
Is the gender of the child so important? How and why the month of birth affects human health What gives esoteric knowledge

Children-heroes are the joy of grandmothers and a reason for the pride of their parents. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Why are big babies born, and what dangers can await them?

What does "large fruit" mean?

There are several situations in which doctors call babies large:

1. Large infants are considered to be born with a body weight of 4 kg or more. In this case, the baby can be 36 - 42 weeks old (full-term or post-term), that is, the gestational age is not decisive. Today, approximately every sixth newborn is born large, and rare (less than 1%) heroes are gigantic, that is, with a birth weight of 5 kg or more.

2. In the second half of pregnancy, during any planned measurement of the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, the gynecologist in the expectant mother may suspect that the fetus is large. This happens if the numbers obtained on the centimeter tape are 3 or more cm higher than the approximate average value (obstetricians have special tables and calculation formulas for each week of pregnancy). This means that the young puzzler is ahead of his peers in physical development by 2 weeks or more. Since every day matters for the period of intrauterine life, this gap is considered quite tangible. By the time of delivery, the woman's waist circumference at the navel level will be more than 100 cm (meter!), And the bottom of the uterus will be 42 cm or more higher than the pubic bone.

An additional argument in favor of a large fruit is more than 500 grams. in Week. But the doctor can only assume that the baby began to gain weight too actively, because the body weight and size of the pregnant tummy can only grow in a woman (for example, with edema or polyhydramnios). Ultrasound will confirm suspicions.

3. During ultrasound. The first trimester of pregnancy is the period when all organs are formed in the fetus, and in the literal sense of the word, he is not up to fat. He begins to accumulate muscle mass and adipose tissue from the second trimester, most actively in the third. Therefore, most mothers for the first time will hear that their baby is large (tendency to a large fetus), about p. Just at this time, the second planned ultrasound is carried out, at which the doctor will necessarily calculate the baby's weight by measuring the length of the femur, the circumference of the head and tummy (again according to special tables or using the program - in new ultrasound machines).

But there are some young accelerators who confuse doctors with their heroic dimensions already at the first, genetic ultrasound. Then the question usually arises about the correctness of the calculation of the gestational age by the mother herself, about the accuracy of her registration of the date of the beginning of the last menstruation or the day of conception. In such cases, the estimated date of birth is indicated by ultrasound (exactly in time), and then the second figure is written, calculated according to the menstrual cycle indicated by the woman. There are no particular reasons for worry, since a gap of 2 weeks is considered acceptable, especially since the baby looks larger, and not smaller than it should be.

TOP reasons why babies are born large

1. Acceleration

Do you think only teenagers strive to overtake their parents in height? No: babies-puzzlers have been born bigger and bigger for many years. Therefore, a woman must be prepared that her full-term babies will be harder at birth than she and her husband on their birthday.

2. Heredity

It is noticed that a fragile mother, especially a young one (under 20 years old) or an age one (after 34 years old), will grow up in the tummy of a hero much more often if the spouse was born large at one time. And if the woman, too, in infancy was not small, then the baby will become just a giant.

Daddies who are prone to overweight, growing a tummy with a future mom, babies are also often born as heroes.

The point is not only in the genetically embedded program of the physical development of the crumbs. Indeed, quite often babies, large at birth, are compared in weight and height with their peers in kindergarten, and even much earlier. The hereditary features of the metabolic activity in the body of the mother and baby, the structure of the placenta itself or its vascular network (it will be more abundantly supplied with blood or have larger dimensions) are important.

3. Overburdening

In case of prolonged or post-term pregnancy, the little belly must use the opportunity to grow up while the mother's body prepares for childbirth. Before 14 days, you don't have to strain yourself to suck, breathe, scream and recover - you should know that you are fat!

4. Poor nutrition of a pregnant woman

Expectant mothers in the second half of pregnancy are forced to limit their physical activity. At the same time, few manage to slightly reduce their diet: here at least cope with increased appetite. So an excess of calories appears imperceptibly, adding extra pounds to mom and her belly.

A separate problem is refined sweets and buns made from premium flour. Not only does their relentless eating increase the risk of gestational diabetes, but sugar, even worse than salt, provokes the onset of edema. Hence the excess weight and rather large dimensions of the pregnant woman and the heir.

It is noticed that with obesity of the 1st degree, about a quarter of women give birth to large, more often healthy, babies. But then - with each excess kilogram of the mother - the proportion of heroes increases slightly, but the risk of developing dangerous diseases in the fetus and injuries during childbirth for both increases many times.

5. Rebirth

With equally proceeding pregnancies, each next child will be born larger than the previous one. Everything is explained by the readiness of the mother's body for gestation and for the hormonal and physiological changes associated with it. But this will be so only in those cases when a woman has the opportunity (time, quality nutrition) to fully recover between childbirth. Otherwise, the mother risks giving birth to a small baby and suffering for a long time from polyhypovitaminosis, the symptoms of which will be thinning hair, lost fillings in the teeth, exfoliated nails, dry skin, dull eyes, endless fatigue and postpartum depression.

6. Diabetes mellitus, which my mother suffered from before pregnancy, and

There is a whole range of symptoms in babies called diabetic fetopathy. In fact, these are the consequences of hormonal shocks and surges in blood sugar levels in the mother. Among them, one of the earliest and most common is an excessive increase in fetal weight after 20 weeks of gestation in combination with polyhydramnios.

7. Swelling in a pregnant woman for various reasons

While the baby is in the mother's tummy, he is inextricably linked with her, part of her. Therefore, everything that happens to her necessarily affects the belly. And if a woman has, they will be in a crumbs. This means it will weigh more.

But there are important differences that must be remembered: when in a pregnant woman, edematous fluid accumulates only in the subcutaneous tissue of the legs, in the baby it is distributed throughout the body, including in the lungs, in the heart and in the brain, disrupting the work of all organs and making it difficult to start a fulfilling life after birth. The placenta also gets a lot: due to edema, it thickens, the blood supply in it is disrupted, and the fetus does not receive oxygen. That is why a large increase in fetal mass with edema in its mother is a reason for excitement and active treatment.

8. Hemolytic disease intrauterine

The edematous form of incompatibility for the Rh factor of the mother and the fetus is the most severe and prognostically very dangerous form of hemolytic disease. Healing a newborn baby is a huge and often ineffective work. Therefore, doctors are trying with all their might to prevent its development, actively observing Rh-negative pregnant women and carrying out a set of protective measures for them.

9. Iatrogeny

This is the reception by the expectant mother of drugs that contribute to the rapid growth of the fetus or the accumulation of excess fluid. These are corticosteroid and female sex (gestagens) hormones, glucose, anabolic steroids, excessive drug addiction that increase blood circulation in the placenta.

How is pregnancy with a large fetus

The first half of pregnancy does not differ. Unless the tummy will become noticeable a little earlier, and even then in women with a narrow pelvis. Mom needs to be prepared for the fact that as soon as doctors see a tendency towards a large fetus, she will have to go to the ultrasound more often and do a few additional ones, first of all - blood for sugar and a glucose tolerance test. The main recommendation of a doctor who is observing a pregnant woman is to eat right, not to "lean" on sweet and fatty foods.

In the second half of pregnancy, when the reason for the development of a large fetus is clarified, some mothers will be offered inpatient or outpatient treatment. Most of the little heroes will simply have to more often listen to reminders with her about the need to observe moderation in food.

How will the expectant mother feel? She will feel her paunch earlier than others. The jerks will not be gentle and timid for long: very soon she will have to wait until her footballer plays enough and stops kicking her in the ribs perceptibly. And girls will frolic as well as boys. In heroic mothers, dyspnea begins more often and earlier due to pressure from the uterus of the stomach and diaphragm. Often they are worried about edema and varicose veins on the legs and hemorrhoids due to a slowdown in the outflow of blood from the lower body through the vessels pressed by the uterus. There may be pain in the sacrum area due to overextension of the lower back, pain and cramps in the feet and in the calf muscles with a large increase in weight and with a lack of nutrition for the pregnant woman. For many, it occurs due to which the pregnant woman will not be able to sleep on her back and will feel short of breath and dizziness during examinations in the supine position (ultrasound, examination in a gynecological chair).

There is one funny moment: until the last moment, you can keep intrigue and smile mysteriously instead of answering the question of the curious about whether twins are expected.

Why are only boys born to me? This question will be asked by any woman in whose family the third little "man" has appeared. What specific factors affect the sex of the child? Are there methods to control the future gender of the baby? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do some men only have boys?

Who specifically of the partners influences the sex of the unborn child remains a mystery to scientists. At first glance, everything seems obvious: a man determines gender, since his sperm cell can contain one of two chromosomes - X or Y. At the same time, the female egg is "deprived" of the choice and can boast of having only the X chromosome. Accordingly, gender depends on whether which sperm of a man will "survive" and achieve its goal.

At the same time, scientists have conducted a number of additional studies, identifying patterns in mothers with many children, who have only girls, and mothers, who all have future men. First of all, these patterns are associated with the physical indicators of the woman's body. Therefore, to the question "Why are only boys born to me?" there can be no single answer. Perhaps it's the man and the "vitality" of a certain type of sperm. Or maybe the female body independently chooses which sperm to "accept" and which "to push".

Can the sex of the child be influenced?

Along with the question "Why are only boys born in a family?" many parents think about whether they can affect the future gender of the child. The desire to keep everything under control in this regard is not a new trend in fashion: it has existed since ancient times. And here men played a big role: basically they raised the excitement around the sex of their child, because everyone wanted to have an "heir" by all means.

Medical scientists have tried to cast aside all prejudice and conduct independent observation. Its purpose is to identify patterns that theoretically can affect the gender of the baby. Here's what they found out:

  1. Most married couples have a boy as their first child. But with each subsequent pregnancy, it becomes more and more difficult to give birth to a little "man".
  2. The older the parents are, the less likely they are to see their child as a boy.
  3. Men with gout mostly have girls, while bald men have boys.
  4. If a woman becomes pregnant some time after the abortion, then, most likely, a girl will be born.

These are just observations and assumptions. They cannot be considered immutable rules, as the experience of many married couples shows.

How does the environment affect the health of men and the gender of their child?

If we try to seriously explain why some men in a family give birth to girls one after another or boys one after another, doctors are likely to “write off” such a situation on unfavorable conditions or health problems.

So why do some only have boys? How do doctors explain this?

Assumptions are made that the Y chromosomes (providing the male sex of the child) are less stable, therefore, harmful working conditions, constant stress, weakening the male body, contribute to their destruction. This also includes factors such as alcohol, nicotine, or harsh drug use. Again, the presence or absence of chronic disease must be considered.

However, it is not fully confirmed scientifically. If you follow this logic unquestioningly, then men in general would have died out long ago: where in our time without stress and at least one bad habit? Only girls would be born!

When is it necessary to make love for a girl to be born?

When a woman asks the question “Why are only boys born to me?”, She should remember her children. Well, at least approximately.

It has been scientifically established that the spermatozoa carrying the Y chromosome are very light and mobile. But at the same time, they are weakly stable. Therefore, such a sperm is unlikely to fertilize an egg if it is not in the stage of ovulation.

But the more tenacious X-spermatozoa can "wait" for their "finest" hour for a long time after entering the female body. As a result, in such a struggle, the X-sperm will undoubtedly win, providing the female sex of the unborn child.

Therefore, when a couple is planning children and really wants, for example, a boy, it is necessary to make love during ovulation. If there is a desire to give birth to a girl, then conception should be done immediately after menstruation.

Nutrition and gender of the child

Such a method of planning a child as adhering to a diet does not lose popularity. Why does a man only have boys? Nutritionists have an answer to this question: it's just that the wife of such a man follows a sodium-potassium diet!

The "dietary" experiment was carried out by some Jacques Laurent and Joseph Stolkowski. Nutritionists say that 2-3 months before conception, a certain number of couples were transferred to food "for boys" and "for girls." Positive results were observed in 80% of cases.

Of course, diet alone will not solve the child's gender issue, but in the struggle for your dream, all means are good. So if you dream of a boy, the whole family lean on potatoes, meat, lentils, bananas and oranges more often. Couples who follow a sodium-magnesium diet and eat large quantities of beets, carrots, eggplants, and onions are more likely to become the parents of a girl.

The Dangers of Diet

Diets are unpredictable. Therefore, it is generally not recommended for expectant mothers to experiment in this area. For example, it is well known that food restrictions and all kinds of "exotic" feeding methods cause spontaneous miscarriages.

Even if conception has occurred, but the mother continues to sharply limit herself in some products, then the fetus in the future may have health problems. It is especially important to have a balanced diet in the early stages of pregnancy, when the baby's internal organs are being formed. Therefore, sodium-potassium, sodium-magnesium diets may be effective, but in everything you need to know when to stop.

Why does a woman only have boys? Several good reasons

However, the debate about the ability to control the sex of the child does not end there. Some families try to conceive a child immediately after menstruation, but they still have a "boyfriend", although they planned to have a girl.

"Why are only boys born to me?" - laments the young mother, who among the army of little toddlers wants to have a future helper - a girl. Now is the time to recall a few more studies conducted by Western scientists.

  1. It was noticed that asthenic girls weighing less than 54 kg give birth to girls with enviable regularity. Ladies have boys in their bodies.
  2. In the animal environment, it has been observed that females who have undergone hunger or any other severe stress give birth to female cubs. Strong and well-fed animals, on the contrary, "prefer" to bear boys. There is no reason to believe that this principle does not work for humans, who are also considered to some extent "animals."
  3. The sex of the unborn baby is also influenced by the intensity of sexual relations. If, within three months before conception, an intimate life is more than regular, and even saturated with vivid emotions, then a boy is born. It was also noticed that men who work too hard in the gym or on the treadmill (we are talking about distances over 8 km) are more likely to become the fathers of girls. This is understandable, because not everyone can “threaten” their potential in sports, and then arrange “fireworks” in bed at night.


In planning the sex of the baby, there were some signs.

Why are only boys born? The sign says: if you conceive a child in the fall, you will receive a boy in nine months, in the spring - a girl.

Also, even before the ultrasound, they try to determine the sex of the child by the shape of the abdomen: "rounded" means a girl; "Elongated" means a boy.

If during pregnancy the expectant mother cannot even look at the meat, there will be a boy, if a woman desperately wants salty food, there will be a girl.

Well, in general, a "joking" omen that does not pretend to be authentic: in families where the wife worships her husband, girls are born, and in couples in which the opposite is true, boys are born.

Should you strictly follow the principles outlined above?

One way or another, many of the methods described for scheduling a baby revolve around the exact date of ovulation. That is why they do not justify themselves.

For any, even the healthiest woman, the menstrual cycle can change under the influence of a variety of reasons: stress, climatic changes, changes in diet, etc. Therefore, it is problematic to determine the exact date of ovulation.

There are, of course, methods that are not based on keeping an accurate calendar, but on measuring, say, basal temperature or determining the properties of mucus. But even this approach is too "troublesome", and does not guarantee an exact result. As a result, the slightest mistake for 1-2 days will give the girl to the couple who were determined to have a son. And all sorts of signs and diets are generally an unreliable method.

To protect yourself from disappointment, it is better not to rack your brains over why more boys or girls are born, but simply to rejoice at every child born. In the end, it is the wives of the princes of the blood who need to give birth to an heir to the throne by all means. You're not a princess, are you? So, you can just relax and love both newborn girls and boys equally.

The month of birth is associated with the current incarnation. Knowing in what month a person was born, one can say why he came into his family. The month of birth indicates a karmic task that a person must cope with during his life.

January - a person born this month came to work off the karma of his brother or sister. He must help cleanse the karma acquired in this incarnation. Therefore, the main task of such a person is to help his brother or sister in every possible way (but a brother / sister should not talk about his karmic task. Otherwise, he / she will begin to use it and everything may worsen).

February - such a person in the past incarnation was not very kind and merciful. Therefore, in this life he needs to develop these qualities in himself. He came into a family to his grandmother or grandfather (on any of the lines). Most likely, for him, parents are not a decree, he listens only to representatives of the older generation. Parents from childhood should teach the February child to care for someone. If he does not learn how to do this, he does not become sensitive and caring - he will be taught through troubles. Close women will start to get sick and still he will receive the necessary skills, but already in such circumstances.

March - a person born in March came to his mother. In the past incarnation, he was not independent, in many respects his fate depended on his mother. Therefore, in his current incarnation, he needs to learn independence. The sooner he begins an independent life, learning to make decisions on his own without relying on his parents - the better for him.

April - a person born in April has a strong karmic connection with his father. Just as in the case of those born in January, the April ones came to fulfill the bail for their fathers. 50% of his father's karma is borne by such a person.

May - but those born in May carry the karma of their mother. (As in the case of January and April) For often, such a person has a difficult relationship with his mother. It is very important to establish relationships, forgive the mother and stop resenting her.

June - such a person came into the family to learn how to properly build family relationships. How to do this - he will be shown on the example of family life. For example, the family does not treat the child well enough and he thinks “I will never behave like parents” .... or vice versa. There is no middle ground. Often, this person's parents have a difficult relationship. Then the person's task is to reconcile them, not to allow offense and aggression on their part. He needs to accept his parents as they are.

July is an indicator that the human race is too stagnant in one place. A person needs to move to another city either on his own or with his family. It will be good if his occupation is associated with frequent business trips and trips abroad. The more a person is in motion, the easier life will be.

August - a child born this month - is an indicator that something in the family is not quite right. Perhaps quarrels and conflicts began in the family; or the parents shouldn't have been together. One way or another, the task of a person born in August is to cement family ties with his birth. He should strive to reconcile the parents and in no case take sides.

September - in September the most talented people are born, who have a very strong astral body. If a person came to the genus under the nine, this indicates that the genus is talented in something. The task of such a person is to glorify his family through talent. He must either reveal his talents, or find and manifest something made by an ancestor.

October - October children should increase the capital of the clan. First of all, it must be earned. And if a person has already received an inheritance, in no case should it be sold. Except when a person sells to buy something more. For example, he sells to a single person to buy a three-room apartment. A person cannot take money from his parents, and even more so steal. The more money he takes, the less he can earn.

November - such a person came with the task of exceeding the status of his kind. His kind should be talked about louder than usual.

December - such people do not owe anything to anyone. These are young souls. The main task of such a person is to learn to understand at least himself, rely on himself and hear his parents. In the school of Taronumerology, the 12th sign is the sign of the psychologist and teacher. It is imperative for a person to learn to listen to the advice of others.

I often come across the fact that women and men want not just a child, but a child of a certain gender. Especially if the child is not the first. Although the first, many dream of giving birth to a son. But does it really matter?

People try to plan their gender, follow diets, calculate the necessary periods from the tablets, and then they may be disappointed that instead of a son, they are “just” a daughter. Our expectations for the sex of the child place additional stress on both the child and the space.

One of my acquaintances really wanted a girl, she just really wanted a girl. She already had a boy. It was her fix idea, and she couldn't get pregnant. A whole year passed in attempts, she was already going to the doctor. And then I jokingly suggested that she admit the thought that the soul of a boy could come to her.

At first she very much resisted and resisted such a thought. What such a boy, I need a girl! And I invited her to think about the fact that she was supposed to have boys on top. And either boys or no one at all. Well, you never know, suddenly there is such a plan for her. She thought about it. A month later, the conversation flashed - yes, I still want another child, even if it is a boy. In the same cycle, she became pregnant. Guess who?

He seemed to be waiting for his mother to be ready to meet him, until she resigns herself and stops chasing images in her head. And as soon as the acceptance took place, he came.

We are not aware of the mechanisms for giving out a child of one sex or another. This is not an automaton, from which an algorithm can be calculated and manipulated. We are trying to collect some kind of research base for this, we create many myths. From what I've personally heard (and which I laugh at at times):

  • To conceive a boy, in ancient times, men put an ax under the pillow and at the decisive moment they frightened their wife with it (the thought immediately arises - if you give birth to a daughter, I’ll start scaring!)
  • To conceive a girl, the father needs to do extreme sports, jump with a parachute, they say adrenaline kills "boy" sperm
  • To conceive a boy, you need to eat meat. A lot of meat (which is probably why I have three sons)
  • If a man loves more, a boy is born, if a woman is a girl (I immediately want to recall the scriptures, where almost all Holy women have only sons. Probably they did not know how to love at all)
  • If the hairs of the child in the back corner - the next one will be a boy, and if it is even - then a girl (we have a corner with the older one, with the middle one - even, but not a single girl has been noticed :))
  • A cucumber's belly is a boy, a round belly is a girl (I had everything :))
  • Has grown ugly - you are waiting for a girl, you have become beautiful - a boy (for me, all pregnant women are so beautiful for me)
  • Boys are born where there is weak masculine energy, and girls are born where there is weak feminine (although there is also the opposite statement - who is right?)
  • It is necessary to calculate according to the table - Chinese or Japanese (then my elder would be a girl for sure, middle and younger - half)
  • Boys are given for merit, and girls for sins (here they took the Vedic concept and perverted it into the most terrible form)

Etc. Many absurd signs and beliefs have been invented. And all in order to get not just a child, but a child of the sex we need. Why do we need such a floor? Because we initially have expectations from the child and everything connected with him. The son is a continuation of the family, the daughter - so that no one abandons in old age. Or any other templates and options.

If you have a point about the sex of the child, then ask - why a son? Why exactly a daughter? For what? Have you tried one, want to try another? And where is the concern for the happiness of the child and love? Or do you need to be like everyone else? To have someone to play cars with on the remote control? To have someone to wear in princess dresses? Or…? And it's all? Is there so much noise and excitement because of such little things? But the truth is trifles in comparison with the life and fate of a child.

In Asia, especially in China and even India, abortions boom after ultrasound. They see a child of the wrong gender and have an abortion. Not wanting to feed the girls. Not wanting to waste the only chance of having a baby. This is not just stupidity, this is a real crime against the soul that has already come. So this mania is international, not only ours.

To be completely honest, I will say that in the Vedic society there was also planning for the sex of the child. In a lightweight form. It was believed that the boys were the piety of the family, and the girls carried with them the working off of old sins. Boys accumulated karma, and girls worked out. Therefore, at the birth of a daughter, cleaning usually began, life became more difficult. And with the boys, on the contrary - everything grew and turned out better. Boys continued their family and traditions, worshiped their ancestors, while girls went to their husband's family forever.

Therefore, many wanted to have sons - and more. And there were rules for conceiving boys or girls. This happened on certain days of the female cycle (girls on odd, boys on even). But there are also many exceptions. This approach requires tremendous piety so that conception, as in the old days, happens once, on the exact date chosen by the parents. But even then there was the possibility of giving birth to a child of the opposite sex - if so due to karma. How are we supposed to and why?

Now everyone also wants sons. But it is no longer clear why. We don’t make offerings to our ancestors, and if anyone does it, it’s only women. Now no one has good karma, therefore both boys and girls often have difficulties and cleansing. Sons more and more often abandon their parents, and daughters drag them to the very end - both their own and their husband's parents. We also don't have much tradition to continue something. And it turns out that we certainly do not care who to give birth to. There is no difference in this age. It is not known which is better or which is worse. Just differently.

But we are again trying to control what we do not understand, what does not depend on us and where it is not worth climbing. At all. Our attachment to the idea of ​​having a baby of the gender we want creates many problems. The attitude towards the child should not depend on the body in which the soul came to us. How many have I seen these girls who were expected as boys (I myself am the same). How hard it is for them to accept their female body afterwards, how much hatred they have for everything female, hardening, fear. The same can happen with boys. Boys who would like to see girls. Out of love for their parents, they can also become softer and more agreeable, abandon their masculine strength. But who will benefit from this?

Parents want to play with different types of children. If there is a son, but no daughter, then mothers sometimes dress little boys in dresses and cling to bows. What for? And why dress little girls as boys? Play with dolls, if you want to buy something - buy and present to your friends. Why should a child hang their own labels?

Children are a gift from God. A real gift that can only be accepted or rejected.

How do we accept gifts? Whatever is inside - thank you. So, for some reason I need it. And this "why" everyone can have their own.

Someone's sons teach to accept and respect men, someone they shake with their "yang" energy and make them live. For some, girls teach how to be a woman, in someone they discover creativity, someone is taught to just love, to love with all their heart. Sometimes a child of a certain gender helps you solve your parenting problems. Sometimes it takes you to a different level of understanding of life. Sometimes God saves us from repeating the most difficult scenarios of our kind by bringing children of the opposite sex, where these scenarios will be softer. And sometimes, on the contrary, it is precisely those patrimonial ties with which it is time to heal come.

In any case, this is no coincidence. Nothing happens by accident. If a son comes, it means that there are some tasks for you related to him. If a daughter comes, then she also brings you her tasks. And we do not want to solve these problems, we like others more. Others seem more interesting and easier. As those who live in the south, they like the middle latitudes for their balance, and the middle latitudes dream of a hot south.

One friend of mine really wanted a son. She had two daughters. She really didn't want to repeat the script. And then she decided to do everything for sure. There is an expensive medical procedure, like IVF, when only embryos of the same sex are selected. After this procedure, she became pregnant. Son. She was very, very happy. But apparently her son was not destined for her, since the child died in an incomprehensible way in childbirth.

There is another story. Ancient, indicative.

In ancient times, there was one emperor, Akbar, who was famous for his qualities and virtue, also dreamed of a son. But it never happened, only daughters were born. And the emperor was in grief and sorrow. One astrologer told him that in no case should he have a son, the son would ruin his life. But the emperor was blind to his desire. He did everything possible for his son to come to him, pray, collect blessings. And the son still came. But it happened exactly as they said. He suffered from his own son, who destroyed the entire empire, staged a rebellion against his own father. And later he was overthrown by his own son.

Do you really care what gender the child is? This is again the concept of "having a child" - an extended version of it - "having a child of the correct sex." Or do you still want to become a mother again?

There is no good or bad, right or wrong. Here God gives you a child - and you receive. The one they gave. The gender that was given. And thank you sincerely. Learn to give thanks. Go through your lessons, open up and develop in what is already there.

In this place, society will help you with its stereotypes. If you have a girl, you need a boy; if you have a boy, you need a girl. And if you have two children of different sexes, then why the third pregnancy? Don't be offended by them, they really don't know what they are saying.

When they tell me that I am poor, unhappy, gave birth to some peasants and now I am tormented, that I need a girl and there is no life without her, that God forbid someday a boy again - I smile inside. Now I'm smiling. When I learned to get out of social norms and trust God.

I also smile because I know how cool it is for boys who drag me flowers in the morning, kiss my hand, love me very much, take care and protect me. Boys who call me princess. For whom I am the most beautiful and most beloved in the world.

And next to them I want more boys-boys-boys, because they are a great happiness for me, as for a mother. I already know what to do with boys, I know how to handle them, at our house everything is made for boys and for boys. Both the fourth and the fifth boy will be very useful for me.

Of course, girls are probably great too. So far, in communication with them, I am more of a theoretician (I train on my inner girl). I don't know if I can be a good mom for my daughter. Will I be able to share with her joyfully the attention of all my knights. Will I be able to overcome the scenario of a female relationship between a mother and a daughter of my kind. Will I be able to protect and preserve her. Maybe God is saving me now by giving me sons. She saves me too. So that we both are ready for the meeting - if it takes place.

And if this does not happen, and I never have a girl, this is not a tragedy. Each of my sons will have, I hope, a wife. And I will be ready to accept them as my daughters. With love. Something that I myself once lacked. To become for them not just a mother-in-law, but a loving second mother. With all my heart, loving. So I will definitely have girls - a little later.

For me, there is always an option with adoption, which I often think about. Maybe the girl should come to me this way? To play enough with doll-bow princesses and at the same time heal to the end the trauma of his orphanhood? I do not know God's plans for me and our family. But I trust Him.

He knows exactly better what I need, when, how much and how. I know that God is wiser than stereotypes and rules - he knows to whom, whom and how much to give. Who will give - all mine. I will accept everyone with love.

For everyone I will open my heart. I will try to give everyone the maximum. And so I will be happy in any case, even if I have ten sons and no daughters. This means that it is necessary. Why and why is not for me to decide.

A child is a gift. Surprise. One hundred percent surprise in the package. You carry the box for nine months - and then you open it. And there - a miracle. A miracle that could be disguised and hidden on ultrasound. But in any case - a miracle is the most necessary and most important. It is exactly what you need.

One man once shared with me that he desperately wanted a son. He was possessed. When he found out that his wife was pregnant with her daughter, he almost divorced. He shook her nerves, tortured her. And then she was born. Girl Anya with huge eyes. It so happened that he was the first to take her in his arms. Absolutely random. The wife gave birth so quickly that he did not have time to leave the hospital. And they carried her out to dad. He told how he, a forty-year-old man, stood in the corridor and sobbed, watching her look at him. What a space in her eyes. And how could he not want her so. And how happy he is now that his wife forgave him, that his daughter is with them, how it all changed his callous heart.

Who cares what we deserve. The child has come - welcome with open arms. And love for who he is. And that's all.

Olga Valyaeva

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Modern science has long ago denied the influence of planets on human destiny. However, recent studies show that the season in which we are born leaves an imprint on our personality and health.

How the season of birth is connected and what should be paid attention to for spring, summer, autumn and winter birthday people - these are the questions that we are in site tracked down the answers. And for dessert - the most popular professions, depending on the month of birth.

At different times of the year, pregnant women receive unequal amount of sunlight... Scientists from Budapest have suggested that this deficiency could affect the baby in the womb.

Turns out, the season of birth affects the presence of dopamine and serotonin in the blood- hormones of pleasure and good mood.

In addition, researchers from the University of Alicante in Spain have identified a link between a person's month of birth and a predisposition to 27 chronic diseases and conditions.

In general, winter birthday people are much less irritable and quick-tempered than those born in other seasons. True, it is at this time of the year that there is less sun. So those born in winter are prone to depressed mood and depression.

Birthday January more common with stomach ulcers, constipation and back pain (men), heart attacks, migraines, and menopausal problems (women).

At the same time, men born in January are almost 3 times less likely to experience problems with the thyroid gland compared to those on September birthday.

A February newborns should watch out for thyroid problems, osteoarthritis (both sexes), heart disease (men), and blood clots (women).

All people born in the spring are prone to hyperthymia - a general elated mood. Most often March, April and May birthdays become optimists and lovers of life.

Men born in march may be predisposed to asthma, cataracts, heart disease.

Women should beware of rheumatism, constipation and arthritis.

April birthday people are automatically prone to osteoporosis, thyroid problems and asthma (men), as well as bronchitis, tumors and osteoporosis (women).

Born in May men can be prone to asthma, depression and diabetes, and women to osteoporosis, constipation and chronic allergies.

At the same time, men on May birthdays, along with December ones, are most prone to depression.

Born in summer months have a positive view of the world. But at the same time they prone to cyclothymia - frequent mood swings... At an extreme point, cyclothymia can develop into a mental illness - bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive psychosis. Especially the "swing" of mood is indicative in comparison with winter birthday people.

Born in June are prone to ailments such as cataracts, chronic bronchitis and heart disease in men, rheumatism, urinary incontinence and arthritis in women.

Men born in the first month of summer are 34% less likely to suffer from depression and 22% less likely to suffer from back pain. While women - June birthday girls are 35% less likely to experience problems during menopause and have a 33% lower risk of developing migraines.

Birthday july prone to asthma, arthritis, tumors (men), bronchial asthma, chronic pain in the neck, tumors (women).

Born in august predisposed to the following ailments: men - osteoporosis, asthma, thyroid problems, women - rheumatism, arthritis, blood clots.

Those who born in autumn, often are prone to irritability... The good news is that due to ample exposure to sunlight, September, October, and November newborns rarely become depressed or bipolar in adulthood.

September birthday people may be predisposed to osteoporosis, thyroid problems (both sexes), asthma (men), tumors (women).

Good news for everyone born in September: they are the least likely to have any chronic illness.

Born in october men can have problems with the thyroid gland and migraines, women with anemia and high cholesterol levels. Both are prone to osteoporosis.

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