
Very brief content of the story of the sinel. Start a story. Get acquainted with the main hero

The story is not divided

Very brief

At the main character - Akakia Akakievich broke off a coat, it is no longer possible to restore it, so you have to sew a new one. He spends about forty rubles for it, while saving on food, candlelight and underwear. After several days of joy, Akaki decides to note the acquisition of a new sheel. On the way home, after the festival, the Shinel is stealing. He is trying to ask for help to an important person, but gets a rude failure. After that, dies at home.

On the fourth day, the funeral goes a rumor that there was a living dead man, similar to Akakia Akakiyevich, he removes her overcoat from all passersby. The man who was concerned about the death of Bashmachkina, decides to get away from worries and goes to have fun, on the way back he has been stealing a dead pin, who looks like Akakia Akakievich Bashmachkin. After this case, rumors about the dead stop. Only once the booth meets, but no longer like Akakia Akakievich.

the main idea

In the story, the main idea is an unfair attitude towards a small person - Akaky Akakivhechu. He tried to take something better for himself, and achieved only the fact that she was stolen with a chinel.

And one more main idea - to each person you need to treat good, not to refuse a rough form and appreciate the personal qualities of everyone.

Also, the main idea also includes the fact that officials are too rude to the lower layers and often use official position. It makes harm to others, and the dead Akakia Akakievich symbolizes the punishment that will be for everyone who will be bad to others. They do not appreciate the efforts of Bashmachkina to buy a chinel, because it cost tremendous effort (malnutrition, saving light, which was harmful to the health of Akakia Akakievich).

Read the summary of the story of Gogol Sinel (the chapters are not divided)

The main character - Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin. The story originates from the story about the life of the main character, but continues by what the service of Akakia Akakievich is said in the position of the titular adviser. Other employees annoy Akakiy, but he just asks to leave him. The work of Akakia Akakiyevich is conclusted in rewriting papers. During the day he wrote several tens of pages, and after he went to bed, to rewrote the next day.

So the days of Akakiya Bashmushkina, if one case had not happened. Favorite Shinel Bashmachkina came into disrepair - brooded on his shoulders and in the back. Akaki decides to apply for help to the tailor Petrovich, but he says that it is impossible to repair a coat - it is better to sew a new one, and will go to the repair more money. He agrees, but now new problem - You need to get eighty rubles somewhere. Akaku decides to reduce his lunches and dinners, less often wash your lingerie. He often comes to the tailor to find out how the case is moving. But Akakiya has to give twenty rubles for the work of the tailor - the sinel came out excellent, everything is done in better quality.

The purchase of overcoats does not remain not noticed - everything is only talking about it. From that moment on, the life of Akakiya Akakivyprus is changing high speed. But it ends everything is not very successful - on the way home with him remove the sinel. Bashmushkin is trying to turn to a significant person, but the search for the sheel does not lead to anything. A significant face is cruelly refuses to Akakiya, under the pretext of the fact that he turned to him unsightened. After that, Bashmachkin comes home, he rises a high temperature from the experiences. He spends several days in infamousity, and after dying. After the death of Akakiya, Akakivyn takes place rumors that near Kalinka Bridge walks the dead man and removes overcoats from all in a row. Sometimes they find out in the dead the features of Akakia Akakievich.

One important person to find out about the death of Bashmachkina, it is horrified, and to quickly dispel your soaps goes to have fun. In fear, he recognizes Akakia Akakiyevich, who he paint sinel from him. Absorbed and frightened, an important face comes home and after which changes its attitude to the lower ranks. The appearance of the dead man from that time was not observed, and the ghost was already different from the previous one after a while: the mustache appeared and seemed higher. The same story ends.

Picture or drawing of chinel

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In one of the St. Petersburg departments, he served a lightly, elderly official Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin. The colleagues neglected by this quiet, imperceptible person. Young bookswearers often appeared over him, sometimes even poured a paper on his head. Akaki Akakievich usually demolished ridicule silently and only at the most unbearable jokes pronounced bitterly: "Leave me, why do you offend me?" His voice sounded so complaintsuate that the sensitive viewer could hear the other in these words: "I'm your brother" - and for a long time to remember with the pain in the soul of a ridiculous old man. (See Akakia Akakiyevich's description in the text of the work.)

For many years, no table was changed for which Akaki Akakievich nor a service rank. The duties of Bashmachkina consisted in rewriting with beautiful handwriting of papers. This business he performed with the soul and had no other interests.

In the evenings, he returned home from the service, Naskoro Breakly cooked apartment housing, eating a piece of beef with a bow, not noticing their taste, rewritten the paper brought to the house, went to bed, and in the morning he again went to his office.

Four hundred pile of rubles per year he barely enough for the most necessary. Therefore, Akaki Akakievich experienced a big blow, having learned that due to a strong worn, it is necessary to change his only chinel. Familiar tailor Petrovich more than once latter shimatkin older, announced, examined it once again that the customs are not subject to further repair. There were already no patchwork to put on: the old cloth everywhere was spread. Petrovich undertook to sew a new chinel for 80 rubles.

Take this money was almost nowhere. For all the time the service, Akaki Akakievich managed to postpone the case only half of the amount called. But, having resorted to strict savings, and even receiving a small encouragement from the director, he still managed to gain it. Together with Petrovich, they went to buy matter and fur, and soon the new chinel was ready.

Akaki Akakievich in the new sheel. Illustration of B. Kustodiev to the story of Gogol

All colleagues immediately noticed the update, ran into the wardrobe to consider it, and then congratulated Bashmushkina. One Assistant Chassaging, celebrating Just Birthday, said that he calls everyone to him at the same time and "bother" the chinel. Never who did not go to Akaki Akakievich, too, was invited. He gladly attended the evening and returned from guests home it was too late.

There were almost no one on the snow-covered streets. In one place, a wide, deserted field was to move. In the midst of him, unfamiliar, strong people came to the poor official, grabbed him for the collar, they pulled a chinel, and threw himself into a snowdrift.

Akaki Akakievich came run home and in complete despair. On the next day, he went to complain to the police, however, they began to pull the case. The service had to walk around the frost in the old, thin hood.

Any familiar attacked Bashmachkina to contact one significant lick asking to speed up the investigation. Akaki Akakievich hardly achieved access to faceHowever, this general showed no participation, and discontent, crushed Bashmushkina and kicked him out. Not seeing anything around him, Akaki Akakievich wandered home through the streets in the middle of cruel blizzards, he was very cold and he died in a few days. In a suicide delirium, he remembered his overcoat.

Gogol "Shinel". Audiobnig

Immediately after his funeral, Kalinkina bridge began to show the dead day in the form of an official who was looking for a secured chinel and sniffed clothes from all in a row. One of the departments, seeing ghost, recognized Akakia Akakievich in him. Police for several days was powerless to catch the robber, while in the hands of the dead man did not come significant, Returned at night home with a friend's dinner.

"Your stolen I need!" - shouted, grabbing him in front of Kucher's dead Bashmachkin. Shook off from horror, the general hurried himself to throw off the sintel from the shoulders and got to the house all pale. The ghost after that ceased to appear.

Summary Tale N.V. Gogol "Shinel" for those who give the exam in Russian and literature.

In one department, the official "low growth is somewhat ripped out, somewhat reddish, somewhat even on the sight of the village, with a small lycin on the forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of the cheek and the color of the face, what is called hemorrhoidal" Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin (at birth, he was chosen for a long time The name, but the names came across very strange - Hozdazad, Varakhai, Pavsikhah, and so on., So called him in honor of the Father). In the Department for many years he performed one position - an official for writing. No one respects his work, the young laughs and mock it. Akaki Akakievich man unrequited, but serves "with love," he has even his own favorite letters. It can not anything but mechanical rewriting of documents. Akaki Akakievich is always poorly dressed: "Vitzmundir ... not green, and some kind of reddish-flour color, to which something lipnet is all the time," does not pay attention to food. All thoughts about smooth lines. Does not allow yourself any entertainment. Akaki Akakievich would be quite satisfied with his lot, if it were not for the cold (his old chinel was worn out, the subject of mockery of comrades). The sadly Akaki Akakievich carries it to redo it to the tailor Petrovich, the former fastener, who drinks a lot. The tailor refuses to redo the sequel (fabric through rotten), advises to sew a new one for 150 rubles (Akakiya Akakiyevich's annual salary is 400 rubles). Akaki Akakievich is frustrated finally and makes another attempt: comes to the drowned and belonging to Petrovich and again trying to persuade him to alter the sinel. Petrovich is adamant. Akai Akakievich begins to collect funds for sewing a new overcoat (40 rubles. He has accumulated over several years, laying on a penny from each ruble), it establishes the regime of the strictest savings - "Exhaust the use of tea in the evenings, not to light the candles in the evenings ... On the streets, step as much as possible and more careful ... so that in such a way to exist thumbnails; As possible, it is possible to wash the laundry to wash the laundry, but not to be hungry, then whenever it comes home, throw it and stay in one only with a daemicoton coat ... ". After half a year, Akaki Akakievich, along with Petrovich, buy cloth, kneecore on lining (instead of silk) and a cat on the collar (instead of a center). Petrovich sews a sinel in two weeks, and "the next day" comes in the life of Akakia Akakievich. Petrovich solemnly dresses Akakia Akakievich in the overcoat and even runs down the street to admire his work once again. In the Department, all colleagues resort to looking at the new chinel, they say that the chinel "must be injected", Akaki Akakievich is disconnected. Another official decides to arrange the evening instead of Akakia Akakiyevich, invites everyone to themselves. At the evening, Akaki Akakievich feels uncomfortable and, even having slept after champagne, tries to quietly leave. On the way home, he is beaten and take a sinel. Akaki Akakievich is truthful to the private bailiff, it hits the reception, but understands that there is little hopes to return the sinel. The Department advise to go to a "significant person." Akaki Akakievich makes himself a reception to the general. General of the visitor's appeal seems to be familiar, he keeps his feet and puts it. The frightened Akaki Akakievich leaves, on the road, it is cold, lies in a fever. In nonsense, he sees Petrovich, who sews him with a sintel with the Westerns for thieves, and the general that flowing it. Dies. In the department are uncomplying only on the 4th day.

Soon the rumors spread around the city that the Calinkle bridge began to show the ghost - "the dead in the form of an official looking for some kind of stolen and under the guise of a stained coinel-tiering from all her shoulders, without paving the rank and ranks, all sorts of overces."

After Akakia's care, Akakievich, the general felt something like regret, sent it to him, he learned about his death, he was upset somewhat, but quickly dispelled on the evening at the buddy. Once, going to the familiar to visit, feels that someone grabbed him for the collar. Wraps, recognizes Akakia Akakievich (Ghost), who demands a chinel and takes it out of the general. From that day, the general has changed, has become less arrogant in relation to his subordinate. The appearance of the Deadian official stopped.


Figure B. Kustodiev "Akaki Akakievich returns from the evening"

The story that occurred with Akakiya Akakievich Bashmachkin begins with the story of his birth and the bizarre naming and proceeds to the narration of his service as a titular adviser.

Many young officials, knocking out, repairing him a document, shower with pieces of paper, pushed at hand - and only when in no shortness, he says: "Leave me, why do you offend me?" - Voice that adhesion on pity. Akaki Akakievich, whose service consists in rewriting papers, executes it with love and, even coming from her presence and rudely, takes off his jar with ink and rewrites papers brought to the house, and if there are no such, then there is no copy of the copy with Which document with an intricate address. Entertainment, the sickness of the friendship does not exist for him, "wringing to nothing, he went to bed", with a smile anticipating tomorrow, rewriting.

However, such a dimension of life violates an unforeseen incident. Once in the morning, after multiple suggestions made by St. Petersburg frost, Akaki Akakievich, having studied his chinel (so much had the idea that in the department was called her hood for a long time), notes that she completely sides on his shoulders and back. He decides to carry it to the tailor Petrovich, whose habits and biography briefly, but not without detail. Petrovich examines the hood and declares that it is impossible to fix anything, but you will have to do a new chinel. The price was shocked by Petrovich, Akaki Akakievich decides that he chose an unsuccessful time, and it comes when, on the calculations, Petrovich is fond, and therefore more conspiring. But Petrovich is on his own. Seeing that without a new coinelle could not do, Akaki Akakievich embraces how to get those eighty rubles, for which, in his opinion, Petrovich will take a job. It is decided to reduce "ordinary costs": do not drink tea in the evenings, not to light the candles, step on tiptoe, in order not to exist prematurely submits, less frequently give up the laundry laundry, but in order not to be hungry, staying at home in one bathrobe.

His life is changing perfectly: the dream of overcoats accompanies him as a pleasant girlfriend of life. Every month he visits Petrovich to talk about overcoats. The expected awarding for the holiday, against the expectation, turns out to be greater than twenty rubles, and once Akaki Akakievich with Petrovich goes to the shop. Both Sukno, and the knee-to-lining, and the cat for the collar, and the work of Petrovich - everything turns out to be above all silence, and, in view of the frost, Akaki Akakiyevich once goes to the Department in the New Sintel. The event of this does not remain unnoticed, all praise the chinel and demand from Akakiya Akakiyevich for this occasion to ask the evening, and only the intervention of a certain official (as a purposeful birthday party), who has called everyone, saves the embarrassed Akakia Akakievich.

After a day, formerly a big solemn holiday for him, Akaki Akakievich returns home, having fun and, having occurring without affairs, headed to the official in the far part of the city. Again, all his chinel praises, but soon turn to the vista, dinner, champagne. A forced to the same Akaki Akakievich feels an unusual fun, but, having a monstering about the later hour, slowly goes home. At first, excited, he even rushes over some kind of lady ("in which every part of the body was performed by an extraordinary movement"), but the deserted streets stretched soon inspire him an invalid fear. In the midst of a huge desert square, some people are stopped with a mustache and remove the chinel from him.

The misadventures of Akakia Akakiyevich begin. He does not find help from a private attachment. In the presence, where he comes after the day in the old hood, it is regretted and thinking even to make it better, but by collecting essentially, they give advice to go to a significant person, which can contribute to a more successful search for overcoats. The following describes the techniques and customs of a significant person who has become significant only recently, and therefore is concerned, as if to give themselves greater significance: "Site, rigor and is a rigor," he used to say usually. Wanting to hit his friend, I have not seen many years with that, he cruelly walks by Akakia Akakievich, who, in his opinion, turned to him not in shape. Not sick feet, he gets to the house and falls along with a strongly hot. A few days of unconscious and Breda - and Akaki Akakievich dies, about which only the fourth after the funeral is recognized in the department. Soon it becomes known that at night, near Kalinkina, the bridge is shown the dead man, which is moving from all, without disassembling the rank and ranks, overcoats. Someone recognizes Akakia Akakievich in it. The efforts undertaken by the police for the capture of the dead man disappear.

At that time, one significant person who was not alien to the compassion, having learned that Bashmachkin died suddenly, it remains terrible to be shocked and to have fun, goes to a visitarian party, from where it does not go home, and to the familiar lady Carolina Ivanovna, and, Among the terrible weather, suddenly feels that someone grabbed him for the collar. In horror, he recognizes Akakia Akakiyevich, Koi triumphantly paint sinel from him. Pale and frightened, a significant face returns home and will continue not to walk with the severity of his subordinates. The emergence of a deadman official since then completely ceases, and the ghost that meets a few later, the ghost was already significantly higher than the growth and wore premium mustache.


The story that occurred with Akakiya Akakievich Bashmachkin begins with the story of his birth and the bizarre naming and proceeds to the narration of his service as a titular adviser.

Many young officials, knocking out, repairing him a document, shower with pieces of paper, pushed at hand - and only when in no shortness, he says: "Leave me, why do you offend me?" - Voice that adhesion on pity. Akaki Akakievich, whose service consists in rewriting papers, executes it with love and, even coming from the presence and abandoned his own, takes out a jar with ink and rewrites paper brought to the house, and if there are no, then there is no copy of the copy with Which document with an intricate address. Entertainment, the sickness of the friendship does not exist for him, "wringing to nothing, he went to bed", with a smile anticipating tomorrow, rewriting.

However, such a dimension of life violates an unforeseen incident. Once in the morning, after multiple suggestions made by St. Petersburg frost, Akaki Akakievich, having studied his chinel (so much had the idea that in the department was called her hood for a long time), notes that she completely sides on his shoulders and back. He decides to carry it to the tailor Petrovich, whose habits and biography briefly, but not without detail. Petrovich examines the hood and declares that it is impossible to fix it, but you will have to make a new chinel. Shocked by named Petrovich the price, Akaki Akakievich decides that he chose an unsuccessful time, and it comes when, according to the calculations, Petrovich is fond, and therefore more conspiring. But Petrovich stands on his own. Seeing that without a new coinelle could not do, Akaki Akakievich imposes how to get those eighty rubles, for which, in his opinion, Petrovich will take it. It is decided to reduce "Ordinary Costs": Do not drink tea in the evenings, not to light the candles, step on tiptoe, in order not to exist prematurely notes, less frequently give the laundry laundry, but in order not to be hungry, staying at home in one bathrobe.

His life is changing perfectly: the dream of overcoats accompanies him as a pleasant girlfriend of life. Every month he visits Petrovich to talk about overcoats. The expected awarding for the holiday, against the expectation, turns out to be greater than twenty rubles, and once Akaki Akakievich with Petrovich goes to the shop. Both Sukno, and the knee-to-lining, and the cat for the collar, and the work of Petrovich - everything turns out to be above all silence, and, in view of the frost, Akaki Akakiyevich once goes to the Department in the New Sintel. This Event does not remain unnoticed, all praise the chinel and demand from Akakia Akakievich on this occasion to ask the evening, and only the interference of a certain official (as a deliberate birthday room), which came to tea, saves the embarrassed Akakia Akakievich.

After a day, formerly a big solemn holiday for him, Akaki Akakievich returns home, having fun and, having occurring without affairs, headed to the official in the far part of the city. Again, all his chinel praises, but soon turn to the vista, dinner, champagne. Forced to the same Akaki Akakiyevich feels an unusual fun, but, beating about the later hour, slowly goes home. At first, excited, he even rushes for some kind of lady ("in which every part of the body was performed by an extraordinary movement"), but the deserted streets stretched soon inspire him an invalid fear. In the midst of a huge desert square, some people are stopped with a mustache and remove the chinel from him.

The misadventures of Akakia Akakiyevich begin. He does not find help from a private attachment. In the presence, where he comes after the day in an old hood, he regret and think even make it better, but by collecting the essence of the belligence, give advice to go to a significant person, can contribute to a more successful search for overcoats. The following describes the techniques and customs of a significant person who has become significant only recently, and therefore concerned, as if to give themselves greater significance: "Site, rigor and - rigor," he used to say usually. Wanting to hit his friend, I have not seen many years with that, he cruelly walks by Akakia Akakievich, who, in his opinion, turned to him not in shape. Not sick feet, he gets to the house and falls along with a strongly hot. A few days of unconscious and nonsense - and Akaki Akakievich dies, about which only on the fourth after the funeral the day will be recognized in the Department. Soon it becomes known that at night, near Kalinkina, the bridge is shown the dead man, which is moving from all, without disassembling the rank and ranks, overcoats. Someone recognizes Akakia Akakievich in it. The efforts undertaken by the police for the capture of the dead man disappear.

At that time, one significant person who was not alien to the compassion, having learned that Bashmachkin died suddenly, it remains terribly shocked and to have fun, go to a friendship party, from where it is not home, and to the familiar lady Carolina Ivanovna, and, Among the terrible weather, suddenly feels that someone grabbed him for the collar. In horror, he recognizes Akakia Akakiyevich, Koi triumphantly paint sinel from him. Pale and frightened, a significant face returns home and will continue not to walk with the severity of his subordinates. The emergence of a deadman official since then completely ceases, and the ghost that meets a few later, the ghost was already significantly higher than the growth and wore premium mustache.

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