with fat, then put onions around, cut into slices, and put in an oven for frying. In the process of frying, turn the pieces of meat from one side to the other, and mix the juice escaping from the meat with the onion.

Transfer the finished lamb to another dish, and add equal amounts of red sauce and broth cooked from fried bones to the meat juice with onion and fat remaining on the baking sheet, boil and season with pepper. Cut the lamb across the grain, 2 pieces per serving, and pour over the onion sauce.

When serving, place the lamb with onion and sauce on a plate or plate and sprinkle with herbs.

Lamb goulash in a pan

Cut the flesh of a shoulder blade or hind leg of mutton into cubes of 25-30 g each, salt and fry in fat in a frying pan. Fill the fried pieces of meat with water and simmer with the addition of browned tomato puree for about an hour. After that, pour the flour diluted with chilled water, fried without fat, into the broth with meat, add onions, pepper, bay leaf and simmer the meat until soft over low heat, but not overcooking. Serve goulash with boiled potatoes, pasta or rice porridge, sprinkle with herbs. Goulash can be prepared with sour cream.

Lamb in wine

Serves 4: 2 tablespoons sugar, 4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 75 g prunes, 200 ml lamb broth, 200 ml red wine, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme, 4 lamb steaks 200 g each, Prunes give this dish an unusual juiciness.

Put sugar in a saucepan and heat until it melts and takes on a dark caramel color. Add vinegar and stir. Add prunes, broth and wine. Boil for 10 minutes until the liquid evaporates by half. Add 1 tablespoon thyme. Heat a cast iron skillet and fry the lamb for 4 minutes on each side until tender. Serve the lamb on mashed potatoes with sauce on top. Sprinkle with the remaining thyme and serve.

Lamb with potatoes

Products for 5 servings: 800 g of raw lamb pulp, 1250 g (12-13 pcs.) Of potatoes, 50 g of melted lard, 250 g of cucumbers or tomatoes, salt, pepper.

Fry a large piece of lamb in a pan, as described above, but instead of onions, 25-30 minutes before the end of frying, we put whole tubers of peeled potatoes (if possible of the same size) around the lamb. During frying, periodically turn a piece of lamb and potato tubers from one side to the other, pour the fat and juice that stand out. Cut the finished lamb into 2 pieces per serving. Serve pieces of lamb with potatoes, pour over meat juice, additionally serve cucumbers or tomatoes, green salad seasoned with vinegar and vegetable oil or sour cream.

Lamb roast

lamb, potatoes, tomatoes

Finely chop the lamb, put it in a cauldron and add a little water. Season with salt and over medium heat. The broth should evaporate and fry the meat in its own fat. While the meat is roasting, put the chopped tomatoes in a skillet, salt and fry. During this time, fry the potatoes (cut into cubes or strips). Serve on a plate with vegetables and fresh herbs.

leg of lamb - 2kg, potatoes - 8pcs, large carrots - 4pcs, salt, pepper, spices.

Wash the leg of lamb, dry it with a towel and sprinkle with meat spices. Desirable without salt. Put in the refrigerator to marinate for 30-120 minutes. Wash and peel the potatoes and carrots. Slice the potatoes in half lengthwise. Cut the carrots lengthwise into 4 parts. Salt the vegetables and place the potatoes and carrots in the sleeve. Take the leg of lamb out of the refrigerator. Salt. Place in a sleeve on top of the vegetables. Clamp the sleeve and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for an hour and a half. Cook in the oven for an hour and a half. We get it out. Cut the sleeve carefully. Cut the lamb into portions and place on plates.

Bon Appetit!

Perhaps the fastest and most delicious lamb dish is fried lamb in a pan. Cooking this delicacy takes only a few minutes, and does not require any special skills from the cook, except to know which meat is better to choose and how to fry it so that the fried lamb turns out to be delicious. So, the simplest roast lamb recipe.


(Serves 4)

  • 600 gr. young lamb
  • olive or sunflower oil
  • ground black pepper
  • To cook fried lamb, the following parts of the carcass are best suited: loin on the bone, shoulder blade, brisket, shank or hind leg. Convenient when the meat is chopped into fairly thin steaks.
  • When buying lamb, I advise you to pay attention not only to the freshness of the meat, but also to the age of the animal. In an adult or old animal, fat has a yellowish tint and a pronounced specific smell, it is better not to take such lamb, but tender six-month-old lamb with thin white streaks of fat is the very thing.
  • Secret number one. The pan, together with vegetable oil, should be thoroughly heated.
  • When the oil begins to evaporate, a sure sign that the pan is hot, add the lamb steaks. The meat should lie in one layer at intervals.
  • If you try to fry a large amount of meat, the pan cools quickly and the lamb, instead of fried to form a toasted crust, begins to boil, which is exactly what should be avoided.
  • Secret number two. Fry the lamb quickly over high heat. As soon as one side is browned, we turn it over to the other. Fry until golden brown.
  • If the lamb steaks begin to bend during frying, then trim the edges with kitchen scissors. This straightens the piece again and fits snugly against the pan.
  • Secret number three. Salt and pepper the lamb when the meat is already fried.
  • Secret number four. Serve the lamb hot, straight out of the pan. It is such fried lamb that is juicy and tasty. Serve boiled potatoes, fresh or baked vegetables as a side dish.
  • As you can see, everything is very simple, five minutes and the lamb fried in a pan is ready!

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