
Why cats can't pollock. Can you give a cat fish? Feeding kittens of exotic breeds

Fish products in the diet of domestic cats, although not a priority, are still allowed as a source of protein, which is absorbed more easily than the analog contained in meat. They are also necessary for replenishing the body with omega acids. When they are introduced into the diet, cat owners often have the question of what kind of fish can be given to cats. At the same time, it is important to take into account not only the species diversity of fish, but also the form in which they will be included in the menu of cats.

What kinds of fish can you feed cats

Cats should eat fish once a week. And each time, it should be a different look. When choosing a product for a "cat restaurant", you should focus on the age and health of the cat, as well as her personal preferences. Cats can fish sea and river, although preference is most often given to the first option.

The best types of fish to include in a cat's diet include::

  • pollock
  • cod
  • salmon
  • trout

When choosing a fish variety for a cat menu, it is worth considering such an indicator as overweight of the animal. If a pet is rapidly gaining weight, or has already managed to acquire extra pounds, then you can not feed him fatty fish, such as sardines, mackerel, herring. For well-fed animals, low-fat options are better - hake, pollock or cod. In these dietary products contain a small amount of fat, but at the same time they contain less vitamins A and D.

If white fish is fed to a cat that is expecting offspring, then this can cause insufficient intake of vitamins in the body. It is better to give pregnant cats occasionally, no more than once every 2 weeks, red fish, due to the higher content of useful omega acids and vitamin components. Some breeders generally exclude all types of fish from the diet of cats who are preparing to become mothers, believing that this product is not useful during pregnancy.

What kind of fish should be given to cats

Before offering to a cat a fish dish, the fish must be thoroughly boiled. Before cooking, the fish is gutted and all bones are removed from it. If the fish is large, then in order for it to boil well, it must be divided into parts.

Raw fish should not be given to cats for several reasons. Many of its varieties contain thiaminase, an enzyme that causes a decrease in vitamin B1 in the body of an animal. Thiaminase is destroyed only during the cooking process, so raw fish is not a safe product for this indicator.

  • herring
  • sprat
  • capelin

Raw fish is even more dangerous in terms of infection with helminths. A cat can easily become infected with worms when eating fish that has not been heat-treated.

Boiled fish is considered ready if its meat easily separates from the bones. If a fish fillet is being prepared, then the degree of its readiness can be determined by its softness. You can only offer a fish dish to a cat after it has cooled to room temperature.

Cats should not be fed salted fish, canned fish or fish heads. Many owners do not understand why this should not be done if such feeding has become almost habitual. While cats love these types of foods, the salt and preservatives they contain can cause kidney and urinary tract problems. And the bones of fish heads can lead to injuries to the pharynx and oral cavity.

Fish is a healthy and tasty product, which, if properly included in the diet of a pet, will bring only a positive effect. Feeding a cat with fish, in addition to benefits, also brings her considerable joy.

Can you feed a cat fish? Yes, you can. A fish - useful product. Fish protein is the most easily digestible protein, that is, it is better than meat. Seafood also contains useful vitamins (especially a lot of A, D, B 1and B 2), minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, etc.). Fatty fish varieties are a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In general, the composition of the fish is very rich and healthy.

It makes no sense to sing the praises of this product further, because. almost everyone knows about its benefits. But does this mean that any fish can be given to a cat in unlimited quantities?

See how this wild feline skillfully hunts fish

Harm of fish for cats and cats

For all its usefulness, fish has a number of features that do not allow it to be the basis of the diet.

calcium and phosphorus

One of the most common problems in the composition of the diet of cats is the lack of balance of phosphorus and calcium, and this balance is the cornerstone of feline nutrition. The problem is that meat is rich in phosphorus and contains almost no calcium. In fish, the bias in favor of phosphorus is even greater. In the meantime, a calcium/phosphorus balance in a cat's diet should be approximately 1:1 (between 0.8:1 and 1.2:1). With a bias in favor of phosphorus, various pathologies develop: read more at the link. Therefore, if you constantly feed the animal with fish, but do not give sources of calcium, an imbalance will occur. Moreover, fish nutrition creates this imbalance much faster: again, due to the increased phosphorus content in comparison with meat. For some breeds and purebred cats with good health, periodic such errors in nutrition are not so terrible, and breeds with a tendency to problems of the musculoskeletal system (for example, Scottish folds) can respond quite quickly to such errors. Read about how to prevent imbalance with the help of the main product with calcium.

Increased fat content

When feeding a cat with fish, you need to take into account its fat content. There are three types of fish:

  • dry (non-fat) varieties of fish (up to 4% fat): flounder, cod, hake, blue whiting, sea bass, grenadier, pollack, navaga, haddock, pollock, vobla, pike, river perch, ruff, tench, pike perch, mollusks, crayfish;
  • moderately fatty varieties (5-8% fat): horse mackerel, catfish, pink salmon, herring, sea bass, chum salmon, bream, trout (the collective name for freshwater salmon), carp, crucian carp, carp, tuna;
  • fatty fish (more than 9% fat): salmon, sockeye salmon, saury, mackerel, eel, toothfish, omul, herring, sprat, stellate sturgeon, chinook, beluga, nelma, ivasi, sabrefish, burbot, silver carp, notothenia, sturgeon.

It should be borne in mind that the percentage of fat content of the same carcass may vary depending on its part. Some fish tend to accumulate fat under the belly and on the back, while some (for example, herring) fat is evenly distributed. If the distribution of fat is uneven, then the fattest parts should not be given to cats. If the fat is evenly distributed, then it does not matter which part of the carcass the pet will receive.

Contrary to the prevailing opinion of many that dry varieties of fish are preferable for cats, in fact, nutritionists advise including fatty varieties in the diet as they are more high-calorie and rich in omega acids. That is, fatty varieties, which include most salmon, are preferable.

However, including fish in the diet, you need to monitor the overall percentage of fat content of the entire menu. If fish is served in a small piece daily as part of a meat mix or one serving per week, it cannot significantly affect the fat content of the diet. But you still need to know the percentage of fat content of the fish you use in order not to upset the balance: fat in the cat's diet should be at least 5%, recommended - 15%, but not more than 20%. So, if you are serving 9-15% fat fish today and there are no other products on the menu, this is a normal balance. If the diet has meat, say, 2% fat and you add a small piece of 20% fish, then you should not worry about the excessive fat content of the dish. If you make a menu only from fish of 20% fat or more, this is already a lot. Similarly, if the menu includes 18% fat fish and, say, fatty parts of chicken, then this is too much. We summarize the rule: you need to observe the total percentage of fat content in the diet.

The average percentage of fat content of various types of fish

Fat content depends on the part of the carcass, as well as on the season.

cod 0,3%
hake 0,8-1,4%
navaga 0,8-1,4%
pollock 0,5-0,9%
vobla 1,3-4%
Pike 1,3-4%
river perch 1,3-4%
zander 1,3-4%
blue whiting 1%
whitefish 1,5%
flounder 1,3-4%
saithe up to 2%
sea ​​bass 3%
dorado 3%
carp 3%
pangasius 3-4%
red mullet 4%
tuna 4,2-4,5%
horse mackerel 4,2-4,5%
herring 4,2-4,5%
sea ​​bass 4,2-4,5%
catfish 5%
pilengas 3-8%
trout 5%
carp 5%
chum salmon 5-6%
pink salmon 5-7%
bream 6,5%
crucian carp 6-7%
red salmon 7-10%
beluga 7-10%
notothenia 9-10%
sardine 11%
stellate sturgeon 11%
sturgeons 11-13%
sprat 13%
catfish 14%
salmon 13%
saury 14%
mackerel 13-18%
sabre 17%
herring 16-22%
acne 30%


There is an established opinion that sea ​​views fish contain a lot of salt, and salt in large quantities, as you know, is harmful to cats. First of all, the kidneys will suffer. Is it so?

The daily need of cats for salt is small, and it is perfectly covered with meat products. Ocean and marine fish are saltier than meat, and this is one of the reasons why fish cannot be the basis of the diet.

Destructive thiaminase

Some seafood (especially shellfish, carp and Atlantic herring) contain the enzyme thiaminase, which destroys vitamin B 1. Thiaminase acts in a similar way both inside the food and in the intestines of the cat. Feeding fish with thiaminase for more than 2 weeks will show clinical signs of vitamin B deficiency. 1. However, thiaminase is destroyed by heat treatment, so this concern is only relevant for raw fish.

questionable cod

Fish of the cod family, when consumed in large quantities (30-35% of the diet and above), can cause iron deficiency anemia and depigmentation of animal fur.

worms in fish

Opisthorchiasis is especially dangerous. They most often suffer from representatives of the carp family (crucian carp, bream, roach, vobla, top, ide, minnow and gudgeon).

This picture is familiar to workers in the food industry. Usually fish are cleaned for buyers.

Worm larvae in fish are killed either by boiling or by freezing. The first method is more reliable, since fish worms do not always die at a standard household freezer temperature of -18 degrees Celsius. This temperature kills particularly resistant species in at least a week, but this cannot be guaranteed in 100% of cases. Therefore, this method of preparing fish for consumption is not considered the best.

The planet's environment is mired in heavy metals. Fish in the oceans, seas and rivers are part of the ecosystem and actively absorb these metals, and then, when they get on the table, they generously supply us. Predatory fish species are especially prone to the accumulation of heavy metals: herring, halibut, perch, eel, tuna, anchovies, hake, pollock, sardines, whiting, cod, haddock, catfish, flounder, trout. Moreover, the older the fish, the more it has accumulated heavy metals. Therefore, choose not large individuals, the size of which indicates their young age.


Artificially grown in incubators and on farms, fish is almost always stuffed with antibiotics. In this way, producers try to avoid the spread of infections and pestilence of fish in their reservoirs. It is better not to buy such fish either for a cat or for yourself. She prefer the wild sea.

Not the first freshness

Ideally, if the cats received relatively fresh fish, that is, immediately after the catch, it would be subjected to shock freezing and defrosted at home. However, in regions remote from the sea, everything is different. The fish is first frozen in briquettes, after which it is brought to warehouses, where it is often thawed. Next, the fish is divided into smaller briquettes or each carcass is separated, after which it is frozen again and sent to stores. On the way, if the transportation conditions are unsatisfactory, the fish can also defrost. In the supermarket, they either freeze it again or sell it as fresh on ice. From the fact that it was thawed and beautifully served, the product did not become fresh. But it evokes the necessary associations in people, and therefore they willingly acquire such fish.

This is a fish in briquettes

And it's like fresh fish in a supermarket

During freezing and thawing, meat deteriorates, fish oil oxidizes and becomes not only useless, but also dangerous. That is why it is so important not to buy fish with a rancid taste and a rusty color, as well as with other signs of staleness. Properly frozen fish will not taste rancid when thawed. Its meat does not spread, but retains its shape. It does not have even the slightest smell of staleness.

There are more chances to buy fish that has not been double-triple frozen when it is in a whole briquette. If this is a separate carcass, most likely it has already been frozen. And, for sure, it makes no sense to buy “fresh” fish on ice in a supermarket remote from the sea, which is guaranteed to have already been thawed at least once. Of course, this does not apply to fish that were pulled out of a store aquarium, killed and put on ice.

How to give fish to cats

Let's answer the main questions of this article. Can you give fish to cats? Yes, you can. Is it possible to make fish the basis of the diet? No. Feeding cats with fish is necessary only according to certain rules.

When compiling a healthy diet for a domestic cat, many owners are faced with the conviction of many veterinarians who do not recommend adding fish of different varieties to the daily menu of the animal. In our article, we will consider in detail the question - why cats should not eat fish and what regular feeding with this product can lead to.

Let's start with the destruction of stereotypes that have developed over the years: wild domestic cats have always eaten fish, independently caught tasty prey from lakes and rivers, and in general, this product is the basis of their diet.

An absolutely erroneous misconception, since by nature cats are very afraid of water, so they have never been keen on fishing. The fish menu for domestic cats was invented by people because of the availability of the product and its comparative cheapness.

Harm of fish and fish products: why not feed?

Fish contains a large amount of phosphorus and magnesium. These elements improve the functioning of the brain, but in excess contribute to the violation of the mineral balance in the body of the animal, which leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary system.

Another weighty argument in favor of refusing to regularly feed fish to pets: with the regular use of this product, K-avitaminosis develops. As a result of these pathological changes in the body, the following consequences can occur:

  • blood clotting worsens;
  • there is a serious violation of the redox balance;
  • hair problems appear;
  • the cat becomes lethargic, inactive, the natural vitality is lost;
  • allergic reactions may occur;
  • high probability helminthic invasion;
  • inflammatory processes develop in the body.

Is it possible to give kittens raw fish: no, such a product should not be given even to adult animals. Raw fish contains thiaminases. With frequent use of such a product, a serious deficiency of vitamin B1 appears.

Subsequently, it leads to the development of certain neurological diseases. The cat may experience convulsions and paralysis. The work of the digestive system also worsens and a pathological disorder occurs. carbohydrate metabolism.

If you regularly feed your pet with fish, you can significantly shorten its lifespan. Due to the deterioration of blood clotting, internal hemorrhages can occur, which will lead to the natural death of the animal. A lethal outcome is also not excluded in case of urolithiasis, which is especially dangerous for domestic cats.

We are also ready to answer the question - is it possible for cats to fish of elite varieties grown on specialized farms. Unfortunately, this product is absolutely not suitable for feeding pets.

For the rapid growth of fish and the destruction of infection in artificial reservoirs, various antifungal drugs, antibiotics and chemicals are used. nutritional supplements.

Being in such an environment, the fish grows rapidly and gains weight, and at the same time, it absorbs a lot of harmful substances that are not eliminated even after many hours of cooking.

After eating such fish, very dangerous elements begin to accumulate in the cat's body, which also leads to the development of serious diseases that shorten the life span of the animal.

Is it okay to give raw whole fish to cats: and the answer to this question is a categorical no! The fish consists of numerous bones, many of them are too small, so when consumed, the animal simply swallows them.

Getting into the throat, a small, but rather sharp bone, can severely injure the organ. Mucous membranes may also be affected. gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to the development of the inflammatory process and other adverse consequences.

Now it becomes clear why many experts strongly recommend excluding fish from the daily diet of a pet.

Do cats even eat fish?

Of course, cats, like any other living creatures, love a varied diet and will never refuse a delicious treat called "fish". However, this product is by no means a natural food for felines, so it is not at all necessary to feed a pet with fish products.

The composition of fish includes various trace elements necessary for the body of animals. But, there are many other useful products that are absolutely safe for cats and have an identical composition.

So, for example, many owners replace fish with special vitamin supplements for animals sold in veterinary pharmacies. Dry and wet food is also suitable, containing in its composition a complex of nutrients necessary for vigor and health of a fluffy pet.

Owner opinions

The opinions of owners about the need to introduce fish into the diet of a pet are very contradictory. Many people think that natural product better than any conservation, while others responsibly follow the recommendations of specialists and exclude fish from the daily menu of the animal.

Let's take a look at some of the arguments that come from the "fish in the cat's diet" proponents and find out what contradictions there are to their claims. All country and street cats eat fish and have no health problems!

Here it is necessary to note a statistical fact - rural and street cats live less than their relatives living at home under the vigilant care of the owner. Due to poor nutrition, such representatives quickly develop dangerous diseases that significantly shorten the life of the animal.

My friend's cat constantly ate fish and lived a long and carefree life!

Comparing the life of another animal with your ward is a useless idea. Each living creature has an individual body, so it is impossible to predict the reaction of your cat to the constant use of fish. If you do not want to risk the life and health of your beloved cat, it is better to listen to the advice of experienced professionals!

Fish oil is a necessary and very useful product for cats!

All veterinarians in the world absolutely agree with this argument, but at the same time they still recommend replacing a natural product with artificial additives created specifically for felines.

In such formulations, there are no harmful elements that contribute to the development of various diseases in cats, leading to the early death of the animal.

How much fish can be given to a cat

After rereading the numerous arguments about the dangers of fish for domestic cats, many owners have a very obvious opinion - this product will have to be completely excluded from the animal's diet. But this is not entirely true, you can give fish to a cat, but sometimes, in a certain amount and not of all kinds.

This product, despite the numerous harmful components, is still necessary for the animal to maintain the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system. In order not to cause harm and create an exceptionally healthy menu for your furry friend, we recommend that you follow these tips from veterinarians:

  1. It is better to feed a cat with boiled fish. In the process of heat treatment, dangerous components are destroyed, and the destruction of helminthic eggs also occurs.
  2. You can serve a fish dish no more than 1 time per week.
  3. Castrated cats and sterilized cats are fed with fish no more than 2 times a month.
  4. In the diet of the animal should be only sea fish without bones! River species are absolutely not suitable for domestic cats, as they contain too many small bones that can injure the throat and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Young cats can be pampered with oily fish from time to time, but mature cats are best fed exclusively with dietary varieties.
  6. Do not feed your cat fish during pregnancy. The substances included in its composition can adversely affect the development of the fetus.
  7. The fish must be deboned or a ready-made fillet should be chosen that does not require additional processing before feeding.
  8. Portions should be moderate, appropriate for the weight and age of the pet. Do not impose a dish in large quantities, the cat may not resist such a delicious temptation and eat heartily, and this is already fraught with very adverse consequences!
  9. Fish can be served in combination with a side dish, for example, with freshly prepared cereal porridge or vegetable puree.
  10. Do not mix fish with dry and wet food. Such a dinner will not benefit your furry friend.

Can a small kitten be given fish? This product is introduced into the diet of the animal from the age of 2 months. The fish is served processed, boneless, in small quantities. The cat may require supplementation, but such provocations are best left unattended.

If you want your kitten to grow up healthy and beautiful, listen to the recommendations of veterinarians and do not indulge the animal with a product that is prohibited for regular use!

River fish, with bones, smoked, boiled and salted

Do not give domestic cats smoked, salted, fried and river fish with bones. Particularly dangerous species: sprat, saury, capelin, pollock, blue whiting, river and sea bass.

What kind of fish can cats: salmon, halibut, cod, pink salmon, salmon, hake, flounder and other marine varieties.

More articles on this topic.

Many cat owners will say that their pets are very fond of fish and eat it with pleasure. Moreover, many compatriots have a clear opinion that fish for cats is very useful and even necessary product nutrition. Some cat owners specially go to the market, buy fish and give it to their beloved pet. But this cannot be done.

Yes, of course, someone will say that village cats eat fish every day and nothing. But, in fact, nothing, because the life expectancy of a village "Murzik" is much less than that of domestic city cats, which do not eat fish very often. Fish is not a product that a cat needs to eat, fish carries a rather serious danger to your pet.

You don't have to be a professional cat nutritionist to understand this, you just need to analyze what cats eat in their natural environment. Your thoroughbred would never fish, she is afraid of water, she does not eat fish as the basis of her diet, she does not eat fish at all. There are only a few breeds of cats in the world that can really fish, you can count them on your fingers. Your cat, in nature, would eat birds, donuts, ferrets, etc.

Why shouldn't you give fish to your cat?

First of all, there is salt in fish, and if you give sea fish, then there is a lot of salt in it. An experienced owner knows that salt should not be given to cats. Salt negatively affects the kidneys, so the cat develops diseases of a different nature very quickly. It should be understood that simple fish they also sometimes salt it in the store, so it lasts longer and the seller manages to sell the entire batch. So you are essentially giving your cat a poison that she shouldn't have consumed.

Fish are rich in phosphorus and magnesium, which are ideal building blocks for urinary stones. This is a very dangerous and serious disease that is very difficult to cure.

Fish is also a source of various infections, because if you buy fish in the market, and it was caught in the nearest body of water, then this does not mean that it is safe.

It is no secret that today reservoirs are a repository for all the elements of the periodic table, so you should not risk the health of your cat.

It should be said that for the normal functioning of the body, your cat needs vitamins. For example, a cat uses vitamin K to clot blood. This vitamin, your cat can synthesize from almost any food. But she does not receive vitamin K from fish, if the diet is completely fish, then everything will end very sadly.

Do not forget that the fish contains many small bones, the cat cannot separate the fish from the bone, so it swallows everything together. This very often causes damage to the esophagus and intestines. If you are already giving fish, then try to remove the maximum number of bones.

Is it possible to give sea fish in the diet

Many people think that sea fish will be safer for a cat, because it is expensive and clean. But, as mentioned earlier, marine fish contains a large number of fish. In order to transport marine fish, the manufacturer always salts it, this is the only way to preserve the freshness of the product. Salt is very bad for your cat's body, and its use leads to a lot of problems.

In addition to salt, sea fish contains a very large amount of iodine. Cats cannot absorb large amounts of iodine, so the use of such products leads to an enlarged thyroid gland and the appearance of all subsequent diseases. Therefore, you should not give your cat sea fish.

Should fish be completely eliminated from a cat's diet?

If your pet loves this product very much and is waiting for it, then you can give him fish, rarely, but you can give it. But you need to understand that not all fish is suitable for a cat’s diet, if you already give fish, then do it right:

  • It is necessary to choose fish of noble varieties. Give preference to pollock, hake, halibut, salmon, etc.
  • Do not give your cat fish more than once a week, but do it in small doses.
  • Fish must be given boiled, so more bacteria are destroyed.
  • Separate the fish from the bones.
  • When cooking fish, do not salt it.

If your cat will eat a small amount of fish and do it infrequently, then nothing terrible will happen. But if it is possible to completely exclude fish from the diet, then be sure to do it, this product does not benefit your cat. There are many other foods that you can give your cat.

Your cat or cat eventually becomes not just cute animals and pets, they become real family members. The cat meets you after work, purrs pleasantly, loves to be in your arms, even sleeps in your bed. That is why your task is to take care of your pet and watch what he eats. A domestic cat cannot look for food on its own, you have closed it in an apartment or house, so you need to buy food on your own and present it to your cat in a timely manner.

Food plays a very important role in shaping the health of your cat, improper nutrition leads to a sharp reduction in the life of your cat, the manifestation of certain diseases, a drop in mood and activity of a pet. This is very serious, so you should not feed your expensive and thoroughbred cat with anything, you need to choose the right diet for him and give him what is beneficial.

Many cat owners do not think about the dangers of the food they give to their furry pets. But veterinarians say that fish should not be included in the diet of cats, although many pets eat it with pleasure. With regular use, the product causes inflammation of the kidneys in animals, metabolic disorders, becomes the cause of helminthic invasion and beriberi. In order not to cause a negative reaction of the body in a pet, it is important to carefully monitor the pet's nutrition, give it fish in limited quantities and only some varieties.

Do cats eat fish?

The information that fish is an undesirable product for a cat is surprising to many pet lovers. Arguing in favor of a fish menu, they argue that the food belongs to the traditional diet of feline predators. Their pets often eat fish and feel great, and some cats on such food live up to the age of twenty.

But if you delve into zoology and take into account the species characteristics of the family, it turns out that under natural conditions, cats have never eaten fish. After all, they do not like to go into the water, but prefer to hunt on land. The only exceptions are the Houses - reed cats, but for them, fish is not the basis of the diet. The predator eats everything that it manages to catch and prefers to hunt birds and mice. This means that the fish menu is not intended for cats, but is forced on them by people because of the cheapness and availability.

Only a few pets survive to a ripe old age on a fish diet. Such cases are the exception.

An excess of unsaturated fatty acids in sea ​​fish with insufficient amounts of vitamin E and other antioxidants leads to the development of panniculitis. The disease mainly affects young animals and overfed cats, if their diet consists almost entirely of fish products. With the development of the condition, lethargy, tarnishing of the coat is noted, hypersensitivity in the abdomen and back. Even a light touch causes pain in the pet.

"Royal Canin" for neutered cats: types of food and application

Harm to pet health

Cats are happy to eat fish and industrial food based on it. But veterinarians oppose the fact that the diet of animals is based on this product. It does more harm than good. The fish menu causes serious health problems for pets:

  • Fish contains phosphorus and magnesium, the excess of which disrupts the mineral balance in the animal's body. This causes the formation of stones in the urinary tract, the development inflammatory processes excretory system. And not only neutered cats suffer, but also healthy young pets.
  • Raw fish contains thiaminase, an enzyme that antagonizes thiamine. Due to its consumption, the cat's body suffers from a deficiency of vitamin B1. This leads to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and neurological problems up to convulsions and paralysis.
  • Fish is one of the three strongest allergens, so cats, especially kittens, often have a reaction in the form of dry skin, dandruff and itching.
  • During long-term storage, histamine accumulates in meat. Protein is a mediator of inflammation; after eating by animals, it enhances the allergic reaction and the inflammatory process.
  • The body of cats does not synthesize vitamin K from fish, as a result of its frequent consumption in animals, blood clotting decreases. There are cases of death of animals due to hemorrhages caused by the absence of the substance.
  • Due to the high content of iodine in marine life, older pets (over the age of seven) often have endocrine problems, hyperthyroidism develops.

The salmon species of fish offered in the store are usually grown on farms. For active growth and destruction of the infection, antibiotics and food additives, antifungal drugs are added to the feed. Some of the components are potential carcinogens: penetrating into tissues and bones, they are not excreted from the body even when cooked.

Excess consumption of raw fish is the cause of oxidative stress. In the animal's body, this leads to a violation of the acid-reduction balance, fats are oxidized, cells lose their ability to recover, and as a result, free radicals accumulate.

In addition, the animal can injure the throat with thin bones. Drinking into the mucous internal organs, sharp parts of the skeleton of fish cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ocean whitefish is the leader in the content of heavy metals, including mercury. King mackerel, tuna, and shark are high in carcinogens.

Rules for a balanced diet

After frightening arguments about the dangers of fish for the cat's body, it turns out that it is absolutely impossible to feed pets with this product. But it is not so. Fish is a natural supplier of protein for tailed pets, it contains the amino acid taurine. The substance supports the nervous and cardiovascular system animals, has a beneficial effect on the reproductive sphere. Therefore, a healthy cat will not be harmed by variety, if it is reasonable to make a diet:

Industrial fish-based food is also fraught with kidney problems. In addition, it is addictive, so dietary restrictions also apply to it.

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