
Who wrote the adventures of Niels. Feedback on the fairy tale S. Claverif "Wonderful Journey Niels with wild geese. Fabulous Tale "Wonderful Journey Niels with Wild Goose" S. Lagerleof

Selma Lagerlef.

Wonderful Journey Niels with wild geese

Chapter I. Forest Gnome

In a small Swedish village, Westmenheg lived once a boy named Niels. Summary - boy like a boy.

And there was no Sladules with him.

In the lessons, he considered Raven and caught twice, in the forest ruined the bird nests, geese in the yard teased, the chickens drove, the cows threw stones, and the cat pulled down the tail, as if the tail was a rope from the door bell.

So he lived to twelve years. And then an extraordinary incident happened to him.

That's how it was.

Once on Sunday, the father and mother gathered at the fair in the next village. Niels could not wait when they leave.

"Would go rather! - thought Nils, glancing at the father's gun, which hung on the wall. "The boys will burst from envy when they see me with a gun."

But the father seemed to guess his thoughts.

Look, from home either step! - he said. - Open the tutorial and try for the mind. Hear?

I hear, "answered Niels, and I thought about myself:" So I will spend a Sunday day for lessons! "

Learn, Son, learn, - said Mother.

She evenly took the tutorial from the shelves, put on the table and moved the chair.

And the father counted ten pages and ordered strictly-set:

In order for our return, all nazubok knew. I'll check it yourself.

Finally, the father with his mother left.

"I am good, won how fun step! Niels sighed heavily. - And I got exactly in the mousetrap with these lessons! "

Well, you can do! Niels knew that the joke was bad with the father. He again sighed and sat down at the table. True, he watched not so much in the book as the window. After all, it was much more interesting!

The calendar was still March, but here, in the south of Sweden, Spring has already managed to redo the winter. Water fled fun in the gangs. On the trees Nobuchley kidney. The beech forest dealt on the branches of the branches, stuck in the winter cold, and now stretched up, as if he wanted to get to the blue spring sky.

And under the very window with an important look, the chickens were raised, the sparrows jumped and fought, geese splashed in muddy puddles. Even the cows, locked in Klelev, pulled the spring and mocked all the voices, as if they asked: "You are, you, you, of us!"

Nielsa also wanted to sing, and scream, and scream on puddles, and fight with neighboring boys. He turned away with his annoyance from the window and stared in the book. But he read not much. Letters began to jump in front of the eyes for some reason, the lines were merged, they scattered ... Niels himself did not notice how he fell asleep.

Who knows, maybe Nils would sleep all day if I didn't woke up some rustle.

Niels raised his head and was alerted.

In the mirror, which hung over the table, the whole room was reflected. There is no one, except for Niels, in the room there is no ... Everything is as if in your place, everything is in order ...

And suddenly Nils almost cried out. Someone opened the chest lid!

In the chest, the mother kept all his jewels. There were the outfits, which she wore in the youth, - a wide skirts from household peasant cloth, embroidered with color beads bodies; White as snow starchped caps, silver buckles and chains.

Mother did not allow anyone to open a chest without her, and Niels did not let him close to him. And about the fact that she could leave home, not locked the chest, even nothing to say! There was no such case. Yes, and today - Niels remembered it perfectly - the mother returned to twice the castle, to pull the castle, - did it snapped well?

Who opened the chest?

Maybe, while Nils slept, the thief got into the house and is now hiding somewhere here, behind the door or behind the closet?

Niels hid his breath and, not blinking, peered in the mirror.

What is this shadow there, in the corner of the chest? So she moved ... Here I crawled around the edge ... Mouse? No, the mouse does not look like ...

Niels did not believe in his eyes. On the edge of the chest sat a little man. He seemed to come down from a Sunday picture in the calendar. On the head - a wide-headed hat, a black cabin is decorated with a lace collar and cuffs, Knee stockings are tied with magnificent bows, and silver buckles flashes on red safjan shoes.

"Why is it a gnome! - guessed Niels. - The most real dwarf! "

Mother often told Nilsu about the gnomes. They live in the forest. They know how to speak and in human, and in birds, and in the animal. They know about all the treasures that at least a hundred, at least a thousand years ago were buried to the ground. Write the gnomes - in the winter in the snow, the flowers will bloom, they will want to be frozen the river.

Well, and the gnome is nothing to be afraid. What is bad can make such a tiny creature!

In addition, the gnome did not pay any attention to Niels. He seems to have seen nothing but a velvet sleeveless, embroidered with a small river pearl, which lay in the chest at the very top.

While the gnome admired the intricate ancient pattern, Niels already pretended to play with an amazing guest.

It would be good to push it in the chest and then slam down the lid. And you can still here ...

Without turning heads, Nils looked around the room. In the mirror she was all in front of him as a palm. On the shelves strictly lined up a coffee pot, kettle, bowls, pots ... by the window - the chest of drawers, made by all sorts of all sorts ... But on the wall - next to the father's rifle - a cincure for fishing flies. Just what is needed!

Nils cautiously slipped into the floor and drove a cuckoo with a nail.

One wave - and the gnome beat the grid as caught dragonfly.

His widescam hat was resting to the side, the legs were confused in the feet of the cabin. He floundered at the bottom of the grid and smeared his hands helplessly. But just just managed to lift a little, Niels shaking the cuckoo, and the gnome again fell down.

Listen, Nils, - I finally pushed the dwarf, - let me go to the will! I will give you for this gold coin, big, like a button on your shirt.

Niels thought for a minute.

Well, it is probably not bad, "he said, and stopped rocking the sin.

Clinging to a slight fabric, the gnome cleverly climbed up, so he has already grabbed the iron hoop, and his head appeared above the edge of the grid ...

Here Nilsa came to mind that he has extended. In addition to the golden coin, it was possible to demand that the gnome teach lessons for him. Yes, you never know what else you can come up with! Gnome now to all agree! When you sit in a saccine, you will not argue.

And Nils shook the grid again.

But here suddenly someone plundered him such a landing that the grid fell out of his hands, and he himself rolled into the corner himself.

With a minute, Niels lay without moving, then ruster and oha, got up.

Gnoma is already a trail. The chest was closed, and the saccker hung in his place - next to his father's rifle.

"Did you mean all this, or what? - thought Nils. - No, the right cheek is burning, as if it went iron. This is a gnome so my dear! Of course, the father with his mother will not believe that the gnome visited our guest. Say - all your fictions so that the lessons do not teach. No, no matter how verts, and you need to go for the book again! "

Niels took two steps and stopped. With the room something happened. The walls of their little house were spread, the ceiling left high, and the chair, on which Niels was always sitting, towered over him an impregnable mountain. To climb him, Nilsa had to climb on a twisted leg, as the root trunk of oak. The book was still lying on the table, but she was so huge that at the top of the page Nils could not see any letter. He lay down the stomach on the book and crawled from the line to the line, from the word to the Word. He straight out, while he read one phrase.


Initially, the book was an exciting allowance for the geography of Sweden in a literary form for first-class students, nine-year-old children. In Sweden, from 1868, there was already a "state reading book", but, innovative for his time, by the end of the XIX century, she lost relevance. One of the leaders of the Universal Union of People's School Teachers, Alfred Dalina, proposed to create a new book, which would work in collaboration and writers in cooperation. His choice fell on Selmlief, already glorified by his novel "Saga about Jeste Berling", besides, she was a former teacher. She agreed to the Offer Dalina, but refused co-authors. Lagerleof began work on the book in the summer of 1904. The writer believed that it was necessary to create several textbooks for schoolchildren of different ages: The first class was to receive a book on the geography of Sweden, the second - in native history, the third and fourth - descriptions of other countries of the world, discoveries and inventions, the country's social structure. The Lagerlef project over time was carried out, and the first book books in a number of books was the "Amazing Journey of Niels ...". Soon there were books for reading "Swedes and their leaders" Verner von Heidenstam and "from the pole to the pole" of Gedin.

At the suggestion of Lagerleof Alfred Dalin, wanting to get as complete information on the lifestyle and occupations of the population in different parts of the country, as well as ethnographic and folk materials, amounted to and sent out the survey sheets for teachers of national schools in the summer of 1902.

Lagerleof at that time worked on the novel "Jerusalem" and gathered on a trip to Italy:

... I will think about the form of a book that would have done the effective way to invest the wisdom of our country into these small heads. Perhaps old legends will help us ... And therefore, I would like to start with watching those materials that you managed to get. (From the letter Lamgeof Dalina)

Studying the collected material, the writer, according to his own confession, I understood how she knows little about the country: "All sciences have so unthinky stepped forward since I graduated from school!". To replenish your knowledge, she traveled in Blinding, Smoland, Norrland, on the Falun mine. Returning to work on the book, Lagerlef was looking for a plot that would help her to create a whole artistic work from a huge number of information. The decision was suggested by the books of Kipling, where the speaker animals were the main characters, as well as the story of August Strindberg "Travel of the Lucky Feather" and the fairy tale of Richard Gustafson "Unknown Paradise" about a boy from scone, flying around the country with birds.

The first volume came out of the press in Stockholm on November 24, 1906, the second - in December 1907. The work became the most readable in Scandinavia.

Showing the country in the perception of the child, the original geography and a fairy tale, La Carl, as Karl Snahlsky said, instilled "Life and paints in the dry desert sand of a school lesson".


The main character of Niels Holhegerson Gnome turns into dwarf, and the boy makes a fascinating journey on a Gus from Sweden to Lapland and back. On the way to Lapland, he meets the flock of wild geese, flying along the combat bay, and together with them looks into remote areas of Scandinavia. As a result, Nils visits all the provinces of Sweden, falls into various adventures and finds out a lot of new geography, history and culture of each province of their homeland.

Stork Ermenrih.

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Starked Glimming Castle.

Akka Knebekayse (Knebekayze)

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Old goose, leadership of goose flock.


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Bronze monument to Korla Karl XI, whose teasing, Niels managed to fulfill the gnome condition.

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Raven Folle-Drumle

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Greedy Silver Old Friend of Lisa Smirre. Abducted Niels that he opened him a jug with silver, presented him with a coin. Helped on a journey.

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Dwarf Tibelius (in the book - the house), enchanted Niels for rude jokes and assigned to him the tasks of an educational nature.

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Eagle, adoptive son of Akki Knebekayze. For a long time he considered himself wild goose.

In all his life, he never hunted the gray rocks and did not touch the tip of the claws not a single wild goose.

I told Nilsu a replacement spell that would help him become a person if someone agreed to become Liliput for him.

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Belchonok, son squirrel sirel. Tirlezalez to him on the back before falling out of the nest.

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The leader of the Rat Army in the Glimming Castle.

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Flexible bird hunter, Lis Smirre presented her to hunt her geese. It was removed from the flock of Niels stones.

Fox SMirre.

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The robber, who tried to hunt the flock of Akki Knebekis, defeated Niels.

Was expelled from Fox, because I killed the Sparrobyenka on Mount Kulaberg on the night of the truce and the holiday of all animals.

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White goose, escaped from the house of Mother's Mother and Mats. Because of her Martin almost stabbed. Flew along with a pack of Akki Knebekayz. Became bride Martin.

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Homemade Holgersons, who flew off with a wilderness.

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Boy, Bird Bird, found a wooden shoe lost by Nies.

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Husband Murlily, Father Murre and Burre, head of the villager family. I wanted to eat Nils for the fact that he was man, released him when Niels saved his family from hunters.

Har Morella.

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Bear, mother Brumme and Murre, caught Niels and gave him to his children as a toy.

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Bear One of the two sons of Murlyl and her bear husband. Player with Niesa like a doll.


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An unlucky student from the city of Uppsala. An unlikely, inconspicuous, misfortune followed him after him, did not let him go for a step. He hid from people, and no one was friends with him.

I wrote a stunning manuscript about the history of the city of Uppsala and gave her a good to read.

Nils Holgerson.

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The Czechans of the Song of the Hooligany Peasant Son, who raised over the houses (Gnome), for which he was reduced to them and left in this state before performing three conditions.

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Girl, sister Mats, found a wooden shoe lost by Nies.

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This fairy tale, many remember by heart from early childhood. "Niels's wonderful journey with wild geese" for many - the first book, reading up to the holes at night, curling down under a blanket with a flashlight. But you did not know that you read the tutorial.

Geographic fairy tale

Indeed in full fairy taleHe wrote to Lagerleof Selma, "Niels's journey with wild geese," is a textbook on the geography of Sweden. At the end of the nineteenth century, one of the leaders of the Swedish school system, Alfred Dalina, invited Selma work on the project in which writers and teachers took part. The project assumed the creation of a series of books, in a fascinating form of preventive knowledge, and was soon implemented. The Selma's book was released first and was intended for first-class students, which at that time went to school at the age of nine. Coming out in 1906, the work quickly became the most readable in Scandinavia, and his author later received the Nobel Prize for his contribution to the literature. Each Swedish child is thoroughly known for him - one of the most popular children's books throughout the world. In Sweden even put a small monument to Niels.

Reverse or retelling?

In Russia, the book is known mainly on a free crossing written in 1940 by the Zoya Zadunay and Alexandra Lubarskaya. This is one of the many cases characteristic of children's literature of the USSR, when foreign works, already written in the child's audience, were additionally adapted by translators. A similar situation occurred with "Pinocchio", "Oz Oz" and other works known abroad. 700 pages of the original text Translators cut to hundreds of small, while he managed to add several episodes and characters from themselves. The storyline was noticeably triggered, only a number of employee episodes remained; There is no trace of geographical and local history information. Of course, these are too specific knowledge that are not at all interested in small children of a completely different country. But for what was to change the finals of fairy tales - it is completely incomprehensible ... it turned out practically summary. "Niels's journey with turned out to be greatly simplified. However, as a result, translators turned out excellent. fascinating storywhich is certainly worth it to read the children since the years since five - six.

Other translations

There are other translations, much less known - over the history of Niels workers worked from 1906. Alexander Blok, poet Silver century, I read one of these translations and remained very pleased with the book. But the first translations were made from the German language, which does not honor the translation process of the beginning of the century. The full translation from Swedish was written only in 1975 by Lyudmila Bray.

More about the book

Russian children, and adults, too, the book about a wonderful trip to Laplantia is familiar almost exclusively on the retelling of Lubara and Sannaya. It is this option that is studied (if it is studied at all) in schools and lies on the counters of bookstores. So, it is worth leading it to its summary. "Niels's journey with wild geese" is a very fascinating reading, and the short content is not worth it.

The boy-hooligan Niels Holgerssson lived from a small Swedish village who lived himself, did not exist - teased geese, rushed by stones in animals, ruined the birds of nest, and all his poles remained unpunished. But only to the time before the time - one day, Niels unsuccessfully swirl over a funny little man, and he turned out to be a mighty forest gnome and decided to teach a good lesson to the boy. Gnome turned Niels in the same baby, as he himself, even a little less. And for the boy began black days. He could not seem like his eyes, scared every mouse shore, the chickens stuck him, and the worst of the beast cat was difficult and it was difficult to think.

On the same day, by the house, where the unfortunate was sharpened, flown by a flock of wild geese headed by the old Aqua Kebnekays. One of the lazy pets, Goose Martin, not to stand the ridicule of free birds, decided to prove to them that they are also capable of. With difficulty soared, he followed the pack - with Niels on his back, because the boy could not let his best goose.

The pack did not want to take a fatty poultry in its ranks, but she was glad to a small man even less. Geese with suspicion treated Nilsu, but on the first night he saved one of them from Lisa Smirre, deserving the respect of the flocks and the hatred of Lisa himself.

So Nils began his wonderful journey to Lapland, during which he made a lot of exploits, helping new friends - beasts and birds. The boy was saved by the inhabitants of an old castle from the invasion of rats (by the way, the episode with a twin, referring to the legend about the Gahamlin rats, is a translation insertion), helped the family of bears hide from the hunter, returned a Belchonka into his native nest. And all this time he reflected continuous attacks of Smirre. He met a boy and with people - helped the writer a loser to restore the manuscript, talked with the revived statues, fought with a kitchen for Martin's life. And then, coming to Lapland, became a receiving brother a variety of wild guns.

And then he returned home. In the way, Nils learned how to remove the gnome speech, but for this he had to make friends with nature and with himself. From Juligan Nils turned into a good boy, always ready to help weak, and besides the best student - after all, he learned a lot of geographical knowledge on the journey.


"The wonderful journey of Niels with wild goose" more than once pleased the audience with their appearance on the screens. The Soviet cartoon "Enchanted boy" was becoming the earliest and most famous in Russia, the Soviet cartoon "Enchanted Boy" of 1955. Few people did not see him in childhood, and everyone remembers his brief content. Niels's journey with wild geese attracted the attention of cinematographers a few times. According to him, at least two cartoons are filmed - Swedish and Japanese, and a German television film.

The main hero of the fairy tale "Wonderful Journey Niels with wild geese" is a boy named Niels. He loved to fool and did not like to learn. Once he caught the gnome. Gnome was angry and made it as small as he himself, after which disappeared. Niels was frightened, which will forever stay small, and began to look for a gnome everywhere to ask for him to argue. Searches led him to the courtyard. With surprise, the boy realized that he understood the language of birds and animals. At this time, a flock of wild geese flew past. They began to tease home geese and call them with themselves in Lapland.

One of the domestic geese named Martin decided to fly with wild geese. Niels tried to keep him, but forgot that he was much less goose and soon turned out to be in the air. All day they flew until Martin did not get out of his strength. Once they even behind the flock, but they managed to catch up. Wild geese, at first, having learned that Niels - a man, wanted to drive him, but it so happened that the boy during the night saved one of them from Lisa and did not drive him.

Many days geese flew to their goal, at times making stops. During one of Niels, Belchonka Tyrley saved, which fell out of the nest. The boy returned his mother. Finally, the flock reached the abandoned castle, where only different animals and birds lived for a long time. From the inhabitants of the castle, travelers learned that the castle precipitates rats. But the situation saved Niels. The leadership of the goose flock gave him a magic man, and the boy playing on her, lured all the rats into the water, where they drowned. Later, Nils learned that the Dudge brought Filin from the most forest gnome, whom he offended. Gnome was still very angry at the boy.

Flying geese lasted. Many adventures fell to Niels. He escaped from the bronze statue of the king in the same port city, visited water and saved the family of bears from hunters. Already all the beasts and birds knew about a boy who travels with geese. And Goose Martin on the road got a girlfriend named March.

Finally, the flock flew to Lapland. Birds began to build nests and take chicks, and Niels also decided to build a real house. He helped the entire goose flock, and the flew swallow covered the house of clay. All summer has lived a flock in Lapland, and in the fall gathered to fly back, south. Niels really missed home and parents, but he did not want to return to his relatives, being a tiny little man. The leadership of the flock managed to find out that Niels could return her former appearance, only if someone voluntarily agree to become the same tiny as he.

And the pack went south. Together with adult geese flew and young geusy. At the privals, all the beasts who already knew about Nils-traveler, fed him, who could.

When a flock flew past the house of Niels's parents, the boy decided to learn how they live. But he still did not want to go back to them small. The boy learned that parents remember him and feel that he was not there. And then unexpectedly, one of the goosal told Nilsu that he wants to be small. Nils was delighted and said a spell, after which he became the former boy again. The delighted parents recognized their son, who some miracle suddenly found himself on the threshold of his home. Soon Nils again went to school. Now he studied only on one five.

This is a summary of the fairy tales.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Wonderful Journey Niels with wild geese" is that pranks and leprosy do not pass for nothing, and for them you can get a punishment, sometimes very severe. Niels was punished by a gnome very strictly and suffered a lot of deprivation before was able to correct the situation.

The fairy tale "Wonderful Journey Niels with Wild Goose" teaches to be resourceful and bold, to be able to defend their friends and comrades in a dangerous minute. Nils during his journey managed to make a lot of good deeds for birds and animals, and they pay it good for it.

In the fairy tale I liked the forest gnome. It is strict but fair. Gnome was very strictly punished by Niels, but the boy, as a result, a lot was realized, his character has changed for the better after experienced tests and began to study well at school. The punishment went Nilsu for the benefit, he became a good man.

What proverbs come to the fairy tale "Wonderful Journey Niels with wild geese"?

Looking at people, although they do not grow, but you pull.
You will know more - you will become stronger.
Man without a friend that earth without water.

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