
What is dopamine. Dopamine - What is it? Dopamine level in the body. Reduced level of dopamine

Hormone pleasure, he is dopamine, is extremely important for every person.

Dopamine is another, but less common name.

In the human body, it performs the function of the neurotransmitter of the brain, it is a certain messenger, providing the passage of nerve impulses by the human body.

Dopamine is a chemical produced in brain tissues, it actively interacts with the receptors of nerve endings and activates their operation.

Dopamine is needed to each person regardless of gender and age. It is responsible for providing nerve impulses and chemical signals from one neuron to another element.

This moment is extremely important because it has an impact on the production of other hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the holistic system - the human body.

This hormone actively uses the human body at the time of the formation of the following substances:

  • adrenalin;
  • noradrenalin.

The listed elements affect the possibility of an active action by a person.

Dopamine is actively produced in brain cells, is located in the structures of the nervous system and ensures the execution of various functions.

The substance provides:

  1. Expansion Coronary and renal vessels.
  2. Activation peripheral cells of nervous structures.
  3. Gain Heart abbreviation intensity.
  4. Present To work a heart.
  5. Renders Impact on the functioning of the kidneys.
  6. Provides Control of emotional state.

With the normal functioning of the body, a certain balance between acetylcholine and dopamine is saved.

Dopamine blocks the action of prolactin, therefore stops the production of breast milk.

What is Dopamine, how does his lack appear? Man, the development of dopamine whose violated, can be said, does not feel pleasure.

He does not have focus and motivation for success, in the literal sense, a person does not feel happiness.

Strengthen the production of dopamine, of course, it is possible. Often, the basis of such a violation is a physiological change in the brain.

Violation of this substance may manifest itself as a result of serious stress, nervous shocks and even severe disease.

It should not be treated in a similar deflection of a non-serious, violation of dopamine production can cause serious pathologies, which are much more difficult to treat, rather than to establish the process of isolating the body of this substance.

Reduced dopamine level helps to increase some food.

Why do you need this hormone?

In the human body every second, various biochemical reactions are occurring.

The following manifestations depend on such a substance:

  • good mood;
  • high ability to work;
  • regulation of mental work;
  • provides brain functions;
  • facilitates learning and knowledge processes;
  • manifestation of feelings and desires.

It is as a result of the excessive production of a substance having a Latin name Dopamine, a person can suddenly fall in love.

Perhaps this is the most interesting hormone in the human body. The substance is also responsible for cognitive activities.

The lack of hormone during the study period may affect the child's performance at school. With a lack of hormone production, mental processes in the human body are significantly slowed down.

Confidently can be said that the mood of man largely It depends on this difficult matter.

Dopamine and Serotonin, as well as endorphin - the favorable location of the spirit of the individual depends on these hormones.

The human body has to spend a large amount of recycling time and substances.

Drug use is not a method for increasing the concentration of substances of pleasure in the body.

As a result of systematic reception is formed addiction, In subsequent times, the body will require an increase in dosages.

Dofamine - a source of happiness?

Dopamine synthesis occurs in the body independently, but this neurotransmitter of brain activity can be poorly produced under the influence of several reasons.

Among a number of serious consequences, the lack of hormone generation is distinguished:

  • impaired heart functioning and the appearance of pain in the heart area;
  • tachycardia and cardiac rhythm failures;
  • reducing or complete absence of sexual entry;
  • lost interest in life;
  • endocrine problems;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • manifestation of vascular pathologies.

With the development of Parkinson's disease, special nerve cells that produce a hormone of joy in the brain disappear.

As a result, the deficit of such an element is constantly present. During the time of wakefulness, hallucinations, obsessive thoughts appear. Such patients often encounter insomnia.

The lack of dopamine production leads to the depletion of the nervous system.

Often manifests syndrome chronic fatigue, his a distinctive feature is the constant state of apathy. With a shortage of this hormone, people are often faced with depression.

Methods of increase in hormone

Dopamine molecule is produced by a human body. This element has an impact on human desires and libido.

In some cases, against the background of common failures in the work of the body, the production of hormone is broken, then resort to different methods and methods Helping artificially:

  1. Consumption Tyrosine. This element is extremely important to enhance the highlight of the hormone of happiness in the human body. It can be obtained from some foods.
  2. Patients suffering from protracted depressions recommend physical exercise And this is no accident, the following patients often manifests the deficiency of dopamine. Active lifestyle allows you to increase serotonin levels.
  3. Regular Sex life. Contact must occur with a pleasant person for a patient. It is extremely important to get pleasure from intimacy.
  4. To find hobby. This Council will also help to increase blood hormone levels. It can be any creativity, drawing, modeling, embroidery.

To normalize the concentration of substance of this kind in the body, proper nutrition is extremely important.

Patients with a reduced level of this substance in the blood should pay particular attention to the correct nutrition.

Extremely important refuse From the use of coffee and products with a high content of rapid carbohydrates.

Sweets also apply, as well as alcohol, with their regular eating, low levels of dopamine increases slightly, but on this background is formed a steady dependence on such elements of power.

To normalize the level of the hormone, it is necessary to take care of the body's stay in harmony. This contributes to love and life.

Food containing hormone

In case the lack of hormone production has shown a certain way, it must be tried to correct.

We will help to cope with such a "misunderstanding" common food, which is present at home.

To increase the concentration of dopamine, it is extremely desirable to accommodate the products of hormone sources in the menu:

  • bananas and apples;
  • strawberry;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • green tea;
  • peaches;
  • almond and other nuts;
  • milk products with low fat fraction;
  • seafood.

C 8 H 11 NO 2, dopamine, is contained in these products in significant quantities. Vegetables and fruits need to be used in fresh form.

It should be noted that, if a person negatively refers to any products from this list, it should be refused to refuse them, the reception "through force" will go not benefit And to the detriment, because during the treatment period it is extremely important to enjoy the process itself.

By increasing the amount of hormone in the blood, it is important to preserve its level, because it is better to refuse the use of harmful products forever.

Preparations boosting dopamine

If you cannot increase the concentration with the help of pricks, the doctor may assign.

Before applying medication, artificially replacing natural dopamine instructions, should be studied.

Dopamine blockers and inhibitors act on the human body in a special way, accelerate the release of the hormone and raise the level of its concentration.

One of the most complex creatures of nature is a human body. An intricate system consisting of a variety of subsystems related to each other. And monitors the harmonious relationship of groups of the organs hormonal system. One of the important neurotransmitters responsible for creating regulation functions is a hormone dopamine (or dopamine).

Each person came across his life with depressive periods: the mood flies, the surrounding reality is drawn in the dark colors. In the dominance of pessimism and dopamine is guilty, or rather, his lack. Answering the question "Dopamine, what is it?" We can say that this is a substance that is responsible for the psycho-emotional human background, "Hormone Pleasure."

Dopamine - Hormone responsible for joy and pleasure

Explaining what dopamine is in the brain, it is impossible not to affect the nuances of the dopaminergic system. It includes seven subsystems, three types include the most important of them:

  1. Nigrostriage.
  2. Mesolimbic.
  3. Mesocortic.

Do you know where dopamine is produced? About 80% of the hormone is produced by axon (nervous cell process) of a nigrotrorying path. With a well-established work of the dopaminergic system, a person feels completely healthy, it tastes and interest in life. It is distinguished by the cheerfulness of the Spirit, the power of will, initiative and high ability to concentrate.

What is a dopaminergic system

Dopamic receptors, in turn, are divided into five species, various in their biochemical and pharmacological abilities. Teaching conditionally divide them into two subgroups: D1 and D2. The subgroup D1 is actively involved in increasing the number of nerve cells, increasing the energy tone of the body and giving a force to man. The second subgroup is responsible for the intellect and emotions of the person.

How dofamine works

Dofamine What is this hormone, which is so important for each person, regardless of age and gender? The main task of this neurotiator is the transfer and provision of chemical signals, nerve pulses from neurons to other elements. Dopamine is actively used by the body for producing important substances for life:

  • adrenaline;
  • norepinephrine.

These elements affect the human ability to carry out various active actions. When the dopamine production for any reason is disturbed and its level falls, the personality is deprived of the main thing in life - the feeling of pleasure and happiness.

What is dopamine

It has been established that dopamine slows down prolactin production, therefore its components are used in preparations that stop the production of breast milk.

Dopamine - a unique hormone, it can be regulated. That is, the disgusting mood can be changed and easily overcome. How? A cup of fragrant coffee, pets pets, sitting with friends - all this stimulates the emission of dopamine.

What is the purpose of hormone

Dopamine is responsible for many functions that are important for the livelihoods of the body. The main thing is that this hormone affects the emergence of sense of satisfaction and pleasure, it contributes to the manifestation of curiosity and motivation. In addition, in the function of the dopamine is an active part in the processes of memory and receiving new knowledge.

Pleasure. When the hormone is released in the centers of the brain responsible for the emotional component, the personality receives the charge of cheerfulness and pleasure. These "remuneration" are necessary for survival, as they enter the basic needs of a person.

Definal definition

Memory and learning. Numerous studies confirm the assumptions of scientists that dopamine plays a key role in memorizing new information and receiving any knowledge. "Emotional" hormone strengthens the relationship between the brain areas and the preserving core.

Leading teachers and psychologists have been proven that training is much more successful if training events are organized with the inclusion of some emotional components. For kids - a game form, for older children - interesting dialogues.

Also dopamine plays a key role in carrying out associative training.. That is, the use of the remuneration method led to the stimulation of dopamine paths. Received remuneration motivated a craving for interest in new knowledge.

Motivation. Dopamine is involved in organizing motivational situations. In other words, the release of hormone pleasure helps the personality to achieve anything prosperous and protect against negative. Suppose, a catastrophically low level of dopamine provokes the development of some diseases in which there is no motivational thrust and curiosity (such symptomatics is called "Angedonia").

Curiosity. When a person experiences a feeling of curiosity, it means that it faces the advent of internal motivation. Studying a new and unfamiliar guaranteeing experience and fresh knowledge. Inquisitiveness is an important emotional aspect, which encourages the person to make bold actions, explore, risk and survive.

More often a person shows a sense of curiosity to unfamiliar things, which are embarrassed from the habitual track of familiar items and situations. During the research, the relationship between the work of dopamine and the emergence of curiosity in humans.

Dopamine stimulates not only curiosity, but also memorizing information. After all, the personality remembers the things to which curiosity is shown.

Creation. Dopamine affects the desire for creativity. Dopamic receptors for individuals who showed a large talent in the creative environment, were in their development similar to personality receptors with schizophrenia diagnosis. People of these two groups have dopamine receptors turned out to be low density than those who did not show craving for creative delights.

Personality. When considering a person through the prism of psychological qualities, psychologists define two varieties of personality: extrovert and introvert:

  • extravert is an open, sociable person;
  • the introvert is closed and immersed in his own world.

Extraversion has two components: emotionality / impulsiveness and desire to socially interact with others (sociability). These two functions are directly dependent on the level of dopamine.

A good mood for which dopamine is responsible, a guarantee of good health

According to the results of research, the personality of the extrovertation has a high burden to obtain fresh sensations. But these people are also famous for a certain tendency to develop various dependencies and frivolous behavior associated with risk.

In addition to the essential impact on the psycho-emotional warehouse of a person and its abilities, the work of some internal organs depends on the level of dopamine. This hormone provides the following functions:

  1. Adjusts the functionality of the kidneys.
  2. Enhances the rhythm of heart abbreviations.
  3. Stabilizes cardiac activity.
  4. Controls the emotional component of the individual.
  5. Restores the operation of peripheral cells of nervous tissue.

Dopamine is the most interesting hormone of the human body. This mysterious substance completely depends our mood and mental capacity. And any violation in the production of the neurotiator immediately affects the body of the body.

Dopamine and Health

In all important "Golden Middle". This also applies to the concentration of dopamine in the human body. Its disadvantage or excess can provoke a number of serious disorders and diseases.

Lack of hormone

When the identity is experiencing a serious drawback of dopamine, it flows into the state of prostration. Boredom, anxiety, depression and irritable mood become permanent satellites. The following diseases may develop:

  1. Depressive psychosis, social phobias.
  2. ADHD (hyperactivity syndrome and acute attention deficit).
  3. Parkinson's disease. An irreversible pathological condition at which the parts of the brain gradually die.
  4. Angedonia (the inability to experience the feeling of pleasure, loss of interest in life). This state often leads to the development of serious depression and thoughts on suicide.

The lack of dopamine negatively affects the child performance. Bad values \u200b\u200bdo not depend on the laziness, all this is the consequences of the hormone, the low level of which reduces mental activity.

The lack of dopamine leads to the development of dangerous pathologies

Among a number of serious consequences due to a lack of dopamine, doctors note the following:

  • development of viral and infectious diseases;
  • problems in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathology of vessels, their weakening and loss of tone;
  • violation of the functioning of endocrine organs;
  • reducing libido or complete lack of interest in the opposite sex.

Excess dopamine

But too high dopamine rates often become the perpetrators of the appearance of various mental abnormalities and dangerous diseases. This is a bipolar personality disorder, and schizophrenia and a number of similar, destroying pathologies.

Excess dopamine can provoke the development of alcoholism

Even a minor increase in the hormone of pleasure leads to the deplorable results - the emergence of various dependencies. A person experiencing pathological interest in extreme manifestations of life activity is developing in disastrous addiction. These include:

  • overeating to obesity;
  • passion for casino and gambling;
  • narcotic and alcohol dependence;
  • the desire to dominate over the opposite sex;
  • numerous treason because of the desire to receive new pleasures;
  • unmanaged traction to computer games, immersion in the world of virtual reality.

The basis of violations in the production of dopamine is degradation changes in the brain zones occurring at the physiological level. It is impossible to treat such violations. After all, diseases arising from dopamine oscillations, sometimes impossible to cure. But you can control the concentration of hormone.

How to stabilize dopamine level

When detecting and detecting destabilization of the concentration of hormone, doctors resort to various ways Restore its normal level. Special attention is paid to the patient menu.

Healthy nutrition

Some products are able to raise dopamine. To learn how to enhance dopamine, look at the following products:

  • eggs;
  • almond;
  • green tea;
  • seafood;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • fermented milk products;
  • apples, bananas, strawberries, peaches, avocado.

All recommended vegetables and fruits should be consumed only in fresh form. Listen to another, important nuance. If any product is not among the "favorite", it is impossible to force yourself through its strength. It will only harm. Rapinamine increases only against the background of pleasure (and from food too).

Mood Products

With a low level of hormone, you should refuse to eat coffee and products containing a high level of fast carbohydrates. This is a dates, white bread, rice noodles, cakes, sugar and shortbread cookies, watermelon, carrot, chips and hamburgers, fried / baked potatoes.

Patients suffering from hormone fluctuations is strongly recommended to engage in active sports, surround themselves with pleasant people. It is always necessary to stay in harmony both with yourself and with others.


If the normalization of nutrition and physical activity did not give the expected result, doctors resort to the reception of drugs. Pharmaceutics offers a number of dopaminergic drugs working on the stabilization of the hormone. How to increase the level of dopamine in the body with medication:

  1. L-tyrosine. The high-speed agent, the effect of which becomes noticeable after receiving the capsule alone. If the improvements are not observed for a half hour, one can take another dose of the drug.
  2. Mukuna. This agent is successfully used in the treatment of depressive states, Parkinson's disease and a long stress. The medication contributes to the increase in dopamine and a number of other hormones responsible for the work of the center of pleasure in the brain.
  3. Ginkgo two-sighted. Fully natural preparation made of vegetable raw materials. Its main goals include an increase in dopamine concentration and improved brain supply with oxygen.

The harmonious method of dopamine affects the whole life of a person. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your own health and timely lead your own existence. Have a good mood!

In contact with

Dopamine (translated from the English. "Dopamine") is known to the whole world as a "hormone of pleasure", but his functions are much wider and more diverse. Dopamine combines 2 major roles - hormone and neurotiator, it is simultaneously responsible for the work of various organs and tissues and serves as a carrier of electrical pulses. In the human body there are several full-fledged dopamine complexes, and everyone has its own special task.

History of the opening of dopamine and its structure

Dopamine is a hormone and neurotransmitter, which is synthesized in various fields of brain, endocrine glands, kidneys and other tissues and performs several tasks in the body. The history of the unique substance began long ago, but scientists did not realize before the latter, they found one of the most important human hormones. In 1910, Dopamine was first synthesized, in 1938, chemists found his interim role in creating a hormonal chain "Noranarenalin - adrenaline".

In the 1950s, scientists have found that dopamine is present in the brain, both in the blood and in the peripheral bodies, and after a few years, large-scale research on the study of Parkinson's disease has been launched. And here about Dopamine spoke in full voice - it turned out that his hormonal deficit serves as one of the reasons for this dangerous syndrome.. But even today, the functions and synthesis of dopamine have not yet been fully studied - such a huge potential for experiments is in itself this hormone-neuromediator.

By its chemical nature, he refers to Catecholars (in the company C). The structure of the dopamine molecule is extremely simple - a benzene ring with 2 hydroxyl groups + short chain with an amino group.

Where and how to produce

Dopamic synthesis in the body also proceeds along a fairly simple scheme. First in the liver tissues, the amino acid L-tyrosine from phenylalanine is synthesized (tyrosine can get into the body and with food). Then the dihydroxyphenylalanine (dof) is formed from the molecule, and when carbon and oxygen atoms are disappeared from the side chain, dopamine is obtained.

Since dopamine is not an ordinary hormone, and also a neuromediator, in the body there are several sections at once, where its synthesis occurs. As a neurotransmitter, it is synthesized in the brain as a hormone - in the glands of internal secretion, other organs and tissues. Full list regions where dopamine is formed, looks like this:

  • plots of the midbrain - black substance and ventral area of \u200b\u200bthe tire;
  • rear department, arcuate and paravricular kernel of the hypothalamus;
  • a group of amacrine cells inside the retina of the eye;
  • immune cells of the spleen, bone marrow and the circulatory system;
  • kidney;
  • brain layer of adrenal glands;
  • exocrine part of the pancreas.

Functions in the body

Dopamine is traditionally considered a "pleasure hormone" - its level is rapidly jumping in the body during processes that a particular person considers pleasant. It is sex, delicious food, interesting work, favorite hobby, deserved praise, successful response to the exam and much more.

But in fact, only one of the dopamine groups is responsible for the sphere of pleasure, and the list of its functions is much wider:

  • consolidates the situation of success and forms motivation for further actions (in order to obtain pleasure);
  • it helps to make a quick choice (strategy of behavior, concrete thing, etc.);
  • improves memory and concentration;
  • facilitates switching attention in the process of mental operation;
  • regulates motor activity;
  • contributes to the expansion of blood vessels;
  • stimulates sodium selection by the kidneys along with the urine;
  • helps slow the synthesis of insulin;
  • inhibits the synthesis of some pituitary hormones;
  • reduces the activity of lymphocytes, which allows the nervous and immune system to work together more effectively;
  • slows Motorick the GTS, thereby protecting the intestinal mucosa from damage.

Diseases associated with dopamine

In a healthy body, dopamine levels can significantly fluctuate depending on external and internal processes.

So, a sharp dopamine emission takes into the blood at any injuries (from household burns to dangerous injuries), anxiety, strong fear and any other stress. It helps faster adapt to stressful conditions. If the renal blood supply is broken, the sodium levels, aldosterone hormones and angiotensin are increased in the blood, there are heart problems, dopamine can also jump. When chronic stress, there are problems with sleep or serotonin levels in the brain elevated, dopamine, on the contrary, will fall.

If the oscillations of the level of dopamine are not accidental character, but are fixed for a long time, it can lead to serious illnesses. The most famous (and the most dangerous) of them are Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia. Parkinson develops at the death of dopamine receptors in black substance. In schizophrenia, an increased synthesis of dopamine in some brain departments and a decrease in others are observed.

Also disturbed synthesis of dopamine serves as one of the causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Analysis on Dopamine - Indications and Preparation

Definame level determination includes 2 options - urine study or, much less often, blood. This is due to the fact that in the blood, the dopamine level several times lower and the hormone decays there much faster.

Separate analysis on dopamine is not held - The identification of the level of the hormone is included in. This study is necessary in suspected Parkinson's disease and monitoring its flow, when diagnosing tumors of nervous tissue and adrenal glands. Often, doctors prescribe such a procedure to clarify the causes of hypertension and hypertensive crises.

Urban for research is collected by the daily (most often) or for 3, 6, 12 hours. Also analysis on catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine and adrenaline) requires mandatory preparation:

  • 3-4 days before the procedure will have to abandon cigarettes and any medicines other than vital. Under the main ban - tranquilizers, tetracycline antibiotics, adrenoblays.
  • A number of drinks before analysis also falls into the forbidden list - it is alcohol, soda, strong tea and coffee.
  • At the time of collecting urine for analysis (and better a couple of days before), it is necessary to exclude exotic fruits, legumes, walnuts, cheeses, all dishes with vanilla and vanilla.

Before analysis on dopamine, it is important to avoid any stress, hypothermia, strong emotional shake. If the doctor issued a direction to the blood test, 20 minutes before the procedure needs a complete peace.

Hi friends! This article I start a series of 5 notes about hormones of joy, about the biochemistry of our happiness so to speak. In this article, consider dopamine - a powerful tool for motivation.

Then another 4 hormone - serotonin, and (yes, it is also associated with pleasant sensations of happiness).

All these 5 articles will be quite specific. They are only designed for the circle of people who are interested in this. There will be specific terms, it may be difficult to be perceived by rumor, but I will try to explain as much as possible. I will write about the next article - he, together with Dopamin, is the most influential hormone on our joy.

Sometimes every person comes the days when the mood deteriorates, laziness appears and motivation disappears. Bodybuilders are also crying if you can say so. This is on YouTube or in any bodybuilding groups of VKontakte all such mesh, targeted, positive directly already have no place. But in life everything is wrong.

Sometimes an elementary trip to the hall is a challenge for you, especially after work. And the reason may be not only in physical fatigue, but also in moral exhaustion. Just comes "nonhotel". The cause of such a state of physicians is associated with a lack of dopamine in the body.

Its deficiency leads to depression and excess weight, as a hormone multifunctional: regulates the work of the heart, the brain, increases the performance and balances the emotional state of the person. Dopamine What is it, what is his strength for us, how to increase its concentration and much more - we will discuss below.

And of course I will try to give you a practical idea of \u200b\u200bhow important this hormone is in life and even in bodybuilding. After all, what do we have with this bizarre biochemistry if we do not understand how it concerns us in real life?

Dopamine (or "dopamine") - This substance is customary called a hormone satisfaction or joy. Dopamine refers to catecholaminams is a special group of active substances that act as intermediaries in intercellular chemical reactions.

Also hormone is a neuromediator or neurotransmitter. This again suggests that it is a means of transmitting an electrochemical pulse between the brain cells through a special synaptic space. How about it looks like you can see in the picture:

The main role of the hormone of joy is to regulate, the mood and human behavior. Hormone plays a key role in the emotional plan, associated with the ability of a person to enjoy anything. Makes the possible state of euphoria. Still participates in sleep regulation, like

When a person acquires any experience accompanied by something positive, this substance is distinguished. For example, my mother gets deep satisfaction at the end of cleaning, when looking at the clean room and feels the completion of the case.

Something like people who work on some kind of project are experiencing and, at its end, feel something pleasant inside. Before the final, a person feels raising a cheerfulness, is in a good arms of the Spirit, anticipating the reward. This is all the action of the hormone joy, friends.

Therefore, one who works from the soul over something useful is a happy man. Any favorite person's experience - gives a surge of dopamine. I recently went for mushrooms to the forest - I love this occupation very much. In his Instagram. I published a couple of pictures and videos from that trip.

When I went through the forest, I felt an unprecedented tide of delight, a tide of strength, some kind of wild energy. Eyes are widely revealed, even the mouth is opened when you enter the excitement. Eh, love this thing!

But dopamine has one feature - He is valid for a long time! Therefore, a person wants to feel his effect again. This hormone is directly related to The system of promotion or reward brain, By violasting our motivation!

More hormone is associated with our dreams. Dopamine creates a feeling of happiness when a person remains in a physical or intellectual plan and only fantasies about the upcoming accomplishments. The brain receives a reward, although in reality the fundamentally qualitative changes does not occur.

Simply put, hormone is heated by excitement and interest, creates a feeling of happiness for achieving goals. A decrease in its number in the body leads to a sense of fatigue, and at normal concentration, a person gets more satisfaction with life.

The production of hormone in the brain, in his enjoyment centers, brings a sense of joy. It serves as a chemical factor of internal reinforcement, causing a feeling of pleasure. This in turn qualitatively affects the learning process and on motivation to action.

What gives dopamine? Scientific research

Dopamine is synthesized in a large volume in the body when a person in his own, subjective feelings are experiencing positive emotions from bodily attractions, tasty food or sex.

This conclusion was made by Canadian scientists Olds and Milner in 1954. During the experiment, rodents learned to independently press the lever in their cell, which gave them the discharge of electricity to the brain, stimulating their enjoyment center.

The study of the psychologist Berres Skinner also proved that Dopamine in rats stands out during the stimulation process of pleasure centers in the brain. After the electric discharges, the rodents have been pressed to the lever to six hundred times an hour, even forgetting about food and water. As a result, experimental dies from hunger and exhaustion.

A number of other experiments reported in the journal of the American Psychological Association showed that even the memory of encouragement increases the level of hormone in the body. Doctor of University of Sciences in Buffalo Crystal Mark argues that the human brain uses a neurotransmitter to motivate and evaluate important survival actions.

Some Russian biologists suggest that the hormone is involved in the formation of a sense of love. Studies on field mice proved that the dopamine receptors of the second group D2 directly affect the feeling of loyalty to the partner in rodents.

The latest results of the experiments of German neurobiologist scientists suggest that the hormone takes part in the learning process. The optimal concentration of the neurotransmitter in the human body controls cognitive functions: attention, memory, concentration. Strengthening the relationship between different brain areas, dopamine helps to better memorize information.

Scientists put forward the assumption that the neurotransmitter participates in the development of creative thinking. Studies have shown that people with low density of dopamine receptors in the thalamus incoming signals are not filtered, and the information flow into the brain increases. Therefore, creative people, solving problems, can see various options for the most unusual solutions.

In addition, the level of dopamine determines the temperament of a person. The personality with a high concentration of the neurotransmitter is usually impulsive, prone to risky behavior and stretches to the search for acute sensations.

How does dopamine work in real life

I want to bring you visual examples for a better understanding of the role of the action of dopamine in real life. Even in numbers.

In general, the dopamine rate in the body is up to 87 pg / ml (Millilitr icons). It is very small if we translate into grams, so thinking pictograms is very uncomfortable.

Let's assume that in our body a day, approximately 1 gram of dopamine is distinguished per day. And let's say that this is an approximate rate for any person when it is in good condition.

At work, all the frets, in personal life without shocks, there are intelligible goals in life. In a word - a normal life. But if something bad happens suddenly - the level of dopamine production may fall to 0.5 grams or lower.

The brain begins to starve from the lack of hormone and people in this state increasingly worries the question of how to return the joy of life.

But it happens that the hormone levels somewhat excavation and the brain gets almost 1.5 grams of joyful hormone. Within 2-4 weeks, his condition will be more joyful than usual. But when this time passes, the mood may fall greatly, because the sensitivity of dopamine receptors will drop.

"Addict Pasha and Gaggora Masha"

Imagine a couple that has the right to exist in our reality. This Pasha is a normal guy who lives ordinary life. He has a girl Masha, whom he is happy. He has a favorite business, even sports.

But one day his life becomes boring him and he begins to search for sources of additional pleasure. It so happened that by stupidity and the fault of other factors - his choice fell on cocaine. From his reception, Pasha receives as much 3 grams of dopamine, that is, three times more than a standard portion from ordinary life.

Pasha takes 7 doses and receives approximately 20 grams of dopamine. After that, the sensitivity of its receptors is dulled and it is forced to increase the dosage to achieve the desired buzz. Well, as it was before inserted.

So gradually our Paul adapted and reached the fact that he receives up to 10 grams of dopamine at a time, because now it is normal for him. At this time, his life is almost destroyed. Masha left him, training abandoned, friends are forgotten - no joy in life.

From despair Pasha rushes into all the grave. He begins to live a random sex, trying all new sexual perversions, sitting on pornography, so that at least somehow return the sharpness of sensations. But this does not give the desired effect. Only a miserable similarity of happiness.

When trying to return to normal life - Pasha is experiencing terrible torment. This is all because ordinary things in normal life bring hundreds of times less pleasure, which means that dopamine is produced. Only cocaine is capable of greater!

And while Pasha did not die from overdose, he has one way out - wait until the body returns to the original normal state, to its coveted 1 gram of the hormone per day. But while you need to survive the painful break.

His girl Masha at this time will be sad. With Pasha, she broke up and receives no longer 1 A 0.5 grams of dopamine. Of these 0.5 grams, part of the hormone hormone gave her training, part of viewing favorite TV series, but the biggest percentage gave her food! And the missing 0.5 grams of Masha decides to fill in their favorite activity - food.

Masha disordered and she began to eat uncontrollably, absorbing huge portions of harmful, but very tasty food. And in such a food, there is always a lot through time Masha gets the required level of dopamine - its coveted 1 gram due to food. The rest gives her the series, for which she and "hamster" this food, because Masha's training was also abandoned.

It takes quite a bit of time and Masha from a beautiful and smart girl turns into a fatty, stupid and evil Babes, which grows on everything around and accuses everyone. Yes, definitely - in the life of Masha, there were grows, but such a way chose only she herself.

Do Dopamine will help lazy?

Definitely no !!! Why? Yes, because if the man is lazy, he is just like that and there will be no dopamine to him. If he does not want to change his life - no drugs, methods of improving motivation will not help him. This motivation of the one that lives inside us.

Remember, friends - Dopamine is produced by motivation, not up to it. That is, if there is no initial desire - there will be no hormone generation.If the motivation is - dopamine will be given you to help, as an additional stimulator. But the first step is always yours!

Yes, it is worth a recognition that there are people with a richer dopamine background. They are usually more eccentric, can be carried away with something with their heads. This type of people is very prone to advertising and is ready to acquire things under the influence of exclusively emotions, even if the purchase itself is not needed. This is the most desirable audience for advertisers.

But most people have a standard or reference level of hormone. Their life is steadily, without special emotional bursts.

The influence of the hormone on achieving goals

Dopamine also heats the interest and excitement to the case who are engaged in a person. Whether you had such that you decided to make a small thing, but it was soon turned into something significant.

For example, a woman decided to wipe the dust on the table and after an hour she removed the entire apartment. Or decided to make some kind of dish on skouring hand And I did not notice how I spent several hours on the preparation of a complex culinary masterpiece.

But the problem is that dopamine may somewhat enter a person in confusion. In his life, it can change anything qualitatively. Neither its intellectual development, nor spiritual, nor physical or material - a person can only dream of it. But even in this case, the brain receives a portion of dopamine. I already talked about it above.

At this moment, a person can feel happiness, although everything remains as it was.

Dopamine and egoism

Women turned out to be more altruistic and gladly gave money to those who need, while men had a different situation - they were confused when they left cash with them. However, after reducing the level of dopamine in the body w.women increased the degree of egoism, and the opposite sex became much generous.

Pros and Cows of Dopamine

PROS: Increased creativity, energy, motivation, mood. Man is decisive and capable of a feat. Mental activity is active, the brain's operational memory increases.

MINUSES: Unpredictability of behavior. A sharp change of desires when you want everything immediately. That is, human behavior may not be completely correct in relation to others because of all this.

Gormon biochemistry

Where is Dopamine produced?

This hormone stands out in the black substance of the brain and hippocampus in the kidneys and adrenal glands. Being also a biogenic amine, dopamine is produced from tyrosine amino acids and performs the role of neurotransmitter (biologically active substance, by which an electrochemical pulse of nerve cells is transmitted).

It almost does not penetrate the brain of the brain from the blood flow.

Interesting fact: With an excess of dopamine, it is converted by a hormone of rage Noraderenalin and hormone of fear ADRENALIN.That is, dopamine is biochemical predecessor Label hormones.

Dopamic distribution paths

The system of education and distribution of dopamine is very complex. It is compared with the branches of the tree, which excrete the whole brain. On the paths of their movement, the hormone concentration is almost the same in all places. Only with the help of pharmacological intervention can be broken this balance.

Drop distribution paths are very much. But there are basic parts to which you can pay attention.

Nigrostric path

Approximately 80% of the total dopamine moves on this path. The lack of hormone on the movement of this path causes a decrease in the concentration of attention and motor activity.

However, in order to feel these effects, about 85% of dopamine receptors should be oppressed in the nigrostringe path. Under the usual conditions of human life, moderate physical and mental work - this will not be.

If there is an excess of dopamine in this way, this is fraught with tremor disease and hyperactivity.

Mesolimbic and mesocortical path.

These paths stimulate motivation, pleasure and reward. With dopamine deficiency in these paths, suicidal thoughts may appear, apathy, a condition at which a person does not need anything, their hands are lowered.

With an excess of dopamine on these distribution paths, a person will experience the attacks of anger, will easily leave themselves. Even this condition contributes to the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). People suffering from them - obsessed with obsessive ideas.

OCD (obsessive - compulsive disorder)

OCD is present at about 3% of people and is expressed in different ways. It can be expressed in a frequent hand washing, or when you see that between words costs several gaps and it is terribly infuriated. If you see a person who is picked up in strictly left for this to this day, and any error in this ritual causes rabies, this is also one of the manifestations of the OCD.

But, naturally, you do not need to record in psychos those who just love order and seeks to him. So people praise and honor!

The OCR may be associated with any objects from which a person has an unhealthy dependence, physical places, etc.

To determine if a person has an OCC - spend a variety of tests. Once heard such an example. If a person got used to breakfast with eggs, and in the morning it discovers that they are not and calmly breakfasts with something else - then it is normal. But if he starts neurosis, the mood is seriously spoiled and he breaks his head to the store - it means he has an OCR.

It is clear that here the key point is the emotions that a person is experiencing in this situation, and not a campaign itself. After all, if a person sits on strict dietthen he will have to go behind the eggs for breakfast if they should be in the morning. So do not hurry to write yourself or another in a psycho on this sign))).

After all, then all bodybuilders can be called badly, especially their dedication to workouts and a way of nutrition.

But those who constantly want to photograph, to do selfie and lay out this in instagram - most likely they are sick "Selfie Self", another type of OCD. This can be judged by their instagram. If most of the posts are most of their face, a chubby sponge clarification and no longer any other content means a person's problem.

After all, think about - to whom essentially it is interesting to look at a bunch of pictures of this person from different angles? What is the purpose of such pictures? I never understood this, but the OCC is perfectly explained.

In general, the line between the human habit and the neurosis is very thin. And it is not always possible to determine exactly what is behind a certain behavior of a person - either real psychosis, or just a habit of either something else. We are too complicated to give simple tests to give an exhaustive answer by whom we are.

Influence of hormone on the body and internal organs

Kidney. Since dopamine is associated with dopamine receptors in the kidneys, the circulation increases inside them and the filter function increases, which is very good. This is due to the fact that the resistance of blood vessels in the kidneys is reduced under the influence of dopamine and the blood circulates faster.

However, if dopamine is a lot, then the kidney vessels can narrow.

Heart and vessels. Under the influence of the hormone at average concentrations, the heartbeat increases due to the stimulation of β-adrenoreceptors. Adrenaline in this regard is much stronger on the heart. Dopamine increases the need of myocardium in oxygen.

Also stimulates α-adrenoreceptors at high concentrations. This leads to an increase in systolic blood pressure (then the pressure that is fixed in the vessels at the moment of compression of the heart and pushing the blood from it into the bloodstream).

The peripheral blood resistance in the vessels increases. For greater degree, blood flows more slowly in the capillaries and arteriols of our body. However, norepinephrine more effectively affects us in this regard and its development is stimulated by dopamine.

Digestion and gastrointestinal tract. The hormone will slow down the intestinal peristals (that is, the movement of the intestinal contents as a result of wave-like cuts). Dopamine is involved in the formation of a vomit reflex, as special chemoreceptors stimulate in the central CNS.

How does the excess and lack of dopamine affect

Both deficiency and excess neurotransmitter entails negative consequences. Hormone shortage can cause:

  • Depression;
  • Anxiety;
  • Fatigue;
  • Social phobias;
  • Attention deficit syndrome;
  • Aggression;
  • Reducing sexual attraction;
  • Dependence on drugs, alcohol;
  • Sleep disorder;
  • Cognitive problems: disruption of concentration, inattention, memory problems;
  • Parkinson's disease.

The high concentration of the substance leads to the development of psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, unhealthy risk to danger, motor hyperactivity, paranoia.

The sensitivity of dopamine receptors

There are several types of dopamine receptors according to the degree of their susceptibility. Their sensitivity plays an important role in relation to a person to life in general.

  1. People with high sensitivity for the most part are satisfied with life and are not looking for ways to improve it.
  2. The same, who has a dopamine type sensitivity is always in finding something better and new, from which you can get more fun. According to physicians, such people are prone to addiction and other dependencies.

By similar structure, dopamine receptors are divided into two groups:

  • the first group consists of D5, D1 receptors;
  • the second group is d2, d3, d4.

The representative of the first group D1 is distributed in the central nervous system (CNS). It participates in the expression of neurotrophic factors (processes that stimulate the development of neurons).

D1 Together with D5, they contribute to the development and growth of nerve cells, participate in cellular energy processes, stimulating adenylate cyclase, which splits ATP (adenosineryphosphate acid is a universal source of energy of biochemical processes). Thus, the first group of receptors is responsible for the energy and strength of the body.

The second group (D2, D3, D4) is associated with emotional and intellectual properties of dopamine. Increased activity of these receptors is the cause of the development of schizophrenia. These receptors are responsible for emotions, motivation and intelligence.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the receptors - one of the secrets of happiness

Many people lack joy in life, because they do not know the measures to satisfy their basic needs. Remember - the lower the sensitivity of the receptors - the more pleasure we get from any action!

Let's look at the 4 main areas of life that are the most problematic in terms of dopamine abuse. They need to work:

  1. FOOD. It is necessary to stop systematically to consume harmful, but tasty products. Fast food, shopping cakes, candy, etc. For me personally, it was very difficult for me to abandon the chips, because I love them very much. You also need to stop moving, even if you eat useful food. And I already keep silent about overeating harmful food.
  2. SLEEP. It is necessary to limit yourself and in this. Sleep no less harmful than to pretend. If you "fumble" for 10-12 hours, then the re-payment of dopamine will cause lethargy and low productivity during the course of the day.
  3. SEX. Excess sex is also harmful to the brain and sensations in this area as a whole. People who are accustomed to changing partners like gloves are unfortunate people. They, too, to some extent, do-refamine drug addicts, because they cannot stop and receive pleasure from healthy relations with their one single partner. This is the perfect option to which everyone needs to strive for everyone. To completely eliminate the viewing pornography, which causes a powerful dopamine emission. You need to learn how to be content with a semi-seater, half-estate, clean relationships with the opposite sex, and not beat your brain with dopamine sledgehammer looking at pornography.
  4. Internet and smartphones. Since we are modern people, the Internet can be safely recorded in what has become an integral part of our life. Soc. Networks, Instagram. (by the way subscribe), Likes, classes - all this causes some dependence. When a person checks every minute whether he got like him for another post in the instagram, and seeing them with pleasure - dopamine is produced in the brain. You need to break with this stupid habit and stop also aimlessly wander on the Internet in search of "something interesting", stop watching the videos on YouTube. Yes, so time to spend easily, but then I don't want to do something else, because the center of pleasures ceases to work correctly.

Output: To reduce the sensitivity of dopamine receptors - are needed Deprivation That is, restrictions. We ourselves should set them. And this will be an insurmountable barrier for most modern people. They simply will not be able to decide to limit themselves - they do not have enough spirit. But if desired, everything will work out!

Dopamine sensitivity and ability to gain experience

Scientists who conducted research of dopamine sensitivity came to an interesting conclusion. They found out that people with low sensitivity weakly learning on their mistakes. Such people have their mood and well-being pretty stable.

And on the contrary personality with increased sensitivity Hormone is better learning in their experience, faster and easier make the right conclusions. It is worth noting that although several studies have been conducted in this area and their results confirmed this idea - it still remains as an assumption.

Mutation of de-refamine receptor genes and their consequences

Scientists also identified several mutations that are associated with dopamine receptor genes. One called A1A1, the second - DRD4.

  • A1A1 - This mutation is associated with the dependence on gambling, drug addiction, alcohol abuse and smoking (nicotine dependence).
  • DRD4. - related to the constant desire for new sensations. This type of mutation is often found in people who have a hereditary nature of alcohol. This mutation is associated with the diagnosis of hyperactivity syndrome in our time with a disruption of the concentration of attention. A child with such a diagnosis cannot sit quietly in the lessons and perceive information.

This is one of the problems of modernity. Children are really inadequate now, something in them is not so. Scientists explain the shortage of attention from the child weak dopamine concentration due to the low power of dopamine receptors.

If you try to stimulate the amount of dopamine artificially, then this fact itself can cause drug addiction. Scientists came to this conclusion after experiments on rats using cocaine.

The thing is that under normal conditions, dopamine comes into contact with dopamine receptors, after it is collected (synthesized) into synaps (the contact site between 2 neurons). As a result, a person feels a decrease in stress.

So in rats, whose drug addiction was observed - there were more synapses in the brain than in healthy rats.

If you explain all this on the example of a person, then a drug addict who takes a dose - has the necessary neural connections in his brain, which allow the experienced pleasure to quickly disappear. And those connections that must function in normal mode, that is, in its usual mode, it can no longer work normally due to rivalry with those pathological connections that are stimulated by drugs.

Yes, all this is difficult to understand where the information is interesting. That is, what did we understand from this? And the fact that the external stimulation of various substances can only be given a temporary splash of dopamine, but at the same time oppresses the normal operation and sensitivity of dopamine receptors. And the greater the lifting of the dopamine, the worse the sensitivity of the receptors subsequently.

Such stimulation (the same drugs) changes the structure of the brain and its morphology, especially at a young age. And morphology, if anyone knows is the science of the structure and the form of something. So drugs are extremely strong on the brain.

In the course of scientific research, it was also revealed that the lack of implementation in a person is directly related to dopamine type receptors. If the personality has no opportunity to self-realize itself in something, then these most receptors are hungry, inactive and man begins to lose respect for himself.

If a person has a large number of dopamine receptors in the brain, and the hormone itself is not enough in the body (due to the lack of a person in the life of what gives him pleasure) - then this leads to a decrease in self-esteem.

Therefore, it is necessary to engage in your loved one, to something to strive for something, get from this a buzz, so that the receptors worked as it should and with the psyche there was everything ok. It's not easy to grow like a weed on the bed. Think about it, friends.

What is Dopamine?

How to increase the concentration of dopamine and where contains in products this hormone? Neurotransmitter does not exist directly in food - you should understand it. However, Tyrosine amino acid contributes to raising the mood and the development of dopamine. Here in which products it can be found:

  • Avocado;
  • Bananas;
  • Beans;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Walnut;
  • Greens;
  • Beet;
  • Strawberry;
  • Blueberry;
  • Milk;
  • Oil Oil;
  • Oatmeal.

The list is worth adding kale (view of the cabbage), which is rich in folic acid and will exist the production of hormone in the body. Beet contains betaine and tyrosine and acts as an antidepressant. And the quercetin, which is in the apples, will prevent the degeneration of nerve cells and increase the level of neurotransmitter.

It should also be included in its diet with fatty acid omega 3: oysters, fish, shrimp, squid.

Folk recipes advise drinking tea with herbs to increase the concentration of hormone: dandelion, Ginkgo (by the way, recently bought himself Bad Ginkgo Biloba - somehow I will write a separate post about it), nettle. These types of herbs have a soothing effect, and also positively affect the emotional sphere of human life.

For a small lift of the mood, it is worth a cup of green tea, which contains polyphenols. They are responsible for stimulating dopamine synthesis.

Regulation of dopamine with drugs

Increase with phenylalanine

Change hormonal background can be used with medical equipment in tablets. The use of biologically active additives with dopamine can also promote the increase in the level of hormone .

Phenylalanine - amino acid, improving mood, mental activity and increases the amount of pleasure hormone. This is an agonist (strengthens receptor response) dopamine.

The tool improves the carrying of nerve impulses. He is prescribed in the treatment of depression. Also, for bodybuilders it will be useful to find out that this additive strengthens ligaments and tendons, as phenylalanine is part of the tissue. Thus, the tool also helps in a set of muscle mass.

Professional athletes apply a means to get rid of fat. It is useful for cognitive functions, improves attention and mood, which is useful during training.

Available to add additive from 100 to 500 milligrams. Additionally, it should be introduced into its diet vitamins C and B, which contribute to the synthesis of phenylalanine. The drug is contraindicated when taking antidepressants, pregnant and nursing breastfeeding, young mothers. Also an overdose may cause headaches.

Doodpensage "Dopamine" can be found in pharmacies, it also stimulates the work of hormone receptors. The tool helps in increasing the peripheral resistance of blood vessels, enhances the reduction of heart muscles, contributes to an increase in blood flow and delivers oxygen into myocardium in large quantities.

It is used only by appointing a doctor after shock conditions and in heart failure. The means is contraindicated in pregnancy, people with the problems of the circulatory system.

Other drug agonists

  • Pergolid;
  • Ropinirol;
  • Apomorphine;
  • Bribedil.
  • Cabergoline.
  • Bromochetin.
  • Ladasten.
  • Phenylethylamine.
  • Tyrosine.
  • L-dof.
  • Phenotropyl
  • Ampakins
  • Drugs.

Mostly these drugs are prescribed during Parkinson's disease. Means are direct stimulants of d1 and d2 type receptors. We are produced in tablets, capsules and injection solutions.

Additions reduced dopamine

  • Haloperidol
  • Neuroleptics - preparations that are usually prescribed by schizophrenia patients. They have an overwhelming effect on D2 receptors (this group is just responsible for emotions and intelligence).
  • Acetylcholine and gamke.

Precautions during application

Usually, dopamine preparations are prescribed in case of severe cases of heart failure, especially when it is combined with low total peripheral vessel resistance (OPS).

If the renal and heart failure are chronic, then the admission of dopamine temporarily can improve the work of the heart and kidney. But today there is no enough scientific data to approve that such a reception can well influence these bodies in the distant future.

The introduction of drugs is always intravenously! And it usually happens in the blocks of intensive therapy, where it is possible to immediately monitor arterial pressure and other indicators. During the introduction, close attention is paid to the state of myocardium and the level of filling the brain with blood.

If a violation of the heart work is noted, rhythm has begun - it means this signal to slow down or complete the termination of the drug. So considering all this - I myself introduce dopamine I do not advise you.

Drugs and dopamine

Artificially, dopamine is generated by means of drug intake: cocaine, nicotine and others. Antidepressants can also have dopaminergic activity. Antipsychotic drugs (means intended for curing psychotic diseases, neuroleptics) on the contrary protruding the neurotransmitter blockers.

Reception of cocaine and amphetamine very seriously stimulates dopamine production, but blocks it reverse grip. It is about it looks like in the picture below:

The brain is quickly adapted to increased hormone concentration, and becomes insensitive to it. Subsequently, a person needs increasingly serious doses of drugs to get the effect.

Most of the types of drugs are released in the human body 15 times more dopamine. The article by the Scientific Journal PLOS Biology for 2004 results in research results in America, which have shown that amphetamine is involved in stimulating the mining of hormone in a huge amount and affects its movement in the body.

Statistics of scientists also prove that cocaine, heroin and other narcotic substances are delayed to eliminate dopamine natural wayThereby increasing its level in plasma.

Over time, the brain cells become not sensitive to drugs, and in order to enjoy the dose increases. Thus, a person becomes dependent on the chemical drugs, which often leads to irrevitable disorders and diseases in the brain.

An increase in dopamine concentration enhances the pleasant effects of cocaine.

Testosterone and Dopamine

There is a durable connection between these hormones. Testosterone is involved in the regulation of dopamine and vice versa.

Interesting fact: If testosterone has a man falls - dopamine falls and vice versa. In the female body, the level of dopamine is more connected with the production of oxytocin.

The study that was published in one of the magazines of endocrinology described the experience on rats. So, scientists created a condition at which the level of dopamine in rats fell. At the same time, the fall in GNVG (gonadotropin-rilizing hormone) was also recorded by 67%. And the fall of this hormone led to a decrease in testosterone.

Why is that? The thing is that GNVG is distinguished in the hypothalamus of our brain and he gives a team of pituitary gland (a special part of the brain, which is responsible for the activities of the endocrine system) to highlight the luteinizing hormone (LH), which sends the command to allocate testosterone in male testicles. Here is such a scheme.

GNRG (in the hypothalamus) → Hypophysia → LH → Testosterone (in the testicles)

That is, we see that in the fall of the dopamine - the GNVG falls, and therefore testosterone afterwards!

If testosterone in the body is not enough, then the muscle mass will be impossible to dial, sleep will deteriorate, there will be a weak libido (sexual attraction), low level of self-esteem and other consequences. This main male hormone strongly affects the life of a man and his behavior, which means - and on his achievements in everything!

If you want to raise testosterone with natural methods -


Let's bring the result of what we spoke about in this article, because there was a lot. I allocated the most practical points, because a lot was theoretical character:

  1. Dopamine is necessary for the full life of a target man who wants to develop.
  2. It is directly connected with our joy and happiness, very much affects emotions and sense of satisfaction.
  3. Even during dreams, dopamine stands out, but it does not give anything to a person. It is better for dopamine to be produced from real actions. That is, we strive for real development, not false.
  4. The lazy will not help the increase in dopamine, because it is formed after the man wanted something he himself, that is, behind motivation, and not before her!
  5. The smaller the sensitivity of dopamine receptors - the more happy we feel. It is possible to lower their sensitivity by self-limiting in food, sex, sleep and prior to time on the Internet.
  6. Dopamine is the basis of all drugs - but these drugs lead to dependence.
  7. Adjusting dopamine can be adjusted. You can increase with phenylalanine
  8. Our task is to learn how to develop the advantages of dopamine, and inhibition of its minuses (among which the unpretentious "Wishlist").
  9. Dopamine is directly related to testosterone, which means it is very important for men. The higher the dopamine - the higher Testosterone. Hmm, it can be said that joy helps in a mass set))).

A happy man is a real man, that's the whole conclusion! Similarly, the woman is real only when happy. It is very important, friends! To be joyful is a need!

On this note, I finish this article, because I am sure - you have received an exhaustive answer to the topic of dopamine and his role in our lives! We will talk about other hormones of joy later. To be continued!

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